Physical Properties of Hybrid Epoxy Composites Reinforced With Carbon Fiber and Ceramic Particles

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Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (15) No 3, 2022: 1-9

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ISSN: 1999-8716 (Print); 2616-6909 (Online)

Physical Properties of Hybrid Epoxy Composites Reinforced with

Carbon Fiber and Ceramic Particles
Noor Hassan Ali*, Suha K. Shihab, Muzher Taha Mohamed
Department of Materials Engineering, University of Diyala, Iraq.


Recently, studying and enhancing the thermal conductivity of hybrid polymer
Article history: composites attract many researchers because of the multifunction of electronic devices.
Received March 24, 2022
Accepted July 20, 2022
Scattering of particles inside fiber reinforced epoxy has a vital character in enhancing
the physical and mechanical properties of their structures for serious applications such
Keywords: as electronic devices. Ceramic particles are considered a high-quality type for owing
Alumina comparatively elevated electrical resistivity with thermal conductivity and acceptable
Carbon fiber cost. Therefore, in this study, the effect of adding ceramic particles on the thermal
Hybrid Epoxy Composites conductivity and density along with hardness of the hybrid epoxy composites was
Silicon carbide investigated. The reinforced plain weave carbon fibers/epoxy composites with different
Thermal conductivity weight percentages of micro particles of silicon carbide and alumina were prepared by
hand lay-up. The results showed an increase in the thermal conductivity by increasing
the proportion of silicon carbide and alumina without affecting the density of the epoxy
compound. Also, the adding of ceramic particles content has significant influence
on reinforcing the carbon fiber/epoxy composites. This high improvement in
thermal conductivity with low density in these hybrid epoxy composites have been
driven them as possible nominations for electronic devices. The optimum content of
hybrid epoxy composite for electronic applications is at SiC 10% and Al2O3 5% with 15
carbon fiber and 70 epoxies. Thus, a new polymer-based composite with improved
thermal conductivity for electronic applications was produced.

1. Introduction qualities, as well as their low cost and simplicity

of fabrication [4]. The strength of a polymer
Hybrid epoxy composites are used in a matrix composite is primarily determined by the
variety of industrial applications, including capacity of the base matrix resin to transmit the
automobiles, ships, aircraft, and electrical given load to the reinforcing phase. The addition
systems; The idea of optoelectronic and of filler material aids in strengthening the
electronic devices protects electrical interfacial strength between matrix and
components from short circuits, dust, and reinforcement, which aids in the efficiency of
moisture [1,2]. Epoxy is one of the most the base matrix to transmit load, hence boosting
common thermosetting polymer matrixes composite performance [5]. Also, fibres have a
because of its exceptional chemical resistance, larger load-sharing capacity than particles and
and its qualities may be increased by reinforcing they are vital additions when striving for high-
with fibres and particles [3]. Polymer/ceramic performance polymer composites for different
composite materials have recently gained purposes [6,7]. The use of polymeric hybrid
popularity due to their mechanical and thermal composites in electronic applications has

Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
DOI: 10.24237/djes.2022.15301
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Noor Hassan Ali, Suha K. Shihab, Muzher Taha Mohamed / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (15) No 3, 2022: 1-9

