Relativistic Many-Body Theory
Relativistic Many-Body Theory
Relativistic Many-Body Theory
Volume 63
Series Editors
W.E. Baylis
Uwe Becker
Philip George Burke
Robert N. Compton
M.R. Flannery
Charles J. Joachain
Brian R. Judd
Kate Kirby
Peter Lambropoulos
Gerd Leuchs
Pierre Meystre
Many-Body Theory
A New Field-Theoretical Approach
With 97 Figures
Ingvar Lindgren
Department of Physics
University of Gothenburg
SE-412 96 Göteborg
ISSN 1615-5653
ISBN 978-1-4419-8308-4 e-ISBN 978-1-4419-8309-1
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-8309-1
Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London
It is now almost 30 years since the first edition of my book together with John
Morrison, Atomic Many-Body Theory [6], appeared, and the second edition ap-
peared some years later. It has been out of print for quite some time, but fortunately
has recently been made available again through a reprint by Springer Verlag.
During the time that has followed, there has been a tremendous development
in the treatment of many-body systems, conceptually as well as computationally.
Particularly the relativistic treatment has expanded considerably, a treatment that has
been extensively reviewed recently by Ian Grant in the book Relativistic Quantum
Theory of Atoms and Molecules [2].
Also, the treatment of quantum-electrodynamical (QED) effects in atomic
systems has developed considerably in the last few decades, and several review
articles have appeared in the field [7, 11, 13] besides the book by Labzowsky et al.,
Relativistic Effects in Spectra of Atomic Systems [5].
An impressive development has taken place in the field of many-electron systems
by means of various coupled-cluster approaches, with applications particularly on
molecular systems. The development during the last 50 years has been summarized
in the book Recent Progress in Coupled Cluster Methods, edited by Čársky, Paldus,
and Pittner [14].
The present book is aimed at combining atomic many-body theory with quantum-
electrodynamics, which is a long-sought goal in quantum physics. The main prob-
lem in this effort has been that the methods for QED calculations, such as the
S-matrix formulation, and the methods for many-body perturbation theory (MBPT)
have completely different structures. With the development of the new method for
QED calculations, the covariant evolution operator formalism by the Gothenburg
atomic theory group [7], the situation has changed, and quite new possibilities
appeared to formulate a unified theory.
The new formalism is based on field theory, and in its full extent the unification
process represents a formidable problem, and we can in this book describe only
how some steps toward this goal can be taken. This book is largely based upon
the previous book on Atomic Many Body Theory [6], and it is assumed that the
reader has absorbed most of that book, particularly Part II. In addition, the reader
is expected to have basic knowledge in quantum field theory that is explained in
viii Preface
books such as Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems by Fetter and Walecka [1]
(mainly parts I and II), An introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Peskin and
Schroeder [12], and Quantum Field Theory by Mandl and Shaw [10].
The material of this book is largely based upon lecture notes and recent publi-
cations by the Gothenburg Atomic-Theory Group [3, 4, 7–9], and I want to express
my sincere gratitude particularly to my previous coauthor John Morrison and to
my present coworkers, Sten Salomonson and Daniel Hedendahl, as well as to the
previous collaborators Ann-Marie Pendrill, Jean-Louis Heully, Eva Lindroth, Björn
Åsén, Hans Persson, Per Sunnergren, Martin Gustavsson, and Håkan Warston for
valuable collaboration.
In addition, I want to thank the late pioneers of the field, Per-Olov Löwdin, who
taught me the foundations of perturbation theory some 40 years ago, and Hugh
Kelly, who introduced the diagrammatic representation into atomic physics – two
corner stones of the later developments. Furthermore, I have benefitted greatly
from communications with many other national and international colleagues and
friends (in alphabetic order), Rod Bartlett, Erkki Brändas, Gordon Drake, Ephraim
Eliav, Stephen Fritzsche, Gerald Gabrielse, Walter Greiner, Paul Indelicato, Karol
Jankowski, Jürgen Kluge, Leonti Labzowsky, Peter Mohr, Debashis Mukherjee,
Marcel Nooijen, Joe Paldus, Vladimir Shabaev, Thomas Stöhlker, Gerhard Soff ,
Joe Sucher, Peter Surjan, and many others.
The outline of the book is the following. The main text is divided into three parts.
Part I gives some basic formalism and the basic many-body theory that will serve as
a foundation for the following. In Part II, three numerical procedures for calculation
of QED effects on bound electronic states are described, the S-matrix formulation,
the Green’s-function, and the covariant-evolution-operator methods. A procedure
toward combining QED with MBPT is developed in Part III. Part IV contains a
number of Appendices, where basic concepts are summarized. Certain sections of
the text that can be omitted at first reading are marked with an asterisk (*).
1. Fetter, A.L., Walecka, J.D.: The Quantum Mechanics of Many-Body Systems. McGraw-Hill,
N.Y. (1971)
2. Grant, I.P.: Relativistic Quantum Theory of Atoms and Molecules. Springer, Heidelberg (2007)
3. Hedendahl, D.: Towards a Relativistic Covariant Many-Body Perturbation Theory. Ph.D.
thesis, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden (2010)
4. Hedendahl, D., Salomonson, S., Lindgren, I.: . Phys. Rev. p. (to be published) (2011)
5. Labzowski, L.N., Klimchitskaya, G., Dmitriev, Y.: Relativistic Effects in Spactra of Atomic
Systems. IOP Publ., Bristol (1993)
6. Lindgren, I., Morrison, J.: Atomic Many-Body Theory. Second edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
(1986, reprinted 2009)
7. Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S., Åsén, B.: The covariant-evolution-operator method in bound-
state QED. Physics Reports 389, 161–261 (2004)
8. Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S., Hedendahl, D.: Many-body-QED perturbation theory: Connec-
tion to the two-electron Bethe-Salpeter equation. Einstein centennial review paper. Can. J.
Phys. 83, 183–218 (2005)
Preface ix
9. Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S., Hedendahl, D.: Many-body procedure for energy-dependent
perturbation: Merging many-body perturbation theory with QED. Phys. Rev. A 73, 062,502
10. Mandl, F., Shaw, G.: Quantum Field Theory. John Wiley and Sons, New York (1986)
11. Mohr, P.J., Plunien, G., Soff, G.: QED corrections in heavy atoms. Physics Reports 293,
227–372 (1998)
12. Peskin, M.E., Schroeder, D.V.: An introduction to Quantun Field Theory. Addison-Wesley
Publ. Co., Reading, Mass. (1995)
13. Shabaev, V.M.: Two-times Green’s function method in quantum electrodynamics of high-Z
few-electron atoms. Physics Reports 356, 119–228 (2002)
14. Čársky, P., Paldus, J., Pittner, J. (eds.): Recent Progress in Coupled Cluster Methods: Theory
and Applications. Springer (2009)
1 Introduction .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Standard Many-Body Perturbation Theory . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Quantum-Electrodynamics.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Bethe–Salpeter Equation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Helium Atom: Analytical Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Field-Theoretical Approach to Many-Body Perturbation Theory.. . . 5
References .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Time-Independent Formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1 First Quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.1 De Broglie’s Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.2 The Schrödinger Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2 Second Quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.1 Schrödinger Equation in Second Quantization .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.2 Particle–Hole Formalism: Normal Order and
Contraction.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.3 Wick’s Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3 Time-Independent Many-Body Perturbation Theory .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3.1 Bloch Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3.2 Partitioning of the Hamiltonian . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4 Graphical Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4.1 Goldstone Diagrams .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4.2 Linked-Diagram Expansion .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.5 All-Order Methods: Coupled-Cluster Approach .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.5.1 Pair Correlation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.5.2 Exponential Ansatz .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.5.3 Various Models for Coupled-Cluster
Calculations: Intruder-State Problem .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.6 Relativistic MBPT: No-Virtual-Pair Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.6.1 QED Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
xii Contents
3 Time-Dependent Formalism .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.1 Evolution Operator .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2 Adiabatic Damping: Gell-Mann–Low Theorem .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.2.1 Gell-Mann–Low Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.3 Extended Model Space: The Generalized
Gell-Mann–Low Relation .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
References .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4 S-Matrix . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.1 Definition of the S-Matrix: Feynman Diagrams . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.2 Electron Propagator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.3 Photon Propagator .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.3.1 Feynman Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.3.2 Coulomb Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.4 Single-Photon Exchange .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.4.1 Covariant Gauge .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.4.2 Noncovariant Coulomb Gauge .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.4.3 Single-Particle Potential .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.5 Two-Photon Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.5.1 Two-Photon Ladder.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.5.2 Two-Photon Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.6 QED Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.6.1 Bound-Electron Self-Energy .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.6.2 Vertex Correction .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
4.6.3 Vacuum Polarization.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.6.4 Photon Self-Energy .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.7 Feynman Diagrams for the S-Matrix: Feynman Amplitude .. . . . . . . . . 87
4.7.1 Feynman Diagrams .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.7.2 Feynman Amplitude .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
References .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5 Green’s Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.1 Classical Green’s Function.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.2 Field-Theoretical Green’s Function: Closed-Shell Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5.2.1 Definition of the Field-Theoretical Green’s Function.. . . . . . 92
5.2.2 Single-Photon Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
5.2.3 Fourier Transform of the Green’s Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Contents xiii
Abbreviations .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .361
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .363
Chapter 1
For a review of the SCF methods, the reader is referred to the book by Froese-Fischer [24].
By MBPT, we understand here perturbative methods based upon the Rayleigh–Schrödinger per-
turbation scheme and the linked-diagram expansion. To that group, we also include nonperturbative
schemes, such as the coupled-cluster approach (CCA), which are based upon the same formalism.
A physical quantity (scalar, vector, tensor) is said to be Lorentz covariant, if it transforms accord-
ing to a representation of the Lorentz group. (Only a scalar is invariant under that transformation.)
instantaneous Coulomb and Breit interactions between the electrons represents for a
many-electron system all effects up to order ˛ 2 H(artree atomic units) or ˛ 4 me c 2 .4
This procedure, however, is NOT Lorentz covariant, and the Breit interaction can
only be treated to first order in perturbation theory, unless projection operators are
introduced to prevent the intermediate states from falling into the “Dirac sea” of
negative-energy states, as discussed early by Brown and Ravenhall [12] and later by
Sucher [62]. The latter approach has been successfully employed for a long time in
relativistic many-body calculations and is known as the no-virtual-pair approxima-
tion (NVPA).
A fully covariant relativistic many-body theory requires a field-theoretical ap-
proach, i.e., the use of quantum-electrodynamics (QED). In principle, there is no
sharp distinction between relativity and QED, but conventionally we shall refer
to effects beyond the NVPA as QED effects. This includes effects of retardation,
virtual pairs, and radiative effects (self-energy, vacuum polarization, vertex correc-
tion). The systematic treatment of these effects requires a covariant approach, where
the QED effects are included in the wave function. The main purpose of this book
is to formulate the foundations of such a procedure.
1.2 Quantum-Electrodynamics
Already in the 1930s deviations were observed between the results of precision
spectroscopy and the Dirac theory for simple atomic systems, primarily the hydro-
gen atom. Originally, this deviation was expected to be due to vacuum polarization,
i.e., spontaneous creation of electron–positron pairs in the vacuum, but this effect
turned out to be too small and even of the wrong sign. An alternative explanation
was the electron self-energy, i.e., the emission and absorption of a virtual photon
on the same electron – another effect that is not included in the Dirac theory. Early
attempts to calculate this effect, however, were unsuccessful, due to singularities
(infinities) in the mathematical expressions.
The first experimental observation of a clear-cut deviation from the Dirac theory
was the detection in 1947 by Lamb and Retherford of the so-called Lamb shift [34],
namely the shift between the 2s and 2p1=2 levels in atomic hydrogen, levels that
are exactly degenerate in the Dirac theory [17, 18]. In the same year, Bethe was
able to explain the shift by a nonrelativistic calculation, eliminating the singularity
of the self-energy by means of a renormalization process [5]. At the same time,
Kusch and Foley observed that the magnetic g-factor of the free electron deviates
slightly but significantly from the Dirac value 2 [32, 33]. These observations led
For the history of the development of the QED theory, the reader is referred to the authoritative
review by Schweber [55].
For a comprehensive account of the applications, particularly in condensed-matter physics, the
reader is referred to the book by Mahan [37].
4 1 Introduction
quantum-mechanical picture, which has a single time variable also for many-particle
systems. The additional time variable leads sometimes to “abnormal solutions” with
no counterparts in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, as discussed particularly by
Nakanishi [40] and Namyslowski [41].
Much efforts have been devoted to simplifying the BS equation by reducing it
to a three-dimensional equation, in analogy with the standard quantum-mechanical
equations (for reviews, see [9, 15]). Salpeter [51] derived early an “instantaneous”
approximation, neglecting retardation, which led to a relativistically exact three-
dimensional equation, similar to – but not exactly equal to – the Breit equation.
More sophisticated is the so-called quasi-potential approximation, introduced by
Todorov [63], frequently used in scattering problems. Here, a three-dimensional
Schrödinger-type equation is derived with an energy-dependent potential, deduced
from scattering theory. Sazdjian [53, 54] was able to separate the BS equation into
a three-dimensional equation of Schrödinger type and one equation for the relative
time of the two particles, serving as a perturbation – an approach that is claimed
to be exactly equivalent to the original BS equation. This approach establishes a
definitive link between the Hamiltonian relativistic quantum mechanics and field
theory. Connell [15] further developed the quasi-potential approximation of Todorov
by introducing series of corrections, a procedure that also is claimed to be formally
equivalent to the original BS equation.
Caswell and Lepage [14] applied the quasi-potential method to evaluate the hy-
perfine structure of muonium and positronium to the order ˛ 6 me c 2 by combining
analytical and perturbative approaches. Grotch and Yennie [9, 30] have applied the
method to evaluate higher-order nuclear corrections to the energy levels of the hy-
drogen atom, and Adkins and Fell [1, 2] have applied it to positronium.
The procedure we shall develop in the following is to combine the covariant-
evolution-operator method with electron correlation, which will constitute a step
toward a fully covariant treatment of many-electron systems. This will form another
approximation of the full Bethe–Salpeter equation that seems feasible for electronic
A vast literature on the Bethe–Salpeter equation, its fundamental problems and its
applications, has been gathered over the years since the original equation appeared.
Most applications are performed in the strong-coupling case (QCD), where the fun-
damental problems of the equation are more pronounced. The interested reader is
here referred to some reviews of the field, where numerous references to original
works can be found [29, 40–42, 54].
in the field of the (infinitely heavy) atomic nucleus. The relative time of the two
electrons is eliminated by integrating over the corresponding energy of the Fourier
transform, which leads to a Schrödinger-like equation, as in the quasi-potential
method. The solution of this equation is expanded in terms of a Brillouin–Wigner
perturbation series. This work has been further developed and applied by Douglas
and Kroll [19] and by Zhang and Drake [69, 70] by considering higher-order terms
in the ˛ and Z˛ expansions. This approach, which is reviewed in Chap. 11, can be
used for light systems, such as light helium-like ions, where the power expansions
are sufficiently convergent. The QED effects are here evaluated by means of highly
correlated wave functions of Hylleraas type, which implies that QED and electron-
correlation effects are highly mixed. A related technique, referred to as the effective
Hamiltonian approach, has been developed and applied to helium-like systems by
Pachucki and Sapirstein [43–45].
A problem that has been controversial for quite some time is the fine structure of
the lowest P state of the neutral helium atom. The very accurate analytical results
of Drake et al. and by Pachucki et al. give results close to the experimental results
obtained by Gabrielse and others [68], but there have for quite some time been
significant deviations – well outside the estimated limits of error. Very recently,
Pachucki and Yerokhin have by means of improved calculations shown that the
controversy has been resolved [46, 47, 66, 67].
The methods previously mentioned for numerical QED calculations can for compu-
tational reasons be applied only to one- and two-photon exchange, which implies
that the electron correlation is treated at most to second order. This might be suffi-
ciently accurate for highly charged systems, where the QED effects dominate over
the electron correlation, but is usually quite insufficient for lighter systems, where
the situation is reversed. To remedy the situation to some extent, higher-order many-
body contributions can be added to the two-photon energy, a technique applied by
the Gothenburg and St Petersburg groups [4, 48].
In the numerical procedures for standard (relativistic) MBPT, the electron corre-
lation can be evaluated effectively to essentially all orders by technique of coupled-
cluster type. QED effects can here be included only as first-order energy corrections,
a technique applied particularly by the Notre-Dame group [49]. To treat electron
correlation, relativity and QED in a unified manner would require a field-theoretical
The above-mentioned methods for QED calculations are all based upon field-
theory. Of these methods, the covariant-evolution method has the advantage that
it has a structure that is quite akin to that of standard MBPT, which has the con-
sequence that it can serve as a basis for a unified field-theoretical many-body
approach. The QED effects can here be included in the wave function, which will
6 1 Introduction
make it possible to treat the QED and correlation effects in a more unified way.
To solve this problem completely is a formidable task, but it will be a main theme
of this book to describe how some steps can be taken in this direction, along
the line that is presently being pursued by the Gothenburg atomic theory group.
The covariant evolution operator, which describes the time evolution of the rela-
tivistic state vector, is the key tool in this treatment. This operator is closely related
to the field-theoretical Green’s function. It should be mentioned that a related idea
was proposed by Leonard Rosenberg already 20 years ago [50], namely of including
Coulomb interactions in the QED Hamiltonian, and this is essentially the procedure
we are pursuing in this book.
The covariant evolution operator is singular, as is the standard evolution operator
of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, but the singularities can be eliminated in a
similar way as the corresponding singularities of the Green’s function. The regu-
lar part of the covariant evolution operator is referred to as the Green’s operator,
which can be regarded as an extension of the Green’s-function concept and shown
to serve as a link between field theory and standard many-body perturbation the-
ory. The perturbation used in this procedure represents the interaction between the
electromagnetic field and the individual electrons. This implies that the equations
operate in an extended photonic Fock space with variable number of photons.
The strategy in dealing with the combined QED and correlation problem is first to
construct a field-theoretical “QED potential” with a single retarded photon, contain-
ing all first-order QED effects (retardation, virtual pairs, radiative effects), which –
after proper regularization and renormalization – can be included in a perturbative
expansion of MBPT or coupled-cluster type. In this way, the QED effects can – for
the first time – be built into the wave function and treated together with the elec-
tron correlation in a coherent manner. For practical reasons, only a single retarded
photon (together with arbitrary number of Coulomb interactions) can be included in
this procedure at present time, but due to the fact that these effects are included
in the wave function, this corresponds to higher-order effects in the energy. When
extended to interactions of multiphoton type, this leads for two-particle systems to
the Bethe–Salpeter equation, and in the multireference case to an extension of this
equation, referred to as the Bethe–Salpeter–Bloch equation.
In combining QED with electron correlation, it is necessary to work in the
Coulomb gauge, in order to take advantage of the development in standard MBPT.
Although this gauge is noncovariant in contrast to, for instance, the simpler Feyn-
man gauge, it can be argued that the deviation from a fully covariant treatment will
have negligible effect in practical applications when handled properly. This makes
it possible to mix a larger number of Coulomb interactions with the retarded-photon
interactions, which is expected to lead to the same ultimate result as a fully co-
variant approach but with faster convergence rate due to the dominating role of the
Coulomb interaction.
The procedure can also be extended to systems with more than two electrons,
and due to the complete compatibility between the standard and the extended pro-
cedures, the QED effects need only be included where they are expected to be most
References 7
In principle, also the procedure outlined here leads to individual times for the
particles involved, consistent with the full Bethe–Salpeter equation but not with
the standard quantum-mechanical picture. We shall mainly work in the equal-time
approximation here, and we shall not analyze effects beyond this approximation in
any detail. It is expected that – if existing – any such effect would be extremely
small for electronic systems.
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Part I
Basics: Standard Many-Body
Perturbation Theory
Chapter 2
Time-Independent Formalism
In this first part of the book, we shall review some basics of quantum mechanics and
the many-body theory for bound electronic systems that will form the foundations
for the following treatment. This material can also be found in several standard text
books. The time-independent formalism is summarized in the present chapter1 and
the time-dependent formalism in the following one.
First quantization is the term for the elementary treatment of quantized systems,
where the particles of the system are treated quantum-mechanically, for instance,
in terms of Schrödinger wave functions, while the surrounding fields are treated
This chapter is essentially a short summary of the second part of the book Atomic Many-Body
Theory by Lindgren and Morrison, and the reader who is not well familiar with the subject is
recommended to consult that book.
where „ D h=2, h being Planck’s constant (see further Appendix K), the cyclic
frequency of the radiation (cycles/s) and ! D 2 the angular frequency (radians/s).
D c= (c being the velocity of light in vacuum) is the wavelength of the radiation
and k D 2= the wave number.
De Broglie assumed that the relations (2.1) for photons would hold also for ma-
terial particles, like electrons. Nonrelativistically, we have for a free electron in one
p2 „2 k 2
ED or „! D ; (2.2)
2me 2me
where me is the mass of the electron.
De Broglie assumed that a particle could be represented by a wave packet
.t; x/ D dk a.k/ ei.kx!t / : (2.3)
The relation (2.2) then leads to the one-dimensional wave equation for a free
@.t; x/ „2 @2 .t; x/
i„ D ; (2.4)
@t 2me @x 2
which is the Schrödinger equation for a free particle. This can be obtained from the
first of the relations (2.2) by means of the substitutions
@ @
E ! i„ p ! i„ : (2.5)
@t @x
EDH D C vext .x/: (2.6)
Generalizing the substitutions above to2
where r is the vector gradient operator (see Appendix A.1) leads to the Hamilton
pO 2 „2 2
HO D C vext .x/ D r C vext .x/ (2.8)
2me 2me
Initially, we shall use the ‘hat’ symbol to indicate an operator, but later we shall use this symbol
only when the operator character needs to be emphasized.
2.1 First Quantization 15
i„ .tI x 1 ; x 2 ; x N / D HO .tI x 1 ; x 2 ; x N /; (2.10)
„2 2
HO 1 D rn C vext .x n / DW hO 1 .n/;
2me nD1
e2 XN
HO 2 D DW hO 2 .m; n/: (2.11)
40 rmn m<n
Here, rmn is the interelectronic distance, rmn D jx m x n j and vext represents the
external (essentially nuclear) energy potential.
Generally, the quantum-mechanical operators A; O BO that represent the corre-
sponding classical quantities A; B in the Hamilton formulation (see Appendix E)
should satisfy the quantization condition
ŒA; O D AOBO BO AO D i„fA; Bg; (2.12)
where the square bracket (with a comma) represents the commutator and the curly
bracket the Poisson bracket (E.10). For conjugate momenta, like the coordinate
vector x and the momentum vector p, the Poisson bracket equals unity, and the
quantization conditions for the corresponding operators become
O pOx D Œy;
Œx; O pOy D ŒOz; pOz D i„; (2.13)
Note that according to the quantum-mechanical picture the wave function has a single time also
for a many-electron system. This question will be discussed further below.
The symbol “D:” indicates that this is a definition.
16 2 Time-Independent Formalism
As shown in standard text books, this leads to a separation into two equations, one
for the time part and one for the space part. The time equation becomes
i„ F .t/ D E F .t/;
with the solution
F .t/ / eiE t =„ ;
and the space part is the standard time-independent Schrödinger equation
HO .x 1 ; x N / D E .x 1 ; x N /: (2.14)
Thus, for stationary states the time-dependent wave function is of the form
In the following, we shall consistently base our treatment upon second quantiza-
tion, which implies that also the particles and fields are quantized and expressed in
terms of (creation and absorption) field operators (see Appendices B and C). Here,
we shall first derive the second-quantized form of the time-dependent Schrödinger
equation (SE) (2.9), which reads
i„ j.t/i D H j.t/i: (2.16)
With the partitioning (2.11), the operator becomes in second quantization (B.12)
HO D ci hi jh1 jj i cj C ci cj hij jh2 jkl i cl ck
and the state is expressed as a vector (C.4). The equation (2.16) is by no means
obvious, and we shall here indicate the proof. (The proof follows largely that given
by Fetter and Walecka [19, Chap. 1].)
For the sake of concretization, we consider a two-electron system. With the co-
ordinate representation (C.19) of the state vector
i„ hx 1 ; x 2 j.t/i D hx; x 2 jH j.t/i: (2.19)
We consider first the effect of the one-body part of the Hamiltonian (2.17) op-
erating on the wave function (2.18), and we shall show that this is equivalent to
operating with the second-quantized form of the operator (B.19)
HO D ci hi jh1jj i cj
We now operate with the single-particle operator (2.20) on the state vector ex-
pansion (2.21)
HO 1j.t/i D ci hi jh1jj i cj akl .t/ jkijli : (2.23)
For j D k, the electron in position 1 is annihilated in the state k and replaced by an
electron in the state i , yielding
using the resolution of the identity (C.12). The right-hand side of (2.23) can also be
h1 .x 1 / k .x 1 / l .x 2 / akl .t/ D h1 .x 1 /.x1 ; x2 /:
A similar relation can be derived for the two-body part of the Hamiltonian, which
implies that
hx 1 ; x 2 jHj.t/i D H.x1 ; x2 / (2.25)
and from the relation (2.19)
i„ hx 1 ; x 2j.t/i D hx 1 ; x 2 jHj.t/i : (2.26)
This is the coordinate representation of the Schrödinger equation (2.16), which is
thus verified. It should be observed that (2.16) does not contain any space coordi-
nates. The treatment is here performed for the two-electron case, but it can easily be
extended to the general case.
cp cp ch ch ; (2.28)
In the following, we shall use curly brackets to denote the normal product [38]
From these definitions, it follows that the nonvanishing contractions of the electron-
field operators (B.28) are
i"p .t1 t2 /=„
O C .x1 / O C OC p .x 1 / p .x 2 / e t1 > t2
.x2 / D
.x2 / O C .x1 / D ;
0 t1 < t2
O .x1 / O .x2 / D O .x2 / O .x1 / D 0 t1 > t2
i"h .t1 t2 /=„ :
h .x 1 / h .x 2 / e t1 < t2
Here, O ˙ represents the positive-/negative-energy part of the spectrum, respectively,
and p and h denote particle (positive-energy) and hole (negative-energy) states,
The results can be summarized as
if t1 > t2 for particles and t1 < t2 for holes with all other contractions vanishing.
AO D fAg
O C fAg:
O (2.33)
A particularly useful form of Wick’s theorem is the following. If AO and BO are op-
erators in normal form, then the product is equal to the normal product plus all
normal-ordered contractions between AO and B,
O or formally
O C fAO Bg:
O (2.34)
With this formulation, there are no further contractions within the operators to be
multiplied. This forms the basic rule for the graphical representation of the operators
and operator relations to be discussed below.
20 2 Time-Independent Formalism
1 d /, which is more easily accessible and which forms the starting point for the
perturbative treatment. We assume that the model states are linearly independent
and that they span a model space. The projection operator for the model space is
denoted P and that for the complementary or orthogonal space by Q, which to-
gether form the identity operator
P C Q D I: (2.36)
A wave operator is introduced – also known as the Møller operator [53] – which
transforms the model states back to the exact states,
˛ ˛
j i D ˝j 0i .˛ D 1 d / (2.37)
and this operator is the same for all states under consideration.
We define an effective Hamiltonian with the property that operating on a model
function it generates the corresponding exact energy
Heffj ˛
0i D E ˛j ˛
0i .˛ D 1 d /; (2.38)
with the eigenvectors representing the model states. Operating on this equation with
˝ from the left, using the definition (2.37), yields
˝Heffj ˛
0i D E ˛j ˛
i; (2.39)
H ˝j ˛
0i D E ˛j ˛
i: (2.40)
Since this relation holds for each state of the model space, we have the important
operator relation
˝Heff P D H ˝P; (2.41)
which as known as the generalized Bloch equation.
2.3 Time-Independent Many-Body Perturbation Theory 21
The form above of the Bloch equation is valid independently on the choice
of normalization. In the following, we shall mainly work with the intermediate
normalization (IN), which implies
h 0j
˛ ˛
i D 1; (2.42a)
j ˛
0i D Pj ˛
i .˛ D 1 d /: (2.42b)
Then we have after projecting the Schrödinger equation onto the model space
PH ˝j ˛
0i D E ˛j ˛
0i (2.43)
„2 2
hS D r C vext : (2.45)
generates a complete spectrum of functions, which can form the basis for numerical
calculations. This is known to as the Furry picture. These single-electron functions
are normally referred to as (single-electron) orbitals – or spin-orbitals, if a spin
eigenfunction is adhered. Degenerate orbitals (with the same eigenvalue) form an
electron shell.
The Hamiltonian for a many-electron system (2.11) is
„2 2 e2
H D r C vext C ; (2.47)
2me n n<m
40 rnm
22 2 Time-Independent Formalism
where the last term represents the interelectronic interaction. For the perturbation
treatment, we separate the many-electron Hamiltonian into
H D H0 C V; (2.48)
„2 2
H0 D r C vext C u DW h0 .n/ (2.49)
2me n n
and V is a perturbation
V D un C : (2.50)
n n<m
40 rnm
The potential u is optional and used primarily to improve the convergence properties
of the perturbation expansion.
The antisymmetrized N -electron eigenfunctions of H0 can be expressed as de-
terminantal products of single-electron orbitals (see Appendix B)
H0 ˚A .x 1 ; x 2 x N / D E0A ˚A .x 1 ; x 2 x N /;
˚A .x 1 ; x 2 x N / D 1= N Š Af 1 .x 1 / 2 .x 2 / N .x N /g; (2.51)
E0 D "n (2.52)
The model space is said to be complete, if it contains all configurations that can
be formed by distributing the valence electrons among the valence orbitals in all
possible ways. In the following, we shall normally assume this to be the case.
With the partitioning (2.48), the Bloch equation above can be expressed
With H0 of the form (2.49), it commutes with the projection operator P . Then, we
find that
Heff D PH0 P C P V ˝P (2.54)
The partitioning leads to the commonly used form of the generalized Bloch
equation [36, 37, 40]
which is frequently used as the basis for many-body perturbation theory (MBPT).
The last term appears only for open-shell systems with unfilled valence shell(s)
and is graphically represented by so-called folded or backwards diagrams, first
introduced by Brandow in nuclear physics [7], (see further below).
If the model space is completely degenerate with a single energy E0 , the general
Bloch equation reduces to its original form, derived in the late 1950s by Claude
Bloch [4, 5],
.E0 H0 / ˝P D V ˝P ˝Veff : (2.57)
In the case of an extended model space, we shall normally use the symbol E for the different
energies of the model space.
24 2 Time-Independent Formalism
Operating with the general Bloch equation (2.56) on a particular component, then
.E H0 / ˝PE D Q .V ˝ ˝Veff / PE : (2.59)
Expanding the wave operator order-by-order
˝ .n/ PE D Q .E/ V ˝ .n1/ .˝Veff /.n/ PE ; (2.62)
Veff D P V ˝ .k1/ P: (2.63)
.E/ D (2.64)
E H0
Q .E/ D Q .E/ (2.65)
are known as the resolvent and the reduced resolvent, respectively [45].
The recursive formula (2.62) can generate a generalized form of the Rayleigh–
Schrödinger perturbation expansion (see [40, Chap. 9]), valid also for a quasi-
degenerate model space. We see from the form of the resolvent that in each new
order of the perturbation expansion there is a denominator equal to the energy dif-
ference between the initial and final states. This leads to the Goldstone rules in the
evaluation of the time-ordered diagrams to be considered in the following section.
Even if the perturbation is energy independent, we see that the wave operator
and effective interaction will still generally be energy dependent, due to the energy
dependence of the resolvent. In first order, we have
where Veff D P VP . Note that the wave operator in the last term operates on the
projection operator PE 0 and therefore depends on the corresponding energy E 0 . We
now have
ı˝ .1/ .E/ ı Q .E/ Q .E / Q .E/ 0
D V D V D Q .E/ Q .E /V
ıE ıE E0 E
D Q .E/˝ .1/ .E 0 / (2.68)
2.4 Graphical Representation 25
and we note that the last folded term in (2.67) has a double denominator. We can
express the second-order Bloch equation as
In the limit of complete degeneracy space, the difference ratio, of course, goes
over into the partial derivative. We shall show in later chapters that the second-order
expression above holds also when the perturbation is energy dependent (6.77).
VO D ci cj hi jf jj i C ci cj cl ck hij jgjkli ; (2.70)
V D V0 C V 1 C V 2 ; (2.71)
V0 D hi jf ji i C Œhij jgjkli hj i jgjkli ;
i ij
V1 D fci cj g hi jveffjj i ;
V2 D fc c cl ck g hij jgjkli : (2.72)
2 i j
26 2 Time-Independent Formalism
In the one- and two-body parts, the summation is performed over all orbitals.
hi jveffjj i D hi jf jj i C Œhi kjgjj ki hki jgjj ki (2.73)
hi jvHFjj i D Œhi kjgjj ki hki jgjj ki ; (2.74)
where the first term is a “direct” integral and the second term an “exchange” in-
tegral. In the Hartree–Fock model, we have u D vHF , and the effective potential
vanishes [40].
We can now represent the perturbation (2.72) by the normal-ordered diagrams
in Fig. 2.1. The zero- and one-body parts are shown in more detail in Figs. 2.2 and
2.3. In our diagrams, the dotted line with the cross represents the potential interac-
tion, f D u, and the dotted line between the electrons the Coulomb interaction,
g D e 2 =40 r12 . We use here a simplified version of Goldstone diagrams. Each
free vertical line at the top (bottom) represents an electron creation (absorption) op-
erator but normally we do not distinguish between the different kinds of orbitals
(core, valence, and virtual) as done traditionally. There is a summation of internal
lines over all orbitals of the same category. We use here heavy lines to indicate
j i j
V D V0 C +
i k l
Fig. 2.1 Graphical representation the effective-potential interaction (2.72). The heavy lines rep-
resent the orbitals in the Furry picture. The dotted line with the cross represents the potential u
and the dotted, horizontal lines the Coulomb interaction. The zero-body and one-body parts of the
interaction are depicted in Figs. 2.2 and 2.3, respectively
i k l k
V0 D 6 + 6 ? + -
Fig. 2.2 Graphical representation of the zero-body part of the effective-potential interaction
(2.72). The orbitals are summed over all core/hole states
2.4 Graphical Representation 27
i i i i
= + ?+
j j j
Fig. 2.3 Graphical representation of the effective-potential interaction (2.73). For the closed or-
bital lines (with no free end), there is a summation over the core/hole states. The last two diagrams
represent the “Hartree–Fock” potential, and the entire effective-potential interaction vanishes when
HF orbitals are used
that the orbitals are generated in an external (nuclear) potential, i.e., the bound-state
representation or Furry picture.
By means of Wick’s theorem, we can now normal order the right-hand side
(r.h.s.) of the perturbation expansion of the Bloch equation (2.62), and
Each resulting normal-ordered term will be represented by a diagram.
? ? ? ?
If, on the one hand, both disconnected parts are open, the diagram is referred
to as linked.6 If, on the other hand, at least one of them is closed, the diagram
is referred to as unlinked.
In the unlinked part of the second term in (2.77), the closed part represents Veff , and
since the order of the operators in the normal product is immaterial, this unlinked di-
agram appears also in the third term and is therefore eliminated. The last contracted
term survives and represents the “folded” term. Here, the wave operator depends on
the energy (E 0 ) of the intermediate state, which might differ from the energy of the
initial state (E). We can then express the second-order wave operator by
˝ .2/ PE D Q .E/ V ˝E.1/ ˝E.1/ .1/
0 PE 0 Veff PE ; (2.79)
A closed diagram has the initial as well as the final state in the model space. Such a diagram can
– in the case of complete model space – have no other free lines than valence lines. A diagram that
is not closed is said to be open.
2.4 Graphical Representation 29
Here, the second term has a double resolvent (double denominator, which might
contain different model-space energies), and it is traditionally drawn in a “folded”
way, as shown in the left diagram below (see, for instance, [40, Sect. 13.3])
r s r 6 6s
c d
) c 6P 0 6d
a b
PE 0 PE a 6 6b
PE (2.81)
The reason for drawing the diagram folded in this way is that the two pieces –
before and after the fold – should be evaluated with their denominators indepen-
dently. In the general case, by considering all possible time-orderings between the
two pieces, together with the Goldstone evaluation rules, it can be shown that the
denominators do factorize. In a relativistic treatment, which we shall employ for the
rest of this book, the treatment is most conveniently based upon Feynman diagrams,
which automatically contain all possible time-orderings, and then it is more natural
to draw the diagram straight, as shown in the second diagram above. Factorization
then follows directly. The double bar indicates that the diagram is “folded.” In such
a diagram, the upper part has double denominators – one denominator with the en-
ergy of the initial state and one with that of the intermediate model-space state. The
second-order wave operator can then be illustrated as shown in Fig. 2.5. Note that
there is a minus sign associated with the folded diagram.
The general ladder diagram (Fig. 2.5) may contain a (quasi)singularity, when the
intermediate state lies in the model space and is (quasi)degenerate with the initial
state. This singularity is automatically eliminated in the Bloch equation and leads to
the folded term. Later, in Sect. 6.6 we shall discuss this kind of singularity in more
detail in connection with energy-dependent interactions, and then we shall refer to
the finite remainder as the model-space contribution (MSC).
We have seen that the so-called unlinked diagrams are eliminated in the second-
order wave operator (2.79). When the model space is “complete” (see definition
above), it can be shown that unlinked diagrams disappear in all orders of pertur-
bation theory. This is the linked-cluster or linked-diagram theorem (LDE), first
r 6 6s r 6 6s r 6 6s
c 6
P CQ 6d ) c 6Q 6d + c 6
P 6d
a 6 6b a 6 6b a 6 6b
Fig. 2.5 Removing the singularity from a ladder diagram leads to finite remainder, represented by
a “folded” diagram (last). The double bar represents a double denominator (with a factor of 1)
30 2 Time-Independent Formalism
demonstrated in 1950s by Brueckner [9] and Goldstone [21] for a degenerate model
space. It holds also for a complete quasi-degenerate model space, as was first shown
by Brandow [7], using a double perturbation expansion. This was demonstrated
more directly by Lindgren [37] by means of the generalized Bloch equation (2.56),
and the result can then be formulated7
When the model space is incomplete, i.e., does not contain all configurations that
can be formed by the valence orbitals, the expansion is not necessarily completely
linked. As first shown by Mukherjee [41, 56], the linked-diagram theorem can still
be shown to hold, if the normalization condition (2.42a) is abandoned. As will be
discussed later, a complete model space often has the disadvantage of so-called
intruder states, which destroy the convergence. Then also other means of circum-
venting this problem will be briefly discussed.
˝ D ˝0 C ˝1 C ˝2 C (2.83)
The Rayleigh–Schrödinger and the linked-diagram expansions have the advantage compared to,
for instance, the Brillouin–Wigner expansion, that they are size-extensive, which implies that the
energy of a system increases linearly with the size of the system. This idea was actually behind the
discovery of the linked-diagram theorem by Brueckner [9], who found that the so-called unlinked
diagrams have a nonphysical nonlinear energy dependence and therefore must be eliminated in
the complete expansion. The concept of size extensivity should not be confused with the term
size consistency, introduced by Pople [64, 65], which implies that the wave function separates
correctly when a molecule dissociates. The Rayleigh–Schrödinger or linked-diagram expansions
are generally not size consistent. The coupled-cluster approach (to be discussed below) does have
this property in addition to the property of size extensivity.
2.5 All-Order Methods: Coupled-Cluster Approach 31
8 n o
ˆ ˝ D c
c xji
< 1 i j
1n o
ij (2.84)
ˆ ˝2 D ci cj cl ck xkl ;
ˆ 2
the Bloch equation can be separated into the following coupled n-particle equations
Œ˝1 ; H0 P D .V ˝ ˝W /linked; 1 P;
Œ˝2 ; H0 P D .V ˝ ˝W /linked; 2 P; (2.85)
etc., where
W D Veff D P V ˝P (2.86)
is the effective interaction.
Usually, the two-body operator dominates heavily, since it contains the important
pair correlation between the electrons. Therefore, a good approximation for many
cases is
˝ 1 C ˝1 C ˝2 ; (2.87)
which yields
W1 D .V1 C V1 ˝1 /closed; 1 ;
W2 D .V2 C V ˝1 C V ˝2 /closed; 2 : (2.89)
We see here that the equations are coupled, so that ˝1 appears in the equation of ˝2
and vice versa. This approach is known as the pair-correlation approach. Solving
these coupled equations self-consistently is equivalent to a perturbation expansion
– including one- and two-body effects – to essentially all orders. It should be noted,
though, that each iteration does not correspond to a certain order of the perturbative
As a simple illustration, we consider the simplified pair-correlation approach
˝ D ˝2 (2.90)
omitting single excitations. (This would be exact for a two-electron system using
hydrogenic basis functions, in which case there are no core orbitals, but is a good
approximation also in other cases.) The equation for ˝2 is
6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6
= + 6 6+ + + folded
6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6
6 6
where all terms are assumed to be linked. This leads to the “ladder sequence,”
illustrated in Fig. 2.6. Note that in the expression above, all energies of the first
term depend on the initial state, while in the folded term the wave operator depends
on the energy of the intermediate state (E 0 ) (c.f., the “dot product,” introduced in
Sect. 6.6).
Operating with ˝2 in (2.84) on the initial statejabi leads to the pair function
˝2jabi D xab
jrsi D ab .x1 ; x2 /; (2.95)
."a C "b h0 .1/ h0 .2// ab .x1 ; x2 / D .jrsi hrsjV jabi Cjrsi hrsjV j ab i
j cd i hcd jW2jabi/linked : (2.96)
j ab i D Q .E/ I
jabi ; (2.97)
2.5 All-Order Methods: Coupled-Cluster Approach 33
r s r 6 6s
r s r s
= + Q + c 6P 0
E 6d
a b a b
PE PE a b a b
Fig. 2.7 Graphical representation of the self-consistent pair equation (2.99). The last diagram
represents the “folded” term ˝2 W2 . The double line represents the double denominator (double
where Q .E/ is the reduced resolvent (2.65) and E is the energy of the initial state
jabi. I Pair represents the ladder sequence of Coulomb interactions (including folded
terms), corresponding to the heavy line in Fig. 2.6, and including the resolvent (final
denominator) leads to the pair function j ab i. The effective interaction W2 can be
expressed as
W2 D PE 0 I Pair PE ; (2.98)
which can be represented by the same diagrams as in Fig. 2.6 (with no final denom-
inator) if the final state (with energy E 0 ) lies in the model space. The pair function
(2.92) can now be expressed
Q .E/I
PE D Q .E/ V CV Q .E/I
Q .E /I Pair PE 0 I Pair PE PE : (2.99)
1 1
˝ D eS D 1 C S C S 2 C S 3 C ; (2.100)
2 3Š
34 2 Time-Independent Formalism
S is the cluster operator (in chemical literature normally denoted by T ). It can then
be shown that for a degenerate model space the cluster operator is represented by
connected diagrams only.8 This implies that the linked but disconnected diagrams
of the wave operator are here represented by the higher powers in the expansion of
the exponential.
For open-shell systems (with unfilled valence shell), it is convenient to represent
the Ansatz in the normal-ordered form, introduced by Lindgren [38, 40],
n o 1˚ 2 1 ˚ 3
˝ D eS D 1 C S C S C S C : (2.101)
2 3Š
This form has the advantage that unwanted contractions between the cluster oper-
ators are avoided. The cluster operator is completely connected also in this case, if
the model space is complete [41], which can be formulated by means of the Bloch
ŒS; H0 P D Q .V ˝P ˝Veff /conn : (2.102)
Expanding the cluster operator in analogy with the wave-operator expansion (2.83)
in terms on one-, two-,. . . body operators,
S D S1 C S2 C S3 C (2.103)
n o 1˚ 1˚ 1˚ 1 ˚ 3
˝ D eS D 1CS1 CS2 C S12 CfS1 S2 gC S22 C S12 S2 C S C :
2 2 2 3Š 1
With the approximation
S D S1 C S2 ; (2.105)
ŒS1 ; H0 P D .V ˝ ˝W /conn; 1 P
ŒS2 ; H0 P D .V ˝ ˝W /conn; 2 P (2.106)
illustrated in analogy with Fig. 2.7 in Fig. 2.8. These equations lead to one- and two-
particle equations, analogous to the pair equation given above (2.96). Also these
equations have to be solved iteratively, and we observe that they are coupled, as are
the corresponding equations (2.88) for the full wave operator.
The distinction between linked and connected diagrams should be noted. A linked diagram can
be disconnected, if all parts are open, as defined in Sect. 2.4.
2.5 All-Order Methods: Coupled-Cluster Approach 35
6 6
6 6
S1 W = + 6 + 6 +
6 6
6 6
6 6 6
+ + + 6
6 6
6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
S2 W = + 6 6+ 6 6 + 6 6 +
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6
6 6 6 6
6 6 + + + +
6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 + 6 6 + 6 6
W2 W1 W2
Fig. 2.8 Diagrammatic representation of the equations for the cluster operators S1 and S2 (2.106).
