Course Pack Bio 11

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Prepared by:
Revised by: LLOYD P. COMING
Course Overview
A comprehensive study of plant, emphasizing the principles and concepts of
plant life and an appreciative of the environment of the part human beings play in
modifying it. This course is designed for teachers handling the subject for them to
deliver essential knowledge to students using outcome-based approach.This
course will help students widen their knowledge in branch of science that deals
with the scientific study of plants and their relationship to the environment. The
aim of this course is to provide students with basic and fundamental knowledge
that study the structure and function of plant cells, tissues, and organs.

In this course, students will engage into scientific inquiries and investigate the
growth, reproduction, anatomy, morphology, physiology, biochemistry,
taxonomy, genetics, and ecology of plants. In addition, this course is designed for
the college-bound students that should have high level of understanding in
problem solving and scientific methods is necessary for success in this course.

In order for students to gain the competency of the subject, there are structured
five modules are being used and these are the following:
Module 1: Introduction to Botany
Module 2: The Plant Cell
Module 3: Structure and Function of the Vegetative Organs of a Seed plant
Module 4: Heredity and Variation
Module 5: Classification of Plants
At the completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Define Botany and its different disciplines;
2. Describe the processes involved in the growth and development of plants;
3. Describe and identify the structural elements of plants morphology and
4. Outline the system of plant classification and associated life cycles;
5. Perform identification and naming of plants and plant parts.
For students to learn and acquire knowledge through meaningful experience,
go through each lesson in every module and work on all exercises provided to
enrich your concepts of each topic as designed.Your learning experience on
this course is more enjoyable if you work with your peer, friends and
classmates, as well as with the assistance of your teacher.

Good luck and have fun!

Table of Contents
Course Overview ........................................................................................................... i
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... ii
Learners Guide________________________________________________________________________iv
Module 1: Introduction
Module Overview ...................................................................................................... 1
Lesson 1: Botany as a Science ............................................................................... 3
Lesson 2: Chemical and Cellular Basis of Life ..................................................... 8
Module Summary Overview ................................................................................ 12
Module References ............................................................................................. 13
Module Assessment ............................................................................................. 14
Module 2: The Plant Cell ..............................................................................................
Module Overview .................................................................................................... 15
Lesson 1: Cell Parts and Function ....................................................................... 16
Lesson 2: Cell Metabolism ................................................................................. 22
Lesson 3: Cell Division in Plants ........................................................................ 31
Module Summary Overview ................................................................................ 35
Module References ............................................................................................. 36
Module Assessment ............................................................................................. 37
Module 3: Structure and Function of the Vegetative Organs of a Seed Plant .........
Module Overview .................................................................................................... 38
Lesson 1: The Plant Roots ................................................................................... 39
Lesson 2: The Plant Stems ................................................................................... 45
Lesson 3: The Plant Leaves ................................................................................ 57
Lesson 4: The Plant Flowers ............................................................................... 61
Module Summary Overview ................................................................................ 65
Module References ............................................................................................. 66
Module Assessment ............................................................................................. 67
Module 4: Heredity and Variation ...............................................................................
Module Overview .................................................................................................... 68
Lesson 1: Sexual and Non-sexual reproduction................................................... 69
Lesson 2: Mendelian Genetics ............................................................................. 75
Module Summary Overview ................................................................................ 81
Module References ............................................................................................. 82
Module Assessment ............................................................................................. 83
Module 5: Classification of Plants ...............................................................................
Module Overview .................................................................................................... 85
Lesson 1: Classification of Units ......................................................................... 86
Lesson 2: Classification of the Plant Kingdom .................................................... 90
Module Summary Overview ................................................................................ 94
Module References ............................................................................................. 95
Module Assessment ..................................................................................................... 96
Appendices ................................................................................................................. 97

The instructional design is the systematic framework used in
designing the coursepacks. It translates the principles of teaching
and learning into place for teaching-learning strategies,
developmental activities and evaluative measures that complement
the contents. The following information will be used to establish a
design document for the training (design) that is vetted by key
stakeholders prior to building the e-learning modules (coursepacks
development) base on the learning needs of the students, to wit:
6.1. 4As Design
The 4A’s of learning design is an instructional design model
for task-based and workflow e-learning. This model fits into
today’s current context, delivering the correct content to fit
the current need in an environment often where the
development falls to the technologist rather than the trainer.
This instructional design is applicable for the following
✓ Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (BSE)
✓ Bachelor of Science in Criminology (BSC), and;
✓ Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED)
✓ Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)

Figure 2. Describes the 4As Instructional Design (Activity,

Analysis, Abstraction, Application) Model.

Figure 2. Instructional Design: 4As Model

6.1.1 Activity
This will bring understanding to what the learners already
know and clarity to what learners should learn further. At
this early stage,

the student should already have a retrospect of what they
will be learning through the activity that will be presented.
6.1.2 Analysis
A more in-depth understanding of the lesson, it is another
phase where the students will process and classify what is
valid and not. The teacher on this part will ask further
questions and will also lead as a facilitator rather than mere
lecturing and sharing facts and ideas. The students know
gains a wider view of the lesson but at the same time draws
closer to the main topic.
6.1.3 Abstraction
The teacher on this part will now focus entirely on the
lesson being presented and ask more lead questions to lead
the students in reinforcing what they know and should know
more. The student here starts to feel more the importance of
the lesson to her and see the necessity of it to his/her life.
Additionally, in this stage there should be supplemental
learning materials such as video or additional reading
6.1.4 Application
The word itself describes the stage as bringing the student to
a more practical way of using HOW are they going to use
what they have learned and thinking of new ways on how it
can be improve further.
Straightforward Module Format
This format is inspired to the course packages developed by
other State Universities and Colleges that offers Agri-related
undergraduate programs in the country. Also, this format is
uniquely designed to match the learning needs of the
Bachelor of Agricultural Technology (BAT) Program.


For security purposes, the portable document format (PDF) of the
submitted course packs shall contain a watermark “Evaluation copy
for CVSC only”. The course packs shall be anchored on the
approved syllabus of the program.

Module no. & Title
Module Overview
Module objectives/outcomes
Lessons in the Module
General Instruction

1. Module no. & Title

2. Lesson no. & Title
3. Learning Outcome/s
4. Time Frame
5. Introduction u
6. Learning Guide Questions r
7. Learning Guide e
8. References
9. Assessment 3
. The Straightforward Module

Module no. & Title

Module Overview
Module objectives/outcomes
Module Lessons:
Lesson 1…
Lesson 2…
Lesson 3…

Lesson 1:
Learning Outcomes:
Time Frame:

Figure 4. The 4As Module Format

1.1 Ownership. Complete a cover page that includes (a) names

of course pack developer/s; (d) academic year; (c) The
College (CVSC); (d) course number and title.

1.2 Table of Contents. Provide a Table of Contents that lists the

sections and attachments in the course packs with page
1.3 Charts, graphs and attachments. Charts, graphs and
attachments instruments are required as part of the

1.4 The Course Pack Document. You may also want to

provide other attachments such as student work.
However, you should be very selective and make sure
your attachments provide clear, concise evidence of your
performance related to course pack standards and your
students’ learning progressOverview –
contains an Introduction that
discusses the topic/content of the
module and the learning objective/s.
Objectives – informs the learners of the expected outcome/s.
Pre-Assessment – check the learners’ knowledge about
the lessons
Prior-knowledge – facilitate condition of learning.

1.5 Narrative length. A suggested page length for your

narrative is given at the end of each component section. You
have some flexibility of length across components, but the
total length of your written narrative (excluding charts,
graphs, attachments and references) should not exceed
thirty (30) word processed pages, double-spaced in 12-
point font, with 1-inch margins.

1.6 References and Credits (not included in total page length).

If you referred to another person’s ideas or material in your
narrative, you should cite these in a separate section at the
end of your narrative. You may use any standard form for
references; however, the American Psychological
Association (APA) style is a recommended format.

1.7 Contextual Factors (The Course Pack Standard). The faculty

members use information about the learning-teaching
context and student individual differences to set learning
goals and plan instruction and assessment.

Tasks. Discuss relevant factors and how they may affect the
teaching-learning process. Include any support and
challenges that affect instruction and student-learning.

Prompt. In your discussion, include:
Community, and school factors. Address geographic
location, community and school population, socio-economic
profile and race/ethnicity. You might also address such
things as stability of community, political climate,
community support for education, and other environmental
Classroom factors. Address physical features, availability of
technology equipment and resources and the extent of
parental involvement. You might also discuss other relevant
factors such as classroom rules and routines, grouping
patterns, scheduling and classroom arrangement.
Student characteristics. Address student characteristics you
must consider as you design instruction and assess learning.
Include factors such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, special
needs, achievement/developmental levels, culture, language,
interests, learning styles/modalities or students’ skill levels.
In your narrative, make sure you address student’s skills and
prior learning that may
influence the development of your learning goals,
instruction and assessment.
Instructional implications. Address how contextual
characteristics of the community, classroom and students
have implications for instructional planning and assessment.
Include specific instructional implications for at least two
characteristics and any other factors that will influence how
you plan and implement your unit. (suggested page length:
1-2 pages)

1.8 Elements per Lesson. To a certain extent, the actual content

of your lessons will be dictated by the curriculum
requirements. However, it should be possible to put across
that content in an interesting, imaginative and creative way.
Not only will doing this help to engage your students with
their work, it will also mean that you enjoy the lessons as

1.9 Cover Page. In order to have a uniform and for easy

identification of each coursepack, a cover page should be
design base of the following details:

1.9.1 Cover page color. These are the colors of the

cover page per program:

Program Cover page color
BSED - Blue
BEED - Violet
BAT - Green
BSE - Yellow
BSC - Red

Figure 5. Sample Cover Page (BSE Program)

There are various ways in which we can make our lesson content as
successful and appealing as possible. The more inventive and skillful we
can become as facilitators, the better the behavior from our students will

Module Overview Module 1

• Read and Find out:
• Botany as Science
• Chemical and Cellular Basis of Life

“A man doesn’t plant a tree for himself. He plants it for prosperity.”

~ Alexander Smith

The world you live in is rapidly changing, growing, and advancing. New
discoveries and high technologies are making our lives easier, comfortable, and
sustainable. With all those changes happening around us, plants were one of the
organisms affected and with us through tough times. In this module, you will be
reoriented and be involve in investigating Botany as a science. You will also study
how the study of plants is significant to you and how plants affect your life.

The picture above shows an open tunnel that was mostly covered with
varieties of plants. Plants are one of the most fascinating and important groups of
organisms living on Earth. They serve as the channel of energy into the biosphere,
provide food, and shape our environment. Suppose we want to make headway in
understanding how these essential organisms function and build the foundation for a
more sustainable future. In that case, we need to apply the most advanced
technologies available to the study of plant life. That’s the biggest challenge of
humanity and Botany. As part of society, what can you do to get involved in this

Basically, this module provides a basic understanding of plant classification

and taxonomy and helps students develop their awareness and interest in plants and
growth development. Likewise, prepare the students for furthering the utilization of
plant materials in herbal and horticulture sciences. Generally, in this module,
students are required to speak about plants and learn botanical language. Also
students study how studying plants is significant to them and how plants affect
human life, how plants relate to ecology and the environment at large. Furthermore,

included in this module are the different learning strategies integrated in each topic
to help students better understand and acquire essential knowledge to this subject

By the end of this module you should be able to:

1. define Botany and its different disciplines;
2. describe the processes involved in the growth and development of plants;
3. describe and identify the structural elements of plants morphology and
4. outline the system of plant classification and associated life cycles;
5. perform identification and naming of plants and plant parts.
6. identification of common names and scientific names of flowers

Are with you me? Then let’s get to know the world of flora!

Lesson 1 Botany as a Science
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
✓ explain botany as a science;
✓ discuss a brief history of Botany; and
✓ discuss the characteristics of life.
If you were wondering what specific branch of science that is responsible of
studying the plants, then you would be able to find out the answer to your queries.

Let’s check your memories!

➢ List down as many as you can all the names of the
people you’ve known who contributed in Botany.


• What could be the reason of their contribution on the

field of Botany?
• Was the contribution different scientist has an impact
to the lives of people nowadays?
• Among the entire scientist you have listed, who do you
know was known to be the father of botany?


Did you know?

✓ Did you know that botany is a branch of biology that
deals with the study of plants, including their form,
functions, parts, classification, diseases and other things
related to its life cycle and interaction with the
✓ Did you know that the essential feature of green plants
is their ability to synthesize their own metabolic
compounds from simple substances- salts, carbon
dioxide, and water.
✓ Did you know that basically speaking we owe to the
plants our daily living? From the food we eat, the
clothes we wear, the things mostly we use, and most
importantly the oxygen we breathe.

