Inheritance 1 3 3

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Fossils give us information about organisms from a long time ago.

(a) Amber is a solid, glass-like material. Amber is formed from a thick, sticky liquid which
oozes out of pine trees.

The image shows two fossil insects in amber.

© fkienas/iStock/Thinkstock

(i) Suggest how the insects came to be preserved in the amber.


(ii) Give two other ways fossils are formed.




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(b) The fossil record shows that many organisms, including the dinosaurs, became extinct 65
million years ago.

One theory was that volcanic activity might have caused this mass extinction. Many
scientists believe that this extinction was caused when an asteroid collided with the Earth.

(i) A new scientific theory may replace an old theory.

Why might this happen?

Tick ( ) one box.

Evidence from amber is unreliable.

Internet evidence is more reliable than fossil


New technology provides more valid evidence.


(ii) Give three reasons, other than volcanic activity and collision with an asteroid, why a
species may become extinct.




(Total 8 marks)

In each question, draw a ring around the correct answer to complete the sentence.
(a) Our understanding of how genes are inherited is mostly because of


the work of Lamarck.



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(b) A scientist investigated inheritance in pea plants.

The scientist crossed tall pea plants with short pea plants. Diagram 1 shows the results.

Diagram 1

Some tall offspring Some short offspring

In the rest of this question, the following symbols are used to represent alleles.

T = allele for tall

t = allele for short

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(i) The 1st cross in Diagram 1 produced 120 offspring. All of these offspring were tall.


This shows that plant 1 contained the alleles Tt.



a dominant allele.

the environment.
(ii) Plant 3 is tall because of

a recessive allele.


(c) Diagram 2 gives more information about the cross between plant 3 and plant 4.

Diagram 2

This cross produced some tall offspring and some short offspring.


The ratio of tall to short offspring in Diagram 2 is 2:1.



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(d) Two short plants were crossed. This cross produced 100 offspring.

100 short plants.

The expected offspring would be 50 tall plants and 50 short plants.

75 tall plants and 25 short plants.

(Total 5 marks)

Figure 1 shows a fossil of a sea animal called a Plesiosaur.

3 The Plesiosaur was alive about 135 million years ago.

Figure 1

By Andy Dingley (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (],

via Wikimedia Commons

(a) How can fossils give evidence for evolution?

Tick ( ) one box.

Newer fossils are simpler than older fossils.

Fossils show change over time.

All fossils show the bones of animals.


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(b) Plesiosaurs lived in the sea. There was mud at the bottom of the sea.

Suggest how the fossil shown in Figure 1 may have been formed after the animal died.


(c) Figure 2 shows what scientists think a living Plesiosaur may have looked like.

Figure 2

© Andreas Meyer/Hemera/Thinkstock

Scientists think that the Plesiosaur had smooth skin, with no scales.

The scientists cannot be certain what the skin of a Plesiosaur was like.
Suggest why.


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(d) Plesiosaurs are now extinct.

Give two possible reasons why.



(Total 7 marks)

Scientists have produced many different types of GM (genetically modified) food crops.
(a) Use words from the box to complete the sentence about genetic engineering.

clones chromosomes embryos genes

GM crops are produced by cutting out of the

of one plant and inserting them into the cells of a crop


(b) Read the information about GM food crops.

• Herbicide-resistant GM crops produce higher yields.

• Scientists are uncertain about how eating GM food affects our health.

• Insect-resistant GM crops reduce the total use of pesticides.

• GM crops might breed naturally with wild plants.

• Seeds for a GM crop can only be bought from one manufacturer.

• The numbers of bees will fall in areas where GM crops are grown.

Use this information to answer these questions.

(i) Give two reasons why some farmers are in favour of growing GM crops.




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(ii) Give two reasons why many people are against the growing of GM crops.



(Total 6 marks)

When humans reproduce, chromosomes and genes are passed on to the next generation.
In each of the following questions, draw a ring around the correct answer to complete the


(a) A gene is a small section of DNA.



X and X.

X and Y.
(b) The sex chromosomes in the human male are

Y and Y.


23 chromosomes.

(c) (i) Most human body cells contain 46 chromosomes.

92 chromosomes.


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(ii) The number of chromosomes in a human gamete (sex cell)

the same number as

is half the number in body cells.

twice the number



(d) Gametes are produced by


(Total 5 marks)

The photograph shows a fossil footprint. The fossil was found in a rock at the bottom of a shallow
6 river.

