Station Rotation Model
Station Rotation Model
Station Rotation Model
Quiet voices
Fingers typing
Pencils writing
Students reading
After creating the poster, it is time to practice rotating. Just as students had
multiple opportunities to practice independent computer behaviors, they should
also practice rotating. The teacher will need a timer and a non-verbal signal to
communicate to students when to end an activity and rotate. At the signal,
students will sign out of computers, or clean up their activity, stand behind their
chairs, and then walk to the area of their next activity.
The class should review the rotation chart daily before the rotation practice
begins. On the day of the first rotation lesson, students will practice only moving
from rotation to rotation. On the following days, after students have practiced
moving from rotation to rotation, they will practice the actual activities for 15-20
When the rotation has been completed, students will return to the rug, or starting
position, and use their thumbs to rate their rotations.
Rotation Chart
A clearly labeled chart needs to be displayed/posted, so that students know where
to go for each rotation. The chart should be large and easy to see. Here’s an
example that visually depicts Online Instruction, Independent or Collaborative
Practice, and Teacher-Led Instruction: