Micro-size Inductive Proximity Sensor
(er Age rea
High performance
wv o in micro-size design
«| WW
PREENE | lnnii
Wide model variety Versatile mounting Reduced wiring operation
Models ranging trom extremely Since the sensor is fingertip sae, ean The wiring cost of the DO 2-wire type
compact type to long sensing range be mounted in a tight space. is 2/2 that of a conventional model.
type are available to suit various Besides, the possibilty of miseiring is
applications. reduced
Particularly convenient when many
‘sensore are uses.
Wiking of the Wiring of the
Bwiretype is wire typo le
cumbereome. ‘imple and moat.
Flexible cable type
The bending durablity of ts cable
ton times that of the conventional
model. The sensor can be mounted on
a moving table or a robot arm.
‘ Bxcept NP ott pe an m
cabo alacted NPN ObUt VDE
Detecting water tame Detecting aluminum pallet Cede reading
XL type
Tipe Agpcarace (nn) Semsirgrangy (Nest) |MdetNa (ee 2)/ Capit | Outputogsrmton
= aaa ae
A xLGFUE Nee em
alk GKLBFUB | ensenme 0
slel sina oprtndvtenn |" GRLGHU | wee Gas
8 OxL-oHu ron
e oxLer
£ ‘ nena 9
a tte Sern ge srs sg
rat fort sa se Pay eet Pe rs weg Ce
Seosry range (Not) | ModeNa si 2)) Cup | Output epration
a “GKLAA fom) biodata
if ‘ok Ntare a
ia {GAL N2FB | ne opener ~
igi avmur penton ane [GKLAVZFT il) 00" se
| ® ‘OKLNZFT Ai)
i \ ee.worre sctgpants
iF Et ‘GxLNTaFTIg |
i oe aun eet open
alk pate sensry range (OLNIZFB-P_ errant
i ‘Gx nia uP opr elt "
cE [excaaere | acer Nery an
28 ‘GxL RAFT et
e joxuataer neve se
\orvcrcur eu Set
sans lo
haar 5 Vcony ota yp. Poe cath ou etGXL
GXL5 (Standard) type
GALE | punapncsioney |
‘xLt8re-@ | Fmme
trge wth na abao on Sab Stent he dared anager Hoe ea abot
we ceo Searanese neni) [uscaie nora] cap | Gueicvatin
i | geen: Nornally ope
i exer
eli [-eaiseeum roost
ae | gmeterne | nenconatco =
j caro | Ste
ee aes wait
} er) a
fi tommenenin re | Gus "
e ‘Ss | exter a
i ise a v0
5 {Arm | Sees ‘Nornatly closed
aE ‘ Gxu-8F18 | yey ogencnesr "
Ele | Stabe senerg ngs a ena Nommaly pa
“|: | ont-tsH
x [exten
. | oxasHe eicems
lel omar 7
exper |
ira aa So vl aca
‘GXL-15 (Long sensing range) type ~~ For mounting on non-magnetic material (Note 3)
Type ‘Adpearance (mmm 6) ‘Sensing range Note 1 Toa No. (Note 2) Cup ‘Output operation
2 ou on
i exerorLut | —
fle seaman re =
ie exci]
i ox.
fe TexcasHuuie weenie
a sient | Aya
HE XL | yey sprees
rome Senin are sae Sper cae Pep ca es tn rE oe
BEL S eE ae 7) Wh! Nous be nanted tatvenn the sare ana
bores rer satel tn oni ia neonap label hw: aurea
Flexible cable type and § m (9.40:
inate pe ond
- Tabi of Model Nos.
