Re-Elect Mayor Esposito SEEC 20 January 10

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Os SEEC FORM 20 oz ad ONAN Jeter emzed Campaign Fiance Dactare Statement ieecitr srecactonsttront tars cones 94 (0935 = ee — COVER PAGE freectvyer Eons aa Pe Fianey i SS te =— [eres Set Pay ee CT PS eT) en) syp712023 | Mayor - City of Danbury ps Bean e Esposto = Orsay meinen OP pentagon Dat Ont ty Oiayrsionsrimy QWs nantten eng 508 Crrdgpntg seca Ode pe oute Wag Ormadazeaegccee Oreninann OS ee Onsale en Begining Date Ending Date sonore iow 12012008 ‘heey certify and state, ude penal of is sateen, thal fhe norman store this Nemled CampagnFlenace Dlcoere Statement or he period covered isirue acura and complete aaa ornor02e “paasinan On MCTY EASTER ONATIRE) Famosos) “person who i fund have owing and wll lated any provisos of he campalg oane aes "seal pony imprison cr bth SEEC FORM 20 GRUNER EN EEChions TORENT eOUSSION Pagedattt SUMMARY PAGE TOTALS ieee a [erway 10 COLUMN A COLUMNS This Period Asgreate Tir Baines ond amen of et or cpg pay comits OR Balms on ad fo yoni es od lorena 0097558 12 alan and ae begning Rpg Ped fr ee 13, Corbin Reve om indivi (Seton A dB) [7250 [rrse000 14 Resp tom Othe Commits (Salons m2) frorse a |S, ter Moe Resi (Seon eg KD Tout Proceed mS Parcs (Seon LI Sipe 1+ Subp). 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Total Contributions rom Small Contributors Received this Period ONLY | 1B Tiemiaed Contributions trom Fedividals = = —a = ee = sare ha 0 i Saar BL | Gemma OL ze ee Oo oe (Gra Groazana Gouna Onsen Quay] HS ~ Fiona tee [Bees ees oe as none Poe |USA Removal a Co i | aaa gi cae Fee OS One ounen Oo [Gan mom ment One Onn | ED fe = Fenton as Fe & es eee se ae FB Soe Ser a a peamae BS [a Oe OS fame a OS a BS Pao Oe ee On oe [cme Orenensct @ereevenecis Ope ascn Oren one | HIRES SUBTOTAL Section B — Tas Page [$2100.00 TOTAL of ditional Section B Pages |$2.625.00 "TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS Sota 7) "trl or in Ce Say Pe oy [725 00 anil Section B ADDITIONAL PAGE ® of! e-Elect Mayor Esposio| [January 10 ‘Ar Teal Contribaions from Small Conribwiors Recehed ths Period ONLY | ferment fal mtn SUBTOTAL SECTION A TB, Kemtzed Contributions from Iadividuals PPrnty 6, Society Hil Road Decor [remeron OTe [ripmocacisoes Oke ec egoetasasnt Train [Oct Oreseaucinn, @owsume cut Ort Dain Ora Ose ‘SUBTOTAL Section B — Ths Page| ‘TOTAL et addtional Svto B Pages [402500 TOTAL OF ALL CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INDIVIDUALS Geos AB) 4.725 00 (ro Lin Cs 4 Sn ee Fa a faa Sou care Dove owner am aorcton es or a Soares oe ‘00.00 [ramomingesiaa Yo heen spec amare rere beetemnatetecetit 1% [emma ar S: [EE oo [Crass Orenon creck OrmiivDebir Cet Omri! 