2nd Term Plann English 10th Grade 23-24
2nd Term Plann English 10th Grade 23-24
2nd Term Plann English 10th Grade 23-24
Teacher: Lcdo. MIGUEL PLAZA Area: Foreign EFL: English as a Grade/Course: 10th Grade Class: 10th grade A
language foreign language
EFL 4.1.4: Demonstrate mindfulness, empathy, tolerance and an overall respect for I.EFL.4.5.1. Learners can appreciate and show respect for individual and group
the integrity of cultures in daily classroom activities. differences by establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding online and face-to-
face interactions. Learners can communicate and cooperate in a respectful,
empathetic manner. (J.3, S.1, S.4)
CE.EFL.4.5. Display an appreciation of and demonstrate respect for individual and
group differences by establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding relationships
based on communication and cooperation.
EFL 4.2.2: Use a series of phrases and sentences to describe aspects of personal I.EFL.4.8.1. Learners can communicate personal information and basic immediate
background, immediate environment and matters of immediate need in simple needs and deal with other practical everyday demands in familiar contexts, effectively
terms using grammatical structures learnt in class (although there may be frequent and without undue effort and using grammatical structures and vocabulary seen in
errors with tenses, personal pronouns, prepositions, etc.) class (although there may be frequent, basic errors). (I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)
CE.EFL.4.8. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Communicate needs and
information clearly and in simple terms, using grammatical structures learned in class
(although there may be frequent errors), effectively and without undue effort.
Demonstrate an ability to make appropriate use of new words and expressions in
social interactions.
EFL 4.2.8: Follow main ideas in topics covered in other curricular subjects with the I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set in familiar
help of visual support, using concepts and vocabulary that have been studied in everyday contexts and infer changes in the topic of discussion, as well as deduce the
advance. meanings of unfamiliar words and exchanges through the use of context clues,
provided speech is given slowly and clearly and there is sufficient visual support. (I.3,
S.1, J.4)
CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand and follow the main idea in spoken
texts set in familiar everyday contexts, provided speech is clear and articulate, and
deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases using context clues and/or
prior knowledge.
EFL 4.2.14: Ask and answer straightforward follow-up questions within familiar contexts, I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively participate in familiar and predictable everyday
such as school and family life, provided there are opportunities to ask for clarification, conversational exchanges in order to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a
reformulation or repetition of key points. simple transaction, using a range of repair strategies. (Example: asking for
clarification, etc.) (I.3, J.3, J.4)
CE.EFL.4.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in familiar and
predictable conversational exchanges by asking and answering follow-up questions,
provided there are opportunities to use repair strategies (e.g. asking for clarification)
and sustain conversational exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or
handle a simple transaction.
EFL 4.3.5: Use everyday reference material in order to select information I.EFL.4.12.1. Learners can employ a range of reference materials and sources, both
appropriate to the purpose of an inquiry and relate ideas from one written source to online and in print, in order to support ideas, answer inquiries, find relationships and
another. relate ideas between different subject areas. (I.1, I.2, J.2)
CE.EFL.4.12. Use a range of reference materials and sources, both online and in print,
in order to support ideas, answer inquiries, find relationships and relate ideas
between different subject areas.
EFL 4.4.2: Make and use a simple print or digital learning resource to compare and I.EFL.4.16.1. Learners can use and make simple learning resources, both online and in
contrast information in order to demonstrate understanding and command of a print, in order to compare and contrast information. Learners can choose appropriate
topic. resources and critically evaluate the information in these resources, according to the
value, purpose and audience of each. (I.1, I.3, I.4, J.2, J.4)
CE.EFL.4.16. Make use of simple learning resources, including those created by one’s
self, in order to compare and contrast information, and choose appropriate resources
according to the value, purpose and audience of each.
EFL 4.5.10: Collaboratively produce criteria for evaluating literary texts and the I.EFL.4.21.1. Learners can evaluate and recommend literary texts (both written and
effectiveness of group work. oral, online, in video or in print) according to pre-established criteria. Learners can
work in collaborative groups to write their own criteria for evaluating literary texts
and the effectiveness of group work. (I.4, S.3, S.4, J.3)
CE.EFL.4.21. Use pre-established criteria, including that which is written by learners
collaboratively, in order to evaluate and recommend literary texts (written, online,
oral, in video, etc.) and the effectiveness of group work.
