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i REGIPROCATING Mae iaS INTRODUCTION In the last chapter, we have defined chanical energy into hydraulic energy | ©nergy is converted into hydraulic energy. by is known as centrifugal pump. But if the m the pumps as the hydraulic machines which convert the me- 's mainly in the form of pressure energy. Ifthe mechanical méans of centrifugal force acting on the liquid, the pump wechanical energy is converted into hydraulic energy (or { Pressure energy) by sucking the liquid into a cylinder in which a Piston is reciprocatin; backwards and forwards), which exerts the thrust on the liquid and increases ite hydra (pressure energy). the pump is known as reciprocating pump ¢ (moving lic energy | _»202 MAIN PARTS OF A RECIPROCATING PUMP 1 The following are the main parts of «reciprocating pump as shown in Fig. 20.1 } DELIVERY PIPE DELIVERY VALVE i h, CYLINDER . f CRANK } piston CONNECTING 5 4 1 oR j 1 - oN ! ‘ a c 3 PISTON ROD SUCTION VALVE ° = SUCTION PIPE = Lear _/ SUMP LEVEL WL Main parts of @ reciprocating pump. 993 994 Fluid Mechanics |. A cylinder with a piston, piston rod, connecting rod and a crank, 2. Suction pipe, 3. Delivery pipe, 4. Suction valve, and 5, Delivery valve. ye 20.3 WORKING OF A RECIPROCATING PUMP Fig. 20,1 shows a single acting reciprocating pump, which consists of a piston which moves forwards and backwards in a close fitting cylinder. The movement of the piston is obtained by ‘connecting the piston rod to crank by means of a connecting rod. The crank is rotated by means of an electric motor. Suction and delivery pipes with suction valve und delivery valve are connected to the cylinder. The suction and delivery valves are one way valves or non-return valves, which allow the water to flow in one direction only. Suction valve allows water from suction pipe to the cylinder which delivery valve allows water from eylinder to delivery pipe only. ‘When crank staris rotating, the piston moves to and fro in the cylinder. When crank is at A., the piston is at the extreme left position in the cylinder. As the crank is rotating from A to C, (i.e.. from 6 = 0° to 8 = 180°), the piston is moving towards right in the cylinder. The movement of the piston towards right creates a partial vacuum in the cylinder. But on the surface of the liquid in the sump ‘aMmospheric pressure is acting, which is more than the pressure inside the cylinder. Thus, the liquid is forced in the suction pipe from the sump. This liquid opens the suction valve and enters the cylinder. ‘When crank is rotating from C to A (ic., from 0 = 180° to @ = 360°), the piston from its extreme right Position starts moving towards left in the cylinder. The movement of the piston towards left increases the pressure of the liquid inside the cylinder more than atmospheric pressure, Hence suetion valve closes and delivery valve opens. The liquid is forced into the delivery pipe and is raised to a required height. 20.3.1 Discharge Through a Reciprocating Pump. Consider a single* acting reciprocating pump as sholwn in Fig, 20.1. Let D = Diameter of the cylinder Cross-sectional atea of the piston or cylinder 8p: q r= Radius of crank , =N=rp.m, of the crank __L = Length of the stroke = 2 x r leight of the axis of the cylinder from water surface in sump. ~ hg = Height of delivery outlet above the cylinder axis (also called delivery head) Volume of water delivered in one revotution or discharge of water in one revolition 60) of the pump per second, Q = Discharge in one revolution x No. of revolution per second Reciprocating Pumps 995 bay SY =onexg,ftlt, \ | (20.2) 0} | 20.3.2 Work done by Reciy second is given by the reaction as ‘Work done per second = Weight of water lifted per second x Total height through which water is lifted Procating Pump. Work done by the reciprocating pump per =Wxih,+hy “ {where (i, +) = Total height through which Water is lifted ) From equation (202), Weight, Wis given by We PEXALN 60 Substituting the value of W in equation (i), we get Work done per scond = BEAU 4, +h) 203) Power required to drive the pump, in kW p= Work done per second pgxALNx(h,+h,) \ i 1000 ‘60% 1000 PR XALN x(h, + hy} oe (04) aon YN 0.3.3. Discharge. Work