Well in this part, you are going to find out the
history of Botany highlighting only to those who
has major contributions. Hope you find it more
convenient as shown on the timeline.

History of

• Theophrastus (370- 285BC)

• regarded as the father of botany.
• made crude classifications based on whether a plant
flowers (Phanerogams) or not (Cryptogams).
Ancient Period • Caius Plinius Secundus (23-79AD)
• know more as "Pliny the Elder", described substanstially
of the biological, medicinal and the agricultural aspects
of the plants.
• the word "stamen" was first used by Pliny.

• Pedanios Dioscorides (62-128AD)

• his works compiled in the form of Materia Medica
described the medicinal aspects of about 600 species of
Medieval & plants.
Renaissance • many of the names introduced by Dioscorides such as
Period Aloe, Anemone, Phaseolus, and Arisolochia are still used
in contempory bonatical literature.
• plant classification was the main agenda during the
middle ages until seventh century.

• Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778)

• established some of the principles of plant classification
and named many species of plants.
Modern Period • the term botany in its modern sense is regarded as the
study of plants for the direct interest which they hold for
the human mind, without any compulsion to consider
practical aspects of plant life.

For the two following two pages, you are going to
learn more on branches of botany as to its focus and
as well as with the seven characteristics of life.

Branches of Botany

Plant Plant Anatomy

Morphology (internal
(plant structure) structure)

Plant Taxonomy Pathology
( plant (causes, control
classification) & other plant

(structure &
physiology of

Plant Ecology
(chemical &
to the
processes &
behavior of
(inheritance &
of plants on
breeding of

Characteristics of Life

1. Living things are composed of 2. Living things have different

cells levels of organization
• most basic characteristic and is • cells-tissues-organ-organ system-
shared by all organisms organism
• discovery of cell was fundamental
in understanding the complex
process in an organism's system

4. Living things use energy

3. Living things reproduce
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the
to ensure survival of the species, energy currency of the living system
organisms produce offspring of their
own kind ensuring the continuity of in order for the processes to proceed
the gene pool of species. and for products to be formed, ATP
is requied.

5. Living organisms respond to

their environment 6. Living organisms are able to
grow and develop
the environment where organisms
are part of are full of stimuli to growth & development allows
which organisms respond to. organisms to replace old and dying
cells in the body and perform
the way plants, bend towards the different functions through the
light is an example of a range of process of cellular respiration.
responses called tropism.

7. Living things adapt to their

• organisms adapt to the changing
• only those that are fit and are able to
reproduce are able to pass on their
genetic information to the next
So you have explored and learned more about Botany as
science, history of botany and even to its characteristics. So
this time, you are going to test your insights about the
enlightenment on the discussion above.

Shine bright from the lamp of knowledge!

Below are the questions you need to ponder. Give your scientific convictions
in answering the following questions. See rubrics ar rhe end of the module.

1. Why is botany considered as a science?


2. How does the historical development of botany lead to its significance in the
present time?

3. Discuss and justify the characteristics of life through giving concrete evidence
as seen in plants. Do not forget to cite the author of your reference. Use the table
Characteristics of Life Concrete Evidence in Plants Reference
Ex. Living things are Ex. Plants have cells observed Kalman, B. (2007).
composed of cells in microscopes by numerous Plants are living
scholars. These cells contain things. Crabtree
various organelles; ex. Publishing Company.
Mitochondria, nucleus, etc.
1. Living things have
different levels of
2. Living things reproduce
3. Living things use energy
4. Living organisms respond
to their environment
5. Living organisms are able
to grow and develop
6. Living things adapt to their

Great job! You have just finished the Lesson 1 of this module. If you have
some unanswered queries you may take note that and asked your instructor during
your face-to-face interactions.

Well if you are ready, please continue to Lesson 2 of this module, which will
discuss about the introduction to Chemical & Cellular Basis of life.

Lesson 2 Chemical & Cellular
Basis of Life
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
✓ describe the nature and function of molecules essential for life;
✓ explain how the chemical basis of life contribute to the cell theory; and
✓ trace the development of cell studies.
Have you ever wonder how does life form? How does it originate? How did
we able to call such terminologies? Well in this lesson, you will going to learn the
chemical and cellular basis of life. The characteristics of life are manifested at the
cellular level.

What are you composed at?

➢ The following chemical symbols and acronyms were given;
please provide what element/compound represented by a
symbol given below.
Symbol/Acronym Element/Compound/Acronym

• What is the role of chemistry in life form such as plant?

• How they contribute to the overall functionality of the cell?
• How does cells become the basis of life? What is the history


Did you know?

✓ Did you know that the basic definition of matter is
anything that occupies space and has mass?
Consequently, no two mattes can occupy the same
Abstraction space at one time and its mass is constant regardless
of planes and dimensions. A rock, cake, water, and
humans share this common denominator. All of
these are made of substances called elements.
✓ Did you know that each element is unique because
of the atom structure it possesses? Elements usually
combine to form compounds and mixtures.
So basically, in this part you will
Chemical Basis of life going to find out the connections of 8|Page
chemical basis of life.

Elements Atoms Compounds & Mixtures

It is a pure
All atoms When elements combine
follow a general to form a compound, the
structure. individual characteristics
by one unique of each component
building block elements are lost and a
called the atom. new property unique to the
compounds formed.

Chemical bonds

Types of bonds:
1.Covalent bonds- two In order to form
elements share electrons compounds and mixture,
elements interact through
2. Ionic bonds- element chemical bonds.
transfer electrons to
another atom.

Carbon Water Carbohydrates

Presence of carbon in a Used to provide the Primary

compound is indicative needed electron pump energy
of its being organic. and releasing oxygen as givers of the
a by-product. body.

Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids

Providing insulation and They are a large Is a complex organic

secondary energy, lipids complex polymer compound that is
are organic compounds composed of carbon, chiefly responsible
that have large proportion oxygen, nitrogen and for storage of genetic
of C-H bonds & less sometimes sulphur. information of
oxygen than organisms.
Did you know?
✓ These contributions led to what we call as the Cell
Theory which states that:
1. All organisms are made up of cell
2. Cells are the basic unit of life
Abstraction 3. All cells came from pre-existing cells

Note: The theory explains how cells arise, and that all living
organisms, regardless of size and shape, are made up of cells.

Cellular Basis of Life

Contributor Contribution
Galileo Galilei • In the 17th century, he was then the first person to
observe and record observations using a microscope.

Hans & • Dutch lens grinders, father and son

Zacharias • Produced first compound microscope (2 lenses)
Robert Hooke • Looked at a thin slice of cork (oak cork) through a
(1665) compound microscope
• Observed tiny, hollow, room-like structures
• Called these structures ‘cells’ because they reminded
him of the rooms that monk lived in
• Only saw the outer walls (cell walls) because cork
cells are not alive

Anton van • Looked at blood, rainwater, scrapings from teeth

Leeuwenhoek through simple microscope (1 lens)
(1680) • Observed living cells; called some ‘animalcules’
• Some of the small animalcules’ are now called were
actually bacteria

Barthelemy • Described ‘binary fission in plants’

Dumortier • Observed mid line partition between the original cell
(1797-1878) and the new cell
Matthias • Viewed plant parts under a microscope
Schleiden • Discovered that plants parts are made of cells
Rudolph • Stated that all living cells come only from other
Virchow (1855) living cells
Shine bright from the lamp of knowledge!

Answer the following questions.

1. How did the cellular basis of life contribute to the foundation of Cell Theory?

What functions do the following chemical compounds perform for the plants?
Nucleic Acid

Great job! You have just finished Lesson 2 of this module. If you have some
unanswered queries, you may note that ask your instructor during your face-to-face

In this module, you have learned why Botany considered as a science and what
are the chemical and cellular basis of life. In the next lesson, you will learn about
Plant cell.

Congratulations! You have completed the

first module of Botany. For you to bloom
more here are some key points covered in
this module:
Module Summary

• Botany is the branch of biology that deals with the study of plants,
including their form, functions, parts, classification, diseases and
other things related to its life cycle and interaction with the
• There are 7 characteristics of life:
1. Living things are composed of cells
2. Living things have different levels of organization
3. Living things reproduce
4. Living organism use energy
5. Living organisms respond to their environment
6. Living organisms are able to grow and develop
7. Living things adapt to their environment
• The chemical bases of life are elements, atoms, compounds &
mixtures. Under compounds and mixtures are chemical bonds,
water, carbon, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
• Due to different contributions of different scientists in the field of
botany it led to the contribution of what we called Cell Theory
which state that:
1. All organisms are made up of cell
2. Cells are the basic unit of life
3. All cells came from pre-existing cells

12 | P a g e
Module 1 References

Module 1
• Lesson 1- Guerrero, J. (2015). General botany with taxonomy.
Manila City: Educational Publishing House.

• Lesson 2- Guerrero, J. (2015). General botany with taxonomy.

Manila City: Educational Publishing House.

13 | P a g e
Module Assessment

To test your understanding in this module, please answer the

following questions briefly:

1. As a science student, how will you give importance to


2. The Cell theory states three (3) principles. Expound and

justify each principle by citing factual examples.

14 | P a g e
Module Overview

Module 2

The Plant Cell

•Read and Find out:
•Cell Parts and Function
•Cell Metabolism
•Cell Division in Plants

“I thought I was pretty cool until I realized plants can eat sun & poop out air.”
~ Jim Bugg

The Cell theory explains how cells arise, and that all living organisms,
regardless of size and shape, are made up of cells. Animals and plants, along with
fungi and the lesser unicellular organisms such as bacteria are comprised of cells
differentiated to perform specific functions. These cells are the functional and
organizational scaffolding of any living organism.

Small membrane-bound compartments found inside most types of cells are

called organelles. They are found in a gel-like substance called the cytoplasm. These
organelles perform specific functions. The biological processes performed by one
organelle are necessary for the function of another. Likewise, the products of one
organelle are needed by another to proceed and complete an entire process.

At the completion of this module, you should be able to:

• Visualize each of the cell parts and its location;

• Describe the function of each of the organelles;
• Comprehend on the cells’ energy production; and
• Visualize and describe phases of the cell cycle and the mechanism of cell division
in plants.

Are with you me? Then fasten your seatbelt as we explore the beauty of plant cell!

15 | P a g e
Lesson 1 Cell Parts And Function
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
✓ visualize each of the cell parts and its location;
✓ describe the function of each of the organelles; and
✓ distinguish plant cells from bacterial and plant cells.
Aren’t you wondering how does a particular plant able to grow its own parts?
Or do you have such questions about the plant parts and function, well then in this
lesson hopefully that you will be able to answer all your questions.

Sketch Me!
➢ Imagine your own dream house, then sketch as simple as
you can and label its name and location. Please do consider
including your own gate up to the interior of your house.

• What are your considerations upon sketching your own

dream house?
• How does your dreams house parts and location connected
to the cell parts and function?
• How to consider cell’s function as part of the cell?

Did you know?

✓ Did you know that the cell itself has more than one
✓ Did you know that the size of a cell is usually determined
by its diameter and not by the length? The usual size of a
typical cell in human body can range anywhere between
10 µm and 100 µm (µm stands for micron, which is 1
millionth of a meter or 1 thousandth of a millimeter)

16 | P a g e
17 | P a g e
The figure above is the illustration of a Plant cell and its organelles. Here also the
description and functions of the different organelles.

