OSCE Exam (Surgery)
OSCE Exam (Surgery)
OSCE Exam (Surgery)
Patient S., 62 years old, is complaining on acute intermittent pain for a long time
and heaviness in the epigastrium, sometimes heartburn, nausea. According to the
review of radiography the abdominal organs, any pathological signs were not
detected. The abdomen is involved in breathing, soft, moderately painful in the
pyloroduodenal area, symptoms of peritoneal irritation are absent.
2. Describe the pathological changes (which organ, what part of it, the
characteristics of the formation).
We see that it is the enteral part of stomach and that there is a polyp.
4. What should be done with GDS to establish the benign or malignant nature of
the disease?
By doing the esophagogastric duodenoscopy you have to do an endoscopic
biopsy not just from the polyp but also different parts of the stomach.
6. What additional instrumental methods can be used for diagnosis and why?
Colonoscopy – sometime the polyps could also be in the colon and not just the
CT scan can be done after the results of biopsy, if any malignancies are detected
in order to identify the location and size of the malignancies
Endoscopic polypectomy & Laparotomy - resection of the polyp with the wall of
the stomach
If it’s a malignant polyp we could do gastrectomy or resection of the stomach by
Billroth 1 and 2.
After endoscopic operation the patient could have bleeding, perforation of the
stomach wall. Laparotomy has similar complications plus peritonitis.
Infective hepatitis, tumors (in this location for example tumor of the head of the
pancreas), acute pancreatitis.
5. Which method is shown in the figure. What is the purpose of this study?
The method shown in this image is endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography. The reason we do this is to do an endoscopic stone
extraction. We remove the stone from the ductus choledochus (aka common bile
Kehr's sign - increase of pain with pressure on the area of gall bladder, especially
on deep palpation.
Ortner's sign - tenderness on light percussion at right costal margin by edge of the
Patient K., 42 years old, went to the doctor with complaints of pain in the left
hypochondrium, sometimes shingles, nausea, dry mouth, diarrhea, weakness,
fever up to 37.6 C°. These complaints appeared after eating a lot of fatty and
spicy foods. He considers himself ill for about 3 years, when for the first time after
consuming a small amount of alcohol and fatty foods, similar complaints
appeared. She was treated by diet and medication. On examination: the tongue is
covered with white plaque, the abdomen is slightly swollen, palpation reveals pain
in the projection of the body and tail of the pancreas, when pressing the points of
Hubergritz, Mayo-Robson.
Pain in the left hypochondrium, sometimes shingles, nausea, dry mouth, diarrhea,
weakness, fever
6. Which instrumental methods of examination can be used for diagnosis?
A 40-year-old patient complains of acute pain in the anus, which occurred after
strenuous exercise 2 hours ago. Previously, such complaints were not noted, but
periodically after defecation there is a release of fresh blood. When examining the
anal area, enlarged hemorrhoids, dark purple, painful on palpation are noted at 4,
7 and 11 o clock.
Greet the patient first by saying hello or good day. Introduce yourself to the patient
and ask for consent to do the examination. Wear surgical gloves, lubricate the
index finger with lube.
To assess the condition of the fissures and closing functions of the anal canal
Knee-elbow position
4. Gently insert a finger into the intestine to examine all the walls of the intestine.
5. Indicate probable pathological changes during digital examination of the
Scarring, cracks, or defects of mucous membrane. Polypoid growths, hemorrhoids
and infiltrates, fistulas and tumors could be palpated.
6. Establish the pathological process in the rectum. See the picture of the
Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy
Patient S., 39 years old, is complaining of constant intense pain in the epigastric
and left hypochondrium, vomiting, which does not bring relief. Is ill for 4 days, the
disease is associated with the use of large doses of strong alcohol. Objective
examination: the tongue is dry, covered with white plaque, the abdomen is
moderately swollen, on palpation - tense, painful in the upper parts, positive
symptoms of Mondor, Schotkin-Blumberg. At percussion - blunting on flanks,
auscultatory - peristaltic noises are absent.
CBC, urine analysis, alpha amylase of blood, biochemical analysis of the blood for
During ultrasound fluid sequestration can be seen in the head of the pancreas and
exudate in the omental pouch
Patient P., 43 years old, complained of paroxysmal pain in the left lumbar region,
radiating to the external genitalia and inner surface of the thigh, fever up to 38.2
C., for 5 days, dry mouth, nausea, repeated vomiting, decreased daily diuresis. In
the projection of the left hypochondrium on palpation: the left kidney is enlarged,
painful. Pasternatsky's symptom is positive on the left. Ultrasound of the urinary
system revealed the spread of the collective system of the left kidney, thinning of
its parenchyma, the ureter could not be visualized, due to significant
pneumatization of the intestine, urine output from the orifice of the left ureter is not
4. Which are the main complaints of the patient with such disease?
Paroxysmal pain in the left lumbar region, radiating to the external genitalia and
inner surface of the thigh, fever, dry mouth, nausea, repeated vomiting, decreased
daily diuresis
Septic shock
Patient V., 67 years old, complained of urine excretion with blood and shapeless
clots, dysuria. From the anamnesis it is known that hematuria occurs periodically
for 2 years, asymptomatic. It is also known that the patient works in the textile
industry, he is a smoker with 20 years of experience. Ultrasound revealed a
thickening of the bladder wall and the presence of hyperechoic formation of
1.5x1.0 cm in size, with exophytic growth. Excretion of urine from both openings of
the ureters is traced.
Greet the patient first by saying hello or good day. Introduce yourself to the
patient. The reason why we are doing this examination is because we want to
determine the exact cause of the signs and symptoms displayed by the patient
which will help us identify and diagnose the abnormality or disease for us to treat
the patient.
2. Name the method of instrumental examination of the patient. Name the part of
the body (organ) which is examined.
