Physical Science Powerpoint 1
Physical Science Powerpoint 1
Physical Science Powerpoint 1
Red Giants
generate their
energy through
helium (alpha
particle) fusion.
As a star uses up its
hydrogen, helium
accumulates in its
core, and will
eventually burn.
The remaining
hydrogen continues to
burn in a shell around
the core
The hydrogen-shell
burning increases the
thermal pressure,
which causes the star
to expand into a Red
The fusion of He-4
(alpha particles) is
also called alpha
In a triple-alpha
process, typical of
many red giants, the
helium atoms
combine to form
In the first step, two
alpha particles
combine to make Be-
8 nucleus
In the second step of the
triple-alpha process, one
alpha particles combines
with the Be-8 nucleus to
form a C-12 nucleus
(A= 12; Z= 6)
More massive stars (>5
solar masses) can evolve
to become Super Giants.
Heavier elements
burn faster
(see table on right)
When it accumulates
Fe in the core and can
no longer maintain a
balance of
temperature and
pressure, the star will
undergo core collapse
In the high temperature condition in
the core of the high-mass stars,
another fusion process (the CNO
cycle) can fuses hydrogen into
helium at a much faster rate than the
proton-proton cycle.
• The heavier elements (carbon,
nitrogen, and oxygen) act as
catalysis to speed up the
hydrogen fusion process
• The net result is the same as the
proton-proton chain – the creation
of a helium atom and release of
energy from fusion of four
hydrogen nuclei (protons).
• The numbers of carbon, nitrogen,
and oxygen remain the same
before and after the reaction.
Afterhydrogen fusion, larger stars can continue with the fusion of
heavier elements.
• Red Giants can fuse helium and form carbon (triple-alpha process).
• Super Giant Stars can form elements from later steps of alpha fusion.
The alpha ladder can form the even elements lighter than iron.
The odd elements can be formed in supernova or through nuclear
Even elements are more common than odd elements.
Aftera star is exhausted of energy, its core will consist of Fe
(and outer shells of lighter elements).
capture reaction takes place in a
supernova (massive explosion).
of neutrons does not change the
element but only produces isotopes.
• Big Bang Theory - Evidence for the Theory
• First of all, we are reasonably certain that the universe
had a beginning.
• Second, galaxies appear to be moving away from us at
speeds proportional to their distance. This is called
"Hubble's Law.” This observation supports the
expansion of the universe and suggests that the
universe was once compacted.
• Third, if the universe was initially very, very hot as the
Big Bang suggests, we should be able to find some
remnant of this heat. In 1965, this was discovered a 2.725
degree Kelvin (-454.765 degree Fahrenheit, -270.425 degree Celsius) Cosmic
Microwave Background radiation (CMB) which pervades the observable universe.
Main- Red
sequence giants/ Supernova
star supergiant explosions
Proto- Triple-
proton alpha Neutron
chain process capture
CNO Alpha-
cycle ladder
1. What was formed as the universe
expanded and cooled down?
2. What do you call the process of creating
new atomic nuclei from preexisting
3. What is the process by which light
nuclei join together to form a heavier
4. What do you call the formation of heavy
elements by the fusion of lighter nuclei in
the interior of stars?
5. What nuclear reaction occurs in a
supernova and is responsible for the
formation of heavy elements?
are uncharged neutral atoms of an
element in its stable state the have the
same number of protons and electrons
but their neutrons are different.
X= element
A= mass number
Z=atomic number e
e=charge of the
What is the isotope notation for an atom
with 8 protons, 9 neutrons and 8