1 Introducing This Report
3 Messages From Senior Leaders
From Executive Chairman
From CEO
6 Snapshot Of 2014
8 Langham Hospitality Group
About Us
Our Vision And Values
11 Feature: Engaging Our Stakeholders
Stakeholders And Us
Future Steps
19 Caring For Our Guests
Voice-of-the-Customer for Meetings & Events
Next Era Of Guest Satisfaction Survey
Results of Surveys Measuring Customer Satisfaction
22 Supporting The Community
Local Community
29 Caring For Our Colleagues
Healthy And Safe Working Environment
Fair Working Environment
Happy Working Environment
Learning And Career Development
34 Governance And Accountability
Internal Control
Corporate Ethics
36 Protecting The Environment
Managing Our Environmental Impacts
Reducing Our Environmental Footprint
Enhancing Environmental Awareness
45 Appendices
Appendix 1 – Materiality
Appendix 2 – List Of GRI Standard Disclosures
Introducing this Report 02
Their efforts have been made possible with a transparent As always, we understand that there is still room for
articulation of our goals, and the alignment of our standards improvement and that more work needs to be done to
with those from internationally-recognised organisations such further involve our stakeholders, colleagues and partners to
as EarthCheck and Leadership in Energy and Environment meet our social and environmental requirements. To that end,
Design (LEED) that reflect the company’s aim to achieve more we will continue to balance our commercial responsibilities
sustainable operations in the longer term. In particular, we with our environmental governance, and I would like to
have seen a welcome increase in Gold and Silver certification personally thank all who have contributed to our successful
in EarthCheck for our hotels in Auckland, Boston, Hong CONNECT journey in the past year.
Kong, London, Los Angeles, Melbourne, and Shanghai.
Dr. K S Lo
Executive Chairman
Messages from Senior Leaders 05
From CEO
In this year’s Sustainability Report, we focus on the main
theme of collaboration to highlight our key stakeholders –
colleagues, suppliers, and community – that support our CSR
goals. It is through this collective sharing of ideas and efforts
that it was made possible last year for Langham Hospitality
Group to reduce energy and water intensity by 12% and 9%
respectively, and 9,500 hours devoted to community service
by our colleagues.
As we continue to expand the number of hotels and brands The constant input and feedback from our colleagues
in the group, it is more important than ever to demonstrate and stakeholders have been invaluable in formulating and
high standards of ethical behaviour and pursue excellence enhancing our sustainability efforts, and we thank everyone
in environmental responsibility. While we have made good for their part in supporting our goals. Moving ahead, we are
progress in raising awareness of our CONNECT programmes stepping up our long-term commitment and vision which
in the past year, especially for Earth Hour and Langham will guide us on this journey to achieve a responsible and
Volunteer Week, we need to maintain our progress and sustainable corporate citizenship.
achievements on the longer-term basis.
Robert Warman
Chief Executive Officer
OF 2014
Snapshot of 2014 07
Snapshot of 2014
CONNECT in 2014
CONNECT is our corporate social responsibility programme the neighbourhoods where we operate. We have identified
and implies that we want our colleagues to realise the four priorities: Governance, Environment, Community and
connection between our initiatives and the environment Colleagues, which form the framework to address the most
and society, so that we can all collectively act responsibly relevant corporate responsibility issues to our business.
every day and contribute to the sustainable development of
350 L 9% reduction
Consumed 350 L water per Guest Night in Water Intensity
(386 L per Guest Night in 2013)
About Us
Langham Hospitality Group encompasses a family of
distinctive hotels under the Langham Hotels and Resorts,
Cordis and Eaton brands with more than 30 projects currently
either confirmed or in the development stage of negotiations
in Asia, Europe, North America and the Middle East. Langham
Hospitality Group is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Great Eagle
Holdings (Stock Code: 0041) which was founded in 1963 and Our Vision and Values
listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1972. Great Eagle
Our first vision statement, introduced in 2008, was strongly
Holdings is also selected as a constituent member of the
hospitality related as “Know our Guest, Build Great
Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index for four
Memories”. We work tirelessly to be the definition of
consecutive years.
hospitality by knowing our guests better than our competitors
and building greatest hotel memories. The whole organisation
is focused on learning about our guests and their needs, and
utilising this knowledge to build lasting and unforgettable
memories for them such that we are recognised to be the
new definition of hospitality.