The circle with a cross represents the “effective potential” in Fig. 2.3. The second diagram in the
second row and the diagrams in the fourth row are examples of coupled-cluster diagrams. The
last diagram in the second row and the three diagrams in the last row represent folded terms (c.f.
Fig. 2.7)
(see, for instance, [40, Chap. 15]). For molecular systems, on the other hand,
analytical basis-set functions of Slater or Gaussian types are normally used to solve
the coupled-cluster equations, as described in numerous articles in the field.
As mentioned, the advantage of the normal ordering of the exponential Ansatz is
that a number of unwanted contractions between open-shell operators is avoided.
More recently, Mukherjee has shown that certain valence-shell contractions are
actually desired, particularly when valence holes and strong relaxation are in-
volved [26]. He then introduced a modified normal ordering
where contractions involving passive (spectator) valence lines are reintroduced com-
pared to the original normal ordering.
VC D (2.109)
40 rij
i <j
HDC D hD .i / C VC : (2.110)
i D1
38 2 Time-Independent Formalism
This Hamiltonian, however, has several serious shortcomings. First, it is not bound
from below, because nothing prevents the electrons from falling into the “Dirac
sea” of negative-energy electron states. A many-electron state with a mixture of
negative-energy and positive-energy electron states can then be accidentally degen-
erate with a state with only positive-energy states – a phenomenon known as the
Brown–Ravenhall disease [8]. In Chap. 6, we shall derive a field-theoretical many-
body Hamiltonian that will be used in the further development. In this model, there is
no “Dirac sea,” but the negative-energy states correspond to the creation of positron
states, which are highly excited. Then there can be no Brown–Ravenhall effect.
Within the conventional many-body treatment, the Brown–Ravenhall effect can
be circumvented by means of projection operators [78], which exclude negative-
energy states, leading to the projected Dirac–Coulomb Hamiltonian
" #
HDCproj D C hD .i / C VC C: (2.111)
i D1
where ˛i is the Dirac alpha matrix vector for particle i (see Appendix D), leads to
the projected Dirac–Coulomb–Breit Hamiltonian
" #
HNVPA D C hD .i / C VC C VB C; (2.113)
i D1
H D H0 C V; (2.114)
H0 D .hD C u/i DW h0 .i / (2.115)
i i
As mentioned, we shall refer to effects beyond the NVPA as QED effects, although
this separation is to some extent arbitrary. These effects are of two kinds
Nonradiative effects, representing effects due to negative-energy states and to
retardation of the Breit interaction, shown in the upper line of Fig. 2.9. These
effects are also referred to as the Araki–Sucher effects [1, 76, 77].
Radiative effects, represented by the lower line of Fig. 2.9, which are “true”
quantum-electrodynamical effects due to the electron self-energy (first diagram),
vacuum polarization (next two diagrams), or vertex correction (last diagram) (see
further Chap. 4).
- -
- 6
- -
?6 6 6
Fig. 2.9 Nonradiative (upper line) and radiative (lower line) “QED effects.” These diagrams are
Feynman diagrams, where the orbital lines can represent particle as well as hole or antiparticle
states (see further Chap. 4). The second diagram in the first row is reducible (there is an interme-
diate time with no photon), while the remaining ones are irreducible
40 2 Time-Independent Formalism
The QED effects can also be separated into reducible and irreducible effects, where
a reducible effect is represented by a diagram that can be separated into two le-
gitimate diagrams by a horizontal cut, such as the second nonradiative diagram in
Fig. 2.9.9 Remaining diagrams are irreducible.
In the book Atomic Many-Body Theory [18, Sect. 15.5] a brief summary is given of
the situation in the late 1970s concerning the numerical application of many-body
perturbation theories. Most effective at that time to handle the electron-correlation
problem were various pair-correlation approaches, based on works of Kelly [32],
Meyer [52], Sinanŏglu [75], Nesbet [59], Kutzelnigg [35], and others. Coupled-
cluster methods were available at that time but still relatively undeveloped. Also
methods of treating open shells and the quasi-degenerate problem, using the ex-
tended model space [37] (2.56), were available but not particularly well known.
In the three decades that have followed, a dramatic development regarding nu-
merical implementations has taken place. All-order methods, in particular, coupled-
cluster methods, have been developed to a stage of “almost perfection.” Also, the
open-shell techniques have been further developed and are now routinely used.
Here, two main lines have emerged, based upon multireference or single-reference
states. The latter technique has been developed mainly to circumvent the intruder
problem, although there are methods of dealing with this problem also in the mul-
tireference case, as was briefly mentioned above. We shall in no way try to review
this immense field here but limit ourselves to some comments concerning develop-
ments that are most relevant for the theme of this book. (We refer to the previously
mentioned book, edited by Čársky et al. [79], for more details.) We also call atten-
tion to a comprehensive review of all-order relativistic atomic calculations that has
recently been published by Safronova and Johnson [67].
The coupled-cluster approach was early applied to various molecular systems,
particularly by Čižek, Paldus, and coworkers in the Waterloo group [60, 61]. Ex-
tensions of the method and extensive calculations have been performed by Bartlett
and his collaborators at Gainesville [3, 66]. The paper by Purvis and Bartlett [66],
together with the simultaneous publication by Pople et al. [63], represent the first ap-
plications of CCA with both single and double excitations (CCSDs). Bartlett et al.
have later extended the technique to include part of triples, CCSD(T), and quadru-
ples, CCSD(TQ), techniques that are now widely spread.
Unfortunately, different definitions of reducible and irreducible diagrams occur in the literature.
We use in this book the original interpretation of the concepts, due to the pioneers Feynman, Dyson,
Bethe, Salpeter, and others [16, 73].
2.7 Some Numerical Results of Standard MBPT and CC Calculations, Applied to Atoms 41
The Tel-Aviv group has applied the relativistic coupled-cluster technique with
singles and doubles (CCSD) particularly to very heavy atoms and simple molecules
(see, for instance, the review article by Kaldor and Eliav [31], as well as Tables 2.2
and 2.3).
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79. Čársky, P., Paldus, J., Pittner, J. (eds.): Recent Progress in Coupled Cluster Methods: Theory
and Applications. Springer (2009)
80. Wick, C.G.: The Evaluation of the Collision Matrix. Phys. Rev. 80, 268–272 (1950)
Chapter 3
Time-Dependent Formalism
It follows from the second-quantized Schrödinger equation (2.16) that the state vec-
tor evolves in time according to
This is known as the Schrödinger picture (SP), indicated by the subscript “S.” In an-
other representation, known as the interaction picture (IP) [see Appendix B, (B.23)],
the Hamiltonian is partitioned according to (2.48), H D H0 C V , and the state vec-
tors and the operators are transformed according to
This implies that the state vectors are normally much more slowly varying with
time, and most of the time dependence is instead transferred to the operators that
are normally time independent in SP.
The Schrödinger equation is in IP transformed to
i„ jI .t/i D VI .t/ jI .t/i; (3.3)
UI .t; t/ D 1; (3.7)
UI .t; t1 / UI .t1 ; t2 / D UI .t; t2 /: (3.8)
From the relation (3.1), it follows that the corresponding evolution operator in SP is
i„ UI .t; t0 / D VI .t/ UI .t; t0 /; (3.11)
It should be noted that generally eiH0 t=„ eiH t=„ ¤ eiV t=„ , since the operators do not necessarily
Unless specified otherwise, we shall in the following assume that the evolution operators always
are expressed in IP and leave out the subscript I .
3.1 Evolution Operator 49
etc. By extending the second integration from t0 to t, this can be expressed [2,
Fig. 6.1]
i t
1 i 2 t t
U.t; t0 / D 1 dt1 V .t1 / C dt1 dt2 T V .t1 /V .t2 / U.t2 ; t0 /;
„ t0 2 „ t0 t0
where T is the time-ordering operator, which orders the operators after decreasing
time (without any sign change). This leads to the expansion
i t
U1 .t; t0 / D dt1 V .t1 /;
„ t0
Z Z t
1 i 2 t
U2 .t; t0 / D dt1 dt2 T V .t1 / V .t2 / ; (3.14)
2 „ t0 t0
etc., which can be generalized to [2, Eq. 6.23], [4, Eq. 4–56]
Z Z t
1 i n t
U.t; t0 / D dt1 : : : dtn T V .t1 / : : : V .tn / : (3.15)
nŠ „ t0 t0
We do not have to specify the perturbation at this point, but we shall later assume
that it is given by the interaction between the electrons (of charge e) and the elec-
tromagnetic radiation field (see Appendix E.3)
Here, ˛ is the Dirac operator (see Appendix D) and A is the covariant radiation
field [Appendix (G.2)]
„ X
A .x/ D
"r akr ei kx C akr ei kx : (3.18)
20 !V kr
Z Z t
1 i n t 4
U.t; t0 / D dx1 : : : dxn4 T H.x1 / : : : H.xn / : (3.19)
nŠ c„ t 0 t 0
50 3 Time-Dependent Formalism
The factor of c in the denominator is due to the fact that we now use the integration
variable x0 D ct. The integrations are performed over all space and over time as
indicated. Alternatively, this can be expressed
" #
i Z t
U.t; t0 / D T exp d x H.x/
: (3.20)
c„ t0
In higher orders, the operator can have connected as well as disconnected parts
and can be separated into zero-, one-, two-,. . . body parts. The connected one- and
t t
O r O r s O
x1 -
O a O a b O
t0 t0
Fig. 3.1 Graphical representation of the evolution operator for first-order potential interaction and
single-photon exchange
3.2 Adiabatic Damping: Gell-Mann–Low Theorem 51
t t
O r O r s O
O a O a b O
t0 t0
Fig. 3.2 Schematic graphical representation of the connected one- and two-body parts of the evo-
lution operator
two-body pieces are schematically illustrated in Fig. 3.2. Expressions with uncon-
tracted photons fall in an extended photonic Fock space, as will be further discussed
in later chapters.
H ! H0 as t ! 1: (3.25)
1 i n
U .t; t0 / D
nŠ c„
Z t Z t
dx14 : : : dxn4 T H.x1 / : : : H.xn / e.jt1 jCjt2 j:::Cjtn j/ :
t0 t0
The damping is adiabatically ‘switched off’ at the end of the calculation. The evo-
lution operator satisfies now the equation (3.11)
i„ U .t; t0 / D V .t/ i U .t; t0 /; (3.27)
where the upper sign is valid for t > 0.
52 3 Time-Dependent Formalism
The damped perturbation (3.24) vanishes, when t ! ˙1, and the perturbed
(target) state vector approaches in these limits an eigenstate of H0 ,
ˇ ˛ ˇ ˛
ˇI .t/ ) ˇ˚ ; (3.28)
which we call the parent state. Gell-Mann and Low have shown that for t D 0 and
in the limit ! 0, the state vector
˛ U .0; 1/j˚i
lim jI .0/ D lim DWj i (3.29)
!0 !0 h˚jU .0; 1/j˚i
.H0 C V /j i D Ej i ; (3.30)
h˚j @ U .0; 1/j˚i
E D E0 C i„ : (3.31)
h˚jU .0; 1/j˚i
This is the famous Gell-Mann–Low theorem (GML) [3], [2, p. 61], [10, p. 336],
which represents one of the fundamentals of the theory presented here. The pertur-
bation, V , must in the limit ! 0 be time independent in the Schrödinger picture,
which is the case with the interaction (3.17).
(As long as t does not approach C1, we can leave out the absolute signs in the
damping factor.) Using the identity
@V12 .t/
D i ŒH0 ; V12 .t/ (3.37)
@ @
H0 ; V .tn /V .tn1 / D i„ C C V .tn /V .tn1 / : (3.38)
@tn @tn1
54 3 Time-Dependent Formalism
This gives
Z Z t
1 i .n1/ t
H0 ; U.n/ .t; 1/ D dtn dtn1
nŠ „ 1 1
h @ @ i
T C C V .tn /V .tn1 /
@tn @tn1
e.t1 Ct2 :::Ctn / :
When integrating by parts, each term gives the same contribution, yielding
H0 ; U.n/ .t; 1/ D V .t/ U.n1/ .t; 1/ C i„ n U.n/ .t; 1/; (3.39)
where the last term originates from derivating the damping term. Introducing an
order parameter, ,
H D H0 C V .t/; (3.40)
the result can be expressed
H0 ; U .t; 1/ D V .t/ U .t; 1/ C i„ U .t; 1/: (3.41)
By operating with the commutator on the parent function (3.32), utilizing the fact
that the parent state ˚ ˛ is an eigenstate of H0 , we obtain for t D 0
ˇ ˛ @ ˇ ˛
H0 E0˛ C V U .0; 1/ ˇ˚ ˛ D i„ U .0; 1/ ˇ˚ ˛ ; (3.42)
ˇ ˛ @
U .0; 1/j˚ ˛ i
H0 C V E0˛ ˇ ˛
D i„ ˝ @˛ : (3.43)
0 jU .0; 1/j˚ i
(Note that at t D 0 the Schrödinger and interaction pictures are identical.) We note
from the relation (3.34), that
ˇ ˛ ˇ ˛
@ ˛ @ U .0; 1/ ˇ˚ ˛ @
U .0; 1/ ˇ˚ ˛
j ˛
D ˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ D ˝ ˛ˇ
@ ˇ ˛
@ 0˛ ˇU .0; 1/ˇ ˚ ˛ ˇ
0 U .0; 1/ ˚
ˇ ˛
D ˇ ˇ E
˛ˇ @ ˇ ˛ ˇ ˛
ˇ U
0 @ .0; 1/ ˇ ˚ U .0; 1/ ˇ 0˛
˝ ˛ˇ ˇ ˛ ˝ ˛ˇ ˇ ˛: (3.44)
ˇ ˇ ˛ ˇ ˇ ˛
0 U .0; 1/ ˚ 0 U .0; 1/ ˚
@ U .0; 1/j˚ i
˛ ˇ ˛ @ ˇˇ ˛
i„ ˝ ˛ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˛ D E˛ ˇ ˛
C i ˛
ˇ ˛
0 U .0; 1/ ˚ @
3.3 Extended Model Space: The Generalized Gell-Mann–Low Relation 55
where D ˇ ˇ E
˛ˇ @ ˇ ˛
0 ˇ @ U .0; 1/ˇ ˚
E˛ D i„ ˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
˛ ˇU .0; 1/ˇ ˚ ˛
ˇ ˛
ˇ ˛ ˇ ˛ U .0; 1/ˇ˚ ˛
ˇ ˛
D lim ˇ ˛
D lim ˝ ˛ ˇ ˇ ˛: (3.46)
!0 ˇU .0; 1/ ˇ ˚ ˛
This expression is not very useful for evaluating the energy, since the eigenvalue
E0˛ of the parent state is generally not known. The procedure is here used mainly
to demonstrate that the functions satisfy the Schrödinger equation. Instead, we shall
derive an expression for the effective Hamiltonian (2.54), which is the natural tool
for a multilevel model space.3
In the one-dimensional model space, singularities appear in U for unlinked
terms. In the general multidimensional case, singularities can appear also for
It should be noted that a necessary condition for the proof of the theorem given here is that the
parent state (3.33) is an eigenstate of the model Hamiltonian H0 [see (3.42)]. This is in conflict
with the statement of Kuo et al. [6], who claim that it is sufficient that this state has a nonzero
overlap with the corresponding target state.
56 3 Time-Dependent Formalism
linked diagrams that have an intermediate state in the model space. The remaining
diagrams are regular. In addition, so-called quasi-singularities can appear – i.e., very
large, but finite, contributions – when an intermediate state is quasi-degeneracy with
the initial state. All singularities and quasi-singularities are eliminated in the ratio
(3.46) – in analogy with the original Gell-Mann–Low theorem, although in the
general case there is a finite remainder, so-called model-space contribution (MSC).
The elimination of these quasi-singularities represents the major advantage of the
procedure using an extended model space. We shall see how this procedure can also
be applied in quantum-electrodynamical calculations in the following sections.
1. Brown, G.E., Kuo, T.T.S.: Structure of finite nuclei and the nucleon-nucleon interaction. Nucl.
Phys. A 92, 481–94 (1967)
2. Fetter, A.L., Walecka, J.D.: The Quantum Mechanics of Many-Body Systems. McGraw-Hill,
N.Y. (1971)
3. Gell-Mann, M., Low, F.: Bound States in Quantum Field Theory. Phys. Rev. 84, 350–54
4. Itzykson, C., Zuber, J.B.: Quantum Field Theory. McGraw-Hill (1980)
5. Jones, R.W., Mohling, F.: Perturbation theory of a many-fermion system. Nucl. Phys. A 151,
420–48 (1970)
6. Kuo, T.T.S., Lee, S.Y., Ratcliff, K.F.: A folded-diagram expansion of the model-space effective
Hamiltonian. Nucl. Phys. A 176, 65–88 (1971)
7. Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S., Åsén, B.: The covariant-evolution-operator method in bound-
state QED. Physics Reports 389, 161–261 (2004)
8. Morita, T.: Perturbation Theory for Degenerate Problems of Many-Fermion Systems. Progr.
Phys. (Japan) 29, 351–69 (1963)
9. Oberlechner, G., Owono-N’-Guema, F., Richert, J.: Perturbation Theory for the Degenerate
Case in the Many-Body Problem. Nouvo Cimento B 68, 23–43 (1970)
10. Schweber, S.S.: An Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Field Theory. Harper and Row, N.Y.
11. Tolmachev, V.V.: The field-theoretic form of the perturbation theory for many-electron atoms.
I. Abstract theory. Adv. Chem. Phys. 14, 421, 471 (1969)
Part II
One-Photon and Two-Photon Exchange
Chapter 4
In Part I, we have considered methods for treating atomic many-body systems within
the standard relativistic MBPT and coupled-cluster schemes, in what is known as the
no-virtual-pair approximation (NVPA). In the second part, we shall include effects
beyond this approximation, which we shall refer to as quantum-electrodynamical
(QED) effects. We shall describe three methods for numerical calculations of QED
effects on bound states, developed in the last few decades, which are all based upon
field theory.1
In this chapter, we present the most frequently applied scheme for bound-state
QED calculations, namely the S-matrix formulation. In this chapter, we also come
into contact with the important question of the choice of gauge. The Maxwell
equations are invariant under a certain class of gauge transformations, as shown
in Appendix G. So far, practically all QED calculations have been performed us-
ing what is known as covariant gauges, particularly the Feynman gauge, where the
expressions involved are particularly simple. However, for bound-state problems,
where the Coulomb interaction often dominates, it would be more advantageous to
use the Coulomb gauge. It has been demonstrated by several authors [1,14] that it is
perfectly legitimate to use the Coulomb gauge also in QED calculations and that this
leads to results that are renormalizable and completely equivalent to those obtained
using covariant gauges.
In the next chapter, we consider the Green’s-function method, which is frequently
used in various fields of physics. In Chap. 6, we shall present the recently introduced
covariant-evolution operator method, which will form the basis for the unified ap-
proach we are developing in the following chapters.
From now on we shall for simplicity set „ D 1 but maintain the remaining fundamental constants.
In this way, our results will be valid in the relativistic or natural unit system as well as in the Hartree
atomic unit system. They will also be valid in the cgs unit system, as long as we stay consistently to
either the electrostatic or the magnetic version, but they will NOT be valid in the Gaussian system
that is a mixture of the two. With our choice, it will still be possible to perform a meaningful
dimensional analysis (see further Appendix K).
The scattering matrix or S-matrix was introduced by Wheeler [18] and Werner
Heisenberg in 1930s, particularly for studying the scattering processes between ele-
mentary particles. The formalism is not particularly suited for bound-state problems
but has in the last few decades been applied also to such problems in connection
with QED calculations (see, for instance, the review article by Mohr, Plunien, and
Soff [11] for a modern update).
The S-matrix relates the initial state of a particle or system of particles, ˚i D
˚.t D 1/, before the interaction has taken place, to the final state after the inter-
action is completed, ˚f D ˚.t D C1/,
We know that the time evolution of the state vector in the interaction picture is
governed by the evolution operator (3.6), which leads to the connection
This is assumed to hold also relativistically (see, for instance, Bjorken and Drell [2]).
With the expansion (3.26), this becomes
1 i n
SD dx1 : : : dxn4 T H.x1 / : : : H.xn / e.jt1 jCjt2 j:::jtn j/ :
nŠ c
Here, x is the four-dimensional coordinate vector x D .ct; x/, which explains the
factor of c in the denominator. The S-matrix is – in contrast to the evolution oper-
ator for finite times – Lorentz covariant (see footnote in the Introduction), which
is manifestly demonstrated by its form given here. We shall normally assume that
the perturbation density is given by the interaction between the electrons and the
electromagnetic radiation field (3.17)
i n h˚jS .n/j˚i
E D lim : (4.6)
!0 2 h˚jSj˚i
This energy formula can also be applied to a degenerate multistate model space –
but not in the case of quasi-degeneracy, when there are several distinct energy levels
within the model space. Furthermore, in the S-matrix formulation no information
can be derived for the corresponding change of the state vector or wave function.
For these reasons, the S-matrix formulation is not suited as a basis for a unification
with many-body perturbation theory that is our main concern in this book. We shall
return to this problem in later chapters.
Before we consider some physical processes, we shall define two very impor-
tant concepts, namely the Feynman electron and photon propagators that will be
frequently used in the following.
! 6 i SF .x1 ; x2 /
Fig. 4.1 Graphical representation of the (bound-state) electron propagator. As before, we shall let
thick vertical lines represent electron propagators in the bound-state representation (Furry picture)
and thin lines in the free-electron representation
Since the vacuum expectation value vanishes for every normal-ordered product, it
follows that the contraction is equal to the vacuum expectation of the time-ordered
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
O .x1 / O .x2 / D 0ˇT O .x1 / O .x2 / ˇ0
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
D 0ˇ.t1 t2 / O .x1 / O .x2 / .t2 t1 / O .x2 / O .x1 /ˇ0 (4.8)
considering that the electron fields operators are fermions that anticommute. is
the Heaviside step function [Appendix A, (A.29)].
The Feynman electron propagator is defined (see Fig. 4.1)3
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
O .x1 / O .x2 / D 0ˇT O .x1 / O .x2 / ˇ0 DW i SF .x1 ; x2 /: (4.9)
Separating the field operators into particle (p) and hole (h) parts, O D O C C O ,
above and below the Fermi surface, respectively, it follows that the expression (4.8)
is identical to
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
0ˇ.t1 t2 / O C .x1 / O C .x2 / .t2 t1 / O .x2 / O .x1 /ˇ0
In field theory, the vacuum state is normally the “true” vacuum with no (positive-energy) particles
or photons present. In the Dirac picture, this implies that the negative-energy states or “hole” states
of the “Dirac sea” are filled. In many-body applications without reference to field theory, the “vac-
uum” is normally a closed-shell state related to the system (finite or infinite) under study, obtained
for instance by removing the valence or open-shell single-electron states. Single-electron states
present in this vacuum state are referred to as hole states and those not present as virtual or particle
states. In our unified approach, we shall let hole states include negative-energy (antiparticle) states
as well as core states.
Note that we define here the electron propagator, using O rather than NO D O ˇ, which is more
frequently used. We find the present definition more convenient in working with the combination
of QED and MBPT.
4.2 Electron Propagator 63
x x x x
x x x x
using the time dependence of the field operators in IP in Appendix B (B.28). As will
be demonstrated below,
The electron propagator can be expressed as a complex integral
d! j .x 1 / j .x 2 /
SF .x1 ; x2 / D ei!.t1 t2 / ; (4.10)
2 ! "j C i sgn."j /
j .x 1 / j .x 2 /
SF .!I x 1 ; x 2 / D ; (4.11)
! "j C i sgn."j /
hx 1 jj i hj jx 2 i
SF .!I x 1 ; x 2 / D hx 1 jSOF .!/jx 2 i D (4.12)
! "j C i sgn."j /
64 4 S-Matrix
of the operator4
jj i hj j
SOF .!/ D : (4.13)
! "j .1 i/
Using the relation in Appendix (D.49), this can also be expressed
SOF .!/ D ; (4.14)
! hD .1 i/
T .x1 /
.x2 / D .x1 /
.x2 /
.x2 / .x1 / .t1 D t2 /: (4.15)
In this case we have
.x1 /
.x2 / D h0j T .x1 /
.x2 / j0i
D h0j .x1 / .x2 / .x2 / .x1 / j0i
1X 1X
D p .x 1 / p .x 2 / h .x 1 / h .x 2 /
2 p 2 h
D sgn."j / j .x 2 / j .x 1 /;
where j as before runs over particles and holes. This can still be expressed by the
integral above, as can be seen from the relation
1 "j z i sgn."j /
"j z i sgn."j / ."j z/ C
2 2 ."j z/2 C 2
DP C i sgn."j / ı."j z/; (4.16)
"j z
P stands for the principal-value integration, which does not contribute here. There-
fore, the electron-propagator expression (4.10) is valid also for equal times.
As stated before, we use the ‘hat’ symbol to emphasize that the quantity is an operator. In cases
where this is obvious, the hat will normally be omitted.
4.3 Photon Propagator 65
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
A .x1 /A .x2 / D 0ˇT A .x1 /A .x2 / ˇ0
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
D 0ˇ.t1 t2 /A .x1 /A .x2 / C .t2 t1 /A .x2 /A .x1 /ˇ0 ;
(the photon-field operators commute in contrast to the electron-field operators), and
in analogy with the electron propagator we have
The Feynman photon propagator is defined (see Fig. 4.3)
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
A .x1 /A .x2 / D 0ˇT A .x1 /A .x2 / ˇ0 DW i DF .x1 ; x2 /: (4.18)
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
0 ˇ.t1 t2 / AC C ˇ
.x1 /; A .x2 / C .t2 t1 / A .x2 /; A .x1 / 0 ;
where the square bracket with a comma between the operators represents the com-
mutator (2.12) and noting that the photon-field operators do commute.
Before evaluating the photon propagator, we have to make a choice of gauge
(see Appendix G.2). In so-called covariant gauges, the field components are re-
lated by a Lorentz transformation. Most commonly used of the covariant gauges is
the Feynman gauge, because of its simplicity. In our work with combined QED and
electron correlation, however, it will be necessary to use the noncovariant Coulomb
gauge in order to take advantage of the development in standard many-body pertur-
bation theory. We shall demonstrate that this is quite feasible, although not always
1, ,2 i DF .x2 ; x1 /
Fig. 4.3 Graphical representation of the photon propagator
66 4 S-Matrix
In the Feynman gauge we have, using the commutation rule in Appendix G (G.11),
1 0
.x1 /; A .x2 / D r r 0 Œakr ; ak0 r 0 ei.kx1 k x2 /
20 !V
D g ık;k0 ır;r 0 eik.x1 x2 / :
20 !V
With kx1 D k0 x10 k x 1 and k 0 x2 D k00 x20 k0 x 2 (x0 D ct; ! D ck0 ), this
yields for the vacuum expectation in (4.18)
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
0ˇT A .x1 /A .x2 / ˇ0
1 h i
D g .t1 t2 / eik.x1 x2 / C .t2 t1 / eik.x1 x2 /
20 ck0 V
X 1
D g eikr 12 .t1 t2 / eik0 .x10 x20 /
20 ck0 V
C .t2 t1 / eik0 .x10 x20 / ; (4.20)
1 d3 k ikr 12 1 dq eiq.x10 x20 /
! ig e 2
.2/3 1 2 q k C i
c0 2
with k0 D jkj, and the photon propagator (4.18) becomes in the Feynman gauge [c.f
Appendix (F.62)]
g d3 k ikr 12 1 dq eiq.x10 x20 /
DF .x1 ; x2 / D e
1 2 q k C i
c0 .2/3 2 2
g d3 k ikr 12 1 dz eiz.t1 t2 /
D e ; (4.23)
1 2 z c k C i
0 .2/3 2 2 2
g d3 k eikr 12
DF .qI x 1 ; x 2 / D (4.24)
0 .2/3 q 2 k2 C i
After integration over the angular part (see Appendix J), this becomes
Z 1
g 2 d sin r12
DF .qI x 1 ; x 2 / D 2 ; (4.26)
4 c0 r12 0 q 2 2 C i
g 1
DF .qI k/ D (4.27)
c0 q 2 C i
or in covariant notation
g 1
DF .k/ D ; (4.28)
c0 k C i
g 1
DF .zI k/ D ; (4.30)
0 z2 c 2 2 C i
In some literature jkj is denoted by k, but here we introduce a new notation (), reserving k for
the four-dimensional vector, in order to avoid confusion.
68 4 S-Matrix
which differ from the previous transforms with respect to momentum (4.26) and
(4.27) by a factor of c (see Appendix K.2). z D cq is the energy parameter. The
inverse transformation is here
dz F
DF .x1 ; x2 / D D .zI x 1 ; x 2 / eiz.t1 t2 / : (4.31)
2 F
Above we have found an expression for the photon propagator in the Feynman
gauge, and by means of the formulas for gauge transformation in Appendix G.2,
we can derive the corresponding expressions in other gauges.
In the Coulomb gauge (G.19), the scalar part ( D 00) of the photon propaga-
tor is
DF00 .k/ D : (4.32)
c0 k2
Transforming back to four-dimensional space yields according to (4.23)
1 d3 k eikr 12 dk0 ik0 .x01 x02 /
DF00 .x1 ; x2 / D e
c0 .2/3 k2 2
Z 1 Z
1 2 d sin r12 dk0 ik0 .x01 x02 /
D e
4 2 c0 r12 0 2 2
using the relation (J.17). With x0 D ct and z D ck0 , this can be expressed
VC dz iz.t1 t2 /
DF00 .x1 ; x2 / D e ; (4.33)
e2c2 2
where VC is the Coulomb interaction (2.109). With the damping factor, the integral
tends to a delta function (A.15)
DF00 .x1 ; x2 / ) ı.t1 t2 /; (4.34)
but we shall normally use the more explicit expression (4.33).
From the relation (4.33), we find that the Fourier transform with respect to time
Z 1
1 2 d sin r12 VC
DF00 .zI x 1 ; x 2 / D D 2 2: (4.35)
4 c 2 0 r12
0 2 e c
4.4 Single-Photon Exchange 69
1 ki kj
DFij .k/ D gij C (4.36)
c0 .k 2 C i/ k2
and transforming back to three-dimensional space yields
1 d3 k eikr 12 ki kj
DFij .qI x 1 ; x 2 / D
gij C
c0 .2/3 q 2 k2 C i k2
Z 1
1 2 d sin r12 ki kj
D gij C
c0 0 q 2 2 C i k2
D cDFij
.zI x 1 ; x 2 / .z D cq/: (4.37)
We consider now the exchange of a single photon between the electrons, represented
by the Feynman diagram in Fig. 4.4 (left). We start with a general covariant gauge,
such as the Feynman gauge, and consider then the noncovariant Coulomb gauge.
c d
z D cq
1 - 2 = - + -
a b
Fig. 4.4 The Feynman representation of the exchange of a single, virtual photon between two
electrons. This contains two time-orderings
70 4 S-Matrix
where the contraction between the radiation-field operators yields the photon
propagator, iDF (4.18), or with the short-hand notation (4.19),
S .2/ D d4 x2 d4 x1 .x1 / .x2 /
iDF .x2 ; x1 / .x2 / .x1 / e.jt1 jCjt2 j/ : (4.40)
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
S .2/ D 1
2 cc cd cd ˇS .2/ˇab cb ca (4.41)
using the Fourier transform (4.31). After performing the time integrations (A.14)
˝ ˇ .2/ˇ ˛ dz ˝ ˇˇ ˇ ˛
cd ˇS ˇab D cd ie 2 c 2 DF .z; x 2 ; x 1 /ˇab
2 ."a z "c / 2 ."b C z "d /: (4.43)
I.x1 ; x2 / D Vsp .x1 ; x2 / D e 2 c 2 ˛1 ˛2 DF .x1 ; x2 / D e 2 c 2 DF .x1 ; x2 /
which has the form of an energy potential. We shall generally express the Fourier
transform of the interaction with respect to time as
2c 2 d f .; x 1 ; x 2 /
I.zI x 1 ; x 2 / D e 2 c 2 ˛1 ˛2 DF .zI x 1 ; x 2 / D ;
z2 c 2 2 C i
4.4 Single-Photon Exchange 71
where Ein and Eout are the incoming and outgoing energies, respectively. Using the
Sucher energy formula (4.6) and the relation (A.17)
The constants of the expressions can be conveniently checked by dimensional analysis (see
Appendix K.2).
72 4 S-Matrix
With the expression (4.29) of the photon propagator in Feynman gauge, the
corresponding interaction (4.45) becomes (z D cq)
e2 2 d sin r12
I .zI x 1 ; x 2 / D 2
˛ ˛2 : (4.54)
4 0 r12 1 q 2 2 C i
The corresponding f function in (4.46) then becomes
I F .zI x 1 ; x 2 / D .1 ˛1 ˛2 / eijzjr12 =c ; (4.56)
40 r12
which agrees with the semiclassical potential (Appendix F.73).
In the Coulomb gauge, we separate the interaction into the instantaneous Coulomb
part and the time-dependent transverse (Breit) part,
The transverse part of the interaction can be treated in analogy with the covariant
gauges. According to (4.44) we have
ITC .x1 ; x2 / D e 2 c 2 ˛1i ˛2 DFij
.x1 ; x2 /; (4.58)
4.4 Single-Photon Exchange 73
Performing the integration in (4.59), using the integrals in Appendix J, yields for
the transverse (Breit) part
e2 eijqjr12 eijqjr12 1
ITC .zI x 1 ; x 2 / D ˛1 ˛2 .˛1 r 1 /.˛2 r 2 / :
40 r12 q 2 r12
This agrees with the semiclassical result obtained in Appendix F.2 (F.54).
The instantaneous Breit interaction is obtained by letting q ) 0, (Fig. 4.5)
e2 1 .˛1 r 12 /.˛1 r 12 /
I Breit
D Inst
B12 D ˛1 ˛2 C ; (4.62)
40 r12 2 2r12
c d c d
V12 B12
Fig. 4.5 Instantaneous 1 2 1 2
Coulomb and Breit
interactions between the
a b a b
74 4 S-Matrix
The (instantaneous) Coulomb part of the interaction becomes, using the relations
(4.33) and (4.35),
e2 2 d sin r12 dz iz.t1 t2 /
ICC .x1 ; x2 / D 2 2
4 0 r12 2
dz iz.t1 t2 /
D VC e ; (4.63a)
e2 2 d sin r12
ICC .zI x 1 ; x 2 / D 2
D VC : (4.63b)
4 0 r12 2
This leads to, using (4.43),
˝ ˇ .2/ˇ ˛ dz ˝ ˇˇ ˇ ˛
cd ˇS ˇab D cd iVCˇab 2 ."a z "c / 2 ."b C z "d /
The Sucher energy formula (4.6) then gives the expected result for the first-order
energy shift
E .1/ D ıEin ;Eout hcd jVCjabi ; (4.64)
where, as before, Ein D "a C "b is the initial and Eout D "c C "d is the final energy.
Again this demonstrates that the interaction (4.45) represents an equivalent interac-
tion potential and that the energy is conserved for the S-matrix.
The Sucher energy formula (4.6) then yields the expected result
c d c d
-z0 VC
3 4 3 4
t !1 z !2 u t !1 z !2 u
1 - 2 1 - 2
a b a b
E0 E0
Fig. 4.7 The Feynman representation of the two-photon exchange. The left diagram represents a
Coulomb and a transverse photon interaction in Coulomb gauge
76 4 S-Matrix
The vertices can here be permuted in 4Š ways, and this leads to pairwise identical
diagrams, related only by a reflection in a vertical plane. The 12 pairs represent
equivalent but distinct terms in the expansion, and by considering only one of them,
we have
S .4/ D d4 x1 d4 x2 d4 x3 d4 x4 O .x3 / O .x4 / iDF .x4 ; x3 /
iSF .x3 ; x1 / iSF .x4 ; x2 / iDF .x2 ; x1 / O .x2 / O .x1 / e.jt1 jCjt2 jCjt3 jCjt4 j/ :
Identifying with the second-quantized expression and performing the time integra-
tions as in the single-photon case (4.43), using the interaction (4.44), the matrix
elements becomes7
dz dz0 d!1 d!2 ˝ ˇˇ
hcd jS .4/jabi D cd .i/I.z0 I x 4 ; x 3 / iSF .!1 I x 3 ; x 1 /
2 2 2 2
ˇ ˛
iSF .!2 I x 4 ; x 2 / .i/I.zI x 2 ; x 1 /ˇab 2 ."a z !1 /
2 ."b C z !2 /2 .!1 z0 "c /2 .!2 C z0 "d /:
(As shown before, the parameter in the electron propagators should here be
replaced by the adiabatic damping parameter .) After integration over z0 , we have
dz ˝ ˇˇ
hcd jS .4/jabi D cd .i/I."a "c zI x 3 ; x 4 /iSF ."a zI x 3 ; x 1 /
ˇ ˛
iSF ."b C zI x 4 ; x 2 /.i/I.zI x 2 ; x 1 /ˇab
24 ."a C "b "c "d /: (4.72)
To evaluate this integral is straightforward but rather tedious, and we shall not
perform this here (see, for instance, [9]).
Next, we shall consider the special case, where we have one instantaneous
Coulomb interaction and one transverse-photon interaction (Fig. 4.7, right), using
the Coulomb gauge.
We have here an illustration of the general rules for setting up the S-matrix, given in Appendix
H, that there is (1) factor iSF for each electron propagator, (2) a factor iI for each single-photon
exchange and (3) a factor for each vertex.
4.5 Two-Photon Exchange 77
Inserting the expressions for the electron propagators (4.10) and the interaction
(4.46), this yields
D ˇ Z
ˇ dz jti htj jui huj
hcd jS .4/jabi D cd ˇ VC
2 "a z "t C it "b C z "u C iu
2 c 2 d fTC ./ ˇˇ E
ˇab 24 ."a C "b "c "d /; (4.74)
z2 c 2 2 C i
where VC is the Coulomb interaction fTC (4.63b) and fTC is given by (4.60). The
products of the propagators can be expressed
1 1
"a z "t C it "b C z "u C iu
1 1 1
D C (4.75)
E0 "t "u "a z "t C it "b C z "u C iu
with E0 D "a C "b . The poles are here at z D "a "t C it , z D "u "b iu and
z D ˙.c i/. Integrating the first term over the negative half plane (z D c i)
and the second term over the positive half plane (z D c C i), yields8
D ˇ jtui htuj ˇ E
ˇ ˇ
hcd jS .4/jabi D i cd ˇ VC VT ˇab 24 .E0 Eout /; (4.76)
E0 " t " u
D ˇZ
htujVTjabi D tuˇ c d fTC ./
ˇ E
1 1 ˇ
C ˇab (4.77)
"a "t .c i /t "b "u .c i /u
This is an illustration of the rule given in Appendix H that there is a factor of i for each “non-
trivial” integration, not involving a factor.
78 4 S-Matrix
Again, we consider the simpler case with one Coulomb and one transverse in-
teraction (Fig. 4.8, right), using the Coulomb gauge. Then the diagonal element
D ˇ Z
ˇ dz jti htj jui huj
habjS .4/jabi D ab ˇ VC
2 "a z "t C it "d z "u C iu
2c d fTC ./ ˇˇ E
ˇab 24 .0/ (4.80)
z2 c 2 2 C i
c d c d
4 2 2
z u !2
!1 t u !2 3 4
z0 6 !1 t z6
Fig. 4.8 The Feynman 1 3 1
representation of the a b a b
two-photon cross E0 E0
4.6 QED Corrections 79
using the fact that "a C "b D "c C "d . Integration over z leads in analogy with
(4.77) to
D ˇ jtui htuj ˇ E
ˇ ˇ
habjS .4/jabi D i ab ˇ VC VTX ˇab 24 .0/; (4.81)
"a "d "t C "u
In this section, we shall consider how various first-order QED corrections – be-
yond the no-virtual-pair approximation (see Sect. 2.6) – can be evaluated using the
S-matrix formulation. With this formulation, only corrections to the energy can be
evaluated. In Chap. 6, we shall demonstrate a way of including these effects directly
into the wave functions, which makes it possible to incorporate them into the many-
body procedure in a more systematic way. Some QED effects contain singularities
(divergences), which can be handled by means of regularization and renormaliza-
tion, as will be discussed in Chap. 12.
When the photon is emitted from and absorbed on the same electron, we have an
effect of the electron self-energy, illustrated in Fig. 4.9. This forms the major part
of the Lamb shift, discovered experimentally by Lamb and Retherford in 1947 [7].
80 4 S-Matrix
2 b
t ! z 2 1
1 a
Fig. 4.9 Diagram representing the first-order bound-electron self-energy. The second diagram
represents the Coulomb part of the self-energy in Coulomb gauge
This was the starting point for the development of modern QED (see the book by
Schweber [15]). The second most important part of the Lamb shift is the vacuum
polarization, to be treated below.
We treat first the self-energy and start with a covariant gauge and then consider
the noncovariant Coulomb gauge.
For the electron self-energy (Fig. 4.9), we can set up the expression for the S-matrix
in analogy with the single-photon exchange (4.40),
SSE D d4 x2 d4 x1 .x2 / iSF .x2 ; x1 / iDF .x2 ; x1 / .x1 / e.jt1 jCjt2 j/ :
with Z
˙."a / D i SF ."a zI x 2 ; x 1 / I.zI x 2 ; x 1 / (4.85)
being the self-energy function.
The Sucher energy formula (4.6) yields the corresponding energy shift
using the relation between the Dirac delta function and the Kroenecker delta factor
in Appendix (A.17).
With the expressions for the electron propagator (4.10), the bound-state self-
energy becomes
D ˇ Z dz ˇ E
ˇ 1 ˇ
haj˙."a /jai D i at ˇ I.zI x 2 ; x 1 / ˇta
2 "a "t z C it
D ˇ Z dz Z
2c 2 d f ./ ˇˇ E
ˇ 1
D i at ˇ ˇta
2 "a "t z C it z2 c 2 2 C i
e 2 D ˇˇ ˛1 ˛2 c d sin r12 ˇ E
haj˙."a /jai D at ˇ ˇta : (4.90)
4 2 0 r12 "a "t .c i/t
In the Coulomb gauge, the transverse part can be treated in analogy with the co-
variant gauge (4.89)
D ˇZ c dfTC ./ ˇ E
ˇ ˇ
haj˙."a /jaiTrans D at ˇ ˇta (4.91)
"a "t .c i/t
or with (4.60)
e 2 D ˇˇ 1 c d sin r12
haj˙."a /jaiTrans D at ˇ
4 2 0 r12 "a "t .c i/t
h .˛1 r 1 / .˛2 r 2 i ˇˇ E
˛1 ˛2 ˇta : (4.92)
82 4 S-Matrix
For the Coulomb part, we insert the expression for ICC in (4.63b) into (4.85),
ie 2 dz 2 d sin r12
˙."a /Coul D 2
S ."
F a zI x 2 ; x 1 /
4 0 r12 2 2
Di SF ."a zI x 2 ; x 1 / VC (4.93)
D ˇ Z dz ˇ E
ˇ 1 ˇ
haj˙."a /jaiCoul D i at ˇ VC ˇta : (4.94)
2 "a z "t C it
The integral can be evaluated as a principal integral (which vanishes) and half a
pole, yielding the result i sgn."t /=2. The self-energy then becomes
D ˇ ˇ E
1 ˇ ˇ
haj˙."a /jaiCoul D sgn."t / at ˇ VC ˇta : (4.95)
The electron self-energy is divergent and has to be renormalized, as will be dis-
cussed in Chap. 12. Some numerical results, using the Feynman gauge, are given in
Chap. 7.
The vertex correction, shown in Fig. 4.10, is a correction to the single-potential in-
teraction in Fig. 4.6, and the S-matrix becomes in analogy with the self-energy
dz d!
hbjSVCjai D
2 2
D ˇ
buˇ iSF .!I x 2 ; x 3 / iec ˛ A .x 3 /
ˇ E
iSF .!I x 3 ; x 1 / .i/I.zI x 2 ; x 1 / ˇta
2 ."a z !/ 2 .! C z "b / (4.96)
u ! A x b
A x 3, z t u
t ! 1 2
Fig. 4.10 Diagram a
representing the first-order a
vertex correction
4.6 QED Corrections 83
hbujSVCjtai D 22 ."a "b / hbuj iec ."a ; "a /A .x 3 / jtai ; (4.97)
."a ; "a / D i ˛ SF ."a zI x 2 ; x 3 / SF ."a zI x 3 ; x 1 / I.zI x2 ; x 1 /
With the expression for the electron and the photon propagators in a covariant gauge,
we have
dz 1 1 2c 2 d f ./
."a ; "a / D i˛
2 "a "u z C iu "a "t z C it z2 c 2 2 C i
c d f ./
D ˛ (4.99)
."a "u c C i/."a "t c C i/
assuming positive intermediate states. The corresponding expressions of the partic-
ular gauge is obtained by inserting the expression for f .k/ in that gauge.