increased due to their high performance, the thermal conductivity of hybrid

especially those that have been hybridized with Polydimethylsiloxane/ Aluminium nitride
particles and fibres [8]. The adding of metallic particles/ carbon nanotubes composite was
particles into polymer typically deteriorates the significantly greater than Polydimethylsiloxane/
properties of dielectric and electric insulation of Aluminium nitride particles composite. This
composites which leads to decrease in the result referred to the ability of improve and
dielectric strength and considerable surge in control the temperature of electronic devices.
electrical conductivity. Thus, restrict their The study by [6] revealed that adding SiC
application in electronic devices. Therefore, particles and E-glass fiber to the epoxy resin
recently ceramic particles are broadly studied gave improving thermal stability and nominated
because of their comparatively high electrical to use of this hybrid composite in electronic
resistivity and high thermal conductivity as gadget
mentions in previous recent studies [9-11]. To expand the knowledge about the effect of
Many studies have used different hybrid fiber- different types and weight percentage of
particles reinforcements to study the ceramic particles on the polymer composites
development of the physical properties of epoxy that used in electronic devices, this research
polymer composites. It was observed that the investigates the effect of adding micro ceramic
addition of Al2O3 and SiC particles enhanced particles i.e., silicon carbide and alumina at
the mechanical and thermal characteristics of different weight to the polymer composite
PA6 hybrid composites [12]. one of the (carbon fiber reinforced epoxy) on the physical
researches involved that the thermal properties in terms of thermal conductivity and
conductivity increased by increasing the density along with hardness property.
addition of silicon carbide particles to the hybrid 2. Experimental Work
polymer composites reinforced with glass fibres
2.1.Materials used
[13]. In another study, it was found that a hybrid
filler containing hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) In this work, high-strength epoxy resin
and copper particles improves the heat (composite A) (Sikadur®-52 LP (US)) with a
conductivity of carbon fibre reinforced epoxy coefficient of thermal expansion (89 x 10-6 per
resin [14]. In addition, the thermal stability of ˚C) was mixed with a hardener composite (B)
the epoxy composite was improved by (Sikadur®-52 LP (US)) and used as matrix
hybridizing it with glass and bamboo fibres, as material. The weight ratio of composite A: B
well as coconut shell powder nanoparticles [15]. was equal to 2:1 according to the
The influence of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) recommendation of their manufacturer (Sika
and short sisal fibres based on an epoxy matrix Egypt for Construction Chemicals Company).
on the physical characteristics was investigated, In addition, Plain weave carbon fibres with high
and the findings revealed that the density rose as thermal conductivity were used by (MB
the (hBN) particle content grew, while it fiberglass Company). The obtained silicon
reduced as the sisal fiber content increased [16]. carbide particles (SiC) with 37µm particle size
Moreover, the titanium carbide particles and alumina particles (Al2O3) with 25µm size
improved the physical attributes of the (Renfert GmbH Company) were used. Thermal
combined synthetic and bio-reinforced epoxy conductivity (TC) of constituent materials at
composite with coconut fiber, resulting in a low- room temperature are given in Table 1.
density composite with a high strength-to-
weight ratio [17]. It was obtained by [18] that
Table 1: Thermal conductivity (TC) and density of constituent materials at room temperature [10,11,19-23]
Constituent material TC (W/m K) Density (g/cm3)
Epoxy resin 0.18 1.1
CF 300–1000 1.75–2.00
SiC 120 3.215
Al2O3 30 3.8

Noor Hassan Ali, Suha K. Shihab, Muzher Taha Mohamed / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (15) No 3, 2022: 1-9

2.2. Method for preparing hybrid polymer Different types and weights of ceramic particles
composites were selected as shown in Table 2. A different
sensitive weight scale of particles was stirred in
A six samples of hybrid epoxy composites epoxy resin and after mixing, the mixture was
were prepared. Each sample includes six-layers placed in an ultrasonic device for 20 minutes to
of carbon fibre mats at a fixed weight remove any air bubbles that might cause defects
percentage of 15% as reinforcement in epoxy in the sample. Then curing agent i.e., the
resin matrix. ceramic particles (silicon carbide hardener was added to the mixtures and the
and alumina particles) were used as another stirring was performed again.
reinforcement for the fiber/epoxy composite.
Table 2: The specimens with different weights of particles
Type of composite weight percentage weight percentage of weight percentage of Sample
of CF (%) particles (%) epoxy (%) name
Composite (Carbon
15 0 85 D1
fiber +epoxy)
Carbon/Epoxy 15 10 SiC 75 D2
composite filled with 15 10 Al2O3 75 D3
SiC particles + 15 15 (5 Al2O3+10 SiC) 70 D4
Al2O3(Hybrid 15 15 (10 Al2O3+5 SiC) 70 D5
composite) 15 20 (10 Al2O3+10 SiC) 65 D6

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 1. Hand lay-up process. (a) Sensitive scale. (b) Mixing. (c) Ultrasound devise. (d) Final product