Week 1: January 2nd
LESSON: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Containers
Warmer: Audio 4.1 Student performance: Questions about
Ask students questions about their favorite food. In pairs, students have two procedure, student notebook, graphic
minutes to write down as many words for food as they can. Bring ideas together. Workbook p. 32 organizers.
1. Audio 4.1. Read the example answer. In pairs, students match the words to Student book p. 39 and p. 130
the pictures. Play the audio for them to listen and check their answers.
2. Students write down all the possible answers. In pairs, students think of RLP Platform
containers for the products. Check answers. 1. Vlog
3. In pairs, students think of more products for the containers. Check answers
and see which pair has the longest list for each container.
RLP Vlog: Watch a vlogger talking about recycling containers to help the
Wrap up:
Students brainstorm food, drink, and other things to take on a camping trip.
WB p. 32. Set these exercises for homework.
LESSON: Vocabulary and Listening: Are you good with money? Money verbs
Warmer: Audio 4.6 Student performance: Questions about
With books closed, students discuss what they’ll do with a certain amount of money. Audio 4.7 procedure, student notebook, graphic
Ask pairs in turn to tell the class their ideas. organizers.
Development: Workbook p. 35
1. Audio 4.6. Focus on the pictures. In pairs, students match the sentences
with the pictures. Play audio for students to listen and check the answers. Student book p. 42 and p. 130
2. Students ask and answer the questions in pairs, then note down six ways in
which they are similar and different and share ideas with the class. 1. RLP Platform
3. Audio 4.7. Students listen a radio program about teenagers’ money. Read
the questions and play the audio for students to answer. Check.
4. Audio 4.7. Students learn how to listen for different ideas in a radio
program. Play the audio for students to listen and answer. Check.
Wrap up:
5. In pairs, students discuss which of the ideas in Exercise 4 they do and think
of more tips, then share ideas with the class.
WB p. 35. Set these exercises for homework.
EFL 4.1.8: Use suitable vocabulary, expressions, language and interaction styles for I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can demonstrate an ability to give and ask for information and
formal and informal social or academic situations in order to communicate specific assistance using level-appropriate language and interaction styles in online or face-to-
intentions in online and face-to face interactions. (Example: thanking, making promises, face social and classroom interactions. (J.2, J.3, J.4, I.3)
apologizing, asking permission, chatting with friends, answering in class, greeting an CE.EFL.4.4. Demonstrate the ability to ask for and give information and assistance
authority figure, etc.) using appropriate language and interaction styles in a variety of social interactions.
EFL 4.2.12: Describe habits, routines, past activities and experiences within the personal I.EFL.4.9.1. Learners can use simple language to describe, compare and state facts
and educational domains. about familiar everyday topics such as possessions, classroom objects and routines in
short, structured situations, interacting with relative ease. (I.3, I.4, S.4)
CE.EFL.4.9. Production – Fluency: Use simple language to describe, compare and make
statements about familiar everyday topics such as objects, possessions and routines in
structured situations and short conversations. Interaction is with reasonable ease,
provided speech is given clearly, slowly and directly.
I.EFL.4.8.1. Learners can communicate personal information and basic immediate
needs and deal with other practical everyday demands in familiar contexts, effectively
EFL 4.2.15: Deal with practical, everyday communication demands within familiar and without undue effort and using grammatical structures and vocabulary seen in
contexts, effectively and without undue effort. (Example: meeting people, extending class (although there may be frequent, basic errors). (I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)
and accepting invitations, exchanging information, giving reasons, asking and answering CE.EFL.4.8. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Communicate needs and
questions about routines and preferences, etc.) information clearly and in simple terms, using grammatical structures learned in class
(although there may be frequent errors), effectively and without undue effort.
Demonstrate an ability to make appropriate use of new words and expressions in
social interactions.
