Mine Ventilation Act. 7

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Fans and Flow

Control Devices
By: Loren Mae Detalo
Outline of the whole Presentation
i. Overview on Mine Fans and its relevance to Mine Ventilation
ii. Learning Objectives
iii. Definition of Terms
iv. Parts of Fan
v. Types of Main Fans
vi. Classification of Fans According to the Direction of the Flow
vii. Fan Pressures
viii. Fan Losses
ix. Affinity Laws in Fans
x. Fan Characteristics Curve
xi. Flow Control Strategies
xii. Power-flow and Pressure Flow Curves for Axial and Centrifugal Fans
xiii. Characteristics Curve for Series and Parallel Connection of Fans
xiv. Fans Operation
xv. Ten Multiple Choice Questions
xvi. Conclusion WOODGROVE
Overview on Mine Fans and its relevance to
Mine Ventilation

A fan is a type of turbomachine, which continuously expels air

and increases its kinetic energy and pressure. In the past, the
volumetric machines (operating by strokes) were common, but
at present, their use is null for mine ventilation purposes, being
reserved for the production of compressed air for mining
equipment actuation. The main purpose of a fan is to generate a
high air quantity at a pressure higher than the atmospheric, but
not much higher. This makes it possible to consider the air as
incompressible which means that their compression ratio is
<1.15. Fans differ from compressors, as the latter generate much
smaller flow rates but at a much higher pressure.

To use the formula examine the fan

below: pressure, loss, components such as: As
Fan Affinity Law. well as being a big fan of
Recognition power flow many types. Decide which
and pressure flow curve fan to use based on the
of axial and centrifugal flow path;

the characteristics curve for fans

connected in series and parallel BANK
Definition of Terms:
 Airflow - a flow of air especially : the motion of air through object that propelled it that relative to
the surface of a body immersed in it.

 Airflow Rates - the actual volume of air passing through the device per unit of time, expressed in
cubic-feet-per-minute, to three significant figures.

 Axial fan - is one in which the extracted air is forced to move parallel to the shaft about which the
blades rotate.

 Blades or vanes - flat surface that rotates and pushes against air.

 Bypass Control - to go around or avoid a place or area.

 Centrifugal fans - extract air at right angles to the intake of the fan, and spin the air outwards to the
outlet by deflection and centrifugal force.

 Conical Impeller – an impeller that having the shape of a cone.

 Dynamic Inlet Duct - a duct which is required to ensure smooth airflow into the engine despite air
approaching the inlet from directions other than straight ahead. WOODGROVE
Definition of Terms:
 Fan - ventilation fans are used to ventilate a residential or commercial space. This works
to bring fresh air from the outside and into the enclosed space.

 Flow Rate - the volume of fluid passing by some location through an area during a period
of time.

 Fan Signal – Design to automatically give alarm if the main fan slow down or stop.

 Grille - a grating or screen of metal bars or wires, placed in front of something as

protection or to allow ventilation or discreet observation.

 Helical fans - a fans that having the form of a helix.

 Main fan - which create the primary ventilating pressure, either forcing or exhausting,
that generates the ventilation circuit around the mine.

 Nozzle - a cylindrical or round spout at the end of a pipe or tube used to control a jet of
Definition of Terms:

 Propeller - The propeller fan is a comparatively simple form of a fan with a sheet metal,
bladed impeller directly driven by a motor mounted in the airstream.

 Pressure - is a defined property of a moving flow of gas.

 Pressure Rate – the rate force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit
area over which that force is distributed.

 Power rate - the rate at which that machine can do work upon other objects.

 Static Pressure - the force per unit area that is exerted by a fluid upon a surface at rest
relative to the fluid.

 Ventilation - the provision of fresh air to a room, building, etc.

Parts of a Fan
 Impeller: Rotating part that communicates
pressure and movement to the air. It
consists of the blades, which may or may
not be adjustable, and their support–
normally a shaft.

 Housing or casing: The stationary part,

protects the impeller and guides the air in
its route.