done and Power quired to Drive a Double-acting Pump, In case of double-acting pump, the water is acting = 4} o1both sides of the piston as shown in Fig. 20.2 — = » Thus, we require two suction pipes and wo delivery pipes for double-acting pump. When |, DELIVERY. there isa suction stroke on one side ofthe piston, |“ PIPES CONNECTING there is at the same time a delivery stroke on the ROD other side of the piston. Thus for one complete L | revolution of the crank there are two delivery strokes and water is delivered tothe pipes by the pump during these two delivery strokes. Let, D = Diameter of the piston, i id SUCTION 2 PIPES ‘SUMP LEVEL Fig. 202 Area on the ater side ofthe pistn, where piston rod is connected to the piston (P-#) [996 Fluid Mechanics f erank Volume of water delivered in one revolution of oman = Ax Length of stroke + A, x Length of stroke Re hep: 2 sabtAbetedyty [20 +5 (0-4 Jee siarge er second Seetge BEG = Volume of water delivered in one revolution x No. of revolution per second N Ry ky a ! =|—p' +=(p'-a?)\|xtx2 [a +70 i a If ‘d’ the diameter of the Piston rod is very small as compared to the diameter of the piston, then it an be neglected and discharge of pump per second, Ky Ry) LXN =|=p' +4 pt |x=*4 ) ein) Equation (20,5) gives the discharge of a times the discharge of a single-aeting pump. ~~ Work done by double-acting reciprocating pump ‘Work done per second = Weight of water delivered x Total height = ps x Discharge per second x Total height AN thy vig 60, wcting pump in kW, p= Mork done per second _ apex 1000 2) X ALN x(h, + A,) double-acting reciprocating pump. This discharge is two 2 : = pax 2 Power required to drive the double-a 20.4 SLIP OF RECIPROCATING PUMP Lf * (si ‘of a pump is defined as the difference between the theoretical discharge the pump) The discharge of a single-acting pump given by equation (20. ) amp givén by equation (20.5) are theoretical discharge. The actual discharg the theoretical discharge due to leakage. The difference of the theoretic Gischarge is known as slip of the pump, Hence, mathematically. Slip = Qu, ~ Que, Butslinis mostly expressed as percentage slip which is given by, and actual discharge of and of & double-acting ve of 4 pump is less than al discharge and actual d, Percentage slip = x 1002(1- a) 100 Qi J On =~ C)« 100 where C= Co-efficient of discharge, ] Reciprocating Pumps 997) 20.4.1 Negative Slip of the Reciprocating Pump. Slip is equal to the difference of theoretical discharge and actual discharge. If actual discharge is more than the theoretical discharge, the slip of the pump will become -ve. In that case, the slip of the ‘Pump is known as negative slip. | ‘Negative slip occurs when delivery pipe is short, suction pipe is long and pump is running at high speed. > 20.5 CLASSIFICATION OF RECIPROCATING PUMPS ‘The reciprocating pumps may be classified as : 1. According to the water being in contact with one side or both sides of the piston, and 2. According to the number of cylinders provided. If the water is in contact with one side of the piston, the purrp is known as single-acting. On the other hand, if the water is in contact with both sides of the piston, the pump is called double-acting. Hence, classification according to the contact of water is : (i) -Stfigle-acting pump, and th | Double-acting pump. Acctng to the number of cylinder provided. the pumps are classified as (i Single cylinder pump, (4) Double cylinder pump, and ig Har AN GLB 3 3 | < . | 6 Me where hy = A%S xh + Aw) — d,x2g 4, Fig, 20.7 Effect of friction on p 5 indicator diagram Similarly, area CHD = CD x = X HH! = CDx Shy 3 3 =L 2 FLX Shy (2 CD =L= Length of stroke) 2 where hy=—fe_.