Wen 2017
Wen 2017
Wen 2017
DOI 10.1007/s10854-017-7316-5
Abstract Cycloaliphatic epoxy resin was modified by signals and large area displays because of their high effi-
phenyl methyl silicone resin to investigate the influence of ciency, low power consumption, and high durability [1–3].
silicone content on the performance and reliability of epoxy The development of LED technology relies on the improve-
packaged light-emitting diode. The silicone modification of ment of high performance packaging materials. Epoxy res-
epoxy encapsulants was characterized by transform infra- ins, as high performance thermosetting polymer materials,
red (FT-IR) spectrophotometer. Rotational rheometer was have been extensively used for LED encapsulation due to
used to study rheology behavior. Differential scanning calo- the advantages like high adhesion, great dimensional stabil-
rimetry, thermogravimetric analyses, dynamic mechanical ity, low dielectric constant, great machinability, and excel-
analysis, thermomechanical analyzer were introduced to lent resistance to chemicals [4–7].
measure the thermal and mechanical properties. Ultravio- Cycloaliphatic epoxies, especially (3–4-epoxycyclohex-
let visible spectrophotometer was utilized to study heat and ane) methyl 3–4-epoxycyclohexyl-carboxylate (ECC) cured
ultraviolet resistance. In reliability test, scanning acoustic with acid anhydride exhibits excellent performance in LED
microscope and scanning electron microscope were applied encapsulation. Owing to the nonaromatic cyclic structure,
to observe interfacial delamination. Water sorption pro- ECC displays better performance such as higher proces-
cess was monitored using gravimetric measurement. FT-IR sibility, better UV resistance and greater mechanical and
study shows a chemical bonding between hydroxyl group electrical properties than aromatic epoxies [8–10].
of silicone resin and epoxy resin. With the incorporation However, there are still some fundamental works should
of silicone resin, favorable properties were obtained such be done in order to strengthen the performance of epoxy
as higher thermal decomposition temperature, lower equi- resins for LED encapsulation. For example, the moisture in
librium water sorption, and better heat and UV resistance. epoxy resin can induce interfacial delamination and pop-
Among these systems, 10% silicone modified epoxy resin corning during solder reflow process [11–13], therefore,
exhibits the best performance in reliability test. the water-absorbing quality of epoxy resin is expected to
further decrease. In addition, cycloaliphatic epoxy resin has
limited application in LED encapsulation fields because of
1 Introduction its inherent brittleness arising from its high-cross-linked
structure, leading to a low resistance to crack development
Recently, light-emitting diode (LED) are widely applied in and growth [14, 15]. Besides, the degradation of epoxy res-
numerous applications, such as lighting equipment, traffic ins under exposure to radiation and high temperature lead
to chain scission and discoloration. For more advanced and
durable LED devices, the improvement of encapsulating
* Yingfeng Yu material in heat and UV resistance is necessary [16].
yfyu@fudan.edu.cn Silicone resin is a sort of effective modifier of epoxy res-
1 ins for microelectronic encapsulation as it can improve the
State Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering of Polymers,
Department of Macromolecular Science, Fudan University, performance of epoxy resins. The main chains of the sili-
Shanghai 200433, China cone are composed of Si–O bond with larger bond energy
J Mater Sci: Mater Electron
than C–C bond and C–O bond. Therefore, silicone modi- thermal and UV stability due to the drop of glass transition
fied epoxy resin has excellent performance of heat and UV temperature (Tg).
resistance [17]. In addition, the water sorption tendency As phenyl methyl silicone resin could provide both good
decreases on addition of silicone content due to the hydro- toughness and excellent miscibility with epoxy resin, its
phobic and partial ionic nature of the Si–O–Si linkage [18]. modification would be expected to improve the thermal and
With so many favorable properties, increasing silicone con- UV stability of materials while decrease the internal stress
tent may lead to desirable result. However, phase separation during thermal shock and external stress. In this study, a
sometimes limits the incorporation of a large amount of phenyl methyl silicone resin was incorporated into epoxy
the silicone components with only methyl group, and more encapsulant to study its effect on the performance and reli-
seriously, leads to bleeding of the silicone components, ability of LED devices.
