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1 How can you get the latest version of Mendix Studio Pro?

By calling Mendix support and asking if they can email it to you

By downloading it for free from the Mendix Marketplace
By purchasing a Mendix license
By buying it on Mendix.com

2 Which tool can you use for Online Project Management in Mendix?

Mendix Studio Pro

The Community Dashboard
The Mendix homepage *Incorrecta*
The Mendix Developer Portal

3 What does the round Mendix badge on your profile represent?

Whether you completed all learning paths in one of the levels

Your Mendix certification level
Your Mendix license level
Nothing, you can change the color of your badge to the color you prefer

4 Where's the best place to find the latest information regarding the default design language used
by Mendix apps?

Check the latest updates on the Atlas UI site

Follow the Mendix for Designers learning path
Call an old friend of yours that is a lead designer
Call the support team

5 Which of the following is a place where you can see news regarding the latest features of the
Mendix platform?

The Mendix Forum

The Mendix Documentation
The Mendix Academy
The Mendix Blog

6 Which project methodology best fits a Mendix project?

7 When working with Scrum, who is responsible for making sure a project is successful?
extend the Domain Model
The Scrum Master *Incorrecta*
The Product Owner
The Scrum Team
The Development Team

8 In which stage of the Application Lifecycle are user stories created?

Design *Incorrecta*
Analysis *Incorrecta*

9 What needs to be clearly stated in a User story?

The time it will take to build the feature

The design of how the feature is going to work *Incorrecta*
The deadline for the feature to be released
The value for the user

10 What is a core principle behind the Agile methodology?

Continuous delivery of valuable software

Ensuring that the project duration is as long as possible.
Well-defined requirements
Using online collaboration tools

11 What do you call a page design that adapts to the available screen space?

Responsive design
Automatically adjusting design *Incorrecta*
Dynamic design *Incorrecta*
Flexible design

12 Can you preview the pages of your app on all device types without publishing?


13 Why is it important to be consistent when using layouts?

To make sure the app works properly

To make sure the app looks good
To keep the responsive features of the app *Incorrecta*
To give the same look and feel across pages in the app
14 Which of the following is an "On Click Action" option for a button?

Save page
Call a microflow
Open Entity

15 Is it possible for a button to do nothing?


16 Which of the following is a data source for a list view?

Another widget
Data set

17 What are connections between entities in Mendix called?

Foreign Keys

18 How should the Attribute name for an email address be written in the Domain Model?

Email_Address *Incorrecta*
Email Address
emailAddress *Incorrecta*

19 What is an object?

Something you place on a page

The blueprint of an entity
An element of microflows
An instance of an entity

20 What provides structure to your data?

The pages
The navigation
The domain model
The microflows
21 What does the green circle in a microflow represent?

The starting point of a microflow

The microflow contains no errors
The microflow can be triggered by a button
One of the possible starts of a microflow

22 What do the black sequence flow arrows in a microflow mean?

The priority of activities

The order of events
Where to find descriptive comments
The number of times the microflow will run

23 Which of the following is an attribute type in Mendix?


24 How does Mendix Assist Logic Bot support you during development?

It prevents you from causing errors

It checks your captions for spelling and grammar
It helps you build microflows
It increases your app's processing speed

25 What is the purpose of a decision activity?

Choosing the best data to accept into your database

Splitting the flow into multiple branches based on the specified condition
Returning two or more sequence flows back into one
Brainstorming how to structure a microflow

26 What is the purpose of a decision activity?

When the app needs many objects to connect to many other objects in the database *Incorrecta*
When the app needs to store additional information about an association in the database
When the app needs to store information about a user in the database
When the app needs to store information in the database

27 You want to explain the reason for adding a decision to a microflow. What is the best way to
do it?
Add a comment right after the decision *Incorrecta*
Add an activity card with the comment as the title
Add an annotation connected to the decision
Add an annotation connected to the microflow
28 How can data be nested in a Mendix app with a One-to-Many Association?

By dragging one entity on top of the other

By placing a data view inside the context of a list view
By placing a list view inside the context of a data view
By placing the same attribute in both entities

29 How can you show dynamic information related to the object being displayed in the header of a
detail page?

Get the dynamic information via a microflow *Incorrecta*

Nothing, just create the header
Place the header inside a data view
This isn't possible

30 Besides the Scrum Master, which of the Team roles mentioned below has access to the project
on the Team Server?

Product Owner
Business Engineer
Application Operator
End user

31 Which microflow expression, used in a decision, shows that a Course has been selected?

$TrainingEvent/TrainingEvent_Course = empty
$TrainingEvent/TrainingEvent_Course != false *Incorrecta*
$TrainingEvent/TrainingEvent_Course != true
$TrainingEvent/TrainingEvent_Course != empty

32 What is a By association retrieve?

A retrieve that happens first from memory and when that is not possible, from the database.
A retrieve that happens first from database and when that is not possible, from memory.
A retrieve that happens from the database only if the entity you retrieve has an association *Incorrecta*

33 What is a microflow expression?

A way of representing a microflow sequence

A way to make sure that the naming of the microflows stays consistent
The result of a microflow after it's triggered.
A short piece of code that adds custom logic to your microflows

34 What can you write in the expression editor?

A Javascript expression
A microflow expression
A description explaining what the result of a microflow is
35 What is a transient object?

An object that has been created in memory but is not in the database yet.
An object that is in the database but not in the memory
An object used in a microflow expression *Incorrecta*
An object that is being retrieved to be used in a microflow expression

36 Where can you find the validation messages for attributes that are not connected to input
widgets on a page?

In the log. *Incorrecta*

In the Developer Portal. *Incorrecta*
On the page, underneath the input widget.
In a pop-up

37 Which event type should you use when you want an input widget to trigger a microflow when it
changes from ‘no selection’ to a specific selection?

On Change
On Leave
On Selection
On Start

38 You want to make sure that an airline flight in your app cannot be deleted if there are still
passengers assigned to it. What should you configure?

Entity access *Incorrecta*

Associated delete
Cascading delete
Prevention of delete

39 What should data validation prevent?

Empty records, unintentional deletion, meaningless data

Hacking, invalid passwords, data breaches
File corruption, lost records, fragmentation
Improper user access, security breaches, audit failures

40 What is the maximum number of outgoing flows a merge can have?

Two *Incorrecta*
Unlimited *Incorrecta*
41 Where can you create user roles?

In the App Security

In the Domain Model *Incorrecta*
In the Developer Portal
In the Administration Module *Incorrecta*

42 What do role-based homepages do?

Each user role has their own homepage

Each user can define how their homepage is displayed
The administrator decides what appears in the homepage of each user
The entity access constraints are different on the homepage of each user *Incorrecta*

43 You have already configured production level security. What needs to be done to make a
Mendix application accessible to users that do not have accounts?

You need to configure anonymous user access in the project security settings.
Nothing. By default everybody has access to a Mendix application.
This is not possible. You need to create an account for every user. *Incorrecta*
You need to create an account without a username and password.

44 What do you connect module roles to?

User roles

45 Where do you manage the overall security settings for an app?

App Security
Module Security *Incorrecta*
Admin Security
Production Security

46 Can Progressive Web Apps be used offline?


47 When do client activities execute in nanoflows?

At the start of nanoflow

At each step of nanoflow
At each step executing a client activity
At the end of the nanoflow
48 Can Nanoflows be used in an offline app?


49 On which notation are nanoflows based?


50 Where should you configure role-based home pages for the Phone Web profile of your app?

In the App Settings

In the Page Access of the Module Security
In the App Navigation
In the Page Security settings

51 What is the typical duration of a Mendix sprint?

1 week
1- 2 weeks
6 weeks *Incorrecta*
1 month

52 Where can you find the list of items that need to be finished during the sprint?

The Product Backlog *Incorrecta*

The Sprint Backlog
The Feedback tab
The Documents tab

53 What is the result of a Sprint?

A final project
A product increment
Product feedback
A product feature

54 Which of the following templates is the user story template?

As a <user> I want <what>, so that <business value>

As a <developer> I want <what>, so that <business value> *Incorrecta*
As a <user> I want <feature>, so that <business value>
As a <user> I want <what>, so that <opportunity> *Incorrecta*
55 What is the second phase of the Application Lifecycle?


56 Is it possible to create a page without having any Entities defined?


57 What is a "Card Action"?

A Widget
A Building Block
A Layout *Incorrecta*
A Page Template *Incorrecta*

58 What is the purpose of the navigation menu in your app?

To have a clear overview of the data in the app *Incorrecta*

Allow the user to easily open the pages they are looking for
Allow the developer to quickly access the Developer Portal
Allow the user to quickly switch user roles

59 If Team can have only one Home Stadium and a Home Stadium can have only one Team, which
association needs to be created between Team and Home Stadium?