( Ag, d, x2 (a, 29.8.4 Effect of Acceleration and Friction in Suction and Delivery Pipes on Indicator Diagram. Fig. 20.8 shows the combined effect of acceleration and friction in suction and delivery pipes. The pressure head in the cylinder during suction and delivery strokes will change as given below (i) At the beginning of the suction stroke, @ = 0° and hence h,, from equation (20.14) is equal to by Ag? & 4, atmospheric pressure head. . But fy, = 0, Thus, the pressure head in the cylinder will be (ht, + ft.) below the ax fxh 4, x2¢ head in the cylinder will be (h, + li.) below the atmospheric pressure head ay Gii) At the middle of the suction stroke, iy, = 0 but Ay = (2° Thos the pressure 4 x A oor but hy, = 0. Thus, the pressure head in the g 4, cylinder will be (#, — hg.) below the atmospheric pressure head. (iii) At the end of the suction stroke, /1,, = oA 2 iv) At the beginning of the delivery stroke, fay = xr but hy = 0. Thus, the pressure 8 4% head in the-cylinder will be (1 + f,q) above the atmospheric pressure head. (A <\ Xeon] . Thus the presi d,x28 (ay) (v) In the middle of the delivery stroke, ft, = 0 and M, head in the cylinder will be (Ay + hy) above the atmospheric pressure head. Avs _ 3 (vi) At the end of the delivery stroke, hyg=— “!% x an'r and lay =0. Thus, the pressure head in 8 4% the eylinder will be (A) fi.) above the atmospheric pressure heat \ Thus, the indicator diagram with acceleration and y4 friction in suction and delivery pipes will become as shown , has in Fig, 20.8, a Atea of the indicator diagram A’GB’ CHD! 9 WAS = Area of A'G'BICH'D’ + Area of parabola AGB’ V Ng + Area of parabola CHD’ ie \ But area of AG BOND’ t} FTE ~—F = Area of ABCD hn, ah, =the+ hg x1 i + ba s J Area of parabola Gi an es , 5 ‘Rae Gl BABX= xGTe = x(ABKGI) . ". A 3 -—t 4 =o c(amecre2 xin, Fig. 208 Elfect of acceleration and 3 3s 3 friction on indicator diagram Similarly, area of parabola CHD’ =CD’* = H4==(CD': 2 a PRO Keeo 81 a 2 120)7 2 ~ oar) * 4.188" x 0.1 x cos @ = 11.44 x cos 8m, 981 OTs Using equation (20.18) for the loss of head due to friction in suction pipe, ' 7 2 y= “Sx (Aorsing Wd x2e la, _ 4.009 x8 = Fy X 4188 x1 x sine | 0752x981 af J =X 4.88%.1] xsin? = 0.225sin? @ _ 4.009 x8 ( © 075%2x981 “| 075 loss of head due to friction in delivery pipe is obtained from equation (20.19) as 2 hg = AL he +| Sos | d,x2 lay | Similarly, x25 | 45 09x25 i “418601 i] © 0075%2% 981) a3 2 7? alae] xsin? @ = 0.703 sin? 9, = 06116| 1 07: / . 6 g 1018 a iis i> Ay 1018 Fluid Mechanics - ~ ffs ad i inder at the beginning f suction and delivery strokes (Fi. 4 / > (i Pressure head in the cylinder a inning i AC the beginning of suction and delivery strokes, 8 = 0 fig, = 3.66 cos 0° = 3.66 m and fiyg = VAS cos 0° = HA Pressure head in the cylinder at the beginning of suction stioke =(h, + h,,) below atmospheric pressure head ) am~ (A, + hi ) mn (abs.) ~ (1 + 3.66) = 10.3 ~ 7.66 = 2.64 m (abs.) Ans. Pressure head in the cylinder atthe beginning of delivery stroke = (hz + hy) above atmospheric pressure head in + (hg + Nag) m (abs.) 0.3 + (14 + 11.44) = 35.74 m (abs.) Ans, (¢) Pressure head in the eylinder in the middle of suction and delivery strokes. In the middle of suction and delivery strokes, 8 = 90° fgg = Os hhay = 0, hy, = 25 sin? 90 = 0.225 m and ‘yg = 0.703 sin? 90 = 0.703 m. Pressure head in the cylinder atthe beginning of suction stoke h , + ly) below the atmospheric pressure head Lam ~ (R, + Ing) tn (abs,) 0. ~ 4 +0.225) = 10.3 - 4.22 = 6.075 m (abs.) Ans, Pressure head in the eylinder at the beginning of delivery stroke = (hg + hy) above atmospheric pressure head © Haag + (hg + bg) 0 (abs) = 10.3 + (14 +0.703) = 125.003 m (abs.) Ans, (iii) Pressure head in the cylinder at the end of su uetion and delivery strokes. Al the end of suction and delivery strokes, 9 = 180° | and sin @ = 0 3 Nos = 3.66 x (-1) = - 3.66 m and fog = Wd x 1) =~ 11.44 m, Pressure head in the cylinder at the end of suction stroke =(h, ~ 3.66) below the atmospheric pressure head am ~(, ~ 3.66) m (abs.) = 10.3 ~ (4 ~ 3.66) = 9.96 m (abs.) Ans, Pressure head in the cylinder at the end of delivery stroke = (hg ~ 11.44) above the atmospheric pressure hel = Haan + (hy WLA8) m (abs.) = 10.3 + (14 ~ 11.44) = 12,86 m (abs.) Ans, Problem 20.12 For the single-acting reciprocating pump, given in Problem 20.11, find the power required to drive the pump, if water is flowing through the pump ‘e ir olution, Using equation ( ‘or the work done by the pump per second for a single-actine, Soluti U 20.22) for the work done by the id fe we get A Work done per sec where ast Detx 12° =001131 m? L = Stroke length = 0.20 m, N= Speed = 40 r.p.m. p = Density of water = 1000 kg/m’, 4, = 4m, hy= 4m 5 fy, = Maximum loss of head due