Cystoscopy with biopsy of the bladder
4. Which are the main complaints of the patient with such disease?
Bleeding, UTI
9. Name the methods of surgical treatment.
Removal of tumor during cystoscopy the tumor is of small size and does not go
deeper into the bladder wall
In case it is a big tumor we perform urinary bladder resection, after operation
chemotherapy or immunotherapy can also be prescribed
Patient N., 25 years old, complained of acute pain in the scrotum, its enlargement,
fever up to 37.8 ° C. Physical examination shows: the right half of the scrotum is
enlarged, hyperemic and swollen, the folds of the skin are smoothed. Palpation:
the right epididymis is enlarged in the head and body area, painful, fused with the
testicle; left testicle and left epididymis without visible pathological changes.
Urethral smear microscopy: presence of leukocytes in the field of view.
Acute epididymitis
2. Name the method of radiological examination of the patient. Name the part of
the body (organ) which is examined.
4. Which are the main complaints of the patient with such disease?
Ultrasound with doppler mapping which would show us the blood flow of the
Abscess of testicles
9. Name the methods of surgical treatment.
Patient V., 52 years old, during the last three months noted moderate pain in the
left iliac region, bloating, general weakness, decreased appetite, low -grade fever.
Two days ago, abdominal pain significantly intensified and became convulsive,
stools and gases stopped flowing, and vomiting occurred. The patient's condition
is severe, pulse 102 beats / min., Blood pressure - 100/60 mm Hg. The tongue is
dry, covered with white plaque, the abdomen is swollen, painful to the left
hypogastrium, where a tumor-like formation is determined, there is a symptom of
Sklyarov, Val', Shchotkin-Blumberg. Intestinal motility is enhanced.
Side-by-side anastomosis
“There is pathological mobility and bone crepitus in the middle third of right shin.”
Vacuum splint
Solder D., 24 years old, delivered to the first stage of evacuation within 3 hours
after a mine injury of the left upper arm. Physical examination: pale, pulse 115
beats/min, blood pressure 90/160 mm Hg. Locally: a lacerated wound near 6x8
cm of the left shoulder, significantly contaminated by soil, at the bottom of it is
capsule of the shoulder joint without sign of damage. Bleeding is insignificant,
venous. The whole limb is warm, the pulsation in the radial artery is not disturbed,
no disorders of peripheral innervation.
1. Say hello to the patient and introduce yourself, obtain an agreement for
collecting anamnesis and examination.
Greet the patient first by saying hello or good day. Introduce yourself to the patient
and ask for consent to collect the anamnesis and to do the examinations.
2. Collect anamnesis of injury.
3. Make diagnosis.
Mine explosion, gunshot injury, ulcerated wound of the left forearm, traumatic
shock II degree
Bottom of the wound must be filled with sterile gas, sew the edge of the wound
with ligatures that are tied over the napkins fixing them by a bandage around the
joint and chest
Kramer splint is applied to injured limb, starting from forearm to the shoulder of
healthy side
Capitan B., 38 years old was delivered to the first stage of evacuation within 1
hour after open injury to his right shoulder, which he received when a car had
exploded on a mine. Physical examination: pale, pulse 115 beats/min, blood
pressure 90/60 mm Hg. Respiration rate 22 per/min. Locally: lacerated wound of
the lateral surface of the lower third of the right shoulder up to 4.5×5.0 cm, with
protrusion of broken humerus. Venous bleeding, pulsation in the radial artery is
not disturbed, the victim canot actively lift up the first finger, lack of sensitivity of
the dorsal surface of the first and second fingers.
1. Say hello to the patient and introduce yourself, obtain an agreement for
collecting anamnesis and examination.
Greet the patient first by saying hello or good day. Introduce yourself to the patient
and ask for consent to collect the anamnesis and to do the examinations.
2. Collect anamnesis of injury.
3. Make diagnosis.
Mine explosion, gunshot injury, open fracture with displacement of humorous bone
and radial nerve injury, bleeding, traumatic shock II degree
4. Administer painkiller from syringe.
Apply torniquet in the upper third of the shoulder with time of application
Kramer’s splint
The victim S., 54 years old, had his right upper limb at the level of his forearm
under a circular machine. The skin and visible mucous membranes are pale.
Pulse 136 per min., blood pressure 85-50 mm Hg. The lower third of the forearm
with torn edges in which the tendon fibers protrude, bleeding with! bright red
pulsating jet. Active flexion of II-Ill fingers of right hand is absent.
1. Say hello to the patient, introduce yourself, get consent to collect medical
history and examination.
Greet the patient first by saying hello or good day. Introduce yourself to the patient
and ask for consent to collect the anamnesis and to do the examinations.
2. Collect anamnesis.
3. Establish a diagnosis.
Open wound of lower third of right forearm, traumatic injury of the second and
third finger flex tendons on the right side with injury of radial artery. Arterial
4. Determine the indications for temporary stop of bleeding with using CAT
The lower third of the forearm with torn edges in which the tendon fibers protrude,
bleeding with! bright red pulsating jet.
5. Wrap the tourniquet's harness strap around the base of the limb and thread its
end through the inner hole of the buckle. Tighten tightly.
6. Pass the end of the belt through the outer hole of the buckle. The movable
buckle will lock the tourniquet in the correct position.
7. Tighten the tourniquet and secure the belt with Velcro®.
8. Rotate the twist rod with both hands until the pulsating stream of blood from
the wound stops and until the pulsation of the artery dorsalis pedis disappears.
9. Insert the end of the twist rod into the locking bracket.
10. Write down the time of applying the tourniquet on it or on the visible part of the
wounded person's body. Before time write down capital letter „T" (tourniquet,
time), which is a signal to medical staff when the tourniquet has been applied
on victim.