Api 510 Notification

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New problems on Exam Jan-2023

1. Deaerators in boiler feed water systems can be susceptible to cracking from a corrosion fatigue
mechanism. API 572.
2. Rotating equipment, deaerators, and cycling boilers as well as any equipment subjected to
cyclic stresses in a corrosive environment are potentially susceptible to corrosion fatigue
3. If crack-like flaws are detected while the pressure vessel is in operation, further inspection may
be used to assess the magnitude of the flaw. Additionally, an effort should be made to determine
whether the crack-like flaws are from original weld fabrication or caused by a service-related
cracking mechanism .API 510
4. Bulges and buckling often occur in metallic linings and usually indicate that cracks or leaks exist
in the bulged section of the lining or that pin holes exist in the adjacent welds .API 572
5. Caustic stress corrosion cracking observed on the steel surface is sometimes described as a
spider web. API571
6. Stress-oriented Hydrogen-induced Cracking (SOHIC) SOHIC most often occurs in the base
metal adjacent to weld HAZs. API571
7. If any distortion of a vessel is suspected or observed, the overall dimensions of the vessel shall
be checked to determine the extent of the distortion. API 572
8. The large number of internal attachment welds, coupled with the numerous horizontal surfaces,
creates conditions that promote service type defects such as environmental cracking and/or
corrosion at the tray support ring attachment welds, the down comer attachment welds, and on
both the upper and lower surfaces of the tray. API 572
9. Internal inspection of tower include all of the below except
 the area of the feed inlet and five to ten trays above and below the feed inlet
 the reflux inlet, the adjacent shell/head, and the first 5 to 10 trays below the reflux inlet
 The shell across from and adjacent to the inlet from the reboiler (if present).
 MT and PT over the attachments welds in vapor zone.
10. The ACFM technique is an electromagnetic, non-contacting technique that is able to detect and
size surface breaking imperfections in a range of different materials and through coatings of
varying thicknesses. It requires minimal surface preparation and can be used at elevated
temperatures up to 900 °F (480 °C).
11. When weld metal buildup is required, post weld heat treatment shall be performed prior to flange
face machining if required by an applicable new construction or post-construction code unless
dimensional stability is an issue. ASME BCC-2(Article 305Flange Repair and Conversion)
12. To prevent brittle fracture during the pressure test when required on CR-MO steel after repair
the pressure test shall be performed at a temperature higher than the fracture appearance
transition temperature (FATT) and at or above the minimum temperature specified by the
applicable construction code. ASME BCC-2 (closed book)
13. The upper shell and the top head of the fractionation and distillation towers are sometimes
subject to chloride attack. API 572
14. The liquid level lines at trays in towers and in the bottom of overhead accumulators are points of
concentrated attack.
15. There are two primary concerns when performing in service welding.
The first concern is “burn-through, also referred to as blowout so welding onto pressure
components or pipelines with thin walls [4.8 mm (3/16 in.) or less for set-on-type fittings used
for hot tap connections] and 4 mm (5∕32 in.) for forged pressure retention tee type connections is
possible as long as precautions are taken. Precautions include controlling the heat input or
penetration of the welding process and using smaller diameter electrodes [e.g. 2.4 mm
(0.094in.)] when the wall thickness is less than 6.4 mm (0.250in.).
16. total replacement of the tube bundle when tubes inspected indicate a wall loss of 40% or more of
the initial, nominal thickness
17. Laboratory Chemical Analysis are typically slower than field PMI techniques due to Laboratory
analysis may involve the removal of significant amounts of material but the accuracy of
laboratory chemical analysis are typically higher than field analysis. API 578
18. A forward-acting conventional rupture disk is a formed (domed), solid metal disk designed to
burst at a rated Pressure applied to the concave side See this rupture disk typically has an angular
seat design. API 576
19. Crack when discovered, stop drilling may need to be performed if weld repair is not performed.
20. Nondestructive examination may be considered in lieu of pressure testing to verify repairs or
alterations in some instances this may require the use of tightness testing as well. ASMEBCC-2
21. Evaluation of Existing Equipment with Minimal Documentation .API 510
22. Critical Factors of Brittle Fracture the amount of residual and applied stresses on the flaw. API
23. In steam-generating equipment, caustic corrosion is best prevented through proper design. API
24. Corroded areas in Vessel heads the required thickness at corroded areas of ellipsoidal and tori
