ADP Run Quote 2024
ADP Run Quote 2024
ADP Run Quote 2024
Payroll Contact(s) Jerod Fisher Processing Frequency: Monthly NAICS Code: 711510
Phone(s) 586 216 9100 NAICS
Mobile 1 Description: Independen
Mobile 2 t Artists, Writers, and
Fax # Performers
Est. First Input Pay Period Start Date Existing Balances (Are there Input Method:Internet
02/09/2024 balances that need to be entered Mobile Device:
Friday Pay Period End Date for this client?): No Business: New
Est. First Check
Payroll Features Control # Billing Frequency Qty One Time Fees Processing Fees
|^| By initialing to the left, you consent to ADP calling you at the telephone number you provided on the sales order to provide service and support for products
and services you purchased and to tell you about other and new ADP payroll and related services, via an automatic dialing system including using
prerecorded messages.
Comments |@R|
I hereby absolve ADP, Inc., of any errors, penalties and interest payment responsibility arising from incorrect deposits, filings or payroll liability information prior to my
ADP start date. I will make all payroll tax deposits for payrolls run before setup of ADP's tax filing service. THE SERVICES, PRICING, CONSENTS AND
|#| |@|
12:13:01 PM
02/08/2024 --------------------------------------------
F. FSDD/ADPCheck/Pay Card For FSDD and Pay Card Services, before the first credit to the account of
C. Payment Services If You are receiving any of the Services that require ADP to debit funds from Your any employee or other individual (a “Payee”), You will get a signed and valid payee authorization from the
account to pay Your third-party payment obligations (e.g., Tax Filing, Garnishment Payment Service Payee (a “Payee Authorization”) which will be in a form acceptable to ADP and comply with NACHA rules
(GPS), FSDD Services, TotalPay or Payroll Card or other pay card (hereafter “Pay Card”), Pay-by-Pay, and applicable law and shall authorize the initiation of credits to the Payee’s account and debits of such
401K and/or ADPCheck Services) (“Payment Services”), You will have sufficient, collected funds in Your account to recover funds credited to the account in error. You will retain a copy of each Payee Authorization
during the period the Payee Authorization is in effect and for two years after and will provide a copy to ADP
7322 RUN ET (12/2023) Terms and Conditions of Service for RUN Powered by ADP ® Online Services Page 1 of 10
upon request. You agree not to distribute any ADPChecks to Payees in any manner that would allow obligation in case of any breach of any warranty contained in these Terms will be to repair or replace,
Payees to access the associated funds before pay date and You acknowledge that doing so may result in at ADP's option, any defective items. This is the extent of ADP's liability for all claims related to
additional fees being charged to You. You also agree to cooperate with ADP to recover funds credited to Timeclock Equipment including contract and negligence claims, and will be Your sole remedy.
any Payee’s account in error. If You want to stop payment on any ADPCheck, You will provide ADP with e) Maintenance services for the Timeclock Equipment (set forth below in Section f) apply
a written stop payment request in the form provided by ADP. ADP will, within 24 hours of receipt of the automatically to Timeclock Equipment under the subscription option and any maintenance charges
request, place a stop payment order with ADP’s bank. You will not request ADP stop payment on any are already included in the monthly time and labor management subscription fees. The costs for
ADPCheck which represents funds to which a Payee is rightly entitled. You agree to indemnify, defend maintenance services for Timeclock Equipment under the purchase option are not included in the
and hold harmless ADP and its affiliates and their successors and assigns from and against any liability purchase price and a separate annual maintenance fee will apply. Under the purchase option, You
whatsoever from stopping payment on any ADPCheck requested by You and from and against all actions, can terminate Your receipt of maintenance services by giving ADP written notice at least 30 days
suits, losses, claims, damages, charges and expenses including attorney’s or other fees, in any claims or before the end of the then current annual coverage period. ADP is not required to return any
suits arising because of a request to stop payment, including claims made by a “holder in due course” of maintenance fees relating to a current or prior coverage period. (NOTE: If You select the purchase
such check. If You subscribe to the use of any Pay Card Services, You also agree to the Pay Card option but opt not to receive (or terminate) maintenance services by executing a waiver of
Services terms attached to these Terms as Exhibit A, which are incorporated into these terms as if maintenance services, any such services provided by ADP at Your request will be subject to ADP's
fully set forth. By agreeing to or signing these Terms You acknowledge receipt of the Pay Card then current charges for such services.) No Timeclock Equipment maintenance is done at Your site.
terms in Exhibit A and agree to perform all obligations set forth in Exhibit A. You will be responsible for all delivery/shipping costs and all risk of loss during shipment/delivery of
Timeclock Equipment relating to maintenance services.
G. Background Check Services will be provided by ADP Screening and Selection Services, Inc. (“SASS”), f) ADP will maintain the Timeclock Equipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship as
an affiliate of ADP. You will be required to pass the SASS credentialing process. If You do not pass this follows: Any parts found to be defective (except as specifically excluded below) will be replaced or
process, ADP may require additional information or deny access to the Background Check Services. You repaired, at ADP's or its designee's option, without charge for parts or labor, if the Timeclock
will sign and deliver to ADP any documents and forms ADP deems necessary to provide You with Equipment was properly installed and maintained by You and if it has been used in accordance with
the Background Check Services under any requirements of governmental data sources and any documentation or terms provided by ADP or its designee and has not been subject to abuse or
consumer reporting agencies for which ADP is a reseller, or under applicable laws and regulations. tampering. The foregoing repairs and replacements may be made only by ADP or its designee, and
Subscription-based programs are not available to organizations providing staffing-related services, will be made only after ADP or its designee is notified of a problem, receives delivery from You of the
property management companies or resellers (i.e., companies who do background checks for other Timeclock Equipment at issue and determines that it results from defective materials or
companies) and are only available for Your own employment screening. ADP will abide by all of the workmanship. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ADP may deliver a temporary replacement item for
provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, as amended (“FCRA”), as applicable to the obligations You to use while ADP determines the cause of the issue with the Timeclock Equipment in question.
of ADP acting as a consumer reporting agency in providing Background Check Services. Repairs and replacements required as a result of any of the following will not be included in the
ADP will follow reasonable quality assurance procedures with respect to preparing any reports maintenance services and will be charged at ADP's then current rates: a) Damage, defects or
including consumer reports and/or investigative consumer reports (hereafter each malfunctions resulting from misuse, accident, neglect, tampering, unusual physical or electrical
individually referred to as “Report” and collectively as “Reports”). However, because the stress, or causes other than normal or intended use; b) Your failure to provide and maintain a suitable
information contained in Reports is provided by third parties, ADP is not responsible for any errors installation environment; c) Any changes made to or any devices not provided by ADP attached to the
or omissions in such third-party information. You understand that the Background Check Services Timeclock Equipment; and d) Malfunctions resulting from use of badges or supplies not approved by
made available to You through a subscription-based program will have applicable limits, as ADP.
indicated on Your Sales Order or similar document, and that there are additional fees when g) In order to keep the products current, ADP may perform maintenance fixes and other upgrades to
ordering a New York Consolidated Criminal History Report and/or when a search requires a New the TLM products You are receiving. ADP will perform these upgrades on Your behalf for all hosted
York county criminal history search. To the extent that You order Background Check Services products. For non-hosted products, You will need to install the upgrade provided by ADP pursuant to
which exceed or differ from the number and type included in Your Services, You will be charged by the written notice provided to You.
SASS for the amounts due for the excess number or different services. You agree to pay ADP for h) The TLM Products are hosted by ADP in the United States. The TLM Products are intended for
Background Check Services You order that are not included in Your Services, as well as for use by United States employees and to permit the transmission of data within the United States only.
applicable fees when ordering a New York Consolidated Criminal History Report and/or when a You are responsible for complying with all applicable data protection laws and represent that You
search requires a New York county criminal history search. ADP may pass on any new or obtained any employee consents necessary (or otherwise have complied with applicable law) to
increased fees assessed on a particular product by any governmental source or third-party source transmit the information to ADP in the United States or otherwise make the ADP TLM Products
or vendor at any time, upon thirty (30) days’ notice to You. available to Your employees outside the United States. The TLM Products may not be used or
accessed in any way that violates any applicable international, federal, state or local laws and/or
i) a. Biometric Services are defined as services provided by ADP to You via the use of timeclocks
You understand that from time to time ADP may provide information regarding laws and regulations
and software in connection with ADP’s provision of TLM Services, to the extent such timeclocks or
applicable to users of Reports, including, but not limited to, information pertaining to a user’s legal
software collect, store or use Biometric Data (“Biometric Services”). Biometric Data includes
obligations and responsibilities under FCRA and other applicable laws and regulations. Any
information collected by timeclocks and software obtained by scanning a part of the employee’s
information provided by ADP, including, but not limited to, information available for reference on
person including without limitation: a retina or iris scan, fingerprint, voiceprint, or scan of hand or face
“The Guide” at, is provided for educational purposes only and is not legal
geometry (“Biometric Identifiers”), or any information, regardless of how it is captured, converted,
advice. You understand and agree that You should review all applicable laws and regulations and
stored, or shared, based on an individual’s biometric identifier used to identify an individual
consult with experienced counsel for legal advice. You understand that the Guide may be amended
(“Biometric Information”) (collectively referred to as “Biometric Data”).
from time to time by ADP and You will have access to such amendments online. You acknowledge
b. Biometric Services are optional. In certain jurisdictions, there are laws and regulations that govern
that You have Internet access so You can access the Guide as made available by ADP.
the collection, use, and retention of biometric information, which may apply to Your use of Biometric
Services. To the extent You elect to use Biometric Services, You agree to comply with all such
You are solely responsible for ensuring Your own compliance with applicable laws and regulations
applicable laws and regulations in accordance with this Agreement. In the event You are unwilling to
in requesting, using, and maintaining Reports, and for maintaining Reports sufficient to comply with
comply with laws and regulations applicable to Biometric Services, You will be able to continue to use
Your document retention policies.
the Services without Biometric Services. The following terms and conditions apply to Biometric
Services to the extent Biometric Services are part of the scope of Services: (i) Before any of
Your or any of Your employees or independent contractors who use Biometric Services to
You acknowledge that so long as You have access to Background Check Services, You will have
record their attendance, hours worked or other work-related data (“Biometric User”) is permitted to
access to all Reports ordered through the SASS background site for at least one year (unless we
use any Biometric Services in a jurisdiction where laws and regulations govern such use, You will
tell You of a shorter period). ADP will not deliver copies of Reports to You once such Reports are
comply with the following requirements, in addition to any other requirements imposed by appli-
no longer available within the SASS background screening site or after termination of the
cable law (to the extent there is a conflict between the requirements below and the require-
Background Check Services or this Agreement, except as required by law. ADP will make available
ments of applicable law, You will comply with applicable law): (a)You will implement, distribute
additional accounts to You upon Your written request. You will provide any information ADP
and make available to the public, a written policy establishing Your policy with respect to the use
requires for establishing additional accounts. You will ensure that the additional accounts
of Biometric Data. Such policy will include: (1) a retention schedule and guidelines for perma-
established at Your request by ADP are for employment purposes only, and only in accordance
nently destroying Biometric Data; (2) a commitment to destroy Biometric Data when the initial pur-
with applicable law. You will ensure that the additional accounts and all information received from
pose for collecting or obtaining such Biometric Data has been satisfied or within 3 years of the indi-
ADP is used in strict compliance with the applicable provisions of all federal, state and local laws vidual's last interaction with You, whichever occurs first; and (3) any additional requirements as re-
and international law and all regulations promulgated under any of them, including, but not limited
quired by applicable law. (b) You will provide notice to and procure and retain appropriate con-
to, the FCRA, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA 1990), all equal employment opportunity
sents or releases from Biometric Users in the manner and to extent the same are required by
laws and regulations, to the extent applicable, the Drivers Privacy Protection Act and Federal Equal
applicable law, including: (1) notifying Biometric Users in writing that You, Your vendors, and/or
Credit Opportunity Act, and any federal, state or country specific data privacy law. In the event and the licensor of Your time and attendance software are collecting, capturing, or otherwise ob-
to the extent of any conflict between the terms and conditions of this Section and applicable law,
taining Biometric Users’ Biometric Data, and that You are providing such Biometric Data to Your
the provision(s) of applicable law will govern.
vendors and the licensor of Your time and attendance software; such notice will specify the pur-
H. TLM Products . pose and length of time for which Biometric User’s Biometric Data is being collected, stored,
a) You will provide and install all power, wiring and cabling needed for the installation of any data and used; (2) obtaining a written release or consent from Biometric Users (or their legally autho-
or time capture hardware or software (the “Timeclock Equipment”). You will pay an installation rized representative) authorizing You, Your vendors, and licensor of Your time and attendance
and set-up fee for each unit of Timeclock Equipment if the equipment is installed on Your premises software to collect, store, and use the individual’s Biometric Data for the specific purpose disclosed
by ADP. by You, and authorizing You to provide such Biometric Data to Your vendors and the licensor
b) You will not make any alterations or attach any device not provided by ADP to the Timeclock of Your time and attendance software; and (3) if requested by ADP, providing to ADP copies of the
Equipment. ADP will continue to own the Timeclock Equipment unless You chose the purchase required consents or releases collected and retained by You, and/or certifying to ADP that such con-
option and paid ADP the full purchase price. Unless You bought and paid for the Timeclock sents or releases have been obtained.
Equipment, it will remain a separate item of personal property though attached to other Timeclock c. You will work with ADP to ensure that Biometric Data is retained and purged in accordance with
Equipment or real property and You will not remove the Timeclock Equipment from the original applicable law. To the extent necessary for the purging or deletion of such Biometric Data, You agree
installation site without ADP's prior consent. to provide timely notification to ADP of the termination of the employment, or the satisfaction of the
c) Upon termination or cancellation of this Agreement, TLM and/or Payroll Services, You will, at purpose for which Biometric Data was collected with respect to any given Biometric User. ADP is not
Your expense, return the Timeclock Equipment to ADP according to ADP's instructions. The responsible for Your failure to provide timely notification of the termination of the employment, or the
Timeclock Equipment will be returned in as good condition as received by You, except for normal satisfaction of the purpose for which Biometric Data was collected with respect to any given Biometric
wear and tear. If the Timeclock Equipment is not returned within 30 days of termination, You agree User.
to purchase it at ADP’s retail price at the time of termination. If payment for the Timeclock d. You agree that You shall use a reasonable standard of care consistent with applicable law to store,
Equipment is not received within 30 days of any demand for the return of the Equipment, ADP will transmit and protect from disclosure any Biometric Data. Such storage, transmission, and protection
be able to use any lawful remedy to enforce its rights including, debiting the account You use for from disclosure shall be performed in a manner that is the same as or more protective than the
ADP Services and/or sending the account to a collection agency for settlement. The terms of this manner in which You store, transmit and protect from disclosure other confidential and sensitive
Section c. will not apply if prior to the time of termination or cancellation You had already purchased information, including personal information that can be used to uniquely identify an individual or an
and paid for the Timeclock Equipment in full. individual’s account or property, such as genetic markers, genetic testing information, account
d) ADP warrants to You that the Timeclock Equipment will be free from defects in material and numbers, PINs, driver’s license numbers and social security numbers.
workmanship at the date Timeclock Equipment is shipped and for 90 days after. ADP's sole
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e. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, You agree that ADP and any licensor and former employees and independent contractors, and the confidentiality provisions in these
of any applicable Biometric Services (and their respective successors and assigns) are third party Terms will continue to apply during the time that ADP and its Verification Agents maintain any such
beneficiaries of this Agreement solely as it relates to Biometric Services. archival copies.
f. If ADP determines that You have failed to comply with any applicable laws and regulations e) Additional Termination Provisions for Employment Verification Services. ADP may, in its sole
applicable to the Biometric Services, ADP may, in its sole discretion and upon notice to You, discretion, terminate the Employment Verification Services at any time upon 90 days prior written
immediately suspend or terminate the Biometric Services. notice to You should a Verification Agent notify ADP that it is no longer willing to provide the
g. You will defend ADP against any third party claims (including claims made by or on behalf of Bio- Employment Verification Services and ADP, after taking commercially reasonable steps, cannot
metric Users) and will indemnify and hold ADP harmless from resulting damage awards or settle- engage a successor Verification Agent.
ment amounts in any cause of action to the extent such cause of action is based on any perfor- f) Employee Authorized Disclosures. ADP may use or disclose Personal Data of a Client’s current or
mance or breach of Your obligations in connection with the Biometric Services, including any failure former employee or independent contractor where such individual requests or consents to such use
by You to obtain consent from Biometric Users in connection with the use of the Biometric Services. or disclosure (e.g., to verify the individual’s identity in connection with a bank account application).
The foregoing obligations shall not be subject to any limit on liability set forth in this Agreement. g) Continuation of Employment Verification Services and Employee Authorized Disclosures.
You understand and agree that Verification Data and/or Personal Information provided by You
I. HR Services
a) If You request and are permitted access to HR Services, You agree to use such Services for or Your vendors in connection with the Services may be used, subject to the terms and conditions
research and reference purposes only and only for the benefit of Your employer. By submitting any of this section J, to provide Employment Verification Services and, at the individual's request, Em-
content to ADP through any HR Services, including message boards, forums, chat rooms and ployee Authorized Disclosures after this Agreement expires or is terminated. The terms and condi-
chatbots, You grant ADP a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, world-wide license to use, tions of this section J., and the related defined terms, security, data use, confidentiality, intel-
reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, publish and display all lectual property, indemnity, limitations of liability and miscellaneous terms and conditions of this
such content (in whole or in part) and to incorporate such content in other works in any form, media Agreement shall continue to apply to such Employment Verification Services and Employee
or technology, whether currently existing or hereafter developed. By submitting any content to ADP, Authorized Disclosures following such expiration or termination.
You represent and warrant to ADP that You have the unfettered right to give such a license to ADP.
You agree that You will not submit any content that (a) infringes on the intellectual property rights of K. Tax Registration Services. ADP shall provide tax registration services as further described in this
any other person or entity, unless You have the permission of the person or entity to submit the Section (the “Tax Registration Services”) in accordance with and subject to the terms of this
content and grant the license provided herein, (b) violates the privacy or publicity rights of any other Agreement. The Tax Registration Services provided hereunder relate solely to ADP obtaining
person or entity, unless You have the permission of such person or entity to submit the content and jurisdiction account numbers for employment tax as requested by You. In receiving the Tax
thereby grant the license provided herein, (c) is offensive, obscene, defamatory, threatening or Registration Services hereunder, You acknowledge the following:
abusive, (d) advertises any other site or business or (e) contains computer programming a) You understand that ADP will not perform Tax Registration Services in connection with the
routines or code designed to interfere in any way with the full, proper and timely operation of RUN following events: (i) mergers and acquisitions; (ii) name, address or entity (corporate form) changes;
or any HR Services or any computer system. (iii) applications to a state’s Secretary of State; and (iv) closing of accounts with a state taxing
b) Materials accessible from or added to any HR Services or web sites by third parties, such as agency.
comments posted in discussion groups, documents, or forms, are strictly the responsibility of the b) As a third-party service provider, ADP’s Tax Registration Services hereunder are consultative in
third party who added such materials or made them accessible. While ADP reserves the right to nature. ADP is not representing You in any dealings before any tax agencies. ADP’s provision of the
monitor third-party discussions or content and to remove materials that ADP believes are Tax Registration Services should not be construed as legal, tax, or accounting advice. You should
inappropriate, ADP neither endorses nor undertakes to control, monitor, edit or assume consult Your legal, tax, or accounting advisors for such advice.
responsibility for any such third-party material contained in or linked to any HR Services or web c) All submissions to the taxing jurisdiction will be (i) reviewed by You prior to submission, when
sites. Any relationship between You and any third party relating to HR Services shall be governed provided and (ii) signed by You where necessary or You will instruct ADP to affix electronically Your
by any applicable agreement or terms of service between You and such third party and you assume signature provided by You. By signing the documents or requesting that ADP affix Your electronic
all responsibility and risk arising from Your use of and/or reliance upon information, guidance or signature, You are confirming that (i) You have reviewed the documents and/or data being submitted
advice received from such third party, whether orally or in writing. to the taxing jurisdiction and (ii) the information contained therein is complete and accurate.
c) When You subscribe to any HR Services You can make one attributed copy of a document d) By utilizing the Tax Registration Services, You authorize ADP to act on Your behalf in obtaining
available through the HR Service for use within Your organization. You may not make multiple jurisdiction employment tax account numbers including, but not limited to, affixing the electronic
copies of documents without expressed written consent. Except for individual copies and direct use signature provided by You to registration forms and other documentation, submitting forms to tax
by You, You may not copy, modify, distribute, display, transmit, use or prepare derivative works agencies and directly communicating with such agencies as necessary.
based on the HR Services or any of their contents, or remove or alter any copyright, trademark or e) You understand that ADP’s Tax Registration Services are based solely on the information provided
other proprietary notice from any part of the HR Services or any of the contents except where by You and/or otherwise available to ADP in connection with the Services about Your business
expressly instructed to do so. established within a particular jurisdiction and other written correspondence that is in reply to ADP’s
d) Pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, ADP has registered an agent with the U.S. questions regarding the registration process or otherwise provided by You. You authorize ADP to rely
Copyright Office. Notices of claimed copyright infringement on any web site should be directed to: upon such information in providing the Tax Registration Services. ADP is not responsible for Tax
Automatic Data Processing, Inc., 1 ADP Boulevard, Roseland, NJ 07068, Attn: Legal Department, Registration Services provided hereunder based on any inaccurate information supplied by You or
Intellectual Property Counsel. Your failure to provide ADP with information relating to the registration process.
e) Although ADP makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the information, tools and f) You understand that, for reasons beyond ADP’s reasonable control, ADP may not be successful in
data provided through the HR Services, which include the HR HelpDesk and HR Chatbots, are securing an employment tax account number for You in any particular jurisdiction.
useful, accurate, and current, ADP cannot guarantee that the information, tools and data g) ADP is not responsible for any penalties or interest incurred by You as a result of ADP’s failure to
provided will be error-free. By using the HR Services, You assume all responsibility for and risk timely receive Your identification numbers.
arising from Your use of and reliance upon the contents of the HR Services. You agree to defend,
indemnify and hold harmless ADP and its affiliates and their successors or assigns from and
against any liability whatsoever arising from or relating in any way to Your use of any HR Services. 2. Document Vault
If You request and are permitted access to Document Vault through RUN, You agree to assume all
J. Employment Verification Services and Authorization as Agent; Employee Authorized Disclosure. risk and liability for all documents, information, data and content (collectively “Content”) that You
a) To the extent You have not opted out of receipt of employment and income verification request upload and store. You understand all Content may be protected by intellectual property and You
management services (Employment Verification Services), the terms in this section will govern Your must have the rights to all Content that You upload and store. By affording You access to Document
use of the Employment Verification Services and Employee Authorized Disclosure. ADP Vault, ADP is offering You a service that allows You to upload and store Your Content. By uploading
currently provides the Employment Verification Services through its subcontractors, The Work Content into Document Vault, You agree and acknowledge that You are solely responsible for all
Number®, an Equifax Workforce Solutions service, though ADP reserves the right to provide them Content uploaded and stored by You and that ADP has no responsibility or obligation to monitor or
through another entity (each, a “Verification Agent”). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in notify You of any non-compliance related to Your use of Document Vault. ADP is not responsible for
these Terms, You authorize ADP and its Verification Agents to disclose, on Your behalf, the accuracy, completeness, appropriateness, or legality of the Content that You upload and store.
employment information (including place of employment and employment status), job and income ADP is not and will not be Your record keeper. Document Vault is a self-service feature and You
information (including total wages per year to date and previous year income) and Personal Infor- acknowledge that while ADP may access Your Content, You are solely responsible for complying
mation of You and Your current and former employees and independent contractors (collec with all applicable laws regarding recordkeeping, record storage and record retention with respect to
tively, ”Verification Data”), to commercial, private, non-profit and governmental entities and their Your Content. ADP will not be responsible for any lost, damaged or irrecoverable content. By using
agents (collectively, “Verifiers”), who wish to obtain or verify any of Your or Your current and for- Document Vault, You retain full ownership of all Content that You store. You agree that You will not
mer employees’, and if included in Your payroll data, current and former independent contractors’ use Document Vault to: (1) upload, store, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that
Verification Data. Verification Data will be disclosed to Verifiers who certify they are entitled to spreads messages of terror or depicts torture or death or illegal acts; (2) harm minors in any way; (3)
receive such data (as described below) pursuant to the FCRA, and, in the case of income infor- upload, store, transmit, or otherwise make available any Content that infringes any patent, trademark,
mation requests, who additionally certify they have a record of the individual s consent to such trade secret, copyright or other proprietary right of any party; or (4) upload and store any content
disclosure or who utilize a salary key. In accordance with FCRA, Verification Data may be pro- related to sex, violence, or any other illegal content. Uploading and storing such information will be
vided to Verifiers where (i) the individual has applied for a benefit (such as credit, other employ- considered a violation of these Terms and will be cause for immediate termination as set forth in
ment or social services assistance); (ii) the individual has obtained a benefit and the Verifier is Section 12. If You or ADP terminate this Agreement, Your access to RUN will terminate but You will
seeking to (a) determine whether the individual is qualified to continue to receive the benefit; and/ have the ability to retrieve and download Content stored in Document Vault for a limited amount of
or (b) collect a debt or enforce other obligations undertaken by the individual in connection with time.
the benefit; or (iii) the Verifier is otherwise entitled under FCRA to obtain the Verification Data.
In certifying they have a record of the individual’s consent, Verifiers generally rely on the in-
dividual’s signature on the original application as authorization for the Verifier to access the 3. Background Check Services Fair Credit Reporting Obligations
individual’s income data at the time of the application and throughout the life of the obligation. A. If You request and are approved to receive Background Check Services which include receiving a
You understand that Verifiers are charged for commercial verifications processed through ADP or “Report” or Reports from ADP, You acknowledge it is provided by ADP solely at Your request and
its Verification Agents. instruction and that ADP is not acting as Your agent and not making any hiring decisions for or on
b) Data Quality. If requested by ADP, You agree to work with ADP during implementation to your behalf. You also understand and agree that You shall do (and shall cause Your Affiliates
produce a test file and validate the Verification Data using validation reports made available by receiving the ADP Background Check Services to do) the following:
ADP or its Verification Agents. ADP will update its system with the applicable Verification Data 1. Review the Notice to Users of Consumer Reports: Obligations of Users under the
available in RUN or through the Services.
Fair Credit Reporting Act (“Notice to Users”), available at
c) Notice to Furnishers of Information: Obligations of Furnishers of Information (“Notice to and perform
Furnishers”). You certify that You have read the Notice to Furnishers provided to You at the
the legal obligations set forth in the Notice to Users.
following URL: You
2. Request, use, and maintain Reports in a manner consistent with applicable laws and
understand Your obligations as a data furnisher set forth in such notice and under FCRA
which include duties regarding data accuracy and investigation of disputes, and certify You regulations, as well as Your own hiring and document retention policies.
3. Use the information provided by ADP for one-time use, for the permissible purpose(s)
will comply with all such obligations. You further understand that if You do not comply with
such obligations, ADP may correct incorrect Verification Data on Your behalf or terminate the designated in this paragraph (the “Permissible Purpose(s)”) only, and only in accordance with
applicable laws and regulations. The Permissible Purpose(s) is: Employment Purposes.
Employment Verification Services upon 90 days prior written notice to You.
4. Before requesting any Report from ADP, make a clear and conspicuous disclosure to
d) Archival Copies. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Terms, You agree that,
after the termination of these Terms, ADP and its Verification Agents may maintain archival copies the individual who is the subject of the Report (the “Consumer”) that a Report may be obtained for
of the Verification Data as needed to show the discharge and fulfillment of obligations to Your current employment purposes, making such disclosure in writing and in a document consisting solely of the
7322 RUN ET (12/2023) Terms and Conditions of Service for RUN Powered by ADP ® Online Services Page 3 of 10
5. If a Report constitutes an “investigative consumer report,” as defined by the federal C. 1. You also agree to take all measures to ensure that Reports will be requested, accessed and/or
Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”), make a clear and accurate disclosure to the Consumer, as viewed only by Your designated representatives and only for employment purposes, provided,
required by 15 U.S.C. § 1681d(a)(1), including a copy of the Consumer Financial Protection however, that You may disclose information within any Report obtained from ADP hereunder to
Bureau's (“CFPB”) Summary of Your Rights Under the FCRA, as applicable. Further, upon written an applicant or employee in accordance with applicable law.
request by the Consumer within a reasonable period of time after receipt of the disclosure required 2. You understand and agree that You (and not ADP) are solely responsible for ensuring
by 15 U.S.C. § 1681d(a)(1), timely make a complete and accurate written disclosure to the compliance will all laws applicable to users of Reports, including, but not limited to, the disc losure
Consumer of the nature and scope of any investigation requested. and authorization requirements imposed by 15 U.S.C. § 1681b(b)(2), the disclosure requirements
6. Obtain written authorization from the Consumer for each Report prior to requesting imposed by 15 U.S.C. § 1681d(a)-(b), the pre-adverse action notice obligations imposed by 15
any Report and retain such written authorization. U.S.C. § 1681b(b)(3), and the adverse action notice obligations imposed by 15 U.S.C. § 1681m.
7. Ensure full compliance with the FCRA and other applicable laws and regulations. 3. Within 10 days following ADP’s request, You shall make available for review such records as ADP
8. If You form an intent to take an adverse action, based in whole or in part on any deems necessary to determine that You are in compliance with applicable laws and
information contained in a Report obtained from ADP, provide (prior to taking the intended adverse regulations relating to the ADP Background Check Services (“Compliance Review”), which records
action) proper additional notices to the Consumer, a copy of the Report obtained, and a Summary may include, among other things, Consumer and vendor authorizations/consents, but shall not
of Rights, as required by the FCRA or any other applicable law or regulation. After providing include Your financial records. Your cooperation with this Compliance Review is essential to the
the additional pre-adverse action notice, You must provide the Consumer a reasonable opportunity continued provision of the ADP Background Check Services. If either (i) You fail to cooperate with
to dispute information contained in a Report prior to Your making a final adverse hiring decision or ADP in the conduct of a Compliance Review or (ii) as a part of a Compliance Review, ADP
taking any other adverse action based on any information contained in a Report. If You then determines that You have failed to comply with any laws or regulations applicable to the ADP
decide to make a final adverse action, based in whole or in part on any information contained in a Background Check Services, ADP may, in its sole discretion and upon notice to You, immediately
Report obtained from ADP, You must provide such additional notices required under the FCRA suspend or terminate the ADP Background Check Services.
and any other applicable law or regulation, which notice shall include, at a minimum: (1) the name, 4. Either party may terminate the ADP Background Check Services at any time upon 30 days’ prior
address and telephone number of ADP; (2) a statement that ADP did not make the adverse written notice to the other party. Further, if ADP determines that You have failed to comply with any
decision and is not able to explain why the decision was made; (3) a statement setting forth the provision of these Terms, ADP may, at its sole discretion and upon notice to Client,
Consumer’s right to obtain a free disclosure of the Report from ADP if the Consumer makes the immediately suspend or terminate the ADP Background Check Services.
request within 60 days; and (4) a statement setting forth the Consumer’s right to dispute directly 5. You understand that notwithstanding any sample forms provided by ADP, in whatever format, for
with ADP the accuracy or completeness of any information in the Report. the Background Check Services, You are responsible for the content of such forms.
9. Take all measures to ensure that Reports will be requested, accessed, and/or viewed
only by Your designated representatives, with the understanding that You may disclose 4. Fees; Taxes; Payments
information within any Report to the Consumer, in accordance with applicable laws and A. Fees/Taxes You agree to pay ADP for the Services at the rates specified on the Sales Order, digital
regulations. purchase page or receipt, or similar document, whether produced on-line, sent to You via email, posted in
10. Be responsible for the final verification of the Consumer’s identity and for the security the RUN platform, or otherwise provided to You by ADP. You will pay ADP for any Services, employees or
and dissemination of the customer number provided to You. additional services added by You in the future, and will be responsible for any banking related fees
11. Ensure that designated representative(s) do not attempt to obtain any Report on assessed by ADP with respect to such things as wires, insufficient funds, etc., and any applicable fees for
themselves or on any other person, except in the exercise of their official duties. additional Tax Filing Services such as amendments, late originals, eFile rejections, etc., at ADP’s then
12. Not resell any Report or any of the information contained in a Report. prevailing prices and fees, including for the additional services or employees or any services You purchase
13. Notify ADP in writing within 10 days of any changes to Your company name, federal through the ADP Marketplace. ADP does not impose a charge for accessing its mobile application, but
tax identification number, address, telephone number, contact person, sale or closure of business, third party providers may charge fees to You to access data. You are solely responsible for any third
merger, change in ownership of 50% or more of Your stock or assets, or any change in the nature party fees or charges associated with accessing any mobile application. You will also be obligated to
of Your business that would in any way affect Your right to request and receive Reports. pay any maintenance fees or charges assessed for any 30-day period during which You have not
processed payroll (excluding digital purchasers of online payroll subscriptions for which maintenance
fees shall not be applicable). If You are a new ADP client processing on RUN, after the initial six months
B. You certify and covenant to each of the following each time You order a Report with respect to a of service, ADP may increase base processing fees and charges for the Services at any time upon at least
Consumer in the United States: 30 days prior notice to You but otherwise reserves the right to increase pricing from time to time for any
1. You certify that You will use the Reports and information contained therein only for the additional per use features and services, including but not limited to those listed on Your sales order,
available through the RUN platform, or sent to You by email or otherwise, and Your continued use of RUN
following specific Permissible Purpose(s): Employment Purposes. Relatedly, You certify that You
or the Services constitutes Your acceptance of such fees. If You previously processed payroll with ADP on
will not use the Report or information therein for any other purpose.
2. You certify that You have read the Notice to Users and that You have read and another payroll platform, ADP may increase prices for the Services at any time upon at least 30 days prior
understand Your obligations under the FCRA, as well as the possible penalties for requesting notice to You. ADP (and/or ADP’s partners, affiliates, or subsidiaries on behalf of ADP) will notify You
Reports under false pretenses or without a permissible purpose. of all applicable Services fees payable by You by way of invoice or other method. If You fail to pay
3. You agree not to place an order for or otherwise request a Report for employment any amount due under this agreement, whether by acceleration or otherwise, You, on written
purposes unless (1) You have provided to the Consumer a clear and conspicuous disclosure in demand, agree to pay interest at the rate of 1.5% per month (or the maximum allowed by law if less) on
writing, in a document consisting solely of the disclosure, that a consumer report may be obtained such past due amount from the due date until the payment date. You also agree to reimburse ADP for any
for employment purposes and (2) You have authorized in writing the procurement of the Report. expenses incurred, including interest and reasonable attorney fees, in collecting amounts due ADP
You, therefore, certify that, prior to placing any order for a Report for an employment purpose, You hereunder and understand and agree that ADP may send Your account to a third party to assist with
will provide the required disclosures to the Consumer and receive the required authorizations from collection efforts and may share Your Confidential Information to do so. If payment for the Services,
the Consumer in accordance with the FCRA, including, but not limited to, in compliance with 15 or for any payroll or tax liability due from You is not received within 30 days of any invoice or
U.S.C. § 1681b(b)(2). demand, You expressly agree ADP will be able to use any lawful remedy to enforce its rights
4. You certify that You will comply with the pre-adverse and adverse action notice including, debiting the account You use for ADP Services and/or sending the account to a
requirements contained in 15 U.S.C. §§ 1681b(b)(3) and 1681m, if You are considering taking an collection agency for settlement. There will be added to all payments hereunder amounts equal to any
adverse action against a Consumer. applicable taxes levied or based on this Agreement, excluding taxes based on ADP’s net income. In the
5. You certify that You will not use information from any Report in violation of any event that, due to changes in legal requirements, product modifications or enhancements or new
applicable laws or regulations, including, but not limited to, any applicable federal or state equal product offerings in connection with any Background Check, ADP provides additional services not
employment opportunity law or regulation. otherwise included in the selected Background Check Services, as may be modified, enhanced or
6. You agree that the action of placing an order for or otherwise requesting a Report changed by ADP from time to time, such additional services will be provided subject to an additional
constitutes an affirmative certification to ADP as to the Consumer in question, and that by placing charge. In addition, if any change in the implementation of the Background Check Services occurs
an order for or otherwise requesting a Report, You are certifying as to the Consumer in question that requires ADP to devote resources, spend time or other costs not contemplated by this
that: (1) You have provided the Consumer a clear and conspicuous disclosure in writing, in a Agreement, You agree to pay such additional costs as required by ADP. If You receive Background
document consisting solely of the disclosure, that a consumer report may be obtained for Check Services, a service fee will apply when ordering the New York Consolidated Criminal History
employment purposes; (2) that the Consumer has authorized in writing the procurement of the Report. You agree that Your start date may change depending on when You start processing payroll
Report; (3) if applicable, You will comply with 15 U.S.C. § 1681b(b)(3) (Your pre-adverse action but these Terms still apply.
obligations); and (4) no information in the Report will be used in violation of any applicable laws or B. Payments ADP accepts direct debit of funds (“DDF”) as payment for the Services. ADP will not
regulations, including, but not limited to, any applicable federal or state equal employment accept cash, checks, C.O.D. orders and wire transfers for the Services. ADP does not accept credit
opportunity law or regulation. cards except in limited circumstances for specific services. Your bank account will be debited, or Your
7. You agree not to place an order for or otherwise request a Report that constitutes an credit card charged, as applicable. ADP may obtain pre-approval from the credit card company
“investigative consumer report,” as defined by the FCRA, unless You have provided a clear and for an amount up to the amount of the order. Billing to Your credit card occurs once You click the
accurate disclosure to the Consumer, as required by 15 U.S.C. § 1681d(a)(1), including a copy of Purchase Now button. For those specific services for which ADP accepts credit cards, the following
the CFPB’s Summary of Your Rights under the FCRA, as applicable. You, therefore, certify that are accepted: Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. PLEASE NOTE: ADP is unable to accept
prior to placing any order for a Report that constitutes an “investigative consumer report,” as credit cards issued by banks outside of the United States. Debit cards and check cards have daily
defined by the FCRA, You will provide the required disclosures to the Consumer and receive the spending limits that may prevent the processing of Your order. If a purchase is declined online due to
required authorizations from the Consumer in accordance with the FCRA, including, but not limited credit card issues, please ensure all data is correct and resubmit. If the transaction is not accepted
to, in compliance with 15 U.S.C. § 1681d(a). You will be unable to use that card for Your purchase and should use another credit card.
8. You certify that for any Report constituting an “investigative consumer report,” as C. You understand, acknowledge and agree that You, and not ADP, are responsible for the
defined by the FCRA, You will provide additional disclosures as required by 15 U.S.C. § 1681d(b). payment of any local, state, Federal or other taxes due and in no event will ADP be liable to pay any
Specifically, You certify that You will comply with 15 U.S.C. § 1681d(b) by timely making a complete taxes due from You or Your employees, notwithstanding ADP’s Tax Filing Services.
and accurate written disclosure to the Consumer of the nature and scope of any investigation it
5. License to use the Services
requests, upon request made by the Consumer within a reasonable period of time after receipt of
A. RUN, the Services, any content, materials, tools, calculators, text or images and related software
the disclosure required by 15 U.S.C. § 1681d(a)(1).
and systems are the licensed and/or owned property of and embody the proprietary trade secret
9. You agree that by placing an order for or otherwise requesting a Report that
technology of ADP and/or its licensors and are protected by copyright laws and international
constitutes an “investigative consumer report,” as defined by the FCRA, the action of placing the
copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws. The fees You pay ADP for RUN include
order or otherwise requesting such a Report constitutes an affirmative certification as to the
a license fee that entitles You to use the related software and systems to access data processing
Consumer in question, and that You are, therefore, certifying as to the Consumer in question, that:
services. The right to use RUN and access the data processing services provided by RUN is granted
(1) You have provided to the Consumer the written disclosures for investigative consumer reports,
only to subscribers/licensees of ADP’s RUN and their employees, for the sole purpose of using RUN,
as required by 15 U.S.C. §1681d(a)(1), including a copy of the Consumer Financial Protection
and this license terminates when You stop receiving RUN. ADP grants You a non-exclusive, non-
Bureau’s (“CFPB”) Summary of Your Rights under the FCRA, as applicable; and (2) if applicable,
transferable license to use RUN to access data processing services, and any related documentation
You will comply with the additional disclosure requirements imposed by 15 U.S.C. § 1681d(b).
10. To the extent You purchase employment reference verification services in connection supplied to You by ADP. Access to RUN and related systems and software are licensed not sold.
You may not modify, create derivative works from, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble or
with the ADP Background Check Services, You certify that You have read and agree to comply
otherwise try to discover any trade secret contained in RUN or in any software or system used to
with the terms of use issued by ADP’s vendor, TALX Corporation, set forth at
provide RUN, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this\lgldocs\EmploymentInformationTerms.pdf, as the same may be amended
from time to time upon notice to You. limitation. You may not transfer, sell, rent, lease, lend or use RUN, the Services or any software or
system used to provide them, to any third person or for commercial software hosting or other service
bureau services. You may not download all or any part of ADP’s proprietary software. You receive
no rights to RUN software or systems or intellectual property of ADP or its licensors, except as
7322 RUN ET (12/2023) Terms and Conditions of Service for RUN Powered by ADP ® Online Services Page 4 of 10
expressly stated herein. ADP may terminate or suspend Your access to RUN or any related THE CONSEQUENCES OF ANY INSTRUCTIONS YOU MAY GIVE TO ADP; (2) YOUR
Services (in whole or in part) at any time, with or without notice, if ADP has reason to believe that FAILURE TO USE RUN IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED BY ADP; (3) YOUR FAILURE TO
You have violated these terms or are otherwise using the Services in an inappropriate manner. PROTECT YOUR AUTHENTICATION, INCLUDING WITH RESPECT TO ADP’S POLICIES
RUN and related software and systems are intended to permit the transmission of data from within MAINTAINING AND BACKING-UP ANY INFORMATION YOU ARE PROVIDING OR USING IN
the United States and may not be used or accessed from outside the United States or in any way CONNECTION WITH THE ADP RUN SERVICES; AND (5) YOUR FAILURE TO SUPPLY
that violates any applicable international, federal, state or local laws and/or regulations. ACCURATE INPUT INFORMATION.
B. Teledata Clients: If You are a Teledata client, You are not permitted to access or use the ADP B. ADP will not be liable for any damage or losses, including damage, loss or disclosure of data,
proprietary software except to view Your company data, print standard reports and modify employee accounts, revenue or business, arising out of or otherwise related to (1) use of RUN by You or by
data. You cannot use the ADP proprietary software to run payroll. As a Teledata client You have any other party to whom You have given access to Your RUN account information or RUN; (2)
chosen to transmit Your payroll, tax and related information to ADP either by fax or over the errors, bugs or other defects in RUN; (3) lost company, employee or vendor information (e.g., payroll
telephone to an ADP representative. Therefore, the license and software use rights granted under information, social security numbers, lost records regarding withholdings, etc.); (4) illegal or criminal
these Terms to use RUN do not apply to You except as noted above. activities; (5) mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files or e-mail, loss of or damage to data,
C. Mobile Devices. If you are accessing RUN on a mobile device (a “Device”) or downloading the errors, defects, viruses, delays in operation, or transmission, or any failure of performance, whether
ADP mobile application for Services (“Licensed Application”) on a Device, the following or not limited to acts of God, communications failure, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to
additional terms apply. ADP’s records, programs or services; or (6) Your actions with Your employees or vendors, or
a) Services. The Services available through the Licensed Application are licensed, not sold, to You the use of their information.
for use under these Terms, subject to the ADP standard terms of service currently governing C. Third party links, web sites, content and services.
ADP’s provision of Services to You. If you are downloading the Licensed Application onto a a) ADP prohibits unauthorized links to the Site or the Services and the framing of any information
Device to access the Services, then the word “Site” as referenced herein then will be deemed to contained on the Site or any portion of the Site or the Services. ADP reserves the right to disable any
mean “Licensed Application”. unauthorized links or frames. ADP has no responsibility or liability for any material on other web
b) Scope of License. The license granted to You for the Licensed Application, or by Your use of the sites that may contain links to the Site or the Services. The Services and any web sites may display,
Site on a Device, is a limited, non-transferable license to use the Licensed Application or Site by include or make available, services, content, data, information, applications, links, terms of use or
means of a Device that is approved for use for the Services, that You own or control and as permitted materials of or from third parties or provide links to certain third party web sites not under the control
by the Device’s usage rules. You may not distribute or make the Services available over a network of ADP. Third party materials and links to other web sites are provided solely as a convenience to
where they could be used by multiple Devices at the same time. You. You acknowledge and agree that ADP is not responsible for examining or evaluating the
c) Commercial Items. The Licensed Application and related documentation are “Commercial Items”, content, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, validity, copyright compliance, legality, decency, quality
as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. Section 2.101, consisting of “Commercial Computer Software” or any other aspect of such third party materials or web sites. ADP does not warrant or endorse and
and “Commercial Computer Software Documentation”, as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. Section does not assume and will not have any liability or responsibility to You or any other person for any
12.212 or 48 C.F.R. Section 227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. Section 12.212 or third party services, terms, third party materials or web sites, or for any other materials, products, or
48 C.F.R. Section 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer services of third parties. You also agree that any third party charges that are necessary to use the
Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to US Government Site or the Services, such as internet charges and service provider charges, are Your responsibility
end users (a) only as Commercial Items and (b) with only those rights as are granted to all other end and not that of ADP. You understand that by using any of the third party services, You may
users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright encounter content that may be deemed offensive, indecent, or objectionable, which content
laws of the United States. may or may not be identified as having explicit language, and that the results of any search or
d) Access to other services from Devices. In addition, third party services and third party materials entering of a particular URL may automatically and unintentionally generate links or references
that may be accessed from, displayed on or linked to the Device are not available in all languages or to objectionable material. Nevertheless, You agree to use such services at Your sole risk and
in all countries. ADP makes no representation that such services and third party materials are ADP shall not have any liability to You for content that may be found to be offensive, indecent, or
appropriate or available for use in any particular location. To the extent You choose to access such objectionable.. ADP DOES NOT ENDORSE, WARRANT, OR GUARANTEE ANY PRODUCT,
services or third party materials from your Device, you do so at Your own initiative and are INFORMATION OR SERVICE OFFERED BY A THIRD PARTY THROUGH THE SITE OR
responsible for compliance with any applicable laws including, but not limited to, applicable local SERVICES, AND WILL NOT BE A PARTY TO OR IN ANY WAY MONITOR ANY
laws. ADP, and its licensors, reserve the right to change, suspend, remove, or disable access to any TRANSACTION BETWEEN ANY USER OF THE SITE OR SERVICES AND ANY SUCH THIRD-
Services at any time without notice. In no event will ADP be liable for the removal of or disabling of PARTY PROVIDER.
access to any such Services. ADP may also impose limits on the use of or access to certain Services, b) Services available through or integrated with RUN. At times, ADP may make available to You
in any case and without notice or liability.
through RUN or the Services, or integrate RUN or the Services with, the services of a third party,
6. Account Security and Passwords
A. In order to access and use RUN You will be required to provide proper credentials including either through a link, integration, or otherwise. ADP reserves the right to terminate such links,
Your User Name, Password and any other authentication required by ADP (“Authentication”) to
access RUN. You are responsible for safeguarding the confidentiality of Your account information services or integrations at any time for any reason. If You use any third party services that are
(including user email address(es) and Your Authentication selected by You or issued to You) and integrated with or linked to the Site or Services which require the transmission, use, sharing, access
agree to take any and all actions necessary to maintain the privacy of Your Authentication for RUN.
You are responsible for any use or misuse of Your account or RUN resulting from any third party, or exchange of Your Client Content or any other payroll or other data or information You provide to
including any individual, contractor or vendor, using any Authentication selected by You or issued
to You. ADP will have no liability for any claims or losses as a result of You sharing or allowing ADP or the third party, You are expressly agreeing to the transmission, use, sharing, access and
access to Your Authentication. You agree to notify ADP immediately of any known or suspected
access or use by an Unauthorized Third Party, including unauthorized access to or use of Your exchange of such data between ADP and the third party. Your use of any third party services will be
account, Authentication of any individual user to whom You have issued Authentication or any governed by any terms You agree to with the third party and in the event of any conflict between
other breach of security, or misuse of RUN known to or suspected by You. You are responsible for
maintaining the security and confidentiality of Your Authentication involved in obtaining access to these Terms and any third party terms, these Terms will apply to the provision of the RUN Services
password protected or secure areas of ADP sites and systems and shall not disclose Your
Authentication or your confidential information to Unauthorized Third Parties. In order to protect by ADP to You.
You and your data, ADP may suspend your use of ADP, RUN or the Services, without notice, c) ADP Marketplace. ADP may provide You with access to the ADP Marketplace. You acknowledge
pending an investigation, if any unauthorized disclosure or use or breach of security is suspected. that any third party application or service purchased by You through the ADP Marketplace is provided
by a third party and not ADP and ADP makes no endorsements, representations or warranties
B. You may change Your Authentication at any time by following the instructions located under the (including any representations or warranties regarding compliance with laws) regarding such
Security section of the Company Tab (“My Security Profile” and “Change My Password”) in RUN. application or service. You will enter into a relationship directly with the third party provider of such
Data transmitted through RUN is encrypted for the user’s protection. However, the security of application or service. Any application or service purchased through the ADP Marketplace will be
transmissions over the Internet can never be guaranteed. ADP is not responsible for any governed exclusively by the terms and conditions agreed to by You and the third party provider and
interception or interruption of any communications through RUN or related software or systems or not by this Agreement. ADP will not provide any advice, service or support with respect to any third
for changes to or losses of data. party application or service purchased on the ADP Marketplace.
C. In order to protect You and Your data, ADP may suspend Your use of the Services immediately,
without notice, pending an investigation, if any breach of security is suspected. In connection with d) Feedback. You acknowledge and agree that You or Your employees may be asked or have the
the Background Check Services, You acknowledge that, for security reasons, Your Background opportunity to provide suggestions, comments, submissions, content or other feedback regarding
Check account may be inactivated by ADP after a prolonged period of inactivity; provided,
however, that inactivation of an account does not result in termination of this Agreement. In the RUN or the Services (“Feedback”) either within RUN, directly to an ADP representative, on an ADP
event Your Background Check account becomes inactive, You must contact ADP to reactivate the
Background Check account. You acknowledge that as a result of an account being deactivated, in web or social media site or through surveys or links to or from third party sites that may collect such
certain circumstances, You may be required to provide new certifications with respect to Your
information from You on behalf of ADP. You agree that all Feedback will automatically become the
obligations under this Agreement and in connection with the Background Check Services.
7. Disclaimer of Warranties property of ADP, without any compensation to You or any obligation for ADP to review the Feeback,
A. NEITHER ADP NOR ITS LICENSORS OR VENDORS MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR is and will be given entirely voluntarily and any Feedback, even if designated or deemed as
COMPLETENESS, SECURITY, TIMELINESS, OR ACCURACY OF RUN OR THE SERVICES OR confidential by You, will not create any confidentiality obligation for ADP. Furthermore, You hereby
INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH RUN OR THE SERVICES, FOR ANY PURPOSE. ALL acknowledge and understand that, with respect to any Feedback, ADP is and will be free to use,
SERVICES ARE PROVIDED AS A RESEARCH AND REFERENCE TOOL ONLY AND DO NOT, disclose, reproduce, license or otherwise distribute or redistribute, and exploit in any way the
AND ARE NOT INTENDED TO, CONSITITUTE LEGAL ADVICE. ADP DOES NOT PROVIDE Feedback provided to it as it sees fit, entirely without obligation or restriction of any kind on account of
REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH intellectual property rights or otherwise. You represent and warrant that You own and have the right
MATERIALS OR RESULTS INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH RUN OR THE to provide such Feedback and will indemnify and hold ADP harmless from and against any claims
MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON- resulting from a breach of this representation and warranty.
INFRINGEMENT. 8. Intellectual Property
A. Ownership of Proprietary Rights All computer programs (other than pre-packaged third-party software),
WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, YOU WILL BE RESPONSIBLE tutorials and related documentation made available, directly or indirectly, by ADP to You as part of the
FOR (AND NEITHER ADP NOR ITS LICENSORS OR VENDORS WILL BE LIABLE FOR): (1) Services are the exclusive property of ADP or the third parties from whom ADP has secured the rights
7322 RUN ET (12/2023) Terms and Conditions of Service for RUN Powered by ADP ® Online Services Page 5 of 10
to such Services. All rights, title and interest in or to any copyright, trademark, service mark, trade payee-level data, as well as Your Personal Data as defined below in Section 10B and the attached
secret, and other proprietary right relating to the Services and the related logos, names, etc. are Data Privacy Appendix.
reserved. The use of any software included in, or supplied by ADP for use with, the Services will be B. Privacy. ADP is Your service provider and processes data in accordance with Your instructions.
governed by the license terms of this Agreement and any additional license (whether written, shrink- The Data Privacy Appendix attached hereto shall supplement these Terms and outline the data
wrapped or on-line) that may be delivered to You in connection with Your use of RUN (such as any protection obligations between You and ADP. Information about You submitted through RUN or the
software required to view or print reports generated by RUN). In the event of a conflict, the terms of Services is subject to ADP’s privacy statement, located at
this Agreement shall prevail. vacy.html.
B. ADP Indemnity Subject to the remainder of this Section 8B, ADP will defend You in any suit or
cause of action, and indemnify and hold You harmless against any damages payable to any third 11. Limitation of Liability
party in any such suit or cause of action, alleging that the Services as used in accordance with this This Section 11 sets forth the full extent of ADP’s liability for damages resulting from this
Agreement infringe any U.S. patent, copyright, trade secret or other proprietary right of any third Agreement or the Services rendered or to be rendered hereunder, regardless of the form in which
party. The foregoing obligations of ADP are subject to the following requirements: You will take all such liability or claim for damages may be asserted, and sets forth the full extent of Your remedies.
reasonable steps to limit any potential damages which may result; You will promptly notify ADP of Each of ADP and You acknowledges that the fees for the Services to be provided hereunder reflect the
any and all such suits and causes of action; ADP controls any negotiations or defense of such suits allocation of risk set forth in this Section 11.
and causes of action, and You assist as reasonably required by ADP. The foregoing obligations of A. ADP Responsibility ADP will correct any of Your reports, data or tax agency filings, as the case
ADP do not apply to the extent that the infringing Services or portions or components thereof or may be, produced incorrectly as a result of an ADP error, at no charge to You. Additionally, ADP will
modifications thereto were not supplied or directed by ADP, or were combined with other services, reimburse You for (i) actual damages You incur as a direct result of the criminal or fraudulent acts or
processes or materials not supplied or directed by ADP (where the alleged infringement relates to willful misconduct of ADP or any of its employees, or the loss or misdirection of Your funds in
such combination). possession or control of ADP due to ADP’s error or omission (ii) any penalty imposed against You as
C. Use of Your Authorized Marks In the event that ADP makes available branding of any materials, a result of an error or omission made by ADP in performing the Tax Filing Services or (iii) any interest
cards and/or websites associated with the Services and You request such branding, You grant to assessed against You as a result of ADP holding Your tax funds past the applicable due date as a
ADP, to the card issuers and any third party service providers designated by ADP (collectively, result of an error or omission made by ADP in performing the Tax Filing Services.
“Authorized Users”) the right to display Your trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos and B. Your Responsibility You will be responsible for (i) the consequences of any instructions You may
designs designated by You (the “Authorized Marks”), subject to Your right to review and approve give to ADP, (ii) Your failure to use the Services in the manner prescribed by ADP, and (iii) Your
the copy prior to the use of such Authorized Marks. This authorization will cover the term of this failure to supply accurate input information.
Agreement and, if You are receiving Pay Card Services, any period of ongoing use of the Cards by C. Limit on Monetary Damages Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
employees after termination of this Agreement. Agreement (other than as set forth in Section 11.A. regarding ADP errors and any direct damages
You incur for infringement claims as set forth in Section 8.B. above), ADP’s aggregate liability under
9. Your Warranties this Agreement during any calendar year for damages (monetary or otherwise) under any
By subscribing to RUN, You make the following representations and warranties: (1) You have the circumstances for claims of any type or character made by You or any third party arising from or
legal capacity and authority to (a) enter into and be bound by these Terms, (b) to subscribe to and related to the Services, will be limited to the lesser of (i) the amount of actual damages incurred by
use RUN in accordance with these Terms and (c) if You are acting in a corporate capacity, to bind You or (ii) ADP’s charges for the affected Services; provided however, that ADP’s aggregate
Your company; (2) You will not use RUN for any purpose that is unlawful, or prohibited by these liability hereunder in any calendar year will not exceed the average charge for one payroll
Terms (as may be modified from time to time); and (3) All information supplied by You or by others processing paid by You to ADP for the payroll services during such calendar year. ADP will issue You
using Your account is true and accurate, including information submitted as part of the registration, a credit(s) equal to the applicable amount and any such credit(s) will be applied against subsequent
subscription and billing process. fees owed by You.
A. Confidentiality. All Confidential Information disclosed hereunder will remain the exclusive and (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR DAMAGES FOR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR LOSS OF
confidential property of the disclosing party. The receiving party will not disclose the Confidential INFORMATION) THAT THE OTHER PARTY MAY INCUR OR EXPERIENCE IN CONNECTION
Information of the disclosing party and will use at least the same degree of care, security, WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR THE SERVICES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND UNDER WHATEVER
discretion and diligence in protecting the Confidential Information of the disclosing party as it uses THEORY OF LIABILITY, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBLITY OF
with its own confidential information. The receiving party will limit access to Confidential SUCH DAMAGES.
Information to its employees and authorized representatives with a need to know and will instruct
them to keep such information confidential. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the receiving 12. Term and Termination; Your Default; Remedies Upon Default
party may disclose Confidential Information to the extent necessary to enforce its rights under A. Termination Either party can terminate this Agreement at any time on at least thirty (30) days prior written
this Agreement, including with respect to any payments that are due and uncollected that notice. Either Party can also suspend performance and/or terminate this Agreement immediately
necessitate sending Your account to a collection agent. In addition to any other authorizations in upon written notice at any time if: (i) the other Party is in material breach of any material warranty ,
these Terms, You consent and agree that ADP may (i) disclose Confidential Information to the term, condition or covenant of this Agreement and fails to cure that breach within thirty (30) days after
extent necessary for ADP to perform the Services, (ii) disclose Confidential Information among written notice thereof; (ii) the other party stops business operations; or (iii) the other Party becomes
ADP affiliates, subsidiaries or companies under common control with ADP, (iii) share Your FEIN insolvent, generally stops paying its debts as they become due or seeks protection under any
number(s) with its trusted business partners in order to identify mutual clients, (iv) disclose bankruptcy, receivership, trust deed, creditors arrangement, composition or comparable
Confidential Information to a third party, including subcontractors, to the extent that proceeding, or if any such proceeding is instituted against the other (and not dismissed within 90 days
disclosure of such information is required to perform the Services, the Background Check Services after commencement of one of the foregoing events). ADP may also suspend performance and/or
or any other Services You requested, or disclosure is required in response to a subpoena, terminate this Agreement immediately without prior notice in the event You, Your employee(s) or any
restraining notice, summons or other legal process or in connection with any litigation, (v) disclose other third party (i) includes in any Services any Client Content, or undertakes any action(s), which is
Your banking and company information to the ADP banking partner that referred You to ADP, and obscene, offensive, inappropriate, threatening, or malicious; which violates any applicable law or
(vi) disclose Confidential Information in connection with the Background Check Services as is regulation, including if You have violated, or conducting business with You, a payee or
required by ADP under any requirements of governmental data sources and consumer reporting subsidiary of Yours, or the provision of Services to You, is in violation of, or causes or will cause ADP
agencies (for which ADP is a reseller), or under or to comply with any applicable laws, rules or its Affiliates to be in violation of any sanction laws applicable to ADP or its Affiliates, or any contract,
and/or regulations (including, without limitation, in connection with an audit or regulatory privacy or other third party right; or which otherwise exposes ADP to civil or criminal liability, including
examination by a governmental authority). You acknowledge and agree that ADP or its affiliates in response to any restraining notice or (ii) wrongfully uses or accesses the Services or any other
may from time to time communicate, including by email, directly with You and/or Your current and systems of ADP used in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement or (iii) are involved
terminated employees and/or Your current and terminated payees in order to service or provide in any dispute regarding authority to provide ADP with instructions under this Agreement and ADP is
the Services, solicit Feedback or market its products and services or those of its unable to determine the authorized contact on the account from whom to take instructions.
recommended vendors or partners and may use certain Confidential Information to do so. ADP Additionally, Payment Services may be immediately suspended or terminated by ADP without prior
may also provide access to and the ability to view, print or download pay statements or other notice if (i) ADP has not received timely funds from You as required by Section 1C above; (ii) a bank
information to the extent related to such employee or payee. This access will be provided as part of notifies ADP that it is no longer willing to originate debits from Your account(s) and/or credits on Your
the Services for the term of this Agreement and ADP may, for such period of time as determined behalf for any reason, (iii) the authorization to debit Your account is terminated or ADP reasonably
solely by ADP, continue to provide such access to employees following any termination or believes that there is or has been fraudulent activity on the account, (iv) ADP reasonably determines
suspension of the Services as a convenience and to the extent ADP maintains the information in that You no longer meet ADP’s credit/financial eligibility requirements for such Services or (v) You
accordance with these Terms. You agree ADP may additionally disclose and/or use Your have any material adverse change in Your financial condition. In addition to any other termination
employee information where the employee has requested and/or provided their authorization to the rights in this Agreement, if ADP determines that You have failed to comply with any provision of these
disclosure and use of the information. Additionally, ADP may share Confidential Information with its Additional Terms related to Background Check Services, ADP may, at its sole discretion and upon
affiliate, ADP Broker Dealer, Inc. (“ADPBD”) in order for ADP or ADPBD to market or service notice to You, immediately terminate any Background Check Services.
“Rollover IRAs” for Your terminated employees. You also agree that ADP or ADPBD may disclose B. Post-Termination If any of the Services are or may be terminated by ADP, ADP will be entitled to allocate
such information to a terminated employee to the extent it relates to such employee and any funds available to ADP in such priorities as ADP (in its sole discretion) may determine appropriate
acknowledges that ADP or ADPBD may be compensated by a financial institution if an employee (including reimbursing ADP for payments made by ADP hereunder on Your behalf to a third party) and You
selects a Rollover IRA. Upon the request of the disclosing party, the receiving party will return or will immediately: (i) become solely responsible for all third party payment obligations now or hereafter
destroy all Confidential Information of the disclosing party that is in its possession. Notwithstanding due (including, for Tax Filing Services, all related penalties and interest), (ii) reimburse ADP for all
the foregoing, ADP can retain information for regulatory purposes or in back-up files, provided that payments made by ADP hereunder on Your behalf to any third party, and/or (iii) pay any and all fees
ADP’s confidentiality obligations hereunder continue to apply. You also agree that, in addition to and charges invoiced by ADP to You relating to RUN. If ADP elects not to terminate any or all of the
the use of Your or Your employees’ Confidential Information as otherwise set forth in these Terms, Services as permitted hereunder, ADP may require You to pay Your outstanding and all future third-party
ADP may also use Your, Your employees’ and participants’ and other Service recipients’ amounts covered by the Services and/or ADP’s fees and charges for the Services to ADP
information for purposes other than performance of the Services or as otherwise set forth, in an by bank or certified check or by wire transfer as a condition to receiving further Services.
aggregated, anonymized form, such that neither You nor such person(s) may be identified, and
You will have no ownership interest in such aggregated, anonymized data. You authorize ADP to 13. Funding Indemnification
You will be liable for debits properly initiated by ADP hereunder. You unconditionally promise to pay
release employee-related, and such other data as required to perform the Services, to third party
to ADP the amount of any unfunded payroll or tax liability (including any debit that is returned to ADP
vendors of Yours as designated by You from time to time. For purposes of this Section,
because of insufficient or uncollected funds or for any other reason), on demand and interest thereon
“Confidential Information” will mean: all information of a confidential or proprietary nature provided
at the rate set forth in Section 4A. Also, if any debit to an employee or other Payee’s or Your account
by the disclosing party to the receiving party for use in connection with the Services, and will
reversing or correcting a previously submitted credit(s) is returned for any reason, You unconditionally
include, with respect to any Background Check Services, the Guide and any ADP operating
promise to pay the amount of such debit upon demand and interest thereon at the rate set forth in
guidelines which may be provided with respect to the Background Check Services, but does not
Section 4A. You will be liable for, and will indemnify ADP against, any loss, liability, claim,
include (i) information that is already known by the receiving party, (ii) information that becomes
damage or exposure arising from or in connection with any fraudulent or criminal acts of Your
generally available to the public other than as a result of disclosure by the receiving party in
employees or payees. You agree to cooperate with ADP and any other parties involved in
violation of this Agreement, and (iii) information that becomes known to the receiving party from a
processing any transactions hereunder to recover funds credited to You or any employee as a result of
source other than the disclosing party on a non-confidential basis. Confidential Information of ADP
an error made by ADP or another party processing a transaction on behalf of ADP. You agree that in
also includes all ADP trade secrets, processes, proprietary data, information or documentation
the event You overfund any amount due from You, ADP may return the funds to the bank account on
related thereto, any pricing or service information or communications furnished to You by ADP.
file with ADP.