Experience classic grandeur and utter serenity at The Chelsea Hotel, Toronto
Langham. Be inspired by understated contemporary elegance
at Langham Place. Two different styles, but one commitment ASIA:
to delivering guests with unmatched levels of luxury and China
pampering at every one of our hotels across the globe. The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi
The Langham, Shenzhen
Hong Kong
The Langham, Hong Kong
Eaton Smart, New Delhi Airport Transit Hotel
Corporate Office
Hong Kong
Stakeholders are around us at every moment. We define our stakeholders as
people who can affect our business or who are affected by us. They can be guests
staying in our hotels, bell colleagues carrying luggage upon guest arrivals, or
suppliers delivering fresh produce to our kitchens every day. There is no doubt that
engaging with stakeholders is a factor in the success of our business. Effectively
engaging stakeholders will become the direction of our Corporate Commitments
to be reinstated in 2015.
Feature: Engaging Our Stakeholders 13
Inform Understanding
Why do we engage?
Stakeholders are people who can affect our business or who are affected by
us, so we need to understand these interactions. By communicating with our
stakeholders, we have the opportunity to understand their views and explain our
perspectives. More importantly, our sustainability strategy shall be driven by striking
a balance among the concerns of our key stakeholders. Creating shared value for
our stakeholders will be the driving force in running our business innovatively and
st le ag
G ue ue
Email Newsletter
Survey Survey
Suppl iers
code of
releases conduct
LHG Meeting
Media trip & visits
Social Media
Volunteering Meeting
Sustainability issues such as energy and water savings, waste recycling, healthy
lifestyles, and colleagues’ health and safety were raised occasionally through these
engagement channels. We will infuse important sustainability issues into current
channels ensuring they are prioritised and broadening their scope in how we
address matters that are of important concern to our stakeholders. In 2014, the
Group took on a few initiatives to advance the engagement approach to certain
stakeholders with more details shared below.
Stakeholders and Us
Stakeholder Group 1: Guests
Guests are the centre of our business. Our hotel news and marketing promotions
INFORM guests through direct and indirect communication channels, from
traditional (e.g. face-to-face meeting, press releases) to modern methods (e.g.
social media, electronic direct marketing). When guests are staying with us, they
are captivated through the five senses and best service of our colleagues. The
experience of Guests’ staying with us and using our products and services are
our top concern. We COMMUNICATE with our guests by listening to them and
collecting their feedback on our service quality through various voice-of-the-
customer platforms (e.g. online surveys, comment cards). Their comments are
followed up on by our colleagues.
It is in our nature to fully ENGAGE with our guests. The next step is to integrate
green and CSR messages into these channels and communicate them to our
guests. We ENGAGE our guests by offering sustainable lifestyle opportunities
through our group-wide “Guests of the Earth” and CONNECT Conference
initiatives. Local green and social programmes in hotels such as Earth Hour and
Green Monday are normally shared through press releases and social media to our
guests. Guest comments on these initiatives or their preferences for a sustainable
lifestyle have not been gathered proactively. This is one of the areas that we should
be working on improving in the future.
Feature: Engaging Our Stakeholders 15
Our catering and banqueting teams worked closely with the wedding and
banqueting guests, where we helped guests to collect, store and donate
all surplus food from their event, to share with those in need through local
food donation partners. In addition to the seamless logistics that ensure
the quality of donated food, banqueting guests are well-informed about
the programme before the leftover food is removed from the tables. Their
positive feedback was received directly by our banqueting colleagues.
By offering green banqueting options, we can help to create not only a
memorable event, but also promote a sustainable lifestyle for our guests.
For guests who take part in the Green LUCK programme, the hotel will
help them collect, store and donate all surplus food from their event
The next step is to ENGAGE them. The media was selected as one of the
stakeholder groups with whom we will take proactive action by involving them
in refining our CONNECT strategy and planning. This stakeholder engagement
exercise will be rolled out in 2015 to all hotels and corporate office as we believe
that corporate social responsibility issues are local as well as international and we
should ENGAGE and learn from different perspectives. We will share the details
about this exercise in the 2015 report.
