Speed Management System Based On GPS
Speed Management System Based On GPS
Speed Management System Based On GPS
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Excessive speeding by drivers is commonly The speed control mechanism may precisely
the cause of traffic accidents, which frequently results in recognize and react to predefined geographic zones by
property damage or fatalities. There are still a lot of integrating a GPS module. This method offers a dynamic
recorded incidents that occur because of irresponsible solution by enabling the customization of speed limitations
driving, even with all the efforts taken to protect based on the features of each zone. The system's
drivers, such as enforcing traffic laws and attempting to responsiveness is ensured using real-time GPS data, which
regulate speed in vital zones by using speed limiters. A enables speed restrictions to be changed instantly as
speed-limiting control system that would detect vehicles passes through different zones. At the same time
irresponsible driving, particularly in dangerous areas, is the real time speed data of the vehicle is collected in a
the project's proposed solution to the current issue. Our cloud platform called ThingSpeak. It is an open-source
systemuses the Global Positioning device (GPS) to Internet of Things (IoT) analytics platform that allows us to
identify crucial zones and automatically modify the collect, visualize, and analyze real time data from our
vehicle's speed when it surpasses the speed connected devices. This data would be helpful for real-time
restriction.The car's speed data is automatically tracking of our vehicle in case of any emergencies and
gathered and stored on a cloud platform for future accidents. Our proposedsystem is mainly for commercial
reference and real-time tracking. For commercial uses, purposes and can be mounted in taxis to ensure public
such as cabs, taxis, and trucks, this proposed approach safety. This system could also be found very useful for
would be highly beneficial in continually monitoring other commercial vehicles including trucks, buses, tipper
vehicles on huge mass and in promoting public safety. trucksetc.
Road accidents represent a persistent and pervasive To provide advanced driver assistance system for
global challenge, exerting profound impacts on public commercial vehicles.
health, economic stability, and societal well-being. These To enhance safety and compliance with speed limit in
incidents, often resulting from a complex interplay of certain areas.
factors, encompass not only collisions between vehicles but
also involve pedestrians, cyclists, and other vulnerable road III. METHODOLOGY
users. The significance of road accidents extends beyond
mere statistics, as they manifest as a major cause of This research aims to implement an effective solution
injuries, fatalities, and disabilities, thereby posing a to the given problem. The GPS module attempts to collect
considerable burden on healthcare systems and economies the location of the moving vehicle. This location data is
worldwide. given in latitude and longitude values. With the help of this
data the speed of the device can be calculated for every
Through the use of GPS technology, this research meter per second movement of the vehicle. The
attempts to automate the management of vehicle speed Microcontroller is used to compare the current speed of the
when it reaches crucial zones, providing an efficient vehicle with the predefined vehicles speed for a specific
solution to the given problem. Based on the coordinates zone. When the speed of the vehicle exceeds the predefined
given by the GPS module, the system will compare the speed, the MCU initiates an action to reduce the speed of
vehicle's speed in the critical zone to the maximum the vehicle by passing on the control to the ECU of the
permitted speed and make the necessary adjustments. vehicle which immediately reduces the vehicles speed
Several facets of tracking and navigation have been according to the speed limit to be maintained for the certain
completely transformed by the introduction of GPS zone. The real time data is stored in a cloud platform which
technology. In order to ensure the safety of both cars and could be monitored continuously, and an alert will be sent
pedestrians, restricted speeds are essential in some zones, in case of crossing the speed limit. It ensures the safety, and
such as residential neighborhoods, construction sites, and this device acts as a precaution for accidents and ensures
school zones. These particular difficulties are the focus of the safety of the individual. An alert email will be sent to
the proposed system. the head office of the authority in case of any accident
detected by the vibration sensor along with the exact
location and time detected by the GPS module.
ESP8266 Micro-controller
Neo 7M GPS module
LCD Display
A. ESP8266 Micro-controller
An affordable System-on-a-Chip (SoC) known as the
ESP8266 serves as the foundation for the NodeMCU (Node
MicroController Unit), which is an open-source software Fig. 2: ESP 8266 module
and hardware development environment. The CPU, RAM,
networking (Wi-Fi), and even a contemporary operating B. Neo 7M GPS Module
system and SDK are all present in the Espressif Systems- Fig.3 represents Neo7M GPS Module. This compact
designed and manufactured ESP8266. It would be a great electronic device is designed to receive signals from Global
option for Internet of Things (IoT) projects of all kinds.The Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and determine its
ESP8266 has a variety of General-PurposeInput/Output precise location on Earth. GPS module contains an antenna
(GPIO) Pins that can be used for various purposes such as that continuously receives radio signals from a network of
interfacing with sensors, actuators and other peripherals. orbiting GPS satellites. Each satellite transmits precise
The ESP8266's versatility makes it suitable for countless information about its position and current line. Each
projects including Smart home devices, IoT sensors, signal's arrival time is measured by the GPS module. The
wearables and data logging and monitoring This model is speed of light is then used to determine each satellite's
widely used because of low cost, ease of use and Low distance. Satellite distances are calculated by GPS modules.
power consumption.Fig.2 represents ESP8266 micro Using the distances between several known sites (the
controller. satellites) to determine a position is known as trilateration.
The GPS module can determine its position within two
Technical specification Earthly points using distance data from a minimum of three
32-bit RISC Architecture satellites. The calculated position is expressed in latitude
Clock speed - 80MHz and longitude coordinates:
Flash memory - 4 MB Latitude measures the north-south position, relative to
RAM - 32 KB the equator (0°).
Operating Voltage - 3.3 V Longitude measures the east-west position, relative to
Operating Temperature: -40°C to +125°C the Prime Meridian (0°).
C. LCD Display
An electronic gadget that can display text or numbers
is called a liquid crystal display. Numerical displays and
alphanumeric text displays are the two primary categories
of LCD displays.The "crystal" on the display is composed
of several shapes. These crystals take the form of "bars" in
numeric displays and are merely organized into patterns of
"dots" in alphanumeric displays.LCD sizes are varied. The
LCD used in our system, model number RG1602A, has a
16x2 character display size, which is a commonly used
display size. With its 16-pin layout, it offers multiple
features such as power, contrast, control lines, data lines,
and backlight. Fig.4 represents LCD display.The 16x2 LCD Fig. 5: Vibration Sensor
in the system will show the speed as soon as the car starts,
which for example would be displayed as 60 km/h. At some E. Thing Speak
instance when the vehicle enters the speed controlling zone ThingSpeak is an IoT analytics cloud platform service
the LCD display will notify the user about the current that allows you to aggregate, visualize and analyze live data
location. The information will be passed on to proceed the streamsinthe cloud. ThingSpeak provides instant
further mechanism in reducing the speed of the vehicle. visualizations of data posted by your devices to
The 16x2 LCD display will show the speed decrease. ThingSpeak. ThingSpeak platform offers a variety of
features and is completely user friendly. It collects real time
data from our devices. The collected data can be visualised
in form of graph and charts. It analyses the collected data
and collects insights. We can also control our devices by
sending alerts that are commands which alters the vehicles
speed when it exceeds the speed in certain zone. It also has
a wide range of applications including Agriculture,
Environmental monitoring, Smart homes and Asset
tracking. Fig.6 represents the working of ThingSpeak IoT
cloud platform.
Fig. 7: Flowchart
A. MATLAB code
B. Email alert