The Washington Post 11-02-2024
The Washington Post 11-02-2024
The Washington Post 11-02-2024
Morning rain 54/45 " Tomorrow: Evening rain 50/41 C10 Democracy Dies in Darkness sunday, february 11 , 2024
SU V1 V2 V3 V4
. $5
Portrayal Security
of Biden9s
memory high for
stuns aides Trump9s
Special counsel9s D.C. trial
conclusions at odds with
attorneys9 recollections Fencing will be
similar to Jan. 6
Aim is for buffer between
President Biden had just spo- courthouse and public
ken with Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin netanyahu the morn-
ing of Oct. 8, agonizing over how to S PENCER S . H SU,
rescue hostages taken by Hamas R ACHEL W EINER
in its bloody attack the previous AND P ETER H ERMANN
day, pledging American assis-
tance, and weighing a volatile situ- U.S. officials are debating how
ation that threatened to spiral out thick of a security blanket they
of control in the Middle East. will wrap around the federal
Shortly after they hung up, the courthouse in downtown Wash-
president9s personal attorney, Bob ington for former president Don-
Bauer, and White House counsel ald Trump9s trial 4 a practical
Ed Siskel arrived at the White and symbolic measure of the
House. The group walked down case9s importance that must bal-
PhotoS by bonniE Jo MoUnt/thE WaShington PoSt
one flight of stairs to the Map ance safety with the ongoing
Room, where Biden was to be in- functions of a city and a public
terviewed by special counsel Rob-
ert K. Hur, who for nine months
had been investigating Biden9s
handling of classified documents.
A radical plan to save a rural oasis courthouse, according to people
familiar with discussions.
Proposed changes for the crim-
inal trial of a former American
Those five hours and 10 min- president include ringing all or
utes of interviews, unfolding over As suburbia expands, a bid to protect Loudoun County9s gravel roads is dividing residents part of the E. Barrett Prettyman
two days, would turn out to be federal courthouse with metal
momentous. But at the time, few fencing, closing or controlling
foresaw how they would blow up BY J USTIN J OUVENAL, sidewalk access for several
four months later 4 not because of B ONNIE J O M OUNT blocks, and temporarily closing
their content, but because Hur AND J AYNE O RENSTEIN neighboring streets in the heart
would repeatedly deride Biden9s of the city, two of the people said.
memory during their time togeth- Allen Cochran shouts <Here we go!= The goal is to create an additional
er. In a long-awaited report issued and the sheep skitter from a weathered security buffer between the pro-
this week, Hur declined to pros- gray barn, bounding into golden after- ceedings inside and the public
ecute Biden over his handling of noon light on a mile-long journey to outside, said the people, who
classified documents but cast pasture. Their beating hoofs sound like a spoke on the condition of ano-
doubt on his memory, threatening sudden downpour on the centuries-old nymity to discuss pending secu-
to upend Biden9s pursuit of reelec- gravel road. rity plans.
tion by dwelling on perhaps his The tableau feels ripped from rural The barriers will pose a visual
biggest political liability. Ireland or even another century, but it is reminder of the police barricades
Hur9s description of Biden9s de- playing out not too far from a Chipotle. erected before the Jan. 6, 2021,
meanor as that of a <well-mean- This is western Loudoun County, Va., attack on the U.S. Capitol and its
ing, elderly man with a poor mem- where the superheated suburban devel- grounds, which sit 300 yards
ory= would infuriate Biden9s aides, opment of the D.C. area runs headlong from the courthouse across an
who saw it as sharply at odds with into a picturesque rural enclave that9s open expanse of the national
what occurred as the president sat been defined by farms and horses for 300 Mall. The preparations come
SEE bIdeN On a6 years. amid rising threats to public offi-
It has become the latest focus of an cials, including judges and pros-
the Fact Checker: What the hur unlikely movement to preserve a slice of ecutors in Trump9s cases, and the
report says on <willful retention.= A4 landscape often thought of as waiting its SEE JaN. 6 On a20
turn for improvement: unpaved roads.
While hamlets in Upstate new York
and elsewhere have taken steps to tOP: a driver waits as allen cochran and his border collies herd sheep, which includes
critique seen
SEE LOudOuN On a12 Historic Places will ensure that their charm survives suburban onslaught.
Voting o>ces,
as abront fearing worst,
to DOJ norms go on obense
Liberal billionaire now a leader in anti-DEI crusade to avert chaos
The conclusion laid out in spe- E LIZABETH D WOSKIN free-market system <the most power- Y VONNE W INGETT
cial counsel Robert K. Hur9s final
Bill Ackman used Wall Street tactics ful potential force for good in ad-
report was straightforward: Joe Three years ago, Vivek Ramas- to oust Harvard9s ûrst Black president dressing society9s long-term prob-
Biden mishandled classified ma- wamy called up hedge fund manager lems,= as he once put it. PHOENIX 4 In training poll
terials, though there was not Bill Ackman with an idea: an <anti- Ackman invested $2.5 million in workers for this year9s presiden-
enough proof that he intended to woke= asset management firm that Ramaswamy9s Strive Asset Manage- tial election, Arizona Secretary of
break the law to meet the Justice would combat social justice and cli- ment 4 an early flash point in his State Adrian Fontes is preparing
Department9s high prosecution mate initiatives spreading through personal transformation. By last them for a series of worst-case
threshold. the business world. month, when the hedge fund manag- scenarios, including combat.
But the 345-page report also Though the billionaire power bro- er led a successful campaign to oust His office is coordinating ac-
contained explosive information ker had made a career forcing man- Harvard University9s first Black presi- tive-shooter drills for election
about President Biden9s allegedly agement changes in businesses in- dent, he had fully emerged as one of workers and has sent kits to
faulty memory, overshadowing cluding Wendy9s and JCPenney, Ack- the most powerful 4 and unexpected county election offices that in-
the issue of how he stored sensi- man seemed an unlikely backer for 4 adversaries of a diversity move- clude tourniquets to stem bleed-
tive government materials after his tennis buddy9s project. A longtime ment that has swept society since the ing, devices to barricade doors
his vice presidency ended. Democratic donor, Ackman had 2020 murder of George Floyd, a Black and hammers to break glass
Hur portrayed the president as helped propel the career of Sen. Cory man, at the hands of a White police windows.
an elderly man who shared sensi- Booker (D-n.J.), and his philanthrop- officer. Fontes, a Democrat and Ma-
tive information with his ghost- ic efforts included paying for thou- In hours of interviews with The rine Corps veteran, doesn9t think
writer and struggled to remem- sands of undocumented immigrants Washington Post, Ackman, who is he is overreacting.
ber key details in his life 4 to attend college. Moreover, Ackman Jewish, argued that campus respons- <We recognize the real and
unleashing calls from Republi- had praised the movement Ramas- es to the Oct. 7 attack had been present danger that9s presented
cans that Biden is unfit to serve, wamy opposed 4 known as environ- lackluster compared with the solidar- by the conspiracy theories and
and a furious backlash from Dem- mental, social and corporate govern- ity shown post-George Floyd. To Ack- the lies,= Fontes said. <An ounce
ocrats who said assessments of ance, or ESG 4 endorsing ESG prac- man, the contrast exposed the hypoc- of prevention is really all we can
the president9s memory were in- tices in his 2021 shareholder letter. risy of the movement for <diversity, afford right now, and so that9s
appropriate. But the tumultuous years of the equity and inclusion,= or DEI 4 which what we9re going to do.=
The appointment of a special pandemic had shifted the Wall Street includes race-based hiring goals and Around the nation, those who
counsel is intended to make high- billionaire9s worldview. Like others in diversity trainings he called <un- run voting operations 4 more
profile, sensitive investigations as his uber-wealthy circles, Ackman had healthy= and the <root cause of anti- than a dozen of whom were
independent and apolitical as come to believe that well-meaning semitism.= interviewed by The Washington
possible. But current and former ESG efforts had curdled into some- SEE ackmaN On a10 Post 4 say they are preparing for
tori fErEnc for thE WaShington PoSt
Justice Department officials said thing pernicious, stifling debate, de- the types of disruptions that
the increasing reliance on special stroying careers and undermining <What I want is fairness,= said billionaire hedge NFL: DEi9s <rooney rule= under a legal historically had been more asso-
SEE cOuNseL On a5 the meritocratic values that made the fund manager bill ackman. microscope, on and off field. business SEE eLectION On a15
mEtrO SpOrtS
ø travis Kelce courted
ø Why Super bowl
inside the arrests of two OpINION pAgES...............................................A22
suspects in the shooting fame long before he and parties are so spendy 4 wOrLd NEwS..................................................A16
death of a 2-year-old. taylor Swift connected. and where you can save.
CONTENT © 2024
The Washington Post / Year 147, No. 53758
ArtS & StyLE bOOk wOrLd trAvEL
Simple sound, complex Jonathan blitzer tugs at the bushman café is a
story: how reggaeton the roots of america9s haven for culture and
conquered global pop. stubborn border woes. chocolate in West africa.
A2 eZ re the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
Republicans sink immigration bill and Biden is left holding the bag
For home delivery comments
or concerns contact us at No issue or illustrates the
send us an email at breakdown of or call governing and
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 politics better
TO SUBScRIBE than immigration.