Your Confidential Information also includes all personally identifiable payroll, employee-level and
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14. Other Features
A. Data Access/Accountant Connect Feature When You authorize Your accounting professional or
other third party (“Your Representative”) to access the RUN Data Access or Accountant Connect
feature, You grant Your Representative permission to view, access and/or print electronic reports
and tax forms and notices, view, print and download or provide mapping to or for Your general ledger
information and run payroll, as authorized by You. The information accessible by Your
Representative is generated by RUN based on and/or including Your Client Content. This method
of access may permit Your Representative to make changes or updates to Your Client Content, when
You authorize Your Representative to process payroll using this feature. Your Representative will
have access to employee level information for all employees, and will have the ability to grant that
same access to others within their organization. You and Your Representative are solely responsible
for any activity conducted with the Data Access or Accountant Connect feature by You or Your
Representative, including with respect to Your Client Content, running payroll or general ledger
mapping. ADP may keep Your payroll reports and tax forms for a period of time after any termination
of Your services for a period of time designated by ADP and make these records and reports
available to You or Your Authorized Representative to view, print and/or download, as a convenience,
without obligation to do so, if Your Representative was previously authorized to access these records
and reports.
B. CPA View Feature When You authorize Your accounting professional (“Your CPA”) to access the
RUN CPA View feature, You grant Your CPA permission to view Your company and employee
information and, view and/or print Your reports, view, print and/or update tax forms, download Your
general ledger information, perform general ledger mappings (assign general ledger accounts to
payroll items), as well as to change their login password and update their security profile. The
information accessible by Your CPA is generated by RUN based on and/or including Your Client
Content. This method of access will not permit Your CPA to make any changes or updates to Your
Client Content. Your CPA will have access to employee level information for all employees. You and
Your CPA are solely responsible for any activity conducted with the CPA View feature by You or
Your CPA.
C. Multi-Company Access Feature When You are processing Your payroll using RUN for multiple
entities, RUN will provide You with the ability, through its Multi-Company Access Feature, to access
multiple companies without having to log out of one company and log back into another company.
When You utilize the Multi-Company Access feature You can assign multi-company access
administrator rights to a RUN user. By doing so You acknowledge that such RUN user will have the
authority to set up other RUN users for the feature. The list of companies that a user can access
using this feature can be customized for each user. The user's role will be the same for all the
companies listed for the user and may be changed during the Multi-Company Access setup. You,
Your administrator and any users designated using this feature are responsible for any activity
conducted in RUN.
15. General
A. Inducement You have not been induced to enter into this Agreement by any representation or warranty
not set forth in this Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to
its subject matter and supersedes and overrides all prior agreements on the same subject matter, including
any printed terms You may have signed, and will govern all disclosures and exchanges of Confidential
Information made by the parties previously hereto. This Agreement contains the most updated RUN terms
and may be modified from time to time. In the event of a conflict between these Terms and any other
previously signed agreements, these Terms will apply unless You have signed a Resource on Run Client
Services Agreement (“Resource CSA”) in which case the Resource CSA will govern the provision of those
Services to You.
B. No Third Party Beneficiaries ADP has no obligation to any third party (including, without limitation, Your
employees and/or any taxing authorities) by virtue of this Agreement. Other than with respect to ADP’s
vendors/licensors as set forth under sections 1(F)(xvii), 7 and 11 above, there will be no third party
beneficiaries to this Agreement.
C. Force Majeure Any party hereto will be excused from performance under this Agreement for any period
of time that the party is prevented from performing its obligations hereunder as a result of an act of God,
war, utility or communication failure or other cause beyond the party’s reasonable control.
D. Non-Hire During the term of this Agreement, You will not solicit the employment of any ADP employee
who has been involved in furnishing Services hereunder.
E. Waiver The failure of either party at any time to enforce any right or remedy available to it under this
Agreement with respect to any breach or failure by the other party will not be construed to be a waiver of
such right or remedy with respect to any other breach or failure by the other party.
F. Severability If any of the provisions of this Agreement will be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or
unenforceability will not invalidate or render unenforceable the entire Agreement, but rather the entire
Agreement will be construed as if not containing the particular invalid or unenforceable provision or
provisions, and the rights and obligations of You and ADP will be construed and enforced accordingly.
G. Relationship of the Parties You and ADP expressly understand and agree that each party is an
independent contractor in the performance of each and every part of this Agreement, is solely responsible
for all of its employees and agents and its labor costs and expenses arising in connection therewith.
H. Governing Law This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York without giving effect
to its conflict of law provisions.
I. Pricing The prices stated herein or in any sales order are not contingent or dependent on, or in any way
related to, Your purchase of other products or services from ADP not covered hereunder, and will be
honored regardless of whether or not such other products or services are purchased.
J. Printing These Terms and Conditions of Service If You do not have print capability or You otherwise
desire to obtain a hard copy of these Terms, please visit RUN customer service Web site and send an
email requesting a hard copy. You may view Your Terms on the Forms page in the Support pages within
the RUN application.
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(v) Card Status. You are responsible for ensuring that Cardholders are paid via an alternate pay
Pay Card Terms and Conditions of Service method in such instances where a Cardholder's Card has not been activated, or has been terminated,
cancelled or is in inactive status.
(i) Pay Card Services shall refer to ADP’s payment of certain of Your Payees, through a Pay Card (vi) Cardholder Services. ADP will make available Cardholder services to Cardholders. You will
for wages, commissions, consulting fees or similar compensation or work-related expenses direct Cardholders to resolve all disputes regarding Card fees and charges and disputed charges on
(“Permitted Payments”) which are to be paid in Your normal payroll cycle. Pay Cards are issued a Card with, and to report any lost or stolen Cards to, Cardholder services. Contact information for
by a financial institution selected by ADP (the “Issuing Bank”). The Pay Cards issued to Payees of Cardholder services is in the Cardholder agreement provided with each Card. Notwithstanding the
Yours may be referred to herein collectively as the “Cards” or each a “Card” or “Pay Card” and foregoing, You will be responsible for resolving all disputes by Cardholders regarding amounts
Payees of Yours who receive a Card may be referred to herein collectively as “Cardholders” or credited or debited to the Cards at Your request.
each a “Cardholder”. You will assist and cooperate with ADP in the use of the Pay Card Services
and will assign a liaison person to so assist ADP. You agree that You will use the Pay Card (vii) Cardholder Communication and Card Features. You understand that Cardholders may receive
Services solely to direct legal Permitted Payments to Payees via the Pay Cards. You also agree notices, mailings and other communications directly from ADP or the Issuing Bank. In addition, ADP
that You will not unduly influence a Payee’s decision with respect to receiving their Permitted may make additional Card features available to Cardholders (e.g., secondary cards, card portability,
Payments via a Pay Card. In addition, unless approved by ADP in writing, You agree that You reward programs, etc.).
may not make Cards available to individuals residing in any country other than the United States,
and You represent and warrant that any payments that You request ADP to make hereunder will (viii) Issuing Bank. All Cards issued to Cardholders are the property of Issuing Bank and are subject
not violate any laws of the United States, including employment eligibility laws, and are for services to cancellation by the Issuing Bank at any time in accordance with Issuing Bank’s Cardholder Terms
rendered in the employment context. You shall not mail, distribute, transport or otherwise provide and Conditions. In the event of cancellation of a Card, such Payee will be required to resume another
Cards to any individual outside the United States without the express written consent of ADP. means of payment made available by You.
(ii) You understand and acknowledge that access to the ADP Pay Card Services shall be (ix) Cardholder Information. You understand that You are not entitled to access or review any
conditioned upon You passing ADP’s credentialing process prior to implementation and passing Cardholder transaction information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in limited circumstances (e.g.,
any additional credentialing that ADP may deem necessary in connection with the ADP Pay Card where necessary to investigate or prevent fraud) and consistent with the applicable Cardholder
Services. You further understand that the Pay Card Services may be modified as ADP may deem privacy policy, ADP may provide certain Cardholder transaction information to You. You agree to
appropriate to assist ADP or the Issuing Bank in complying with its obligations. treat all Cardholder account information, including Card transaction records, and all other information
related to the Issuing Bank or ADP’s provision of ADP Pay Card Services to Cardholders, whether
(iii) Cardholder Set-Up. You will set-up (or cause ADP to set-up) each Payee as a Cardholder provided or made available to You by ADP or Issuing Bank (or their respective agents and
using data and/or procedures required by Issuing Bank or ADP. You represent and warrant that subcontractors), as confidential in accordance with the terms of Section 10 of the RUN Terms and
You have all necessary consents and authorizations of each Payee included in submitted set-up Conditions of Service.
data that is required under applicable law and rules, including NACHA (as defined below), for
Payee to (a) receive payments from You on its Card and (b) participate in the ADP Pay Card (x) Cardholder Fees. You acknowledge that separate fees and charges will be applied to
Services. You agree to promptly provide documentation or records related to the set-up of Cardholders’ Cards as set forth on the fee schedule provided to each Payee with the card kit prior to
Cardholders and participation of Cardholders in the ADP Pay Card Services to ADP and/or Issuing activation of the Card and such fees and charges are the responsibility of the Cardholder. Such
Bank upon request and agree that such information may be provided to any regulatory authority Cardholder fees and charges are subject to change in accordance with the Cardholder Terms and
having jurisdiction over the Issuing Bank or ADP. You, and not ADP nor any of its subcontractors, Conditions applicable to the Cards. Current Card fees and charges are available upon request by
is responsible for reviewing all enrollment information supplied by such Payees and confirming that You.
it is accurate and complete. Prior to set-up of any Payee on the Cardholder database and
distribution of a Card to such Payee, You will: (i) inspect identification documents that will verify (xi) Use of Your Authorized Marks. In the event that ADP makes available branding of any materials,
such Payee's identity and eligibility to work in the U.S. (“Identity Verification Documents”) (e.g., (1) a Cards and/or websites associated with the ADP Pay Card Services and You request such branding,
passport or (2) a U.S. issued driver’s license or picture identification card issued by a state or U.S. You grant to ADP, the Issuing Bank and any third party service provider designated by ADP
federal agency and social security card or (3) a U.S. issued driver’s license and birth (collectively, “Authorized Users”) the right to display the Authorized Marks on the materials, Cards
certificate); and (ii) obtain from such Payee and provide to ADP the following information, which and/or websites associated with the ADP Pay Card Services, subject to Your right to review and
information provided shall be accurate and verified by You: (a) name; (b) residential street address approve the copy prior to the use of such Authorized Marks. The term “Authorized Marks” shall refer
(a Post Office Box is unacceptable); (c) date of birth; (d) social security number for U.S. citizens to any trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos and designs designated by You for branding
and permanent residents (or other government issued ID number acceptable to ADP and Issuing in connection with the ADP Pay Card Services. This authorization shall cover the term of this
Bank for individuals who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents); and (e) personal telephone Agreement and any period of ongoing use of the Cards by Payees after termination. You understand
number. You agree to provide such additional information as may be required by ADP or the that various marks identified with ADP, the Issuing Bank and other parties providing services with
Issuing Bank in issuing a Card. You further agree that ADP or Issuing Bank (directly or through a respect to the Cards may also appear on the materials, Cards and/or websites associated with the
subcontractor) may request and obtain identity information and legal documentation directly from ADP Pay Card Services. You shall indemnify and hold harmless the Authorized Users from any loss,
the Payee to verify the identity of any Payee set up on the Cardholder database or participating in damages, claims, liabilities or expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) that they may incur as
the ADP Pay Card Services and that a Payee may be denied ADP Pay Card Services for several a result of any claim that an Authorized User’s use of or reference to the Authorized Marks as
reasons, including Your or Payee’s failure to provide accurate information or the inability by ADP or permitted herein infringes on the right of any other party.
Issuing Bank (directly or through a subcontractor) to validate the personal information of the Payee.
You also covenant to ADP and Issuing Bank that, with respect to each Cardholder, You will: (i) (xii) Use of Issuing Bank’s Marks. Except for materials and collateral provided by either ADP or the
make and preserve either of the following: (a) at least one (1) copy of all Identity Verification Issuing Bank, You agree that You will not use the name or marks of the Issuing Bank in any materials
Documents; or (b) a description of the Identity Verification Documents that were relied on by You You distribute or make available to Your Payees without the Issuing Bank's prior written consent, as
noting the date the Verification Documents were reviewed, type of document (e.g., driver's license, applicable.
government issued identification, passport, alien registration card), any identification number
contained in the document, the place of issuance (e.g., state or country) and, if any, the date of (xiii) Payee Information. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 10 of the RUN Terms and
issuance and expiration date, provided that if You utilize the Pay Card to pay independent Conditions of Service, You agree that ADP and its subcontractors providing ADP Pay Card Services
contractors who use form 1099, You will preserve a copy of all Identity Verification Documents as may disclose information to a Cardholder related to Your loads to Cardholder’s Card and Card
required by (i)(a) above for those Payees. You agree to retain such documentation during the time enrollment information provided by You regarding Cardholder and may otherwise use or disclose
that such Payee is a Cardholder until the earlier of (a) five years from termination of Your obligation information regarding a particular Cardholder with the consent of that Cardholder or consistent with
to make payments to such Payee or (b) five years from termination of such Payee's Card account; the Cardholder agreement and/or privacy policy applicable to that Cardholder.
provided, however, that in the event a longer retention period is required for the Issuing Bank or
ADP to meet its legal obligations, as a result of a change in applicable law or official interpretations (xiv) Your Responsibility for Compliance with Laws. Regarding the ADP Pay Card Services, the
thereof, ADP shall provide notice of such longer retention period and You shall retain such following provision shall apply in place of Section 1.E. of the RUN Terms and Conditions of Service
documentation for such longer retention period. with respect to laws and governmental regulations affecting the ADP Pay Card Services. Subject to
Your fulfillment of Your compliance responsibilities under the Federal Reserve Board, Regulation E
(iv) Issuance of Pay Cards. You may be issued an inventory of instant issue Cards. If You are (12 CFR 1005, “Regulation E”) as set forth below, ADP shall be responsible for compliance with the
issued instant issue Cards, You are responsible for distributing Cards to Your Payees from Your other requirements of Regulation E applicable to financial institutions with respect to payroll card
inventory of Cards. Prior to providing Payee’s information to ADP to issue a permanent Card or accounts. Except as stated in the previous sentence, You (and not ADP, the Issuing Bank or their
load value on an instant issue Card, You shall provide each Payee with the following notice agents and subcontractors) are solely responsible for (i) compliance with all laws and governmental
required under the USA Patriot Act: “IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT PROCEDURES FOR regulations affecting Your business, including state labor and payroll laws and the permissibility of the
OPENING A NEW PREPAID CARD ACCOUNT. To help the government fight the funding of ADP Pay Card Services under such laws and federal employment eligibility laws, and (ii) any use You
terrorism and money laundering activities, federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, may make of the ADP Pay Card Services to assist You in complying with such laws and
verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What this means governmental regulations. In addition, You shall be responsible for compliance with those
for you: When you open a Prepaid Card account, we may require your name, address, date of requirements of Regulation E controlled by You. Without limitation of the foregoing, You will fulfill the
birth, Social Security number, tax identification number and other information that will allow us to following responsibilities: (i) You will distribute to Your Payees all documentation (including, without
identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying documents.” The limitation, Card fees and charges disclosure schedule and Cardholder Terms and Conditions) that
USA Patriot Act notice may be updated from time to time by ADP or the Issuing Bank. Prior to or in ADP makes available to You for distribution purposes, and (ii) You will not mandate that any Payee
conjunction with distributing a Card to any Payee, You shall (i) remove the account routing receive wages only on the Pay Card; in lieu of such mandate, You will provide to Payees other legally
information from the card kit; and (ii) provide each Payee with a copy of the Issuing Bank's Terms permissible options for payment of wages. You also represent and warrant that any payments that
and Conditions and other enrollment-related materials. You will provide Cardholders with any other You request ADP to make hereunder will not violate any laws of the United States and are for
information and materials regarding the ADP Pay Card Services provided to You from time to time services rendered in the employment context for Payees who are legally eligible to work in the U.S.
