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American Journal of Orthopsychiatry © 2015 American Orthopsychiatric Association

2015, Vol. 85, No. 6, 620 – 630

The Influence of Psychological Symptoms on Mental

Health Literacy of College Students
Jin E. Kim Anne Saw
University of California, San Francisco DePaul University

Nolan Zane
University of California, Davis
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Psychological problems, such as depression and anxiety, are common among college students,
but few receive treatment for it. Mental health literacy may partially account for low rates of
mental health treatment utilization. We report 2 studies that investigated mental health literacy
among individuals with varying degrees of psychological symptoms, using cross-sectional online
survey methodology. Study 1 involved 332 college students, of which 32% were categorized as
high depressed using an established measure of depression, and mental health literacy for
depression was assessed using a vignette. Logistic regression results showed that high depressed
individuals were less likely to recognize depression compared to low depressed individuals, and
depression recognition was associated with recommendations to seek help. Study 2 replicated
and extended findings of Study 1 using a separate sample of 1,321 college students with varying
degrees of psychological distress (32% no/mild distress, 55% moderate distress, and 13% serious
distress) and examining mental health literacy for anxiety in addition to depression. Results
indicated that compared to those with no/mild distress, those with moderate distress had lower
recognition of depression, and those with moderate and serious distress were less likely to
recommend help-seeking. In contrast, there were no differences in mental health literacy for
anxiety, which was low across all participants. These findings suggest that psychological
symptoms can impact certain aspects of mental health literacy, and these results have implica-
tions for targeting mental health literacy to increase mental health services utilization among
individuals in need of help.

sychological problems, such as depression and anxiety, dominant barrier to help-seeking for this group (Eisenberg, Speer,
are common among college students, but only a minority & Hunt, 2012; Golberstein, Eisenberg, & Gollust, 2008), but
of students seek help for their problems (Blanco et al., rather, many students tend not to perceive a need for help (Gia-
2008). One study examining over 14,000 students across 26 U.S. nakis & Carey, 2011). Of concern, this is also the case when they
college campuses found that nearly a third (32%) had a mental are at elevated risk for suicidal behavior (Czyz, Horwitz, Eisen-
health problem in the past year (e.g., depression, anxiety, suicidal berg, Kramer, & King, 2013). Researchers have pointed to the role
ideation), yet only 36% of these individuals indicated that they had of mental health literacy in further understanding why perceptions
received any treatment during that time (Eisenberg, Hunt, Speer, & of need and subsequent utilization rates are low among college
Zivin, 2011). Another study found that only about half of college students with major psychological symptoms (Gulliver, Griffiths,
students with past-year suicidal ideation sought and received help & Christensen, 2010).
(Downs & Eisenberg, 2012). Stigma is not necessarily the pre- Mental health literacy is defined as “knowledge and beliefs
about mental disorders which aid in their recognition, management
or prevention” (Jorm et al., 1997, p. 182). Studies of mental health
This article was published Online First June 8, 2015. literacy investigate the extent to which people recognize mental
Jin E. Kim, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San disorders, know the causes of these disorders, and have knowledge
Francisco; Anne Saw, Department of Psychology, DePaul University; regarding effective help-seeking avenues and treatments (Burns &
Nolan Zane, Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis. Rapee, 2006; Fisher & Goldney, 2003; Goldney, Fisher, & Wilson,
Work on this study was supported in part by the Asian American Center 2001; Jorm et al., 1997; Lauber, Falcato, Nordt, & Rössler, 2003;
on Disparities Research (NIMH P50 MH073511), NIDA TRC Center
Olsson & Kennedy, 2010). Overall, findings show that mental
Grant (P50 DA09253), and NIDA Training Grant (T32 DA007250).
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jin E. health literacy among the general public is low, but can vary by
Kim, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, demographic factors such as gender, age, and educational levels
401 Parnassus Ave, TRC Box 0984, San Francisco, CA 94143. E-mail: (Jorm et al., 1997; Jorm, 2012; Klineberg, Biddle, Donovan, & Gunnell, 2011), and can also vary by the type of mental health


problems assessed (Coles & Coleman, 2010; Coles, Heimberg, & gender). The sample was racially and ethnically diverse and gen-
Weiss, 2013). For example, one study found that only 27.5% of erally representative of the overall university student body, with
adolescents identified anxiety and 42.4% identified depression as 46.7% Asian Americans, 24.4% White Americans, 10.5% Latino/
being mental health-related (Olsson & Kennedy, 2010). In con- as, 6.3% multiracial individuals, and 10.5% indicating an “other”
trast, a study with college students found that 41.4% identified category (two participants did not report race/ethnicity). The ma-
general anxiety disorder and 88.2% identified depression when jority of the participants indicated that they had not previously
presented with vignettes portraying these disorders (Coles & Cole- taken a course on abnormal psychology (87.0%) or clinical psy-
man, 2010). In general, women, older individuals, and individuals chology (93.7%). Approximately 7.5% indicated that they had
with more education tend to have higher levels of mental health received professional psychological help in the past.
literacy relative to men, younger individuals, and individuals with
less education (Coles & Coleman, 2010; Olsson & Kennedy, 2010; Procedures. The present study was a cross-sectional online
Reavley, McCann, & Jorm, 2012). Perhaps not coincidentally, survey that was approved by the university Institutional Review
these demographic groups who have been associated with greater Board prior to data collection. Study respondents were recruited
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