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Hemized Contributions from Individuals Foes ew 7 [se arownead Road [Brockton jer loses [Owner [Boston Garage Dotury Se Sanremo I" “ anor an 0007 "Os Se" "| $1,000.00 Secrquned asesenti \jasiecatacsecas fees Genera [ean @rennn Cet Ocvevne cut Ono raison Ovo | TVR Leena Fl = SS 0 See as OF a ln oe Se Pe omen eas — as : a Pee Se Rane OF | Saenger area 8 ES oo oe lean Orme Qcinsotcat Orem acon Onn On SUBTOTAL Secen B— Tals Page [1.00000 ‘TOTAL of addona Section 8 Page [9.72500 secre I MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) Peete TOF COREE pe ia aa TS aoe [e-eec: Mayor sposio Lars 10 “Ci Contributions from Other Commiioes ee a ra br pe rao aroma maream Ov On | me pet os ra —— rr Taam OVO ate aoe ‘Ge Reimburseneats or Surplus Distributions from other Committees [Danbury Republican Town Commies MaryAnn Sratner [PO Box 2254 osntury lor Joes: oe ai aot ar [Oxenham Osan Dina 20400) Orernaner eset gone Ofuke Dirton coca I. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) Pesan Tao OTE ashen is oF Tr Loans Recelve ts Perio Gm O cme Orit Ose peer os oe BiH tee Quant Qore | a anes Ye" Ov ae er jun Ocmtase O sia ‘TOTAL SECTION TE Resp from Knilies her than Individuals 0 Other Conmlice lfoenden Gromians ONY) seems I. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A—K) Pentti ao TT Ey Pa OFT Amount Tranforred from Aflinted Business Treaury asin Enay Commis ONLY) Tear Toners eeaa= ig tomtens amar ‘searorain sec Tra bent [H Persoaal Funds ofthe Candidate Received this Period (anaes Conmioa ONLY) Ocean Ormmatenet _Ocnsonaecu bere a ie cet Orenmicns —— Ocmtuoaicad cut Oremmicnct —_ Ocean ct Orerastcnnt T Anonymous Contributions Per Public Act 11-48, Anonymous Contributions may no longer be deposited in xy amount. Ifa commitee receives an anonymous contribution, the campaign treasurer shall immediately remit the contribution tothe State Elections Enforcement Commission ‘or deposit inthe General Fund. al I. MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections A~K) Page Toft ho COM sacar oe rm j { Tneret from Deposits la Authored Account 1K, Miscellaneous Monetary Receipts not Considered Contributions a or = pam a ror oa Tis ret ti ‘SUMMARY OF OTHER MONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections D th ou Lane Revie is Prod (Sern) [rot Recipe fom tr te tan Indie or Other Commies (Sector) * tt Amwet Toned om Aad Dain Treuey ation F) 7 Tt Amowst Tranvtered from Aid Labor Ueno Other Organon Trea Gecioa G) + Tot Ameant of Peal ands ote Cri Recodo (etn = Tot Anewat nro rom Dept in Autoren ecu eo J) + Tol Mietnarns Monary Reig nt Combed Contrbnon Geta K) aoa I, EVENT ACTIVITY (Sections L1—L5) Poets aT, aaa Crear Ta freat formation == [Wo icabnanine Ove On la rn F ar Sipe (a Cas art etd ts pe snc? (Ove (yep Scie 5a Deena at Comer Ca ets ‘mie wie Froese rms By ne enn Nea iis intr cae pnts eis Sv anne ely OVes Ups ps Tend Dano ma Coli Cs stays Sarton dom ym ey S10 Was israel woe To as i pach oe en eof ops 00? 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Section L2. removed Ta Pacha of a Book or ona JQnaaestmy Qore |Orinionae reriaoohe er par area ES [famatotRcee a] Aaa gS Qveiestmy Qore |Oriviaw i rerscony Fear = vee peer co a r= mTOR |Qdsinsrty Qorer |Oninianre reps a ear TSR Rata Pane] Anmeo ™ [Qeaeartay Qos [Onan rian [i fem a [Oui Eniy Qe |Qvenarsiersmanee cr rar ore Lany ca ‘amen ofa Force =o Il, EVENT ACTIVITY (Sections L1—L5) renee ECR aaa TE TA Te Kind Donations Not Considered Contributions pie a =e == ar Mark Teo Don Ovsiem —— eaar = [aor Osserepeaneny