Parametric Modeling With SOLIDWORKS 2023 Solution Manual
Parametric Modeling With SOLIDWORKS 2023 Solution Manual
Parametric Modeling With SOLIDWORKS 2023 Solution Manual
1. What is the first thing we should set up in SOLIDWORKS when creating a new
When starting a new CAD file, the first thing we should do is choose the units we
would like to use.
a. Create a rough two-dimensional sketch of the basic shape of the base feature
of the design.
b. Apply/modify constraints and dimensions to the two-dimensional sketch.
c. Extrude, revolve, or sweep the parametric two-dimensional sketch to create
the base solid feature of the design.
d. Add additional parametric features by identifying feature relations and
complete the design.
e. Perform analyses on the computer model and refine the design as needed.
f. Create the desired drawing views to document the design.
4. Which Boolean operation keeps only the volume common to the two solid objects?
The INTERSECT operation keeps only the volume common to both solid objects.
5. What is the main difference between an EXTRUDED CUT feature and a HOLE
feature in SOLIDWORKS?
An EXTRUDED cut feature is a sketched feature, where we created a rough sketch
first and performed an extrusion operation. A hole feature is a placed feature. A
placed feature is a feature that does not need a sketch and can be created
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Ch. 4 Questions:
1. What are stored in the SOLIDWORKS FeatureManager Design Tree?
The SOLIDWORKS FeatureManager Design Tree contains all features that were
created, including Boolean relations.
2. When extruding, what is the difference between Blind and Through All?
The Blind option requires the input of a number, while system will calculate a number
for the Through All option.
4. What determines how a model reacts when other features in the model change?
The parent/child relationships that are embedded in the model history tree will
determine how a model reacts when other features in the model change.
Ch. 5 Questions:
1. What is the difference between dimensional constraints and geometric constraints?
Dimensional constraints are used to describe the SIZE and LOCATION of
individual geometric shapes. Geometric constraints are geometric restrictions that
can be applied to geometric entities; for example, horizontal, parallel, perpendicular,
and tangent are commonly used geometric constraints in parametric modeling.
Concentric - Constrains selected items to the same center point.
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Ch. 6 Questions:
c. Move the cursor inside the desired bound area. When the area is
highlighted, click once with the left-mouse-button to select the area for
inclusion in the profile.
Hidden Remove Display – Display the model with hidden lines removed.
Ch. 7 Questions:
1. Why is it important to consider the parent/child relationships in between features?
The parent/child relationship is one of the most powerful aspects of parametric
modeling. In SOLIDWORKS, each time a new modeling event is created, previously
defined features can be used to define information such as size, location, and
orientation. The referenced features become PARENT features to the new feature,
and the new feature is called the CHILD feature. The parent/child relationships
determine how a model reacts when other features in the model change, thus
capturing design intent. It is crucial to keep track of these parent/child relations. Any
modification to a parent feature can change one or more of its children.
Ch. 8 Questions:
1. What does SOLIDWORKS’s associative functionality allow us to do?
SOLIDWORKS provides associative functionality in the different SOLIDWORKS
modes. This functionality allows us to change the design at any level, and the system
reflects it at all levels automatically. For example, a solid model can be modified in
the Part Modeling Mode and the system automatically reflects that change in the
Drawing Mode. And we can also modify a feature dimension in the Drawing Mode,
and the system automatically updates the solid model in all modes.
b. Press and hold down the left-mouse-button and reposition the view to a new
Model View – This command can be used to create individual views and/or
projected view layout
Ch. 9 Questions:
1. What are the different types of reference geometry features available in
In SOLIDWORKS, we can create reference planes, axes, or points.
Centerpoint Arc – This command can be used to sketch an arc by
specifying a centerpoint location and create the arc by dragging the mouse.
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Ch. 10 Questions:
1. What is the main difference between Additive Manufacturing and the traditional
Subtractive Manufacturing technologies?
A number of limitations exist in the traditional subtractive manufacturing processes,
which can be labor intensive, requiring expensive tooling, designing of fixtures, and
the assembly of parts. The 3D printing technology provides a way to create parts with
complex geometric shapes quite easily using thin layers. The traditional subtractive
manufacturing can also be quite wasteful as excess materials are cut and removed
from large stock blocks, while the 3D printing process basically uses only the
material needed for the parts. 3D printing is an enabling technology that encourages
and drives innovation with unprecedented design freedom while being a tooling-less
process that reduces costs and lead times. The relatively fast turnaround time also
makes 3D printing ideal for prototyping. Components with intricate geometry and
complex features can also be designed specifically for 3D printing to avoid
complicated assembly requirements. 3D printing is also an energy efficient
technology that can provide better environmental friendliness in terms of the
manufacturing process itself and the type of materials used for the product. There are
quite a few different techniques to 3D print an object. 3D Printing brings together
two fundamental innovations: the manipulation of objects in the digital format and the
manufacturing of objects by addition of material in thin layers.
