Globalguide - 2 - 6
Globalguide - 2 - 6
Globalguide - 2 - 6
Monitoring tool
for ComAp devices
SW version 2.6.0
1 Document information 7
2 Getting started 11
3 Designer 34
4 Runtime 74
5 Device Language 92
6 Security 93
7 Instruments 96
8 Automatically generated screen 176
9 Troubleshooting 193
2 Getting started 11
2.1 Welcome 11
2.2 Requirements 11
2.3 Installation 12
2.3.1 Installation 12
2.3.2 Installation of supported database software 12
2.3.3 Automatic database data migration 13
2.3.4 Database backup 15
2.3.5 Start Runtime or Designer 17
2.3.6 Custom branding 18
2.3.7 InteliSCADA as a service 19
2.4 Licenses 19
2.4.1 License activation 23
2.4.2 Clients limitation 24
2.4.3 Site limitation 24
2.4.4 Data points per screen limitation 25
2.5 Supported ComAp devices 26
2.5.1 Controllers 26
2.5.2 Communication modules 28
2.6 Backup & restore 28
2.6.1 How to back up the data 29
2.6.2 How to restore the backed up data 29
2.6.3 Automatic site backup 30
2.7 Uninstallation 30
2.8 Application launch settings 30
2.9 AutoConnect mode 31
2.9.1 Automatic opening of InteliSCADA site 32
3 Designer 34
3.1 Sites 37
3.1.1 Add site 38
3.1.2 Edit site 39
4 Runtime 74
4.1 Navigation in Runtime 75
4.1.1 Monitoring toolbar 75
4.2 Sites 77
4.2.1 Edit site 78
4.2.2 Import site 79
4.3 Devices 79
4.4 Setpoints 80
4.4.1 Edit setpoint 81
4.5 Values 83
4.6 History 83
5 Device Language 92
6 Security 93
6.1 Unlock connection details 94
6.2 Reset site password 94
6.2.1 Fix connection details 95
7 Instruments 96
7.1 Instruments specific properties 97
7.1.1 Warning limits 97
7.1.2 Scale 98
7.1.3 Deviator Base 98
7.1.4 Data point selection 99
7.1.5 Color picker 101
7.1.6 Visibility action 103
7.2 Advanced Trend 103
7.3 Alarm List 107
7.4 Analog Meter 110
7.5 Bar Graph 113
7.6 BESS 118
7.7 Breaker 120
7.8 Breaker Button 122
7.9 Bus 123
7.10 Busbar 124
7.11 Control Button 126
7.12 Converter/Inverter 129
7.13 Data Row 131
7.14 Deviator 133
7.15 Engine 138
9 Troubleshooting 193
9.1 Connection to server 193
9.1.1 InteliSCADA server 193
9.1.2 Database server 194
9.2 Instrument non-standard states 196
9.3 Device column template states 197
9.4 Database compatibility 199
9.5 Error and warning notifications 200
9.5.1 Data point import notifications: 200
9.5.2 Communication error notifications: 201
9.5.3 License error notifications: 202
IMPORTANT: This type of paragraph highlights a procedure, adjustment etc., which can cause a
damage or improper function of the equipment if not performed correctly and may not be clear at
first sight.
WARNING: This type of paragraph highlights a procedure, adjustment etc., which can cause a
damage or improper function of the equipment if not performed correctly and may not be clear at
first sight.
Example: This type of paragraph contains information that is used to illustrate how a specific function
Responsible Party:
10 N Martingale Rd #400
60173 - Schaumburg, IL
2.1 Welcome
Welcome to ComAp's InteliSCADA global guide. InteliSCADA is a monitoring tool for ComAp devices (see
Supported ComAp devices on page 26) and runs on Microsoft Windows operating system (see
Installation on page 12 for details). It supports both online and offline device connections. Devices can be
connected either via the Ethernet connection, AirGate connection, direct connection (using RS232/485) or
offline connection (device connected to the offline archive only). Devices are managed in sites. There are two
applications accessible via pre-installed Windows Desktop shortcuts:
Designer (page 34) – Used to manage sites, devices and custom screens
Sites (page 37) tab – Add, edit or delete a site
Devices (page 41) tab – Add, edit or delete a device of the particular site
Editor (page 47) tab – Add, edit, delete or design a screen of the particular site
Preview (page 71) tab – Preview the automatically generated screen or the custom screen, for long-
term monitoring use the Runtime (page 74) instead
Runtime (page 74) – used for long-term site monitoring:
Sites (page 77) tab – Lists all sites available on the server
Devices (page 79) tab – List of devices of the particular site. It is supported only for InteliSCADA
Display License, see Licenses (page 19)
Opens particular site for monitoring (the site password is required)
Is used to monitor and control all devices of the particular site
2.2 Requirements
Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit or Windows 10 IoT 64-bit. Keep your SW updated (e.g. Windows operating
system, drivers, ...)
Web browser Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox if running InteliSCADA in the browser
The latest firmware versions (valid on the day of release of InteliSCADA ) for all ComAp devices and other
modules (e.g. CM-Ethernet, IB-COM etc.) which will be connected to InteliSCADA.
Installed InteliSCADA takes up 2 GB of disk space.
IMPORTANT: Regularly monitor your available storage when utilizing Trends (especially on
devices with limited storage capacity such as the InteliVision 10Touch). This feature can
consume disk space rapidly. (1 fully utilized Trend Source = ~24MB of disk storage)
Performance recommendations:
The performance depends on the number and type of instruments on the screen and on the amount of
communicated data (number of connected devices and data points). A high-performance site configuration
for InteliVision 18Touch G2 contains about 16 devices and 400 instruments per screen.
2.3 Installation
2.3.1 Installation
1. Get the latest InteliSCADA installation package
2. Run it and follow the on-screen instructions
3. Read and accept terms in the license agreement to continue installation
4. Select components to install. It is recommended to use the default installation
5. Enter the port number used by InteliSCADA server to listen on, except for the reserved ports from the TCP
and UDP list (Default = 8801)
6. If InteliSCADA is already installed on the computer, backup of user data is created automatically (see
Backup & restore (page 28))
7. Once the installation is finished, InteliSCADA service is started and following desktop shortcuts are
a. InteliSCADA Designer
b. InteliSCADA Runtime
If a supported version of MongoDB community server is connected and the original InteliSCADA data are
stored in the application program folder, the migration starts. Information about the data migration process is
displayed on installation page:
IMPORTANT: Only if data migration process was finished successfully and database file data.db
was backed up during InteliSCADA installation process, migrated datafile is removed. Backup
location is stated on the last line of migration process log.
service is Make sure the
stopped or MongoDb Server is
MongoDb installed and the
Server is not service is running.
