1 s2.0 S221478532206597X Main
1 s2.0 S221478532206597X Main
1 s2.0 S221478532206597X Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Hybrid nanofluids contain two or more types of nanoparticles mixed with conventional coolant to
Available online 26 October 2022 enhance the thermophysical properties at atomic level. In this study, CuO/SiO2 nanoparticles are dis-
tributed evenly in an ethylene glycol-based coolant and a hybrid nanofluid is formed to investigate the
Keywords: effect of heat transfer and thermophysical properties on automobile engines. The simulation is carried
Heat transfer out for various volume concentrations ranging from 0.1% to 0.5%. A significant enhancement is noted
Nanoparticle in the result as the nanoparticle used exhibits higher thermal conductivity. An enhancement in thermal
Volume concentration
conductivity is noted to be 6.5% higher than the water/EG coolant. A significant enhancement of 48.24% is
Thermal conductivity
Nusselt number
noted within Nusselt number and the heat transfer rate. As the volume concentration of nanoparticle is
increase from 0.1% to 0.5%, due turbulent nature of flow higher amalgamation of nanoparticle results in
better thermal performance of automobile system. A reduction of specific heat is noted at volume con-
centration of 0.5% is much better as compared to volume concentration of 0.1% nanofluid and water/
EG coolant. The superior properties of hybrid nanofluid make it an attractive choice as an automobile
coolant as the overall efficiency of automobile increases. The result obtained shows tremendous possibil-
ity to improve the performance of automobile and reduce fuel consumption.
Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Nanotechnology for Sustainable Living and Environment.
2214-7853/Copyright Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Nanotechnology for Sustainable Living and Environment.
R. Kumar, P. Kumar and A. Rajan Materials Today: Proceedings 76 (2023) 251–255
ethylene glycol under the same conditions. Naraki et al. [6] inves- 3. Mathematical modeling
tigate total heat transfer coefficient of copper oxide/water fluids
experimentally in the laminar flow regime in the range The modeling of a part of radiator is done on SOLIDWORKS and
(100 Re 1000) in a car radiator. The application of nanofluid imported in ANSYS. To obtain the result from numerical methods
improves the overall convective heat transfer coefficient up to finite volume method is used to solve the equation. Numerical
8 % at a nanofluid concentration of 0.4 % compared to the base fluid problem modeling is done in ANSYS FLUENT. The governing equa-
DW. Peyghambarzadeh et al. [7] When analyzing the heating per- tions are energy, momentum, momentum, turbulence kinetic
formance of a car radiator, the total convective heating coefficient energy and dissipation energy.
(U) is calculated using the traditional e-NTU method. CuO and
Fe2O3 nanoparticles are mixed into pure DW at a variable concen- ðqui Þ ¼ 0 ð1Þ
tration of 0.15–0.65 % of nanoparticles, considering the best @xi
acceptable pH for long-term stability. Compared to water, both
@ @p @ @ui
nanofluids have 9 % higher heat transfer coefficients. The effective uj q ui ¼ þ l qui uj ð2Þ
heat transfer coefficient is also improved by increasing the air @xj @x @xj @xj
velocity, nanoparticle concentration, and nanofluid velocity.
@ @ l lt @T
Kumar et al. [8] study the heat transfer analogy of nanofluids used ðqui TÞ ¼ þ ð3Þ
for automobile engine cooling. The article stablishes a crucial val- @xj @xi Pr Prt @xi
uation of the nanofluids in the car radiator cooling. Awais et al.
[9] investigate convective Heat transfer and pressure drop working @ @ ut @k
ðqui kÞ ¼ þl þ Gk qe ð4Þ
of a Nanofluid. In order to ensure the appropriate selection of ther- @xi @xj rk @xj
mal devices with thermal–hydraulic performance at the nanoscale,
this comprehensive study explores nanofluids’ impact on thermo- @ @ lt @e
ðqui eÞ ¼ þl þ ½C1e Gk qC2e e ð5Þ
hydraulic performance. Nanofluids are extensively discussed in @xi @xj re @xj k
relation to dimensions, concentrations, types and shapes of
nanoparticles, working temperatures, passive compounding tech- where Gk, the generation of turbulent kinetic energy, fluid velocity
niques, and magnetic field effects on heat transfer and pressure is u, fluid density is q, turbulent viscosity l, dissipation rate e and
drop performance as well as drawbacks such as fouling on heat rk, re, C1e, C2e and Cl are the constants. All geometric modeling
transfer surfaces. Naveen et al. [10] Experimentally investigate is done in SOLIDWORKS and imported into Ansys Fluent Design
on convective heat transfer parameters of an automobile radiator Modeler, see Table 1. Tetrahedral meshing is used as it provides
using graphene and H2O + EG nanofluid. Experiments were carried good results in complex geometries. Fig. 1 shows the meshing of
out on a car radiator by varying the mass flow rate and initial fluid the part of radiator taking into consideration. To perform the simu-
inlet temperature in the range of 2–8 l/min. The maximum lation K-x SST model is used because it shows better wall results in
increase in heat transfer rate is observed at higher mass flow rate high Reynolds number and high temperature, where flow near wall
and volume concentration of about 67.14 %. The maximum is more crucial.
