Ihcl 2013-14

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We are glad to present ‘Destinations’
our 11th Sustainability Report, which
highlights our sustainability
performance and depicts our surrounding communities in myriad
achievements and challenges in the ways. The rich culture, heritage, art
year 2013-14. and biodiversity of our destinations is
of immense value and our constant
‘Destinations’ for us mean multitude
endeavour continues to support
aspects and impacts of our
these destinations and place more
sustainability journey. These would
and more of them on international
also be the milestones that we want
tourism map. The direct and indirect
to reach, which are dynamic in
economic impacts of our hotels help
nature, shaped by industry overview,
communities thrive. We have aligned
business plans and stakeholder
our community development agenda
expectations. Destinations also entail
with our core business to ensure
management of the locations where
sustainability and longevity of our
we operate, which is critical for
community interventions.
business sustainability.
While we continue to achieve our
We contribute to the development of
milestones, we are constantly
‘Destinations’ we operate in and
evolving our sustainability goals to
ensure a more sensitive and
responsible brand. It is this
endeavour that helps us in
contributing to the destinations that
we operate in.
Building The Ultimate Destination 5
A Taj For Everyone 7
Listen, Feel, Act 14
125 Hotels, 76 Cities, 10 Countries 18
Exciting Arrivals & Memorable Departures 22
Caring For Our People 28
Safe Havens 34
Nurturing The Environs 38
Inclusive Partnerships 46
Assurance Statement 51
GRI / UNGC / NVG-SEE Content Index 53
About the report
• 11th Annual Corporate Sustainability Report of IHCL
• Prepared using Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
G3.1 guidelines
• Serves as Communication on Progress (COP) to
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
• Aligned to National Voluntary Guidelines on Social,
Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of
Business (NVG-SEE)
• External Assurance and Third Party Check for
Application Level A+ by KPMG, India

This report has references to the Company’s Annual Report 2013-14 which is accessible at
Performance Highlights

8 7%


5 ` 2.15 MILLION

7000 + PART OF
INDEX 2013


Dear Stakeholder, conforming to the requirements of positioning to achieve high growth in
application level A+. This report also the coming years.
On behalf of all members of the Taj serves as a Communication on
family, I feel privileged to present Our survival and well-being is
Progress towards our commitment to dependent on the natural
“Destinations”, Indian Hotels United Nations Global Compact
Company Limited’s (IHCL) 11th environment. As a hotel company
(UNGC) principles. with “Destinations” in eco-fragile
Corporate Sustainability Report.
The travel and tourism industry regions, we have constantly faced
“Destinations” for us is an account of makes tremendous contribution to the challenge of balancing growth
our journey towards creating long GDP, creates and supports and associated environmental
term stakeholder value while livelihoods, conserves and promotes impacts. We address this through
positively impacting the communities art, preserves heritage, culture and EARTH – Environment Awareness and
where we exist. This report also biodiversity. With the domestic policy Renewal - at Taj Hotels; a voluntary
highlights our performance and environment gaining impetus and internal movement that focuses on
commitments for the financial year tourism being pegged as a high deploying cleaner and greener
2013-14. The report is developed growth sector, we aim to leverage technologies while consuming lesser
based on GRI G3.1 Guidelines, our internal capabilities and brand resources to deliver the

footprint across brands through the our CSR partners stems from our
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). This approach to seamlessly integrate the
year IHCL has been recognized in the needs of our target communities
Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index – with our key organizational
as a part of top 20 reporting processes. We have adopted a
companies. We are proud to share collaborative approach to work with
that nine of our hotels have achieved various like-minded partners
EarthCheck™ Gold Certification and 63 including corporates, governmental
of our hotels have retained their agencies and developmental
Silver Certification. institutions to facilitate inclusive
growth and development in regions
The unique Taj Experience is defined,
in which we operate. Our volunteers
created and recreated by our most
from hotels across brands work on
valued resources – the associates of
projects ranging from skilling of rural
The Taj! In turn we reward them with
school dropout youth; supporting
a safe and collaborative work
indigenous and tribal art, craft and
environment that fosters personal
culture to supporting NGOs working
and professional growth. Our
in the areas of rehabilitation of
workplace is like an extended family
commercial sex workers, bee-keeping
for most of us. Our people practices
for farmers and other income
are geared towards creating industry
generation projects of Cause Based
leaders through intensive hands-on
Organizations. Through our Tata
training and holistic exposure to
Affirmative Action (AA) agenda, we
lengths and breadths of hotel endeavour to reach out in particular
keeping. to socially disadvantaged
Safety and security of our guests, communities like Scheduled Castes
associates, assets and and Scheduled Tribes.
neighbourhood is paramount to us. This is a long term journey with
We have institutionalised standard evolving goal-posts. Our ability to
policies and procedures across hotels
patiently and systematically pursue
on safety and security. We are
our sustainability goals in a
working towards ensuring zero work
process-based manner will make this
accidents through rigorous trainings
journey a rewarding one – not just
and audits. We accord highest
for our stakeholders, but also for us –
priority to safety and security for our
as an organization!
quintessential Taj Experience. female guests and associates across
the Taj Group and endeavour to I would be glad to hear your
Energy management is one of the key thoughts, feedback and suggestions
provide systems and processes for
focus areas for us along with water for improvement to help us further
ensuring a safe and welcoming
and waste management. We are also strengthen and enrich our
constantly exploring ways to increase sustainability journey.
the utilization of renewable energy Community well-being is one of our
sources to meet our requirements. core values. Our Corporate Social
This has been integrated in annual Responsibility (CSR) theme of
business plans and operational goals ‘Building Sustainable Livelihoods’ to
of all hotels. There has also been an empower rural and less-privileged
increased thrust on reducing waste youth with employable skills in
water discharge outside hotel Rakesh Sarna
hospitality sector is recognized by
premises by recycling and reusing of United Nations. Global Compact as a Managing Director &
water. We continue to disclose our business-relevant theme. Our ability Chief Executive Officer
climate change agenda and carbon to empower target communities and Indian Hotels Company Limited

North America UK & Europe Middle East India
3 Hotels 2 Hotels & Africa 110 Hotels
572 Rooms 434 Rooms 4 Hotels 12,081 Rooms
536 Rooms


Global footprint

10 Countries

125 Hotels

15,503 Rooms

3,484,206 Room
Nights Sold

27,468 Associates

711 Mega Joules (MJ)

eneer Consumed
perr rroom night

9 K
97 Kilograms CO2
South Asia emissions
mis per room night
(except India)
7 Hotels
951 Rooms
1.87 Kiloliters water
consumed per room night

Palaces powered by wind
EARTH rooms that consume less
The practice of perfect hospitality
Resorts that renew biodiversity

Iconic landmarks that are timeless

Experiences that etch
lifetime memories
Enhancing cultural heritage
by Taj

Caring for our surroundings

Stylishly spirited
Committed to ecology
Going the renewable way
Promoting local arts

Each of the Vivanta hotels

offiers a unique experience
of the destination where it
operates. The same are ably
represented by the Vivanta
Motifs which pictorially
describe those unique
local experiences.