2.4 Licenses
Runtime (page 74) supports 6 license types according to your data requirements. Designer (page 34)
doesn't require any license activation). Currently available license types and their limits are listed in the table
Note: One data point from one device used on multiple instruments and/or screens counts as one data point.
Note: For minimal hardware requirements mentioned in Requirements (page 11) it is not recommended to
use more than 10 Trends per Screen.
To see information about licenses go to Designer and open the License Details dialog from the toolbar in the
Devices tab, Editor tab or Preview tab.
The site doesn't comply with the current license (any limit of currently used license exceeded)
If no license fulfills the requirements, there will be no recommendation and it will not be possible to open the
site in Runtime. To unlock the site, you will need to modify it in Designer to meet the requirements of available
or using extended License Activation dialog, which can be opened from Sites of Runtime by clicking on
the red dollar button of particular site
Copy the Hardware ID( ) and send it, including required type of license, to your distributor (e.g. by
Distributor will send back the activation code. Copy and paste it to the Activation Code input field
Click on the Activate License button to activate the license
There will be a notification in the dialog about the activation result and the Current License field will
change accordingly
IMPORTANT: Activation Code is generated based on the Hardware ID, i.e. for the specified PC
hardware, where InteliSCADA is installed. If any part of the hardware is changed, a new license
activation code might be required.
Note: Each data point is unique. Even if used for two different instruments on the same screen, it counts as
one single data point.
2.5.1 Controllers
ComAp controller Application
InteliATS 2 50
InteliATS 2 70
InteliGen NT/NTC BaseBox
InteliGen NT/NTC BaseBoxGeCon Marine MINT
InteliGen NT/NTC BaseBoxGeCon LandBased MINT
InteliSys NTC BaseBox SPI
InteliSys NTC BaseBox GeCon Marine MINT
InteliSys NTC BaseBoxGeCon LandBased MINT
Note: (*)
This is valid only for InteliSCADA version 2.2.0 or newer. For older versions the content of the backup
directories may be different, please see the manual for the corresponding version of InteliSCADA.
IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that you back up the data regularly to prevent potential
data loss. Also consider storing your backups on a different device.
1. To find automatically backed up data, open Windows explorer and go to the specific backup folder:
C:\ProgramData\ComAp PC Suite\InteliSCADA-Backup\specific_backup_folder.
The format of a backup folder name is Backup[DD.MM.YYYY-HH-MM-SS] where [DD.MM.YYYY-
HH-MM-SS] is date and time of the creation.
If the backup was made manually as described in chapter How to back up the data (page 29)
navigate to your custom backup folder.
2. The selected folder should contain files with exported sites (*.isx). There is also one extra file
(archives.isx) which contains all exported archives.
If there are no *.isx files in the folder it might be a backup created in an older version of InteliSCADA.
These backups are not compatible and cannot be restored in the current version of InteliSCADA.
3. To restore a specific site, import the corresponding file, see Import site on page 40. If the site uses
offline archives import also the archives.isx file.
If it is required to restore more sites from one backup folder, the archives.isx file needs to be imported
only once.
IMPORTANT: The automatic backup might not get created in some cases e.g. a sudden loss of
power. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly back up your data.
2.7 Uninstallation
1. Open the Start menu
2. Select ComAp PC Suite
3. Select Uninstall InteliSCADA
InteliSCADA uninstall form consists of 3 check-boxes as visible in the image:
Backup MongoDB sites - This backs up all sites stored in MongoDB, which may take a few minutes but it
is recommended to do so.
Backup all logs - Uninstaller backs up all logs created by InteliSCADA
Remove all InteliSCADA data - this option removes all InteliSCADAdata including all MongoDB data.This
will not delete data/logs backup.
To move the site, you want to open automatically to the 1st position, use drag&drop in the
site list of InteliSCADA Runtime or Designer.
Check Remember this password option in the Unlock Connection Details dialog to avoid
displaying this dialog next time (e.g., after restart).
Click the red key icon in the site list to open the dialog.
Note: When tablet mode is enabled on your computer, the InteliSCADA AutoConnect
Runtime will start in a minimized window on a taskbar after approximately 15 seconds.
"Import Site" button – Imports the site from the selected file (*.isx)
Preview link – Opens the Preview tab with the default monitoring screen of the site
Editor link Link to the Editor tab with the default screen of the site
Preview link Link to the Preview tab with the default screen of the site
Locks / unlocks the particular site. If the site is locked, it opens the see
Unlock connection details on page 94 dialog to unlock it, otherwise it
Site" button
locks the site
"Site Runtime
Shows the Runtime URL link to the default screen for the site
Link" button
"Edit Site"
Opens the dialog for editing the site details (site name, password)
"Clone Site"
Creates a copy of the site with the same site password
Required fields:
"License Check" – This site will be cross-checked against the license you select. In case the site's
parameters exceed its limits, an indication will be displayed in License Details - see Licenses on
page 19 and in Sites Tab.
"Enter Password" – User defined password, see password requirements and its purpose in
Security (page 93)
Select License
To change the actions confirmation only:
Required fields:
File Name – Click the Browse button to browse the file to be imported
Device order in the list of devices. It also defines device template order
# on Automatically generated screen (page 176) (template for device
# 1 is placed as first from the left side of the screen)
Device User defined device name entered when creating or updating device
Device (Controller)
Device CAN bus address
Move Up/Down button Drag & drop to change the device order in the list of devices
Import data points Once the device is added into the site it will try to connect to that device
from this device and import data points from it automatically (checked by default)
The controller usernames are defined using InteliConfig (User management) or InteliMonitor (Admin
users) based on the controller type.
The list of usernames is also available in InteliMonitor in the Login (Enter password…) dialog for online
connection . List of usernames are not available for Archives .
Note: (*)
See a controller global guide for more information about the trusted and untrusted interfaces.
InteliFieldbus Gateway (IFG), Inteli Gateway (IGW), Inteli Gateway 100 (IGW100), Inteli Gateway 101
(IGW101), Inteli Gateway 300 (IGW300), Inteli Gateway 301 (IGW301)
Connecting – At least one device is still connecting while others may be already
Status Detail – Device detail connection status or connection error description, see also
Communication error notifications: (page 201)
3.3 Editor
Editor provides tools to:
Manage screens (by default every site contains one Automatically generated screen (page 176) and
one custom screen)
Place the instruments on the screen canvas, see How to add instrument on the screen (page 63)
Edit the properties of the screens and the instruments using the Properties panel (page 55)
To check how the edited screen looks and works online, see Preview (page 71)
IMPORTANT: If any error occurred during the data point import, the error notification is displayed
(see Error and warning notifications (page 200)
Tab Description
Tab Description
Saves changes in the screen (changes are also automatically
saved every 3 seconds)
Opens the Edit menu, which contains all the options needed
for editing the screen.
