Collins Nouns
Collins Nouns
Collins Nouns
and object are the same, and where the something will happen orwhether NOUNS
action 'reflects back'on the subject. something is true. lt is only used
A reflexive verb is used with a reflexive occasionally in modern English, for
What is a noun?
pronoun such as myself, yourself, herself, example, If I were you, I wouldn't bother.:
Anoun is a'naming'word for a living being, th ing or idea, for example, womon,
for example, I washed mvselfi He shlved So be it.
happiness, Andrew. Cerman nouns change, according to their qender, case and
hinself. SUBORDINATE CLAUSE a clause which number.This is called declension.
RELATIVE CLAUSE Dart ofthe sentence in begins with a subordinating conjunction
which the relative pronoun appears. such as because or while and which must
RELATIVE PRONOUN WOTd SUCh AS thdt, be used with a main clause. In Cerman, Using nouns
who or which,when it is used to lin k two the verb always goes to the end ofthe
subordinate clause.
D n German, all nouns are either masculine,
I feminine or neuter. Th is is called
parts ofa sentence together.
their qender. In English, we call all things - for example, table, car, book, opple -
SENTENCE a group of wordswhich SUBORDINATI NG CONJUNCTION a word 'it', but in German, even words for things have a gender. lt is important to know
usually has a verb and a subject. In writing, that I inks the
such as when, because or while
that the gender ofCerman nouns rarely relates to the sex ofthe person or thing
a sentence has acapital letter at the subordinate clause and the main clause in it refers to. For example, in German, the word for "man" is masculine, but the
beginning and a full stop, question mark a sentence. ComDare with subordinate
word for "g irl" is neuter and the word for"person" is feminine.
or exclamation mark at the end. clause.
der Mann man
SINGULAR the form of a word which is SUPERLATIVE an adjective or adverb with
das MHdchen g irl
used to refertoone person orthing. -est on the end of it or rnost or ledst i n front
itthat is used to compare people, things die Person person
Comparewith plural. of
or actions, for example, thinnesf, most
STEM the main part of a verb to which
quickly, I ea st interesti ng.
endings are added.
SYLLABLE consonant+vowel u n its that
STRONG VERB a German verb whose stem German nouns are alwavs written with a capital letter.
make up the sounds of a word, for
changes its vowel to form the imperfect
example, ca-the-dral Q syllables),
tense and the past participle. lts past
i m-po-ssi-ble (4 syl lalrles).
participle is not formed by add ing -t to the > Wheneveryou are using a noun, you need to knowwhether it is masculine,
verb stem.Also known as irreqularverbs. TENSE the form of a verb wh ich shows fem in ine or neuter as th is affects the form of other words used with it. such as:
Compare with weak verb. whether you are referri ng to the past,
oresent or future.
o adjectives that describe it
SUBJECT the noun or pronoun used to . articles(such asderorein)that go before it
refer to the person which.does the action VERB a'doing'word which describes
described by the verb, for example, Mv cdt what someone or something does,
. pronouns(such aserorsie)thatreplace it
doesn't drink milk. Compare with object. what someone or something is, or what * For more information on Adjedives, Artictes or Pronouns, pages and 69.
see 4c., 25
word such as l, he, happens to them, for example, be, sing, live.
sheand theywhich carries out the action VoWEL one ofthe letters d, e, i, o or u. > You can find information about gender by looking the word up in a dictionary
described by the verb. Pronouns stand in ComDare with consonant. - in the Edsy Leorning Cerman Dtctionory,for example, you willfind the definite
for nouns when it is clearwho is being article (the wordforthe) in front of the word. When you come across a new noun,
WEAK VERB a Cerman verb whose stem
talked about, for example, n/y brother isn't always learn the word forthe that goes with itto help you remember its gender.
does not change its vowel to form the
here otthe moment.He'll be backin an hour. imperfect tense and the past participle. o der before a noun tells Vou it is masculine
Compare with object pronoun. Its past participle isformed byadding . die before a noun tells you it is feminine
SUBJUNCTIVE a verb form used in certain -t to the verb stem. Also known as regular o das before a noun tells vou it is neuter
circumstances to exDress some sort of verbs" compare with strong verbs.
Q psy rnsTs information on the Definite articte, see plge 25.
2 NoUNs Nour.ts 3
) We referto something as singularwhen we are talking about just one, and Gender
as pluralwhen we are talking about more than one.The singular is the form
of the noun you will usually fi nd when you look a noun up in the dictionary.