Dan Balz A broken
TO ADVERTISE The Sunday immigration Take system has broken
Classified: 202-334-6200 the governing
Display: 202-334-7642 process, aided by
the most cynical of politics.
202-334-6000 Republicans recently
continued what is now a decades-
TO REAcH THE NEWSROOM long streak of helping to scuttle
metro: 202-334-7300; bipartisan efforts to fix the
immigration system, largely due
National: 202-334-7410; to hard-right conservative
opposition. Their opposition this
Business: 202-334-7320; time came at the request of former president Donald Trump,
sports: 202-334-7350; who again showed that he prefers the political chaos to a
Investigative: 202-334-6179; policy solution. He was aided by House Republicans, who favored
style: 202-334-7535; an immigration bill that has no chance of passing in the Senate.
TO REAcH THE OPINION PAGES Republicans long have
letters to the editor: complained the loudest about or call the problems of illegal
202-334-6215 immigration and the need for
opinion: tighter security at the U.S.- Mexico border. But they have
repeatedly turned their backs on
cross-party efforts to solve that
cO R R E c TIO NS and broader immigration issues,
despite years of evidence that
neither party alone can solve the serGIo Flores/aFP/Getty ImaGes
the Washington Post is committed to problems and resolve competing Members of the Texas National Guard in the border town of Eagle Pass, Tex., this month. As pressure has built over many months to stem
correcting errors that appear in the demands and differences. the surge on the border, Biden has adjusted course, moving toward tougher enforcement. But it hasn9t been enough to shift public opinion.
newspaper. those interested in Instead of trying to work
contacting the paper for that purpose constructively on the issue in the in the mirror. The president9s labor, of religious groups and that cannot take yes for an by their progressive wing. At a
current Congress, House mishandling of problems at the advocacy organizations. It answer stand in the way. presidential debate in the
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be Republicans have decided to try border has left him politically includes the legitimate claims by Opposition from the left and summer of 2019, candidates were
connected to the desk involved 4 to impeach Homeland Security vulnerable in this election year. asylum seekers who nonetheless right combined to sink the asked to raise their hand if they
National, Foreign, metro, style, sports, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Many Democrats have been have overwhelmed the system; measure in 2007. One casualty of thought crossing the border
Business or any of the weekly sections. Their first effort collapsed dismissive of the public mood, the question of how to handle the right-wing backlash was illegally should be a civil rather
Comments can be directed to the Tuesday in a stunning and seeing the focus on border those who cross illegally; and the McCain9s 2008 presidential than a criminal offense. In one
Post9s reader advocate, who can be embarrassing setback for House security as evidence of a Fox long-standing question of what candidacy. At one point in the form or another all agreed, eager
reached at 202-334-7582 or Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.). News echo chamber. For too to do about the millions of late spring, he joined Kennedy to show their dissatisfaction with The effect of the failure of the long, they ignored the growing undocumented immigrants now and other senators at a news the harsh immigration policies of
Senate package, however, is that problem and even pleas for in the country, many for years or conference. The reaction was the Trump administration.
while Trump and the action from big-city Democratic decades. swift and devastating 4 a revolt Biden followed that path when
Republicans bear the blame for mayors and blue-state Over the past two decades, among party conservatives and, he came into office, easing up on
sinking a package negotiated Democratic governors. With the there have been repeated efforts as a then-adviser to McCain border policies, which has in turn
over a period of months by latest implosion on Capitol Hill, to deal with, if not fully solve, the recalled, <Donations tanked.= led to record border crossing
Republicans and Democrats in Biden is left holding the bag problems. In 2005, Sens. Edward Only through McCain9s grit and during his presidency. Red-state
the Senate, it is President Biden without some of the tools and M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) and John determination was he eventually governors like Texas Gov. Greg
who stands to be the politician funding the Senate bill would McCain (R-Ariz.) began the able to win the nomination. Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron
who bears the brunt of public have provided. painstaking process of trying to The immigration issue sat for DeSantis have sent migrants
anger for the surge in migrants at Few issues are as complex and build consensus for a some years after that, but in 2013, north, to New York and Chicago
the border that has taken place politically fraught as comprehensive package. They another group of senators 4 the and elsewhere. Those migrants
during his time in office. immigration policy. Immigration had the support of President so-called Gang of Eight 4 came have strained the capacity of
White House officials point to policy encompasses national George W. Bush. together to produce an 844-page Northern cities, led to increased
Republicans as the culprits in the security and humanitarian Bush favored comprehensive bill dealing with multiple aspects crime in some places and
latest turn of events, and for good compassion. It brings together reform but, wary of conservative of immigration. prompted outcries for federal
reason. But they could also look the interests of business and opposition, leaned in on the issue One impetus for Republican relief from elected Democratic
of border security, including negotiators was a post-2012 officials.
ordering thousands of National Republican National Committee- The situation in New York and
Guard troops to the border. sponsored autopsy of the party9s border politics generally have
Finding a balance between failure to win the presidential become a central issue in
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sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE A3
Hur report starts with Biden9s 8willful retention9 of ûles. Then it gets murkier.
<I9ve seen the that he did not willfully disclose Zwonitzer nearly word-for-word.= repeat classified information to fifteen years old,= the report said. and it probably was not.
headlines since the classified information to The report notes that one someone not cleared to receive it. <While there is evidence that
report was someone not authorized to defense Biden would have for some contain national defense Classified materials
released about my receive it. In many cases, the retaining the notebooks is that Afghanistan documents information, in general, they found at Penn Biden Center
willful retention of special counsel decided that the the Justice Department took no The FBI found in Biden9s concern a conflict that is now While moving documents from
documents. This documents were mishandled by action after it was discovered that Delaware garage a cache of over, in a country where there are Biden9s old office at a
The Fact assertion is not mistake 4 or were not especially former president Ronald Reagan documents related to a 2009 no longer any American troops, Washington-based center
Checker only misleading, important anymore, despite the had kept eight years9 worth of Obama administration debate about a subject (the 2009 troop affiliated with the University of
Glenn they9re just plain classification level. handwritten diaries that over whether to send additional surge) that has already been Pennsylvania, staffers discovered
Kessler wrong.= There9s an old saying that a contained classified information. troops to Afghanistan 4 a policy widely discussed in books and boxes containing materials
4 President grand jury would indict a ham In his interview with Hur, Biden step Biden fiercely opposed. The media reports. At a trial, we marked <EYES ONLY= and
Biden, remarks to sandwich; the report certainly brought up the Reagan example. report considers whether Biden expect the defense would strongly classified materials on such
reporters, Feb. 8 indicates that there might be The report says that Biden may have once had the challenge whether the documents foreign policy issues as Iran9s
<Our investigation uncovered enough evidence to obtain an could credibly claim he thought documents in a Virginia home he still contain sensitive national nuclear program and talking
evidence that President Biden indictment regarding Biden9s his notebooks were his personal rented in 2017, given that he told defense information.= points for a Biden call with the
willfully retained and disclosed handling of a handful of the property and that he was allowed Zwonitzer at one point that he Bottom Line: The report Ukrainian prime minister. The
classified materials after his vice documents. But any charges must to take them home after his vice had <just found all the classified concludes it cannot claim that discovery triggered the inquiry
presidency when he was a private be proven in court, and the report presidency. As a result, the report stuff downstairs.= But the report Biden willfully kept this that led to the appointment of a
citizen.= concedes that the evidence is said, <we do not believe there are could not determine precisely information 4 and that it may no special counsel.
4 Executive summary of a insufficient to win a conviction. viable criminal charges against what these documents were 4 longer be that sensitive anymore. <The evidence supports an
report by special counsel Robert So it9s presumably a frustrating Mr. Biden for willfully retaining and thus whether they were innocent explanation for the
K. Hur, who investigated situation for the president 4 he9s classified information in the classified 4 and whether the Handwritten unauthorized retention of those
Biden9s retention of classified not being charged with notebooks.= Afghanistan materials found in Thanksgiving memo documents,= the report says 4
documents when he was out of wrongdoing, but he doesn9t get Biden also retained some Delaware had ever been in A key document found in mainly that staff members forgot
office, released Feb. 8 his day in court to prove his notecards, contending in an Virginia. Biden9s home was a 2009 about them and unwittingly moved
In his fiery news conference innocence. interview with Zwonitzer that <While it is natural to assume handwritten memo to Obama, them out of the West Wing at the
Thursday about Hur9s report, the As a reader service, here9s what they were in a <gray area= and did that Mr. Biden put the sent around Thanksgiving that end of the administration. The
president disputed that the the report says about each not to have to go the National Afghanistan documents in the year, expressing strong report says there is no evidence
report 4 which recommended no specific set of documents Archives. <That Mr. Biden was box on purpose and that he knew opposition to the Afghanistan that Biden reviewed the
criminal charges concerning discovered in the year-long mistaken in his legal judgment is they were there, there is in fact a troop surge. The memo discussed documents or moved them himself.
Biden9s handling of classified investigation and whether Biden not enough to prove he acted shortage of evidence on these a November 2009 State Bottom Line: The report
documents 4 concluded he had willfully retained national willfully, which requires intent to points,= the report concedes. Department cable, and the cable exonerates Biden and blames
willfully retained the documents. defense information or willfully do something the law forbids,= the (Biden quoted from this sentence itself, which is marked staff error.