to friction in suction pipe = 0.225 m hog = Maximum loss of head due to friction in delivery pipe = 0.703 m eee Ola 1442 x 20542 x.703 60 3 3 = 14.793 x (4+ 14 + 0.15 + 0.468) = 275.42 Nm/s Power required to drive the pump in kW __ Work done per second _ 2 onaew: 1000 1000 20.8.5 lpléximum Speed of a Reciprocating Pump. Maximum speed of a reciprocating ump is determined from the fact that the pressure in the cylinder during suction and delivery stroke, should not fal! below the vapour pressure ofthe liquid, lowing through suction and delivery pipe. If the pressure in the cylinder is below the vapour pressure, the dissolved gases will be liberated from the liquid and cavitation * will take place. Also the continuous flow of liquid will not exist which means separation of liquid wil tke place. Te pressure at which separation takes place is known as separation pressure and the head corresponding to separation pressure is called separation pressure head. It is denoted by tg, For water, the limiting value of separation pressure head (,) is 7.8 below atmospheric pressure head or 10,3 ~ 7.8 = 2.5 m abs. The separation may take place during the suction stroke or during delivery stroke. The maximum speed of the reciprocating pump during suction and delivery strokes is calculated as : (a) Maximum Speed during Suction Stroke, From the indicator diagram, drawn in Fig. 20.8 itis clear that the absolute pressure head during suction stroke is minimum at the beginning of the stroke. Thus, the separation can take place at the beginning of the stroke only. In that case, the abs. pressure head inthe cylinder atthe beginning of the stroke will be equal 1o separation pressure head (i) * Pop = Hoag ~ (Nt, + hy) (abs) or 1, = Han ~ hy ~ hap wi) Generally, the values of h,, and h, (suction head) are given and hence *h,”, the pressure head due to acpeleraton atthe beginning of suction stroke can be oblained. The value of “is also given by equation (20.14) as ) ) Work done per second = LA whys x Axor .n(ti) 8 4, . Equating the two values of h,, given by equations (i) and (i) Hanh Ig = ex A xy ea, ~Aiti) * Please refer to Art. 19.11 on page 980 for definition 1020 Fluid Mechanics ce speed V) can be obtained. This From equation (in), the value of the # (and hence speed V) an ; = ined Thy Maximum speed of the reciprocating pump without separation ne rahi ate “(b) Slavin » Speed during Delivery Stroke, During delivery stroke, the proba separ isl athe end ofthe delivery stroke The pressure head in the cylinder at the end of the « stroke from Fig, 20.8, ¢ = Hayy + hg) ~ hy m (abs ) {t separation sto be avoided, the above pressure head should be more than the separation press head (i). In the limiting case Magy = Hay * hy) ~ hag OF lgg = (Hyun * Ig) ~ ig But hay” the pressure head de to acceleration atthe endothe delivery sruke is also hag Ray get Equating the two values of fy, we Han + ba) ~ hag = ga, From the above equation (ix), the value of w and hence ma mum speed ofthe reciprocating pump without separatios The minimum of the tso speeds feciprocating pump without se Problem 20.13 Find the a, speed. can be calculated This 1s the n during delivery stroke only given by above two cases (1) aration during suction and de! BF ain speed of a single-acting reciprocating pump tw avoid separa a neh Occurs at 30 m of water (abs.) The pump hes a. linder of diameter 10 cm and a stroke Length of 20 cm.The pump draws water from a amp and delivers 19a tank. The water level inthe sump sar1im below the pump asisand inthe tank the water evel @ Lo, above the pump axis. The diameter and length of the suction pipe are 4 cm and 5 m while of delivery pipe the diameter and length Fem 20m respectively, Take amespheric pressure heat < 10.3 m of waier Solution. Given Separation pressure head, Dia. of cylinder, Stroke length, ‘and (b) is the maximum speed of the livery strokes. are cp = 3.0 m of water (abs, D=1Wem=0.10m L=Wem=020m -. Crank radius, * Suction head. h=35m Delivery head. hy = 13m Dia. of suction pipe. d,=4em= 01m ; Length of suction pipe, =f. = 5 m Dia. of delivery pipe 4,=3 cm =0¥m Length of delivery pipe, 1, = 20 m Atmos, pressure head, HW, = 10.3 m (a) Maximum speed during suction stroke without equation (1) aration 1 obtained from the relation, given by Ham — hy ~ hh x4 or ( A==p% a, 4 5 Axd or 3.8= xo? xl =. ? O81 4 XO = 3185 But 60 x 3,454 Ne SES = 3298 pm. Ai) (b) Maximum speed during delivery stroke without separation is obtained from equation (iv), Hain + a) ~ Hyp = “2x A x0? xr ay 20D? (10.3 + 13.0) - 3.0 = —— x= xm? x] = —— xu ost a 981 o3x03 °° *" or 20.3 = 2.265 a? But _ 60x 2.994 Qn The minimum of the two speeds given by equations (i) and (i) is the maximum speed of the pump. without separation. N = 28.59 rpm. oll) Maximum speed without separation = 28.59 r.p.m. Ans. af .