Occasionally mentions a pain in the epigastrium with irradiation to the back. The first
manifestations of dysphagia appeared 4 months ago, after which it did not disappear and
gradually increased. The pain has been noticeable for the last two weeks. He has been smoking
for 40 years, about a pack of cigarettes daily. He drinks strong alcohol two or three times a week
and prefers spicy food. A pensioner, he worked as a worker at an asphalt plant.
Objective: appears exhausted. Skin and mucous membranes are normal. Body temperature:
36.8 ° C; RR: 16 / min; Pulse 72 beats / min, regular; BP 130/80 mm Hg. Auscultation of the
chest gives clear breath and cardiac sounds. Percussion of the chest is unremarkable. On
palpation, the abdomen is soft, with moderate tenderness in the epigastrium. Bowel sounds
are as usual.
* Barium esophagram
* Laboratory tests results
1, Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3, Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4, What additional diagnostics are required?
5. Suggest curative tactics.
Task 1
1Diagnosis: chronic surgical pathology of the alimentary canal, Esophageal cancer.
2Diagnostics: Barium swallow- severe stricture / stenosis that inhibits endoscopic evaluation.
2. A 27-year-old woman complains of acute attack of severe pain in the right lumbar region,
frequent urination, nausea, periodic vomiting. The pain radiates to the right inguinal, labia
majora and right thigh, almost independent of changes in body position. The urge to urinate
repeats every 10-15 minutes. Urine is excreted in small portions. The above attacks recurred 2-3
times a year, but were less intense and short-lived.
Objective: the patient is restless, constantly changes a body position, and gets out of bed. Body
temperature: 36.8°C; RR: 20/min; Pulse 72 per min, regular; BP 130/80 mm Hg. Auscultation of
the chest shows clear breath and cardiac sounds. Palpation reveals a protective muscle tension in
the right lumbar region; the area of the right kidney is painful.
* Abdominal CT scan
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the X-ray examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Prescribe medication
Task 2
1.Diagnosis : acute surgical pathology of the abdomen, acute urolithiasis
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy
3. A 51-year-old man complains of pain in the left hypochondrium that radiates to the left arm
and neck when trying to lie down in his supine position, general weakness, and thirst. Three
hours ago, he was returning from a friend's birthday party and fell on the rails with his left side
while crossing the railway track.
On examination, patient is in serious condition. The skin and conjunctivae are pale. The smell of
alcohol from the mouth is detectable. The jugular veins are not dilate. A pulse is regular, of weak
filling, 108 beats / min. BP 105/75 mm Hg. Breath and cardiac sounds are clear to
There is a linear abrasion in the left costal arch area. The abdomen is moderately enlarged, its
respiratory movements are limited. Palpation reveals pain and slight muscle tension in the left
hypochondrium, pain in the left costal arch, a moderate rebound sign. Bowel sounds are
¢ Abdominal CT scan
* Laboratory tests results.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the X-ray examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4, Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Prescribe medication
Task 3
1.Diagnosis : acute surgical pathology of the abdomen , blunt abdominal trauma ,complicated with splenic
rupture .
Urgent laparotomy
5.Post operative antibiotics
4, A 57-year-old woman complains of feeling of heaviness in her right side and intermittent pain
in the right hypochondrium, night fever up to 38.5°C with chills, weakness, loss of appetite. She
underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy due to prolonged severe attack of cholecystitis,
accompanied by fever, three weeks ago. Within the postoperative period, there are daily episodes
of fever.
Objectively: the patient looks exhausted. Her skin is dry, wrinkled; the skin fold straightens with
a delay. Body temperature 37.8°C. Pulse 92 beats/min; BP 138/80 mm Ig. Breath sounds are
moderately decreased in the chest right lower part. Heart sounds are clear. There are
postoperative scars on the places of laparoports on the abdominal wall. Palpation in the right
hypochondrium and tapping on the right costal arch course a pain. The lower edge of the liver is
3 cm below the edge of the costal arch. Bowel sounds are clear.