He quoted from specific passages disclosed it 4 which would be the report says. at his news conference.) <Confidential,= is clipped to the
4 Page 215, for example 4 to basis for criminal charges. The report says that there is Moreover, the report noted memo. Biden told investigators Classified materials found
make the case that the report said evidence that Biden, on three that Biden, as vice president, had he guessed he had held onto the at the University of Delaware
the <exact opposite= of the Notebooks used for a memoir occasions, may have disclosed the right to retain the documents memo for <for posterity9s sake= as In 2011, Biden donated 2,000
executive summary being quoted Biden kept notes on key classified information to at his Delaware home and that he it reflected his position on the boxes of senatorial papers to the
in news reports. meetings and then worked with a Zwonitzer, who did not have regained that right as president. Afghan policy. But he said he did University of Delaware. In 2023,
A large part of the 388-page ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer, on a clearance. But, the report says, So he could be charged only with not believe it was classified when an FBI review found five
report is devoted to examining book, <Promise Me, Dad,= which <we do not believe the evidence retaining the documents for the he discussed it with Zwonitzer. documents marked as classified.
whether prosecutors could make covers a 14-month period of his supports charges of willful period in between. Although (The report notes that Bob The FBI also searched 263 boxes
a case against the president that vice presidency during which his disclosure beyond a reasonable dozens of people were Woodward described the memo stored at the Biden Institute,
would result in a conviction. older son, Beau, died. The report doubt.= That9s because Biden, interviewed, <all denied knowing in detail in his 2010 book located on campus, and found
Despite the evidence gathered by says <the evidence shows while speaking to Zwonitzer, that the classified Afghanistan <Obama9s Wars.=) seven marked classified
prosecutors, the report convincingly= that Biden knew indicated uncertainty about documents were in the box, and <Because we cannot prove that documents dated between
repeatedly concludes that it the notebooks contained whether the passages in his all denied knowing when or how he knew the memo was classified November 1979 and June 1980.
would be tough to win a case 4 classified information. notebook that he was reading the box and its contents arrived in when he left office, we cannot <The evidence does not
often because Biden had <During many of the interviews were classified. As a result, <we the garage, or who put them prove that by retaining the memo, establish that Mr. Biden or
reasonable defenses, the facts with his ghostwriter, Mr. Biden conclude that the evidence does there.= Separately, while some he willfully retained national anyone else knowingly removed
were murky or Biden had read from his notebooks nearly not establish that Mr. Biden other classified documents were defense information,= the report or retained the classified
cooperated fully with the verbatim, sometimes for an hour willfully disclosed national found in notebooks at Biden9s says. documents found at the
investigation. or more at a time,= the report says, defense information to home, the report said <the As for the State Department University of Delaware,= the
Indeed, the report says jurors quoting from audio recordings Zwonitzer.= evidence does not show that Mr. cable attached to the memo, the report says. <These documents
could decide that Biden <did not and transcripts. <At times during Bottom Line: This is the Biden knew the classified report concludes that it <does not appear to have been included in
willfully retain= documents these interviews, Mr. Biden took strongest example of Biden documents were in his home, and appear to contain national his Senate papers by mistake.=
related to Afghanistan and steps to ensure that Zwonitzer did possibly mishandling classified it is plausible that they were defense information today, and The report says there is no
national defense information not read or have access to the information. But the report stored there by mistake.= there is no reason to believe it did evidence Biden ever personally
found at his home. It also says classified portions of the concludes that the case would be The report also said that the in 2017.= viewed these documents.
evidence suggests he did not notebooks. & At other times, weak, given the Reagan example many documents may no longer Bottom Line: The report Bottom Line: The report
willfully retain documents found however, Mr. Biden read his notes and given that Biden generally be sensitive. <The Afghanistan concludes that Biden did not exonerates Biden and blames
at the University of Delaware and from classified meetings to appeared to be careful to not documents are now almost think this memo was classified staff error.
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sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE A5
enforcement official whose agen- books in 2017 showed instances
cy is not responsible for deciding where he <took steps to ensure=
when to prosecute. Unlike Hur, he did not share classified infor-
he was not tasked with issuing a mation with the person helping
report to explain his investiga- him to write a memoir. The report
tion. But he broke with fBI proto- said some classified material
col by publicly discussing an in- found in Biden9s possession ap-
vestigation that ended without peared to have been packed up by
charges. And his words im- staff by mistake, and noted that,
pugned Clinton9s credibility as president, Biden quickly hand-
ahead of the presidential election ed over classified material his
in which she was the Democratic aides found last year.
nominee, just as Hur9s report But Hur also used scathing
seems to have done with Biden as details about Biden9s memory
he seeks a second term. lapses to help explain why he was
Attorneys general typically declining to recommend pursu-
name special counsels to lead ing charges against the president
investigations when the public after he leaves office. Among the
could reasonably perceive a con- reasons: Biden9s memory was re-
flict of interest if the attorney portedly so bad that a jury would
general 4 a presidential appoin- struggle to believe he intentional-
tee 4 were to oversee it. A special ly retained the classified informa-
counsel has more independence tion.
from Justice Department leaders <We have also considered that,
than other federal prosecutors, at trial, mr. Biden would likely
but still ultimately answers to the present himself to a jury, as he did
attorney general. during our interview of him, as a
Hur was appointed by Attor- sympathetic, well-meaning, el-
ney General merrick Garland, derly man with a poor memory,=
who promised Congress even be- Hur wrote in the report. <It would
fore he saw the report that he be difficult to convince a jury that
would make as much of it public they should convict him 4 by
as he was legally allowed to do. then a former president well into
Garland named Hur to investi- his eighties 4 of a serious felony
gate classified material found in that requires a mental state of
Biden9s private home and former willfulness.=
think tank office months after he Hur is a well-respected attor-
appointed a special counsel to ney who served as U.S. attorney in
investigate former president maryland and as a senior Justice
Donald Trump9s potential mis- Department official during the
handling of classified materials, Trump administration. When he
as well as Trump9s alleged efforts was appointed special counsel,
to overturn the 2020 election his former colleagues described
results. Garland also appointed a him as fair-minded and apoliti-
special counsel to investigate cal. He vowed to lead the investi-
Biden9s son, Hunter. Both the gation with <fair, impartial, and
Trump and the Hunter Biden dispassionate judgment.=
special counsels have led to crimi- Harvey Eisenberg, a recently
nal charges detailed in federal retired assistant U.S. attorney
grand jury indictments, which who worked with Hur in mary-
contain far less information than land, said that Justice Depart-
special counsel reports. ment rules require prosecuting
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<When you take on complex multidimensional issues like race in higher education & all you9re
really saying is: I9m a really rich guy ... and I9ve got no shame.=
Paul Barrett, deputy director of the stern center for Business and human Rights at New york University, who attended harvard with Ackman in the mid-1980s
Ackman is <a very principled person. He9s a guy who thinks that if the right thing isn9t being done,
he is going to do it whether it makes people uncomfortable or not.=
Keith Creel, whom Ackman recruited to lead Canadian Pacific Kansas City, a large railway operator
A12 eZ Re the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
An unusual drive
to save a vestige
of the country life
LOudOuN from A1 Wheatland, summed up objec-
tions to gravel roads succinctly,
Loudoun goes beyond most oth- calling them relics of a <horse-
ers: put all of the roughly 250 and-buggy era.=
miles of gravel roads that mean- <They are neither quaint nor
der across the county on the charming,= Kauffman told the
National register of Historic supervisors. <They are bone-rat-
Places. tling, teeth-jarring, dangerous,
Loudoun9s system of unpaved dusty nuisances.=
roads is one of the largest in
Virginia 4 surprising given that A secret piece of history
the network is less than 50 miles The Toyota 4runner bumped
from the nation9s capital, and down gravel roads past cows and
that the eastern part of the coun- the azure pastels the Blue ridge
ty is home to a major airport, a mountains set against the sky
metro line and a burgeoning tech near Philomont, Va., a village
hub that features tracts of data settled in the 19th century by
centers. Quakers where residents still go
The county has been among to the general store to send their
the nation9s fastest-growing for mail.
decades 4 its population has Jane Covington asked the
shot up sevenfold since 1980 to driver to pull over just past a
more than 430,000 4 and pres- wheelbarrow-red barn with
ervationists see the plan as a vines creeping up the side and a
last-ditch effort to save the van- faded American flag mounted
Bonnie Jo MounT/The WashingTon PosT
ishing vestiges of rustic life from over its gaping door.
being swallowed by the burbs. Covington, a historic preser-
Supporters say the lanes evoke vationist working with America9s ABOVE: A truck on a gravel
Loudoun9s rural soul, history and routes, popped out and swept road in November. One resident
charm. Detractors see a quixotic her arm toward a muddy ford the says of gravel roads, <They are
quest to thwart the most basic of color of chocolate milk that sub- bone-rattling, teeth-jarring,
steps into modernity. They com- merged Philomont road. Cica- dangerous, dusty nuisances.=
plain of rattling rides to work das thrummed in the surround- LEFT: The historic home Green
and Starbucks that sometimes ing trees. Garden in Loudoun County.
feel like sitting in the seat of a <This is the way they went,= Some homes in the county were
tractor. Covington said. built before the American
The battle has grown unusual- There is no plaque commemo- Revolution.
ly fierce, so much so that Lou- rating the spot, no visitor center BELOW: A gravel road next to
doun County Supervisor Caleb or audio tour, but a pivotal 4 if farmland.