Saving for the future

EARTH rooms that consume less
Blending hospitality with modern amenities
Resorts that renew biodiversity
Caring for our surroundings
Caring actively for your well-being
Home away from home
Enhancing lives


Jiva spa,
Taj Khazana

Taj Sats

The brand Tata evokes trust among
The Board Members:
various stakeholders and we continue
Name of the Director Status this legacy by integrating ethical
business conduct in our DNA. At the
Mr. Cyrus Mistry (Chairman) Promoter; Non-Executive core of our governance model is the
Mr. Rakesh Sarna Executive Director Tata Code of Conduct (TCoC) that
outlines the framework within which
Mr. Keki B. Dadiseth Independent; Non-Executive
we operate. Corporate governance,
Mr. Deepak Parekh Independent; Non-Executive adopted as a way of life at IHCL,
Mr. Shapoor Mistry Independent; Non-Executive guides us to discharge our duties
towards stakeholders in a fair,
Mr. Nadir Godrej Independent; Non-Executive
transparent and accountable manner.
Ms. Ireena Vitaal Independent; Non-Executive
We have defined a Strategic Planning
Mr. Gautam Banerjee Independent; Non-Executive Process (SPP) based on Tata Business
Ms. Vibha Paul Rishi Independent; Non-Executive Excellence Model (TBEM) that helps
us in establishing the organisational
Mr. Anil Goel Executive
objectives, strategies and standard
Mr. Abhijit Mukerji Executive operating processes.
Mr. Mehernosh Kapadia Executive The Balance Scorecard approach is
used to translate the objectives to v

measurable targets at brand, hotel
and individual level. This year, the
hotels have integrated energy
efficiency, manpower planning and
material resource efficiency in their
annual plans and have taken
concrete targets on these aspects.
The internal audit framework,
surveillance audits, mystery audits,
Tata Business Excellence Model
(TBEM) assessments, benchmarking
and certification processes help us
measure system efficiencies and take
course corrections. The outcomes of
all these business processes and
controls are critically reviewed by the
Board and senior leadership in
the company.
To know more about our risk management framework
and management system, refer our Corporate
Sustainability Report 2010-11 (Page 21-24) accessible
at http://www.tajhotels.com/About-Taj/Company- ED-Hotel Operations
us in systematically enhancing the
To know more about our risks and concerns,
mitigation plans, internal controls and adequacy, Board's own performance.
refer our Annual Report 2013-14 (Page 28-29) Sustainability matters concerning
accessible at
safety, security and environment are SHE Corporate Council
ns/Annual-Reports.html of priority to us. To oversee the
Sr. VP Human Resources
Our Directors are well-versed in consistent deployment of Safety,
Health and Environment (SHE) Chief Operating Officers
varied fields such as banking,
finance, hospitality social service and standards across our hotels, we have VP Projects
architecture. The skill and knowledge institutionalised a SHE committee
headed by Executive Director – Hotel Director - Sustainability
of the Directors have proved to be of
immense value. Independent Operations. Director - Security
Directors comprise more than half of To know more about our Corporate Governance, visit
http://www.tajhotels.com/About-Taj/Investor-Relatio GM - Projects Safety
the Board. We have three ns/ corporate-governance.html
committees that overlook the entire To know more about our Board of Directors and Board
functioning of the company. These Committees, refer our Corporate Governance Report
2013-14 accessible at
committees include Audit committee, http://www.tajhotels.com/About-Taj/Investor-Relatio Hotel SHE Committee
Stakeholders’ relationship ns/corporate-governance.html
committee, and Nomination and GeneralGM
Ethical behaviour
Remuneration committee. A Board of
Tata Code of Conduct (TCoC) sets out Chief Engineer
Directors assessment is conducted to Chief Engineer
evaluate member's individual and expectations on ethical behaviour Executive Chef
overall Board’s performance that are consistent with Tata core HR Manager
HR Manager
regarding attendance, privacy and purpose and values. The Code has
conflicts of interest, industry defined clauses covering various Tata Security
L&D Manager
knowledge, succession planning, and Group values including ethics and Security Manager
Learning & Development
involvement in leadership oversight. integrity. We continually sensitize
The results of this assessment guides our associates and other relevant
stakeholders on TCoC to reinforce the

Critical Sustainability Issues
Our continuous dialogue with
internal as well as external
stakeholders has helped us in
proactively determining aspects of our
sustainability performance that are of
particular interest to them. As our engagement
evolved, we were able to create a mechanism to
continuously monitor and track issues on a proactive
basis. We analysed these issues against our key
risks, challenges, and strategic priorities at
enterprise and hotel level to select the most
critical ones. This report represents our
complete range of actions and related
performance on the following
critical issues:
ethical values at all levels. During the constantly evaluate the effectiveness
year, a total of 0.13 million of our engagement methods to
man-hours of training and awareness better ourselves in serving the needs
on TCoC were imparted to associates of our stakeholders. The outcome of
and other relevant stakeholders. The stakeholder engagement is linked to
implementation of the Code is the prioritization of critical • Ensuring safety – setting high
supported by a full blown process of sustainability issues for IHCL. standards to ensure safety and
training and awareness, policies and Two-way communication helps us security of our guests, associates,
procedures, and reporting and shape our stakeholder engagement communities, neighbourhoods and
handling of concerns. mechanism, wherein we also assets.
To know more about Tata Code of Conduct, visit communicate to the stakeholders the • Developing human capital – being
http://www.tata.in/aboutus/articles/inside.aspx?art outcomes emerging out of the ‘employer of choice’ by providing
engagement. vibrant and collaborative work
To know more about implementation of Tata Code of environment with rewarding
Conduct at IHCL, refer our Corporate Sustainability To the stakeholders the outcomes emerging out of
Report 2010-11 (Page 17) accessible at the engagement. careers
http://www.tajhotels.com/About-Taj/Company-Infor • Ensuring environmental
To know more about Stakeholder Engagement at
IHCL, refer our Corporate Sustainability Report excellence – maximising
2012-13 (Page 17-18) accessible at
Stakeholders are an important aspect http://www.tajhotels.com/About-Taj/Company- productivity through efficient
of our organization. In fact, our core Information/8th-Corporate-Sustainability-Report.pdf management of all assets and
competence of ‘Building resources, thereby avoiding short-
Relationships’ is strengthened by • Optimizing revenues - deployment
and long-term environmental
how we engage with our of existing and future resources in
damage and maintaining and
stakeholders. Stakeholder an optimal manner to ensure a
promoting natural diversity
engagement draws from our culture robust financial bottom-line
without compromising the • Creating sustainable livelihoods –
and values to build, sustain and connecting our business needs to
nurture relationships at different environment or society.
economic and social development
levels. To engage well with our • Focusing on customer delight -
of communities by ‘building
stakeholders, we listen to them serving customers with products
sustainable livelihoods’.
through different channels of and services that exceed their
To know more about our response to critical
communication and understand their expectations, proactively listening sustainability issues , refer our Corporate
expectations. Their feedback helps us to customers’ voice and paying Sustainability Report 2012-13 (Page 17-18) accessible
at http://www.tajhotels.com/
continuously refine our business attention to detail to deliver the About-Taj/Company-Information/8th-Corporate-Sustai
planning. Beyond this, we also quintessential ‘Taj Experience’. nability-Report.pdf

125 Hotels,
76 Cities,
10 Countries

opportunities. We have continued
our growth path this year by opening
four new Gateway hotels at at Hubli,
Chennai, one new Vivanta by Taj
hotel at Surajkund, NCR; and three
new Ginger hotels in Noida, Jaipur
and Chandigarh. We have strong
project pipeline for the coming year
as well which will enable us to reach
to newer destinations. The expansion
of our network to new destinations is
also our commitment to contribute
to enhance economic activity in
these destinations and put some of
these destinations on the global
tourism map.
Policy advocacy

We assume leadership position in

advocating and promoting Indian
tourism to realise the true potential
of this incredible country. We are
Travel and tourism industry has a significant role to play in defining a destination. part of many industry associations
Hospitality industry in specific is just not about hotels and guest experiences but
also contributes to larger economic activity in the destinations where they
operate. The direct and indirect economic impacts of travel and tourism industry
signify the contribution made by sector in global economic growth.