spherical heads can be determined if the corrosion in the knuckle region of the head, use the
appropriate head formula in the construction code. API 510
25.In the central portion of the head, use the hemispherical head formula in the construction code.
The central portion of the head is defined as the center of the head with a diameter equal to 80
% of the shell diameter.
26. Lap Band Repairs as a temporary repair : the band material and weld metal are suitable for
contact with the contained fluid at the design conditions and an appropriate corrosion allowance
is provided in the band.
27. The filler metal used for weld repairs to vessel base metal should have minimum specified
tensile strength equal to or greater than the minimum specified tensile strength of the base
metal. API 510
28. If CDW used in lieu of 360 PWHT When impact tests are required by the construction code
applicable to the work planned, the procedure qualification record (PQR) shall include sufficient
tests to determine if the toughness of the weld metal and the heat-affected zone of the base metal
in the as-welded condition is adequate at the MDMT.API 510
29. If CDW used in lieu of 360 PWHT For welds made by SMAW, after completion of welding and
without allowing the weldment to cool below the minimum preheat temperature, the temperature
of the weldment shall be raised to a temperature of 500 °F ±50 °F (260 °C ± 30 °C) for a
minimum period of two hours to assist outgassing diffusion of any weld metal hydrogen picked
up during welding. API 510
30. Given thickness in test coupon what is the qualified thickness in WPS as per table 8.1 in API
510 not as per ASME IX.
31. The owner/user shall specify industry-qualified UT angle beam examiners
32. The examiner’s employer shall maintain certification records of the examiners employed,
including dates and results of personnel qualifications. API 510
33. The owner/user should receive a report of the audit team’s findings. When nonconformance’s
are found, the owner/ user authorized inspection agency shall take the necessary corrective
34. The primary reasons for applying rupture disks upstream of pressure-relief valves include the
following: closed book
 Prevent plugging of pressure-relief valve
 Prevent corrosion of pressure-relief valve
 Prevent leakage through pressure-relief valve
35. The C-scan display shows a plan view of the test object. API 577
36. Balanced Direct Spring-operated Pressure-relief Valve used for minimizing the effect of
backpressure on the operational characteristics of the valve. API 576
37. If the MDMT is unknown, the minimum allowable temperature (MAT) of the component or
system should be determined using a fitness-for-service evaluation. ASME BCC-2 article 501
Pressure and Tightness Testing of Piping and Equipment.
38. The patch plate should overlap sound base metal by at least 25 mm (1 in.).ASME BCC-2
39. ACFM differ than WFMT by it is less sensitive and more prone to operator errors than
40. Interruption of the typical structure of a material, such as a lack of homogeneity in its
mechanical, metallurgical, or physical characteristics. Discontinuity (API 577)
41. Pressure vessels are susceptible to various types of damage by several mechanisms. Inspection
techniques for each of the potential damage mechanisms that exist for each pressure vessel
should be part of the inspection plans. API 510 5.4.1
42. Applicators qualified for the overhead position may be used in any all position. ASME V (MT
sec )
43. Applicators Qualified for the vertical position may be used in the horizontal and flat positions.
ASME V (MT sec )
44. CMLs may be eliminated or the number significantly reduced when the probability and/or
consequence of failure is low ( clean noncorrosive hydrocarbon service).API 510 (
45. Ultrasonic System Calibrations shall include the complete ultrasonic system and shall be
performed prior to use of the system in the thickness range under examination (ASME
V).check answer
46. Figure A.4—Standard Weld Symbols in API 577 (Tail indicate to ) Specification ,process or
other reference
47. If CUI is susceptible which most critical temperature:
From 212° F to 350 ° F.API 571
From 120° F to 350 ° F
From 10° F to 140 ° F
From 140° F to 160 ° F
48. The pressure vessel or vessel part should be pressure tested in accordance with the
requirements of the applicable construction code.
49. Complete NDE shall be performed in an area that is at least the maximum of either 2T, where
T is the thickness of material, or 100 mm (4 in.) from the edge of the repair-welded, preheated,
or postweld heat-treated area,to ensure the area is free of defects.
50. The repair weld procedure(s) to restore removed, corroded, or missing clad or overlay areas
shall be reviewed and approved by the engineer and inspector before implementation.
51. Weld overlay of corrosion on a vessel that does not require postweld heat treatment authorized
by Inspector ( Prior general Authorization ).
52. FOR Newly Installed Pressure Vessels or Changes in Service, The inspection plan shall include
determining wall loss change rate on-stream by direct measurement techniques after six
months of service.