os ar Marat eon Onis co = poe ea J Ossermpracay Qpanes ny Orsvas rama ar aa J Osermercoany ae ar Mae oan Orci tae oo [ere iaae JO sserranacane ‘SURTOTAL Seon Ls Ta Page “TOTAL of aiden Sain Pgs "TOTAL. OF ALLICKIND DONATIONS NOT CONSIDERED CONTRIBUTIONS Eero Lie Ce of Srna Page Tah) sere Il, EVENT ACTIVITY (Sections LI—L5) ee TA Sma Poss op wa RT TEE To: Kind Donations Not Considered Contributions Associated witha House Pariy oo sts appr mar as os ae oan? Ove (ratte a enn LS pera er area =a oS "Prope ene Ad fee ar ere a I (ye ene Aeon a a =o "Ppp enc an ‘SUBTOTAL Section LS — This Poge ‘TOTAL ofadational Seton LS Pages pt [ASSOCIATED WITHA MOUSE PARTY (Eel on Line 2 Coan Ao Summary Pag To) oe II. NONMONETARY RECEIPTS (Sections M—O) Peete An OF COTTE Pa Cn TE SFR TH To-Kied Contributions roa a [Gnasnttastremnn Oot ee ememmuemare= is | qmmanemiteen: a acne eS oe crs pce aaa ORS TR a a TT Orrstnsoermpnaenin Orne ee Oe] LL | Te eer ger Somcesteermnogetwreeremmanncrny | dana ‘Senspondeicost ie Ponce arcs a renee eee Poort areata cine Oleg ror Raa OR SRT TE JOratcat/Sucropinaany Ose [ees OC] SS | Soto ae Grsestohe since weretcemiamner | qfuacainien aa 3 ert ‘Oe Ow Tasoniamemmdahe — Q Ye |bemtanarpaCammagmewapencieaan came Oe ‘request No | "fp ene tin eer arouse Tira ron pramen occa aan Q aaave Qtepae ‘SURTOTAL ston M— Tis Page "TOTAL fatten Secon M Paes TOTAL OF ALL IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS our tow Gum o/c Po a TN: Refundable Deposit to Telephone Company ‘sen "TOTAL SECTION N fr al on ne Cn A Sma Page Ty eh dehy etnies. ta a IV. EXPENDITURES (Sections P—1) Page ett Ra CORT Ps Cp pa none FRe-Eiect Mayor Esposto [anvary 10 F. Bxpensa Paid by Commie {eke Sam es [79 Shergen Svest Danbury si ar CNSLT \coneutan Fase Sam iemtuneer gt Gte) ripe in non uaa) OcOp 03 |r701 JFK eh Prisasipnia ent tereaue Section P. ADDITIONALPAGE ‘__«*__ Rae or cE aaa amore elect Mayor Esposto [January 10 TP xpences Paid by Commitee |Conquest Communications nies J@cnex i047 rs poets Our 2812 Emermoed Pry Ste 103 Fichmona va feae08 Jer pGLs |Potng — 4850.00 Foe enon dn Pits Roe i ce |7ée Clapboard Rcge Road Danbury fet focess lors CNSLT [Consultant scowl wt $1,000.00 SS eS Cornaat ae enema ang fase erent See ee boa oa . com, Sree ca eee Ertan [So oamana nate = 7 - a $61,707.31 $$... i at penn oa edepensen: = ee 01.2 anes a 7 = aor Boar [S260 [Food or vtunters scromen Section P. ADDITIONAL PAGE *_ «®__ [ion or canter pcos rapier noon et Mayr Expo ener 10 Pipes hy Commies a ea rn Bona wees Game aera rr Sa orca owen steve Ean er fice Sa mF oe S=FEGG" [Rooter wanes sso SSS een Asin a ne aR ee ES” waenin nae eee : Janosot 2323 oars Qos fas Oo i frome $3900 aa pexOc Oe a jy Satie Te” [aan ro cox create Date freer [acm [Sooo — scram Section P. ADDITIONALPAGE * [rococo aT eT eect Mayor Epc Bana 10 7 Rape Pa by Commie [Conquest Commuricaone ia cist rose Sb merc Phy St 108 Remon [SemARare [Prone bakng be calle ~ Fa eth ogame creme scathing cas i coterie 2 Oc Oo Prony ae cub ines [Somat {0 Christer Columbus Ave Danbury [cr fossto Fakes 3267 : sg seston. ADDITIONALEAGE ‘_

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