that is necessary for Issuing Bank or ADP to comply with applicable laws or regulations. You will be You will not rely solely on Your use of the ADP Pay Card Services in complying with any laws and
responsible for the safekeeping of the inventory of Cards received by You and for any theft or governmental regulations.
misappropriation of any such Cards prior to a valid and authorized issuance and distribution of such
Card to a Payee of Yours. You shall not, under any circumstance, disclose or make available the (xv) Audits and Information Requests. You agree that upon prior notice from ADP or Issuing Bank,
account routing (ABA/DDA) number to any Payee. You shall direct Payees to the Cardholder ADP, Issuing Bank and any regulatory authorities which have jurisdiction over the Issuing Bank or
services telephone number to obtain account routing (ABA/DDA) number as there are additional ADP shall have the right to audit and inspect Your books and records related to the ADP Pay Card
requirements that must be met before Payees are provided their account routing (ABA/DDA) Services and Your performance of Your obligations with respect thereto, including, without limitation,
number. The amounts to be loaded to each Cardholder’s Pay Card will be provided to ADP by You the following: (i) Your records pertaining to the set-up of Payees on the Cardholder database and
through one of ADP’s standard payroll transmission methods available to You or another means participation of Cardholders in the ADP Pay Card Services; and (ii) the Identity Verification
agreed to by ADP and You. You acknowledge that Payees must accept the Cardholder Terms and Documents. Subject to applicable law, You agree to provide Issuing Bank or ADP with information
Conditions and that the Card may be cancelled by ADP or the Issuing Bank at any time in and documents related to the ADP Pay Card Services in Your control or possession (x) in connection
accordance with the Cardholder Terms and Conditions. with inquiries or requests made by regulators or other enforcement agencies or authorities or (y)
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where provision of such information and documents is otherwise necessary for Issuing Bank or
ADP to demonstrate compliance with applicable law, regulatory requirements or network rules to
which Issuing Bank or ADP is subject.
(xvi) Network Rules. ADP Pay Card Services are subject to financial industry rules and compliance
standards imposed by various card/payment networks or associations (collectively, the “Network
Rules”). You agree, to the extent You utilize ADP Pay Card Services, to comply with Network Rules
identified by the Issuing Bank from time-to-time related to such things as Card security and
fraudulent or impermissible use of Cards.
(xvii) Third Party Beneficiary. Notwithstanding Section 15 of the RUN Terms and
Conditions of Service, You acknowledge and agree that Issuing Bank (and its respective
successors and assigns) is a third party beneficiary of this Agreement (as it relates to ADP Pay
Card Services) entitled to enforce each of the provisions of this Exhibit and the RUN Terms and
Conditions of Service specifically listed below against You as well as the limitation of liability
provisions of Section 11 of the RUN Terms and Conditions of Service, including in equity and in
law, as if it or they were a party hereto. The provisions of the RUN Terms and Conditions of Service
applicable to the foregoing sentence include Sections 1C and 12A and the provisions of this Exhibit
A applicable to the foregoing sentence include Sections (ii), (iii), (iv), (viii), (ix), (xi), (xii), (xiii), (xiv),
(xv), (xvi), (xvii), (xviii), (xix), (xx) and (xxi). You acknowledge and agree that Section (ix)
(Cardholder Information) and Section (xx) of this Exhibit A, and Section 11 (Limitations of Liability)
of the RUN Terms and Conditions of Service, and Section (xix) (Indemnification) of this Exhibit A
shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement and the RUN Terms and Conditions of
(xviii) Liability for Interruptions and Delays. Neither ADP nor the Issuing Bank shall be liable or
deemed to be in default for any act, failure to act, negligence or bad faith by, or the insolvency of,
any clearing house, card network or card association governing use of the Cards issued hereunder.
Neither ADP nor the Issuing Bank shall be liable for any damages to You arising from any decision to
refrain from or delay originating debit/credit entries or issuing ADPChecks or crediting amounts to
any Pay Card (a) after reasonable efforts to verify Your instruction or such debit/credit entries by the
required security procedure have failed, (b) due to Your creditworthiness, or (c) because ADP has
not received timely funds from You as required by Section 1.C. of the RUN Terms and Conditions
of Service.
(xix) Client Indemnity. You shall be liable for, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless,
ADP, its agents and subcontractors and the Issuing Bank, from and against any and all loss,
liability, claim, damage or exposure arising from, or in connection with, any breach of Your
compliance obligations hereunder, any fraudulent or criminal acts of Your employees, including as a
result of the theft or misappropriation of any Cards (or any negotiable instruments that may be
issued with Cards) by Your employees (e.g., the issuance of unauthorized Cards or fraudulent use
of negotiable instruments) or the loading of unauthorized value onto Cards. You also agree to
defend, indemnify and hold harmless Issuing Bank from and against any and all loss, liability, claim,
damage or exposure arising from, or in connection with Your negligence in connection with Your
use and/or provision of the ADP Wage Payments Card Services or otherwise in connection with
Your performance or obligations under this Agreement.
(xxi) Termination. You agree that the ADP Pay Card Services (or any feature thereof) in any
designated jurisdiction may be terminated on 60 days notice to You if ADP or the Issuing Bank
believes that any changes in any Network Rules or NACHA rules, or changes to, or interpretations
of, applicable law by any federal, state or local governmental authority, or any formal or informal
order, instruction or directive communicated to ADP or the Issuing Bank by such authority make it
commercially impractical to continue to provide the ADP Pay Card Services (or any feature thereof)
in such jurisdiction.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, ADP may immediately in ADP’s sole discretion
suspend any of the ADP Pay Card Services or terminate this Agreement and/or any of the ADP
Pay Card Services and declare all amounts due and to become due immediately due and payable
by You if: (i) ADP reasonably determines that You may be engaged in illegal activity or that You
may be utilizing any of the ADP Pay Card Services in an illegal manner; (ii) the Originating Bank
notifies ADP that it is no longer willing to originate debits or credits for any reason; or (iii) with
respect to the ADP Pay Card Services, the Issuing Bank cancels the Cards issued on Your behalf
or advises ADP that it is no longer willing to service the Cards, provided that in such instance ADP
shall take commercially reasonable steps to engage a successor Issuing Bank, and provided
further that ADP shall not be liable for any delay in providing ADP Pay Card Services during such
search for a successor Issuing Bank.
If the ADP Pay Card Services are or may be terminated by ADP pursuant to this section, You will
immediately become solely responsible for all of Your third-party payment obligations covered by
such ADP Pay Card Services then or thereafter due.
7322 RUN ET (12/2023) Terms and Conditions of Service for RUN Powered by ADP ® Online Services Page 9 of 10
Data Privacy Appendix (i) a written request submitted to ADP at least 45 days in advance of the proposed audit
date; (ii) a detailed written audit plan reviewed and approved in advance by ADP’s
security organization; and (iii) ADP’s on-site security policies. Such audits will take place
only in the presence of a representative of ADP’s global security office, ADP’s global
This Data Privacy Appendix is a data processing agreement under applicable law and supplements data privacy & governance team, or such person designated by the appropriate ADP
the Agreement, between ADP and Client. Capitalized terms throughout this Data Privacy representative. The audits shall not be permitted to disrupt ADP’s Processing activities
Appendix not defined in the Agreement are defined in the ADP Privacy Glossary at or compromise the security and confidentiality of Personal Data pertaining to other ADP clients. ADP will charge Client a reasonable fee for such audit.
1. Client Obligations. Client shall only provide ADP with Client Personal Data that: (a) is 12. Scope. This Part II applies solely with respect to Client Personal Data subject
required to perform the Services; (b) has been collected in accordance with Applicable Laws; and to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the process-
(c) Client has authority to provide under Applicable Law. ing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data (“General Data Protection Regula-
2. ADP Obligations. ADP, as a Data Processor (or equivalent term under Applicable tions” or “GDPR”). With respect to ADP’s processing of Client Personal Data subject to GDPR, the
Law), will comply with Applicable Law for Processing Client Personal Data pursuant to the ADP Privacy Code, located at,
Agreement. ADP will not: (a) “sell” or “share” Client Personal Data; (b) retain, use, disclose or governs. ADP has obtained EU authorization of its ADP Privacy Code.
otherwise Process Client Personal Data outside of its direct business relationship with Client or for 13. International Transfers. For transfers outside of the EEA, Switzerland and United
any commercial or other purpose other than the business purposes specified in the agreement(s) Kingdom, the ADP Privacy Code serves as the legal basis for the data transfer to an ADP Group
between Client and ADP, except as permitted by Applicable Laws; or (c) combine Client Personal Company or between ADP and an ADP Subprocessor, which Client acknowledges and accepts. ADP
Data with personal data that ADP receives from, or on behalf of, other persons, or collects from its shall enter into appropriate contractual agreements, such as standard contractual clauses, or rely
own interaction with a consumer, except as permitted under Applicable Law. ADP shall have the upon any other lawful transfer mechanism prior to transferring Client Personal Data to a Third Party
right to Process Client Personal Data in order to comply with its legal obligations (e.g., compliance Subprocessor or to an ADP company when the ADP Privacy Code does not apply.
with sanction laws) or in order to prevent, detect or investigate fraud.
14. Additional Subprocessor Obligations. Within 30 days of a written update (including
ADP employees and contingent workers are authorized to Process Client Personal Data to the electronic notice) by ADP to Client adding a new Subprocessor, Client may object to such new
extent necessary to provide Services and as permitted under the Agreement and by Applicable Subprocessor by providing written notice to ADP alleging objective justifiable grounds that such
Law. Subprocessor is unable to protect Client Personal Data. If the parties cannot reach a mutually
3. De-identification and Aggregation. In addition to any rights granted to ADP in Section acceptable solution, ADP shall, at its option, either: (a) not allow the Subprocessor to access Client
10 of the Agreement to use aggregated and anonymized data, ADP will not attempt to, and will not, Personal Data; or (b) allow Client to terminate the relevant Services in accordance with the terms of
re-identify any Client Personal Data that has been anonymized, which means it cannot be used to the Agreement.
identify an individuals, directly or inderectly, through any reasonably available means, or de-ident- 15. ADP Privacy Code EU Authorization. ADP will make commercially reasonable efforts to
fied. maintain the EU authorization of its ADP Privacy Code for the duration of the Agreement and will
4. Transfers to Subprocessors. ADP may transfer Client Personal Data to ADP promptly notify Client of any subsequent material changes in the EU authorization of its ADP Privacy
Subprocessors and Third Party Subprocessors located outside of the country or region where Code.
Client Personal Data was initially collected. ADP will establish appropiate safeguards with ADP PART III - Miscellaneous
Subprocessors and Third Party Subprocessors to ensure the adequete protection of Client Per-
sonal Data. Third Party Subprocessors are bound by written contracts with ADP that impose 16. Order of Precedence. In the event of a conflict between the Agreement, this Data
data protection terms that are not less protective than those imposed by this Data Privacy Ap- Privacy Appendix, the ADP Privacy Code and Applicable Law, then the conflict will be resolved by
pendix. giving effect to such in the following order of precedence: (a) Applicable Law; (b) the ADP Privacy
Code; (c) this Data Privacy Appendix; and (d) the Agreement.
An up-to-date list of ADP Subprocessors and Third Party Subprocessors, including locations, shall
be made available in the RUN platform. Such list may be updated from time to time. 17. Scope. This Data Privacy Appendix provides no additional rights to Client Employees
that are not already provided under the Applicable Law to which Client Employee is subject.
5. Compliance Obligations. ADP will notify Client if ADP makes a determination that it
can no longer meet its Processing obligations under Applicable Laws.
Client may, upon providing written notice to ADP, take reasonable steps to stop and remediate
unauthorized Processing of Client Personal Data.
6. Data Security. ADP has an established information security program containing
appropriate administrative, technical and physical measures to protect Personal Data against
accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access
consistent with Applicable Laws. In the event ADP suspects any unauthorized access to, or use of,
the Services, ADP may suspend access to the Services to the extent ADP deems necessary to
preserve the security of Client Personal Data.
7. Data Security Breach - Notification. If ADP becomes aware of a Data Security
Breach of Client Personal Data, ADP will take appropriate actions to contain, investigate and
mitigate the Data Security Breach. ADP shall notify Client without undue delay after becoming
aware that a Data Security Breach has occurred, unless otherwise required or instructed by law
enforcement or regulatory authority. ADP will share information in its possession with Client for
Client to determine any regulatory reporting obligations required by Applicable Law.
8. Data Security Breach - Other ADP Obligations. In the event that a Data Security
Breach is the result of the failure of ADP to comply with the terms of this Agreement, ADP shall, to
the extent legally required or otherwise necessary to notify the individuals of potential harm, bear
the actual, reasonable costs of notifying affected individuals. ADP and Client shall mutually agree
on the content and timing of any such notifications, in good faith and as needed to meet applicable
legal requirements. In addition, where notifications are required, and where such monitoring is
practicable and customary, ADP shall also bear the cost of one year of credit monitoring to affected
individuals in the applicable jurisdictions.
9. Client Instructions. When receiving Client instructions regarding the Processing of
Personal Data, ADP will notify Client if ADP considers such instruction violates Applicable Law;
however, ADP is not obliged to and will not perform a legal examination with respect to Client
10. Assistance. ADP will assist Client with Client data privacy obligations where required
under Applicable Law, including assisting Client in responding to and addressing Client Employee
individual rights requests, and complaints concerning Client Personal Data Processed by ADP in
connection with the Services. ADP will also provide Client with relevant information for conducting
data protection impact or risk assessments, including transfer impact assessments and any other
assessments or reassessments required by Applicable Law or competent regulatory authorities.
ADP reserves the right to charge for such assistance rendered. If ADP receives an individual rights
request or complaint directly from Client Employee, ADP shall promptly forward the Employee re-
quest to Client.
11. Client Audit. ADP will answer questions asked by Client regarding the Processing of
Client Personal Data by ADP. In the event Client reasonably consider that the answers provided by
ADP justify further analysis, ADP will, in agreement with Client, either:
(a) provide security materials known as ADP’s trust package (which includes security
policy and standards overview, password summary, resiliency program summary,
disaster recovery program overview, data center and hosting service summary and a
third party risk management executive summary), that details ADP’s business
processes and procedures for the Processing of Client Personal Data; or,
(b) make the facilities it uses to Process Client Personal Data available for an audit by a
qualified independent third-party assessor reasonably acceptable to ADP, bound by
confidentiality obligations satisfactory to ADP and engaged by Client. Client will
provide a copy of the audit report to ADP’s Global Chief Privacy Officer which will be
ADP Confidential Information. Audits shall be conducted no more than once per year
during the term of the Agreement during regular business hours and will be subject to
7322 RUN ET (12/2023) Terms and Conditions of Service for RUN Powered by ADP ® Online Services Page 10 of 10
Client Name ID LLC Branch Co.Code
With respect to the services for which ADP, Inc ("ADP") has been engaged as described in the services agreement or other understanding between ADP and Client (each, a
"Service" and collectively the "Services"), Client agrees to the debit method listed below for collection of Services selected below. Client agrees to the ACH debit method
listed below for collection of the applicable fees for Services, all pursuant to this Client Account Agreement and Authorization to Debit/Credit, including Exhibit A attached
hereto and incorporated by reference herein (this "Agreement"). Such debits will be initiated by ADP out of Client's applicable bank account (the "DDA Account") at the
financial institution specified below ("Bank"). Additional authorizations may be required by Client's Bank(s) authorizing reverse wire and/or ACH transactions. Client
acknowledges and agrees that the implementation and ongoing provision of Services are conditioned upon Client passing (and continuing to pass) credentialing and bank
account and balance verification processes that ADP may deem necessary in connection with the provision of Services utilizing data available to ADP.