Scientists believe this is the footprint of a dinosaur. The dinosaur was alive 110 million years ago.

© Pearl Jackson/iStock

(a) (i) Suggest how the fossil shown in the photograph was formed.


(ii) Fossils may also be formed by other methods.

Describe one other method of forming a fossil.

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(b) Dinosaurs are now extinct.

Give two factors that can cause extinction.




(c) How can fossils give evidence for evolution?


(d) Scientists are uncertain about how life began on Earth.


(Total 6 marks)

In sexual reproduction, an egg fuses with a sperm.

(a) (i) Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete the sentence.

An egg and a sperm fuse together in the process of fertilisation.


(ii) Egg cells and sperm cells each contain the structures given in the box.

chromosome gene nucleus

List these three structures in size order, starting with the smallest.

1 (smallest)

3 (largest)

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(iii) The egg and the sperm contain genetic material.

Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete the sentence.

The genetic material is made of DNA.


(b) The diagram below shows the inheritance of X and Y chromosomes.

(i) Draw a tick ( ) on the part of the diagram that shows a sperm cell.

(ii) What is the chance of having a female child?

Give the reason for your answer.

(Total 7 marks)

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(a) Complete the sentences about evolution.
Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete each sentence.


(i) Darwin suggested the theory of evolution by natural selection.



(ii) Darwin’s theory of evolution says that all species of living things have


evolved from complex life forms.


three billion

(iii) Most scientists believe that life first developed about three million

three thousand

years ago.

(b) Darwin’s theory of evolution was only slowly accepted by other people.

Give two reasons why.


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(c) Diagram 1 shows one model of the relationship between some animals.

Diagram 1

(i) Complete the sentence.

The model shown in Diagram 1 is an evolutionary .


(ii) Which two of the animals in Diagram 1 are most closely related?


(iii) Diagram 2 shows a more recent model of the relationship between the animals.

Diagram 2

Suggest one reason why scientists have changed the model of the relationships
between the animals shown in the diagram.

Draw a ring around the correct answer.

more powerful new evidence new species

computers from fossils discovered

(Total 8 marks)

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This question is about evolution in humans.
The graph shows:

• the estimated brain volume of different species of humans

• the time when the different species existed on Earth.

The data is plotted for modern humans (Homo sapiens) and for three types of extinct ancestors
of humans.

Millions of years ago

Each point plotted on the graph shows the estimate for one human.

(a) (i) As humans evolved, their brain volume changed.

What has happened to human brain volume over the past 4 million years?


(ii) Why is the evidence for estimated brain volume for Homo sapiens stronger than the
evidence for Australopithecus afarensis?


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(b) In a book, the brain volume of a different species, Australopithecus africanus, is stated to
be about 600 cm3.

Use evidence from the graphic above to estimate when Australopithecus africanus lived on

Estimate = million years ago


(c) Scientists believe that modern humans evolved by natural selection from Australopithecus

(i) Complete the following sentence.

In the nineteenth century, the scientist who suggested the theory of evolution

by natural selection was Charles .


(ii) In the nineteenth century, many people did not accept this scientist’s theory.

Give one reason why.

(Total 5 marks)

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Mark schemes
(a) (i) any two from:
1 • trapped / held (since sticky)
• engulfed / covered by resin
allow engulfed / covered by amber
• prevented decay.

(ii) any two from:

• animal / plant (dies and) body covered in sediment / mud
ignore ref to rock
allow covered in tar / ice
• bones / shells / hard parts do not decay
• minerals enter bones / parts are replaced by other materials /
• preserved traces / footprints / burrows / rootlet traces / impressions /

(b) (i) New technology provides more valid evidence.


(ii) any three from:

examples of physical factors, e.g.
accept 3 physical factors or 3 biological factors or some of each for
full marks

• flooding
• drought
• ice age / temperature change.
ignore pollution

examples of biological factors, e.g.

• (new) predators (allow hunters)
• (new) disease / named pathogen
• competition for food
• competition for mates
competition must be qualified
• cyclical nature of speciation
• isolation
• lack of habitat or habitat change.
if no other answers given allow natural disaster / weather change
/ catastrophic event / environmental change / climate change for 1

(a) Mendel
2 1

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(b) (i) TT

(ii) a dominant allele


(c) 1 :1

(d) 100 short plants


(a) fossils show change over time.

