M17 TLE 2 Module 3 4 and PRELIM TASK
M17 TLE 2 Module 3 4 and PRELIM TASK
M17 TLE 2 Module 3 4 and PRELIM TASK
Agricultural Arts: Plant production methods of plant Illustrate basic concepts of propagating plants
Duration: 3 hrs.
There are several ways of propagating trees. Propagating trees is usually done to ensure good quality breed of tree that will produce good
Grafting is combining the tissues of one plant with another so the two joins together. In order for the grafting to be successful, the tissues
of both stock and scion plants must remain in continuous contact, and stay alive until the tissues fuse (usually a period of weeks). These joints
formed by grafting are generally not as strong as those naturally formed because only newly formed tissues fuse with each other.
Marcotting, also called Air Layering is an asexual or vegetative method of plant propagation in which a new plant is made from a mature,
established parent plant. It is a very easy and quick way to multiply or propagate woody plants. In this method of plant propagation, roots are
induced to form on a part of the parent plant (by causing a sort of “wound” or “cut” and then covering it up) while it remains aerial (above
ground), hence the term Air Layering.
Fruit trees which have grown from seed may not give good fruit. There are various other ways to make sure that trees fruit well.
Depending on the variety and season there are different methods to improve fruit trees. One way is by taking a local, wild fruit tree and
transferring a bud from a tasty, good and heavy-fruiting tree onto it. This is called Budding. Budding is just one of the techniques used to improve
fruit trees so that they give more production.
In this module we will discuss the course content and the grading system intended for this second semester school year 2020-2021.
In this method, a new plant is grown by inserting a scion into the stock so that they will form a union and grow together. The scion and the
rootstock should come from the same specie or family. They should be compatible for them to grow permanently.
2. Rootstock - is a part of a tree which becomes the root system of the grafted tree. This is the lower part of grafting.
Four types of grafting;
1. Whip Grafting - (also called splice or tongue grafting) - is one of the oldest methods of asexual plant propagation known. The end of the
scion is cut so as to leave a tongue - shaped piece of wood and another cut is made in it. The scion is fitted into the stock which has been
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prepared and covers the joint with ice bag and ties it with scotch tape.
2. Side Grafting - insert the scion without cutting off the top of the stock. A slit is made in the bark of the stock where the scion is inserted
3. Saddle Grafting - a V-shaped which is made in the scion. The end of the stock is whittled to a point so that the scion will fit over it like a
4. Cleft Grafting - one of the simplest and the most popular forms of grafting. The stock is split to form a cleft and wedge – shaped scion is
inserted to the cleft.
Air layering is a propagation method for woody plants that allows you to root branches while still attached to the parent plant. It is useful for
plants that are hard to propagate by cutting.
The process by which a scion is inserted into the rootstock to unite and grow as one. It is done by choosing and cutting a bud from one plant
and attaching it to another plant. The bud must fit well to the mother plant. When the bud grows big enough it will become part of the plant.
Why do Budding?
Benefits of Budding
1. The tree produces good fruit
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When to do Budding?
Budding should be done in the early summer when new shoots are sprouting and sap is rising the most.
How to do Budding?
1. Select bud wood for budding.
The first thing to do in budding is to select good buds from the tree you want to propagate. If this is far away then the whole branch
containing the bud should be cut and brought. Don't bring a branch which doesn't have good buds on it. Good buds can come from the current
year's growth, or from last year's wood.
2. Cut the selected bud.
Make a cut through the bark to the wood about half an inch above the selected bud. Taking care not to damage the bud, cut from half an
inch below the bud, upwards to the first cut as shown in the picture.
Carefully separate any wood that has been cut from the bark and bud Now the bud is ready. Put the bud in a bowl of water, so it can be
carried without drying out.
3. Prepare the bud.
4. Prepare the rootstock
A compatible local, wild variety of seedling is called a rootstock. The rootstock shouldn't have any disease or wounds. The rootstock
should be prepared before the bud is cut, to save time. The rootstock seedling should be well watered and mulched the day before it is to be
5. Join the bud to the rootstock.
To graft the bud from the improved tree, use your knife to prise open the T-shaped wound, and slowly insert the budwood downwards into
the opening. The budwood should fit exactly into the inside of the T. If there is a small piece of the budwood left sticking out above the
horizontal cut in the rootstock, this should be cut off.
6. Bind the bud
Topic: Desired Learning Outcomes:
Agricultural Arts: Animal production and methods of Identify common poultry and livestock farm tools
animal raising Identify fish processing activities
Duration: 3 hrs
The field of early childhood special education has grown out of several different fields including early childhood education, elementary
special education, medicine and psychology.
This module is discussing about people who had great influence in the history of special education, laws and legislation, and brief history
of special education in the Philippines.
A. Select and use farm tools
Farmers know the tools and equipment in the farm and how to use them properly. Before you perform some farm activities,
determine the areas of concern for safety. This lesson will help you to identify various tasks on the farm, determine the places for
application of safety measure, determine the appropriate time for employing safety measures and identify appropriate tools and
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1. Dropping board
2. Perches
3. Nest
4. Feeding troughs
5. Drinking troughs
6. Feed bins
7. Incubator
8. Brooder
1. Breeding crate
2. Farrowing crate or stall
3. Heat lamps and brooders
4. Water system
5. Shipping crate
6. Castration rack
7. Feed cart
8. Self-feeders
9. Waterers
10. Livestock trailer
11. Pickup truck
Farming activities are exposed to a lot of hazards, before you try to perform some activities on the farm. Determine the areas of concern
for safety. This lesson will help you to identify various work tasks in the farm; determine the places for application of safety measures;
determine the appropriate time for employing safety measures and identifying appropriate tools and equipment in animal production.
Safety -is the state of being "safe" (from French sauf), the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial,
political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any
other event which could be considered non-desirable. Safety can also be defined to be the control of recognized hazards to achieve an
acceptable level of risk. This can take the form of being protected from the event or from exposure to something that causes health or
economical losses. It can include protection of people or of possessions.
1. Safety glasses
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6. Tool inspection
10. Lighting
Fish Processing Activities
1. Receiving. This activity includes sorting and grading of raw materials according to size, species, and quality. It also includes segregating
suitable from unsuitable ones.
2. Preparation. This includes the preparatory steps such as washing, eviscerating, cutting, brining, and pre-cooking the fish by steaming,
blanching, or broiling.
3. Processing/sterilizing. This activity involves the final processing and complete sterilization of the processed finished product.
4. Storing. Storage room is provided for storing finished product such as canned/ bottled fish, smoked fish, salted fish, pickled fish and
other processed fishery products. Proper storage will also extend the shelf life of the product.
5. Packaging. This processing activity involves the wrapping or enclosing food and fish products in bottles or in cans for the purpose of
protecting and preserving the finished products.
6. Labeling. The purpose of this activity is to give the correct information about the product.
A. Provide at least 3 common issues in your community that affects in plant production and address each issue.
B. Provide at least 3 common issues in your community that affects in animal raising and address each issue.
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