Allows to set the density of the grid, hide the grid completely,
or set any custom value. The color of the grid is set
Grid Density
automatically to a color contrasting to the Background Color of
the screen.
Enables or disables the snap to grid feature. If the feature is
Snap to Grid enabled, instruments are automatically snapped to the grid
when they are being created, moved or resized.
Tab Description
Copies the selected instrument or instruments into the
Send to Back Sends the selected instrument behind every other instrument.
Tab Description
3.3.5 Sidebar
Tab Description
It is always the first screen in the list
It is read only and cannot be deleted
By default it is marked as default screen
It is generated automatically, see Automatically generated screen (page 176)
Action buttons:
"Add Screen" button – Adds a new screen right below the active screen
"Clone Screen" button – Creates copy of the active screen below the active screen
Search field
By the left mouse button on the instrument in the canvas or in the "Screen Content" list
Default Screen – Sets the screen as default for the particular site
Hidden Screen – Sets the screen as hidden for the particular site
E.g. position, size, device, scale limits, color, etc., see Instruments (page 96) for more information
All Mode
In this mode, the following properties are consistently shown regardless of the selected
X, Y, Width, Height, Device, Background Color, Border Color, Text Color, Font Size, Active
State Color, Inactive State Color, Header, Font Size, Background Color, Device, Data Point,
Visibility Action, Indicate Invalid Data as Error
These properties have been chosen based on their frequent use. They appear in this mode
regardless of the instruments selected on the canvas, even if some properties are not
Specific Instrument Mode
In this mode, the displayed properties mirror the standard instrument properties defined by the
currently selected instrument type. Refer Instruments (page 96) for comprehensive details.
Certain properties have intentionally been omitted in this mode as they are not suitable for
modification across multiple instruments.
"Filter" buttons
All - No filter applied
Default – Filters only predefined images
User – Filters only user images
Search by name or tags – Searches images with the name or tag containing the entered text. The
result is filtered by the Filter
Drag & drop the image from the panel onto the canvas
Note: A single Trend Source can consume up to ~24MB of space with a maximum of 2 678 400 samples,
leading to increased disk space utilization.
Provides management of Trends Sources.
Each Trend Source references just one device data point as a source data. The source data will be
automatically stored in the database periodically only when the site is opened in the Preview (page 71) or
in the Runtime (page 74). The source data will be kept in the database only for a given retention interval.
Both period and retention intervals are configurable when adding new Trend Source.
The total number of Trends Sources is limited by licenses. Please refer to Licenses (page 19) for more
Trends Sources are currently intended to be used in Advanced Trend (page 103) instrument.
The panel provides following functionality:
"Trends Sources" button - opens Trends Sources panel. The Trends Sources button is available only
when the MongoDB database is used.
Trends Sources - lists all configured Trends Sources in the site. Click on the item to show the Trend
Source configuration, see also Trend Source popover (page 62).
"Add Trend Source" button - Adds new Trend Source, see also Add Trend Source dialog (page 60)
"Edit Trend Source" - Edits selected Trend Source, see also Edit Trend Source dialog (page 61).
Adds Trend Source, see also Trends Sources panel (page 59)
"Sample Period"
Period interval in which Trend Source data are stored.
Range is from 1 to 86 400 seconds (i.e. 1 s to 1 day).
"Sample Retention"
Samples older than 'Sample Retention' will be continuously removed from the database.
Range is from 1 to 730 days (i.e. 1 day to 2 years).
+ There is a rule of maximum of 2 678 400 possible recorded samples, so if the "Sample Period x
Sample Retention" value exceeds that rule the error message "Increase Period (min #) OR decrease
Retention (max #)" will appear to inform user, how to fulfill the rule.
Edits existing Trend Source, see also Trends Sources panel (page 59)
"Sample Period"
Period interval in which Trend Source data are stored.
Range is from 1 to 86 400 seconds (i.e. 1 s to 1 day).
There is a rule of maximum of 2 678 400 possible recorded samples, so if the "Sample Period x
Sample Retention" value exceeds that rule the error message "Increase Period (min #)" will appear to
inform user, how to fulfill the rule.
Shows Trend Source information in popover dialog, see also Trends Sources panel (page 59).
"Sample Period" – Period interval in which Trend Source data are stored.
"Sample Retention" – Samples older than 'Sample Retention' will be continuously removed from the
Clicking the toolbar placeholder in the screen editor opens the properties panel with these options:
Height: sets the toolbar height in pixels.
Font Size: sets the font size for all items in the toolbar (specified in pixels).
These changes are saved and applied for all screens of the currently edited site, independently of the screen
they are being set on.
3. Go to the Editor tab, click on the Screens button in the Sidebar and select one of the available custom
Note: Enable Snap To Grid feature to arrange instruments easily, see Toolbar on page 49
6. Select the instrument on the canvas (or in the "Screen Content" panel) and choose a device for this
instrument in the "Instrument Properties" panel (property Source / Device)
7. Open the "Data Point Selection" dialog (Properties / Data Source / Data Point)
8. Select the data point type in the "TYPES" column. Then select the data point group in the "GROUPS"
column. Finally select the specific data point in the "DATA POINTS" column.
The list of data points is filtered only to the data types supported by the selected instrument. If there are no
data points in the dialog, the import of the data points may not have been successful, see Importing data
Shortcut Action
Delete Deletes selected instruments
Confirms the opened dialog or the property value in the
Properties panel (page 55)
Esc Cancels the opened dialog without any changes
Arrow key Moves selected instruments by 1 point in arrow direction
Shift + Arrow key Moves selected instruments by 5 points in arrow direction
Ctrl + Mouse down Selects / unselects the instrument clicked by the left mouse button
Ctrl + A Selects all instruments on the canvas
Ctrl + C Copies selected instruments
Saves all changes made on the current screen (changes are also
Ctrl + S
saved automatically every 3 seconds)
Ctrl + V Pastes instruments which were previously copied or cut
Ctrl + X Cuts selected instruments
Ctrl + Y Redoes changes on the current screen
Ctrl + Z Undoes changes on the current screen
Ctrl + 0 Sets the zoom value of the canvas to 100%
Sets the zoom value of the canvas to "Fit to Screen", so a value
Ctrl + 1
that makes the canvas fit into the screen.