-P 20.9 AIR VESSELS An ait vessel is a closed chamber containing compressed air in the top portion and liquid (or water) at the bottom of the chamber. At the base of the chamber there is an opening through which the liquid (or water) may flow into the vessel or out from the vessel. When the liquid enters the air vessel, the air gets compressed further and when the liquid flows out the vessel, the air will expand in the chamber. An air vessel is fitted to the suction pipe and to the delivery pipe at a point close to the cylinder of a single-acting reciprocating pump : i) to obtain a continuous supply of liquid at a uniform rate, (ii) to save a considerable amount of work in overcoming the frictional resistance in the stiction and delivery pipes, and “ ‘NS [1022 Fluid Mechanics — \Heaostee ie nagiee eg sipcig pe which air vessels are fitted to the Fig. 20.9 shows the single proc: ols es tent aati te siroke. the piston moves with acceleration, which means the velocity of water in the suction pipe i ‘More than the mean velocity and hence the discharge of water entering the cylinder will be more than the mean discharge. This excess quantity of water will be supplied from the air vessel to the cylin such 2 way that the velocity in the suction pipe below the air vessel is equall to mean velocity of flow Dunng the second half of the suction stroke, the piston moves with retardation and hence velocity of Tow in the suction pipe is less than the mean velocity of flow. Thus. the discharge entering the cylinder will be less than the mean discharge. The velocity of water in the suction pipe due to air vessel is SUCLiOg in equal {O mean Also the values of fy’ fy are very small and hence they can be neglected. PRALN 60 (d) Work saved by fitting air vessel. By fittin, Work done per sec = [hy +hy + hy thy] (203 i air vessel the head loss due to friction in suction and delivery pipe is reduced. This reduction in the head loss saves a certain amount of energy, which can be calculated by finding the work done against friction without air vesgel and with air vessel. The difference of the two gives the saving in work done. (i) Work done against friction without air vessel without any air vessels on the pipes. equation (20.11) as Consider a single-acting reciprocating pump The velocity of flow through the pipes is given by ve @xrsin® ala and loss of head due to friction is given by equation (20.17) as h, The variation of fy with 0 is parabolic in nature and hence indicator diagram for the loss of head due ‘0 friction in pipes will bea parabola, The work done by Pump against friction per stroke is equal to the area of the indicator diagram due to friction, Work done by pump per stroke against friction, 2 W, = Area of the parabola = — x Base x Height 2 1 ofa y ==xLlx Aft. (4a) | (ye Height = h, at @ = 90°) 3 dx2e la) | / 5 2 =Betx tt s( ter) aun 3 dx2e \a ii) Work done against friction with air vessels. By fitting an air vessel to the pump, the velocity of flow through the pipes (except for lengths 1 and f,’ which may be considered negligible) is uniform and equal to mean velocity of flow, which is given by equation (20.24) as Loss of head due to friction with air vessel is given as _AAx? 4fl (2x2) dx2g dx2g The head loss due to friction with air vessel is independent of @ and hence indicator diagram will be a rectangle Work done by pump per stroke against friction, W, = Area of the rectangle aon 2 = Base Height = Lx UE x( Ax dx2g ae xx x (Aor) axig \a The work given by equation (20.33) is less than the work given by equation (20.32). Hence, by fitting an air vessel work is saved. (iii) Work saved in a single-acting reciprocating pump. Hence, saving in work done per stroke is obtained by subtracting equation (20.33) from equation (20.32) Work saved per stroke W.