Poster On Discharge Rod - English Version
Poster On Discharge Rod - English Version
Poster On Discharge Rod - English Version
Check all the components of discharge rod to be in good condition Discharge Rod assembly shall be inspected by
before using it. SSE/ JE once a month.
Continuity of electrical connection between top
Couple the three parts of the clamp and both earthing clamps of the cable
discharge rod with the help of should be checked once a fortnight.
screwed splices. Ensure that the cable is not broken or cut and
should be renewed if more than 20% strands are
Ensure that the structure Ensure that the all clamps (Top clamp, earth
bond and its tightness with clamps) and joints of cable are connected in
the help of spanner at the good condition.
location where the discharge
rod is to be provided.
On order of authorized person, remove the top clamp from contact The earthing clamp should always be mounted
wire of O.H.E. on the traction rail or negative rail only.
Place the discharge rod on the plane ground. Length of Main cable and branch cable is 7.5 mtr
Open the both earthing clamps of the discharge rod from rail/mast. (min.) and 1.5 mtr (min.) respectively. Cross
section area of each stranded cable should be 40
Secure all the three parts of the discharge rod and the cable.
Check all the components of discharge rod to be in good condition Discharge Rod assembly shall be inspected by
before using it. SSE/ JE once a month.
Continuity of electrical
connection between top
Couple the three parts of the
clamp and both earthing
discharge rod with the help of
clamps of the cable should
screwed splices.
be checked once a fortnight.
Ensure that the cable is not broken or cut and
should be renewed if more than 20% strands are
Ensure that the structure bond and its broken.
tightness with the help of spanner at the Ensure that the all clamps (Top clamp, earth
location where the discharge rod is to clamps) and joints of cable are connected in
be provided. good condition.
Spread or Out of
Shape Clamp
Tight both the earthing clamps on the
mast or rail properly.
In Shape Clamp
remove the top clamp of Discharge Rod (Earthing Rod) from contact wire of
Place the discharge rod (earthing rod) on the plane ground
Open the both earthing clamps of the discharge rod (earthing rod) from Cross section area of cable should be 40 sqmm.
rail/mast. Length of earthing rod in three parts should be
Secure the three parts of the discharge rod (earthing rod) and the cable and minimum 5mtrs or length of each parts (rod) should
keep it in the proper place. be 1.7 mtrs for conventional OHE
Check all the components of discharge rod (earthing rod) are in good
Discharge Rod (Earthing rod) assembly shall be
condition before using it.
inspected by SSE/ JE once a month.
remove the top clamp of Discharge Rod (Earthing Rod) from contact wire of
Z Bond
Place the discharge rod (earthing rod) on the plane ground
Open the both earthing clamps of the discharge rod (earthing rod) from Cross section area of cable should be 40 sqmm.
Length of earthing rod in three parts should be
Secure the three parts of the discharge rod (earthing rod) and the cable and minimum 5mtrs or length of each parts (rod) should
keep it in the proper place. be 1.7 mtrs for conventional OHE