 Diffusers and/or evases: These are the

elements of gradually increasing area,
which when coupled to the discharge of the
fan transform part of the dynamic pressure
at the outlet into static pressure. WOODGROVE

An axial fan is a type of industrial fan which helps cooling of

machines and devices. They facilitate parallel air flow to the
rotor shaft, which offers ventilation to the device and
prevents overheating.

Types of Main Fans


Centrifugal fans rely on blades to drag air into a circular

motion with centrifugal forces speeding up airflow radially
and outwards. These fans move air outward thorough ducts
or tubes, and they provide a stronger and more stable air
flow than axial fans do. WOODGROVE
Classification According to the Direction of the Flow

Centrifugal fans

The air leaves the fan in a 90°-direction to the shaft. The very word
“centrifugal,” meaning “away from the centre,” gives us an idea of it.
The most common classification distinguishes centrifugal and axial
fans. Depending on the arrangement of the blades, these type of fans
can be divided into the following sub-groups, namely:

a. Straight radial, which operate at high speeds, can generate

high pressures and are capable of self-cleaning;

b. Forward-curved, which tend to operate at lower speed and

are smaller and

c. Backward-curved, which usually offer high performances,

their power curve is significantly elastic and are the least
Classification According to the Direction of the Flow
Mixed flow fans
Axial fans
A mixed flow fan is similar to an axial fan.
These consist of a propeller enclosed in a
However, in the first, the impeller is modified
cylindrical casing. They are sometimes referred
incorporating blades with axial and radial
to as helical fans due to the type of movement
elements that deflect the airflow from its straight
they give to the air mass. The following variants
path to a diagonal angle of about 45° relative to
the shaft. This effect is obtained by employing a
conical impeller that draws the air through
a. Propellers: if the housing is short in the
expanding channels. Then, the spiral flow
flow direction;
created by the impeller is usually transformed
b. tubeaxials: longer and
into straight using straightening vanes located in
c. vaneaxial: these are similar to the tubeaxial
the casing, thus increasing the static pressure.
but incorporate downstream guide vanes to
Mixed flow fans combine some advantages of
reduce the rotation of the air
axial (high airflow rates) and centrifugal fans
(high pressure)

Fan Pressures
In Fig. 6.12, it can be seen how starting from a zero
pressure at the beginning of the inlet duct, the fan delivers
static and dynamic pressure to the air mass. The total
pressure increase is the sum of the highest generated
depression (fan inlet) and the maximum overpressure (fan
outlet). Both inlet and outlet ducts are affected by the
consequent friction pressure losses.
The Fan Total Pressure (FTP) represents the total energy per unit volume
communicated to the fluid (Cermak and Murphy 2011). This parameter
is defined as
FTP = TPi − Tpo
where TPi and TPo are the total inlet (i) and outlet (o) pressures,
respectively. Then:
FTP = (SPo + VPo) − (SPi + VPi)
where SP and VP represent the static velocity pressures at the inlet (i)
and outlet (o), respectively. If the size of the fan inlet and outlet section
match, then the velocities are also the same and with them the VP. In
such a case:
Fan Pressures

All static pressure at the outlet of the fan duct is lost due to the expansion of
the airflow until atmospheric pressure is reached. There are two possibilities
for converting this static pressure into dynamic pressure at the outlet: the
nozzle and the grille. The idea in both cases is to reduce the duct section so
that a greater amount of static pressure is transformed into velocity pressure.
In addition, both give the airflow the desired exit direction.

Moreover, it is also common to transform a part of the dynamic pressure at

the fan outlet into static pressure by means of a gradual expansion. This is
achieved with devices called diffusers in the case of blower fans, which also
help to couple the fan to the duct and evasés in exhaust fans, which discharge
directly into the atmosphere.
Fan Losses
A fan is a machine that accumulates a series of
operating losses. A general compilation of these
is shown in Fig. 6.13 by means of a Sankey
diagram (ATECYR 2012).