Ctrl + Shift + [ Sends the selected instrument behind every other instrument
Ctrl + Shift + ] Brings the selected instrument in front of every other instrument
Shortcut Action
Selects / unselects the instrument clicked by the left mouse button
Ctrl + Mouse down
For descriptions of different options, please refer to Edit Menu (page 50)
For zoom options descriptions, please refer to Zoom Menu (page 51), for Paste, please refer to Edit Menu
(page 50)
3.4 Preview
The Preview tab is used mainly for the custom screen content validation, i.e. to check how the edited custom
screen looks and works when online. It helps with designing complex screens and with instruments
configuration. The content of the Automatically generated screen (page 176) can be also checked in the
Preview tab even it is not editable. When in the Preview tab, any instrument on the screen can indicate
special states, see Instrument non-standard states (page 196)
Setpoints button – Opens the dialog to monitor and edit setpoints of any device in the particular site,
see Setpoints (page 80)
Values button – Opens the dialog to monitor values of any device in the particular site, see Values
(page 83)
History button – Opens the dialog with history records from all devices in the particular site, see
History (page 83)
"Fit to Screen" button – Zooms the screen so the whole screen is visible and fits the screen size
Fit to screen option is kept when screens are switching or when browser window is re-sized
"Zoom 100%" button – Zooms the screen to the original screen size
6 back to Designer
Welcome screen to Runtime is the Sites (page 37) tab. Alternatively it is possible to open the default screen
in Monitoring directly using URL link in the browser, see "Site Runtime Link" button (page 37)
Welcome screen of Runtime is the Sites tab (list of sites):
Sites can be only imported, see Sites on page 77
'Import Site' button – Imports the site from the selected file (*.isx)
Devices link – Opens the Devices tab for a particular site. It is supported only for InteliSCADA
Display license, see Licenses (page 19)
6 back to Runtime
4.2 Sites
The Sites toolbar contains "Import Site" button (see Import site on page 79 for details) and also "Last
Used Screen" button to navigate to last used screen in the Runtime application.
The Sites tab contains the following information:
List of sites - Name of the site is the link to default screen of a site. To use this link the particular
site has to be unlocked
Runtime link – Link to the default screen of a site. To use this link the particular site has to be
Link to the Devices tab of the site. It is supported only for InteliSCADA Display license, see
Licenses (page 19)
Lock/Unlock Site button - If a site is locked, it opens the dialog to unlock it, otherwise it locks the
site (see Unlock connection details on page 94)
License Activation button – It is disabled if the site complies with the current license. Otherwise it
opens the "License Activation" dialog
Edit button – Opens the dialog for editing the site details (site name, password). It is supported
only for InteliSCADA Display license, see Licenses (page 19)
Move Up/Down button – Drag & drop to change the site's order in the list of sites
Required fields:
File Name – Click the Browse button to browse the file to be imported
4.3 Devices
List of devices in Runtime application is supported only for InteliSCADA Display license. For the particular
site it can be accessed by:
Device order in the list of devices. It also defines device template order
# on Automatically generated screen (page 176) (template for device
# 1 is placed as first from the left side of the screen)
Device User defined device name entered when creating or updating device
Device (Controller)
Device CAN bus address
Move Up/Down button Drag & drop to change the device order in the list of devices
4.4 Setpoints
The dialog is used for monitoring and editing of any setpoint of any device configured in a site.
The dialog is divided into 3 columns:
Devices column
Lists all devices configured in a site
Click on the desired device to list its groups in the Groups column
A device, which is not connected, is disabled and cannot be selected
The first connected device is pre-selected by default, when the dialog is opened
Groups column
Lists all groups of the selected device
Click on the desired group to see its data points in the "Data Points" column
Disabled – the setpoint cannot be edited because the currently logged in user doesn't have the
required permission or "Edit Value" dialog for this type of a setpoint is not supported yet
Hidden (Forcing icon visible) – the setpoint cannot be edited because it is actively forced
Current value of the setpoint with the possibility to change the value
Confirms and writes the new value to the device and closes the dialog
4.6 History
The dialog shows the overview of history records for multiple devices configured in a site.
It is possible to open the History dialog:
from the Preview tab in Designer, see Preview on page 71
from the Runtime tab in Runtime, see Runtime on page 74
Once the dialog is opened, the history is loaded in parts by infinite scroll.
History records are ordered chronologically by the date and time from the most recent history record to the
oldest one. Make sure to set the correct date & time setpoints in each ComAp controller to have records
ordered chronologically.
The history table is automatically updated when:
the most recent history record (with No. 0) is visible and a new record arrives
the History dialog is opened
the table is scrolled up to the most recent history record and the page is not yet loaded in the cache
the table is scrolled down to the oldest history record and the page is not yet loaded in the cache, new
records should be loaded by infinite scroll
Recorded values are divided into columns by values or grouped into one column in case of
the text record
Note: The number of history records is limited. The maximum number of records is 25.000 in total for all
sites. The oldest records beyond this limit will be automatically removed.
Click on any of the rows in the table to set focus. The row with focus is highlighted and when the history table
is updated (and the table still contains the focused row) the table is scrolled, so the focused row is always
visible. Sometimes it can happen that the focused row is not loaded on the table update. In that case all the
rows lose their focus and the table is not scrolled anywhere.
The history toolbar indicates connection status of used devices. History records that belong to disconnected
devices display indication on the Device column. Be aware that the history records from disconnected
devices are most likely not complete.
Filter icon - Opens the filter options. Green icon indicates an active filter.
Filter options
Export History - Exports history. It shows In-progress indication (page 88) while the
export is in progress in the background.
4.7 Screens
The dialog is used for switching between screens of a site.
Contains list of all screens of the site
The default screen is indicated by the "home" icon
Click on the item to open a screen
Click on the button in the toolbar to open modal with all devices
Enter credentials for controller . Some controllers support login only via password, in that case the
username input is disabled and only password is needed to login
When you no longer need to be signed in as a specific user, you can use button 'Login as Default' to close
the current session and log back to controller as default user. The button 'Login All as Default' logs in to all
controllers with their default users specified in connection details.
You can also switch directly to the Access Lock window by clicking the "Switch to Access Lock" button.
see Access Lock on page 89 for more information regarding this functionality.
IMPORTANT: All controllers are automatically logged out after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Click on the button in the toolbar to open the access lock modal. In there you will see the list of all
There is an icon indicating the current device state together with a Lock/Unlock button next to
every controller that supports access lock
If the operation fails after you click the button a message is shown
If you select multiple devices using the checkboxes, you can do these operations in bulk using the buttons
in the bottom right corner of the window
Note: The access lock icon in the toolbar changes based on the state of all devices currently available on
site. Priority for the icons goes as follows: Locked by different user > Locked by me > Unlocked
The device is locked by a different user. Only the user that locked it can control it.
It is possible to select the device language to translate all device texts and datapoint names. Available device
languages are loaded during datapoint import and during device connection.
If there are several devices on the site, the languages of all devices for which datapoints were imported will be
available in the language menu. If the site contains devices without imported datapoints or new languages are
detected after connecting to the device, the list of available languages is updated.
After selecting the language, this choice is saved and remembered for the given site, and the setting is shared
between Runtime and Designer applications (not supported when using InteliSCADA in web browser). It
means that different languages can be selected for different sites.
