What is RTIR?
• RTIR is the premiere open source incident handling system targeted for
computer security teams
• Used by over a dozen CERT and CSIRT teams around the world for e.g.
JANET CSIRT (UK's National Research and Education Network)
• A Web-based software programmed in Perl.
RTIR Components
• Major components:
• Web server (Apache + mod_perl-enabled)
• Database (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
• An email address to handle incoming tickets
• An SMTP server to send email out
• Required Perl modules
RTIR Features
• A workflow designed specifically for incident response
• Incident reports
• Incidents
• Investigations
• A web interface to administer the system
• Reports
• Generate text, HTML, or spreadsheet reports
• To ensure that Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) members carry out incident handling
duties consistently and effectively
• Follow an agreed work-flow pattern for the application Request Tracker for Incident Response
Incident Handling
Rejecting Resolving
tickets Priority
RTIR Basic Functionalities (2)
Comment This link puts you in a form where you can enter a comment, just as if
you had replied to mail from RTIR about a particular ticket. You can Cc:
or Bcc: the comment if you wish.
Reply This link puts you in a similar form to the comment one with two major
You can change the state of the request from the form.
The reply is automatically sent to the requestor.
Take Taking a Ticket assigns it to the person who takes it initially when it’s in
an open state. Their ID goes into the Owner field. You may only Take a
Ticket if it is unowned -- if someone else already Owns the Ticket, then
you have to Steal it from them to gain Ownership.
RTIR Basic Functionalities (3)
Steal Stealing a Ticket re-assigns an already Owned ticket to you, instead of to its
current Owner. Useful in cases where the original Owner (as compared to
you) has become overburdened, under informed, fired, reassigned,
amnesiac, promoted, or something else.
Subject Change the subject of a ticket. Note that RTIR does not keep track of the
former subject. If you would like it preserved, you are advised to enter a
comment saying that you have changed the subject.
Queue This is how you move a ticket from one queue to another. Simply select the
destination queue from the menu and click. You may move a ticket from
any queue you can manipulate into any queue you can create tickets in.
RTIR Basic Functionalities (4)
Priority You may change the current and/or Final Priority to reflect changes in the
Ticket's importance in the grand scheme of things.
Rejecting A number of legitimate incoming messages, are for information only and
tickets once Taken and examined need no further attention. If an Incident ticket is
rejected you will have to key in the details about the rejection and submit it
to the system. The [Quick Reject] button at the top of the Incident Report
will change the report’s state to Rejected immediately. Rejected tickets are
still searched for IP address matches, and can be linked to Incidents
although they will only be displayed if their state is Open or Resolved.