Kershner refers to it as the <road little-known 4 moment in the BOTTOM: Cochran and his
wars.= Similar fights have played Civil War played out here. border collies herd sheep to a
out in other localities across the The forces of Confederate different pasture.
country as the movement to pre- Gen. Jeb Stuart skirmished with
serve unpaved roads has gained Union troops across Beaverdam
traction in recent decades. ford on Nov. 1, 1862, part of a
<You have the old versus the series of desperate attempts to
new,= said Kershner, who grew stave off a bold plan hatched by
up on a gravel road in frederick Abraham Lincoln to decisively
County, md. <Some people want end the Civil War.
that way of life. Some people Lincoln saw an opportunity to
don9t. & It kind of pits neighbor- capture the Confederate capital
hoods against each other.= of richmond, while Southern
forces were out of position and
A living museum beleaguered after the Battle of
A network of roads is an atypi- Antietam, so he ordered the U.S.
cal pick for the National Park Army to march south.
Service9s register, which includes Confederate commander rob-
Abraham Lincoln9s home and the ert E. Lee recognized the peril Unpaved roads in Loudoun County on whether to grant the designa- to washing out. She9s had two flat
Statue of Liberty. Supporters say and had Stuart launch nettling tion would follow. tires driving into work, and it9s
Loudoun9s roads belong there attacks over a number of days. A spot on the register would treacherous for visitors.
because they span the sweep of They held up the Union regi- have major implications for the <We get complaints from cus-
American history. ments long enough that Lee protection of the roads and po- tomers,= Huber said. <A lot of
They envision a one-of-a-kind could maneuver his forces to tentially Loudoun9s growth. If people think we are in control of
<living museum= that unfolds block the union advance. Lin- VIRGINIA the roads are listed, any project the road. They ask us: 8Why
around each bend, whether by coln9s plan failed, he fired his top WEST to pave or alter them that in- haven9t you paved your road?9=
foot, bike, horse or car. Some of general in frustration, and the VIRGINIA volves federal money (and many The Virginia Department of
the earliest roads 4 which pre- war raged on for two more years. LOUDOUN do) would trigger a review. Transportation launched a pilot
date the founding of the country Beaverdam ford remains COUNTY The review would require fed- project about six years ago that
4 follow Native American trails. largely unchanged since that day MARYLAND
eral officials to solicit input put a layer of concrete beneath
A young George Washington tra- 161 years ago. about a project from the public, the gravel to stabilize the road 4
versed others as a surveyor; en- Covington, who is studying Purcellville local government and other in- a sort of middle ground between
slaved people built the fieldstone the twists and turns of Loudoun9s Leesburg terested parties. If the project is paving and not paving.
walls that line some. Armies gravel roads, said that is the found to have an adverse impact Huber said that it has per-
RT. 7
clashed on them during the Civil magic of these routes 4 to see RT. 267
on the road, officials would have formed well and that extending
War. history much as those who lived to explore alternative plans or it would be a happy medium to
many roads still follow their it would have seen it. But she US RT. 15 Ashburn ways to mitigate the damage. improve safety and keep some of
original routes, worn deep into says those chances are fading. Ultimately, they could opt to the aesthetics of unpaved roads.
hillsides and hollows over the Nearly half of Loudoun9s un- Sterling pave a road. But many preservationists aren9t
creeping years. They pass tower- paved roads have been paved Currently, the process for de- convinced that9s the answer.
ing <witness trees,= old oaks and since the 1960s, according to Dulles ciding which gravel roads get Supervisor Kershner, whose
other species that have stood Virginia Department of Trans- Int'l Airport paved is less formal, a complaint Catoctin District is home to
through much of the nation9s life. portation data. of many in the county. many gravel roads, said that he
This bucolic oasis forms a kind of In 2020, a group called Preser- In recent years, supervisors would have to study the historic
recreational trail system for resi- vation Virginia placed Loudoun9s have often placed roads on a list preservation plan more closely
dents and draws tourists and gravel roads on a list of the most 5 MILES
for paving after lobbying by resi- before taking a position on it, but
cyclists who are a boon to Lou- endangered historic sites in the © OpenStreetMap contrib dents that live along them. In that it9s likely the county will
doun9s economy. state. some cases, developers have of- have to forge some compromise
A spot on the register would <We9re coming to a tipping fered money to help defray the in the polarizing debate over
not bar paving outright, but it point countywide on develop- cost of improving roads that whether to pave.
would add hurdles that would ment,= Covington said. <It9s a connect to new neighborhoods, He said he9s looking at making
make it more difficult. little bit at a time, a little, a little, incentivizing paving. the paving decision more objec-
The plan, spearheaded by a and then there9s a point of no tive by creating a scoring system
group called America9s routes, is return.= Some see an unsustainable that takes into account safety,
also a bid to hold on to some- system traffic volume, historical value
thing intangible 4 a kind of life A bid for preservation many say preserving the and other factors. He thinks that
that has all but disappeared in Native Americans blazed Lou- whole system of gravel roads is many gravel roads should be
the pressure cooker of the na- doun9s first routes. Colonists laid incompatible with the emerging saved but that others will need to
tion9s capital. others in the first half of the 18th Loudoun. be modernized.
<It9s a way to slow things down century to connect the frontier to Lacey Huber, vice president of Back on the sheep drive, Coch-
a little bit,= Emily Houston, who more populated areas of the col- Stone Tower Winery in Leesburg, ran and his border collies pushed
is part of the group, said of the onies. Waves of Quakers, Ger- said that she9d love to see many the flock off his farm and into an
gravel roads. <You get to know mans and descendants of British gravel roads preserved, but that adjacent neighborhood of newer
your neighbors. The road is the colonists staked out more routes the unpaved stretch of Hogback mcmansions, where the sheep
center of your community in a over the next 200 years. mountain road that leads to her scampered across well-mani-
way. Everybody is out walking The spiderweb of lanes demar- tasting room is steep and prone cured lawns and driveways with
their dog or riding their horses. cate grants by Lord fairfax, basketball hoops.
one of your neighbors is driving whose family was given a vast A startled resident pulled out
by and you stop for a chat.= tract of what is now Virginia by her cellphone and recorded the
But where some see character, the British crown. They were also surreal juxtaposition of rustic
others see a dirty track, as rutted routes to get grain from mills and suburban that is contempo-
as an old washboard, that grows that once dotted the countryside rary Loudoun.
less appealing with each flat tire to then-new ports like George- <Thanks for this afternoon9s
and trip to the carwash. many town, Alexandria and Baltimore. entertainment!= the woman
recent transplants are drawn by Comparing today9s system with shouted and waved.
tidy subdivisions of new homes an 1853 map shows that many Eventually, the pavement gave
that have sprouted on former remain intact. way again outside the neighbor-
farmland and are more afford- Preservation advocates hood. The sheep ambled around
able than those in D.C.9s inner- cleared a hurdle in 2020 when a bend on foundry road, and it
ring suburbs. They say that the the Virginia Department of His- was as if they had passed
gravel roads can9t safely handle toric resources declared Lou- through a time portal.
the increasing volume of traffic, doun9s back roads potentially eli- on one side of the road, a
and that preserving them could gible for listing on the Virginia stone house built around 1749 by
choke development. Landmarks register and the Na- Quakers Jacob and Hannah Jan-
The fight between these com- tional register of Historic Plac- ney still stood, now appropriate-
peting visions erupted at a Board es. ly named <Time9s End.= The
of Supervisors meeting in Sep- Covington has now embarked sheep scattered into the green
tember, where residents clashed on the painstaking process of pastures on the other side. Coch-
for over an hour over paving a documenting the history and sig- ran looked across the old hollow.
handful of roads 4 including just nificance of the roads and will <The landscape, the topogra-
300 feet of one. one road was submit documents to state and phy, the architecture looks exact-
ultimately taken off the list, and then federal officials for review ly like it did then,= Cochran said.
the decision on others was punt- and a final decision on listing. <If Jacob and Hannah were
ed to this year. She expects to finish those pack- standing up on that hill, they
Barbara Kauffman, who lives ages over the next year or so. would know whose house they
off an unpaved road named old Public hearings and a decision were looking at.=
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A13
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Much unease in blue states as Supreme Court weighs the Trump ballot case
BY K ARIN B RULLIARD, cessful, attempts to remove U.S.
A RI S CHNEIDER Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene
AND J OANNA S LATER (R-Ga.) and Madison Cawthorn
(R-N.C.) from each state9s 2022
BoUlDER, Colo. 4 Professor ballot under the 14th Amend-
Douglas Spencer began his ment. (The provision was used
Thursday afternoon class at the successfully that same year to
University of Colorado Law pull a New Mexico county com-
School by reading a text message missioner from the ballot for his
he had just received from his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on
13-year-old daughter. the U.S. Capitol.)