-W, r [ORB Fisk edi x 100 = 84.8% (iv) Work saved in a double-acting reciprocating pump. The work lost in friction per stroke in ame as given in case of single- case of double-acting reciprocating pump without air vessel is the same as given in cas 2 20.32 acting reciprocating pump. Hence, itis given by equation (20.32) as (Ag x(4or) When the sir vessel is fited to the pipe near the cylinder. the mean velocity of flow, ¥ for double- acting is given by, 2ALN = (: L=2rand y= fo) Qn ak Loss of head due to friction for doubl _4Axv an oy dx2g ” dx2— Uae Work lost due to friction per stroke Area of the rectangle (24 or? x(x = W, Saving in work done per stroke = “i= %4 Bint (4 = 0.392 = 39.2%. errors harge of liquid into and from the air vessel, 1. Let the air vessel is fitted t0 both suction and delivery pipes of a single-acting reciproea '8 Pump. Due to air vessel, the liquid in suction and delivery pipes beyond air vessel will be moving with a constant mean velocity. This mean velocity in the pipes is given by equation (20.24) as The mean discharge (Q) in the pipes (suction or delivery) will be equal to, O=V xarea of pipe -(Ax% |x (+ a= area of pipe) a nt = Axaxr (20.35) 7 The velocity of piston in the eylinder at any instant is given by equation (20.10) as V= ox sin () = or x sin Corse) Hence instantaneous discharge to or from the cylirder of the pump will be as Q; = Velocity of piston x Area of piston cor sin @) x A (eA = Area of piston) = Adr sin 8 20 The difference of the two discharges given by equations (20.36) and (20.35) will be equal to the rate of flow of liquid into or from the air vessel. Rate of flow of liquid into the air vessel = (Awrsino- 42") sor(sine-+) (20.37) 7X x) (9 For air vessel fited to delivery pipe. The liquid will be flowing into the air vessel if equation (20.37) is positive. But if equation (20.37) is negative, then liquid will flow from the air vessel. And if equation (20.37) is zero, then no flow is taking place from or to the air vessel ii) For air vessel fitted to suction pipe. If equation (20.37) is positive, then liquid is flowing from the air vessel. If equation (20.37) is negative, then liquid is flowing into the air vessel. For no flow of liquid into or from the air vessel, the equation (20.37) should be zero. aur(sin¢=1) <0 orsin- 20 x x 600 | ALO _ AX2rxO te fxd 60° 2x or ™ _ 2awr a) The above discharge is the mean discharge. Hence for double-acting mean discharge (Q) is given by 2A@r rt But the instantaneous discharge (Q,) to or from the cylinder of the pump will be Q, = Velocity of piston x Area of piston 1080 Fluid Mechanics = (wr sin) x A= Acr sin ® ir vessel Hence, rate of flow of liquid into air vess ser / —— = Ar |sin@ = Q= Aarsin 8 a For air vessel fited 10 delivery pipe, Ifequation (20.38) is positive, the liquid is Powing imo the ai veel ted to delivery pipe. Hf equation (20.38) is negative, then ui i ring Hee the air ni lace into or fro essel, And if equation (20.38) is zero then no flow is taking p Ul Porar see) fited to suction pipe, IF equation (20,38) is positive, the liquid is fowing from te fr fesse fitted to suction pipe, If equation (20.38) i negative, the liquid is flowing into the air vessel, Forno flow of liquid int or rom the sit vessel, equation (20.38) shouldbe zen Problem aD) 30min sh re charge water toa height of 12 m. The diameter and length of the deli im respectively. Ifa large air vessel is fitted in the delivery pipe ata distance of2 2m from the centre of the pump, find \) Atte beginning of the delivery stroke, and (1) In the middte of the detivery stroke Take f= 01 Solution. Given Diameter of cylinder, the pressure head in the cylinder, D=1Sem=0.15 m Area, astx 15° = 0.01767 m? Stroke length, L=Wem=0,30m Crank radius, a =0.15m Speed of pump. N=30rpm. 2RN _2xRx30 Angular speed os. =Rradss ngular spee 0 a ra Delivery head, fg = 12m Diameter of delivery pipe, dy = 100m =0.10 m Area, 4g = (RIA) (.1)" = 007854 Length of delivery pipe, = 39 m Length of air vessel from the centr of the cylinder, W=2m