X (Check as applicable and, if yes, complete Exhibit B): Client will be utilizing ADP’s Payment Services to initiate payments on
Yes No behalf of non-Affiliates of Client.
Client understands and agrees that (1) it has an ongoing obligation to inform ADP if Client’s response changes for any reason,
which may require Client to execute a new Client Account Agreement, and (2) ADP may provide the names of any non-Affiliate to
its bank partners.
DEBIT METHOD (Check Applicable Boxes): Note: This Section for Products/Services only
Reverse Wire ADP will initiate request for a wire transfers of funds from the DDA ACCOUNT indicated below in
accordance with the Reverse Wire provisions of this Agreement. Each applicable BANK is authorized to
charge the applicable DDA Account in accordance with the Reverse Wire provisions of this Agreement.
X ACH (Please refer to the ACH Debit Filter page for Bank ADP is authorized to charge the DDA ACCOUNT in accordance with the ACH provisions of this
Authorization/Setup) Agreement. NOTE: CLIENT qualified for ACH may be required to initiate funding via direct wire
for debits exceeding the dollar limit established by ADP (in its sole discretion).
ACH/REVERSE WIRE (X80-Over ACH Dollar Limit) ADP is authorized to charge the DDA ACCOUNT in accordance with the ACH provisions of this
Agreement. In the event a debit exceeds the established threshold for ACH processing, Client agrees that
ADP may initiate a request for a wire transfer of funds from the DDA ACCOUNT in accordance with the
Reverse Wire instructions of this Agreement. (Recommended)
BANK INFORMATION: *FSDD & ADPCheck funds must be debited from the same account
X Payroll Taxes X FSDD* ADPCK* Pay Card ACA X WGPS X Wage Garnishment Retirement Svcs Workers Comp Other
Payroll Taxes FSDD* ADPCK* Pay Card ACA WGPS Wage Garnishment Retirement Svcs Workers Comp Other
ACH FEES FOR SERVICES ADP will initiate ACH debits for its Fees for Services from the DDA Account indicated below in accordance with the
ACH provisions of this Agreement. The applicable BANK is authorized to charge the applicable DDA Account in
accordance with the ACH provisions of this Agreement.
Est. No. of Employees: ADPCheck Partner Bank: FSDD Start Date: ADPCK Start Date: Federal ID#
1 02/12/2024 99-1128491
In consideration of each BANK’s compliance with this authorization, CLIENT agrees that such BANK’s treatment of any charge, and such BANK’s rights with respect
thereto, shall be the same as if the charge were initiated personally by CLIENT, and that if any charge is dishonored, whether with or without cause, such BANK shall be
under no liability whatsoever. In addition, CLIENT authorizes ADP to credit the applicable DDA ACCOUNT when necessary, at ADP’s sole discretion, for any refund or
credit amount due CLIENT.
In the event of any conflict between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the terms and conditions of any other agreement, this Agreement shall control with
respect to any money transmission services, including Payment Services. CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, CLIENT’S right
to refund under any State law shall first be subject to any offset for funds due to ADP with respect to any previous transactions completed on CLIENT’S behalf by ADP, and
subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any other agreement between CLIENT and ADP.
This authorization shall remain in effect unless and until revoked in writing by an authorized representative of CLIENT and until the applicable BANK(s) and ADP have
each received such notice and have had reasonable time to act upon such notice.
ADP eSignature 1009447437
12:18:46 PM
Client Signature: --------------------------------------------
Date: 02/08/2024
CORPORATE CHECK (This bank account below will be printed on your company checks.):
Bank Address
Client understands that funds representing the total of Fees for Services must be on deposit in the applicable DDA Account no later than the
date specified in the “Advice of Debit” or “Advice of Charge” periodically delivered to the Client after such services are rendered. ADP will
initiate a transfer of such funds out of such DDA Account on such date.
CLIENT understands that funds representing the total of payment obligations for selected Services, must be on deposit in the applicable DDA
Account no later than the date(s) specified in the services agreement between ADP and CLIENT. ADP will request such funds to be wire
transferred from the DDA Account to one of the following accounts located at the banks listed below on such specified funding date (unless
and until changed by notice from ADP). In consideration for the additional costs incurred by ADP in providing wire transfer service, Client
agrees to pay a reasonable fee for each wire transfer.
For ADP contingency purposes, ADP recommends both bank accounts listed in the chart below be set up at the Clients bank.
CLIENT acknowledges that if sufficient funds are not available by the funding due date required, (1) CLIENT will immediately become solely
responsible for all tax deposits and filings, all CLIENT third-party payments and all related penalties and interest due then and thereafter, (2)
any and all ADP Services may, at ADP’s option, be immediately terminated, (3) neither BANK nor ADP will have any further obligation to
CLIENT or any third party with respect to any such Services and (4) ADP may take such action as it deems appropriate to collect ADP’s Fees
for Services. Client shall not initiate any ACH transactions utilizing ADP’s services that constitute International ACH Transactions (IAT)
without first (1) notifying ADP of such IAT transactions in writing utilizing ADP’s Declaration of International ACH Transaction form (or
such other form as directed by ADP) and (2) complying with the requirements applicable to IAT transactions. ADP shall not be liable for
any delay or failure in processing any ACH transaction due to Client’s failure to so notify ADP of Client’s IAT transactions or Client’s failure to
comply with applicable IAT requirements.
The provisions set forth in this Exhibit A shall be incorporated by reference into the Client Account Agreement and Authorization to Debit/Credit (Reverse
Wire) (the “Agreement”). Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Agreement or the NACHA
Operating Rules & Guidelines, as the same may be amended from time to time (the “NACHA Rules”), as applicable.
CLIENT, as an Originator, makes the following representations, warranties, covenants, certifications, authorizations and acknowledgments:
(i) CLIENT (1) agrees to be bound by and warrants it will comply with the NACHA Rules, as the same may be amended from time to time, (2)
warrants it will not submit Entries that violate the laws of the United States, (3) warrants it will comply with all U.S. laws, rules and regulations,
including, as applicable, laws, rules and regulations applicable to IAT Entries (including those of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network), (4) acknowledges and agrees that ADP shall have the right to audit CLIENT’S and its
Originators, if any, compliance with the provisions of this Exhibit A, the Agreement and the NACHA Rules, and (5) acknowledges and agrees
that ADP shall have the right to suspend or terminate initiating ACH transactions immediately upon notice to CLIENT in the event CLIENT
breaches any of the NACHA Rules;
(ii) CLIENT (1) certifies that it has not been suspended and does not appear on a National Association list of suspended Originators, and (2) warrants
that it will not transmit any Entry if it has been suspended or appears on a National Association list of suspended Originators;
(iii) CLIENT authorizes ADP to initiate Entries on behalf of CLIENT to its Receivers’ accounts and CLIENT agrees to be financially responsible to
Originating Depository Financial Institution (“BANK”) for all Entries initiated by ADP on CLIENT’S behalf;
(iv) CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that ADP and BANK (1) may restrict certain types of Entries, (2) shall have the right to reject any Entry or
series of Entries, and (3) shall have the right to reverse Erroneous Entries;
(v) CLIENT represents, warrants and certifies that (1) prior to submission, each Entry has been properly authorized by CLIENT and the Receiver in
accordance with the NACHA Rules, including, but not limited to (a) the authorization has not been revoked, (b) the Agreement has not been
terminated, (c) CLIENT has no knowledge of the revocation of the Receiver’s authorization or termination of the agreement between the Receiver
and the RDFI concerning the Entry, and (d) at the time the Entry is processed by a RDFI, the authorization for that Entry has not been terminated,
in whole or in part, by operation of law, (2) CLIENT will retain all authorizations for a minimum of two (2) years following termination or revocation
of the authorization, and (3) CLIENT will provide a copy of such authorization to ADP or BANK upon request;
(vi) CLIENT represents, warrants and certifies that (1) all credit and debit Entries will be accurate and timely, and (2) each Entry will contain all infor-
mation required by the NACHA Rules for specific Entry types, including, but not limited to, the Receiver’s correct account number, dollar
amount of the Entry, CLIENT’S Name, CLIENT’S Entry description;
(vii) CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that (1) CLIENT shall be responsible for promptly detecting and correcting any errors, (2) any Entry
sent to ADP that identifies the Receiver inconsistently by name and account number may be processed by BANK based solely on the account
number provided, (3) ADP is authorized to take such measures as ADP deems appropriate to carry out the intent of CLIENT in completing any
particular Entry, including, but not limited to, ADP may contact CLIENT or may attempt to retransmit any Return Entry, and (4) subject to any
limitations set forth in the applicable client services agreement with ADP, CLIENT shall indemnify ADP, its parent, subsidiaries, predecessors,
successors, affiliates, directors, officers, fiduciaries, insurers, employees and agents, for any claim, demand, loss, liability or expense (including
reasonable attorneys’ fees, penalties, fines or interest) resulting from the debiting or crediting of any Entry or a breach of the Agreement
(including the provisions of this Exhibit A);
(viii) CLIENT agrees to implement and maintain safeguards to protect against (1) any unauthorized access to confidential information being stored,
processed or transmitted in connection with Entries, and (2) submission of fraudulent Entries purportedly on CLIENT’S behalf; and
(ix) CLIENT represents and warrants, to the extent applicable, that (1) the origination of each IAT Entry shall comply with the laws and payment sys-
tems rules of the receiving country, and (2) any submission by CLIENT requiring initiation of an IAT Entry by ADP shall include the name and
physical address of each of CLIENT and the Receiver, the account number of the Receiver and the identity of the Receiver’s bank, bank ID
number and bank branch code.
(x) CLIENT acknowledges and agrees, to the extent applicable, that (1) prior to initiating any Entries on behalf of an unaffiliated third party, Client will
enter into agreement with such third party in accordance with the requirements set forth in the NACHA Rules prior to initiating any Entries on be-
half of such third party and (2) Client is responsible for such third-party's compliance with the NACHA Rules
Please provide the legal name for each non-Affiliate for which Client will cause
ADP to initiate payments.
5 TAXPAYER LEGAL NAME (Use all capital letters. Include spaces, ampersands, and hyphens. Do not enter any other punctuation.)
6 DBA NAME (Use all capital letters. Include spaces, ampersands, and hyphens. Do not enter any other punctuation.)
7 Address(number, street, and room or suite no.) City or town, state and ZIP Code
202 Cypress St Mamou,
LA 70554-2512
REPORTING AGENT: ADP Tax Services, 400 West Covina Boulevard, San Dimas, CA 91773 ID # 22-3006057
Authorization of Reporting Agent to Sign and File Returns (Caution: See Authorization Agreement)
8 Use the entry lines below to indicate the tax return(s) to be filed by the Reporting Agent. Enter the beginning year for annual tax returns or beginning quarter for quarterly tax returns. See
the instructions for how to enter the quarter and year. Once this authority is granted, it is effective until revoked by the taxpayer or Reporting Agent.
940 2024 941 1|2024 940-PR N/A 941-PR N/A 941-SS N/A 943 N/A
Tax Year Qtr/Yr Tax Year Qtr/Yr Qtr/Yr Tax Year
943-PR N/A 944 N/A 944-PR N/A 945 N/A
Tax Year Tax Year Tax Year Tax Year
Authorization of Reporting Agent to Make Deposits and Payments (Caution: See Authorization Agreement)
9 Use the entry lines below to enter the starting date (the first month and year) for any tax return(s) for which the Reporting Agent is authorized to make deposits or payments. See the
instructions for how to enter the month and year. Once this authority is granted, it is effective until revoked by the taxpayer or Reporting Agent.
940 1|2024 941 1|2024 943 | 944 | 945 |
Mo/Yr Mo/Yr Mo/Yr Mo/Yr Mo/Yr
Disclosure of Information to Reporting Agent
10a Check here to authorize the Reporting Agent to receive or request duplicate copies of tax information, notices and other communications from the IRS, related to the X
authorization granted on Line 8 and/or Line 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10b Check here if the Reporting Agent also wants to receive copies of notices from the IRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
Form W-2 Series or Form 1099 Series Disclosure Authorization
11 The Reporting Agent is authorized to exchange otherwise confidential taxpayer information with the IRS, including responding to certain IRS notices relating to the form W-2/1099
series information returns. This authority is effective for calendar years beginning:
W-2 2024 1099
Tax Year Tax Year
State and Local Authorization (Caution: See Authorization Agreement)
12 By checking the box to the right and signing in Box 13 below, the taxpayer identified above hereby appoints ADP as Reporting Agent and grants ADP a X
limited power attorney with the authority to sign and file employment and file tax returns and make deposits electronically, on magnetic media, or on
paper for all state and local jurisdictions in which the taxpayer is required to file tax returns and make tax deposits. ADP is also hereby authorized to
receive notices, correspondance and transcripts from all applicable state and local jurisdictions, resolve matters pertaining to these deposits and filings,
and to request and receive deposit frequency data and any other information from applicable state and local jurisdictions related to taxpayer's employment
tax returns and deposits for the tax periods indicated in Section 8 and all returns filed and deposits made by ADP from the date hereof.
This authorization shall include all applicable state and local forms and shall commence with the tax period indicated and shall remain in effect through 1 2024
all subsequent periods until either revoked by the taxpayer or terminated by the ADP. Unless the taxpayer is required to file or deposit electronically, ADP
will, in its discretion, file and make deposits on the taxpayer's behalf in one of the filing methods: electronic, magnetic media or paper.
12:18:52 PM
authority granted on Line 8 and/or Line 9 including disclosure required to process Form 8655.
Disclosure authority is effective upon signature of the taxpayer and IRS receipt ofForm 8655.
Date (Required)
The authority granted on Form 8655 will not revoke any Power of Attorney (Form 2848) or Tax 02/08/2024
Information Authorization (Form 8821) in effect.
For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act notice, see attached. ADP eSignature Info
TX-6931 Revised: 03/10/2015 Date/Time: |&D|
2/8/2024 12:18:59 PM
UZA |@S| IP: |&I|
ID: |&T|
RAA Page 1 of 1
7322 RUN ET (08/2018)
Company Legal Name: ID LLC
Applied For ID
This is to notify ADP® that I recently applied for identification number(s) for the State, Unemployment and / or Local jurisdiction(s) identified as “Applied For” below
and have not received identification number(s) from appropriate state jurisdictions.
For states that have specific requirements for obtaining identification numbers (i.e., cannot apply until wage requirement is met or until my company processes their
first payroll)., I understand that I am responsible for obtaining identification numbers and providing them to ADP, once my company meets state requirements for
obtaining the identification number(s).
By my signature below, I hereby release and hold harmless ADP from any and all claims, liabilities, interest and/or penalties as a result of the Company’s inability to
provide the necessary proofs including but not limited to those arising from rejected filings and deposits due to missing or incorrect ID number(s), incorrect deposit(s)
frequency and/or experience rate(s).
ADP eSignature 1009447437
12:19:07 PM
Client Title:
Client Appreciation Program
Introduction #1
Business Name:
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Introduction #2
Business Name:
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Introduction #3
Business Name:
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Introduction #4
Business Name:
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
These Terms and Conditions of Use ("Terms") are an agreement between ADP, Inc. ("ADP"), on behalf of its Small
Business Services line of business ("SBS"), and You and apply to the ADP Online Client Appreciation program
(the "Program") described in these Terms. By enrolling in or using the Program, You agree to be bound by these
Terms, including any modifications and/or updates made by ADP from time to time and posted on any applicable
web site, as they relate to the Program. If You do not agree to these Terms or any updates, do not enroll in or use
the Program. "You" and "Your" means You, Your company, Your employees, Your subsidiaries, Your affiliates
and Your agents whom You have enrolled as "users" of the Program, all of which agree to be bound by these Terms,
any applicable additional terms, updates, policies and any other terms and guidelines found throughout the Program.
