Flyers Reading Part 3
Flyers Reading Part 3
Flyers Reading Part 3
Jack is talking to the teacher Mrs. White. What does Mrs. White say?
You do not need to use all the letters. There is one example.
1 Jack: Oh, I'm really sorry but I couldn't do it at the weekend! I was ill you see.
Mrs White:
Mrs White:
Mrs White:
Mrs White:
CL GRANADA, S. L. C/ Puentezuelas, nº 32, 1ª Planta - 18002 Granada Teléf.: 958 53 52 53 – 958 52 12 91 / Fax: 958 25 15 46
E-mail: Web: Rev: 06/22-07-13
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A I'm sorry but, you can't, Jack!
CL GRANADA, S. L. C/ Puentezuelas, nº 32, 1ª Planta - 18002 Granada Teléf.: 958 53 52 53 – 958 52 12 91 / Fax: 958 25 15 46
E-mail: Web: Rev: 06/22-07-13
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1. F
2. E
3. C
4. B
5. A
CL GRANADA, S. L. C/ Puentezuelas, nº 32, 1ª Planta - 18002 Granada Teléf.: 958 53 52 53 – 958 52 12 91 / Fax: 958 25 15 46
E-mail: Web: Rev: 06/22-07-13
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