Length of delivery pipe above the air vessel, Co-efficient of friction, (i) The pressure head in the ¢ equation (20.25) as, a ee Reciprocating Pumps 1031] it 2 ciye Sirs My A 0C) L(A. or ga dyx2 la, a) ela, x O16? mt oer nx.isy xm x15 007854 O1x2x981 x 007854 oe) yee 2x981\ 007854) = 12 +6709 + 0.065 + 0058 = 12.75 m, Ans, (ai The pressure head in the cylinder in the middle of the delivery stoke is given hy equation (20.26) a (2 ag 4x01x2 (01767 y 312+ x | x IS A . * Oixaxoni”( porasa x ) +08 +8 = 12 + 0458 +065 + 0058 = 12.116 m, Ans, Problem 20.15 A single-acting reciprocating pump is to raise aliquid of density 1200 ke per cubic metre through a vertical height of 11.5 metres, from 2.5 metres below ‘pump axis 109 metres above it. The plunger, which moves with S.H.M.. has diameter 125 mm and stroke 225 mm. The suction an delivery pipes are 25 mn diameter and 3.5 metres and 13.5 metres long respectively. There i a laree air vessel placed on te delivery pipe near the punyp axis, Bu there is ma air vessel onthe suction pipe Wf separation takes place at 8.829 Nom below atmospheric pressure, find (8) maximum speed, with which the punap can rex without separation taking place, and (i) power required to drive the pump, iff = 0.02. (01767 ax sy ye op RN ‘Aor d,x2g Neglect slip for the pump. Solution, Given : Liquid density, = 1200 kgf? Total vertical height elm Suction head, Delivery head Dia. of plunger, D = 125 mm = 0.125 m Area of plunger, = : «125? = 0.0123 m? Stroke length, f= 225 mm = 0.225 m Crank radi, Dia, of suction and delivery pipe, d = 75 mm = 0.075 m x 2 2 Aca of suetion and delivery pipe, a= 7° (0.075) = 0.00842 mn? v J 4“ 1032, Fluid Mechanics Length of suction pipe, i = Be cength of delivery pipe, y= 135 Aves’ 's placed on the delivery side only. Hence, the velocity in the delivery pipe wit) 4, uniform. And there will be no accelerating head on delivery side, N cl a ‘ic pressure Separation pressure = 8829 > below atmospheric p = 8829 10 © below atmospheric pressure m Separation pressure oxy _ 8829 x10" 1200 9.81 .S m below atmosphere Purp can run without separation taking place. N= Max. speed with which pump can run without separation taking place n take place only at the be ‘ginning of suction stroke. As air vessel is not fitted on te will be accelerating head acting on suction side. roke = h, + hy, below atmosphere ‘This pressure should be equal 10 hy, in the limiting case : TS = ht hy = 2S +h, lay = 15-25 = 5.0m 1s at the beginning of suction stroke * Separation pressure head, fey m below atmosphere Ai) (i) Maximum speed, with which Let The separation ea: the suction pipe, ther Pressure head at the beginning of suction st But ‘h, JS 2028 a? x 1125 981 00442 [50x 9.81 x 00442 = asc pe ie = 0.69 radians 913550123 x 1a5 ~ O09 radians But w= 2eN 60 N= XO _ 60X669 _ 396 rpm, Ans. on Qn Maximum speed with which the pump can run without separation taking place is 63.88 p.m. (ii) Power required to drive the pump, New discharge (Q) of the single-acting pump is given by equation (20.1) 0.225 x 63.88 "> =0,00294 6 94 m/s. as Q = Area of delivery pipe x Velocity = ax v ye 2 = 10294 0 665 mis, a 0,00442 Head loss due to friction in delivery pipe, Af rly xv? _ 4 x.02.x 13.5 x (665) fae dx 2g 075x2x981 During suetion stroke, the value of maximum hg is given by 4x fxd, (4 J __4x.02x35 dx2g a = 0.834 m Now power required to drive the pump in kW = 0.324 m. a Toate R= 2S) O1S x 2x 9.81\ 00442 — Workdone/s _ pxgx@Q ~~ 1000-1900 __ 1200 x 981 x 00294 - 1000 ; 428 kW. Ans. Problen{ 20.16 )4 double-acting reciprocatin, piston of piston rod, which is on one side of the piston 50 mm, piston stroke .6 m respectively. Find the work done by the piston during outward stroke. Would the work done change for the inward stroke? Solution. Given : 2 ; x yt hy +ohy + hy | [n aga tha | x [2s +904 : x 8344324 Dia. of piston, D=250 mm =0.25 m ; By poll onach: 7 Atea of piston, Ae DD's 20.25 m= 0.0491 m Dia. of piston rod, = 50mm =0.05 m Area of piston rod, y= ; xd'= x 0.05" = 0,001963 m2 Stroke length, 1.