Exclusive Association
One-to-One Association
One-to-Many Association
Reference Set

60 How should the Attribute name for an email address be written in the Domain Model?

Email_Address *Incorrecta*
Email Address
emailAddress *Incorrecta*

61 Does every database table in a Mendix app automatically have a ID column?

62 Which activity will you need if you use a microflow to schedule a new TrainingEvent.

Create Object
Change Object
Show Message
Retrieve Object

63 What is the name of the operation used to send changes to the Team Server?

Modify *Incorrecta*

64 What is a working copy?

A local copy of the project where you can make changes without affecting the repository until you commit them
An online repository that contains both the model and all the app’s resources
A local copy of the project which is automatically committed to the repository after every change
A copy of the work you have been doing since you last pressed save

65 When should you create an Information Entity?

When the app needs many objects to connect to many other objects in the database
When the app needs to store additional information about an association in the database
When the app needs to store information about a user in the database
When the app needs to store information in the database *Incorrecta*

66 Why would an entity not show up in the auto-complete of the expression editor?

The entity is not in scope of the microflow

The type of the attribute is not compatible with the type expected in the microflow expression
There are no objects stored in the database
There is an attribute with the same name in scope of the association

67 What are the possible outcomes for a decision with the expression $Course!=empty?

false, empty
true, false, empty *Incorrecta*
true, empty *Incorrecta*
true, false

68 Which activity is used to change the value of an attribute?

Change Object
Change Attribute *Incorrecta*
Change Variable
Change Value *Incorrecta*
69 Before setting validation rules, which of the following needs to be created?

Objects *Incorrecta*

70 Where can you add validation in Mendix?

Domain Model, Microflows

Domain Model, Microflows, Pages
Attributes, Microflows
Domain Model, Entities

71 Default save behavior can be replicated using which two microflow activities?

Change attribute, Commit object

Change object, Save object *Incorrecta*
Save, Close page
Commit object, Close page

72 When would you need to perform validation in a Microflow rather than in the Domain Model?

When validating objects

When validating associations
When validating attributes
When validating Regular Expressions

73 You configure the page access of an overview page, so that it does not display for specific user
roles. What will happen to the navigation menu item for that page and that specific user role?

The page will not be clickable on the navigation menu *Incorrecta*

You need to configure access for the navigation menu *Incorrecta*
You need to remove the page from the navigation menu
The page will not display on the navigation menu

74 What happens when you do not have access to a microflow?

You are not able to see the element that triggers the microflow
The element that triggers the microflow is displayed as a non-clickable element
You will get an error message when clicking on the element that triggers the microflow
You are not able to edit the microflow
75 The user role Student SHOULD NOT have access to an attribute that is being displayed on a
page, which results in an error message in Studio Pro. What is the best way to resolve the error
message considering that the same attribute should be displayed for other user roles?

Edit the page access rules *Incorrecta*

Edit the entity access rules
Use a microflow to hide it on the page *Incorrecta*
Edit the visibility of the attribute

76 What do you connect module roles to?

User roles

77 Which of the following statements is true?

When creating a mobile part of your app, you need to create a separate mobile domain model
When creating a mobile part of your app, you need to create separate mobile pages
When creating a mobile part of your app, you need to setup security access for your entities specifically for mobile
When creating a mobile part of your app, you need to use the mobile layout grid

78 Which of these layouts should you use when creating an app for mobile?

Tablet Specific
Phone Specific
Gesture specific

79 Who can remove team members from a Mendix project?

The SCRUM master

The Product Owner
The Application Operator
The Stakeholder

80 Which of these is the most commonly used association in Mendix apps?

One-to-Many Association
One-to-One Association
Reference Set
Many-to-Many Association (*)
81 What is an entity?

A connection between two pieces of data

A bit of information that says something about an Attribute
A representation of a class of real-world objects
A list of objects

82 What is the maximum number of incoming flows a decision activity can have?

Two (*)

83 What does the red circle in a microflow represent?

The microflow returns to a page

The microflow contains errors
One of the objects in the microflow has the value FALSE
An end point of the microflow

84 How can you show dynamic information related to the object being displayed in the header of a
detail page?

Get the dynamic information via a microflow (*)

Nothing, just create the header
Place the header inside a data view
This isn't possible

85 You would like to use a Data view to limit the number of objects retrieved by a List view that is
placed inside that Data view. What is this concept called?