mental health literacy also are the ones that are more likely to from the psychology department participant recruitment pool,
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

utilize mental health services (Pescosolido & Boyer, 2010). which consisted of undergraduate students who were enrolled in
There is both theoretical and empirical support for the role of general psychology and participated in research studies to fulfill a
mental health literacy in help-seeking. Recognizing that there is a course requirement. The only eligibility criterion was that partic-
problem is a critical first step in the process of help-seeking (e.g., ipants were 18 or older. A link to the online survey was made
Cauce et al., 2002; Saunders, 1993). Moreover, failure to recognize available on the participant recruitment website, and participants
problems has been found to be related to delays in seeking help indicated their interest in the study by clicking the provided link.
(Thompson, Issakidis, & Hunt, 2008), whereas correct recognition All respondents electronically provided their informed consent and
has been found to be related to help-seeking preferences (i.e., were made aware of the confidential and voluntary nature of the
preferring to seek help from formal rather than informal sources; study prior to participation. The average time to completion was
Wright, Jorm, & Mackinnon, 2012) and help-seeking intentions 20 –30 min, and participants received course credit. No individu-
(Smith & Shochet, 2011; Thomas, Caputi, & Wilson, 2014). To ally identifiable information (e.g., student ID numbers) was col-
our knowledge, studies establishing causality with longitudinal lected or stored during this process. Data were collected from
and/or experimental studies are yet lacking; however, existing March to May 2011.
evidence from cross-sectional studies strongly suggests that mental
health literacy is associated with various aspects of help-seeking.
The purpose of the current study was to examine variations in Measures
mental health literacy and help-seeking recommendations among
college students experiencing psychological symptoms. We ex- Demographic information. A demographic question-
tended the prior research by examining differences in mental naire asked respondents their age, gender, racial/ethnic back-
health literacy across students with and without current psycho- ground, prior use of mental health services, and any prior course-
logical symptoms to better understand the extent to which the lack work in abnormal psychology and clinical psychology.
of mental health literacy potentially acts as a barrier to help-
seeking and contributes to low perceptions of need among college Current depressive symptoms. An 8-item subset of
students with mental health problems. We used a two-step ap- the Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire–Anhedonic De-
proach by first examining the extent to which psychological symp- pression subscale (MASQ-AD; Clark & Watson, 1991) was used
toms influenced the ability to correctly recognize disorders, and to assess depressive symptoms. The MASQ-AD measures symp-
then we examined the extent to which correct recognition influ- toms that are unique to depressive disorders, such as anhedonia
enced help-seeking recommendations. In Study 1, we assessed and low positive affect, rather than measuring nonspecific symp-
mental health literacy for depression among college students with toms related to general distress or negative affect (Bredemeier et
depressive symptoms. In Study 2, we replicated and extended al., 2010; Watson, Clark et al., 1995). The MASQ-AD consists of
findings of Study 1 by assessing mental health literacy for depres- 22 items on a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely) assessing
sion and anxiety among a different sample of college students with depressive symptoms in the past week. Prior factor analytic re-
psychological distress. search (Nitschke, Heller, Imig, McDonald, & Miller, 2001; Wat-
son, Clark et al., 1995; Watson, Weber et al., 1995 as cited by
Bredemeier et al., 2010) on the MASQ-AD found that the items
Study 1: Depression Literacy Among College loaded onto two separate factors via an 8-item subscale that
Students With Depressive Symptoms measures depressed mood, anhedonia, and other symptoms of
depressive disorders and a 14-item reversed-scored subscale that
Method measures the experience of positive affect. The MASQ-AD out-
performs another popular depression instrument, the Center for
Participants. Participants were 332 undergraduate students Epidemiologic Study of Depression Scale (CES-D), in discrimi-
from a large, public university located on the West Coast of the nating presence of mood disorders (Buckby, Yung, Cosgrave, &
United States. The mean age of the sample was 19.7 years (SD ⫽ Killackey, 2007). Bredemeier et al. (2010) found the 8-item sub-
1.5; 5 participants did not report age), and the gender distribution scale of the MASQ-AD, although not designed to measure depres-
was 62.2% women and 37.8% men (two participants did not report sive disorders, does predict whether a person may qualify for a

current depressive disorder. We utilized the 8-item subscale with reading the vignette, participants responded to the following set of
the recommended clinical cutoff of 21 to designate “high depres- multiple-choice questions (answer choices are displayed in Table
sive symptoms” (i.e., scores ⱖ21) and “low depressive symptoms” 1). To assess recognition, respondents were asked “What do you
groups (i.e., scores ⱕ20). Sample items on the 8-item MASQ-AD think is wrong with [name of person in vignette]? Please fill in the
include “felt like nothing was enjoyable” and “thought about item (choose only one) that you think best describes his or her
suicide or death.” Cronbach’s alpha in the current study was .84. problem.” To assess attributions, respondents were asked “What
do you think is the primary cause of this problem?” To assess
Mental health literacy for depression. The depres- help-seeking recommendations, respondents were asked “Do you
sion vignette developed by Jorm et al. (1997) was used to assess think that [person in vignette] should seek professional help for
mental health literacy for depression. This vignette describes an this problem?” with answer choices including yes, no, or unde-
individual with the essential features of major depressive disorder cided. To assess personal help-seeking preferences, respondents
based on DSM–IV criteria, (e.g., depressed mood, sleep difficul- were asked “Imagine yourself in [person in vignette]’s shoes, even
ties, changes in eating habits, difficulty concentrating) with an if you have never experienced something similar. How do you
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

emphasis on functional impairment and symptom distress. After think you would deal with this experience?” Lastly, respondents
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Table 1. Responses to Depression Vignette by Current Depressive Status