) In German a noun can be masculine, feminine or neuter. Gender is quite
unpredictable - the best thing is simply to learn each noun with its definite
As in English, nouns in Cerman change theirform in the plural.
article, that is the word for the (der, die or das) wh ich goes with it:
die Katze cat + die Katzen cats
derTeppich carpet
) Adjectives, articles and pronouns are also affected bywhethera noun is singular die Zeit time
or plural. das Bild picture
Howevet there are some clues which can help you work out or remember
the gender ofa noun, as explained below.
Remember that you have to use the right word for the, o and so on
accord i ng to the gender and case ofthe German noun.
tr Masculine nouns
L Nouns referring to male people and animals are masculine.
der Mann man
der Ldwe (male) lion
> Seasons, months, days oftheweek, weatherand points ofthe compass are
der Sommer SUmmer
derAugust August
der Freitag Friday
derWind wind
der Norden north
l Most nouns referring to things that perform an action are also masculine.
derWecker alarm clock
der Computer computer
Grammar Extra!
cerman nouns taken from other languages and ending in -ant, -ast, -ismus, and -or are masculine:
derTrabaIIE satel I ite
der Ballast
der Kapitalismus cap ital ism
derTresor safe
Key points
) Numbers used in counting, for example one, three, fifty are feminine.
y' Nouns referring to male people and animals are masculine. Er hat eine Drei gekriegt. He got a three
y' Seasons, months, days oftheweek, weatherand points ofthe compass D In German, there are sometimes verv different words for male and female,
are masculine. justas in English.
der Mann man
A Feminine nouns die Frau woman
) Most nouns beginning with Ge- are neuter. Neuter Ending Example Meaning
das Geschirr crockery, dishes -nis das Ereignis evenr
das Geschtipf creatu re -tum das Eigentum property
das Getreide crop
Nouns ending in -lein or-chen are also neuter. These are called the d iminutive
form and refer to small persons or objects. Grammar Ertra!
Cerman nouns taken from other languages and ending in -at, -ett, -fon, -ma, -ment, -um are
Endings to form the Example Meaning neuter.
das Reserve! reservation
-lein das Kindlein I ittle ch i ld
das Tablett Iray
-chen das Hiuschen little house
dasTelefo4 pnone
dasThema subject, topic
E Note that if these words have one of the vowels a, o or u, an umlaut should
be added above the vowel. The final -e should also be dropped before these
das Medikament oru9
das Ultimatunl ultimatum BUT: der Reichtun0 wealth
end i ngs
das Studium studies
der Bach * Bich - das BHchlein (small) stream
die Katze - Kitz - das Kitzchen kitten
> Fractions are also neuter.
ey points
ein Drittel davon a third of it y'- vostnouns beginning with Ge- are neuter.
) Nouns which refer to young humans and animals are neuter. y' thediminutiveform of nouns is neuter.
das Baby balry y' Nouns referring toyoung humansand animalsare neuter.
das Kind child y' the"to" forms of verlrs (called infinitives) used as nouns are neuter.
das Kalb calf y' Nouns ending in -nis or-tum are neuter.
das Lamm lamb
The Cases
Grammar Ertra!
Some Cerman nouns have more than one oender.Afew nouns have two oenders and sometimes
) InCerman,therearefourgrammatical cases-nominative,accusative,qenitive
one ofthem can only be used in certain regions and dative. The case you should use depends on the grammatical function ofthe
derllag Marzipan marzipan (der Marzipan is used mostly in Austria)
noun in the sentence.
derldas Keks biscu it (dds Keks is used mostlv in Austria)
der Leiter
die Leiter
leader, manager
+ For more informotion on Aftictes, see poge 25.
) In German, abbreviations have the same genderas the word they come from.
. the subject of the sentence, that is the person, animal or thing'doing' the
die BRD the Federal Republic of Cermany
(from die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ) Das Midchen singt. The girl is singing.
Die Katze schl5ft. The cat is sleeping.
die DB theCerman Railways
(from die Deutsche Bahn) o after the verbs sein (meaning to be) and werden (meaning to be, to become)
das ZDF Germanw channel Erist ein guter Lehrer. He is a good teacher.
(from das Zweite Deutsche Fernsehen) Das wird ein Pullover. It's going to be a jumper.
Er hat ein Lied gesungen.* Wh at did he sing? + ein Lied (=/iysct object)
o after certain prepositions (words in English such as dt, for, with, into orfrom) d The genitive case
which are alwavs used with the accusative. ) Der for mascul ine nouns and das for neuter nouns change to des. Ein changes
to eines. The end ings of mascu line and neuter singular nouns also change in the
Es ist fiir seine Freundin. It's for his g irlfriend.
genitive case.
