fb1200 Flow Computer en 454552
fb1200 Flow Computer en 454552
fb1200 Flow Computer en 454552
The FB1200 flow computer includes the following key
Increased measurement confidence, reduced
measurement uncertainty
Industry leading differential and static pressure
measurement including 0.05% of reading accuracy
and 5-year stability
High accuracy temperature measurement including Aluminum Housing Stainless Steel Housing
curve matching via the Callendar-Van Dusen
Reduced need to re-calibrate resulting in less time
spent on site
Simplified configuration and set-up with the
FBxConnect™ configuration software tool
Flexible design with configurable I/O and
communication ports to meet site needs
Standard firmware supports global calculations for
orifice, cone, Venturi, nozzle, conditioning orifice,
turbine, PD, Auto-Adjust and Coriolis
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FB1200 June 2023
Flow time does not match with the last verified checksum, the
Pulses system generates a checksum error and the flow
computer goes into an unverified state.
The firmware includes the following flow rates and
totals for API 20.1 (high water): History
Indicated volume / mass
Gross Volume The FB1200 features expanded and flexible history
capability to ensure measurement confidence and
Oil (Unshrunk and Theoretical Production)
meet the increasing demands for secure data.
Natural Gas Liquid
Flashed Gas The flow computer has four standard periodic logs
Water (Uncorrected and Corrected Volume) available providing hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly
Flow Time history. These logs can contain up to 110 variables
Pulses including flow weighted average data, totals, and gas
composition. For averaging, the FB1200 supports
Note: The firmware can accept a water cut from an
either flow weighted or flow dependent which can be
on-line analyzer or from an off-line analyzer
linear or formulaic.
corrected to metering conditions.
For gas meter averages, you can choose between flow-
The firmware supports a fallback mode when a process
dependent linear per API Chapter 21.1 (2013) or flow-
variable's value is questionable. The fallback options
dependent formulaic, flow-weighted linear, or flow-
can be one of the following:
weighted formulaic averages per API Chapter 21.1
Use last good value (1993). Liquid meter averages are flow-weighted
Use a fixed fallback value averages per API Chapter 21.2 (2000).
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June 2023 FB1200
serial ports, Ethernet port, or optionally through the
Housing FBxWifi wireless connection. For more information,
The FB1200 includes an explosion-proof and flame- refer to product data sheet FBxConnect (part
proof enclosure made of die-cast aluminum or D301789X012).
stainless steel that can operate in an unprotected
outdoor environment. Wiring for I/O, communications,
and power enters the enclosure through the four
conduit fittings. The front-end cap provides a viewing
window for the optional LCD. The rear end cap
provides access to the screw terminals with
connections for communications, I/O, and power. The
end caps provide the ability to fit wire security seals.
Power Options
The FB1200 has the following power options available:
External DC supply
External DC supply with internal battery back-up
Solar panel charging internal battery, unit has built-
in solar regulator
The internal battery can power the device under
normal operating conditions without charging for up
to 19 days.
Configuration Software
Emerson’s new FBxConnect™ tool is a Microsoft®
Windows®-based tool that enables you to easily
monitor, configure, service, and calibrate the FB1200
flow computer. Designed for ease of use, FBxConnect
provides at-a-glance monitoring, quick access to
commonly performed tasks, and a guided
configuration process to quickly get your
measurement up and running.
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FB1200 June 2023
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June 2023 FB1200
Four additional channels that are individually Mathematical calculations also support standard math
software selectable as discrete inputs, discrete functions (POW, EXP, LOG, SQRT, etc.), constants, and
outputs, or pulse inputs operators.
Multiple action blocks can be chained together to COM2 – 2-wire serial communications. Software
create more complex logic. Each action block includes selectable for EIA-232 (RS-232) or EIA-485 (RS-485)
multiple bypasses, which can temporarily halt the operation.
action to be taken for maintenance and safety. COM3 – 2-wire serial communications. Software
selectable for EIA-232 (RS-232) or EIA-485 (RS-485)
Effects – The FB1200 supports up to ten effects. Effects
cause an action to occur when the result of one or
more action blocks is active (“true”). Multiple action COM4 –FBxWifi (802.11 b/g) communications
blocks can cause the same effect, such as shutting a (optional).
valve or enabling an alert beacon. COM5 – Ethernet. 10/100BASE-T twisted pair.
Supports up to seven sessions.
You configure an effect by defining an output
parameter and the values to write to that parameter
when the effect is either active or inactive. You can also
Communications Protocols
configure an active effect to be self-clearing or to The FB1200 supports multiple communications
require a manual reset. protocols, including DNP3, Modbus master and slave
(ASCII and RTU), BSAP, and ROC on the three serial
Math Blocks – The FB1200 supports up to ten math
ports and DNP3 on the FBxWifi port. In addition, the
blocks. Math blocks perform mathematical equations
Ethernet port supports Modbus over TCP/IP protocol
using user-defined variables as inputs. Each math
(master and slave), DNP3/IP, ROC, and BSAP.
block consists of up to four user-defined variables,
three mathematical calculations, and the results of
each calculation.