Low High
depressed % depressed % Total %
Responses to vignette (n ⫽ 223) (n ⫽ 109) (N ⫽ 332)

Recognition: What do you think is wrong with [person in vignette]? (choose only one)
General life stress 4.0 8.3 5.4
Depression 90.6 78.0 86.4
Schizophrenia 0.4 1.8 0.9
Social phobia 0 0 0
General anxiety disorder 1.8 2.8 2.1
Other anxiety disorder 2.2 4.6 3.0
Personality disorder 0 0.9 0.3
Medical problem .9 3.7 1.8
Other 0 0 0
Causal attribution: What do you think is the primary cause of this problem? (choose
only one)
Biological factors 17.8 11.1 15.6
Environmental factors 21.0 25.0 22.3
Mental illness 19.2 14.8 17.7
Personal weakness 11.0 8.3 10.1
Stress 28.3 36.1 30.9
Other 2.7 4.6 3.4
Help-seeking recommendation: Do you think that [person in vignette] should seek
professional help for this problem?
Yes 91.5 81.7 88.3
No 5.4 7.3 6.0
Undecided 3.4 11.0 5.7
Hypothetical help-seeking: How do you think you would deal with this experience?
(select all that apply)
Deal with it myself 31.4 43.1 35.2
Talk to a family member 62.3 55.0 59.9
Talk to a friend 64.6 60.6 63.3
Talk to a psychiatrist 48.4 40.0 45.8
Talk to a family doctor 24.2 14.7 21.1
Talk to another medical doctor 8.1 11.0 9.0
Talk to a psychologist 44.4 33.0 40.7
Talk to a social worker 7.6 4.6 6.6
Talk to a counselor 35.9 33.9 35.2
Talk to any other mental health provider 9.0 11.0 9.6
Talk to a religious or spiritual leader 16.6 12.8 15.4
Talk to any other healer 1.3 3.7 2.1
Other 1.8 1.8 1.8
Similar experience: Have you ever experienced something similar to that of [person in
Yes 28.4 50.5 35.6
No 71.6 49.5 64.4

were asked “Have you ever experienced something similar to that help-seeking recommendations. High depressed individuals were
of [person in vignette]?” This vignette has been used previously about half as likely to recognize depression relative to low de-
with community (Goldney et al., 2001) and college student sam- pressed individuals (odds ratio [OR] ⫽ .41). Moreover, women
ples (Coles & Coleman, 2010). Goldney et al. (2001) reported that were twice as likely than men (OR ⫽ 2.52), and White individuals
individuals with major depression were nearly 10 times more were 4 times more likely than non-White individuals (OR ⫽ 4.60)
likely than individuals without depression to indicate that they had to recognize depression in the vignette. Prior use of services was
similar problems as the person portrayed in the vignette, providing not significantly related to depression recognition. In assessing
evidence of validity. help-seeking recommendations, individuals who correctly recog-
nized depression in the vignette were 5 times more likely to
recommend professional help-seeking (OR ⫽ 5.15) compared to
Analyses those who did not correctly recognize depression. No other vari-
We conducted logistic regression analyses to examine factors ables were significant in this model.
associated with depression recognition and professional help- When participants were asked to imagine themselves as the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

seeking recommendations. In both analyses, we included prior use person in the vignette and indicate how they would respond by
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

of mental health services (yes vs. no), gender (female vs. male), selecting as many choices that applied (answer choices are dis-
race (White vs. non-White), and depressive symptoms (high vs. played in Table 1), talking with a friend (63.3%), a family member
low depressed) as independent variables. In assessing professional (59.9%), and a psychiatrist (45.8%) were the most common re-
help-seeking recommendations, we included depression recogni- sponses across all participants. When asked whether respondents
tion as an additional independent variable. had ever experienced something similar to that of the person in the
vignette, 28.4% of low depressed individuals and 50.5% of high
depressed individuals indicated that they have had a similar expe-
Results and Discussion rience, ␹2(1) ⫽ 15.37, p ⬍ .001, Cramer’s V ⫽ .22. Results of an
Of the 332 respondents, 32.8% (n ⫽ 109) were considered high exploratory logistic regression analysis showed that high de-
depressed using a cutoff score of 21⫹ on the 8-item MASQ-AD pressed individuals were twice as likely to report that they have
(Bredemeier et al., 2010). The remaining 67.2% (n ⫽ 223) were had similar experiences as the individual portrayed in the vignette,
considered to be low depressed. The mean MASQ-AD score was B (SE) ⫽ .87 (.26), OR ⫽ 2.39, 95% CI [1.43, 4.01], p ⫽ .001.
25.27 for the high depressed group (SD ⫽ 3.75; range ⫽ 21– 40) Moreover, prior use of services was also associated with a twofold
and 15.01 for the low depressed group (SD ⫽ 3.08; range ⫽ 8 –20). increase in the likelihood of reporting similar experiences, B (SE) ⫽
The high and low depressed groups did not significantly differ on 2.12 (.58), OR ⫽ 8.35, 95% CI [2.66, 26.19], p ⬍ .001. In sum,
mean age, gender distribution, race, and prior coursework in ab- results from Study 1 showed that although the majority of indi-
normal or clinical psychology. For prior use of mental health viduals recognized depression and recommended professional
services, a significantly greater proportion of high depressed indi- help-seeking, high depressed individuals, relative to low depressed
viduals reported prior use in comparison to low depressed indi- individuals, had lower recognition of depression. Importantly,
viduals (13.9% and 4.5% respectively), ␹2(1) ⫽ 9.14, p ⫽ .003, depression recognition was significantly associated with profes-
Cramer’s V ⫽ .17. sional help-seeking recommendations. These results suggest that
Table 1 shows the responses to the depression vignette for high variations in mental health literacy may be important in under-
and low depressed respondents. In total, 86.4% correctly recog- standing help-seeking behaviors of college students with psycho-
nized depression. Stress was the most common causal attribution logical symptoms.
endorsed (30.9%), followed by environmental factors (22.3%) and This was an initial investigation of mental health literacy among
mental illness (17.7%). One in 10 individuals (10.1%) attributed college students with high and low depressive symptoms, and there
personal weakness as the cause of depression. The majority of the are a few points worthy of further discussion. Over 30% of
participants (88.3%) indicated that the individual in the vignette respondents were screened as high depressed. This rate may ini-
should seek professional help. tially appear to be high, but it is worth noting that the MASQ-AD
Table 2 summarizes results of the logistic regression analyses assesses past-week depressive symptoms rather than assessing
examining factors associated with depression recognition and diagnostic criteria for depression. Reported rates of depression