Es ist schwierig ohne einen Wagen. lt's difficult without a car.
durch das Rauchen wurde ich Smoking made me ill. D -s is added to masculine and neuter nouns ending in -en, -el, -er.
krank. -
der Wagen car des Wagens
Stell dein Rad neben mein Auto. Put your bike next to my car.
derTisch table des Tisches
Sie legten ein Brett liber das Loch. They put a board over the hole.
das Schloss castle - des Schlosses
Die Schwester desArztes hilft The doctor's sister helps him
[J ruotethatwhen there is no movement involved afterthese prepositions, manchmal in der Sprechstunde. in the surgery sometimes.
the dative case is used. Das Museum befindet sich The museum is nearthe castle.
Sie geht in die Stadt. (dccusdtive) She's going into town. in der Nihe des Schlosses.
Er war in der Stadt. (dotive) He was in town. ! Die changes to der and eine to einer in the genitive. The endings of fem inine
+ For more information on Prepositions followed by the accusotive or the dotive case,
sinqular nouns in the genitive case are the same as in the nominative.
see poge 158. die Arztin (female) doctor - der Arztin
o in many expressions of time and place which do not have a preposition Case Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative der Wagen die Dose das Lied
Das macht sie ieden Donnerstag. She does that everyThursday.
ein Wagen eine Dose ein Lied
Die Schule ist einen Kilometer The school is a kilometre awav.
Accusative den Wagen die Dose das Lied
einen Wagen eine Dose ein Lied
cenitive des Wageng der Dose des Lied5
eines Wagens einer Dose eines Lieds
For further explanation ofgrammatical terms, please see pages x-xiv. * For more information on Articles, see poge 25.
12 Nout'ts NouHs r3
) The genitive case is used:
. to show that something belongs to someone
Grammar Ertra!
-e may also be added to the dative singular ofmasculi ne and neuter nouns to make the phrase
DasAuto der Frau war rot. The woman's carwas red.
easrerto Dronounce
DerHundmeiner Mutteristganz Mymother'sdogisreallysmall.
zu welchem zwecke? to what purpose?
. after certain prepositions which always take the genitive
Weqen des schlechten Wetters We'll have to go home because The dative case is used:
miissen wir nach Hause gehen. ofthe bad weather. . to show the ind i rect object of a verb - an ind irect object answers the question
Ifglz ihrer Krankheit geht sie She goes for a walk every day, who to/for? ot to/for whatT
jeden Tag spazieren. despite her illness.
He gave the man the book. * Who did he give the book to? + the man
o in some expressions of time noun indirect object)
o aftercertainverbs
E_l The dative case Erhilft seiner Mutter im He helps his motherwith the
) Der changes todem and ein toeinem in the dative. Singular nouns in the dative Haushalt. housework.
have the same form as in the nominative.
Q F or more i nformoti on on Verbs followed by the dotive cose, see po ge u8.
dem Auto to the car
dem Midchen to the girl o aftercertain prepositionswhich alwaystakethe dative
Nach dem Essen gingen wir After eating we went for a walk.
D Die changes to der and eine to einer in the dative. Singular nou ns in the dative
have the same form as in the nominative.
Er kam mit einer Freundin. He came with a friend.
Case Masculine Feminine Neuter
t-) FormoreinformationonPrepositionsfollowedbythedotivecose,seepoge$3.
Nominative der Wagen die Dose das Lied
ein Wagen eine Dose ein Lied . aftercertain prepositions to show position
Accusative den Wagen die Dose das Lied an on, to, at
einen Wagen eine Dose ein Lied auf on, in, to, at
Genitive des Wageng der Dose des Lieds hinter behind
eines Wagens einer Dose eines Lieds in in, into, to
Dative dem Wagen der Dose dem Lied next to, beside
einem Wagen einer Dose einem Lied
iiber over, acro55, above
unter under, among
Q For more information on Aftictes, see p\ge 25. front ol before
vor in
) -e is added to some nouns in certain set Dhrases. zwischen between
Wirgehen nach Hause. We're going home. lch sitze neben dem Fenster. l'm sitting next to the window.
Er hat sich zu Tode gearbeitet. He worked himself to death. Die Katze lag unter dem Tisch. The cat lay under the table.
[f ruote tnat when there is some movement involved afterthese prepositions, Key points
the aqcusative cis,g is used. y' In German, there arefourgrammatical cases- nominative, accusative,
Er war in der stadt. (dotive) He was in town. genitive and dative.
Sie geht in die Stadt. (accusative) She's going into town. ( necase you use depends on the grammaticalfunction of the noun
in the sentence.
+ For more information on Prepositionsfollowed bythe accusotive orthe dative cose, ( tnenominative case is used to showthe subjectofa sentence and
see page l58. after the verbs, sein and werden.
