Geography and Environment S1 TG

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Geography and

Senior 1
Teacher’s Guide
© 2020 Rwanda Education Board (REB) .
All rights reserved.
This book is property of the Government of Rwanda.
Credit must be given to REB when the content is quoted.
Dear teacher,
Rwanda Education Board is honoured to present Senior one geography
teacher`s guide which serves as a guide to competence-based teaching and
learning to ensure consistency and coherence in the learning of the geogra-
phy subject. The Rwandan educational philosophy is to ensure that learners
achieve full potential at every level of education which will prepare them
to be well integrated in society and exploit employment opportunities.
In line with efforts to improve the quality of education, the government
of Rwanda emphasizes the importance of aligning teaching and learning
materials with the syllabus to facilitate their learning process. Many fac-
tors influence what they learn, how well they learn and the competences
they acquire. Those factors include the relevance of the specific content,
the quality of teachers’ pedagogical approaches, the assessment strategies
and the instructional materials available. We paid special attention to the
activities that facilitate the learning process in which learners can develop
ideas and make new discoveries during concrete activities carried out in-
dividually or with peers. With the help of the teachers, learners will gain
appropriate skills and be able to apply what they have learnt in real life
situations. Hence, they will be able to develop certain values and attitudes
allowing them to make a difference not only to their own life but also to
the nation.
This is in contrast to traditional learning theories which view learning
mainly as a process of acquiring knowledge from the more knowledge-
able who is mostly the teacher. In competence-based curriculum, learning
is considered as a process of active building and developing of knowledge
and understanding, skills and values and attitude by the learner where con-
cepts are mainly introduced by an activity, situation or scenario that helps
the learner to construct knowledge, develop skills and acquire positive at-
titudes and values.
In addition, such active learning engages learners in doing things and think-
ing about the things they are doing and they are encouraged to bring their
own real experiences and knowledge into the learning processes. In view
of this, your role is to:

• Plan your lessons and prepare appropriate teaching materials.
• Organize group discussions for learners considering the importance
of social constructivism suggesting that learning occurs more effec-
tively when the learner works collaboratively with more knowledge-
able and experienced people.
• Engage learners through active learning methods such as inquiry
methods, group discussions, research, investigative activities and
group and individual work activities.
• Provide supervised opportunities for learners to develop different
competences by giving tasks which enhance critical thinking, prob-
lem solving, research, creativity and innovation, communication and
• Support and facilitate the learning process by valuing learners’ con-
tributions in the class activities.
• Guide learners towards the harmonization of their findings.
• Encourage individual, peer and group evaluation of the work done
in the classroom and use appropriate competence-based assessment
approaches and methods.
To facilitate you in your teaching activities, the content of this teacher`s
guide is self-explanatory so that you can easily use it. Even though this
teacher`s guide contains the answers for all activities given in the learner’s
book, you are requested to work through each question and activity before
judging learner’s findings.
I wish to sincerely extend my appreciation to REB staff who organized
the editing process of this teacher`s guide. Special gratitude also goes to
lecturers, teachers, illustrators and designers who supported the exercise
throughout. Any comment or contribution would be welcome to the im-
provement of this textbook for the next edition.


Director General, REB


I wish to express my appreciation to all the people who played a major

role in editing process of this Geography teacher`s guide for Senior One.
It would not have been successful without their active participation.

Special thanks are given to those who gave their time to read and refine
this textbook to meet the needs of competence based curriculum. I owe
gratitude to different Universities and schools in Rwanda that allowed
their staff to work with REB to edit this book. I therefore, wish to extend
my sincere gratitude to lecturers, teachers, illustrators, designers and all
other individuals whose efforts in one way or the other contributed to the
success of this edition.

Finally, my word of gratitude goes to the Rwanda Education Board staff

particularly those from Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Resources
Department who were involved in the whole process of editorial work.

Joan Murungi,

Head of CTLRD


FOREWORD............................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................. iv
1.1 Background to the Geography syllabus review ......................................... 2
1.2 Rationale of teaching and learning Geography............................................. 2
1.3 Broad Geography objectives and competences ........................................ 3
1.4 Specific competences and objectives........................................................ 4
1.5 The structure of the subject and format of the examination.................... 4
1.6 Documents to be used in the teaching and learning of Geography..........6
1.6 Competence-based assessment................................................................ 9
1.7 Developing competences......................................................................... 12
1.8 Resources ................................................................................................ 19
1.9 Inclusiveness in the class......................................................................... 20
1.10 Cross-cutting issues.................................................................................. 21
Topic area: Practical Geography............................................................................. 23
UNIT 1 ............................................................................................................... 23
Content map ..................................................................................................... 23
Introduction to Geography............................................................................... 23
Additional information for the teacher ............................................................ 25
Teaching steps .................................................................................................. 25
Answers to End unit assessment .................................................................... 28
UNIT 2 ............................................................................................................... 29
Content map ..................................................................................................... 29
Additional information for the teacher ............................................................ 32
Teaching steps .................................................................................................. 32
Answers to End unit assessment .................................................................... 35
UNIT 3 The Earth in relation to the universe...................................................... 37
Content map ...................................................................................................... 37
Additional information for the teacher.............................................................. 40
Teaching steps .................................................................................................. 40

UNIT4 ............................................................................................................... 45
Content map....................................................................................................... 45
Additional information for the teacher ............................................................ 47
Teaching steps.................................................................................................... 47
Answers to End unit assessment........................................................................48
UNIT 5 Forms of relief........................................................................................... 49
Content map .................................................................................................... 49
Teaching steps................................................................................................... 51
Topic area: Physical geography......................................................................... 54
UNIT 6 Rocks...................................................................................................... 54
Content map ..................................................................................................... 54
Teaching steps ................................................................................................... 56

UNIT 7 Soils........................................................................................................ 58
Content map ..................................................................................................... 58
Additional information for the teacher ............................................................ 61
Teaching steps .................................................................................................. 61
Weather and climate......................................................................................... 68
UNIT 8 ............................................................................................................... 69
Content map ..................................................................................................... 69
Additional information for the teacher....................................................................71
Teaching steps .................................................................................................. 71
UNIT 9 Vegetation.............................................................................................. 79
Content map ..................................................................................................... 79
Additional information for the teacher.............................................................. 81
Answers to End unit assessment......................................................................... 87

UNIT 10 General organisation of hydrography..................................................... 87

Content map ..................................................................................................... 87
Additional information for the teacher.............................................................. 89
Teaching steps .................................................................................................. 89
Answers to End unit assessment......................................................................... 92

UNIT 11 Hazards................................................................................................... 97
Content map ...................................................................................................... 97
Additional information for the teacher ............................................................. 99
Answers to End unit assessment ...................................................................... 101

UNIT 12 Population and settlement................................................................... 103

Content map ................................................................................................... 103
Additional information for the teacher .......................................................... 105
Teaching steps ................................................................................................ 105
Answers to End unit assessment ..................................................................... 109
UNIT 13 ............................................................................................................. 109
Content map .................................................................................................. 109
Additional information for the teacher............................................................ 110
Teaching steps ................................................................................................ 111
Answers to End unit assessment ...................................................................... 112


This Teacher’s Guide aims at guiding time.

the facilitator or teacher on how best Both the Student’s Book and this guide
he or she can use the Geography have been written basing on competence
Senior 1 Student’s Book for Rwandan based principles. This guide is meant
Secondary Schools which is a part of to assist you in facilitating the learners
the Geography course at the Ordinary to play a greater part in the learning
Secondary Level. situation. You should guide them to find
This Teacher’s Guide is divided into two solutions and answers to the tasks given
parts. The first part takes the facilitator as you inculcate in them critical thinking
or the teacher through the professional and problem solving skills among other
information that he or she needs to competences.
know. This information is used during The cardinal purpose of this guide book
the teaching and learning process. It is to provide fundamental guidance
is based on the competence based on how you can handle the Senior
curriculum. 1 Geography content basing on the
This guide is not a stand-alone text learner centred principles and practices.
book. It has to be used hand in hand The rationale of teaching and learning
with the Student’s Book. You are Geography is to assist the learners to
advised to plan for the lesson basing undertake and understand the dynamics
on the content under a given unit and of their surroundings, hence being able
the time allocated in the syllabus. It to use the knowledge of Geography,
is important to note that the scheme skills, values and attitudes developed
of work has been changed into a unit to utilise the environment they live in
plan and the lesson plan completely sustainably. This creates a basis for the
changed. These two documents are not occurrence of unified diversity.
related to the previously used formats.
The new Geography competence based
You will also note that the time allocated curriculum advocates for continuity of
to each unit is sufficient. The activities the content across all levels of lower
included in the Student’s Book are also secondary. This implies that, the teacher
sufficient for the mastery of the required will find given units in Senior 1 (in the
content. It is therefore imperative that as Student’s Book) in a less detailed form.
a teacher, you plan well to complete the This is due to the need to create an
required content in time. Some of the introductory foundation upon which
activities can be given to learners in the other levels–Senior Two and Three will
form of assignments and research work. be based upon. Much of the work in the
This will demand that they be done Student’s Book intends to provide the
outside the normal allocated classroom

learners with knowledge, skills, values the secondary school Geography syllabus
and attitudes on specific areas so that was carried out to ensure that the key
eventually they understand Geography transferable soft skills that employers need
as a subject and the physical and social are provided to all secondary graduates,
environments as the places they live in. academic skills as well as communication
The teacher is therefore required to guide and teamwork skills.
the learners to learn Geography with the The competences taught are influenced
aim of making sure that it is reflected in by factors that include relevance of the
their lives. This is possible when various curriculum, the appropriate pedagogical
activities included in the Student’s Book approach by teachers, assessment
are done and the teacher guides the strategies and the necessary and sufficient
learners to find solutions and answers on instructional materials.
their own. This will make the content in A Geography competence based curriculum
the Senior 1 Geography Student’s Book guides the development of competencies,
functional and relevant in the day to day associated with methodologies and
living of the learners. assessment strategies that specify the
The Student’s Book for which this guide is outcomes which are consistent with
written has been written in a way that will personal, community and the labour
enable the learners to develop various market needs.
competences, skills, values and positive The Student’s Book is written basing on
attitudes such as critical thinking, problem the syllabus which offers learners the
solving, communication and cooperation opportunity to apply what they have
among others. This enables the learners learned to real life situations and to make a
to develop higher order thinking that will difference in their own life. This is done with
empower them to contribute towards the help of teacher whose role is central
the development of their country. This to the success of the curriculum delivery.
will assist learners to build the capacity This Senior 1 Geography competence
to address challenges that for many years based syllabus, therefore, intends to equip
have been burdensome to the society. learners with a combination of knowledge,
These challenges refer to environmental skills, attitudes and values that a learner
destruction and overpopulation. must demonstrate during and after each
learning process. This enables them to
1.1 Background to the accomplish tasks satisfactorily cognisant of
Geography syllabus review personal characteristics such as motivation,
As Rwanda moves towards Universal self-confidence and willpower.
Secondary Education and 12 years of
basic education, it is imperative that those 1.2 Rationale of teaching and
graduating from secondary schools are learning Geography
equipped with competences to ensure that Geography is the study of the earth
they can be productive after graduation. including all the phenomena which make
It is on this quest that a careful review of up the physical and human environment.
Geography helps the learners to development.
understand the physical and social • Appreciate the relationships between
environment in order to build unity in people and the environment and
diversity. appreciate the importance of
This teaching syllabus is intended to geographical locations to human
promote uniformity and continuity of activities.
content coverage for advanced level • Demonstrate an understanding of the
Geography. Geography is one of the physical and social environment in
disciplines that are concerned with the which they live in as well as appreciate
real world in which the learners live in the diversity and similarities in
and are capable of solving problems and their communities, country, region,
developing knowledge, skills, attitudes continent and the world.
and values which are relevant to their • Be aware of land use practices and
present and future lives. resource utilisation, their
The Geography competence based consequences in Rwanda and around
curriculum motivates learners to find out the world.
about the real world and enables them to • Analyse the impact of various socio-
recognise the importance of sustainable economic activities on sustainable
development for the future of mankind. development.
The Geography competence based • Develop a variety of skills including
curriculum also enables learners to critical thinking, research and problem
develop generic competence skills, solving, creativity, innovation,
literacy and numerical skills to interpret communication and co-operation.
the human and physical phenomena, They are also taught how to present
maps, photographs and diagrams. conclusions in the most appropriate
1.3 Broad Geography objectives • Demonstrate awareness and
and competences show concern for environmental
The overall goal of Geography is to give conservation and sustainability and
learners the attitudes, knowledge and act accordingly.
skills to act in a geographical way. During • Be competent in a range of skills and
and at the end of the Lower Secondary techniques necessary to carry out
level, learners taking Geography as a geographical research with data and
subject should be able to: interpret geographical phenomena.
• Develop a strong interest in their • Read and interpret geographical data
surroundings at a local, regional and from geographical sources like maps,
global level. photographs, diagrams and field
• Appreciate the variety of physical
and human aspects of the world and
acquire a commitment to sustainable

1.4 Specific competences and objectives
At the end of Senior 1, the learner should be able to:
• Demonstrate an understanding of the earth and the elements of physical geography.
• Explain the relationship between physical geography and human activities.
• Apply knowledge and understanding of the physical and human geography theory.
• Read and identify the elements of a map and interpret them.

1.5 The structure of the subject and format of the examination

There are two sections of Geography in Lower Secondary. The two include;
Physical geography which is also referred to as Paper 1. It includes;
• Practical geography: map reading and photographic interpretation.
• General physical geography of Rwanda.
• Physical geography of Africa.

Specifically, the Senior 1 Geography Student’s Book, for which this guide is intended,
covers only a part of physical geography. It provides an introduction of physical
geography to the learners. The topics here include the following:

Topic area Subtopic area Unit Number of

Practical Map reading and Unit 1–Introduction to 3
geography photographic interpretation geography
Map reading Unit 2–Elements of a map 5
Understanding the Earth Unit 3–The Earth in relation 12
and universe. to the universe.
Understanding the Earth Unit 4–The structure of the 4
and universe Earth
Relief Unit 5–Forms of relief 6
Rocks, weathering and soils Unit 6–Rocks 5
Weathering and soils Unit 7–Soils 10
Weather and climate Unit 8–Weather and climate 23
Vegetation Unit 9–Vegetation 11
Drainage Unit 10–General 11
organisation of hydrography
Man and his environment Unit 11–Hazards 5

Total periods 95
for physical

From the table above, 88% of the content covered in Senior 1 is physical geography.
The second section is on human and economic geography. This section is examined in
paper 2.In Lower Secondary, it is composed of the following:
• Human and economic geography of Rwanda.
• Human and economic geography of Africa.
• Development case studies (Europe,the Americas and Asia).
In the Senior 1 Student’s Book the topics of human and economic geography include
the following:
Topic area Subtopic area Unit Number of
Human and Population, settlement and Unit 12– Population 8
economic urbanisation and settlement
geography Economic activities and Unit 13– Economic 5
development studies activities

Total periods 13
Human and economic geography forms about 12% of the total content covered.
Therefore, Senior 1 Geography has 108 lessons as per the new competence based
curriculum. The content in the Student’s Book has been written to suit the level of
the learners who have just left primary school and are in their first class in secondary
school. The content is simplified. However, you are requested to use the methods
that can make the content even simpler.
You should know that the Senior 1 Geography creates the introductory experience
in the form of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that will assist the learners to
understand the content of Senior 2 and 3.
The Geography teacher handling Senior 1, should be aware that the content in this
class forms the foundation for further studies in Geography. Learners should then be
properly guided so that all the competences required for the subject are registered.
This will be practically possible once all the activities designed for every unit are done
by the learners.

1.6 Documents to be used in the teaching and learning of
For successful teaching and learning of Geography to take place, the teacher should
have the necessary professional documents which include the following:
1. A copy of the competence based curriculum framework.
2. A copy of the competence based Geography syllabus.
3. Senior 1 Geography Student’s Book.
4. Senior 1 Geography Teacher’s Guide.
5. The Geography content map.
6. The Geography unit plans.
7. The Geography lesson plans.
You are requested to prepare and use the samples of the professional documents
especially the lesson and unit plans provided below to teach. You will notice that
there are new changes that have been implemented in the design and format of the
unit plan/scheme of work and the lesson plan. The changes were brought about by
the introduction of the competence based curriculum.

Template of a competence – based lesson plan
School name: College De Nkanka Teacher’s name: M/S. Murekatete Francine

Term Date Subject Class Unit No Lesson No Duration Class size

1 01/02/ 2016 Geography Senior 1. 1 1 of 5. 40 minutes 40
Type of Special Educational Needs and number of learners Learners with hearing impairment:2
Learners with slight visual impairment: 1
Topic area: Practical Geography
Sub-topic area: Map reading and photographic interpretation
Unit title Introduction to Geography
Key unit competence: To be able to determine the importance of Geography and its relationship with other subjects.
Title of the lesson Introduction to Geography
Instructional objective Learners should be able to use Geographical documents, Internet and the school’s surrounding to identify
different geographical aspects and their interrelationship appropriately.
Plan for this class (location: in / Inside the classroom
Learning materials (for all learners) Geographical documents, maps, Internet, local environment, GPS, talking and tactile materials and objects.

References ͳͳ Achievers Secondary,Geography and the Environment For Rwanda Student’s Book 1
ͳͳ Dictionary of the Earth Science 2nd Edition Oxford University press, London.
ͳͳ Introduction to Geography by Citation (2006).

Timing for Description of teaching and learning activity Generic competences and cross-cutting issues to be
each step The learners organised into pairs, and groups will be engaged in oral addressed
diagnostic questions on their physical environment to identify the
geographical aspects. They will be able to identify the relationship existing

between those aspects and man’s activities hence being able to create a
vision of the branches of Geography.
Teacher’s activities Learner’s activities
Introduction ͳͳ Ask the learners to use their ͳͳ Answering the questions ͳͳ Critical thinking and problem solving skills

environment to visually identify things asked by the teacher. (through questioning and answering).
6 mins
they can see in their environment that
ͳͳ Learners go to the field to ͳͳ Cooperation (through group work).
are related to Geography. They should
do the practical activities.
give their answers orally. ͳͳ Communication skills including listening
ͳͳ Predict the day’s lesson. (discussion, presentation predicting and
ͳͳ Weigh the answers given by the learners
and give the appropriate lesson title.

Development ͳͳ Put the learners into groups of three ͳͳ Listening ͳͳ Critical thinking and problem solving skills
of the lesson based on the requirements of inclusive (through questioning and answering).
ͳͳ Taking notes
education and guide them to do the
30 mins ͳͳ Cooperation (through group work).
activities 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 on pages 2-3 ͳͳ Answering and questioning
of the Student’s Book. ͳͳ Communication skills including listening
Special Education Needs Cases
(discussion, presentation, predicting and
ͳͳ Allow them time to do the activity. (SEN)
ͳͳ After the activity, allow the members of ͳͳ The visually impaired
ͳͳ Environment, climate change and sustainability
the class to make brief presentations on learners sit at the front of
(through identifying various geographical aspects
their findings in class. the class.
and the need to protect and conserve them).
ͳͳ Allow other members to comment on ͳͳ The learners with the
the other groups’ presentations. hearing impairment should
be given written copies
ͳͳ Special Education Needs Cases (SEN)
of the topics discussed in
ͳͳ Sit the group with both the visually groups.
impaired and learners with hearing
impairment at the front of the class and
pay special attention to them.
Conclusion ͳͳ Summarise the lesson on the definition ͳͳ Noting down the main ͳͳ Communication skills (asking and answering
of Geography. points of the lesson. questions)
4 mins
ͳͳ Ask the learners to prepare for the next ͳͳ Cleaning and rearranging ͳͳ Cooperation (through teamwork.)
lesson on the branches of Geography. the classroom.

Teacher self- Basing on the answers provided by the learners during the execution of diagnostic evaluation in the course of the lesson, the
evaluation objectives of the lesson were achieved. Therefore, the lesson was well taught.
1.6 Competence-based • During learning (formative or
assessment continuous): These questions are
used when learners appear to be
This is an assessment process in which having difficulties with some of the
a learner is confronted with a complex work. They are also used to gauge the
situation relevant to his or her everyday level of understanding of the learners
life and asked to look for a solution by as they go on with the topic of study.
applying the competences that have They are presented as continuous
been learned in class. The competences assessment tests. The assessment
learnt include; knowledge, skills, values aims at giving learners support,
and attitudes. Evidence of learning is reinforcement and feedback. For
then collected and used as the basis on example: In pairs, discuss the factors
which judgments are made concerning that influence population distribution
the learners’ progress against fixed in any place.
performance criteria.
• After learning (summative): This
1.6.1 When to assess assessment is administered at the
end of a section of work or a learning
During the teaching and learning of
unit. The teacher has to assess after
Geography, assessment should be clearly
the learning. This is also known as
visible in the lesson, unit, term and yearly
Assessment of learning to establish
plans. Competence based assessment in
and record the overall progress of
Geography can be as follows:
• Before learning (diagnostic): These
For example: End of unit revision task
are administered at the beginning
of a new section of work. These 1. With specific examples, describe
questions are meant to find out what the tundra climate.
the learners already know and can do. 2. State the characteristics of alpine
They are also meant to check whether climate and show how it has
the learners are at the same level of influenced land use in areas
understanding. where it occurs.
3. Explain how climate has influenced
You can either use:
human activities in the world.
(i) Probing questions when a unit
1.6.2 What to assess in
or topic is being introduced for
the first time. For example; What Geography
do you understand by the term (a) Knowledge and understanding
(ii) Recall questions about the This assessment should focus on
previous lesson. For example; Do correctness of answers, coherence of
you remember the characteristics ideas, logical reasoning and understanding.
of a good map? The teacher should use high order thinking
verbs like: identify, explain, indicate,

discuss, predict, estimate and judge to assessed.
test the learners’ level of understanding.
The knowledge, skills, attitudes and
(b) Practical skills generic competences are not assessed
independent of each other. It is important
In this assessment, learners should show to set tasks which give evidence of the key
evidence of the ability to perform and aspects of topics or units.
accomplish a given task through aptitude
and the use practical tests and evaluation The lesson, unit or subject concept is
of the final outcome of learning. The the major focus of study. However, the
assessment should focus on accuracy, style of assessment especially through
quality products, correctness, speed , questioning shows the components
efficiency, teamwork and coherence. that are assessed. It is possible that one
question can cover the concept, all or
For example in Unit 3: part of generic competences, attitude
and practical skills.
Activity 3.25
One must ensure that the verbs used
Work in pairs. in the formulation of questions do not
Describe the shape of each of the require memorisation or recall answers
following. only but also test on skills and attitudes
as well as generic competences as stated
(a) Eggs in the syllabus(e.g. arrange, point out,
(b) Oranges design, draw, organise, tabulate, develop,
integrate, apply, discover, survey,
(c) Water melon
produce, examine, discuss, analyse,
(d) Football justify, create, perform, conduct, prepare,
(e) A square wooden board. differentiate, relate, compare and
contrast, suggest, comment on, show and
(c) Attitude and values match). For example in unit 4, Activity 4.4
This assessment should focus on the
1.6.3 Instruments of assessment
learner’s approach to a situation,
appreciation of the task given, impression
in Geography
of a situation, manipulation, reasoning, Instruments of assessment are the tools
persistence and tolerance. used to establish whether learning has
taken place. These can be used before,
(d)Generic competencies during and after learning. The teacher
This assessment tests the judgment can select the appropriate instruments
and capacity. It uses verbs like; arrange, to use in assessment. The following are
develop, subdivide, point out, design, some of the instruments that can be
produce, organise, develop, integrate, used in assessment of Geography.
apply, discover, survey and produce;
depending on the generic competence

(a) Observation • follow order of difficulty (Blooms
This is where the teacher gathers taxonomy)
informationbywatchinglearners interacting, • contain a variety of verbs.
conversing, working or playing. A teacher (c) Portfolio: Learners’ portfolios are a
can use observation to collect data on collection of evidence, prepared by
behaviours that are difficult to assess by the learners and evaluated by the
other methods such as attitudes, values, teacher to demonstrate mastery,
generic competences and intellectual comprehension, application and
skills. Observation is a very important tool synthesis of a given set of concepts.
because it can be used before the lesson (d) Project work: A product which
begins and also throughout the lesson since requires a learner to plan, carry-out
the teacher has to continue observing each and make a project presentation
and every activity. which is then assessed by the teacher
or by peers.
(b) Questioning
(e) Interview: A process where a learner
(i) Oral questioning: This is a process
is expected to respond to questions
which requires a learner to
concerning his or her learning.
respond verbally to questions.
(ii) Class exercises: These are tasks (f) Role play: A performance which
that are given during the learning requires a learner to act out roles
and teaching processes. of other people in society in order
(iii)Quizzes: These are short and to learn from their experiences. For
informal questions usually asked example learners may dramatise the
during a lesson. banking process showing the roles of
(iv) Homework and assignments: various people and documents used.
These are tasks that are assigned (g) Debate: A performance which puts
to learners to be completed one learner or team of learners,
outside the lesson. These may against each other so that they
include some reading, writing, logically argue issues.
problems to be solved, a school
project to be built for display, 1.6.4 How to plan an assessment
drawing or other skills to be in Geography
The process of planning an assessment
A good question item in Geography involves a number of steps depending
should be: on the type of assessment. The steps
• clear, simple and straight forward include the following:
• short and precise • Design tasks, set criteria, design
• free of bias rubrics and prepare appropriate
• readable questions beforehand. After this then
• original decide how and when they are to be
• indicate marks for each question administered.