A glass plate serving as a mold was prevent the polymer from sticking to the surface
employed during the hand lay-up process and a of the PVC sheet, A weighted amount of the
piece of (PVC sheet stands for polyvinyl prepared mixture (epoxy/particles) was placed
chloride) was put on the glass plate to prevent and distributed carefully by a small plastic
the epoxy resin from adhering to the surface of plate., Finally, the layer of carbon fiber was
the glass plate. An adhesive strip was used to arranged as per the requisite size and inserted
determine the desired dimensions of the sample into the mixture. This procedure is repeated six
and then the mold was moistened with wax to times for six layers of carbon fiber that are added

Noor Hassan Ali, Suha K. Shihab, Muzher Taha Mohamed / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (15) No 3, 2022: 1-9

during fabricating each sample. The hybrid a water jet machine to obtain the required shape
composite sample was carefully removed from and dimensions for thermal conductivity
the mold without any damage after the curing measurement and density as shown in Fig.2. The
time at room temperature for 24h. Fig.1. depicts samples were cut into a cylindrical shape with a
the hand layup setup for preparing the hybrid diameter of (25 mm) and thickness (6.9 mm).
epoxy composites. The samples were cut using

Figure 2: Prepared samples after cutting

2.3.Thermal conductivity k{(TB-TA)/ds}=e[TA+r/2(dA+ds/4)

TA+dsTB/2r] (1)
The thermal conductivity coefficient of the
polymeric hybrid composites was calculated where e: represents the amount of thermal
using Lee's Disc method. Then the thermal energy that passes through a unit area of disk
conductivity of the insulating materials was material per second (W/m2. K) and is calculated
calculated using the device manufactured by from the following equation:
Griffen and George Company in England as
shown in Fig.3. The device consists of three IV = π r² e (TA+TB) + 2π r e [dA TA+ ds /2
discs (A, B, C) and an electric heater which is (TA+TB) + dB TB + dC TC] (2)
connected to an electrical circuit. The sample is Since: TA, TB, TC: represents the
placed between the two discs (A, B), and the temperature of the discs (A, B, C) respectively
electric heater is placed between the two disks and is measured in units (°C) where the
(B, C), and when the power supply is turned on, temperature degree of equilibrium was =18˚C.
the discs are heated by the heater, and this d: the thickness of the disc = 0.013m.
temperature transfer to the next disc until it ds: the thickness of the sample (0.0069 m).
reaches to the last disk. When the heating time r: the radius of the disk = 0.02m.
30min is reached, the reading of the existing I: The current that passes through the heater coil
thermometers records the temperature in each =1.5 A.
disk, which are (TA, TB, TC). Then, the thermal V: the potential difference on both ends of the
conductivity coefficient of the composite (K) is heater coil in (6 Volt).
calculated using the following equation [24]:

Figure 3. Thermal conductivity device

Noor Hassan Ali, Suha K. Shihab, Muzher Taha Mohamed / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (15) No 3, 2022: 1-9

2.4. Density Ρ = m/V (3)

Density is one of a substance's physical ρ: symbol for density measured in (g/cm3).
qualities that is measured by measuring the mass m: mass, measured in grams (g).
and volume of samples (Archimedes principle). V: volume of cylindrical sample in cubic
Lower density is preferred, while it may degrade centimetres (cm3) unit and calculated using
mechanical qualities because it makes equation below:
composites lightweight and appropriate for a
wide range of electronic applications. The mass V=π r2 h (4)
was measured by electronic digital balance with where:
four digits (KERN company) as shown in Fig.4. r: The radius of sample and is equal to (1.25
and the volume by the electronic digital cm).
h: The height of sample and equal to (0.69 cm).
equation used to calculate density [25]:

Figure 4. Electronic digital balance

2.5.Hardness hybrid epoxy composites as shown in Fig.5. The

content of the composite i.e., carbon fibre and
Shore hardness is the best regularly ceramic particles had randomly distributed
procedure for measuring the hardness of therefore five points on the surface of each
polymer composites [26]. The shore D hardness sample were calculated and the average of
test in this article was performed to measure the hardness for all spots was obtained.
surface hardness of the six prepared samples of

Figure 5. D shore hardness device

Noor Hassan Ali, Suha K. Shihab, Muzher Taha Mohamed / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (15) No 3, 2022: 1-9