The travel and tourism industry has projects especially in tier-ii and tier
shown strong signs of growth for the –iii cities and safety and security for
fourth consecutive year, outpacing women are expected to translate
the overall global economic growth. into much higher tourist influx into
2013 was good year for international India. The thrust on pilgrimage and
tourism. Tourism sector has shown a heritage tourism with emphasis on
remarkable capacity to adjust to the Buddhist tourism circuit centered
changing market conditions and around Gaya in Bihar will enable
fuelling the growth of job creation India to attract this segment of
around the world, despite continuing tourists from South East Asia, Japan
economic and geopolitical and Sri Lanka. The proposal to
challenges. The domestic travel and earmark a sum of INR 100 crore to
tourism industry also has grown revive heritage tourism will lead to
moderately compared to last year but development and promotion of new
is expected to have above-average tourism circuits.
growth in 2014. The Budget 2014-15 As a more than century old brand,
for India has placed renewed focus on we have always taken long-term
tourism to ensure that ‘Incredible view of our growth and profitability.
India’ gets the much needed boost Our years of strategic investments
for travel and tourism. Measures are now set to take advantage of
such as e-visa programme, expansion future industry growth
of visa-on-arrival, infrastructure

and partner with Governments to
promote key policy and strategic
initiatives for the industry.
• Experience India Society (EIS)
works to realize the true potential
of tourism in India and to capture
a larger market share of world
tourism. It is a private public
partnership formed to position
India and build brand salience in
key markets. We are key members
of EIS.
• Hunar Se Rozgar Tak (HSRT) – HSRT
is a key initiative of Ministry of
Tourism, India to promote creation
of employable skills amongst youth
belonging to economically weaker
strata of the society. We have
played a significant role in shaping
this programme and work with
various state tourism departments
to create livelihoods in hospitality

Key industry associations /

1. All India Association of Industries
2. All India Management Association
3. British Business Group
4. Experience India Society
5. Federation of Hotels and Restaurants
Association of India
6. Pacific Asia Tourism Association
7. Indian Merchants Chamber
8. Indo-American Chamber of
9. Indo-Australian Chamber of
10. Indo-French Chamber of Commerce
11. Indo-German Chamber of Commerce
12. Indo-Japanese Association
13. The Indian Society of Advertisers
14. World Tourism Organisation
15. Forum for Women In Leadership,

This year prudent cost management
Central Warehousing and Distribution @ Taj has been a key objective across
We have a wide spread network of hotels across the country and efficiently functions and hotels. Measures to
managing the supply chain of such a vast network is critical to live up to optimize costs of raw material and
the guest expectations. To effectively and efficiently manage our supply workforce deployment have been
chain, we have revamped our sourcing and distribution model. The taken. On the workforce
traditional model of procurement by hotels has been replaced by unified management front, key initiatives
procurement model through warehousing and distribution management. including minimal workforce
The initiative has helped us improve our supply chain efficiency, reduce addition, internal redeployment to
stock inventories and optimize logistics by serving the hotel needs through fill in positions in new hotels,
regional hubs. leadership development and smart
layering of the organization. Supply
chain optimization and local sourcing
During the year, our total income of financial performance is crucial for has been one key focus areas for us
INR 197.73 billion was higher than us, the indirect economic impacts of to manage our costs with indirect
last year by 3%. The Food & Beverage our operations are also significant in benefits of supporting more local
income grew by 6%, aided by growth nature. We promote destinations to vendors and curbing transportation
in restaurant sales and banqueting increase economic activity in these related environmental impacts. Most
income. Owing to the impact of areas while providing authentic local of our hotels are exploring
global recessionary trends on some of experiences to our guests. We opportunities of growing their own
our long term strategic investments, support local vendors and suppliers, vegetables in backyard herb &
the Profit After Tax (PAT) during the promote local arts and culture, kitchen gardens which also promises
year reduced to INR (59.05) billion. enhance livelihood opportunities and the guests of high quality farm fresh
The financial performance of the contribute to environmental vegetables. The focus has also been
Company is monitored on continuous sustainability. on integrating local cuisines in the
basis to make prudent business To know more about economic performance, refer our Annual menu options for our guests to
Report 2013-14 (Page 31-33) accessible at
decisions that will help in ensuring http://www.tajhotels.com/About-Taj/Investor-Relations/Annu experience authentic local flavours.
long-term profitability. While our al-Reports.html
& memorable

Taj is known for its legendary customer delight quotient with
impeccable service quality. We have taken great strides to
ensure the satisfaction of every customer. Customer
satisfaction is at core of the organisational culture and is
extremely vital for us to consistently deliver the ‘Taj
Experience’. When a guest arrives at our hotel, he becomes our
priority. All our practices and polices revolve around how
effectively we meet the needs of the customer. We look beyond
not just ensuring a comfortable stay, but also see to it that the
overall wellbeing of our customers are taken into
consideration. The safety of our customers is never
compromised. Each hotel is has developed initiatives to ensure
the safety of our guests. The employees and staff have imbibed
this customer-centric attitude to safeguard and protect our
customers regardless of the situation they are faced with.
We pride ourselves in providing
Taj has been the preferred destination for world dignitaries as we continue
authentic local experiences to our
to do what we do the best – play the perfect host. Some of the Heads of
guests. The homemaker chef is a
States that we played host to in 2013-14 are:
unique guest proposition at our
• His Imperial Majesty Emperor Akihito, Emperor of Japan, Taj Palace Delhi Gateway hotels which provides
• Prince Charles & Camilla, HRH The Prince of Wales & The Duchess of opportunity to local homemakers
Cornwall, The Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai who have no professional cooking
• His Excellency Rajkeswur Purryag, President of Mauritius, experience to bring their natural
Taj Palace Delhi home-styled cooking to the dining
• Princess Astrid, Princess of Belgium, The Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai table of our guests. This initiative
celebrates the simplicity of home
• H.E. Li Keqiang, Premier of the Peoples Republic of China, The Taj Mahal
cooking and explores the unique
Palace Mumbai and The Taj Palace New Delhi
flavours of local region. Apart from
• H.E. Joachim Gauck, President of Germany, Taj Mahal New Delhi providing our guests with this
• H.E. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, Taj Palace, New Delhi unique experience, the initiatives
also provides additional source of
livelihood for these homemakers.