In certatn expressrons
y' The accusative case is used to show the direct object ofa sentence
and after certain prepositions.
Mir ist kalt. I'm cold.
y' negenitive case is used to show that something belongs to
o insteadofthepossessiveadjective(my,your,his,her,its,ourortheir)torefer somebody, and after certai n prepositions.
to parts of the body and items of clothing y' medative case is used to show the indirect object of a sentence,
lch habe mir die Haare gewaschen. I washed my hair. and after certain prepositions and verbs.
Zieh dirdieJacke aus. Takeyourjacketoff.
D Changesto the defi niteand indefi nitearticlesder, die ordasand ein, eine or
ein for each case are summarized in the table below to help make it easier for
you to rememberthem.
Forming plurals Die Blumen waren nicht teuer. The flowers weren't expensive.
Die Lehrerinnen sind ziemlich jung. The (female) teachers are quite
) |n English we usually make nouns plural by adding an -s to the end (gorden - youn9.
gordens',house* houses), although we do have some nouns which are irregular
Das Leben der Frauen in vielen In many countries, women's lives
- -
and do not follow th is pattern (mouse mice: child children).
Lindern ist schwierig. are difficult.
> In German, there are several differentways of making nouns plural. Wo gehst du rnit den Blumen hin? Where are you going with the
) The definite article changes in the plural, as shown in the table below: flowers?
All Genders
tr Nouns with no endinq in the plural
Nominative der die das die
D Many nouns have no plural endi ng - these are mostly masculine or neuter nouns
ending in -en, -eror-el.
Accusative den die das die
Genitive des der des der Case Singular Plural
Dative dem der dem den Nominative der Kuchen (cake) die Kuchen
der Lehrer (teacher) die Lehrer
* For more information on Afticles, see page 25. der Onkel (uncle) die Onkel
Accusative den Kuchen die Kuchen
den Lehrer die Lehrer
den Onkel die Onkel
Nouns in the dative plural ALWAYS end in -n, except those nouns wh ich come
Genitive des Kuchens der Kuchen
from other languages. Most of their pluralforms end in -s. For example: des Lehrers der Lehrer
des Onkels der Onkel
Dative dem Kuchen den Kuchen
dem Lehrer den Lehrern
dem onkel den Onkeln
t1-l Feminine plural nouns ending in -n. -en. -nen
Die Kuchen sehen lecker aus. The cakes look delicious.
> Most Cerman feminine nouns form their plural by adding -n, -en or -nen to their
singu lar form. Die onkel kommen morgen an. The uncles are coming tomorrow.
Das war die Schuld der Lehrer. That was the teachers'fault.
Case Singular Plural
Es gibt ein kleines Problem mit There's a slight problem with
Nominative die Blume (flower) die Blumen den Kuchen. the cakes.
die Frau (woman) die Frauen
die Lehrerin (teacher) die Lehrerinnen Some of these nouns also have an umlaut added to the first vowel a. o or u in the
Accusative die Blume die Blumen plural.
die Frau die Frauen
Case Singular Plural
die Lehrerin die Lehrerinnen
Nominative derApfel (apple) die Apfel
Genitive der Blume der Blumen der Garten (garden) die Garten
der Frau der Frauen
Accusative den Apfel die Apfel
der Lehrerin der Lehrerinnen den Garten die Girten
Dative der Blume den Blumen
Cenitive des Apfels der Apfel
der Frau den Frauen des Gartens der Girten
der Lehrerin den Lehrerinnen Dative dem Apfel den Apfeln
dem carten den certen
Forfurther explanation ofgrammatical terms, please see pages x-xiv.
18 Nouns Nourus r9
Die Apfel sind genug.
nicht reif The apples aren't ripe enougn. Die Geschenke sind aufdem Tisch. The presents are on the table.
Die Girten waren wunderschiin. The gardens were beautiful. lch muss die Kinderabholen. I have to pick up the children.
Schau mal die Gr6Re derApfel ant Look at the size ofthe applest DieAuswahl derTische im Laden The shop had a large selection
Den Apfeln fehlt ein bisschen Sonne. The apples need a bit ofsun. war groB. oftables.
Sie geht mit den Kindern spazieren. She's going for a walk with the
tr Plural nouns ending in':e children.