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FB1200 June 2023
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June 2023 FB1200
Processor The central processing unit (CPU) of the flow computer is an NXP® Kinetis® K61 series CPU
with an ARM® Cortex® M4 processor.
Memory SRAM 8 MB, holds current states of all variables and historical archives.
Accuracy 0 °C to 40 °C 60 seconds/year
Diagnostics Battery voltage monitor, external voltage monitor, SRAM battery status
Protocols Serial ports support DNP3, Modbus slave (ASCII or RTU), BSAP, and ROC.
The Ethernet port supports Modbus over TCP/IP protocol (master and slave), DNP3, BSAP,
and ROC protocol.
Wi-Fi supports DNP3
DNP3 includes level 3 protocol subset
Base I/O
6 Channel I/O Board Provides 6 additional I/O channels in addition to the base I/O.
Note: Specifications for expansion I/O channels are identical to base I/O channels except
where noted.
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FB1200 June 2023
I/O Specifications
4 to 20 mA 3.2 to 20.8 mA
Resolution 16 bits
4 to 20 mA 250 Ω
Input Filter 20 HZ @ -3 dB
Surge 30 Vdc
Ambient +/- 0.05% of span per 10°C (18°F) from the calibration temperature
SNR 87 dB
Optional 6- Internal
Expansion I/O
Output Range 4 to 20 mA
Resolution 14 bits
Surge 30 Vdc
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June 2023 FB1200
Ambient +/- 0.05% of span per 10 °C (18 °F) from the calibration temperature
Surge 30 Vdc
Optional 6 internal
point I/O
Input Filter 10 Hz
Frequency 10 Hz maximum
Surge 30 Vdc
10 www.Emerson.com/SCADAforEnergy
FB1200 June 2023
Frequency 50 Hz maximum
Surge 30 Vdc
Surge 30 Vdc
Reference +/- 0.07 °C from -30 to 60°C (±0.126 °F from -22 to +140 °F)
Accuracy +/- 0.1 °C from -60 to 200°C (±0.18 °F from -76 to +392 °F)
Ambient −30 to 60°C +/- 0.017 °C per 10 °C (+/- 0.03 °F per 18 °F) from
Temperature the calibration temperature
−60 to 200°C +/- 0.034 °C per 10 °C (+/- 0.06 °F per 18 °F) from
the calibration temperature
IEC (α 0.003920/°C)
Excitation 205 µA
Surge 36 Vdc
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June 2023 FB1200
Integral Sensors
Multivariable Sensor(optional)
The standard Rosemount™ MultiVariable™ sensor has a stainless steel coplanar flange, a stainless steel (316L)
diaphragm, and silicone fill fluid. Optional versions include:
A Hastelloy® C-276 sensor diaphragm, a Hastelloy C-276 coplanar flange, with either NACE MRO175/ISO 15156 or
MRO103 certification
Stainless steel traditional flange, a stainless steel diaphragm, and silicon fill fluid.
Static Pressure Zero Error ± 0.25% USL per 1000 psi (69 bar)
Span Error ± 0.4% of reading per 1000 psi (69 bar)
25-inch sensor is only available with static pressure SP Range G4/A4,
maximum pressure limited to 2000 psi.
25-inch sensor is only available with stainless steel sensor and
coplanar flange.
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FB1200 June 2023
Static Pressure Zero Error ± 0.1% USL per 1000 psi (69 bar)
Effects For Static Pressures above 2000 psi:
± [0.2 + 0.0001 * (Ps - 2000)] % per 1000
Static Pressure Zero Error ± 0.05% USL per 1000 psi (69 bar)
Effects For Static Pressures above 2000 psi:
± [0.1 + 0.0001 * (Ps - 2000)] % per 1000
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June 2023 FB1200
Static Pressure Zero Error ± 0.05% USL per 1000 psi (69 bar)
Effects For Static Pressures above 2000 psi:
± [0.1 + 0.0001 * (Ps - 2000)] % per
1000 psi
Static Pressure Zero Error ± 0.05% USL per 1000 psi (69 bar)
Effects For Static Pressures above 2000 psi:
± [0.1 + 0.0001 * (Ps - 2000)] % per
1000 psi
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FB1200 June 2023
Static Pressure Zero Error ± 0.1% USL per 1000 psi (69 bar)
Effects For Static Pressures above 2000 psi:
± [0.2 + 0.0001* (Ps - 2000)] % per 1000
0.1% Accuracy is not available on traditional flange.
1000" DP range with 0.1% accuracy only available with stainless
steel sensor and coplanar flange.