‘cable length type
clon pe se
125) Meee
ee, aus ne uses
Se Ses SUS
ou ae eenne
Sane susie seen
: ae ee eo
i Series Sees es
: Se sera. Sores SERGE
aa eee Boe Sees
ae Se see
see 225 ———s
eee see a
Sete eee See
& —
CHL FIER, “Gi aRE- cS ———=
i ox 1SHLB
Se SE,
Rises -
sun |687GXL
MS-GXLO -us-oxuo MSA
Sesermenteg trie) "[Sanerrouningoear) "hin soe
(GXLBF GXLEH Yoo GALA GXLSHU ye! lexu-isruu yor
suSOXLI sMenioH
Sneermartingbrecsl for)” nin oo i
(XL NI2 yp lexc'ssncu:
Desert | Mee Oisatson fous sousses
Govia ___| conrad re wt
Ey comees [owiset [lew
Cree weiner ne wae E ia wT
St eee GST st
=, LES 2 €
Sec” | msaxcis Ba OLE ie
MEORLIE2 | tig He OL Is
‘Sensor mounting bracket
*ME-GXLED oMs-oxL122
DC awire ype
= Cro
as Tyee XLS type ‘Long sensing rang
os one traning aap) 08)
aap | Rati | woreare | Fetiware | Twoenme | Porteonion | evaonte
tem Hott, [exces | oxewu | cxweu oxissnu | cxiienu | cxLisnlu
vinden (eed | sana neoe anavWinewe Tomraeewe
Sanieconengcimt [area xen a rw
fee x at ope ed
gest erg srengaes porsnansy Daeg
p99 Boe YOCT We nonehr wor
Cure eonanpE AT rT)
‘ies eee vome SE Tees
evar Rk Bee tana
anise cy asta be
— Tey Soi RE gs an a OM
soca | Sanelieannpe uric ganar moe wrargeton
Pen gs 2 iat neon
[Pome "P(g Ue
= lac Ensom2 en sansa ener
2 lsoton arty OVA orm soe a Es ome ser =o
= | rancresirce 5 Ve r,t 280 Ga Ne cre a
Serra TG i cea 50 pe) Wk Vad ease tonic
at anc i £26 OK a Hay
msi ean tp Poe
Cane ia) imeoapertrag ‘rr como Roatan eect, 201 Mn
| =
pooner 5-6 3184 [SeeK0r aNNg taExety ee. ant
arr eae PGMs eben ere eT GRCGMEN yon Bkcao 99 te es ene
a = ele sa ia tao a hoa aie neue
ng mage car re anna rang foresee sr ey ee’ Pa nasa sonogram svn thre an abst
econ aarp ge haat
2 yermemir nace vas nme se enpreeler6'¥0 CIRC AND WNRING CUSGRAMS (5) Yermee ct
eye (m8 No. wy Sin} as 90.18 (GLAS tp 2 eo, heat ans Golds cats cab, *
NPN and PNP output type
Toma PAP opt
[_GxLMeime XLS how [GkLWIa pe lama
a nie
Tieng —Terteng| ios Eronwg | —Teneerarg — eae
nas [ona @xL-ase GxL-1on GoL Aan Lee A| OAT LIP
cts nb | Sindant
tem, noca No,
Tua sponta abane ee
eae 209 anneal prion dros
Peay rargseurgnn epi Dsragess Dn voces amet rman [eng avenge parm
‘Sop vee 12 24VDE=10% Rone 2-7 10% oon
‘Caronisvsuneion temmeress
irk re 1A ‘facie SC "Sie
ute ES aa Uh pateen ota ov vee Bineencaps and +
ead vag: eras ATA ae eas ares
‘Ot Vacatl womens on cea tara artery
rare nearey aire T ie som | are
Gender TAILED Ga pete aa Ow
Passer aT EO) AY g LEM ante e ea pe
& [Aaah Eng HH. Sage Se WOR A
[elas ay TREDV PC Terers ie botnet lr onrald pebwrand widens
Spon toaracies| Geant = 303m Won fSlone 7E
Sak coma GenabE Ey akoamom nary
te cc, nacabroat Pena baie emai
ein Snr ety Seu
veo aux levesse: samuren zoqeppre (eer
mses cnn (etn inate sao [fenhcce mare
— femurs Geers) __ [sea [ictnas |_
"a SRT me 9c) ERE yo ae OTE
Ronse uy emt ee SO ae Se le
irene ures Orgs esac peu sly a apc oa ai
2 REOIMT TIS ENN SA hs apis mee 01 mo nn htc ae
DC 2-wite type
WO circuit diagram
| Fo Porea wae
WO circuit diagram
SFr Baas
Wiring diagram
Condon fersbo lo
10 eo Be ay
1) a rout ot be aan by he walage aren 0 mA)
und 691GXL
NPN output type
VO elrouit eiagram Wicing diagram
NP output type
vO elrcurtclagram Wiring diagram
GXL-8 type
Goneh fal (crmor) Soda bens at ol Card wo
me Stxiomy nner Wp seeps He
sing lane, shoitans. as
GXL-NI2 type
Soneing field
te) | shes t a te sen te ae becomes are: han
3 sonsng Fangs
soters és showtimes
X15 (Sta
5 da
Sensing neta ‘Corretaton vetwoen sonsng objet size ane sonsing range
ft acaba ‘eth eanieg cet zo becomes eraler than
s te baron ser seat azo en
thortre ee chown n hole iu.