Comparing with the self-energy above, we find for the diagonal part, t D u, what
is known as
The Ward identity (see also Chap. 12).
˙."a / D 0 ."a ; "a /: (4.100)
Also, the vertex correction is singular and has to renormalized, as will be dis-
cussed in Chap. 12.
The transverse part in Coulomb gauge is analogous the expression in the covariant
gauge, using the corresponding f function. For the Coulomb part, we insert the
Coulomb interaction (4.63b) in expression (4.98), yielding
D ˇ Z ˇE
ˇ dz 1 1 ˇ
."a ; "a / D i uˇ ˛ VC ˇt
2 "a "u z C iu "a "t z C it
D ˇ VC ˇˇ E
D uˇ sgn."t / ˛ ˇt (4.101)
"t "u
84 4 S-Matrix
provided "t and "u have different sign. If "t D "u this vanishes, which is consistent
with the Ward identity, since the corresponding self-energy contribution is energy
The field near the atomic nucleus can give rise to a “polarization effect” in the
form of the creation of electron–positron pairs, an effect referred to as the vacuum
polarization. The first-order effect, illustrated in Fig. 4.11, forms together with the
first-order self-energy (Fig. 4.9) the leading contributions to the Lamb shift.
In order to set up the S-matrix for the leading vacuum polarization (first diagram
in Fig. 4.11), we go back to the relation (4.39) for single-photon exchange
ZZ h i
d4 x2 d4 x1 T
.x/e˛ A .x/ .x/ 2
.x/e˛ A .x/ .x/ 1
.jt1 jCjt2 j/
leaving out the factor of 1/2, since we can interchange 1 and 2, and inserting the
contraction between the creation and absorption electron-field operators at vertex 2
to represent the closed orbital loop. Explicitly writing out the spinor components,
we have at this vertex
h i
.x2 /e˛ A .x2 / .x2 / D Tr
.x2 /e˛ A .x2 / .x2 / ;
1 - 2 ?= - ?+ - + - ?+
= - + - ?
Fig. 4.11 Diagram representing the first-order vacuum polarization according to (4.107). The
closed loop contains summation over all orbitals (particles and holes). The first and third dia-
grams on the r.h.s. of the first row vanish due to Furry’s theorem (see text). The first diagram in
the second row represents the Uehling part and the final diagrams the Wickmann–Kroll part. The
heavy lines represent the bound-state propagator and the thin lines the free-electron propagator
4.6 QED Corrections 85
where “Tr” stands for the trace of the matrix, i.e., the sum of the diagonal elements.
The contraction leads here to iSF .x2 ; x2 /, according to the definition (4.9). We
then have the S-matrix element
e 2 d4 x2 d4 x1 i˛1 DF .x2 ; x1 / Tr ˛2 .i/SF .x2 ; x2 / e.jt1 jCjt2 j/ :
With the Fourier transforms SF .!I x 2 ; x 2 / and DF .zI x 2 ; x 1 /, the time depen-
dence is
eit1 ."b "a z/ jt1 j eit2 .!!Cz/ jt2 j
and this leads after time integrations to the S-matrix element
hbjSSE jai D 2 ."a "b z/ 2 .! ! C z/
d! dz D ˇˇ ˇ E
e2 b ˇ ˛1 DF .zI x 2 ; x 1 / Tr ˛2 SF .!I x 2 ; x 2 / ˇa ;
2 2
hbjSSE jai D 2 2 ."a "b /
d! D ˇˇ ˇ E
e 2
b ˇ ˛1 DF .0I x 2 ; x 1 / Tr ˛2 SF .!I x 2 ; x 2 / ˇa :
E D iı."a ; "b /
d! D ˇˇ ˇ E
e2 b ˇ ˛1 DF .0I x 2 ; x 1 / Tr ˛2 SF .!I x 2 ; x 2 / ˇa : (4.105)
It can furthermore be shown that only D 0, i.e., ˛ D 1 will contribute here [12].
The vacuum polarization contribution is divergent and has to renormalized, which
in this case turns out to be not too difficult (see below).
The bound-state electron propagator, SF .!/, is in operator form (4.14)
SOF .!/ D : (4.106)
! hbau .1 i/
86 4 S-Matrix
1 1 1 1
z hbau .1 i/ O
z hfree .1 i/ O O
z hfree .1 i/ z hfree .1 i/
1 1 1
z hfree .1 i/ z hfree .1 i/ O
zhfree .1 i/
1 1 1
z hOfree .1 i/ z hO free .1 i/ z hO free .1 i/
1 1 1
C V V ;
z hO free .1 i/ z hO bau .1 i/ z hO free .1 i/
The interaction between the photon and the electron–positron fields can give rise
to another form of vacuum polarization, illustrated in Fig. 4.12. The S-matrix
for this process can be obtained from that of single-photon exchange (4.40) by
replacing ie 2 ˛1 DF .x1 ; x2 / ˛2 by
d4 x3 d4 x4 .ie 2 / ˛1 DF .x1 ; x3 / i˘ .x3 ; x4 / .ie 2 / ˛2 DF .x4 ; x2 /;
is the first-order polarization tensor [10, Eqs. (7.22) and (9.5)]. The contractions
lead here to the trace as in the previous case, and there is also here a minus sign due
to the closed loop.
The photon self-energy is (charge) divergent and requires a renormalization, as
is discussed further in Chap. 12, and after the renormalization there is a finite re-
find convenient to use also in other procedures to be discussed later. These rules are
also summarized in Appendix H.
The S-matrix is given by (3.26) and (4.3)
1 Z Z
X i n 1
SD dx14 : : : dxn4 T H.x1 / : : : H.xn / e.jt1 jCjt2 j:::jtn j/
c nŠ
where Ein ; Eout are the incoming and outgoing energies, respectively.
References 89
1. Adkins, G.: One-loop renormalization of Coulomb-gauge QED. Phys. Rev. D 27, 1814–20
2. Bjorken, J.D., Drell, S.D.: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. Mc-Graw-Hill Pbl. Co, N.Y.
3. Blundell, S., Mohr, P.J., Johnson, W.R., Sapirstein, J.: Evaluation of two-photon exchange
graphs for highly charged heliumlike ions. Phys. Rev. A 48, 2615–26 (1993)
4. Fetter, A.L., Walecka, J.D.: The Quantum Mechanics of Many-Body Systems. McGraw-Hill,
N.Y. (1971)
5. Feynman, R.P.: Space-Time Approach to Quantum Electrodynamics. Phys. Rev. 76, 769–88
6. Feynman, R.P.: The Theory of Positrons. Phys. Rev. 76, 749–59 (1949)
7. Lamb, W.W., Retherford, R.C.: Fine structure of the hydrogen atom by microwave method.
Phys. Rev. 72, 241–43 (1947)
8. Lindgren, I., Morrison, J.: Atomic Many-Body Theory. Second edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
(1986, reprinted 2009)
9. Lindgren, I., Persson, H., Salomonson, S., Labzowsky, L.: Full QED calculations of two-
photon exchange for heliumlike systems: Analysis in the Coulomb and Feynman gauges. Phys.
Rev. A 51, 1167–1195 (1995)
10. Mandl, F., Shaw, G.: Quantum Field Theory. John Wiley and Sons, New York (1986)
11. Mohr, P.J., Plunien, G., Soff, G.: QED corrections in heavy atoms. Physics Reports 293,
227–372 (1998)
12. Persson, H., Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S., Sunnergren, P.: Accurate vacuum-polarization cal-
culations. Phys. Rev. A 48, 2772–78 (1993)
13. Peskin, M.E., Schroeder, D.V.: An introduction to Quantun Field Theory. Addison-Wesley
Publ. Co., Reading, Mass. (1995)
14. Rosenberg, L.: Virtual-pair effects in atomic structure theory. Phys. Rev. A 39, 4377–86
15. Schweber, S.S.: The men who madt it: Dyson, Feynman, Schwinger and Tomonaga. Princeton
University Press, Princeton (1994)
16. Sucher, J.: S-Matrix Formalism for Level-Shift Calculations. Phys. Rev. 107, 1448–54 (1957)
17. Uehling, E.A.: Polarization Effects in the Positron Theory. Phys. Rev. 48, 55–63 (1935)
18. Wheeler, J.A.: On the Mathematical Description of Light Nuclei by the Method of Resonating
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19. Wichmann, E.H., Kroll, N.M.: Vacuum Polarization in a Strong Coulomb Field. Phys. Rev.
101, 843–59 (1956)
Chapter 5
Green’s Functions
The classical Green’s function, G.x; x0 /, can be defined so that it describes the
propagation of a wave from one space-time point x0 D .t0 ; x 0 / to another space-
time point x D .t; x/, known as the Huygens’ principle (see, for instance, the book
by Bjorken and Dell [4, Sect. 6.2])
.x/ D d3 x 0 G.x; x0 / .x0 /: (5.1)
The retarded Green’s function is defined as the part of the functions G.x; x0 / for
which t > t0
GC .x; x0 / D .t t0 / G.x; x0 /; (5.2)
where .t/ is the Heaviside step function (Appendix A.29), which implies
.t t0 / .x/ D d3 x 0 GC .x; x0 / .x0 /: (5.3)
i H.x/ GC .x; x0 / D iı 4 .x x0 /: (5.5)
where T is the Wick time-ordering operator (2.27) and O H ; O H are the electron-
field operators in the Heisenberg representation (HP) (B.27). The statej0H i is the
“vacuum in the Heisenberg representation,” i.e., the state in the Heisenberg repre-
sentation with no particles or holes. In a “closed-shell state,” the single reference
or model state is identical to the vacuum state (see Sect. 2.3).
Different definitions of the field-theoretical Green’s function are used in the literature. The def-
inition used here agrees with that of Itzykson and Zuber [7], while that of Fetter and Walecka [5]
differs by a factor of i.
5.2 Field-Theoretical Green’s Function: Closed-Shell Case 93
The Heisenberg vacuum is time independent and equal to the corresponding vac-
uum state in the interaction picture at t D 0, i.e.,
where U.t; t0 / is the evolution operator (3.6) andj0i is the unperturbed vacuum or
the IP vacuum as t ! 1 [c.f. (3.28)].
Using the relation between the electron-field operators in HP and IP (B.25)
using the relation (3.8). From the expansion (3.15), we obtain the identity
X1 Z Z t
.i/ t
U.t; t0 / D dt1 : : : dt T V .t1 / : : : V .t / e.jt1 jCjt2 j /
Š t 0 t 0
X1 Z Z t
.i/n t
D dt1 : : : dtn T V .t1 / : : : V .tn / e.jt1 jCjt2 j /
nŠ t1 t1
X1 m Z t1 Z t1
dt1 : : : dtm T V .t1 / : : : V .tm / e.jt1 jCjt2 j / ;
mŠ t 0 t 0
where we have included the unity as the zeroth-order term in the summation. If we
concentrate on the :th term of the first sum, we have the identity (leaving out the
damping factor)
Z t Z t
dt1 : : : dt T V .t1 / : : : V .t /
Š t0 t0
X Z t Z t Z t1 Z t1
D dt1 : : : dtn T dt1 : : : dtm T : (5.14)
mŠ nŠ t1 t1 t0 t0
94 5 Green’s Functions
We can now apply this identity to the first part of the numerator (5.12a),
U.1; t/ O .x/U.t; t0 /. The interaction times of U.1; t/, O .x/ and U.t; t0 / are
time ordered, and hence the result can be expressed
Z Z 1 h i
1 1
dt1 : : : dt T V .t1 / : : : V .t / O .x/ : (5.15)
Š t0 t0
The same procedure can be applied to the rest of the expression (5.12a) as well as to
the other time ordering (5.12b). With the perturbation (3.16), the numerator of the
single-particle Green’s function (5.11) then becomes [5, Eq. 8.9]
D ˇ h iˇ E X Z Z
1 i n
ˇ ˇ
0H ˇT O H .x/ O H .x0 / ˇ 0H D
d4 x1 d4 xn
nŠ c
D ˇ h iˇ E
ˇ ˇ
0 ˇT O .x/ H.x1 / H.xn / O .x0 / ˇ 0 e.jt1 jCjt2 j / (5.16)
with integrations over all internal times. In transforming the time-ordering to normal
ordering by means of Wick’s theorem, only fully connected terms remain, since the
vacuum expectation of any normal-ordered expression vanishes (see Sect. 4.41).
The denominator in (5.8) becomes, using the relation (5.9),
D ˇ h iˇ E
ˇ ˇ
0H ˇT O H .x/ O H .x0 / ˇ 0H
G.x; x0 / D : (5.17)
h0jS j0i
We see that this expansion is very similar to that of the S-matrix (4.3), the main
difference being the two additional electron-field operators. Therefore,
the Green’s function can also be expressed as
D ˇ h iˇ E
ˇ ˇ
0 ˇT O .x/U.1; 1/ O .x0 / ˇ 0
G.x; x0 / D ; (5.18)
h0jS j0i
The Green’s function for single-photon exchange in Fig. 5.2 can be constructed in
close analogy to that of the corresponding S-matrix in Sect. 4.4,
G.x; x 0 ; x0 ; x00 / D d4 x2 d4 x1 iSF .x; x1 / iSF .x 0 ; x2 /
.i/e 2 DF .x2 ; x1 / iSF .x1 ; x0 / iSF .x2 ; x00 / e.jt1 jCjt2 j/ : (5.22)
x x x0
x0 x0 x00
Fig. 5.1 Graphical representation of the one- and two-particle Green’s function. The orbital lines
between dots represent electron propagators
In our notations, an orbital line between heavy dots always represents an electron propagator.
96 5 Green’s Functions
x0 x00
With the transforms (4.10) and (4.31), this becomes after integrating over the inter-
nal limes [using the relation (A.17)]
0 0 d!3 d!4
G.x; x 0 ; x0 ; x00 / D eit !3 eit !4 eit0 !1 eit0 !2 d3 x 1 d3 x 2
2 2
d!1 d!2 dz
iSF .!3 I x; x 1 /
2 2 2
iSF .!4 I x 0 ; x 2 / .i/e 2 DF .zI x 2 ; x 1 / iSF .!1 I x 1 ; x 0 /
iSF .!2 I x 2 ; x 00 /2 .!1 z !3 / 2 .!2 C z !4 /:
In the equal-time approximation, where the particles have the same ini-
tial and final times (t D t 0 and t0 D t00 ), the external time dependence becomes
eit .!3 C!4 / eit0 .!1 C!2 / . In the limit ! 0, we have after z-integration !1 C !2 D
!3 C !4 , and if we consider the diagram as a part of a ladder, this is equal to the
initial energy E0 .
We define the Feynman amplitude for the Green’s function as the function with
the external time dependence removed. This gives
G.x; x 0 ; x0 ; x00 / D Msp .x; x 0 I x 0 ; x 00 / ei.t t0 /E0 (5.24)
d!3 d!4 d!1 d!2
Msp .x; x 0 I x 0 ; x 00 / D d3 x 1 d3 x 2
2 2 2 2
iSF .!4 I x 0 ; x 2 /.i/I.!1 !3 I x 2 ; x 1 / iSF .!1 I x 1 ; x 0 /
iSF .!2 I x 2 ; x 00 /22 .!1 C !2 !3 !4 / (5.25)
using the definition (4.44).
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ ˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
D .t t0 / 0H ˇ O H .x/ O H .x0 /ˇ0H .t0 t/ 0H ˇ O H .x0 / O H .x/ˇ0H :
The retarded part (5.2) is then, using the relation (B.27) in Appendix B,
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
GC .x; x0 / D 0H ˇ O H .x/ O H .x0 /ˇ0H
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
D 0H ˇ eiHt O S .x/ eiHt eiHt0 O S .x 0 / eiHt0 ˇ0H : (5.27)
summed over the intermediate states of the .N C 1/ system. The ground state as
well as the inserted intermediate states are eigenstates of the Hamiltonian H , and
setting the energy of the former to zero, this yields
X˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ ˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
GC .x; x0 / D 0H ˇ O S .x/ˇn eiEn .t t0 / nˇ O S .x0 /ˇ0H : (5.30)
n .x/ n .x 0 /
GC .EI x; x 0 / D i : (5.33)
E En C i
98 5 Green’s Functions
we confirm that the retarded part of the Green’s function (5.8) satisfies the
relation (5.5)
i H.x/ GC .x; x0 / D iı 4 .x x0 /: (5.36)
where the vacuum and the field operators are expressed in the interaction picture.
Then we find that
the single-particle Green’s function is identical to the Feynman electron prop-
agator (4.9) times the imaginary unit i
wherejn0 are eigenstates of the zeroth-order Hamiltonian for the .N C 1/-particle
system (B.22)
˛ ˛
H0jn0 D En0jn0
and En0 are the energies relative the vacuum. Performing the time integration yields
the Fourier transform
X hxjn0 n0 jx 0 i
G0C .x; x 0 ; E/ D i : (5.40)
E En0 C i
where n has the same sign as En0 , i.e., positive for particle states and negative for
hole or antiparticle states.
The zeroth-order Green’s function or electron propagator can also be expressed
in operator form as
GO 0 .E/ D iSOF .E/ D : (5.43)
E H0 ˙ i
Setting the initial and final times equal for the two particles, t D t 0 and t0 D t00 , the
retarded two-particle Green’s function (5.20) becomes
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
GC .x; x 0 I x0 ; x00 / D 0H ˇ O H .x/ O H .x 0 / O H .x00 / O H .x0 /ˇ0H
˝ ˇ
D 0H ˇ eiHt O S .x/ O S .x 0 /ei Ht
ˇ ˛
eiHt0 O S .x 00 / O S .x 0 /eiHt0 ˇ0H : (5.44)
100 5 Green’s Functions
E En ˙ i
˝ ˇ
with the upper (lower) sign for the retarded (advanced) function. Here, nˇ O S .x 0 /
ˇ ˛
O .x 00 /ˇ0H represents a two-particle state n .x; x 0 / in the Schrödinger picture,
which yields the Fourier transform
X 0
/ n .x 0 ; x 00 /
n .x; x
GC .EI x; x 0 I x 0 ; x 00 / D i : (5.47)
E En ˙ i
This implies that also in this case the poles of the Green’s function represent the
exact eigenvalues of the system, relative to the vacuum. Note that this holds in the
many-particle case only in the equal-time approximation, where there is only a sin-
gle time coordinate D t t0 .
We shall now demonstrate how the expansions of the Green’s-functions [(5.19) and
(5.21)] can be conveniently represented by means of Feynman diagrams [6], dis-
cussed in the previous chapter, and we start with the single-particle case.
The zeroth-order Green’s function is (with our definition) identical to the Feynman
electron propagator times the imaginary unit (5.38) or equal to the contraction (4.9)
D ˇ h iˇ E
ˇ ˇ
G0 .x; x0 / D 0 ˇT O .x/ O .x0 / ˇ 0 D O .x/ O .x0 /; (5.48)
G0 .x; x0 / D 6j
x0 (5.49)
5.3 Graphical Representation of the Green’s Function 101
This contains both time orderings, i.e., j represents both particle and hole/
antiparticle states.
In next order, the numerator of the Green’s function (5.16) has the form
1 D ˇˇ ˇ E
2 0ˇ d4 x1 d4 x2 T O .x/ H.x1 /H.x2 / O .x0 / ˇ0 : (5.50)
with the Fourier transform with respect to time v.zI x 1 ; x 2 /, which we represent
graphically as
1 2
The vacuum expectation (5.50) can then be illustrated by the following picture
1 2
h0jTŒ ]j0i
where the vertical lines represent the electron-field operators. The procedure is now
to transform the time ordering to normal ordering (see Sect. 2.2), which we can do
by means of Wick’s theorem (2.34). This leads to a normal-ordered totally uncon-
tracted and all possible normal-ordered single, doubly, . . . contracted terms. In the
vacuum expectation only fully contracted terms will survive.
We can here distinguish between two cases: either the electron-field operators
are connected to each other and disconnected from the interaction or all parts are
connected to a single piece. The former case leads to the diagrams
- -
6 6 6 6
102 5 Green’s Functions
where the disconnected, closed parts represent the closed first-order S-matrix
- -
Scl.1/ D 6 6C :- (5.55)
These diagrams are quite analogous to the S-matrix diagrams for vacuum polar-
ization and self-energy, discussed in Sect. 4.6, the only difference being that the
Green’s-function diagrams contain in- and outgoing electron propagators. We note
that all internal lines do represent electron propagators, containing particle as well
as hole states.
We can now see that the disconnected parts of the diagrams (5.54) are eliminated
by the denominator in the definition of the Green’s function (5.8). Therefore, we
can then represent the Green’s function up to first order by connected diagrams
only (Fig. 5.57).
6 + + -
h0jT [ ]j0i
We consider first the case where both interactions are disconnected from the
electron-field operators. Leaving out the latter, we then have
h0jT[ j0i
This corresponds to the vacuum expectation of the second-order S-matrix and leads
to connected diagrams
- -
- -
6 - 6 6 ? 6 ? 6 6
- -
and to the disconnected diagrams
- - - - - -
6 66 6 6 6- - -
We denote these diagrams by Scl D h0jS .2/j0i. In addition, we have the free
electron-field operators, which combine to the zeroth-order Green’s function G0 .
Therefore, we can express the corresponding GF diagrams as G0 Scl.2/ .
Next, we consider the case where one of the interactions in (5.59) is closed by
itself, while the remaining part is connected. This leads to disconnected diagrams,
where the disconnected part is the closed first order (5.55) and the connected part
is identical to the connected first-order diagrams in Fig. 5.56, which we can express
the disconnected diagram as GC.1/ Scl.1/ .
Finally, we have the case where all diagram parts are completely connected,
shown in Fig. 5.3, which we denote by GC.2/ .
Going to third order, we find similarly that we can have G0 D G .0/ combined
with the closed diagrams Scl.3/ , GC.1/ combined with Scl.2/ , GC.2/ combined with Scl.1/
and finally completely connected GC diagrams. This leads to the sequence
8 .0/
ˆ G
ˆ .1/
< GC C G Scl
.0/ .1/
.2/ .1/ .1/ .2/
GC C GC Scl C G .0/ Scl ;
ˆ CG .3/
C G .2/
S .1/
C G .1/
S .2/
C G .0/ .3/
:̂ C cl C cl cl
which summarizes to
.G .0/ C GC.1/ C GC.2/ C /.1 C Scl.1/ C Scl.2/ C / D .G0 C GC /.1 C Scl/; (5.62)
104 5 Green’s Functions
- - -
- 6 6 ? 6
Fig. 5.3 Second-order connected diagrams of the one-body Green’s function, assuming a two-
body interaction
which implies that this is canceled by the denominator in the definition (5.8). Hence,
the single-particle Green’s function can in the close-shell case be represented
by completely connected diagrams
" 1
X 1 1 n Z Z
iG.x; x0 / D 2
d4 x1 d4 x2n
nŠ c
0T O .x/ H.x1 ; x2 / H.x2n1 ; x2n / O .x0 / 0 :
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
G.x; x0 / D 0H ˇT Œ O H .x/ O H .x0 /ˇ0H conn : (5.65)
The connectedness of the Green’s function can also be shown in a somewhat differ-
ent way. If we remove the two electron-fields operators and the denominator from
the Green’s function expansion (5.19), then we retrieve the vacuum expectation of
5.3 Graphical Representation of the Green’s Function 105
the S-matrix (4.3) h0jS j0i. Therefore, if the field operators are connected to each
other and the interactions among themselves, the result (after including the denom-
inator) is simply the zeroth-order Green’s function iG .0/ . If the field operators are
connected to one of the interactions, they form the connected first-order Green’s
function iGconn and the remaining interactions again form h0jS j0i. Continuing the
process leads to
G D G .0/ C Gconn
C Gconn
C ; (5.66)
which proves that the single-particle Green’s function is entirely connected.
We shall now consider the case when we, in addition to the two-body interaction,
have a one-body interaction of potential type
The graphical representation can then be constructed in the same way as before,
and we then find in first order the additional diagrams
The first diagram is unconnected, and the closed part is a part of h0jS j0i and hence
this diagram is eliminated by the denominator of (5.19), as before. It is not diffi-
cult to show that the single-particle Green’s function is represented by connected
diagrams only, when we have a mixture of one- and two-body interactions. The
additional connected diagrams in second order are shown in Fig. 5.4.
We now turn to the two-particle Green’s function (5.21). The zeroth-order Green’s
function is in analogy with the one-particle function (5.49) represented by
x x0
G0 .x; x 0 I x0 ; x00 / D 0 0
6 6 D iSF .x; x0 / iSF .x ; x0 /
x0 x00
Fig. 5.4 Additional second-order diagrams of the single-particle Green’s function – in addition to
those in Fig. 5.3 – with a combination of one- and two-body interactions
As mentioned earlier, the (initial and final) times of the two particles in principle
can be different, although we shall in most applications assume that they are equal,
as will be further discussed in the following.
In first order, we have in analogy with the single-particle case (5.53)
h0jT Œ ]j0i
6 6
It should be noted that both parts are here consider as open (not closed).3 Finally,
we can have an open two-particle diagram
Generally, a diagram is considered closed if it has no free lines/propagators, like the diagrams in
(5.60) and (5.61), while an open diagram has at least one pair of free lines, like those in Fig. 5.3.
An operator or a function represented by a closed/open diagram is said to be closed/open.
5.3 Graphical Representation of the Green’s Function 107
nŠ c
D ˇ ˇ E
ˇ ˇ
0 ˇT O .x/ H.x1 / H.xn / O .x0 / ˇ 0conn (5.74)
including even- as well as odd order terms, and similarly in the many-particle case.
This can also be expressed
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
G.x; x0 / D 0H ˇT Œ O H .x/ O H .x0 /ˇ0H conn
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
G.x; x 0 I x0 ; x00 / D 0H ˇT Œ O H .x/ O H .x 0 / O H .x00 / O H .x0 /ˇ0H linked : (5.76)
108 5 Green’s Functions
The linked character of the Green’s function can also in the two-particle case be
shown as we did at the end on the single-particle section. If all interactions of the ex-
pansion (5.21) are connected among themselves, they form the vacuum expectation
value of the S-matrix, canceling the denominator, and the electron-field operators
form the two-body zeroth-order Green’s function G2 . If one pair of field operators
are internally connected, then the remaining part is identical to the single-particle
Green’s function G1 , which has been shown to be connected. The result G1.0/ G1 is
disconnected but since both parts are open, this is linked with the convention we
use. If one pair of field operators are connected to some of the interactions and the
other pair to the remaining ones, the result is G1 G1 , which is also disconnected
but linked. Finally, all field operators can be connected to the interactions, which
leads to the connected two-particle Green’s function G2;conn . The remaining inter-
actions form h0jSj0i, canceling the denominator, and the result becomes G2;conn . In
summary, the two-particle Green’s function becomes
which can be disconnected but linked. This argument can easily be generalized,
implying that
the many-particle Green’s function in the closed-shell case is linked.
All diagrams of the one-particle Green’s function can be expressed in the form
G.x; x0 / D G.x; x0 / C d4 dx1 d4 dx2 G0 .x; x1 / .i/˙.x1 ; x2 / G0 .x2 ; x0 /;
where ˙.x2 ; x1 / represents the self-energy. This can be represented as shown in
Fig. 5.5, i.e., as the zeroth-order Green’s function plus all self-energy diagrams.
Some of the second-order self-energy diagrams in Figs. 5.3 and 5.4 have the form
of two first-order diagrams, connected by a zeroth-order GF. All diagrams of that
kind can be represented as a sequence of proper self-energy diagrams, ˙ , which
have the property that they cannot be separated into lower-order diagrams by cutting
a single line. This leads to the expansion of the total self-energy shown in Fig. 5.6,
where the crossed box represents the proper self-energy. The single-particle Green’s
function can then be represented as shown in Fig. 5.7, which corresponds to the
Dyson equation for the single-particle Green’s function.
G.x; x0 / D G0 .x; x0 / C d4 x1 d4 x2 G0 .x; x2 / .i/˙ .x2 ; x1 / G.x1 ; x0 /:
5.3 Graphical Representation of the Green’s Function 109
x x0
x x0 x x0
x2 x20
˙ .x2 ; x20 I x1 ; x10 /
x1 x10
= 6 6 +
G.x1 ; x10 I x0 ; x00 /
x0 x00 x0 x00
x0 x00
Fig. 5.8 Graphical representation of the Dyson equation for the two-particle Green’s function
(5.80). The crossed box represents the proper two-particle self-energy
This equation is illustrated in Fig. 5.8, where the crossed box represents the proper
two-particle self-energy.
110 5 Green’s Functions
Here, we shall illustrate the application of the Green’s-function technique for many-
body calculation by the electron affinity of the calcium atom (Table 5.1). The
negative calcium ion is a very delicate system, with a very feeble binding energy, and
it has been quite difficult to determine this quantity experimentally as well as theo-
retically. It is only recently that it has been possible to obtain reasonable agreement.
The calculation of Salomonson et al. is performed by means of the Green’s-
function method, that of Dzuba et al. by many-body perturbation theory and that of
Avgoustoglou by all-order pair-correlation method.
In the general open-shell case, singularities of the Green’s function can appear also
for connected diagrams, as in the covariant-evolution operator (see below). If we
consider a sequence of ladder diagrams of single-photon exchange, V , as discussed
in the next chapter (Fig. 6.3), considering only particle states (no-pair), the Feynman
amplitude for the Green’s function is the same as for the covariant evolution operator
(6.20) with no model-space states,
Q jrsi hrsj
Q .E0 / D D
E0 H0 C i E0 "r "s C i
is the reduced resolvent (2.65) and E0 is the energy parameter (of the Fourier
transform) of the Green’s function. The GF becomes singular, when there is an
intermediate statejrsi of energy E0 . Including the residuals after removing the sin-
gularities (model-space contributions) leads as shown below (6.117) to a shift of the
energy parameter, E0 ! E D E0 C E,
1 jni hnj
MD D (5.83)
E H C i E En C i
with H D H0 CV .E/ andjni represents the exact eigenstates of the system with the
energy En . This agrees with the Fourier transform of the GF derived above (5.47),
demonstrating that the transform has poles at the exact energies. Consequently, this
holds also in the open-shell case.
The Green’s-function technique yields information only about the energy of the
system. This is in contrast to the Green’s-operator formalism, to be treated in the
next chapter, which can give information also about the wave function or state vector
of the system under study.
The use of the Green’s-function technique for atomic calculations has been further
developed by Shabaev et al. [12] under the name of the “Two-times Green’s func-
tion” (which is equivalent to the equal-time approximation, discussed above). This
technique is also applicable to degenerate and quasi-degenerate energy states, and
we shall outline its principles here.
We return to the extended-model concept, discussed in Sect. 2.3. Given are a
number of eigenstates (target states) of the many-body Hamiltonian
Hj i D E ˛j ˛
i .˛ D 1 d /: (5.84)
with the summation performed over the model space D. We also define an alterna-
tive projection operator as
X ˇˇ ED
ˇ X ˇˇ ˇ E D ˇ ˇˇ
P 1 D ˇe 0 e0 ˇ:
PD ˇ 0 0 ˇ (5.88)
ˇ 2D ˇ
ˇ E ˇ E ˇ E ˇ E
ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ
P ˇ e˛0 D ˇ ˛
0 and P 1 ˇ ˛
0 D ˇe ˛0 : (5.89)
E dE GC .EI x; x 0 / D 2 hxj n i En h n jx 0 i; (5.92)
where n is a closed contour, encircled in the positive direction and containing the
single target energy En and no other pole. (This holds if all poles are distinct. In the
case of degeneracy, we can assume that an artificial interaction is introduced that
lifts the degeneracy, an interaction that finally is adiabatically switched off.) This
yields the relation [12, Eq. (44)]
E dE GC .EI x; x 0 /
En D H n : (5.93)
dE GC .EI x; x 0 /
5.4 Field-Theoretical Green’s Function: Open-Shell Case 113
Heffj ˛
0i D E ˛j ˛
X ˇ E D ˇ
ˇ ˇ ˇˇ
Heff D Dˇ 0 Eˇ 0 ˇ: (5.97)
ˇ 2D
where the integration contour contains the energies all target states. As before, we
assume that the poles are distinct.
Expanding the effective Hamiltonian (5.96) order-by-order leads to
We shall now apply the two-times Greens function above to the case of single-
photon exchange between the electrons, discussed above (Fig. 5.2). We shall eval-
uate the contribution to the effective Hamiltonian in the general quasi-degenerate
case. In the equal-time approximation, the (first-order) Green’s function (5.25) is
given by
0 dt dt0 iE 0 t iE t0 .1/
G .1/
.E ; E/ D e e G .x; x 0 ; x0 ; x00 /
2 2
D .E 0 !3 !4 / .E!1 !2 / M.1/ 0 0
sp .x; x I x 0 ; x 0 / (5.104)
0 d!3 d!1
G .1/
.E ; E/ D i SF .!3 I x; x 1 / SF .E 0 !3 I x 0 ; x 2 /
2 2
I.!1 !3 I x 2 ; x 1 / SF .!1 I x 1 ; x 0 / SF .E !1 I x 2 ; x 00 /
22 .E 0 E/; (5.105)
after integrations over !2 ; !4 . With the expression for the electron propagator
(4.12), the matrix element of the Green’s function becomes
5.4 Field-Theoretical Green’s Function: Open-Shell Case 115
ˇZ Z
˝ ˇ .1/ 0 ˇ ˛ ˇ d!3 d!1 1 1
rs ˇG .E ; E/ˇtu D rs ˇˇ
2 2 !3 "r C iu E 0 !3 "s C is
1 1 ˇ
I.!1 !3 / ˇ tu
!1 "t C it E !1 "u C iu ˇ
22 .E 0 E/: (5.106)
With jrsi and jtui in the model space, this is the same as the matrix element of
the projected Green’s function (5.94), considering only poles corresponding to the
relevant target states. We define the single-energy Fourier transform by
dE 0
G.E/ D G.E 0 ; E/; (5.107)
which yields
ˇZ Z
˝ ˇ .1/ ˇ ˛ ˇ d!3 d!1
rs G .E/ tu D i rs ˇˇ
ˇ ˇ I.!1 !3 /
2 2
1 1 1
E "r "s !3 "r C ir E !3 "s C is
1 1 1 ˇ
C ˇ tu :
E "t "u !1 "t C it E !1 "u C iu ˇ
We assume here that the initial and final states lie in the model space with all
single-particle states involved being particle states. The relevant poles are here
The last bracket yields 2i .!1 "t /, and integration over !1 yields
ˇZ ˇ
ˇ Ein 1 1 ˇ
i rs ˇˇ !3 I."t !3 / C ˇ tu :
Ein Eout !3 "r C i Ein !3 "s C i ˇ
116 5 Green’s Functions
The matrix element of P .1/ is similar with Ein and Eout in the numerator re-
moved. The matrix element of Heff P .1/ is obtained by multiplying by Eout , and the
first-order contribution then becomes
D ˇ ˇ E ˇZ
ˇ .1/ ˇ ˇ d!3
rs ˇHeff ˇ tu D i rs ˇˇ I."t !3 /
1 1 ˇ
C ˇ tu : (5.112)
!3 "r C i Ein !3 "s C i ˇ
The photon interaction is in the Feynman gauge given by (4.46)
2c 2 d f F .I x 1 ; x 2 /
I.qI x 1 ; x 2 / D (5.113)
q 2 c 2 2 C i
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12. Shabaev, V.M.: Two-times Green’s function method in quantum electrodynamics of high-Z
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13. Walter, C., Peterson, J.: Shape resonance in Ca photodetachment and the electron affinity of
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Phys. Rev. A 64, 032,109.1–15 (2001)
Chapter 6
Covariant Evolution Operator
and Green’s Operator
The third method we shall consider for numerical QED calculation on bound states
is the covariant-evolution-operator (CEO) method, developed during the last decade
by the Gothenburg group [9]. This procedure is based upon the nonrelativistic time-
evolution operator, discussed in Chap. 3, but it is made covariant in order to be
applicable in relativistic calculations. Later, we shall demonstrate that this proce-
dure forms a convenient basis for a covariant relativistic many-body perturbation
procedure, including QED as well as correlational effects, which for two-electron
systems is fully compatible with the Bethe–Salpeter equation. This question will be
the main topic of the rest of the book.
See footnote in the Introduction.
r 6O ˙ O
˙ 6s
t t x x0
- r OC
s - r O˙ O˙ s - r O˙ O˙ s
z Part. z Part. z
Particles 1 - 2 1 - 2 1 - 2
- Holes
- Holes
t OC OC u t O˙ O˙ u t O˙ O˙ u
t0 t0 x0 x00
t 6O ˙ O ˙ 6u
Fig. 6.1 Comparison between the standard evolution operator, the Green’s function, and the co-
variant evolution operator for single-photon exchange in the equal-time approximation
6.1 Definition of the Covariant Evolution Operator 121
In analogy with the expression (5.18) for the Green’s function, we can also ex-
press the covariant evolution operator as
UCov .t; t0 / D d3 x d3 x 0 O.x/ U 1 .1; 1/ O.x0 /; (6.3)
where the density operators are connected to the standard (one-body) evolution
operator or S-matrix.
In expanding the S-matrix [see (5.16)], we obtain
X1 ZZ i n Z Z
UCov .t; t0 / D d3 x d3 x 0 d4 x1 d4 xn
nŠ c
h i
T O.x/ H.x1 / H.xn / O.x0 / e.jt1 jCjt2 j / ; (6.4)
An “n-body operator” is an operator with n pairs of creation/absorption operators (for particles),
while an “m-particle” function or operator is an object of m particles outside our vacuum. In prin-
ciple, n can take any value n m, although we shall normally assume that n D m.
122 6 Covariant Evolution Operator and Green’s Operator
X1 ZZZZ i n
UCov .t; t 0 I t0 ; t00 /
D d3 x d3 x 0 d3 x 0 d3 x 00
nŠ c
Z Z h
d4 x1 d4 xn T O.x/ O.x 0 / H.x1 / H.xn /
O.x00 / O.x0 / e.jt1 jCjt2 j / : (6.5)
x x0
x0 x0
O O 0
We shall now consider the exchange of a single photon between the electrons in
the covariant-evolution-operator formalism. We consider here a general covariant
gauge (see Sect. 4.3), such as the Feynman gauge, and we shall later consider the
noncovariant Coulomb gauge.
We assume here that the initial state is unperturbed and return to the more gen-
eral situation in Chap. 8.
The CEO for the exchange of a single photon (Fig. 6.1, rightmost) is in the gen-
eral case given by
0 O O 1
Usp .t; t I t0 ; t00 / D 3
d xd x 3 0
d 3
x 0 d3 x 00 .x/ 0
.x / d4 x1 d4 x2
when the incoming state is a particle state. Therefore, we can leave out the propaga-
tors on the incoming lines, as illustrated in the first diagram of Fig. 6.2, correspond-
ing to the expression
0 3 0 O O 0 1
Usp .t; t I 1/ D 3
d xd x .x/ .x / d4 x1 d4 x2 i SF .x; x1 /
i SF .x ; x2 / .i/e DF .x2 ; x1 / e
2 .jt1 jCjt2 j/ O .x2 / O .x1 /:
Identification with the expression for the second quantization (Appendix B) leads to
the matrix element
˝ ˇ ˝
hrsjUsp .t; t I 1/jabi D e i.t "r Ct 0 "s /
dt1 dt2 rs ˇx; x 0 i x; x 0 jiSF .x; x1 /
ˇ ˛
iSF .x 0 ; x2 / .i/e 2 DF .x2 ; x1 /jx 1 ; x 2 i hx 1 ; x 2 jˇab
ei.t1 "a Ct2 "b / e.jt1 jCjt2 j/ ;
where we for clarity have indicated the integration variables (see Appendix C.3).
r 6O O
6s r 6 6s r 6 6s
x x0 x x0 x x0
s r s
r !1 !2 s r
1 - 2
- -
a O O b a b a b
E0 E0 E0
Fig. 6.2 The evolution-operator diagram for single-photon exchange
124 6 Covariant Evolution Operator and Green’s Operator
The external-time dependence is here eit .!1 "r / eit .!2 "r / , which in the
equal-time approximation (t D t 0 ) becomes eit .!1 C!2 "r "s / . Since in the limit
! 0 !1 C !2 D "a C "b D E0 is the initial energy and "r C "s is the final
energy, we have in this limit
where Msp represents the Feynman amplitude. This is defined as the operator with-
out the external time dependence, in analogy with the Green’s function (5.23) (see
also Appendix H.2). This yields
ˇZ Z Z
˝ ˛ ˇ d!1 d!2 dz
rsjMsp jab D rs ˇˇ iSF .!1 I x; x 1 / iSF .!2 I x 0 ; x 2 /
2 2 2
.i/I.zI x 2 ; x 1 /2 ."a z !1 /
2 ."b C z !2 /ˇˇab (6.11)
Inserting the expressions for the propagator (4.10) and the interaction (4.46) then
ˇ Z
ˇ dz 1 1
hrsjMspjabi D rs ˇˇ i
2 "a z "r C ir "b C z "s C is
Z ˇ
2c 2 d f ./ ˇˇ
ab : (6.13)
z2 c 2 2 C i ˇ
hrsjMspjabi D hrsjVspjabi (6.14)
E0 " r " s
Msp .x; x 0 /jabi D Vspjabi ; (6.15)
E0 H0
6.2 Single-Photon Exchange in the Covariant-Evolution-Operator Formalism 125
The results above hold in any covariant gauge, like the Feynman gauge. They
do hold also for the transverse part in the Coulomb gauge by using the transverse
part of the f function (4.60).
The result (6.16) is identical to the Green’s-function result (5.115), when the final
state,jrsi, lies in the model space. In the CEO case, the final state can also lie in the
complementary Q space, in which case the evolution operator contributes to the
wave function/operator.
The CEO result can be represented by means of two time-ordered Feynman dia-
grams, as shown in Fig. 6.2. We then see that the denominators are given essentially
by the Goldstone rules of standard many-body perturbation theory [5, Sect. 12.4],
i.e., the unperturbed energy minus the energies of the orbital lines cut by a horizon-
tal line, in the present case including also k for cutting the photon line.3
When the initial and final states have the same energy, the potential (6.16) above
ˇZ 1 ˇ
ˇ 2 d f ./ ˇˇ
hcd jVspjabi D cd ˇˇ ab ; (6.18)
0 q 2 2 C i ˇ
where cq D "a "c D "d "b , which is the energy-conservative S-matrix result
(4.46) and (4.52).
We have seen here that the covariant evolution operator for single-photon
exchange has the time dependence eit .E0 H0 / , which differs from that of the
nonrelativistic evolution operator (3.11). We shall return to this question at the end
of this chapter.
It should be observed that a Goldstone diagram is generally distinct from a “time-ordered Feyn-
man diagram,” as is further analyzed in Appendix I.
126 6 Covariant Evolution Operator and Green’s Operator
We can now construct the covariant evolution operator for some ladder-type interac-
tions provided no hole states are appearing in the intermediate states (see Chap. 8).
The diagram in Fig. 6.3 represents two reducible single-photon interactions with an
intermediate time (t 0 ) that separates the interactions. The Feynman amplitude is then
obtained by combining two single-photon interactions (6.16) with corresponding
MPE D .E/ Vsp .E/ .E/ Vsp .E/PE : (6.19)
where (see 8.11)
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ D ˇˇ 1 h 1 1 iˇ E
rs ˇVsp .E/ˇtu D rs ˇ c d f ./ C ˇtu
0 E "t "s c E "r "u c
PE is the projection operator of the part of the model space with energy E, and .E/
is the resolvent (2.64).
This procedure can be repeated to a general single-photon ladder
MLadd PE D .E/ Vsp .E/ .E/ Vsp .E/ .E/ Vsp .E/PE : (6.20)
where subscript “0” is used to indicate that there are no intermediate model-space
states (see further below). This evolution operator can be singular due to inter-
mediate and/or final model-space states, which can be eliminated by means of
counterterms, leading to “folds” (model-space contributions, MSC), as we shall
demonstrate below.
It should be observed that
In the equal-time approximation the interactions and the resolvents as well as
the time factor of the ladder without folds all depend on the energy of the ini-
tial, unperturbed state.
The folds will affect the time dependence, as will be discussed in Sect. 6.9. In Part
III, we shall treat the ladder in the presence of virtual pairs and higher-order inter-
actions and see how the procedure can be fitted into a many-body procedure.