¢ Abdominal Ultrasound
* Laboratory tests results.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.-Sepsis/ Abscess
2. Formulate the conclusion of the abdominal ultrasound.
3. Assess the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Prescribe medication
5. A 56-year-old woman complains of changes in the skin of her right breast. She says the skin
around her right nipple has become red and "crusty" over the past few months. The left nipple
and areola are normal. The patient have not visited a doctor for 4 years. Patient’s history includes
episodes of recurrent heartburn, about which she takes omeprazole irregularly. She has an adult
son; does not smoke, does not drink alcohol. She is in menopause since the beginning of this
Objective examination. Body temperature: 36.8°C; DP: 156/90; RR: 14/min; Pulse: 72/min.
Breath and cardiac sounds are clear to auscultation. Palpation of the right breast reveals a solid 2-
centimeter lump in the upper, outer quadrant of the right breast that is not fixed to the chest wall.
The skin over the mass is poorly folded. The right nipple and the areola have an eczematoid,
scaly appearance. Examination of the left breast is unremarkable. Axillary lymph nodes are not
enlarged. Abdomen is unremarkable.
° Mammogram
¢ Laboratory tests results
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. What additional diagnostics are required?
5. Suggest curative tactics.
Task 5
Diagnosis: chronic surgical pathology of the breast , breast cancer (early stage)
6. A 76-year-old woman developed and gradually increased a diffuse cramp-like abdominal pain,
nausea. She vomited several times without any relief, first with altered food and then with bile. A
bloating, flatulence presents. Patient fell ill the day before, in her opinion, after the birthday party
of the daughter-in-law. The last defecation occurred the day before yesterday. Patient underwent
an open operation due to destructive cholecystitis, local peritonitis. History includes
hypertension, she takes lisinopril, atorvastatin, clopidogrel as prescribed by her family doctor.
Objective examination: obese patient in a serious condition. Body temperature: 36.7°C; BP:
158/94 mm Hg; RR: 26/min. Pulse 108 beats/min, regular. The skin is dry and the conjunctiva
is pink. The tongue is dry, covered with a yellowish plaque. Breath sounds are clear to auscultation.
Heart sounds are clear with accent of the second tone on the aorta. The abdomen is enlarged.
Along the midline of abdominal wall, there is a deformed postoperative scar, in the middle part
of which an asymmetric protrusion of 15 x 12 cm presents. An attempt of a palpation the
protrusion is sharply painful, intense. Bowel sounds are uneven, with periodic amplification; the
noise of "splash" is defined. Abdominal percussion reveals high tympanic sound.
* Abdominal Radiogram
* Laboratory tests results.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the abdominal radiogram.
3. Assess the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Prescribe medication
Task 6
Diagnosis : acute surgical pathology of the abdomen, post operative complication , intestinal obstruction
with adhesions
Multiple air-fluid levels and stacked dilated loops of small bowel – kloibers cup
Prophylaxis administration of antibiotics ( ceftriaxone 1g 2t/d in 200ml sol. I/V)
Task 7
Diagnosis : chronic surgical pathology of the abdomen ,ulcerative colitis ,severe degree.
8. A 62-year-old man complains of a cough with sputum, weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss,
and shortness of breath when walking up the stairs. The sputum is dominantly mucus-purulent,
sometimes contains a blood. Patient mentions episodes of joint pain as well. He has been
smoking for 44 years, about a pack of cigarettes a day, so he considers cough as a common. He
used to work as a mechanic and is now retired. He drinks strong alcohol two or three times a
Objectively: asthenic man with normal skin and mucous membranes. Body temperature: 36.8°C:
RR: 22 / min; Pulse 78 beats/min; BP 138/82 mm Hg. The veins of the neck are not dilated.
Cervical and axillary lymph nodes are not enlarged. There is deformation of the end phalanges of
the fingers due to their thickening. A lung auscultation reveals decreased sounds in the lower left.
On percussion a dull sound presents above a place of respiratory weakening. Heart sounds are
clear. The anterior abdominal wall is soft and painless on palpation.
° Chest CT scan
* Laboratory tests results
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. What additional diagnostics are required?
5. Suggest curative tactics.
Task 8
9. A 59-year-old man complains of abdominal pain, weakness, nausea, and fever. He has been
smoking for 42 years, about a pack of cigarettes a day. He works as a driver, prefers meaty, fatty
foods; consumes a dry wine occasionally. Patient notices similar, but much lighter episodes in
the past; the complaints disappeared usually in 1-2 days on their own.
The patient is of hypersthenic body type. Skin and mucous membranes are normal. Body
temperature: 38.1°C. Blood pressure 146/90 mm Hg. Pulse 104 per 1 min. Breath and heart
sounds are clear to auscultation. The abdomen is symmetric, participates in respiratory
movements. Palpation of the abdominal wall reveals tenderness and moderate defense in the left
lower quadrant. The rebound sign is negative. Bowel sounds are decreased. Rectal examination
does not find any abnormalities.
* Irigogram
* Laboratory tests results
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.-Crohns diseiase / colitis/ chronic pancreatitis/ chronic
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Assess the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Prescribe medication
10. A 62-year-old woman mentions an appearance and progression of weakness and weight loss
(approximately 8 kg within last 3 months). Upon detailed questioning, it was found that the
patient is prone to constipation, recently notices the appearance of black stools. She takes
nebivolol, aspirin, simvastatin as prescribed by her family doctor. She has never smoked and
does not drink alcohol. Her mother died at the age of 58 after surgery that was performed due to
intestinal obstruction.
On examination: the patient appears ill. The skin is dry and the conjunctiva is pale. Body
temperature: 36.8°C; RR: 16 / min; Pulse 62 beats/min. BP 142/80 mm Hg. Breath and heart
sounds are clear to auscultation. The abdomen is symmetric, participates in respiratory
movements. Palpation of the abdominal wall is painless, without defense. Bowel sounds are
detectable. Rectal examination does not find any abnormalities in rectal ampoule; there is a black
feces on a glove.
* Irigogram
* Laboratory tests results
1 Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. What additional diagnostics are required?
5. Suggest curative tactics.
Task 10
11. A patient of 25 years complains of continuous pain in his right iliac region, the intensity of
which decreases in the position of lying on the right side with bent legs, dry mouth, general
weakness, fever up to 37.9°C, lack of appetite. The pain appeared in the epigastrium last evening.
Two hours later the nausea and single vomit occurred. Pain increased till morning and moved to
aright iliac area. The body temperature increased to 37.6°C, a pulse rate became 90 per min.
He has no significant past medical history and takes no medications. He smokes for about 4
years 7-8 cigarettes daily. Does not use strong alcohol, occasionally - beer and energy drinks.
T: 38.1°C; BP: 122/80 mm Hg; RR: 15/min.; P: 98/min, SpO2 98%.The patient is athletic
appearing. Auscultation of the chest gives clear breath and cardiac sounds. Percussion of the
chest is unremarkable. On palpation, the abdomen is markedly tender in the right lower region;
there is involuntary guarding with a fairly rigidity and rebound tenderness. The liver and
spleen are not palpable. Bowel sounds are slightly decreased.
* Sonogram of the abdomen in the pain area
* Results of CBC.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.-
2. Formulate the conclusion of the ultrasound examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Propose the medication (in the form of prescriptions or appointments)
1. Acute Appendicitis
2. US: thickening of the appendix walls, increase echogenicity of the
surrounding fatty tissue.
3. Lab data: Neutrophil leukocytosis, shifting the formula to immature
4. Laparoscopic & laparotomy appendectomy (retrograde/antegrade)
5. Hospitalization to surgical department.
Urgent surgery(appendectomy), optimally-laparoscopic
Medication after surgery
IV fluid
Emperical antibiotics (cephalosporins e.g Ceftriaxone 1g 2t/d, imipenem,
Anagelsics (promedol, ketorolac 3%-1ml 3t/d)
Spasmolytics (nospa, papaverine)?
12. A 56-year-old man presents to the emergency room with a 3-days history of bouts of
worsening abdominal pain, with nausea and vomiting. The pain is located mostly in right
hypochondriac; radiates through to the right shoulder, right side of patients back. The fever, dry
mouth, general weakness, lack of appetite, bloating are mentioned as well. The disease has
begun, it is believed, after using of fried meat. Patient took pancreatin, drotaverin, amoxicillin,
ibuprofen with a temporary effect. On further questioning, he admits to previous bouts of similar
abdominal pain over the past 6 months but never so intensive. The history is marked with
hypertension, which requires taking of perindopril/indapamide 1 tablet once a day. Patient works
as a private entrepreneur; he does not smoke; consumes alcohol episodically.