• Choose an appropriate method country.
and technique to use either by (c) Higher order: compare, analyse,
observation, dialogue and interactions illustrate, differentiate, compose,
with learners, organising practical construct, design, formulate, evaluate,
investigations, presentations and justify and interpret. For example:
discussions, oral questioning or – Differentiate between tropical
written quizzes, exercises and tests. cyclones and local winds.
• Make provision for the learners’ – Analyse the effects of a high
roles in self-assessment and peer population on the social and the
assessment. physical environment.
• Develop assessment schemes for – Design a project that will assist
written work and products such as in solving an environmental
artworks, case studies, reports or degradation problem in your
project work presentations. school.
1.7 Developing competences
1.6.5 How to develop tasks in
Geography A competency is a combination of
knowledge, skills, attitude and values that
Use observable action verbs consistent a learner must demonstrate during and
with the level of learning expected. after each level of the learning process.
Consider all the low, medium and higher Competencies enable the learners to
order thinking skills and competencies. accomplish tasks satisfactorily.
Examples of verbs used in setting tasks Basic competences: These are addressed
and criteria include the following: in the stated broad subject competences
(a) Low order (knowledge and and in the objectives highlighted on
understanding): define, name, list, a yearly basis as well as in the units of
identify, label, match and outline. For learning.
example: Generic competences: These are basic
– Name the elements of a good competences that must be emphasised
map. and reflected in the learning process.
– Outline the factors that influence Teachers should ensure that learners
rainfall formation. are exposed to tasks that help the
(b) Medium order: explain, describe, learners acquire the skills for example
examine, classify, express, summarise, entrepreneurship. They are briefly
compute, relate, show, solve and use. described below.
For example:
1.7.1 Generic competences
– Using specific examples,
examine the influence of rainfall (a) Critical and problem solving skills:
distribution and availability on The acquisition of such skills will
the economic development of a help learners to think imaginatively,
innovatively and broadly to evaluate

and find solutions to problems (e) Cooperation, interpersonal
encountered in their surrounding and management and life skills: This will
everyday life. For example, Activity help the learner to cooperate as a
1.2 in Unit 1. team member in whatever task that
(b) Creativity and innovation: The he or she has been assigned. Learners
acquisition of such skills will help will also practice positive ethical and
learners to take initiative and use moral values while respecting rights,
their imagination beyond the feelings and views of others. They will
knowledge provided the classroom perform practical activities related
to generate new ideas and construct to environmental conservation and
new concepts. For example Activity protection and respond creatively to
1.3 Unit 1, enables individual learners a variety of challenges encountered
to develop their creativity and in life.
innovation. (f) Lifelong learning: The acquisition
(c) Research: This will help learners to
of this skill will help learners to
find answers to questions based on
update their knowledge and skills
existing information and concepts.
Learners can then be able to explain with minimum external support. The
phenomena from the information learners will be able to cope with the
that they have gathered. For example, evolution of knowledge advances for
Activity 1.7 in Unit 1. personal fulfillment in areas that are
(d) Communication skills: All teachers relevant to their own improvement
will ensure the proper use of language and development.
in the process of learning. The Competences are acquired over time
teachers should communicate clearly through the cumulative effect of a
and confidently and convey ideas competence approach to learning. It
effectively through both spoken and should be noted that competences
written language. They should apply are rarely developed in isolation. They
appropriate language and relevant are interconnected and developed
vocabulary when teaching. For simultaneously.
example, there are written passages
in the Student’s Book that are meant Developing all competences in Geography
to assist in the development of requires teachers to adopt approaches
communication skills such as reading, that encourage and enable learners to
listening and giving feedback. The think critically, to carry out research,
teacher is encouraged to engage to solve problems, to be creative and
the learners to tell their own stories innovative, to communicate and to
in the proper and official language. cooperate. It requires setting learning
For example the case study on activities that will develop knowledge,
pratical geography of the Senior 1 in skills and values as well as generic
Student’s Book, is meant to test for
competencies by adopting approaches
comprehension of concepts learnt in
that encourage and enable learners to
the unit.
engage in active learning.

1.7.2 The role of teachers in • The teacher is a facilitator and a guide in the
developing competences in learning process. He or she must provide
Geography supervised opportunities for learners to
develop different competences by giving
Teachers are adviced not to teach the way tasks which enhance critical thinking,
they were taught. They must embrace problem solving, research, creativity
the new approaches with the aim of and innovation, communication and
developing competences in the learners. cooperation.
This requires them to shift from teacher- • The teacher is an advisor and provides
centred to learner-centred methods of guidance and counselling for learners.
teaching. The following are important The teacher supports and comforts
points to consider while implementing learners by valuing their contributions
the competence-based curriculum: in the class activities.
• From the syllabus units, the teacher • The teacher acts as a parent and
identifies different competences to be has to ensure discipline, follow up
developed by the learners which are learners’ behaviour and communicate
fostered by engaging learners through with parents about the learners’
inquiry methods, group discussions, performance at school.
research, investigative activities
and group and individual work and Note
activities. The teacher should ensure that during the
• The teacher focuses on observation teaching and learning process,learners
of evidence on what learners communicate and share relevant
can do and then identifies any information with other learners through
difficulties encountered by them so presentations, discussions, group work
that appropriate strategies can be and other learner centred activities (role
developed for those with special play, case studies, project work, research
needs (slow learners, learners with and investigation).
disabilities, talented and gifted • Learners are active participants and
learners). take some responsibility for their own
• The teacher should take into learning.
account different cross-cutting
issues and integrate them in the • Learners develop knowledge and
learning activities where applicable. skills in active ways.
In this case, in geography • Learners carry out research and
environment and sustainability is investigation, consulting print
closely related to this subject. and online documents as well as
• The teacher should encourage resourceful people and present their
individual, peer and group findings in class.
evaluation of the work done in • During the assigned tasks, learners
the classroom. The teacher must ensure the effective contribution
also use appropriate competence- of each group member, through
based assessment approaches and clear explanations and arguments,
methods. critical thinking, responsibility and
confidence in public speaking.
1.7.3 Strategies to develop the competence according to the domains of learning in Geography
Domain of What teachers can do Examples of learning activities
Psychomotor • Allow the learner to practice for a while and then ask for a • Observe a skill and attempt to repeat it, or see a finished geographical
domain demonstration of the skill. project and attempt to replicate it (imitate) such as an environmental
• Set up models or create a simulation exercise in the conservation club in another school.
practical school garden or geographical demonstration • Produce the product or the project by following general instructions
garden where learners can have repeated practice of skills rather than observation (manipulate).
with peers under the teacher’s supervision. • Performing individual or group practical work to demonstrate
• Arrange for sufficient practical experiences requiring skill particular skills under direct supervision of the teacher (manipulate).
performance under direct supervision. • Making models or designs related to the broad competence or
• Create a valid and reliable assessment tool for use in specific learning outcomes with accuracy (precision).
determining competence in skill demonstration. • Make accurate observations and draw appropriate conclusions from
practical demonstrations of a task by a teacher or fellow learners
(manipulating with precision).
• Studying situations through field visits and case studies.
• Undertaking project work with guidance from the teacher but with
minimum supervision.
Cognitive domain • Develop case studies requiring discovery or problem-based • Self-directed reading and completion of suggested activities that will
learning to determine the most appropriate evidence add to learners’ knowledge and experience base.
based example. • Active participation in learning and taking responsibility for their
• Structure debates that require the learner to provide own learning.
reasons for their responses.
• Discovering the best solution to a given need or problem in both
• Avoid the temptation to answer every learner’s question,
theoretical and practical work.
especially when the learner knows or should know the
answer. • Retrieving and retaining knowledge and applying it in practice.
• Set self-study modules with suggested learning activities • Learning activities structured for groups of learners working together
that the learners can complete on their own prior to and self-directed using the World Wide Web or Internet and Intranet
interaction with fellow learners and teachers. for resources related to topics being learned.
• Provide ample time for discussion and clarification of • Preparing for discussions and debates.
concepts to be learned.

• Help learners to use their own knowledge and ideas to find
possible solutions to situations.
• Guide learners to discover how to proceed or act through
higher order questioning (Socratic questioning).
Affective domain • Create an environment for learners to do exercises on • Respond willingly and positively when asked or directed to do
positive and negative personal and peer values. something.
(Attitudes and

values) • Provide a framework for a written analysis of attitudes, • Comply with given expectations by attending or reacting to stimuli in
values and behaviour. an agreeable manner.
• Structure opportunities for role play requiring recognition • Display behaviour consistent with attitudes and behaviour that is
of differing values and behaviour. acceptable in different situations.
• Join with learners groups to discuss different values and • Listen to others and pay attention to any guidance and advice given
beliefs especially those related to learning styles and by mentors.
interpersonal relationships.
• Reflect on how personal values promote or inhibit their ability to
• Create a valid and reliable assessment tool for use in learn better and to fit in society.
determining positive attitude demonstration.
• Identifying role models in the school system and in the community
and listing the qualities they admire.

1.7.4 Techniques of developing competences in Geography

The teacher can use the following techniques while teaching Geography that support the development of competences:

Techniques/ Description
Roundtable This is a form of cooperative learning. A question is posed by the teacher to groups of learners. Each person in the group writes one
answer on a paper and passes it to the next team member. The group looks at each answer and decides which one to present to
the class. Each group shares or presents their answer to the entire class. The suggestions are discussed by the class and conclusions

Questions in corners The teacher places questions in different corners of the classroom. Groups of 3-6 learners move from corner to corner as per the
signal given by the teacher. They discuss and write an answer to each question taking into account answers already written by
previous groups. The use of different coloured markers for each group helps to see what each group wrote for each question. Ideas
for each question are discussed in a plenary to come up with some conclusions at the end.
Outdoor activities In field visits, learners go outside the classroom to observe specific geographical aspects or phenomena, or to hear information
from experts.
and field visits
Before the visit the teacher and learners do the following:
• select the topic of study
• agree on aims and objectives
• gather relevant information prior to the visit
• brainstorm on key questions and share responsibilities
• discuss materials needed and other logistical issues
• discuss and agree on accepted behaviour during the visit.
After the visit:
• de-brief and discussion of what was learned and observed
• evaluation of all aspects of the visit
• reports and presentations prepared by learners.
Project work Learners in groups or individually, are engaged in self-directed work for an extended period of time. This is usually meant to
investigate and respond to a complex question, problem or challenge. The work is presented to classmates and other people
beyond the school. Projects are based on real-world problems that capture the learners’ interest. This technique develops higher
order thinking as the learners acquire and apply new knowledge in a problem-solving context.
The teacher plays the role of facilitator by:
• working with learners to frame worthwhile questions
• setting relevant and meaningful tasks
• availing the resources needed
• coaching both knowledge and skills development
• assessing carefully what learners produced based on defined criteria
Group work This is a form of peer, cooperative or collaborative learning that values learner to learner interaction. It is mutually beneficial and
involves the sharing of knowledge, ideas and experiences between learners. It offers learners the opportunity to learn from each

To be effective, teams should be heterogeneous in terms of ability levels, made of 3-4 learners in most tasks. Team members are
assigned specific roles which are rotated. For elaborated work, assessment should be two-fold; based on both the collective and
individual work.
Role play Role play is a special kind of case study in which there is an explicit situation established with learners playing specific roles. The

case study differs from the role play because in the case study, learners read about situations and characters. In the role play,
they find themselves what to say, how to play and the materials to use. For example, acting as a REMA officer who is faced with
challenges of population encroachment on the buffer zones of Nyungwe National Park.
Case study Case study as a learning technique is a story that is either based on real events or from a construction of events which could take
place. It involves issues or conflicts which need to be resolved. The information contained in a case study can be complex or simple.
The teacher presents a problem situation and indicates how to proceed.
Brainstorming This is a technique used for creative exploration of options and solutions in an environment free of criticism. It encourages creativity
and a large number of ideas.
Among ground rules there are; active participation by all members; no discussions, criticisms, compliments or other comments
during the brainstorming stage. The teacher starts by reviewing the rules, sets a time limit; states and explains the question;
collects and displays ideas; eliminates duplications and guides learners to draw a conclusion.
A learning centre/ This is a space set aside in the classroom that allows easy access to a variety of learning materials in an interesting and productive
corner manner. Learners can work by themselves or with others in self- directed activities on content related to the curriculum or on
different content that is related to the subject.
These centres allow learners to deepen their understanding of subjects, apply their learning in a stimulating learning environment
and engage in meaningful discoveries that match their individual interests. They provide learners with hands-on experiences that
they can pursue at their own pace and level of curiosity.
Games/play Games are used to help learners to learn faster and better and in enjoyable manner. Games/plays help to create a classroom
experience that actively engages learners. They develop communication and other important skills such as social skills, critical
thinking, problem-solving, numeracy and literacy skills in different subjects.
Research work Each learner or group of learners is given a research topic. They have to gather information or ask experienced people and later
present the results in a class discussion.

Practical work Individually or in teams, learners are assigned practical tasks. To be effective, a task needs; a clear purpose with strong links and
relevance to the curriculum; quality materials; learners’ engagement; time for preparation and carrying out the work and support
from the teacher or other experts. Such activities encourage deeper understanding of phenomena and developing skills such as
observation, practical work, planning and reporting.
1.8 Resources • Materials from the environment such
as soil, vegetables, animals, home/
Learning/teaching materials/resources
domestic objects.
refer to a variety of educational materials
that teachers and learners use in the • Human resources: learners and
classroom to support specific learning people in the local community who
objectives. The learner–centred approach include parents, local leaders, role
in the Geography syllabus delivery models and workers within the
emphasises the need to use a variety school.
of teaching and learning resources • Physical, human and economic
including those improvised or collected wall maps of Rwanda, the different
by the teacher and the learners from the continents and the world .
surrounding environment.
• Photographs (ground, aerial and
1.8.1 Identifying resources oblique).
Before planning and delivering a lesson, • Models from the local environment
resources should be identified at school or such as rocks, minerals, soils samples,
in the surrounding environment according etc.
to the lesson. Examples of resources a • Ordinary survey maps (O.S.M).
teacher can use in the teaching/learning
• M e a s u r i n g i n s t r u m e n t s : ra i n
of Geography may include the following:
gauge, thermometer, barometer,
• Library: Textbooks, dictionaries, hygrometer, wind vane, anemometer,
reading books, reference books, compass, clinometers and GPS.
newspapers, maps, atlases, charts
• Stationery: manilla paper, flip charts,
and globes.
• ICT equipment (laptop and desktop
• Adaptive materials: tactile and talking
computers, projectors, mobile
materials like talking globes, tactile
devices, Interactive White Board
maps, tactile illustrations and braille
(IWB), television, radios, smart boards,
equipment and materials.
smart phones, mobile phones, CD-
ROMs, flash disks, digital cameras • Prepared stories about geographical
etc.) phenomena such as companies and
farmers that have been successful–
• Digital (electronic) materials: audio,
case studies.
video, interactive, simulators,
animations, digital images, Internet • Prepared content for learners to role
c o n t e n t , s o f t w a r e , Po w e r f u l play.
Presentation Techniques (PPT), DOC, From the available resources, a teacher
etc. has to select materials considered to
• Real objects: fruits, plants, sticks, be the best and most suitable for the
rocks, clothing, food packaging and particular learning activity and reject
plastic bottles, etc. what is inappropriate or unsuitable.

1.8.2 Opportunities for sharing benefit the same menu of education
resources programs.
• Sharing among teachers within a It is therefore, very important for the
school and across schools. teacher of Geography to have an inclusive
Geography class and design activities,
• Borrowing or consulting from other
revision tasks and exercises that will
institutions and the community.
allow all the learners to participate and
• Inviting guest speakers, parents or benefit equally.
anyone with expertise.
1.9.2 Special educational needs
• Conducting site visits to different
locations or tourist attractions Special educational need(s) refers to
within the community. the needs of learners who have learning
difficulties or disabilities which make it
• Sharing resources using ICT (soft
harder for children to learn in the same
copies, internet, telephone etc.)
way as their peers of the same age.
N.B: Teachers are encouraged to be Categories of special educational needs
creative and innovative and to use the that are likely to be met in a Geography
available resources in their environment, class include the following:
be it in the classroom, at school or within
(a) Visual impairment (low vision,
the community. Geography can be best
totally blind): These learners are
learnt from the environment or using
unable to see the blackboard and
the locally available resources so that
cannot move around the school
learners see it functional and relevant in
environment without mobility and
their lives. Between a teacher who uses
orientation skills. They also cannot
a globe and the one who uses a pumpkin
read print textbooks and cannot
to demonstrate the shape of the Earth,
write in notebooks.
the one who uses a pumpkin makes
Geography real and connects it with the (b) Hearing impairment: These
life of learners. learners cannot hear completely
or can only hear only when one
1.9 Inclusiveness in the class shouts.
(c) Physical impairment (wheel chair
1.9.1 Inclusive education users, crutch users): These are
Inclusion is based on the right of all learners who are unable to move
learners learning together for a quality around the school. They may have
and equitable education that meets their difficulties getting to school; may
basic learning needs and understands the not easily participate in games
diversity of backgrounds and abilities. with other children and may not
All learners have the right to access access school infrastructure such
education regardless of their different as playgrounds, toilets, classrooms
impairments. This implies that all citizens and classroom furniture.

(d) Intellectual impairment (slow with hearing problems so as to
learners, autism and dyslexia): demonstrate what you are saying by
These learners may not be able using items you can touch.
to understand the teacher; may • For gifted and talented learners, have
not be able to socialise with other them assist other learners or give
children; may not be able to access them activities that are more complex
the curriculum easily and may need than what the rest do.
more time to accomplish class
work. • Facing the learner while you speak
might help learners with hearing
(e) Gifted and talented learners: impairment.
These learners have higher abstract
thinking. They are often bored in • Use large writings on the blackboard
class after finishing tasks quickly. and on visual aids.
They may not achieve their full • Try to understand the specific talents
potential as the teacher doesn’t of the learners and develop them.
cater for their needs. They may not
• Break the task down into small
be understood by the teacher and
steps or learning objectives. Ensure
may have a specific talent or could
learners start with what they can do
be gifted in a specific area.
and then move on to a new harder
The teacher may use any of the following task.
strategies to cater for the students with
• Give the learners lots of practice and
special needs during the teaching and
time. This helps to ensure the learners
learning of Geography.
have mastered a skill.
• Use cooperative learning for instance
through group work and discussions. 1.10 Cross-cutting issues
• Mix students with special needs with The competence-based curriculum
the rest so that they may be helped. reflects the significance of connections
• Tape-record portions that students between different subject areas,
can listen (with earphones) to an integrating them across years and cycles.
oral presentation of the necessary Cross-cutting issues are integrated
materials. across learning areas appropriately. They
are all important for learners to learn
• Provide written and pictorial directions about but they are not confined to one
to those with hearing problems. subject.
• Develop special programs and follow Cross-cutting issues are not stand-alone
up to keep track of their learning. subjects. They are issues which cut across
• Carry out frequent progress checks to the entire curriculum. There are eight (8)
students with special needs. cross-cutting issues:
• Use concrete objects such as models, • Peace and values education: This
diagrams and samples to those cross-cutting issue shows how

education can simultaneously prepare the learners for financial
cultivate values and attitudes which responsibilities later in life.
will encourage individual and social • Environment, climate change and
action for building more peaceful sustainability: It is important for the
families, communities, societies, learners to realise that humans enjoy
nations and ultimately a more a unique position in nature due to
peaceful world. their exceptional ability to influence
• Genocide studies: This issue helps and mould the environment. Learners
learners to comprehend the role should be taught the importance of
of every individual in ensuring that the environment and how to utilise
genocide never happens again. it in a sustainable manner.
• Gender education: This issue teaches • S ta n d a rd i s at i o n a n d c u l t u re :
learners that the sex of a person is This prepares the learners for
biologically determined, while the future responsibilities as adults to
gender of a person is learned. Gender contribute to important issues such
is socially constructed, reinforced, as improvements in health, economic
maintained and reconstructed over growth, industrialisation, trade and
time through social and cultural general welfare of the country.
practices. Cross-cutting issues appear in Geography
• Inclusive education: This issue as stand-alone units or have been
handles learning needs that are to integrated into other units. It is therefore
be considered and accommodated the role of the teacher to include them in
when teaching in order to meet the his or her teaching. In senior 1, there are no
learning expectations of each learner. stand-alone cross-cutting issues, instead
• Comprehensive sexuality education: the Student’s Book is written in a way that
This issue equips children, they are integrated in the content and
adolescents and young people with activities. This curriculum is also aimed at
the knowledge, skills and values in developing the learners’ critical thinking
a culturally and gender sensitive minds that will enable them to participate
manner to enable them to make in the development of their country and to
responsible choices about their sexual face major challenges like environmental
and social relationships. It explains degradation and overpopulation.
and clarifies feelings, values and
attitudes as well as promotes and
sustains risk-reducing behaviour.
• Financial education: This issue builds
a strong foundation for responsible
and wise financial management in the
learners. It does this by developing
good planning and saving habits to

Topic area: Practical Geography

Sub-topic area: Map reading and photographic



Introduction to Geography
Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, the learners should be able to
determine the importance of Geography and the relationship with other subjects.

