Q. 1. (A)
(i) (B)
(ii) (C)
(iii) (A)
(iv) (B)
(v) (D).
Q. 1. (B)
(i) Haemoglobin
(ii) Tsunami
(iii) Yeast
(iv) Acorn worms or Balanoglossus belongs to Hemichordata.
Body parts : Proboscis, collar and trunk.
(v) Indeterminate – (b) Giant squirrel (Shekhru).
Q. 2. (A)
(1) When there is deficiency of oxygen in the surrounding, the aerobic respiration
is not possible.
(2) In such case, to survive, higher plants switch over to anaerobic respiration.
(3) In some animal tissues in case of oxygen deficiency cells perform anaerobic
(1) When a single huge tree is felled, many living organisms which are dependent
on it, are exterminated.
(2) Many insects, fungi, birds, etc. lose their habitat.
Trees take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen.
These natural cycles are also hindered due to loss of trees.
(4) Due to trees there is shade, cooler atmosphere and increase in the rainfall.
When such trees are destroyed all the components in the ecosystem are
destroyed too.
(iii) (1) Outdoor games give good physical exercise. These games give many physical
(2) It improves personal discipline, interaction with fellow players and create
sense of unity.
(3) Through play by driving away the loneliness, mental stress and depression
is reduced.
(4) The person becomes more social.
(5) Therefore, it is said that the importance of outdoor games is unparalleled.
(iii) (1) Edible vaccines are those which are given as a food by incorporating them
into the foodstuff.
(2) Such edible vaccines are produced through biotechnology.
(3) Transgenic potatoes are produced with the help of biotechnology which
contain vaccine that act against bacteria like Vibrio cholerae, Escherichia
(4) If raw potatoes are consumed, then the immunity is generated against
cholera and the diseases caused by E. coli.
(iv) (1) I am from phylum Cnidaria or Coelenterata
(2) Starfish, I am from phylum Echinodermata
(v) (1) Endangered species : Lion tailed monkey
(2) Rare species : Red panda
(3) Vulnerable species : Tiger
(4) Indeterminate species : Shekhru
Q. 3. (i) (1) Mucor : Spore formation
(2) Bryophyllum : Vegetative propagation with the help of buds present on the leaf
(3) Paramoecium : Transverse binary fission.
(1) Aves are totally adapted for the aerial (1) Mammals are adapted for terrestrial
mode of life. life.
Body is spindle-shaped. Body is (2)
Body is not spindle-shaped. It is
divisible into head, neck and trunk. divisible into head, neck, trunk and
There are two pairs of limbs. The tail. There are two pairs of limbs.
forelimbs are modified to form wings They are adapted for walking or
for flight. running on the ground.
(3) Digits have scales and claws. (3) Digits have nails or hoofs. Few have
The exoskeleton is in the form of (4) The exoskeleton is in the form of fur,
feathers. hair, wool, etc.
(5) Jaws are modified into a beak. (5)
Jaws have teeth and they surround
the mouth.
(6) Birds are oviparous. The eggs hatch (6)
Mammals are viviparous. They give
into nestlings. birth to live young ones. (Exception :
(7) The incubation of eggs and feeding of (7)
Parental care is shown only by
nestlings is done by both parents. mother, who feeds the babies with
milk from mammary glands.
Examples : Crow, Sparrow, Peacock, Examples : Cat, Dog, Tiger, Lion,
Parrot, Pigeon, Duck, Penguin, etc. Elephant, Human, Kangaroo, Dolphin,
Bat, etc.
Fig. Anaphase
Fig. Telophase