Table 2. Summary of Logistic Regression Results of Factors Influencing Depression Recognition and Help-Seeking Recommendations

Recommendation of professional help-seeking for

Depression recognition depression
Variable B (SE) OR 95% CI p B (SE) OR 95% CI p

Female (ref: male) .92 (.34) 2.52 [1.29, 4.90] .007 .45 (.37) 1.57 [.76, 3.27] .223
White (ref: non-White) 1.53 (.63) 4.60 [1.34, 15.83] .015 .48 (.54) 1.62 [.57, 4.65] .368
Prior use of services (ref: no prior use) 1.03 (1.08) 2.79 [.34, 23.01] .341 ⫺.01 (.81) .99 [.21, 4.86] .999
High depressed (ref: low depressed) ⫺.89 (.34) .41 [.21, .80] .009 ⫺.54 (.38) .58 [.28, 1.21] .149
Depression recognition (ref: incorrect) — — — — 1.64 (.41) 5.15 [2.32, 11.43] ⬍.001

Note. ref ⫽ reference group; OR ⫽ odds ratio; CI ⫽ confidence interval.


among college students do tend to vary according to the measure tutional Review Board approved the study, and data were collected
being used. For instance, Hunt and Eisenberg (2010) reported that between May 2013 and March 2014.
17% of college students had depression using the Patient Health
Questionnaire-9, which is a commonly used measure of depres-
sion, whereas Herman et al. (2011) reported that 38% of college Measures
students had mild/moderate depression according to the CES-D.
Given these rates, it is not inconceivable that 32% of college Psychological distress. Study 2 assessed psychological
students in the current sample reported depressive symptoms in distress through the 6-item Kessler Psychological Distress Scale
reference to the past week. (K6; Kessler et al., 2002). The K6 assesses nonspecific depressive
About half of high depressed individuals indicated that they had and anxiety symptoms in the past 30 days on a scale of 0 (none of
experienced something similar to that of the person in the vignette. the time) to 4 (all of the time), with a sample item being “During
It is possible that high depressed individuals may also be experi- the last 30 days, about how often did you feel hopeless?” Scores
encing a broader range of psychological symptoms that is not range from 0 to 24, with scores of 13⫹ indicating probable serious
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

specific to depressive symptoms (e.g., psychological distress), and mental illness (Kessler et al., 2002). We utilized guidelines by
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