6. What is the main advantage of using PLA over ABS for FFF process?
PLA is a staple and it is becoming one of the most popular choices for 3D printing
with good reasons. In addition to the fact that it is a biodegradable thermoplastic
derived from renewable resources such as corn starch, tapioca roots, chips or starch,
or sugarcane. PLA is a very rigid material that is easy to use for 3D printing and it is
able to withstand a good amount of impact and weight. It also has a glossier finish
than ABS and in most scenarios PLA is the preferred material for 3D printing large
9. List and describe the print validation options available with the SOLIDWORKS
Print3D command.
Three options are available: 1. Show faces that require supports, this option will
show us if any surface needs additional supports. This is typically needed for
overhang features. Note that supports can be added in the 3D printing/Slicer software.
2. Show striation lines, this option can be used to determine whether the print
resolution is sufficiently fine to produce the desired output. Adjusting the layer height
will change the appearance of the 3D print. However the layer height is mainly
determined by the specific 3D printer in use; check your 3D printer’s specs before
lowering the layer height. 3. Thickness/Gap Analysis, one of the most common
causes of a failed 3D print is because there are features in the model that are too small
to print, or gaps too small to be recognized. To help prevent these failed builds, there
is the Thickness/Gap analysis check. This check is particularly useful when scaling
down a model to fit on the 3D printer.
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Ch. 11 Questions:
Revolved Feature - For designs that involve cylindrical shapes, shapes that
are symmetrical about an axis, revolving two-dimensional sketches about
an axis can form the needed three-dimensional features.
Circular Center Mark command - The Centered Pattern option
allows us to add centerlines to a patterned feature.
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Ch. 12 Questions:
1. Keeping the Design History Tree in mind, what is the difference between cut with a
pattern and cut each one individually?
First of all, we do not need to re-create the sketch and secondly, the patterned copies
are associated with the original geometry. The patterned copies can be updated
automatically when changes made to the original objects.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of creating fillets using the 3D Fillets
command and creating fillets in the 2D profiles?
The 3D Fillets command generates 3D surfaces, which involves much more complex
calculations. For complex edges and surfaces, it might not be that obvious to
determine the correct orders in creating the associated 3D fillets. The 2D fillets
command is less versatile, but it is very easy to use and it seldom fails.
4. Describe the steps used to create the Shell feature in the lesson.
a. In the Part Features toolbar, select the Shell command by left-clicking once on
the icon.
b. In the Shell dialog box, the Remove Faces option is activated. Select the faces to
be excluded from the shell operation.
c. In the Shell dialog box, set the option to Inside or ouside.
d. Enter the shell thickness.
5. How do we modify the Rectangular Pattern parameters after the model is built?
Use the Model history tree.
Ch. 13 Questions:
1. List and describe two of the more commonly used sheet metal processes.
Drawing forms sheet metal into parts by using a punch, where the punch presses a
sheet metal blank into a die cavity. This process is generally used to create shallow or
deep parts with relatively simple shapes. Soft punches can also be utilized to create
more arbitrary shapes. Deep drawing is generally done by making multiple steps;
this process is known as draw reductions.
Flanging is a process used to strengthen different sections of a sheet metal part and
also to form various shapes. This process is commonly used for a variety of parts, for
example, aluminum cans for soft drinks
2. Is it possible to construct a solid model first, and then convert it into a sheet metal
model in SOLIDWORKS?
Yes, we can construct a solid model first, then convert it into a sheet metal model.
See Page 12-36 for an example.
5. How is the k-factor used to calculate the flattened length in sheet metal flat patterns?
The equation to calculate the flattened length is: L=A(R+KT)
Parametric Modeling SolidWorks 2023 Solution Manual 21
6. List and describe two of the factors that can change the k-factor value.
Several factors can change the k-factor, such as the type of bending (free vs.
constrained), tool geometry, rate of bend, material (Mild Steel, Cold Rolled Steel,
Aluminum, etc.), and even grain direction. With some grades of aluminum, the age of
the material can also be a factor.
7. List and describe two of the settings available in the Base Flange/Tab command in
We can change settings such as material type, K-factor and thickness.
9. What do the Flat Pattern Disply options allow us to do when creating a drawing
We can set the orientation of the displayed flat pattern.
10. In the SOLIDWORKS sheet metal module, can the feature-duplicating commands,
such as Mirror and Pattern, be used on sheet metal features?