6 6
6- 6
6 6
6 6
Fig. 6.3 Feynman diagram -
representing second-order
6 6
ladder diagram (6.19) E
6.3 Multiphoton Exchange 127
6.3.1 General
We shall now briefly consider the general case of multiphoton exchange. We can
describe this by means of a general many-body potential, which we can separate
into one-, two-, . . . body parts,
V D V1 C V2 C V3 C (6.22)
and which contains all irreducible interactions.4 By iterating such a potential, all re-
ducible interactions will be generated. In Figs. 6.4 and 6.6, we illustrate the one- and
two-body parts of this potential, including radiative effects – vacuum polarization,
self-energy, vertex correction (see Sect. 2.6) – which, of course, have to be properly
renormalized (see Chap. 12).
The one-body potential contains an effective-potential interaction (Fig. 6.5) in
analogy to that in ordinary MBPT (2.73). In the effective potential here, however,
the internal lines can be hole lines as well as particle lines. This implies that the
second diagram on the r.h.s. in Fig. 6.5 contains the direct Hartree–Fock potential as
well as the radiative effect of vacuum polarization and the last diagram the exchange
x = + + +
Fig. 6.4 Graphical representation of the one-body part of the effective potential (6.22), containing
the one-body potential in Fig. 6.5 as well as irreducible one-body potential diagrams, including
radiative effects
= + ?+
Fig. 6.5 Graphical representation of the “extended” effective potential interaction. This is analo-
gous to the effective potential in Fig. 2.3, but the internal lines represent here all orbitals (particles
as well as holes). This implies that the last two diagrams include the (renormalized) vacuum polar-
ization and self-energy
Concerning the definition of the concepts “reducible” and “irreducible,” see Sect. 2.6.
128 6 Covariant Evolution Operator and Green’s Operator
Fig. 6.6 The two-body part of the effective potential (6.22) contains all irreducible two-body
potential diagrams
part of the HF potential as well as the and electron self-energy (both radiative effects
properly renormalized). All heavy lines here represent orbitals in the external (nu-
clear) potential, which implies that the vacuum polarization contains the Uehling
potential [16] (see Sect. 4.6) as well as the Wickmann–Kroll [17] correction, dis-
cussed earlier in Sect. 4.6.
We consider next the general two-photon exchange, illustrated in Fig. 6.7, still as-
suming the equal-time approximation and unperturbed initial state.
Generalizing the result for single-photon exchange (6.6), we find that the kernel of
the first (ladder)diagram becomes
r 6 6s r 6 6s
x x0 x x0
r !3 !4 s r !3 !4 s
- 4 2
3 4
t !1 !2 u t !1 !2 u
z z6
1 - 2
1 3
a b a b
and over !3 ; !4
dz dz0
Msp .x; x 0 / D iSF ."a z z0 I x; x 3 / iSF ."b C z C z0 I x 0 ; x 4 /
2 2
.i/I.z0 I x 4 ; x 3 / iSF ."a zI x 3 ; x 1 /
iSF ."b C zI x 4 ; x 2 / .i/I.zI x 2 ; x 1 /: (6.26)
For the crossed-photon exchange in Fig. 6.7 (right), the corresponding result is
0 d!1 d!2 d!3 d!4 dz dz0
Msp .x; x I x 0 ; x 00 / D iSF .!3 I x; x 4 /
2 2 2 2 2 2
iSF .!4 I x 0 ; x 2 / .i/I.z0 I x 4 ; x 3 / iSF .!1 I x 4 ; x 1 /
iSF .!2 I x 2 ; x 3 / .i/I.zI x 2 ; x 1 / 2 ."a !1 z/
2 ."b !2 z0 / 2 .!1 z0 !3 /
2 .!2 C z !4 /: (6.27)
1 1 1
"a "t z C it "b "u z C iu z c 2 C i
2 2
To evaluate the integrals above is quite complicated, but they are considered in
detail in [9, Appendix B] and in the thesis of Björn Åsén [2]. The two-photon ef-
fects have been evaluated for helium-like ions, and some results are shown in the
following chapter.
We shall later demonstrate that this conjecture is consistent with the standard
quantum-mechanical picture (6.120) [see also (9.13)]. It should be noted that the
evolution operator does not generally preserve the (intermediate) normalization.
It can now be shown as in the nonrelativistic case in Sect. 3.3 that the conjecture
above leads to a
relativistic form of the Gell-Mann–Low theorem for a general quasi-dege-
nerate model space
ˇ ˛˛
ˇ ˛ ˛ ˇ ˛ UCov .0; 1/ˇ˚Rel
ˇ .0/ D ˇ ˛
D lim ˝ ˛; (6.30)
0 Rel j UCov .0; 1/ j˚Rel
Rel Rel
!0 ˛ ˛
which is quite analogous to the nonrelativistic theorem (3.46). Here,j˚Rel is, as
before, the parent state (3.32), i.e., the limit of the corresponding target state, as
the perturbation is adiabatically turned off,
ˇ ˛˛ ˇ ˛
ˇ˚ D C ˛ lim ˇ˛ .t/ ; (6.31)
Rel t !1
˛ ˛
(C ˛ is a normalization constant) andj 0 Rel ˛
D P j Rel
is the (normalized) model
state. ˛
The state vector j Rel
satisfies a relativistic eigenvalue equation, analogous to
the nonrelativistic (Schrödinger-like) Gell-Mann–Low equation (3.35),
ˇ ˛ ˇ ˛
H0 C VF ˇ ˛
D E ˛ˇ ˛
; (6.32)
A condition for the GML theorem to hold is as in the nonrelativistic case that the
perturbation is time-independent in the Schrödinger picture (apart from damping),
which is the case for the perturbation we shall use here (see further below).
In the unified MBPT–QED procedure, we shall apply the Coulomb gauge in order to
be able to utilize the developments of the MBPT procedure. In this gauge, we sepa-
rate the interaction between the electrons in the instantaneous Coulomb interaction
and the transverse interaction, with the Coulomb part being (2.109)
VC D : (6.33)
40 rij
i <j
with A being the quantized, transverse radiation field (see Appendix F.2). The total
perturbation is then
VF D VC C v T : (6.36)
Also, the Fock space is a form of Hilbert space, and therefore we shall refer to the Hilbert space
with a constant number of photons as the restricted (Hilbert) space and the space with a variable
number of photons as the (extended) photonic Fock space (see Appendix A.2).
6.5 Field-Theoretical Many-Body Hamiltonian 133
[As before, we may include an optional potential, u, in the model Hamiltonian (2.49)
– and subtract the same quantity in the perturbation – in order to improve the con-
vergence rate for many-electron systems.]
However, since the number of photons is no longer constant in the space we work
in, we have to include in the model Hamiltonian also the radiation field, HRad [see
Appendix (G.12) and (B.20)], yielding
H0 D hD C HRad : (6.38)
H D H0 C VF D H0 C VC C vT (6.39)
sometimes also referred to as the many-body Dirac Hamiltonian. This leads with
the GML relation (6.32) to the corresponding Fock-space many-body equation6
H DE : (6.40)
where vext .x/ is the external (nuclear) field of the electrons (Furry picture).
We have here assumed that the Coulomb gauge is employed, and therefore the
operator A .x/ represents only the transverse part of the radiation field. (As
mentioned previously, it is quite possible to use the Coulomb gauge in QED
calculation, as demonstrated by Adkins [1], Rosenberg [13], and others.)
This equation is not completely covariant, because it has a single time, in accordance with the es-
tablished quantum-mechanical picture. This is the equal-time approximation, mentioned above and
further discussed later. In addition, a complete covariant treatment would require that also the inter-
action between the electrons and the nucleus is treated in a covariant way by means of the exchange
of virtual photons (see, for instance, [14]).
134 6 Covariant Evolution Operator and Green’s Operator
Heff D PH ˝P (6.43)
This is a Fock-space relation, and the corresponding relation in the restricted space
without uncontracted photons is given by (6.123).
By solving the many-body equation (6.40) iteratively, all possible perturbations
will be produced. This is the basic principle of the covariant relativistic many-body
perturbation procedure we shall develop in this book. How this can be accomplished
will be discussed in the following. First, we shall treat the simple case of single-
photon exchange.
6.6.1 Definition
The vacuum expectation used to define the Green’s function (5.8) contains singu-
larities in the form of unlinked diagrams, where the disconnected parts represent
the vacuum expectation of the S-matrix. This is a number, and it then follows that
the singularities could be eliminated by dividing by this number. For the covariant
In the following, we shall leave out the subscript “Rel.”
6.6 Green’s Operator 135
evolution operator (CEO) (6.2), the situation is more complex, since this in an
operator, and the disconnected parts will also in general be operators. Therefore,
we shall here proceed in a somewhat different manner.
As mentioned,
we shall refer to the regular part of the CEO as the Green’s operator – in the
single-particle case denoted G.t; t0 / – due to its great similarity with the Green’s
function. We define the single-particle Green’s operator by the relation8
where P is the projection operator for the model space, and analogously in the
many-particle case. Below we shall demonstrate that the Green’s operator is
The definition of the Green’s operator contains the important concept of a heavy
dot, which is defined in the following way.
If the operators are disconnected, there is no difference between the dot product
and an ordinary (normal-ordered) product. If the operators are connected to a dia-
gram of ladder type in Fig. 6.3 (6.20), then we have seen that all interactions in an
ordinary product depend on the energy of the initial state. We now introduce the con-
vention that in a dot product the operators do not operate beyond the heavy dot.9
The definitions above imply that the interactions and the resolvents to the left
of the dot depend on the energy of the unperturbed state at the position of the dot.
If we operate to the right on the part of the model space PE of energy E and the
intermediate model-space state lies in the part PE 0 of energy E 0 , we can express the
two kinds of products as
< APE 0 BPE D A.E/ PE 0 B.E/PE
:̂ 0
E0 E0
with the energy parameter of A equal to E in the first case and to E 0 in the second
case. By the hooks we indicate that the operators must be connected by at least one
contraction. We shall soon see the implication of this definition.
The Green’s operator is closely related – but not quite identical – to the reduced covariant evolu-
tion operator, previously introduced by the Gothenburg group [9].
This can be compared with the situation in the MBPT Bloch equation (2.56), where – using the
heavy dot – the folded term could be expressed ˝ P Veff P , indicating that the energy parameters
of the wave operator depend on the intermediate model-space state.
136 6 Covariant Evolution Operator and Green’s Operator
From the conjecture (6.29) and the definition (6.46), we have in the limit of vanish-
ing damping
N˛ D ˝ (6.49)
0 jU.0; 1j˚ i
˛ ˛
making the state vector intermediately normalized for t D 0. Here,j˚ ˛ i is the parent
state (6.31), andj ˛ i D N˛ U.0; 1/j˚ ˛ i is the target state (for t D 0). The model
state is
j 0˛ i D P j ˛ i D N˛ P U.0; 1/j˚ ˛ i :
This leads directly to
the relation
ˇ ˛ ˛ ˇ ˛
ˇ .t/ D G.t; 1/ˇ ˛
; (6.50)
which implies that the time dependence of the relativistic state vector is gov-
erned by the Green’s operator.
Therefore, the Green’s operator can be regarded as a time-dependent wave op-
erator – but it is NOT an evolution operator in the sense, discussed in Sect. 3.1.
For the time t D 0, we have the covariant analogue of the standard wave oper-
ator of MBPT (2.37)
j˛ .0/i Dj ˛
i D ˝Covj ˛
i (6.51)
We note here that it is important that the Green’s operator is defined with the dot
product (6.46). The definition of the wave operator (2.37) can be expressed
j ˛
i D ˝Cov P j ˛
i D ˝Cov P U.0; 1/j˚ ˛ i (6.55)
indicating that the energy parameter of the wave operator depends on the interme-
diate model-space state.
We shall also define a covariant effective interaction, analogous to the operator
of MBPT (2.55). The time dependence of the relativistic state vector is formally the
same as that of the nonrelativistic one (2.15) [which is verified below (6.120)] , i.e.,
in interaction picture
ˇ ˛ ˛ ˇ ˛ ˇ ˛
ˇ .t/ D eit .E ˛ H0 /ˇ˛ .0/ D eit .E ˛ H0 /ˇ ˛
@ ˇˇ ˛ ˛
.t/ D .E ˛ H0 /j˛ .t/i :
i (6.57)
With the relation (6.50), this yields for the time t D 0
@ ˇˇ ˛ ˛ @
i .t/ j ˛i D i G.t; 1/ j 0˛ i D .E ˛ H0 /j ˛
i : (6.58)
@t t D0 @t t D0
Here, the r.h.s. becomes, using the GML relation (6.32) and the wave-operator rela-
tion (6.51),
.H H0 /j ˛ i D VFj ˛ i D VF ˝Covj 0˛ i : (6.59)
These relations hold for all model states, which leads us to the important operator
relation for the entire model space
i G.t; 1/ P D VF ˝Cov P; (6.60)
@t t D0
which we refer to as the reaction operator. Projecting this onto the model space,
yields according to the definition (6.44) to
the covariant relativistic effective interaction
Veff D P VF ˝Cov P D P i G.t; 1/ P: (6.61)
@t t D0
This is a relation in the photonic Fock space, closely analogous to the corre-
sponding relation of standard MBPT (2.55) [c.f. the relation (6.123)].
Our procedure here is based upon quantum-field theory, and the Green’s operator
can be regarded as a field-theoretical extension of the traditional wave-operator
concept of MBPT, and it serves as a connection between field theory and MBPT.
138 6 Covariant Evolution Operator and Green’s Operator
We shall now demonstrate how the singularities of the covariant evolution operator
can be eliminated in the general multireference case. We assume that the initial time
is t0 D 1. We also work in the equal-time approximation, where all final times
are the same.
We work in the restricted Hilbert space with no uncontracted photons and
consider a ladder of complete single-photon interactions (6.21), transverse and
Coulomb parts (see Fig. 6.3). (We shall later expand this to more general, irreducible
We start by expanding the relation (6.46) order-by-order, using the fact that
U .0/ .0/P D P ,
It follows from (6.21) that the time dependence of the ladder is given by
eit .Ein Eout / , where Ein and Eout represent the incoming and outgoing energies.
When operating on the part of the model space of energy E, the operator can be
expressed as
U.t/PE D eit .EH0 / U.0/PE : (6.63)
Solving the equations (6.62) for the Green’s operator, we then have
etc. We shall demonstrate that the negative terms above, referred to as counterterms,
will remove the singularities of the evolution operator.
It follows directly from the definition of the dot product above that the singulari-
ties due to disconnected parts are exactly eliminated by the counterterms. Therefore,
we need only consider the connected (ladder) part, and we consider a fully con-
tracted two-body diagram as an illustration (Fig. 6.3). It is sufficient for our present
purpose to consider only positive intermediate states, as in (6.20).
6.7 Model-Space Contribution 139
G .1/ .t; E/PE D U .1/ .t; E/PE G .0/ .t; E 0 /PE 0 U .1/ .0; E/PE ; (6.66)
where we observe that the Green’s operator in the counterterm has the energy
parameter E 0 , due to the heavy dot in the expression (6.64). The first term is (quasi)-
singular, when the final state lies in the model space, and we shall show that this
singularity is eliminated by the counterterm.
From (6.63), we have
(with the energy parameter E in the Green’s operator) and hence the corresponding
part of the Green’s operator (6.66) becomes
PE 0 G .1/ .t; E/PE D G .0/ .t; E/ G .0/ .t; E 0 / PE 0 U .1/ .0; E/PE (6.67)
1 Vsp .E/
PE 0 U .1/ .0; E/PE D PE 0 .E/ Vsp .E/PE D PE 0 Vsp .E/PE D PE 0 PE
E H0 E E0
ıG .0/ .t; E 0 ; E/
G .1/ .t; E/PE D QU .1/ .t; E/PE C PE 0 Vsp PE ; (6.69)
where QU .1/ .t; E/ D G .0/ .t; E/ Q .E/V .E/PE . We assume here that there is a
summation over E 0 , so that the entire intermediate model-space is covered. The dif-
ference ratio above is defined
PE 0 Vsp PE D PE 0 Veff PE (6.71)
140 6 Covariant Evolution Operator and Green’s Operator
G .0/ .E / 6 6 G .0/ .E 0 / 6 6 6 6
U .1/ .E / 6 PE 0
6 - U .1/ .E / 6 PE 0
6 ) 6 PE 0
6 6 6 6 6 6
Fig. 6.8 Illustration of the elimination of singularity of the first-order evolution operator, due to
a final model-space state. The double bar represents the difference ratio/derivative of the zeroth-
order Green’s operator (c.f. Fig. 6.9)
This can be (quasi)singular, if the final or intermediate state lies in the model space.
If there is a model-space state only at the final state, the counterterm will lead –
in complete analogy with the previous case (6.69) – to the contribution
ıG .0/ .t; E 00 ; E/
PE 00 W0.2/ PE 0 ; (6.73)
PE 00 W0 PE 0 D PE 00 Vsp .E/ Q .E/Vsp .E/PE (6.74)
is the second-order effective interaction without any intermediate model-space state.
If there is an intermediate model-space state in the second-order evolution oper-
ator (6.72), we have
PE 0
U0.1/ .t; E/PE 0 U0.1/ .0; E/ PE D U0 .t; E/ Vsp .E/ PE : (6.75)
E E0
The singularity will here be eliminated in a similar way by the corresponding
counterterm (6.64). If also the final state lies in the model space, there is an addi-
tional singularity, which is eliminated by replacing U0.1/ .t; E/ by the corresponding
Green’s operator (6.69), yielding for the entire second-order Green’s operator
6 6 6 6 6 6
G .1/ .E / 6 Q 6 G .1/ .E 0 / 6 Q 6 6 Q 6
- - -
) -
U .1/ .E / 6 PE 0 6 U .1/ .E / 6 PE 0 6 6 PE 0 6
- - -
6 6 6 6 6 6
Fig. 6.9 Elimination of singularity of the second-order evolution operator, due to an intermediate
model-space state. This leads to a residual contribution that corresponds to the folded diagram in
standard many-body perturbation theory (Fig. 2.5). In addition, there can be a singularity at the
final state, as in first order (see Fig. 6.8)
6 6 6 6 6 6
G .1/ .E / 6P C Q 6 6P C Q 6 6P C Q 6
) -
+ -
U .1/ .E / 6P C Q 6 6 Q 6 6 P 6
- - -
6 6 6 6 6 6
Fig. 6.10 Elimination of the singularity of the second-order evolution operator due to an interme-
diate model-space state
the derivative of the first-order Green’s operator leads in addition to the standard
folded term to a term with the energy-derivative of the interaction. The latter term is
sometimes referred to as the reference-state contribution [12], but here we shall re-
fer to both terms as the model-space contribution (MSC), which is more appropriate
in the general multireference case.
We have assumed so far that in the ladder the interactions are identical. If the
interactions are different, some precaution is required. We see in the second-order
expression that the differential/derivative in the last term should refer to the SEC-
OND interaction, while if we treat this in an order-by-order fashion, we would get
the differential of the FIRST interaction. If the interactions are in order V1 and V2 ,
then last term above becomes
ı. Q V2 /
PE 0 V1 PE (6.78)
(leaving out the arguments). This issue will be further discussed below.
U0 .t; E/PE D G .0/ .t; E/ 1 C .E/V .E/ C .E/V .E/ Q .E/V .E/ C PE ;
which may have a final model-space state. The corresponding Green’s operator is
according to (6.64)
PE 0 W0 .E/PE
PE 0 .U0 .0; E/ 1/ PE D ; (6.82)
E E0
6.7 Model-Space Contribution 143
ıG .0/ .t; E 0 ; E/
QU0 .t; E/PE C PE 0 W0 PE : (6.84)
The second term eliminates the singularity due to the final model-space state, and
we shall refer also to this as a folded contribution, in analogy with those eliminating
intermediate model-space singularities.
The Green’s operator with no folds (intermediate or final) is
and the folded part of (6.84) provides a final fold, yielding the Green’s operator with
one intermediate or final fold,
ıG0 .t; E; E 0 /
G1 .t; E/ D PE 0 W0 PE : (6.87)
The evolution operator with two intermediate folds can be expressed in analogy
with (6.86)
U2 .t; E/PE D QU0 .t; E/PE 0 .U0 .0; E/ 1/PE 0 .U0 .0; E/ 1/PE : (6.88)
The two leftmost factors represent the Green’s operator (6.86) with one intermediate
fold, and including also a final fold we can replace this by the operator (6.87)
This represents the operator with exactly two intermediate or final model-space state
with the singularity due to the leftmost one being eliminated. Eliminating also the
second fold leads to the Green’s operator with two folds
ıG1 .t; E 0 ; E/
G2 .t; E/PE D PE 0 W0 .E/PE : (6.89)
144 6 Covariant Evolution Operator and Green’s Operator
This yields
ıG.t; E/
G.t; E/PE D G0 .t; E/PE C W0 PE : (6.90)
Here, the second term represents all intermediate/final folds (model-space contri-
butions). This relation is valid for the entire model space and it is consistent with
[11, Eq. (6.54)] but more general. The expressions given here are valid for all times
and for the final state in P as well as Q spaces. The corresponding wave-operator
relation is obtained by setting t D 0.
We can find an alternative expression for the folded term in (6.90) by considering
G D G0 C G1 C G2 C :
ı ıG
ıG GE GE 0 V ııG
ıE E E
V 0
E E0 E
ıE E E0 ıE ıE E E0
VE ııG
E E0 E
V C ııG V ııG
E E0 E
V 0
E E0 E ı2 G ı G ıV
D ıE E D V C
E E 0 ıE 2 ıE ıE
ı ı VE VE 0 ıV
00 00 DV :
ıE ıE E E0 ıE
This can be generalized to
ı n .AB/ Xn
ı m A ı nm B
ıE n
ı E m ı E nm
(see further [11, Appendix B]).
6.7 Model-Space Contribution 145
G3 D W0
ı 3 G0 3 ı 2 G0 ıW0 2 ı 2 G0 ıG0 ıW1
D W C W0 C W1 W0 C W0
ıE 3 0 ıE 2 ıE ıE 2 ıE ıE
ı 3 G0 3 ı 2 G0 ıG0
G3 D W C 2W1 W0 C W2 :
ıE 3 0 ıE 2 ıE
Summing this sequence leads to
G D G0 C .W0 C W1 C W2 C /
ı G0
ı 3 G0
C 2 .W02 C 2W0 W1 C / C .W03 C / C : (6.93)
ıE ıE 3
ı n G0 n
G D G0 C W0 C W1 C W2 C : (6.94)
ıE n
Veff D W0 C W1 C W2 C (6.95)
is the total effective interaction, which leads to
X ı n G0 .t; E/ n
G.t; E/PE D G0 .t; E/PE C n
Veff PE : (6.96)
This relation is consistent with the results in [10, Eq. (100)] and [11, Eq. (61)], where
more details of the derivations are given. As the previous relation (6.90), it is valid
for all times and with the final state in Q as well as P space. In case the interactions
are different, the derivatives should be taken of the latest interactions.
We can generalize the treatment here and replace the single-photon potential by
the two-body part of the complete irreducible multiphoton exchange potential (6.22)
in Fig. 6.6, V ) V2 D V.
It follows from the treatment here that the counterterms eliminate all singularities
so that the Green’s operator is completely regular at all times.
146 6 Covariant Evolution Operator and Green’s Operator
All parts of the expansions above are linked, so this demonstrates that
The Green’s operator is completely linked also in the multireference case.
The linkedness of the single-particle Green’s operator can be expressed, us-
ing (6.4),
" 1 ZZ n Z Z
X 1 i
G .t; t0 / D
d3 x d3 x 0 d4 x1 d4 xn
nŠ c
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
0ˇT O.x/ H.x1 / H.xn / O.x0 / ˇ0 e.jt1 jCjt2 j/
We now want to transform the general expression above for the Green’s operator into
a general Bloch-type of equation (2.56) that, in principle, can be solved iteratively
(self-consistently). Iterations can be performed, only if the in- and outgoing states
contain only particle states of positive energy (no holes). Therefore, we assume this
to be the case. If we have an interaction with hole states in or out, we can apply a
Coulomb interaction, so that all in- and outgoing states are particle states, as will be
discussed further in later chapters.
We still work in the restricted Hilbert space with complete single-photon (or
multiphoton) interactions.
We want to have an equation of the form
G .n/ PE D G .0/ PE C Q V G .n1/ C folded PE ; (6.99)
G D G0 C W0 ; (6.100)
G D G0 C G1 C G2 C
6.8 Bloch Equation for Green’s Operator 147
Gm D W0 :
Furthermore, the total effective interaction is (6.95)
Veff D W0 C W1 C W2 C ; (6.101)
G0.n/ .n1/
Q V G0 G .0/ D 0: (6.103)
Distinguishing the various interactions, we can write
G0 D G .0/ 1 C Q V1 C Q V1 Q V2 C
h ıG ı G0 i h ı G .0/ ı. Q V1 / i
1 D Q V1 W0 D C G0 1 C Q V2 C W0
ıE ıE ıE ıE
ı G1 h ı 2 G0 ı 2 G0 i
DW Q V 1 W0
ıE ıE 2 ıE 2
ı 2 G .0/ ı G .0/ ı. Q V1 / ı 2 . Q V1 /
D C 1 C Q V2 C C G .0/ 1 C Q V2 C
ıE 2 ıE ıE ıE 2
ı. Q V1 / ı. Q V2 / ı G1
C G .0/ 1 C Q V3 C C W0 DW :
ıE ıE ıE
148 6 Covariant Evolution Operator and Green’s Operator
where we have introduced the notation ı , with the asterisk indicating that the
differentiation applies only to the last interaction, including the associated resol-
vent, Q V ,
ı. Q Va Q Vb / ı. Q Va /
D Q Vb (6.105)
ıE ıE
and, in addition, differentiation of G .0/ in case there is no QV factor.
In the case of two folds, we have
.n/ .n1/
ıG1 ıG1
2 D G2.n/ QV G2.n1/ D W0 QV W0
ıE ıE
ı ıG0
D W0 W0
ıE ıE
ı ıG0
QV W0 W0
ıE ıE
2 .n/ 2 .n1/
ı G0 2 ı G0 2
D .W0 / QV .W0 /
ıE 2 ıE 2
.n/ .n1/
ıG0 ıG0
C W1 QV W1 :
ıE ıE
.n/ .n/
ı G0 ı G1
2 D W1 C W0 :
ıE ıE
with differentiation with respect to the last factor of QV and to G .0/ , when no
factor of Q V appears.
We then have the generalized Bloch equation for an arbitrary energy-dependent
interaction (V)
G D G .0/ C QV GC Veff ; (6.106)
This equation is valid also when the interactions are different, and then it can
be expressed more explicitly as (n > 0)
ı G .m/ .nm/
G .n/ D Q Vn G
C Veff ; (6.107)
where Vn is the last interaction and the operator G .m/ is formed by the m last
We can check the formula (6.106) by considering the first few orders,
using the second-order expression (6.78) with the last two interactions (V2 ; V3 ).
a b
6 6
V3 - V3 -
ı˝ .2/
- ˝ .2/ - ıE
V2 V2
V1 - V1 - .1/
Fig. 6.11 Third-order Green’s operator with different interactions
150 6 Covariant Evolution Operator and Green’s Operator
With a model-space state directly after the first interaction (Fig. 6.11b), the con-
tribution is
ı˝ .2/ .1/ ı ı. Q V3 /
Veff D Q V3 Q V2 C P V2 P V1 P
ıE ıE ıE
ı Q V3 ı Q V2 ı 2 Q V3
D Q V2 C Q V3 C P V2
ıE ıE ıE 2
ı Q V3 ıV2
C P P P V1 P:
ıE ıE
We can now identify the terms above with the Bloch equation (6.106), where the
differentiation should apply to the last interaction. Then we have
ı. Q V2 /
Q V3 ˝
D Q V3 Q V2 Q V1 P C Q V3 P V1 P
ı ˝ .2/ .1/ ı Q V3 ı 2 Q V3
Veff D Q V2 P V1 P C P V2 P V1 P
ıE ıE ıE 2
ı ˝ .1/ .2/ ı Q V3 .2/
Veff D W0 C W1.2/
ıE ıE
ı Q V3 ıV2
D P V2 Q V1 P C P P V1 P ;
ıE ıE
the sum of which is identical to the sum of the two previous expressions.
In most applications, we want to have an expression for the wave operator in the
form of a Bloch equation, where we start from a wave operator ˝I and then add an
interaction V that might be different from those involved in ˝I . The Bloch equation
is then of the form
where we want to find the form of the folded part. We then make the replacement
˝0 ) Q V ˝I0 in the expression (6.96), where ˝I0 is the wave operator without
folds, yielding
X ın. Q V ˝I0 / n
˝D Veff : (6.110)
ıE n
The sum can be reformulated as, noting the modified differentiating rules given
X ın. Q V ˝I0 / n
XX n
ım Q V m ı
˝I0 nm
˝D Veff D Veff Veff
ıE n nD0 mD0
ıE m ıE nm
X ım Q V m
X ı nm ˝I0 nm
X ım Q V m
D Veff V eff D ˝I Veff ;
ıE m nDm
ıE nm
ıE m
6.9 Time Dependence of the Green’s Operator. Connection to the Bethe–Salpeter Equation 151
X ın. Q V / n
˝D QV ˝I C n
˝I Veff : (6.112)
Since the full wave operator appears only on the left-hand side, this equation does
not have to be solved self-consistently.
We can understand the appearance of the sequence of difference ratios above in
the following way. Each model-space contribution (MSC) should contain a differen-
tiation of all the following interactions. In ˝I , the last interaction, V, is not involved,
and therefore a differentiation of Q V for each interaction in ˝I is required.
We can illustrate the formula above with the third-order case considered pre-
viously (Fig. 6.11), now assuming that we have two Coulomb interactions (VC ),
followed by an energy-dependent potential (V ). Then, we have instead
ı QV
˝ .3/ P D QV Q VC Q VC P C P VC Q VC P
ı QV ı2 Q V
ıE ıE 2
which can be expressed
QV .1/ .2/
˝ .3/ P D QV ˝I .2/ P C ˝I .1/ Veff C ˝I .0/ Veff
ı2 Q V 2
C ˝ I
V eff ;
ıE 2
˝I .1/ D Q VC Veff D P VC P
˝I .2/ D Q VC Q VC 2
The expansion (6.113) is a Taylor series, and the result can be expressed
where G0 is the Green’s operator without model-space states (6.85). This implies
that the sum in (6.113), representing
the model-space contributions (MSC) to all orders, has the effect of shifting
the energy parameter from the model energy E0 to the target energy E .
From the relations (6.21) and (6.64), we have the Green’s operator for the ladder
without MSC in the present case, including also the zeroth order and the time factor,
G0 .t; E0 /j 0i D eit .E0 H0 / 1 C Q .E0 / V .E0 /
C Q .E0 / V .E0 / Q .E0 / V .E0 / C j 0i : (6.116)
The result (6.115) then implies that the Green’s operator with model-space contri-
butions (MSC) becomes
@ ˇ ˛ ˇ ˛
i G.t; E0 /ˇ 0 D .E H0 / G.t; E0 /ˇ 0 (6.118)
We observe here that also the zeroth-order term has changed its time dependence, which is
a consequence of the fact that the zeroth-order Green’s operator, G .0/ , is being modified by the
expansion (6.96).
6.9 Time Dependence of the Green’s Operator. Connection to the Bethe–Salpeter Equation 153
According to (6.50), the Green’s operator has the same time-dependence as the
state vector, in the interaction picture
(withj i D j.0/i), which implies that the result above – which is a consequence
of the initial conjecture (6.29) – is in accordance with the elementary quantum-
mechanical result (2.15) and (3.2).
Setting the time t D 0 yields with the identity (6.52), ˝j 0 i D G.0; E0 /j 0 i,
the corresponding relation for the wave operator
ˇ ˛
j i D ˝j 0 i D 1 C Q .E/ V .E/ C Q .E/ V .E/ Q .E/ V .E/ C ˇ 0 ;
which is the Brillouin–Wigner expansion of the wave function.
From the relation (6.83), we have that the effective interaction without folds is
ˇ ˛ ˇ ˛
W0 .E0 /ˇ 0 D P V .E0 / C V .E0 / Q .E0 /V .E0 / C ˇ 0 : (6.122)
It can be shown in the same way as for the wave function that inclusion of the folds
(MSC) leads to the replacement E0 ! E (see [10]) and to the expression for the
full effective interaction (6.95)
ˇ ˛ ˇ ˛ ˇ ˛
Veffˇ 0 D W0 .E/ˇ 0 D P V .E/ C V .E/ Q .E0 /V .E/ C ˇ 0 :
This is an expression for the effective interaction in the restricted Hilbert space
with no uncontracted photons, equivalent to the photonic-Fock-space relation (6.45).
This is analogous to the MBPT result (2.55), but now the perturbation is energy
We can generalize this treatment by replacing the single-photon potential V by
the irreducible multiphoton potential in Fig. 6.6, V ) V2 D V. Then we have from
ˇ ˛ ˇ ˛ ˇ ˛
Veffˇ 0 D P .E H0 / ˝ˇ 0 D P V.E/˝ˇ 0 : (6.125)
154 6 Covariant Evolution Operator and Green’s Operator
Combining this with (6.125) leads to the Schrödinger-like equation in the restricted
.H0 C V.E//j i D Ej i (6.126)
H D H0 C V.E/: (6.127)
These relation can be compared with the corresponding GML relations (6.32) and
(6.39) in the photonic Fock space. The equation (6.126) is identical to the effective-
potential form of the Bethe–Salpeter equation (9.20).
We shall now investigate the time dependence of the Green’s operator in a general,
quasi-degenerate model space. We can express the relation (6.96), using the general
perturbation, as
ı n G0 .t; E/ n
G.t; E/PE D G0 .t; E/PE C n
Veff PE ; (6.128)
ı n G0 .t; H0 / n
G.t; H0 /P D G0 .t; H0 /P C Veff P; (6.129)
ı.H0 /n
valid in the entire model space. We have here introduced the symbol A , which im-
plies that the operator A operates directly on the model-space˛ state to the right.
Thus, H0˛BPE D EBPE D BH0 PE . Similarly, Heff
Bj 0˛ D E ˛ Bj 0˛ D
BHeff j 0˛ .
6.9 Time Dependence of the Green’s Operator. Connection to the Bethe–Salpeter Equation 155
Veffj ˛
0i D P .E ˛ H0 /˝j ˛
0i D P V.E ˛ /˝j ˛
0i (6.130)
or in operator form
Veff P D P .Heff H0 /˝ P D P V.Heff /˝P: (6.131)
G0 .t; E/PE D eit .EH0 / 1 C Q .E/ V.E/ C Q .E/ V.E/ Q .E/ V.E/ C PE
or in operator form
G0 .t; H0 /P D eit .H0 H0 / 1 C
Q .H0 / V.H0 /
C Q .H0 / V.H0 / Q .H0 / V.H0 / C P: (6.135)
i G.t; H0 /P D .Heff
H0 / G.t; H0 /P: (6.137)
This agrees with the equation derived in [10, Eq. (133)] and it is equivalent to the
Bethe–Salpeter–Bloch equation, discussed in Chap. 9 (9.30).
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7. Lindgren, I.: Can MBPT and QED be merged in a systematic way? Mol. Phys. 98, 1159–1174
8. Lindgren, I., Åsén, B., Salomonson, S., Mårtensson-Pendrill, A.M.: QED procedure applied
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9. Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S., Åsén, B.: The covariant-evolution-operator method in bound-
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10. Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S., Hedendahl, D.: Many-body-QED perturbation theory: Connec-
tion to the two-electron Bethe-Salpeter equation. Einstein centennial review paper. Can. J.
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11. Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S., Hedendahl, D.: Many-body procedure for energy-dependent per-
turbation: Merging many-body perturbation theory with QED. Phys. Rev. A 73, 062,502
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Chapter 7
Numerical Illustrations to Part II
In this chapter, we shall give some numerical illustrations of the three QED methods
described in Part II, the S-matrix, the two-times Green’s function, and the covariant-
evolution-operator methods.
7.1 S-Matrix
See Sect. 2.6.
7.1 S-Matrix 159
- -
- - 6
6 6
6 - 6 ?
6- 6
6 6
6 6 6
6 6 6
6 6 66
6 6 6
6 6 6
Fig. 7.1 Second-order contributions to the Lamb shift of hydrogen-like ions (c.f. Fig. 5.3)
The 2s 2p1=2 Lamb shift of lithium-like uranium was measured at the Berkeley
HILAC accelerator by Schweppe et al. in 1991 [54]. The first theoretical evalu-
ations of the self-energy was performed by Cheng et al. [15] and the complete
first-order shift, including vacuum polarization, by Blundell [7], Lindgren et al. [31],
160 7 Numerical Illustrations to Part II
and Persson et al. [48], the latter calculation including also some reducible second-
order QED effects. Later, more complete calculations were performed by Yerokhin
et al. [58]. The results are summarized in Table 7.3.
In lithium-like systems, the nuclear-size effect is considerably smaller than in
the corresponding hydrogen-like system and can be more easily accounted for. The
second-order QED effects in Li-like uranium are of the same order as the present
uncertainties in theory and experiment, and with some improvement these effects
can be tested. Therefore, systems of this kind seem to have the potential for the
most accurate test of high-field QED at the moment.
Fig. 7.3 Various contributions to the ground-state energy of He-like ions. The top picture repre-
sents the first-order contributions, the middle picture the second-order contributions in the NVPA
as well as the screened Lamb shift, and the bottom picture contributions due to retardation and
virtual pairs (see Fig. 7.4). The values are normalized to the nonrelativistic ionization energy, and
the scale is logarithmic (powers of the fine-structure constant ˛)
162 7 Numerical Illustrations to Part II
6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6
6 6 6 6 - 6
6- 6 6- 6 6 6 6 -
6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Fig. 7.4 Feynman diagrams representing the one- and two-photon exchange, separated into
Coulomb, instantaneous Breit and retarded Breit interactions
Z, we can replace Z˛ by unity, and then after dividing by Z 2 , all first-order effects
tend to ˛ as Z increases, as is clearly seen in the top picture of Fig. 7.3 (see also
Fig. 10.9 and Table 10.1).
An additional Coulomb interaction reduces the effect for small Z by a fac-
tor of Z. Therefore, the Coulomb–Coulomb interaction, i.e., the leading electron
correlation, is in first order independent of Z and the Coulomb–Breit interaction
proportional to Z 2 ˛ 2 . The screened Lamb shift is proportional to Z 3 ˛ 3 and the
second-order Breit interaction (in the no-pair approximation) to Z 4 ˛ 4 . After di-
vision with Z 2 , we see (second picture of Fig. 7.3) that all second-order effects
tend to ˛ 2 . The corresponding Feynman diagrams are shown in the second row of
Fig. 7.4.
The third picture in Fig. 7.3 shows the effect of the retarded Coulomb–Breit and
Breit–Breit interactions without and with virtual pairs, corresponding to diagrams
in the bottom row of Fig. 7.4. For low Z, these effects are one order of ˛ smaller
than the corresponding unretarded interactions with no virtual pairs, while for high
Z they tend – rather slowly – to the same ˛ 2 limit. It is notable that for the
Coulomb–Breit interactions the retardation and virtual pairs have nearly the same
effect but with opposite sign. For the Breit–Breit interactions, the effects of sin-
gle and double pairs have opposite sign and the total effect changes its sign around
Z D 40.
7.1 S-Matrix 163
More recently, Mohr and Sapirstein have performed S-matrix calculations also
on the excited states of helium-like ions and compared with second-order MBPT
calculations to determine the effect of nonradiative QED, retardation, and virtual
pairs [44], and some results are shown in Table 7.4.
The two-electron effect on the ground-state energy of some helium-like ions has
been measured by Marrs et al. at Livermore Nat. Lab. by comparing the ionization
energies of the corresponding helium-like and hydrogen-like ions [33]. (The larger
effect due to single-electron Lamb shift is eliminated in this type of experiment.)
Persson et al. [50] have calculated the two-electron contribution by adding to the
all-order MBPT result the effect of two-photon QED, using dimensional regulariza-
tion (see Chap. 12). The results are compared with the experimental results as well
as with other theoretical estimates in Table 7.5. The results of Drake were obtained
by expanding relativistic and QED effects in powers of ˛ and Z˛, using Hyller-
aas type of wave functions [20]. The calculations of Plante et al. were made by
means of relativistic MBPT and adding first-order QED corrections taken from the
work of Drake [52], and the calculations of Indelicato et al. were made by means of
multiconfigurational Dirac–Fock with an estimate of the Lamb shift [25]. The agree-
ment between experiments and theory is quite good, although the experimental
accuracy is not good enough to test the QED parts, which lie in the range 1–5 eV.
The agreement between the various theoretical results is very good – only the results
of Drake are somewhat off for the heaviest elements, which is due to the shortcom-
ing of the power expansion.
164 7 Numerical Illustrations to Part II
The Zeeman splitting of hydrogen-like ions in a magnetic field is another good test
of QED effects in highly charged ions. The lowest-order contributions to this effect
are represented by the Feynman diagrams in Fig. 7.5.
The bound-electron g-factor can be expanded as [51]:
1h p i ˛ 1 .Z˛/2
gJ D 2 1 C 2 1 .Z˛/2 C C C ; (7.2)
3 2 12
where Z is the nuclear charge. The first term represents the relativistic value with
a correction from the Dirac value of order ˛ 2 . The second term, proportional to ˛,
is the leading QED correction, known as the Schwinger correction, and the follow-
ing term, proportional to ˛ 3 , is the next-order QED correction, first evaluated by
Grotsch [23].
Numerical calculations to all orders in Z˛ have been performed by Blundell
et al. [11] [only self-energy part, (b,c) in Fig. 7.5] and by the Gothenburg
group [6, 51] [incl. the vacuum polarization (d,e)]. The results are displayed in
Fig. 7.6, showing the comparison between the Grotsch term (the leading QED cor-
rection beyond the Schwinger correction) and the numerical result. (The common
factor of 2˛= has been left out.) More accurate calculations have later been per-
formed by the St Petersburg group, including also two-loop corrections and the
nuclear recoil [59, 61].
The g-factors of hydrogen-like ions have been measured with high accuracy by
the Mainz group, using an ion trap of Penning type [4, 24]. The accuracy of the
experimental and theoretical determinations is so high that the main uncertainty
is due to the experimental mass of the electron. Some accurate dates for H-like
carbon are shown in Table 7.6. By fitting the theoretical and experimental values,
a value of the electron mass (in atomic mass units) me D 0:0005485799093.3/
is deduced from the carbon experiment and the value me D 0:0005485799092.5/
from a similar experiment on oxygen [4]. These results are four times more ac-
curate than the previously accepted value, me D 0:0005485799110.12/ [37]. The
new value is now included in the latest adjustments of the fundamental constants
[35, 36].
a b c d e
6 6 6
6 - ? 6 -
- 6
- 66 - -
6 6
6 6 -
6 6
6 6 6
Fig. 7.5 Feynman diagrams representing the lowest-order contributions to the Zeeman effect of
hydrogen-like ions. Diagrams (b) and (c) represent the leading self-energy correction to the first-
order effect (a, d and e) the leading vacuum-polarization correction
7.2 Green’s-Function and Covariant-Evolution-Operator Methods 165
Fig. 7.6 The first-order, numerically evaluated, QED correction to the gj value of hydrogen-like
ions, compared with the leading analytical (Grotsch) term (7.2). Both results are first-order in ˛
but the numerical result is all order in Z˛, while the Grotsch result contains only the leading term
(from [51]). A common factor 2˛= is left out
Table 7.7 The 1s2p 3 P fine structure of He-like ions. (Values for Z D 2, 3 given in MHz and the
remaining ones in Hartree)
Z 3 P1 3 P0 3
P2 3 P0 3
P2 3 P1 Ref. Expt’l Ref. Theory
2 29616.95166(70) 2291.17759(51) Gabrielse et al. [62]
29616.9527(10) Giusfredi et al. [22]
29616.9509(9) Hessels et al. [21]
2291.17753(35) Hessels et al. [12]
29616.9523(17) 2291.1789(17) Pachucki et al. [57]
3 155704.27(66) 62678:41.65/ Riis et al. [53]
62678:46.98/ Clarke et al. [16]
155703.4(1,5) 62679:4.5/ Drake et al. [20]
9 701(10) 5064(8) 4364.517(6) Myers et al. [46]
680 5050 4362(5) Drake et al. [20]
681 5045 4364 Plante et al. [52]
690 5050 4364 Åsén et al. [2, 32]
10 1371(7) 8458(2) 7087(8) Curdt et al. [17]
1361(6) 8455(6) 7094(8) Drake et al. [20]
1370 8469 7099 Plante et al. [52]
1370 8460 7090 Åsén et al. [29]
12 3789(26) 20069(9) 16280(27) Curdt et al. [17]
3796(7) Myers et al. [47]
3778(10) 20046(10) 16268(13) Drake et al. [20]
3796 20072 16276 Plante et al. [52]
3800,1 20071 Artemyev et al. [1]
14 40707(9) Curdt et al. [17]
8108(23) 40708(23) 32601(33) Drake et al. [20]
8094 40707 32613 Plante et al. [52]
40712 Artemyev et al. [1]
18 124960(30) Kukla et al. [28]
124810(60) Drake et al. [20]
23692 124942 101250 Plante et al. [52]
23790 124940 101150 Åsén et al. [29]
124945(3) Artemyev et al. [1]
using the recently developed covariant-evolution-operator method, was the first nu-
merical evaluation of QED effects (nonradiative) on quasi-degenerate energy levels.