StL Long seg
Sensi ld CComelation betveen sensing object size ane sensing range
‘hs sensing obec
{jesse cennes stake an
iar ‘he stancard size {iron shoot 3030 Xt 1 mm
i q stone owt twtr.
\ biscanmas > \ Beant
, h oo
wn |693GXL
ele to 9. 1152~ fo: general erections.
All models
“THis produel nota ealoly eonsor We wba fot
Intondod or coignad to protect Mo and provent boxy |
fnumy or propery sarap from dangeraue sats et
Machinery fea homnal exec datesion sors
“@xL8 (OC Zoe type
+The tightening torque should
baQbNem ores,
+ To mcunt the sensor th a,
the Minoe dlamater shen D2
paar ster With the Sad
‘tlacned mousing serew and 3)
Tul ako cae fal the chess 7: tary ences
Ol he mosring plat stould be |) & Py
2mm 0.921 1 oles.
“ie sa aia sa ah
tntaet ee a ee
cio wes ton oak
2 twisted nae
| or apan head sorew,
‘@XL (NEN output) tye
“Tho tightening torque should
boOSN'm arose
“To mount the sane oh
the thrashole damoter should
be gam wit
staehed mounting som and
fut take care Wat he tchness 72
ofthe moun pats shou b=
23mm noo) norte.
“if_a screw other than the
attached sereW Ip used, make
Sure to use 9 M29 huss head
7 SF ra
+ The tightoning toreue should be 0.49 Nm or aes.
+ To mouat tha sexssor with aut, the tha-noke dlameter
Should be 8.8mm |
694| sun
"The tightening torque ehculd
bo4 Nimer ae i
+To aunt tho senser wih he °AP oa
Beta grt notre acct SZ. sate
GALis, fe sete deraar S224
fourtbe gaa mm) ton ;
+ Bove, nul or nashers aro nat
suppl Pade arene hem
intro tna org serie &
Gai ype ert agree boas,
Sieh aan. ther enclosed
Suman haat, & ary oer
Simian sect evry enn
Stee of 30935 10.8 mm
G@xL-tsHLU_/ @xL-15HL|
Skee 530m
iP should be inserted
joan ihe coneor and 93
‘regnet body
ove tis ret ecasary use
evalumeum sheet) woen
"Mésntng on ren magnet bay,
Sigras atrium anita
‘Ahan ‘ounng tne WauerWva
Droit Sensr wih cosonal
Sensor “mecnang, ace!
MSGXL52. in bracket is
trav cose’ sang at
he brake tod ape seat end
te caretonbavsres neal
Wisc sre wo menrn sich
Tearing holes be sensr end
Toso ofthe meanane Eos 0
‘ve nentonts erat ne
Influence of surrounding metal
+ When there is ametel necr Ine sero, hoep he ir
Separation cistinco spectos bolon
Front sont tpe "i
i a BSS
a. &
ial \
Pe Sy
a a a OTT
Noo:The GXLS6FLU ype oul be mou ona red ora mor
tron magne 90d). 9 seed 0” the Dnekaed auinwrum eet hoPRECAUTIONS FOR PROPER USE
Refer op 1152 fr general eecauons.