impairing the performance of the materials [19]. Among The reaction and the properties of these silicone modi-
silicone modifiers, phenyl methyl silicone could not only fied epoxy resins were characterized by thermal and
offer thermal stability and toughness, but also has good mechanical methods. Water sorption behavior was stud-
compatibility with epoxy resins [20]. ied by gravimetric measurement. The reliability and per-
In early researches, different kinds of silicone modified formance of LED devices encapsulated with these epoxy
epoxy systems had been well studied for other applications materials were tested according to the characterization
[21–24]. However, the interaction between alicyclic epoxy methods established previously.
resins and phenyl methyl silicone has not been deeply stud-
ied yet. Moreover, few articles discussed the reliability of
LED devices when the silicone modified epoxy resins were 2 Experimental
applied to LED encapsulation. As novel packaging material
must consider better optical, electrical, and thermal perfor- 2.1 Materials
mance as well as chemical and thermal stability [25]. The
reliability tests include thermal shock, aging at constant The commercially available epoxy resin, (3-4-epoxy-
temperature and humidity, lifetime test and so on [3, 26]. cyclohexane) methyl 3-4-epoxycyclohexyl-carboxylate
In our previous work [27], a set of method have been estab- (ECC) having epoxy equivalent of about 130–135 was
lished to study the reliability of epoxy encapsulated LED obtained from Dow Inc., USA. The phenyl methyl sili-
devices, as well as the influence of different fillers to epoxy cone resin Wackle Silres 604 (Silicone, Mn = 2320 g/mol)
resin. On the basis of the test methods, we further noticed was purchased from Wackle Co., Germany. The methyl-
the reliability improvement of LED devices with the incor- hexahydrophthalic anhydride (MHHPA) and Tetrabutyl
poration of flexible hydrogenated bisphenol A diglycidyl ammonium bromide (TBAB) were purchased from Aldrich
ether into ECC materials [28]. However, the introduction Chemical Co., USA. The chemical structure of materials
of flexible component would lead to obvious decline the is illustrated in Scheme 1. ECC was dehydrated in vacuum
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oven before use; the other chemicals were used without fur- 2.3.2 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
ther treatments.
DSC was used for characterizing the curing behaviors of
cure systems and the glass-transition temperature (Tg) of
2.2 Sample preparation
the samples. Calorimetric analyses were carried out on a
TA Q2000 Differential Scanning Calorimeter. Samples of
To investigate the characteristic of silicone modified epoxy
approximately 5 mg were cured in hermetic aluminum pans
resin, silicone with different ratio (silicone parts accounted
under a dry nitrogen atmosphere(50 mL/min) at a heating
for the total mass of 0, 10, 20, 30%) were reacted with
rate of 10 ℃/min. The glass-transition temperature (Tg) can
epoxy resin ECC. The formulations of the studied sys-
be measured with the ramp program from 40 to 250 °C by
tems are listed in Table 1. The silicone modified epoxy
10 °C/min, and then from 250 to 40 °C by 20 °C/min, after
are denoted as Neat ECC, silicone-10%, silicone-20%, sil-
that 10 °C/min to 250 °C. The second curve of temperature
icone-30%. When silicone was added, the weight percent
rise can indicate Tg.
of catalyst TBAB and epoxy/anhydride molar ratio was
kept unchanged in stoichiometric ratio. For example, sili-
2.3.3 Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMA)
cone-10% represents that the weight percent of silicone in
the blends is 10 wt%.
DMA was introduced to measure the thermal and mechani-
Under magnetic stirring, the mixture of ECC and sili-
cal properties of the samples. Dynamic mechanical meas-
cone reacted in the oil bath at 120 °C for 1 h. After cooling
urement was conducted on Mettler Toledo—DMA/
to 60 °C, a stoichiometric amount of MHHPA and 0.5 wt%
SDTA861e with a large Dual Cantilever mode. The DMA
of catalyst TBAB were added into the mixture to form cure
samples were cured with the size of 30 × 10 × 1 mm3. The
systems. Those systems mixed for another 0.5 h at 60 °C.
measurements were carried out in nitrogen atmosphere
Colorless homogeneous viscous liquids were obtained. To
at the heating rate of 3 °C/min in the range of 50–300 °C.
prepare samples for testing, the resin systems were cured
Mechanical parameter was deformation 10 μm, force
in molds at the temperature of 100 °C for 2 h and 130 °C
applied 0.5 N and the frequency 1 Hz.
for 2 h, and then post-cured at 180 °C for 1 h. The samples
Based on the rubber elasticity theory [29], the cross-
were all colorless transparent slices. For LED encapsula-
linking density ρ of the epoxy resin is obtained from the
tion, 40 wt% of silica filler was added in the epoxy packag-
equilibrium elastic modulus G′ in the rubbery region
ing materials.