Plant Cell Organelles

Organelle Description Function
• Outer layer, rigid, • Protects and support
strong, stiff cell
• Wall is mad of • Allows oxygen and
Cell Wall
cellulose water to pass through
• Provide & maintain the
shape of the cell
• Inside cell wall • Controls what comes
• Mainly composed of a in and out of the cell
double layer of • Important in cellular
Cell Membrane phospholipids and recognition &
protein channels communication
scattered throughout
the membrane
• Clear gel-like fluid • Home to the cell’s
• Contains lots of
proteins and dissolved
ions that are involved
in many cells reactions
• Specialized for bearing • Hold “things” in place
tension inside cell
• Built from keratin • More permanent
proteins fixtures of
• Intermediate in size 8- cytoskeleton
Intermediate Filaments 12nm • Reinforce cell shape
and fix organelle
-nucleus is held in
place by a network of
intermediate filaments
• Membrane bound • Synthesis and storage
Amyloplast organelle, containing of starch
starch granules
• Rounded shape • Controls the cells
surrounded by rest of activities
organelles • It also houses the
Nucleus genetic material of the
cell, or the DNA,
coiled structures called
the chromosomes
• Bean shaped with inner • Breaks down sugar
Mitochondria membrane molecules to create
• This is the site of energy

18 | P a g e
cellular respiration • Converts glucose into
necessary for the ATP, an energy
provision of energy for molecule used in
the cell almost every reaction
• Power house of the cell the cell does
• Mitochondria has its
own DNA
• Sub-unit within a cell • Make cellular products
that has a specialized like hormones and
function lipids
• It is described as • Distributes those
‘smooth’ to distinguish products throughout
Smooth Endoplasmic
it from rough ER, the cell and to places
which has ribosomes in the organism.
for protein synthesis on • Puts together lipids
its surface. and is important in
making new
• It is made up of • Main function is to
cisternae, tubules and produce protein
vesicles • Ribosomes build
• Cisternae are made up proteins and the ER
of flattened membrane helps fold or modify
Rough Endoplasmic disks, which are them
Reticulum involved in the
modification of
• It is called ’rough’ due
to presence of
• Small bodies floating • Builds proteins by
free or attached to the putting together long
endoplasmic reticulum chains of Amino Acids
• Smallest organelle according to the
found in all cells mRNA message( a
copy of piece of

• Flattened sacs or tubes • Receives proteins and
other materials from
the ER and packages
them and then
Golgi Bodies redistributes them
• It also sorts these
products and sends
them to their final
Chloroplasts • Green, oval structures • Captures energy from
usually containing sunlight and used it to

19 | P a g e
chlorophyll produce food for cells
• Used the energy from
sunlight glucose
molecules from CO2
and H2O.
• Glucose is an energy
storage molecule
• Fluid-filled sacs • Storage area for cells
• Basically, a membrane • Stores food, water, etc.
Vacuole/Vacuole enclosed sac that can • Helps the cell maintain
membrane be filled with anything its rigidity
the cell needs to keep
• Small round structures • Use chemical to break
• A membrane enclosed down large food
bag of digestive juices. particles into smaller
one, and breaks down
old cells parts into
their components that
can be recycled to
build new cell parts
• Round body located • Makes ribosomal
inside the nucleus subunits from proteins
• It is not surrounded by and ribosomal RNA,
a membrane but sits in also known as rRNA
the nucleus • It then sends the
subunits out to the rest
of the cell where they
Nucleolus combine into complete
• Ribosomes make
proteins; therefore, the
nucleolus plays a vital
role in making proteins
in the cell
• They are the transport • The vesicles are
vesicles transport vesicles made
of cytoplasm and
simply pinch off of the
Golgi with the
necessary information
Golgi vesicles inside the vesicles
typically in protein
• They receive there
commands from the

20 | P a g e
• Created by taking in • Peroxisomes are
proteins and lipids organelles that contain
from the cytoplasm of enzymes to carry out
the cell their functions.
• Breaks down fatty
acids to be used for
forming membranes
Peroxisome and as fuel for
respiration; and
transfer hydrogen from
compounds to oxygen
to create hydrogen
peroxide and then
convert hydrogen
peroxide into water.

Shine bright from the lamp of knowledge!


Answer the following questions:

1. What are the functions of organelles? Why are they important in maintaining

2. How do plant cells differ from animal and bacterial cells?

3. How are the functions of ribosomes, golgi bodies, and endoplasmic reticulum
related to one another?

Great job! You have just finished the Lesson 1 of this module. If you have
some unanswered queries you may take note that ask your instructor during your face-
to-face interactions.

Well if you are ready, please continue to Lesson 2 of this module, which will
discuss about the introduction to Cell Metabolism.

21 | P a g e
Lesson 2
Cell Metabolism
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
✓ identify catabolic processes;
✓ trace the digestion and respiration processes of the cell; and
✓ outline the important processes of cellular respiration through creative writing.

How do cells manufacture its own food? How do they digest what they take
and how they even do the respiration? Well in this module you will going to find out
all the answers to that question most importantly you will also learn things out.

Think as many as you can!

➢ You are task to think as many examples as you can give
per category, however by the end of the time you will
going to present your given examples same with everyone
else. Now how are you going to gain points here? Well,
simply you just need to make sure that your given
example/s doesn’t have any match to your classmates.
Because if they matched automatically your answer will
be eliminated. The following categories are:
Carbohydrates, fats and oils, proteins. Give examples of
food containing each categories.

• How do cells manufacture/get its own food?

• Does cells process its own metabolism?
• Does cells do respiration? How?


Did you know?

✓ Did you know that the term metabolism includes all the
chemical transformations that take place in cells or
organisms? Metabolism entails food manufacture, food
transformations, release of energy stored in foods,
Abstraction construction of protoplasm and of cell walls, and

22 | P a g e

Three groups of foods:
Catabolic Processes:
1. Carbohydrates
1. Digestion
2. Fats & Oils
3. Proteins 2. Respiration

Things you need to know about Foods!

• Photosynthesis is the fundamental process of food manufacture. From the

sugar made in photosynthesis and from mineral salts, all other kinds of
foods are made.
• From the sugar made in photosynthesis and from mineral salts, all other
kinds of foods are made.
• A food is organic material from which living things derive energy or build
• All foods contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which, through
photosynthesis, are built into sugars from carbon dioxide and water.
• Some foods contain additional elements obtained from mineral salts
(nitrates, phosphates, sulfates) absorbed by roots from soils.
• Plants also require the elements, but not all elements are built info foods.
Special compounds, called vitamins or hormones, may perform regulatory
• Growing plants in such culture is hydroponics.
• Animals depend on plants for food. Animals are able to synthesize fats and
proteins from sugars and nitrogenous compounds, but they are unable to
make foods from inorganic materials as plants can.

23 | P a g e
Three groups of foods
Group of foods Characteristics & functions
• These foods contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen,
with the hydrogen and oxygen in the same
proportion, as they are in water, namely two to one.
Some carbohydrates are water-soluble (sugars,
others are not (starch and cellulose).
• The functions of carbohydrates in plants are:
➢ to supply energy (sugars);
1. Carbohydrates ➢ to build cell walls (cellulose); &
➢ to build other kinds of foods.
• Carbohydrates are important energy foods and are
stored in many places in plants, chiefly as starches.
• These abundant in roots, tubers, fruits, etc.
• Common carbohydrates are glucose (C6H12O6),
sucrose, or cane sugar (C12H22O11) starch
[(C6H10O5)n], and cellulose [( C6H10O5)n].
• These contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen with
proportionately less oxygen as compared with the
oxygen content of carbohydrates.
• Carbohydrates can be enzymatically converted to
fats in the following manner:
➢ A molecule of glucose can be made to yield
glycerol, C3H3O3, an alcohol which is an
essential part of many fats.
➢ By a different metabolic pathway, sugar can
be made to yield a variety of fatty acids,
frequently having the general formula
➢ The condensation of one molecule of
glycerol with three molecules of fatty acids
yields a fat molecule called a triglyceride.
• Many fats and oils are triglycerides, but others may
2. Fats and Oils be made with different alcohols than glycerol, or
they may be bonded to phosphoric acid groups in a
great variety of compounds.
• Fats and oils are similar chemically, but fats are
solids at room temperatures, while oils are liquids.
• All fats and oils are greasy and are water-insoluble.
• They occur in all living cells, but are especially
abundant in storage organs such as seeds (peanut,
soybean) and fruits (banana, avocado).
• Fats are reserved foods, which can be called upon to
supply energy, and they form an integral part of the
extensive membrane systems that pervade living
• One of the main reasons that fat solvents are toxic is
that they destroy essential membranes and
consequently disrupt normal metabolic activities.

24 | P a g e
• Proteins have the largest and most complex
molecules in the biological world.
• They have molecular weights in the millions, occur
in countless variations, and, with the exception of
nucleic acids, proteins are the only compounds
present in all biological entities, including even
• Simple proteins can be broken down (digested,
hydrolyzed) to amino acids.
• Indeed, a protein is a collection of amino acids that
are connected in a typical way.
3. Proteins • An amino acid is one of a number of organic
compounds which have:
1. A body of atoms which may be a simple methyl
group, CH3 or a complex of rings of atoms;
2. A carbonyl group, -COOH, which gives the
molecules its acid character;
3. Amino group,-NH2, which gives the molecule a
basic character.
• The amino acid molecules and the proteins made
from them thus have capabilities of acting either as
acids or bases, depending upon the acidity or
alkalinity of the surrounding medium.

Catabolic Processes
➢ The metabolic processes thus far described are processes of conversion of
simple substances into more complex ones.
• It is the process in which water-soluble, diffusible, non-
diffusible foods are converted into water-soluble,
diffusible foods, or in which complex foods are converted
into simpler ones.
• Digestion us usually necessary before translocation,
respiration, and certain other processes can occur.
• Digestion involves the uptake of water in transforming
complex into simpler foods, as shown above in the
example of proteins and amino acids, or below in the
digestion of maltose:
1. Digestion C12H22O11+H2O maltase 2 C6H12O6
(maltose) (water) (glucose)
• Digestion does not occur spontaneously but requires the
action of digestive agent, or catalyst, which initiates and
control the process, or at least speeds it enormously.
• A molecule of cellulose might eventually break down to
its glucose components (residues) without outside help,
but the chances of that happening are ridiculously small.
• The organic catalysts which are produced by protoplasm
and which control digestion are termed enzymes.
• Enzymes are named from the substrate upon which they

25 | P a g e
are capable of working, plus the suffix –ase. The
characteristics of enzyme are:
1. They are not used up or changed in the processes in
which they are involved.
2. They are efficient. A small quantity of enzyme can
perform a large quantity.
3. They are destroyed (denatured) by hear or near the
boiling point of water, and are temporarily inactivated
by low temperature, near the freezing point of water.
4. They are complex, colloidal materials, mostly
proteinaceous, and frequently have non-protein
coenzymes as auxiliary agents.
5. They are specific, each enzyme acting upon a single
substrate or on a few atomically similar substrates.
6. Their action is in most cases reversible; e.g., they can
build up complex foods, and vice versa.
7. Their action is affected by their environment; e.g., the
acidity of the solution, the concentration of the
substrate, and the concentration of the end products.
• Some of the digestive (hydrolytic) enzymes in plants are:
1. Diastase, a mixture of enzymes which convert starch
into maltose.
2. Lipases, which hydrolyzes fats into fatty acids and
3. Sucrase, which hydrolyzes cane sugar into glucose
and fructose.
4. Proteases, which hydrolyze proteins into
polypeptides and amino acids.
5. Cellulose, which hydrolyze cellulose to cellobiose.
• Respiration us a general term covering a varied, complex
series of biological phenomena by means of which the
chemical energy of foods is transferred to the chemical
energy of some compound, usually adenosine
triphosphate (ATP).
• Cells use the ATP to do work; therefore, this compound is
referred to as the “energy currency of cells.”
• The over-all equation for respiration is
2. Respiration C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy
• The energy may be used in chemical syntheses,
movement various growth processes, or it may be
liberated as heat, light, or electrical energy.
• Although the energy contained in food may be made
available for general work in a variety of ways, one
common method is via glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and
terminal oxidations.

26 | P a g e

Image source:

27 | P a g e
Image source:
28 | P a g e
Image source:

Photosynthesis & Respiration Oxidation
Photosynthesis Respiration
1. Takes in carbon dioxide 1. Releases carbon dioxide
2. Releases oxygen 2. Binds oxygen
3. Synthesize sugars and other 3. Degrades sugars and other organic
organic compounds compounds
4. Results in increase in dry weight 4. Results in decrease in dry weight
5. Occurs only in the presence of 5. Occurs in all living cells
6. Stores energy 6. Release energy
7. Occurs only when light energy is 7. Occurs throughout entire life of any cell

29 | P a g e
Shine bright from the lamp of knowledge!


Given the concept of metabolism, you are now tasked to write a creative short
story on how plants perform cellular respiration highlighting the chemical in glucose
converted into ATP throughout the process of glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron
transport chain/terminal oxidation. Make sure to emphasize the important facts and
key points of the mentioned processes.

Do not worry for you will be grouped with members of three. Furthermore,
you will be given ample time to accomplish this task.

See rubrics at the latter part of the course pack.

Great job! You have just finished the Lesson 2 of this module. If you have
some unanswered queries you may take note that ask your instructor during your face-
to-face interactions.

In this module you have learn the cell metabolis. In the next lesson you will
learn about cell division in plants.
Lesson 3 Cell Division in Plants
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
✓ identify different stages in Cell division; and
✓ explain the differentiation of cell’s growth.
Growth is a result of the many metabolic processes of plants. It involves (1)
the formation of new cells, (2) the quantitative increase of these cells, and (3) the
maturation or differentiation of cells. Growth thus involves the manufacture of food
and other substances, digestion, respiration, etc. Growth usually results in an
irreversible gain in size and weight and a more or less irreversible differentiation of
cells, tissues, and organs.

Understanding Cell Division!

Analyze the
diagram on the
right side of this
box and answer
the analysis
questions below.