3. Results and discussion their particle size [13]. Further, the value of
3.1.Thermal conductivity of hybrid epoxy thermal conductivity exhibited the highest
composites enhancement of 40% at sample D4 (10Sic +5
Al2O3 wt%) without requiring to increase in the
The results of the thermal conductivity of six volume fraction of Al2O3 particles because it
samples of hybrid epoxy composites at different contains the highest percentage of SiC at 10% as
weights of reinforcements were obtained as well as this indicating to the providing perfect
shown in Fig.6. Commonly, for all samples, the particles matrix interaction. Sample D1
existence of reinforcement particles (silicon produced the lowest thermal conductivity of
carbide and alumina) in hybrid carbon fibers carbon-fibre-reinforced epoxy composites,
/epoxy composites has a significant impact on reaching (0.739733315 w/m.k) because it did
the thermal conductivity. Increasing thermal not contain particles of silicon carbide and
conductivity of the composite by adding hybrid alumina, and this can be clear from Fig.6.
conductive particles attributes to the existence Moreover, sample s D5 and D6 shows a
of contacts between fibres and particles that noticeable reduction in the thermal conductivity
generate conductive paths which results in and this might be due to a high-volume fraction
increasing the conductivity and this path is of particles or more loading of small particle
increased with an increase in the volume size of Alumina in composite results in
fraction of particles. In addition, it was shown increased particle aggregations which lead to an
that the effect of SiC is much stronger as important increase in interfacial thermal
compared to the Al2O3 on the thermal resistance and unacceptable thermal conductive
conductivity. It was seen from previous studies rendering of polymer composites. as indicated
that SiC particles have perfect thermal in previous studies [11, 27,28].
conductivity properties along with the effect of

1.2 1.155216225

Thermal conductivity (w/m.k) (w/m.k)

0.9 0.85638983





D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6

Figure 6. Thermal conductivity of hybrid epoxy composites

3.2. Density of hybrid epoxy composites amount of carbon fiber is constant and the
amount of epoxy in each sample decreases with
In this section, the density of hybrid epoxy increasing reinforcement with silicon carbide
composite reinforced with carbon fiber and particles and alumina. Generally, it has been
reinforced with silicon carbide and alumina observed that the density of hybrid composites
particles are measured as shown in Fig.7. The is not affected much as compared to the density
results of the experimental work showed that the of fiber/epoxy composite (sample D1), and in

Noor Hassan Ali, Suha K. Shihab, Muzher Taha Mohamed / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (15) No 3, 2022: 1-9

turn, the reinforcement in these particles does g/cm3. This slight irregular change in the density
not affect the density of the hybrid epoxy values for all samples attribute to the fabrication
composite. The density of the sample D1 is 1.12 of composites particularly through using the
g/cm3 where this sample is free of silicon hand-lay-up process. High improvement in
carbide and alumina particles, and it gradually thermal conductivity with low density in these
increases by a very small percentage till reaches hybrid epoxy composites have been driven them
15% increasing the proportion of silicon carbide as possible nominate for electronic devices.
and alumina particles in the sample D4 to 1.32


1.32 1.34
1.23 1.25
1.12 1.15
Density (g/cm3)





D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6

Figure 7. Density of hybrid epoxy composites

3.3.Hardness of hybrid epoxy composites was considerably higher than the epoxy
composite without particles i.e., sample D1.
Figure 8 indicates the surface hardness The highest value of hardness about (69.6 HV)
values of hybrid epoxy composite. The results was reached in sample D4 (15% CF, 5% Al2O3,
showed that the content of the ceramic particles 10% SiC and 70% of epoxy) with the highest
has a significant effect on increasing the enhancement ~ 12%. This due to the
hardness of the epoxy composite. The results accumulation of hard ceramic particles that
exhibited that the surface hardness of hybrid increases the hardness of the matrix and as
epoxy composites including ceramic particles indicated in previous studies [29, 30].

Vickers hardness HV

64 63.2

62 61.1



D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6


Figure 8. Hardness of hybrid epoxy composites

Noor Hassan Ali, Suha K. Shihab, Muzher Taha Mohamed / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences Vol (15) No 3, 2022: 1-9

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