it would be important to understand mental health literacy with Prochaska, Sung, Max, Shi, and Ong (2012), with scores between
respect to other types of symptoms. In terms of the depression 0 and 4 constituting no/mild distress, scores between 5 and 12
vignette, respondents were asked to indicate how they would deal constituting moderate distress, and scores of 13⫹ constituting
with the experiences portrayed in the vignette in hypothetical serious distress. These cutoff scores have been found to be valid
terms. However, it would be informative to assess how participants indicators of psychological distress levels in the general population
actually dealt with these experiences, to examine whether the (Prochaska et al., 2012). Similar cutoff scores have been used with
general pattern of help-seeking preferences are congruent between college student populations using longer version of this scale (i.e.,
hypothetical and actual situations. Thus, Study 2 sought to repli- the 10-item scale; Stallman, 2010).
cate and extend the patterns of findings from Study 1 while
addressing these issues. Mental health literacy. The same depression vignette
from Study 1 was used to assess mental health literacy for depres-
sion. Mental health literacy for anxiety was assessed using a
Study 2: Depression and Anxiety Literacy vignette from the Mental Health Literacy Questionnaire for Anx-
Among College Students With iety Disorders (Coles & Coleman, 2010), describing an individual
Psychological Distress with general anxiety disorder (GAD) according to DSM–IV criteria
In addition to depression, anxiety is another common problem (e.g., symptoms such as constant worrying, difficulty making
for which college students tend to underutilize mental health decisions, fatigue, and irritability). The series of multiple-choice
services (Eisenberg et al., 2012). In Study 2, we examined mental questions that followed both vignettes were similar to Study 1 with
health literacy for both depression and anxiety, and assessed a two modifications. First, respondents were allowed to select mul-
wider range of psychological symptoms commonly found tiple responses for causal attributions. Second, if respondents
among college students (i.e., symptoms of psychological dis- indicated they had ever experienced something similar to that of
tress; Stallman, 2010). Similar to Study 1, we assessed recog- the person in the vignette, they were further queried on what they
nition, causal attributions, professional help-seeking recom- actually did to deal with the experience (e.g., dealt with it alone,
mendations, and personal experiences. For those who indicated talked to a friend), rather than what they would hypothetically do.
that they have had similar personal experiences, Study 2 as-
sessed what respondents actually did to deal with the experi-
ence, rather than what they would hypothetically do. Moreover, Results and Discussion
individuals were allowed to select more than one response for
causal attributions to better capture the perceived role of mul- Approximately 32.1% (n ⫽ 424) of respondents were consid-
tiple factors. ered to have no/mild distress, 55.2% (n ⫽ 728) were considered to
have moderate distress, and 12.7% (n ⫽ 168) were considered to
have serious distress. The mean K6 scores were 2.72 (SD ⫽ 1.20)
Method for those with no/mild distress, 8.03 (SD ⫽ 2.36) for moderate
distress, and 15.29 (SD ⫽ 2.18) for those with serious distress.
Participants and procedure. Participants were 1,321 There were no significant group differences in terms of age and
undergraduate students recruited from the same university as gender distribution. There were, however, significant differences
Study 1. The mean age of the sample was 20.0 years (SD ⫽ 2.2; in terms of prior use of services, with 8.5% of individuals with
7 participants did not report age), and the gender distribution was no/mild distress, 14.4% with moderate distress, and 29.8% with
71.3% women and 28.5% men. The racial/ethnic diversity of the serious distress indicating that they had used professional men-
sample was similar to Study 1, with 43.3% Asian Americans, tal health services in the past, ␹2(2) ⫽ 43.88, p ⬍ .001,
33.0% Whites, 9.6% Latino/as, 6.8% multiracial individuals, and Cramer’s V ⫽ .18.
7.2% indicating an “other” category (2 participants did not report
race/ethnicity). Approximately 14.4% indicated that they had re- Mental health literacy for depression. As shown on
ceived professional psychological help in the past. Procedures and Table 3, 85.0% of individuals recognized depression in the vignette,
inclusion criteria were identical to Study 1. The university Insti- which is similar to recognition rates found in Study 1. The most

Table 3. Responses to Depression Vignette by Level of Distress

No/Mild Moderate Serious

distress % distress % distress % Total %
Responses to vignette (n ⫽ 424) (n ⫽ 728) (n ⫽ 168) (N ⫽ 1,321)

Recognition: What do you think is wrong with [person in vignette]?

(choose only one)
General life stress 6.1 9.2 7.7 8.1
Depression 89.2 82.8 85.1 85.0
Schizophrenia 0 .8 0 0.5
Social phobia 0 1.0 0.6 0.6
General anxiety disorder 2.1 2.7 2.4 2.5
Other anxiety disorder .5 1.5 1.8 1.3
Personality disorder .5 .7 1.2 0.7
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Medical problem .7 .8 0.6 0.8

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Other .9 .4 .6 0.7
Causal attribution: What do you think is the primary cause of this
problem? (select all that apply)
Biological factors 38.4 36.6 33.9 36.7
Environmental factors 61.8 60.1 65.5 61.1
Mental illness 29.0 32.8 34.5 31.7
Personal weakness 23.8 26.5 30.4 26.0
Stress 75.5 74.8 81.5 75.5
Other 1.9 2.6 1.8 2.3
Help-seeking recommendation: Do you think that [person in vignette]
should seek professional help for this problem?
Yes 88.7 82.9 82.1 84.6
No 4.7 6.2 5.4 5.6
Undecided 6.6 11.0 12.5 9.8
Similar experience: Have you ever experienced something similar to
that of [person in vignette]?
Yes 22.2 43.3 72.0 40.0
No 77.8 56.7 28.0 60.0
(n ⫽ 94) (n ⫽ 315) (n ⫽ 121) (N ⫽ 424)
Personal help-seeking: If so, what did you do to deal with the
experience? (select all that apply)
Dealt with it myself 15.1 31.6 56.5 29.3
Talked to a family member 10.8 21.3 25.0 18.3
Talked to a friend 14.2 26.5 39.3 24.1
Talked to a psychiatrist 2.8 5.6 13.1 5.7
Talked to a family doctor 1.9 3.7 6.5 3.5
Talked to another medical doctor 0 0.4 1.2 0.4
Talked to a psychologist 2.6 8.0 23.8 8.2
Talked to a social worker 0.7 1.1 1.2 1.0
Talked to a counselor 4.0 7.4 17.9 7.6
Talked to any other mental health provider 0.7 0.4 0 0.5
Talked to a religious or spiritual leader 1.4 1.8 4.8 2.0
Talked to any other healer 0 0.4 0.6 0.3
Other 0.7 1.1 1.8 1.1

