African Leadership Academy

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African Leadership Academy

Anzisha Prize Venture Building Fellowship Application
Form - English (2024)
Ends on Wed, Oct 11, 2023 1:00 AM (in 2 days)

Dear Entrepreneur,

You're taking your first step to join our support network and stand a chance of
winning a share of grand cash prizes valued over $50 000 to grow your business.
Thank you for sharing your business or project with us! In order to complete your
application you will need to have the following documents ready:

 A copy of your ID (Identification Document)

 Company registration documents (if your venture is registered)
 Logos for your venture/project
 Pictures of your project
 A photo of yourself

If you have any questions, please send us a Whatsapp message on this number:
+2760 784 7482 Note that you can save your application at any stage, and return
later to complete the questions.

If you need help, email us on - The Anzisha Prize team.

Section 1: About You

1.1 Personal Information*

First Name
Last Name
1.2 Date of Birth*
11 NOV 200

You must be between 15 and 22 years old with an ID document or Passport to present
as evidence. Anyone born before September 1, 2000 or after August 31, 2008, will not
be considered.
You must be between 15 and 22 years old with an ID document or Passport to present
as evidence. Anyone born before September 1, 2000 or after August 31, 2008, will not
be considered.
1.3 Gender*

1.4 Nationality*

1.5 Country of Residence*


1.6 Please upload a picture of your Passport, National ID card or Birth certificate*



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Please make sure your date of birth is clearly visible otherwise your application will be
disqualified and NOT eligible for review.
1.7 Email Address*
1.8 Phone Number*

Please enter your phone number,

Please remember to select/add the country code first and then input your details.
1.8 Alternative Phone Number

Please add an alternative contact number to reach you on. Remember to add the
country code.
1.9 Residential Address*
Mw anza Ta

15 / 300 characters
1.10 Have you applied for the Anzisha Prize before? *

1.11 What is your highest level of education?*
Tertiary Education (Current)

Section 2: Uploads
Please upload images as requested below.
2.1 Please upload 3 clear (but different) profile photos of yourself*




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Acceptable file
types: .csv, .doc, .docx, .odt, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .wpd, .wpf, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, .tif, .tiff
2.2 Please upload images of your business or venture *



Choose File

Select up to 10 files to attach. You have attached 2. You may add 8 more files.
Acceptable file
types: .csv, .doc, .docx, .odt, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .wpd, .wpf, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, .tif, .tiff

2.3 Please upload your logo (if applicable).


Choose File

Select up to 10 files to attach. You have attached 1. You may add 9 more files.
Acceptable file
types: .csv, .doc, .docx, .odt, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .wpd, .wpf, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, .tif, .tiff
2.4 Please upload images of your team & co-founders.




Choose File

Select up to 10 files to attach. You have attached 3. You may add 7 more files.
Acceptable file
types: .csv, .doc, .docx, .odt, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .wpd, .wpf, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, .tif, .tiff

Section 3: Your Business or Venture

Please share more information about your business or venture.
Tell us about your business*
Pamaja is a

37 / 500 words
3.1 Address of your Business or Venture*

Address Line 2 (optional)
State, Province, or Region
Zip or Postal Code
3.2 Is your venture registered with local government authorities? *



Please upload your business registration documents*



Choose File

Select up to 5 files to attach. You have attached 3. You may add 2 more files.
Acceptable file
types: .csv, .doc, .docx, .odt, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .wpd, .wpf, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, .tif, .tiff, .
epub, .key, .mobi, .mus, .musx, .ppt, .pptx, .sib, .xls, .xlsx, .zip
3.3 Business Phone Number

3.4 Social Media Links or Website Link

Limit: 250 characters

Please share your business or ventures social media handles and/or website link
3.5 Sector*

3.5.1 Sub-Sector*
Agriculture - Production/manufacturing (food transformation)

3.6 When did your venture start? *


4 / 50 characters
3.7 Why is your business important to you? *
Tanzania, especially the more remote w estern part is still endow ed w ith large areas of pristine forest, ideal for the collection of forest honey. By cre