above the α-relaxation temperature through the following
2.3 Characterization �
ρ = G ∕�RT
2.3.1 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) where ∅, R and T are the front factor, universal gas constant
and the Kelvin temperature respectively. Tg + 50 °C is used
FTIR was utilized for characterizing the reaction and the as the temperature for the equilibrated elastic modulus [30],
properties of silicone modified epoxy resin. FTIR spec- where Tg is identified as the peak temperature of loss tan-
troscopy experiments were performed on a Thermofisher gent. ∅ is 3 for epoxy resin [31].
Nicolet 6700 Spectrometer with a resolution of 4 cm−1. For
cured epoxy sample sheets, their surfaces were scanned on 2.3.4 Thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA)
a diamond ATR accessory for 128 times. The liquid sam-
ples were sandwiched between two KBr plates and scanned Thermal stability was determined on Perkin-Elmer Pyris 1
from 4000 to 400 cm−1 for 64 times. The reaction process TGA. The samples were around 5 mg. All measurements
of ECC and silicone was tracked at 120 °C for 1 h. The cur- were carried out under nitrogen (40 mL/min) atmosphere
ing process of cure system was track at 130 °C for 1 h. for heating from 25 to 800 °C at the rate of 10 °C/min.
Table 1 Formulation of Sample ECC (wt%) Silicone (wt%) MHHPA (wt%)a TBAB (wt%) Refractive index
silicone modified epoxy resin
investigated Neat ECC 43.6 0 56.2 0.2 1.4892
Silicone-10% 39.2 10.0 50.6 0.2 1.4939
Silicone-20% 34.9 20.0 44.9 0.2 1.4981
Silicone-30% 27.3 30.0 42.5 0.2 1.5022
MHHPA are in stoichiometric ratio with epoxies
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2.3.7 Gravimetric measurement of water sorption The test procedure for LED packaging reliability characteri-
zation involved moisture preconditioning, the thermal shock
The sample sheets (20 mm × 20 mm × 1 mm) were polished cycling test (T/C: −65 to 150 °C), and the infrared (IR) sol-
with deionized water, and then dried in a vacuum oven at der reflow process (260 °C × 3 times). The encapsulated LED
100 °C for 24 h. Water sorption into sample sheet at 85 °C devices were subjected to moisture sensitivity level test MSL
was monitored as a function of immersion time [33]. The 3 upon IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020. The LEDs were primarily
samples were taken out from the water at intervals, wiped baked to remove residual moisture subsequently implemented
with lens paper and weighed on a Mettler Toledo ME204E with T/C tests or PCT and then exposure to damp environ-
microbalance (accuracy, 0.1 mg). The samples were cured in ments at 30 °C and 60% RH for 192 h followed by three times
the mold which was 0.1 cm thickness. Weighing water sorp- IR reflow soldering. The fatigue crack, defects, and delami-
tion (Mt) is defined as: nation during the reflow soldering process was analyzed by
Mt = Wt − W0 ∕W0
) scanning acoustic microscope (C-SAM) SONIX C-SAM
LHF-200. Surface cracking of encapsulated LED device was
where Wt is to the sample mass at t moment, W0 is the sam-
examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM), Philip XL
ple mass without water sorption.
The diffusion coefficient is another important index affect-
ing the properties of epoxy materials. It is generally accepted
2.3.10 Rheology characterization
that the behavior of initial water sorption process of epoxy
conforms to Fickian diffusion [34]:
The rheology characterization was performed on Ther-
Mt 4 Dt 1∕2
( ) mofisher HAAKE MARS III. The study was carried out at
= 23 °C with the frequency from 0.01 to 100 Hz.
M∞ d 𝜋
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2.3.11 Hardness test The reaction between ECC and epoxy was tracked by
FTIR in-situ monitoring. It is observed from Fig. 2 that, the
The hardness was measured at room temperature using a intensity of hydroxy peak decline with the reaction time at
Shore D hardness tester (XHS, China) according to ASTM 120 °C. Hardly any variation can be seen when the reaction
standard D2240. time came to 1 h. Therefore, in the condition of 120 °C for
1 h, the reaction of ECC and silicone almost complicated.
2.3.12 Refractive index test Above all, these results indicate that the silicone has com-
bined with epoxy successfully.