Only a few hours earlier, the This spring, the professor will
U.S. Supreme Court had heard walk his students through the
oral arguments in the case that questions at the heart of the
will decide whether Donald Colorado case. Arguments
Trump is eligible to appear on the against applying the 14th Amend-
Colorado ballot in November. ment are <rooted in squeamish-
One of the critical legal questions ness= about the politics of dis-
is whether Section 3 of the 14th qualifying Trump and worries
Amendment bars someone who about undermining the demo-
previously took an oath to sup- cratic process, Bloomberg said.
port the Constitution as <an offi- He disagrees.
cer of the United States= from <It9s anti-democratic in the
returning to office if they engaged same way that we don9t allow
in insurrection. 34-year-olds to be president and I
The message from Spencer9s can9t vote for Barack Obama for a
daughter asked whether he third term,= he said. <It9s a rule
thought Trump had been an offi- about eligibility.=
cer or a holder of office. Yes, he In Boulder, Spencer9s election-
texted back. <That9s what I law class spent nearly 90 minutes
thought,= she replied. <I don9t Thursday parsing the amend-
understand law that much, but ment9s crucial wording.
even I was like, bruh.= Section 3, which he describes
His 70 students 4 five rows of as <not arcane, but just old,= was
them sitting shoulder to shoulder the first topic he brought up when
4 burst out laughing. It was a this semester began in January.
rare moment of levity for a dis- He had assigned background
cussion of complexity and im- reading, and he spent the initial
MelInA MARA/the wAShIngton PoSt
mense import. class discussing a Colorado trial
Until this year, Spencer had The door of the Colorado Supreme Court building in Denver. Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case that will court9s finding that Trump had
never taught Section 3. But it is decide whether Donald Trump is eligible to appear on the Colorado ballot in November. engaged in insurrection, the vari-
now a centerpiece of his election ous elements of the constitution-
law syllabus as the high court Weber, a Democrat, said in an national level.= nation9s highest office, Rodriguez cial philosophy, legal precedent, al provision 4 whether an 1868
weighs the case that will shape interview. Yet the court on Thursday said, <creates this feeling of, 8Can I or rule of law,= Menefee said. dictionary might provide a rel-
the race for president, either by Unease over the novel question seemed to foreclose such a bleak even trust the system?9= Even so, he said he believes the evant definition of <insurrection,=
allowing Trump to remain on 4 whether a Reconstruction-era scenario. Stewart listened to the In places like Harris County, Constitution unequivocally bars for example 4 and the legal strat-
state ballots or by derailing his provision barring those who have two hours of arguments and was Tex., the huge, politically blue Trump from running. <Ruling an egies of the briefs in the case
candidacy months before the <engaged in insurrection= from struck by the justices9 near-uni- jurisdiction that includes Hous- insurrectionist ineligible is not before the Supreme Court.
vote. holding office applies to Trump 4 form skepticism. On a scale of one ton, some officials say the damage disenfranchising voters,= he said. Second-year student Django
In a divided nation, the pro- was reflected at the U.S. Supreme to 10, he said, they were at 11. already has been done. <It9s doing exactly what the 14th Bonderman and third-year stu-
found implications of the justices9 Court on Thursday, as both liberal <This is Spinal Tap level,= he Christian Menefee, a Democrat Amendment requires.= dent Jenn Chalifoux-Gene were
pending ruling have sparked de- and conservative justices seemed said. <They9re clearly very, very elected as the county9s top attor- The widely divergent views both surprised on Thursday that
bate and qualms among election highly dubious while questioning skeptical.= ney, has fought state attempts to have been a boon to constitution- the justices hardly touched on the
scholars, legal experts, activists attorneys for the state of Colora- Shanique Rodriguez, who interfere with how it runs elec- and election-law scholars, deliv- question of whether Trump en-
and students of all political do and the Republican and inde- works to improve voter turnout tions. He doesn9t doubt that Lt. ering an urgent, real-world teach- gaged in insurrection. <That
shades. But nowhere may the pendent voters who brought the as executive director of the Mas- Gov. Dan Patrick, a Republican, able moment on a single sentence makes me think they already
tensions be deeper than in blue case there. sachusetts Voter Table, views the would follow through on his that until recently merited only a knew how they wanted to rule on
states and jurisdictions that have <Why should a single state have intense focus on the 14th Amend- threat to try to remove President quick mention or none at all. it and are now just figuring out
firmly rejected Trump in past the ability to make this determi- ment as a real-time civics lesson Biden from the Texas ballot if the <There9s almost no way [the exactly how they9ll get there,=
votes but now wrestle with nation [of who gets to be presi- and the legal tussles over Trump9s Supreme Court sides with the justices] can rule on it that won9t Bonderman said.
whether democracy is better dent] not only for their own candidacy as a healthy sign of Colorado plaintiffs. And he have significant consequences, Chalifoux-Gene isn9t sure
served by punishing him for his citizens but for the rest of the engagement with democracy. doesn9t expect that a ruling one way or the other,= said Scott which outcome is right as far as
efforts to overturn the 2020 elec- nation?= asked Justice Elena Ka- At the same time, she said, she against Trump 4 even by a con- Bloomberg, a University of Maine the law is concerned, but she isn9t
tion results or letting voters de- gan. is concerned that efforts to re- servative-majority court 4 would law professor. satisfied with how the high court
cide his fate this fall. The issues involved have move him from ballots only deep- sway the former president9s deep- Bloomberg normally spends approached the case9s broader
The disagreement has been drawn even more scrutiny of elec- en doubts about the reliability of red base. the second half of his constitu- issues.
mirrored in decisions by courts tion rules, which in recent years elections 4 doubts Trump has <Dan Patrick and the people tional law class focused on the <At what point does an ineligi-
and election officials in some of have faced an onslaught of chal- fueled since his loss in 2020. Talk who follow that form of MAGA 14th Amendment 4 particularly ble candidate get kicked off the
those blue states. Colorado9s Su- lenges and changes. of barring a candidate from the extremism don9t care about judi- its first section, which granted ballot?= she said. <Does it ever
preme Court and Maine9s secre- That <endless battle over the citizenship to formerly enslaved happen? Is the constitutional
tary of state disqualified Trump, rules of the game= worries people and enacted revolutionary provision superfluous? I don9t
while the Minnesota Supreme Charles Stewart, a political scien- due-process and equal rights pro- feel confident that the outcome
Court and California Secretary of tist at the Massachusetts Institute <At what point does an ineligible candidate get tections. For years, the third sec- we get will actually answer those
State Shirley Weber did not. of Technology. He has feared that tion was more of a historical questions.=
<We didn9t have the authority the unprecedented step of bar- kicked off the ballot? Does it ever happen?= oddity.
to just go in and take somebody ring Trump from office would That changed two years ago at Slater reported from williamstown,
Jenn Chalifoux-Gene,
off the ballot. You can9t sit around ignite violence and lead to Repub- students9 request. Bloomberg Mass. Reis thebault in los Angeles,
third-year student at the University of Colorado law School
and talk about somebody else lican reprisals against Democrat- brought in a guest speaker, attor- Molly hennessy-Fiske in houston and
who was cavalier with the law and ic candidates, setting off <a death ney Ron Fein, who was involved danielle Paquette in washington
then become cavalier yourself,= spiral of electoral politics at the in pathbreaking, though unsuc- contributed to this report
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A16 eZ re the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
The World
HUNgARY in a televised message that she MYANMAR major, though tacit, admission Administration Council, came to said, when the Civil Guard craft
would step down from the that the army is struggling to power in 2021 after ousting the was tasked with identifying
President resigns presidency, an office she has held Government activates contain the nationwide armed elected civilian government of speedboats spotted in the
over outcry for pardon since 2022. Her decision came conscription law resistance against its rule. Aung San Suu Kyi. southern port of Barbate. Video
after public outrage when it was Under the 2010 People9s 4 Associated Press footage showed one speedboat
Hungary9s conservative revealed that she issued a Myanmar9s military Military Service Law, passed slamming into the patrol craft in
president resigned Saturday presidential pardon in April government on Saturday under a previous military Two Spanish police officers the port9s waters. The Civil
amid public outcry over a pardon 2023 to a man convicted of activated for the first time a government, men between the killed in boat crash: Two Guard said Saturday that it had
she granted to a man convicted hiding child sexual abuse in a decade-old conscription law that ages of 18 and 45 and women Spanish police officers were arrested eight suspects. Another
as an accomplice in a child state-run children9s home. makes young men and women between 18 and 35 can be drafted killed when a speedboat two officers were hurt, the Civil
sexual abuse case, a decision that <I issued a pardon that caused subject to at least two years of into the armed forces for two suspected of belonging to drug Guard said. Spain9s coast near
unleashed an unprecedented bewilderment and unrest for military service if called up, years, extendible to five years smugglers smashed into their the Strait of Gibraltar is a hot
political scandal for the long- many people,= Novak said on effective immediately. The during national emergencies. patrol craft, Spain9s Civil Guard spot for drug smuggling to
serving nationalist government. Saturday. <I made a mistake.= announcement of the measure The current ruling military said Saturday. The incident Europe.
Katalin Novak, 46, announced 4 Associated Press on state television amounts to a council, called the State occurred late on Friday, police 4 From news services
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post eZ su A17
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In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion faces a new challenge 4 ants
Conservancy in Kenya9s Laikipia affecting lions9 behavior.
County. In May 2018, researchers at-
Invasive insects are Acacia ants live in whistling tached GPS collars to six lions in
affecting the food chain thorn trees, which provide them the Ol Pejeta Conservancy. Using
nectar. In return, the ants protect computers, researchers then
in a Kenya conservancy the trees from predators 4 a sym- tracked the lions9 locations in the
biotic relationship. But after big- roughly 140-square-mile protect-
headed ants kill acacia ants and ed savanna.