136 / 300 words

3.8 What is your role in the venture? *
Head of Sale

27 / 250 characters
3.9 What need or opportunity does your venture address? Or what problem is your
business or venture is solving?*
Over 80% of Tanzanians are rural based farmers, Rural poverty and forest degradation are driving each other and 33 K hectares of land are lost ev

133 / 300 words

3.10 How many hours do you commit to your business per week? *
Over 40 hours per week

3.11 Do you have any partners or co-founders for your business?*


Please share their full names and ages *

7 / 250 words
What is their role in the business? *

10 / 250 words
Do you have an agreement with them (written or verbal)? *


Please share an outline of the agreement?

242 / 250 words

Do they know you are applying to the program? *


In what way do they expect to participate in the program if you are selected? *

16 / 250 words
3.12 Do you have any employees?*

How many employees do you have?*
What are their ages?*
23 TO 25

3 / 100 words
Are they part-time, full-time or seasonal workers? *

1 / 100 words
Section 4: Business or Venture Revenue (Finances)
Please tell us more about how your business generates income and the costs involved
with running your venture.

 Finance - the management of money
 Income - money received, especially on a regular basis, for work
 Profit - a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and
the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something.
 Business Revenue - without tax, operations or other expenses or contributions
having been deducted.

4.1 Does your venture earn revenue? Or make sales?*


4.1.1 If Yes, how is this income generated? How do you make these sales?*

10 / 250 words
4.1.2 What are the costs associated with running your business and how much do they

16 / 250 words
4.1.3 How much does your venture earn monthly after you’ve deducted your operating

4.1.4 Currency*

1 / 10 words
4.1.5 Please share details of the revenue generated over the last 3 to 6 months


1 February 2023 March 2023 April 2023 May 2023 June


2 Operational Costs 3670000 3423000 3420000 5612000 2100

3 Gross Income 6745000 6920900 8751350 2980000 4390

4 Profit 3075000 3497900 5331350 -2632000 22902

4.2 About your customer

Tell us about your customers/beneficiaries and how you are servicing them.

 Customer - a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business
 Beneficiary - a person who derives advantage from something

4.3 Who are your main customers/beneficiaries?*

Limit: 200 words

(Gender, age groups, retailers etc.)
4.4 How many customers/beneficiaries have you had since you started your business or
4.5 What is their biggest pain point or challenge? *

Limit: 250 words

A pain-point or challenge is a problem your clients/customers or beneficiaries are facing
that you are trying to solve/address.
4.6 How does your business or venture solve your customers' pain points or challenges?

Limit: 250 words

Section 5. Measuring the Success of your venture
We want to learn a bit more about how you measure the success of your business, your
team and the impact on your customers.
5.1 How do you measure the success of your business/venture? *

Limit: 250 words

5.2 What difficulties have you encountered running your venture? *

Limit: 250 words

5.3 What is your dream or vision for your business over the next 2-5 years?*

Limit: 250 words

Section 6: The Anzisha Prize
We want to learn more about how you found out about us and what you hope to gain out
of the program if you are selected.
6.1 Why are you applying to the program and what do you hope to get out of it? *

Limit: 250 words

6.2 What are you excited about the most if you get selected? *

Limit: 250 words

6.3 What would you do if you won one of the grand prizes worth $10 000*

Limit: 250 words

6.4 How did you learn about the prize?

Limit: 250 words

6.5 Have you participated or applied to any of African Leadership Academy’s (ALA)
programs? *

African Leadership Academy 2 year Program




None of the above

Section 7: Tell us more about you?
Now it's time for us to get to know you a bit better, what you do, your hobbies, and
organizations that you appreciate.
7.1 Tell us little bit about yourself? This may include your background, education,
interests, and things you are passionate about.*

