How to write a Reflective EssayFormat & Purpose:
Not autobiography, but your reflection on a particular life experience,
person or thing. To also explore how you have changed, or learned from it.
hat Happened What does the How wilyouepply
our future
‘areee este?Describe: What was the event/
who is the person or thing?
How did you feel before?
Interpret: Was it a positive
ZO or negative experience?
How were you affected?
What was your reaction?
Introduction: Hook,
background & thesis
(intro the topic)
A happy accident!
Evaluate: Why was it
Conclusion: valuable/meaningful to
Repeat you?
thesis and Plan: How did this event/interaction/
closing experience change your outlook on life/
thoughts future?In my. short fe, there are many experiences that could guality as Hook
life-changing. Every new experience was, at one time or another,
the first experience. For good or bad, each instance changed the °*°roround
course that my life has taken. Bui. the mostransformatve Thesis
experience was the birth of my youngest brother. mee
When it comes to books, | didn’t understand the appeal, Vdread Hook
one after another for each assignment not understanding what all S2ckoround
the fuss was about. However, the moment | read Pride and Thesis:
Prejudice, it was like my literary eyes opened for the first time. It [wees
stirred love within me for classics | Fa SES oe realize could exist. "nor
experienceDescribe: the person, thing or event in more detail and
how you felt before
\oelis someone my parents often call a happy accident. At the time
‘hat my mother became pregnant, Iwas 13, and my ether brother,
lake, was 10. We were whst you would calla wel-rourded, pertect
‘amily of four, We neatly ft into the perfect classification im neary
every way, We didot resize whalae were missing until the
moment that my youngest brother fist opened his striking blue
In tuth, | vesented the fact that | would be having another siting,
Nothing needed to be added to our family, and my mother, already
“Bal the tine, was considered high risk because of her age. The
pregnancy itself was full of complications that sent the straight
course of my life into rollercoastar-ike loops that my 13-year-old
mind had a hard time Comproherg Gt you: can see how
forging through those loops helped me to rol with the punches that
ifeinevtably brings
Interpret: how were you affected/ what was your reaction?
Evaluate: how was this meaningfullife changing?
‘The day Joe! was bom, my mother took me with her to the hospital
rather than my father, it wasnt a planned move, but Jake and my
father were both feverish; I was tne next best alternative. Siting.
vith her through every contraction, Igained a new respect for just
how powerful and song & woman could be in what might be
consideTed their weakest moment, Holding her hand and feeding
“oneldered Tek weakest moment. Holding her hand and feeding,
eriee chips, [gained a connection with my mether that | cként
realize we were lacking.
Te moment ny ne baby eter came is wa
vothngs eat smtersuy Fre yada ese Row ch
au need something until i's sting in your lap. Second, my Ife
Fis chubby litle finger around mine, | understoad the words "happy
accident” completely
Plan: how has this affected the way you think going
forward. How you now approach life? LessonThere are many different experiences in life that have changed a_ Repeat thesis: The
part of me as a person. But, nothing so profoundly changed my thing, person,
views and outlook on life like the birth of my youngest brother. event that
Joet’s arrival was a life-altering event that caused me to see the Changed your life
world through new eyes.
Repeat thesis: The
I never thought I'd say a book changed me, but in this case, its thing, person,
true, The love | found in Pride and Prejudice introduced me toa venta
beau , , we changed your life
beautiful world of classic literature | can't imagine living without.
Despite not reading Pride and Prejudice for a while, it will always.
be my favorite book.Happy writing ...