At Vivanta by Taj, each hotel and fascinating folklore of Goa recited by introduced the concept of ‘the
resort has something unique to offer a lively raconteur is integrated with Practice of Perfect Hospitality’. At our
which represent an imaginative take our commitment to support local Taj Hotels and Palaces, every aspect
on the destination and its culture. culture or the unique experience of is skilfully crafted and performed in a
These Vivanta by Taj Motifs are observing scores of Olive Ridley manner that mimics an artistic
curated "must on your list" turtles come ashore to lay their eggs performance. Our aim is to deliver
experiences that represent an between December and March is an utmost perfection which we strive to
imaginative take on the destination extension of our commitment to accomplish with passion and
and its culture. These are "must dos" preserve local biodiversity. precision. We aspire to attain
and "must sees" presented with the meticulous performance through
Vivanta signature of hospitality. We Performance.Art painstaking practice that guarantees
blend our sustainability efforts into perfect hospitality. It is through this
delivering these unique experiences We believe that everything that we artistic interpretation that we have
by supporting activities on do, should be done to perfection; and towards performance, that we are
environmental sustainability, the only means to attainting this able to achieve customer satisfaction
biodiversity enhancement and local precision is through practice. As a that not only benefits the customers,
arts and culture. For example, the part of the brand strategy for our Taj but also the society and environment
guest experience of enjoying the Hotels and Palaces, we have at large.
map aimed towards achieving
customer satisfaction, property
upkeep, security and safety. The
process for receiving, responding,
analyzing, learning and improving
from the guests’ feedback was also
put in place. In order to curb
dissatisfaction among our
customers, Taj follows up with
guests on the quality of products
through a follow up survey. This
year, ongoing efforts to understand
customer needs, tailor
improvements in service design and
delivery and phased product
upgrades have enabled us to achieve
all-time-high levels of satisfaction on
the “Big Three” customer
satisfaction indices. All other
fundamental customer indices such
as the Cleanliness and Appearance
index, Courtesy index, Efficiency
index, Facility index,
Food index and Value for money
also demonstrated similar
favourable trends.
‘The Practice of Perfect Hospitality’,
has allowed us to create the most
memorable experiences for our
guests. To ensure the every
celebration is an unforgettable
experience, the Taj Hotels Resorts
and Palaces has designed weddings
that replicate fairytales. Replete
with gorgeous décor both indoors
and outdoors, the Taj team ensures
that the day is nothing short of
perfection and that the experience is
like nothing anyone ever imagined.
Practices and policies have been
developed to improve performance
and augment customer feedback
scores. These feedback scores
directly reflect our endeavor to set
higher goals if need be. Today,
customers are becoming increasingly
more demanding, less tolerant and
very critical when not having their
expectations met. In 2013-14, the
Company had strategized and
implemented a result oriented road

our people

Taj was awarded the Gallup Great
Workplace Award for the fifth consecutive
year in 2013-14 and has been listed
alongside 35 other companies from across
the world. It is the only organization from
India, the only Tata Company and the only
hotel chain in the world to have won the
award for five consecutive years.

People management at IHCL is pivotal to

achieve the organisation’s Game Plan and
consistently deliver the quintessential
‘Taj Experience’. While business reasons for
people management are obvious, we at
Taj over the years have been successful in
integrating the business plans with
aspirations of the people to ensure that our
associates have satisfying and rewarding
careers. The testimony of our people
practices lies in the fact that majority of
the senior leadership is home-grown, some
even having over 3 decades of association
with the Company. myriad opportunities or
multitude of opportunities Taj ‘the
destination’ for aspirants in hospitality
Instilling the culture of Taj among
associates is critical for us to deliver Taj’s
unique guest experience. Our hiring
strategy has evolved to hire people who
demonstrate the right attitude and
aptitude to imbibe this culture. Diversity of
skills, talent and cultural background plays
a crucial role in our people strategy and is
promoted through people hiring and
development practices. We have developed
a structured on-boarding called 'TAP-ME'
which meets the specific requirements of
different associate groups. Taj also provides
unique training and lateral mobility
opportunities to associates through the
vast Taj and Tata group network.

We have more than IHCL - Associates (Gradewise)

27,000 associates
across the globe. 3661
16% Executive
During the year, we 7037
have an associate
turnover rate of 30%, Supervisors / Staff
well below industry 28%
average of 35%. FTC
(Trainees, Apprentices. etc.)
IHCL - Associates (Genderwise)



87% Female

IHCL - 'New Hires" leaving within 12 months


The decreasing trend of

'new hires' attrition 30.95

shows the effectiveness 27.48

of our employee
engagement processes.

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Key L&D platforms
• Classroom functional
and technical trainings
• On-the-job learning
• Department Trainers groomed
through Certified Taj Departmental
Trainers (CTDT) – 58% managers
• MiUniversity – e-learning
Platform that combines
technology with

We have defined a competency freamwork which includes skill dictionary and We have been recognised by coveted
competency manual for various function and levels. The learning and BML Munjal Award as the best
development efforts are focused to address the areas of improvements based on Service Organization in India for
analysis of voice of customers. The learning & development delivery Learning & Development processes
mechanisms are customised to meet the associate's needs & desires, learning & and culture for the year 2013-14. This
education and leadership development in line with business growth strategy. was in recognition of the benchmark
The effectiveness of the delivery mechanism mechanism is assessed through learning & development practices
training feedback forms, on-the-job assessments of acquired skills and followed by the organization.
competency, employee satisfaction survey, guest satisfaction measurement etc. We have enhanced our performance
This year, we delivered 2.35 million manhours of training, actualising 96% of our management system - PACE, to
training plans. leverage technology and integrate it
with the fundamentals of our
performance review mechanism. It
helps us seamlessly align goals to
organisational vision, game plan,
values and cascade down based on
overall objectives of the company.
The performance review is a two-way
dialogue process with mid-year and
year-end reviews for executives. The
rewards and bonus payouts for
executives are linked to their own
and organisational performance. 360
degree feedback system is an
important tool to provide managers
inputs on their leadership style and
effectiveness. It is extended to senior
and mid-level managers.
Taj Awards for Business Excellence
(TABE) recognises best performing
hotels and teams across categories.
S.T.A.R.S (Special Thanks And Recognition
System) is an award-winning employee
recognition scheme that recognises staff who
delight and dazzle our customers by
continuously performing acts of excellence.
Each employee accumulates points for their acts
of excellence which are recognised based on
guest compliments, colleague compliments and
impactful suggestions made by the employee.
Based on the points accumulated in a particular
financial year, the associate is inducted in to
various clubs – MD’s club, COO’s club and Unit
Club (Platinum level, Gold level, Silver level).
Year of the
Associates+ is a set of
initiatives aimed at
enhancing the quality of
employees’ lives - at work and
beyond. It comprises of initiatives
that are focused more on long-term
outcomes that directly impact our
associates like the education
of their children, becoming
computer literate, etc

Talent management and succession planning are vital Key talent management platforms:
components of our HR strategy. To facilitate growth and
break career stagnation, key operational positions are • SPEED+ (Special Program for Employee Education and
usually transferrable every two-three years. Development Plus) is a key initiative to facilitate career
management and progression of associates at staff and
Assessing employee satisfaction is crucial to better our contract level
people systems and be the employer of choice to attract,
• Emerging Leaders – Taj is an immersive program for
retain and groom the best talent. We conduct annual
identifying hi-potential associates and plan their career
Employee Satisfaction Surveys (ESS) to gauge and analyse
path to take up higher roles
the employee satisfaction trends. The latest ESS was also
extended to our contract staff to assess their satisfaction • The constant churn out of ‘first-time’ leaders through the
levels. Emerging from this analysis are also the areas for Emerging Leaders – Taj process reflects the effectiveness
us to innovate and improve to meet the expectations of of the process to identify high-potential associates
our associates. The recent survey conducted revealed that • There are talent appreciation programs (SOIL) for senior
82% associates believe that Taj provides opportunities to management for their continual commitment towards
learn and grow and 86% associates mentioned that they organisational success
have been adequately trained to perform their roles well. • Leadership Development Programs are continually
conducted for middle management to hone their
leadership skills and prepare them for higher roles