common attributions across all participants were stress (75.5%), en- chological distress were about half as likely to recognize depres-
vironmental factors (61.1%), biological factors (36.7%), and mental sion compared to those with no/mild distress (OR ⫽ .56). Serious
illness (31.7%). This pattern is also similar to findings from Study 1, distress, relative to no/mild distress, was not significantly related
although responses were limited to one selection in Study 1. Notably, to depression recognition. Moreover, women were more likely
over one in four respondents (26.0%) selected personal weakness as than men (OR ⫽ 1.72), White individuals were more likely than
a cause of depression. The majority of the participants (84.6%) non-White individuals (OR ⫽ 1.58), and those with prior help-
recommended that the person in the depression vignette should seek seeking experiences were more likely than those without prior
professional help. experiences (OR ⫽ 2.32) to recognize depression in the vignette.
Table 4 displays results of two logistic regression analyses In terms of help-seeking recommendations, correct recognition
examining factors associated with depression recognition and was associated with a threefold increase in endorsing professional
help-seeking recommendations. Individuals with moderate psy- help-seeking for depression (OR ⫽ 3.98). Individuals with serious

Table 4. Summary of Logistic Regression Results of Factors Influencing Depression Recognition and Help-Seeking Recommendations
(Study 2)
Recommendation of professional help-seeking for
Depression recognition depression
Variable B (SE) OR 95% CI p B (SE) OR 95% CI p

Female (ref: male) .54 (.17) 1.72 [1.25, 2.38] .001 .34 (.17) 1.40 [1.01, 1.96] .046
White (ref: non-White) .46 (.18) 1.58 [1.10, 2.27] .012 .06 (.18) 1.06 [.75, 1.51] .751
Prior use of services (ref: no prior use) .84 (.30) 2.32 [1.30, 4.15] .004 1.13 (.33) 3.11 [1.62, 5.95] .001
Moderate distress (ref: no/mild distress) ⫺.58 (.19) .56 [.39, .81] .002 ⫺.41 (.19) .66 [.46, .96] .030
Serious distress (ref: no/mild distress) ⫺.48 (.28) .62 [.36, 1.07] .080 ⫺.67 (.27) .51 [.30, .87] .013
Depression recognition (ref: incorrect) — — — — 1.38 (.18) 3.98 [2.80, 5.67] ⬍.001

Note. ref ⫽ reference group; OR ⫽ odds ratio; CI ⫽ confidence interval.

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

and moderate distress were about half as likely to endorse help- In terms of similar personal experiences, 47.3% indicated that
seeking (OR ⫽ .51 and .66, respectively), relative to individuals they had experienced something similar to that of the person in the
with no/mild distress. vignette, with significant differences by level of distress. Com-
Approximately 40.0% indicated that they had ever experienced pared to those with no/mild distress (32.1%), a greater proportion
something similar to that of the person in the vignette. Relative to of those with moderate distress (53.2%), ␹2(1) ⫽ 47.75, p ⬍ .001,
those with no/mild distress (22.2%), a significantly greater pro- Cramer’s V ⫽ .20, and serious distress (61.9%), ␹2(1) ⫽ 44.42,
portion of individuals with moderate (43.3%), ␹2(1) ⫽ 51.85, p ⬍ p ⬍ .001, Cramer’s V ⫽ .27, indicated that they had experienced
.001, Cramer’s V ⫽ .21, and serious distress (72.0%), ␹2(1) ⫽ something similar. When asked about how they dealt with the
129.31 p ⬍ .001, Cramer’s V ⫽ .47, endorsed that they had ever issue, individuals most commonly dealt with it on their own
experienced something similar. When asked to indicate how they (35.5%), talked to a friend (28.1%), and talked to a family member
actually dealt with the experience, the most common responses (24.4%). Only 5.8% indicated that they talked to a psychologist,
were having dealt with it on their own (29.3%), talked to a friend 5.3% to a counselor, and 4.1% to a psychiatrist, with rates of
(24.1%), and talked to a family member (18.3%; sample sizes are help-seeking from other help-seeking professionals (e.g., social
shown on Table 3). This is in contrast to Study 1 which assessed worker) even lower.
hypothetical help-seeking, for which 63.3% said they would talk to Study 2 replicated and extended findings from Study 1 by
a friend, 59.9% said they would talk to a family member, 45.8% demonstrating that psychological distress influenced mental health
said they would talk to a psychiatrist. Only 8.2% indicated that literacy for depression. Relative to no/mild distress, moderate
they talked to a psychologist, 7.6% to a counselor, and 5.7% to a distress was associated with lower likelihood of depression recog-
psychiatrist, and rates of help-seeking from other professionals nition. Depression recognition was associated with increased like-
(e.g., social worker) were even lower. lihood of recommending professional help-seeking. In contrast,
distress was not associated with mental health literacy for GAD.
Mental health literacy for generalized anxiety. As Although recognition of GAD was generally low across all par-
shown in Table 5, less than half of respondents (40.3%) recognized ticipants, recognition was significantly associated with help-
GAD in the vignette. A sizable percentage of participants misrec- seeking recommendations.
ognized GAD as general life stress (38.8%). Most participants
attributed GAD as being caused by stress (85.5%) and environ-
mental factors (53.5%). Over a quarter of the participants attrib-
General Discussion
uted personal weakness as the cause (25.5%), and less than a fifth
included mental illness as a cause (17.0%). In terms of profes- The current investigation examined variations in mental health
sional help-seeking recommendations, only 59.9% indicated that literacy for depression and anxiety among college students with
the person in the vignette should seek professional help, with psychological symptoms. Despite high rates of recognition and
19.2% indicating that they were undecided. help-seeking recommendations for depression, we found that men-
Table 6 displays results of the logistic regression analyses tal health literacy for depression varied by presence of psycholog-
examining factors associated with recognition and professional ical symptoms. In Study 1, high depressed individuals had signif-
help-seeking recommendations for GAD. Unlike the depression icantly lower rates of depression recognition and lower
vignette, psychological distress was not associated with GAD professional help-seeking recommendations compared to low de-
recognition. Women were more likely than men (OR ⫽ 1.86), pressed individuals. In Study 2, individuals with moderate distress
White individuals were more likely than non-White individuals had lower depression recognition compared to those with no/mild
(OR ⫽ 2.02), and those who had used services in the past were distress. Furthermore, those with moderate and serious distress had
more likely than those who had not used services in the past (OR ⫽ lower professional help-seeking recommendations for depression
2.20) to recognize GAD in the vignette. Correct recognition of than those with no/mild distress. Study 2 also showed that unlike
GAD was significantly associated with recommending profes- depression recognition, anxiety recognition was relatively low
sional help-seeking (OR ⫽ 2.60). across all participants regardless of psychological symptoms.