IMPORTANT: It is not possible to recover the site password, therefore it is recommended to take
precautions against the loss of the password. The only way to recover a site with forgotten
password is Reset site password (page 94).
It is possible to use Remember this password option to save the password and keep the site
unlocked. The saved password is deleted when the site is locked again.
IMPORTANT: Saving passwords is not recommended due to security reasons.
In case the site's password is lost it is possible to use Reset site password (page 94) to retrieve the
access to the site.
For instruments which support internal data point types (e.g. LED) the dialog window shows also Internal
data points category, see the illustration picture below.
Note: You can see which data point is selected by the lighter background of the specific data point. (See
image below)
Default button Reset the color configuration values to the default values.
Close the configuration for the color parameters and saves the
Save button
Close the configuration for the color parameters. The
Cancel button
configuration is not saved after being closed.
The Advanced Trend instrument shows persisted data for selected trend sources (for more information see
Trends Sources panel (page 59)). Max 10 Trend Sources are available for one instrument.
IMPORTANT: In order to provide stable performance there are several optimizations that affect
the amount of points rendered in the instrument. This means the number of plotted and persisted
points may differ.
Once the Show Time Range property is checked the user is able to change time interval used for the
instrument in Preview or Runtime tab. The time interval value is remembered until the user leaves the site or
the Editor tab is visited.
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
The Alarm list instrument is used to display alarms on a selected device. Alarm List contains following
Number of alarm records Active / unconfirmed (alarms marked with asterisk) / total
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
For the controllers with the selective fault reset support, the Fault Reset button resets only the visible alarms.
Analog meter is a rounded meter with a pointer. It displays the current value of the selected data point
graphically. Warning / Shutdown limits can be indicated on the analog meter with yellow (warning) / red
(shutdown) scale color by setting up the warning limits.
In case the value (pointer) is out of the scale range the pointer stops 15 degrees below / above the scale
Upper scale limit (Scale 100%) can be expanded to 125% of its original value using the Expand Scale
option configured in the Scale dialog.
Based on Scale 0%
Enter a
Scale 0% Scale (page
Value 98)
Select a data
(not available
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
7.6 BESS
The BESS instrument represents the status of battery energy storage system, which is indicated by color:
Green – OK
Red – shutdown
Grey – inactive
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
User name of the 1 .. 64 UNICODE
Name Text *)
instrument char
0 .. screen width –
X Number
[X, Y] coordinates of instrument width
top left corner 0 .. screen height –
Y Number
instrument height
Width Width and height of the Number 10 .. screen width 40
Height instrument Number 10 .. screen height 40
Device that instrument
Device Select List of devices
is connected to
Battery(or empty if not
Source supported or found in automatically
Scale (page
Data Point the selected device), selected along with
the property is read- device if available
Visibility Device Device that is linked to Select List of devices
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
Device is synchronizing
Breaker's arm is flashing a configurated active and inactive
color as well as regularly closing and opening at the same
Synchronizing time.
*The image is for illustrative purposes only and may differ
from the actual visualization based on the current state of
the device and the configuration of breaker's properties.
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
Name User name of the instrument Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X [X, Y] coordinates of top left Number 0
corner width
Y Number 0 .. screen 0
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
This button is used to open or close a breaker. The breaker type depends on the selected Source.
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
Name User name of the instrument Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X Number 0
[X, Y] coordinates of top left corner
General 0 .. screen
height –
Y Number 0
10 .. screen
Width Number 40
Width and height of the instrument
10 .. screen
Height Number 40
List of
Device Device that instrument is connected to Select
Source Data point
List of supported breaker commands
Data Point selection
(e.g. Breakers - GCB ON/OFF)
(page 99)
Device that is linked to the visibility
property. If the selected device is not List of
Device Select
connected, then the instrument is always devices
Source for instrument visibility property. Data point
Filter: binary
Data Point If the selected data point is invalid, then selection
data points
Visibility the instrument is always visible. (page 99)
Visibility None, Show,
Visibility action (page 103) Select None
Action Hide
Invalid Indicates invalid data point as general
Checkbox True
Data as error.
7.9 Bus
Note: The color reflects the status of the respective LEDs of the controller (yellow = green + red) and
depends on the controller type.
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
Name User name of the instrument Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X Number
[X, Y] coordinates of top left width
General corner 0 .. screen
height –
Y Number
10 .. screen
Width Number 40
Width and height of the width
instrument 10 .. screen
Height Number 40
Device that instrument is
Device Select List of devices
connected to
Source List of bus LED data points Data point
Bus, Bus left,
Data Point supported in the selected selection (page
Bus right, PSC
device 99)
4 options:
Design Mirroring Mirroring of the instrument Select None
None, Vertical,
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
7.10 Busbar
Busbar instrument is used in wiring diagrams. It can be linked to a LED type data point to indicate its status in
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
Shortcut Action
Keeps horizontal or vertical orientation of the busbar when drag &
Shift + Mouse down -> Mouse move
Flips the busbar orientation according to the mouse moving to
horizontal or vertical.
Keeps aspect
Keep Aspect
ratio during Checkbox Unchecked
Device that
Device instrument is Select List of devices
connected to
List of all
supported by Data point
Data Point the selected selection List of commands
device (e.g. (page 99)
UserButton 2 –
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
7.12 Converter/Inverter
The Converter/Inverter instrument represents the status of Converter/Inverter LED, which is indicated by
Green – OK
Yellow – warning
Red – shutdown
Grey – inactive
Note: The color reflects the status of the respective LEDs of the controller (yellow = green + red) and
depends on the controller type.
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
Name User name of the instrument Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
General X Number
[X, Y] coordinates of top left
0 .. screen
Y Number height –
Source Converter
List of Converter/Inverter Data point
Data Point LED data points supported in selection (page
the selected device 99)
4 options:
None, Vertical,
Mirroring Mirroring of the instrument Select Horizontal, None
Design Both (vertical +
Rotation of the instrument, 4 options: 0°,
Rotation Select 0°
unit: °, clockwise 90°,180°, 270°
Device that is linked to the
visibility property. If the
Device selected device is not Select List of devices
connected, then the
instrument is always visible.
Source for instrument
visibility property. If the Data point
Filter: binary
Data Point selected data point is invalid, selection (page
Visibility data points
then the instrument is always 99)
Visibility None, Show,
Visibility action (page 103) Select None
Action Hide
Visibility action (page 103) Checkbox True
Data as
Link Link Link to another screen in site Select No link
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
The Data Row instrument is used to display a value of a data point (device value or setpoint) in a text form.
Data Row can be configured as editable if its Data Point property is set to a setpoint.
Data point name, value and unit can be displayed or just some of them.