1. THE PROGRAM AND REFERRAL ACTIVITIES. The Program is designed to enable ADP's SBS clients
that are processing payroll using ADP's RUN Powered by ADP® ("RUN") payroll processing platforms, to refer
other RUN clients to ADP and receive the rewards set forth herein for such referrals. The Program consists of the
ability by SBS clients to access the ADP client referral rewards web site currently located at, or such other address as ADP may determine from time to time, hosted by ADP or
its third party vendor ("Rewards Site"), enroll in the Program, accept these Terms, either upon registration through
the Rewards Site, or when otherwise prompted to accept these Program Terms, and make referrals to ADP and, in
exchange for referrals that become new ADP Clients (as defined below) under and pursuant to these Terms, receive
the rewards set forth herein. ADP is willing to perform the RUN payroll and payroll related tax filing data processing
services (the "Services") for businesses referred to ADP by You that wish to receive any or all of such Services
("Prospects") and that sign ADP's standard forms of agreement and meet ADP's eligibility requirements covering
such RUN Services (the "Clients"). In exchange for Your referrals, ADP shall, for each eligible Prospect referred
to ADP under this Program that becomes an ADP RUN Client and begins processing Services with ADP and
continues processing for thirty (30) consecutive days, award You the credit or reward (“Reward”) under the Program
as set forth herein, and/or free payroll, as applicable, for as long as You remain a RUN client of ADP and process
payroll which results in an invoice to You. If You are new to the Program or are re-enrolling in the Program, You
will not be fully enrolled in the Program or begin receiving any rewards or credits until ADP acknowledges Your
agreement to these Terms by sending You an electronic acknowledgment by e-mail confirming Your enrollment.
You agree that You will provide a fully-completed and signed W9 form to ADP upon request which You
acknowledge may be a pre-condition to receiving payments.
2. REWARDS AND/OR FREE PAYROLL. You will be awarded Rewards and/or free payroll as set forth
below for each eligible RUN Client that You refer that starts processing Services with ADP during each twelve-
month period of this Agreement during the Term (as defined below in Section 5) starting with and as measured by
Your enrollment date ("Annual Period"). Referred Clients must each complete thirty (30) consecutive days of
processing Services with ADP to qualify toward the Reward or free payroll. Rewards and free payroll will be
awarded as follows:
• For each new referred Client that starts processing up to the first two (2) - 100 Reward points each;
• For 3 Clients - Free payroll processing for one year as set forth below to a maximum credit of $2,500;
• For each referred Client after the 3rd that starts processing during any Annual Period - 100 Reward points
Each Reward point shall be equal to $1.00 / point rewarded. Points shall accumulate in a rewards bank and shall be
accessible and redeemable at the web site of ADP’s rewards redemption vendor (“Rewards Redemption Vendor”),
and shall be issued as either a virtual or hard copy prepaid card, or such other merchant card as may be selected by
You from available options at the Rewards Redemption Vendor’s website (“Rewards Website”). The Rewards
Website shall be hosted and managed by ADP’s third party Rewards Redemption Vendor whose terms and
conditions will apply, including with respect to the card issuance and redemption options. By using the Rewards
Redemption Website, agreeing to receive or receiving any cards or other rewards accessible through the Program
or the Rewards Redemption Website, You acknowledge and are agreeing that ADP may share Your information
with ADP’s third party Vendors that administer or are involved with the Program and/or any card issuers that
provide cards through the Program, including personal information of Yours. You also agree that such third party
Vendor’s and card issuers may have terms, verification processes and procedures to which You may be subject in
order to participate and with respect to which ADP may be required to share Your information, which shall include
any identification verification or data. You further agree that ADP shall have no liability or responsibility with
You represent and warrant that the Card Program hereunder does not constitute payment of “commissions” or
“compensation” to You or Your employees, and is therefore not subject to regulation under Regulation E of the
Electronic Funds Transfer Act and its Official Staff Commentary as issued August 24, 2006. You acknowledge and
agree that violation of the preceding representation and warranty entitles ADP or the issuer of the card to terminate
Your participation in the Program and issuance of any Rewards may be suspended.
Free payroll for the referral of three (3) Clients will be applied to Your future payroll processing invoices as set
forth below.
For the sake of clarity, You shall only be entitled to one free year of payroll for achieving a minimum of three (3)
referrals during any Annual Period during the Term and each Annual Period under the Term shall begin anew so
that any referrals made by You in any previous Annual Period during the Term shall not be carried over into the
following Annual Period. To count as a referral toward any Annual Period all referred Clients must have started
processing payroll with ADP within the Annual Period in which they were referred. Free payroll for the referral of
3 or more Clients in any Annual Period as set forth above will apply to You if You are enrolled in the Program and
are processing payroll on RUN and refer a minimum of 3 Clients under the Program, each of which meet the 30-
day processing requirement. Free payroll will be given after the third referred Client meets the 30-day processing
requirement and will apply to all features of standard payroll processing invoiced on Your regular processing cycle
including all recurring processing fees (including recurring "per employee" fees) chargeable to You for payroll
services based upon ADP’s standard book pricing for the payroll services and billed to You for the applicable twelve
month period beginning with the first eligible invoice for payroll service(s), excluding, without limitation,
therefrom: (i) any discount applied to invoiced fees and any fees derived from set up, training, shipping, delivery
and installation (except that any delivery charges that are included in Your standard RUN payroll services bundle
will be included as part of Your free payroll), custom programming, the sale, rental or leasing of equipment or
software, maintenance, or the provision by ADP of checks, forms or other supplies, (ii) any fees derived from Client
conversion, consulting services, official bank checks, W 2 forms, or tax or special one time reports, (iii) sales,
service or excise taxes, (iv) third party pass through charges, (v) fees derived from an ADP product or service that
is not a payroll processing or tax filing service (e.g., non-payroll processing aspects of employee leasing services,
benefit administration services, retirement services and insurances services), whether offered as ancillary services
to the payroll and tax filing services or combined with such services into an integrated offering, (vi) any portion of
fees representing, or reimbursing ADP for, the amount of employee wages paid in ADP's employee
leasing/professional employer organization business and (vii) ADP products or services not in existence on the date
hereof. In no event will credits or free payroll exceed fees paid or payable. In the event You have received any
credits toward future payroll under these terms and You terminate Your payroll services with ADP prior to such
credits having been applied toward eligible payroll services, You shall be required to immediately return the amount
of any credits You have received that exceed any fees due from You to ADP for the services against which the
credits were eligible.
In order to receive ANY Rewards or free payroll under the Program, all sales to Clients need to have been made as
a direct result of Your direct "Involvement and/or Referral" (as defined below) and each referral must be
accompanied by Your unique Partner Identification Code (PIC) assigned to You by ADP for appropriate tracking
and points calculation. For purposes of the Program and these Terms, Your "Involvement and/or Referral" shall
mean, with respect to a sale of any Services, that: (i) the initial contact regarding the sale of the Services to a
Prospect was made by an authorized employee of Yours or as a result of a specific referral of the Services to such
Prospect by Your authorized employee or (ii) Your referral under the Program resulted in an appointment with the
Prospect by an ADP sales representative, or (iii) an ADP sales representative requested that Your personnel meet
with one of Your Prospects to assist in closing a sale at any time prior to completion of a sale of the Services and
Your personnel complied with such a request.
You shall not receive credit or Rewards for any Client for which You have common ownership or for which You
have been previously paid through any other ADP agreement, or any other third party has been or will be paid by
ADP for such Client, including revenue sharing, acquisition or wholesale agreements, and You understand that You
are not eligible to participate in this Program if You are enrolled in any other referral program or being paid under
any other such agreement, with ADP.
3. OWNERSHIP/LICENSE. (a) You acknowledge that all rights, title and interest in or to any copyright,
trademark, service mark, trade secret, and other proprietary right relating to the Program and the related logos,
names, etc. are reserved. The Program, and related software and systems, is the licensed and/or owned property,
and embodies the proprietary trade secret technology, of ADP and/or its licensors and is protected by copyright
laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws. ADP grants You a non -
exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Program to access Your account. ADP may terminate or suspend Your
access to the Program (in whole or in part) at any time, with or without notice, if ADP has reason to believe that
You have violated these Terms or are otherwise using the Program in an inappropriate manner. The right to use the
Program and access the services provided by the Program is granted only to enrollees of the Program and their
authorized employees for the sole purpose of utilizing the Program and this limited license terminates when You or
ADP terminates the Program and/or these Terms.
(b) You agree that You will not (i) use ADP's name, or any affiliate or subsidiary of ADP, or any partner, or
employee of ADP, or any trade name, trademark, trade device, logo, service mark, domain name, symbol or any
abbreviation, contraction or simulation thereof owned by ADP or its affiliates or subsidiaries (collectively, the
"ADP Marks"), (ii) use the ADP Marks in any manner that might express or imply ADP's affiliation, sponsorship,
endorsement, or approval of You or Your services, or (iii) represent, directly or indirectly, that any product or any
services provided by You has been approved or endorsed by ADP (unless specifically so approved or endorsed
pursuant to a separate agreement). ADP may make available to You certain standard ADP advertising and/or
promotional literature and marketing materials promoting the Services that You will be permitted to distribute to
(d) Your Indemnity Obligations. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless ADP from and against any and
all claims, damages, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) and pay the amount of any adverse
final judgment (or settlement to which both parties consent) arising out of or related to any use by You of the
Program, the Rewards, ADP Marks or any ADP or third party web site.
(e) These Terms and/or Your participation in the Program do not grant to You any right or license in, or to, any
copyrights in any materials and/or documentation of ADP or to any rights of copyright in or to ADP's other services
or web sites.
4. CONFIDENTIALITY. You and ADP will treat all information provided to it by the other as confidential
with the same degree of care and confidentially that it provides for its own confidential information; provided that
any information provided by a referred Client to ADP shall not be covered by this Agreement even if identical
information was provided to ADP by You. You acknowledge and agree that Your use of the Program and any web
sites contained or linked to therein shall be subject to the terms of any Privacy Policies found at such web sites.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Your enrollment in and use of the Program will constitute Your express
consent, agreement and acknowledgment to the use or transfer of any information provided by You, including any
personally identifiable information of You or Your employees, to third parties, including any vendor used by ADP
in order to administer, and provide the Rewards under, the Program.
6. USE OF THE PROGRAM/COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. You will use the Program as described in these
Terms and in accordance with the instructions and reasonable policies established by ADP or its agents from time
to time and communicated to You and/or as posted on any applicable Program web sites, including those of any
ADP Vendor or subcontractor. By enrolling in or using the Program you are agreeing to any online terms or service
agreements and any applicable Privacy Policies as such may be updated from time-to-time with or without notice
to You, posted on any Program web-sites, as well as, any fees set forth on any Program web sites. You may not use
the Program for any other purpose or interfere with or disrupt Program servers, databases or any network connected
to them, or use the Program to violate any law, statute or regulation; or conduct any other illegal activity, or to
harvest or otherwise collect information submitted by third parties, including e-mail addresses, without the express
consent of such third parties. ADP does not guarantee against any loss or alteration to Your data. You confirm that
all information provided by You to ADP or its third party Vendors is being provided voluntarily and is accurate and
complete and that You or Your employee providing the information or any referral under the Program is authorized
to do so. You also agree that ADP shall have no liability for any use of such information to administer the Program,
or for any errors or inaccuracies in the Program based upon information provided by You or the person accepting
these Terms on Your behalf. You will be responsible for Your compliance with all laws and governmental
regulations affecting Your business generally, including any rules and regulations applicable to ADP regarding
trade sanctions, export controls and trade with prohibited parties and for any use You may make of the Program.
ADP may immediately terminate this Agreement if You have violated or, if conducting business with You or Your
Subsidiary is in violation of, or causes ADP to be in violation of, any sanctions laws applicable to ADP or its
Affiliates. You agree to pay any applicable taxes levied or based on any Rewards, payments or credits received by
You under the Program and to comply with any professional rules regarding use of the Program or credits awarded
thereunder. You understand that if You are an individual You are not eligible to enroll in the Program which is
available solely for U.S. companies and sole proprietors.
7. ACCOUNT SECURITY AND PASSWORDS. In order to access and use the Program You will be required
to provide proper authentication including your User Name, Password and any other authentication required by
ADP ("Authentication") to access the Program. You are responsible for safeguarding the confidentiality of Your
account information (including user email address(es) and your Authentication selected by You or issued to You)
and agree to take any and all actions necessary to maintain the privacy of your Authentication for the Program. You
are responsible for any use or misuse of Your account or the Program resulting from any unauthorized third party
or employee using any Authentication selected by You or issued to You and you agree to notify ADP immediately
of any known or suspected unauthorized access to or use of Your account, Authentication of any individual user to
whom You have issued Authentication or any other breach of security or misuse of the Program known to or
suspected by You.
ADP will not be liable for any damage or losses arising out of or otherwise related to (1) Your use of the Program
or use by anyone to whom You have given access to the Program; (2) errors, bugs or other defects in the Program;
(3) lost information; (4) illegal or criminal activities; (5) mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files or e -
mail, loss of or damage to data, errors, defects, viruses, delays in operation, or transmission, or any failure of
performance, whether or not limited to acts of God, communications failure, theft, destruction, unauthorized access
to Program records, programs or services or any third party actions; or (6) Your actions with Your employees or
vendors, or the use of their information.
9. GENERAL. Except as otherwise expressly set forth herein, these Terms and any updates supersede any prior
agreements or terms of service on the same subject matter and will govern Your participation in the Program as
well as all disclosures and exchanges of Confidential Information by the parties. These Terms do not modify or
terminate any existing arrangements between You and ADP relating to the provision of official bank checks or
relating to the provision of Services by ADP to You.
These Terms may be modified or updated by ADP from time to time at any time and you are responsible for any
updates posted on the Program web site or sent or otherwise communicated to You by ADP. The failure of You or
10. THESE TERMS. You should print a copy of these Terms for your records. If You do not have print
capability or You otherwise desire to obtain a hard copy of these Terms please e-mail to
request a hard copy.
By clicking "Accept" or otherwise signing or accepting these Terms, electronically or otherwise, You acknowledge
that You have read, are authorized to sign and do agree to and do accept, these Terms.
ADP eSignature 1009447437
12:19:14 PM
CLIENT/ACCT Signature: --------------------------------------------
Date: 02/08/2024
information about:
Retirement Plans**
ADP Retirement plan offerings provides an integrated payroll solution to help you save for your future, reduce taxes, and offer a
benefit to your key employees. 401(k), Simple IRA, and SEP IRA options available.
Workers Compensation*
ADP’s pay-as-you-go solution, Pay-by-Pay Premium Payment Program®, provides a simpler, smarter way for clients to manage
workers’ compensation. Save Time, Improve Cashflow and Reduce Risk.
HR Outsourcing
Discover how powerful technology and dedicated HR, benefits and payroll pros can put you in the HR driver’s seat. Outsource
some or all HR tasks and opt for a partner that is an extension of your current HR staff.
X None
ADP eSignature 1009447437
12:19:36 PM
Client Signature:
All insurance products will be offered and sold only through Automatic Data Processing Insurance Agency, Inc., (ADPIA) its licensed agents or
its licensed insurance partners; One ADP Blvd. Roseland, NJ 07068. CA license #0D04044. Licensed in 50 states. ADPIA is an affiliate of ADP,
*Clients who are interested in PEO, will be subject to underwriting.
**SIMPLE IRA and SEP are offered through ADP Broker-Dealer, Inc. (ADPBD), Member FINRA, an affiliate of ADP, Inc., One ADP Blvd,
Roseland, NJ 07068. Only registered representatives of ADPBD may offer and sell such retirement products and services or speak to retirement
plan features and/or investment options available in any ADP retirement product. Unless otherwise agreed in writing with a client, ADP, Inc. and
its affiliates (ADP) do not endorse or recommend specific investment companies or products, financial advisors or service providers; engage or
compensate any financial advisor or firm for the provision of advice; offer financial, investment, tax or legal advice or management services; or
serve in a fiduciary capacity with respect to retirement plans.