BY K YLE M ELNICK eat their eggs, larvae and pupae, Lions usually moved fast, and
elephants are no longer warded sometimes in groups, when they
Lions have long stood atop the off and they can break down more were chasing prey. So when re-
food chain, but now a new enemy trees in those areas. Roughly 75 searchers saw a cluster of red
has forced the dominant carni- percent of the conservancy9s trees tracking points on their comput-
vores in Kenya to change their have vanished, Goheen said. ers 4 indicating that multiple
hunting strategies and diets. Another study published in lions were moving quickly
The threat? Ants that are small- May 2019 found that lions killed around the same area 4 they
er than a grain of rice. more zebras in areas of the Ol predicted that lions had hunted
The invasive insects that ar- Pejeta Conservancy that had prey there. Within a few days,
rived in Kenya in the early 2000s, more tree cover. Lions typically researchers drove to the area to
probably due to global shipping hunt zebras by hiding behind record which animal the lions
and international tourism, have trees and chasing them when they had killed and how much tree
caused an <ecological chain reac- approach. cover was nearby. They drove
tion,= according to researchers. Researchers from both studies with an armed security guard in
Big-headed ants kill native acacia worked together to try to connect case an animal attacked them,
ants, which protect trees from their findings to determine researcher Douglas Kamaru said.
elephants and other herbivores in whether the invasive ants were VicToria Zero Researchers continued that
Kenya 4 one of a few African routine for about two years, de-
nations with a sizable lion popu- termining that the six lions they
lation 4 by swarming into the were tracking had killed about
animals9 nostrils and biting when 140 animals. Roughly half of
they try to eat the trees9 leaves, those kills were zebras, which
branches and bark. lions were over two times more
As acacia ants have dwindled, likely to kill in areas with tree
elephants have been able to knock protection than in uncovered ar-
down and eat more whistling eas, the study said.
thorn trees. With fewer trees, li- Despite lions eating fewer ze-
ons have lost the cover they rely bras, researchers don9t expect the
on to stealthily attack zebras, vulnerable species9 population to
their primary prey. dwindle in the conservancy.
The study, which was pub- That9s because lions found a new
lished Jan. 25 in the journal Sci- food source: African buffalo.
ence, found that lions are less While zebras usually run away
likely to kill zebras in uncovered when they spot lions, buffalo of-
areas. They killed 25 percent few- ten fight back, making cover less
er zebras between 2003 and 2020, important before the hunt. Still,
the study said. buffalo aren9t lions9 first choice
<When you have invasive spe- for food, Goheen said. Killing a
cies, they can affect other species zebra takes one or two lions; kill-
that wouldn9t seem to have any- ing a buffalo takes between five
thing to do with the species inva- and 10, Goheen said.
sion in kind of weird, unpredict- As big-headed ants continue to
able ways 4 ways that are hidden, expand in the area, researchers
but very serious,= study co-author said other problems could
Jacob Goheen, a University of emerge. For example, endangered
Wyoming zoology professor, told black rhinos eat whistling thorn
The Washington Post. trees but could lose their food
The findings were a result of source, study co-author Corinna
years of research on animals and Riginos said.
insects in a nature conservancy in <The big-headed ant invasion
Kenya. A study from March 2015 is kind of changing everything,
found that whistling thorn trees, and it takes time for all these
which are native to East Africa dynamics to play out,= Riginos
Brandon Hays
and can grow about 18 feet tall, said. <We9ve already seen evi-
were suffering after big-headed TOP: Lions in Kenya9s Ol Pejeta Conservancy have changed their hunting habits in the past few decades, a study says. ABOVE: Elephants dence of big changes. What hap-
ants had invaded the Ol Pejeta navigate a landscape invaded by big-headed ants. Researchers say the invasive creatures have caused an <ecological chain reaction.= pens next?=
For fans placing online bets on the Super Bowl, here9s how to keep data safe
BY R IVAN S TINSON means knowing how to keep your names 4 especially ones you may ber of reviews. Next, if those num- an alias email address when sign- know your sportsbook helpline as
data and bank account safe. So see as advertisements during the bers seem reasonable and reviews ing up, such as the ones offered by well as its withdrawal policy on
Gambling and the Super Bowl let9s run through what you need to game 4 include DraftKings, don9t seem automated or fake, do Apple or Gmail. winnings and refunds. Double
go hand in hand like nachos and know about online sports gam- FanDuel and BetMGM. Other a quick search on Reddit, Trustpi- Do not link your bank ac- check how bonus bets and any
parties. bling 4 and remember to keep a sites you may come across are lot and the BBB for user issues. count: It sounds counterintuitive winnings attached are handled, as
Ahead of America9s biggest budget in mind. Caesars, PointsBet and BetRivers. Set up two-factor authentica- for a gambling website, but you well. Bonus offers cannot instant-
sports phenomenon of the year tion: Once you pick your sports- want to avoid linking your bank ly be withdrawn for the cash
Sunday, roughly 67.8 million How do sports betting apps What are the biggest risks? book, set up two-factor authenti- account directly. equivalent.
Americans are expected to make a work? These apps can be viewed as a cation, if applicable. Outside of Moody suggests using third- For example, DraftKings does
wager, according to new data Simple. Instead of going to a more valuable target for hackers setting up a strong password, 2FA party payment apps such as Apple not allow users to withdraw win-
from the American Gaming Asso- casino and placing a bet in person, because it9s a richer set of data allows you to verify your identity Pay, Google Pay, Venmo or PayPal nings to a different payment type.
ciation. The total estimated you deposit money via your bank that links back to your bank ac- through another method such as a to place your bets if the app al- Winnings are deposited via the
amount: $23.1 billion dollars, up account or another payment count, says Gregory Moody, pro- text message to your phone when lows. same method used to make the
from the $16 billion last year method into the app9s account. fessor of information systems at you log in from a new device. <The [third parties9] specialty is original bet.
when the Kansas City Chiefs faced From there, the world is your the University of Nevada at Las Sportsbooks offer this extra lay- payment transaction processing. Make sure you9re not forgetting
the Philadelphia Eagles. oyster on how much to wager and Vegas. er of protection, but it might be up They have a whole cyber team set any tax documents.
And betting is no longer just a which bets to place. If you9re going to use sites such to users to turn it on. To do so, go up to detect and deter these types Major wins from sports bets are
casino bookie setup in Las Vegas. But there is a caveat. Your cho- as DraftKings, FanDuel and oth- to your account settings in your of things,= Moody says. And their considered taxable income ac-
Online sports betting is legal in 29 sen app will verify your age when ers, it9s important to keep your preferred app and look for secu- goal is to not get hacked, other- cording to IRS Publication 525.
states and in D.C. Professional setting up your account. In most digital hygiene in mind. rity settings. wise people will stop using their Your chosen sportsbook may be
and casual bettors alike can turn states, you must be at least 21 to If you9re trying to protect your service, he adds. required to generate a Form W-2G
to their smartphones to download participate in legal sports gam- Tips to keep your betting safe privacy, scroll down to the data If you have to link your bank if your winnings meet the criteria.
an app and dream of winning bling. Use a reputable app: If you9re sharing section of your settings account, make sure your account Even if a form such as a W-2G is
parlays. The American Gaming new to online sports betting, and look for <do not sell or share has a strong password attached to not issued, your winnings are tax-
Association expects 11 percent of What are the major ones? searching Google Play or the my personal information= or a it and multifactor authentication; able income and should be report-
adults to place their wagers online A quick internet search of <on- Apple App store for a reputable variation of that phrase. You monitor your banking activity to ed to the IRS, says Eric Bronnenk-
this year. line sports betting= will bring up a option can be daunting. But there might have to search hard to find look for suspicious activity. ant, head of tax at Betterment, a
At the Help Desk, we try to help bevy of websites. Same for if are telltale signs that one app is it, though. You can also look for You also need to know who to digital investment advisory firm.
you make sense of the technology you9re searching on the Apple App better than another. privacy opt-out forms on the contact in case your winnings are
in your life. If you9re going to store or Google Play store. First, see if the app has a high sportsbook website via a desktop stuck in Ethernet limbo. Before Heather Kelly contributed to this
wager on the Super Bowl, that Some of the more popular number of users and a high num- computer or laptop. Finally, use casting your bet, make sure you report.
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE A19
A20 eZ re the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
pating agencies.
for a multiweek trial of Trump
in D.C. or elsewhere, <security
plans are going to be much more
robust than the quick, one-day,
in-and-outs= that the public has
seen for Trump9s appearances
over the past year in Washington,
or in New York City, Atlanta or
South florida, where he also faces
criminal charges, U.S. Secret
Service spokesman Anthony Gug-
lielmi said.