We accord highest importance towards safety and
security of our guests, associates, vendors,
communities and assets. Our endeavour is to create
our hotels as ‘safe havens’ for everyone associated
with it and extend our support towards ‘safe
neighbourhoods’. We have implemented well-defined
safety and security management systems across our
hotels. Standard safety and security specifications
have been incorporated into the design of offices,
hotels, products and services. These specifications are
also regularly reviewed to incorporate changes in the
regulatory requirements, industry trends, external
conditions, availability of newer and secure
technology, needs of our associates and guests.
Periodical reviews of safety management systems are
conducted through internal and external audits. In
our hotel kitchens and catering units, we strictly
adhere to ISO 22000 (food safety management
systems) standards to ensure highest levels of food
safety. At TajSATS additionally, stringent monitoring
mechanisms ensure highest food safety standards are
maintained through production, transportation and
up to consumption.
Creating safer destinations
At IHCL we believe in creating safer
destinations and therefore we go beyond just
ensuring safety at our hotel premises
Safety of our stakeholders is paramount to us.
We have taken special measures within the
hotel and extended services to promote safety
of single lady traveller. Defined procedures are
being rolled out to ensure that single lady
travellers. are attended with appropriate
safeguards, thereby instilling confidence
among women to travel single and

Forest fires can be
detrimental for wildlife
and biodiversity. Vivanta
by Taj Madikeri, Coorg
responded to one such
situation working in
partnership with the
local forest authorities.
The hotel's security
team's swift voluntary
Our security staff is well-trained action helped to avoid a
and equipped to handle crisis Security managers from disaster situation.
situations not only within the Taj Hotels attend fire
hotels but also outside the hotels fighting workshop at
in situations like road accidents, Vivanta by Taj, Holiday
fire emergencies etc. We are Village, Goa
proud of the enthusiasm
demonstrated by our security
associates to use their skills and
expertise beyond workplace for
community good. Our security
officer Mr. Srinath at Vivanta by
Taj, Yeshwantpur uses his skills
to volunteer as traffic warden
and teach school children on
traffic rules and management.
His ability to handle a crisis
situation has won him accolades
from Bangalore City Police
Commissioner and we are proud
of such people who inspire us.

Review of our safety management systems is an integral part

Safety Performance
of our continual improvement process. This year, we have
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 completed comprehensive external safety audits at 64 hotels
Near Miss Cases (NMC) 1,218 2,144 2,138 conducted by a firm of international repute. Internal safety
standards and regulatory requirements including National
Medical Treatment Cases (MTC) 2,753 1,333 1,727
Building Code Standards, relevant IS codes, Electricity Act,
Lost-Time Cases (LTC) 613 410 643 etc. were used as criteria for audits. Action plans are drawn
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate 9.87 9.45 12.82 by hotels to address the improvement areas with special
Fatalities 2 0 1 focus on Behavioural Based Safety (BBS).
Million Man-hours Worked 62.11 43.4 50.15


EARTH (Environment Awareness and
Renewal at Taj Hotels) is our
approach to do our bit for the
environment. We seek to reduce our
environmental footprint through
various initiatives within the hotels
and endeavour to nurture the
environment where we operate.
We strive to reduce the
environmental impact of our
operations by focussing on energy EarthCheck certification is a globally recognized
management, alternative sources of certification for environmental excellence in the
energy, water recycling and waste hospitality and tourism industry.
management, biodiversity
conservation and local produce and
sourcing. During the year, we have
9 Gold Certified Hotels
spent INR 195 million towards
various environmental management
Under the aegis of EARTH
(Environmental Awareness &
Renewal at Taj Hotels) vision, we
have been benchmarking and
certifying our properties through
EarthCheckTM, the world’s leading
environmental management,
benchmarking and certification
program for the travel and tourism
industry, since 2009. This
benchmarking provides us with a
quantitative and qualitative
evaluation of environmental and
social performance against peers in
the sector, region and climate zone
and also drives improvement
processes across hotels.
“The fact that Taj Group is using EarthCheck capabilities and backing their
benchmarking with a recognised third party is what gives this hotel group a point
of difference in its sustainability efforts. What is also commendable is that
the Taj Group has maintained this benchmarking for five years without
wavering while some other hotel groups have dipped in and out of the
sustainability space.”
– Stewart Moore, CEO of EarthCheck and EC3 Global.
Energy and climate change

We are dependent on multiple sources of energy for

running our operations like electricity in rooms and hotel
areas, fuel oil for boilers, natural gas in kitchens, diesel for
Since 2009, over 70 percent of Taj hotels generators and vehicles, petrol for company owned cars,
and Resorts have worked with chaff fuel in banquets, firewood and charcoal in tandoors,
EarthCheckTM to enhance their social and etc. Fuel and energy costs contribute to over 40% of the
environmental sustainability initiatives. operations expenditure and hence focusing on energy
management and optimization presents a prudent
business case. Further, we are also focussing on
In just five years, nine* taj properties saved harnessing alternative and renewable sources of energy in
enough resources to order to reduce our carbon footprint.
Our hotels across Luxury, Vivanta by Taj and Gateway have
reaffirmed their commitment to energy management by
Power 53,940 households integrating energy consumption as important aspect of
for 12 months the hotels’ annual business plan. We have adopted an
aggressive target of 5% reduction in energy cost with a
process to monitor the same on a monthly basis. Energy
audits are conducted across hotels in a phased manner to
Fill 338 Olympic-sized
evaluate energy hot spots and decide on subsequent
swimming pools
energy conservation initiatives that can be implemented
to improve efficiency.
Take 6,675 cars off the road
Energy consumption

Fill 186 shipping containers

36 skill training Over 7000 active

centres for less employee
privileged - volunteers
training over 2700 supporting CSR
1,247,019 1,203,624 l,271,353
youth year on year programmes

1370 artisansand
culture troupe

* Taj Lands End, Mumbai; Rambagh Palace, Jaipur; Taj West End,
Bangalore; Vivanta by Taj, President, Mumbai; Vivanta by Taj,
Direct Energy
Ambassador, New Delhi; Taj Exotica Resort & Spa, Maldives; Vivanta by
Taj, M G Road Bangalore; Taj Exotica, Goa; Taj Blue, Sydney Indirect Energy

Energy intensity Our total absolute energy Total GHG Emissions
consumption during the year has
0.361 0.363 248,919 228,727 264,002
0.375 increased by 7.52% due to the new
hotels which began operations this
year. However, we were successful in
GJ per room night sold

maintaining our energy intensity per

room night almost similar to last
year on account of our continual
0.347 0.348 focus on energy efficiency.

S.Energy S.Energy
73,476 81,434 93,601
Direct Indirect
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Tonnes of CO2
Renewable energy We continue to focus our efforts on
renewable energy use. This year, we
152,342.95 6.91%
have increased the percentage of
renewable energy to 6.91% of total
122,498.21 energy use. Use of renewable energy
5.24% has been integrated with energy
planning and budgets and hotels
across brands are continually
exploring ways and means by which

they can maximize this potential.