With all the above, the total efficiency (ηt) of the Multiplying by the following unit factors:
system can be defined as the quotient between the
power received by the fluid (Pwv) and that
supplied to the fan shaft (Pwshaft).
We obtain, after rearranging terms, which is also
deductible from the Sankey diagram m (ATECYR
2012) in;
The overall performance of the system is the ratio
of the final useful energy to the total energy
supplied to the fan shaft, the formulation of which In other words, the total efficiency (ηt) is equal to
is the product of the organic (ηo), volumetric (ηv)
and friction (ηf ) efficiencies corresponding to the
three respective parentheses of the above
Affinity Laws in Fans
For these laws to be applied, it is required that the two fans are dynamically similar,
which means that both are constructed geometrically similar and the velocity
diagrams in their homologous points are also similar.

Rotation speed variation

In the case of a fan, whose speed varies from N0 to


are applicable in

Affinity Laws in Fans

Diameter variation

For two dynamically similar fans of diameter D0 and D

rotating at the same speed, can be employed.

Affinity Laws in Fans
Simultaneous variation of several parameters

For two similar fans of diameter D0 and D rotating at speeds N0 and N, respectively, are

Fan Characteristic Curves
The fan characteristic curves are the graphical representation of the interrelation between a number of
parameters, namely, airflow rate, static or total pressure, fan speed, efficiency and power
requirements of a fan. Of them, the curves that represent the airflow rate provided by fan at a given
total or static pressure are the most basic. In order to obtain these curves, airflow rates and pressures
are analyzed for a fan in a test rig, whose outlet orifice is progressively blocked (Fig. 6.19). In other
words, the differential pressure to be overcome by the fan is increased and the flow rate it provides is
measured. Thus, the fan curve represents the airflow rate provided by the fan at different system

It should be noted that when the system is in free delivery, the fan provides its maximum airflow. At
this point, the static pressure is zero, and therefore, the total and dynamic pressures coincide.
Conversely, when the fan outlet is completely sealed, it does not supply any flow, so the dynamic
pressure is zero. At this point, the total pressure and static pressure coincide.

Fan Characteristic Curves
The intersection between the characteristic, resistance or
impedance curve of a given system and the characteristic
curve of the fan, obtained by the previous procedure, is
the duty point or operating point of the fan (Fig. 6.20).
This should be interpreted as the airflow rate that the fan
is capable of supplying when operating against the
resistance of a given circuit. It is important to bear in
mind that this point does necessarily coincide with the
optimum efficiency point, which is the one at which the
efficiency is higher.
The ideal working area for the fan lies in the region A-B
of its static or total pressure curve (Fig. 6.21). The stall
point (C) is an unstable operating point, occurring in fans
operating at low speed at which the generated vibrations
can damage bearings and blades. This situation can easily
be detected as the air moves forwards and stops, which in
turn results in oscillations of the pressure gauges of the
airway, as well as in the ammeters of the electric motor. WOODGROVE 1
Fan Characteristic Curves
In the case of the main fans, the airflow rates and
pressures caused by the natural draught of the mine
should be taken into account. The combined
characteristic curve is calculated, if both the main fan
and natural draught flow in the same direction, by
adding together the fan characteristic curve and the
natural ventilation curve or by subtracting the natural
ventilation curve from the fan curve, if they move in
opposite directions (Fig. 6.22).

Once the operating point has been deducted, the power

consumed can be obtained by means of graphs such as
the one shown in Fig. 6.23. In this case, it is useful to
draw a vertical line from the operating point until cutting
the corresponding power curve, so power values can be
read on the right ordinate axis. WOODGROVE 2
Fan Characteristic Curves

Fan characteristic curves can be obtained for the static pressure giving rise to the fan static
efficiency (ηs)


PT : Total pressure (Pa).

Ps: Static pressure (Pa).
Q: Airflow rate (m3 s−1).
Pshaft: Power input to the fan shaft (W).