Image source:

31 | P a g e
• How does the two illustrations differ in the start?
• How does the two illustrations differ in the end?
• In what way the two illustrations above have similarities?


Did you know?

✓ Did you know cells originate for other cells that exist? That
is called cell division!
✓ Did you know cells maintain homeostasis? Homeostasis is
a well-balanced environment within itself.
Abstraction ✓ Did you know that if you were to stretch out the DNA from
your 46 chromosomes in one cell and lay them end-to-end,
the DNA would stretch over 6 feet in length!

Cell Division
Of Mitosis

Except for bacteria and blue-green algae, which lack membrane-bound

nuclei, plant cells increase in number by the complex method of mitosis. The
morphological aspects of the process have been known since the 1860’s. Some of
its submicroscopic and molecular features have been elucidated during the recent
past, and knowledge of mitosis is increasing rapidly, but much remains to be
learned. For convenience, biologists speak of mitosis as being divided into four
phases, but the process is a smoothly continuous one with an infinite number of
possible stages, with some of the important ones not discernible by direct

32 | P a g e

Image Source:

33 | P a g e

Image Source:

34 | P a g e
Shine bright from the lamp of knowledge!

Create a Venn diagram showing the similarities and
differences of mitosis and meiosis.


Great job! You have just finished the Lesson 3 of this module. If you have
some unanswered queries you may note that ask your instructor during your face-to-
face interactions.

In this module you have learn what are anatomy and physiology of a plant cell
as well as with its metabolism and cell division. In the next module you will learn
about Plant Structure.

Module Summary

You have completed the second module of Botany. For you to bloom more here are
some key points covered in this module:

• A cell divides into two or more daughter cells during cell division.
• Cell division allows organisms to reproduce, grow and to repair.
• The cell cycle is the series of events that take place in a eukaryotic cell,
leading to its division and replication.
• As cells grow and divide, they go through different stages.

35 | P a g e
Module 2 References

Module 2
• Lesson 1- Guerrero, J. (2015). General botany with taxonomy.
Manila City: Educational Publishing House.

• Lesson 2- Ritchie, D. D., & Fuller, H. J. Genearal botany. Barnes

& Noble, Inc.

• Lesson 3- Ritchie, D. D., & Fuller, H. J. Genearal botany. Barnes

& Noble, Inc.

36 | P a g e
Module Assessment

To test your understanding in this module, please answer the

following questions briefly:

1. Using a graphic organizer, plot the correct pattern of the cell

metabolism from how it absorbs energy up to creating
nutrients and its usage.

37 | P a g e
Module Overview

Module 3

Structure & Function of the

Reproductive Organs of a Seed plant
•Read and Find out:
•Morphology of Roots & Stem
•Morphology of Leaves & Flowers
•Morphology of Seeds and Fruits

“The species is temporary; it has no eternal life…. It either dies or is converted by

modifications into other forms.”
~ Ernst Haeckel

In plants, parts of the bodies of plant organisms that serve to maintain its
individual life. The morphological and anatomical structure of the vegetative organs is
adapted to performing their inherent functions. When there is a change in the
character of the functions, the vegetative organs undergo corresponding changes

Hence, we need to be more aware of its structure and function as to understand

how does a life of a plant grows. So in this module you will learn a lot of things about
vegetative organs of a seed plant.

At the completion of this module, you should be able to:

• Enumerate the vegetative organs of plants;

• Describe the function of each and their role in plant development; and
• Describe the mechanism of development of these structures in relation to plant life

Are with you me? Then fasten your seatbelt as we explore the informative
vegetative organs of a seed plant.

38 | P a g e
Lesson 1 The Plant Roots
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
✓ discuss the function of a root;
✓ differentiate the types and characteristics of root types;
✓ collect at least one sample of fibrous and taproot systems.
Have you ever wonder how does a plant survive in their day-to-day living,
even in the midst of calamity how did they able to survive? Since from the beginning
even before the existence of humankind, plants are already present and a living proof
about the changes of Earth from beginning, to present and even to the future. So in
this module, you will going to find out the reason behind those speculations and who
and what are responsible for their survival.

Think Deeply!

Observe and
analyze the situation
of the tree on the
image on the right
side of this box.
Then answer the
questions on the
analysis below.

Image Source:


39 | P a g e
• How long do you think the tree is hanging in that situation?
• How does a tree survive without its roots buried
underneath it?
• Will the tree survive for another years with that situation?


Did you know?

✓ Did you know that trees filter water by soaking it in
through their roots and then release clean water into
the environment through transpiration?
✓ Did you know that when a seed begins to grow, its
Abstraction first root is called a primary root?
✓ Did you know that there is a tribe in India that has
passed down for generations the art of manipulating
tree roots to create a system of ‘living” bridges?


The root forms the subterranean system of the plant. This plant
organ serves as the main anchorage of plants and absorbs water and
minerals from the substrate, most of the time from the soil. Moreover,
the roots produce hormones to regulate overall plant growth and other
compounds to penetrate the different soil strata.

Image Sources:

40 | P a g e
Figure 1: Overview of a root system

Figure 2: Region of Apical Meristem

41 | P a g e
Figure 2: Specific view of a root structure
Image Sources:
The root system is the descending (growing downwards) portion of the plant axis. When a
seed germinates, the radicle is the first organ to come out of it. It elongates to form the
primary or the taproot. It gives off lateral branches (secondary and tertiary roots) and thus
forms the root system.
• The root develops from the radicle of the embryo present in
the seed.
• They are cylindrical generally non-green structures.
• They are homogeneous because they produce similar organs
such secondary and tertiary roots from the pericycle, i.e they
are endogenous.
• They are not differentiated into nodes and internodes.
• They do not produce dissimilar organs like leaves, buds.
Characteristics of • They are positively geotropic (moves towards the soil),
Roots positively hydrotropic (moves towards the water) and
negatively phototropic (moves away from the light).
• Generally, they are non-green and cannot synthesize food.
• The apex of the root is sub-terminal; because its tip is
protected by a thimble-like structure called the root cap.
• It bears lateral rootlets, which are always endogenous in
• Root hairs are present near the tip of finer branches of root to
increase the surface area of absorption of water and minerals.
• Its main functions are the absorption of water and minerals
from the soil.
• It provides a proper anchorage to the plant parts.
• It transports absorbed water and minerals to the stem through
the xylem.
Functions of Root • Storing reserve food material and synthesis of plant growth
regulators are its other functions.
• By undergoing modifications in their structure, roots perform
special physiological functions like food storage,
assimilation, absorption of atmospheric moisture, sucking
food from the host, better gaseous exchange and mechanical
functions like (buoyancy), stronger anchorage and climbing.
• The root is covered at the apex by a thimble-like structure
called the root cap (Calyptra). It is produced by meristematic
• It provides the tender apex of the root as it makes its way
through the soil.
• The cells of root cap secret mucilage, which lubricates the
Root Cap Region passage of the root through the soil.
• Mucilage also helps I the absorption of water and uptake of
nutrient ions.
• Multiple root caps are present in pandanus (Screwpine).
• As the root grows further down in the soil, root cap wears out
but it is constantly renewed. In aquatic plants like Pistia and
water hyacinth (Eichornia) root cap is like a loose thimble,
42 | P a g e
called root pocket.
• Meristem means rapid increasing or rapid growth.
• A few millimeters above the root cap is the region of
meristematic activity.
• The cells of this region are very small, thin-walled and with a
dense protoplasm and divide actively.
Region of • In moments, the independent group of cells known as
Mersitematic Cells Calyptrogen forms the root cap.
or Region of Cell • The apical meristem consists of:
Division 1. Dermatogen (outermost layer whose cells maters into
epiblema and root cap)
2. Periblem (inner to dermatogen whose cells mature
into cortex) and
3. Plerome (the central region whose cells mature into
• The cells proximal to this region undergo rapid elongation
The Region of
and enlargement and are responsible for the growth of the
root in length.
• The cells of the elongation zone gradually differentiate and
mature. Hence, this zone, proximal to the region of
• Mature cells differentiate into various tissues like root hairs
and permanent region.
• From this region some of the epidermal cells form very fine
and dedicate, thread-like structures called root hairs. This
region is called the piliferous region.
• The root hairs are elongated, single-celled tubular structures
that remain in contact with soil particles.
The Region of
• The root hairs increase the surface area of absorption.
• Root hairs are short-lived and are replaced every 10 to 15
• These root hairs absorb water and minerals from the soil.
• The permanent region (zone of differentiated cells) lies
behind the root hair zone and is without hairs.
• It provides lateral roots, anchors the plant in soul and
conducts water and mineral upwards. The enlarged cells in
this region undergo differentiation to form different types of
primary root tissues like cortex, endodermis, xylem, phloem,
Types of Root 1. Taproot system
System 2. Adventitious or Fibrous root system
• It develops from the radicle of the embryo.
• It is always underground.
• There is one main root with branches arising in an acropetal
Characteristics of manner.
Taproot system • The main or primary root persists throughout the life of the
• These roots penetrate deep into the soil, hence they act as a
deep feeder.
43 | P a g e
• It may arise from any part of the plant except radicle.
Characteristics of • It may be underground or aerial.
Adventitious or • Many roots arise in clusters of the same size.
Fibrous Root • The primary root is short-liked and in plant’s life, it is
system replaced by adventitious roots.
• These do not penetrate deep in the soil.

Shine bright from the lamp of knowledge!

Search around and look for plants with taproot and fibrous systems.
Paste at least 1 taproot and 1 fibrous roots (preferably dried) on a
paper and label its important parts. Do not forget to include the name
of your plant.

Great job! You have just finished the Lesson 1 of this module. If you have
some unanswered queries you may note that ask your instructor during your face-to-
face interactions.

In this module you have learn different functions and characteristics of root
system. In the next module you will learn about the Plant Stem.

44 | P a g e
Lesson 2 The Plant Stems
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
✓ discuss the function, types and anatomy of a stem; and
✓ give example of each type.
Have you ever asked yourself how does botanist find out the age of a tree?
Well if you to know that answer in this lesson you will going to find out on how are
you going to find out the approximate age of a tree. And also, you will going to learn
the different functions and types of a stem.

Four Pics One Word

Based on
given four
describe it
in one word.
answer the
questions on

45 | P a g e
• What do you think is basis of the loggers in choosing
what tree must be appropriate to cut?
• Why do loggers cut the trees by its stem? Why not in
there roots?
• What part of a tree do you think is the most important
part for a logger?

Did you know?

Did you know that all parts of the plant are connected to the
✓ Did you know that when a plant is young, its stems are
green but as they grow older, their stems turn their color
and become hard?

The stem is the ascending part of the plant formed by the

elongation of the plumule of the embryo. It bears leaves, branches and
flowers. It is generally erect, strong and usually grows away from the
soil (negatively geotropic). There are several plants in which the stem is
weak and it either trails on the ground or twines around a support. Stems
are differentiated into regions called Nodes. Leaves and branches arise
from nodes. The portion between the nodes is called the Internode. The
growing apex of the stem is covered by numerous, tiny, developing
leaves and is called the Apical bud. Buds also arise in the axils of
leaves; they are termed axillary or lateral buds. These buds give rise to
branches or flowers.

Plants have been classified on the basis of the height and

strength of stem and their life span. Herbs are small plants with soft
stem. Medium-sized plants with woody stems that branches profusely
from the base and attain a bushy appearance are called Shrubs.

Trees have a stout and tall trunk with profuse branching. Plants,
which complete their life cycle within one season, are termed annuals
such as agricultural crops. Biennials complete their life cycle in two
seasons. Plants that usually survive for a number of years and produce
flowers and fruits during specific seasons are termed perennials (mango,
apple etc.). Besides bearing branches, leaves and flowers, stems perform
other functions such as presentation, vegetative propagation and storage
of reserve food. 46 | P a g e
Anatomy of a Stem

Note: You may refer here for the anatomy of a Stem.

Image Source:

jaringan-pada-tumbuhan.html 47 | P a g e
Function of Stem
• It supports and holds leaves, flowers and fruits.
• Leaves are borne on stem in such a fashion that they are able to
carry on the important function efficiently just like to receive the
Primary or
light and to carry on the gaseous exchange.
• The stem conducts the water and minerals from roots to leaves
and fruits.
• Stem bears flowers and fruits in position to facilitate the
processes of pollination and fertilization.
• Perennation
Secondary • Storage of food
• Photosynthesis
• Vegetative propagation
• As climbers
Three 1. Underground stem
Types of 2. Aerial stem
Stem Sub-aerial stem
• Stems of some plants remain in the ground and serve the
function of perennation and storage of food.
• They produce aerial shoots annually.
• They Resemble roots superficially but are distinguishable by the
nd Stem
presence of scale leaves and buds at nodes.
• Such stem also acts as a means of vegetative propagation.
• It is a thickened, prostrate,
underground stem having
distinct nodes and
internodes, scaly leaves at
the nodes, axillary and
terminal buds present; may
Rhizome be branched or un-
(Modified branched; sometimes
underground adventitious roots also
stem) arise, e.g Ginger

Image Source:

48 | P a g e
• The underground stem
becomes enlarged at the
growing tips by the
accumulation of stored
food, commonly starch,
tubers are produced by e.g.
Potato. The eyes of potato
Tuber are nodes at each of which
(Modified 1-3 buds are produced in
underground the axis of small scaly like
stem) leaves.

