a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Purpose: The study was conducted to determine the effect of the cartoon-assisted preparation package, devel-
Received 25 September 2019 oped for children undergoing an endoscopy procedure, on children's fear and anxiety levels and parental satis-
Revised 14 February 2020 faction.
Accepted 15 February 2020 Design and methods: The study was conducted in a randomized controlled experimental design between April
Available online xxxx
2018–July 2019. The study sample consisted of a total of 65 children and their parents (33 in the intervention
group and 32 in the control group) who met the research inclusion criteria in this study population. The interven-
tion group was prepared for an endoscopy procedure with the cartoon-assisted preparation package for endos-
Cartoons copy.
Child Results: The mean fear scores of the children in the intervention group were 3.39 ± 0.56 before endoscopy, 1.67
Endoscopy ± 0.54 during endoscopy, and 0.52 ± 0.67 after endoscopy, with statistically significant difference between the
Nursing mean fear scores. The mean fear scores in the control group were 3.00 ± 0.80 before endoscopy, 3.13 ± 0.79 dur-
Parental satisfaction ing endoscopy, and 2.25 ± 1.16 after endoscopy, with statistically significant difference between the mean fear
scores. The anxiety scores of the children were 33.79 ± 4.00 in the intervention group and 36.56 ± 3.52 in the
control group before endoscopy, and the difference between anxiety scores was statistically significant (p b
0.05). The mean satisfaction scores of the parents in the experimental group after endoscopy (78.44 ± 10.01)
was higher than that of the control group (73.52 ± 12.92), but the difference between the groups was not statis-
tically significant (p N 0.05).
Conclusion: The cartoon-assisted preparation package for endoscopy was found to be effective in reducing fear
and anxiety that may occur in children undergoing endoscopy, in the 7–12 age group.
© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0882-5963/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: S. Köse and D. Arıkan, The effects of cartoon assisted endoscopy preparation package on children's fear and anxiety levels
..., Journal of Pediatric Nursing,
2 S. Köse, D. Arıkan / Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx
There are many tools used to minimize the trauma experienced by prevent the groups from being influenced by each other, the data of
pediatric patients from a serious illness, a hospitalization or a medical the intervention group were collected on Mondays and the data of the
procedure. One of these tools is the watching of cartoons. In a study con- control group were collected on Tuesdays. The data collection days of
ducted by Aral, Ceylan, and Bıçakçı (2011), it was determined that the the groups were determined using the lot method (Erdoğan et al.,
type of programming children watche due to their visuald most fre- 2014). This cycle was continued until a sufficient sample size was
quently and were most influenced by was cartoons due to their visual reached.
characteristics. When used appropriately, cartoons have entertaining,
instructive, and informative value and can be a model to develop the Inclusion criteria
character of a child (Bayır & Günsen, 2017; Ghilzai, Alam, Ahmad,
Shaukat, & Noor, 2017; Özdemir & Ramazan., 2012). Cartoons can be ed- Children between 7 and 12 years of age who were literate, accompa-
ucational tools that can model behaviors of right and wrong, beautiful nied by their parents, did not have mental, visual, hearing or communi-
and ugly, for children at an appropriate age (Şirin, 2017). In a study con- cation impairments, and had never previously had an endoscopy were
ducted in 2012, Lee et al. concluded that allowing pediatric patients to included in the study. Parents who were literate, who had no mental, vi-
watch animated cartoons before a procedure is an effective method sual, or communication problems or disabilities, and who were willing
for alleviating their anxiety. Similarly, in another study, it was found to participate were included in the study.
that cartoon watching is a method that can be used in decreasing fear
and anxiety (Cerne, Sannino, & Petean, 2015). Cartoons can occupy a Data collection tools
large part in a child's world. Studies have determined that cartoons
are mostly used as a method of distraction. Although foreign sources In order to collect the data, Descriptive Information Form, State-Trait
use cartoons to alleviate fear and anxiety in children (Cerne et al., Anxiety Inventory for Children, Children's Fear Scale, Newcastle Satis-
2015; Şirin, 2017), in Turkey the current practice is to change the nega- faction with Nursing Scale (NSNS) and Physiological Parameter Record-
tive behaviors of children that occur when they are stressed. ing Form were used.
Both children and their parents should be included in the treatment
process in pediatric care. The parents' input is important in evaluating Descriptive Information Form
the results of the care given in a hospital. Parents expect to be able to The Descriptive Information Form, which was prepared by the re-
trust health care professionals, to be supported, to be informed, and searcher in accordance with the literature (Arslan, 2014; Çapık, 2014;
for their child to be well cared for in a safe environment. Fulfilling the Gerçeker, Ayar, Özdemir, & Bektaş, 2018; Işık, 2012; Kayaokay, 2016),
emotional, human, and physical needs of children during medical treat- includes a total of 12 questions: the child's age, gender, number of sib-
ment increases parental satisfaction (Ulus & Gülümse, 2012). The aim of lings, family type, place of residence, family income, mother's age,
this study was to determine the effect of the use of a cartoon-assisted mother's education, mother's occupation, social security, and fear of
endoscopy preparation package on the fears and anxiety of children un- the endoscopy. It took about 3–5 min to administer this form.
dergoing an endoscopy, as well as their parents' satisfaction.
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAI-C)
Material method This self-reporting scale was developed by Spielberger in 1973 to as-
sess children's state and trait anxiety. It was translated and adapted into
Place and time Turkish by Özusta (1995). The scale was divided into two separate
scales containing a total of 40 items (20 state and 20 trait anxiety
The research was performed in a randomized controlled experimen- items). The child is asked to mark one of three options to assess how
tal design, and the data were collected between July 2, 2018 and May 24, they feel “at the moment.” Half of the items of the scale reflect the ab-
2019 in an endoscopy unit in the Pediatric Minor Branches Clinic of a sence of uneasiness, anxiety, and tension; the rest reflect their existence.
hospital in Erzurum, Turkey. The highest score that can be obtained from the scale is 60 and the low-
est score is 20. The Cronbach α value for the scale was found to be 0.82
Population and sample (Özusta, 1995). In our study; Cronbach α value was found to be 0.77. It
took about 5–8 min to administer this scale.
The population in this study consisted of children and their parents
who were referred to the pediatric outpatient clinic of the aforemen- Children's Fear Scale
tioned hospital between the specified dates and were given an appoint- This scale was developed in 2011 by McMurtry et al. (2011) to mea-
ment with a decision to undergo endoscopy for diagnosis and sure a child's anxiety level, and a Turkish validity of the scale was con-
treatment. In this study, an a priori power analysis was performed to de- ducted in 2018 by Gerçeker et al. The scale is intended to be used with
termine the sample size, and Cohen's standard effect sizes were chosen children between the ages of 5 and 10, but some have suggested it can
as the reference method (Çapık, 2014). In the power analysis, it was de- be used with children up to the age of 12 (Gerçeker et al., 2018). The
termined that the sample size should be 65 children and their parents, child is shown five facial expressions, each representing a level on a
of which 33 children were in the intervention group and 32 were in scale between zero and four, where zero indicates no fear and anxiety
the control group (n1:33, n2:32, X1:1,67, X2:3,12, SS1:0.55, SS2:0.79). and four indicates high level of fear and anxiety. This scale can be used
The children were randomly assigned to the groups using “stratification to measure fear and anxiety before and during a procedure (Gerçeker
and block randomization methods.” et al., 2018). Cohen's Kappa coefficient was examined to determine
In the literature, it has been reported that age, gender, and fear of in- inter-observer compliance. In our study, the value of kappa was found
terventional procedures were among the factors affecting the fear and to be 0.91. It took about 3–5 min to administer this scale.