Unit objectives
By the end of this unit, the learner be able to:
1. Define Geography.
2. Identify the main branches of Geography.
3. State the importance of Geography.
4. State different sources of geographical information.
5. Identify the relationships between Geography and other subjects.

Content map
Unit 1 Introduction to Geography
Number of periods 3
Introduction Ask learners to define Geography as it has been defined by
different people.
Classroom Whole class orientation followed by group work and
organisation individual work.
Equipment required Geographical documents, maps, globe, atlas, photographs,
Internet, local environment, field study equipment, talking
and tactile materials like tactile maps, smart talking globes,
smart tactile atlases and braille textbooks.

Activities • Defining Geography.
• Identifying physical features.
• Discussing relationship between human beings and the
• Discussing the branches of Geography.
• Discussing the importance of Geography.
• Explaining the sources of geographical information.
• Discussing the relationship between Geography and
other subjects.
Competencies • Teamwork
practiced • Presentation of findings
• Interpretation
• Communication
• Literacy
Language • Discussion in groups
• Class presentations
Vocabulary • Terminologies related to the introduction of Geography.
Study skills • Explain the main branches of Geography and its
• Classify different sources of Geographical information.
• Examine the relationship between Geography and other
Revision Tasks and end of unit revision task in the Student’s Book.
Assessment • Ability to work in groups and communicate ideas with
• Ability to determine different branches of Geography.
• Ability to explain the importance of studying Geography.
• Ability to outline the relationship of Geography with
other subjects.
• Ability to work in groups.
Learning outcomes • Know the definition of Geography.
• Know the main branches of Geography.
• Know the importance of Geography.
• Know different sources of geographical information.
• Know the relationships between Geography and other
Additional information for the – Using Activity 1.2 as a guide, let
teacher the learners take a walk around
the school and identify some
The field of Geography is a wide academic of the physical features in the
field with thousands of researchers working environment. They should find out
on many sub-disciplines or branches of how these features are important
Geography. There is a branch of Geography for their survival then make class
for about any subject on earth. presentations.
Human Geography – Ask them to do Activities 1.3 and
Many branches of geography are found 1.4 in the Student’s Book
within human geography. This is a major – Ask them to answer the questions
branch of Geography that studies people on Task 1.1 in the Student’s Book as
and their interaction with the earth. It an assignment then revise in their
also studies their organisation of space groups.
on the earth’s surface.
– Introduce the subtopic on the
Economic Geography branches of Geography. Tell the
learners the two main branches
Economic geographers examine
of Geography. Start with physical
the distribution of production and
geography. Guided by Activity 1.5 in
distribution of goods, the distribution
the Student’s Book, let the learners
of wealth and the spatial structure of
visit the school garden and collect
economic conditions.
things that they think are studied
Population Geography under physical Geography. They
should relate them to the activities
Population geography is often equated
of the people and make class
with demography. However it is more than
just patterns of birth, death and marriage.
Population geographers are concerned – Teach them about physical geography
with the distribution, migration and and lead them in a discussion on the
growth of population in geographic areas. ways of protecting physical features.
This should be after carrying out the
Teaching steps individual research as required in
Activity 1.6.
– Begin the unit by asking the learners
to do Activity 1.1 in the Student’s – Give them Task 1.2 as an assignment.
Book individually. They should then Let them discuss in their groups
discuss the meaning of Geography. while you mark their work.
– Tell them the origin of the word – Take them through human and
Geography and then give them economic geography and let them
definitions of Geography by different visit their community as required in
scholars. Activity 1.7 in the Student’s Book.
They should find out how people

– Give the learners the End of unit
utilise resources in the environment
revision task at the end of the unit
for their benefit.
as an assignment. Collect their
– They should then carry out Activity books and mark their work. Revise
1.8 and make class presentations. with them in a class discussion.
– Ask the learners to do Activity 1.9 – The cross-cutting issue in this unit
in the Student’s Book. is environment and sustainability.
– Give them Task 1.3 as takeaway Emphasise the need for protecting
assignment. the environment.

– They should then read the case Answers to Task 1.1

study and then answer the
questions provided after the case 2. – Geography is the study of
study. humans and their surroundings.
– Let them carry out research on the –
Geography is the study of the
contribution of geography to the relationships existing between
socio-economic development of the human beings and the
country and present their findings environment.
in class as required in Activity 1.10. – Geography is a science that
studies and describes the surface
– Teach them the importance of of the earth. It describes the
geography. physical, biological, political
and economic characteristics
– Ask the students to read the case
of the earth. It also describes
study on the sources of geographical
the complex interrelationships
information and then answer the
among them.
questions that are provided.
2. Meaning of terms:
– Teach them the different sources of (a) Geo means “the Earth”
geographical information and show (b) Graphein or grapho means to
them photographs of these sources “write, draw, or describe.”
of information. (c) Geographia stands for “writing
– Ask the learners to do Activity about the Earth.”
1.14 in the Student’s Book on the 3. He published a book about the earth
relationship between Geography and named it geography. According
and the different subjects. to this Greek scholar, Geography is
They should then make class defined as writing about the planet
presentations. Earth.

– Teach them the relationship His book contributed a lot to

between Geography and other the understanding of the earth.
subjects. He is regarded as “the father of

Geography”. various activities carried out in
4. This is an open question that will the physical environment.
have a wide variety of answers. • Physical features such as trees
Accept correct answers from the prevent soil erosion and are
learners. home to wild animals that
attract tourists hence increase
Answers to Task 1.2 foreign exchange.
1. (a) Main branches of Geography (b) Accept correct answers from the
• Physical geography learners.
• Human and economic Answers to Activity 1.6
(a) Drainage is the natural or artificial
(b) (i) Physical features –These are removal of surface and sub-surface
geographical features that are water from an area.
found on or near the earth’s
surface. Examples are rocks (b) Lithology is the general physical
and soils (geology), drainage characteristics of rocks.
(rivers, lakes, swamps and (c) Relief is the difference in
other wetlands), vegetation, elevation between parts of the
weather and climate Earth’s surface.
(climatology), relief (landforms (d) Geomorphology is the study of land
such as mountains, highlands forms.
and plains) and the structure
of the earth (internal and Answers to Activity 1.8
external parts of the earth).
• Planting crops
(ii) Human activities –These
are the things that human • Fishing
beings do. Examples are • Building houses
mining, agriculture, fishing,
• Mining
forestry, trade and commerce,
power and energy, pollution, – Accept other correct answers
settlement, urbanisation,
industrialisation, tourism,
conservation and management
of natural resources.
2. (a) Accept correct answers from
the learners.
3. Importance of physical features;
(a) • They help human beings
earn income through the

Answers to End unit assessment
1. (a) Accept correct answers of the definition of Geography from the learners.
(b) • Physical geography
• Human and economic geography
2. Rocks and soils (geology), drainage (rivers, lakes, swamps and other wetlands),
vegetation, weather and climate (climatology), relief (landforms such as
mountains, highlands and plains) and the structure of the earth (internal and
external parts of the earth).
Term Description
Biogeography This is the study of the animals and plants found on the
earth’s surface and their relationship with mankind.
Climatology This is the study that is concerned with climate and all its
associated geographical aspects.
Geomorphology This is the study of landforms – their formation and
influence on man’s way of living.
4. Textbooks, mass media, maps, atlases, graphs, billboards, libraries, people or
population, Internet, physical environment and museums.
Accept correct explanations from the learners.
5. Mark the essay of the learners basing on the importance of Geography.

Topic area: Practical Geography

Sub-topic area: Map reading and photographic



UNIT 2: Element of map

Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, the learners should be able to interpret
the essential elements of a map and draw sketch maps.

Unit objectives
By the end of this unit, the learner should be able to:
1. Define a map.
2. Identify the various elements of a good map.
3. Identify and interpret symbols and signs on a map.
4. Draw sketch maps.
5. State indicators of relief on a physical map.
6. Define a map and an aerial photograph.
7. Define an atlas index.

Content map
Unit 2 Elements of a map
Number of periods 5
Introduction Define a map and identify elements of a good map.
Classroom organisation Whole class orientation followed by group work and
individual work.
Equipment required Topographic maps, wall maps, ruler, pencils, colours,
tactile and talking teaching materials, geographical
documents, internet, atlas and local environment.

Activities •Defining a map.
•Discussing the elements of a good map.
•Identifying symbols and signs used on maps.
•Drawing sketch maps.
•Discussing the indicators of relief.
•Explaining the methods of presenting relief on maps.
•Discussing maps and aerial photographs.
•Identifying differences between maps and aerial
• Discussing atlas index.
Competencies practiced • Teamwork
• Presentation of findings
• Interpretation
• Communication
• Literacy
Language • Discussion in groups
• Class presentations
Vocabulary acquisition Terminologies related map work and photographic work.
Study skills • Clarify various elements of a good map.
• Locate features on maps using compass directions.
• Observe the symbols on a map and interpret them
using a key.
• Draw a sketch map and apply the elements of a good
• Interpret the indicators of relief on a physical map
and topographic map.
• Differentiate a map from an aerial photograph.
• Explain the elements of an atlas index.
Revision Tasks and end of unit revision task in the Student’s Book.
Assessment • Ability to work in groups and communicate ideas with
• Ability to correctly interpret the essential elements of
a map.
• Ability to draw sketch maps correctly.
• Ability to work in groups.

Learning outcomes • Know the definition of a map.
• Know the various elements of a good map.
• Know and interpret symbols and signs on a map.
• Know how to draw sketch maps.
• Know the indicators of relief on a physical map.
• Know the definition of a map and an aerial photograph.
• Know the definition of an atlas index.

Additional information for the and cooperation. Each group should
teacher present their answers in class to
foster communication.
This unit intends to equip the learners
with the basic skills in map interpretation. – Let the learners do Activity 2.2 in
Maps and photographs carry information. the Student’s Book. This activity
It is necessary for the Geography learners should be carried out in groups.
to have the skills of extracting such data Work closely with each group to
from the maps presented to them. It is on make sure that there is individual
this basis that, the unit is referred to as participation. Design other activities
elements of a map. This is due to the fact of the same nature to be used for
that one has to know the characteristics their assignment.
of a good map. This will enable learners to – Using Activity 2.3 as a guide, let the
distinguish maps from aerial photographs. learners use the map to answer the
The unit automatically equips the learners questions that are provided. Use
with the competence required to further this activity to see whether learners
learn map reading in the upper courses. have achieved the lesson objective
The Geography teacher therefore, must through measuring their ability
read the contents of this unit in the to use some of the elements on a
Student’s Book to see the activities that map to determine the information
are used to foster the learning of this needed.
unit. This is found in the Student’s Book. – Guided by Activity 2.4 in the
Student’s Book, let the learners
Teaching steps identify the signs and symbols used
– Introduce the unit by giving the to represent various aspects on the
learners the various definitions of a map provided. This aims at making
map. the learners able to identify, read
and interpret symbols used in
– Ask the learners to read the case map reading. The activity needs
study at the beginning of the unit. participation and oral answers from
This will enable them to compare the learners. However, you can
the traditional ways of finding the request them to draw the symbols
direction of places and the easiest they have identified so that they
way of using a map without any learn by doing.
– Activity 2.5 requires learners to
– Ask the learners to do Activity 2.1 go outside the classroom under
in the Student’s Book. This activity your guidance. Make sure that a
intends to guide the learners time limit is set for example 20
towards finding the elements of a minutes. The learners should draw
good map and their cardinal points a map of their school environment
on their own. This should be done and indicate all the elements of a
in groups to build up team spirit good map. They should also apply

the symbols already learnt in the on a map using Activity 2.9 as a
previous lessons. Mark their work guide. The answers for this activity
and display the best drawings in depend on the map extract you will
class. have given the learners. Start with
– After evaluating Activity 2.5, give a simpler topographical map, then
the learners the guidelines on after seeing learners mastering
how to construct a good sketch the map reading skills, use a more
map. Teach them how they can complex or detailed map.
distinguish a sketch map from an – Teach them about the different
actual map. methods of presenting relief on
– Give the learners Task 2.1 as an maps as they take down notes.
assignment and let them discuss – Learners should do Activity 2.11
their findings in their groups. in their groups and locate the
– Ask the learners to carry out trigonometric stations from the
Activity 2.7 in the Student’s Book. map.
They should identify the physical – Learners should identify spot
features and identify those that heights that are indicated on the
are man-made. They should then map after they have been taught
describe the relief of the area. about spot heights.
– Guide the learners in doing – Teach the learners about contours
Activity 2.8. This activity requires and discuss their characteristics.
prior preparation in order to be Tell them how they can interpret
successful. It is more dependent on contours on topographical maps.
observation method and identifying They should then do Activity 2.13
the required information. The in their groups by carrying out
answers for this activity depend research.
on the nature and relief of a given – Take them through hills,
area. Part (e) and (f) of this aims depressions, depression craters,
at putting across environment and ridges and escarpments then let
sustainability cross-cutting issue. them do Activity 2.14 in pairs. They
Therefore, make sure that during should also do Activity 2.15 under
the presentation in class, much your guidance and discuss in class.
emphasis is put on the two areas.
– The learners will learn about
the methods of presenting relief

– Teach them about slopes, the presentations.
types of slopes and how they are – Provide them with atlases and let
represented on a topographical them observe the index page in
map. Guided by Activity 2.16, let the atlas. Discuss with them their
the learners draw the slopes that observations in class.
they have observed and indicate
the gradients. They should also do – Take them through the elements of
Activity 2.17 in their groups. a good atlas index and give them
– Activity 2.18 requires the learners
to use a topographical map extract – Ask the learners to do the End of
to describe the nature of the land unit revision task as an assignment.
that has been shown. The learners Collect their books and mark their
should identify the landforms on work. Discuss with them in class
the map. and pay emphasis to areas where
most of them had difficulties.
– Teach the learners about even
slopes and let them carry out the Answers to Task 2.1
respective activities. They should
also take down notes during the 1. A map is a representation of all
teaching process. or part of the earth’s surface on a
flat surface. Refer to the Student’s
– Introduce the subtopic on maps Book for more information.
and aerial photographs. Let the
learners study the images provided 2. C – (The title, key and compass
in Activity 2.21 and find out the direction).
differences between the two 3. Other elements of a good map are;
images. the scale and frame.
– In Activity 2.22 in the Student’s 4. The differences existing between
Book, the learners are expected topographic maps and the sketch
to identify maps and photographs maps are;
from atlases. They should then give
reasons that made them come up
with the conclusion. Ask them to
make class presentations.
– Teach them the differences between
maps and aerial photographs and
give them notes. They should also
carry out Activity 2.23 under your
– Introduce the subtopic on the
atlas index and ask the learners
to do Activity 2.24 and make class

Sketch maps Topographic maps
They are simple and hence easy to They are sometimes complex and require
understand. map reading skills.
They are roughly drawn. They are drawn neatly and accurately.
They are not drawn to scale. They are drawn to scale.
They represent few features for the They sometimes represent a variety
interest of the user. of information such as; relief features,
human and economic features.
They are less detailed as compared to They are more detailed.
topographical maps.

5. Refer to the Student’s Book for the colour.

steps involved in drawing a sketch
map. 3. (a) Trigonometric stations are
fixed surveying stations that
6. Refer to the Student’s Book for the are used for land surveys while
characteristics of a sketch map. spot heights are dots used to
represent specific areas on a
Answers to End unit assessment topographical map.
1. (a) Relief is the difference in (b) Primary, boundary pillar and
elevation (or height) between secondary trigonometrical
parts of the Earthˊs surface. station.
It refers to the highest and
lowest points in an area. (c) Accept the correct symbols
used for each station
(b) Mountains, hills, rivers, mentioned.
swamps, dams, lakes, plains,
escarpments and fault lines. 4. (a) This is one of the commonly
used methods of representing
2. (a) Ways in which relief is relief on topographical maps.
represented on a map. These are types of hills that
• Use of colour have round tops with slopes
• Trigonometric stations that are similar in gradient
and appearance.
• Sport heights
(b) Accept the correct illustrations
• Contours from the learners.
• Pictorial representation 5. (a) Contours are lines drawn on
• Hachures maps joining areas with the
same height above sea level.
• Shading
(b) Refer to Student’s Book
(b) Contours, slopes and use of

(c) Refer to Student’s Book
6. Accept correct explanations and illustrations from the learners.
7. Refer to the Student’s Book
8. (a) An atlas index is a detailed alphabetical listing of names, places and
(b) Characteristics of an atlas index.
• The atlas index shows various topics and names of places.
• The index is at the back of the atlas.
• The index lists a summary of the specific contents of the atlas.
• The index acts as a pointer. It directs the reader to specific pages where
given topics can be found inside the atlas.
• The index follows a systematic alphabetical or numerical order.

Topic area: Physical Geography

Sub-topic area: Understanding the earth and universe

The Earth in relation to the


Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, the learners should be able to analyse
the impact of the Earth’s position and movements in the solar system.
Unit objectives
By the end of this unit, the learner must be able to:
1. Identify different components of the universe.
2. Describe the Earth and the solar system.
3. State the Earth’s movements and their consequences.
4. Show the relationship between longitude and time.
5. Define latitude and longitude.

Content map
Unit 3 The Earth in relation to the universe
Number of periods 12
Introduction Engage learners in various activities which require them
to go outside and observe their environment. They should
and also observe various photographs that they are given
and answer the questions that asked. All these are done
before learners are given content.
Classroom organisation Group work; pair work; individual work and whole class
Equipment required Geographical documents, illustrations, globe, Internet,
torch, diagrams, tactile and talking materials, sketch maps,
local environment, photographs and atlas.

Activities • Discussing components of the universe.
• Defining the term universe.
• Discussing galaxies and constellations.
• Discussing the Earth and the solar system.
• Discussing the solar system.
• Explaining the moon.
• Discussing the characteristics of the Earth.
• Discussing the Earth’s movements and their
• Explaining the rotation of the Earth on its own axis.
Competencies • Literacy
practised • Map reading
• Analysis
• Practical activity
• Cooperation
• Digital competence
• Teamwork
• Research
• Description
• Identification
• Explanation
• Defining
• Examining
• Communication
• Drawing
Language • Class presentation
• Discussion of research findings
• Oral questions and answers
• Presenting the geographical findings
Vocabulary acquisition Terminologies that relate to the earth and the universe.

Numeracy Determining the time and longitudes of a given place and

the speed of the Earth as it spins on its axis.

Study skills • Distinguish between the various components of the
• Establish the relationship between the solar system
and the universe.
• Classify the components of the Earth in comparison to
those of other planets.
• Analyse the Earth movements and their consequences.
• Determine time or longitudes of different places in
relation to the prime meridian (Greenwich meridian).
• Distinguish between a latitude and a longitude.
Revision Tasks and end of unit revision task at the end of the
Student’s Book.
Assessment • Ability to work in groups and communicate ideas with
• Ability to distinguish between various components of
the universe.
• Ability to establish the relationship between the solar
system and the universe.
• Ability to classify the components of the Earth in
comparison to those of other planets.
• Ability to analyse the Earth movements and their
• Ability to determine time or longitudes of different
places in relation to the prime meridian.
• Ability to work in groups.
Learning outcomes • Know different components of the universe.
• Know the Earth and the solar system.
• Know the Earth’s movements and their consequences.
• Know the relationship between longitude and time.
• Know the definition of latitude and longitude.

Additional information for the pictures and share their findings in
teacher class.
– Take them through the definition of
Characteristics of the Earth the universe and give them notes.
• It is the third planet from the sun. – Using Activity 3.3 as a guide, let the
• It is the only planet known to support learners research on the meaning
life. of the universe and share their
• It is 149 million kilometres from the findings with the rest of their class
sun. members.
• It has one moon. – In Activity 3.4, the learners are
supposed to identify other heavenly
• It takes 365 days and 1/4 day to
bodies. The learners should present
complete a revolution around the
their work to the rest of class.
• It has water that supports life. – Discuss with them the components
of the universe. They should write
• It contains oxygen that is need for down notes during the discussion.
– Give the learners Task 3.1 as an
Note: assignment and let them discuss it
in their groups.
The tasks in the book intend to check
the learners’ level of achievement in – Ask the learners to do Activity
the learning situation. Use the Student’s 3.7 in the Student’s Book. They
Book to get the answers for each part of should find out the meaning of
the task provided. constellations and galaxies and
state the differences between the
Teaching steps two photographs that you will give
– Start this unit by allowing the them. They should then make class
learners to go outside to observe presentations.
the sky. The learners will note down – They should then do Activity 3.8
what they have observed. Part (4) and 3.9 to test whether they have
demands the learners to give a understood what they have learnt.
description of the night conditions. – Ask them to do Task 3.2 as an
This will include one of the assignment and discuss in their
following: starry conditions, cloudy groups.
conditions, rainy conditions, windy
conditions, cold weather conditions – Let the learners do Activity 3.10 in
etc. the Student’s Book. They should
then make their class presentations.
– Let the learners observe the pictures
provided in the book in Activity – Teach them about the Earth and the
3.2. They should compare the two solar system. Start with the solar

system. by telling them the definition of
– They should then do Activities rotation as they take down notes.
3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14 and 3.15 – They should do all the activities on
and make presentations in class day and night, that is, Activities 3.27
regarding what they have learnt and 3.28.
about the solar system. – Teach them the time differences
– Give them Task 3.3 as an assignment between longitudes and let them
and let them discuss it in their groups. do Activity 3.28 in the Student’s
– Teach the learners about the moon. Book.
Let them do Activity 3.16 on the – Teach them about the time zones
phases of the moon. Take them and the International Date Line.
through the different phases of the Take the learners through the
moon and also do Activity 3.17. deflection of the winds and ocean
Guide them through this activity. currents and the revolution of the
– They should do research on the moon around the Earth.
characteristics of the moon as – Ask them to do Activity 3.30 then
required in Activity 3.18 and teach them about the revolution of
present their findings in class. Take the Earth around the sun. Ask them
them through the characteristics of take down notes during the lecture.
the moon as they take down notes. – Define for them revolution first
– Using Activity 3.19 as a guide, let the then ask them to do the relevant
learners find out about the eclipses. activities under this area and to
Take them through the different make presentations in class.
types of eclipses and show them – Ask them to do Task 3.4 as an
various pictures of the eclipse. assignment and revise with them in
– Teach them the characteristics class.
of the Earth. They should then – Ask them to do Activity 3.32 in pairs
do Activities 3.21 and 3.22 then then present their findings in class.
present their findings in class. Take them through longitudes and
– Take them through the shape of the latitudes and give them notes.
Earth after they have done Activity – They should then use Activities 3.33
3.23 under your guidance. and 3.34 to determine the difference
– Introduce the subtopic on the between latitudes and longitudes
Earth’s movements and their and to calculate each of them.
consequences. Start with the – Ask them to do the End of unit
rotation of the Earth. Ask them to revision task as an assignment.
do Activity 3.26. Collect their books and mark their
– Teach them about the rotation work. Revise with them in a class
of the Earth on its own axis. Start discussion.