Different data types are supported:
Number – eg. generator frequency value
Text – eg. engine state ("not ready")
Timer – eg. remaining time for engine state in seconds
An invalid value is represented by "####".
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
Name User name of the instrument Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X Number 0
[X, Y] coordinates of top left width
corner 0 .. screen
height –
Y Number 0
15 .. screen
Width Number 320
Width and height of the width
instrument 15 .. screen
Height Number 48
Keep Aspect Keeps aspect ratio during Checkbox Unchecked
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
7.14 Deviator
The Deviator instrument is used for monitoring the deviations between the Base value and the user-specified
data point. You will notice similarities between Bar Graph and Deviator simply because it is based on the Bar
Graph. Some of the main differences are, that you can not set up the base and Scale like with Bar Graph
because they were made statically default. However you can set the base value for deviations and it will
calculate them based on that.
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
User name of the
Name Text 1 .. 64 UNICODE char *)
0 .. screen width –
(expanded) X [X, Y] coordinates Number
instrument width
of top left corner
Y Number 0 .. screen height –
value type
selection –
Constant (numeric
Type Select Constant/Data Point Constant
value) or Data
Point (e.g. a
Based on Type:
Enter a
(e.g. 250)
Value limits (page 0
limit 1, 2, 3, Select a
4) data point
(e.g. Nominal
Level 1 for warning
Limit Level Select Level 1/Level 2 Level 1
Level 2 for
shutdown (red)
Warning limit
Limit direction Up for over limit, Select Up/Down Up
Down for under
Device that is
linked to the
visibility property.
If the selected
Device Select List of devices
device is not
connected, then
the instrument is
always visible.
Source for
instrument visibility
property. If the Data point
Filter: binary data points
Data Point selected data point selection
is invalid, then the (page 99)
instrument is
always visible.
Visibility Visibility action
Select None, Show, Hide None
Action (page 103)
Visibility action
Invalid Data Checkbox True
(page 103)
as Error
The Engine instrument represents the status of an engine, which is indicated by color:
Green – OK
Yellow – warning
Red – shutdown
Grey – inactive
Note: The color reflects the status of the respective LEDs of the controller (yellow = green + red) and
depends on the controller type.
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
Name User name of the instrument Text *)
0 .. screen width
X Number – instrument 0
[X, Y] coordinates of top left corner 0 .. screen
General height –
Y Number 0
10 .. screen
Width Number 40
Width and height of the instrument
10 .. screen
Height Number 40
Device that instrument is connected to
Device Select List of devices
Source Engine (or empty if not supported or Data point
Data selected along
found in the selected device), the selection
Point with device if
property is read-only (page 99)
Device that is linked to the visibility
property. If the selected device is not
Device Select List of devices
connected, then the instrument is
always visible.
Source for instrument visibility
Data point
Data property. If the selected data point is Filter: binary
Point invalid, then the instrument is always data points
(page 99)
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
{Instrument Type}
1 .. 64
* {Last number +1
Name User name of the instrument Text UNICODE
of in*)struments
according type}
0 .. screen
width –
X Number 0
[X, Y] coordinates of top left width
corner 0 .. screen
height –
Y Number 0
10 .. screen
Width Number 40
Width and height of the width
instrument 10 .. screen
Height Number 40
Device that instrument is List of
Source Device Select
connected to devices
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
7.17 Generator
The Generator instrument represents the status of a generator which is indicated by color:
Green – OK
Yellow – warning
Red – shutdown
Grey – inactive
Note: The color reflects the status of the respective LEDs of the controller (yellow = green + red) and
depends on the controller type.
Generator (or empty if not supported Data point
Data selected along
or found in the selected device), the selection
Point with device if
property is read-only (page 99)
Device that is linked to the visibility
property. If the selected device is not
Device Select List of devices
connected, then the instrument is
always visible.
Source for instrument visibility
Data point
Data property. If the selected data point is Filter: binary
Point invalid, then the instrument is always data points
Visibility (page 99)
Visibility None, Show,
Visibility action (page 103) Select None
Action Hide
Visibility action (page 103) Checkbox True
Data as
Link Link Link to another screen in site Select No link
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
Name User name of the instrument Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X Number 0
[X, Y] coordinates of top left corner
General 0 .. screen
height –
Y Number 0
10 .. screen
Width Number 40
Width and height of the instrument
10 .. screen
Height Number 40
List of
Device Device that instrument is connected to Select
Source Data point
Engine – Horn Reset command (if
Data Point selection
available), the property is read-only
(page 99)
Device that is linked to the visibility
property. If the selected device is not List of
Device Select
connected, then the instrument is always devices
Source for instrument visibility property. Data point
Filter: binary
Data Point If the selected data point is invalid, then selection
data points
Visibility the instrument is always visible. (page 99)
Visibility None, Show,
Visibility action (page 103) Select None
Action Hide
Invalid Indicates invalid data point as general
Checkbox True
Data as error.
7.19 IFrame
Instrument that represents inline frame for embedding another content. With the IFrame instrument it is
possible to have for example an instruction video embedded in a custom screen.
To configure IFrame instrument, user has to set its Url ( property to a valid source path to a content that
supports embedding by an iframe element.
Here is an example how to insert an IFrame Url for a video:
1. Click "Share" button below the YouTube video
3. Select and copy only the src value of generated IFrame component
5. IFrame content is then loaded in Runtime and Preview. Rendered content fits the instrument size.
If no source is set or the source is not accessible the IFrame instrument content in Runtime or Preview is
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
User name of the
Name Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X [X, Y] coordinates of top Number 0
left corner width
Y Number 0 .. screen 0
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
Instrument that represents an image. Use the Image instrument from the Instruments panel, or simply an
image from the Image Gallery for which the Source property is already set.
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
User name of the
Name Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X Number 0
[X, Y] coordinates of top width
left corner 0 .. screen
height –
X Number 0
10 .. screen
Width Number 320
Width and height of the width
instrument 10 .. screen
Height Number 320
Checked for
images from
Keep Aspect Keeps aspect ratio during
Checkbox the Gallery,
Ratio resizing
file name for
The size of
images from
Image the image file
Source Source image file name the Gallery,
Source is restricted to
Image empty
3 MB
Adjust the instrument size
Adjust size Button
to fit the image
Border color of the Color
Design Border Color instrument. The picker Transparent
transparent color can be (page 101)
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
Click Save to set the selected image source or Cancel to close dialog without changes.
Some images are pre-defined by default, custom images can be also added to the Image Gallery .
User images can be deleted .It is even possible to delete images that are currently used by image
instrument(s) in any site (including locked ones). In that case, a confirmation dialog will appear specifying
the locations of the image instruments, and additional confirmation is required. The image instruments
themselves won't be deleted, only their image sources. The instruments stay on the screen even though
all of their image sources can be empty.