53. Calculations performed by either the manufacturer or an owner-operator engineer (or his/her
designated representative) experienced in pressure vessel design, fabrication, or inspection
shall justify rerating.

54. Certification records shall be available to the inspector, who is responsible to the owner-
operator to determine all NDE examiners are properly qualified for the work they perform.

55. Ultrasonic scanning or radiographic profile techniques are preferred where corrosion is
localized or the remaining thickness is approaching the required thickness.

56. Vessels constructed of steels initially required PWHT, shall be postweld heat treated if
alterations or repairs involving pressure boundary welding are performed.

57. An internal inspection is conducted from inside the vessel and shall provide a thorough check
of internal pressure boundary surfaces for damage.

58. It is not necessary to remove insulation if the entire vessel shell is maintained at a temperature
sufficiently low or sufficiently high to prevent the condensation of moisture.

59. When PWHT has been conducted as part of a repair or replacement project, at a minimum the
inspector shall carefully review the PWHT charts to determine if the specified PWHT
temperatures and soak times were achieved for all sections and components of the vessel.

60. Prior to using any alternative method to PWHT, a metallurgical review conducted by an
engineer shall be performed to assure the proposed alternative is suitable for the application.

61. welds and weld heat-affected zones are often inspected for corrosion and/or service-induced
cracking as part of the in-service inspections.

62. Crack-like flaws, environmental cracking and preferential weld corrosion shall be assessed by
the inspector and either an engineer or corrosion specialist.
63. After maintenance of the valve(s) is completed and the valve(s) is reinstalled, a full visual on-
stream inspection shall be performed by the inspector or designee before startup. This provides
a critical check that the proper relief device is in the proper location, installed properly, and
has the proper set pressure for the intended service.

64. Updates to the pressure vessel or PRD records with deferral documentation are complete
before it is operated beyond the original due date.

65. Sulfidation (H2-free) of iron-based alloys begins at metal temperatures above 450 °F (230 °C)
but normally only becomes a practical concern above 500 °F (260 °C).

66. Blistering, HIC, and SOHIC have been found to occur between ambient temperature and 300 °
F (150 °C) or higher.

67. Brackish and salt water outlet temperatures above about 115 °F (45 °C) may cause serious

68. Cooling water corrosion, fouling, and MIC are closely related and should be considered
together. Fluid temperature, type of water (fresh, brackish, or salt water) and the type of
cooling system (once-through, open circulating, or closed circulating), oxygen content, and
fluid velocities are critical factors.

69. Tray support ring upper attachment welds are prone to cracking, particularly at the ends
adjacent to downcomers.

70. Documented results of the inspection shall be approved by the responsible owner-operator
inspector, engineer, or qualified designee and should be posted into the appropriate inspection
data management system within 90 days of the completion of the inspection and/or startup.

71. Blistering, HIC, SOHIC, and SSC damage can occur throughout the refinery wherever there is
a wet H2S environment present.

72. Recognize that performing radiography on welds in a vessel with minimal or no design and
construction documentation may result in the need for an FFS evaluation and significant

73. Nonpenetrating nozzles may be used as permanent repairs of damage other than cracks when
the design and method of attachment comply with the applicable construction code.
74. Pneumatic testing (including combined hydropneumatic) may be used when hydrostatic testing
is impracticable because of limited supporting structure or foundation, refractory linings, or
process reasons.

75. The internals need not be removed completely as long as reasonable assurance exists that
damage in regions rendered inaccessible by the internals is not occurring to an extent beyond
that found in more accessible parts of the vessel.