Image Source:

• Bulb is a short underground

stem with fleshy leaf base
called scales. Stem is very
much reduced and becomes
disc like. Scales
• The discoid stem in convex (leaf bases
or conical in shape and
bears highly compressed
• These nodes bear fleshy Bud
(Modified • On the upper side, disc
underground bears terminal bud
stem) surrounded by number of
• The axillary buds are
present between the axis of Basal Plate
• The adventitious roots are
borne on the lower side of
the disc. E.g. Onion.

Image Source:

49 | P a g e
• Corm is short, thick and un-
branched underground stem
with stored food material.
• It grows vertically and
covered by thin sheathing
leaf bases of dead leaves
called scales.
• The corm bears buds at
their nodes.
• These buds are responsible
for giving off adventitious
Corm roots.
(Modified • Corm serves the functions
underground of food storage, vegetative
stem) propagation and
• Corm is more or less
rounded in shape or often
somewhat flattened from
top to bottom, e.g.

Image Source:

2. Sub- Lower buds of the stem in some plants grow out into short, lateral
aerial branches.
• It grows prostrate in all
directions above the soil
• Nodes bear scales leaves.
• It has a creeping stem with
long internodes.
• On the lower sides, nodes
bear adventitious roots,
(Sub-aerial • Runner develops from the
Stem) axils of lower leaves of
Image Source:
aerial stem which sends
slender horizontal branches
in the form of runners.
• When older parts of plant
die, the branches separate
from parent plant and form
independent plants. E.g
Doob grass.

50 | P a g e
• It is a slender lateral
branch, which appears from
the lower part of main axis.
• This lateral branch grows
aerially for some distance
and becomes arched and
Stolon finally touches the ground
(Sub-aerial to give rise to new shoot
Stem) with the help of its terminal
• It also bears roots to get
fixed with the soil e.g
Image Source:

• Offset is more shorter and

• It is usually found in
aquatic plants like water
Offset hyacinth and Pistia.
(Sub-aerial • It bears a cluster of leaves
Stem) near the water or ground
level and gives adventitious
roots inside water or ground
from all nodes, e.g. Pistia Image Source:

• Like stolon the sucker is

also a lateral branch but it
grows obliquely upwards
and gives rise to new plants
e.g. Mentha

Image Source:

3. Aerial These modified aerial stems perform unusual functions.


51 | P a g e
• It is a leafless, spirally
coiled branch formed in
some climbers and helps
them in climbing
neighboring objects; they
may be modification of
axillary bud,e.g Passiflora.

• Stem horn is a hard, straight

and pointed structure; it is a
defensive organ; also helps
Stem Thorn in climbing; originates from
(Aerial axillary or terminal bud,
Stem) e.g. Duranta

• It is a green, flattended or
cylindrical stem which
takes the form and function
of leaf.
• It contains chlorophyll and
is responsible for carrying
Pylloclade on photosynthesis.
(Aerial • It bears succession of nodes
Stem) and intemodes at long or
short intervals.
• Phylloclafes are found in
xerophytic plants where the
leaeves either grow feebly
or fall off early or modified
into spines e.g. Opuntia.
• Phylloclade with one or two
internodes is called cladode
e.g Asparagus.
• In Asparagus cladodes are
needle-like, slightly
flattened green structures
which appear in cluster I
Cladode the axil of a scaly leaf.
• Main stem bears leaf spines
at its nodes.
• A scale leaf is found just
above the spine.
• Every branch on main stem
bears only scale leaves.
• In the axil of scale leaves
cluster of cladodes appear.

52 | P a g e
• Bubil is the modification of
vegetative or floral bud.
• It is swollen due to storage
Bulbil of food.
(Aerial • It can function as an organ
Stem) of vegetative propagation
e.g. Dioscorea.

Anatomy of • A thin transverse section of a young stem reveals the internal

Stem structure when observed under microscope.
Internal structure of Dicot stem
• It forms the single-celled outermost layer of the stem.
1. • The outer wall of epidermal cell is cutinized.
Epidermis • It bears multi-cellular hairs and a few stomata.
• It is protective in nature.
• Cortex lies below the epidermis.
• It is differentiated into three zones:
➢ Hypodermis (it is formed of 4 to 5 cell thick layer of
collenchymatous cells, these cells are living and contain
➢ General Cortex ( It lies below the hypodermis, consists of a
few layers of thin-walled parenchymatous cells with
2. Cortex
intercellular spaces, and some of the cells have chloroplasts
and they are known as chlorenchyma)
➢ Endodermis (It is the innermost layer of cortex, it is made up
of single row of compact barrel-shaped cells without
intercellular spaces, sine the cells of endodermis contain
starch grains, it is also known as starch-sheath, and
Casparian strips are distinctly visible in endodermal cells.)

53 | P a g e
Image Source:
• It lies below the endodermis
• It is formed of semilunar patches of sclerenchyma.
3. Pericycle • The sclerenchyma cells are dead and rigid with their walls.
• Pericycie provides mechanical support to the plant and protects
the vascular bundles.
• They are many in number and arranged in a ring enclosed by the
pericycle. The Vascular bundles ar conjoint, collateral, open and
4. Vascular
• Each vascular bundle is composed of xylem, phloem and
• It is the innermost layer of vascular bundles and lies towards the
center of the stem.
• Xylem consists of vessels, tracheids, wood fibers and wood-
Xylem parenchyma.
• The smaller vessels which towards the center comprise the
protoxylem and the bigger ones, which lie away from the center,
are known as metaxylem.

54 | P a g e
• It lies below the pericycle and is composed of sieve tubes,
Phloem companion cells and phloem parenchyma.
• The phloem cells store starch, protein and fats.
• It is a strip of thin-walled cells lying in between the phloem and
Cambium xylem.
• The cambial cells consist of a single layer of meristematic cells.
• It is the central part of the stem, composed of parenchymatous
5. Pith or cells with conspicuous intercellular spaces.
Medulla • Its main function is storage of food and transverse conduction of
food materials.
Internal Structure of Monocot Stem
• It is outermost layer stem composed of square-shaped cells and
1. it is interrupted by stomata.
Epidermis • It is covered with cuticle and epidermal hairs are absent.
• It is protective in nature.
• It lies below the epidermis.
• It consists of two or three layers of sclerenchymatous cells.
s • It is mechanical in functions, and provides support and strength
to the stem,
• It consists of a mass of thine-walled parenchyma cells extending
from below the hypodermis to the center of the stem.
• It is not differentiated into definite tissues like cortex,
3. Ground
endodermis, pericycle, etc., as in dicot stems.
• The cells of the ground tissue have intercellular spaces.
• The cells contain reserve food materials, vascular bundles are
scattered in the ground tissue.
• Many vascular bundles remain scattered in the ground tissue.
• They lie closer to periphery.
• The peripheral vascular bundles are smaller than the central
4. Vascular
• Each vascular bundle is surrounded by a sheath of thick-walled
sclerenchyma cells called the bundle-sheath.
• It provides protection and strength to the vascular bundles.
• Vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral, endarch and closed.
• Each vascular bundle is composed of xylem and phloem.

55 | P a g e
Shine bright from the lamp of knowledge!


Application Create a concept map with the STEM as the main topic. For
a twist, instead of writing only the terms, paste the actual structure of a
plant being mentioned in the map (you can use a paper or any material
where you can paste the structures). For example, instead of writing stem
tendril, you can paste a sample found in any climber like one in a squash
replacing the word itself)
Note: Paste as complete as you can, however, if you cannot
find everyting, it is also acceptable if you just write the terms. I will just
give additional points to those who can paste at least one or more of them.
Good luck!

Great job! You have just finished the Lesson 2 of this module. If you have
some unanswered queries you may note that ask your instructor during your face-to-
face interactions.

In this lesson you have learn different functions and characteristics of a stem.
In the next module you will learn about the Plant Leaves.

56 | P a g e
Lesson 3 The Plant Leaves
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
✓ describe the internal structure and function of leaf;
✓ sketch the basic structure of a typical leaf; and
✓ differentiate among the types of a leaf forms.
In this lesson you will going to learn about the internal structure and function
of leaf, you are also given time to sketch some basic structure of a typical leaf and
even differentiate among the types of a leaf forms. A leaf is a lateral outgrowth of a
stem, arising at a node, and possessing a bud in its axil. Most leaves are flattened and
expanded, but modified or specialized kinds of leaves do not necessarily have this
flattened structure.

Be an Artist!
Draw at least four different shapes of leaves you have known in
your entire life. Then name them if you can.

• What have you notice to the structure of the leaves you

have drawn? Have you noticed different patterns?
• Based on the patterns you’ve observed, do you think it has
something to do with their growth?


Key points
✓ Each leaf typically has a lead blade (lamina), stipules,
a midrib, and a margin.
✓ Some leaves have a petiole, which attaches the leaf to
Abstraction the stem; leaves that do not have petioles are directly
attached to the plant stem and are called sessile leaves.
✓ The arrangement of veins in a leaf is known the
venation pattern; monocots have parallel venation,
while dicots have reticulate venation.
✓ The arrangement of leaves on a stem known as
phyllotaxy leaves can be classified as either alternate,
spiral, opposite, or whorled.
✓ Plants with alternate and spiral leaf arrangements have
only one leaf per node.

57 | P a g e
Structure of a Typical Leaf

Each leaf typically has a leaf blade called the lamina, which is also the
widest part of the leaf. Some leaves are attached to the plant stem by a petiole.
Leaves that do not have petiole and are directly attached to the plant stem are
called sessile leaves. Leaves also have stipules, small green appendages usually
found at the base of the petiole. Most leaves have a midrib, which travels the
length of the leaf and branches to each side to produce veins of vascular tissue.
The edge of the leaf is called the margin.

Image Source:

Leaf Arrangement

• The Arrangement of leaves on a stem is known as phyllotaxy.

• The number and placement of a plant’s leaves will vary depending on the
species, with each species exhibiting a characteristics leaf arrangement.
• Leaves are classified as either alternate or spiral.
• Alternate leaves alternate on each side of the stem in a flat plane, and spiral
leaves are arranged in a spiral along the stem.
• In an opposite leaf arrangement, two leaves arise at the same point, with the
leaves connecting opposite each other along the branch.
• If there are three or more leaves connected at a node, the leaf arrangement is
classified as whorled.

58 | P a g e
Leaf Form

There are two

basic forms of
leaves that can
be described
considering the
way the blade (or
lamina) is
divided; simple
and compound.

Image Source:

Leaf Structure & Function

Image Source:

59 | P a g e
Structure Function
Guard Cell Waterproof coating that prevents water loss by evaporation.
Stomata Layer of closely packed palisade cells full of chloroplast. This layer
is close to the top of the leaf to gain as much light energy as
possible for photosynthesis.
Vein This layer contains large air spaces to help CO2 and O2 move
between the stomata and the palisade cells.
Spongy Tiny holes in the underside of the leaf that allows gases to move in
mesophyll and out of the leaf.
Palisade These cells open and close the stomata to allow gases to move in
Mesophyll and out of the leaf.
Waxy Cuticle Made up of tiny tubes that carry water into the leaf for
photosynthesis and glucose out of the leaf for use in respiration
within the plant.

Leaf Adaptations

• Coniferous plant species that thrive in cold environments, such as spruce,

fir, and pine, have leaves that are reduced in size and needle-like in
• These needle-like leaves have sunken stomata and a smaller surface area,
two attributes that aid in reducing water loss.
• In hot climates, plants such as cacti have succulent leaves that help to
conserve water.
• Many aquatic plans leaves with wide lamina that can float on the surface
of the water; a thick waxy cuticle on the leaf surface that repels water.

Shine bright from the lamp of knowledge!

Please answer thw following questions:

1. Sketch the leaves of monocot and dicot. Illustrate and
Application emphasize their venation (palmately-netted, pinnately-netted or
2. Obtain a gymnosperm leaf. Sketch and note the differences and/or distinguishing
3. Some countries experience four seasons. Plants have to adapt to this changing
environment. Why do leaves turn yellow during fall?

Great job! You have just finished the Lesson 3 of this module. If you have
some unanswered queries you may note that ask your instructor during your face-to-
face interactions.