It can be noted that the energy of the 1s2p 3 P1 state, which a linear combination
of the closely spaced states 1s2p1=2 and 1s2p1=3 , could not be evaluated by the
S-matrix formulation (see, for instance, the above-mentioned work of Mohr and
Sapirstein [44]). Later, calculations have also been performed on these systems by
the St Petersburg group, using the two-times-Green’s-function method [1], where
also the radiative parts are evaluated numerically.
The accuracy of the experimental and theoretical fine-structure results is not
sufficient to distinguish between the first-order energy QED corrections and the
7.2 Green’s-Function and Covariant-Evolution-Operator Methods 167
numerical evaluation of Åsen and Artemyev. On the other hand, the experimen-
tal accuracy of the separation of Fluorine (Z D 9) seems to be sufficient to test even
higher-order QED effects. Here, present theory cannot match the experimental ac-
curacy, but this might be a good testing case for the new combined QED-correlation
procedure, discussed in the following.
As a second illustration, we consider the transition 1s2s 1 S0 1s2p 3 P1 for
He-like silicon, which has recently been very accurately measured by Myers
et al. [19] (see Table 7.8). Corresponding calculations have been performed by
Plante et al. [52], using relativistic MBPT with first-order QED correction, and by
Artemyev et al. [1], using the two-times Green’s function. Here, it can be seen that
the experiment is at least two orders of magnitude more accurate than the theoreti-
cal estimates. Also here the combined MBPT–QED corrections are expected to be
The covariant-evolution-operator method has also been applied by Åén et al. [2, 3]
to evaluate the two-photon diagrams in Fig. 7.2 for the first excited S states of
some helium-like ions. The results are compared with relativistic MBPT results,
to determine the nonradiative QED effects, as in Table 7.4 above. The results are
shown in Table 7.9, where comparison is also made with some results of Mohr and
Sapirstein [44].
168 7 Numerical Illustrations to Part II
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Part III
Quantum-Electrodynamics Beyond
Two-Photon Exchange: Field-Theoretical
Approach to Many-Body Perturbation
Chapter 8
Covariant Evolution Combined
with Electron Correlation
The treatment in Part III is largely based on [3, 6, 7] and the thesis of Daniel Hedendahl [2].
Vsp D VC C VT : (8.2)
We start with the transverse part and consider the Coulomb part later.
The kernel of the transverse part of the single-photon exchange in Coulomb gauge
according to (6.6) is given by:
The external time dependence is (with the notations in Figs. 8.1 and 8.2) in the
equal-time approximation in analogy with the previous case (6.9):
eit .!3 C!4 "r "s / eit0 .!1 C!2 "t "u / :
As before, we can argue that in the limit ! 0 !1 C !2 D !3 C !4 D E, i.e.,
equal to the initial energy, and the dependence becomes:
eit .E"r "s / eit0 .E"t "u / :
We then have the relation:
leaving out the internal space integrations. (The factor of 1/2 is, as before, eliminated
when a specific matrix element is considered.)
After integrations over !2 ; !3 ; !4 , the amplitude becomes:
0 1 d!1 dz
MT .x; x ; x 0 ; x 00 / D iSF .!1 zI x; x 1 / iSF .E !1 zI x 0 ; x 2 /
2 2 2
.i/ITC .zI x 2 ; x 1 / iSF .!1 I x 1 ; x 0 / iSF .E !1 I x 2 ; x 00 /:
Inserting the expressions for the electron propagator (4.10) and the interaction
(4.46), a specific matrix element becomes:
* ˇ Z Z
ˇ d!1 dz 1 1
hrsjMTjabi D rs ˇi
ˇ 2 2 !1 z "r C ir E !1 C z "s C is
Z ˇ +
1 1 2c 2 d fTC ./ ˇˇ
ˇab ;
!1 "t C it E !1 "u C iu z2 c 2 2 C i ˇ
where fTC is the transverse part of the f function in Coulomb gauge (4.60). Integra-
tion over z now yields – in analogy with the treatment in Chap. 6
MT D .i/2 c d fTC ./
1 1 1
C :
E "t "u !1 "t C it E !1 "u C iu
176 8 Covariant Evolution Combined with Electron Correlation
We have now four combinations that contribute depending on the sign of the
orbital energies (after integration over !1 ):
sgn."t /
sgn."r / ¤ sgn."t / W
"t "r .c i /r
sgn."t /
sgn."s / D sgn."t / W
E "t "s .c i /s
sgn."u /
sgn."u / D sgn."r / W
E "r "u .c i /r
sgn."u /
sgn."u / ¤ sgn."s / W (8.8)
"u "s .c i /s
times .i/.
The Feynman amplitude for the transverse part of the single-photon exchange
now becomes:
MT D .E/ iVT .E/ .E/; (8.9)
where .E/ is the resolvent (2.64). This yields for the present process:
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ D ˇ ˇ E
i ˇ ˇ 1
rs ˇMT .E/ˇtu D rs ˇ VT .E/ ˇtu ; (8.10)
E "r "s E "t "u
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ ˇ t˙ r
ˇ ˇ ˇ
rs VT .E/ tu D rs ˇ c d fT ./ ˙
"t "r ˙ c
t˙ s˙ u˙ r˙ u˙ s ˇ
˙ ˙ ˙ ˇ tu : (8.11)
E "t "s c E "r "u c "u "s ˙ c ˇ
Here, t˙ etc. represent projection operators for particle/hole states. The upper
or lower sign should be used consistently in each term, inclusive of the sign in the
front, but all combinations of upper and lower signs in the four term should be used,
corresponding to the 16 time-ordered combinations, shown in Fig. 8.3.
It should be noted that the expression above is valid also for the entire interaction
in any covariant gauge, using the appropriate f function.
We shall now illustrate the potential (8.11) by giving explicit expressions in a
few cases.
8.1 General Single-Photon Exchange 177
t u
t ? t ? ?u
6 ?u t ? 6 ?s -
u? r r ?
?s r ? r ? ?s
Fig. 8.3 All 16 time-ordered diagrams corresponding to the transverse single-photon exchange
given by (8.11)
No virtual pairs
r s
t 6 6u
and the Feynman amplitude agrees with the previous result (6.16). This agrees with
the result of the evaluation of the corresponding time-ordered diagram according to
the rules of Appendix I.
r s
The potential becomes here:
ˇZ ˇ
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ ˇ 1 1 ˇ
rs ˇVT .E/ˇtu D rs ˇˇ c d fTC ./ C ˇ tu ;
"t "r c E "r "u c ˇ
which can also be expressed
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ ˇ
rs ˇVT .E/ˇtu D .E "t "u / rs ˇˇ c d fTC ./
1 1 ˇ
ˇ tu (8.14)
"t "r c E "r "u c ˇ
and the denominators of the Feynman amplitude become:
1 1 1
: (8.15)
E "r "s "t "r c E "r "u c
This agrees with the evaluation rules of Appendix I. We see here that one of the
resolvents in (8.9) can be singular (“Brown–Ravenhall effect”), which is eliminated
by the potential.
The potential (8.11) becomes:
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ ˇ
ˇ ˇ
rs VT .E/ tu D rs ˇˇ c d fTC ./
1 1 ˇ
C ˇ tu : (8.16)
"t "r C ck E "t "s c ˇ
8.1 General Single-Photon Exchange 179
1 1
.E "r "s / (8.17)
"t "r C c E "t "s c
1 1 1
; (8.18)
"t "r C c E "t "s c E "t "u c
r s
t - u
The potential (8.11) is here:
ˇZ ˇ
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ ˇ 1 1 ˇ
rs ˇVT .E/ˇtu D rs ˇˇ c d fTC ./ C ˇ tu (8.19)
"t "r c "u "s c ˇ
We shall demonstrate explicitly here that this agrees with the evaluation rules of
Appendix I. With one time-ordering t34 > t2 > t > 1 and 1 > t34 > t2 , the
time integrations yield:
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
id2 t2 id34 t34
.i/ 3
dt2 e dt34 e dt1 eid1 t1 : (8.21)
t34 t2 t2
with the notations of Appendix I, which is identical to the result (8.20). Note that
this is NOT in agreement with the standard Goldstone rules of MBPT [4].
6 s 6
u s
r 6 u 6
t r
d134 D E "r "u cI d234 D E "t "s CcI d1234 D E "r "s ;
r s r s t ? ?u
r s
t u
t u t u r ? ?s
The Coulomb part of the interaction is obtained in a similar way (see Fig. 8.4). In
analogy with (8.5), we now have:
1 d!1 d!3 dz
MC D iSF .!1 / iSF .E0 !1 /
2 2 2 2
.i/ICC iSF .!3 / iSF .E0 !3 /
leaving out the space coordinates. After z integration, using (4.63b), and with the
explicit form of the propagators this leads to:
ˇ ZZ
ˇ d!1 d!3 1 1
hrsjMCjabi D rs ˇˇ i
2 2 !1 "r C ir E0 !1 "s C is
1 1 ˇ
VC ˇ ab
!3 "t C it E0 !3 "u C iu ˇ
ˇ ˇ
ˇ i 1 ˇ
D rs ˇˇ˙ VC ˇ ab ; (8.26)
E0 " r " s E0 " t " u ˇ
where VC is the Coulomb interaction (2.109). Here, the plus sign is used if
sgn."t / D sgn."u / D sgn."r / D sgn."s / and the minus sign if sgn."t / D
sgn."u / ¤ sgn."r / D sgn."s /.
We shall now see how the potential above can be extended to include also crossing
Coulomb interactions as well as various radiative effects.
w˙ t˙ w˙ t˙
sgn."w / D sgn."w / W ˙ DW ˙
E "w C z "t ˙ i c˙
w˙ u w˙ u
sgn."w / ¤ sgn."u / W ˙ DW ˙ (8.30)
"w z "u i d
times .i/2 . Here, the first two terms should be combined with the last two, and the
propagators (8.28) reduce to:
1 1 v˙ r v˙ s˙
˙ ˙
E "r "r E "t "u a b˙
w˙ t˙ w t w˙ u w u˙
˙ ˙ : (8.31)
c˙ c d d˙
Upper or lower sign should be used consistently in all four operators in each
product. We use here the notations:
8 8
ˆ A˙ D "v "r c
< ˆ
ˆ a˙ D "v z "r ˙ i
B˙ D E "v "s c <
b˙ D E "v C z "s ˙ i
ˆ C˙ D E "w "t c (8.32)
:̂ ˆ c˙ D E "w C z "u ˙ i
D˙ D "w "u c :̂
d˙ D "w z "u ˙ i:
The photon interaction has one pole in each half-plane, and for the combinations
where the electron propagator poles are in the same half-plane the z integration
leads directly to the replacement a˙ ! A˙ etc. This part then becomes 1=.E "r
"r / 1=.E "t "u / times
v˙ r v˙ s˙ w˙ t˙ w˙ u
VC1 D C C : (8.33)
A B˙ C˙ D
Again, upper or lower sign should be used consistently in all four operators in
each product. Expressing the Feynman amplitude in analogy with (8.10),
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ D ˇ ˇ E
i ˇ ˇ 1
rs ˇM.E/ˇtu D rs ˇ VTC .E/ ˇtu ; (8.34)
E H0 E H0
When the electron propagators have one pole in each half-plane, we have to sep-
arate the propagators as before. For instance, the product
v˙ r w u v˙ r w t
a c "v z "r i E "w C z "t i
184 8 Covariant Evolution Combined with Electron Correlation
is rewritten as
v˙ r w t 1 1 v˙ r w t 1 1
C ) C ;
aCc a c aCc A C
after z integration, or
v˙ r w t 1 1
C :
E "w "t C "v "r "v "r ˙ c E "w "t ˙ c
v˙ r w u˙ v˙ r w u˙
a d˙ "v z "r i "w z "u ˙ i
is rewritten as
v˙ r w u ˙ 1 1 v˙ r w u ˙ 1 1
) :
ad a d˙ ad A D˙
But A D˙ D a d ; so this can also be written as:
v˙ r w u ˙
A D˙
All similar combinations lead to
v˙ r w t 1 1 v˙ r w u˙ v˙ s˙ w t
VC 2 D C
aCc A C A D˙ B˙ C
v˙ s˙ w u˙ 1 1
C ; (8.36)
bCd B˙ D˙
where upper and lower sings are used consistently in all four operators in each term.
The notations are defined in (8.32). This complete expression is quite complicated,
particularly due to the denominator a C c.
Equations (8.33) and (8.36) represent the complete potential for all 64 time-
ordered diagrams, corresponding to the Feynman diagram in Fig. 8.5:
hrsjVTCjtui D c d fTC ./ hvsjVCjtwi hrwjVC1 C VC 2jvui : (8.37)
We can simplify the results above by assuming that the incoming orbitals t; u are
particle states. Then (8.33) reduces to
vC r vC sC wC tC v r C v s w uC
C C C (8.38)
and (8.36) to
v rC wC tC 1 1 vC sC w uC 1 1
C C : (8.39)
8.2 General QED Potential 185
vC sC wC tC vC sC wC tC
BC CC .E "v "s c/.E "w "t c/
This corresponds to the time-ordered diagrams shown below, and the results are
in agreement with the evaluation rules for time-ordered diagrams. Also here some
diagrams are complicated to evaluate, due to the denominator a C c.
r r s r s r s
v w v w
v w
? t
- 6
w v
t u t u
u u
This part of the potential can be generated by iterating the pair equation, as discussed
in Chap. 10. This is true also for repeated Coulomb crossings.
186 8 Covariant Evolution Combined with Electron Correlation
Next, we shall see how some radiative effects, previously treated in the S-matrix
formalism (see Sect. 4.6), can be included in the QED potential. Since we are using
the Coulomb gauge, we have to treat the Coulomb and transverse parts separately
as in Sect. 4.6.
We start with the transverse part, illustrated in Fig. 8.6 (left). The kernel is here
(c.f. 4.84):
i SF .x; x2 / i SF .x2 ; x1 / .i/ITC .x2 ; x1 /; (8.42)
where ITC is the transverse part of the interaction (4.59). The Feynman amplitude
becomes in analogy with previous cases (8.4)
d!1 d!2 dz
MSE .x/ D iSF .!2 I x; x 2 / iSF .!1 I x 2 ; x 1 / .i/ITC .zI x 2 ; x 1 /
2 2 2
2 ."a !1 z/ 2 .!1 !2 C z/ (8.43)
integrated over the internal space coordinates and with the energy parameters given
in the figure. After integration over the omegas, this becomes:
MSE .x/ iSF ."a I x; x 2 / iSF ."a zI x 2 ; x 1 / .i/ITC .zI x 2 ; x 1 /: (8.44)
x x
r !2
Fig. 8.6 Diagram
2 r
representing the transverse t
and Coulomb parts of the t !1 z 2 1
first-order self-energy of a
bound electron in the 1 a
covariant-evolution-operator a
formalism (c.f. Fig. 4.9)
8.2 General QED Potential 187
D sgn."t / hrt jVC j tai (8.49)
We consider now a general self-energy operator (transverse part) in analogy with the
general single-photon exchange in Sect. 8.1, illustrated in Fig. 8.7. (The Coulomb
part can be treated similarly.) The kernel is now
x x0
r 6!3
v 6 z !2 6u
Fig. 8.7 General 1
two-electron self-energy !1
t 6
with incoming and outgoing x0 x00
electron propagators E
188 8 Covariant Evolution Combined with Electron Correlation
1 1 1
C : (8.53)
E "t "u !1 "t C it E !1 "u C iu
The integration over !1 yields another factor of i, and this leads in analogy with
(8.10) to:
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ i 1
ruˇMSE .E/ˇtu D hru jVSE .E/ j tui ; (8.54)
"r "v .c i /v E "t "u
where VSE .E/ is the potential
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ ˇ t˙ r r˙ u ˙
rs VSE .E/ tu D rs ˇˇ c d fTC ./ ˙
ˇ ˇ ˙
"t "r E "r "u
t˙ v v˙ u ˙ ˇ
ˇ tu : (8.55)
"t "v ˙ c E "u "v c ˇ
8.2 General QED Potential 189
If all states are particle states, we find that the bracket above becomes:
1 1 "r "v c
E "r "u E "u "v c .E "r "u /.E "u "v c/
i 1
; (8.56)
.E "r "u /.E "u "v c/ E "t "u
6 r v
t 6 t 6 6u
Hole in (t)
6u r 6 6u
t v
190 8 Covariant Evolution Combined with Electron Correlation
The general vertex correction (transverse part), illustrated in Fig. 8.8, leads to
d!1 d!1 dz
MVx .x; x 0 ; x 0 ; x 00 / D iSF .!3 I x; x 2 / iSF .!3 zI x 2 ; x 3 /
2 2 2
iSF .E !3 I x 0 ; x 4 /.i/ITC .zI x 2 ; x 1 /
.i/VC .x 4 ; x 3 / iSF .!1 zI x 3 ; x 1 /
iSF .!1 I x 1 ; x 0 / iSF .E !1 I x 4 ; x 00 /: (8.61)
x x0
r 6!3 !4 6s
w 6
3 4
v 6 !2 6u
Fig. 8.8 General vertex t 6!1
correction with incoming and x0 x00
outgoing electron propagators E
8.2 General QED Potential 191
1 1 1 1
C : (8.62)
E "t "u !1 "v z iv !1 "t C it E !1 "u C iu
If the energies of the orbitals v and w have the same sign, then the integration over
z leads to: Z
MVx D i c d fTC ./
1 1 1 1
E "r "s !3 "w .c i /w !3 "r C ir E !3 "s C is
1 1 1 1
C (8.63)
E "t "u !1 "v .c i /v !1 "t C it E !1 "u C iu
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ D ˇ ˇ E
i ˇ ˇ 1
rs ˇMVx .E/ˇtu D rs ˇ VVx .E/ ˇtu ; (8.64)
E "r "s E "t "u
If the orbitals v and w are of different kind (particle or hole), the evaluation becomes
more complicated. This case is expected to be less important.
If all states are particle states, we find that the brackets above become:
1 1
E "s "w c E "u "v c
192 8 Covariant Evolution Combined with Electron Correlation
in agreement with the evaluation rules for time-ordered diagrams. If r is a hole state
and the others particle states, we have instead
1 1 1
"r "w c E "s "w c E "u "v c
E "r "s 1
D :
."r "w c/.E "s "w c/ E "u "v c
v 6
t 6 6u
The Coulomb interactions of the vertex correction can be iterated before the
photon interaction is closed, in the same way as for the retarded photon with
crossed Coulomb, treated above, leading to diagrams of the type shown in Fig. 8.9.
Assuming that the intermediate states v; w, as well as the states between the
Coulomb interactions are particle states, the corresponding analytical expression is
obtained from (8.64) by replacing the matrix element hwsjVCjvui by:
jxyi hxyj
hwsjVC VCjvui :
E "x "y c
r 6
w 6
x 6 6y
v 6
1 6u
Fig. 8.9 Vertex correction t 6
with double Coulomb
interactions E
8.3 Unification of the MBPT and QED Procedures 193
6 6 6
6 6 6 Vsp 6 6 6
V QED 6 6
D - C C
6 6 6C
6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6
Fig. 8.10 Feynman diagram representing the “QED potential,” V QED , in (8.66). The first diagram
on the r.h.s. includes the Coulomb potential
We can now form a general “two-body QED potential” by adding the contributions
derived above:
V QED D Vsp C VTC C VSE C VVx ; (8.66)
where Vsp , as before, represents the combined Coulomb and transverse-photon ex-
change (8.2). This is illustrated in Fig. 8.10. Here, particle as well as holes are
allowed in and out.
We shall now see how the general QED potentials, derived above by means of
the field-theoretical Green’s operator, can be combined with the standard MBPT
procedure, leading to a unified MBPT–QED procedure. The procedure is valid for
an arbitrary (quasi-degenerate) model space and equivalent to an extension of the
standard Bethe–Salpeter equation, referred to as the Bethe–Salpeter–Bloch equa-
tion, briefly mentioned in Sect. 6.9 and further discussed in the next chapter (see
also [5]). The procedure is also applicable to systems with more than two electrons,
as will be briefly discussed at the end of this chapter.
The general potentials derived above – with possible hole states on the in- and
outgoing lines – cannot be used iteratively in the way discussed in Chap. 6. There-
fore, it cannot be used directly in a Bloch equation, like that in (6.106). For that
purpose, we shall insert one extra Coulomb interaction, when holes are present,
leading to the replacements
6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6) + 6VP 6 + 6VP 6 +
VC 6VP 6
6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6
Fig. 8.11 Illustration of the modified potential (8.67), which can be iterated. It has only positive-
energy states in and out and is free from the Brown–Ravenhall effect
6 6 6 6
6 6 V QED ı ˝ QED
˝ QED ıE
D 6 6C 6Q 6 C 6 P 6
˝ QED Veff
6 6
6 6 6 6
Fig. 8.12 Graphical representation of the single-photon Bloch equation (8.68). The last diagram
represents the “folded” term, i.e., the last term of the equation. This equation can be compared with
the Bethe–Salpeter equation in Fig. 9.4, valid only in the single-reference case, where there is no
folded contribution. The order-by-order expansion of this equation is illustrated in Fig. 8.13
illustrated in Fig. 8.11. This potential has only particle states (positive energy) in
and out, and can therefore be used iteratively in a Bloch equation.
When we have a single negative-energy state in the output, we can have a
vanishing denominator of the final resolvent, which leads to a singularity of the
Brown–Ravenhall type [1]. As demonstrated, though, at the beginning of this chap-
ter, such singularities cancel when combined with the general potential. But then it
is of vital importance that the potential and resolvent appear in “matching pairs.”
This will always be the case when the modified potential (8.67) is applied.
Inserting the modified potential (8.67) into the Bloch equation (6.106) leads to
˝ QED D 1 C QV
˝ QED C Veff ; (8.68)
where Veff D P V QED .Heff /˝ QED P is the corresponding effective interaction
(6.139). In the last folded term only the last interaction, with the corresponding re-
solvent, is differentiated [see (6.105)]. The modified potential (8.67) is here regarded
as a single unit. This equation is illustrated graphically by the Dyson type of equa-
tion in Fig. 8.12. The iterative expansion of the equation is displayed in Fig. 8.13.
Solving the equation iteratively is equivalent to solving the corresponding version
of the Bethe–Salpeter–Bloch equation [see (6.140) and (9.30)].
The potential discussed above represents the dominating part of the QED ef-
fects. In order to get further, also irreducible combinations of transverse interactions
8.3 Unification of the MBPT and QED Procedures 195
6 6 6
˝ QED 6 6
D 6 6C C 6 6C + folded
6 6 6 6 6 6
Fig. 8.13 Graphical representation of the order-by-order expansion of the Bloch equation in
Fig. 8.12
6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6
˝ QED 6 6˝I 6 6 6 6 6
D C6 6+ 6 6+ 6 +..+ 6 P 6
6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Fig. 8.14 Graphical representation of the Bloch equation (8.70), where a standard pair function
(˝I ) is combined with a QED potential
should be included (see Fig. 6.6). Formally, we can express the corresponding Bloch
˝ QED D 1 C QV
˝ QED C Veff ; (8.69)
where V QED is the QED potential, based on the generalized multiphoton poten-
tial, used previously (Fig. 6.6), and Veff is the corresponding effective interaction
(6.139). This corresponds to the full Bethe–Salpeter–Bloch equation (without sin-
gles). For the time being, though, it does not seem feasible to go beyond a single
transverse photon. However, the two-photon exchange can be approximated by in-
cluding one retarded and one instantaneous transverse (Breit) interaction.
The potential (8.67) can also be combined with standard pair functions without
virtual pairs (Fig. 2.6). This leads to the Bloch equation
˝ QED C Veff (8.70)
illustrated in Fig. 8.14 (and analogously in the generalized case). This implies that
the Coulomb interaction is iterated to much higher order than the transverse in-
teraction. But since the Coulomb interaction normally dominated heavily over the
transverse interaction, this procedure usually represents a much faster way of gen-
erating a perturbative scheme than that represented by (8.68) and Fig. 8.12.
In the next section, we shall describe how the QED potential (8.67) can be used
in a coupled-cluster expansion, in analogy with the standard procedure of MBPT,
described in Sect. 2.5. Then also single-particle effects can be included in a system-
atic way, and the procedure would, in principle, be fully equivalent to the complete
196 8 Covariant Evolution Combined with Electron Correlation
S D S1 C S2 ; (8.71)
the MBPT/CC equations are illustrated in Fig. 2.8. In order to obtain the corre-
sponding equations with the covariant potential (6.6), we make the replacements
illustrated in Fig. 8.15, which leads to the equations illustrated in Fig. 8.16.
The CC-QED procedure can also be applied to systems with more than two elec-
trons. For instance, if we consider the simple approximation (2.101)
˝ D 1 C S2 C fS22 g;
then we will have in addition to the pair function also the coupled-cluster term,
illustrated in Fig. 8.17 (left). Here, one or both of the pair functions can be replaced
by the QED pair function in Fig. 8.12 (right) to insert QED effects on this level. In
addition, of course, single-particle clusters can be included, as in the two-particle
case discussed above (Fig. 8.15).
6 6 6
6 6 6 6
) x = + + 6
? + 6 + 6 +
6 6 6 6
6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
) )
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Fig. 8.15 Replacements to be made in the CC equations in Fig. 2.8 to generate the corresponding
CC-QED equations (c.f. Figs. 6.4 and 6.5). The wavy line in the second row represents the modified
potential (8.67) with only particle states in and out
8.4 Coupled-Cluster-QED Expansion 197
6 6 6
S1 W = 6
x 6 6
6 6
6 6 6
+ + + 6
6 6
6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 x
S2 W = 6 6+ 6 6 + 6 6+ 6 6 +
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6
6 6 + 6 6 + + + +
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 + 6 6 + 6 6
W2 W1 W2
Fig. 8.16 Diagrammatic representation of the QED-coupled-cluster equations for the operators S1
and S2 . The second diagram in the second row and the diagrams in the fourth row are examples
of coupled-cluster diagrams. The last diagram in the second row and the three diagrams in the last
row represent folded terms (c.f. the corresponding standard CC equations in Fig. 2.8)
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Fig. 8.17 Diagrammatic representation of the QED-coupled-cluster term 12 S22 with standard pair
functions (left) and one and two inserted QED pair function, defined in Fig. 8.12, (right)
198 8 Covariant Evolution Combined with Electron Correlation
1. Brown, G.E., Ravenhall, D.G.: On the Interaction of Two electrons. Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser.
A 208, 552–59 (1951)
2. Hedendahl, D.: Towards a Relativistic Covariant Many-Body Perturbation Theory. Ph.D. the-
sis, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden (2010)
3. Hedendahl, D., Salomonson, S., Lindgren, I.: . Phys. Rev. p. (to be published) (2011)
4. Lindgren, I., Morrison, J.: Atomic Many-Body Theory. Second edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
(1986, reprinted 2009)
5. Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S., Hedendahl, D.: Many-body-QED perturbation theory: Connec-
tion to the two-electron Bethe-Salpeter equation. Einstein centennial review paper. Can. J.
Phys. 83, 183–218 (2005)
6. Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S., Hedendahl, D.: Many-body procedure for energy-dependent per-
turbation: Merging many-body perturbation theory with QED. Phys. Rev. A 73, 062,502 (2006)
7. Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S., Hedendahl, D.: Coupled clusters and quantum electrodynamics.
In: P. Čársky, J. Paldus, J. Pittner (eds.) Recent Progress in Coupled Cluster Methods: Theory
and Applications, pp. 357–374. Springer Verlag (2010)
Chapter 9
The Bethe–Salpeter Equation
In this chapter, we discuss the Bethe–Salpeter equation and its relation to the
procedure we have developed so far. We start by summarizing the original deriva-
tions of the equation by Bethe and Salpeter and by Gell-Mann and Low, which
represented the first rigorous covariant treatments of the bound-state problem. We
demonstrate that this field-theoretical treatment is completely compatible with the
presentation made here. The treatments of Bethe and Salpeter and of Gell-Mann and
Low concern the single-reference situation, while our procedure is more general.
We, later in this chapter, extend the Bethe–Salpeter equation to the multireference
case, which will lead to what we refer to as the Bethe–Salpeter–Bloch equation in
analogy with corresponding equation in MBPT.
The original derivations of the Bethe–Salpeter equation by Salpeter and Bethe [15]
and by Gell-Mann and Low [9] were based on procedures developed in late 1940s
for the relativistic treatment of the scattering of two or more particles by Feyn-
man [7, 8], Schwinger [18, 19], Tomanaga [23] and others, and we here summarize
their derivations.
Salpeter and Bethe [15] start their derivation from the Feynman formalism of the
scattering problem [7, 8], illustrated in terms of Feynman graphs. A Feynman di-
agram represents in Feynman’s terminology the “amplitude function” or “kernel”
for the scattering process, which in the case of two-particle scattering, denoted
K.3; 4I 1; 2/, is the probability amplitude for one particle propagating from one
space-time point x1 to another x3 and the other particle from space-time x2 to x4 .
For the process involving one irreducible graph G .n/ , i.e., a graph that cannot be
3 4
3 4 6
5 6
G 8
G .n/ 7
7 8
6 G .m/
1 2
1 2
Fig. 9.1 Examples of Feynman graphs representing scattering amplitudes in Eqs. (9.1) and (9.2)
of the Salpeter–Bethe paper [15]. The first diagram is irreducible, while the second is reducible,
since it can be separated into two allowed diagrams by a horizontal cut
3 4
K.3; 4I 1; 2/ = + + +
1 2
Fig. 9.2 Graphical representation of the expansion of the Feynman kernel in terms of irreducible
separated into two simpler graphs, as illustrated in Fig. 9.1 (left part), the kernel is
given by (in Feynman’s notations)
K .3; 4I 1; 2/ D i
d5 d8 KCa .3; 5/KCb .4; 6/
This leads to the sequence illustrated in Fig. 9.2, where G represents the sum of all
irreducible two-particle self-energy graphs. From this, Salpeter and Bethe arrived
at an integral equation for the total kernel
K.3; 4I 1; 2/ D KCa .3; 1/KCb .4; 2/ i d5 d8 KCa .3; 5/KCb .4; 6/
x x0
x x0 x x0
x2 x20
˙ .x2 ; x20 I x1 ; x10 /
x1 x10
G.x1 ; x10 I x0 ; x00 / = + G.x1 ; x1 I x0 ; x00 /
x0 x00 x0 x00
x0 x00
Fig. 9.3 Graphical representation of the integral equation (9.3) for the Feynman kernel of Salpeter
and Bethe – identical to the Dyson equation for the two-particle Green’s function (Fig. 5.8)
This is the equation for the two-particle Greens function (5.80) in the form of a
Dyson equation, in our notations written as:
G.x; x 0 I x0 ; x00 / D G0 .x; x 0 I x0 ; x00 / C d4 x1 d4 x2 d4 x10 d4 x20
This is the famous Bethe–Salpeter equation. In the Furry picture we use here,
where the basis single-electron states are generated in an external (nuclear) po-
tential, the inhomogeneous term does survive, and the equation becomes in our
0 0
.x; x / D ˚.x; x / C d4 x1 d4 x2 d4 x10 d4 x20
x x0 x x0 x x0
x2 x20
˙ .x2 ; x20 I x1 ; x10 /
= x1 x10
Fig. 9.4 Graphical representation of the inhomogeneous Bethe–Salpeter equation (9.6). ˙ repre-
sents the proper self-energy, which contains all irreducible interaction graphs and is identical to the
irreducible two-particle potential in Fig. 6.6. This equation can be compared with that represented
in Fig. 8.12, valid also in the multireference case
The derivation of Gell-Mann and Low [9] starts from the “Feynman two-body ker-
nel,” used in the definition of the Green’s function (5.20) (in their slightly modified
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
K.x1 ; x2 I x3 ; x4 / D 0
ˇT Œ O H .x1 / O H .x2 / O .x4 / O .x3 /ˇ 0 : (9.7)
Inserting the expression (9.8) into the kernel (9.7), using the relation (9.9), yields:
This is illustrated in Fig. 9.5 (left) and corresponds to the first diagram on the right-
hand side of Fig. 9.4. Similarly, operating with the full Green’s function in Fig. 9.5
on the model function leads to
.x; x 0 / D d3 x 0 d3 x 00 G.x; x 0 I x0 ; x00 / ˚.x0 ; x00 / (9.12)
illustrated in Fig. 9.5 (right). Then the entire equation (9.6), illustrated in Fig. 9.4, is
204 9 The Bethe–Salpeter Equation
x x0
0 0
x x x x x x0
x0 x00 ) x0 x00 )
x0 x00 x0 x00
˚ ˚
The equation (9.12) is consistent with the definition of the classical Green’s func-
tion (5.1), which propagates a wave function from one space-time point to another
– in our case from one pair of space-time point to another. This equation can also
be expressed as an operator equation
˛ ˛
j .t; t 0 / D G.t; t 0 I t0 ; t00 / j .t0 ; t00 / ; (9.13)
where G is the Green’s operator, introduced in Sect. 6.6. The coordinate represen-
tation of this equation
˛ ˝ ˛ ˛
hx; x 0j .t; t 0 / D x; x 0 jG.t; t 0 I t0 ; t00 /jx 0 ; x 00 hx 0 ; x 00j .t0 ; t00 / (9.14)
is identical to (9.12).
This implies that:
The Green’s function is the coordinate representation of the Green’s operator.
The four-times Green’s operator represents the time propagation of the two-
particle Bethe–Salpeter state vector.
In the equal-time approximation, this is consistent with our previous result (6.50)
and with our conjecture (6.29).
It is of interest to compare the Bethe–Salpeter equation (9.6), depicted in Fig. 9.4,
with the Dyson equation for the combined QED-electron correlation effects in
Fig. 8.12. If in the latter more and more effects are included in the QED potential,
then the Coulomb interactions, represented by the standard pair function, become
insignificant. Then, this equation is identical to the Bethe–Salpeter equation. Solv-
ing the original BS equation iteratively, however, is extremely tedious and often
very slowly converging, due to the dominating Coulomb interaction. As mentioned
in the previous chapter, the QED-correlation equation is expected to be a faster
road to reach the same goal. One- and two-photon exchange in the QED potential
will very likely yield extremely good results, while such effects in the BS equa-
tion will often be quite insufficient (c.f. the discussion about the QED methods in
Part II).
9.2 Quasi-Potential and Effective-Potential Approximations: Single-Reference Case 205
In the equal-time approximation, where we equalize the times of the two particles in
the Bethe–Salpeter equation (9.6), we can make a Fourier transformation of it with
a single energy parameter as in the treatment of the single-particle Green’s function
in Sect. 5.2.3. The Q part, falling outside the model space, then leads to:
The effective-potential form of the Bethe–Salpeter equation
.E H0 /j i D V.E/j i (9.20)
frequently used in various applications. This equation was also derived above, using
the Green’s operator only (6.126).
The equation (9.20) can also be expressed
j i Dj 0i C V.E/j i ; (9.21)
E H0
Equation (9.20) operates entirely in the restricted Hilbert space with constant
number of photons. This can be related to the equivalent equation (6.32), derived by
means of the Gell-Mann–Low theorem, which operates in the photonic Fock space.
We can then regard the equation above as the projection of the Fock-space equation
onto the restricted space.
We can extend the treatment above to the general multireference case. From the
expression (6.117), using the fact that the Green’s operator at time t D 0 is identical
to the wave operator (6.52), we have in the single-reference case (one-dimensional)
model space
h iˇ ˛
j i D ˝j 0i D 1C Q .E/ V.E/ C Q .E/ V.E/ Q .E/ V .E/ C ˇ 0 ;
Q .E/ D
E H0
˝; H0 P D V.Heff /˝P ˝P Veff P; (9.30)
where according to (6.139) Veff P D P V.Heff /˝P . Here, the energy parameter of
V.Heff / is given by the model-space state to the far right, while the energy param-
eter of ˝ of the folded term depends on the intermediate model-space state (see
footnote in Sect. 6.6). This equation is valid in the general multireference (quasi-
degenerate) situation and represents an extension of the effective-potential form
(9.20) of the Bethe–Salpeter equation. Due to its close resemblance with the stan-
dard Bloch equation of MBPT (2.56), we refer to it as the Bethe–Salpeter–Bloch
equation. This is equivalent to the generalized Bethe–Salpeter equation, derived in
Chap. 6 (6.140).
In analogy with the MBPT treatment in Sect. 2.5, we can separate the BS-Bloch
equation into
˝1 ; H0 P D V.Heff /˝P ˝P Veff .H0 /P ;
˝2 ; H0 P D V.Heff /˝P ˝P Veff .H0 /P ; (9.31)
etc. It should be noted that the potential operator V.Heff / is an operator or matrix
where each element is an operator/matrix. In the first iteration, we set Heff D H0 and
in the next iteration Heff D H0 C Veff etc. Continued iterations correspond to the
sum term in the expression (6.96), representing the model-space contributions. The
two-particle BS-Bloch equation above is an extension of the ordinary pair equation,
discussed in Sect. 2.5 (Fig. 2.6).
The Bethe–Salpeter–Bloch equation leads to a perturbation expansion of
Rayleigh–Schrödinger or linked-diagram type, analogous to that of standard MBPT
expansions. It differs from the standard Bloch equation by the fact that the Coulomb
interaction is replaced by all irreducible multiphoton interactions.
Solving the BS-Bloch equation (9.30) is NOT equivalent to solving the single-
state equation for a number of states. The Bloch equation (9.30) leads to a
Rayleigh/Schrödinger/linked-diagram expansion with folded terms that is size
extensive. The single-state equation (9.20), on the other hand, leads to a Brillouin–
Wigner expansion (see footnote in Sect. 2.4), that is not size extensive.
Due to the very complicate form of the potential of the Bethe–Salpeter–Bloch
equation, it is very difficult to handle this equation in its full extent. In the previous
chapters, we have considered a simpler way of achieving essentially the same goal.
208 9 The Bethe–Salpeter Equation
There are several fundamental problems with the Bethe–Salpeter equation and with
relativistic quantum mechanics in general, as briefly mentioned in the Introduction.
Dyson says in his 1953 paper [6] that this is a subject “full of obscurities and un-
solved problems.” The question concerns the relation between the three-dimensional
and the four-dimensional wave functions. In standard quantum mechanics, the
three-dimensional wave function describes the system at a particular time, while the
four-dimensional two-particle wave function describes the probability amplitude for
finding particle one at a certain position at a certain time and particle two at another
position at another time, etc. The latter view is that of the Bethe–Salpeter equation,
and Dyson establishes a connection between the two views. The main problem is
here the individual times associated with the particles involved, the physical mean-
ing of which is not completely understood. This problem was further analyzed by
Wick [24] and Cutkoski [4] and others. The relative time of the particles leads to
a number of anomalous or spurious states – states that do not have nonrelativistic
counterparts. This problem was analyzed in detail in 1965 by Nakanishi [13],
and the situation was summarized in 1997 in a comprehensive paper by
Namyslowski [14].
The Bethe–Salpeter equation was originally set up for the bound-state problem
involving nucleons, such as the ground state of the deuteron. The equation has
lately been extensively used for scattering problems in quantum chromodynamics,
quark–quark/antiquark scattering. The equation has also been used for a long time
in high-accuracy works on simple atomic systems, such as positronium, muonium,
hydrogen, and helium-like ions. The problems with the BS equation, associated with
the relative time, are most pronounced at strong coupling and assumed to be neg-
ligible in atomic physics, due to the very weak coupling. One important question
is, of course, whether this is true also in the very high accuracy that is achieved in
recent time.
To attack the BS equation directly is very complicated, and for that reason vari-
ous approximations and alternative schemes have been developed. The most obvious
approximation is to eliminate the relative time of the particles, the equal-time ap-
proximation or external-potential approach. The first application of this technique
seems to be have been made in the thesis of Sucher in the late 1950s [20, 21] for
the evaluation of the leading QED corrections to the energy levels of the helium
atom. This work has been extended by Douglas and Kroll [5] and by Drake, Zhang,
and coworkers [25, 26], as will be further discussed in the Chap. 11. Another early
application of an effective-potential approach was that of Grotch and Yennie [11] to
obtain high-order effects of the nuclear recoil on the energy levels of atomic hydro-
gen. They derived an “effective potential” from scattering theory and applied that in
a Schrödinger-like equation. A similar approach was applied to strongly interacting
nucleons in the same year by Gross [10], assuming that one of the particles was “on
the mass shell.” Related techniques have been applied to bound-state QED prob-
lems among others by Caswell and Lepage [2] and by Bodwin et al. [1]. A more
References 209
1. Boldwin, G.T., Yennie, D.R., Gregorio, M.A.: Recoil effects in the hyperfine structure of QED
bound states. Rev. Mod. Phys. 57, 723–82 (1985)
2. Caswell, W.E., Lepage, G.P.: Reduction of the Bethe-Salpeter equation to an equivalent
Schrödinger equation, with applications. Phys. Rev. A 18, 810–19 (1978)
3. Connell, J.H.: QED test of a Bethe-Salpeter solution method. Phys. Rev. D 43, 1393–1402
4. Cutkosky, R.E.: Solutions of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Phys. Rev. 96, 1135–41 (1954)
5. Douglas, M.H., Kroll, N.M.: Quantum Electrodynamical Corrections to the Fine Structure of
Helium. Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 82, 89–155 (1974)
6. Dyson, F.J.: The Wave Function of a Relativistic System. Phys. Rev. 91, 1543–50 (1953)
7. Feynman, R.P.: Space-Time Approach to Quantum Electrodynamics. Phys. Rev. 76, 769–88
8. Feynman, R.P.: The Theory of Positrons. Phys. Rev. 76, 749–59 (1949)
9. Gell-Mann, M., Low, F.: Bound States in Quantum Field Theory. Phys. Rev. 84, 350–54
10. Gross, F.: Three-dimensionsl Covariant Integral Equations for Low-Energy Systems. Phys.
Rev. 186, 1448–62 (1969)
11. Grotch, H., Yennie, D.R.: Effective Potential Model for Calculating Nuclear Corrections to
the Eenergy Levels of Hydrogen. Rev. Mod. Phys. 41, 350–74 (1969)
12. Lippmann, B.A., Schwinger, J.: Variational Principles for Scattering Processes. I. Phys. Rev.
79, 469–80 (1950)
13. Nakanishi, N.: Normalization condition and normal and abnormal solutions of Bethe-Salpeter
equation. Phys. Rev. 138, B1182 (1965)
14. Namyslowski, J.M.: The Relativistic Bound State Wave Function. in Light-Front Quantization
and Non-Perturbative QCD , J.P. Vary and F. Wolz, eds. (International Institute of Theoretical
and Applied Physics, Ames) (1997)
15. Salpeter, E.E., Bethe, H.A.: A Relativistic Equation for Bound-State Problems. Phys. Rev. 84,
1232–42 (1951)
16. Sazdjian, H.: Relativistiv wave equations for the dynamics of two interacting particles. Phys.
Rev. D 33, 3401–24 (1987)
17. Sazdjian, H.: The connection of two-particle relativistic quantum mechanics with the Bethe-
Salpeter equation. J. Math. Phys. 28, 2618–38 (1987)
18. Schwinger, J.: On quantum electrodynamics and the magnetic moment of the electron. Phys.
Rev. 73, 416 (1948)
19. Schwinger, J.: Quantum electrodynamics I. A covariant formulation. Phys. Rev. 74, 1439
20. Sucher, J.: Energy Levels of the Two-Electron Atom to Order ˛ 3 Ry; Ionization Energy of
Helium. Phys. Rev. 109, 1010–11 (1957)
210 9 The Bethe–Salpeter Equation
21. Sucher, J.: Ph.D. thesis, Columbia University (1958). Univ. Microfilm Internat., Ann Arbor,
22. Todorov, I.T.: Quasipotential Equation Corresponding to the relativistic Eikonal Approxima-
tion. Phys. Rev. D 3, 2351–56 (1971)
23. Tomanaga, S.: On Infinite Field Reactions in Quantum Field Theory. Phys. Rev. 74, 224–25
24. Wick, G.C.: Properties of Bethe-Salpeter Wave Functions. Phys. Rev. 96, 1124–34 (1954)
25. Zhang, T.: Corrections to O.˛ 7 .ln ˛/mc 2 / fine-structure splittings and O.˛ 6 .ln ˛/mc 2 / en-
ergy levels in helium. Phys. Rev. A 54, 1252–1312 (1996)
26. Zhang, T., Drake, G.W.F.: A rigorous treatment of O.˛ 6 mc 2 / QED corrections to the fine
structure splitting of helium. J. Phys. B 27, L311–16 (1994)
Chapter 10
Implementation of the MBPT–QED Procedure
with Numerical Results
the wave function partly lies in an extended photonic Fock space, where the number
of photons is no longer constant. According to the Gell-Mann–Low theorem, we
have a Schrödinger-like equation (6.32) in that space
.H0 C VF /j ˛
i D E ˛j ˛
i; (10.2)
where VF is the perturbation (6.36) with the Coulomb and the transverse parts,
VF D VC C vT . We shall demonstrate below that, for single-photon exchange, this
leads to a perturbation that is time-independent in the Schrödinger picture, which is
a requirement for the GML theorem. Furthermore, in working in the extended space
This chapter is mainly based on [3, 5] and, in particular, on the thesis of Daniel Hedendahl [1].
where D jkj.