The refractive index was obtained by WZS-1 abbe’s refrac- The refractive indexes of the samples are listed in
tometer at room temperature. Each sample was measured Table 1. The result denotes that the refractive indexes of the
three times in parallel. samples increased from 1.4892 to 1.5022 with the amount
of silicone, which is caused by the enlargement of the phe-
nyl group from the silicone resin with higher refractive
3 Results and discussion index value.
3.1 Preparation and properties of silicone modified 3.1.2 Rheology study of silicone modified epoxy resin
epoxy resin
The result of rheology characterization for flow and fre-
3.1.1 Preparation of silicone modified epoxy resin quency study is shown in Fig. 3. It can be observed that
the rheological behavior of silicone modified epoxy resin
In this study, hydroxyl group of silicone reacted with epoxy is similar to Newtonian fluid. It is clear that more silicone
group or secondary hydroxyl group of epoxy to form sta- content will lead to higher viscosity. The viscosity of sili-
ble Si–O–C bond, which was characterized by means of cone-30% system is much higher than other systems. As
FT-IR spectrophotometer. Figure 1 shows FT-IR spectrum the silicone reacts with epoxy to form compound with
of substances consist in the reaction of silicone and epoxy. higher molecular weight, the relative motion of molecules
Compared to ECC and silicone mixture before reaction, encounter larger hindrance. Therefore, the viscosity of the
the characteristic peak at 3510 cm− 1, corresponding to the sample increases.
O–H variation sorption of hydroxyl group mainly from sili-
cone [20], declines after reaction, which indicates that the 3.1.3 Curing study of silicone modified epoxy resin
hydroxyl group of silicone resin has reacted with epoxy
resin. Si–O–C bond, with the broad peak at 1040 cm− 1, has In Fig. 4, the substances in the curing reaction by MHHPA
higher intensity after reaction, corresponding to the combi- are studied. For neat MHHPA, the two C=O stretching
nation between silicone and epoxy. vibration peaks of anhydride at 1790 and 1860 cm−1 are
observed. MHHPA with well processed ECC and silicone
Fig. 1 FT-IR spectrum of a neat ECC, b neat silicone, c ECC and Fig. 2 in-situ FTIR monitoring spectrum of the reaction between
silicone mixture before reaction, d ECC and silicone mixture after ECC and silicone for 1 h at the temperature of 120 °C; the time inter-
reaction val for each spectrum is 1 min
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Neat ECC
Silicone-10% (a)
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Table 3 Reliability test results Test item Neat ECC Silicone 10% Silicone 20% Silicone 30%
of LED devices packaged by
silicone modified epoxy resin −65–150 °C, 5T/C 200/200* 200/200 200/200 200/200
30 °C, 60% RH, 192 h 200/200 200/200 200/200 200/200
MSL 3 Reflow Profile 3 Rounds 200/200 200/200 200/200 200/200
−65–150 °C, 100T/C 183/200 200/200 195/200 179/200
−65–150 °C, 300T/C 172/200 200/200 193/200 95/200
−65–150 °C, 500T/C 153/200 200/200 184/200 41/200
*Pass/test pieces
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Fig. 16 TMA curves of silicone modified epoxy resins cured with Fig. 17 The results of water gravimetric measurements of water
MHHPA sorption at 85 °C
added. Therefore, the CTE below Tg shows no regulation. performance of the material. Moreover, moisture diffuses
As the temperature is above Tg, the motion of molecular into the package, makes the package swell, and reduces
chain will change the conformation of epoxy matrix. For interfacial adhesion strength. The mismatching coeffi-
silicone modified epoxy resin, the Si–O–Si linkage displays cients of moisture expansion will cause hydromechanical
flexibility due to its longer bond length and larger bond stress in the package.