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

Direct energy - fuel wise 2013-14 We generate energy from

2% - 24,934.57 Petrol
direct sources such as Diesel,
Petrol, Liquefied Petroleum
41% - 528,997.30 Diesel
Gas, Piped Natural Gas, Fuel
Oil, Light Diesel Oil and
2% - 34061.83 Fuel oil
Charcoal while solar, biogas
1% - 9339.67 Light Diesel Oil and biomass are the main
sources for direct renewable
16% - 204907.21 Liquefied Petroleum energy. Indirect energy is
primarily sourced from
25% - 320717.60 Natural Gas electricity grids while Agro
power and Hydro power are
12% - 153079.15 Charcoal main sources of renewable
indirect energy.
1% - 10883.76 Chaff Fuel

Total GHG Emissions Intensity Focus on energy efficiency 59 Hotels using renewable
Energy efficiency has been one of the based energy
75.87 68.10 71.85
key focus areas at hotels to manage
All Ginger Hotels
their energy needs and minimize
environmental impact. Energy audits Gateway, Ahmedabad
are being conducted in phased Gateway, Airport Garden, Colombo
manner across hotels to identify Gateway, Chennai
opportunities for energy efficiency.
Gateway, Conoor
Many hotels have initiated projects
on change of lighting from CFL bulbs Gateway, Nasik
to LEDs while the new built hotels Gateway, Surat
have incorporated energy efficiency Gateway, Varanasi
21.30 23.49 24.77 at the design stage itself. Regular and
Gateway, Vijayawada
preventive maintenance of
kg CO2 per room night sold

high-energy consuming equipment Gateway, Visakhapatanam

helps us reduce energy load by Rambagh Palace, Jaipur
plugging in efficiency losses, Taj Banjara, Hyderabad
retrofitting old and obsolete
Taj Coromandel, Chennai
equipments and reducing
redundancy of additional Taj Clubhouse, Chennai
equipments. Initiatives are also taken Taj Deccan, Hyderabad
in the kitchen area to optimize Taj Lake Palace, Udaipur
energy and fuel consumption. Our
Taj Mahal, New Delhi
continual focus on energy efficiency
has helped us save 65,918 GJ energy Taj Palace, New Delhi
during the year and avoid 12,851 Taj Wellington Mews, Mumbai
Our GHG emissions intensity has tCO2 emissions Taj West End, Bengaluru
increased by 5.5% compared to last
year despite maintaining similar Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodhpur
energy intensity as last year. This Usha Kiran Palace, Gwalior
was primarily due to the change in Vivanta by Taj, Ambassador,
grid emission factor released by New Delhi
Central Electricity Authority which Vivanta by Taj, Begumpet, Hyderabad
has increased due to the higher
thermal based generation capacity Vivanta by Taj, Connemara, Chennai
addition in India. Vivanta by Taj, Fishermen’s Cove,
Vivanta by Taj, Hari Mahal, Jodhpur
Vivanta by Taj, Surya, Coimbatore
Vivanta by Taj, Trivandrum
Vivanta by Taj, Yeshwantpur,

Usha Kiran Palace is known for its grandeur and

has witnessed many changes over its
120-year-old history. The legacy continues but
what powers this palace today is not the
conventional energy but natural solar power
sourced through open access supply.

At Bandhavgarh, Taj Safaris and
&Beyond partnered with Madhya
Pradesh forest officials to relocate
50 Gaurs four years ago. This has
been a highly successful endeavour
in balancing forest eco-systems
with 41 new birth and
stabilized food chain.

and reusing it reuse. This year we

generated 9,289 tons of kitchen
waste and 2,977 tons of horticulture
waste. The concerted efforts taken by
our hotels have enabled us to
compost around 30% of this waste
through vermi-composting and
anaerobic / aerobic digestion to
generate bio-gas and manure, as
compared to 16% last year. Paper
waste of 1,442 tons is sold to scrap
paper vendors. To ensure safe
disposal, burnt oil and waste
lubricant oil of 151.89 KL was
disposed during the year through
authorised vendors. The other
Our hotels are increasingly looking contributors to our waste footprint
towards growing own vegetables and include bottles, containers, metal
herbs to manage costs and enhance scrap, electrical and electronic waste,
customer delight by serving them batteries and debris generated
freshest of vegetables and herbs. during hotel renovation. Depending
Many of our hotels have herb upon the category of waste, we use
gardens which serve the hotels with appropriate methods to ensure its
different vegetables and herbs. safe disposal. Electrical waste like
Organic waste like kitchen waste and fused bulbs, tubes, switches, kitchen
horticulture waste constitute appliances and electronic waste like
significant proportion of waste computer parts and television parts
generated across our hotels. We are disposed in an environmentally
strive to maximise the potential of safe manner through authorised
composting this waste by recycling e-waste recyclers.

Water management
Water is a critical resource for our
operations. We strive to judiciously utilise
water while maximising water harvesting,
recycling and reuse. Rivers, lakes, sea,
tankers, municipality supply, harvested
rain water and ground water serve as
primary source of water withdrawal for
our hotels. Rainwater harvesting systems
are in place at many of our hotels to
reduce the fresh water intake.
Water bottling plant at Taj Exotica, Maldives

Water consumption (in kilo liters) 2013-14

2% - 128027 River/Lake Water 46% - 3238935 Municipality Supply

32% - 2235332 Borewells/ 1% - 85196 Harvested rainwater

Ground Water
1% - 90830 Desalinated Water
18% - 12770002 Tankers
0% - 12557 Bottled Water

Ground water, tanker and municipality supply together meets

about 96 percent of our total water requirement.

IHCL Water Consumption IHCL Water Intensity

6.833,083 6.646,862 7,067,886

KL per room night sold


2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

This year we recycled / reused 2.18 million kiloliters of We continue to focus our efforts on water management. This
water which is equivalent to 33% of our total water year, we were able to reduce of water intensity per room
consumption. We have discharged 2.12 million night sold by 4.2% despite adding new hotels by focusing on
kiloliters of treated water outside the hotels’ water recycling and reuse. 35 of our hotels have rainwater
premises, 11.6% less compared to last year. harvesting systems while the number of hotels with
zero-discharge outside hotel has risen to 40 from 38.

41 Zero water discharge hotels 35 hotels with rain water harvesting

Gateway, Airport Garden, Colombo Gateway, Chennai

Gateway, Agra Gateway, Chikmanglur
Gateway, Chikmagalur Gateway, Ernakulam
Gateway, Hubli Gateway, Coonoor
Gateway, Jaisalmer Gateway, Khajuraho
Gateway, Jodhpur Gateway, Madurai
Gateway, Khajuraho Gateway, Mangalore
Gateway, Madurai Gateway, Nashik
Gateway, Nashik Gateway, Vadodara
Gateway, Vadodara Gateway, Varanasi
Gateway, Varanasi Gateway, Varkala
Gateway, Varkala Rambagh Palace, Jaipur
Rambagh Palace, Jaipur St. James Court, London
Taj Bengal, Kolkata Taj Banjara, Hyderabad
Taj Falaknuma Palace, Hyderabad Taj Bengal, Kolkata
Taj Lake Palace, Udaipur Taj Coromandel, Chennai
Taj Lands End, Mumbai Taj Deccan, Hyderabad
Taj Palace, Delhi Taj Exotica, Maldives
Taj Wellington Mews, Mumbai Taj Lands End, Mumbai
Taj West End, Bangalore Taj Mahal, Delhi
Umaid Bhawan Palace Taj Palace, Delhi
Vivanta by Taj, Usha Kiran Palace, Gwalior Taj Wellington Mews, Mumbai
Vivanta by Taj, Aurangabad Taj West End, Bengaluru
Vivanta by Taj, Bentota, Sri Lanka Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodhpur
Vivanta by Taj, Begumpet, Hyderabad Usha Kiran Palace, Gwalior
Vivanta by Taj, Bekal, Kerala Vivanta by Taj, Ambassador, New Delhi
Vivanta by Taj, Coral Reef, Maldives Vivanta by Taj, Connemara, Chennai
Vivanta by Taj, Dal View, Srinagar Vivanta by Taj, Fisherman’s Cove, Chennai
Vivanta by Taj, Exotica, Goa Vivanta by Taj, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
Vivanta by Taj, Fisherman’s Cove, Chennai Vivanta by Taj, Hari Mahal, Jodhpur
Vivanta by Taj, Fort Aguada, Goa Vivanta by Taj, Malabar, Cochin
Vivanta by Taj, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow Vivanta by Taj, Sawai Madhopur Lodge
Vivanta by Taj, Hari Mahal, Jodhpur Vivanta by Taj, Surya, Coimbatore
Vivanta by Taj, Holiday Village, Goa Vivanta by Taj, Trivandrum
Vivanta by Taj, Kovalam Vivanta by Taj, Yeshwantpur
Vivanta by Taj, Kumarakom, Kerala
Vivanta by Taj, Malabar, Cochin
Vivanta by Taj, Madakeri, Coorg
Vivanta by Taj, Sawai Madhopur lodge
Vivanta by Taj, Surya, Coimbatore
Vivanta by Taj, Trivandrum