60 | P a g e
Lesson 4
The Plant Flowers & Fruits
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
✓ describe the internal structure and function of flowers and fruits; and
✓ familiarize the parts of the flower and appreciate their role in plant

In this lesson you will learn about flowers and fruits of how important they are
in the environment as well as with their parts and functions. Through laboratory
experiment you will be able to explore more on the anatomy of the flower.

Name it!
You will be given categories of plants that bear
fruits/flowers then all you have to do is to provide one example
of it. Make sure that you do not have same answer with the
others for you to earn points. Meaning if you have the same
answer with them, automatically your answer and their answer
will be eliminated. Categories are: Berries, Legumes, Nuts,
Capsules, Pomes, and Follicles.

• What have you noticed on the given examples on each

• How do fruits being classified accordingly?


Did you know?

Did you know that there’s a flower that smells like chocolate.
It’s called Cosmos Atrosanguineus.
✓ Did you know that sunflowers are so named not because
they look like the sun, but because their heads always
Abstraction tilt to face the sun?
✓ Did you know that bananas are actually berries?
✓ Did you know that the largest flower in the world is the
titan arum, which produce flowers 10feet high and 3
feet wide?

61 | P a g e
Flower Structure

Image Source:

• Flowers and fruits are important, not just because their aesthetic beauty but
more importantly for providing us with food.
• They are important in the reproduction of flowering plants.
• They are important in the reproduction of flowering plants.
• It is the flower that facilitates the union of the sperm and the egg among
angiosperms either through self-pollination or through cross-pollination with
different individuals.
• The flowers, when fertilized, give rise to the fruits that enclose the seeds.

62 | P a g e
Parts Function/Description
Sepals • Outermost whorl of the flower has green, leafy structures
known as sepals.
• The sepals, collectively called the calyx.
• Help to protect the unopened bud.
Petals • Brightly colored-collectively called the corolla.
• The number of sepals and petals varies depending on
whether the plant is a monocot or dicot.
• In monocots, petals usually number three or multiples of
three; In dicots, the number of petals is four or five, or
multiples of four and five.
Perianth • It’s the combination of calyx and corolla.
Androecium • Has stamens with anthers that contain the microsporangia.
Gynoecium • The innermost group of structures in the flower or female
(pistil) reproductive component(s).
Carpel • Is the individual unit of the gynoecium and has a stigma,
style, and ovary. A flower may have one or multiple
Two Types of Incomplete flowers
1. Staminate • Contain only an androecium.
2. Carpellate • Flowers have only a gynoecium.

• If both male and female

flowers are borne on the
same plant, the species is
called monoecious
(meaning “one home”).
Examples are corn and pea.
• Species with male and
female flowers borne on
separate plans are termed
dioecious, or “two homes”,
example of which are C.
papaya & Cannabis.

Image Source:

63 | P a g e
Shine bright from the lamp of knowledge!

Create a concept map on the reproductive morphology

of angiosperm specifically the types of fruit as the main topic.
Make sure to give a short description and an example to each
term you indicate. You may use the following types of fruit
Application listed below and/or add more from the internet. Do not forget to
cite the author of your reference.

Type of Fruit

Great job! You have just finished the Lesson 4 of this module. If you have
some unanswered queries you may note that ask your instructor during your face-to-
face interactions.

In this module you have learn about Plant Flowers. In the next module you
will learn about the Heredity and Variation.

64 | P a g e
You have completed the third module of
Botany. For you to bloom more here are some
key points covered in this module

Module Summary

65 | P a g e
Module 3 References

Module 3
• Lesson 1- Ritchie, D. D., & Fuller, H. J. Genearal botany. Barnes
& Noble, Inc.

• Lesson 2- Ritchie, D. D., & Fuller, H. J. Genearal botany. Barnes

& Noble, Inc.

• Lesson 3- Ritchie, D. D., & Fuller, H. J. Genearal botany. Barnes

& Noble, Inc.

• Lesson 4- Guerrero, J. (2015). General botany with taxonomy. Manila

City: Educational Publishing House.

66 | P a g e
Module Assessment

To test your understanding in this module, list at least five (5)

examples of modified roots, stems, leaves, and fruits/flowers. Use
the table below.

Modified Modified Modified Modified

Roots Stem Leaves flowers/fruits


67 | P a g e
Module Overview

Module 4

Heredity and Variation

• Read and Find out:
• Sexual and Non-sexual reproduction
• Mendilian Genetics

“Genetics is about how information is stored and transmitted between generations.”

~ John Maynard Smith

The ability to reproduce is one of the most striking characteristics of

organisms, and is unique to the living world even though a self-reproducing machine
is readily imaginable. The obvious fact that “like beget like” must be modified by the
fact that generations of sexually reproduced organisms are not exactly alike, but are
similar only within limits. There are variations among individuals.

At the completion of this module, you should be able to:

• use Mendelian Genetics; and

• differentiate sexual from non-sexual reproduction.

Are with you me? Then fasten your seatbelt as we get involve in heredity and

68 | P a g e
Lesson 1 Sexual and Asexual
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
✓ identify advantages and disadvantages of Sexual and Asexual reproduction;
✓ explain different kinds of reproduction; and
✓ propage plants sexually and asexually.

In this lesson you will learn everything about sexual and asexual reproduction.
You will also learn some ideas on how to reproduce a particular plant and how does a
plant manage to reproduce in different ways. After this lesson, you may conduct apply
some ideas you’ve get and learned.

Name it!
Can you give different examples of plants that undergo
sexual and asexual reproduction? Group them accordingly then
during the abstraction you will going to check your own work if
you have classified them accordingly.

• What are your bases in classifying plants whether it

undergoes sexual or asexual reproduction?
• Based on the given examples you have classified in the
activity, how many of those plants that you can identify
that undergoes sexual and asexual?
Analysis • Could you give some ways on how to reproduce a plant

Did you know?

• Did you know that the time of year (summer, spring,
fall or winter) a plant flowers depends in the amount
during the season (most plants flowers in the
summer because there more hours of sunlight)?
• Did you know that if you are trying to prevent
reproduction of a plant all you need to do is cut off
the MALE PART or FEMALE PART of the plant?

69 | P a g e
There are two basic methods of reproduction for
plants: sexual and asexual.

Sexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction

• Requires the pollen from one

• One part of a single plant
plant to fertilize a seed in
(such as the leaves, stem
another plant in order to
or roots) regenerates and
create a new plant that takes
becomes an independent
on characteristics of both
parents’ plants.

Sexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction

• Introduces variation into a population • Population can increase rapidly
• The species can adapt to new • Can exploit a suitable habitat quickly
• A disease is less likely to affect all
the individuals in a population
• Time and energy are needed to find a • Does not lead to variation in a
mate population
• Not possible for an isolated individual • The species may only be suited to one
• Disease may affect all the individuals
in a population

Pollination and Flowers

• Flowers with brightly

colored petals are usually
insect-pollinated flowers.
• Insects carry pollen from
one flower to another.
• The image on the left side
shows a cross section
through an insect-pollinated
flower-the nectary produces
sugary nectar to attract
Insect-pollinated flower

70 | P a g e
Wind-pollinated flower

• Grasses have wind-

pollinated flowers.
• They have small petals,
and their stamens and
stigmas hang outside the
• The image on the left
side shows a cross-
section through a wind-
pollinated flower.

Flowers are adapted for pollination by insects or by the wind

Image Source:

71 | P a g e
Forming seeds and fruit

• When a pollen grain lands on the
stigma of a flower of the correct
species, a pollen tube begins to
• It grows through the style until it
reaches an ovule inside the ovary.
• The nucleus of the pollen then
passes along the pollen tube and
fuses (joins) with the nucleus of the
Three main Thisare process
factors needed forissuccessful
• Plant reproduction when pollen
seed on
hasstigma and grows
three main parts: a pollen
• Embryo- the young root and
➢ shoot fruit- the
will become after
Image Source: fertilization
plant the female parts
of the store-
• Food flower develop
starch into
for athe
young plant to use until it is
The ovules
able to carry become
out photosynthesis
• Seed coat- a tough protective
outer covering
• Germination- is a process,
controlled by enzymes, in which
the seed begins to develop into
a new young
A cross section through a seedplant.
• Germinating seeds use their
food stores until the seedlings
can produce their own food by
Image Source: photosynthesis.

Factor Description
Water Let the seed swell and
the embryo start to grow
Oxygen Needed for aerobic
Warmth Increases growth rate
and enzyme activity
(but very high
temperature denatures

Asexual Reproduction in Plants

72 | P a g e
• Since there is only one
parent involved in
asexual reproduction,
the offspring are
genetically identical to
the parent and to each
other- they are clones.
• Some plants naturally
Strawberry plant with runners- produce side branches
stems growing sideways

Artificial cloning in plants Artificial cloning in plants

(Cutting) (Tissue Culture)

73 | P a g e
Shine bright from the lamp of knowledge!

Let`s plant!

Propagate any kind of plant sexually and asexually.

Use the table below for your guidance, and answer the
question at the bottom.


Type of reproduction
Sexual Asexual
Name of plant
(Common name and
scientific name)
Reasons why you chose
these plants

Brief process of planting

(Answer this with your
actual experience, in bullet
• which among the two is
easier to grow?
• What factors affect
their growth?

(From the beginning, at
least 5 photos) or time
lapsed 3 mins video.

1. What can you say about this activity? Is it significant? How did this help
you appreciate plants?

Great job! You have just finished the Lesson 1 of this module. If you have
some unanswered queries you may note that ask your instructor during your face-to-
face interactions.

In this lesson you have learn the different sexual and asexual reproductions. In
the next lesson you will learn about the Mendelian genetics.

74 | P a g e
Lesson 2
Mendelian Genetics
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
✓ use punnet square in getting patterns of genes; and
✓ explain Mendelian Genetics.

In this lesson you will learn everything about Mendelian genetics. In here, you
will be able to learn on how are you going to read the pattern of your genes through
generation to generation. You will find this lesson interesting, as you will learn a lot
of things about patterns of genes.

Picture Analysis!

Analyze picture on
the picture analysis.
Observe carefully
their physical
appearance. Are
they the same
species or not?
Answers also
follow up question
on the analysis
Image Source:

• How do plants differ from each other? Are they

on the same species?
• How does the plant A turn into yellow and the
plant B turn into red orange? How is this
• How are you going to find out whether the next
Analysis offspring would be that specific color?

75 | P a g e
Did you know?
Did you know that the father of genetics is Gregor Mendel?best


The Mendelian Concept of a Gene

• In the 1860’s, an Austrian monk named Grego Mendel introduced a new

theory of inheritance based on his experimental work with pea plants.
• Prior to Mendel, most people believed inheritance was due to a blending of
parental ‘essences’, much like how mixing blue and yellow paint will produce
a green color.
• Mendel instead believed that heredity is the result of discrete units of
inheritance, and every single unit (or gene) was independent in its actions in
an individual’s genome.
• According to this Mendelian concept, inheritance of a trait depends on the
passing-on of these units.
• For any given trait, an individual inherits one gene from each parent so that
the individual has a pairing of two genes.
• We now understand the alternate forms of these units as ‘alleles’.
• If the two alleles that form the pair for a trait are identical, then the individual
is said to be homozygous and if the two genes are different, then the
individual is heterozygous for the trait.

76 | P a g e
Monohybrid cross

Mendel carried out breeding

experiments in his monastery’s garden to
test inheritance patterns. He selectively
cross-bred common pea plants (Pisum
sativum) with selected traits over several
generations. Afrer crossing two plants
which differed in a single trait (tall stems
vs. short stems, round peas vs. wrinkled
peas, purple flowers vs. white flowers,
etc), Mendel discovered that the next
generation, the “F1” (first filial
generation), was comprised entirely of
individuals exhibiting only one of the
traits. However, when this generation
was interbred, its offspring, the “F2”
(second filial generation), showed a 3:1
ratiio- three individuals had the same trait
as one parent and one individual had the
other parent’s trait.

Mendel then theorized that genes can be

made up of three possible pairings of
heredity units, which he called ‘factors’:
AA, Aa and aa. The big ‘A’ represents
the dominant factor and the little ‘a’
represents the recessive factor. In
Mendel’s crosses, the starting plants were
homozygous AA or aa, the F1 generation
were Aa, and the F2 generation were AA,
Aa, or aa. The interaction between these
two determines the physical trait that is
visible to us.

Mendel’s Law of Dominance predicts

this interaction; it states when mating
occurs between organisms of different
traits, each offspring exhibits the trait of
one parent only. If the dominant factor is
present in an individual, the dominant Image Source:

77 | P a g e
Mendel’s Experiment Results

Dihybrid cross

78 | P a g e
Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance

Mendel’s observations & conclusions are summarized in the

following two principles:

Law of Independent
Law of Segregation Assortment
➢ The law states that for any ➢ The law states that different
trait, each parent’s pairing pairs of alleles are passed
of genes (alleles) split one onto the offspring
gene passes from each independently of each other.
parent to an offspring. Therefore, inheritance of
Which particular gene in a genes at one location in a
pair gets passed on is genome does not influence
completely up to chance. the inheritance of genes at
another location.