angle. Thus, these flexible chains make for conformation The behavior of water sorption during initial period has
rearrangement, which leads to less expansion of the matrix been studied. According to Fickian diffusion equation, the
[42–44] and lower modulus. Such situation can decrease results of the equilibrium value of the diffusing water at
the internal stress of epoxy matrix. infinite time (M∞ and diffusion coefficient (D) reflect that
although silicone modified epoxy resins exhibit higher dif-
3.3.2 Water sorption properties fusion coefficient at the beginning of water sorption, they
have lower equilibrium water content. On one hand, due
Figure 17 shows that the equilibrium water contents of to the hydrophobic and partial ionic nature of the Si–O–Si
silicone modified epoxy resins are lower than neat epoxy linkage,the water sorption tendency decreases on addition
resin because the introduction of silicone decreases the of silicone [18]. On the other hand, in our previous study
polarity of epoxy resin. Therein, epoxy resin containing [27, 33],we have found that D is mainly determined by
20% silicone shows the lowest water sorption. In elec- the free volume of the epoxy matrix. Compared to neat
tronics industry, water sorption is unexpectable due to epoxy, silicone modified epoxy resin has higher free vol-
the “popcorn effect” [45]. That is, water evaporation dur- ume, which results in a higher D during initial period in the
ing processing which acts like popcorn might impair the water sorption test.
J Mater Sci: Mater Electron
3.3.3 Lap shear strength of silicone modified epoxy resin sorption ability, higher lap shear strength, higher Tg espe-
cially. Although 30% silicone modified epoxy shows better
The most significant application of epoxy resin is adhe- performance on heat and UV resistance as well as thermal
sion. Lap shear strength is an important parameter to deter- expansion coefficient, the T
g decreases too much with such
mine the stickiness of epoxy resin. The result was exhib- silicone content. In addition, the hardness of the material
ited in Fig. 18. It is learned from the results that the lap changes little when the silicone content is only 10%, while
sheer strength of silicone modified epoxy resin cured with higher silicone content will cause sharply rising of hard-
MHHPA is around 5 MPa. The epoxy resin containing sili- ness. It means that the internal stress in low temperature
cone shows higher lap shear strength than neat epoxy resin increases significantly. Therefore, the sample cannot pass
and the sample with the highest content of silicon has the thermal shock cycling in reliability test. Take all sorts of
best performance in this experiment. Silicone is introduced factors into consideration, 10% silicone modified epoxy
into cured epoxy to form flexible part, which decreases resin has most desirable properties in this study.
internal stress of epoxy matrix. And silicone act as stress
relief point in matrix to offers excellent toughness [46–48].
In addition, lower crosslink density of silicone modified
4 Conclusions
epoxy resins also benefit their adhesion strength. Moreover,
silicone can form Si–O–M bond on the surface between
A series of transparent encapsulating materials were pre-
metal and encapsulating materials, results in enhancement
pared by phenyl methyl silicone modified cycloaliphatic
of the adhesion strength [49]. It can be concluded that, the
epoxy resins. Compared with the neat epoxy resin, silicone
introduction of silicone in epoxy resin might be able to
modified epoxy resin has comparable glass transition tem-
improve the performance of metal adhesion.
perature because of good compatibility between epoxy and
In summary, it can be explained that the high internal
phenyl silicone. Silicone modified epoxy resin also exhib-
stress and brittleness induced delamination of neat ECC
its higher thermal stability and higher heat and ultravio-
system during IR reflow process. Epoxy modified with
let resistance due to the higher bond energy of Si–O than
silicone released internal stress while lower water sorption
C–O and C–C. Introducing silicone resin can decrease the
improved the interfacial bonding of encapsulating materi-
internal stress of epoxy matrix, and thus reduce interfacial
als to LED devices, thus the reliability is improved. Further
delamination. Because Si–O–Si linkage has longer bond
increase of silicone content results in higher water diffu-
length and larger bond angle, which will offer flexible part
sion and lower Tg, both decrease the hygrothermal stabil-
into epoxy matrix. The water sorption ability declines after
ity (interfacial bonding under moisture and high tempera-
silicone modification as the hydrophobic nature of Si–O–Si
ture condition) and caused interfacial delamination during
linkage protect epoxy resin from water sorption. Besides,
reflow. Moreover, epoxy modified with silicone also has
the lower crosslink density and the bonding Si–O–M on the
greater adhesion strength, which causes less delamina-
surface between metal and encapsulating materials induce
tion in experimental condition. Among these systems,
great lap shear strength of silicone modified epoxy resin.
epoxy modified with 10% silicone displays the best perfor-
During the reliability test, 10% silicone modified epoxy
mance in reliability test. Because it has pretty lower water
resin displays the most desirable properties for LED encap-
sulation. Because it has relatively great mechanical prop-
erties, low water sorption ability and good heat and UV
resistance. Especially, it has much higher glass transition
temperature and lower internal stress at very low tempera-
ture than 30% silicone modified epoxy resin. Therefore, it
shows much greater performance in thermal shock cycling
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