anxiety experienced by children in medical procedures (Çavuşoğlu,
2013; Erdoğan, Nahcıvan, & Esin, 2014; Törüner & Büyükgönenç, Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scale (NSNS)
2012). In the current study, it was found that the most important vari- This scale was developed by Thomas, McColl, Priest, Bond, and Boys
ables affecting children undergoing an endoscopy procedure were the (1996) to determine patients' satisfaction with their nursing care. It was
fear of the procedure and their gender. The children were grouped as adapted into Turkish by Uzun in 2003 and later by Akın and Erdoğan in
boy or girl for the gender variable and as afraid or not afraid for the 2007. The scale is a 5-point Likert-type scale consisting of 19 items with
fear of the procedure. Block randomization was performed, and 32 or not at all satisfied =1, barely satisfied = 2, quite satisfied = 3, very
33 children were included in each of the study groups. In order to satisfied = 4, and completely satisfied = 5. The total score obtained
Please cite this article as: S. Köse and D. Arıkan, The effects of cartoon assisted endoscopy preparation package on children's fear and anxiety levels
..., Journal of Pediatric Nursing,
S. Köse, D. Arıkan / Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
from the scale is calculated by converting the scores of all items to 100 of the pillow, there is the picture of Endocan on a canvas cloth. None of
after adding them. Total score was summed and transformed to yield the material used to make the pillow had the potential to cause allergies
an overall ‘satisfaction score’ of 0–100, where 100 denotes complete sat- or respiratory aspiration in children. The purpose of giving the pillow as
isfaction/highest level of satisfaction with all aspects of nursing care a gift to the children is to instill a feeling of trust in the child, who is en-
(Akın & Erdoğan, 2007). The Cronbach α coefficient of the scale was couraged to take the pillow to the procedure room after he watches the
found to be 0.94 in Uzun's (2003) study and 0.96 in Akın and cartoon for companionship.
Erdoğan's (2007) study. In our study, the α value was found to be
0.95. In Turkish society, the responsibility of the mother in childcare is Features of Endocan doll model and posters
quite high. As in many pediatric clinics, only one companion is admitted The Endocan model was designed and made of decota printing ma-
to the endoscopy unit, which is often the mother. Therefore, in our terial, with a size of 120 * 30 cm and from a material that can stand with
study; the data of the father of each of the children who underwent en- back support. The poster, intended to be hung on the doors, cupboards,
doscopy could not be accessed and was not considered. It took about and walls of the clinic, was printed in 90 * 70 cm size. The aim of having
5–8 min to administer this scale. the models and posters in the environment is to provide continuity and
to keep the character in the child's memory. The model of the Endocan
Physiological Parameter Recording Form character was used in many places in the clinic and endoscopy room to
This form was developed by the researcher. Values before, during, support the child and facilitate the adaptation to the procedure.
and after endoscopy were recorded by measuring pulse and saturation
from a pulse oximeter and by measuring all physiological parameters Endoscopy room
including respiration, blood pressure, and body temperature. It took Oversized pictures of the cartoon character Endocan were posted on
about 4–5 min to administer this form. various parts of the endoscopy room (on the walls, material cupboards,
and the door of endoscopy room) and a model was put on the door of
Materials used in endoscopy preparation package and their properties the endoscopy room so that the child could make a connection with
the cartoon watched before the procedure and the environment.
The package consisted of four parts: pillows with the Endocan char-
acter printed on them, cartoons, models and posters. The Endocan char- Implementation of nursing interventions
acter, designed by the researcher, is a 7-year-old male. After many
discussions with a production company, the character was physically On the day in which the intervention group had their endoscopies,
designed and a cartoon animation was made. the environment was made suitable and a process preparation package
(model, poster, pillow, cartoon watching) was applied. On the day the
control group had their endoscopies, the process preparation package
was removed from the environment and only routine applications
were performed.
Please cite this article as: S. Köse and D. Arıkan, The effects of cartoon assisted endoscopy preparation package on children's fear and anxiety levels
..., Journal of Pediatric Nursing,
4 S. Köse, D. Arıkan / Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx
Inventory for Children was applied. The child was then taken to the en- As shown in Table 1; the mean saturation of the intervention group
doscopy room, where the Children's Fear Scale and their physiological before endoscopy was higher (p b 0.05). Heart and respiratory rates
parameters were measured for the second time. A routine endoscopy were found to be higher in the control group during endoscopy (p b
procedure was performed after the child was sedated by the anesthesia 0.05). Heart rate and saturation values were found to be higher in the
team. After the endoscopy procedure was completed, the child was control group after endoscopy (p b 0.05) (Table 1).
taken to the rest room of the clinic to become stable and for the effect When the intragroup physiological parameters were compared
of the sedation to wear off. The Children's Fear Scale and physiological (Table 1), the average heart rate difference before, during and after
parameter measurements were applied for the third time and the the endoscopy in the intervention group was statistically significant
NSNS was applied to the parents. Before they were discharged, each (p b 0.05). In the advanced analysis conducted to determine the
child was given a CD on which the cartoon was recorded and an group that caused the difference (U), the average heart rate before
Endocan pillow for compliance with ethical principles. the endoscopy (a) was found to be significantly higher than during
the endoscopy (b) and after the endoscopy (c), while the heart rate
Data assessment during the endoscopy was found to be significantly higher than the
heart rate after the endoscopy. This can be expressed as a N b N c.