Use filter by packs or search by file name or tags function to explore gallery.
7.21 LED
LED instrument is used to monitor states (values) of binary communication objects. User can select color and
which bit value (0 or 1) is for "On" state.
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
Name User name of the instrument Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X Number
[X, Y] coordinates of top left width
corner 0 .. screen
General height –
Y Number
10 .. screen
Width Number 24
Width and height of the width
instrument 10 .. screen
Height Number 24
Keep Aspect Keeps aspect ratio during
Checkbox Checked
Ratio resizing
Device that instrument is List of
Source Device Select
connected to devices
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
7.22 Line
The Line instrument is defined by two points. The line can also be diagonal.
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
7.23 Load
The Load instrument represents the status of the load, which is indicated by color:
Green – OK
Yellow – warning
Red – shutdown
Grey – inactive
Note: The color reflects the status of the respective LEDs of the controller (yellow = green + red) and
depends on the controller type.
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
Name User name of the instrument Text *)
0 .. screen width
X Number – instrument
[X, Y] coordinates of top left corner 0 .. screen
General height –
Y Number
10 .. screen
Width Number 40
Width and height of the instrument
10 .. screen
Height Number 40
Device that instrument is connected to
Device Select List of devices
Source Load (or empty if not supported or Data point
Data selected along
found in the selected device), the selection
Point with device if
property is read-only (page 99)
Visibility Device Device that is linked to the visibility Select List of devices
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
7.24 Mains
The Mains instrument represents the status of mains, which is indicated by color:
Green – OK
Yellow – warning
Red – shutdown
Grey – inactive
Note: The color reflects the status of the respective LEDs of the controller (yellow = green + red) and
depends on the controller type.
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
User name of the 1 .. 64 UNICODE
Name Text *)
instrument char
General 0 .. screen width –
X [X, Y] coordinates of Number
instrument width
top left corner
Y Number 0 .. screen height –
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
The Markdown Text instrument is used for a custom text. It supports the Markdown (markup language) and
some HTML syntax, which allows text formatting.
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
Name User name of the instrument Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X Number 0
[X, Y] coordinates of top left width
corner 0 .. screen
General height –
Y Number 0
20 .. screen
Width Number 320
Width and height of the width
instrument 20 .. screen
Height Number 48
Keep Aspect
Keeps aspect ratio during resizing Checkbox Unchecked
Button that opens a dialog where
"Edit text" Button
Text custom text can be inserted
Padding Creates space around the text Number 0-48 px 8 px
Color of the instrument border. Color
Border Color Transparent color can be set to picker #3B415B
make the border invisible (page 101)
Background Color of the instrument
Design picker #3B415B
Color background
(page 101)
When text does not fit into Color
instrument and this checkbox is picker Unchecked
checked, scrollbars are not shown (page 101)
Device that is linked to the
visibility property. If the selected List of
Device Select
device is not connected, then the devices
instrument is always visible.
Source for instrument visibility
Data point
property. If the selected data point Filter: binary
Data Point selection
is invalid, then the instrument is data points
(page 99)
always visible.
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
# Heading level 1
## Heading level 2
### Heading level 3
#### Heading level 4
##### Heading level 5
###### Heading level 6
1. List level 1
Ordered list
2. List level 2
Ordered list
(Start 57. List level 57
numbering 1. List level 58
with offset)
| Col 1 | Col 2 |
| Col 1 | Col 2 |
Table | ------: | -----------: |
| Row 1 | Row 1 value |
columns) | Row 2 | Row 2 value |
| Row 3 | Row 3 value |
Mode Selector shows all available controller modes (depends on the device type). User can change the
controller mode (setpoint) by clicking any available mode on Mode Selector (there is a visual feedback -
button pressed).
Mode requested by user, different from active mode and not-yet active is
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
Name User name of the instrument Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X Number 0
[X, Y] coordinates of top left corner
0 .. screen
height –
General Y Number 0
30 .. screen
Width Number 320
Width and height of the instrument
30 .. screen
Height Number 48
Aspect Keeps aspect ratio during resizing Checkbox Unchecked
Device that instrument is connected List of
Device Select
to devices
Source Data point
Data Controller mode, the property is
Point read-only
(page 99)
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
Number of alarm records Active / unconfirmed (alarms marked with asterisk) / total
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
Name User name of the instrument Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X Number 0
[X, Y] coordinates of top left width
corner 0 .. screen
height –
General Y Number 0
300 ..
Width Number 320
screen width
Width and height of the
150 ..
Height Number screen 320
Keep Aspect Keeps aspect ratio during
Checkbox Unchecked
Ratio resizing
Data point
Shows Horn Reset button in
Horn Reset selection True
header of the instrument.
(page 99)
Shows Fault Reset button in
Fault Reset Checkbox True
Header header of the instrument.
Background color of the header.
Background The transparent color can be set
picker #3B415B
Color to make the background
(page 101)
Design Border Color Border color of the instrument. Color #3B415B
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
For the controllers with the selective fault reset support, the Fault Reset button resets only the visible alarms.
7.28 PV
The PV instrument represents the status of photovoltaic system, which is indicated by color:
Green – OK
Red – shutdown
Grey – inactive
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
User name of the
Name Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X Number
[X, Y] coordinates of top width
left corner 0 .. screen
width –
Y Number
General width
5 .. screen
width –
Width Number 200
5 .. screen
height –
Height Number 100
Keep Aspect Keeps aspect ratio during
Checkbox Unchecked
Ratio resizing
Border width Width of the border line Number 0 ..100 2
Color picker Gray
Border color Color of the border line
Design (page 101) (#7c7c7c)
Background Background color or Color picker
color transparent (page 101)
Device that is linked to the
visibility property. If the
Visibility Device selected device is not Select List of devices
connected, then the
instrument is always
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
The Start Engine button is used to star an engine (it sends the Start command to the selected device). The
button conveys 2 possible states:
Enabled – green color
Disabled – gray color (eg. "Access lock" state applied on the button)
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
Name User name of the instrument Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X Number
[X, Y] coordinates of top left corner
0 .. screen
height –
Y Number
Width Width and height of the instrument Number 10 .. screen 40
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
The Stop Engine button is used to stop an engine (it sends the Stop command to the selected device). The
button conveys 2 possible states:
Enabled – red color
Disabled – gray color (e.g. "Access lock" state applied on the button)
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
Synchroscope is a rounded meter with a pointer. It displays the current value of the selected data point. It is
designed especially for representing phasing angle value. The scale covers angle value of range -180.0° ->
+180.0°. Phase window is graphicaly represented as the range of the mirrored value around the phase angle.