When selecting a fan, it must be borne in mind whether

the manufacturer’s data refer to the Pe or the PT (Fig.
6.24). As a general criterion, one should choose the fan
with the maximum efficiency closest to the intended
operation point.
Flow Control Strategies
The regulation of the flow supplied by a fan can be carried out using any of these
fundamental mechanisms: rotation speed variation, discharge dampers (throttle control) inlet
dampers (throttle control), inlet guide vanes, blade pitch variation and bypass control.

Variation of the rotation speed is achieved by utilizing variable frequency drives acting on
the electric motor, although in the past pulleys mechanism was frequent. Figure 6.25 depicts
a family of fan characteristic curves generated reducing the rotation speed from n3 to n1. As
a result, the cutting point with the system characteristic takes place in the curve at lower
airflow rate and pressure. Variable frequency drives are probably the most efficient form of
flow control. However, the system may not be economical when airflow rate variations are
not frequent.

Flow Control Strategies
Dampers can be employed to throttle the air that leaves a fan
system. The simplest method to throttle a fan is with a
discharge damper. In this case, the fan characteristic curve
remains the same although the impedance curve of the system
increases. Figure 6.26 shows the variation of the characteristic
curve of the circuit with the damper closure. This variation
results in an airflow rate reduction, an increase in the pressure
provided by the fan and a decrease in power requirement,
although the power requirement curve is not affected. The
outlet dampers system is very inefficient due to the shock
losses increase.

There are two main types of inlet dampers, namely louver

dampers and inlet variable guide vanes. Louver dampers are
located in the fan inlet box and resistance is varied by turning the
position of the slats. This system is cheap, simple and provides a
wide-range regulation; however, it results in high losses of
pressure and thus higher power demand. WOODGROVE 2
Flow Control Strategies
Variable inlet guide vanes, also termed radial dampers, vane dampers and vortex dampers, are
normally located at the inlet as they are more efficient from an energy point of view. Figure
6.27 shows the effect of an increase in the inlet fan vanes angle –so less transverse section is
free– in the fan characteristic curve and the power requirement curve. In this case, the
operating point moves downwards, and hence the airflow rates and pressures delivered by the
fan decrease. Besides, power requirement curves move down also reducing power
consumption. This is so because guide vanes deliver a pre-whirl to the airflow which
improves the fan performance curve. This system offers better control than traditional
dampers. Excessive closure of the inlet guide vanes may result in a stall phenomenon

Power–Flow and Pressure–Flow Curves for Axial and Centrifugal Fans

The shape of the characteristic curves of

the fans differs depending on whether
they are axial or centrifugal. The
prototypical shape of the pressure and
power curves of axial and centrifugal
fans is shown in Fig. 6.28.

In short, it can be said that the main

difference between the pressure–airflow
rate curves of axial and centrifugal fans
lies in the fact that the former are more
horizontal. This results in the fact that
axials provide relatively high airflow
rates with regard to the pressures rise,
while the centrifuges provide relatively
high pressures with regard to airflow
rates. WOODGROVE 2
Power–Flow and Pressure–Flow Curves for Axial and Centrifugal Fans

In short, it can be said that the main difference between the pressure–airflow rate curves of
axial and centrifugal fans lies in the fact that the former are more horizontal. This results in the
fact that axials provide relatively high airflow rates with regard to the pressures rise, while the
centrifuges provide relatively high pressures with regard to airflow rates.

Moreover, the typical shape of the same curves for radial, forward-curved or backward-curved
centrifugal fans is shown in Fig. 6.29a. The reader should notice the differences with the
previous simplification, as these correspond to some specific models.

Perhaps, the most obvious characteristic of both axial and backward-curved fans is that of non-
overloading (Fig. 6.29b). This results in power curves peaking and then dropping off. As a
result, a motor, already selected to support the peak power, is not overloaded as long as the
speed of rotation remains constant despite variations in the resistance of the system.