76. To reduce the number of welding procedure qualifications required, P‐Numbers are assigned
to base metals dependent on characteristics such as composition, weldability, and mechanical
properties, where this can logically be done.

77. With carbon and low-alloy steels, CUI usually causes localized corrosion. However, vessels in
sweating service may have general corrosion with localized corrosion occurring at locations
with coating failure. With austenitic and duplex stainless steel materials, CUI is usually in the
form of external chloride stress corrosion cracking.

78. Exemptions: Pressure vessels that do not exceed the following volumes and pressures:
1) 0.14 m3 (5 ft3) in volume and 1.7 MPa (250 psi) design pressure;
2) 0.08 m3 (3 ft3) in volume and 2.4 MPa (350 psi) design pressure;
3) 0.04 m3 (1 1/2 ft3) in volume and 4.1 MPa (600 psi) design pressure.

79. When corrosion or erosion is causing damage, the rate of metal loss can usually be obtained by
comparing consecutive inspection records.

80. If any of the restorative work results in a change to the design temperature, minimum
allowable temperature (MAT), or maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP), the work
shall be considered an alteration, and the requirements for rerating shall be satisfied.

81. Spring failures occur in two forms. Lead to: The first is a weakening of the spring, which
causes a reduction in set pressure and the possibility of premature opening. The second is a
mechanical failure (complete break) of the spring, which causes uncontrolled valve opening.

82. Failed springs are almost always caused by corrosion.

83. Welders and welding operators who pass the required tests for groove welds in the test
positions shall be qualified for the positions of groove welds, tack welds in joints to be groove
or fillet welded, and fillet welds.
84. PWHT of the weldment will not prevent environmental cracking if the weld is exposed to wet
H2S conditions.

85. PWHT will reduce residual stress at the ferritic-austenitic interface and thereby reduce the
likelihood of high-temperature DMW cracking.

86. The performance qualification of a welder or welding operator shall remain valid, provided no
greater than 6 months have passed since the qualified welding process was last used under the
supervision and control of the qualifying or participating organization.

87. Temporary repairs may remain in place for a longer period of time only if evaluated, approved,
and documented by the engineer and inspector.

88. Temporary repairs should be removed and replaced with suitable permanent repairs at the next
available maintenance opportunity.

89. MT (wet or dry), PT, and angle beam UT may also be used to check for caustic embrittlement.

90. According to ASME Section VIII, Division 1, how long must radiographs taken during
fabrication and assembly of a pressure vessel be retained?. Until the data report is signed by
the Authorized Inspector.

91. If a filler metal is used that has a minimum specified tensile strength lower than the minimum
specified tensile strength of the base metal, the compatibility of the filler metal chemistry with
the base metal chemistry shall be considered regarding weldability and service damage. In
addition, all of the following shall be met:
a) The repair thickness shall not be more than 50 % of the required thickness of the base
metal (this excludes corrosion allowance).
b) The thickness of the repair weld shall be increased by a ratio of minimum specified tensile
strength of the base metal and minimum specified tensile of the filler metal used for the repair.
T fill = d × S base / S fill.
c) The increased thickness of the repair shall have rounded corners and shall be blended into
the base metal using a 3-to-1 taper.
d) The repair shall be made with a minimum of two passes.

92. Gage Range. When dial indicating and recording pressure gage(s) are used in leak testing,
they should preferably have the dial(s) graduated over a range of approximately double the
intended maximum pressure, but in no case shall the range be less than 1 1/2 nor more than
four (4) times that pressure.
93. the deviation of the as-found set pressure from the nameplate set pressure should not exceed ±2
psi for pressures less than or equal to 70 psi & ±3 % for pressures greater than 70 psi.

94. The density of the radiograph anywhere through the area of interest shall not vary by more than
minus 15% or plus 30% from the density through the body of the designated hole-type IQI
adjacent to the essential hole or adjacent to the essential wire of a wire-type.

95. The maximum interval for visual on-stream inspections of PRVs should be five years.

96. Defect: A discontinuity or discontinuities that by nature or accumulated effect render a part or
product unable to meet minimum applicable acceptance standards or specifications (e.g., total
crack length). The term designates rejectability.