Objective examination reveals rather heavy condition. T: 38.6°C; BP: 152/94 mm Hg; RR:
25/min.; P: 112/min, SpO2 96%. The patient is fatty appearing. The body mass index is 30.85.
Scleras are subicteric. Auscultation of the chest gives clear breath and cardiac sounds. Percussion
of the chest is unremarkable. The tongue is covered with yellowish bloom. There is abdominal
tenderness in the right upper quadrant with guarding, especially during inspiration. Rebound sign
is positive here. Tapping on the right edge arc is sharply painful. Bowel sounds are slightly
* Sonogram of the abdomen in the pain area
* Results of blood tests.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the ultrasound examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Propose the medication (in the form of prescriptions or appointments)
Task 12
Diagnosis : chronic surgical pathology of the abdomen, chronic calculus cholecystitis, exacerbation stage
complicated with peritonitis .
Laparotomy cholecystectomy
Medication and diet changes : i/v fluid (normal saline 400ml 1t/d )
13. A 49-years-old fatty man presented with the attack of severe abdominal girdle pain that has
appeared after the enormous eating of meat and fat meal. The pain is located in epigastria and
left hypochondriac area, irradiates to the back. Severe nausea, multiple vomiting, which does not
bring facilitation, takes place. Patient notes difficulty of breathing, weakness, delay of intestinal
emptying. The condition is progressively worsened.
The patient is extremely heavy, the skin is pale, with cyanotic areas, and breathing is superficial.
PR is 128 per min.; BP is 90/50 Hg mm, RR 28 per min.; SpO2 92%. Breath and cardiac sounds
are rather clear. A tongue is dry, covered a white raid. An abdomen is moderately enlarged, with
gaseous distention, soft. Palpation reveals pain in epigastria and left hypochondric area. where
the infiltration is noted. Peritoneal signs are negative. The Meyo-Robson’s sign is positive.
* Sonogram of the abdomen
* Results of blood and urine tests.
1, Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Propose the medication (in the form of prescriptions or appointments)
14. A 30-year-old man presents to the emergency department with sudden onset of severe
epigastric pain and vomiting 3 hours ago. He reports a 6-month history of chronic epigastric pain
occurring nearly every day and relieved by antacids. He takes two packs of cigarettes and several
cups of coffee daily.
On examination, he appears sweaty and avoids movement. Vital signs reveal a temperature of
37.8°C, BP of 100/60 mmHg, pulse rate of 110/min, and respiratory rate of 14/min. His lungs are
clear. The remainder of his examination reveals diminished bowel sounds and a markedly tender
and rigid abdomen. Percussion of abdomen gives box sound above right chondric arc. Fairly
rebound tenderness presents.
* Radiogram of the abdomen
* Result of blood test.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Propose the medication (in the form of prescriptions or appointments)
15. A 40-years-old thin man has been suffering from gastric ulcer for a long time. During last 2
days the pain became less intensive. At the same time, an increasing weakness, dizziness
appeared. This morning, rising from a bed, he lost conscious on a few seconds. Patient is smoker,
coffee drinker; avoids strong alcohol.
PR is 108 per min.; BP is 90/50 Hg mm, RR 26 per min.; SpO2 96%. The patient is moderately
heavy, with pale skin. Breath and cardiac sounds are rather clear. There is none intensive pain in
the epigastric area. Peritoneal symptoms are absent.
Rectal exam reveals black stool.
Gastro-duodenal endoscopy was performed, photo is added
* Endophoto
* Results of blood test.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Describe the endoscopic picture.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Propose the medication (in the form of prescriptions or appointments)
17. A 45-year-old man presents to the emergency department in extremely poor condition. The
patient is somnolent, flabby, adynamic, and in marked distress. He can not tell about the onset of
the disease. According to the neighbor, who accompanies the patient, within 4 days did not leave
the house. He is alone; abuse of alcohol. Not employed.
Vital signs reveal a temperature of 39.3°C, BP of 78/46 mmHg, pulse rate of 132/min, and
respiratory rate of 32/min. Patient appears obviously exhausted. The skin is pale, the turgor is
lowered. His lungs are clear. The remainder of his examination reveals markedly tender and rigid
abdomen with absence of bowel sounds. Percussion of abdomen gives box sound with dullness
downward. Fairly rebound tenderness presents.