3 1

(b) covered in sediment / mud or sinks into the mud


soft parts decay / are eaten

bones / hard parts / shell do not decay

minerals enter bones / parts are replaced by minerals / mineralisation

accept turns to rock
allow ‘is an impression’ / ‘imprint’ / ‘cast’

(c) skin is soft / skin not preserved / not fossilised / skin decays
accept not enough / no evidence / no-one has seen one
allow ‘this fossil is only bones’

(d) any two examples of:

accept 2 physical factors or 2 biological factors or one of each for
full marks

physical factors such as volcanic activity (allow volcanoes) / earthquakes / asteroid

(collision) / ice age / temperature change
ignore pollution

and / or

biological factors such as predators / disease / named pathogen / competition/ lack of

food / mates / cyclical nature of speciation / isolation / lack of habitat or habitat
if no other answers given allow natural disaster / climate change /
weather change / catastrophic event / environmental change for 1

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(a) genes
4 1


(b) (i) higher yield


less use of pesticides


(ii) any two from:

• uncertain about effects on health

• fewer bees

• might breed with wild plant

• seeds only from one manufacturer


(a) DNA
5 1

(b) X and Y

(c) (i) 46 chromosomes


(ii) half the number


(d) meiosis

(a) (i) animal walking on soft material or suitably named material


further detail – eg dries out / buried / hardens / turns to rock

do not allow general descriptions of how fossils are formed or
reference to bones not decaying

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(ii) any one from:

• (from) bones / shells / hard parts or from parts that do not decay / rot or
are preserved
ignore imprint / impression

• animal trapped in resin / amber / ice / peat

allow frozen

• infiltration with minerals / named


(b) any two from:

examples of physical factors such as flooding, volcanic activity (allow volcanoes)

asteroid collision, drought, ice age / temperature change
accept 2 physical factors or 2 biological factors or one of each for
full marks
ignore pollution

examples of biological factors such as predators (allow hunters), disease / named

pathogen, competition lack of food / mates, cyclical nature of speciation / isolation /
lack of habitat or habitat change
If no other answers given allow natural disaster / climate change /
weather change / catastrophic event / environmental change for 1

(c) older fossils simpler

to gain the mark there must be implication of change


change (with time)

ignore evolve
ignore extinction

(d) insufficient / no evidence / no remains or fossils survive

ignore no people were there
allow no proof
(a) (i) fertilisation
7 1

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(ii) in sequence:
accept 1 next to gene, 2 next to chromosome and 3 next to nucleus
in box

1 gene
2 chromosome
3 nucleus
allow 1 mark for smallest or largest in correct position

(iii) DNA

(b) (i) On diagram:

tick drawn next to X and / or Y from Parent 1

tick(s) must be totally outside grid squares
allow ticks around “parent ”
extra ticks elsewhere cancel

(ii) 0.5 / ½ / 50% / 1:1 / 50:50 / 1 in 2

allow 2/4 / 2 in 4 / 2 out of 4 / ‘even(s)’ / ‘fifty – fifty’
do not allow 1:2 or ‘50 / 50’ or ‘50 – 50’

2 (out of 4) boxes are XX


half of the sperm contain an X-chromosome

allow XY is male and 2 (out of 4) boxes are XY

(a) (i) natural

8 1

(ii) simple

(iii) three billion


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(b) any two from:

• reference to religion

• insufficient evidence / couldn’t prove it / no proof

ignore no evidence

• mechanism of inheritance / variation not known

allow genes / DNA not known about

• reference to other theories

• reference to Darwin’s status


(c) (i) tree


(ii) hippopotamus and pig

both required, either order
allow hippo

(iii) new evidence from fossils


(a) (i) (volume) increases (with time)

ignore numbers

(ii) there is more evidence / specimens / results (for Homo sapiens)

allow examples of this, eg more / better fossils
allow converse if clearly referring to Australopithecus
ignore reference to being ‘more recent’

(b) 2.5 – 3.15 (million years ago)

accept any number in range

(c) (i) Darwin


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(ii) any one from:

• they believed in other theories

allow they believed that God made all life
• insufficient evidence
ignore ‘no evidence’
• no proof
allow not enough proof
• genes / mechanism of inheritance not known / discovered

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