Answers to Task 3.1 that rotates around a given star.
1. (a) The term universe refers all (c) Meteors are also known
space including everything that as meteoroids. Meteors or
exists in it. This includes the meteorites are fragments of
stars, the galaxies, the planets, rock and metal that fall to
matter and energy. Earth from space.
(d) Meteorites are also known as
(b) Components of the universe
• Stars • The sun (e) Comets are small heavenly
• Clusters • Galaxy bodies which revolve round the
• Planets • Earth sun along very elongated orbits.
• Moon • Asteroids They are made up of frozen
gases, ice and lumps of rocks.
• Meteors • Comets
(f) A shooting star is a small,
2. (a) Accept correct answers from rapidly moving meteor that
the learners on the phases of burns up on entering the
the moon. Earth’s atmosphere.
(b) A satellite is an object that
Answers to Task 3.2
moves around a larger object.
1. A constellation is a group of stars
3. (a) The curved path of a celestial
that forms a pattern in the sky.
object or spacecraft around a
2. (a) The brightest constellation is
star, planet, or moon, especially
the Southern Cross commonly
a periodic elliptical revolution.
referred to as a crux.
(b) This is because they reflect light (b) The biggest constellation in our
from the sun. solar system is Hydra.
4. It is the only star that gives its own 3. The names of specific examples of
light. constellations:
• The big dipper
5. (a) A planet is a heavenly body that • Andromeda
rotates around a given star. • Pegasus
(b) The moon is a natural satellite • Hydra
of the Earth. There is only • Hercules
one moon that attends to our 4. The term galaxy refers to a group of
planet Earth. billions of stars held together by the
same gravity.
6. (a) Asteroids are small, airless
5. The three Examples of galaxies are:
rocky worlds revolving around
• Milky Way galaxy (where our
the sun between Mars and
planet Earth is located)
Jupiter. They are too small to be
• Andromeda galaxy
called planets.
• Black eye galaxy
(b) A planetoid is a heavenly body • Comet galaxy

Answers to Task 3.3 of the sea, usually twice in each
lunar day at a particular place,
1. A planet is a heavenly body which due to the attraction of the
is made up of rocky solids, is oval moon and sun.
in shape, is suspended in space,
rotates on its own axis and which 3. Standard time is the time recorded
revolves around the sun. by all the countries found in the
same geographical region while
2. The inner planets are also referred time zone is a region that observes
to as the terrestrial planets. They a uniform standard time.
are made up of silicate rock mantles.
4. International Date Line refers to an
Their cores are composed of iron.
imaginary line of longitude on the
They are the planets that are near
Earth´s surface.
the sun. The outer planets are also
called Jovian planets. 5. An ocean current is a continuous,
directed movement of seawater
3. Examples of terrestrial planets
generated by forces acting upon
• Mercury • Venus this mean flow, such as breaking
• Earth • Mars waves, wind, temperature and
4. Accept the correct answers from salinity differences.
the learners. 6. Rotation is the act or process of
Answers to Task 3.4 turning around a centre or an axis.
The Earth is not static. Revolution is
1. A season is a climatic change that the motion of the Earth on its orbit
occurs in different zones of the around the sun.
earth. 7. (a) The occurence of the four
2. (a) Summer seasons.
(b) Autumn (b) Varying lengths of the day and
(c) Winter night.
(d) Spring (c) Changes in the position of the
3. 21st March and 23rd September. overhead sun.
4. - On 21st June, the sun is overhead Mark correct explanations.
at the tropic of Cancer.
- On 22nd December the sun
is overhead at the tropic of
5. Equinox refers to the period when
days and nights are equal.
Answers to Task 3.5
1. Refer to Student’s Book on page 85.
2. (a) An axis is an imaginary line
believed to cut across the
centre of the Earth.
(b) The alternate rising and falling

Answers to end unit assessment
1. (a) The term universe refers all of space including everything that exists
in it. This includes the stars, the galaxies, the planets, matter and energy.
(b) Components of the universe
• Stars • The sun
• Clusters • Galaxy
• Planets • Earth
• Moon • Asteroids
• Meteors • Comets
2. A constellation is a group of stars that forms a pattern in the sky while a galaxy is
a big collection of gas, dust and billions of stars held together by gravity.
3. Refer to the Student’s Book.
4. Refer to Student’s Book.
5. (a) Rotation and revolution.
(b) Refer to Student’s Book.
(c) Refer to Student’s Book.
6. Latitude refers to the angular distance of a place north or south of the Earth’s
equator. Longitudes are imaginary lines drawn on a map from the North to the
South Pole.
7. Refer to Student’s Book.

Topic area: Physical geography

Sub-topic area: Understanding the earth and universe


The structure of the earth

Key unit competence: By the end of this unit the learners should be able to describe
the geological structure of the earth.

Unit objectives
By the end of this unit, the learner should be able to:
1. Explain the external components of the earth.
2. Describe the internal structure of the earth.

Content map
Unit 4 The structure of the earth
Number of periods 4
Introduction Listing the components of the earth.
Classroom Whole class orientation followed by group work and
organisation individual work
Equipment required Geographical documents, illustrations, photographs,
Internet, slide shows, video clips, avocado, globe, local
environment, tactile and talking materials.
Activities • Discussing external components of the earth.
• Explaining the external structure of the earth.
• Discussing internal structure of the earth.
Competencies • Teamwork
practiced • Presentation of findings
• Interpretation
• Communication
• Literacy

Language • Discussion in groups
• Class presentations
Vocabulary Terminologies related to the structure of the earth.
Study skills • Infer the relationship between physical and biological
aspects of the earth.
• Explain the internal structure of the earth.
Revision Tasks and end of unit revision task in the Student’s Book.
Assessment • Ability to work in groups and communicate ideas with
• Ability to correctly explain the external components of
the earth.
• Ability to describe the internal structure of the earth.
• Ability to work in groups.
Learning outcomes • Know the external components of the earth.
• Know the internal structure of the earth.

Additional information for the • Creation of urban green belts or
teacher gardens.

Guide the learners on the differences • Mass education.

existing between the physical features • Introduction of quick maturing
and man-made features. plants–trees, shrubs and grass.
a) The importance of the things listed • Soil conservation measures such
above are: co nto u r p l o u g h i n g s h o u l d b e
Vegetation emphasised.
• Modify climate • S t r i c t l aws a ga i n st p o a c h i n g ,
• Homeland for wildlife overgrazing and bush burning etc.
• Provision of biodiversity
Teaching steps
• Supports eco-tourism
• Mountains – Introduce the unit by asking the
learners to do Activity 4.1 in the
• Habitat to some wild animals
Student’s Book. They should study
• Attract tourists the photograph provided and
• Creation of beautiful sceneries mention the natural features that
• Supports soils they can see in the photograph.
• Supports agriculture They should then discuss their
importance and suggest ways of
• Supports the growth of vegetation
conserving them. They should then
• Used as a raw material in brick make class presentations.
– Ask the learners to list the external
• Home to some organisms which components of the earth.
are important to man in one way
– Take them through the external
or the other.
structure of the earth.
Emphasise on the cross-cutting issue of
– Using Activity 4.2 as a guide, let the
environment and sustainability. This can
learners go outside the class and
be through doing the following:
observe the components of the
• Use of better methods of farming earth in their local environment.
such as crop rotation, organic farming, They should then answer the
intercropping, application of organic questions provided in the activity.
manure or artificial fertilisers.
– Give them Task 4.1 as an assignment
• Agroforestry and let them discuss in their groups.
• Reforestation – Introduce the subtopic on the
internal structure of the earth by
• Setting up national parks, game
asking the learners to do Activity 4.4
reserves, sanctuaries etc.
and to discuss their findings in class.
• Afforestation – Teach them the internal structure of

the earth and give them notes on the Answers to End unit assessment
– They should identify the parts that 1. (a) Components of the external
make up the internal structure structure of the earth.
of the earth and describe their • The atmosphere
characteristics. They should then • The hydrosphere
draw well labelled diagrams.
• The lithosphere
– Ask the learners to do the End of
• The biosphere
unit revision task as an assignment.
Collect their books and mark their • The mantle
work. Revise with them in class. • The core
(b) Refer to the Student’s Book.
Answers to Task 4.1
2. Accept correct diagrams drawn by
1. This task in the Student’s Book. the learners.
It primarily intends to assess the
3. The inner core of the earth is
learning of the learners and whether
under very high pressure and
the objectives pre-set are being
temperatures and that is why it is
achieved. The answers are found in
in a solid state.
already discussed activities and the
content so far covered, for example 4. (i) Sial – Silica and aluminium
Activity 4.1 and 4.2. minerals.
(ii) Sima – Iron and magnesium
2. The composition of the external
structure of the Earth:
5. Mohorovicic discontinuity is
• Biosphere
also referred to as the Moho
• Atmosphere discontinuity. This is a zone of sharp
• Hydrosphere change in rock density between the
• Lithosphere crust and the mantle. The mantle
3 You should be aware that some is separated from the core by a
learners are likely to generalise their zone of discontinuity. This zone
answers.However, the expected is referred to as the Gutenberg
answers include: discontinuity. It occurs at a depth
of 2900 kilometres beneath the
• Modify climate
surface. It was discovered in 1913
• Support human activities such as by a scientist called Gutenberg.
• Provision of natural resources
• Support life for both animals and
• The external components of
the earth make it different and
unique from other plants.

Topic area: Physical geography

Sub-topic area: Relief


5 Forms of relief

Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, the learners should be able to
determine the relationship between relief and human activities.

Unit objectives
In this unit, the learner should be able to:
1. Define relief.
2. Identify the different forms of relief.
3. State the relationship between relief and human activities.

Content map
Unit 5 Forms of relief
Number of periods 6
Introduction Asking learners to describe the appearance of the landscape
and name the relief features.
Classroom organisation Whole class orientation followed by group work and
individual work
Equipment required Pictures, Internet access, maps, paper and pens.
Activities • Discussing about relief.
• Describing the relief of an area.
• Interpreting topographic maps.
• Naming landforms.
• Identifying characteristics of landforms.
• Discussing the importance of relief features.
• Explaining the relationship between relief features and
human activities.

Competencies practiced • Teamwork
• Presentation of findings
• Interpretation
• Communication
• Literacy
Language • Discussion in groups
• Class presentations
Vocabulary acquisition Terminologies related to relief
Study skills • Classifying the different forms of relief.
• Explaining the relationship between relief and human
Revision Tasks and end of unit revision task in the book.
Assessment • Ability to work in groups and to communicate ideas with
• Ability to observe and interpret maps correctly.
• Ability to identify physical features from their physical
Learning outcomes • To define relief.
• To identify main forms of relief.
• To locate main relief features on the map of Rwanda.
• To know the relationship between relief and human

Teaching steps – Discuss with the learners about
the continental relief features.
– Introduce the unit on the forms of
Explain to them the main forms of
relief. Take the learners outside the
continental relief. Give them notes.
classroom. Ask them to observe
Use appropriate pictures during the
their environment. They should be
able to describe the appearance of
the landscape. They should then – Learners to do Activity 5.4 in the
name the physical features that they Student’s Book. They should describe
see and make notes. Listen as each the characteristics of continental
group makes their presentation. relief features and give examples
of those features that are found in
– Define the term relief. Ask learners
Rwanda and other countries.
to write it down in their exercise
books. – They should also discuss the
– Explain to the learners that the relief importance of the relief features
features on the earth’s surface are they have identified. Ask them to
formed by various processes such present their findings in class.
as denudation, weathering, erosion – Discuss with them the second
and tectonic forces operating in the category of forms of relief – marine
earth’s crust. relief features. Discuss the main
– Discuss with the learners on the relief features of the ocean bed.
notion of the slope. Explain to Use photographs and pictures in
them the four main types of slopes. the books during the discussion.
The learners should observe the – Ask the learners to do Task 5.1
pictures in the book on the different in of the Student’s Book as an
types of slopes. assignment. Revise with them in
– Guide the learners in defining class.
altitude and contours. Explain each
– Take the learners on a field visit as
of them briefly. Engage the learners
required in Activity 5.5. They should
in giving examples of relief features
find out the influence of relief
that are shown by use of contours.
features on human activities.
– Using Activity 5.3 on page 101
of the Student’s Book as a guide, – Introduce the subtopic of
the learners should study the relationship between relief and
topographic map provided and human activities. Explain to the
interpret it. The findings should be learners the effects of relief on
presented in class. human activities. Talk about the
effects of relief on transport,
– Briefly tell learners that there are settlement, agriculture and other
two main types of relief namely, human activities. Guide learners in
continental and marine relief describing the influence of relief on
features. human activities in Rwanda.

– Ask them to carry out Activity 5.6 on 3. A slope is the rise or fall of a relief
the effects of relief on agriculture. feature. It is a measure of the
They should also do Activity 5.7. degree of inclination of a feature in
They should discuss their findings relation to the horizontal plane.
in class and write down summaries
– Altitude is the height or
of what they have discussed.
elevation of a point above
– Ask the learners to do the end of a given reference point. In
unit task as an assignment. Collect Geography the reference level
their books and mark their work. is the sea level.
Revise with them in class.
– A contour is a line connecting
points of the same altitude on
Answers to Task 5.1
a topographic map.
1. (a) Continental relief features are
4. Accept correct explanations from
landforms that are found on
the learners on the importance of
the earth’s surface.
relief features.
(b) Internal forces of the earth and 5. The relief features in Rwanda
external agents. determine the human activities
(c) Mountains, hills, plateaus, carried out in a place. The main
ridges, plains and valleys. activities that are influenced by
Accept any three correct relief features include, transport,
answers from the learners. agriculture and settlements.
2. (a) These are landforms that are 6. Ways in which the Rwandan people
found on the oceanic crust. can protect the relief features in
The oceanic crust is bordered the country.
by the coast. • Planting trees – There are forests
found in the mountains. People
(b) continental shelf, continental
should avoid deforestation. They
slope, oceanic ridge, oceanic
should also practise reforestation
trench, deep sea plain and
in areas where trees have been
oceanic island.
Accept any correct answers
from the learners. • Avoid overgrazing – Large
numbers of animals should not
Answers to End unit assessment be grazed on a small area of
the plateau. This will lead to
1. (a) Relief refers to the nature of the soil erosion which causes land
land surface of the earth. It comprises a degradation.
wide variety of landforms.
• Practising appropriate farming
(b) They are continental and methods – Ploughing should be
marine relief features. done across the slope in hilly
2. Mountains, hills, plateaus, ridges, areas.
plains and valleys.
Terracing should be done to reduce the speed of runoff hence controlling soil
• Growing vegetation cover – Ground cover vegetation such as grass should be
grown on relief features in Rwanda to reduce the rate of erosion. This helps
to reduce land degradation.

Diagnostic questions
1. Outline the internal forces of the earth that lead to formation of relief features.
2. (a) What is a contour?
(b) Explain how contours are used to show relief.
3. Discuss how relief affects human settlement in Rwanda.

Answers to diagnostic questions

1. These forces include tectonic plate movements, earthquakes and vulcanicity.
2. (a) A contour is a line connecting points of the same altitude on a topographic
(b) Contours show the type of relief on the earth’s surface. A landscape that
is nearly flat is shown by contours that are far apart. On the other hand,
contours that are close together show a steep slope.
3. The type of relief in an area influences the distribution of settlements in the
following ways in Rwanda.
• Gently sloping areas are suitable for agriculture. This is due to the deep soils
hence attracting settlements. The landscape is also suitable for the construction
of houses.
• The steep slopes have few settlements. This is because it is difficult to construct
houses. The soils on such slopes are thin and thus discourage farming.
• Very flat areas that are covered by marshes and swamps have no settlements.
This is because they are unsuitable for the construction of houses. They are
prone to flooding and disease causing insects such as mosquitoes.
• As much as 80% of the world’s population lives in the plains.

Topic area: Physical geography

Sub-topic area: Rocks, weathering and soils



Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, the learners should be able to
differentiate among types of rocks and their economic uses.

Unit objectives
In this unit, the learner should be able to:
1. Define the term rocks.
2. State the types of rocks.
3. State the characteristics of rocks.
4. Outline the importance of rocks.

Content map
Unit 6 Rocks
Number of periods 5
Introduction Talking to the learners about rocks. Ask them to define
Classroom organisation Whole class orientation and working in groups.
Equipment required Papers and pens, photographs, journals, geographical
sources, textbooks, Internet access.
Activities • Collecting rock samples.
• Observing the rocks.
• Describing rocks.
• Interpreting photographs.
• Identifying characteristics of rocks.
• Identifying different types of rocks.
• Stating the importance of rocks.
• Group discussions.

Competencies practiced • Teamwork
• Literacy
• Presentation of findings
• Communication
• Application of knowledge
Language • Discussion in groups
• Class presentations
Vocabulary acquisition Terminologies related to rocks.
Study skills • Taking notes.
• Organisation of ideas for presentation.
Revision Tasks and end of unit revision task in the Student’s Book.
Assessment • Ability to work in groups and communicate ideas
with others.
• Ability to identify characteristics of different rocks.
• Ability to describe the importance of rocks.
Learning outcomes • Define rocks.
• Understand different types of rocks.
• Know the characteristics of rocks.
• Understand the importance of rocks.

Additional information for the between intrusive and extrusive
teacher igneous rocks. Conclude by giving
examples. Show them pictures
The minerals in a rock may or may not
of the different rocks. Give them
have been formed at the same time.
What matters is that natural processes
glued them all together. – Using Activity 6.4 as a guide, let the
learners discuss sedimentary rocks.
Extremely common in the earth’s crust
Guide the learners by explaining
are igneous rocks that are volcanic and
sedimentary rocks. Clearly describe
form from molten material. They include
how sedimentary rocks are formed
not only lava spewed from volcanoes,
and give examples. Use pictures
but also rocks like granite, which are
to show them different types of
formed by magma that solidifies far
sedimentary rocks. Let them take
down notes.
Typically, granite makes up large parts of
– Let the learners carry out
all the continents. The seafloor is formed
research on metamorphic rocks
of a dark lava called basalt, the most
as suggested in Activity 6.5 in the
common volcanic rock.
Student’s Book. Guide the learners
Granite rocks can be very old. Some by explaining metamorphic
granite, in Australia, is believed to be rocks. Describe the ways through
more than four billion years old, although which metamorphic rocks are
when rocks get that old, they’ve been formed and give examples. Ask
altered enough by geological forces that them to observe the pictures
it’s hard to classify them. of metamorphic rocks in the
Student’s Book. Give them notes.
Teaching steps – Give the learners Activity 6.7 as an
– Introduce the unit by asking the assignment. They should present
learners to do Activity 6.1. Guide their findings in class.
them through this activity.
– Teach them the different
– Give them the definition of rocks characteristics of rocks and let
which they should write in their them take down notes.
books. Explain to the learners that
– Let the learners read the case
minerals aggregate together to
study in the Student’s Book. They
form rocks.
should then answer the questions
– Ask the learners to do Activity 6.2 that follow. Discuss with them the
in the Student’s Book on the types characteristics of rocks as they take
and characteristics of rocks. down notes.
– Let the learners do Activity 6.3. – Take them to a field visit as guided
Guide the learners by explaining by Activity 6.8. Guide them through
igneous rocks. Clearly distinguish the activity. Let them discuss their
findings when they are back in class.
– Ask the learners to do the questions through weathering and
at the end of the unit as an erosion.
assignment. They should revise • Sedimentary rocks are formed
them in their groups. when sediments of other
rocks are laid down in layers
Answer to Task 6.1
on land or in the sea.
Refer to the Student’s Book.
• The sediments are transported
Answers to End unit assessment and are deposited in layers by
wind, water or moving ice.
1. A rock is a naturally occurring solid • After a long period of time, the
made up of one or more minerals. sediments are compacted to
Rocks form the solid part of the Earth’s become hard rocks. This is due
crust. to pressure from the overlying
2. (a) Characteristics of igneous rocks. sediments and other materials.
• Igneous rocks are formed from 4. (a) Refer to Student’s Book.
the cooling and solidification of (b) Accept the correct
magma or lava. characteristics of sedimentary
• There are acidic, basic, rocks given by the learners.
intermediate and ultra-basic 5. (a) Metamorphic rocks are formed
igneous rocks. when pre-existing rocks are
(b) Diorite, granite, gabbro, syenite subjected to great heat or
and peridotite. pressure. Sometimes the rocks
are subjected to both heat and
(c) Extrusive igneous rocks
form from lava that cools
and solidifies on the Earth’s (b) Refer to the Student’s Book.
surface. The lava cools and (c) Limestone, chalk, coral reef
solidifies rapidly leading to the coral, lignite coal, bituminous
formation of small crystals. coal, brown coal, anthracite
3. Formation of sedimentary rocks. coal.
• Sedimentary rocks are formed 6. Refer to Student’s Book.
by the deposition of materials
at the earth’s surface and
within water bodies.
• They are formed through the
process of sedimentation.
• The sediments that form
sedimentary rocks are derived
from the pre-existing rocks

Topic area: Physical geography

Sub-topic area: Weathering and soils



Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, the learners should be able to
determine the relationship between different types of soils and human activities.

Unit objectives
In this unit, the learner should be able to;
1. Define soil.
2. State factors responsible for soil formation.
3. State the processes of soil formation.
4. Identify soil properties and characteristics.
5. Describe soil profile and soil catena.
6. Identify the types of soils.
7. State the importance of soils.
8. Outline the effects of soils on human activities.

Content map
Unit 7 Soils
Number of periods 10
Introduction Talk to the learners briefly about soil. Ask them to give their
understanding of soil.
Classroom Whole class orientation followed by group work and
organisation individual work.
Equipment required Photographs, shovel, a clear jar or bottle, water, soil, funnel,
Internet access, papers and pens and polythene bags.

Activities • Digging the soil.
• Collecting soil samples.
• Conducting simple experiments on soil.
• Observing the soil.
• Identifying the characteristics of soil.
• Drawing diagrams for example on soil profile and soil
• Outlining the importance of soils.
• Outlining the effects of soil on human activities.
• Group discussion.
Competencies • Teamwork
practiced • Communication
• Interpreting information
• Literacy
• Application of knowledge
Language • Discussion in groups
• Presentation of findings
Vocabulary Terminologies related to soils.
Study skills • Examine the characteristics of different soil types and soil
formation processes.
• Analyse the factors influencing soil formation.
• Carry out research in the local environment to describe
the soil profile and soil catena.
• Classify different types of soils.
• Apply knowledge to suggest the use of certain types of
• Explain the relationship between different soil types and
human activities.
Revision Tasks and end of unit revision task in the Student’s Book.

Assessment • Ability to work in groups and present the findings.
• Ability to examine different characteristics of different
soil types and soil formation processes.
• Ability to describe the soil profile and catena.
• Ability to classify different soils.
• Ability to explain the importance of soil.
• Ability to describe the relationship between different soil
types and human activities.
Learning outcomes • Define soil.
• Understand the components of soils.
• Understand processes of soil formation.
• Understand the soil properties.
• Draw labelled diagrams of soil profile and soil catena.
• Classify soils.
• Outline the importance of soils.
• Teamwork.