We believe that hospitality industry, as a part of We proactively reach out to our
target communities under our CSR
travel and tourism industry, plays a vital role in theme of ‘Building Sustainable
Livelihoods’ through a strategic and
enhancing the economic activity of a destination, focused approach. Our key CSR
bringing some of the lesser known destinations on programmes are as follows:
the global tourism map and an thereby improving 1. Facilitate skill development for
less-privileged youth:
the standard of living among local communities. • Partnering with Government ITIs,
Taj passionately upholds the tradition of ‘Giving reputed Voluntary Organizations
and other like-minded
Back to communities,’ laid down by our founder organizations to bridge the gap
Mr. Jamsetji Tata. Over the decades, we have between organized job market
and rural/less-educated/
played a decisive role in not only contributing to less-exposed youth seeking
long-term livelihood options
development of Indian tourism but, also making a
• Enable candidates from
positive societal impact positive societal impact marginalized sections like
differently-abled, Scheduled
through our community development agenda. Castes and Scheduled Tribes to
gain access to training and
employment opportunities in
hospitality industry
2. Promote indigenous arts, crafts,
culture and social enterprise:
• Facilitate awareness, visibility and
venue for exhibition and sale of
artifacts, performances of local
artisans/craftsmen and culture
troupes with an aim of reviving
traditional arts
• Encourage purchases of artifacts,
gift-items, other products for
business-use from indigenous
artisans and craftsmen
• Support income generation
projects run by small scale
entrepreneurs, Self Help Groups,
NGOs, social enterprises
Based on business core-
competencies, Taj partners with
like-minded Governmental and
Non-Governmental Organizations in
‘identified locations’ to train and
certify school dropouts and those
from marginalized backgrounds in
areas ranging from cookery. Trades
ranging from cookery, bakery,

house-keeping to food and beverage
services and allied soft skills like
spoken English, personality
development, grooming and
on-the-job exposure are offered as a
part of these 3-6 months courses
aimed at immediately employability.
As per the Tata commitment to
Affirmative Action, Taj consciously
chooses to reach out to locations
with high density of SC/ST
Taj hotels led the hotel industry’s
participation in the now national skill
training scheme ‘Hunar se Rozgar
Tak’ for trades in hotel operations by
piloting the process at our New Delhi
Hotels. All our hotels, where the
scheme is relevant, duly complete
training stipulated & even beyond
stipulated less privileged candidates
through our own voluntary sector
The Tata values and wisdom in Giving
Back to the society have long since
shaped the Taj ethos of employee
volunteering and involvement in
community service. This year your
company recorded 7,153 active
volunteers, having spent 1,49,308 hrs
of their volunteering time towards
the causes we support.
We believe the human touch that In our endeavour to offer livelihood support to indigenous
evolves in the person transcends artisans, we have rendered support to the Toda community -
across the organization, making Taj
an organization with a culture of
a small pastoral tribe who live on the isolated Nilgiri plateau
warmth and personal touch! The (Ooty) of Southern India. The community is well known for its
employee benefits from volunteering embroidered garments. This fine intricate work is usually
range from personal development to made by the women who use red and black threads on a
leadership skills to ability to
influence and motivate others
white background. In an effort to support and keep alive the
towards a common goal! We have rich culture of this tribe, we have provided a space in our
renewed our commitment to hotels so that they can sell their products. By offering them
promoting the ‘spirit of volunteering’ opportunities to sell their wares, the Toda tribe have been
through our campaign for ‘Give Back’
and are keen to open up
able to flourish and improve their economic status as they
opportunities for volunteering to our are able to reach out to a large number of clients and guests,
guests as well in years to come. including foreigners who are impressed by the uniqueness
and distinct nature of their products.

Impact of our ‘Key’ Programmes in The Taj group has always considered
013-14: itself a custodian of Indian tradition
Since the commencement of our ‘CSR and strived to provide sustainable
Hospitality Skill Training Programs’ in livelihood opportunities for artisans
2009, 97% of over 12,000 and weavers to promote this
underprivileged candidates trained quintessential heritage and
across our 36 skill training centers in craftsmanship. We provide our brand
partnership with NGOs and ITIs have platform to showcase indigenous art,
secured productive jobs across crafts and culture to the world, while
different hotels and restaurant encouraging the artisans who keep
groups within the country. Our CSR
these traditions alive. Under our
projects have helped not only us, but
Corporate CSR mandate of “Building
the larger hospitality industry
Sustainable Livelihoods”, we work
employ sincere, hard working,
towards facilitating awareness and
talented and skilled candidates, who
revival of indigenous arts, enhance
are trained through Taj supported
visibility amongst discerning markets
skill training centers. This year, in
and buyers by providing a platform
particular, we trained and certified
for exhibition and sale of artifacts as
5,101 youth.
well as performances by local
Based on the theme of focusing on artisans/craftsmen and culture
economic development for troupes. Some of the arts and
marginalized communities around cultures we support are stone
our properties and building their carving, bidri work, lacquered wood
livelihoods; our hotels partner with toy making, bagru printing, wood
small scale entrepreneurs, women’s carving, chikan work, pottery,
Self Help Groups and NGOs’ income filigree, sandalwood carving, ikkat,
generation projects to source select brocade and jade saree weaving,
goods and services (like supplies of glass blowing, kathputli shows,
fresh fish, vegetables, laundry bags, Rajasthani cultural performances,
honey, candles, gift items for guests, Baiga and Gond tribal dances, other
table napkins, dusters, dry snacks, region-specific cultural shows and so
pickles and allied services like on. We encourage purchase of
‘roti-making’ and peeling onions and 'quality' gift- items, products for
garlic, etc. required for hotel business-use from artisans,
operations). This year responsible small-scale entrepreneurs and NGOs.
purchases of this nature worth over Over 1,370 artisans and culture
INR 21.5 million were undertaken troupe members are supported
from such alternative vendors and through initiatives across the group.
Self Help Groups.
Qawali performance at our Taj
Falaknuma Palace is an enthralling
experience for our guests who witness
one of the old Indian musical traditions.
We have uniquely intertwined our
community development agenda to
provide this customer delight experience
by supporting artisans from Rajasthan
to perform in-house. The troupe, which
has artists from marginalised sections of
society, was a three member team when
they first started at Taj Falaknuma
Palace and now has expanded to seven
member team. The troupe leader also
trained 25 members back in Rajasthan
who now perform in Delhi, Rajasthan
and Mumbai.

The Taj Group (including non-IHCL properties) supported CSR programmes

by investing over INR 52.9 million in CSR projects across locations, over and
above extending core competencies through knowledge support,
volunteering and personal involvement of our leaders in shaping public
policy and Governance in areas relevant to trade, commerce and tourism.

Over 40 less underprivileged youth from

cloud burst disaster affected remote
areas in Uttarakhand have been trained
and certified in hospitality skills through
the Taj skill certification centre in Jaipur.
All of them have been helped with job
placements across hotel industry –
including many of our Taj hotels!