Characteristic Curve for Series and Parallel Connection of Fans

In a series arrangement of identical fans without mutual interference, the total pressure is
equal to the sum of the individual total pressures provided by each one of them (Fig. 6.30a,
b). In this type of connection, if one of the fans is weaker than the other is, it can act by
slowing down the most powerful one (tandem effect). Moreover, in a parallel system of fans,
the total airflow rate is equal to the sum of the individual flows provided by each of them
(Fig. 6.31a, b).

Fans Operation
When a three-phase motor is started with a direct-on-line motor starter, a peak
of current consumption takes place. This peak can reach 4–10 times higher
than the motor running current and may cause a voltage dips in the grid. For
this reason, the following starting systems are usually adopted, namely:

Star-delta starter.

Auto-transformer starter.

Soft starter.

The manufacturer determines the type that best suits the motor for each model
of starter.
Fans Operation
As far as maintenance is concerned, modern fans have electronic devices to protect the
motor. This includes thermistors to control temperatures, accelerometers to control vibrations
and Petermann probes to detect the stall effect. In addition, the following recommendations
are established:

 In order to avoid bearing failure, the alignment between the motor and fan shafts must be
checked at least once every six months.

 The oil tanks should be checked at the frequency indicated by the manufacturer. The
same applies to the greasing of the fan parts.

 The blades must be checked annually to avoid material deposits and wear.

 A complete overhaul of the bearings is recommended every year.

 In general, action should be taken on the fan if it shows: abnormal vibrations, excessive
noise, high-energy consumption or low performance
QUESTIONS; Multiple Choice
1. These fans move air outward thorough ducts or tubes, and they provide a stronger and more stable air
flow than axial fans do.

a. Axial fan
b. Centrifugal fans
c. Impeller

2. A _________ is a type of turbomachine, which continuously expels air and increases its kinetic
energy and pressure. In the past, the volumetric machines (operating by strokes) were common, but
at present, their use is null for mine ventilation purposes, being reserved for the production of
compressed air for mining equipment actuation.

a. Fan
b. Airflow
c. Propellers

3. An __________ is a type of industrial fan which helps cooling of machines and devices.

a. Airflow
b. Axial fan
c. Straight radial WOODGROVE 3
4. Rotating part that communicates pressure and movement to the air. It consists of the blades, which
may or may not be adjustable, and their support– normally a shaft.

a. Impeller
b. Fan pressure
c. Diffuser

5. ______________, which usually offer high performances, their power curve is significantly elastic
and are the least noisy.

a. Backward-curved
b. Straight radial
c. Forward-curved

6. There are two possibilities for converting this static pressure into dynamic pressure at the outlet: the
nozzle and the grille.

a. Fan losses
b. Fan operations
c. Fan pressure

7. ________________can be obtained for the static pressure giving rise to the fan static efficiency

a. Centrifugal fan
b. Flow Control Strategies
c. Fan characteristic curves

8. __________, which operate at high speeds, can generate high pressures and are capable of self-

a. Straight radial
b. Fan losses
c. Axial fan

9. Dampers can be employed to throttle the air that leaves a fan system. The simplest method to
throttle a fan is with a discharge damper. In this case, the fan characteristic curve remains the same
although the impedance curve of the system increases.

a. Centrifugal fans
b. Fan characteristic curves
c. Flow control strategies 32

10. This includes thermistors to control temperatures, accelerometers to control vibrations and
Petermann probes to detect the stall effect.

a. Fan operations
b. Fans
c. Fan losses


1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. A
A proper ventilation system is essential to ensure a safe working environment
for employees underground. They provide fresh, cool air and dilute and
remove combustible gases and machine exhaust fumes.

A good ventilation system requires good ventilation devices such as

centrifugal and axial fans. Centrifugal fans provide high pressure and low
flow, while axial fans provide low pressure and high flow, but either can be
used as the main fan. Another fan that combines the two and is in many ways
more efficient is the mixed flow fan. Nevertheless, fan selection and planning
should be done in a clear and statistical manner based on the area under study
so as not to lose efficiency such as fan loss, fan placement, fan pressure, etc..



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