* Radiogram of the abdomen
* Result of blood tests.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4, Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Propose the medication (in the form of prescriptions or appointments)
18. A 45-years-old man complains of a diffuse increasing pain in abdomen, mostly in right-side
and in hypogastric area. The vomiting has occurred several times. The delay of gas and intestinal
content evacuation is noted. History is remarkable by the appendectomy which has been
performed several years ago. He is smoker; takes strong alcohol occasionally.
At the physical examination: the general condition is grave, body temperature is 37.6°C, pulse
rate is 100 per min, BP is 110/70 Hg mm. Patient appears pale, diaphoretic and dyspneic. Breath
and cardiac sounds are rather clear. Abdomen is asymmetric, with moderate pain at
palpation,intestinal sounds are weak, and the Hippocratic (succussion) sounds are defined.
Percussion gives box sound above abdomen.
* Radiogram of the abdomen
* Result of blood test.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Propose the medication (in the form of prescriptions or appointments)
19. A patient of 56 complains of the pain in muscles of the right thigh, foot and legs. which
occur when walking at a distance of about 150-200 m. He mentions deterioration at the damp
cold weather. Periodically, spastic abdominal pain is appearing after eating. Patient is a
bricklayer; smokes more than 40 years, about a packet of cigarette a day. Alcohol consumes 1-2
times a week.
The man is of asthenic body structure. The skin looks normal. Mucous are of pale pink. BP:
140/76 mm Hg. PR: 68 per 1 minute. RR: 18 per 1 minute, SpO2 98%. Auscultation finds
vesicular breath sounds. Cardiac sounds are rhythmic. clear. The abdominal wall is soft and
painless on palpation. Intestinal sounds are as usual. Skin of the lower extremities is pale and
dry; hyperkeratosis of nails, hypotrophy of muscles is present. Pulse on the arteries of the right
leg and foot, the popliteal artery is not determined. The patient has an angiogram (attached).
° Angiogram
° Result of blood test.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4, Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Propose the medication (in the form of prescriptions or appointments)
20. The patient is 56 years old, complains of swelling and pain in the left leg, which progress.
The disease began a day ago; symptoms arose in the evening after a long time sitting (the man is
a driver). The patient come to physician, was examined by a surgeon. the ultrasound of lower
extremities was performed. The man smokes about 40 years. History is marked with
appendectomy in adolescence, allergy to penicillin in the form of urticaria.
BP: 140/76 mm Hg. PR: 68 per | minute. RR: 18 per 1 minute, SpO2 98%. The skin looks
normal. Mucous are of pale pink. Auscultation finds vesicular breath sounds. Cardiac sounds are
rhythmic, clear. The abdominal wall is soft and painless on palpation. Intestinal sounds are as
usual. There is a left thigh swelling (an increase of 10 cm in comparison with the right one), a
shin (an increase of 10 cm in comparison with the right one). The signs of Moses and Homans
are positive
* Sonogram
* Result of blood test.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of Sonography.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4, Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Propose the medication (in the form of prescriptions or appointments).
21. The patient of 56 years old complains of a sharp pain in the left shin and foot, limiting of
movements in the joints of the lower extremity. The pain has appeared suddenly; the patient
immediately applied for help, was examined by a therapist. a surgeon, the ultrasound of the legs
was performed. Patient smokes over 40 years, about a pack of cigarettes a day. The history is
marked with myocardial infarction (4 years ago). Sometimes, the dyspnea on exertion comes. In
case of deterioration of well-being, he asks for a doctor, however, he refuses to take the medicine
Patient appears moderately severe. BP: 118/76 mm Hg. PR: 118 per | minute. RR: 18 per |
minute, SpO2 98%. The skin looks normal. Mucous are of pale pink. Auscultation finds
vesicular breath sounds. Cardiac sounds are rhythmic, clear. The abdominal wall is soft and
painless on palpation. Intestinal sounds are as usual. His left foot and lower third of the tibia are
sharply painful and cold. The pulsation of the left femoral artery in inguinal area is clear, of other
arteries of the extremity is not determined.