Table 5. Responses to Anxiety Vignette by Level of Distress

No/Mild Moderate Serious

distress % distress % distress % Total %
Responses to vignette (n ⫽ 424) (n ⫽ 728) (n ⫽ 168) (N ⫽ 1,321)

Recognition: What do you think is wrong with [person in vignette]?

(choose only one)
General life stress 40.6 37.8 39.3 38.8
Depression 1.9 4.4 7.7 4.1
Schizophrenia 0 0.3 0 0.2
Social phobia 2.4 3.4 2.4 3.0
General anxiety disorder 39.6 41.2 38.1 40.3
Other anxiety disorder 14.1 10.3 9.0 11.3
Personality disorder 0.7 1.2 2.4 1.2
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Medical problem 0.2 0.4 0 0.3

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Other 0.5 1.0 1.2 0.8

Causal attribution: What do you think is the primary cause of this
problem? (select all that apply)
Biological factors 30.0 31.7 26.2 30.4
Environmental factors 53.3 53.9 53.6 53.5
Mental illness 14.2 18.8 16.7 17.0
Personal weakness 22.9 25.9 30.4 25.5
Stress 86.1 85.7 85.1 85.5
Other 0.5 2.1 0.6 1.4
Help-seeking recommendations: Do you think that [person in
vignette] should seek professional help for this problem?
Yes 59.1 59.6 64.3 59.9
No 21.3 21.5 17.9 20.9
Undecided 19.6 19.0 17.9 19.2
Similar experience: Have you ever experienced something similar to
that of [person in vignette]?
Yes 32.1 53.2 61.9 47.3
No 67.9 46.8 38.1 52.7
Personal help-seeking: If so, what did you do to deal with the (n ⫽ 136) (n ⫽ 387) (n ⫽ 104) (N ⫽ 627)
experience? (select all that apply)
Dealt with it myself 25.2 39.4 45.8 35.5
Talked to a family member 18.6 27.6 24.4 24.2
Talked to a friend 19.1 32.4 32.7 28.1
Talked to a psychiatrist 1.7 4.7 8.3 4.1
Talked to a family doctor 0.7 2.9 6.5 2.6
Talked to another medical doctor 0.2 0.1 0 0.2
Talked to a psychologist 1.9 6.0 14.9 5.8
Talked to a social worker 0.7 1.5 1.2 1.2
Talked to a counselor 1.9 6.7 7.7 5.3
Talked to any other mental health provider 0.2 0.5 0 0.4
Talked to a religious or spiritual leader 1.7 3.0 3.6 2.6
Talked to any other healer 0.5 0.5 0 0.5
Other 0.7 1.5 1.2 1.2

Why might mental health literacy for depression vary by psy- highly associated with one another for many college students.
chological symptom severity? Of note, our findings are in contrast Misrecognition or underestimation of depressive symptoms as
to a previous investigation with a non-college-student sample, normal life stress may account for impairments in mental health
which found that mental health literacy did not vary depending on literacy, and because of this, individuals may be less inclined to
whether individuals had major depression (Goldney et al., 2001). label symptoms as a depression diagnosis. Our finding that stress
One possibility is related to the general age group of college was the most common causal attribution of depression across both
students. A characteristic of major depression is recurrent depres- Studies 1 and 2 also supports this possibility.
sive episodes, and the “kindling” hypothesis posits that the first Another potential explanation is that specific symptoms of de-
depressive episode, more so than subsequent episodes, is associ- pression may interfere with problem recognition, which can then
ated with life stress (Monroe & Harkness, 2005). Similar to a result in lower mental health literacy. For example, the major
majority of mental illnesses, depression is most likely to have an cognitive symptoms of depression include concentration difficul-
onset before an individual reaches his or her mid-20s (Kessler et ties and problems with decision making (American Psychiatric
al., 2005). Thus life stress and depressive disorders are likely to be Association, 2013). A large body of research has examined these

Table 6. Summary of Logistic Regression Results of Factors Influencing Anxiety Recognition and Help-Seeking Recommendations
(Study 2)