Limit: 300 words

7.2 Why did you decide to become an entrepreneur? (What excites you about being
your own boss/having your own company?)*

Limit: 300 words

7.3 Tell us about an activity you participated in that is important to you?*

5 / 250 words
7.4 Do you have any hobbies or fun activities that you participate in? *

startup ecos

3 / 250 words
7.5 Name an organization that does good work?*

2 / 200 words
Let us know about an organization that you appreciate or does good work for your
community or your country.
Section 8: Verification *


1 Name Phone Number Email address

2 1 Agripioneers hub +255624304464 agripioneershub@

3 2 Mlango Foundatio +255682616619 mlangofoundation

4 3 Bhahanzo Super +255752494302

Please share 3 contactable references to validate your business (these cannot be your
family members, but they can be clients, customers, service providers or teachers).
Please include their full name, email address and phone number. Please make sure
they are aware that we will contact them. Failure to submit valid references will result in
your application being disqualified.
Section 9: Terms and Conditions
Please read the following prize rules and regulations very carefully.
You MUST sign your signature at the bottom of this page as certification that what you
have written is your own work and that you understand the following rules and
- This application form must be completed by the applicant only.
- Applicants may not submit more than one application form, unless instructed
specifically to do so by the Prize Committee.
- Achievements and projects mentioned in the application form must be those that the
applicant was responsible for initiating and carrying out.
- African Leadership Academy (ALA) will verify each finalist’s project and impact, and
prospective fellows may be asked to submit further information about their project.
Finalists must demonstrate thorough knowledge of how they implemented the project,
and other members of the community will be interviewed to verify the impact.
- All entries received before the closing date will be judged by a Prize Committee.
Decisions of the Prize Committee are final.
- Applicants understand the format and expectations of the Anzisha Venture Building
Fellowship Program as stated in the 2024 Application Guide. Should I be selected, I
acknowledge that the program is 3 years in duration. I also acknowledge that I need to

actively and regularly participate in the program, in order to be eligible for one of the four
grand prizes, experiential learnings, and biannual stipends.
- 30 Fellows will be selected for the 2024 fellowship and will be notified by the Prize
Committee by June 2024 with an invitation to attend Virtual induction in June 2024.
- African Leadership Academy reserves the right to document all applicants including
photography and film during the application process and/or Entrepreneurial Workshop.
This media may be used by the African Leadership Academy, it's agent and/or sponsors
without any reservation or restriction in perpetuity throughout the world.
- Applicants grant African Leadership Academy, Anzisha Prize, its agent and
or/sponsors permission to use images and videos supplied by the applicant without any
reservation or restriction in perpetuity throughout the world.
- Entry, participation or winning of The Anzisha Prize should not be construed as
guaranteeing or entitling the entrant to admission into African Leadership Academy. The
processes for selecting Anzisha Prize winners and admitting ALA students to the
Academy are separate.
- African Leadership Academy reserves the right to cancel, withdraw from or otherwise
end or modify this Prize offering at any time.
You MUST sign the bottom of this page for your application to be considered complete.
Incomplete applications will be rejected.


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Acceptable file
types: .csv, .doc, .docx, .odt, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .wpd, .wpf, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, .tif, .tiff
Please upload your signature in agreement of the Terms and Conditions of this
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Co-Founder of Pamaja Foods and Chief Sales and Marketing Officer with a
demonstrated history of working in the consumer goods industry. Skilled in
Leadership, Network design, logistics, Project Management and Strategic
Planning. Strong finance and logistics professional with a Diploma in Sales and

Thank you for applying to the

Anzisha Prize!
Thank you for your application!
You’ve taken an exciting step towards growing your business or
Share your excitement on the Anzisha Prize Facebook wall or
on Twitter by posting this message: “I just submitted an
application to become an @AnzishaPrize Fellow! #AnzishaEffect”
Applications close on 10 September 2023. We will get back to you
on your application in June 2024.

― The Anzisha Prize Team


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