Chapter 7 Wageandsalary
Chapter 7 Wageandsalary
Chapter 7 Wageandsalary
Harvard Business Review (2010). HBR Answers Exchange. Retrieved from http://
Top-Five Reasons Why People Quit Their Jobs
by Gregory P. Smith
1. Management demands that one person do the jobs of two or more people,
resulting in longer days and weekend work.
2. Management cuts back on administrative help, forcing professional workers to
use their time copying, stapling, collating, filing and other clerical duties.
3. Management puts a freeze on raises and promotions, when an employee
can easily find a job earning 20-30 percent more somewhere else.
4. Management doesn't allow the rank and file to make decisions or allow them
pride of ownership.
5. Management constantly reorganizes, shuffles people around, and changes
direction constantly.
Payment, usually paid monthly and
usually expressed as an annual
amount, made by employers to
employees in return for work done.
• H x R =W
2. By the Amount of Work Produced