<If he9s here for the duration,
you9re not only talking about the
courthouse but where the pro-
tectee will stay, ensuring that area
is fortified and protected,= Gug-
lielmi said. <It9s just a totally
different plan.= Guglielmi de-
clined to discuss details because AnDrew CAbAllero-reynolDS/AfP/GeTTy ImAGeS
security planners don9t have all CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Members of the media wait outside the
the specifics yet. He added, <We9re E. Barrett Prettyman federal courthouse in D.C. for an indictment
going to create the safest environ- of former president Donald Trump on Aug. 1. Security personnel
ment possible for movements of patrol the courthouse roof Jan. 9, when a hearing was held on
the protectee & while creating Trump9s claim of immunity. A protester on Jan. 9. The courthouse,
the least amount of disruption for on Constitution Avenue and Third Street NW near the U.S. Capitol,
the community.= will be the site of Trump9s expected trial on charges of conspiring to
overturn the 2020 presidential election. The trial had been set to
Who is involved in the begin March 4, but the date was recently postponed.
Trump9s appearance in early
January at the courthouse, where
a panel of federal appellate judg- robb HIll for THe wASHInGTon PoST
Teachers played the lottery together for fun. Then they actually won.
BY D ANIEL W U win elated a group of deserving tion that any windfall would tears fall, and how many people munity. Leonora Broome, a re- gossiping in the cafeteria.
colleagues, who pledged to use serve as the group9s retirement [were] yelling and taking selfies tired science teacher, donated 10 <I heard one of them say, 8Man,
For years, a school custodian9s the money to pay bills, fund fund was just a joke, Reynolds and pictures,= Webb said. percent of her share to a Florence did you hear? Thirty of our
voice piped through the loud- dream vacations, and donate to said. They didn9t get into teach- Each teacher received a check soup kitchen used by some Jones teachers won a million dollars,
speakers once the students left their students and community. ing 4 or the lottery group 4 for for $24,000 4 not exactly a school families. Sciaraffia said and if they all quit, we9re not
Rector A. Jones Middle School in <Every one of us is going to give the money. But Reynolds said her retirement fund, but enough to she planned to use her winnings going to have school,9= Reynolds
Florence, Ky., with an invitation back in some way to the kids,= colleagues deserved more pay make a big difference for some. to act on a retirement goal of laughed.
to teachers: The <retirement said Terri Webb, 59, a former and recognition for their work. On the Jones 30 group chat, sending books and supplies to They needn9t worry. A lottery
club= was meeting in a nearby special education teacher at Many teachers at Jones work educators spoke about paying off rural schools in her native Chile. win did not blunt anyone9s pas-
classroom. Jones. second jobs, and it9s common for bills, medical procedures and <I9m able to materialize every- sion for teaching, Reynolds said.
The club gathered to gossip Few teachers remember how those in retirement to be pulled planning summer road trips. thing that I9ve been dreaming of The Jones 30 will be back in their
and bond 4 and split a weekly the lottery group at Jones started. back into substitute teaching. Reynolds set aside money for her for many, many years,= Sciaraffia classrooms. And they9ll continue
purchase of lottery tickets. It But staff at the school have kept it Reynolds9s colleagues are so com- three daughters, including one said. playing the Powerball, numbers
continued for decades, and grew going for over two decades, mitted that they9ve bought shoes who has an upcoming wedding. As news trickled slowly unchanged.
to around 30 current and former steadily bringing new teachers and clothes and covered field trip As Webb predicted, some of through Jones Middle School of <Literally, about an hour ago, I
staffers over the years. They into the fold. costs out of their own pockets for the teachers sent portions of the retirement club9s luck, Reyn- got a text & with a picture of the
played the same numbers every <I remember always doing it,= students in need, she said. their winnings back to their com- olds said she overheard students new tickets,= Webb said.
week, some long after they9d said Paola Sciaraffia, 55, a former <This group of teachers is so, so
retired or moved on from the Jones ESL teacher who has since selfless,= Reynolds said.
school. moved to another school. < & It When Reynolds reported that
The camaraderie was enough became something cool that we the group had won one of the BEFORE
to push aside pipe dreams of
actually winning a prize, until
all had in common and bonded
Powerball9s top prizes, the usual-
ly sleepy group chat burst into a
one member asked Vice Principal As with any workplace tradi- frenzy. The educators met at a IN AS LITTLE AS ONE DAY
Sharon Reynolds to check the tion, the club 4 now dubbed the restaurant to sign the winning
results of a weekend drawing in <Jones 30= for its 30 participants ticket so that they could split the
late January. Reynolds, 55, read 4 has closely followed rituals. million-dollar prize. The next
the numbers one by one. Every week, the group pools its day, the teachers left school as LIM
<I started looking,= she said. money to buy $20 worth of soon as classes ended at 2:30 p.m. OFFED TIME
50% OFF
<And we were matching, we were Powerball and Mega Millions and raced south to Louisville to ER!
matching, we were matching.= tickets, with an agreement to claim their prize at the Kentucky
After more than 20 years, split any winnings. For Power- Lottery9s office.
Jones Middle School9s <retire- ball, they always play the same There, the reality of the Jones
ment club= finally had a big two sets of numbers, which were 309s improbable win hit them.
winning ticket. The 30 current picked out of a hat several years When the Kentucky Lottery staff
and former school employees ago by a former principal. The learned that they were about to
split a $1 million Powerball prize, group9s organizer collects pay- write a check to a group of middle Valid with purchase
Valid with purchase ofof bath
bath or
or shower
shower replacement.
the Kentucky Lottery announced ment, buys the tickets and sends school teachers, they joined in Offervalid
Offer validuntil
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last month. Jones teachers told a photo of them to a group chat. the celebration.
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SUNDAY Opinion
Dana MilbanK
Kathleen ParKer
LETTErs TO ThE EdiTOr ann TELnaEs until we all became confident that the
100-question fill-in-the-blank test would be a
Delaying Metro9s ûnance woes Hats off to the MAGA majority breeze. <Ah, good,= said the principal.
But there is much more to the story, I insisted.
Regarding the Feb. 6 Metro article <Metro is likely Now that they were all scholars, I assured them
to avoid extreme cuts, but riders can expect higher that each day I would be introducing a new
fares=: predicament that required constitutional
The latest version of the Metro budget falls far analysis, and <you darned well better have
short of what the region needs. Metro is a world-class something to say in class,= I admonished. And
system that deserves the stable and robust support they did.
that can be provided only by dedicated regional Robert Wipfler, Bethesda
funding. Metro might have avoided the most
apocalyptic projections in the short term, but most of George F. Will9s central piece of evidence
the proposed savings amount to borrowing from proving that elite schools are elite no more is that
Peter to pay Paul. Shifting capital funds to the grade-point averages are higher now than in 1967.
operating budget means higher costs down the road. Though I agree that much is broken in our
The bill will come due for delayed maintenance and education system, Mr. Will9s argument seemed
failure to keep up with a growing region9s needs. flimsy. My children went through the Fairfax
Moreover, it is a gamble that preventive maintenance County school system over the past decade, and I
will not face any crises within the next year. It is a can tell you they emerged more educated than I
dangerous wager with potentially devastating was in the 1970s. Most of their high-achieving
consequences for riders, workers and the system. peer group got 49s or 59s on their math
Likewise, freezing wages will put an undue burden achievements and SAT scores above 1400, but
on Metro9s workers. Many have gotten covid and most couldn9t get into their first-choice schools
endured violence against them to keep the system (probably because elite schools continue to
running. Additionally, it will make it difficult to hire artificially limit supply).
the workers Metro needs, especially amid a national My friends often comment that they couldn9t
shortage of workers with commercial driver9s licenses. get into their own alma maters now. In fact,
Metro has tough hiring standards 4 and it should Harvard9s acceptance rate in 1970 was about
because our lives are in the hands of the operators and 20 percent; it9s about 3 percent now. So maybe
mechanics who keep trains and buses running. those higher grade-point averages are real,
Lastly, fares are a big part of WMATA9s budget. But representing a more educated, motivated study
they are already high. Raising them will hobble body. I don9t know. But I don9t think schools in
Metro9s ability to compete for riders against heavily 1967 were elite so much as elitist, when anyone
subsidized highways while disproportionately hitting who had parents with the wherewithal and
low-income and working-class riders9 wallets. means to send them to college did so 4 most of
Maryland, Virginia and D.C. should come up with them rich and White.
the full $750 million Metro needs to make up for the Nancy Huddleston, Manassas
expiration of pandemic aid. And they should create a
dedicated funding stream so that we are never in this
position again. The hole in the Russian sanctions
Ben Ross, Bethesda
The writer is chair of the Maryland The disturbing Feb. 2 front-page article <A
Transit Opportunities Coalition. Kremlin supply line 4 from Taiwan= was one of
the best and most deeply reported pieces I9ve read
in The Post in quite some time. The four reporters
Mr. Trump9s immunity claim ably dug into every reliable source they could find
and determined that there is indeed a commercial
The Feb. 7 front-page article <Appeals court rules connection between Taiwanese makers of
against Trump claim of immunity= described the computer-assisted machine tools and one or more
forces at work in Donald Trump9s appeal of a judicial Russian major weapons manufacturers. This has
ruling that ex-presidents do not enjoy criminal been concealed in part by sending shipments
immunity. It strikes me that there is a contradiction through Turkey and China.
in the possible stances of the Supreme Court on two This hole in the Russian sanctions regime, to
Trump cases. which our ally Taiwan purportedly subscribes,
In the first case, the court9s position on the seems big enough to drive many drones or
14th Amendment question might be that <we are missiles through. That this is happening in a
going to leave it up to the voters as to who may court. On Thursday, it heard former president court9s lost credibility. Helping Mr. Trump through U.S.-friendly (and U.S.-supported) polity is
appear on a federal election ballot and take office. Donald Trump9s ballot disqualification case and delay would be the last nail in the coffin of the shameful. The big question is: How many more
That decision is not the purview of the court or almost certainly will rule, perhaps unanimously, court9s integrity. holes are out there, and who9s looking for them?