In the comparison of demographic data, Chi-square test (for non- The average saturation difference before, during, and after the en-
normal distributions) was used for categorical variables, while indepen- doscopy was statistically significant in the intervention group (p b
dent groups t-test (for normal distributions) was used for continuous 0.05). In the advanced analysis conducted to determine the group
measurements. For the comparison of physiological parameters be- that caused the difference (LSD), the average saturation before the
tween the intervention and the control group, independent groups t- endoscopy (a) was found to be significantly higher than during the
test (for normal distributions) and Mann Whitney-U test (for non- endoscopy (b) and after the endoscopy (c), while saturation during
normal distributions) were used. For the pre-endoscopy, during endos- the endoscopy was found to be significantly higher than after the en-
copy and post-intervention comparison of the physiological parameters doscopy. This can be expressed as a N b N c. In the intervention group,
in the intervention and the control group, variance analysis for depen- the average respiratory rate before, during, and after the endoscopy
dent groups (LSD as advanced analysis) (for normal distributions) and was statistically significant (p b 0.05). In the advanced analysis con-
Friedman test (Mann Whitney-U as advanced analysis) (for non- ducted to determine the group that caused the difference (LSD), the
normal distributions) were used. For the pre-endoscopy, during endos- average respiratory rate before the endoscopy (a) was found to be
copy and post-intervention comparison of fear/anxiety levels in the in- significantly higher than during the endoscopy (b) and after the en-
tervention and the control group, variance analysis for dependent doscopy (c), while the respiratory rate during the endoscopy was
groups (LSD as advanced analysis) (for normal distributions) was found to be significantly higher than after the endoscopy. This can
used. Independent groups t-test (for normal distributions) was used be expressed as a N b N c.
to compare pre-endoscopy, during endoscopy and post-intervention The average heart rate difference before, during and after the endos-
comparison of fear levels in the intervention and the control group. In- copy in the control group was statistically significant (p b 0.05). In the
dependent groups t-test (for normal distributions) was used to compare advanced analysis conducted to determine the group that caused the
post-intervention satisfaction levels of parents. Pearson correlation difference (U), the average heart rate before the endoscopy (a) was
analysis (for normal distributions) and Spearman correlation analysis found to be significantly lower than during the endoscopy (b). This
(for non-normal distributions) were used to examine the association can be expressed as a b b. The average saturation difference before, dur-
between pre-endoscopy, during endoscopy and post-intervention com- ing and after the endoscopy was statistically significant in the control
parison of fear/anxiety levels and children's worry levels and parents' group (p b 0.05). In the advanced analysis conducted to determine the
satisfaction levels. Logistic regression analysis was used in the logistic group that caused the difference (LSD), the average saturation during
regression model which showed the effects of watching cartoon on the endoscopy (b) was found to be significantly higher than before
worry, fear/anxiety and satisfaction levels. Kurtosis and skewness coef- the endoscopy (a) and after the endoscopy (c). This can be expressed
ficients were used in the normality distribution of data, while Cronbach as b N a = c. In the control group, the average respiratory rate before,
α coefficient was used for internal consistency. For all the analyses, the during and after the endoscopy was statistically significant (p b 0.05).
value of p ˂ 0.05 was accepted as significant. In the advanced analysis conducted to determine the group that caused
the difference (LSD), the average respiratory rate after the endoscopy
(c) was found to be significantly lower than before the endoscopy
Ethical principles of the study (a) and during the endoscopy (b). This can be expressed as c b a = b
(Table 1).