Additional information for the Let them also find out the definition
teacher of soil.
– Give the learners the definition of
Soil is a mixture of minerals, organic
soil. They should write it down in
matter, gases, liquids, and the countless
their books. Take them through the
organisms that together support life on
soil formation processes.
earth. Soil is a natural body known as
the pedosphere and which performs four – Explain to the learners that soil
important functions. These are: formation takes a long time through
the processes of weathering of
• It is a medium for plant growth. rocks, leaching and decomposition
• It is a means of water storage, supply of organic matter.
and purification. – They should do the Activity in the
• It is a modifier of the atmosphere of Student’s Book in pairs. Teach them
the earth. about the weathering process of
soil formation.
• It is a habitat for organisms.
– Discuss with them about leaching
As soil formation is an extremely slow which is a process of soil formation
process, soil can be considered essentially and finally take them through
as a non renewable resource. salinisation.
The rate of soil degradation is on the rise. – Ask the learners to do Task 7.1 in the
This is caused by erosion, loss of organic Student’s Book as an assignment.
matter content, compaction, salinisation, They should then revise it in their
contamination and landslides. These groups.
impacts affect human beings and other – Discuss with the learners the factors
living things on earth negatively. that influence soil formation. Use
The problem of soil degradation needs different pictures while discussing
to be dealt with immediately to ensure this.
soil fertility. This will lead to good health – Give the learners the Task 7.2 in the
among human beings and other living Student’s Book as an assignment.
organisms. Ask them to revise it in pairs.
– Help the learners carry out
Teaching steps Activity 7.5. Provide them with the
– Introduce the unit by reminding the necessary items needed in doing
learners what you taught them in the activity. They should then
the previous lesson. Introduce the answer the questions that follow.
topic on soil. – Lecture them on the constituents of
– Ask the learners to do Activity 7.1 soil. Give them notes on the same.
in the Student’s Book. They should Ask them to do Task 7.3 in the
collect and observe soil samples Student’s Book as an assignment.
then describe what they have seen. – Ask the learners to do Activity 7.6

in their groups and present their Give them notes.
findings in class. – Lecture the learners on the chemical
– Take them through the properties properties of soil. Ask them to
of soil. Begin with the physical identify some of the chemical
properties of soil. Ask the learners properties of soil. Help the learners
to carry out Activity 7.7. They should in conducting the experiment to find
present their findings in class. out soil pH as required in Activity
– Begin with soil texture. Teach them 7.17 in the Student’s Book. Teach
about the soil texture. They should them about soil pH and give them
do Activity 7.8 to find out the notes.
texture of soil. Each group should – Ask the learners to carry out
present their findings in class. Give Activity 7.18. Provide them with the
them notes. materials and equipment needed.
– Take them through the property of Take them through the chemical
soil structure. Tell them what soil property on soil salinity and give
structure is and explain to them them notes.
the different types of soil structure. – Let them find out about cation
Guide the learners in carrying out exchange capacity as required
Activity 7.9 and discuss the findings in Activity 7.20 and 7.21 in the
in class. Give them notes. Student’s Book respectively.
– Take the learners through the next Discuss this with them in class and
physical property of soil which is give them notes.
soil colour. Ask the Learners to do – Previously, you briefly mentioned
Activity 7.10 under your guidance. something on soil structure. Ask
Give them notes. the learners to tell you what soil
– Guide the learners through Activity structure is and identify the types
7.11. Discuss with them soil depth. of soil structure. Teach them about
Give them notes. the different types of soil structures
– Teach them about soil density and and give them notes. Show them
soil porosity. Using Activity 7.12 as pictures of the different types of
a guide, let the learners calculate soil structures. Also teach them
the porosity of the soil samples about the impacts of improving soil
that they have collected. Give them structure. Give them notes.
notes. – Ask the learners to do Activity 7.23
– Ask the learners to carry out Activity as an assignment. Discuss with
7.13 and then discuss with them them in the next lesson. Teach
soil permeability. Give them notes. them about soil profile and let
– Teach them about soil consistency them observe Figure 7.15 in the
and let them carry out the Student’s Book on soil profile.
respective activities to determine Explain to them the major horizons
the consistency of different soils. of the soil profile.

– They should carry out Activity 7.24 human activities.
to observe the different horizons of
the soil profile. Answers to Task 7.1
– The learners should do Activity 1. This is the process by which water
7.25 to find out the meaning of soil removes minerals and other soluble
catena. Discuss with them in class constituents from the soil. The
what soil catena is. Observe the minerals are usually removed from
picture in the Student’s Book on the upper to the lower horizons of
soil catena. Give the learners notes soil.
and let them also carry out Activity 2. Conditions that make it possible for
7.26 and present their findings in leaching to occur.
• High temperatures
– Guided by Activity 7.27, let the
learners dig up soil from different • Low rainfall
areas of the school compound and • Sloping land
classify the soil. The findings should
be presented in class. Discuss with 3. Effects of leaching in soil.
them the different types of soils. • Eluviation – This is the process
They should then do Activity 7.28 by which soluble minerals are
in the Student’s Book. carried down the soil structure.
– Ask the learners to discuss the These minerals are first dissolved
importance of soils in groups and by rainwater. They are then
to write down their findings guided carried from the upper to the
by Activity 7.29. Group leaders lower horizon of the soil. The
should make presentations in top layer becomes deficient of
class and give a summary of their some minerals especially the
presentations by explaining the bases. This process leads to the
importance of soils. Give relevant formation of new soils.
examples on the uses of soils. They • Illuviation – When eluviation
should do Activity 7.30 individually occurs, soluble minerals are
as an assignment. They should then leached from the upper soil to
present their findings in class in the a lower layer. These leached
next lesson. materials are also leached into
– Engage learners in a discussion lower layers by a process known
on the effects of soil on human as illuviation. The leaching
activities and write down the process at each layer forms new
findings. Group leaders should soils.
make presentations to the class.
• Salinisation – This process
Summarise by explaining to the
occurs in areas with high
learners the effects of soil types on
temperatures and low rainfall
such as the deserts. It is a

process by which water soluble layer is reddish in colour.
salts accumulate in the soil. • Decomposing organic matter –
This accumulation is caused by When plants and animals die,
high rates of evaporation on their remains decompose in the
the earth’s surface. The salts in soil. This decomposition is aided
the lower horizons are carried by the micro-organisms that
upwards towards the surface by are found within the soils. The
capillary action. decomposed organic matter form
• Podzolisation – This process humus. The humus mixes with the
occurs in the cool temperate soils to form fertile layers of soil.
regions. Slow decomposition
of vegetative matter results Answers to Task 7.2
in the formation of humic 1. (a) Parent rock refers to the
acids. Minerals like calcium, original material that forms
iron, magnesium, aluminium, the rock that weathers into
salts, bases and carbonates are soils.
dissolved and moved from one
(b) Climate refers to the weather
horizon to another. This leads to
conditions prevailing in an
the formation of high acidic soils
area in general or over a long
which are ash grey in colour.
• Calcification – This process (c) Topography is a detailed
occurs in dry climates. Calcium description or representation
carbonate is dissolved in horizon on a map of the natural and
A during the periods of rainfall artificial features of an area.
or snowmelt. The dissolved
(d) Living organisms are a form of
calcium carbonate is then carried
life composed of mutually
downwards to horizon B where it
interdependent parts that
is deposited.
maintain various vital
• Laterisation – This process occurs processes.
in warm humid climates. During 2. How the above mentioned influence
the wet season, mineral salts in soil formation.
horizon A dissolve in rain water.
• Parent rock – The parent rock
The minerals that dissolve are
determines the chemical and
mainly silica and the bases. The
physical characteristics of the
dissolved minerals percolate
soil. The nature of the parent rock
downwards to the lower layer
influences the rate of weathering.
(horizon B). Insoluble minerals
Soft rocks are weathered faster
such as iron and aluminium
thus enhancing the soil formation
accumulate in the top layer. They
process. Hard rocks on the other
form a crust of laterite. The top
hand are weathered slowly. This
slows down the soil formation

process. determines the fertility of soil.
• Climate – The climate of an Flat areas are highly saturated
area determines the way in leading to the development of
which weathering of the rocks water logged soils. Valley bottoms
takes place. The main elements encourage the formation of deep
of weather that influence soil fertile soils due to deposition.
formation are temperature and Soils on the hill tops are heavily
rainfall. Rainfall provides water. leached due to high rainfall.
This water makes it possible for Slopes which are more exposed
decay and disintegration of rocks to the sun or rain experience
that form soil. Rainfall also affects weathering of the parent rock to
the rate at which soil forming form soils.
processes such as leaching • Living organisms – When plants
occurs. Seasonal variations in and animals die, they decay to
rainfall can cause accumulation form humus. Micro-organisms
of salts in the soils. This leads in the soil aid in plant and
to the formation of saline soils. animal decomposition to form
High temperatures increase the humus. These organisms include
rate of weathering of the parent bacteria, fungi, vegetation and
rock to form soils. They also animals. Their major influence
accelerate the rate of bacterial is the effect on the chemical and
activities which generate humus. physical environment of the soils.
Rain water, wind and glaciers Roots of plants penetrate into
erode, transport and deposit soil the rocks facilitating weathering
particles in lowland areas. This of the parent rocks. This process
forms new soils such as alluvial forms soils. Human activities
soils and loess. like ploughing and harrowing
• Topography or relief – The breakup the rocks into small
topography of an area influences particles to form soil.
the process of soil formation in
many ways. The most important
being the slope of land. Steep
slopes encourage the swift flow
of water and hinder the process
of soil formation. There is usually
soil erosion in areas of steep
slopes leading to thin soils. The
areas of low relief or gentle
slope experience deposition and
have deep, well drained soils.
The degree of slope also largely

Answers to Task 7.3 minerals from the top soil.
1. Components of soil; • It helps in soil aeration.
• Inorganic particles 3. Significance of moisture in the soil.
• Organic matter • It dissolves various substances
for example salts that are derived
• Water (moisture)
from plant or animal remains
• Air (gases) forming solutions.
2. Importance of humus to the soil • It helps plants to absorb minerals
• It enhances the soil’s ability to from the soil.
hold and store water. • It washes away highly soluble
• It provides essential minerals to minerals from the upper to the
the soil. lower layers (leaching).
• It improves the soil structure. • It brings soluble minerals from
• It reduces eluviation of soluble the lower to the upper horizons
of soil through capillarity.
Answers to Task 7.4
(a) Soil profile diagram

Loose organic matter O

Inorganic matter mixed with A


An eluviated horizon; contains little

or no organic matter

The zone of illuviation, containing

materials transported from B
overlying horizons

Significantly weathered parent C

material; may be partially oxidised

Slightly weathered parent material

Unaltered parent material

(b) Soil catena
Precipitation (rain
or snow)


(when precipitation exceeeds


Underlying rock
(parent material)

Answers to End unit assessment (b) Accept the correct drawing

from the learners as shown in
1. Soil refers to the top layer of the the Student’s Book.
earth’s surface on which plants grow.
(c) Refer to the Student’s Book.
2. Factors that influence soil
5. (a) Soil catena refers to the
sequence of different soil
• Weathering of rocks profiles that occur down a
• Leaching slope.
• Salinisation (b) Soil catena is influenced by
3. (a) Components of soil; relief, drainage, leaching and
transportation of soils during
• Inorganic particles
• Organic matter
(c) Accept the correct answers
• Water (moisture) from the learners.
• Air (gases) 6. Accept correct answers from the
(b) Refer to the Student’s Book. learners. Refer to the Student’s
4. (a) This is the vertical arrangement Book .
of the soil in layers from the
surface to the bedrock. The
layers of soil are called horizons.

Topic area: Practical Geography

Sub-topic area: Weather and climate


Weather and climate

Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, the learners should be able to recognise
the importance of the atmosphere, differentiate weather and climate and classify
the major climatic types.

Unit objectives
By the end of this unit, a learner should be able to:
1. State the difference between weather and climate.
2. Identify layers of the atmosphere and state the importance of the atmosphere.
3. Outline the elements of weather and climate.
4. Identify weather instruments at a weather station.
5. State the factors influencing temperature variation.
6. Identify how to measure temperature.
7. State the major processes the water cycle.
8. Identify different types of precipitation.
9. State the different types or forms of rainfall.
10. Explain the factors influencing atmospheric pressure variation.
11. Identify the factors influencing humidity and how to measure humidity.
12. Identify different types of winds.
13. State different types of clouds.
14. Define sunshine.
15. Outline factors influencing climate.
16. Locate the major climatic zones of the world.

Content map
Number of periods 23 lessons
Introduction The unit is introduced by use of various activities and
research work all aiming at introducing the concept of
weather and climate in the minds of the learners.
Classroom All learners will be involved in the learning activities
organisation regardless of their abilities and differences. Some of the
lessons are designed to be conducted from outside the
class while others in the classroom.
Equipment required Saucepan, photographs, thermometers, charcoal and
charcoal stove, Internet, geographical documents, pieces of
sticks, pieces of paper and glue.
Activities 43 activities composed of tasks, activities and practical
work based on the fieldwork and revision work.
Competencies Literacy; map reading, and analysis; cooperation; ICT and
practised digital competence; teamwork; research, description,
identification, explanation, defining, examining,
communication and drawing.
Language • Class presentations and discussions of research findings
• Written assignments
Vocabulary At the end of the unit in the Student’s Book, there is a list
acquisition of new words.
Numeracy Measuring temperature, rainfall and determining humidity
using the hygrometer.
Study skills Listening; speaking; reading; writing, researching,
discussing, research projects, drawing, differentiating,
Revision • Exercises given for formative assessments on weather
and climate.
• Activities are designed in a way that they reflect
application of skills and knowledge.
• Revision tool such as drawing can also assist in
internalising the concepts under concern etc.
Assessment Exercises and revision tasks are given at the end of the unit
and in the course of the lesson to facilitate both formative
and summative assessments.

Learning outcomes • State the difference between weather and climate.
• Identify layers of the atmosphere and state the
importance of the atmosphere.
• Outline the elements of weather and climate.
• Identify weather instruments at a weather station.
• State the factors influencing temperature variation.
• Identify how to measure temperature.
• State the major processes of the water cycle.
• Identify different types of precipitation.
• State different types/forms of rainfall.
• Explain the factors influencing atmospheric pressure
• Identify the factors influencing humidity and how to
measure humidity.
• Identify different types of winds.
• State different types of clouds.
• Define sunshine.
• Outline factors influencing climate.
• Locate the major climatic zones of the world.

Additional information for the in the Student’s Book.
teacher – Define the atmosphere, weather
and climate.
Weather describes the condition of the
– Ask the learners to do Activity 8.2 in
atmosphere over a short period of time.
the Student’s Book. Define weather
For instance, from day to day or week to
while making reference to the
week, while climate describes average
Student’s Book.
conditions over a longer period of time.
Humidity, air temperature and pressure, – Ask the learners to do Activity 8.3 in
wind speed and direction, cloud cover the Student’s Book. Define climate
and type, and the amount and form while referring to the text in the
of precipitation are all atmospheric Student’s Book.
characteristics of weather. – Guide the learners to do Activity
8.4 in the Student’s Book.
The sun is ultimately responsible for the
Discuss the structure of the
weather. Its rays are absorbed differently
atmosphere. This part discusses
by land and water surfaces (equal amounts
the layers of the atmosphere
of solar radiation heat the ground more
and their characteristics. Discuss
quickly than they do water). Differential
the troposphere, stratosphere,
warming, in turn, causes variations in the
mesosphere, thermosphere and
temperature and pressure of overlying air
– Ask the learners to do Activities 8.5
Climate is what you expect while weather and 8.6 in of the Student’s Book,
is what you get. In other words, you can respectively.
expect rain in Rwanda in April, but you – Discuss the composition of the
may or may not get it on a particular day. atmosphere. Refer to the text in the
The climate of an area or country is known Student’s Book.
through the average weather over a long – Discuss the importance of the
period of time. If an area has more dry atmosphere. Give the learners
days throughout the year than wet days, Activity 8.7 in the Student’s Book
it would be described as a dry climate; a as a takeaway assignment.
place which has more cold days than hot – Discuss the elements of weather
days would make it known to have a cold and climate. Begin by asking the
climate. learners to do Activities 8.8 and 8.9
in the Student’s Book.
Teaching steps – Refer to the text in the Student’s
– This unit starts with activities as Book. Ask the learners to do Activity
a methodology that fosters the 8.10 as a takeaway assignment.
learner-centred teaching/learning – Ask the learners to individually
techniques that put the learners at answer the questions in Task 8.1 in
the centre of their own learning. the Student’s Book. Mark the work
Ask the learners to do Activity 8.1 and schedule for a revision class
to correct the learners where they

might not have answered correctly. – Give the learners Activity 8.16
– Introduce the weather station the Student’s Book as a takeaway
and its instruments. Discuss the assignment.
instruments by referring to the – Discuss precipitation. Begin by
Student’s Book. asking the learners to do Activity
– Guide the learners in doing Activity 8.17 in the Student’s Book.
8.11 in the Student’s Book. Allow – Discuss the forms of precipitation by
them time to do it and to present referring to the text in the Student’s
their findings in a class presentation. Book.
– Guide the learners in doing Activity – Give the learners Activity 8.18 as a
8.12 in the Student’s. This is a field takeaway assignment.
study activity. – Ask the learners to individually
– Ensure the learners benefit from the answer the questions in Task 8.3 in
visit as much as possible. the Student’s Book.
– Discuss the importance of a weather – Give the learners to do Activity 8.20
station in a school. as a takeaway assignment.
– Ask each learner to individually – Discuss the types of rainfall as
answer the questions in Task 8.2 in discussed in the Student’s Book.
the Student’s Book. Mark the work – Ask the learners to do Activity 8.21
and schedule for a revision session in the Student’s Book.
with them to correct them where
– Explain the measurement of rainfall
they might not get the answers
by making reference to the text in
the Student’s Book.
– Discuss temperature as an element
– Ask the learners to do Activity 8.22
of weather. Begin by asking
in the Student’s Book as a takeaway
the learners to do Activity 8.14
in the Student’s Book. Discuss
the maximum and minimum – Ask the learners to answer the
thermometers as instruments of questions in Task 8.4 in the Student’s
measuring temperature and how Book.
they work. Refer to the text in the – Discuss atmospheric pressure while
Student’s Book. referring to the text in the Student’s
– Discuss the factors influencing Book.
variation of temperature. Refer to – In the course of the discussion, ask
the Student’s Book. the learners to do Activities 8.23
– Give the learners Activity 8.15 as a and 8.24 in the Student’s Book.
takeaway assignment. – Ask the learners to answer the
– Study the formulas used in questions in Task 8.4 in the
calculating the temperature of Student’s Book. Discuss humidity
given areas. Refer to the Student’s while making reference to the
Book. text in the Student’s Book. Begin

the discussion by reading the case – Give the learners Activities 8.41.
study in the Student’s Book and to – Ask the learners to answer the
answer the questions that follow. questions in Task 8.7 in the Student’s
– Explain the factors that influence Book.
the amount of humidity. Refer to – Discuss the climatic zones of the
the text of the Student’s Book. world. Refer to the text of the
– Guide the learners in the field visit Student’s Book.
that is Activity 8.28 in the Student’s – In the course of the discussion, ask
Book. the learners to do Activities 8.43
– Discuss winds. Begin by asking the and 8.44 of the Student’s Book.
learners to do Activities 8.29 in the – Explain the impact of weather and
Student’s Book. climate on human activities. Begin
– Discuss the types of winds while by asking the learners to do Activity
making reference to the text of the 8.45 and 8.46 of the Student’s
Student’s Book. Book. Referring to the text of the
– In the course of the discussion, ask Student’s Book, discuss the factors
the learners to do Activities, 8.31, outlined.
8.32, 8.33, 8.34, 8.35 and 8.36. – Together with the learners, go
– Ask the learners to answer the through the Did you know? section
questions in Task 8.6 in the Student’s of the Student’s Book. This section
Book. contains interesting facts about
– Discuss clouds. Begin by asking the weather and climate in Rwanda.
learners to do Activity 8.37 in the – Ask the learners to answer the
Student’s Book. questions in the End of unit revision
– Discuss the types of clouds while questions of the Student’s Book.
referring to the text of the Student’s Answers to Task 8.1
1. (a) Weather refers to the day
– Give the learners Activity 8.38 as a
to day conditions of the
takeaway assignment.
– Introduce sunshine. Begin the
(b) Weather refers to the day to day
discussion by referring to the text
conditions of the atmosphere
of the Student’s Book.
while climate refers to the
– Guide the learners in doing Activity weather conditions in a given
8.39 of the Student’s Book. place over a long period of
– Discuss the factors that influence time.
climate. Begin by asking the 2. Temperature, rainfall, wind,
learners to do Activity 8.40 of the atmospheric pressure, humidity,
Student’s Book. Discuss the factors sunshine and cloud cover.
by referring to the text of the
3. (a) Atmosphere refers the thin
Student’s Book.