improvement of CHT coefficient at higher mass concentration of
nanoparticles and mass flow rate is 66.32 %. The increase in Nusselt 4. Result and discussion
number is 54.40 % at higher mass flow rate and volume concentra-
tion of nanofluid. The temperature of the liquid inlet is in the range To study the effect of the inlet temperature of the refrigerant on
of 2–8 l/min. the performance of heat transfer, the experiment is carried out for
From the various available literatures comprises of heat transfer an inlet temperature of 358 K.The coolant flow rate was used from
augmentation of heat exchangers use of hybrid nanofluid is still in 5 LPM- 11 LPM. The temperature contour for simulation at volume
progress and various hybrid nanofluid of different mixing ratio can concentration of 0.5 % of hybrid nanofluid is shown in Fig. 2. Tem-
show tremendous growth in heat transfer rate. In the current perature drop within radiator tube is found to be 5.5 K which is
study, a numerical investigation is presented to analyse the con-
vective heat transfer rate and turbulent fluid flow of pressured
Nanofluid coolant of CuO + SiO2 hybrid nanofluid of mixing ratio Table 1
Description of physical model of radiator used
(50:50) by volume in automobile radiator of compact SUV Tata in study.
Nixon. Further in analysis, Nusselt number, convective heat trans-
fer and total thermal performance of radiator is carried out for var- Dimensional Parameters Value
Tube length (mm) 290
ious volume concentrations of hybrid nanofluid ranging 0.1 % to Tube height (mm) 2
0.5 % v/V in Water/EG base coolant. Tube width (mm) 18
Fin thickness (mm) 1
Spacing between tube (mm) 9
No. of tube 44
India. To prepare nanofluid, the nanoparticles of required volume DW/CuO + SiO2 Density Specific heat Thermal
concentration i.e 0.1 % 0.5 % in increment of 0.1 % of five different (Concentration %) (kg/m3) capacity conductivity
concentration were mixed in equal quantity and dispersed in (J/kg K) (W/mK)
Water /EG mixture in ultrasonic vibrator for 2 h. The prepared 0.1 1112.605 3659.257 0.616
nanofluid is taken into visual inspection for 14 days before using. 0.2 1156.934 3369.685 0.632
0.3 1209.256 3045.681 0.665
The nanoparticles are nearly the spherical shape of diameter
0.4 1279.249 2865.959 0.706
within range of 30 and 50 nm. Properties of hybrid nanofluid is 0.5 1382.553 2523.548 0.758
listed in Table 2.
R. Kumar, P. Kumar and A. Rajan Materials Today: Proceedings 76 (2023) 251–255
Fig. 2. Temperature contour of radiator tube for volume concentration 0.3% hybrid nanofluid.
1.3 K less than the temperature drop achieve from SiO2 nanofluid
coolant for similar set up. Effective thermal conductivity of hybrid
nanofluid is calculated and express in Fig. 3. The maximum effec-
tive thermal conductivity is found to be 1.07 at volume concentra-
tion of 0.5 % and minimum of 1.03 at volume concentration of
0.1 %. Fig. 4 shows that the total convective heat transfer coefficient
(CHT) shows tremendous growth with increase in flow rate and for
Fig. 5. Nusselt number vs flow rate for various volume concentrations of nanofluid.
Fig. 7. Relationship between Pressure drop and flow rate for various volume
that Nusselt number shows increment as the mass flow rate concentrations.
increase and with the surge in nanoparticle concentration. The
Nusselt number at flow rate of 5 l/min is noted to be 82.34 for vol-
ume concentration of 0.1 % and 87.65 for 0.5 % volume concentra-
Fig. 8 represents the performance factor of radiator for differ-
tion. The 6.5 % increment in Nusselt number is due to the volume
ent flow rate of hybrid nanofluid coolant. Expanded view of pic-
concentration of hybrid nanofluid. As the flow rate increase Nusselt
ture is shown in Fig. 9 for better clarity. It is found that at
number increases with it because at high flow rate CHT is observed
to be maximum. The maximum Nusselt number is noted to be
156.24 for flow rate of 11 l/min which is 48.24 % more than the
DW at 11 l/min mass flow rate. The expanded view of Nusselt
number to flow rate graph is shown in Fig. 6 for clear
Fig. 7 Represent the relationship between pressure drop and
mass flow rate pressure drop increases with increase in mass flow
rate. Pressure drop in plain tube is subjected to the mass flow rate
and volume concentration of nanoparticle. With increase in vol-
ume concentration of nanoparticles in coolant density of fluid
increases and that result in high viscosity of nanofluid. Pressure
drop shows a very adverse effect on the pumping power of fluid.
At 5 l/min and 0.1 % volume concentration pressure drop is found
to be 195 Pa which are 425.67 Pa for volume concentration of 0.5 %.
It is important to note here that with coolant with low particle con-
centration of nanoparticle required less pumping power while high
concentration nanofluid required more pumping power. At volume
concentration of 0.5 % and flow rate of 11 l/min pressure drop is as
high as 1608 Pa and 678 Pa for 0.1 % volume concentration of
nanoparticle. Fig. 8. Performance factor of Radiator vs mass flow rate of coolant.
Fig. 6. Expanded views of Nusselt number vs flow rate. Fig. 9. Performance factor vs flow rate extended view.
R. Kumar, P. Kumar and A. Rajan Materials Today: Proceedings 76 (2023) 251–255
mass flow rate of 9 l/min and 0.3 vol concentrations performance Declaration of Competing Interest
factor is maximum at 1.56 while minimum of 1.36 at flow rate of
5 l/min. performance factor is depends on Nusselt number as well The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
as the pressure drop across radiator tube. While at 11 l/min and cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
particle concentration of 0.5 % it is observed to 1.49 which is due to influence the work reported in this paper.
to the fact that with increase in density pumping power required
also increase. Acknowledgement