= 380 mm =0.380 m Suction head, 4,=45m Discharge or delivery head, hy = 18.6 m Find work done during outward stroke In a double-acting pump for outward stroke, suction side will be towards the piston and delivery side will be towards the piston rod Hence, total work done during outward stroke = Weight of water lifted x height through which water is lifted + Weight of water delivered x height through which water ig delivered =PXEXO) Kh, + PX EXO, xh, ¢ id Mechanics SaaS Te (1084 _ Fluid Mechanics _ (0491 x 0.380 = 0.01865 m ‘where during outward stroke, Q, =A x L 0, =(4-a) xb . & = (0.0491 — 0.001963) x 0.380 = 0.01791 m nd px ¢= 1000x981 Nim a mae s ene X 0.01865 x 4.5 + 1000 x 9.81 «0.01791 x 18.6) Nm 2981 x 0.01865 x 4.5 + 9.81 x 0.01791 x 18.6 (kJ) = (0.8233 + 3.268) KI Ce = 4.0913 kJ. Ans, . ¢ delivery side be For inward stroke, suction side will be towards the piston rod whereas the delivery side will be towards the piston. ym) Total work done during inward stroke =PREXO KH +P X EXO) XN = PX g (Ox h, +O, x iny) 1000 x 9.81 (0.01791 «4.5 + 0.01865 x 18.6) Nm = 1000 x 9.81 (0.0806 + 0.3468) J 81 (0.0806 + 0.3468) kI L192 KS Hence, work done during inward stoke Will be different, Ans, Problem 20.17 4 single-acting reciprocating of 450 mm and it is driven with SH. and 100 mm respectively. Determin fitting an air vessel on the delive A pump has a plunger diameter of 250 mm and stroke M. a1 60 pan. The length and diameter of delivery Pipe are 60 m the power saved in overcoming friction in the delivers pipe by ide of the pump. Assume friction factor = 0. O1. Solution. Given Dia. of plunger, D = 250 mm =0.25 m Area, A a x 025? Stroke length, L= 450mm = 0.45 m Crank radius, Speed, N=60 rpm. Angular speed, (= 2RN/6D = 2 x 60/60 = 2 rads Length of delivery pipe, = 60m Dia. of delivery pipe, d= 100mm =0.1m Area of pipe, ae yg Friction factor, f=001 Power saved is given by, f2 7 ee —s=C*=E N where p x g = 1000 9.81 — 2 ge BIN _ B, 025 04560 _ 9.97009 mils oo 4 60 . 2 ; pf xixe FX (4 } . aL MEAN 2 =’ xf oxr Without air vessel, hy dx2g ax2g a tT 2 \ = xoas x 2nx 0225) = 01x 60_ [pent hn 01x2x981 Exon 4 a fXLx¥? With air vessel, We ag yiypat oorx6o [4% anx 0.225 = 4, SEA | = 2.419 m. O1ax981 | Ege = x0 2 Power saved =pxgxQx 2 Jnaoairvevat 7" yun wa] = 1000 x 9.81 x 0.2209 5 x 2387- 2a] Ww 2 = 9.81 x 0.02209 [Fx2s 87-2. 413] KW = 2.924 kW. Ans, ersten) A double-acting reciprocating pump runs at 120 r.p.m, When its suction pipe of 100 mi dizer is fitted with an air vessel on its suction side. The diameter of cylinder and stroke are 150 mm and 450 mm respectively. If piston is to be driven with S.H.M., find the rate of flow from or into the air vessel when the crank makes angles of 30° , 90° and 120° with the inner dead cenire. Find also'the crank angles at which there is no flow into or from the air vessel. Solution. Given : Speed, N= 120 rpm. Angular speed, o= a = ae = dn radis _fXLXV? 4fxixv? * Here friction factor is given and hence the formula is f= ~~——— ang dx2g dx2g er py 20.)0 COMPARISON BETWEEN CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS AND RECIPROCATING 2 PUMPS Centrifugal puny s ee ite discharge is continuous and smooth. | {t can handle large quantity of liquid. |) \3-ican be used for lifting highly viscous liquids. 4/‘t is used for large discharge through smaller heads. | | +6--Cost of centrifugal pump is less as compared to reciprocating pump. Ceririfugal pump runs at high speed. They can be coupled to electric motor. | \Ge-The operation of centrifugal pump is smooth and without much noise. The maintenance cost is tow. \ 84 Centrifugal pump needs smaller floor area and installation cost is low, *Efficency is high. 2 sth Rpciptacaiitg pumps: | “A The dis The discharge is fluctuating and pulsating. | 2Athandtes small quantity of liquid only. | 3 Tr is used only for lifting pure water or less { viscous liquids. It is meant for small discharge and high heads. | | Cost of reciprocating pump is approxi \ four mes the cost of centrifugal pump.) 6, Reciprocating pump runs at low speed. Speed | is limited due to consideration of separation and cavitation, e operation of reciprocating pump is " complicated and with much noise. The maintenance cost is high./ a 8. Reciprocating pump requires large floor area i and installation cost is high. | OU Efficiency is.low. |

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