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
User name of the
Name Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen width
X Number – instrument
[X, Y] coordinates of
0 .. screen
General top left corner
height –
Y Number
100 .. screen
Width Number 160
Width and height of the width
instrument 150 .. screen
Height Number 200
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
There is a yellow indication "Slow communication" in case of communication delay longer than 100 ms. It
means there are some latency issues with communication, or you are connected via connection type which is
not suitable for synchronization e.g. AirGate.
7.33 Text
The Text instrument is used for a custom text. It allows to set basic text properties as Font Style, Text Color,
Text Alignment, Font Style.
7.34 Trend
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
User name of the 1 .. 64 UNICODE
Name Text *)
instrument chars
0 .. screen width –
X Number
[X, Y] coordinates of top instrument width
General left corner 0 .. screen height –
Y Number
instrument height
Width Number 100 .. screen width 320
Width and height of the
100 .. screen
Height instrument Number 320
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
Instrument that represents a connection of 2 busbars (wires). It can be linked to a LED type data point to
indicate its status in color.
Editor properties
Category Name Note Input type Range Default
1 .. 64
Name User name of the instrument Text UNICODE *)
0 .. screen
width –
X Number
[X, Y] coordinates of top left width
General corner 0 .. screen
height –
Y Number
6 .. screen
Width Width and height of the Number 10
instrument – fixed ratio
6 .. screen
Height (height=width) Number 10
Device that instrument is List of
Device Select
connected to devices
Source Data source that instrument is Data point
Data LED type
connected to. It can be data point selection
Point data points
of either BIT or LED type. (page 99)
Note: *)
{Instrument Type} * {Last number +1 of instruments according type}
After clicking the button , a new screen is created based on automatically generated screen, i.e. a
template for each device is used. All of the instruments of the new screen are linked to their respective source
data points and visibility data points if instruments in the template use any.
The new created screen can then be edited like any other screen.
In case the site contains one or more devices without imported data points, the Auto-screen is cloned, but no
instruments are displayed for these devices.
The same situation occurs if the device has data points imported from previous version of InteliSCADA. You
should import data points to assure correct template will be used for the generated screen, see Import Data
Points button (page 42)
Analog meter
Warning limit (yellow color) is
automatically set from Nominal
power Setpoint value up
Scale is defined from 0 kW to
125% value of Nominal power
Engine State
Breaker State
Generator Frequency
Alarm List
Mode selector
Analog meter
Warning limit (yellow color) is
automatically set from Mains Import
Scale is defined from 0 kW to 125%
value of Mains Import.
Breaker State
Timer Text
Timer Value
Mains Voltage L1
Mains Current L1
Bus Frequency
Alarm List
Mode selector
Analog meter
Warning limit (yellow color) is
automatically set from Bus Left Import
Scale is defined from 0 kW to 125%
value of Bus Left Import.
Breaker State
Timer Text
Timer Value
Alarm List
Mode selector
Analog meter
Aux load
CURR. PwrBand
TotRunPact Q
NEXT PwrBand
Alarm List
Fault Reset
Mode selector
Analog meter
Warning limit (yellow color) is
automatically set from Bus Left Import
Scale is defined from 0 kW to 125%
value of Bus Left Import.
Breaker State
Timer Text
Timer Value
Alarm List
Engine State
Timer Text
Timer Value
Run Hours
CPU Temperature
Speed Request
Battery Voltage
Oil Press
DEF Level
Alarm List
Fault Reset
Mode selector
Analog meter
Breakers State
Timer Text
Timer Value
Source1 Frequency
Source2 Frequency
Alarm List
Fault Reset
Mode selector
Alarm List
Fault Reset
Note: *)
If the value from group Invisible -> HSM -> HSM 20 is set to 0, the associated instruments *) are not visible.
On online devices, the value depends on the Process Control -> System Variability -> PV setpoint (Installed -
> 1, Not installed -> 0). On archives, changing the setpoint does not affect the value.
Note: **)
If the value from group Invisible -> HSM -> HSM 19 is set to 0, the associated instruments *) are not visible.
On online devices, the value depends on the Process Control -> System Variability -> BESS setpoint
(Installed -> 1, Not installed -> 0). On archives, changing the setpoint does not affect the value.
Breaker (MCB)
Breaker (GCB)
Start Engine
Stop Engine
Breaker (MCB)
Breaker (GCB)
Start Engine
Stop Engine
Note: DP = data point
Breaker (GCB)
Start Engine
Stop Engine
Breaker (MCB)
Start Engine
Stop Engine
Note: DP = data point
Breaker (MGCB)
Breaker (MCB)
Start Engine
Stop Engine
Note: DP = data point
Bus (Left)
Breaker (BTB)
Bus (Right)
Start Engine
Stop Engine
Mains (S1)
Breaker (S1CB)
Breaker (S2CB)
Mains (S2)
Mains (S1)
Breaker (S1CB)
Breaker (S2CB)
Generator (S2)
Start Engine
Stop Engine
MINT (InteliNeo)
Breaker Button (PVCB) *)
Breaker (PVCB) *)
Start **)
Stop **)
BESS **)
PV *)
Note: DP = data point
Breaker (PVCB) *)
PV *)
Start **)
Stop **)
BESS **)
Generator ****)
Note: **)
If the value from group Invisible -> HSM -> HSM 19 is set to 0, the associated instruments *) are not visible.
On online devices, the value depends on the Process Control -> System Variability -> BESS setpoint
(Installed -> 1, Not installed -> 0). On archives, changing the setpoint does not affect the value.
Note: ****)
If the value from group Invisible -> HSM -> HSM 22 is set to 0, the associated instruments *) are not visible.
On online devices, the value depends on the Process Control -> System Variability -> Gensets setpoint
(Installed -> 1, Not installed -> 0). On archives, changing the setpoint does not affect the value.
Default template Instrument
Device name – defined by
InteliFieldbus user
Identification text
Note: (*)
Actual displayed value depends on the user configuration of InteliFieldbus Gateway.
3. The installed version is lower than the required version. Then an error message is displayed on the screen
and the InteliSCADA application cannot be used.
Note: The required version of the MongoDB server can be installed manually (using a standalone installer) or
using the InteliSCADA installation package. The installation package is always bundled with compatible
version of the MongoDB server.
communication error
No communication or server-device
communication error
or Sensor fail indication
IMPORTANT: Remember to verify whether your personalized color settings are not interfering
with the indication of error states for any of your instruments.
6 back to Troubleshooting
Incorrect device
connection details
Unknown device or
Unknown device or unknown device
application application. For supported
devices and applications
see Supported ComAp
devices on page 26.
Note: The version of the database is different than the version of InteliSCADA. The version of the
database increases only when data schema changes.
6 back to Troubleshooting
The password
Invalid doesn't match,
Password enter the correct
The password is
correct but the
maximum number
of all unlocked sites
number of
is reached. Close
any already
sites reached.
unlocked site and
unlock the site
6 back to Troubleshooting