All models
Mutual interference prevention
+ Wve to cr mote sensors are Insizlod in parallel or face
to lace, keop the mermum separation desance spcctiod
Dolio avoid mutual Itororonce
SEs bn
ie Eee en
ia Beers"
‘ye murs vated demure soca an ghen aon
SUPE we ae
Senaing range
The sensing rags is speed forthe standard soning
oaject With @ rénlerous metal the Sona range Ia
BS by myn uh the corscon eoaert
pected below Forte ho sensing Tanga aso changas
iMhesensing objets plated sis
Soren coffient
NSE Tecarl geet onceneonson SE a ec
ar" ba po PU oe
eep tt T
Bee Seas ihe || S| Se
fare Sox |sasot_ Sogo
+ Do not uso during the inital tansiort time [19 ms (OC
‘ue type’ £0 ma afer ths power supply is sstched on
+ Tho output doos net incorporate a shor-eul protection
Sreut Ba pot connest trey ts h power SUpply or 4
apace bed fexcuchng the OC Zw type)
CNS he]
{To aide” the termina of the sens and sonnester CNS,
Dbsene he folewing concions,
Soller tempore: 05510 rss
Soilag tna Set onus
(iid hae yen)
Soidoirg poston 8mm inna! |
see 3 er
Ihe seserbos
DC 2-nire type
+The sensor must be connected 10 & power susply via @
td. the soneor cornctodIo.a power supply wihout
{bad the shortateut pretecten mason the congo” nep-
Grabps (The ouput siaysin ine OFF sata and tbe nace
{or does net ight up. In this case, reed by cenrecting
{power supply vis a load, Naw 9s sender bocomea
posable. Futher, take cara tat he power supply
CSrnected with reverse polariy wihiout afoad, the Sensor
sil gal dere
eit gin
+ Fox ganas connection (AND cite) or parall connection
{Gr cheuip ef sensor, ake cae o! eloning.
Serve conection (AND ckcut)_ Psat conreon OR ct)
+The resiouel voltage of the sensor I 3 V,Belere corms
ip a (elay atthe loac, take caro of is actuation vohage.
(Gone't2Velaje may) not be usable)
gq !
pte |
2-color indicator (Normally open type oni)
{ Vinan.ina sensing etjact 'S the lable sensing ange,
‘he LED ight up gieer, and whet the sensing object's
fn the unctablo sensing rango, the LED Tihs up ned,
‘ine the LED tents us in groen, tho consing le portrmod
Stably yatiour baing afocted by tomperature aris or
‘alle fuctuations
wn |695IMENSIONS (Unit: mm in) the CADcsia inthe
GXL-SFU type sensorGXL
DIMENSIONS (Unit: mm in) The c&D caw ithe drvensons canbe dowbaded orth SUNK webiste: pow. sune pf
GXLASF type sensor GXLASH type Sensor
ete: Nomaly slosd 0 2-1 1190 and NPM cut ty have an
aw operon nar ae) mead she ser a Dern ner ei meer Pe on oc
WS-GXLB-4 "Sener mourtng brasketfor MS-GXLB_Sencor mountna brackot tor
Mounting hole cimencions minennis
MS-AY Fubbe: waster or OxL-N12 ype
sun |697GXL
DIMENSIONS (Unit: mm in) Te CAD caainthe derersions canbe downlad om tha SUNX webs hag: suco 6!
MS-GXLB-3. Sens mounting racket tor MS-GXLA2-2 Sern ami txaco: or GKLNZ ye
GXLRF GXL-OH tyoe (Cron) (Gptionay,
4 See ea
MS-GXLA8-2) cenoor mountng coor GXLABF ype
MS-GXLAB” Soncor mountng bracket or GXL-18 typo
ex tt ue Oe
CNS Cerroctor for termina type (Optens SAIS) aurinum sneer
698 sun@