The wave operator is, as before, given by the Green’s operator at t D 0 (6.52),
which may now contain uncontracted photon terms
j ˛
i D ˝j ˛
0 i: (10.4)
j 0˛ D P j ˛ i is the corresponding model state, which lies entirely within the re-
stricted space with no uncontracted photons.
From the GML equation (10.2), it can be shown in the same way as for the
restricted space that the standard Bloch equation (2.56) is still valid also in the ex-
tended space
˝; H0 P D VF ˝ ˝Veff P: (10.5)
e2 sin.r12 / sin.r12 /
fTC ./ D ˛1 ˛2 .˛ 1 r 1 / .˛2 r 2 / : (10.6)
4 2 0 r12 2 r12
X 1
sin r12
D .2l C 1/jl .r1 /jl .r2 / C l .1/ C l .2/; (10.7)
where jl .r/ are radial Bessel functions and C l vector spherical harmonics [4],
we can express the function fTC as a sum of products of single-electron operators
[5, Appendix B]
1 h
X i
fTC ./ D VGl .r1 / VGl .r2 / C Vsrl .r1 / Vsrl .r2 / ; (10.8)
10.2 Single-Photon Potential in Coulomb Gauge: No Virtual Pairs 213
e p
VGl .r/ D p .2l C 1/ jl .r/ ˛C l ; (10.9a)
2 0
r hp
Vsrl .r/ D p .l C 1/.2l C 3/ jlC1 .r/ f˛C lC1 gl
2 0 2l C 1
p i
C l.2l 1/ jl1 .r/ f˛C l1 gl : (10.9b)
In (10.6), the first term represents the Gaunt interaction and the second term the
scalar retardation, which together form the Breit interaction (see Appendix F.2.2).
Each term in the expansion – which are all time independent in the Schrödinger
picture – will together with the Coulomb interaction (VC D e 2 =4 r12 ) form the
(time-independent) perturbation
We consider first the case where no virtual pairs are present. Inserting the perturba-
tion (10.10) into the Bloch equation (10.5) yields
˝; H0 P D VC C V l ˝P ˝ Veff ; (10.11)
where we use V l as a short-hand notation for the Gaunt and scalar-retardation parts
in (10.10). We consider first a number of instantaneous Coulomb interaction, form-
ing a standard pair function (2.97), including also the zeroth order,
˝I PE D 1 C Q .E/I
PE : (10.12)
This includes also the folds and is represented by the first diagram in Fig. 10.1. Then
we can perturb this by one of the V l terms, representing part of the transverse Breit
interaction, leading to the equation
˝ l ; H0 PE D V l ˝I PE ˝ l PE 0 I Pair PE (10.13)
E h0 .1/ h0 .2/ c j˝ab
D V l j˝Iab i j˝cd
hcd jI Pairjabi ; (10.14)
214 10 Implementation of the MBPT–QED Procedure with Numerical Results
r s
r s
r -
u u - 6u
t 6 t 6
t u t u
c 6 E0 t c 6 E0
6d 6d
a 6 6b a 6 6b a 6 6b a 6 6b a 6 6b
Fig. 10.1 Expansion of the Bloch equation (10.11) in the Fock space, no virtual pairs, leading to
single-photon exchange, including folded diagrams
(E; E 0 are here the energies of the unperturbed states jabi and jcd i, respectively).
This equation has the solution
E D ˇ Vl ˇ E
ˇ ˇ
D ruˇ ˇ˝Iab
E "r "u c
D ˇ Vl ˇ E˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
ˇ ˇ
ruˇ 0
ˇ˝ Icd cd ˇI Pairˇab ; (10.15)
.E "r "u c/.E "r "u c/
where ˝Ipq represents a pair function (10.12) starting from the statejpqi. Here, the
first term is represented by the second diagrams in the Fig. 10.1 and the last term by
the third “folded” diagram. The double bar indicates here the double denominator,
which yields the first-order derivative (difference ratio) of the potential.
By adding a second perturbation V l , we can complete the single-photon ex-
change between the electrons, which corresponds to solving the pair equation
This yields
This is illustrated by the last two diagrams of Fig. 10.1 (except for the final folded
10.2 Single-Photon Potential in Coulomb Gauge: No Virtual Pairs 215
Q Vsp /
˝sp PE D Q .E/Vsp ˝I PE C PE 0 I Pair PE
D Q .E/Vsp ˝I PE C Q .E/ PE 0 I Pair PE
Q .E/ Q .E 0 /Vsp PE 0 I Pair PE (10.18)
6 6
r0 6 6u0 6
r 6 -
t 6 6u
a 6 6b
E 6 6
Fig. 10.2 Crossing Coulomb interactions before closing the retarded interaction (left). Continu-
ing the process leads to the single transverse-photon exchange combined with high-order electron
correlation, including crossing Coulomb interactions (right)
216 10 Implementation of the MBPT–QED Procedure with Numerical Results
k’ k’
u r r s
v k k
t t t u
a 6 6b a b a b
Fig. 10.3 Second-order contribution to the wave operator in the extended Fock space
A second perturbation V l can also be applied without contracting the first one,
leading to diagrams indicated by the second and third diagrams in Fig. 10.3. Closing
these photons lead to irreducible two-photon interactions, discussed in Sect. 8.2.
10.3.1 Illustration
The iterative procedure of the previous section works well in the no-pair situation,
when the repeated single-photon exchange leads to reducible diagrams of ladder
type, which means that they can in time-ordered form be separated into legitimate
diagrams by horizontal cuts.
In the presence of virtual pairs, we have to use a different procedure. As we
have seen above (Sect. 8.3), we have to combine the general potential with Coulomb
interactions (8.67) to be able to treat the potential in an iterative process. This will at
the same time eliminate the so-called Brown–Ravenhall effect of vanishing energy
This potential (8.67) can be used directly in the Bloch equation (8.68). In prin-
ciple, we can use the corresponding full potential with QED effects (8.67), but for
simplicity we shall consider only the pure single-photon part.
We use pair functions (10.12) as input, and perturbing this with the potential
(8.67) leads in next order to
ı. QV /
˝sp P D QV
˝I C ˝I PI Pair P: (10.21)
r 6 6s
f t 6VP
Usp 6u
6 6
a 6 6b
As an illustration we consider the second term in Fig. 8.11 (shown above), when
there is a single hole (t) [c.f. (8.13)]. Then (10.21) becomes
ı. Q Usp /
˝sp P D Q Usp ˝I C ˝I PI Pair
P; (10.23)
where Usp D Vsp Q VC represents the transverse photon (Vsp ) with a Coulomb inter-
action. Here, only the first and the third terms of the potential Vsp (8.11) are relevant,
yielding for the first term
" #
jrC sC i hsC jV l juC i hrC jV l jt i hsC jV l juC i hrC jV l jt i
E "r "s "t "r c E "r "u c
ht uC jVCj˝Iab i
; (10.24)
E "t "u
where again V l represents the Gaunt and the scalar-retardation potentials for the
two electrons.
In order to evaluate the expression above, we first perform an additional iteration
of the pair equation (10.12)
E h0 .1/ h0 .2/ j˝ab D VCj˝Iab i Q VCj˝Icd i hcd jI
jabi (10.25)
yielding a new pair function with a single hole output. The solution can be expressed
in analogy with (10.15)
The first part of the solution, illustrated in Fig. 10.4 (a), represents the last factor in
the expression (10.24). The second folded part will be used later in constructing the
complete folded contribution.
In evaluating the first term within the square brackets of (10.24), we first multiply
the pair function (10.26) without folded contribution by
a b c s
6 d s
u u r
6 r 6 r u u
t 6 6
t - t t
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
a6 6
b a6 6
b a6 6
b a6 6
Fig. 10.4 (a–c): Generating a pair function with a hole output (10.25), combined with a single-
particle perturbation V1 , and closed with a perturbation V2 . The last diagram contains a crossing
Coulomb interaction, as discussed at the end of the section
l hrC jV1l jt iht uC j˝ab i hrC jV1l jt i ht uC jVCj˝Iab i
hrC uC j˝ab iD D
"t "r c "t "r c E "t "u
and represented by the diagram (b) in Fig. 10.4. Then we close the photon by multi-
plying with hsC jV2l juC i and including the final denominator, yielding
ı. Q Usp / ı. Q Vsp Q VC /
j˝Icd i hcd jI Pairjabi D j˝Icd i hcd jI Pairjabi :
ıE ıE
ı. Q Vsp Q VC / ı Q ıVsp ı. Q VC /
D Vsp Q VC C Q Q VC C Q Vsp : (10.29)
ıE ıE ıE ıE
The difference ratio ı. Q VC /=ıE is obtained from the folded part of (10.26) (VC
is energy independent). Similarly, the difference ratio of the relevant part of Vsp is
obtained by including an extra factor
E0 "r "u c
ı Q 1
D 0 :
ıE .E "r "s /.E "r "s /
10.3 Single-Photon Exchange: Virtual Pairs 219
It should be noted that the last term in (10.29) is combined with the pair function
(10.26) with folded contribution, while the other terms are combined with that
function without that contribution. This is important to avoid the singularities of
Brown–Ravenhall type, mentioned above.
We shall now generalize the treatment above and consider all 16 combinations of
the single-photon exchange (8.11) (see Fig. 8.3) essentially in one single step.
To begin with, we leave out the folded contribution. Then, the expression to eval-
uate is
The last expression can be evaluated in the following way. We first evaluate the
matrix element htujVCj˝Iab i by iterating the pair equation (10.25) once, allowing
negative-energy states as output. We can separate the solutions into four block, de-
pending on the signs of the outgoing orbital energies, as illustrated in the matrix in
Fig. 10.5.
Next, we evaluate the matrix elements hrjV1jti for each value of and l, and
separate them in a similar way, shown in Fig. 10.6.
We now multiply the matrices in Figs. 10.5 and 10.6 (in that order), leading to
the matrix in Fig. 10.7. Here, we include the two denominator terms in the brackets
of (10.31) and sum over all t, particle as well as hole states.
Finally, we multiply the result by hsjV2jui and sum over and l, corresponding
to closing the photon (c.f. Fig. 10.4c), and apply the final denominator in (10.31).
If the input orbitals a; b are different, the procedure is repeated with a $ b.
The folded contribution in (10.21) is evaluated in a similar way [c.f. (10.28)].
220 10 Implementation of the MBPT–QED Procedure with Numerical Results
6 6
6 6
6 6
6 6
Fig. 10.8 The Feynman diagrams representing a single transverse photon exchange combined
with high-order electron correlation (heavy horizontal line). The internal vertical lines represent
electron propagators with particle and holes. The numerical evaluation of this diagram is given
In most of the cases treated above, it is possible also to insert Coulomb interaction
before the photon interaction is completed, as discussed in the no-pair case. This
is the case when the orbitals u; r or t; s are of the same kind (particle or hole), as
indicated in Fig. 10.4d. This corresponds to including another part of the potential
in (8.66).
After the completion of the single-photon exchange, the iteration process can be
continued with further Coulomb interactions, leading to the complete single-photon
exchange with electron correlation, including all combinations of particles and
holes, as illustrated in Fig. 10.8.
In Chap. 7 (Fig. 7.3), we showed the results of two-photon exchange for the ground-
state of helium-like ions, calculated using the S-matrix formulation. In Table 10.1,
we compare these results with those obtained by Hedendahl et al. [1, 3], in testing
the new covariant method described in the present chapter. The agreement, which is
found to be very good, is also displayed in Fig. 10.9, where the solid lines represent
the old S-matrix results and the squares the new covariant method. As before, the
scale is logarithmic and the norm is the nonrelativistic ionization energy.
Calculations have also been performed of the effect of electron correlation beyond
two-photon exchange for the ground state of helium-like ions by Hedendahl et al.
[1–3]. Some results are shown in Table 10.2 and also displayed in Fig. 10.10.
222 10 Implementation of the MBPT–QED Procedure with Numerical Results
Table 10.1 Comparisons between two-photon effects for He-like ions ground
states, evaluated with the S-matrix and the covariant-evolution-operator methods (in
Hartree) (see Fig. 7.3)
Coul.–Breit Coul.–Breit. Coul.–Breit
Z Method NVPA retard. VP uncrossed.
6 S-matrix 1; 054:2 31:4 10:1
6 CEO 1; 054:9 31:5 10:0
10 S-matrix 2; 070:4 122:3 45:9
10 CEO 2; 071:0 122:4 45:9
14 S-matrix 5; 515 292:8 121:5
14 CEO 5; 517 292:8 121:2
18 S-matrix 8; 947 553:1 247:3
18 CEO 8; 950 553:3 248:2
30 CEO 23; 632 1; 909:9 1; 010
The top line of the figure, representing the Coulomb–Breit interaction with corre-
lation without virtual pairs, contains the instantaneous as well as the retarded Breit
interaction. The former part lies within the no-virtual-pair approximation (NVPA)
and is therefore NOT a QED effect with the definition we have previously made. In
order to obtain the pure QED effect, the instantaneous part is subtracted, yielding the
retarded part, represented by the second line of the figure. The next line represents
the same effect with Coulomb crossings, and the bottom line represents the effect
of electron correlation on the Coulomb–Breit interaction with virtual pairs and no
10.4 Numerical Results 223
Fig. 10.10 The effect of electron correlation beyond two-photon exchange – Coulomb–Breit
NVPA, Coulomb–Breit retardation with and without Coulomb crossings, and Coulomb–Breit vir-
tual pairs, all WITH electron correlation, for the ground-state of helium-like ions (c.f. Fig. 10.9)
(from [1, 3]). For comparison, the effect of pure retarded two-photon exchange without additional
correlation is also indicated
10.4.3 Outlook
The results presented here are incomplete and represent only the nonradiative part
of the QED effect in combination with electron correlation. The corresponding ra-
diative effects with a single transverse photon are also possible to evaluate. Such
calculations are underway by the Gothenburg group. The effect due to double trans-
verse photons is presently beyond reach, but the effect can be estimated by replacing
the second transverse photon by an instantaneous Breit interaction.
The calculations performed so far with the procedure described here concern the
ground states of helium-like ions [3]. By extending the calculations to excited states,
it will be possible to make detailed comparison with experimental data. For instance,
very accurate data exist for some helium-like ions, as shown in Tables 7.7 and 7.8.
In some of these cases, the experimental results are at least two orders of magnitude
more accurate than the best theoretical estimates made so far. Furthermore, it seems
that standard procedures applied until now cannot be significantly improved in this
respect, so – to be able to make significant progress – there might be a need for
a new, improved procedure, like the MBPT–QED procedure presented here. Then,
it might be possible for the first time to observe the combined effect of QED and
electron correlation.
1. Hedendahl, D.: Towards a Relativistic Covariant Many-Body Perturbation Theory. Ph.D. thesis,
University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden (2010)
2. Hedendahl, D., Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S.: Towards numerical implementation of the rela-
tivistically covariant many-body perturbation theory. Can. J. Phys. 87, 817–24 (2008)
3. Hedendahl, D., Salomonson, S., Lindgren, I.: . Phys. Rev. p. (to be published) (2011)
4. Lindgren, I., Morrison, J.: Atomic Many-Body Theory. Second edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
(1986, reprinted 2009)
5. Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S., Hedendahl, D.: Many-body procedure for energy-dependent per-
turbation: Merging many-body perturbation theory with QED. Phys. Rev. A 73, 062,502 (2006)
Chapter 11
Analytical Treatment of the Bethe–Salpeter
The leading contributions to the helium fine structure beyond the first-order
relativistic contribution (NVPA, see, Sect. 2.6) were first derived in 1957 by
Araki [1] and Sucher [6, 7], starting from the Bethe–Salpeter (BS) equation [5]
and including the nonrelativistic as well as the relativistic momentum regions.
Following the approach of Sucher, Douglas and Kroll [2] have derived all terms of
order ˛ 4 H(artree)1, where no contributions in the relativistic region were found.
The same approach was later used by Zhang [8, 12] to derive corrections of order
˛ 5 log ˛ H and of order ˛ 5 H in the nonrelativistic region and recoil corrections
to order ˛ 4 m=M H (see also [10]). Later some additional effects of order ˛ 5 H
due to relativistic momenta were found by Zhang and Drake [11]. The radiative
parts are treated more rigorously by Zhang in a separate paper [9]. Using a different
approach, Pachucki and Sapirstein [4] have derived all contributions of order ˛ 5 H
and reported some disagreement with the early results of Zhang [8].2
We shall here follow the approach of Sucher in his thesis [7]. This is based di-
rectly on the BS equation, which makes it possible to identify the contributions in
terms of Feynman diagrams and therefore to compare them with the results obtained
in the previous chapters. This approach of Sucher is closely followed by Douglas
and Kroll [2] and by Zhang [8], and we shall in our presentation make frequent ref-
erences to the corresponding equations of Sucher (S), Douglas and Kroll (DK), and
Zhang (Z).
H(artree) is the energy unit of the Hartree atomic unit system (see Appendix K.1). In the rela-
tivistic unit system, the energy unit is mc 2 D ˛ 2 H .
This chapter is largely based on the paper [3].
The treatment of Sucher starts from the Bethe–Salpeter equation (9.5), which in our
notations (9.6) reads, leaving out the inhomogeneous term (S 1.1, DK 2.5),
.x; x 0 / D d4 x1 d4 x2 d4 x10 d4 x20
G00 .x; x 0 I x2 ; x20 / .i/˙ .x2 ; x20 I x1 ; x10 / .x1 ; x10 /: (11.1)
G00 is the zeroth-order two-particle Green’s function, dressed with all kinds of
single-particle self-energies. ˙ is identical to the irreducible potential V (Fig. 6.6).
The undressed zeroth-order Green’s function is, using the relation (5.38),
G00 .x; x 0 I x2 ; x20 / D G.x; x2 / G.x 0 ; x20 / D iSF0 .x; x2 / iSF0 .x 0 ; x20 /; (11.3)
where G is the full single-particle Green’s function, generated in the field of the
nucleus (Furry representation) (see Fig. 5.1), and SF0 the correspondingly dressed
electron propagator. The Green’s functions satisfy the relation (5.36) (S 1.5)
i h1 G.x; x0 / D iı 4 .x x0 /; (11.4)
where h1;2 are the Dirac single-electron Hamiltonians for electron 1 and 2.
We assume that the wave function is of the form
where T D .t C t 0 /=2 is the average time and D t t 0 is the relative time. Then
@ 0 @
i .x; x / D E=2 C i .x; x 0 /;
@t @
@ 0 @
i 0 .x; x / D E=2 i .x; x 0 /
@t @
11.2 The Approach of Sucher 227
Performing the Fourier transform of the right-hand side with respect to 1 yields
d10 d1 i 0 1 i 1 1
d1 e 1 e ˙ .; x; x 0 I 10 ; x 1 ; x 01 / .1 ; x 1 ; x 01 /
2 2
d10 d1
D 2ı.1 C10 / ˙ .; x; x 0 I 10 ; x 1 ; x 01 / .1 ; x 1 ; x 01 / (11.11)
2 2
or (S 1.16)
FO j i D gO j i : (11.13)
˝ ˛ i ˝ ˛
; x; x 0 jgj
O 1 ; x 1 ; x 01 D ; x; x 0 j˙Oj1 ; x 1 ; x 01 : (11.15)
We expand the interaction into
gO D gO c C gO ; (11.16)
i O
gO c D Ic (11.17)
and IOc is the Coulomb interaction with the (diagonal) coordinate representation
˝ ˛ e2
; x; x 0 jIOc j; x; x 0 D ; (11.18)
4jx x1 j
gO D gO T C gT c C gO T c 2 C gO T T C C gO rad ; (11.19)
˝ 1 ˛
h; x; x 0j i D ; x; x 0 j FO gO j2 ; x 2 ; x 02
˝ ˛
2 ; x 2 ; x 02 jgO c j1 ; x 1 ; x 01 h1 ; x 1 ; x 01j i (11.21)
+ + + + + +
˝ 1 ˛
h; x; x 0j i D ; x; x 0 j FO gO j1 ; x 1 ; x 01 gO c h1 ; x 1 ; x 01j i : (11.22)
or in operator form
˝ 1 ˛
h; x; x 0j i D ; x; x 0 j FO gO jx 1 ; x 01 gO c hx 1 ; x 01j˚i : (11.25)
Summing over with the replacement (11.17), this can be expressed as (S 1.34)
d O 1
j˚i D i F gO IOc j˚i : (11.26)
1 1
FO 1 D ; (11.29)
E=2 C h1 E=2 hO 2
D D E h1 h2 : (11.35)
This is the starting point for the further analysis.
The operator on the left-hand side can be written in the form Hc C H , where
Hc D h1 C h2 C CC Ic CC (11.36)
Hc c D Ec c (11.37)
d 1
H D CC Ic .1 CC / Ic CDi F g .F g /1 Ic
DH 1 CH 2 (11.38)
is the remaining “QED part” (S 2.3, DK 3.29, Z 17). The first part H 1 represents
virtual pairs due to the Coulomb interaction and the second part effects of transverse
photons (Breit interaction).
In order to include electron self-energy and vacuum polarizations, the electron
propagators (5.37) are replaced by propagators with self-energy insertions ˙./,
properly renormalized (DK 2.10),
jri hrj
S 0 ./ D : (11.39)
"r C ˇ˙./ C ir
Also renormalized photon self-energies have to be inserted into the photon lines.
In the following, we leave out the hat symbol on the operators.
11.3 Perturbation Expansion of the BS Equation 231
The effect of the QED Hamiltonian (11.38) can be expanded perturbatively, using
the Brillouin–Wigner perturbation theory,
E D E Ec D h c jV
CV V CV V V C j ci
D h cj j ci ; (11.40)
1 V
where is the reduced resolvent (2.65)
Q 1 j c i h c j 1 j c i h cj
D Q .E/ D D D (11.41)
E Hc E Hc Dc
Dc D E Hc : (11.42)
The unperturbed wave function is in our case one solution of the no-pair Dirac–
Coulomb equation (11.37), c , and we can assume that the perturbation is expanded
in other eigenfunctions of Hc . Q is the projection operator that excludes the state
c (assuming no degeneracy). This leads to the expansion (S 2 19–21, DK 3.43,
Z 28)
E .1/ D h c jH j ci ; (11.43a)
E .2/ D h c jH H j ci ; (11.43b)
E .3/ D h c jH H H j ci ; (11.43c)
Since CCj c i D j c i and j c i D 0, it follows that h c jH 1j ci 0,
and the first-order correction becomes (DK 3.44)
d 1
E D h c jH 2j c i D h c jD i
F J F 1 Icj c i (11.44)
and (DK 3.45)
J D g .1 F 1 g /1 : (11.45)
The second-order corrections are (DK 3.46)4
Note that the two Ic in (11.46a) are missing from [2, Eq. 3.46]. Equation (11.46b) agrees with
[8, Eq.3.30] but not with [2], where the factor Ic LCC should be removed.
232 11 Analytical Treatment of the Bethe–Salpeter Equation
d 1
Eb.2/ D h cH 1 H 2i c D c Ic D i F J F 1 Ic c ;
d 1
Ec.2/ D h cH 2 H 1i c D cD i F J F 1 Ic Ic c ;
Ed.2/ D h cH 2 H 2i c
d 1 d 1
D cD i F J F 1 Ic Di F J F 1 Ic c : (11.46d)
2 2
DD .E h1 h2 /; (11.47)
E Hc
contribute to the singlet energy in that order. In the relativistic momentum region,
the second-order part Ea.2/ contributes to the energy already in order ˛ 3 H and to
the fine structure in order ˛ 5 H [8, p. 1256].
Using the relation (11.42), we have Ec Hc D Dc CC Dc CC , and the
no-pair equation (11.37) can be written (DK 3.51)
.Dc CC Ic / c D 0: (11.49)
Then the second-order correction Eb (11.46b) can be expressed as
d 1
F J F 1 Ic j
Eb D h c j.Ic Dc / i ci : (11.50)
This can be combined with the first-order correction E .1/ (11.44), yielding
d 1
h c j.Ic C E/ i F J F 1 Ic j ci (11.51)
11.4 Diagrammatic Representation 233
E D E Ec D D Dc : (11.52)
Here, the E term differs in sign from (DK 3.54) and (Z 37).
The reason for the discrepancy between our result here and those of DK and Z
seems to be that the latter make the replacement (DK 3.48)
1 S1 C S2
F 1 D S1 S2 .S1 C S2 / S11 C S21 D D D 1 .S1 C S2 / ;
E h1 h2
which follows from (11.30), and then approximate D with Dc in the second-order
J D g .1 F 1 g /1 D g C g F 1 g C ; (11.54)
where the first term represents irreducible terms and the remaining ones are
reducible. Furthermore, we make the separation (DK 3.53, Z 12)
g D gT C g; (11.55)
and the leading terms are illustrated in Fig. 11.2. The first term can be expanded in
no-pair and virtual-pair terms (a–c)
d 1
E .1/
Dh c jD i F gT F 1 . CC C C C C C /Ic j c i : (11.57)
The second term in (11.56) represents in lowest order two reducible transverse
photons (d) and the third term irreducible (inclusive radiative) multiphoton
part, (e–h).
234 11 Analytical Treatment of the Bethe–Salpeter Equation
a b c d e f
g h
a b c d
d 1
gT C gT F 1 gT C g C F 1 Ic
Eb D c Ic i F c ;
d 1
Ec.2/ D ci F gT C gT F 1 gT C g C F 1 Ic Ic c ;
d 1
Ed.2/ D cD F ŒgT C F 1 Ic
d 1
Di F ŒgT C F 1 Ic c : (11.58d)
6. Sucher, J.: Energy Levels of the Two-Electron Atom to Order ˛ 3 Ry; Ionization Energy of
Helium. Phys. Rev. 109, 1010–11 (1957)
7. Sucher, J.: Ph.D. thesis, Columbia University (1958). Univ. Microfilm Internat., Ann Arbor,
8. Zhang, T.: Corrections to O.˛ 7 .ln ˛/mc 2 / fine-structure splittings and O.˛ 6 .ln ˛/mc 2 / en-
ergy levels in helium. Phys. Rev. A 54, 1252–1312 (1996)
9. Zhang, T.: QED corrections to O.˛ 7 mc 2 / fine-structure splitting in helium. Phys. Rev. A 53,
3896–3914 (1996)
10. Zhang, T.: Three-body corrections to O.˛ 6 / fine-structure in helium. Phys. Rev. A 56, 270–77
11. Zhang, T., Drake, G.W.F.: Corrections to O.˛ 7 mc 2 / fine-structure splitting in helium. Phys.
Rev. A 54, 4882–4922 (1996)
12. Zhang, T., Yan, Z.C., Drake, G.W.F.: QED Corrections of 2 ˛ 7 ln ˛/ to the Fine Structure
Splitting of Helium and He-like Ions. Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1715–18 (1996)
Chapter 12
Regularization and Renormalization
(See, for instance, Mandl and Shaw [17, Chap. 9] and Peskin and Schroeder [23,
Chap. 7].)
In previous chapters, we have evaluated some radiative effects in the S-matrix
(Chap. 4) and covariant-evolution operator formulations (Chap. 8). In this chapter,
we discuss the important processes of renormalization and regularization in some
Many integrals appearing in QED are divergent, and these divergences can be re-
moved by replacing the bare electron mass and charge by the corresponding physical
quantities. Since infinities are involved, this process of renormalization is a delicate
matter. In order to do this properly, the integrals first have to be regularized, which
implies that the integrals are modified so that they become finite. This has to be done
so that the process is gauge-independent. After renormalization, the regularization
modification is removed. Several regularization schemes have been developed, and
we shall consider some of them in this chapter. If the procedure is performed prop-
erly, the way of regularization should have no effect on the final result.
The wave functions for free electrons are given by (D.29) in Appendix D
pC .x/ D .2/ uC .p/ eip x eiEp t
3=2 ; (12.1)
p .x/ D .2/ u .p/ eip x eiEp t
p is the energy eigenvalue of the free-electron function (Ep D j"p j). The
where "free free
SFfree .!; p/ D ; (12.4)
! hfree
D .p/ .1 i/
where hfree
D .p/ is the momentum representation of the free-electron Dirac Hamilto-
nian operator (D.21), hO free O
D .p/.
covariant four-component form with ! D cp0
Formally, we can write (12.3) inp
with cp0 disconnected from Ep D c 2 p2 C m2 c 4 – known as off the mass-shell.
Then we have2
SFfree .p/ D cSFfree .!; p/ D ˇ (12.5)
6 p mc C i
In the following, we shall for simplicity denote the electron physical mass by m instead of me .
The factor of ˇ appears here because we define the electron propagator (4.9) by means of O
instead of the more conventionally used NO D O ˇ.
12.1 The Free-Electron QED 239
The S-matrix for the first-order free-electron self-energy (Fig. 12.1) is obtained from
(4.84) and (4.44) with the momentum functions (12.1) after time integrations
dz 0 0
S .2/ .!I p0 ; r 0 ; p; r/ D e 2 c 2 d3 x d3 x 0 ur0 .p0 / eip x
˛ iSFfree .! zI x 0 ; x/ ˛ ur .p/ eipx iDF .z; x 0 x/:
The relation between the momentum and coordinate representations is
d3 q free 0
SFfree .!I x 0 ; x/ D 3
SF .!; q/ eiq.x x/ ; (12.7)
d3 k 0
DF .zI x 0 ; x/ D 3
DF .z; k/ eik.x x/ : (12.8)
S .2/ .!I p0 ; r 0 ; p; r/ D ı 3 .p0 p/ ur0 .p0 / .i/˙ free .!; p/ ur .p/; (12.10)
dz d3 k free
˙ free
.!; p/ D ie c 2 2
˛ SF .! z; k/ ˛ DF .z; k/:
2 .2/3
p0 r 0 6
6 zk
Fig. 12.1 Diagram
representing the first-order
pr !
free-electron self-energy 6
240 12 Regularization and Renormalization
which is the free-electron self-energy function. With the expression (12.5) for the
free-electron propagator, this becomes expressed in terms of gamma matrices
d4 k 6 p 6 k C mc
ˇ˙ free
.p/ D ie c
2 2
DF .k/ (12.12)
.2/4 .p k/2 m2 c 2 C i
d4 k 1
ˇ˙ free .p/ D ie 2 c 2 DF .k/: (12.13)
.2/ 4 6 p 6 k mc C i
d4 k 6 p 6 k 2mc
ˇ˙ free
.p/ D 2ie c 2 2
DF .k/ (12.14)
.2/4 .p k/2 m2 c 2 C i
and with the photon propagator (4.28) we have in the Feynman gauge
2ie 2 c d4 k 6 p 6 k 2mc 1
ˇ˙ free .p/ D : (12.15)
0 .2/ .p k/ m c C i k C i
4 2 2 2 2
fAs mentioned above, the factor of ˇ is due to our definition of the electron propa-
gator [c.f. (12.5)]g.
p0 r 0 6!
p0 r 0 6
A .q/ A .q00 / zk
pr !
0 0 dz d3 k free 0
.! ; !I p ; p/ D ie c 2 2
˛ SF .! z; p0 k/
2 .2/3
˛ SFfree .! z; p k/ ˛ DF .z; k/ (12.21)
Comparing with the self-energy function (12.15), we find the Ward identity
(4.100) [17, Eq. 9.60]
˙.p/ D .p; p/: (12.24)
Obviously, this relation holds independently of the gauge.
We shall here derive expressions for the mass and charge renormalization in terms
of counterterms that can be applied in evaluating the QED effects on bound states.
The process of regularization will be treated in the next section.
We consider now a bare electron with the mass m0 . The corresponding free-electron
propagator (12.5) is then
SF bare .!; p/ D ˇ (12.25)
6 p c m0 c 2 C i
with ! D cp0 .
We now “dress” the bare-electron propagator with all kinds of self-energy in-
sertions in the same way as for the bound-electron propagator in Fig. 5.7. This
corresponds to the S-matrix in operator form3
iSF .!; p/
iSF .!; p/ C iSF .!; p/.i/˙.!; p/ iSF .!; p/ C D ;
1 ˙.!; p/ SF .!; p/
Note that ˙.!; p/ has the dimension of energy and that the product ˙.!; p/ SF .!; p/ is dimen-
sionless (see Appendix K).
12.2 Renormalization Process 243
Fig. 12.3 Dyson equation for the dressed bare-mass electron propagator
Fig. 12.4 Expansion of the proper self-energy operator for a bare electron
which leads to
SF bare;dressed .!; p/ D ˇ (12.27)
6 p c m0 c ˇ˙bare
2 .!; p/ C i
illustrated in Fig. 12.3. Here, the box represents the irreducible or proper self-energy
insertions, ˙bare .!; p/, illustrated in Fig. 12.4. We shall in the following refer to this
as the free-electron self-energy, ˙ free .!; p/,
˙bare .!; p/ D ˙ free .!; p/: (12.28)
where I bare is the interaction (4.44) in the momentum representation with the elec-
tronic charge replaced by the bare charge, e0 .
The bare-electron propagator itself is also associated with a bare-electron charge
(e0 ) at each vertex. The dressing of the electron propagator leads to a modification
of the electron mass as well as of the electron charge. One part of the free-electron
self-energy is indistinguishable from the mass term in the electron propagator, and
another part is indistinguishable from the electronic charge, and these parts give
rise to the mass renormalization and the charge renormalization, respectively. The
modification of the electron charge is here compensated by a corresponding mod-
ification of the vertex (to be discussed below), so that there is no net effect on the
electron charge in connection with the electron self-energy. On the other hand, there
is a real modification of the electron charge in connection with the modification of
the photon propagator, as we shall discuss later.
244 12 Regularization and Renormalization
Instead of working with the bare-electron mass and charge with self-energy in-
sertions, we can use the physical mass and charge and introduce corresponding
counterterms (see, for instance, [13, p. 332]). The free-electron propagator with the
physical electron mass, m, is
SF free .!; p/ D ˇ (12.30)
6 p c mc 2 C i
and it has its poles “on the mass shell,” 6 p D mc [see Appendix (D.19)]. The dressed
propagator (12.27) should have the same pole positions, which leads with
m D m0 C ım (12.31)
ımc 2 D ˇ˙ free .!; p/ˇ6p Dmc : (12.32)
This is the mass-counterterm. We can now in the dressed operator (12.27) replace
m0 c 2 by
mc 2 ˇ˙ free .!; p/ˇ6p Dmc ;
which leads to
SF free;ren .!; p/ D ˇ ; (12.33)
6 p c mc ˇ˙ren
2 free .!; p/ C i
˙ren .!; p/ D ˙ free .!; p/ ˙ free .!; p/ˇ6p Dmc : (12.34)
The pole values (residues) of the dressed bare electron propagator should also be
the same as for the physical propagator, including the associated electronic charges.
The physical propagator (12.30) with the electronic charge
e 2 SFfree .!; p/ D ˇ
6 p c mc 2 C i
12.2 Renormalization Process 245
has the pole value ˇe 2 =c. The dressed propagator (12.27) with the bare electron
charge is
e02 e02
ˇ D ˇ
6 p c m0 c 2 ˇ˙ free .!; p/ C i 6 p c mc 2 ˇ˙renfree .!; p/ C i
e2 D ˇ (12.35)
1 ˇ @c6p
@ free .!; p/ˇ
˙ren 6p Dmc
@ ˇ
e 2 D e02 1 C ˇ free
˙ren .!; p/ ˇ : (12.36)
@c 6 p 6p Dmc
Here, the second term, which is divergent, represents the first-order charge renor-
It is convenient to express the free-electron self-energy as
It then follows that the constant A is associated with the mass renormalization,
A D ˙ free .!; p/ˇ6p Dmc D ˇımc 2 (12.38)
@ ˇ
BD ˙ free .!; p/ˇ6p Dmc : (12.39)
@c 6 p
From (12.36), it follows that for the charge renormalization due to the dressing of
the electron propagator becomes
e D e0 .1 C B=2 C /: (12.40)
The modification of the vertex function shown in Fig. 12.2 can be represented by
where e0 is the “bare” electron charge. The vertex correction is divergent and can
be separated into a divergent part and a renormalized, finite part
.p; p 0 / D L˛ C ren
.p; p 0 /: (12.42)
e D e0 .1 ˇL C ˇB/; (12.44)
since there are two propagators associated with each vertex. Due to the Ward identity
(12.24), it then follows that the charge renormalization due to the electron self-
energy and the vertex correction exactly cancel. This holds also in higher orders.
We first transform the first-order photon self-energy (4.108) to the momentum rep-
resentation, using
d4 k
DF .x1 ; x3 / D eik.x1 x3 / DF .k/;
d4 k 0
DF .x4 ; x2 / D eik .x4 x2 / DF .k 0 /;
d4 q
SF .x3 ; x4 / D eiq.x3 x4 / SF .q/;
d4 q 0
SF .x4 ; x3 / D eiq .x4 x3 / SF .q 0 /: (12.45)
The space integrations over x3 and x3 give rise to the delta functions ı 4 .k q C q 0 /
and ı 4 .k 0 q C q 0 /, yielding with the bare electron charge e02 ,
d4 k
ie 2 ˛ DF .k/ i˘3;4 .k/ ie02 ˛2 DF .k/
.2/4 0 1
d4 q
i˘3;4 .k/ D Tr i˛3 SF .q/ i ˛4 SF .q k/ : (12.46)
12.2 Renormalization Process 247
1 2 1 2 3 2
+ +
Fig. 12.5 Diagram representing the first-order vacuum polarization of the single photon (first-
order photon self-energy)
ie02 DF .k/ ) ie02 DF .k/ C ie02 DF .k/ i˘ .k/ ie02 DF .k/ C : (12.47)
With the form (4.28) of the photon propagator in the Feynman gauge, this becomes
From the Lorentz covariance, it follows that the polarization tensor must have
the form
˘ .k/ D g A.k 2 / C k k B.k 2 / (12.49)
and it can be shown that in this case only the second term can contribute [4,
p. 155], [17, p. 184]. This reduces the expression above to
ie02 g ie02 g e02 A.k 2 /
) 1
c0 k 2 C i c0 k 2 C i c0 k 2 C i
ie02 g
: (12.50)
c0 e02
k2 C c 0 A.k 2 / C i
The expression above represents the modification of the photon propagator due
to the photon self-energy. It is infinite and can be interpreted as a change of the
electronic charge – or charge renormalization – in analogy with the mass renor-
malization treated above.
The photon propagator has a pole at k 2 D 0, corresponding to the zero photon
mass [c.f. the free-electron propagator in (12.5)], and the pole value is proportional
to the electron charge squared, e0 2. If
A.k 2 D 0/ D 0; (12.51)
248 12 Regularization and Renormalization
then also the modified propagator has a pole at the same place with a pole value
proportional to
: (12.52)
2 2 ˇ
1 C 0 dA.k2 / ˇ 2
c 0 dk k D0
This cannot be distinguished from the bare charge and represents the physical elec-
tron charge,
2 e02 2 e02 dA.k 2 / ˇˇ
e D e0 1 ; (12.53)
2 ˇ c0 d k 2 k D0
1 C 0 dA.k2 / ˇ 2
c 0 dk k D0
The procedure described above for the first-order renormalization can be extended
to higher orders. A second-order procedure has been described by Labzowsky and
Mitrushenkov [14] and by Lindgren et al. [15], but we shall not be concerned with
that further here.
Before applying the renormalization procedure, the divergent integrals have to mod-
ified so that they become finite, which is the regularization procedure. Details
of this process depend strongly on the gauge used. Essentially, all QED calcula-
tions performed so far have been carried out in the so-called covariant gauges (see
Appendix G), preferably the Feynman gauge. In the remaining sections of this chap-
ter, we shall review some of the procedures used in that gauge, and also consider the
question of regularization in the Coulomb gauge.
Several regularization procedures have been developed, and the conceptually
simplest ones are the cutoff procedures. The most well known of these procedure
is that of Pauli–Willars and another is the so-called partial-wave regularization. A
more general and more sophisticated procedure is the dimensional regularization,
which has definite advantages and is frequently used today. We shall consider some
of these processes in the following sections.
When we express the Dirac Hamiltonian (2.108) with the physical mass
we have to include the mass counterterm (12.32) in the perturbation density (6.35)
illustrated in Fig. 12.6. Here, both terms contain singularities, which have to be elim-
inated, which is the regularization process.
In the regularization process due to Pauli and Villars [21], [17, Eq. 9.21], the
following replacement is made in the photon propagator
1 1 1
) 2 ; (12.58)
k 2 C i k 2 C i k 2 2 C i
With the substitutions q D p.1 x/ and s D tx, the k integral becomes, using
the integral (J.8) and (J.9) and 6 p D mc,
d4 k .6 k C mc/x i mc x.2 x/
D (12.62)
.2/ Œk C 2qp C s
4 2 3 32 m c 2 .1 x/2 C tx
2 2
e 2 mc 1
x C m2 c 2 .1 x/2
ımc 2 D dx .2 x/ ln : (12.63)
8 2 0 0 2 x C m2 c 2 .1 x/2
To evaluate the second part of the integral, we need the following formulas
x 2 ln x x 2
dx ln x D x ln x x dx x ln x D ; (12.65)
2 4
which leads to Z 1
x 3
I D dx .2 x/ ln
D : (12.66)
0 .1 x/ 2 4
In all unit systems with „ D 1, the factor e 2 40 D c ˛, where ˛ is the fine-
structure constant (see Appendix K), and the mass term (12.59) becomes
3˛ mc 2 1
ım. / c D 2
ln C : (12.67)
2 mc 4
12.3 Bound-State Renormalization: Cutoff Procedures 251
Bethe’s original nonrelativistic treatment of the Lamb shift [3] is of great historical
interest, and it also gives some valuable insight into the physical process. Therefore,
we shall briefly summarize it here.
From the relation (4.90), we have the bound-state self-energy, using the Feynman
gauge (4.55),
Z 1
e2c d sin r12
hx 2 j˙ bou
."a /jx 1 i D hx 2 j˛jti htj˛ jx 1 i;
40 r12 0 "a "t c sgn"t
where r12 D jx1 x 2 j. For small k values and positive intermediate states, this
reduces to
Z 1
e2c d
˙ ."a / D 2 ˛jti
htj˛ : (12.69)
4 0 0 " a "t c
The scalar part of ˛ ˛ cancels in the renormalization, leaving only the vector part
to be considered,
Z 1
e2c d
˙ bou ."a / D ˛jti htj˛: (12.70)
4 2 0 0 "a "t c
Obviously, this quantity is infinite. Inserting a set of complete states, this becomes
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ e2 ˝ ˛ 1
p0C ˇ˙ free .pC /ˇpC D ıp30 ;p p j˛jti htj˛jpC d: (12.74)
4 2 0 C 0
252 12 Regularization and Renormalization
a a 6 a 6 a 6
2 2 2 2
6 x 6
t = t6 + x 3 + x 3
1 1 1 16
a a 6 a 6 a 6
Fig. 12.7 Expanding the bound-state self-energy in free-electron states according to (4.107)
where I.zI x 2 ; x 1 / represents the single-photon interaction (4.45). We can then ex-
press this as
haj˙ bou ."a /jai D haj˙ free ."a /jai hajecA free
."a /jai C haj˙mpjai :
Here, the first term on the right-hand side is the average of the free-electron
self-energy in the bound state jai, the second term a vertex correction (4.98) with
v.x/ D e˛ A , and the last term the “many-potential” term.
254 12 Regularization and Renormalization
We can now use the expansion (12.37) of the free-electron self-energy in (12.81),
where the first term (A) will be eliminated by the mass-counterterm in (12.57). We
are then left with the average of the mass-renormalized free-electron self-energy
(12.34), which is still charge divergent. If we separate the vertex operator in a di-
vergent and a renormalized part according to (12.42), it follows from (12.44) that
the charge-divergent parts cancel, and we are left with three finite contributions,
the mass-renormalized free-electron self-energy (12.34), the many-potential term
(12.79), and the finite part of the vertex correction (12.42)
."a /jai D hrj˙ren
."a /jai hrjeA free;ren
."a /jai C hrj˙mpjai :
This is the method of Brown et al. [6], introduced already in 1959. It was first applied
by Brown and Mayers [7] and later by Desidero and Johnson [10], Cheng et al. [8,9],
and others. The problem in applying this expression lies in the many-potential term,
but Blundell and Snyderman [5] have devised a method of evaluating this terms
numerically with high accuracy (and the remaining terms analytically).
