CV AgathaSantos
CV AgathaSantos
CV AgathaSantos
I have experience in the stages of Environmental Impact Studies, in the preparation of a Basic Environmental Plan,
data analysis, field work, coordination and team management, working independently and with different demands
Research grant in the project “ATLAZUL - Crescimento Azul no Eixo Atlântico Ibérico”, Funded by FEDER
March/2022 – September/2022 (6m)
University of Algarve/CCMar. Faro, Portugal
Main activities:
• Field surveys – CTD, bottom trawl, traps
• Laboratory processing.
• Taxonomic identification.
• Data analysis.
• Extensive literature review.
• Technical reports.
Research grant in the project “PESCAPANHA - Contributo para a Gestão Sustentada da Pequena Pesca
Costeira e Apanha”, Funded by FEAMP, Mar2020
June/2020 – November/2021 (1y 5m)
Instituto Português do Mar e Atmosfera - IPMA.Olhão, Portugal
Main activities:
• Laboratory processing.
• Taxonomic identification.
• Data analysis.
• Publication of two scientific articles.
Lead of the benthic studies division - ACQUAPLAN Tecnologia e Consultoria Ambiental Ltda.
February/2015 – July/2018 (3y 5m)
Balneário Camboriú, Brazil.
Main activities:
• Work planification.
• Sampling and laboratory processing - CTD, Horiba, Corer, van Veen grab, quadrats
• Taxonomic identification.
• Analysis of large time-series data.
• Writing technical reports for Environmental Impact Studies, mainly for coastal regions.
Researcher student - Laboratory of Biological Oceanography
July/2013 – July/2014 (1y)
University of Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI/CTTMar
Project: Distribution and abundance of the guitarfish Rhinobatos horkelii in southern Brazil. Funded by PIBIC/Cnpq.
Supervisor: Paulo Ricardo Schwingel, PhD.
Main activities: Analysis of quantitative/qualitative data collected by fisheries observers in industrial fishing in
southern Brazil for the conservation of the guitarfish population and mitigation of the effects of fishing efforts,
using the CPUE and swept area indices.
Researcher student - National Center for Research and Conservation of Marine Biodiversity in the Southeast
and South of Brazil - CEPSUL/ICMBio.
July/2012 – July/2013 (1y)
Project: Characterization of Chondrofauna in the Arvoredo Marine Biological Reserve and its buffer zone. Funded by
Supervisor: Jorge Eduardo Kotas, PhD.
Main activities: Study of the ecological diversity of elasmobranchs within an integral protection area, with the
aim of preserving biological diversity and its natural ecological processes.
Internship - Experimental Mariculture Center - CEMar & Marine Animal Stabilization Unit
January/2011 – July/2011 (6m)
University of Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI/CEMar
Supervisor: Gilberto Caetano Manzoni, PhD.
Main activities:
• Research activities for the production and technological development for the cultivation of marine
• Field and laboratory processing of mussels and scallops.
• Field and laboratory processing of sea bass species.
Main activities:
• Sampling and laboratory processing of benthic macrofauna - CTD, Horiba, Corer, van Veen, quadrats
• Taxonomic identification.
• Biotic and abiotic data processing.
Main activities:
• Granulometric analysis of marine sediments: drying, removal and determination of moisture and organic
matter and carbonates, separation of aliquots for pipetting and sieving and analysis in the laser
STCW - International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers
For-Mar – Sea and Fisheries Vocational Training Centre
Valid until October/2028
Elasmobranch Ecology.
Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo – USP, Brazil.
Santos, A.C.N.; Vasconcelos, P.; Pereira, F.; Piló, D.; Carvalho, A.N.; Gaspar, M.B. (2022). Occurrence,
infestation rate, and spatiotemporal distribution of the pea crab (Afropinnotheres monodi) inhabiting
Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from southern Portugal. Invertebrate Biology, 141 (2):
Vasconcelos, P.; Santos, A.C.N.; Pereira, F.; Moura, P.; Carvalho, A.N.; Gaspar, M.B. (2022). Shell morphology,
morphometric relationships and relative growth of three topshell species (Gastropoda: Trochidae) from the
Algarve coast (southern Portugal). Thalassas: An International Journal of MarineSciences, 38 (1): 665-674.
Gaspar, M. B.; Moura, P.; Pereira, F.; Piló, D.; Carvalho, A. N., Sordo, L.; Nicolau, L.; Janeiro, F.; Santos, A.;
Vasconcelos, P. (2020). Ponto de situação dos bancos de bivalves na Zona Sul (Junho 2020).
IPMA, Olhão, 21 p.
Gaspar, M. B.; Moura, P.; Pereira, F.; Piló, D.; Carvalho, A. N., Sordo, L.; Nicolau, L.; Janeiro, F.; Santos, A.;
Vasconcelos, P. (2020). Ponto de situação dos bancos de bivalves na Zona Ocidental Sul (Junho 2020). IPMA,
Olhão, 23 p.
Kotas, J. E., Santos, A. C. N. dos, Scalco, A. C. S. Elasmobrânquios demersais da Reserva Biológica Marinha
do Arvoredo, SC (Brasil). Revista CEPSUL – Biodiversidade e Conservação Marinha, v. 6, 2017.
(conference poster) “Caracterização da macrofauna bentônica das praias costeiras e estuarinas adjacentes à
desembocadura da baía da Babitonga, entre os municípios de Itapoá e São Francisco do Sul - Santa Catarina,
Portuguese (native)
English (Listening C2, Reading C2, Writing C2, Spoken Production C2, Spoken Interaction C2)
Spanish (Listening C2, Reading C2, Writing C1, Spoken Production C1, Spoken Interaction C1)
Basics of ArcGis