Feature: Engaging Our Stakeholders 16
Future Steps
The purpose of stakeholder engagement is incorporating What we did in 2014?
stakeholders’ views into the company’s sustainability strategy,
in other words staying in business through managing • Defined stakeholder engagement model of Langham
risks and identifying opportunities. We have built strong Hospitality Group.
relationships with key stakeholders in the last decade, and
• Integrated corporate social responsibility questions in
the relationship should be further extended to areas of
annual My Colleague Survey.
sustainability. We may not be the pioneer but we do want to
do it right in the first place. Therefore, we will take a step-by-
step approach.
Group Objectives in 2015
• Introduce stakeholder engagement model at Senior Leaders
We make every effort to proactively listen to our guests through a wide range
of communication channels such as direct contact points, online surveys, social
media and feedback cards, among others. This valuable information allow us to
understand the expectations of various guest segments including hotel guests,
meeting planners, social event participants, restaurant patrons and spa guests.
We always seek ways to improve the survey experience for our guests. In 2014,
we analysed previous guest data to prepare ourselves for a survey revamp in 2015.
The objective was to provide a more guest-friendly interface by delivering a shorter
yet more precise survey to our guests. We strongly believe that a shorter survey
encourages our guests to give us valuable feedback; and also allows us to focus
on the most impactful touch points for our guests.
Guest loyalty is measured by the NPS which is a leading metric widely adopted by
companies. It is critical for our company’s long-term success because loyalty has
a positive impact on our business. Hence, we introduced the NPS in our survey in
late 2014 to start collecting data and feedback to gear our focus on increasing the
number of “promoters”, i.e. those guests that love us and will recommend us to
their friends and anyone else who will listen.
Defect elimination is one of the key factors to increase guest loyalty. Therefore,
we proactively promote a culture of zero defects, service prevention and recovery
internally. To evaluate its effectiveness, DFI is measured by our guests’ opinions
during their stay with us through the online Guest Satisfaction Survey. In 2015,
we will launch the modified survey for our guests and continue to use the NPS
and DFI to track our guests’ loyalty, so that these measures will become the key
performance indicators for all hotels in 2016. We will also further explore an
integrated solution with other voice-of-customer channels covering multiple survey
types, including social media. We believe this can be a more powerful platform
that could further strengthen our capabilities in analysis and recommendation.
Caring for Our Guests 21
Social media and other web-based platforms are another important means of
communication with our guests in the past few years. Figure 2 indicates a positive
trend in our guest satisfaction results on social review sites.
Figure 1 Figure 2
Online Guest Satisfaction Survey results (2011-2014) Social media review results (2011-2014)
85 84.8
84.5 84.2 95
84 83.7 94.5 94.30
83.5 94
83 93.5
82.5 93
82 92.5
81.5 92
2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014
I have a great memory of this hotel Social Media Customer Review Score
We are committed to
making positive and lasting
impacts on the communities
in which we work and live.
Supporting the Community 23
We are not strangers in the communities in which we operate. In the past two
years, we issued a Community Engagement Policy with guidelines to guide
our hotels on how to contribute to local communities through multiple means
including donations and visits, free or in-kind sponsorships, and employee
volunteering. In 2014, our colleagues contributed 9,567 hours of community
service and our hotels sponsored non-profit organisations worth approximately
The spirit of serving the community by our colleagues has been cultivated in every
The Langham Hong Kong
hotel. We will review our current community service strategy to make them more partnered Redress on The EcoChic
meaningful and sustainably sound in the coming year. We shall also strive to build a Design Award
stronger relationship with the community and achieve our commitment to making
positive and lasting impacts on the communities in which we work and live.