Ethics approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the As can be seen in Table 2, the average fear score was 3.39 ± 0.56 be-
Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine, and permission was obtained fore the endoscopy, 1.67 ± 0.54 during the endoscopy, and 0.52 ± 0.67
from the hospital where the study would be conducted. During the col- after the endoscopy in the intervention group. The average fear score
lection of the research data, individuals were informed about the study, difference before, during, and after the endoscopy in the intervention
and all written and oral approvals were obtained. Individuals who were group was statistically significant (p b 0.05). In the advanced analysis
willing to participate were included in the study and the Human Rights conducted to determine the group that caused the difference (LSD),
Helsinki Declaration was abided by during the study period to ensure the average fear before the endoscopy (a) was found to be significantly
individual rights were protected in the study. higher than during the endoscopy (b) and after the endoscopy (c),
while the average fear during the endoscopy was found to be signifi-
Results cantly higher than after the endoscopy. This can be expressed as a N b
N c. The average fear score was 3 ± 0.80 before the endoscopy, 3.13 ±
When the intervention and control groups were compared in the 0.79 during the endoscopy, and 2.25 ± 1.16 after the endoscopy in the
study in terms of the participants' demographic characteristics (gender, control group, and the difference between the average fear score was
number of siblings, family type, place of residence, family income, statistically significant (p b 0.05). In the advanced analysis conducted
mother's education, mother's occupation, social insurance, the state of to determine the group that caused the difference (LSD), the average
being afraid of the procedure, the child's and the mother's age), it was fear after the endoscopy (c) was found to be significantly lower than be-
found that the two groups were similar and there were no statistically fore the endoscopy (a) and during the endoscopy (b). This can be
significant differences between them (p N 0.05). expressed as c b a = b.
Please cite this article as: S. Köse and D. Arıkan, The effects of cartoon assisted endoscopy preparation package on children's fear and anxiety levels
..., Journal of Pediatric Nursing,
S. Köse, D. Arıkan / Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx 5
Table 1
Comparison of physiological parameters.
Ave SD Ave SD
x2F=Friedman test, t = t-test for independent groups, U = Mann Whitney U testi, F = Variance analysis. Bold emphasis statistically significance at p b 0.05.
The average fear score difference between the intervention and the anxiety levels of the children (p N 0.05). The relationship between the
control group during the endoscopy was statistically significant (p b fear score and the parental satisfaction level after the endoscopy was
0.05). The average anxiety score of the control group was found to be statistically significant, positive and low (p b 0.05). As the fear score in-
higher. The average fear score difference between the intervention creased, the parental satisfaction level also increased.
and the control group after the endoscopy was also significant, with Table 5 shows that the package is a significant predictor of fear level.
the control group having a higher average anxiety score. As can be In the group which was given the cartoon-assisted endoscopy prepara-
seen in Table 2, the average anxiety score of the children in the interven- tion package, the fear score was 0.124 times higher before the endos-
tion group before the endoscopy was 33.79 ± 4.00, while their average copy, 10.5 times lower during the endoscopy and 7.9 times lower after
fear score was 3.39 ± 0.56. The average anxiety score of the children in the endoscopy (p b 0.05). The package is not a significant predictor on
the control group before the endoscopy was 36.56 ± 3.52, while their anxiety and satisfaction levels (p N 0.05).
average fear score was 3 ± 0.80. The average fear and anxiety score dif-
ference between the intervention and control group before the endos- Discussion
copy was statistically significant (p b 0.05). The control group was
found to have a higher average anxiety score, while the intervention For children of all ages, illness, hospitalization, and all procedures
group was found to have a higher average fear score. applied in the hospital are a frightening experience (Çavuşoğlu, 2013;
The average satisfaction score of the parents after endoscopy was Gökçay et al., 2010). Children should be allowed to ask their doctor
78.44 ± 10.01 in the intervention group and 73.52 ± 12.92 in the con- and medical team questions about their illness and treatment, such as
trol group. The difference between the satisfaction scores of the parents what kind of procedures will be performed on them, what kind of treat-
in the intervention and control groups after the endoscopy was not sig- ment will be provided and what can happen as a result.
nificant (p N 0.05) (Table 3). When the physiological parameters were compared between chil-
Table 4 shows that the relationship between the pre-endoscopy fear dren in the intervention group and those in the control group, the aver-
score and the anxiety level of the children was significant, positive and age saturation of the intervention group was higher before the
low in the control group (p b 0.05). As the fear score increases before the endoscopy. During the endoscopy, the control group had higher heart
endoscopy, the anxiety level of the children also increases. The relation- and respiration rates. After the endoscopy, the control group was
ship between the pre-endoscopy fear score and the parental satisfaction found to have higher heart rates and saturation values (Table 1). Phys-
level was not statistically significant (p N 0.05). There was no significant iological parameters, which are the main indicators of health status,
relationship between the fear scores after the endoscopy and the can be affected by many things, such as ambient temperature, physical
Table 2
Comparison of fear levels in children before, during and after endoscopy.