79 | P a g e
Shine bright from the lamp of knowledge!

Below are few concepts on lesson 2 that has been discussed.

Answer the given problem below based on what you have learned on
the lesson above.

1. When a plant homozygous for tall (TT) is crossed with a plant homozygous for
dwarf (tt), what will be the appearance of the offsprings of a cross of F1 with its
tall parent? Create a Punnett square and give the genotypic and phenotypic ratio of
your results.

2. A tall green pea plant (TTGG) is crossed with a short white pea plant (ttgg).
a. How many offspring will be tall and green?
b. How many offspring will be short and white?
c. How many offspring will be short and green?
d. How many offspring will be tall and white?
Create a Punnett square and give the genotypic and phenotypic ratio of your results.

Great job! You have just finished the Lesson 2 of this module. If you have
some unanswered queries you may note that ask your instructor during your face-to-
face interactions.

In this lesson you have learn the on how to apply Mendelian’s genetics in
order to assess patterns of offspring from generation to generation.

80 | P a g e
You have completed the fourth module of
Botany. For you to bloom more here are
some key points covered in this module:

Module Summary

81 | P a g e
Module 4 References

Module 4
Lesson 1- Ritchie, D. D., & Fuller, H. J. Genearal botany. Barnes &
Noble, Inc.

Lesson 2- Ritchie, D. D., & Fuller, H. J. Genearal botany. Barnes &

Noble, Inc.

82 | P a g e
Module Assessment

Part I. Complete the table below by giving examples of plants which propagate
sexually and asexually.

Plants which Reproduce Sexually Plants which Reproduce Asexually


Part II. Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in your
answer sheets.

Mendel studied the 7 traits of pea plant in his experiment. Use the table below to
determine whether the statements are true or false.

1. Statement A: Purple flower is dominant to a White Flower

Statement B: Round seed is recessive to Wrinkled Seed

a. Statement A is true while Statement B is false.

b. Statement A is false while Statement B is true.

83 | P a g e
c. Both Statement A and B are true.

d. Both Statement A and B are false.

2. Statement A: Inflated is recessive to Constricted.

Statement B: Axial is dominant to Terminal

a. Statement A is true while Statement B is false.

b. Statement A is false while Statement B is true.

c. Both Statement A and B are true.

d. Both Statement A and B are false.

3. Statement A: Dwarf is dominant to Tall

Statement B: Tall is recessive to Dwarf

a. Statement A is true while Statement B is false.

b. Statement A is false while Statement B is true.

c. Both Statement A and B are true.

d. Both Statement A and B are false.

4. Statement A: Both Purple flower and Yellow seed color are a dominant trait.

Statement B: Both Terminal and Constricted are a recessive trait.

a. Statement A is true while Statement B is false.

b. Statement A is false while Statement B is true.

c. Both Statement A and B are true.

d. Both Statement A and B are false.

5. Statement A: Both Yellow pod color and Green seed color are a dominant trait.

Statement B: Both Inflated and Tall are a recessive trait.

a. Statement A is true while Statement B is false.

b. Statement A is false while Statement B is true.

c. Both Statement A and B are true.

d. Both Statement A and B are false.

84 | P a g e
Module Overview

Module 5

Classification of Plants
• Read and Find out:
• Classification of Units
• Classification of the Plant Kingdom

“The construction of the universe is certainly very much easier to explain than is that
of the plant.”
~ Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Plants are extremely complex and diverse, and there are millions of different
plant species- some that haven’t even been fully discovered and studied yet! In order
to continue the study and organizations of plants, botanists (scientists who study
plants) must find a way to categorize the many different species. While all plants are
made up of similar parts that are essential in maintaining their survival (i.e. having
roots, stem, leaves, etc.), they often look different. These differences in characteristics
are used to group plants into species, which provides a way of classifying and
therefore organizing plants.

At the completion of this module, you should be able to:

• plot the classification of plant kingdom from broader categories down to specific
categories; and
• identify the classifications of the plants.

Are with you me? Then fasten your seatbelt as we get involve in the family tree of

85 | P a g e
Lesson 1
Classification of Units
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
✓ plot the classification of Plant Kingdom from broader categories down to
specific categories; and
✓ give some examples in each categories.

In this lesson you will learn everything about the family tree of the Kingdom
Plantae as to their broader categories down to specific one as well as with its

Arrange it correctly!
The following concepts are categories of the kingdom
Plantae and plant classification. Based on your own schema,
please arrange them accordingly. Separate concepts that belong
to kingdom Plantae from plant classification.

*Species *Family *Genus *Order

*Phylum *Kingdom *Vascular *Non-vascular
*Seed bearing *Spore bearing *Algae *Gymnosperm
*Monocot *Dicot

• Based on the classification above, how would classify a

specific plant? Into what classification does the plant
belongs to?
• Is it necessary to classify plants? Why?
• What is the purpose of having a plant classification? Isn’t
Analysis enough just to simply take care and allow them to grow?

Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the Plant

• “Fruit” is botanical term and “vegetable” is a culinary
term, so certain vegetation such as tomatoes, green
beans, eggplants, and cucumbers could be called
Abstraction either fruits or vegetables.
• Plants are capable of recognizing their siblings and
will give them preferential treatment, competing less
for valuable resources like root space than when
surrounded by plants that are strangers.
• The average tree is made up of 99% dead cells. The
only living parts are the leaves, root tops, and
phloem, which is a thing layer of under bark that acts
as a food delivery system.

86 | P a g e
Classification of Units

The objects of plant classification are to arrange plants in groups for

identification and to indicate, wherever possible, relationships among
plants. The exact total number of kinds (species) of plants on earth is not
known; about 391,00 species are known at present. The science of
classification is taxonomy.

The Basis of Classification. Until after the Renaissance, plants were

classified chiefly on vegetative characters, such as growth habits, leaf
structure, human utility, etc. At present, reproductive structures and
behavior are the chief bases of classification. Emphasis is placed on
reproductive features instead of on vegetative one because these are less
susceptible to the influence of environmental factors and are consequently
more stable.
Systems of Classification. A system of classification is a complete
arrangement of the major groups of plants or of all plants into a unified
scheme. Different botanists have proposed different systems of
classification, because complete knowledge of true relationships among
certain plants is lacking and consequently opinions as to such relationships

A natural system attempts to classify organisms on the basis of their

evolutionary relationships. A natural system is the goal of taxonomy. As
more facts about relationship are discovered, artificial systems are replaced
by natural systems.

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Taxonomy Description
Domain Highest taxonomic rank in hierarchical biological
classification system, above the kingdom level.
Kingdom A taxonomic category of the highest rank, grouping together
all forms of life having certain fundamental characteristics in
Phylum The primary subdivision of a taxonomic kingdom, grouping
together all classes of organisms that have the same body
Class A taxonomic group comprised of organisms that share a
common attribute. It is further divided into one or more
Order A taxonomic rank used in classifying organisms, generally
below the class, and comprised of families sharing a set of
similar nature or character.
Family A taxonomic rank in the classification of organisms between
genus and order.
Genus A taxonomic category ranking used in biological
classification that is below family and above species.
Species Is a group of organisms that can reproduce with one another
in nature and produce fertile offspring.

Shine bright from the lamp of knowledge!

You will going to answer to answer the three sets of activities

below. You may use Internet for research purposes.
I. Research one Filipino taxonomist, preferably in the field of plant
science, and describe his contributions to the flora and fauna of the
country. Cut out a photo and paste in the box provided.
II. Complete the table below by giving the correct scientific names of
each of the following common plants. Make sure to write them

Common name Family Scientific Name


88 | P a g e

III. Complete the table below.

Rank Cassava Lagundi Coconut Passion Corn

Great job! You have just finished the Lesson 1 of this module. If you have
some unanswered queries you may note that ask your instructor during your face-to-
face interactions.

In this lesson you have learn the classification of taxonomy of plant.

89 | P a g e
Lesson 2
Classification of the Plant
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
✓ identify the classification of the plant kingdom; and
✓ discuss its different classification.

In this lesson you will learn the several systems of classification of plant
kingdom and as how the system change as new knowledge and new ideas develop.

Form the different disabilities from the given
set of scrambled words. Write your answers
on the space below and each word.

Scrambled Words!



• How familiar are when it comes to the

plant taxonomy?
• Which Kingdom does a plant belongs
• Could you give the total taxonomy of
the plant?
Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the
Kingdom Plantae
• What makes plants unique from the other
Kingdoms, and how can moss and a fir tree be
in the same kingdom?
Abstraction ➢ Kingdom is grouped based on shared
characteristics, and plants have quite a
few. Most probably plants are
autotrophs which they can undergo
“photosynthesis” and most of the plants
are multicellular.

90 | P a g e
Classification of the Plant Kingdom

Subkingdom Thallophyta (plants not forming embryos)

Division 1 Cyanophyta (blue-green algae)
Division 2 Euglenophyta (euglenoids)
Division 3 Chlorophyta (green algae)
Division 4 Chrysophyta (yellow0green algae, golden-
brown algae, diatoms)
Division 5 Pyrrophyta (crytomonads, dinoflaellates)
Division 6 Phaeophyta (brown algae)
Division 7 Rhodophyta (red algae)
Division 8 Schizomycophyta (bacteria)
Division 9 Myxomycophyta (slime molds)
Division 10 Eumycophyta (true fungi)
Subkingdom Embryophta (plants forming embryos)
Division 11 Bryophyta at Atracheata (plants lacking
vascular tissues)
➢ Class Musci- mosses
➢ Class Hepaticae- liverworts
➢ Class Anthoceratae- hornworts

Division 12 Tracheophyta or Tracheata (plants with

vascular tissues)
➢ Subdivision Psilopsida- psilopsids
➢ Subdivision Lycopsida- club mosses
➢ Subdivision Sphenopsida- horsetails
and relatives
➢ Subdivision Pteropsida- ferns and
seed plants
✓ Class Filicineae- ferns
✓ Class Gymnospermae- cone-bearing
plants and relatives
✓ Class Angiospermae- true flowering
o Subclass Monocotyledonae
o Subclasss Dicotyledonae

91 | P a g e
• Division 1 to 7 are called “algae” for convenience, but this is not eh
official name of a group, as in older system. Similarly, divisions 8,9,
and 10 are sometimes called “fungi”. Unlike fungi, the algae contain
chlorophyll and manufacture their own food.
• Scientific names. Scientific names of plants are Latin in form and are
regulated by agreements passed by botanists at International
Botanical Congresses.
• The advantage of using Latin is that most scientists know the elements
of this language and it constitutes language of science.
• Scientific names are often descriptive of traits or places,
commemorate people, are based on classical mythology, etc.
• Each species of plant or animal has a scientific name composed of two
words; the first, which is capitalized,, is the name of the genus, the
second, not capitalized, is the name of the species.
• This system of naming organisms is called the “binomial system”. It
was invented in the 17th century and was first used consistently on a
large scale by Linnaues.
• Following each scientific name is an initial or abbreviation, which
indicates the man who named that species. Examples of scientific
names are Zea mays L. (corn),Rhus cotinoides Nutt. (smoke tree).

In studying the plant groups, students should organize their knowledge about
each group according to this outline:
1. Structure General body structure
2. Reproduction Types and nature of reproduction;
alternation of generations
3. Habitats and Distribution Environments commonly inhabited;
occurrence in different parts of world
4. Importance to Man Importance in agriculture, industry,
5. Evolutionary Importance Relationships with other groups;
relative position in plant kingdom
6. Common Representatives Names of typical members of the
7. Nutrition Plants may produce their own food.
i.e., be autotrophic,heterotrophic,
saprophytic and epiphytic.

92 | P a g e
Shine bright from the lamp of knowledge!

Instruction: Illustrate a tree of life and label the major group of

organisms that led to the green plants.

Great job! You have just finished the Lesson 2 of this module. If you have
some unanswered queries you may note that ask your instructor during your face-to-
face interactions.

In this lesson you have learn some important classification of Kingdom


93 | P a g e
You have completed the fourth module of
For you to bloom more here are some key
points covered in this module:

Module Summary

94 | P a g e
Module 5 References

Module 5
Lesson 1- Ritchie, D. D., & Fuller, H. J. Genearal botany. Barnes &
Noble, Inc.

Lesson 2- Ritchie, D. D., & Fuller, H. J. Genearal botany. Barnes &

Noble, Inc.