Independent Assurance Statement

To the Management of The Indian • Verify the Company’s financial Work undertaken
Hotels Company Limited, Mandlik performance indicators
House, Mandlik Road, Colaba, Our procedures include assessment
• Verify the Company’s statements of the risks of material
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 001
that describe expression of misstatements of selected
KPMG was engaged by The Indian opinion, belief, aspiration, performance indicators and
Hotels Company Limited (‘IHCL’, ‘the expectation, aim or future disclosures and underlying internal
Company’) to provide assurance on intention provided by the controls relevant to the information
IHCL’s 2013-14 Corporate Company published in the Report. Our
Sustainability Report (‘the Report’),
For the locations that were not procedures were designed to gather
in line with the “Limited Assurance”
visited, we confirmed that the data sufficient and appropriate evidence
requirements of ISAE 3000 (Revised),
provided by the hotels was correctly to determine that the selected
Assurance Engagements Other Than
reported and aggregated at performance information is not
Audits or Reviews of Historical
corporate office, but did not verify materially misstated. We have
Financial Information by
the underlying reliability of this data undertaken:
International Federation of
on site.
Accountants’ (IFAC) International • An evaluation of the existence and
Standard for Assurance Engagements Standards and reporting criteria operation of the systems and
methods used to collect and
Assurance scope We conducted our work in collate the selected performance
accordance with ISAE 3000. We data presented in the Report. We
The scope of assurance covers data also tested the reliability of
conducted our engagement in
and information on economic underlying data and information
compliance with the requirements of
(excluding financial), environmental for the selected performance
the IFAC Code of Ethics for
and social indicators presented by parameters within the scope of
Professional Accountants, which
IHCL in the Report for the financial our assurance;
requires, among other requirements,
year 2013-14, in line with the
that the members of the assurance • Conducting assurance visits to
requirements of GRI – G3.1 guidelines
team (practitioners) as well as the domestic hotels and audio
on sustainability reporting.
assurance firm (assurance provider) conferences with international
Specific limitations and exclusions be independent of the assurance hotels as below:
Our assurance process was subject to client, including not being involved
in writing the Report. The Code also Site Visits
the following limitations as we have
includes detailed requirements for
not been engaged to:
practitioners regarding integrity, › Delhi – Taj Mansingh, Vivanta by
• Determine which, if any, objectivity, professional competence Taj Ambassador, Vivanta by Taj
recommendations should be and due care, confidentiality and Gurgaon, Ginger East Delhi
implemented professional behaviour. KPMG has › Bengaluru – Gateway Hotel, Taj
• Act on behalf of management in systems and processes in place to SATS
reporting to Board of Directors, or monitor compliance with the Code
and to prevent conflicts regarding › Pune - Vivanta by Taj Blue
Audit Committee
independence. Diamond Pune, Ginger
• Develop/ prepare of source
› Nashik - Gateway Hotel, Ginger

› Varanasi - Gateway Hotel draw readers’ attention to the defining commitments with respect
› Mumbai - Taj Wellington Mews, following: to sustainability performance, and
Taj SATS for establishing and maintaining
• The Report presents six critical
appropriate performance
sustainability issues of material
Audio Conference significance to the company and management and internal control
its stakeholders systems from which reported
› South Africa - Taj Cape Town information is derived.
• The company has increased its use
› Sri Lanka – Vivanta by Taj Bentota, Our responsibility is to express our
of renewable energy and has
Vivanta by Taj Samudra, Gateway made progress in the area of water conclusions in relation to the above
scope. We conducted our
› Bengaluru –Taj West End, Vivanta management
engagement with a multidisciplinary
by Taj Yashwantpur • The company is in the process of team including specialists in ISAE
› Jodhpur – Umaid Bhawan Jodhpur establishing company-wide targets 3000, stakeholder engagement,
on key sustainability performance auditing environmental, social and
› Madhya Pradesh– Vivanta by Taj
indicators and present progress in financial information and with
Usha Kiran Palace, Gateway hotel
the future reports. experience in similar engagements in
› Kolkata – Gateway hotel the hospitality sector.
There is an opportunity to further
• Checking the Reports’ content to strengthen IHCL’s sustainability data This report is made solely to IHCL in
ensure consistency with the GRI management systems including accordance with the terms of our
application level requirements of adherence to compliance engagement. Our work has been
A+; requirements at hotel-level in order undertaken so that we might state to
• A review of the Report draft to to enhance consistency and IHCL those matters we have been
ensure there are no disclosures reliability of data and information. engaged to state in this report and
that are misrepresented or • The company can further conduct for no other purpose. To the fullest
inconsistent with our findings. specific training and awareness extent permitted by law, we do not
sessions on sustainability at the accept or assume responsibility to
Conclusion hotel-level for a better anyone other than IHCL for our work,
understanding of the reporting for this report, or for the conclusions
Based on our review, nothing has requirements. we have reached.
come to our attention that causes us
to believe that the data and • Based on our review the Report
information in the Report for the meets the A+ application level
reporting period, in all material criteria of GRI G3.1 guidelines.
aspects, is not fairly represented in
accordance with the reporting Responsibilities Santhosh Jayaram
criteria Technical Director
The management of IHCL is
Key observations responsible for preparing the Report Climate Change and
and the information and statements Sustainability Services
Without affecting the conclusion within it. IHCL’s management is also
responsible for identification of KPMG India
presented above, we would like to
stakeholders and material issues, for 14th August 2014

GRI /UNGC/ NVG-SEE Content Index
Section Name GRI Indicators Additional Information UNGC Principles NVG-SEE Principles
Destinations 3.1,3.3,3.5,3.8,4.1
Building an 1.1
Company Profile 2.1-2.3,2.5,2.7,3.6
Matter that 4.1-4.7,4.9,4.10,4. Principle 1,2 – Principle 1 –
matter 13,DMA HR,DMA Human Rights Ethics,
SO,LA13,HR3,SO2, Principle Transparency and
SO3,SO4 10-Anti-Corruption Accountability
Listen, feel, act 1.2,3.5,4.4,4.14-4. Principle 4 –
17 Stakeholder
Principle 7 – Policy
Optimizing DMA EC,EC1,EC9
2.10,DMA Principle 9 –
PR,PR5,PR8 Customer value
<<Developing DMA EC,DMA Principle 3,4,5,6 - Principle 3 –
human capital>> LA,DMA Labour Employee
HR,EC7,LA1,LA2,L well-being
Safe havens DMA
Nurturing the 4.11,DMA Principle 7,8,9 - Principle 2 –
environs EN,EC2,EN1-EN30 Environment Product lifecycle
Principle 6 -
Enabling DMA Principle 8 –
partnerships, SO,EC6,EC8,EC9,LA Inclusive growth
inclusive growth 11,SO1, and equitable
Assurance 3.13
GRI / UNGC / 3.12
NVG-SEE Content

Our Annual Report 2013-14 is accessible at
Our Corporate Sustainability Report 2012-13 is accessible at
Our Corporate Sustainability Report 2011-12 is accessible at

Registered Office:
The Indian Hotels Company Limited,
Mandlik House, Mandlik Road, Colaba, Mumbai - 400 001.
Tel.: 91 22 6639 5515, Fax.: 91 22 2283 4922


For any feedback/queries, please contact:

Mr. Vasant Ayyappan
Director - Corporate Sustainability
Tel.: +91 22 6665 1000
Email: vasant.ayyappan@tajhotels.com

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