Sample Obe Syllabus - Intermediate Acctg 3
Sample Obe Syllabus - Intermediate Acctg 3
Sample Obe Syllabus - Intermediate Acctg 3
GENERAL OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the learners are expected to:
1. Be able to prepare a complete set of financial statements.
2. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in applying the concepts of the PFRS for SMEs.
Learning Goals Content Topic Learning Outcomes OBE Methodologies Time Allotment Evaluative
The learners shall STATEMENT OF The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 4 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to prepare FINANCIAL expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
a statement of POSITION 1. Enumerate and 2. Application of 3. Assignments
financial position 1. The complete set describe the concepts 4. Quizzes
of financial components of a 3. Classroom Q&A
statements complete set of
2. General features financial
3. The statement of statements.
financial position 2. Classify assets and
4. Current and liabilities into
noncurrent current and
assets and noncurrent.
liabilities 3. Prepare a
5. Presentation statement of
financial position.
The learners shall STATEMENT OF The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 4 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to prepare COMPREHENSIVE expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
a statement of INCOME 1. Prepare a 2. Application of 3. Assignments
profit or loss and 1. The statement Statement of Profit concepts 4. Quizzes
other of profit or loss or Loss and Other 3. Classroom Q&A
comprehensive and other Comprehensive
income comprehensive Income.
income 2. Give examples of
2. Profit or loss items of other
3. Other comprehensive
comprehensive income.
income 3. State the
4. Presentation acceptable
methods of
presenting items of
income and
The learners shall NONCURRENT The learners are 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 4 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to account ASSETS HELD FOR expected to be able to: presentation 2. Recitation
for noncurrent SALE AND 1. Describe the 2. Application of 3. Assignments
assets held for sale DISCONTINUED criteria for held for concepts 4. Quizzes
and discontinued OPERATIONS sale classification. 3. Classroom Q&A
operations 1. Classification as 2. State the initial
Held for sale and subsequent
2. Measurement measurement of
3. Discontinued held for sale
operations assets.
4. Presentation 3. Differentiate the
following: (1)
Noncurrent asset
held for sale, (2)
Disposal group and
(3) Discontinued
The learners shall STATEMENT OF The learners are 1. Lecture/ 2 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to prepare CHANGES IN expected to be able to: PowerPoint 2. Recitation
a statement of EQUITY 1. Prepare a Statement presentation 3. Assignments
changes in equity 1. The statement of Changes in 2. Application of 4. Quizzes
of changes in Equity. concepts
equity 2. Differentiate 3. Classroom Q&A
between Statement
of Profit or Loss and
Income and
Statement of
Changes in Equity.
The learners shall STATEMENT OF The learners are 1. Lecture/ 4 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to prepare CASH FLOWS expected to be able to: PowerPoint 2. Recitation
a statement of cash 1. Classification of 1. Differentiate presentation 3. Assignments
flows cash flows between the 2. Application of 4. Quizzes
2. Presentation following: (1) concepts
Operating activities, 3. Classroom Q&A
(2) Investing
activities, and (3)
Financing activities.
2. State the
classifications of the
following in a
statement of cash
flows: (a) dividends
received, (b)
dividends paid, (c)
The learners shall NOTES The learners are 1. Lecture/ 10 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to state the 1. Accounting expected to be able to: PowerPoint 2. Recitation
transactions and policies, 1. State the presentation 3. Assignments
events that need to Accounting relationship of the 2. Application of 4. Quizzes
be disclosed in the estimates and notes with the other concepts
notes to the Errors components of a 3. Classroom Q&A
financial statements 2. Events after the complete set of
reporting period financial statements.
3. Related parties 2. Define the following
4. Operating and give examples:
segments (1) Change in
accounting policy,
(2) Change in
estimate, and (3)
3. Differentiate
between the
treatments of the
following: change in
accounting policy,
change in
estimate, and
correction of prior
period error.
4. Define events after
the reporting period.
5. State the accounting
requirements for
events after the
reporting period.
6. Enumerate
examples of related
7. Describe the
The learners shall INTERIM The learners are 1. Lecture/ 4 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to state the FINANCIAL expected to be able to: PowerPoint 2. Recitation
concepts regarding REPORTING 1. Define an interim presentation 3. Assignments
the presentation 1. Applicable financial report. 2. Application of 4. Quizzes
and preparation of reporting 2. State the scope and concepts
interim financial framework applicability of PAS 3. Classroom Q&A
reports 2. Recognition and 34.
measurement 3. Briefly describe the
recognition and
principles applied in
interim financial
4. Compute for income
tax expense in the
interim financial
The learners shall PFRS FOR SMEs The learners are 1. Lecture/ 8 hrs. 1. Seat works
be able to 1. Relevant SEC expected to be able to: PowerPoint 2. Recitation
differentiate regulations 1. State the basic presentation 3. Assignments
between the 2. The PFRS for purpose for the 2. Application of 4. Quizzes
principles of the SMEs issuance of the PFRS concepts
PFRS for SMEs and 3. Notable for SMEs. 3. Classroom Q&A
the principles of the differences 2. Define an SME.
“full” PFRSs between the 3. Provide the distinct
PFRS for SMEs differences between
and the “full” the full PFRSs and
PFRSs the PFRS for SMEs.
Millan, Intermediate Accounting 3 (2019), Philippines: Bandolin Enterprise
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“And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach,
not resentful.” (2 Timothy 2:24)