1000" DP range is not available with 300 psi static pressure (SP
Range 1).
Static Pressure Zero Error ± 0.05% USL per 1000 psi (69 bar)
Effects For Static Pressures above 2000 psi:
± [0.1 + 0.0001* (Ps - 2000)] % per 1000
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June 2023 FB1200
Span Error ± 0.2% of reading per 1000 psi (69 bar)
Note: 1000" DP range is not available with 300 psi static pressure (SP
Range 1).
Static Pressure Zero Error ± 0.05% USL per 1000 psi (69 bar)
Effects For Static Pressures above 2000 psi:
± [0.1 + 0.0001 * (Ps - 2000)] % per 1000
Note: 1000" DP range is not available with 300 psi static pressure (SP
Range 1).
16 www.Emerson.com/SCADAforEnergy
FB1200 June 2023
Static Pressure Zero Error ± 0.2% USL per 1000 psi (69 bar)
Effects For Static Pressures above 2000 psi:
± [0.4 + 0.0002* (Ps - 2000)] % per 1000 psi
The following details are for the static pressure measurement of the MultiVariable sensor
The following section applies to the “in-line” integral static pressure sensor, without differential pressure, which
would typically be used with linear meters that provide a pulsed signal for flow.
These static pressure sensors are provided in stainless steel with a 1/2 “– 14 NPT female process connection.
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June 2023 FB1200
Static Pressure Input SP Range 1 Gauge – G1 –14.7 to 30 psig (–1.01 to 2.06 bar)
External DC Power 5.7 Vdc to 30 Vdc external supply (Max power at 10 watts)
Solar Panel and If ordered with the rechargeable battery option, the FB1200 includes an integral solar
Regulator Options regulator
Can be supplied with an optional 6-watt 6V solar panel
The solar panel input is rated to a maximum of 30V and 1.5A. A minimum of 8V is required
to charge the battery.
Note: This option is available only with Class 1 Div 2 approval.
18 www.Emerson.com/SCADAforEnergy
FB1200 June 2023
Power Modes
To keep power consumption to a minimum, especially for remote sites, the FB1200 can run in two different power
modes, low and standard. The FB1200 normally runs in low power mode for standard metering applications.
When running in low power mode, the radio power control function is used to switch to standard power mode and
enable the serial ports. During communication periods, the unit uses the standard power mode and then
automatically reverts to low power mode when the communication period is over.
Serial connection to a remote 4088B MVT can run in low power mode.
If PID control, math/logic blocks, or Ethernet communications are enabled, or a serial port set to Modbus
master, or the additional 6 channel I/O board is fitted and enabled, the unit will run in the standard power mode.
The local display and FBxWifi can be configured to switch off after a period of inactivity (configurable between 1 and
60 minutes) or be permanently left on.
When running in low power mode, if you need to use more than the default number of data points for logging,
consult the Emerson FB1200 Flow Computer Instruction Manual (D301782X012) to determine the possible impact on
power consumption.
The figures below are typical power values in mW measured at room temperature.
Low Power Mode Base unit with integral multivariable DP and pressure 47 mW @ 6.1Vdc
sensor and temperature measurement, single meter run
Standard Power Mode Base unit with integral 230 mW @ 6Vdc 245 mW @ 287 mW @
multivariable DP and pressure 12Vdc 24Vdc
sensor and temperature
measurement, single meter run
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June 2023 FB1200
Wiring Standard Size 12 to 28 American Wire Gauge (AWG) (0.3 to 2mm diameter)
Optional For units with optional 6-channel expansion card, size 16 to 28 AWG
(0.3 to 1.3 mm diameter)
Weight FB1200 aluminum housing with MVS coplanar flange sensor: 6.75 Kg (14.9 lb)
FB1200 aluminum housing with static pressure sensor: 5.98 Kg (13.2 lb)
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FB1200 June 2023
FB1200 stainless steel housing with MVS coplanar flange sensor: 13.27 Kg (29.5 lb)
Operating −40 °C to +80 °C (−40 °F to +176 °F) (see ambient temps in Approvals section)
Temperature Note: Check Approvals section for any restrictions. The display exhibits increased
response time and decreased contrast at temperatures below −30 °C (–22 °F).
Conformal Coating All boards are conformal coated with a coating that complies with ANSI/ISA 71.04 Class G3
Environmental Rating Product conforms to ANSI/ISA 71.04 Class G3 environmental standards with all conduit
openings sealed.
Electro Magnetic The following EMC Emissions and Immunity are evaluated per EMC directive 2014/30/EU.
Compatibility Harmonized standards used:
EN 61326-2-3-2013 Immunity
N 61326-1-2013 Emissions
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June 2023 FB1200
II 2 G.
II 3 G.
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FB1200 June 2023
CCOE India
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June 2023 FB1200
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