95 | P a g e
Module Assessment

To test your understanding in this module, please answer the

following questions briefly:
Give at least 5 examples of cryptogamia &
phanerogamia with its common and scientific names.

96 | P a g e
Appendix A
Common names and scientific names of Flowers
Common names are used by local people in naming flowers or plants and
may vary geographically like from one country to another, from one province to
another, and even from one culture to another. Common names change as new
people move to an area, or as old common names fall out of favor for one reason or
Scientific names, on the other hand, are unique plant or flower names used
across the world by scientists and other professionals regardless of the language they
speak or write, because scientific names are always Latin or Latinized words. They
are standardized, using the same name for the same organism and are always used in
published research. Scientific names cannot be changed except by international
scientific agreement.

List of Familiar Varieties of Flowers in the Philippines

Name of Flowers Common Names Scientific Names

Anthurium anthurium, tailflower, Anthurium andraeanum

flamingo flower, and

Aster aster Aster amellus

Bengal Trumpet Vine bengal clock vine. Thunbergia grandiflora

Bougainvillea glabra Bougainvillea, paperflower Bougainvillea spectabilis

Chrysanthemum mums or chrysanths Chrysanthemum


Everlasting flower dwarf everlast, immortelle. Helichrysum arenarium

Gumamela gumamela, rose mallow, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis


Heliconia lobster-claws, toucan beak,

wild plantains or false bird- Heliconia latispatha

97 | P a g e
Jasmine jasmine, White Jasmine, Jasminum
Winter jasmine, Jasminum

Morning Glory Bush bush morning glory Ipomoea carnea

Orchid moth orchids, dendrobium, Orchidaceae

boat orchid, cattleya
orchids, singapore orchid.

Peacock Flower poinciana, peacock flower, Caesalpinia pulcherrima

red bird of paradise,
Mexican bird of paradise,
dwarf poinciana, pride of
Barbados, flos pavonis,

Pink Olasiman gulasiman, sahikan and Portulaca oleracea

ngalug, purslane, pigweed
and wild portulaca

Sampaguita Philippine Jasmine, Jasminum sambac

Arabian jasmine, Pikake in
Hawaii, Grand Duke of
Tuscany, Kampupot, and

Santan Jungle geranium, Flame of Ixora coccinea

the woods or jungle flame
or Pendkuli

Waling-Waling Sander's Vanda Vanda sanderiana

Water Lily Water Lily, Victoria Nymphaeaceae

amazonica, Yellow Water
lily, Prickly water lily,
yellow trumpetbush, yellow
Yellow Bell bells, yellow elder, ginger- Tecoma stans

98 | P a g e
perfume tree, cananga tree,
Ylang-Ylang/ Ilang- Cananga odorata
fragrant cananga,
Ilang Macassar-oil plant
Frangipani or temple
Kalachuchi flower. Plumeria obtusa

Rose Rose, Rosa rubiginosa

Sunflower, common
Sunflower sunflower Helianthus

1. Anthurium, is a genus of about 1000 species of flowering plants, the largest genus
of the arum family. Its most characteristic feature as an ornamental is its brightly
colored spathe leaf, and the protruding inflorescence called the spadix. It is a short
erected plant with whole, cardioid or heart-shaped leaves, generally reflexed, cordate
base, apex acuminate or cuspid, which are borne by a cylindrical petiole 30–40 cm

Image Source:

2. Aster is a genus of perennial flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. Its

circumscription has been narrowed, and it now encompasses around 180 species, all
but one of which are restricted to Eurasia; many species formerly in Aster are now in
other genera of the tribe Astereae.

99 | P a g e
Image Source:

3. Bengal Trumpet Vine is an evergreen vine in the family Acanthaceae. It is native

to China, India, Nepal, Indochina and Burma and widely naturalised elsewhere.
Plants may grow to about 20 metres in height and have a long root system with a deep
tap root. The stalked, opposite leaves, which have a rough surface, are quite variable
in shape. They may be triangular or ovate and the margins may be toothed, lobed or
entire. Length is up to 20 cm and width is up to 6 cm. The blue to mauve flowers are
about 8 cm across with a 4 cm long tube that is pale yellow inside. These are followed
by pods containing seeds that are ejected several metres upon ripening. Plants also
reproduce from segments that are washed down watercourses.

4. Bougainvillea is a genus of thorny ornamental vines, bushes, or trees. The

inflorescence consists of large colourful sepallike bracts which surround three simple
waxy flowers. The vine species grow anywhere from 1 to 12 m (3 to 40 ft.) tall,
scrambling over other plants with their spiky thorns. They are evergreen where
rainfall occurs all year, or deciduous if there is a dry season. The leaves are alternate,
simple ovate-acuminate, 4–13 cm long and 2–6 cm broad.

100 | P a g e
5. Chrysanthemum. They are native to East Asia and northeastern Europe. Most
species originate from East Asia and the center of diversity is in China. Countless
horticultural varieties and cultivars exist.

6. Everlasting flower is a perennial plant, it grows to be an average of 0.3 m tall. The

leaves are flat, the lower ones being elliptical in shape, while the upper ones are
linear. They are wooly on both sides. The flower heads are arranged in loosely, a cross
between umbel and panicle. They are 3 to 4 mm wide of bright golden yellow florets.
It is found in Eastern France to Denmark as well as on the mountains of Uzbekistan
on sandy grasslands, and heathland.

101 | P a g e
Image Source:

7. Gumamela. The flowers of the gumamela can be white, pink, red, yellow, peach
and purple. Gardeners cultivate more than 300 species of the plant worldwide. They
are primarily grown as an ornamental plant, and the flowers and leaves have
medicinal properties. Hibiscus have a long life, with some lasting more than 50

8. Heliconia is a genus of flowering plants in the monotypic family Heliconiaceae.

These herbaceous plants range from 0.5 to nearly 4.5 meters (1.5–15 feet) tall
depending on the species. The simple leaves of these plants are 15–300 cm (6 in–10
ft). They are characteristically long, oblong, alternate, or growing opposite one
another on non-woody petioles often longer than the leaf, often forming large clumps
with age.

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9. Jasmine is a genus of shrubs and vines in the olive family (Oleaceae). It contains
around 200 species native to tropical and warm temperate regions of Eurasia and
Oceania. Jasmines are widely cultivated for the characteristic fragrance of their

10. Morning Glory Bush. This flowering plant has heart-shaped leaves that are a rich
green and 6–9 inches (15–23 cm) long. It can be easily grown from seeds which are
toxic and it can be hazardous to cattle; the toxicity is related to the swainsonine
produced by endophytes and to bioaccumulation of selenium species in leaves but
mostly in seed.

103 | P a g e
11. Orchid are easily distinguished from other plants, as they share some very evident
derived characteristics or synapomorphies. Among these are: bilateral symmetry of
the flower (zygomorphism), many resupinate flowers, a nearly always highly
modified petal (labellum), fused stamens and carpels, and extremely small seeds.

12. Peacock Flower is a species of flowering plant in the pea family, Fabaceae, native
to the tropics and subtropics of the Americas. It could be native to the West Indies, but
its exact origin is unknown due to widespread cultivation.

104 | P a g e
13. Pink Olasiman. A very common weed found throughout the Philippines in settled
areas. Flowers are pink or yellow, stalkless, axillary and terminal few-flowered heads.
Heads are solitary or cymose with compressed buds. Petals are five and yellow, about
as long as the sepals and notched at the tip. Flowers open only for a few hours in the
morning. Fruits are capsules which dehisce horizontally containing many minute, dark
brown, heart-shaped seeds.

14. Sampaguita is a species of jasmine native to tropical Asia, from the Indian
subcontinent to Southeast Asia. It is cultivated in many places, especially across much
of South and Southeast Asia. It is a small shrub or vine growing up to 0.5 to 3 m (1.6 to 9.8 ft) in
height. It is widely cultivated for its attractive and sweetly fragrant flowers. The flowers may be
used as a fragrant ingredient in perfumes and jasmine tea.

105 | P a g e
15. Santan is a species of flowering plant in the family Rubiaceae. It is a common
flowering shrub native to Southern India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. is a dense,
multi-branched evergreen shrub, commonly 4–6 ft (1.2–1.8 m) in height, but capable
of reaching up to 12 ft (3.7 m) high. It has a rounded form, with a spread that may
exceed its height. The glossy, leathery, oblong leaves are about 4 in (10 cm) long,
with entire margins, and are carried in opposite pairs or whorled on the stems. Small
tubular, scarlet flowers in dense rounded clusters 2–5 in (5.1–12.7 cm) across are
produced almost all year long.

16. Waling-Waling is a flower of the orchid family. The orchid is considered to be

the "Queen of Philippine flowers" and is worshiped as a diwata by the indigenous
Bagobo people. It is endemic to Mindanao in the provinces of Davao, Cotabato, and
Zamboanga where it is found on the trunks of dipterocarp trees at elevations below
500 meters. Over-collected, the plant is considered rare in nature.[2] It is often used in

106 | P a g e
17. Water Lily is a family of flowering plants. They live as rhizomatous aquatic herbs
in temperate and tropical climates around the world. The family contains five genera
with about 70 known species. Water lilies are rooted in soil in bodies of water, with
leaves and flowers floating on or emergent from the surface.

Image Source:

18. Yellow Bell is an attractive plant that is cultivated as an ornamental. It has sharply
toothed, pinnate green leaves and bears large, showy, bright golden yellow trumpet-
shaped flowers. It is drought-tolerant and grows well in warm climates. The flowers
attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.[3] The plant produces pods containing
yellow seeds with papery wings. The plant is desirable fodder when it grows in fields
grazed by livestock.

107 | P a g e
19. Ylang-Ylang/ Ilang-Ilang is a tropical tree that is native to India, through parts of
Indochina, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia, to Queensland, Australia. The
plant is native to much of tropical Asia, from India to Papua New Guinea, and to
Queensland, Australia. It grows in full or partial sun, and prefers the acidic soils of its
native rainforest habitat.

20. Kalachuchi is a small, growing up to 5 meters high, with a crooked trunk, smooth
and shining stems, succulent, with abundant sticky, milky latex. Bark has a smooth,
papery outer layer which is grey, shining, and constantly exfoliating in small flakes.
Wood is yellowish-white and soft.

108 | P a g e
Image Sources:

21. Rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, in the family
Rosaceae, or the flower it bears. There are over three hundred species and tens of
thousands of cultivars.They form a group of plants that can be erect shrubs, climbing,
or trailing, with stems that are often armed with sharp prickles. Flowers vary in size
and shape and are usually large and showy, in colours ranging from white through
yellows and reds

Image Source:

22. Sunflower is originate in the Americas. They were first domesticated in what is
now Mexico and the Southern United States. Domestic sunflower seeds have been
found in Mexico, dating to 2100 BC. Native American people grew sunflowers as a
crop from Mexico to Southern Canada. In the 16th century the first crop breeds were
brought from America to Europe by explorers.

109 | P a g e
Image Source:

110 | P a g e


Score Description Criteria
10 Exceeds expectations • Commanding use of key terms with very few or
no errors
• Connections between concepts are well
• Concepts presented demonstrate understanding
at the analysis, synthesis, or evaluation levels;
reflect transformation of content beyond that
provided in the text/activity by the student
• Further examples and extensions are provided
and illustrate excellent comprehension

7 Meets expectations • Sufficient use of key terms to illustrate

comprehension; majority of key terms used
• Connections between concepts are beginning,
although they may be limited to the applications
provided in the text/activities

5 Not yet within • Relatively few key terms present; or a majority

expectations of the key terms present are used inaccurately
• Connections between concepts not present; or
generally incorrect
3 Below expectations No examples from text or activities present
(text/activities not referenced)
• However, paper is scorable

111 | P a g e
(3 points) (6 points) (9 points) (12 points)
The idea of the The idea of the The idea of the The technical and
topic is not topic is vaguely topic is hit. central idea of the
evident. evident. Explanation is topic is hit.
Content Explanation is Explanation is persuasive. Explanation is
not persuasive. not so exceedingly
persuasive. persuasive.
The message is The message is The message is The message is
relayed in an relayed in a relayed in a relayed in an
imprecise and vague manner. clear and exceptional, clear
Eloquence unclear manner. concise manner. and concise

Errors in spelling, Seems to have Understands Demonstrates a

punctuation, made little good writing good grasp of
capitalization, effort to use conventions and standard writing
usage, and conventions: usually uses conventions (e.g.,
grammar and/or spelling, them correctly. spelling,
paragraphing punctuation, Easily read and punctuation,
repeatedly capitalization, errors are rare. capitalization,
distract the reader usage, grammar, usage,
and make the text grammar paragraphing)
difficult to read. and/or and uses
paragraphing conventions
have multiple effectively to
errors. enhance

112 | P a g e

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