n Ave SD n Ave SD
Please cite this article as: S. Köse and D. Arıkan, The effects of cartoon assisted endoscopy preparation package on children's fear and anxiety levels
..., Journal of Pediatric Nursing,
6 S. Köse, D. Arıkan / Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 3 Table 5
Comparison of parental satisfaction levels with nursing care after endoscopy. Logistic regression model showing the effect of the package on the anxiety, fear level of
children and parental satisfaction.a
Intervention group Control group Significance
B S.E. Wald p Odd(s) 95% G.A.
n Ave SD n Ave SD
Lower Upper
Level of satisfaction 33 78.44 10.01 32 73.52 12.92 t = 1.718
p = 0.091 Anxiety −0.003 0.138 0.000 0.982 1.003 0.765 1.314
Fear before 2.086 1.048 3.966 0.046 0.124 0.016 0.968
activity, physiological changes, exercise, anxiety, sudden stresses, Fear during −2.358 0.961 6.018 0.014 10.575 1.607 69.609
chronic disorders, fear, anxiety and pain (Akça, 2013; Neyzi, Ertuğrul, endoscopy
Fear after endoscopy −2.074 0.889 5.441 0.020 7.960 1.393 45.492
& Özmen, 2010). A review of the literature shows a great number of Level of satisfaction 0.116 0.061 3.657 0.056 0.890 0.791 1.003
methods are used to restore these conditions to normal levels, such as Constant −7.239 8.084 0.802 0.371 1393.269
distraction through story reading, listening to music or watching car-
Bold emphasis statistically significance at p b 0.05.
toons (Bergomi, Scudeller, Pintaldi, & Molin, 2018; Thrane, Wanless, a
All variables were examined as continuous data.
Cohen, & Danford, 2016). In a study conducted in 2019, Karaca exam-
ined the effects of musical toys on fear and anxiety related to vascular
access and reported that the control group had higher respiration, satu- b 0.05). These results show that using the package before the procedure
ration and heart rate values during the procedure. In a study by Aktürk contributes to decreasing the levels of fear among children. James, Ghai,
(2017), the effect of guided imagery with music on the patient's physi- Rao, and Sharma (2012) stated that allowing children to watch cartoons
ological parameters in a bronchoscopy were examined, and it was re- before an invasive procedure effectively decreases children's fear during
ported that heart rate increased and saturation values decreased in and after the procedure (James et al., 2012). The literature further
the intervention group during the procedure. shows that, in a hospital environment, watching cartoons increases
The literature confirms that invasive procedures cause fear and anx- children's compliance with a procedure, and information given before
iety in children (Çavuşoğlu, 2013; Gökçay et al., 2010). In our study, the the procedure decreases fear, anxiety and pain in children (Cerne
average fear score before the endoscopy was higher in the intervention et al., 2015; Jimeno et al., 2014; Kuo, Pan, Creedy, & Tsao, 2018; Lee
group, while the average score during the endoscopy and after the en- et al., 2012). Results of the regression analysis conducted in this study
doscopy was lower (Table 3). Fremont et al. (2018) stated that the prob- were also found to be parallel with the literature.
lem of compliance in the inhaler treatment of children with asthma Before the endoscopy, the average anxiety score was higher in the
could be improved with the use of animated cartoons, and the cartoons control group. There are many studies in the literature that confirm
could also reduce the fear and anxiety in these children. Lee et al. (2012) that informing the child and the family about the disease and its treat-
reported that watching cartoons decreased the fear experienced by chil- ment will decrease the state of anxiety and worry in children (Çiftçi,
dren before being given anesthesia. Similarly, a study by Szeszak et al. Aydın, & Kataraş, 2016; Cimete, Kuğuoğlu, & Çınar, 2013; Gürol &
(2016) found that showing cartoons to children who are about to Binici, 2017; Karaca, 2019; Törüner & Büyükgönenç, 2012).
have MRI without sedation both increases their adaptation to the pro- In a study by Bergomi et al. (2018), it was found that having children
cess and decreases their level of fear. watch cartoons decreased their anxiety and the anxiety of the parents.