) Some masculine nouns add an umlaut above the first vowel a, o or u and an -e D Some masculine and neuter nouns add an umlaut above the fi rst vowel a, o or u
end ing to form the plu ral. A few fem i ni ne nouns with a i n the stem also fol low and an -er ending in the plural.
this pattern. Nouns in this group often have one syllable only. Case singular Plural
Case Singular Plural Nominative das Dach (roof) die Dlcher
der Mann (man) die Minner
Nominative der Stuhl (chair) die Sriihte
die Angst (fear) die Angstg Accusative das Dach die Decher
den Mann die Minner
Accusative den Stuhl die stilhle
die Angst die Angstg Genitive des Dach(e)s der Dicher
des Mannes der Manner
cenitive des Stuhl(e)s der St!!hle
der Angst der Angste Dative dem Dach den DHchern
dem Mann den Miinnern
Dative dem Stuhl den stuhlen
der Angst den Angsteq
Die Ddcher werden repariert. The roofs are being repaired.
Die stlihle sind neu. The chairs are new. Man hatte die Minnerviillig The men had been completely
Die Regierung muss die Angste The government has to take ver9essen. forgotten.
der Bev6,lkerung ernst nehmen. the population's fears seriously. Was ist die Rolle der Minner in What is the role of men in our
Die Farbe der Stiihle. The colour of the chairs. unserer Gesellschaft? society.
DerTischler macht den Stiihlen The carpenter is making new Die Frauen sollten den Mlnnern Women should not always
neue Beine. legs forthe chairs. nicht immer recht geben. agree with men.
Die Hotelg in der Stadt sind The hotels in town are ouite
ziemlich teuer. exoensive.
Die Risike4 sind sehr hoch. The risks are very high.
y' Most German fem i n i ne r pt urat try add i ns -n, -en or
-nen to their singular form. ":?:rTil:l
Die Kinder finden die Baby5 ganz The children think the balries are
niedlich. really cute.
y' uanVnouns have no plural ending -theseare mostly masculineor
Was heltst du von den Preisen der What do you think of the prices of neuter singular nouns end ing in -en, -er or-el. Some of these nouns
Autol? also have an umlaut added to the vowel in the plural.
the cars?
Das ist die Stadt mit den vielen That's the town with all the parks.
y' Some masculine nounsadd an umlautabovethefirstvowel a, o oru
Parks. and an -e ending to form the plural. A few femi n ine nouns with a in
the stem also follow this pattern.
y' Masculineand neuternouns often add-e or-er in the plural, and can
El Pluralversussingular sometimes add an umlaut above the first vowel a, o or u.
> Some nouns are always plural in English, but singular in German. y' There are some unusual plural nouns in German which don't follow
eine Brille glasses, spectacles any Pattern.
eine Schere scissors y' Some nouns are always plural in English, but singular in German.
eine Hose trousers y' Nouns of measurement and quantity usually remai n si ngular even
if preceded by a plural numlrer.
) These nouns are only used in the plural in German to mean more than one pair.
y' ne substance which they measure follows in the same case as the
zwei Hosen two pairs of trousers noun ofquantity.
) The substance which they measure follows in the same case as the noun of
quantity, and NOT in the genitive case as in English.
Sie hat drei Tassen Kaffee She drank three cups ofcoffee.
Erwollte zwei Kilo Kartoffeln. He wanted two kilos of potatoes.
Drei Glas WeiRwein, bitte! Three glasses ofwhite wine,
Genitive des Jungen derJungen einer Woche nicht mehr gesehen. a weeK.
} Herr (meaningMr) is always declined when it is part of a proper name. > In Cerman, however, the definite article has manyforms.AllCerman nouns are
either masculine, femin ine or neuter and, just as in English, they can be either
an Herrn Schmidt to MrSchmidt
singularorplural.Theword you chooseforthedepends on whetherthe noun it is
Sehr geehrte Herrgn Dear Sirs used with is masculine, feminine or neuter, singular or pluralAND it also depends
D Surnames usually form their plurals by adding -s, unless they end in -s, -sch, -ss, on the case of the noun. This may sound complicated, but it is not too difTicult.
-8,-x, -2, or-tz, in which case they add -ens. They are often preceded by the Die Frau ging spazieren. The woman went for a walk.
definite article. Der Mann ist geschieden. The man is divorced.
Die SchmidtS haben uns zum The Schmidts have invited us to sie f5hrt mit dem Auto in die Stadt. She travels into town by car.
Abendessen eingeladen. dinner. Die Farbe derJacke gefSllt mir I don't like the colour ofthejacket.
Die Schultzens waren nicht zu The Schultzes weren't at home. nicht.
Hause. lch muss die Kinder abholen. I have to pick up the children.
Q For more information on Articles, see plge 25. Das will ich mit den Beh6rden I wantto discuss thatwith the
besprechen. authorities.
Forfurther explanation ofgrammatical terms, please see pages x-xiv. * For more informotion on Nouns, see plge 1.