02 Security Management and Operation
02 Security Management and Operation
02 Security Management and Operation
Embrace Cyber Resilience
2 License Management
3 Firmware Upgrading
4 Device Management
COM Ethernet0/0
or MGT
Under the Level of Protection (LOP) system, default password change is an important security
measure aimed at preventing the misuse of default passwords and unauthorized access.
During the initial login to the StoneOS system, administrators are required to change the default
password. The new password must meet the system's password complexity requirements, which
include numbers, letters, underscores, etc.
Ø Function License
Ø Service License
Platform Trial License The platform license serves as the If expired, You will unable to No need to reboot to take effect
foundation for the operation of other modify the existing
licenses. If the platform license is invalid, all configuration, and the system
other licenses will not take effect. The will restore to factory defaults
device comes pre-installed with a 15-day when the device reboot.
trial license, which supports the same
functionalities as the official license.
Platform Commercial License After the device is officially sold, it can If expired, the device can still No need to reboot to take effect
install the official platform license. This work normally, but you
license provides basic firewall functionality cannot upgrade to the OS
and VPN (Virtual Private Network) version after expiration date.
Application Signature Database Provides application signature After expiration, it is not possible to No need to reboot device
License database upgrade functionality. upgrade the APP signature database.
Application signature database licenses
do not need to be applied separately;
they are issued along with the platform
license and have the same validity
• Step 2: Send the license request to Hillstone Regional Sales/SE (via Email / copy and paste it
at case description filed)
• When a device is powered on, the Bootloader tries to start StoneOS or Sysloader. The Sysloader is
used to select existing StoneOS in the system or upgrade StoneOS via FTP, TFTP or USB Host
interface. Or you can upgrade firmware in WebUI after login.
• Password security is an important aspect of ensuring system and data security. Specifying
password policy requirements, password generation and management, storage, protection,
regular password changes, compliance, and audit requirements can enhance password
security and reduce the risks of password guessing, cracking, and misuse. Compliance and
security are crucial to the level of protection.
• Password Security:
Ø Password complexity
Ø Password reset management
• The concept of a super administrator is abolished, and there are three individuals fulfilling the
roles of system administrator, audit administrator, and security administrator. Each person has
their own account, and it is mandatory for the administrator and auditor roles to be held by
different individuals.
• System>Device Management>Administrators:
Create New Trusted Host at first, and then delete the default one.
37 | See. Understand. Act. © 2022 Hillstone Networks | All rights reserved.
Interface Management
• Initialization management of security products is the primary task after the successful
deployment of the product. In this task, the administrator needs to perform basic configuration
management on the next-generation firewall. This includes interface management, time zone
and time settings, and installing and verifying licenses. It is also important to review system-
related information to ensure that the current system meets the requirements for secure
operation. If necessary, perform operations such as firewall firmware upgrades and updating
signature database.
Ø Update system time.
Ø Familier with license installation and verification.
Ø Understand the firewall upgrade process and associated precautions.
Ø Signature database updating.