We believe in building strategic partnerships for community investment that yield
enduring advantages to both our partners and to us. Since the launch of the
CONNECT programme in 2011, we have been identifying the right partners and
projects that our hotels would support. This approach was unsuccessful since
colleagues at our hotels were passionate about different social issues. We believe
that our community partnerships ought to be supported by both the company
and our colleagues. For this reason, we have moved on over the last two years to
look for charity partners by region with one main intention – that our colleagues
have the opportunity to be involved and witness the positive impacts on their
local community through this ongoing partnership.
Hong Kong
At Housekeeping Station, children
Our Eaton, Langham Place, The Langham hotels as well as our Group’s Corporate learnt and practiced skills of tidying
Office in Hong Kong have been partnering with HOPE worldwide Hong Kong up beds and folding shirts.
since 2013. HOPE worldwide is an international charity organisation with a local
presence that operates a community centre serving children from underprivileged
families. In 2014, we jointly organised “The Six Pillars of Character Workshop:
Happy Summer in Hotel”. Fifty children from local low-income families were
invited to enjoy a buffet lunch and engage in six learning stations in the hotels.
The learning stations were designed and managed by our colleagues based on the
Six Pillars of Character – trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, citizenship,
and fairness.
Supporting the Community 24
We all have “Art” in us. Since we defined art as one of our
focus areas in our community activities for the last two years,
we wanted the artistic talents of our colleagues to bring
positive changes to the neighbourhoods in which we operate.
For example, we took part in a community activity where we
created mosaic artworks on park benches in Vauxhall Park,
London to encourage people from the neighbourhood to
make use of the outdoor space.
We support children from different backgrounds through
volunteer services and sponsorship because we believe that
our work can have positive impacts. Since 2013, our hotel in
Shenzhen has initiated the “Compose Music Dream” project
to sponsor musically talented children from underprivileged
families, fulfilling their dreams. To further support this
ongoing project, we held several fundraising events and grew
this meaningful project to include our guests and the local
community. At the charity auction event, we enjoyed the
marvellous piano performances by talented children involved
in this project. We anticipate witnessing their musical talents
fully developing through our programme.
Taking care of migrant children is a common social issue in Compose Music Dream Charity Auction in Shenzhen
major cities in China. These are a group of children typically
less privileged than their peers. Our colleagues in China often
support them by engaging them in workshops, visits, donations
and parties. We also supported Sun Village which is a non-
governmental organisation in Beijing and hosted a “family”
for children of prisoners. Our volunteers helped out at the Sun
Village farm which was an income source for the children’s tuition
and other expenses.
Fundraising activity for Make A Wish Setting up new reading room at a migrant
Foundation in Sydney children school in Beijing
Supporting the Community 27
Local Community
We opened our arms by helping other needy people in our
communities. Apart from charity runs and serving meals
for the homeless, we built lasting memories for the elderly.
Working together with Contact the Elderly, The Langham,
London hosted an Afternoon Tea with local senior citizens
who lived alone with little or no support from friends,
family or statutory services providing a time for sharing and
camaraderie. In another example of pure joy, our hotel in
Hong Kong with its partners helped thirteen married couples
aged between 64 and 87 years walk down the aisle in
wedding gowns witnessed by celebrants, their friends and
families. This meaningful event also aimed to highlight the
dramatic growth of the divorce rate in Hong Kong and to
raise awareness of today’s generation to rethink the meaning
of marriage.
• Identify long-term community partnership opportunities for China and the Pacific regions.
We are committed to
providing a healthy, safe,
fair, and happy working
environment for our
Caring for Our Colleagues 30
In addition to the Group Policy, the Workplace Health and Safety Week,
which is our global awareness programme, was organised for a second
year. A week in the fourth quarter was designated to increase colleagues’
awareness and promote the importance of workplace health and safety
in the hotels. In addition to the internal awareness campaign, another
objective was to introduce the risk assessment concept to colleagues.