layer of gases that surrounds • The atmosphere provides case
the earth. studies for research especially
the meteorologists.
(b) Mark correctly drawn
diagrams showing the • The atmosphere shields the
correct layers of the earth from ultra-violet rays
atmosphere i.e troposphere, which are harmful to all life
stratosphere, mesosphere forms on earth.
and thermosphere. • The atmosphere facilitates
wireless communication. This
4. (a) Ozone layer refers to the
is due to the ionosphere where
region of Earth’s stratosphere
there are electromagnetic
that absorbs most of the sun’s
waves. These waves are
ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
reflected back to the earth’s
(b) The sun’s insolation has surface.
dangerous rays called ultra-
• The atmosphere regulates the
violet rays. These rays are
temperatures experienced
dangerous to humans. The
along the earth’s surface where
ozone layer filters the sun’s
life exists (flora and fauna).
insolation by removing these
• The atmosphere and its
rays. The ozone layer regulates
associated winds are utilised
temperatures in the lower
to increase generation of
atmosphere. This prevents the
electricity–wind energy.
melting of ice and effects of
global warming Answers to Task 8.2
5. (a) This is the destruction of the 1. (a) This is a special box in which
ozone layer. the main delicate weather
(b) Human activities such as instruments are kept. It
pollution caused by gases and houses the thermometer and
chemicals. the hygrometer.
6. (a) This refers to any of the (b) • It is made up of wood, this
wavelengths at which preferred to avoid the external
electromagnetic radiation heat.
from space can penetrate the • All the sides of the Stevenson
earth’s atmosphere. screen have louvres to allow
(b) Mark correct answers. proper aeration.
7. • The atmosphere facilitates the • The Stevenson screen
formation of rainfall hence is painted white. This is
raising the operations of the purposely to reflect heat.
water cycle .
• Stevenson screen is placed on
• The atmosphere provides air
a grass covered ground.
which is necessary for plant,
animal and human life. • The Stevenson screen is placed

on a stand, about 121cm above Answers to Task 8.3
the ground.
1. Precipitation is the deposition of
• It is located far away from moisture in liquid or solid form.
obstacles such as buildings,
2. - Rainfall
trees or concrete fences.
- Frost
• The Stevenson screen has a - Dew
double boarded roof. - Hail etc.
2. • A school weather station Accept other correct answers
enables the school
administration and learners to
Answers to Task 8.4
save time and money. 1. Mark correctly drawn diagrams
• It provides a platform for explaining relief, convectional and
practical studies to the frontal rainfall.
learners. 2. Mark correct answers
• The school weather station 3. (a) Using a rain gauge
can enable learners know (b) Mark correct answers
the weather of their school 4. Mark correct answers.
• The school weather station Answers to Task 8.5
acts as a laboratory for 1. Accept correct answers
geography lessons. 2. Accept correct answers
• The practical studies facilitated 3. Accept answers
by such stations enable 4. Accept correct answers
learners to acquire various
Answers to Task 8.6
3. (a) Accept correct answers. 1. Wind is moving air.
(b) Mark correct answers. 2. (a) Accept correct answers.
(c) Mark correct answers. (b) Mark correctly drawn diagrams
4. Hygrometer and thermometer. of the wind vane, cup
anemometer and windsock.
5. (a) Temperature, isotherms.
(b) Rain gauge 3. (a) Land breeze occurs at night and
sea breeze during the day.
(c) Windsock
(d) Atmospheric pressure Accept correct explanations of
the differences between the
(e) Humidity, isohumes
(f) Sunshine recorder, isohels (b) Hammatan winds – This
(g) Cloud cover, isonephs wind originates from the
Sahara desert. It is associated
with a lot of dust .It usually
results into a decrease in

temperatures due to the dusty surface of the earth.
haze created. (c) Snow – This is frozen water
Sirocco winds – These are hot particles from the higher
winds carrying large quantities atmosphere. It is a form of
of dust in North Africa. They solid precipitation that is
usually blow between February formed by sublimation of
and June. They share similarities water vapour.
with the hammattan winds.
(c) Katabatic wind – The (d) Frost – When the temperatures
descending cold wind during a are too low, dew freezes.
mountain breeze. Frozen dew is called frost.
Anabatic wind – The warm air 3. (a) Cirrus
that rises in the valley during a • They are made up of crystals
valley breeze. that give it an appearance of
4. (a) Mark correctly drawn diagrams white colour.
and correct explanations of the • They are the highest clouds in
formation of chinook winds. the atmosphere.
(b) This is because the wind
• They are thin and detached.
is associated with rising
temperatures that result into • They are feathery with tail
snow to melt. filaments.
• They yield no precipitation.
Answers to Task 8.7
(b) Stratus
1. - Precipitation
• They consist of water droplets.
- Air temperature
- Prevailing wind • They form a low uniform layer
- Plant cover resembling fog.
- The presence and size of water • They are greyish white in
body colour.
- Latitude • They are associated with dull
- Atmospheric pressure weather and drizzle.
2. (a) Rainfall – This form of (c) Cumulus nimbus
precipitation is made up of liquid
• They are made of water
water droplets. The droplets fall
droplets at the lower levels
from the sky after condensation.
and ice crystals at the highest
Condensation refers to the
process by which water changes
its state from vapour to liquid. • They have a great vertical
extent rising from a height of
(b) Sleet – This is made up of a about 2100 metres to 9000
mixture of rain and snow or metres above the ground.
partially melted snow. The
• They are big, heavy and black
mixture then falls on to the

in colour with a flat base. the earth.
• The top of the cloud spreads (b) - Troposphere
out assuming the shape of an - Stratosphere
anvil. - Mesosphere
• Cumulonimbus clouds are - Thermosphere
associated with convectional Accept correct explanations.
currents which create rapid 3. (a) Evaporation
movement and mixing of - Condensation and
air particles, leading to very sublimation
heavy rainfall accompanied by - Infiltration
thunder and lightning. (b) - Rainfall
• They are associated with rain - Frost
showers and hail. The showers - Dew
are heavy and violent. - Snow
4. (a) Mist is used when visibility - Thunderstorm
extends to 1 kilometre while - Haze
fog is used when the visibility - Fog
is less than 1 kilometre. - Hail
- Rime
(b) Hail stones – This refers to - Sleet
frozen raindrops that build 4. Explain the factors influencing
into spherical ice particles. atmospheric pressure variation.
5. Accept correct answers. - Altitude
Answers to End unit assessment - Temperature
- Rotation of the earth
1. (a) Weather refers to the day to
5. - Sea breeze
day conditions of the atmosphere while
climate refers to the weather conditions - Land breeze
for a period of time. - Katabatic winds
(b) Elements of weather and - Anabatic winds
climate: - Monsoon
• Sunshine - Fohn/Chinook
• Temperature - Hammattan winds
• Atmospheric pressure - Sirocco winds
• Wind - Easterlies
• Humidity - Westerlies
• Cloud cover - Trade winds
• Precipitation
Accept correct answers.
2. (a) Atmosphere refers to the thin
layer of gases that surrounds 6. - Cirrus

- Cirrocumulus
- Cirrostratus
- Altocumulus
- Altostratus
- Stratocumulus
- Stratus
- Nimbostratus
- Cumulus
- Cumulonimbus
7. - Latitudinal location
- Altitude
- Presence and absence of water
- Vegetation
- Distance from the sea
- Human activities
- Ocean currents
- Relief
8. (a) - Tropical zone
- Temperate zone
- Polar zone
- Mountain zone
(b) - Accept correct explanations of the characteristics.
9. - High and reliable rainfall in moderate levels supports the growth of crops.
This ensures food security.
- Moderate and abundant rainfall supports growth of grass hence favouring
livestock farming. It also supports herbivorous wildlife hence developing the
tourism sector.
- Heavy and reliable rainfall supports the growth of trees of high value. This
leads to the development of forestry and lumbering.
- The warm tropical climate attracts many tourists who come to enjoy the
warmth when they have winter in their homelands. This supports the
tourism sector.
- In areas with arid climates, humans are forced to find ways of irrigating the
- Heavy and reliable rainfall sustains water bodies like rivers, swamps, lakes
and wetlands. All these support aquatic life, tourism sports and provide
water that is used for domestic purposes.

Topic area: Physical geography

Sub-topic area: Vegetation



Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, the learners should be able to
determine the relationship between vegetation and human activities.

Unit objectives
In this unit, the learner should be able to;
1. Define vegetation.
2. Outline the factors that influence the distribution of natural vegetation.
3. Outline the importance of natural vegetation.
4. State the relationship between vegetation and human activities.

Content map
Unit 9 Vegetation
Number of periods 11
Introduction Talking to the learners about vegetation. The learners
should give examples of some vegetation.
Classroom Whole class orientation followed by group work and
organisation individual work.
Equipment required Photographs, Internet, maps of vegetation.
Activities • Observing vegetation in the local environment.
• Interpreting photographs.
• Discussing vegetation.
• Identifying the characteristics of vegetation.
• Outlining the importance of natural vegetation.
• Stating the relationship between vegetation and
human activities.

Competencies • Teamwork
practiced • Literacy
• Interpreting information
• Communication
• Presentation of findings
Language • Discussion in groups
• Presentation of the findings
Vocabulary Terms related to vegetation.
Study skills • Locate different types of vegetation on maps.
• Discuss the factors that influence vegetation
• Discuss the importance of vegetation to man.
• Explain the relationship between vegetation and
human activities.
Revision Tasks and end of unit revision tasks in the Student’s Book.
Assessment • Ability to work in groups and communicate ideas with
• Ability to identify different types of vegetation on
• Ability to know the importance of vegetation to
man and factors that influence the distribution of
• Ability to explain the relationship between vegetation
and human activities.
Learning outcomes • Define vegetation.
• Understand types of vegetation.
• Know the factors that influence the distribution of
• Know the importance of vegetation.
• Know the relationship between vegetation and human

Additional information for the – Give them the meaning of vegetation
teacher and the two main classifications of
vegetation. Give them notes as you
The population of Rwanda is growing discuss with them.
rapidly. People have cut down vegetation
– mainly trees, to create more land for – Take them through the natural
settlement for the growing population. vegetation. Talk about the forests,
Nyungwe Forest National Park is a grassland, desert and swamp
rainforest. It receives more than 2000mm vegetation. Give them notes on the
of rainfall every year. It has around 200 same.
species of trees and other vegetation. It – Take them through the artificial
is the only forest that covers a large area vegetation and give them notes.
of land. The Volcanoes National Park has a
– Ask the learners to study the map
lot of vegetation.
provided in Activity 9.2 in the
With the growing population, there is no Student’s Book. Ask them to identify
more mountain grassland and moorland the different types of vegetation on
that once covered the land. The land is the map.
now covered by terraced agriculture.
– Teach them about secondary
However, this has had a negative effect
vegetation and explain to them
since there is a lot of soil erosion in some
the difference between secondary
areas. This has made the soil to become
vegetation and artificial vegetation.
less fertile thus the need for use of
chemical fertilisers and manure. – Guided by Activity 9.3, let the
learners observe the pictures
In some areas, there are soils that are
provided. They should then answer
not rich for agriculture. These areas are
the questions that follow and
covered by savannah and broad-leafed
discuss their findings in class.
woodland species, acacia and grasses.
Akagera National Park is covered by – Discuss with the learners the factors
papyrus swamp and riverine forest. that influence the distribution of
vegetation. Take them through
Teaching steps each of the factors and use relevant
pictures when explaining each
– Introduce the unit by taking the
factor. Give the learners notes as
learners on a walk around the
you discuss.
school as guided by Activity 9.1 in
the Student’s Book. Let the learners – Ask the learners to do Activity 9.4
observe the types of vegetation, in the Student’s Book. They should
height of the vegetation and size of present and discuss their findings in
the leaves. class.
– Let them discuss their observations – Ask them to do the Task 9.1 in the
in their groups then present their Student’s Book as an assignment.
findings in class. Discuss with them in a class
– Guided by Activity 9.5, let the of vegetation. It determines plant
learners take a walk around their processes such as germination,
environment and find out the rate of plant growth, flowering,
importance of vegetation. Let ripening of fruits and shedding
them write down their findings and of leaves.
discuss in class. • Sunlight – Sunlight is important
– Explain to them the importance to plants for photosynthesis.
of vegetation. Use pictures when Long hours of sunlight encourage
discussing the importance. the growth of a variety of plants.
– Give them Task 9.2 in the Student’s Areas with fewer hours of sunlight
Book. They should revise this in have fewer plants. In the tropical
their groups. rainforests, less light reaches the
ground leading to bare ground.
– Using Activity 9.6 as a guide, let the The trees are tall as they compete
learners find out the relationship for sunlight.
between vegetation and human
activities. • Wind – The moisture content and
strength of the winds influences
– Learners should then do Activity 9.7 plant growth. Warm moist winds
as an assignment and present their contain sufficient moisture. This
findings in class. helps in the formation of rainfall
– Give them the end of unit task necessary for plant growth. Hot
as their assignment. Collect their dry winds cause wilting of plants
books and mark their work. Revise since they accelerate water loss
with them in class. from the plants. Strong winds
cause the trees to bend.
Answers to Task 9.1 (ii) Edaphic factors
1. How the following influence the This refers to soil particularly
growth of vegetation; with respect to its influence on
organisms. Deep well drained
(i) Climatic factors
soils support a variety of large
• Precipitation –Precipitation is
trees. Soils that are shallow in
the deposit of water in liquid
depth support the growth of
or solid form on the earth’s
shallow rooted plants such as
surface from the atmosphere.
The type and amount of
The pH of the soil determines the
precipitation influences the type
type of plants found in a region.
and distribution of vegetation.
Soil with nutrients and humus
Different plants have different
support the growth of a wide
moisture requirements.
variety of plants. Soils with few
• Temperature – Temperature plays nutrients have a fewer variety of
an important role in the growth plants. They support very little

plant growth. a home for wild animals. Wild
(iii) Topographic factors animals attract tourists. They earn
Relief – Relief refers to the height the country foreign exchange that
between parts on the earth’s aids in economic development.
surface. The height of the land Therefore, we should not destroy
determines temperature and our vegetation.
rainfall. There is an increase
• Improve soil fertility – Plant
in vegetation with an increase
materials that fall from different
in altitude. This is distinct on
vegetation decompose into
mountains. The vegetation ranges
humus. This improves the fertility
from the grass to forests, bamboo,
of the soil. The decaying material
heath and moorland.
increases the organic matter
Slope – Steep slopes experience
content in the soil. People can
high rates of soil erosion leading to
then practise agriculture and
development of thin and shallow
the produce exported to other
soils. This results in poor plant
growth. Gentle slopes have deep
and well drained soils resulting • Source of raw materials –
in the growth of thick vegetation Vegetation is also a source of
and a wide variety of plants. Flat raw materials for industries.
areas are waterlogged resulting in For example, trees are used in
the growth of swamp vegetation. manufacture of paper, plywood
Aspect – Aspect is the direction of and rubber.
the slope with regards to sunshine 2. Habitat of wild animals, source of
and rainfall. North facing slopes medicine, source of timber and
in the Southern Hemisphere source of raw materials.
and south facing slopes in the
Northern Hemisphere are warmer. Answers to End unit assessment
This is because they are exposed
to sunlight. This results to the 1. Vegetation refers to all the plant
growth of a wide variety of plants cover growing in a particular area. It also
and forests. The slopes that are refers to the ground cover provided by
not exposed to the sun have a few plants.
er variety of vegetation. 2. Different types of vegetation (Accept
2. Accept correct explanation from the correct explanations from the
learners. learners for the different types of
vegetation listed below).
Answers to Task 9.2
• Natural vegetation – Forests,
1. Importance of vegetation to the grassland, swamp and desert
economy of Rwanda; vegetation.
• Habitat for wild animals – Forests • Artificial vegetation.
and other vegetation provide • Secondary vegetation.
3. Factors that influence the the soil which supports plant growth.
distribution of vegetation. Some bacteria may cause diseases
• Climatic factors which result in the destruction of
Climate is the weather condition certain plant species.
in an area over a long period of Human activities such as
time. The main elements of climate deforestation,miningand
that influence vegetation include overgrazing destroy vegetation.
precipitation, temperature, sunlight However, other activities such
and wind. as agroforestry, reforestation,
• Edaphic factors afforestation and creation of forest
This refers to soil particularly reserves result in the development
with respect to its influence on of vegetation.
organisms. Deep well drained soils Some insects aid in plant pollination.
support a variety of large trees. Soils Pollination is the transfer of pollen
that are shallow in depth support the grains from the male part of a flower
growth of shallow rooted plants such to the female part. This leads to
as grass. fertilisation. Animals and birds aid
The pH of the soil determines the in seed dispersal leading to growth
type of plants found in a region. Soil and distribution of vegetation.
with nutrients and humus supports Burrowing animals and earthworms
the growth of a wide variety of aerate the soil resulting in suitable
plants. Soils with few nutrients conditions for plant growth.
have a fewer variety of plants. They 4. Importance of vegetation to
support very little plant growth. Rwanda.
• Topographic factors • Food – Some vegetation are a
Topography defines the physical source of food to human beings and
features in a place. The topographic animals. Some insects also feed on
factors include relief, slope and vegetation.
aspect. These factors affect • Habitat for wild animals – Forests
vegetation through soil formation and other vegetation provide
processes, climate, soil moisture and a home for wild animals. Wild
soil nutrients. animals attract tourists. They earn
• Biotic factors the country foreign exchange that
aids in economic development.
These are the living organisms Therefore, we should not destroy
which have an effect on the our vegetation.
growth of vegetation.These include
human beings, animals, bacteria, • Source of medicine – Some types of
burrowing animals and insects. vegetation such as barks, roots and
leaves of some trees are used as
Bacteria help in the decomposition medicine. They are used in curing
of organic matter to form humus in different diseases in both animals
and in humans. together and conserve moisture in
• Prevention of soil erosion – the soil.
Vegetation holds soil together. This 5. Influence of natural vegetation on
prevents erosion by water and wind. the following human activities;
Vegetation also reduces the speed (a) Tourism – Forests and other
of water when it is raining. Roots vegetation provide a home for
of vegetation hold soil particles wild animals. Wild animals attract
together. This helps to reduce soil tourists. They earn the country
erosion and to conserve soil. foreign exchange that aids in
• Purification of the air – Vegetation economic development. Therefore,
purifies the air that we breathe. we should not destroy our
Utilise carbon dioxide in the vegetation.
atmosphere and release oxygen. (b) Livestock keeping – In areas where
• Improved soil fertility – Plant there is a lot of land for grazing,
materials that fall from different people keep livestock on a large
vegetation decompose into scale. In areas where the climate
humus. This improves the fertility is good, livestock are kept due
of the soil. The decaying material to availability of grass and other
increases the organic matter vegetation that the livestock feed
content in the soil. on.
• Source of timber – Trees are a source (c) Building and construction –Trees
of timber. This is used in making are a source of timber that is used
furniture and buildings. Trees are when building. Grass and papyrus
also a source of fuel. However, reeds are used for thatching the
trees should not be cut carelessly. roofs of houses.
When one tree is cut, two more (d) Medicine –Some types of vegetation
trees should be planted. such as barks, roots and leaves of
• Source of raw materials – Vegetation trees are used as medicine. They
are also a source of raw materials are used in curing different diseases
for industries. For example, trees in both animals and in humans.
are used in the manufacture of 6. How human activities have
paper, plywood and rubber. influenced the distribution of
• Windbreaks – Vegetation such as vegetation;
trees act as windbreaks. They help (a) Overstocking – Keeping large
in reducing the speed of wind. This numbers of livestock on a small
reduces the effects of wind such piece of land has led to destruction
as blowing away roof tops or soil of vegetation. This in turn makes
erosion. the soil to be left bare. This
• Conserve soil and water – The roots increases the rate of soil erosion
of vegetation help in conserving making the soil infertile due to loss
soil and water. They hold the soils of the topsoil.

(b) Mining – In areas where there is species.
mines, there is no vegetation since • Human activities such as
all vegetation is cleared. deforestation, mining and
(c) Pollution – Pollution of land, water overgrazing destroy vegetation.
and air has led to the destruction of However, other activities such
vegetation. It has also brought about as agroforestry, reforestation,
climate change due to global warming. afforestation and creation of forest
The country is experiencing very high reserves result in the development
temperatures that are not conducive of vegetation.
for vegetation growth. • Some insects aid in plant pollination.
(d) Urbanisation –The growth of urban Pollination is the transfer of pollen
centres has led to the destruction grains from the male part of a flower
of vegetation. Establishment of to the female part. This leads to
industries in urban areas has also led fertilisation. Animals and birds aid
to clearing of vegetation. The need in seed dispersal leading to growth
for houses for settlement for the and distribution of vegetation.
growing population in urban areas, • Burrowing animals and earthworms
has also led to the cutting down of aerate the soil resulting in suitable
trees to obtain building materials. conditions for plant growth.
Diagnostic questions 2. Secondary vegetation grows
naturally in an area after being
1. Describe how biotic factors interfered with by people or
influence the distribution of animals and eventually acquires
vegetation. the characteristics of natural
2. Explain the difference between vegetation. Artificial vegetation
secondary vegetation and artificial is that which has been planted by
vegetation. human beings.
3. Discuss forests as an example of 3. A forest is a large area of land
natural vegetation. covered by trees and other woody
vegetation. The natural forests
Answers to diagnostic questions
found in Rwanda are; the natural
1. How biotic factors influence the forests of Nyungwe National Park,
distribution of vegetation. Volcanoes National Park, Gishwati
• These include human beings, and Mukura Forest reserves. Most
animals, bacteria burrowing of the remaining natural forests in
animals and insects. Bacteria help Rwanda are protected as national
in the decomposition of organic parks or forest reserves.
matter to form humus in the soil
which supports plant growth. Some
bacteria may cause diseases which
result in destruction of certain plant

Topic area: Physical geography

Sub-topic area: Drainage

General organisation of


Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, the learners should be able to analyse
the general organisation of hydrography and its relationship with human activities.

Unit objectives
In this unit, the learner should be able to:
1. Define drainage.
2. State different types of water bodies.
3. Identify major rivers of the world.
4. Explain different parts of the river profile and their characteristics.
5. Identify different drainage patterns.
6. Explain the relationship between drainage and human activities.

Content map
Unit 10 General organisation of hydrography
Number of periods 11
Introduction Give a general overview of hydrography and drainage.
Classroom Whole class orientation followed by group work and
organisation individual work.
Equipment required Photographs, diagrams, Internet.
Activities • Observing diagrams.
• Interpreting diagrams.
• Drawing diagrams.
• Discussing on drainage.
• Naming the drainage features.
• Drawing the world map.

Competencies • Teamwork
practiced • Communication
• Interpreting diagrams
• Drawing maps and diagrams
• Presentation of findings
Language • Discussion in groups
• Presentation of findings
Vocabulary Drainage terminologies.
Study skills • Observe and categorise different water bodies.
• Explain the relationship between drainage and human
• Draw a sketch map of the world to locate major rivers.
• Observe and categorise different drainage patterns in
the environment.
Revision Tasks and end of unit revision tasks in the Student’s Book.
Assessment • Ability to collect data, work in groups and present the
• Ability to interpret diagrams.
• Ability to draw maps.
• Ability to interpret maps.
Learning outcomes • Understand hydrography and drainage.
• Understanding types of water bodies.
• Understanding drainage patterns.
• Ability to work in groups and present data.

Additional information for the the major rivers of the world. Let
teacher them study the world map in their
atlases and locate the main rivers
Rivers begin in upland areas and flow of the world. They should then
downhill, becoming deeper and wider identify their sources and mouths.
until they reach the sea. A drainage
– Their findings should be presented
basin is part of the water cycle where
in class. Ask them to study Table
water is transferred in a continuous cycle
10.1 in the Student’s Book on some
between the sea, atmosphere and the
of the major rivers of the world.
They should copy it in their books.
A river changes shape as it flows from its – The learners should do Activity 10.5
source to its mouth (where a river flows and 10.6 in the Student’s Book.
into a sea or lake). The shape of both the Mark the maps they have drawn.
long profile and the cross profile changes.
– Tell the learners what a river profile
is and let them write down the
Teaching steps
meaning in their books. The river
– Introduce the unit by telling the profile has different parts. Ask them
learners the meaning of hydrography. to do Activity 10.7 to find out the
Let them write it down in their books. parts of a river profile.
Ask them to read the text provided in – Using the diagram of the long
the Student’s Book. profile in the Student’s Book,
– Discuss with the learners the meaning ask the learners to outline the
of drainage. Ask them to write in their characteristics of the river in the
exercise books. upper, middle and mature stages of
a river.
– Talk about water bodies with the
learners. Ask them to do Activity 10.2 – Take them through the characteristics
in their groups. They should present of parts of the river profile as they
their findings in class. take down notes. They should also
observe the pictures available in the
– Teach them about oceans, seas, book.
lakes, ponds, reservoirs, swamps and
rivers. Discuss each of these and use – Give them Task 10.2 as an assignment.
the respective pictures of the water They should then revise it in their
bodies being discussed. groups.
– Ask the learners to do Activity 10.3 – In relation to the definition of
in the Student’s Book and to present drainage that they learnt, ask the
their findings in class. Give them notes learners to define drainage patterns.
on what they have learnt. They should then carry out Activity
10.8 and present their findings in
– Give them Task 10.1 as an assignment class.
and let them revise it in their groups.
– Explain to them the different types of
– Let the learners do Activity 10.4 on
drainage patterns. Use pictures and They should then collect their
charts to show them the different books. Mark their work and revise
types of drainage patterns. Give with them in a class discussion.
them notes during the lecture.
Explain the factors that influence Answers to Task 10.1
the development of each drainage 1. Diagram of the features of the
pattern. drainage system.
– Give them Task 10.3 as an drainage divide
tributary stream
assignment. Let them revise in a
class discussion.
– Guide the learners to understand
that the relationship between
water bodies takes two dimensions
namely; the influence of water mouth main stream
bodies on human activities and the
influence of human activities on 2. Lakes, ponds, rivers and swamps.
water bodies.
3. A perennial river is one that contains
– Ask the learners to carry out Activity
water throughout the year whereas
10.10 in the Student’s Book. They
should present their findings in a an intermittent river is one whose
class discussion. Take them through surface water ceases to flow at some
the relationship between water point in time.
bodies and human activities. They
should take down notes during the Answers to Task 10.2
discussion. 1. This is the shape of a river along
– Ask the learners to do Activity its course from the source to the
10.11 in pairs. They should discuss mouth. The long profile is expressed
their findings in class. Take them graphically as a curve.
through the impacts of human
activities on water bodies. Show 2. Stages of the long profile of a river.
them different pictures with the • Youthful stage
impacts that human activities have • Middle stage
on water bodies. They should take • Old stage
down notes during the discussion.
3. Features found in each stage of the
– Using Activity 10.12 as a guide, long profile of a river.
ask the learners to discuss the
• Youthful stage – The features found
importance of protecting water
in this section include pot holes,
bodies. They should then present
gorges, interlocking spurs, plunge
their findings in class. Ask them to
pools, rapids and waterfalls.
take down short notes during the
discussion. • Middle stage – Features found in
this section include meanders, river
– Ask the learners to do the end of
cliffs, bluffs and slip-off slopes.
unit revision task as an assignment.