We can also express the renormalized, bound self-energy (12.57) as
."a /jai D hrj˙ bou ."a /jai hrj˙ free ."a /jai
C hrj˙ free ."a /jai hrjˇımc 2jai ; (12.83)
where the second term is the renormalized free-electron self-energy (12.34), eval-
uated between bound states. This is illustrated in Fig. 12.8. The mass term can be
evaluated by expanding the bound states in momentum representation
hrjˇımc 2jai D hrjp0 ; r 0 i p0 ; r 0 j˙ free ."p /jp; ri hp; rjai (12.84)
where we note that in the last term the energy parameter of the self-energy operator
is equal to the energy of the free particle.
r r 6 r 6
2 2 2 r 6
( t - t 6 ) + ( t 6 - )
1 1 1 a 6
a a 6 a 6
p0 ; r 0 6
r 6 2
= hrjp0 ; r 0 i q; s
6 z; k hp; rjai
a 6 1
p; r
In this way, the leading mass-divergence term is eliminated, while the parts are
still charge-divergent, but this divergence is cancelled between the parts. The elimi-
nation of the mass-renormalization improves the numerical accuracy.
Mohr has developed the method further and included also the one-potential
part of the expansion in the two parts, thereby eliminating also the charge diver-
gence. In this way, very accurate self-energies have been evaluated for hydrogenic
systems [18–20].
the expression (4.90) for the bound-state self-energy in the Feynman gauge can be
expressed as
1 Z 1
e2 X ˛ jl .r/C l jti htj˛ jl .r/C l
˙ ."a / D 2
.2l C 1/ c d
4 0 0 "a "t c sgn."t /
with a summation over the intermediate bound state jti. Similarly, for the free
1 Z 1
e2 X ˛ jl .r/C ljq; si hq; sj˛ jl .r/C l
˙ .!/ D 2
.2l C 1/ c d
4 0 0 ! "q c sgn."q /
256 12 Regularization and Renormalization
summed over free-electron statesjq; ri. Here, ! is the free-running energy parameter
and "q represents
p the energy of the free-electron state jq; si. On the mass shell,
! D "p D c p C m2 c 4 , this becomes
2 2
1 Z 1
e2 X l
˛ jl .r/C jq; si hq; sj˛ jl .r/C l
˙ free ."p / D .2l C 1/ c d :
4 0 0 "p "q c sgn."q /
The partial-wave regularization has not yet been applied in the Coulomb gauge,
but to be able to include the self-energy in a many-body calculation this will be
In analogy with the Feynman-gauge result (12.87), the transverse part of the
self-energy in Coulomb gauge becomes
1 Z 1
e2 X
˙ bou;trans ."a / D 2 .2l C 1/ c d
4 0 0
˛jl .r/C ljti htj˛jl .r/C l .˛ r /jl .r/C ljti htj.˛ r /jl .r/C l = 2
"a "t c sgn."t /
using the expression (4.92). The corresponding mass term becomes in analogy with
1 Z 1
e2 X
˙ free;trans ."p / D .2l C 1/ c d
4 2 0 0
˛jl .r/C ljq; si hq; sj˛jl .r/C l .˛ r /jl .r/C ljq; si hq; sj.˛ r /jl .r/C l = 2
"p "q;s c sgn."q /
The Coulomb part in Coulomb gauge is obtained similarly from (4.93)
˙."a /bou;Coul D sgn." t / .2l C 1/
8 2 0 r12
Z 1
2 d jl .r/ C l jti htjjl .r/C l (12.92)
12.4 Dimensional Regularization in Feynman Gauge 257
using the value i sgn."t /=2 for the integral, and the corresponding mass term
˙."a /free;Coul D sgn." t / .2l C 1/
8 2 0 r12
Z 1
2 d jl .r/ C l jq; si hq; sjjl .r/C l : (12.93)
The main advantage of the PWR is that the bound- and free-electron self-energies
are calculated in exactly the same way, which improves the numerical accuracy,
compared to the standard procedure, where the mass term is evaluated analytically
(12.67). Since all terms are here finite, no further regularization is needed. The
maximum L value, Lmax , is increased until sufficient convergence is achieved. This
scheme has been successfully applied in a number of cases [16, 24].
It has been shown by Persson et al. [22] that the method of PWR gives the correct
result in lowest order with an arbitrary number of Coulomb interactions, while a
correction term is needed when there is more than one magnetic interaction. This is
due to the double summation over partial waves and photon momenta, which is not
unique due to the infinities involved. This problem might be remedied by combining
this method with dimensional regularization, as will be briefly discussed at the end
of the chapter.
The most versatile regularization procedure developed so far is the dimensional reg-
ularization, which is nowadays frequently used in various branches of field theory.
In treating the number of dimensions (D) as a continuous variable, it can be shown
that the integrals of the radiative effects are singular only when D is an integer. Then
by choosing the dimensionality to be 4 , where is a small, positive quantity, the
integrals involved will be well defined and finite. After renormalization, one lets the
parameter ! 0. This method has been found to preserve the gauge invariance and
the validity of the Ward identity to all orders. The method was developed mainly
by t’Hooft and Veltman in the 1970s [27] (see, for instance, Mandl and Shaw [17,
Chap. 10], Peskin and Schroeder [23, Chap. 7] and Snyderman [25]).
Most applications are made in so-called covariant gauges, where the procedure is
now well developed. For our purpose, however, it is necessary to apply the Coulomb
gauge, and here the procedure is less developed. Important contributions have been
made more recently, though, by Adkins [1, 2], Heckarthon [11], and others.
Here, we shall first illustrate the method by evaluating the renormalized free-
electron self-energy, using the Feynman gauge. The problem with the Coulomb
gauge will be discussed in the next section.
258 12 Regularization and Renormalization
We start now from the form (12.12) of the free-electron self-energy in the Feynman
gauge and the photon propagator in momentum space (4.28)
d4 k 6 p 6 k C mc
ˇ˙ free .p/ D ie 2 c 2 DF .k/
.2/4 .p k/2 m2 c 2 C i
ie 2 c d4 k 6 p 6 k C mc 1
D 2 :
0 .2/ 4 .p k/ m c C i
2 2 2 k C i
Using the Feynman integral (J.2) (second version) with a D k 2 and b D .p k/2
m2 c 2 , this can be expressed as
ie 2 c 1
d4 k .6 p 6 k C mc/
ˇ˙ free .p/ D dx : (12.95)
0 0 .2/ Œk 2 C .p 2 2pk m2 c 2 /x2
after applying the anticommutation rules for the gamma matrices in Appendix D.59.
With the substitutions q D px and s D .p 2 m2 c 2 /x, this becomes
2ie 2 c 1
dD k .1 =2/.6 p 6 k/ .2 =2/ mc
ˇ˙ free
.p/ D dx ;
0 0 .2/D Œk 2 C 2kq C s2
1 1
D 1 C ln 4 C ;
.4/D=2 .4/2 2
2 2 =2
m c w
D 1 ln C :
w 2 m2 c 2
This yields
.=2/ m2 c 2 1
D .2= E C /
.4/D=2 w .4/2
1 C ln 4 C 1 ln w=m2 c 2 C
2 2
1 h w i
D ln C ; (12.99)
.4/2 m2 c 2
D E C ln 4 C : (12.100)
This leads to
Z 1 h w i
ˇ˙ free .p/ D 2K dx .6 p 6 p x 2mc/ ln 2 2
0 m c
Z 1
dx .6 p 6 p x C mc/
e2c c2 ˛
KD 2
D :
0 .4/ 4
We write the denominator in (12.98) as
w D m2 c 2 xX I X D1 .1 x/ D Œ C .1 /x
m2 c 2
p 2 m2 c 2
D : (12.102)
m2 c 2
260 12 Regularization and Renormalization
Z 1
BD dx .6 p 6 p x 2mc/ ln x;
Z 1
C D dx .6 p 6 p x 2mc/ ln Œ C .1 /x :
To evaluate this integral, we can use the formulas (12.65), yielding
Z 1 Z 1
dx ln.1 x/ D 1 dx x ln.1 x/ D 3=4;
0 0
Z 1
dx ln Œ C .1 /x D 1 ;
0 1
Z 1
ln 1
dx x ln Œ C .1 /x D 1C 1C2 2
ln 2
0 .1 / 1 4.1 /2
which gives
A D .6 p =2 2mc/ C .6 p =2 mc/
B D 3 6 p =4 C 2mc
6p ln 6p
C D 1C C 1 C 2 2 ln 2
.1 / 1 4.1 /2
.6 p 2m/ 1 C
1 ln 2
ln 1C
D6p 1C C C
.1 / 1 2.1 /2 4.1 /
C2mc 1 C :
mc 2 ˛
ımc 2 D .3 C 4 C / : (12.103)
Collecting all parts, we obtain the following expression for the mass-
renormalized free-electron self-energy
c2 ˛ .2 / ln
ˇ˙ free .p/ D .6 p mc/ C 2 C C
4 1 .1 /2
mc 23
C 1 ln
1 1
with D .6 p 2 m2 c 2 /=m2 c 2 . This agrees with the result of Snyderman [25, 26].
The coefficients C0 and C1 are convergent and we can let ! 0. With the
formula (G.23) (n D 3) and the contraction formulas (D.59), we then have
i .6 p C mc/ .6 p 0 C mc/
C0 D
.4/2 w
w D s q 2 D s .px C p 0 y/2 :
Similarly, we have for the numerator in C1
i 6 p 6 qC 6 q 6 p 0 4mcq
C1 D :
.4/2 w
The C2 coefficient is divergent and has to be evaluated with more care. Then the
situation is analogous to that of the self-energy (12.98). The numerator becomes
6 k 6 k D .2 / 6 k 6 k e e
6 ke 6k
dD k .2 / 6 k 6 k C e e
6 ke 6k
C2 D ;
.2/ D .k C 2kq C s/
2 3
For our main purpose of combining MBPT and QED, it is necessary to apply the
Coulomb gauge to take advantage of the developments in standard MBPT.
We shall first follow Adkins [1] in regularizing the free-electron self-energy in
the Coulomb gauge by expressing the bound states in terms of free-electron states.
We then start from the expression (12.12)
d4 k 6 p 6 k C mc
ˇ˙ free .p/ D ie 2 c 2 DF .k/: (12.106)
.2/4 .p k/2 m2 c 2 C i
For the photon propagator, we use the expressions (4.32) and (4.36)
1 ı;0 ı;0 ki kj 1
DF .kI k/ D ı;i ı;j gij C 2 : (12.107)
c0 k2 k k 2 C i
The three terms in the propagator correspond to the Coulomb, Gaunt, and scalar-
retardation parts, respectively, of the interaction (4.59).
The Coulomb part of the self-energy becomes
ie 2 c d4 k 0 .6 p 6 k C mc/ 0 1
; (12.108)
0 .2/ .p k/ m c C i k C i
4 2 2 2 2
ie 2 c d4 k p e
e k C mc 1
D (12.109)
0 .2/ .p k/2 m2 c 2 C i k2 C i
2 Z 1
e c dy .=2/
D p Œp.1 y/ C mc :
0 .4/D=2 0 y .w=m2 c 2 / =2
Z 1
4 32 dy
p C 2mc C p C 4mc p ..p .1 y/ C mc/ ln X:
3 9 0 y
The Gaunt term becomes, using (12.106) and the second term of (12.107),
ie 2 c d4 k i .6 p 6 k C mc/ i 1
: (12.111)
0 .2/ .p k/2 m2 c 2 C i k 2 C i
The denominator is here the same as in the treatment of the self-energy in the
Feynman gauge, and we can use much of the results obtained there.4
In analogy with (12.95), we then have
ie 2 c 1
d4 k i .6 p 6 k C mc/ i
0 0 .2/ Œk 2 C .p 2 2pk m2 c 2 /x2
ie 2 c 1 p Ce
d4 k .3 /mc .2 /.6 p 6 k/ e k
D dx 4 2
; (12.112)
0 0 .2/ Œk C .p 2pk m c /x
2 2 2 2
after inserting the Feynman integral (J.2) and applying the commutation rules in
Appendix (D.59).
With the substitutions k ! q D px and s D .p 2 m2 c 2 /x, the equation
above leads after applying (G.23) and (G.24) in analogy with (12.98) to
ie 2 c 1
dD k .3 /mc .2 /.6 p 6 k/ ep Ce k
dx D 2
0 0 .2/ Œk 2 C 2kq C s/
Z 1
e2c .=2/
D dx Œ.3 /mc .2 / 6 p .1 x/ e
p .1 x/
0 .4/D=2 0 .w=/ =2
Z 1
D dx .1 x/ 3 0 p0 p C 3mc
0 .4/D=2 0
C ..1 x/ 6 p mc/ ;
.w=/ =2
We use the convention that ; ; : : : represent all four components (0,1,2,3), while i; j; : : : rep-
resent the vector part (1,2,3).
12.5 Dimensional Regularization in Coulomb Gauge 265
using the relation (12.99) and the fact that ! 2 as ! 0. Then the Gaunt
part becomes
1 5 1
3 p0 p 3mc 0 p0 p C mc
2 4 4
Z 1
C dx .1 x/ 3 0 p0 p 3mc ln Y: (12.113)
Finally, the scalar-retardation part becomes similarly, using the third term of
(12.107) and the commutation rules (D.57),
ie 2 c d4 k i ki .6 p 6 k C mc/ j kj 1 1
0 .2/ 4 .p k/ m c C i k k C i
2 2 2 2 2
ie 2 c d4 k i ki j kj .6 p 6 kmc/ 2 i ki .k j pj k j kj / 1 1
0 .2/ 4 .pk/ m c C i
2 2 2
k k C i
2 2
ie 2 c d4 k 6 p e
k mc C 2 i ki k j pj =k2 1
0 .2/4 .p k/2 m2 c 2 C i k 2 C i
with i ki j kj D k2 D ki ki . With the same substitutions as in the Gaunt case,
this becomes
ie 2 c 1
dD k 6 p e
k mc C 2 i ki k j pj =k2
dx : (12.114)
0 0 .2/ Œk 2 2pkx C .p 2 m2 c 2 /x2
with K D e 2 c=.0 .4/2 / and w being the same as in the Gaunt case, w D q 2 s D
p 2 x 2 p 2 x C m2 c 2 x D m2 c 2 xY .
The second part of (12.114) is of the form (G.28) and becomes (ki k j ! qi q j
y D pi p j x 2 y 2 in first term, ! 12 gji D 12 ıij in second)
1 1
p .=2/ .1 C =2/
K dx dy y 2 i pi p i pj p j
; j pj
0 0 w =2 w1C =2
Z 1 Z 1 i
p 2 pi p j pj xy
K dx dy y j
pj . ln.xyZ// ;
0 0 m2 c 2 Z
Z 1 Z 1
p 2p p2 xy
DK dx dy y C p . ln.xyZ//
0 0 m2 c 2 Z
Z 1 Z 1
dx Œ6 p e
p x mc . ln.xY // dx 2p ln Y
0 0
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
p p
C3 dx dy y p ln Z C dx dy y p . ln.xyZ//
0 0 0 0
dx p0 .1 x/ p.1 C x/ mc . ln x/ C dy y p
0 0
Z 1
dx 0 p0 .1 x/ p.1 x/ mc ln Y
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 Z 1
p p
dx dy y p ln.xy/ C 2 dx dy y p ln.xy/
0 0 0 0
Z 1 Z 1
3 dx dy y p ln Z;
0 0
12.6 Direct Numerical Regularization of the Bound-State Self-Energy 267
which gives5
1 0 5 3 5
p0 p mc C 0 p0 p mc
2 6 4 36
Z 1
dx 0 p0 .1 x/ p.1 x/ mc ln Y
Z 1 Z 1
3 dx dy y p ln Z:
0 0
" Z 1
e2c 1 0 19 dy
.6 p mc/ p 0 C p p .p .1 y/ C mc/ ln X
0 .4/2 2 6 0 y
Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 #
C2 dx Œ.1 x/ 6 p mc ln Y C dx dy y 2p ln Z ;
0 0 0
where we have subtracted the on-shell (6 p D mc) value, mc.3 C 4/. (The expres-
sions for X; Y; Z are given in the text.) This is in agreement with the the result of
Adkins [1].
The treatment of the vertex correction is more complex and will not be repro-
duced here. Interested readers are referred to the papers by Adkins.6
Z Z Z 1 Z 1
1 1
p 10 p 1
dx dy y ln.xy/ D I dx x dy y ln.xy/ D I
0 0 9 0 0 18
Z 1 Z 1
p 9
dx x dy y y ln.xy/ D :
0 0 50
A complete treatment of the vertex correction is being published separately in arXiv:quant-ph.
268 12 Regularization and Renormalization
where D jkj and the function f F is given by (4.55). The integral over is con-
vergent, while the summation over t is (logarithmically) divergent.
With 3 dimensions of the k-vector space, we make the substitution
d3 k 2 d
) d˝
.2/3 .2/3
which would make the expression convergent for ¤ 0. In a similar way, the the
free-electron self-energy can be expressed. In analogy with the expression (12.85),
this leads to the renormalized bound-state self-energy
˝ ˇ bou ˇ ˛ ˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
r ˇ˙ren ."a /ˇa D lim r ˇ˙ bou ."a / ˙ free ."a /ˇa
˝ ˇ ˝ ˇ ˇ ˛ ˇ ˛
C r ˇp0 ; r 0 i p0 ; r 0 ˇ˙ free ."a / ˙ free ."p /ˇp; r hp; r ˇa :
12.6.2 Coulomb Gauge
1. Adkins, G.: One-loop renormalization of Coulomb-gauge QED. Phys. Rev. D 27, 1814–20
2. Adkins, G.: One-loop vertex function in Coulomb-gauge QED. Phys. Rev. D 34, 2489–92
3. Bethe, H.A.: The Electromagnetic Shift of Energy Levels. Phys. Rev. 72, 339–41 (1947)
4. Bjorken, J.D., Drell, S.D.: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. Mc-Graw-Hill Pbl. Co, N.Y.
5. Blundell, S., Snyderman, N.J.: Basis-set approach to calculating the radiative self-energy in
highly ionized atoms. Phys. Rev. A 44, R1427–30 (1991)
6. Brown, G.E., Langer, J.S., Schaeffer, G.W.: Lamb shift of a tightly bound electron. I. Method.
Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 251, 92–104 (1959)
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Chapter 13
Summary and Conclusions
The formalism presented here has been partially tested numerically by the
Gothenburg atomic theory group, and in cases where comparison can be made with
the more restricted S-matrix formulation, very good agreement is reported.
A big challenge is the renormalization of the radiative effects, which generally
has to be performed using the Coulomb gauge, to take advantage of the develop-
ments in MBPT/CCA. Schemes have been developed for this process but so far not
been implemented in a QED-MBPT procedure.
When the procedure is more developed, critical tests can be performed to find
out to what extent the new effects will improve the agreement between theory and
accurate experimental data.
Appendix A
Notations and Definitions
g is a metric tensor, which can raise the so-called Lorentz indices of the vector.
Similarly, an analogous tensor can lower the indices
x D g x : (A.4)
In all appendices, we display complete formulas with all fundamental constants. As before, we
use the Einstein summation rule with summation over repeated indices.
ab D a b D a0 b0 a b; (A.6)
a b D ax bx C ay by C az bz :
The covariant gradient operator is defined as the gradient with respect to a con-
travariant coordinate vector:
@ 1 @
@ D D ;r (A.7)
@x c @t
@ @ @
rD eO x C eO y C eO z ;
@x @y @z
1 @A0
@ A D C r A D rA; (A.9)
c @t
where r A is the three-dimensional divergence
1 @2
D @ @ D r 2 D r 2; (A.10)
c 2 @t 2
@2 @2 @2
r2 D D C C
@x 2 @y 2 @z2
is the Laplacian operator.
A.2 Vector Spaces 275
A.2.1 Notations
The norm is written as p.x/ D jjxjj. We then have jjxjj D jj jjxjj , jjx C yjj
jjxjj C jjyjj , and jjxjj D 0 ) x D 0. If the last condition is not fulfilled, it is a
276 A Notations and Definitions
A vector space with a norm for all its elements is a normed space, denoted by
.X; jjjj/. The continuous functions, f .x/, on the interval Œa; b form a normed
space by defining a norm, for instance, jjf jj D Œ a dt jf .t/j2 1=2 . By means of
the Cauchy–Schwartz inequality, it can be shown that this satisfies the criteria for a
norm [4, p. 93].
If f is a function f W A ! Y and A X , then f is defined in the
neighborhood of x0 2 X , if there is an > 0 such that the entire sphere
fx 2 X W jjx x0 jj < g belongs to A [4, p. 309].
A function/operator f W X ! Y is bounded, if there exists a number C such
jjf xjj
sup D C < 1:
0¤x2X jjxjj
Then C D jjf jj is the norm of f . Thus, jjf xjj jjf jj jjxjj .
A function f is continuous at the point x0 2 X , if for every ı > 0 there exists
an > 0 such that for every member of the set x W jjx x0 jj < we have
jjf x f x0 jj ı [4, p. 139]. This can also be expressed so that f is continuous at
the point x0 , if and only if f x ! f x0 whenever xn ! x0 , fxn g being a sequence
in X , meaning that f xn converges to f x0 , if x converges to x0 [5, p. 70].
A linear function/operator is continuous if and only if it is bounded [4, p. 197,
213], [2, p. 22].
A functional f W X ! R is convex if
which means that a convergent sequence is always a Cauchy sequence. The opposite
is not necessarily true, since the point of convergence need not be an element of
X [3, p. 44].
A.3 Special Functions 277
A Fock space is a Hilbert space, where the number of particles is variable or un-
which can be regarded as a definition of the Dirac delta function, ı.k/. Formally,
we write this relation as
Z 1
dx ikx
e D ı.k/: (A.16)
1 2
In the limit where the integration is extended over the entire three-dimensional
space, we have in analogy with (A.16)
d3 x ikx
e D ı 3 .k/: (A.19)
A.3 Special Functions 279
provided the function f .x/ has no poles. In three dimensions, we have similarly
d3 x ı.x x 0 / f .x/ D f .x 0 / (A.21b)
after integrating the first term over the negative and the second term over the positive
half plane. Thus,
dx .x a/ .x b/ D C .a b/ (A.23)
and we see that here the widths of the functions are added.
280 A Notations and Definitions
The pole of the propagator yields the contribution ."a "j /, which vanishes in
the limit ! 0, if "a 6D "j . Nevertheless, we shall see that this pole has a significant
effect on the result.
Integrating above over the positive half plane, with the single pole "a C i , yields
"a "j C i C i
and integrating over the negative half plane, with the two poles "j i; "a i ,
2i 1
."a "j C i C i/."a "j i C i/ "a "j i C i
D ;
"a "j C i C i
which is identical to the previous result. We observe here that the pole of the prop-
agator, which has a vanishing contribution in the limit ! 0, has the effect of
reversing the sign of the i term.
The parameter originates from the adiabatic damping and is small but finite,
while the parameter is infinitely small and only determines the position of the pole
of the propagator. Therefore, if they appear together, the term dominates, and the
term can be omitted. This yields
1 1
d! ."a !/ D (A.24)
! "j C i "a "j C i
1 1
d! ."a !/ D 2 (A.26)
!2 C i
2 "a 2 C i
noting that 0.
Finally, we consider the integrals of two functions and the propagators. With
the electron propagator, we have
d! ."a !/ ."b !/
! "j C i
1 1 1 1
D d!
.2i/2 ! "j C i "a ! i "a ! C i
1 1
"b ! i "b ! C i
Here, three of the combinations with poles on both sides of the real axis contribute,
which yields
1 1 1
2i ."b "j C i /."a "b 2i / ."a "j C i /."b "a 2i /
."a "j C i /."b "j C i /
1 1
d! ."a !/ ."b !/ 2 ."a "b /:
! "j C i "a "j C i
282 A Notations and Definitions
Formally, we can obtain the integral with propagators by replacing the func-
tion by the corresponding Dirac delta function, noting that we then have to replace
the imaginary parameter in the denominator by the damping factor .
.t/ D 1 t0 > t
D0 t 0 < t: (A.29)
1. Blanchard, P., Brüning, E.: Variational Methods in Mathematical Physics. A Unified Approach.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1992)
2. Debnath, L., Mikusiński, P.: Introduction to Hilbert Spaces with Applications., second edn.
Academic Press, New York (1999)
3. Delves, L.M., Welsh, J.: Numerical Solution of Integral Equations. Clarendon Press, Oxford
4. Griffel, D.H.: Applied Functional Analysis. Wiley, N.Y. (1981)
5. Taylor, A.E.: Introduction to Functional Analysis. Wiley and Sons (1957)
Appendix B
Second Quantization
B.1 Definitions
(See, for instance [2, Chap. 5], [1, Chap. 11].) In second quantization – also known
as the number representation – a state is represented by a vector (see Appendix C.1)
jn1 ; n2 ; i, where the numbers represent the number of particles in the particular
basis state (which for fermions can be equal only to one or zero).
Second quantization is based on annihilation/creation operators cj /cj , which
annihilate and create, respectively, a single particle. If we denote byj0i the vacuum
state with no particle, then
cjj0i Djj i (B.1)
represents a single-particle state. In the coordinate representation (C.19), this corre-
sponds to the wave function
j .x/ D hxjj i (B.2)
satisfying the single-electron Schrödinger or Dirac equation. Obviously, we have
cj j0i D 0: (B.3)
fci ; cj g D ci cj C cj ci D 0;
fci ; cj g D ci cj C cj ci D 0;
fci ; cj g D ci cj C cj ci D ıij ; (B.4)
where ıij is the Kronecker delta factor (A.13). It then follows that
284 B Second Quantization
which means that ci ci j0i represents an antisymmetric two-particle state, which we
denote in the following way1
hx 1 x 2jfi; j gi D p i .x 1 / j .x 2 / j .x 1 / i .x 2 / : (B.8)
hx 1 ; x 2 ; x N jca cb cN j0i D p Detfa; b; N g
ˇ ˇ
ˇ 1 .x 1 / 1 .x 2 / 1 .x N / ˇ
ˇ ˇ
1 ˇˇ 2 .x 1 / 2 .x 2 / ˇ
2 .x N / ˇ
D p ˇ ˇ : (B.9)
NŠ ˇ ˇ
ˇ .x / .x / ˇ
N 1 N .x 2 / N N
F D fn ; (B.10)
GD gmn ; (B.11)
respectively, where the fn and the gmn operators are identical, differing only in the
particles they operate on. In second quantization these operators can be expressed
(see, for instance [1, Sect. 11.1])2
We shall follow the convention of letting the notation ji; j i denote a straight product function
ji; j i D i .x 1 / j .x 2 /, whilejfi; j gi represents an antisymmetric function.
Occasionally, we use a “hat” on the operators to emphasize their second-quantized form. We also
use the Einstein summation rule with summation over all indices that appear twice. Note the order
between the annihilation operators.
B.1 Definitions 285
FO D ci hi jf jj i cj ;
GO D ci cj hij jgjkli cl ck ; (B.12)
etc. (note order between the operators in the two-particle case). Here,
d3 x 1 i .x1 / f j .x1 /;
hi jf jj i D
hij jgjkli D d3 x 1 d3 x 2 i .x1 / j .x2 / g k .x1 / l .x2 /: (B.13)
and similarly
h0jcd cc ci cj D ıi;d ıj;c ıj;c ıi;d :
Then we have
hfcd gjGjfabgi D hcd jgjabi hdcjgjabi ;
which agrees with the results using determinantal wave functions (see, for instance
[1, Eq. 5.19])
1 ˝ ˇ
hfcd gjGjfabgi D cd dc ˇGjab
O bai : (B.15)
We define the electron-field operators in the Schrödinger representation (3.1) by
O S .x/ D cj j .x/I
O .x/ D c
j .x/: (B.16)
S j
and similarly
GO D d3 x 1 d3 x 2 O S .x1 /S .x2 / g O S .x2 / O S .x1 /: (B.18)
286 B Second Quantization
„2 2
H1 D rn C vext .x n / D h1 .n/;
2m nD1
e2 XN
H2 D D h2 .m; n/; (B.19)
40 rmn m<n
In an alternative to the Schrödinger picture, the Heisenberg picture (HP), the states
are time independent and the time dependence is transferred to the operators,
j Hi Dj S .t D 0/i D eiH t =„j S .t/i I OO H D eiH t =„ OO S eiH t =„ : (B.21)
j Hi D eiH t =„ eiH0 t =„j I .t/i I OO H .t/ D eiH t =„ eiH0 t =„ OO I eiH0 t =„ eiH t =„ :
Using the relation (3.9), we then have
Note that HO and HO 0 generally do not commute, so that in general eiHO t=„ eiHO0 t=„ ¤ eiVO t=„ .
References 287
i"j t =„
D cj j .x/ e D cj j .x/
O I .x/ D cj
j .x/ e
i"j t =„
D cj
j .x/; (B.28)
which gives
@ O @ h iHO 0 t =„ O iHO 0 t =„ i h i
OI .t/ D e OS e D i H0 ; OO I .t/ : (B.31)
@t @t
1. Lindgren, I., Morrison, J.: Atomic Many-Body Theory. Second edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
(1986, reprinted 2009)
2. Schweber, S.S.: An Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Field Theory. Harper and Row, N.Y.
Appendix C
Representations of States and Operators
These numbers form a vector, which is the vector representation of the state or
the state vector, 0 1
h1j i
B h2j i C
ˇ ˛ B C
ˇ DB B C:
@ A
hN j i
Note that this is just a set of numbers – no coordinates are involved. N is here
the number of basis states, which may be finite or infinite. [The basis set need not
be numerable and can form a continuum in which case the sum over the states is
replaced by an integral.] The basis states are represented by unit vectors jj i
290 C Representations of States and Operators
0 1 0 1
1 0
ˇ ˛ B C ˇ ˛ B C
ˇ1 D B
C ˇ2 D B
etc: (C.5)
@A @A
The basis vectors are time independent, and for time-dependent states the time
dependence is contained in the coefficients
j i is a ket vector, and for each ket vector there is a corresponding bra vector
˝ ˇ
ˇ D a ; a ; ; (C.7)
1 2
where the asterisk represents complex conjugate. It follows from (C.1) that
aj D h jj i: (C.8)
The scalar product of two general vectors with expansion coefficients aj and bj ,
respectively, becomes
h j˚i D aj bj (C.9)
with the basis vectors being orthonormal. This is identical to the scalar product of
the corresponding vector representations
0 1
B b2 C
h j˚i D a1 ; a2 ; B C
@ A: (C.10)
j i Djj i hj j i: (C.11)
But this holds for any vector in the Hilbert space, and therefore we have the formal
relation in that space
jj i hj j I ; (C.12)
where I is the identity operator. This is known as the resolution of the identity. Us-
ing the expression for the coefficients, the scalar product (C.9) can also be expressed
h j˚i D h jj i hj j˚i; (C.13)
which becomes obvious, considering the expression for the identity operator.
C.2 Matrix Representation of Operators 291
The operators we are dealing with have the property that when acting on a function
in our Hilbert space, they generate another (or the same) function in that space,
O i hj j i Dj˚i :
ji i hi jOjj (C.16)
OO ji i hi jOjj
O i hj: (C.17)
Standard matrix multiplication rules are used in operations with vector and matrix
representations, for instance,
1 0
0 1
h1j i h1j˚i
0 1
h1jOj1i O
h1jOj2i B C B
B h2j i C B h2j˚i C
O i Dj˚i ) @ h2jOj1i B C B C
Oj O O
h2jOj2i A B C D B C ;
@ A @ A
hN j i hN j˚i
O i hj j˚i
hkj˚i D hkjOjj
summed over the index j .
292 C Representations of States and Operators
The coordinate representation of the ket vectorj i (C.4) is denoted as hxj i, and
this is identical to the corresponding state or (Schrödinger) wave function
hxj i .x/ I h jxi .x/: (C.19)
This can be regarded as a generalization of the expansion for the expansion coef-
ficients (C.1), where the space coordinates correspond to a continuous set of basis
The basis functions j .x/ have the coordinate representation hxjj i, and the co-
ordinate representation (C.1) becomes
in analogy with the summation rule for discrete basis sets. This leads to the formal
jxi hxj I; (C.24)
which is consistent with the corresponding relation (C.12) with a numerable
basis set.
This can be compared with the integration over the Dirac delta function
.x/ D dx 0 ı.x x 0 / .x 0 /; (C.26)
j .x / j .x/ D ı.x x 0 / (C.27)
hxjj i hj jx 0 i D ı.x x 0 /
or ˛
hxjIjx 0 D ı.x x 0 /; (C.28)
which implies that the delta function is the coordinate representation of the identity
operator (C.12). Note that there is no integration over the space coordinates here.
which is a function of x.
Appendix D
Dirac Equation and the Momentum
E 2 D c 2 p2 C m2e c 4 ; (D.2)
where c is the velocity of light in vacuum and me the mass of the electron, this
would lead to
@2 .x/
2 2
„2 D c pO C m 2 4
e c .x/; (D.3)
@t 2
which is the Schrödinger relativistic wave equation. It is also known as the
Klein–Gordon equation. In covariant notations (see Appendix, Sect. A.1), it can
be expressed as
„2 C m2e c 2 .x/ D 0: (D.4)
In contrast to the nonrelativistic Schrödinger equation (2.9), the Klein–Gordon
equation is nonlinear, and therefore the superposition principle of the solutions can-
not be applied. In order to obtain a linear equation that is consistent with the energy
relation (D.2) and the quantum-mechanical substitutions (D.1), Dirac proposed the
form for a free electron
@ .x/
i„ D c˛ pO C ˇme c 2 .x/; (D.5)
296 D Dirac Equation and the Momentum Representation
where ˛ and ˇ are constants (but not necessarily pure numbers). This equation is
the famous Dirac equation for a relativistic particle in free space.
The equivalence with the equation (D.3) requires
which leads to
˛ˇ C ˇ˛ D 0: (D.9)
or with
˛ D .1; ˛/ (D.12)
and ˛ pO D pO0 ˛ pO we obtain the covariant form of the Dirac Hamiltonian for
a free particle
D ˇ˛ ; (D.15)
pO 2 D pO02 pO 2 D m2e c 2 O D me c:
or 6 p (D.19)
hO free
D .p/O p .x/ D "p p .x/; (D.21)
hO free O C ˇme c 2
D D c˛ p (D.22)
is the free-electron Dirac Hamiltonian. The Dirac equation can also be expressed
as "
ˇ ˇ˛ pO me c p .x/ D 0: (D.23)
Here, p .x/ is a four-component wave function, which can be represented by
p .x/ D p ur .p/ eip x I pO p .x/ Dp p .x/ : (D.24)
298 D Dirac Equation and the Momentum Representation
(Note the difference between the momentum vector p and the momentum operator
O eip x represents a plane wave, and ur .p/ is a four-component vector function of
the momentum p. For each p, there are four independent solutions (r D 1; 2; 3; 4).
The parameter p in our notations p and "p represents p and r or, more explicitly,
With the wave function (12.1), the Dirac equation (D.23) leads to the following
equation for the ur .p/ functions
ˇ ˇ˛ pO me c ur .p/ D 0
"p =c me c pO
ur .p/ D 0 ; (D.25)
pO "p =c me c
where each element is a 2 2 matrix. This equation has two solutions for each
momentum vector p:
"p =c C me c p
uC .p/ D NC I u .p/ D N (D.26)
p "p =c C me c
p0 C m e c p
uC .p/ D NC I u .p/ D N : (D.28)
p p0 C m e c
where p0 is given by (D.27). Note that the negative energy solution corresponds
here to the momentum p for the electron (or Cp for the hole/positron).
Several different schemes for the normalization of the u matrices have been used
(see, for instance, Mandl and Shaw [1, Chap. 4]). Here, we shall use
which leads to
p0 C m e c
uC .p/ D jNC j .p0 C me c; p/
D jNC j2 .p0 C me c/2 C . p/2 D jNC j2 2p0 .p0 C me c/ (D.33)
NC D p (D.34)
2p0 .p0 C me c/
and similarly
p0 .˛ p C ˇme c/
u .p/ u .p/ D ; (D.36)
which gives
and that the interaction with the fields is given by the term
Above in Sect. C.3 we have considered the coordinate representation of a state vec-
tor, a .x/ D hxjai. An alternative is the momentum representation, where the state
vector is expanded in momentum eigenfunctions. A statejai is then represented by
a .pr/ D hprjai, which are the expansion coefficients of the state in momentum
hxjai D hxjpri hprjai (D.42)
with summations over p and r. The expansion coefficients become
Z r Z
hprjai D d x hprjxi hxjai D
d3 x eipx ur .p/ a .x/: (D.43)
In the limit of continuous momenta, the sum over p is replaced by an integral and
V replaced by .2/3 .
In many text books, the minimal substitution is expressed as p ! pO C ec A , because a mixed
unit system, like the cgs system, is used. In the SI system – or any other consistent unit system – the
substitution has the form given in the text. The correctness of this expression can be checked by
means of dimensional analysis (see Appendix K).
D.2 Momentum Representation 301
Note that the momentum representation is distinct from the Fourier transform.
The latter is defined as
r Z
hpjai D ur .p/ hprjai D d3 x eipx a .x/
! .2/3=2 d3 x eipx a .x/ (D.44)
which yields
jp; ri hp; rj I (D.46)
with implicit summation/integration over p and summation over r.
O O.x 2 ; x 1 / D hx 2 jOjx
Coordinate representation of an operator O: O 1 i.
Momentum representation of an operator O: O 1 r1 i.
O O.p2 r2 ; p1 r1 / D hp2 r2 jOjp
Transformation between the representations
O 1 r1 i D
hp2 r2 jOjp O 1 i hx 1 jp1 r1 i:
d3 x 2 d3 x 1 hp2 r2 jx 2 i hx 2 jOjx (D.47)
O 1 r1 i ur .p1 /:
ur2 .p2 / hp2 r2 jOjp (D.48)
O 1 i D hx 2 jj i "j hj jx 1 i;
hx 2 jOjx (D.50a)
O 1 r1 i D hp2 ; r2 jj i "j hj jp1 r1 i:
hp2 r2 jOjp (D.50b)
302 D Dirac Equation and the Momentum Representation
also with integration over p. From the closure property (D.51), we have
0 0
j .p; r/ j .p ; r / D ır;r 0 ı 3 .p p0 /; (D.54)
which leads to
hp; rjj i hj jp0 ; r 0 i D ır;r 0 ı 3 .p p0 /: (D.55)
From the definition of the alpha matrices and the definitions in Appendix A, we find
the following useful relations:
˛ ˛ D 1 ˛2 D 2;
˛ ˛˛ D ˛˛ ˛ D 2˛;
˛ ˇ˛ D ˇ ˛ˇ˛ D 4ˇ;
˛ ˇ˛ D ˇ C ˛ˇ˛ D 2ˇ;
˛ A
6 ˛ D ˛ ˇ˛ A ˛ D 4 A
6 ; (D.56)
where 6 A is defined in (D.17). The gamma matrices satisfy the following anticom-
mutation rule:
C D 2g ;
6 B
A 6 CB
6 A
6 D 2AB: (D.57)
This leads to
D 2 ;
6 D 2 A
6 ;
Reference 303
D 4;
D 2 ;
6 D 2 A
6 ;
0 D D 1;
0 0 0
0 D 0e
6 D A;
A 0
0 0 D e
0 A6 0 D e
0 0 D e
e ;
A 0 e e
6 6 B D AB;
0 ˇ 0 D e
A 6 6B 6C D e
e; (D.58)
where eA D 0 A0 i Ai D 0 A0 C A
With the number of dimensions being equal to 4 , to be used in dimensional
regularization (see Chap. 12), the relations become
D 4 ;
D .2 / ;
A 6 D .2 / A
6 ;
D 4g ;
A 6 B
6 D 4AB A
6 B
6 ;
ˇ D 2 ˇ C ˇ ;
i i D 3 ;
i i D .2 / e ;
i A6 D .2 / A
i e
6 A;
i i D 4g e
e ;
6 B
i A i e e
6 D 4AB AB A6 B
6 ;
i ˇ i D 2 ˇ e
C ˇ ;
i A6 6 B 6 C D 2 C
6 B 6 e
6 A AB eC
eCA6 B6 C 6 : (D.59)
1. Mandl, F., Shaw, G.: Quantum Field Theory. John Wiley and Sons, New York (1986)
Appendix E
Lagrangian Field Theory
L D T V; (E.1)
where T is the kinetic energy and V the potential energy of the system. Generally,
this depends on the coordinates qi , the corresponding velocities qPi D @q@t
, and
possible explicitly on time (see, for instance [2, Sect. 23])
H D pi qPi L; (E.6)
306 E Lagrangian Field Theory
pi D : (E.7)
D pPi : (E.8b)
df @f @f @qi @f @pi @f @f @H @f @H
D C C D C : (E.9)
dt @t @qi @t @pi @t @t @qi @pi @pi @qi
@A @B @B @A
fA; Bg D ; (E.10)
@qi @pi @qi @pi
df @f
D C ff; H g: (E.11)
dt @t
For a single-particle system in one dimension (x), the kinetic energy is T D
p 2 =2m, where m is the mass of the particle, which yields
p2 mv2
2m 2
p2 mv2
2m 2
E.1 Classical Mechanics 307
The Lagrangian for an electron (charge e) in an external field, A D . .x/=c; A/,
is [1, p. 25]
P D mxP 2 eA xP C e .x/;
L.x; x/ (E.12)
where the last two terms represent (the negative of) a velocity-dependent potential.
The conjugate momentum corresponding to the variable x is then according to (E.7)
1 1
H D p xP L D mxP 2 e .x/ D .p C eA/2 e .x/: (E.14)
2 2m
We see that the interaction with the fields ( ; A) is obtained by means of the substi-
H ! H e .x/ p ! p C eA (E.15)
! er .A x/
P C er .x/:
The same equations are obtained from the Hamilton’s equations of motion (E.8b).
The total time derivative can in analogy with (E.9) be expressed as
d @ dx @ @
D C C D C xP r
dt @t dt @x @t
308 E Lagrangian Field Theory
d @A
.mxP eA/ D mxR e e.xP r /A:
dt @t
From the identity
xP .r A/ D r .A x/
P .xP r /A;
mxR D er .x/ C e e xP .r A/ D e .E C v B/ (E.16)
with v D xP being the velocity of the electron. This is the classical equations of
motion for an electron of charge e in an electromagnetic field. The right-hand side
is the so-called Lorentz force on an electron in a combined electric and magnetic
field. This verifies the Lagrangian (E.12).
L D L. r ; @ r /; (E.17)
@ r
@ r D : (E.18)
The requirement that the action integral
I D d4 x L. r ; @ r / (E.19)
@L @L
@ D 0: (E.20)
@ r @.@ r /
r .x/ D ; (E.21)
@ Pr
E.3 Dirac Equation in Lagrangian Formalism 309
where the “dot” represents the time derivative. The Lagrangian function is defined
as Z
L.t/ D d3 x L. r ; @ r /: (E.22)
In quantized Lagrangian field theory, the fields are replaced by operators, satis-
fying the Heisenberg commutation rules at equal times [1, Eq. 2.31]
h i
O .x/; O .x 0 / D i„ ı; ı 3 .x x 0 / (E.24)
with the remaining commutations vanishing. In our applications, the quantized field
will normally be the electron field in the interaction picture (B.28) or the electro-
magnetic field (G.2).
From the Dirac equation for a free electron (D.14), we can deduce the corresponding
Lagrangian density
Using the relation (B.17), the space integral over this density yields the correspond-
ing operator
L D d3 x L.x/ D i„c ˛ @ ˇme c 2 D c ˛ p ˇme c 2 (E.26)
H D L D c ˛ p C ˇme c 2 ; (E.27)
since the fields are time independent. This leads to the Dirac equation for a free
electron (D.14).
We can also apply the Euler–Lagrange equations (E.20) on the Lagrangian
(E.25), which leads to
@ D @ O .x/ i„ c ˛ ;
@.@ O /
D O .x/ ˇme c 2 ;
310 E Lagrangian Field Theory
@ i„ c ˛ O .x/ C ˇme c 2 O .x/ D 0
with the hermitian adjoint
which is consistent with the Dirac equation for the free electron.