We advocated our colleagues not only to practice the safety preventive
measures, but to also understand the purpose and importance of these
This year, there were 88% of all eligible colleagues who completed the survey
from 21 properties. The Colleague Satisfaction index has shown a gradual increase 3
in the past five years, and it has increased by 14.6% from 3.77 out of 5 in 2005
when we first started this survey to 4.32 in 2014. 2
The analysis of the survey showed that our colleagues have a strong and real sense
of achievement working in our Company. Opportunities for improvement and 1
corresponding action plans were reviewed and implemented in hotels to ensure
continual improvement in the engagement of our colleagues. To reach the next 0
level in engaging our colleagues, the survey approach will be reviewed for 2015. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
In last year’s report, we shared the results of our key performance indicators
related to learning and development for the first time. Both indicators, which
are the number of training hours per employee and the percentage of eligible
employees who received an annual performance review in 2014, increased when
compared to 2013. Moreover, positive feedback in the learning and development
SE TTE area has been received from colleagues. In the 2014 Colleague Satisfaction Survey,
RV R 82% of colleagues rated their opportunities to advance their skills and knowledge
E for career development as good or very good.
• Pilot tested the re-launch of Langham Curriculum Certification and Customer Service Training Series.
We are committed to
operate our business with
integrity and in accordance
with the highest ethical
Governance and Accountability 35
We are committed to
becoming a role model
amongst hospitality
operators for environmental
impact, awareness and
Protecting the Environment 37
Group Hotel
Environmental Environmental
Policy Policy
Hotel Key
Environmental Performance
Goals Indicators (KPIs)
Group Guidelines
(e.g. Responsible Purchasing,
Sustainable Design)
Group Environmental Standard Operating
Standard Operating Procedures
Group Global Procedures Hotel
CONNECT Environmental
Champions Direc tor Champion /
of Sustainability Committee
Group Standardised
Orientation Orientation and
EarthCheck Toolkit Awareness Training
Training and at Hotels
(Energy, water, greenhouse
gas emission, waste)
Sustainability Performance Data
Benchmarking and
Protecting the Environment 38
• Langham Place,
Beijing Capital Airport (new)
Performance Monitoring
Environmental performance data from hotels is collected and
Group Annual Energy Consumption
analysed internally through the group’s intranet. In this era of
data overload, we are after not only data accuracy, but also
in improving the overall efficiency and user-friendliness of our Intensity (MJ per guest night) Actual Consumption (GJ)
systems. Our reporting system was developed to align with
EarthCheck’s benchmarking requirements, and was further 0 0,0
250 1,2
enhanced to generate internal reports for our Chief Engineers 221.55 00
to help monitor their hotels’ utility performance and cost. 201.6 210.6 0 0,0
In 2014, our hotels achieved their most efficient performance 185.0 00
level in the four years since 2011, when we started reporting 80
150 00
on our environmental performance. The total energy and 0,0
water consumption of the group increased by 10% and 14% 60
in 2014 compared with 2013. This was due to the group’s 100 00
expansion and business growth in 2014. Our energy and 40
water intensity decreased by 12% and 9% as compared to 00
50 0,0
the previous reporting year. The associated generation of
greenhouse gas emissions from energy use in our hotels was
0 0
116,749 tonnes (about 21 kg CO2e per guest night) in 2014. 2011 2012 2013 2014
We will continue to deliver on our commitment to protect the
environment by reducing our environmental footprint. Note: Energy consumption data were revised due to (i) inclusion of
purchased steam and chilled water from two hotels in North America,
and (ii) consistency in unit used for energy.
0 0,0
450 2,5
385.7 00
360.91 366.1 0 0,0
349.6 2,0
300 0 0,0
200 0 0,0
100 0,0
0 0
2011 2012 2013 2014
Protecting the Environment 40
Guest amenities are also another area for improvement in We extended our commitment to purchase responsibly. Upon
our waste management. Starting from 2014, The Langham, the issuance of our Responsible Purchasing Policy a year ago,
Melbourne collected and sent all used soap from guest rooms we finalised the guidelines which provide further support
to the Rotary Club. The soaps were delivered to the soap to our colleagues on selecting materials, where practical
factory where they were ground down and melted to make and possible, that have a minimum adverse impact on the
new soaps. The new soaps were then sent to countries to environment and welfare of the people and communities
help where they were needed. Moreover, all used slippers, where the product/raw material is produced. Taking this
shampoo and body wash bottles were donated to the one step further to demonstrate the implementation of the
Salvation Army for the needy. guidelines, we will explore the opportunity of introducing a
sustainable dining menu programme for all our hotels.