• Old stage – Features found in this Answers to Task 10.3
section include ox-bow lakes, flood
1. A drainage pattern refers to the
plains, meanders, river braids and
arrangement of a river and its
deltas. Others are islands, natural
tributaries on the earth’s surface.
levees, deferred tributaries, alluvial
Drainage patterns tell a lot about the
fans, bluffs, river terraces, river
cliffs, marshes and swamps.
4. Youthful stage 2. Factors that influence the formation
of drainage patterns.
• The river has a steep gradient.
• The slope of the land
• The water flows at a very high
speed. • Differences in the rock resistance
• There is a deep steep sided river • Rock structure
valley. 3. Characteristics of drainage patterns.
• It has a narrow channel. (a) Dendritic – This drainage pattern
• Vertical erosion is dominant looks like a tree trunk and its
branches. The tributaries flow
• The river channel is V-shaped.
towards the main river from many
• It has various features produced directions. They join the main
by vertical erosion, abrasion and river at acute angles. This pattern
hydraulic action. develops in an area with gentle
Middle stage slopes with fairly uniform rock type.
• The river has wide U-shaped The direction of flow is influenced by
valley. the slope. It is common on massive
• The gradient of the river channel crystalline rocks such as granite. It
is gentle. also develops on horizontal gently
• The water speed is moderate. dipping sedimentary rocks.
• There is high stream volume. (b) Radial – This is a drainage pattern
• The river erodes its valley laterally that forms on volcanic cones or
thus widening it. domes. The rivers flow outwards
• Both erosion and deposition take from a central high point. The
place at this stage. pattern resembles the spokes of a
Old stage bicycle wheel. The slope influences
• The gradient of the river channel the direction of flow of the rivers.
is very low. (c) Centripetal – This is a drainage
• The speed of the river is very low. pattern where rivers flow from all
• The stream volume is large. directions into a common basin. The
• The river valley is wide and common basin could be a swamp or
U-shaped. a lake. The direction of flow of the
• Deposition occurs on the river rivers is influenced by the slope.
channel making it shallow. (d) Trellis – This is a pattern where the
• The river has wide flood plains. tributaries join the main river at

right angles. The minor tributaries branches off and flows away
also join the main tributaries at from the main river channel.
right angles. It develops in areas Distributaries are common in the
where there are alternate layers of river deltas.
hard and soft rocks. These rocks lie • Drainage basin/river basin/
at right angles to the main direction catchment area – The area drained
of the slope. The main river is by a river and all its tributaries or
powerful enough to cut through the by a single river system.
hard rocks while the tributaries cut
through the soft layers of rocks at • Effluent– Wastewater.
right angles. The minor tributaries • Flood– A relatively high flow as
cut valleys into the less resistant measured by discharge quantity.
rocks. The hard layers of rocks • Floodplain – An almost flat, alluvial
protrude as ridges. lowland bordering a stream. It is
subject to flooding.
Answers to End unit assessment
• Groundwater – This is subsurface
1. Drainage refers to the natural or water that is in the zone of
artificial removal of surface and sub- saturation, from which wells,
surface water from an area. springs, and groundwater runoff
are supplied.
2. Oceans, seas, ponds, swamps, rivers and
• Headwaters – These are streams
and rivers (tributaries) that are the
3. Terminologies related to drainage. source of a stream or river.
• Banks – The sides of a river or stream • Interfluves – These are high areas in
between which the water normally between the tributaries.
flows. • Mouth – The point where the river
• Catchment area – The area from ends.
which rainfall flows into a river, lake, • Outlet– Downstream opening or
or reservoir. discharge end of a pipe, culvert,
ditch or canal.
• Channel – An area that contains
flowing water confined by banks. • River discharge – The total volume
of water flowing through a river
• Confluence – The junction of two channel at a given point. It is
streams or rivers or of a stream and a measured in cubic metres per
river. second.
• Debris – Loose natural material • River regime – The variation in the
consisting especially of broken discharge of a river over the year.
pieces of rock that deposit into a • River system – This is the main river
river or water system. and all its tributaries.
• Distributary – A stream that • Riverbed– The bottom of the river.
• Runoff– Runoff is water that drains
into a river. Asia - Ob
• Source – This is the point where a - Yenisey
river originates from.
- Lena
• Tributary – A river or stream flowing
- Amur
into a larger river or lake.
- Huang
• Trunk – The main course of river.
- Yangtze
• Water shed or water divide – This is
the ridge or highland that separates - Mekong
two drainage basins. - Ganges
• Water table– The upper level of a - Indus
zone of saturation in the earth. Middle East - Tigris
• Wetland– An area that is saturated - Euphrates
by surface or ground water. It Australia - Murray
includes swamps and marshes. Darling
4. Major rivers of the world and
continents where they are located. 5. Parts of a river profile and its
Region River characteristics.
Africa - Nile Cross river profile
- Niger This is the transverse profile of a
river from one bank to another.
- Congo
The river cross profile changes from
South America - Amazon the upper to the lower course.
- Parana Long profile
North America - Rio Grande This is the shape of a river along
- Mississippi its course from the source to the
- Missouri mouth. The long profile is expressed
- Yukon graphically as a curve. It has a
steep gradient near the source but
- Mackenzie
gradually flattens towards the river
Europe - Rhine mouth.
- Danube The profile of a river is ideally
- Volga expected to be smooth. However,
this never occurs since the energy
of the river changes as it flows
through its course.
6. Drainage patterns
• Radial drainage pattern – This is
a drainage pattern that forms on
volcanic cones or domes. The rivers

flow outwards from a central high • Parallel drainage pattern – This
point. The pattern resembles the is a drainage pattern where the
spokes of a bicycle wheel. The main river and its tributaries flow
slope influences the direction of parallel to each other. It occurs over
flow of the rivers. a large area. The slope determines
• Dendritic drainage pattern – the direction of flow of the river.
This drainage pattern looks like It is common on steep slopes and
a tree trunk and its branches. escarpments. Tributaries join the
The tributaries flow towards the main river at small acute angles.
main river from many directions. • Fault guided drainage pattern – This
They join the main river at acute is a drainage pattern where rivers
angles. This pattern develops in flow along fault lines. This occurs
an area with gentle slopes with in areas that have experienced
fairly uniform rock type. The faulting. The direction of flow
direction of flow is influenced by is influenced by the faults. The
the slope. It is common on massive tributaries form very sharp bends
crystalline rocks such as granite. It along their course. This drainage
also develops on horizontal gently pattern is also referred to as
dipping sedimentary rocks. rectangular drainage pattern.
• Trellis drainage pattern – This is • Annular drainage pattern – This is a
a pattern where the tributaries drainage pattern around a basin or
join the main river at right angles. crater. It forms when the main river
The minor tributaries also join the and its tributaries are arranged in
main tributaries at right angles. It a series of curves around a basin.
develops in areas where there are The tributaries join the main river
alternate layers of hard and soft at sharp angles. Lake Bosumtwi in
rocks. These rocks lie at right angles Ghana forms this pattern.
to the main direction of slope. The 7. (a) How water bodies influence
main river is powerful enough to human activities.
cut through the hard rocks while • Settlements – Water bodies that
the tributaries cut through the soft contain fresh water attract human
layers of rocks at right angles. The settlements. This is because they
minor tributaries cut valleys into provide water for domestic use.
the less resistant rocks. The hard
layers of rocks protrude as ridges. • Agriculture – Fresh water bodies
encourage agriculture by providing
• Centripetal drainage pattern – water which is used for irrigation.
This is a drainage pattern where Rivers deposit alluvium in the flood
rivers flow from all directions into plains. Alluvium contains fertile soils
a common basin. The common which are used for growing crops.
basin could be a swamp or a lake. The water bodies also provide water
The direction of flow of the rivers is for livestock to drink encouraging
influenced by the slope. livestock keeping.
• Transport – Lakes, seas, oceans and • Hydro-electric power generation
navigable rivers provide a cheap – Some rivers have been dammed
means of transport for people and and their water is used to generate
goods. hydro-electric power. The power
• Fishing – Water bodies such as is used for domestic and industrial
oceans, lakes and rivers are good purposes.
habitats for fish and other aquatic • Building materials – Lakes and rivers
life. Fishing is carried out in such contain sand, gravel and pebbles
water bodies for subsistence and on their beds. These materials are
for sale. extracted and used as building
• Mining – Some water bodies materials.
contain minerals in their beds. • Flooding – Water bodies such
These minerals are mined. Mining as rivers may flood causing the
takes place as an economic activity. displacement of people, destruction
Minerals which are mined in water of property. Floods also cause loss of
bodies include salt, trona and gold. lives.
• Tourism – Water bodies form • Water-borne diseases – Water bodies
beautiful sceneries e.g. waterfalls can be breeding grounds for disease
and sandy beaches which attract carrying organisms. Mosquitoes and
tourists. Tourism earns foreign snails transmit malaria and bilharzia
exchange which is used for economic which are waterborne diseases.
(b) How human activities influence
• Recreation – Some water bodies water bodies;
offer recreational activities. Water
sports such as surfing, yachting and Sedimentation – Human activities
sport fishing are some recreational such as farming, clearance of
activities that people engage in. forests, mining and building of roads
expose the soils to erosion. The
• Industries – Water bodies such as soils are washed by surface runoff
rivers and lakes provide water which and are eventually deposited in the
is used for industrial purposes. Water water bodies. This interferes with
bodies also provide raw materials navigation and result in flooding of
which encourage the establishment the areas adjacent to the
of industries. The presence of fish water bodies.
leads to the establishment of fish
related industries. Deforestation – The clearance of
vegetation in the catchment areas
• Ports – Some rivers have suitable exposes the soil to erosion leading
sites for the construction of ports to sedimentation in the water
and harbours. Rias and estuaries bodies.
at river mouths are used for
construction of ports. Fiords form Pollution – Industrial wastes, sewage
natural harbours. and surface runoff from the farm
lands are disposed into the water
bodies. They cause pollution making Diagnostic questions
the water unfit for use. Gases
1. What is the meaning of the term
emitted from factories and vehicles
water bodies?
are released into the atmosphere.
This leads to the formation of acid 2. Label the diagram below correctly.
rain which damages vegetation and
pollute the water.
Excessive use of water –The excessive
use of water from the surface and
underground sources leads to
drying up of water bodies. Such
water bodies include lakes, rivers
and aquifers. Some of the rivers
3. What is the name of the diagram
experiencing excessive use of water
shown in (2) above?
include Rivers Niger and Nile.
4. What is the meaning of a
Climate change – Some human
activities lead to climate change.
Climate change can result in wetter Answers to diagnostic questions
or drier climates in some regions of
the world. In drier climates, a decline 1. A water body is any significant
in the water bodies is witnessed. accumulation of water on the
earth’s surface.
Landscape changes – The drainage
2. A – Drainage divide
of swamps to create dry land for
agriculture interferes with the water B – Interfluve
balance. The water cycle is also C – Tributary stream
destroyed leading to the depletion D – Mouth
of wetlands. It also affects the flow E – Main stream
of water into the lakes, eventually
3. Drainage basin
affecting their sizes.
4. A stream that branches off and flows
Urban growth –The expansion of away from the main river channel.
urban centres results in increased Distributaries are common in the
contamination of underground river deltas.
water and surface water bodies.
This occurs by direct discharge and
surface runoff. Contamination can
occur directly through seepage of
soluble contaminants from septic
tanks, landfills and other industrial

Topic area: Physical geography

Sub-topic area: Man and his environment



Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, the learners should be able to propose
responses to the effects of natural and non-natural hazards in their environment.

Unit objectives
In this unit, the learner should be able to:
1. Define hazard.
2. Identify different types of hazards.
3. State the causes of hazards.
4. State the effects of hazards.
5. Explain the human responses to hazards.

Content map

Unit 11 Hazards
Number of periods 5
Introduction Talk about hazards. Ask learners to name some of the hazards.
Classroom Whole class orientation followed by group work and
organisation individual work.
Equipment required Photographs, Internet.
Activities • Interpreting photographs.
• Group discussions on hazards.
• Analysis and conclusions from data collected.
• Presentation of findings.
Competencies • Teamwork
practiced • Presentation of findings
• Communication
• Interpretation of photographs.

Language • Discussion in groups
• Presentation of findings
Vocabulary Terms related to hazards.
Study skills • Examine different types of hazards. Natural and human
caused hazards.
• Analyse the cause and effects of hazards.
• Propose possible solutions to the effects of hazards and
their preventive measures.
Revision Tasks and end of unit revision task in the Student’s Book.
Assessment • Ability to work in groups and communicate ideas with
• Ability to identify and explain the types of hazards.
• Ability to explain the causes, effects and preventive
measures of hazards.
Learning outcomes • Understanding the natural and non-natural hazards.
• Understanding that hazards have causes, effects and
• Teamwork.
• Know the human responses to hazards.
• Identify the hazards experienced in Rwanda.

Additional information for the of people. Floods can be controlled by
teacher planting trees in the catchment areas,
dredging the river channels to make
A hazard involves something that could them deeper and clearing the drainage
be potentially harmful to a person’s life, channels regularly. Some of the countries
health, property or the environment. that experience flooding in Africa include
Hazards cause a lot of damage to the Kenya, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe,
environment. Their causes should be Botswana and Madagascar.
known and some preventive measures
put in place to avoid their occurences. Volcanic eruptions may cause air
There are some hazards that occur pollution. Lava and volcanic ash may burry
naturally and thus cannot be prevented. vegetation and buildings. They cause
Control measures should be put in place displacement of people. Volcanic ash and
to ensure that people know how to lava may also form fertile soils which are
handle the situation when such hazards used for farming and volcanic features
occur. such as mountains that attract tourists.

There are two main categories of hazards; Teaching steps

those that occur naturally and those
that are caused due to various human – Ask the learners to do Activity 11.1
activities. individually. Discuss with them
their findings in class. Introduce the
Earthquakes which occur in settled areas unit by telling them the meaning
result in loss of lives, destruction of of hazards. They should write the
property, damage to roads, destruction meaning in their exercise books.
of telephone and power lines, and
displacement of people. Earthquakes – Let the learners do Activity 11.2 in
can be overcome by moving people pairs and discuss with them in class.
away from earthquake prone areas and Talk about the two types of hazards.
building structures such as houses that – Teach them about natural hazards
can withstand the impact of earthquakes. and let them name some of them.
Guided by Activity 11.3 in the
Floods may be caused by blockage of
Student’s Book, discuss with the
urban drainage channels, high rainfall
learners about floods. Discuss the
in the catchment areas leading to an
causes, effects and prevention and
increase in the stream volume, presence
control measures for floods. Give
of low-lying land where water spreads
them notes.
over a wide area, siltation in the river
channels which makes them shallow – Let the learners do Activity 11.4 in
or increase in lake or sea level which pairs and discuss with them in class.
drowns the adjacent lands. Floods lead – Discuss with the learners about
to loss of lives, destruction of property, earthquakes. Discuss the causes,
damaged roads, washed away bridges, effects, prevention and control
washed away crops and displacement measures for earthquakes. Give

them notes. some examples of man-made
– Ask them to do Activity 11.5 as an hazards.
assignment and discuss with them – Guided by Activity 11.10 of the
in the next lesson. Student’s Book, discuss with the
– Guided by Activity 11.6 in the learners about pollution. Discuss
Student’s Book, discuss with the the causes, effects, prevention and
learners about droughts. Discuss control measures for pollution. Give
the causes, effects, prevention and them notes and use relevant pictures
control measures for droughts. while explaining different types of
Give them notes and use relevant pollution.
pictures while explaining. – Let the learners do Activity 11.11 in
– Ask the learners to read the case groups and discuss with them their
study in the Student’s Book and findings in class.
answer the questions that follow. – Discuss with the learners about
Discuss with them the causes, wars. Discuss the causes, effects,
effects, prevention and control prevention and control measures for
measures for epidemics. Give them wars. Show them various pictures of
notes. places that have been hit by wars.
– Let the learners do Activity 11.7 in Give them notes.
groups and discuss with them their – Using Activity 11.12 in the Student’s
findings in class. Book as a guide, discuss with the
– Discuss landslides with the learners. learners about famine. Discuss
Discuss the causes, effects, the causes, effects, prevention
prevention and control measures and control measures for famine.
for landslides. Show them various Give them notes and use relevant
pictures of places that have been hit pictures while explaining.
by landslides. Give them notes. – Let the learners do Activity 11.13 in
– Using Activity 11.8 in the Student’s pairs and discuss with their findings
Book as a guide, discuss with the in class.
learners about volcanic eruptions. – Discuss with the learners about
Discuss the causes, effects, accidents. Discuss the causes, effects,
prevention and control measures for prevention and control measures
volcanic eruptions. Give them notes for accidents. Show them various
and use relevant pictures while pictures of different accidents. Give
explaining. them notes.
– Ask the learners to do Activity 11.9 – Ask the learners to do Activity
as an assignment and discuss with 11.14 and present their findings in
them in the next lesson. class. Teach them about responses
– Introduce the area on man-made to hazards. Discuss with them short
hazards. Ask the learners to give term, medium term and long term

responses to disasters. These hazards include pollution,
– Divide the learners into groups of wars, famine, accidents, fire and
ten and let them act out the skit terrorism.
in Activity 11.15 of the Student’s 3. Hazards that have been experienced
Book. in Rwanda. Accept correct answers
– They should also do the project for different types of responses to
outlined in Activity 11.16 the different types of disasters from the
Student’s Book. Guide them learners.
through this activity to ensure that 4. Responses to hazards are important
it is successful. to Rwanda as they help to ease
– Ask them to do the End of unit a problem that has occurred and
revision task as an assignment. needs immediate solution.
Collect their books and mark their 5. Accept correct answers from the
work. Revise with them in class. learners.
Put emphasis in their areas of
weakness. Diagnostic questions
1. What are the causes of floods?
Answers to End unit assessment
2. Explain the effects of pollution.
1. Hazards are events or activities that 3. Discuss the ways of preventing and
cause a threat to life, health, property controlling epidemics.
or the environment. Hazards can cause
great harm to life on the earth and to Answers to diagnostic questions
the physical environment.
1. Causes of floods.
2. Types of hazards.
• Soil deposition – Soils are usually
• Natural hazards – These are deposited on river beds due to
naturally occurring events that have erosion. This makes the river beds
negative effects on the environment shallow. The increase in river water
and on people. Human beings have due to high rainfall makes water to
no control over natural hazards. spill over the banks thus causing
However, some measures can be floods.
put in place to reduce their effects.
• High rainfall – High rainfall in
Examples of natural hazards include
catchment areas releases large
floods, earthquakes, drought,
volumes of water into the rivers. This
epidemics, landslides, volcanic
causes the rivers to burst the banks as
eruptions and strong winds.
the water flows to the adjacent lands.
• Human-caused hazards – These are
disastrous events caused directly by • Blocked drainage systems – Blocked
identifiable, deliberate or negligent drainag e systems in the urban areas
human actions. They are also cause water to flow on the surface.
known as non-natural disasters. • Earthquakes – They cause tsunamis

in the oceans which flood coastal destroys aquatic life. It also destroys
lowlands. the leaves of plants leading to lose
• Low gradients of the river channels of vegetation cover.
– Low gradients of river channels 3. Ways of preventing and controlling
in the old stage lead to low stream epidemics.
velocity. This causes the load to • Vaccination– People should be
be deposited in the river channel vaccinated against various diseases
making it shallow. The water that may cause death rapidly. This
spills over the river banks causing will protect them against infection.
flooding. • Proper hygiene – Most epidemics
2. Effects of pollution. are brought about by lack of proper
• Climate change – Pollution leads hygiene. People should practice
to the release of gases into the personal, environmental and food
atmosphere. This causes the climate hygiene to prevent outbreaks of
to change. Temperatures become diseases such as cholera and typhoid.
high due to global warming. This • Education – People should be
has a huge impact on agricultural educated on different types of
production. epidemics and their effects to
• Poor health conditions among people the community. They should also
– Air, water and land pollution have be educated on how to protect
adverse effects on the health of the themselves against infection and
people. Water pollution leads to how to handle the epidemics if they
the spread of water borne diseases. get infected. For example, people
Air pollution leads to respiratory can be educated on HIV/Aids and
infections. other diseases.
• Death of aquatic life – Oil spillage • Eating a balanced diet – A diet that
in water causes aquatic animals to has all the nutrients needed by the
be deprived of oxygen. This causes body will make the immune system
them to die. strong. This will make people
• Reduction in agricultural production – resistant to certain diseases. Lack
Climate change causes unfavourable of nutrients in the body makes the
conditions for agriculture. The body’s immune system weak.
crop yields reduce leading to food
insecurity. Excessive use of fertilisers
also cause soils to be acidic. They
are therefore not suitable for crop
production. This is because the soils
become infertile.
• Formation of acid rain – Chemicals
and smoke in the air cause the
formation of acid rain. Acid rain

Topic area: Human and economic geography

Sub-topic: Population, settlement and urbanisation


Population and settlement

Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, the learners should be able to explain
general population concepts and settlement patterns (rural and urban).

Unit objectives
By the end of this unit, the learner should be able to:
1. Define population and associated concepts.
2. Identify types of settlement.
3. Define concept of migration.

Content map
Unit 12 Population and settlement
Number of periods 8
Introduction Defining and discussing the definition of population and
population census.
Classroom Whole class orientation followed by group work and
organisation individual work.
Equipment Geographical documents, photographs, maps, graphs, audio-
required visual video clips, newspapers, Internet, local environment,
tactile and talking materials.
Activities • Defining population and population census.
• Discussing the population structure and composition.
• Explaining the importance of a population structure.
• Discussing population distribution and density.
• Discussing population growth.
• Explaining factors which influence population growth rate.
• Describing settlement.
• Discussing the types of settlements.
• Discussing migration and the types of migration.

Competencies • Teamwork
practiced • Presentation of findings
• Interpretation
• Communication
• Literacy
Language • Discussion in groups
• Class presentations
Vocabulary Terminologies related to population and settlement.
Study skills • Explain different population and settlement concepts.
• Observe various types of settlement patterns.
• Differentiate between internal and external migration.
Revision Tasks and end of unit revision task in the Student’s Book.
Assessment • Ability to work in groups and communicate ideas with
• Ability to define population and accepted concepts.
• Ability to identify types of settlement.
• Ability to define the concept of migration.
• Ability to work in groups.
Learning outcomes • Know the definition of population and accepted concepts.
• Know the types of settlement.
• Know the concept of migration.