° Angiogram
° Result of blood test.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4, Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Propose the medication (in the form of prescriptions or appointments)
22. A man of 27 complains of the pain in the right half of the chest (predominantly in the back,
periodically radiates to the shoulder), which increases when trying to breathe deeper, cough;
moderate dyspnea while walking. Back pain on the right appeared 2 days ago after the patient
fell down on the stairs. The next day patient came to a family doctor; after a physical
examination, a diagnosis was concluded: intercostal neuralgia; Ibuprofen was prescribed (200
mg daily). On the evening the dyspnea became worse, patient was admitted to emergency. Chest
X-ray in frontal view was performed (attached).
T: 36.8°C; BP: 138/84: RR: 29/min.; P: 88/min.; SpO2: 92%. The patient is in moderate
respiratory distress. His jugular veins are not dilated. Breath sounds are absent on the right and
normal on the left. The chest is hyperresonant to percussion on the right and resonant on the left.
Heart sounds are normal. The abdomen is unremarkable.
¢ Chest X-radiogram
° Results of laboratory tests.
1. Formulate a clinical diagnosis.
2. Does the patient need any immediate aid?
3. Give the conclusion of the radiological examination.
4. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
5. Suggest a surgical tactics.
6. Prescribe medications.
23. A 52-year-old man complains of fever up to 39°C, cough with purulent sputum with bad
smell, moderate dyspnea, weakness. He mentions episodic hemoptysis as well. Patient fell ill
three weeks ago after catching cold, did not come to the doctor. Patient has been smoking for 35
years, pack of cigarettes daily. He consumes alcohol 1-2 times a week; works as a welder.
T: 38.3°C; BP: 116/78 mm Hg: RR: 21/min.; P: 110/min.; SpO2: 94%. The body mass index is
20.62. The patient is diaphoretic, in moderate respiratory distress. The skin is pale. Breath
sounds are normal on the left; but are decreased, with crepitation in the mid dorsal area on the
right, The percussion of the chest reveals resonant sound with the area of dullness on the right.
Heart sounds are decreased. The abdomen is unremarkable.
* Chest X-radiogram
° Results of laboratory tests.
1, Formulate a clinical diagnosis.
2. Give the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest a surgical tactics.
5. Prescribe medications
24, A 52-years-old man presents with the pain in the left half of the chest. fever up to 39°C, dry
cough, dyspnea, which decreases in the position on the left side, weakness. He fell ill three
weeks ago after catching cold, took paracetamol. Over time though, there was a decrease in the
intensity of pain; but the dyspnea has appeared and gradually become worse. Patient has been
smoking for 30 years, above pack of cigarettes a day.
T: 38.3°C; BP: 115/60 mm Hg; RR: 29/min.; P: 118/min.; SpO2: 90%. The patient is diaphoretic,
in moderate respiratory distress and appears pale. Breath sounds are absent on the left lower area
and normal on the right. The percussion of the chest reveals the dullness to the left downwards
and resonant sound to the right. Heart sounds are decreased. The abdomen is unremarkable.
* Chest X-radiogram
* Results of laboratory tests.
1. Formulate a clinical diagnosis.
2. Give the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest a surgical tactics.
5. Prescribe medications.
26. A 36-years-old man complains of a fever (up to 39.9°C), pain in throat at swallowing, pain in
neck and breast, chills, weakness. For two weeks, it is being treated for tonsillitis; despite the
therapy, feeling worsens. The man smokes during 30 years, about half a packet of cigarettes a
day, consumes alcohol episodically. There was an allergy to penicillin in the past.
Patient is grave. BP: 118/82; RR: 29/min.; P: 128/min.; SpO2: 92%, Auscultation finds vesicular
breath sounds. Cardiac sounds are rhythmic, clear. The abdominal wall is soft and painless on
palpation. Intestinal sounds are as usual. There is a swelling of tissues and hyperemia of the skin
of the neck to the right, in supraclavicular area.
* Chest CT
° Results of laboratory tests.
1. Formulate a clinical diagnosis.
2. Give the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest a surgical tactics.
5. Prescribe medications.
27. A 25-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after being stabbed in the chest
during a bar fight. The patient was given 2 liters of normal saline en route to the hospital due to
T: 35.9°C; BP: 85/40; RR: 25/min.; P: 138/min. The patient is in moderate respiratory distress
and appears pale. His skin is clammy, and you notice marked jugular venous distension. The stab
wound is deep, to the left of the sternum in the Sth intercostal space. Breath sounds are
normal and clear bilaterally. His chest is resonant to percussion bilaterally. Heart sounds are
faint and distant. Peripheral pulses are weak. He is disoriented and unable to answer questions.