Information entity
Nested data
Drop-down widget
Using an object as a constraint (*)

86 What is the Team Server?

A WYSIWYG editor.
A Mendix-hosted environment that contains all your apps and allows you to collaborate with your
team and use versioning.
A local copy of the project, where you can work on the model without affecting the version stored
in the repository.
A mobile-first, development environment which allows you to develop the app with the mobile
device as the starting point. *Incorrecta*
87 You want to show a value converted using the latest exchange rates in your app. What type of
attribute is it best to use?

Calculated attribute
Stored attribute
Dynamic attribute *Incorrecta*
Changing attribute

88 You want to add an attribute to a microflow expression but it is not in the scope of the
microflow. What can you do?

Edit the microflow expression *Incorrecta*

Create a new attribute that is in scope of the microflow
Add the attribute as a Parameter in the microflow *Incorrecta*
Add a Retrieve activity to the microflow

89 What does it mean if Mendix reports a number of errors when committing your work?

The app will not run in its current state and you should fix the errors before committing.
Mendix Studio Pro is reporting internal issues that require you to restart Mendix before continuing.
There is a new Mendix version available and you need to update.
The app cannot be committed in its current state and you have to fix the errors before committing. *Incorrecta*

90 What type of validation could ensure that the domain of an email address is @mendix.com?

Regular expression

91 What is the specific difference between Production and Prototype/Demo security?

Prototype/Demo allows Demo Users

Prototype/Demo does not include Entity access settings
Production allows Anonymous users
Production does not check for correctly configured settings

92 Where do you configure conditional visibility for buttons?

In microflow access
In module security
In project security
In the properties of the button

93 What is the default security setting when you create a new app?


94 Do you need to create a mobile-specific version of your app when you want to use it on a
mobile phone?


95 Which of these templates is designed for pages that display a list on a mobile phone?

Blank *Incorrecta*
List *Incorrecta*
List Double Line
Dashboard Status

96 Which widget should not be used on mobile pages?

List view
Data view
Data grid
Drop down

97 How can you create a page that is only for mobile devices?

By using the layout grid

By selecting a device-specific layout
By setting the mobile property in the navigation menu
By adding custom styling to the app

98 What is the main reason you would use a Building Block?

To have a larger button to click on

To apply conditional visibility
To save time and effort while developing
To have your widgets inside a container *Incorrecta*

99 Which tool can you use for Online Project Management in Mendix?

Mendix Studio Pro

The Community Dashboard
The Mendix homepage
The Mendix Developer Portal
100 What do story points represent?

The priority of the feature

How much time it will take to finish a feature *Incorrecta*
The number of members needed to finish that user story *Incorrecta*
The effort needed to finish a user story

101 How can you create a page that is only for mobile devices?

By using the layout grid

By selecting a device-specific layout
By setting the mobile property in the navigation menu
By adding custom styling to the app

102 How is the database structure (or schema) determined in a Mendix app?

Manually with a database management tool

By the Domain Model when the app is published
On a page in the Developer Portal
By the pages and microflows when the app is published *Incorrecta*

103 What are annotations used for?

Naming microflow elements appropriately

Grouping decisions together
Leaving notes to explain what a microflow is doing
Adding custom code to a microflow *Incorrecta*

104 What does the red circle in a microflow represent?

The microflow returns to a page

The microflow contains errors
One of the objects in the microflow has the value FALSE
An end point of the microflow

105 What is a member in Mendix?

Part of a microflow
An entity in the domain model
An attribute or an association
A user within a security grouping

106 You create a new microflow from within the properties window of a button. Your new
microflow has a Parameter with an object. What does this mean?

The microflow is now associated with this object in the domain model.
The scope of your microflow is permanently limited to just this object.
This is an error and you should start over.
The button that triggers the microflow will pass an object.
107 What is a Parameter?
Specific elements of the validation rules
Data that serves as input for a microflow
Rules that define the rights of each user
Factors that define the output of a function *incorrecta*

108 You want to show a value converted using the latest exchange rates in your app. What type of
attribute is it best to use?

Calculated attribute
Stored attribute
Dynamic attribute *Incorrecta*
Changing attribute

109 How can multiple validation messages for the same entity be presented together?

Perform all the validations in a single microflow

Apply a Validation rule on each association
Perform validation in both the entity in the Domain Model and in a Microflow *Incorrecta*
Use an 'On click' event handler on the entity in the Domain Model

110 What is delete behavior?

It defines if an association is deleted after an object is deleted.