We also look into green initiatives that can engage our guests
and enhance their experience while staying at our hotels. For
example, our hotel in Ningbo offered our guests the option
of newspapers in print or digital versions. Guests can use
an iPad from the Front Office to read different newspapers
and magazines through their partnership with PressReader,
a digital newspaper and magazine service. In 2015, we
will explore the opportunity to introduce additional green
initiatives to the hotels’ Brand Standards.
Yoga class at The Langham, Chicago Green Fashion Show at The Langham, Shenzhen
Protecting the Environment 43
Simple actions and messages can create strong influences on our colleagues and guests.
We continued supporting the global environmental event, Earth Hour, for the fourth
consecutive year. As one of our four global CONNECT events, all our hotels around the
world turned off their lights for one hour on 29th March to symbolise our commitment
to protecting the environment. We should go beyond the hour by introducing
Loving Earth Month next year. During Loving Earth Month, there will be a series of
environmental activities to engage our colleagues and guests by taking simple actions or
passing out simple messages.
Individual hotels organised various green awareness programmes throughout the year.
For example, the Chuan Spa at our hotel in Chicago hosted a monthly complimentary
yoga class for the public in the hotel’s outdoor plaza from June to August. Another great
example was the “Green” fashion show which took place at the annual colleagues’ party
at The Langham, Shenzhen. Colleagues designed and made fashionable clothes from
waste generated by the hotel.
• Completed EarthCheck toolkits for new hotels and delivered toolkits training for hotels in the US
Appendix 1 – Materiality
We focus our CONNECT activities and reporting of the sustainability issues of greatest concern to Langham Hospitality Group’s
commercial activities. Based on the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) G4 guidelines, we identified the environmental and social
aspects which are also reference to the EarthCheck standards for accommodation sector, and Hong Kong Exchange Clearing’s
Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide.
Materiality Map
High priority Medium priority Low priority
HKEx Disclosure Reporting status /
Material Issues GRI Guide EarthCheck Priority comments
Stakeholder engagement • • • √
Risk management • • • Report by 2017
Supply chain • • • √
Economic performance • √
Economic contribution to local
• • Report by 2017
Responsible sourcing • • √
Local purchasing • √
Resource scarcity • • • Report by 2020
Energy • • • √
Water • • • √
Biodiversity • • Report by 2020
Climate change • • • √
Waste • • • √
Local air pollution • • • Report by 2020
Sustainable hotel design • • √
Sustainable food • • √
Social – Labour
Talent recruitment and retention • • • √
Employee welfare and benefits • √
Workplace health and safety • • √
Learning and development • • √
Employee rights and equal
• • • √
Diversity and inclusion • • Report by 2015
Social – Human rights
Security Practices • Report by 2018
Accessibility • • Report by 2018
Human trafficking & sex tourism • Report by 2020
Social – Society
Community partnership • • • √
Employee Volunteering • • √
Anti-corruption • • √
Anti-competitive behaviour • Report by 2015
Social – Product Responsibility
Guest satisfaction • √
Food safety and hygiene • • Report by 2016
Guest safety and security • • Report by 2016
Governance / Ethics • • √
Data privacy • • √
Governance and Accountability 46
G4-1 Statement from the most senior decision-maker of the organization. Messages from Senior Leaders
G4-3 Name of the organization. Langham Hospitality Group
G4-4 Primary brands, products, and/or services. Langham Hospitality Group
G4-5 Location of organization’s headquarters. Langham Hospitality Group
G4-6 Number of countries where the organization operates. Langham Hospitality Group
G4-7 Nature of ownership and legal form. Langham Hospitality Group
G4-8 Markets served. Snapshot of 2014
G4-9 Scale of the reporting organization. Snapshot of 2014
G4-10 Total number of employees. Caring for Our Colleagues
G4-12 Describe the organisation’s supply chain. Feature: Engaging Our Stakeholders
G4-13 Significant changes during the reporting period. Nil
G4-15 List externally developed economic, environmental and social Feature: Engaging Our Stakeholders
charters, principles or others.