* Radiogram of the thorax
* Result of blood tests.
1. Determined a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest surgical tactics.
5. What is the first aid?
6. Propose the medication (in the form of prescriptions or appointments)
28. A 32-year-old man presents with a chief complaint of difficulty swallowing. His dysphagia
has become gradually worse over the last 6 months and is equal for solids and liquids. He
also mentions bouts of severe chest pain when drinking ice water. He denies heartburn, fever,
exertional chest pain, and dyspnea, but does admit to a 5-pound weight loss during the last 6
months, primarily due to eating less because of the difficulty and chest pain he has when
attempting to eat. He also mentions occasional regurgitation of undigested food when lies down
to go to sleep at night.
T: 36.8°C; BP: 118/75; RR: 14/min.; P: 62/min. The physical exam is unremarkable. Specifically,
lymphadenopathy, skin changes, heart murmurs, and abdominal tenderness are not present.
* Esophagogram
* Results of laboratory tests.
1. Formulate a clinical diagnosis.
2. Give the conclusion of the ultrasound examination.
3. What diagnostic methods should be used to confirm the diagnosis
4, Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
5. Suggest a surgical tactics.
6. Prescribe medications.
29, A 35-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after a severe auto accident in
which he was a restrained passenger. The man complains of severe abdominal pain with some
radiation to the shoulder area and some mild shortness of breath. He has no significant past
medical history, takes no medications, and denies using alcohol or other drugs.
T: 36.6°C; BP: 125/85; RR: 18/min.; P: 84/min.The patient is healthy appearing. He has mild
tachypnea, and bowel sounds can be heard in the left lower thorax. Head and neck exam is
normal. Abdominal exam is remarkable for minimal diffuse tenderness to deep palpation and
normal bowel sounds. On extremity exam, there is no pain with palpation or limitation of active
and passive motion of the left arm and shoulder. Stool is negative for occult blood.
* Radiogram of the chest
* Result of blood tests.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Propose the medication (in the form of prescriptions or appointments)
5. Medication
Analgesics: Ketorolac 3%-1ml 3t/d IM
Antibiotic prophylaxis: Ceftriaxone 1g 2t/d IM
- Infusion therapy with normal saline 400ml IV
30. A 52-years-old man complains of periodic abdominal pain, heartburn, which is significantly
enhanced in the position of lying, at bending; bouts of air, sometimes - with food or bile. He is ill
for about two years. Patient takes antacids occasionally, which gives a short-term reduction of
heartburn. He was examined 2 months ago with esophagoscopy, redness of the esophageal
mucosa with crosions in its terminal part; reflux of the gastric content was revealed. The man is a
driver; sometimes he lifts some heaviness. He smokes over 30 years, at least a pack of cigarettes
a day; docs not use alcohol; takes 3-4 cups of coffee daily.
The man is of high nutrition, body mass index is 34.2. Skin and mucous are common. Peripheral
lymph nodes are not enlarged. T: 36.6°C; BP: 125/85; RR: 18/min.; P: 64/min. The physical
exam is unremarkable.
* Barium X-rays of esophagus and stomach.
* Result of laboratory test.
1. Determine a clinical diagnosis.
2. Formulate the conclusion of the radiological examination.
3. Give an assessment of the laboratory parameters.
4. Suggest surgical tactics.
5. Propose the medication (in the form of prescriptions or appointments)
1. Axial hernia of the diaphragm (don’t know why it’s hernia) GERD
(gastroesophageal reflux disease)( thought is reflux)
2. X-ray: Dislocation of the proximal part of the stomach into the chest along
the axis of the esophagus.
3. Lab data: Anemia,hypercholesterolemia
4. Hospitalization to a surgical department
Surgical intervention (Anti reflux surgery): Crurorraphia, Nyssen
5. Medication
PPI: Pantoprazole 40mg 2t/d, in postoperative period: Analgesic(eg
Ketorolac 3%-1ml 3t/d IM);
Antibiotics prophylaxis: Ceftriaxone 1g 2t/d IM
Infusion therapy: Glucose solution 5%-200ml IV