EFL 4.3.1: Understand main points in short simple texts on familiar subjects. I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main ideas and some details in short simple
(Example: news about sports or famous people, descriptions, etc.) online or print texts on familiar subjects, using contextual clues to help identify the
most relevant information. (Example: title, illustrations, organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in short
simple texts on familiar subjects, making use of contextual clues to identify relevant
information in a text.
EFL 4.3.4: Find the most important information in print or online sources in order to I.EFL.4.12.1. Learners can employ a range of reference materials and sources, both
support an idea or argument. (Example: Internet search engines, online advertising, online and in print, in order to support ideas, answer inquiries, find relationships and
online or print timetables, web pages, posters, adverts, catalogues, etc.) relate ideas between different subject areas. (I.1, I.2, J.2)
CE.EFL.4.12. Use a range of reference materials and sources, both online and in print,
in order to support ideas, answer inquiries, find relationships and relate ideas
between different subject areas.
EFL 4.4.3: Critically evaluate information from references, including those found on I.EFL.4.16.1. Learners can use and make simple learning resources, both online and in
the web, and recommend print and digital sources to other learners. print, in order to compare and contrast information. Learners can choose appropriate
resources and critically evaluate the information in these resources, according to the
value, purpose and audience of each. (I.1, I.3, I.4, J.2, J.4)
CE.EFL.4.16. Make use of simple learning resources, including those created by one’s
self, in order to compare and contrast information, and choose appropriate resources
according to the value, purpose and audience of each.
EFL 4.5.9: Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings to I.EFL.4.22.1. Learners can collaborate and participate effectively in a variety of student
create and respond to literature and other literary texts. (Example: small groups, groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills through the
cooperative learning groups, literature circles, process writing groups, etc.) completion of activities such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving.
(S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)
CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboratively and to participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings by employing a wide range of creative thinking skills
through the completion of activities such as playing games, brainstorming and
problem solving.
Week 5: January 29th
LESSON: Vocabulary: The human body
Warmer: Audio 5.1 Student performance: Questions about
Ask students questions and elicit as many words for parts of the body as you can. Audio 5.2 procedure, student notebook, graphic
Development: organizers.
1. Audio 5.1. In pairs, students match the words to the picture. Play audio for Workbook p. 40
students to listen, check their answers and repeat the words.
2. Students copy the table and complete it with the correct words. Student book p. 49 and p. 131
3. Audio 5.2. Students complete the facts about the human body with the
correct numbers. Play audio for students to listen and check. RLP Platform
4. In pairs, students read the sentences and guess the parts of the body, then 1. Vlog
create their own sentences. Check these with the class.
RLP Vlog: Watch vlogger Michelle talking about starting to exercise again.
Wrap up:
Students invent a strange-looking alien. They draw a picture and write sentences
describing it.
WB p. 40. Set these exercises for homework.
EFL 4.1.6: Seek and provide information and assistance, orally or in writing and in I.EFL.4.4.1. Learners can demonstrate an ability to give and ask for information and
online or face-to-face interactions, for personal, social and academic purposes. assistance using level-appropriate language and interaction styles in online or face-to-
face social and classroom interactions. (J.2, J.3, J.4, I.3)
CE.EFL.4.4. Demonstrate the ability to ask for and give information and assistance
using appropriate language and interaction styles in a variety of social interactions.
EFL 4.2.4: Deduce the meanings of unfamiliar phrases and words from a context I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set in familiar
containing familiar elements. (Example: colloquial greetings, exclamations, everyday contexts and infer changes in the topic of discussion, as well as deduce the
interjections, etc.) meanings of unfamiliar words and exchanges through the use of context clues,
provided speech is given slowly and clearly and there is sufficient visual support. (I.3,
S.1, J.4)
CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand and follow the main idea in spoken
texts set in familiar everyday contexts, provided speech is clear and articulate, and
deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases using context clues and/or
prior knowledge.