Additional information for the – Ask the learners to do Task 12.2 and
teacher discuss in their groups.

It is the responsibility of the teacher – Guided by Activity 12.5 in the

Student’s Book, let the learners
to connect the findings of the learners determine the population density of
from the activities that they carry out each country that has been shown in
to the actual content and objectives of Table 12.3 and present their findings
the unit. However, it is good to first let in class.
them (learners) suggest the topic of the
– They should then do Activity 12.6 to
day after the first activity. This aims at analyse the effects of high population
painting a broader picture in the minds density on the environment.
of the learners.
– Ask them to do Task 12.3 as an
Teaching steps assignment and to discuss their
findings in groups.
– Introduce this unit by asking the
– They should then read the case study
learners to do Activity 12.1 in the
on population growth and answer
Student’s Book. They should count the questions that follow.Teach
themselves in class then identify the them about the population growth
number of males and females. They concepts. Start with birth rate. Ask
should also use the data that they them to do Activity 12.7 by studying
have collected to draw a chart which and analysing the population of their
they should display in class. area.
– They should also do Activity 12.2 – Using Activity 12.8 as a guide, let
under your guidance. the learners individually find out
the sizes of the families in their
– Teach them the meaning of population neighbourhood and explain the
and its concepts then teach them reasons for the varying sizes.
about population census.
– Teach them about fertility rate and
– Ask the learners to do Task 12.1 and give them notes.
discuss in their groups.
– Ask the learners to do Task 12.4 in
– Ask the learners to do Activity 12.3 to the Student’s Book as an assignment.
find out about population structure They should and discuss their
and composition. findings in their groups.
– Teach them about population – Teach them about growth rate and
structure and composition and death rate, natural increase and
explain to them the importance of a natural decrease and let them do
population structure.
Activity 12.9 and 12.10 then make
– Guided by Activity 12.4, let the class presentations.
learners describe how population is
spread out in their school. Take them – Teach them the factors that influence
through population distribution and population growth and let them
density. do Activity 12.11 and present their

findings in class. 4. Refer to the Student’s Book.
– Ask the learners to do Activity Answers to Task 12.2
12.12 in pairs and to make class
presentations. Introduce to them the 1. Population density refers to the
subtopic on settlements. number of people living per unit
area. The unit area is usually in
– They should then do Activity 12.13. square kilometres.
Discuss the types of settlements.
2. To determine the population density
– Ask them to do Task 12.5 as an of an area, the total population of an
assignment then let them discuss it area is divided by the total size of the
in their groups. area.
– Before teaching them about 3. The knowledge on population
migration, let them do the respective density enables the country to
activities. Take them through the allocate resources appropriately.
concept of migration and the types This is in proportion to the number
of migration. of people.
– Give them the End of unit revision 4. 977 persons per km2.
task as an assignment. Collect their
books and mark their work then Answers to Task 12.3
revise with them in class. 1. Fertility rate refers to the number
of children that would be born to
Answers to Task 12.1
a woman in her lifetime. Birth rate
1. Population distribution is the spread refers to the number of live babies
of people across the area where born in a year for every 1000 people
people live. in the total population.
2. Population structure refers to the 2. Factors that influence fertility rate in
composition of a given population. any given region include; economic
It is broken down into categories constraints, cultural and traditional
such as age and gender. beliefs, poor feeding on the side of
3. (a) Most developing countries mothers and diseases.
have a population pyramid
3. This is an open question. Accept
that is broad at the base like
correct answers from the learners.
the one above. This means
that there are more young Answers to Task 12.4
people and few aged ones.
1. A settlement refers to a place where
(b) The population structure of a
people live and establish their
developed country is narrow at
homes. It refers to forms of human
the base and wider than that of
habitation from a single dwelling to
a developing country towards
the largest city.
the apex. The middle part of this
population structure is wide. 2. (i) Rural settlements are villages

occupied by people involved 3. Population census helps with
in primary production such as studying the population distribution,
subsistence agriculture. population structure and
(ii) Urban settlements are areas composition, factors that influence
occupied by people who are population distribution, the effects
involved in trade, commerce of population levels on the available
and industrial activities. resources and socio-economic state
of the society.
3. (i) A nucleated settlement is a
settlement pattern where 4. (a) Birth rate refers to the number
people cluster together to of live babies born in a year
form compact settlements. for every 1000 people in the
A sparse settlement is a type total population. Death rate
of settlement that consists of refers to the number of people
isolated dwellings which are dying per 1000 people in the
scattered over a large area. total population. Growth rate
refers to the natural change
(ii) Linear settlement is a common in the number of people living
kind of settlement pattern in a given area or country.
where homesteads and houses This change is by an increase
are arranged in lines. The or decrease expressed in
houses are located on either percentage.
side of certain features like
roads, railways, rivers or along (b) Natural increase is the
a coast. difference between the
number of births and number
Answers to End unit assessment of deaths. It occurs when the
birth rate exceeds the death
1. Population is a term used to refer to rate. Natural decrease is a
the number of people living in an area at condition that occurs when
a given time. the death rate exceeds the
birth rate. It results in a low
2. (a) Population structure refers to
population growth rate.
the composition of a given
population. It is broken down 5. (a) A settlement refers to a place
into categories such as age and where people live and establish
gender. their homes. It refers to forms
of human habitation from a
(b) Population distribution is
single dwelling to the largest
the spread of people across
the area where people live.
Population density refers to (b) Refer to the Student’s Book.
the number of people living 6. (a) Migration is a term used to
per unit area. The unit area is refer to the movement of
usually in square kilometres.

people from one place to another for specific purposes.
(b) Refer to the student’s Book .
(c) The purposes of migration could be in search of jobs, search for pasture,
search for better living conditions or as a result of civil war.

Topic area: Human and economic geography

Sub-topic area: Economic activities and development



Economic activities
Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, the learners should be able to
categorise the various economic activities and their importance on development.

Unit objectives
In this unit, the learner should be able to:
1. Define economic activity.
2. State the types of economic activities.
3. Explain the importance of economic activities.

Content map
Unit 13 Economic activities
Number of periods 5
Introduction Talking about economic activities. Ask learners to name
economic activities.
Classroom Whole class orientation followed by group work and
organisation individual work.
Equipment required Photographs, Internet, maps, graphs, video clips,
newspapers, poster paper, reports and geographical
Activities • Interpreting photographs.
• Discussing economic activities.
• Naming various economic activities.
• Analysis and conclusion from data collected.
• Presentation of findings.
Competencies Teamwork
practiced • Presentation of findings
• Communication 109
• Interpretation of photographs
Language • Discussion in groups
• Presentation of findings
Vocabulary • Economic activities terminologies.
acquisition • Terms used in explaining economic activities.
Study skills • Describe the various economic activities carried out
around your school.
• Explain the importance of economic activities on
sustainable development.
Revision Tasks and end of unit revision tasks in the Student’s Book.
Assessment • Ability to work in groups and communicate ideas with
• Ability to describe the various economic activities
carried out around your school.
• Ability to explain the importance of economic activities
on sustainable development.
Learning outcomes • Understanding the types of economic activities.
• Knowing the importance of economic activities.
• Knowing the economic activities that are carried out in

Additional information for the

Economic activities are related to
production, distribution, exchange and
consumption of goods and services. The
primary aim of the economic activity is
the production of goods and services
with a view to make them available to the

Characteristics of economic activities

There are different characteristics of
economic activities. These activities have
been outlined below.
• Wealth producing activities – These
are economic activities that are done

with the aim of generating wealth. photographs in Activity 13.2 in pairs.
• Satisfying human wants – These – Guide the learners by explaining
activities are used in meeting all the primary economic activities. Ask the
needs of human beings. These may learners to give examples of primary
be the current needs or needs for the economic activities in Rwanda. Give
future. For example, a person can use them notes.
money earned to acquire needs. On – Ask the learners to study the
the other hand, a person can save photographs in Activity 13.3 and
money earned for use in the future. answer the questions that follow.
• Source of money/income – Economic – Guide the learners by explaining
activities are carried out with the to them secondary economic
aim of generating money or income. activities. Ask them to give examples
This helps people to meet their basic of secondary economic activities in
needs and wants. Rwanda. Give them notes.
• Developmental activities – Economic – Ask the learners to study the
activities are developmental photographs in Activity 13.4 and to
activities. They are used in the answer the questions that follow.
growth of a country or an area.
– Guide the learners by explaining
Economic activities are important for the tertiary economic activities. Ask
following reasons; they provide food, them to give examples of tertiary
employment opportunities, income to economic activities in Rwanda. Give
people, source of foreign exchange and them notes.
source of raw materials for industries.
– Ask the learners to carry out Activity
Teaching steps 13.5 in the Student’s Book as an
assignment and to discuss their
– Begin the unit by taking the learners
findings in a class discussion.
for a walk around the school. Guided
by Activity 13.1 in the Student’s – Using Activity 13.6 as a guide, let
Book. Let them identify some of the the learners discuss the importance
activities that people do for a living. of economic activities. They should
Discuss with them in class. then present their findings in class.
– Tell them the meaning of economic – Explain to them the importance of
activities and let them record in their economic activities and give them
books. notes. Ask them questions to test
their understanding.
– Teach them examples of economic
activities. Start with primary – Let the learners carry out Activity
economic activities as outlined in the 13.7 and 13.8 as an assignment and
Student’s Book. discuss in their groups. Each group
should then present their findings in
– Ask the learners to discuss the
a class discussion.

– Give them the End of unit revision learners on the main economic
task as an assignment. Collect their activities in Rwanda.
books and mark their work. Revise 5. Importance of economic activities
with them in class. to the economy of Rwanda. Accept
correct examples from the learners.
Answers to End unit assessment
• Economic activities provide food
1. (a) Examples of primary economic for the population for example
activities include crop cultivation, fishing and farming.
livestock farming, mining, forestry, • Economic activities provide
fishing and quarrying. employment to people. For
(b) Accept correct answers from example, those working in the
the learners. plantations or factories.
2. (a) Secondary economic • The sale of products from
activities are those that primary and secondary activities
utilise the products from the is a source of income to people.
primary economic activities. This helps to raise the people’s
They change the raw standards of living. Products such
materials into semi-processed as milk are sold to the consumers
or finished products. to earn income to the farmers.
(b) Steel making, textile and milk • Economic activities such as
production. processing activities are a source
3. (a) Tertiary economic activities of revenue to the government.
are those that provide This revenue is earned through
services to people. taxation. The revenue is used for
(b) They have professionals the economic development of
who provide services for other areas of the economy.
the primary and secondary • Commodities from the economic
economic activities’ sector. activities are exported to earn
(c) Jobs for people in the tertiary foreign exchange. This revenue
economic activities; is in turn used for economic
• Transport and communication development of the country.
• Tourism • The economic activities such as
• Banking dairy or tea farming have led to
the development of transport
• Trade
and communication networks in
• Insurance the rural areas. For example, the
• Administration construction of roads has led to
• Entertainment improved accessibility.
4. Accept correct answers from the • The economic activities lead

to production of commodities Answers to diagnostic questions
required by people for use. This
1. Professionals who provide services
has enabled people to have
include teachers, lawyers, bankers,
access to the basic needs and
secretaries, journalists, clerks, and
services. This leads to improved
medical officers.
standards of living.
2. Types of economic activities.
• The primary economic activities
are a major source of raw • Primary
materials for industries. • Secondary
• Some economic activities such as • Tertiary
tea processing and mining have
led to the growth of towns. 3. An economic activity is an action that
involves the production, distribution
• Economic activities have led to and consumption of goods and
equitable distribution of goods services.
and services. People who do not
produce a commodity are able to
get them easily. This is because • Aeration – is the process by which air
they can buy the commodities is circulated through, mixed with or
that they do not have in exchange dissolved in a substance.
for money or for other goods and • Aerosol – a substance that is released
services. Services such as banking from a container as a spray.
and insurance come close to the
• Afforestation – establishment of a
people who need them.
forest in an area where there was no
Diagnostic questions
• Agroforestry – agriculture that
1. Outline the examples of professionals involves cultivation and conservation
who provide services to people in the of trees.
• Alluvial soils – fertile soil deposited
2. Name the types of economic by water flowing over flood plains or
activities. in river beds.
3. Define the term economic activity. • Altitude – the height of an object or
point in relation to sea level or ground

• Aquatic – relating to water, living in or • Continents – part of the earth’s crust
near water. that rises above the oceans .
• Aquifer – an underground layer of • Convectional currents – the transfer
water-bearing permeable rock. of heat by the mass movement of
• Aspect – the compass direction that heated particles.
a slope faces. • Coordinates – each of a group of
• Axis - an invisible line around which numbers used to indicate the position
an object such as a planet rotates, or of a point, line or plane.
spins. • Core – central and innermost part of
• Base – a substances that is slippery to the earth or other planet.
touch, tastes bitter and changes the • Coriolis effect – the force that causes
color of indicators. a moving object to change direction
• Biodiversity – variety of life in the towards the right in the Northern
world. Hemisphere and the left in the
• Calibrate – mark with a standard scale Southern Hemisphere.
of readings. • Cosmic – relating to the universe.
• Canopy – the cover formed by the • Crest – the top of a mountain or a hill.
leafy upper branches of the trees in • Crust – outer layer of the earth.
a forest. • Crystals - a small piece of a substance
• Capillarity – the process in which a that is formed when the substance
liquid flows in narrow spaces like soil turns into a solid.
pores. • Data – facts and statistics collected
• Cartographer – a person who creates together for reference or analysis.
maps. • Decay – rotting of organic matter
• Census – an official count or survey of through the action of bacteria or fungi.
a population. • Decomposition – the process of
• Ceramics – things made of clay and rotting.
hardened by heat. • Deflect – to cause something to
• Chlorofluorocarbon – a chemical change direction.
containing atoms of carbon, chlorine, • Degree of inclination – the angle
and fluorine. It is mostly used in the at which a piece of land is raised in
manufacture of aerosol sprays. relation to a point of reference.
• Constriction – a place where something • Demography – the study of populations
has become tighter or narrower; an with emphasis on statistics such as
obstruction. births, deaths and income.
• Consumption – using up of a resource. • Density – the mass per unit volume of
• Continental movement – movement of a substance .
the earth’s continents relative to each • Deploy – to spread out or arrange
other strategically.

• Deposition – the act or process of • Fauna – the animals of a particular
depositing. region.
• Digital – electronic technology that • Fieldwork – practical work conducted
generates, stores, and processes data. by a researcher in the natural
• Dinosaur – an ancient reptile of environment.
enormous size. • Flora – the plants of a particular
• Disintegration – the process of region.
breaking into pieces. • Foreign exchange – currency from
• Drainage – the process of removing other countries.
excess water from a substance. • Forest reserve – forests that have
• Drizzle – light rain falling in very fine been set side and protected by law in
drops. a certain country.
• Ecosystem – a biological community • Fossils – preserved remains of things
of interacting organisms and their of the old times.
physical environment. • Gender – the state of being male or
• Elevation – the height of a geographical female with reference to social and
location above or below a point of cultural differences.
reference. • Geography – the study of the
• Emigration – the act of leaving one’s physical features of the earth and its
native country with the intent to settle atmosphere. It also studies human
elsewhere. activities as they affect and are affected
• Eq u a t o r i a l t r o u g h – t h e l o w by the physical features. This includes
atmospheric pressure zone that lies the distribution of populations and
between the subtropical high-pressure resources, land use, and industries.
belts of the Northern and Southern • Glacial – relating to ice.
Hemispheres. • Granule – a small grain or particle of
• Erosion – Weathering in which surface something.
soil and rock are washed away by the • Gravity – the force that attracts a body
action of glaciers, water, and wind. towards the centre of the earth. It can
• Exotic – originating in a distant or also attract a body towards any other
foreign country. physical body with mass.
• Extrusive – relating to rock that has • Green manure – a fertiliser consisting
been forced out onto the earth’s of growing plants that are plowed back
surface as lava or other volcanic into the soil.
deposits. • Haze – a slight obscuration of the
• Farmyard manure – the traditional lower atmosphere, caused by fine
manure that is mostly readily available suspended particles.
to the farmers. It is made using cow • Heath – a short shrub with small
dung, cow urine, waste straw and leaves and pink or purple bell-shaped
other dairy wastes. flowers.

• Horizon – a zone or layer erupted from a volcano or fissure.
• Hydrological cycle – this is a continuous • Lava ejecta – material ejected out of a
cycle where water evaporates, into volcano such as pumice, ash and tuff.
the air and becomes part of the
clouds. It then falls down to earth as • Lava flow – a mass of flowing or
precipitation and evaporates again. solidified lava.
This repeats again and again in a • Lay of the land – the natural features
never-ending cycle. of a geographic area
• Immigration – the action of coming to • Light years – The distance that light
live permanently in a foreign country. travels in a vacuum in one year.
• Impervious – not allowing fluid to pass • Loess – a loamy soil deposit formed
through. by wind.
• Infiltrate – to cause a liquid to enter • Louvre – a structure on a roof or
something like soil through its pores. window, with side openings for
• Inorganic – not consisting of living ventilation.
matter • Lumbering – the process of cutting
• Insolation – a measure of solar down trees and turning them into
radiation energy received on a given timber.
surface area in a given time. • Macro-nutrients – nutrients that
• Interstellar gas – gases, and dust that provide energy and are required in
occupy the space between the stars. large amounts.
It provides the raw material for the • Mafic rocks – a silicate mineral or rock
formation of new stars. rich in magnesium and iron that is dark
• Intrusive – of or relating to igneous in colour.
rock that while molten is pushed into • Magma – hot fluid or semi- fluid
cracks or between other layers of rock. material below or within the earth’s
• Ionosphere – a part of Earth’s crust.
atmosphere that has a lot of ions from • Mantle – a layer in the interior of
the solar radiation. Earth or another planet.
• Isotope – a different version of a • Maritime – relating to the sea.
chemical element. • Matter – a physical substance that
• Jovian planets – outer planets away occupies space and has mass.
from the sun. • Metamorphism – alteration of the
• Landform – a natural feature on the composition or structure of a rock by
earth’s surface. heat or pressure.
• Landscape – all the visible features of • Meteorologist – scientists who study
an area of land. the atmosphere. They examine its
• Laterally – extending from side to effects on the environment, predict
side. the weather, or investigate climate
• Lava – hot molten or semi-fluid rock
• Micro-climate – the climate of a small • Ozone layer – a layer in Earth’s
area that is different from the area stratosphere that absorbs most of
around it. the ultraviolet radiation reaching Earth
• Micro-nutrients – nutrients required from the sun.
in small amounts. • Ped – a soil particle.
• Micro-organism – a living organism • Percolate – of a liquid; filter gradually
that is too small to be seen with the through a porous surface or substance.
naked eye e. g bacteria. • Perennial – lasting or existing for a
• Molten – in a semi-liquid state by long time.
means of heating. • Permeability – the state of a material
• Moorland – an area of low-growing that causes it to allow liquids or gases
vegetation of grass and bushes on to pass through it.
acidic soils. • Photosynthesis – a process used by
• Murram – a form of clay material used plants to convert light energy from
for road surfaces. the sun, into chemical energy that can
• Muslin – lightweight cotton cloth. be later released to fuel the plant’s
• Natural resources – materials or activities.
substances that occur in nature and • Physical features – the environment:
can be used for economic gain. They landforms, water bodies, climate,
include forests, fertile land, water, natural vegetation and soils of the
minerals etc. earth.
• Oblique – aerial photographs taken • Planetoid – minor planet
from a high point at a slope angle. • Plankton – the small and microscopic
• Oceanic bed – the bottom of the organisms drifting or floating in the
ocean. sea or fresh water.
• Offshore – situated at sea some • Plutonic – igneous rock formed by
distance from the shore. solidification below the earth’s surface.
• Onshore – situated or occurring on • Population pyramid – a graphical
land. illustration that shows the distribution
• Organic – relating to or derived from of various age groups in a population.
living matter. • Porous – relating to a rock having
• Organic farming – a form of agriculture spaces or holes through which liquid
that depends on techniques like crop or air may pass.
rotation, green manure, compost and • Precipitate – cause (a substance) to
biological pest control. be deposited in solid form from a
• Orographic – resulting from the effects solution.
of mountains. • Pressure belt – A pressure belt is a
• Oxides – a mixture of oxygen and band of high and low pressure found
another element. every 30 degrees.

• Quarrying – extraction of stones from • Scarp – a very steep bank or slope.
rocks on the ground. • Sea level – an average level for the
• Rain shadow – a region with little surface of the earth’s oceans from
rainfall because it is sheltered from which heights are measured.
rain-bearing winds. • Sea waves – a disturbance on the
• Ratio – a relationship between two surface of the sea or lake. It is usually
quantities showing the number of in the form of a moving ridge or swell.
times one value is contained another. • Sediments – solid fragments of
• Raw materials – a basic material that inorganic or organic material that
is used to produce goods, finished settle at the bottom of lakes or ocean
products and energy. beds. They are carried and deposited
• Reforestation – restocking of existing by wind, water, or ice.
forests that have been depleted or • Sediments – the accumulation of sand
destroyed. and dirt that settles at the bottom of
• Refugee – a person who has been lakes or oceans.
forced to leave their country in order • Semi-processed – a product that
to escape war, persecution or natural has not been fully processed to
disaster. completion to create a product.
• Regolith – the layer of loose material • Sensitise – make an object or substance
covering the bedrock of the earth. sensitive to light.
• Relief – the highest and lowest • Slide – an image on a transparent base
elevation points in an area. Mountains for projection on a screen.
and ridges are the highest elevation • Soil aggregate – groups of soil particles
points, while valleys are the lowest. that bind to each other strongly.
• Revenue – a country’s income from • Solidification – to make something
which public expenses are met. into a hard compact mass or a solid.
• Ribbon – a long narrow strip of • Soluble – of a substance able to
something. dissolve in water.
• Run-off – draining away of water from • Sub-surface water – water beneath
the land surface. e a r t h ’s s u r f a c e a s p a r t o f
• Satellite – a body that orbits around the water cycle.
Earth, any other planet or a star. • Sublimation – a chemical process

where a solid turns into a gas without expelled by a volcano during an
going through a liquid stage. eruption.
• Submarine canyons – is a steep-sided • Vulcanicity – the process through
valley cut into the sea floor . which gases and molten rock are
• Tectonic plate movement – theory forced out onto the earth’s surface
which states that the Earth’s or into the earth’s crust.
lithosphere is divided plates that float • Waterlogged – saturated with or full
over the mantle. of water.
• Terrain – a tract of land considered • Watershed – a ridge of high land
with its physical features. dividing two areas that are drained by
• Terrestrial planets – inner planets different river system.
closer to the sun. • Zone – an area distinguished from
• Tillage – preparation of land for other parts by a distinct feature or
growing crops. characteristic.
• Topographical map – a detailed,
accurate graphic representation of
features that appear on the earth’s
• Transverse – extending across
• Tributaries – rivers or streams flowing
into a larger river or lake.
• Tsunami – very large ocean wave
caused by an underwater earthquake
or volcanic eruption.
• Twilight – the soft light from the sky
when the sun is below the horizon. It
usually occurs at daybreak to sunrise
or from sunset to nightfall.
• Ultra-violet – electromagnetic
• Undulating – to have a wavy shape
that rises and falls such as in hills and
• Vacuum – empty space.
• Volcanic lava – the molten rock


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