97. Discontinuity: Interruption of the typical structure of a material, such as a lack of homogeneity
in its mechanical, metallurgical, or physical characteristics.

98. Imperfection: Flaws or other discontinuities noted during inspection or examination that may
or may not exceed the applicable acceptance criteria.

99. Indication: A response or evidence resulting from the application of an NDE that may be
nonrelevant, flawed, or defective upon further analysis.

100. Magnetic Particle Examination (MT) is most effective when the magnetic flux is 90º to the
major axis of discontinuities.

101. the surface at a weld includes 2.5 cm (1 in.) on either side of the weld (measured from the toe)
or twice the required thickness on either side of the weld, whichever is greater.

102. The fluorescence excitation light intensity shall be measured with a suitable fluorescence
excitation light meter prior to use, whenever the light’s power source is interrupted or changed,
and at the completion of the examination or series of examinations.

103. Under-thickness of a raised face due to refinishing shall be acceptable, provided the minimum
finished height of the raised face is 0.8 mm (1∕32 in.).

104. The reduction of thickness due to grinding shall not exceed 0.8 mm (1∕32 in.) or 10% of the
nominal thickness of the adjoining surface, whichever is less.

105. Normally, two layers of weld metal should be deposited, especially for dissimilar metal welds,
to reduce the impact of weld dilution.
106. Caustic SCC is characterized by surface-initiated cracks that occur in piping and equipment
exposed to caustic (alkaline hydroxide solutions) at elevated temperature, primarily adjacent to
non-PWHT’d welds. It is a form of ASCC. The temperature above which caustic SCC occurs
depends on the concentration of the caustic solution.

107. Brass (Cu-Zn) alloys can suffer dezincification in fresh, brackish, and salt water systems.

108. ERW carbon steel pipe or exchanger tubes may suffer severe weld and/or HAZ corrosion in
fresh or brackish water.

109. Amine SCC is most often found at or adjacent to non-postweld-heat-treated (non-PWHT’d)

carbon steel welds or in highly cold worked parts.

110. Weld metal and heat-affected zones may be peened by manual, electric, or pneumatic means
when it is deemed necessary or helpful to control distortion, to relieve residual stresses, or to
improve the quality of the weld.

111. Peening shall not be used on the initial (root) layer of weld metal nor on the final (face) layer
unless the weld is subsequently postweld heat-treated. In no case, however, is peening to be
performed in lieu of any postweld heat treatment required by these rules.

112. Controlled shot peening and other similar methods, which are intended only to enhance surface
properties of the vessel or vessel parts shall be performed after any nondestructive
examinations and pressure tests required by these rules.

113. When accessible, nozzles should be internally inspected for corrosion, cracking, and distortion.
The inspection can be visual with a scraper and a flashlight.

114. The effectiveness of corrosion-resistant linings is greatly reduced by breaks or holes in the

115. Once a rupture disk is removed from its holder, the rupture disk should not be reinstalled.
Installation in a holder can form an imprint on the disk. They are generally replaced.
116. Once removed from its holder, it would be difficult to reinstall the disk perfectly in the same
117. Pneumatic testing (including combined hydro pneumatic) may be used when hydrostatic
testing is impracticable because of limited supporting structure or foundation, refractory
linings, or process reasons.

118. Whenused, the potential personnel and property risks of pneumatic testing shall be considered
by an engineer before conducting the test.

119. Apneumatic test procedure should be developed by the engineer following the steps outlined
in ASME PCC-2.

120. Whenthe extent of radiography originally performed is not known, use joint efficiency of 0.7
for Type No. (1) and 0.65 for Type No. (2) butt welds and 0.85 for seamless shells, heads, and
nozzles or consider performing radiography if a higher joint efficiency is needed.

121. Thecircumferential fillet welds attaching the band (of lapband) to the vessel shell are designed
to transfer the full longitudinal load in the vessel shell, using a joint efficiency of 0.45.

122. When an RBI assessment is used to extend the internal or on-stream inspection interval, the
assessment should include a review of the inspection history and potential fouling of the vessel’
s PRD(s).

