Plumbing Specs
Plumbing Specs
Plumbing Specs
1.1 The work to be done under this Division of the Specifications consist of the fabrication, complete in all
details of the Plumbing Works, the subject premises, and all work materials incidental to the proper
completion of the installation.
1.2 All work shall be in accordance with the governing Codes and Regulations and with the Specifications.
Conflict shall be brought to the attention of the Architect and or Engineer for final approval. The
requirements with regards to materials and workmanship shall specify the required standards for
the furnishing of all labor, materials and necessary to complete installation of works specified on
the plan.
1.3 The Contractor shall provide all items, articles, materials, operations or methods listed, mentioned or
scheduled on the drawings and/or herein, including all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals
necessary and required for the completion.
1.5 Intent:
a. It is not intended that the drawings shall show every pipe, fitting, valve and etc. all such items
whether specifically mentioned or not, or indicated on the drawings, shall furnished and
installed, if necessary, to complete the system in accordance with the standard practice of the
plumbing trade and to the satisfaction of the Architect, Engineer and the Owner.
b. The Plumbing Contractor is required to refer to architectural, structural, mechanical and
electrical plans and specifications, and shall investigate all possible interference and conditions
affecting his work.
Work included under this section of the Specifications consists in furnishing of materials, labor,
tools, equipment and supervision necessary to complete installation, testing and operation of the
plumbing system in accordance with the contract.
2.1 Supply and installation of Sanitary Waste and the Vent System.
2.2 Supply and installation of Storm Drainage System, Underground Perforated System including
2.3 Supply and installation of Cold water line distribution system to include riser and down feed.
2.4 Installation of owner supply plumbing fixtures, drain fixtures, pumps and accessories.
2.5 Processing of permit for the water, sewer and drainage tapping, payment shall be for the account of
3.1 All plumbing works to be done and sizes of pipes to be used shall be in accordance with the
National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.
3.2 The Plumbing Contractor shall verify the above paragraphs with each section of the specifications
and coordinate his work so that the General Contractor will understand clearly the intent of the
work to be done.
4.1. The Contractor shall, during the progress of work, keep a record of the actual installation from that
shown on the Contract Drawing. Any major deviation shall be provided with shop drawing for the
Architect and Engineer approval.
5.1. The work throughout shall be executed in the best and most thorough manner, to the satisfaction of the
Architect and Engineer, who will jointly interpret the meaning of the Drawing and Specifications and
shall have the power to reject any work and materials, which in their judgment, are not in full
accordance therewith.
5.2. The Contractor shall assume unit responsibility and shall provide the services of the qualified Engineer
to supervise the complete installation of equipment and system and who shall be available for
conducting the final acceptance test.
The Plumbing Contractor shall furnish to the Owner a written guarantee covering the satisfactory operations
of the plumbing installation in all its parts for a period of one (1) year after the date of acceptance. During
this period, the Plumbing Contractor shall repair or replace any defective work and pay for any repair or
Note: All underground pipes to be coated with hot asphalt and wrap with jute sack soated with coaltar as
protective cover against rust and cover with concrete.
7.2. Soil and Waste Pipes – Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) series 1000 with all solvent joint fittings only. Use
Emerald Pipe Brand or approved equal.
7.3. Vent Pipe - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) series 1000 with all solvent joint fittings only. Use “Emerald Pipe”
Brand or approved equal.
7.4. Drainage Pipe - 2” to 4” diameter, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Series 1000. Use “Emerald Pipe” brand or
approved equal. 6” and above, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Class 35 with all solvent joint fittings only.
Outside building, Concrete Pipe.
7.5. Downspout - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Series 1000 with all solvent joint fittings only. Use Emerald Pipe
Brand or approved equal.
7.11. Catch basin cover – 300mm x 300mm – 600mm x 600mm (verify details) with reinforced concrete
cover with 10mm steel lifting handled or perforated cast iron plate.
7.12. Roof drain – For concealed concrete gutter, use JRDD 114 dome type strainer by Eurobrass or
7.13. Area drain – Use perforated cast iron for area drain.
7.14. Pipe sealant- Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipes; PVC Solvent Cement PPRC Pipes; Heat fusion.
7.15. Roof drain – For stainless gutter, use JRDD 114 dome type strainer by Eurobrass / Geberit Pluvia
or equivalent.
The Contractor shall furnish all fittings necessary dimension before installing any of the work and shall check
his layout to allow clearance required for other work as shown in the drawings.
8.1. All fixtures shall be installed complete with accessories, shut off valves, valves, pressure relief valves,
8.2. There shall be gate valve installed at every toilet entry before the water heater. It shall include office
T&B, powder room, masters T&B and T&B at bedroom 1, & 2.
8.3. Lavatories, water closets, faucets, shower sets and urinals; Water
closet and lavatory fittings; Kitchen sink and faucet; Bathroom
accessories; and Pumps are supplied by the Owner and to be
installed by the Contractor. (OFCI)