Recommendation of professional help-seeking for

Anxiety recognition anxiety
Variable B (SE) OR 95% CI p B (SE) OR 95% CI p

Female (ref: male) .62 (.13) 1.86 [1.43, 2.42] ⬍.001 .24 (.13) 1.27 [.99, 1.64] .060
White (ref: non-White) .70 (.12) 2.02 [1.58, 2.57] ⬍.001 ⫺.01 (.13) .99 [.77, 1.28] .965
Prior use of services (ref: no prior use) .79 (.17) 2.20 [1.58, 3.06] ⬍.001 .53 (.19) 1.69 [1.18, 2.44] .005
Moderate distress (ref: no/mild distress) .05 (.13) 1.05 [.81, 1.35] .718 ⫺.03 (.13) .97 [.75, 1.25] .811
Serious distress (ref: no/mild distress) ⫺.17 (.20) .41 [.57, 1.26] .409 .13 (.20) 1.14 [.77, 1.69] .508
Anxiety recognition (ref: incorrect) — — — — .96 (.13) 2.60 [2.03, 3.33] ⬍.001

Note. ref ⫽ reference group; OR ⫽ odds ratio; CI ⫽ confidence interval.

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

cognitive deficits associated with depression, and it is possible that 2010). Unlike mental health literacy for depression, neither recog-
these types of symptoms may also interfere with problem recog- nition nor help-seeking recommendations varied across levels of
nition because they can be cognitively distracting and individuals psychological distress. Rather, most participants who misrecog-
are unable to pay attention to relevant information (Bredemeier et nized GAD indicated that the person in the vignette was experi-
al., 2012). It is also possible that stigma may contribute to lower encing general life stress. In one study, 8.7% of a college student
depression recognition among individuals with psychological sample said that they would be very likely to seek help for anxiety,
symptoms. A qualitative investigation found that individuals with in contrast to 15.5% who said that they would be very likely to
depressive symptoms avoided using the term depression because seek help for depression (Joyce, Ross, Vander Wal, & Austin,
of concerns about stigmatization by others (Epstein et al., 2010). 2009). Poorer recognition and perceived importance of help-
Individuals in the current study may have experienced similar seeking for GAD compared to depression may be because of GAD
concerns about stigma, influencing their willingness to “label” receiving less attention in public discourse relative to depression
symptoms as depression. Further work is needed to build upon our (Coles & Coleman, 2010). Our findings show the clear need for
initial findings and test these possible explanations. improvement in knowledge and illness perceptions of GAD. This
Through a visual inspection of data, we found inconsistencies in is especially important in light of previous findings that have
terms of formal and informal help-seeking preferences for depres- shown that symptoms of anxiety, which are common among col-
sion when assessed hypothetically versus when assessed retrospec- lege students, tend to persist over time without treatment (Zivin,
tively. That is, individuals in Study 1 were asked to indicate how Eisenberg, Gollust, & Golberstein, 2009).
they thought they would deal with the experiences of the person in Our study also adds to the evidence on demographic differences
the vignette, whereas individuals in Study 2 were asked to indicate in mental health literacy, in terms of gender and race/ethnicity. In
what they actually did to deal with these problems, for those who both studies, women and White individuals were more likely to
said they experienced something similar. In hypothetical terms, correctly recognize disorders, in comparison to men and non-
respondents most commonly said that they would talk to a friend White individuals, respectively. Problem recognition is an impor-
or a family member, with a sizable proportion also indicating that tant first step of the help-seeking process (Cauce et al., 2002),
they would seek professional help. In retrospective terms, most which might partially explain why women tend to use mental
participants who indicated that they had dealt with something health services at higher rates than men. Our findings are relatively
similar responded that they actually dealt with the problems on consistent with prior research on gender variations in mental health
their own, and less than a quarter said they talked to a friend. These literacy and attitudes toward help-seeking (e.g., Klineberg et al.,
findings are preliminary, but draw attention to the discrepancy in 2011). A sizable portion of our non-White participants identified
terms of what people believe they would do and what they actually as Asian or Latino/a American. As discussed by Jorm (2012),
do. As many individuals said they would seek informal help from mental health literacy adopts a Western conceptualization, which
family and friends, these findings are important in raising aware- may not necessarily be congruent to illness beliefs and help-
ness of mental health first aid and strategies to provide effective seeking preferences of people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
informal support to others (Loureiro et al., 2013). The lack of mental health literacy has nonetheless been identified
Although symptoms of generalized anxiety, such as the ten- as an important barrier to services use among culturally diverse
dency to worry, are common among college students (Saw, Be- groups (Jorm, 2012), and this reflects an important area of future
renbaum, & Okazaki, 2013), we found that mental health literacy research.
for anxiety was generally low among college students. Less than We acknowledge limitations of this work and suggest other
half (40.3%) correctly recognized GAD in a vignette, even when areas of future research. Participants in the current study repre-
using a multiple choice format, and only 59.9% thought that the sented a highly educated sample, with personal interest in studying
person in the vignette should seek professional help. Rates found psychology as they were recruited on the basis of enrollment in
in the current study are similar to those found in a previous study, psychology courses. We might expect that mental health literacy is
in which 41.4% of college students recognized anxiety, and 51.8% higher in this group than other samples, or rather, that mental
recommended professional help-seeking (Coles & Coleman, health literacy is even lower in other groups for disorders such as

GAD. As Coles and Coleman (2010) have suggested, mental References

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