It defines the way an object is deleted from memory.
It defines if the whole object is deleted or only a selection of attributes.
It defines what happens to an associated object when an object is deleted.

111 Where do you manage the overall security settings for an app?
App Security
Module Security
Admin Security *Incorrecta*
Production Security

112 To configure entity access, the app security level must be set to:
Demo/Prototype *Incorrecta*
Cloud *Incorrecta*

113 Which technology provides you with an "Add to Home screen" prompt for launching an app in
a browser without having to download it from an app store?
Native mobile
Hybrid mobile
Responsive Web
114 How do you limit access for trainees to certain features in the mobile part of your app?
Create a different user role for mobile features *Incorrecta*
Create a role-based mobile homepage
Set the project security accordingly
Set conditional visibility on the relevant features

115 In an app, which pages are best suited for viewing on a mobile device?

All the pages defined in the app

Only pages which contain small amounts of information
All the pages which use mobile widgets *Incorrecta*
Only pages with a layout optimized for mobile

116 when can you start a new sprint

When the time box for the previous sprint is over

117 Is it possible to create links between pages without using a button widget


118 which statement about columns and rows in a layout grid is true

A layout grid contains rows which contain columns

119 You whant to use create a new trainingEvent from the course overview page and perfil some
information based on the course. What parameter should you pass to the microflow?

The course entity

120 What is member in mendix

Part of microflow
An entity in the domain model *Incorrecta*
An attribute or an association
A user within a security grouping

121 which of the following is considered good practice when committing to the repository

Committing small consistent pieces of work

122 which of the following are validation types on the domain model in Mendix

Maxximum length, Range, Unique

123 What symbol indicates that an entity has validation rules configured
A green check mark next to an attribute

124 Where do you configure microflow acces

Module security

125 There is a button on the homepage which links to a costs overview page what happens to this
button in the users role does not have access to the page

It is not displayed

126 In an App, which pages are best suited for viewing on a mobile divice

Only pages witch a layout optimized for mobile

127 Does Progresive Web App have published to the Marketplace before it can be used on the


127 What is good name for a microflow that allows you to schedule a new trainingEvent from
your homepage


128 You want to use create a new trainingEvent from the course overview page and perfil some
information based on the course. What Parameter should you pass to the Microflow

The trainingEvent entity

The course entity
The Course Overview page
The course Selection Widget

129 When is it necessary to extend the domain Model

When new dynamic data is needed in the app

130 is it possible to publish your app whilw it still has error


131 Which of the following sprint events marks the start of a new sprint

The Sprint Planning

131 What does the round Mendix Badge on Your profile represent

Your Mendix Certification Level

132 What is a container used for

Grouping widgets so they can be simultaneously styled moved hidden or deleted

133 What is a good name for microflow that allows you to schedule a new trainingEvent form your


134 When creating a new page. Where can you find all PWA specific page templates

Phone (Web).

135 Which parts of the Application Lifecycle does Mendix support?

The ideation of an app
The development of the app
The hosting of the app
The whole lifecycle of the app

136 What is the App Explorer?

A type of regular expression

The Mendix-hosted environment that allows you to collaborate with your team and use versioning on your apps
A feature that automatically reminds you of things in your app which need to be fixed before committing
The part of Studio Pro that gives you access to resources of the app such as pages, microflows,
and navigation

137 Which of the following is a token?


138 There is a button on the homepage which links to a Costs overview page. What happens to
this button if the user's role does not have access to the page?

It is not displayed
It is displayed as a non-clickable button
When they click on it a pop-up appears
When they click on it they go to a 404 page
139 Which of the following flows is used to go from one activity to the next?

An annotation flow
An activity flow
A sequence flow
A business flow

140 Which profile would you use if you want your app to be downloadable from an app store?

Responsive Web
Progressive Web App (PWA) *Incorrecta*
Native Mobile
Responsive Mobile

141 What information should the name of a page convey?

The navigation caption and the page template that was used
The navigation caption and what type of page it is
The information the page will show and the page template that was used
The information the page will show and what kind of page it is

142 Which of the following flows is used to go from one activity to the next?
An annotation flow
An activity flow
A sequence flow
A business flow

143 Do mobile pages created based on the responsive design require a separate mobile profile?

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