I.EFL.4.10.1. Learners can effectively participate in familiar and predictable everyday
EFL 4.2.10: Sustain a conversational exchange on a familiar, everyday subject when conversational exchanges in order to complete a task, satisfy a need or handle a
carrying out a collaborative/paired learning activity in which there are specific simple transaction, using a range of repair strategies. (Example: asking for
instructions for a task. clarification, etc.) (I.3, J.3, J.4)
CE.EFL.4.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in familiar and
predictable conversational exchanges by asking and answering follow-up questions,
provided there are opportunities to use repair strategies (e.g. asking for clarification)
and sustain conversational exchanges in pairs to complete a task, satisfy a need or
handle a simple transaction.
EFL 4.3.2: Make use of clues such as titles, illustrations, organization, text outline I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand main ideas and some details in short simple
and layout, etc. to identify and understand relevant information in written level- online or print texts on familiar subjects, using contextual clues to help identify the
appropriate text types. most relevant information. (Example: title, illustrations, organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in short
simple texts on familiar subjects, making use of contextual clues to identify relevant
information in a text.
EFL 4.4.5: Recognize that various types of writing require different language, formatting I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey information and ideas and describe feelings and
and special vocabulary. (Example: a recipe, a letter, etc.) opinions in simple transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to
influence an audience, while recognizing that different texts have different features
and showing the ability to use these features appropriately in one’s own writing. (I.3,
I.4, S.3, J.2)
CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in
simple transactional or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing that different texts have different features and showing
the ability to use these features appropriately in one’s own writing.
EFL 4.4.8: Convey and organize information using facts and details in order to I.EFL.4.17.1. Learners can convey and organize information through the use of facts
illustrate diverse patterns and structures in writing. (Example: cause and effect, and details and by employing various stages of the writing process, while using a
problem and solution, general-to-specific presentation, etc.) range of digital tools to promote and support collaboration, learning and productivity.
(I.1, I.3, S.4, J.2, J.4)
CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to convey and organize information through the use of
facts and details and by employing various stages of the writing process, while using a
range of digital tools to promote and support collaboration, learning and productivity.
EFL 4.5.3: Make predictions, inferences and deductions to demonstrate different I.EFL.4.18.1. Learners can understand, predict, infer and deduce literal and implied
levels of meaning of literary works presented orally or in digital form, including meanings in short, simple, everyday literary texts (online, oral or in print), especially
literal and implied meanings. (Example: summarizing, explaining and identifying, when visual support is provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
word choice, symbols, points of view, etc.) CE.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order to understand, predict, infer and deduce literal
and implied meanings in short, simple, everyday literary texts (online, oral or in print).
Week: February 26th
LESSON: Vocabulary: Party plans
Warmer: Audio 6.1 Student performance: Questions about
Write on the board word to do with parties. Elicit the word party. Invite some Audio 6.2 procedure, student notebook, graphic
students to tell the class about their plans for their next birthday party. Audio 6.3 organizers.
1. Audio 6.1. In pairs, students read the party guide and complete it with the Workbook p. 48
correct words. Students listen, check their answers and repeat.
2. Students put the things in order of importance individually, then compare Student book p. 59 and p. 132
their lists in pairs. Discuss their ideas with the class.
3. In pairs, students talk about what they did for their last birthday. Invite RLP Platform
students who did something unusual or exciting to tell the class. 1. Vlog
4. Audio 6.2. Model pronunciation of the /ʃ/ sound in isolation. Play the audio
for students to notice the sound, listen and repeat.
5. Audio 6.3. Students work in pairs to practice saying the words. Play the
audio for students to listen and check their answers, then repeat.
6. Read the first sentence and focus on the gap. Refer students to the party
guide. Students complete the sentences. Check answers.
RLP Vlog: Watch a vlogger talking about a party he had in LA.
Wrap up:
Students imagine and write about their own dream party.
WB p. 48. Set these exercises for homework.
Specification of Educational Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied
Standards 1 and 2 Curricular adaptation will be applied for students with special need in standards 1 and 2 according to the DECE´s
dispositions shared by the DIACs.
Adaptations will be applied in time, extension of the tasks given to the students as well as location their location
in the classroom according to the DECE’s suggestions given by the DIACs.