123. The size (minimum diameter, or length and width) dimensions of nonpostweld heat-treated,
Butt-welded carbon and low alloy steel insert plates shall be the lesser of 12t or 380 mm (15

124. Theinsert plate thickness should be not less than the nominal thickness of the material it welds

125. Repairing
a crack at a discontinuity, where stress concentrations are high (e.g., crack in a
nozzle-to-shell weld), should not be attempted without prior consultation with an engineer.

126. UG-43 apply to openings (size of opening) not exceeding the following: for vessels 60 in. (1
520 mm) inside diameter and less, one half the vessel diameter, but not to exceed 20 in.
; for vessels over 60 in. (1 520 mm) inside diameter,
One‐third the vessel diameter, but not to exceed 40 in. (1020 mm).

127. Iridium192 is normally used for performing radiography on steel with a thickness range of
0.25 in. to 3 in. (6 mm to 75 mm). Cobalt 60 is used for steel thickness of 1.5 in. to 7 in.
(38mm to 175 mm).
128. Inspection through manway or inspection port can be substituted for internal inspections when
the vessel is too small to safely enter or when the use of remote visual inspection techniques
(e.g., borescope, drones, and robotic crawlers) can visually inspect the areas of potential
degradation on the internal vessel surface.

129. Remote visual inspection techniques can be used if approved by the inspector and owner-

130. Thepressure vessel engineer, by consulting with appropriate specialists, should be regarded as
a composite of all entities needed to properly assess the technical requirements.

131. Asa minimum, the soak band shall contain the weld, heat-affected zone, and a portion of base
metal adjacent to the weld being heat treated. The minimum width of this volume is the widest
width of weld plus 1t or 2 in. (50 mm), whichever is less, on each side or end of the weld.

132. Bridge cam gauge can be used to determine the weld preparation angle prior to welding. This
tool can also be used to measure excess weld metal (reinforcement), depth of undercut or
pitting, fillet weld throat size, or weld leg length and misalignment (high–low).

133. CDW: If special hardness limits are necessary for stress corrosion cracking resistance, the PQR
shall include hardness tests as well.

134. The maximum thickness at welded joints for carbon P-no1 steels that post weld heat treatment
is not required for pressure vessels that are subject to direct firing 5/8 in. (16 mm).

135. SubstitutingNDE procedures for a pressure test after an alteration or major repair may be done
only after the engineer and inspector have approved.

136. The risks associated with operational shutdown and start-up and the possibility of increased
corrosion due to exposure of vessel surfaces to air and moisture should be evaluated when an
internal inspection is being planned.

137. Allon-stream inspection work performed by an examiner shall be authorized and approved by
the inspector.

138. Either
an inspector or examiner in accordance with the inspection plan should conduct all on-
stream inspections.

139. Thepersons performing the external inspection in accordance with API 510 shall be qualified
with appropriate training as specified by the owner-operator.
140. The responsibility of qualifying repair welders is restricted to the contractor or manufacturer
employing the welder.

141. Frequency. Magnetizing equipment with an ammeter shall be calibrated at least once a year, or
whenever the equipment has been subjected to major electric repair, periodic overhaul, or
damage. If equipment has not been in use for a year or more, calibration shall be done prior to
first use.

142. Light meters shall be calibrated at least once a year or whenever a meter has been repaired. If
meters have not been in use for one year or more, calibration shall be done before being used.

143. The magnetizing power of yokes shall be verified prior to use each day the yoke is used. The
magnetizing power of yokes shall be verified whenever the yoke has been damaged or

144. The upper third or the lower third of the tower is where the most corrosive environment is
typically found.

145. HTHA affected materials: C-0.5Mo, Mn-0.5Mo, 1Cr-0.5Mo, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo.

146. Rectangular and square insert plates shall have corners rounded to a radius, except when the
entire shell plate is replaced. Rectangular and square insert plates 13 mm (1∕2 in.) thick and up
to and including 25 mm (1 in.) thick should have a 75 mm (3 in.) or a larger corner
radius.Insert plates less than 13 mm (1∕2 in.) thick may have smaller corner radii. Insert plates
over 25 mm (1 in.) thick should have a 150 mm (6 in.) or a larger corner radius.


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