Yes, all of the feature-duplicating commands are also available for sheet metal
11. When does the Flat-Pattern item appear in the FeatureManager Design Tree?
Where is it placed? Where are subsequent features placed relative to the Flat-Pattern?
The Flat-Pattern item appear in the FeatureManager Design Tree when a sheet
metal model is created.The Flat-Pattern1 feature flattens the sheet metal part. It is
suppressed upon creation leaving the part in the bent condition. To flatten the part,
unsuppress the Flat-Pattern feature. When the Flat-Pattern feature is suppressed,
new features are inserted above the Flat-Pattern feature.
12. Can we create a sheet metal feature that is at a 30 degree angle to the base face
feature? Which command would you use if the new feature contains fairly complex
2D geometry?
The Sketched Bend command can be used to create a sheet metal feature that is at
a any desired angle to the existing sheet metal model.
Both the Edge-Flange command and the Sketched Bend command can handle
features containing fairly complex 2D geometry. All of the very powerful parametric
sketching tools are available in the different modeling approaches.
Parametric Modeling SolidWorks 2023 Solution Manual 22
Ch. 14 Questions:
1. What is the purpose of using assembly constraints?
To assemble components into an assembly, we need to establish the assembly
relationships between components. It is a good practice to assemble components the
way they would be assembled in the actual manufacturing process. Assembly
constraints create a parent/child relationship that allows us to capture the design
intent of the assembly. Because the component that we are placing actually becomes a
child to the already assembled components, we must use caution when choosing
constraint types and references to make sure they reflect the intent.
Flush – Makes two planes coplanar with their faces aligned in the same direction.
Selected surfaces point in the same direction and are offset by a specified distance.
Flush constraint aligns components adjacent to one another with faces flush and
positions selected faces, curves, or points so that they are aligned with surface
normals pointing in the same direction. (Note that the Flush constraint is listed as a
selectable option in the Mate constraint.)
Parametric Modeling SolidWorks 2023 Solution Manual 23
3. Describe the difference between the Aligned option and the Anti-Aligned option.
Anti-Aligned – Constraint positions components face-to-face, or adjacent to one
another, with faces flush.
Aligned – Makes two planes coplanar with their faces aligned in the same direction.
4. In an assembly, can we place more than one copy of a part? How is it done?
Yes, more than one copy of a part can be placed in an assembly, simply use the Place
Component command. Each copy has its own degrees of freedom. All copies of a
part are referencing the same external part file, but each can be constrained
Parametric Modeling SolidWorks 2023 Solution Manual 24
Ch. 15 Questions:
1. What is included in the SOLIDWORKS Design Library?
In SOLIDWORKS, we also have the option of using the standard parts library
through what is known as the Design Library. The Design Library consists of
multiple libraries of standard parts that have been created based on industry
standards. Significant amounts of time can be saved by using these parts.
7. How do we end the Edit mode and return to the assembly model in
Double click on the assembly model name in the design history tree.
8. List and describe two methods to edit the angle of an Angle constraint.
(a) Through the Design Tree.
(b) By Editing the Angular constraint.
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Ch. 16 Questions:
1. What analysis method is used by SOLIDWORKS SimulationXpress?
In SimulationXpress, stresses are calculated using linear static analysis based on
the Finite Element Method. In linear static analysis, it is assumed that a linear
relationship exists between the applied loads and the response, the stress-strain
relationship is linear, no plastic deformation occurs, and no suddenly applied
loads are involved. The finite element method (FEM), is a numerical method for
finding approximate solutions to partial differential equations. The technique is
widely used for the solution of complex problems in engineering mechanics.
Analysis using the method is called finite element analysis (FEA).
The Reverse direction option is used to control the direction of the force load.
8. Define degrees of freedom (DOF). How can you obtain the number of DOFs for
a SimulationXpress analysis. How can you change the number of DOFs?
10. How do we end the SimulationXpress study and return to the model in
Ch. 17 Questions:
1. How do we save a new View Orientation for future use?
Enter the name for the new view and click OK.
2. Describe the effect of using the Up to Next end condition for an extruded boss feature.
SOLIDWORKS will calculate the necessary distance for the extrusion ending exactly
at the next surface of the model.
5. What mass properties are dependent on the selection of output coordinate system?
Center of mass and Moments of Inertia.
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6. What mass properties are independent on the selection of output coordinate system?
Mass, Volume, Surface area, Principal axes of inertia and Principal moments of
7. How do we control the output coordinate system used in calculating mass properties?
Inside the Mass Property window, left-click on the arrow at the right end of the
Output coordinate system: selection window, and select from the selection list.
8. How can we apply an assembly mate establishing an offset distance between two
planes or faces?
The offset distance can be established by using the Distance option available under
the Mate command.