In another study, Bergomi et al. (2018) stated that allowing children Similarly, Kuo et al. (2018) determined that in children about to un-
to watch cartoons during a procedure could be used to relieve anxiety, dergo a vascular access procedure, watching informational cartoons re-
fear and pain (Bergomi et al., 2018). In a study conducted by duces their anxiety. Jimeno et al. (2014) had similar results in a study of
Sakamoto et al. (2014) on primary school students, it was found that children visiting the dentist who were allowed to watch cartoons. In an-
explaining the risk factors and symptoms of paralysis using a cartoon in- other study, Cerne et al. (2015) also found that having children watch
creased the children's satisfaction, and they continued their daily life as cartoons can be used in reducing fear and anxiety. In this study, it was
more informed, secure and with less fear. In a study conducted by found that using the package with the intervention group effectively
Büyük and Bolışık (2018), it was reported that training given to children lowered the patient's anxiety level during and after the endoscopy
in the form of pre-operative therapeutic play reduced their level of fear (Table 2).
after a procedure. Based on these findings, it can be said that watching The difference between the satisfaction scores of the parents in the
cartoons before a medical procedure is an effective method to reduce intervention and control groups after the endoscopy was not statisti-
the fear and anxiety in children. Similarly, the present study found cally significant (p N 0.05) (Table 3). It is reported in the literature that
that the use of a cartoon-assisted endoscopy preparation package had communication and information are the most important factors affect-
a significant effect on the fear experienced by the pediatric patient ing patient satisfaction (Aldemir, Gürkan, Yılmaz, & Karabey, 2018;
(Table 5). In the group with whom the package was used, the fear Ataman & Yarımoğlu, 2018; Turgu, Öztora, Çaylan, & Dağdeviren,
score was 0.124 times higher before endoscopy, while it was 10.5 2018). Adequately informing the family members, improving the social
times lower during endoscopy and 7.9 times lower after endoscopy (p and physical environment of the hospital, and making patients feel
comfortable are important in terms of increasing service quality and sat-
Table 4
isfaction. In a study conducted by Ulus and Gülümse (2012), it was
The relationship between fear scores and anxiety levels of children and parental satisfac- found that the satisfaction levels of informed mothers were higher
tion levels before, during and after endoscopy. than those of uninformed mothers. In studies by Yılmaz, Şentürk,
Intervention group Control group
Yalçın, and Başoğlu (2018) and Kayrakcı and Özşaker (2014), it was
found that the mother's satisfaction with the nursing care was mod-
Anxiety Satisfaction Anxiety Satisfaction
erate, while in Uzun's (2003) study, the satisfaction with the nurs-
level level level level
ing care was higher. The differences between our study and other
Fear score before r −0.299 −0.022 0.411 −0.115
studies may be because of the participant's educational or socio-
endoscopy p 0.091 0.904 0.019 0.533
Fear score during r −0.121 −0.057 0.228 0.108 cultural characteristics, the differences between the hospitals, and
endoscopy p 0.504 0.754 0.209 0.556 the quality of the service of these hospitals. It can also be a result
Fear score after r −0.051 0.154 0.114 0.459 of the fact that the parents' expectations were met though the rou-
endoscopy p 0.776 0.393 0.534 0.008 tine practices of the hospital rather than a decrease in their child's
Bold emphasis statistically significance at p b 0.05. fear and anxiety.
Please cite this article as: S. Köse and D. Arıkan, The effects of cartoon assisted endoscopy preparation package on children's fear and anxiety levels
..., Journal of Pediatric Nursing,
S. Köse, D. Arıkan / Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx 7
When the scales used in the study were examined in terms of Drafting of manuscript; Semra Köse, Duygu Arıkan.
groups, it was found that as the fear scores before the endoscopy in- Critical revisions for important intellectual content; supervision;
creased in the control group, as did the children's anxiety (Table 4). In Semra Köse, Duygu Arıkan Statistical expertise; Duygu Arıkan, Semra
a study by Gönener and Görak (2009), where the children were in- Köse.
formed about the hospital, disease and procedures, the pre-training av- Administrative/technical/material support; Semra Köse, Duygu
erage scores on anxiety-causing thoughts of the experimental group Arıkan.
decreased after being given information, and the difference between
the experimental group and the control group was statistically
significant. References
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..., Journal of Pediatric Nursing,