G4-16 List memberships of association. Feature: Engaging Our Stakeholders
G4-17 List all entities included in the organisation’s consolidated financial Langham Hospitality Group
statements or equivalent documents.
G4-18 Process for defining report content and aspect boundaries. Introducing this Report
G4-19 List all material aspects. Appendix 1 – Materiality
G4-22 Effect of any restatements of information provided in previous Nil
G4-23 Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, Nil
and aspect boundary.
G4-24 List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization. Feature: Engaging Our Stakeholders
G4-25 Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to Feature: Engaging Our Stakeholders
G4-26 Organisation’s approach to stakeholder engagement. Feature: Engaging Our Stakeholders
G4-28 Reporting period. Introducing this Report
G4-29 Date of most recent previous report. 2014
G4-30 Reporting cycle. Introducing this Report
G4-31 Contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents. Introducing this Report
G4-32 “In accordance” option GRI Content Index. Appendix 1
G4-34 Governance structure of the organization. Governance and Accountability
G4-36 Appointed an executive-level position with responsibility for Governance and Accountability
economic, environmental and social topics.
G4-39 Indicate whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also Governance and Accountability
an executive officer.
G4-41 Processes for highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest Governance and Accountability
are avoided and managed.
G4-49 Process for communicating critical concerns to the highest Governance and Accountability
governance body.
G4-56 Organisation’s values, principles, standards and norms of behaviour. Langham Hospitality Group
Governance and Accountability
Governance and Accountability 47
Economic G4-EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed. Refer to Annual Report 2014
of Great Eagle Holding Ltd
Economic DMA Market presence. Snapshot of 2014
Economic G4-EC6 Proportion of senior management hired from the local Caring for Our Colleagues
Energy DMA Protecting the Environment
Energy G4-EN3 Energy consumption within the organisation. Protecting the Environment
Energy G4-EN5 Energy intensity. Protecting the Environment
Energy G4-EN6 Reduction of energy consumption. Protecting the Environment
Energy G4-EN7 Reduction of energy requirements of products and Protecting the Environment
Water DMA Protecting the Environment
Water G4-EN8 Total water withdrawal by source. Protecting the Environment
Emissions DMA Protecting the Environment
Emissions G4-EN15 Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1). Protecting the Environment
Emissions G4-EN16 Energy indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2). Protecting the Environment
Emissions G4-EN18 GHG emissions intensity. Protecting the Environment
Effluent and waste DMA Protecting the Environment
Compliance DMA Protecting the Environment
Employment DMA Caring for Our Colleagues
Labour/management DMA Caring for Our Colleagues
relations Feature: Engaging Our
Occupational Health DMA Caring for Our Colleagues
and Safety
Occupational Health G4-LA6 Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and Caring for Our Colleagues
and Safety absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities by
region and by gender.
Training and DMA Caring for Our Colleagues
Training and G4-LA9 Average hours of training per year per employee by Caring for Our Colleagues
Education gender, and by employee category.
Training and G4-LA10 Programs for skills management and lifelong learning Caring for Our Colleagues
Education that support the continued employability of employees
and assist them in managing career endings.
Training and G4-LA11 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance Caring for Our Colleagues
Education and career development reviews, by gender.
Diversity and Equal DMA Caring for Our Colleagues
Diversity and Equal G4-LA12 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown Caring for Our Colleagues
Opportunity of employees per employee category according to
gender, age group, minority group membership.
Local Community DMA Supporting the Community
Local Community G4-SO1 Percentage of operations with local community Supporting the Community
Anti-corruption DMA Governance and Accountability
Anti-corruption G4-SO4 Communication and training on anti-corruption Governance and Accountability
policies and procedures.
Anti-corruption G4-SO5 Confirmed incidents of corruption. Nil in 2014
Product and Service DMA Caring for Our Guests
Product and Service G4-PR5 Results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction. Caring for Our Guests
Customer Privacy DMA Governance and Accountability
LANGHAM HOSPITALITY GROUP ©2014 Langham Hospitality Group all rights reserved.