In the presence of an electromagnetic field, we make the minimal substitution
p ! p C eA .x/ or @ ! @ A .x/; (E.29)
which leads to the Lagrangian density in the presence of an electromagnetic field
1. Mandl, F., Shaw, G.: Quantum Field Theory. John Wiley and Sons, New York (1986)
2. Schiff, L.I.: Quantum Mechanics. McGraw-Hill Book Co, N.Y. (1955)
Appendix F
Semiclassical Theory of Radiation
r E D =0 ; (F.1a)
1 @E
r B D C 0 j ; (F.1b)
c 2 @t
r B D 0; (F.1c)
r E C D 0; (F.1d)
where is the electric charge density and j the electric current density. Equation
(F.1c) gives
B D r A; (F.2)
where A is the vector potential. From (F.1d), it follows that the electric field is of
the form
E D r ; (F.3)
where is the scalar potential. The (F.1a) and (F.1b) give together with (F.3) and
r 2 r A D =0 D c0 j 0
1 @2 A 1 @
r A 2 2
r r AC 2 D 0 j (F.4)
c @ t c @t
As in the previous Appendices, the formulas are here given in a complete form and valid in any
consistent unit system, like the SI system (see Appendix K).
312 F Semiclassical Theory of Radiation
has the scalar part =c and the vector part A. With the d’Alambertian operator
(A.10), these equations can be expressed as2
.rA/ D c0 j 0 ; (F.7)
A C r .rA/ D 0 j ; (F.8)
A r.rA/ D 0 j (F.9)
@ @ A @ .@ A / D 0 j : (F.10)
F D @ A @ A : (F.11)
@Ax @Ay
F 12 D @2 A1 @1 A2 D D Bz ;
@y @x
etc., leading to the matrix
0 1
0 Ex =c Ey =c Ey =c
B Ex =c 0 Bx Bz C
@ Ey =c Bz 0
C: (F.12)
Bx A
Ez Bx Bx 0
Concerning covariant notations, see Appendix A.1.
F.1 Classical Electrodynamics 313
The Maxwell equations (F.10) can now be expressed as [2, Eq. 5.2]
@ F D 0 j (F.13)
@L @L
@ D 0: (F.14)
@A @.@ A /
Using the field tensor (F.11) and the form of the metric tensor (A.5), we have
F F D @ A @ A .@ A @ A /
D @ A @ A .g @ g A g @ g A / : (F.15)
Here, and are running indices that are summed over, and we can replace them
with 0 and 0 , respectively. The derivative with respect to fixed and then gives
@ 0 0 0 0 0 0
F0 0 F D F F C F0 0 g g F 0 0 g g D 4F :
@.@ A /
We then find that with the Lagrangian
LD F F j A ; (F.17)
@L 1 @L
.x/ D D ; (F.18)
@AP c @.@0 A /
where N fg represents normal order [1, Chap. 11] (see Sect. 2.2).
314 F Semiclassical Theory of Radiation
1 @
rA D @ A D r A C D0 (F.21)
c 2 @t
and with this condition the Maxwell equations get the simple form
A D 0 j: (F.22)
Then also the electromagnetic fields have particularly simple form, given in (G.2).
rj D @ j D 0: (F.23)
A)ACr ; (F.24)
where is an arbitrary scalar.
.r / r.rr / D .r / r. / D 0;
This condition is named after the Danish physicist Ludvig Lorenz, not to be confused with the
more well-known Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz.
F.1 Classical Electrodynamics 315
The vector part of the electromagnetic field can be separated into transverse
(divergence-free) and longitudinal (rotation-free) components
A D A? C Ak I r A? D 0 I r A k D 0: (F.25)
r2 C r A k D =0 ; (F.26a)
2 1 @2 A k 1 @
r Ak 2 2 r r Ak C 2 D 0 j k ; (F.26b)
c @ t c @t
1 @2
r 2 2 2 A ? D 0 j T : (F.26c)
c @ t
The longitudinal and the scalar or “time-like” components (A k ; ) represent the
instantaneous Coulomb interaction and the transverse components (A ? ) represent
retardation of this interaction and all magnetic interactions, as well as the electro-
magnetic radiation field (see Sect. F.2.4).
The energy of the electromagnetic field is given by
1 1 ˇˇ ˇˇ2 ˇ ˇ2
Erad D d3 x B C 0 ˇEˇ
2 0
1 1 ˇˇ ˇˇ2 ˇ ˇ2 1 ˇ ˇ2
D d3 x B C 0 ˇE ? ˇ C d3 x 0 ˇE k ˇ : (F.27)
2 0 2
The last term represents the energy of the instantaneous Coulomb field, which is
normally already included in the hamiltonian of the system. The first term represents
the radiation energy.
Semiclassically, only the transverse part of the field is quantized, while the lon-
gitudinal part is treated classically [3, Chaps. 2 and 3]. It should be noted that the
separation into transverse and longitudinal components is not Lorentz covariant and
therefore, strictly speaking, not physically justified, when relativity is taken into ac-
count. It can be argued, though, that the separation (as made in the Coulomb gauge)
should ultimately lead to the same result as a covariant gauge, when treated properly.
316 F Semiclassical Theory of Radiation
r A.x/ D 0: (F.28)
r 2 D =0 : (F.31)
1 @2 A
r 2A D 0: (F.33)
c 2 @2 t
The relativistic interaction with an atomic electron (D.41) is then in the Coulomb
gauge given by
Hint D ec ˛ A? (F.34)
and in second quantization (see Appendix B)
HO int D
cj hi jec ˛ A?jj i cj ; (F.35)
F.2 Quantized Radiation Field 317
2 h
XX i
A.x; t/ D ckp "p ei.kx!t / C ckp "p ei.kx!t / ; (F.37)
k pD1
where k is the wave vector, ! D cjkj the frequency, and ckp =ckp represents the
amplitude of the wave with a certain k vector and a certain polarization "p . The
energy of this radiation can be shown to be equal to [3, p.22]
Erad D 20 ! 2 ckp ckp D 0 ! 2 ckp ckp C ckr ckp : (F.38)
kp kp
where akp ; =akp are photon creation/annihilation operators, the radiation energy
goes over into the hamiltonian of a collection of harmonic oscillators
Hharm:osc D „! .akp akp C akp akp /:
2 kp
Therefore, we can motivate that the quantized transverse radiation field can be rep-
resented by the operator [3, Eq. 2.60]
X X2 h i
A ? .x; t/D
akp "p ei.kx!t / C akp "p ei.kx!t / : (F.39)
20 !V pD1
318 F Semiclassical Theory of Radiation
where is the parameter for the adiabatic damping of the perturbation. The in-
teraction Hamiltonians are in the Coulomb gauge given by (F.36) with the vector
potential (F.39)
X „ X
˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
HO int;I .t1 / D cr r ˇ akp ec ˛ "kp eikx ˇa
20 !1 V p1 D1
where I is the time integral. The contraction between the creation and annihilation
operators (G.10) yields . ! D !1 D !2 /
2 r s
r B12
6 2 1
1 a b
Fig. F.1 Diagrammatic representation of the exchange of a single, transverse photon between two
electrons (left). This is equivalent to a potential (Breit) interaction (right)
F.2 Quantized Radiation Field 319
X ˝ ˇ ˇ ˛
rs ˇ akp ˛ "p eikx 2
akp ˛ "p eikx ˇab
p1 p2
˝ ˇ
D rs ˇ.˛ "p /2 .˛ "p /1 eikr 12 .r 12 D x 1 x 2 /: (F.43)
e 2 c 2 X X ˝ ˇˇ ˇ ˛
U.2/ .0; 1/ D cr ca cs cb rs .˛ "p /1 .˛ "p /2 Mˇab
2„0 !V k pD1
eikr 12 eikr 12
MD C :
.cq C cq 0 C 2i /.cq ! C i / .cq C cq C 2i /.cq 0 ! C i /
This can be compared with the evolution operator corresponding to a potential in-
teraction B12 between the electrons, as illustrated in the right diagram of Fig. F.1,
i 0
U.2/ .0; 1/ D cr ca cs cb hrsjB12jabi dt eit ."a C"b "r "s Ci/=„
„ 1
cr ca cs cb hrsjB12jabi
D : (F.47)
„ cq C cq 0 C i
It is found that the sign of the imaginary part of the exponent is immaterial (see
Appendix J.2), and the equivalent interaction then becomes
e2 X ei kr 12
B12 D .˛ "p /1 .˛ "p /2 2 (F.50)
0 V q k 2 C i
with ! D ck.
The "p vectors are orthogonal unit vectors, which leads to [3, Eq. 4.312]
.˛ "p /1 .˛ "p /2 D ˛1 ˛2 : (F.51)
This gives
.˛ "p /1 .˛ "p /2 D ˛1 ˛2 .˛1 k/.˛ O
2 k/ (F.52)
assuming "3 D kO to be the unit vector in the k direction. The interaction (F.50) then
becomes in the limit of continuous momenta (Appendix D)
e2 d3 k h O O
i ei kr 12
B12 D ˛1 ˛2 .˛ 1 k/.˛2 k/ : (F.53)
0 .2/3 q 2 k 2 C i
With the Fourier transforms in Appendix J, this yields the retarded Breit interac-
" #
e2 eijqjr12 eijqjr12 1
B12 D ˛1 ˛2 .˛1 r 1 /.˛2 r 2 / : (F.54)
40 r12 q 2 r12
e2 ˛1 ˛2 1
B12 D C .˛1 r 1 /.˛2 r 2 / r12
40 r12 2
or using
˛1 ˛2 .˛1 r 12 /.˛1 r 12 /
.˛1 r 1 /.˛2 r 2 / r12 D C 2
r12 r12
we arrive at
e2 1 .˛1 r 12 /.˛1 r 12 /
B12 D ˛1 ˛2 C ; (F.55)
40 r12 2 2r12
s r
r 2 1 s r s
+ = 1 - 2
6 6
1 b a 2 a b
a b
Fig. F.2 The two time-orderings of a single-photon exchange can be represented by a single
Feynman diagram
We shall now consider both time-orderings of the interaction represented in Fig. F.2
simultaneously. The evolution operator can then be expressed as
2 Z Z h i
i 0 0
U.2/ .0; 1/ D dt2 dt1 T HO int;I .t2 / HO int;I .t1 / e.jt1 jCjt2 j/ ;
„ 1 1
h i < HO int;I .t2 / HO int;I .t1 / t2 > t1
T HO int;I .t2 / HO int;I .t1 / D : (F.57)
: O
Hint;I .t1 / HO int;I .t2 / t1 > t2
In the Coulomb gauge, the interaction is given by (F.36) and the vector potential is
given by (F.39). The evolution operator for the combined interactions will then be
Z 0 Z 0
U.2/ .0; 1/ D cr ca cs cb dt1 T
dt2 Œ.˛ A ? /1 .˛ A? /2
„2 1 1
it1 ."a "r Ci /=„ it2 ."b "s Ci /=„
e e : (F.58)
Here X „
T Œ.˛ A ? /1 .˛ A ? /2 D .˛ "p /1 .˛ "p /2
2!0 V
8 i.k x !t / i.k x !t /
< e 1 1 1 e 2 2 2 t2 > t1
ei.k2 x2 !t2 / ei.k1 x1 !t1 / t1 > t2
„ X 1 Xe
2 12 !t12 /
T Œ.˛ A ? /1 .˛ A ? /2 D .˛ "p /1 .˛ "p /2 ;
0 pD1 V k 2!
322 F Semiclassical Theory of Radiation
1 Xe 12 !t12 /
eicq t12 e.t1 Ct2 / (F.60)
V k 2!
.akp ˛ "p /1 .akp ˛ " p /2 ) .akp ˛ "p /1 .akp ˛ "p /2 :
p1 p2 D1 p1 p2 D0
F.2 Quantized Radiation Field 323
.akp ˛ "p /1 .akp ˛ "p /2 D ˛1 ˛2 1: (F.65)
p1 p2 D0
We then find that the equivalent potential interaction (F.50) under energy conserva-
tion is replaced by
e2 d3 k ei kr 12
V12 D .1 ˛1 ˛2 / (F.66)
0 .2/3 q 2 k 2 C i
V12 D .1 ˛1 ˛2 / eijqjr12 : (F.67)
40 r12
We shall now compare this with the exchange of transverse photons, treated
above. We then make the decomposition
< 1 .˛1 k/.˛ O
2 k/
1 ˛1 ˛2 D : (F.68)
: O O
˛1 ˛2 C .˛1 k/.˛2 k/
The last part, which represents the exchange of transverse photons, is identical to
(F.52), which led to the Breit interaction. The first part, which represents the ex-
change of longitudinal and scalar photons, corresponds to the interaction
e2 d3 k h O O
i ei kr 12
VC D 1 .˛1 k/.˛2 k/ : (F.69)
0 .2/3 q 2 k 2 C i
provided that the orbitals are generated in a local potential. Using the transform in
Appendix J.2, this becomes
VCoul D : (F.71)
40 r12
Thus, we see that the exchange of longitudinal and scalar photons corresponds to
the instantaneous Coulomb interaction, while the exchange of the transverse pho-
tons corresponds to the Breit interaction. Note that this is true only if the orbitals
are generated in a local potential.
324 F Semiclassical Theory of Radiation
If instead of the separation (F.68), we would separate the photons into the scalar
part .p D 0/ and the vector part .p D 1; 2; 3/,
1 ˛1 ˛2 D ; (F.72)
˛1 ˛2
VCoul D eijqjr12 ;
4ı0 r12
VGaunt D ˛1 ˛2 eijqjr12 ; (F.73)
40 r12
which represents the retarded Coulomb and the retarded magnetic (Gaunt) inter-
action. This implies that the longitudinal photon represents the retardation of the
Coulomb interaction, which is included in the Breit interaction (F.54).
If we would set q D 0, then we would from (F.73) retrieve the instantaneous
Coulomb interaction (F.71) and
˛1 ˛2 ; (F.74)
which is known as the Gaunt interaction. The Breit interaction will then turn into the
instantaneous interaction (F.55). This will still have some effect of the retardation
of the Coulomb interaction, although it is instantaneous.
We shall see later that the interactions (F.73) correspond to the interactions in the
Feynman gauge (4.56), while the instantaneous Coulomb and Breit incinerations
correspond to the Coulomb gauge.
1. Lindgren, I., Morrison, J.: Atomic Many-Body Theory. Second edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
(1986, reprinted 2009)
2. Mandl, F., Shaw, G.: Quantum Field Theory. John Wiley and Sons, New York (1986)
3. Sakurai, J.J.: Advanced Quantum Mechanics. Addison-Wesley Publ. Co., Reading, Mass.
Appendix G
Covariant Theory of Quantum ElectroDynamics
A D 0 j: (G.1)
In this case, the covariant electromagnetic radiation field can be expressed in anal-
ogy with the semiclassical expression (F.39) and represented by the four-component
vector potential [4, Eq. 5.16]
„ X h i
A .x/ D A .x/ C A .x/ D "r akr ei kx C akr
ei kx :
2!0 V
However, different equivalent choices can be made, as further discussed in Sect. G.2.
Here, we use the covariant notations
defined in Appendix A.1, and r D .0; 1; 2; 3/ represents the four polarization states.
Normally, the polarization vector for r D 3 is defined to be along the k vector –
longitudinal component – and for r D 1; 2 to be perpendicular – transverse compo-
nents. The component r D 0 is referred to as the time-like or scalar component (see
Sect. F.1.2).
The electromagnetic fields components are Heisenberg operators and should sat-
isfy the canonical commutation (quantization) rules (E.24) at equal times
where .x/ is the conjugate field (E.21). With the Lagrangian (F.17) the field 0
vanishes according to the relation (F.19), which is inconsistent with the quantization
326 G Covariant Theory of Quantum ElectroDynamics
LD F F .@ A /2 j A : (G.4)
40 20
@L 1 0
.x/ D 0
D F 0 g @ A (G.5)
@.@ A / c0 0
and 0 ¤ 0 for ¤ 0.
The extra term in the Euler–Lagrange equations (F.14) leads to
@ .@ g A / .@ A / D @ g .@ A /
20 @.@ A / 0
D @ g .@ A / D @ .@ A / :
The Maxwell equations (F.10) then take the modified form [3, Eq. 3-99]
@ @ A .1 / @ .@ A / D 0 j : (G.6)
To satisfy this relation, we can assume that the polarization vectors fulfill the or-
thogonality/completeness relations [4, Eq. 5.18,19]
and the photon creation and absorption operators the commutation relation [4,
Eq. 5.28]
h i
akr ; ak0 r 0 D ık;k0 grr 0 : (G.10)
and then it follows that the field operators (G.2) satisfy the commutation relation
With the Lagrangian (G.4) and the conjugate fields (G.5), the Hamiltonian of the
free field (F.20) becomes in the Feynman gauge ( D 1) [4, Eq. 5.32]
HRad D „! grr akr akr : (G.12)
G.2.1 General
The previous treatment is valid in the Feynman gauge, where the Maxwell equations
have the form (G.1), and we shall here investigate how the results will appear in
other gauges.
The interaction between an electron and the electromagnetic field is given by the
Hamiltonian interaction density (D.41)
Hint D j A ; (G.13)
where j is the current density. The Maxwell equations are invariant for a gauge
transformation (F.24) A ) A C r , which transforms this interaction to
Hint D j A ) A C
j :
D ı j D rj D 0;
which is the continuity equation (F.23). In analogy with (F.30), the corresponding
relation in the k space is
j .k/ k D 0: (G.14)
The single-photon exchange is represented by the interaction (4.44)
where f .k/ and f .k/ are arbitrary functions of k, will leave the interaction un-
The photon propagator in the Feynman gauge is given by the expression (4.28)
g 1
DF .k/ D : (G.16)
c0 k 2 C i
1 k
f .k/ D ;
c0 .k 2 C i/2
the propagator (G.16) becomes
1 1 k k
DF .k/ D g 2 : (G.17)
c0 k 2 C i k C i
G.2 Gauge Transformation 329
This leads to k DF D 0, which is consistent with the Lorenz condition (F.21)
rA D @ A D 0:
1 k
f .k/ D .1 / 2 ;
2c0 .k C i/2
the propagator (G.16) becomes
1 1 k k
DF .k/ D g .1 / : (G.18)
c0 k 2 C i k 2 C i
With D 1, this yields the Feynman gauge, and with D 0 we retrieve the Lan-
dau gauge. The value D 3 yields the Fried–Yennie gauge [2], which has some
improved properties, compared to the Feynman gauge, in the infrared region.
We consider only one example of a noncovariant gauge, the Coulomb gauge, which
is of vital importance in treating the combined QED-correlation problem. Here, the
Coulomb interaction is treated differently from the transverse part.
1 1 k0 1 1 ki
f0 D I fi D .i D 1; 2; 3/;
2c0 k 2 C i k2 2c0 k 2 C i k2
1 0
DF00 .k/ D k2 ; (G.19)
ki kj
c0 0 1
k 2 Ci
ıi;j k2
where the first row/column corresponds to the component D 0 and the second
row/column to D 1; 2; 3.
This leads to k i DFij D 0, which is consistent with the Coulomb condition (F.30)
r A D @i Ai D 0 .i D 1; 2; 3/:
330 G Covariant Theory of Quantum ElectroDynamics
dD l 1 dD l 1
D i.1/m
.2/D .l 2 /m .2/D .lE2
C /m
Z Z 1 D1
d˝D lE
D i.1/m 0
dlE :
.2/ 0 .lE C /m
dD k 1 i.1/n .n D=2/ 1
D ; (G.20)
.2/ .k C s C i/
D 2 n .4/D=2 .n/ s nD=2
d4 k D 0; (G.21)
.k 2 C s C i/n
dD k kk i.1/n .n D=2 1/ 1
D : (G.22)
.2/D .k 2 C s C i/n .4/D=2 .n/ s nD=21
! w D q 2 s;
dD k 1 i.1/n 1 .n D=2/
D ; (G.23)
.2/D .k 2 C 2kq C s C i/n .4/D=2 .n/ wnD=2
dD k k i.1/n 1 .n D=2/
D q ; (G.24)
.2/D .k 2 C 2kq C s C i/n .4/D=2 .n/ wnD=2
G.2 Gauge Transformation 331
dD k k k
.2/D .k 2 C 2kq C s C i/n
i.1/n 1 .n D=2/ g .n 1 D=2/
D q
q : (G.25)
.4/D=2 .n/ wnD=2 2 wn1D=2
! w D q 2 y 2 C .1 y/yq02 sy C 2 .1 y/
D q2 y 2 C yq02 sy C 2 .1 y/;
dD k 1 1
.2/ .k C 2kq C s C i/ k 2
D 2 n 2
Z 1
i.1/n 1 .n C 1 D=2/
D dy y n11=2 ; (G.26)
.4/D=2 .n C 1/ 0 wnC1D=2
dD k k 1
.2/ .k C 2kq C s C i/ k 2
D 2 n 2
Z 1
i.1/n 1 .nC1D=2/
D dy y n11=2 q y C ı;0 q0 .1 y/ ;
.4/D=2 .n/ 0 wnC1D=2
6 k ! 6 q y 0 q0 .1 y/ D q y 0 q0 ;
dD k kk 1
.2/ .k C 2kq C s C i/ k 2
D 2 n 2
Z 1
i.1/n 1 ˚
D D=2
dy y n11=2
q y C ı;0 q0 .1 y/
.4/ .n/ 0
.n C 1 D=2/
Œq y C ı;0 q0 .1 y/g
1 ˚ .n D=2/
g C ı;0 ı;0 .1 y/=y (G.28)
2 wnD=2
332 G Covariant Theory of Quantum ElectroDynamics
6 k ! q y 0 q0 in first part and 6 k 6 k ! C .1 y/=y in second.
dD k ki k kj 1
.2/ .k C 2kq C s C i/ k 2
D 2 n 2
Z 1
i.1/n 1 ˚ i j 3
D D=2
dy y n11=2
q q q y C q i q q j ı0 .1 y/y 2
.4/ .n/ 0
.n C 1 D=2/ 1˚
C y g i q j C g j q i C g j i q
w 2
.n D=2/
ı0 g q0 .1 y/
and generally
.z/ D .z 1/ .z 1/: (G.32)
The Gamma function can also be expressed by means of
1 Y z z=n
D zeE z 1C e ; (G.33)
.z/ nD1
./ D E C O./; (G.34)
which follows directly from the expansion above. We shall now derive the
corresponding expression close to negative integers.
G.3 Gamma Function 333
G.3.1 z D 1
1 E .1C / 1C
D .1 C / e 1 e.1C /=n
.1 / nD1
The first few factors of the product are (to orders linear in )
e1C D e1 .1 C /;
1C 1
1 e.1C /=2 D .1 / e1=2 .1 C =2/;
2 2
1C 2
1 e.1C /=3 D .1 =2/ e1=3 .1 C =3/;
3 3
1C 3
1 e.1C /=4 D .1 =3/ e1=4 .1 C =4/;
4 4
which in the limit becomes
This gives
.1 / D C E 1 C O./: (G.37)
This can also be obtained from (G.32).
G.3.2 z D 2
1 E .2C / 2C
D .2 C / e 1 e.2C /=n
: (G.38)
.2 / nD1
The first few factors of the product are (to orders linear in )
This gives
1 1
.2 / D C E 1 1=2 C O./ : (G.39)
This is consistent with the formula
" #
.1/N 1 1 XN
.N / D C E : (G.42)
NŠ nD1
1. Adkins, G.: One-loop renormalization of Coulomb-gauge QED. Phys. Rev. D 27, 1814–20
2. Fried, H.M., Yennie, D.M.: New techniques in the Lamb shift calculation. Phys. Rev. 112,
1391–1404 (1958)
3. Itzykson, C., Zuber, J.B.: Quantum Field Theory. McGraw-Hill (1980)
4. Mandl, F., Shaw, G.: Quantum Field Theory. John Wiley and Sons, New York (1986)
5. Peskin, M.E., Schroeder, D.V.: An introduction to Quantun Field Theory. Addison-Wesley
Publ. Co., Reading, Mass. (1995)
6. t’Hooft, G., Veltman, M.: Regularization and renormalization of gauge fields. Nucl. Phys. B
44, 189–213 (1972)
Appendix H
Feynman Diagrams and Feynman Amplitude
In this appendix, we shall summarize the rules for evaluatiig Feynman diagrams of
the different schemes, discussed in this book. These rules are based on the rules
formulated by Feynman for the so-called Feynman amplitude, a concept we shall
also use here.
H.1.1 S-Matrix
The Feynman diagrams for the S-matrix have an outgoing orbital line for each
electron-field creation operator
O .x/
O .x/
A iec˛ A
336 H Feynman Diagrams and Feynman Amplitude
! 6 O .x1 / O .x2 / D i SF .x2 ; x1 / D i d!
SF .!I x 2 ; x 1 /
6 2
and a photon propagator for each contracted pair of photon-field operators:
z R
1, - ,2 A .x1 /A .x2 / D i DF .x2 ; x1 / D i dz
2 DF .zI x 2 ; x 1 /.
z R R
; 1 - ; 2
.i/I.zI x 2 ; x 1 / D d z .i/ e 2 c 2 ˛1 ˛2 DF .zI x 2 ; x 1 /
1 2 iVC D i 4 e0 r12
for each Coulomb interaction, VC , between the electrons, and a potential diagram
The Feynman diagrams of the Green’s function are identical to those of the S-matrix
with the exception that all outgoing and incoming lines represent electron orbitals.
The Feynman diagrams of the Covariant evolution operator are identical to those of
the Green’s function with the exception that there are creation/absorption operator
lines attached to all outgoing/incoming orbital lines.
H.2 Feynman Amplitude 337
G.x; x 0 I x0 ; x00 / D eit .E0 H0 / M.x; x 0 I x 0 ; x 00 / eit0 .E0 H0 / (H.3)
U.t; 1/jabi D eit .E0 H0 / jrsi hrsjiMjabi eit0 .E0 H0 / : (H.4)
6 6
6 6
iSF 6 6iSF iSF 6 6iSF
- i Vsp iSF 6 6iSF - i Vsp
- i Vsp
6 6 iSF 6 6iSF
6 6
6 6
A:i B:1 C:i
6 6
6 6 6 6 Pair 6 6 Pair
iI iI
iSF 6 6iSF iSF 6 6iSF iSF 6 6iSF
- i Vsp - i Vsp - i Vsp
iSF 6 6iSF iSF 6 6iSF iSF 6 6iSF
iI Pair iI Pair iI Pair
6 6 6 6 6 6
D:1 E:i F:1
M D iVsp .E0 /:
Core states and negative energy states are regarded as hole states below the Fermi
level with time running in the negative direction. Then, the corresponding time in-
tegration should be performed in the negative direction.
The treatment here is partly based on that in [2, Appdices C and D].
342 I Evaluation Rules for Time-Ordered Diagrams
This parameter is referred to as the vertex value and given by the incoming minus
the outgoing orbital energies/energy parameters at the vertex. Similarly, we define
d2 D "b "s C z C i
d12 D d1 C d2 D E "r "s (I.4)
Together with the opposite time ordering, t > t1 > t2 > 1, the denominators
1 1 1 1 1 1
C D C : (I.6)
d12 d1 d2 E "r "s "a "r z C i "b "s C z C i
i.e., given by the incoming minus the outgoing energies of the vertex. There is a
damping term ˙i for integration going to 1.
344 I Evaluation Rules for Time-Ordered Diagrams
r s
r s r s t r s
t t z 4 t
r s r s r
- r s
0 4 1 1 2
z -z
3 u t 4 t u z
t z 2 3 u 3 1
1 t 0 4
a b a 2 a 2 -
b b a 3 b
E D "a C "b E E E
Fig. I.1 Time-ordered Feynman diagrams for the two-photon ladder with only particle states (left)
and with one and two intermediate hole states (right)
We consider now the first diagram above, where only particle states are involved.
We assume that it is reducible, implying that the two photons do not overlap in time.
Then the time ordering is
Changing the order between t1 and t2 and between t3 and t4 leads to the
1 1 1 1 1 1
C C : (I.12)
d1234 d123 d124 d12 d1 d2
Here, all integrations are being performed upward, which implies that all denomi-
nators are evaluated from below.
If the interaction 1–2 is instantaneous, then the integrations become
Z t Z t4 Z t3
it4 d4 it3 d3 eit d1234
.i/ 3
dt4 e dt3 e dt12 eit12 d12 D
1 1 1 d1234 d123 d12
I.2 Two-Photon Exchange 345
Next, we consider the two-photon exchange with a single hole, represented by the
second diagram above. We still assume that the diagram is reducible, implying that
the two photons do not overlap in time. The time ordering is now
Note that the last integration is being performed in the negative direction, due to the
core hole. This is illustrated in Fig. I.2 (left).
Considered as a Feynman diagram, the time t1 can run to C1, which leads to
Z t4 Z t Z t4 Z t3
it1 d1 it4 d4 it3 d3
dt1 e dt4 e dt3 e dt2 eit2 d2
1 1 1 1
eit d1234
D : (I.17)
d1234 d1 d23 d2
Here, the last integration is still performed in the negative direction, this time from
C1 to t4 , and this leads to a result different from the previous one. In the Goldstone
case all denominators are evaluated from below, while in the Feynman case one of
them is evaluated from above (see Fig. I.2, right). For diagrams diagonal in energy
we have d1234 D 0, and hence d1 D d234 , which implies that in this case the two
results are identical.
346 I Evaluation Rules for Time-Ordered Diagrams
t t
r s d1234 r s d1234
? ?
-z d234 1
-z d1 6
t 4 d23 ? t 4 d23
3 d2
? 3 d2
? ?
a 2 a 2
b b
Goldstone Feynman
Fig. I.2 Time-ordered Goldstone and Feynman diagrams, respectively, for two-photon exchange
with one virtual pair. In the latter case, one denominator (at vertex 1) is evaluated from above
Let us next consider the third diagram in Fig. I.1, where the time ordering is
Here, all times are limited from above in the Goldstone as well as the Feynman
interpretation, and this leads in both cases to
Z t Z 1 Z t1 Z t3
it4 d4 it1 d1 it3 d3
dt4 e dt1 e dt3 e dt2 eit2 d2
1 t4 1 1
eit d1234
D : (I.18)
d1234 d123 d23 d2
The last diagram in Fig. I.1, also reproduced in Fig. I.3, represents double virtual
pair. Considered as a Goldstone diagram, the time ordering is
which yields
Z t Z t2 Z t1 Z t4
it2 d2 it1 d1 it4 d4
dt2 e dt1 e dt4 e dt3 eit3 d3
1 1 1 1
eit d1234
D : (I.19)
d1234 d134 d34 d3
I.3 General Evaluation Rules 347
t t
r s d1234 r s d1234
2 ? 2 ?
d134 d2 6
z z
u ? u
1 d34 1 d12 6
t z0
- 4 d3 ? t z0
- 4 d3
3 ? 3 ?
a b a b
Goldstone Feynman
Fig. I.3 Time-ordered Goldstone and Feynman diagrams, respectively, for two-photon exchange
with two virtual pairs. In the latter case, two denominators (at vertices 1 and 2) are evaluated from
eit d1234
D ; (I.20)
d1234 d3 d12 d2
We can now formulate evaluation rules for the two types of diagrams considered
here. For (nonrelativistic) Goldstone diagrams, the rules are equivalent to the stan-
dard Goldstone rules [1, Sect. 12.2]
There is a matrix element for each interaction.
For each vertex, there is a denominator equal to the vertex sum (sum of vertex
values): incoming minus outgoing orbital energies and z C i for crossing photon
line (leading to ck after integration) below a line immediately above the vertex.
For particle/hole lines, the integration is performed in the positive/negative
348 I Evaluation Rules for Time-Ordered Diagrams
For the relativistic Feynman diagrams, the same rules hold, with the exception
For a vertex where time can run to C1, the denominator should be evaluated
from above with the denominator equal to the vertex sum above a line immedi-
ately below the vertex (with z i for crossing photon line, leading to Cck).
1. Lindgren, I., Morrison, J.: Atomic Many-Body Theory. Second edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
(1986, reprinted 2009)
2. Lindgren, I., Salomonson, S., Åsén, B.: The covariant-evolution-operator method in bound-
state QED. Physics Reports 389, 161–261 (2004)
Appendix J
Some Integrals
In this section, we shall derive some integrals, which simplify many QED calcula-
tions considerably (see the books of Mandl and Shaw [1, Chap. 10] and Sakurai [2,
Appendix D]), and we shall start by deriving some formulas due to Feynman.
We start with the identity
Z b
1 1 dt
D : (J.1)
ab ba a t2
Similarly, we have
Z 1 Z x
1 1
D2 dx dy
abc 0 0 Œa C .b a/x C .c b/y3
Z d Z 1x
D2 x dy : (J.4)
0 0 Œa C .b a/x C .c a/y3
350 J Some Integrals
evaluated by residue calculus, and differentiating twice with respect to s. The inte-
gral then becomes
1 3i 2 jkj2 djkj i 2
d k 2 D D : (J.5)
.k C s C i/3 2 .jkj2 C s/5=2 2s
x2 1 s
D 2 2
.x C s/
2 5=2 .x C s/ 3=2 .x C s/5=2
k )kCq qnd s ) s q 2 ;
kk 2 .n 3/ .2n 3/ q q:
d k 2 D i C ;
.k C 2kq C s C i/n 2 .n/ .s q 2 /n2 .s q 2 /n3
d 3k eikr12
J.2 Evaluation of the Integral
.2/3 q 2 k2 C i
where we have in the last step used the fact that the integrand is an eve n function
of . The poles appear at D ˙q.1 C i=2q/. eir12 is integrated over the posi ti ve
and eir12 over the negati ve half-plane, which yields e˙iqr12 =.4 r12 / with the
upper sign for q > 0. The same result is obtained if we change the sign of the
exponent in the numerator of the original integrand. Thus, we have the result
Z Z 1
d3 k e˙ik.x1 x2 / 1 2 d sin.r12 / eijqjr12
D D : (J.17)
.2/3 q 2 k2 C i 4 2 r12 0 q 2 2 C i 4 r12
The imaginary part of the integrand, which is an odd function, does not contribute
to the integral.
i 1 d eir12 eir12
I2 D .˛1 r 1 /.˛2 r 2 /
8 2 r12 1 .q 2 2 C i/
Z 1
1 2 d sin.kr12 /
D .˛1 r 1 /.˛2 r 2 / : (J.19)
4 2 r12 0 2 .q 2 2 C i/
The poles appear at D 0 and D ˙.q C i=2q/. The pole at D 0 can be treated
with half the pole value in each half plane. For q > 0, the result becomes
1 eiqr12 1
4 r12 q 2
and for q > 0 the same result with q in the exponent. The final result then becomes
J.3 Evaluation of the Integral d3k
˛1 kO ˛2 kO eikr12
q 2 k 2 Ci
d3 k eikr 12 1 eijqjr12 1
.˛1 k/.˛2 k/ D .˛1 r 1 /.˛2 r 2 /
.2/3 q 2 k2 C i 4 r12 q2
D .˛1 r 1 /.˛2 r 2 /
4 2 r12
Z 1
2 d sin.r12 /
: (J.20)
0 2 .q 2 2 C i/
Assuming that our basis functions are eigenfunctions of the Dirac hamiltonian
hO D , we can process this integral further. Then the commutator with an arbitrary
function of the space coordinates is
h i
hO D ; f .x/ D c ˛ pO f .x/ C ŒU; f .x/ : (J.21)
In particular
h i
hO D ; eikx D ic ˛ r eikx D c ˛ kO eikx : (J.23)
.˛ r /1 .˛ r /2 eikx D hD ; eikx 1
hD ; eikx 2
d3 k O O eikr 12 d3 k q 2 eikr 12
I2 D .˛ 1 k/.˛2 k/ D
.2/3 q 2 k2 C i .2/3 k2 q 2 k2 C i
provided that the orbitals are generated by a hamiltonian with a local potential.
354 J Some Integrals
1. Mandl, F., Shaw, G.: Quantum Field Theory. John Wiley and Sons, New York (1986)
2. Sakurai, J.J.: Advanced Quantum Mechanics. Addison-Wesley Publ. Co., Reading, Mass.
Appendix K
Unit Systems and Dimensional Analysis
K.1.1 SI System
The standard unit system internationally agreed upon is the SI system or System
Internationale.1 The basis units in this system are given in the following table:
For the definition of these units, the reader is referred to the NIST WEB page (see
footnote). From the basis units – particularly the first four – the units for most other
physical quantities can be derived.
In scientific literature, some simplified unit system is frequently used for conve-
nience. In relativistic field theory the relativistic unit system is mostly used, where
the first four units of the SI system are replaced by
For further details, see The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty
356 K Unit Systems and Dimensional Analysis
In the table, the dimension of the relativistic units in SI units are also shown. From
these four units, all units that depend only on the four SI units kg, s, m, A can be
derived. For instance, energy that has the dimension kg m2 m2 has the relativistic
unit me c 2 , which is the rest energy of the electron (511 keV). The unit for length is
D =2 0; 386 1012 m;
me c
where is Compton wavelength and the unit for time is 2c= 7; 77 104 s).
In atomic physics, the Hartree atomic unit system is frequently used, based on the
following four units
me 4
1H D ;
.40 /2 „3
which is known as the Hartree unit and equals twice the ionization energy of the
hydrogen atom in its ground state (27.2 eV). The atomic unit for length is
40 „2
a0 D
me 2
known as the Bohr radius or the radius of the first electron orbit of the Bohr hydro-
gen model (0:529 1010 m). The atomic unit of velocity is ˛c, where
˛D (K.1)
40 c„
K.2 Dimensional Analysis 357
In older scientific literature, a unit system, known as the cgs system, was frequently
used. This is based on the following three units:
In addition to the three units, it is necessary to define a fourth unit to be able to de-
rive most of the physical units. Here, two conventions are used. In the electrostatic
version (ecgs), the proportionality constant of Coulombs law, 40 , is set equal
to unity, and in the magnetic version (mcgs) the corresponding magnetic constant,
0 =4, equals unity. Since these constants have dimension, the systems cannot be
used for dimensional analysis (see below).
The most frequently used unit system of cgs type is the so-called Gaussian unit
system, where electric units are measured in ecgs and magnetic ones in mcgs. This
implies that certain formulas will look differently in this system, compared to a sys-
tem with consistent units. For instance, the Bohr magneton, which in any consistent
unit system will have the expression
which does not have the correct dimension. Obviously, such a unit system can easily
lead to misunderstandings and should be avoided.
used. Below we list a number of physical quantities and their dimension, expressed
in SI units, which could be helpful in performing such an analysis.
In most parts of the book, we have set „ D 1, which simplifies the formulas.
This also simplifies the dimensional analysis, and in the last column below we have
(after the sign )) listed the dimensions in that case.
kg m 1
Œforce D N D 2
) ;
s ms
kg m2 1
Œenergy D J D Nm D ) ;
s2 s
kg m2
Œaction; „ D Js D ) 1;
J kg m2 1
Œelectric potential D V D D ) ;
As As3 As2
kg m 1
Œelectric field; E D V=m D ) ;
As3 Ams2
kg 1
Œmagnetic field; B D Vs=m2 D 2
) ;
As Am2 s
kg m 1
Œvector potential; A D Vs=m D 2
) ;
As Ams
kg m 1
Œmomentum; p D ) ;
s m
Œcharge density; D 3 ;
Œcurrent density; j D 2 ;
kg m 1
Œ0 D N=A2 D 2 2 ) 2 ;
A s A ms
A2 s4 A2 s3
Œ0 D Œ1=0 c 2 D 3
) :
kg m m
Fourier transforms
DF .x1 ; x2 / D DF .zI x 1 ; x 2 / eiz.t2 t1 / ;
ŒA.!; x/ D sŒA.x/;
ŒA.!; k/ D sm3 ŒA.x/;
ŒA.k/ D m4 ŒA.x/:
K.2 Dimensional Analysis 359
Photon propagator
ŒDF .x; x/ D ;
A2 m2 s2
Œ0 DF .x; x/ D ;
Œ0 DF .k/ D sm;
Œ0 DF .k0 ; x/ D 2 ;
Œ0 DF .t; x/ D 2 ;
Œ0 DF .z; x/ D z D ck0 ;
Œ0 DF .z; k/ D s2 ;
Œe 2 c 2 DF .z; x/ D I.z; x/ D ;
e2 m
D :
0 s
Electron propagator
SOF .x; x/ ) s;
SF .x; x/ ) ;
SF .z; x/ ) 3 ;
SF .z; k/ ) s;
SF .k/ ) m:
SO .x; x/ ) 1;
S.z; x/ ) s;
S.z; k/ ) m4 :
360 K Unit Systems and Dimensional Analysis
Self energy
˙O .z/ ) ;
˙.z; x/ ) ;
s m3
˙.z; k/ ) ;
˙.k/ ) 2 :
.z; k/ ) 1;
.p; p 0 / ) :
Banach space, 277 d’Alembertian operator, 274
Bethe–Salpeter equation, 3, 119, 193, 199, 225 de Broglie’s relations, 13
effective potential form, 205 density operator, 120
Bethe–Salpeter–Bloch equation, 6, 156, 173, difference ratio, 139
193, 199, 206 dimensional analysis, 355
Bloch equation dimensional regularization, 163
for Green’s operator, 146 Dirac delta function, 277
generalized, 20, 23 Dirac equation, 1, 295
bra vector, 290 Dirac matrices, 296
Breit interaction, 38, 73, 318 Dirac sea, 38
Brillouin–Wigner expansion, 153 Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian, 37
Brown–Ravenhall effect, 2, 38, 178, 194, 216, discretization technique, 42
219 dot product, 135
Dyson equation, 108, 201, 243
Cauchy sequence, 276
closure property, 292 E
complex rotation, 37 effective Hamiltonian, 5, 20
configuration, 22 intermediate, 37
conjugate momentum, 15, 306 effective interaction, 23, 31
connectivity, 37 Einstein summation rule, 289
continuity equation, 314 electron field operators, 285
contraction, 18 electron propagator, 61, 98
contravariant vector, 273 equal-time approximation, 96, 120, 124, 173,
coordinate representation, 63, 292 205, 208
counterterms, 138 Euler-Lagrange equations, 308
coupled-cluster approach, 30 evolution operator, 47
normal-ordered, 34 exponential Ansatz, 33
coupled-cluster-QED expansion, 196 normal-ordered, 34
covariance, 1 external-potential approach, 4, 208
364 Index
F intermediate normalization, 21
Feynman amplitude, 88, 96, 124, 174, 335 intruder state, 23, 36
Feynman diagram, 28, 60, 87, 125, 335 irreducible diagram, 40, 127
fine structure, 165
first quantization, 13
Fock space, 133, 277 K
photonic, 6, 51, 132, 211 ket vector, 290
fold, 126 Klein-Gordon equation, 295
folded diagram, 23 Kronecker delta factor, 278
Fourier transform, 63
functional, 275
Furry picture, 21, 27 L
Furry’s theorem, 86 Lagrange equations, 305
Lagrangian function, 309
Lamb shift, 2, 79, 84, 157
G Laplacian operator, 274
g-factor, 164 Lehmann representation, 97
gamma function, 332 linked diagram, 28, 107
gauge Lippmann–Schwinger equation, 205
Coulomb, 59, 68, 76, 81, 315, 324, 329 Lorentz covariance, 1, 39, 60, 94, 119
covariant, 59, 65, 122, 125, 328 Lorentz force, 308
Feynman, 59, 65, 66, 81, 324, 326, 328 Lorentz transformation, 1
Fried-Yennie, 329 Lorenz condition, 314
Landau, 328
non-covariant, 329
gauge invariance, 314 M
gauge transformation, 327 many-body Dirac Hamiltonian, 133
Gaunt interaction, 213, 217 matrix elements, 291
Gell-Mann–Low theorem, 51 matrix representation, 291
relativistic, 131 Maxwell’s equations, 311, 312
Goldstone diagram, 25 metric tensor, 273
Goldstone rules, 24, 28, 125 minimal substitutions, 307
Green’s function, 3, 91 model space, 20
projected, 113 complete, 22
Green’s operator, 119, 134 extended, 23
Grotsch term, 164 model state, 20
Gupta-Bleuler formalism, 325 model-space contribution, 29, 56, 126, 138,
momentum representation, 300
H MSC, 56, 126
Hamiltonian density, 309 multi-photon exchange, 127
Hartree–Fock model, 26
Heaviside step function, 282
Heisenberg picture, 202, 286 N
Heisenberg representation, 92 no-virtual-pair approximation, 2, 37
helium fine structure, 225 non-radiative effects, 39
Hilbert space, 277 norm, 275
hole state, 119 normal order, 18
Hylleraas function, 5, 163
I pair correlation, 30
instantaneous approximation, 4 parent state, 52, 131
interaction picture, 47 partitioning, 21
Index 365
S-matrix, 3, 60, 157 V
scalar potential, 311 vacuum polarization, 2, 39, 84, 87
scalar product, 274 valence universality, 21, 36
scalar retardation, 213, 217 vector potential, 311
scattering matrix, 60 vector space, 275
Schrödinger equation, 15 vertex correction, 39, 82, 186, 240, 246
Schrödinger picture, 47
Schwinger correction, 164
second quantization, 16, 283 W
self energy Ward identity, 83, 242
electron, 39 wave operator, 20
self energy, 108 Wick’s theorem, 19
electron, 79, 157, 186, 239, 244 Wickmann-Kroll potential, 86