Congress, but that of the voters. We don9t want to that Colorado cannot exclude Trump from the David Schlitz, Washington Lee Epstein, Silver Spring
arrogate their rightful electoral power of decision.= ballot. Now the true test comes. The justices soon
Meanwhile, should the court intervene in the will decide whether to accept Mr. Trump9s appeal of
Trump immunity case and bog it down in procedure the ironclad decision that former presidents do not The elite and the elitist Guest opinion submissions
for months, then the court would have taken the have absolute immunity and whether to stay the The Washington post accepts opinion articles on any
power of logically deciding whom to elect president criminal case. How the justices act on these issues This more than 70-year-old career educator got topic. We welcome submissions on local, national and
out of the hands of voters by denying them the will demonstrate whether they are impartial jurists a nice chuckle out of George F. Will9s Feb. 4 op-ed, international issues. We publish work that varies in length
critical information needed to choose. Procedure acting with integrity or political hacks dressed in <Rigor? No. Merit? Ha. Elite? Oh, yes.= I don9t and format, including multimedia. Submit a guest opinion
could easily delay the trial regarding Jan. 6, 2021, so black robes. doubt the merit of a single argument Mr. Will at or read our guide to writing an
far out that it must be postponed until after the The court should accept this appeal and, made, but his column made me ponder my opinion article at
election. Mr. Trump might win the election and speaking as the highest court in the land, affirm experiences of many years ago as a seventh-grade
cancel the process. The fault would lie with the folks that Mr. Trump does not have absolute immunity. history teacher. There is another side to this issue. Letter submissions
in the black robes on Capitol Hill. The critical question is whether the justices will act I was called into the principal9s office, having letters can be sent to
So I am watching to see whether the court expeditiously, enabling Mr. Trump to be put on trial been guilty of some massive grade inflation in my Submissions must be exclusive to The post and should
engineers its decisions to let Mr. Trump have it both in the federal cases before the November election. class. Every student had earned an A. <Doesn9t include the writer9s address and day and evening
ways. Or will the conservative justices assist Mr. Trump9s someone fall into the second tier?= he wanted to telephone numbers. letters are subject to editing and
Daniel Lounberg, Arlington campaign by delaying issuing a decision, effectively know. abridgment. please do not send letters as attachments.
putting off the federal trials until after the election The topic for that term was the Constitution of Because of the volume of material we receive, we are
The Supreme Court will shortly demonstrate the and killing the cases in the event Mr. Trump wins? the United States. I wanted those kids to know it. unable to acknowledge submissions; writers whose letters
true character of the justices and, by extension, the Acting expeditiously would restore some of the So we drilled and drilled, and drilled some more, are under consideration for publication will be contacted.
SallY BUZBee .................................... executive editor
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publisher and Chief executive officer SCoTT VanCe......................................Managing editor MarK W. SMITH.....................deputy Managing editor daVId Von dreHle..................deputy opinion editor JoHn B. KennedY...................General Counsel & labor 1301 K St. nW, Washington, d.C. 20071
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a24 eZ re the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
george F. Will
The ultimate
Vegas wedding:
The big game
and big gaming
mid a tsunami of hyperbole occa-
should stay in Washington tive. The thrill of risk, and of winning, can
trigger dopamine and endorphin surges.
And today cravings for more can be satisfied
by using devices in most pockets and purs-
es: Smartphones enable dumb decisions.
BY M URIEL B OWSER complete renovation that better connects the arena development that can replace it, no building 4 no Time was, some people took the risk of
to the surrounding neighborhood and businesses matter how new or shiny 4 that can replicate it. gambling because, well, why not? Simply
owntown D.C. is home to some of the most and brings the fan experience closer to the court. Throughout this process, much has been said living involved multiple omnipresent risks
Taylor Swift has never even tried to hide her sinister plans federal law that prevented states from
permitting sports gambling. Why not, when
45 states and the District of Columbia run
lotteries? Today, there is a sportsbook in the
here has been a lot of talk lately about Taylor spark-smiling can be neutralized, under the pretext of much of the Mediterranean. Washington Commanders9 FedEx Field.
erik Wemple
papers, television, radio and cyberspace, summer, Fox45 set out to take a <closer
but that description does a disservice to look= at the impact of crime on attend- Josh Tyrangiel
his varied and occasionally scandal- ance at Camden Yards, home to the
filled history.
There9s an ideological gap at the heart
of this story. The editorial board of the
Baltimore Sun, like those of many Amer-
Baltimore Orioles. The threadbare story
noted that within a 11/2-mile radius, there
had been shootings, carjackings and rob-
beries. In 2019, <a man shot a woman
. . . a 8Mothra vs. Godzilla9
ican newspapers, leans to the left.
Though many TV stations in the country
are driven solely by ratings 4 and
they9re happy to bash politicians of
multiple times three miles away.= Justin
Fenton, a longtime Sun reporter who has
moved to the Baltimore Banner, tweeted,
<Orioles fans weren9t the victims nor do
battle looms over AI
every stripe 4 Sinclair has upended the they have to go anywhere near those
industry by inserting a conservative areas to get in/out of the ballpark!= Two he original <Mothra vs. Godzilla= uct. But generative AI isn9t ordinary tech. contract 4 billions of dollars in recurring
bent to coverage, including persistent
pro-Trump commentary.
|e actor talks about playing fashion icon Christian Dior and working with Juliette Binoche in the new World War II drama
set against the backdrop of the Nazi occupation of Paris.
Top public oïcials and experts examine cardiovascular risk factors for women, the disproportionate impact on women of
color and how lifestyle changes can improve heart health.
Denver9s mayor explains how his city has handled the recent inûux of migrants from the Southern border and what actions
he would like to see from the federal government.
|e two-time WNBA MVP discusses her new book about persevering as a Black woman in America, the role models who
shaped her and her message to the next generation of Black girls.
Washington Post Live9s <First Look= ofers a smart, inside take on the day9s politics. Jonathan Capehart hosts a reporter
debrief followed by a roundtable discussion with Washington Post columnists.
Gates ofers his perspective on the historic moment in the Middle East, Russia9s war in Ukraine two years on and the state
of American foreign policy.
Cillian Murphy Anne Neuberger Kristalina Georgieva Robert B. Zoellick Ashwin Vasan
Actor, <Oppenheimer= Deputy National Security Managing Director, Former President, World Commissioner, New York
Advisor for Cyber and International Monetary Fund Bank & Former Deputy City Department of Health
Emerging Technology Secretary of State & Mental Hygiene
To register for upcoming events and watch recent interviews with Washington Post Live, visit or scan code with a smartphone camera:
A borderless crisis
Jonathan Blitzer traces how the shared history of the U.S. and Central America has led to a migrant surge
n the spring of 2014 and on through the M ANUEL R OIG- Blitzer convincingly argues.
sizzling summer that year, tens of thousands of F RANZIA <Decades of Central American history were
children crossed the U.s.-Mexico border into crashing down at the U.s. border,= writes Blitzer, a
Texas without their parents. Families from Central new Yorker magazine writer who for years has been
news organizations blasted images of kids America walk alongside the one of the most perceptive chroniclers of a complex
crammed into over-air-conditioned, cage-like U.s. border wall near Sasabe, and often misunderstood bane of U.s. policymakers.
Border Patrol holding pens partitioned by chain- Ariz., after crossing into the Writing with clarity and grace, while avoiding the
link fencing. The youngsters cocooned themselves United States from Mexico mawkish tone sometimes associated with tales of
in shiny silver mylar blankets that resembled in January 2022. the border, Blitzer makes a compelling case that the
hazmat gear or supersize rolls of aluminum foil. <Immigrants have a way of United states and Central America are knit as one.
In isolation, it could have been viewed as yet transforming two places at The poorer nations to the south are dominated and
another familiar crisis in an unending loop of crises once: their new homes and often undermined by the richer nation to the north,
along that contentious border. But, as Jonathan their old ones,= Jonathan which in turn is being shaped in many ways by the
Blitzer writes in his sweeping and insightful book, Blitzer writes in <Everyone migrants who quit those troubled lands and cross
<everyone Who Is Gone Is Here: The United states, Who Is Gone Is Here.= into the United states.
Central America, and the Making of a Crisis,= those <Immigrants have a way of transforming two
months marked a shift in America9s immigration places at once: their new homes and their old ones,=
conundrum. no longer were the arrests on the Blitzer writes.
border overwhelmingly Mexican migrants. Instead, The themes explored in the book feel all the more
these kids came primarily from the northern relevant as we enter a presidential campaign in
Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras and el which immigration is once again a centrally toxic
salvador. The United states was the site of the crisis issue. Already former president Donald Trump, who
4 and it also bore much of the responsibility for it, see BORDER on B7
A master
of wondrous
short stories
a long one ALLA dReyvITSeR/THe wASHINgToN PoST; ISTocK
Kelly Link is a genius. That9s Almost a year after they vanished from town, bodies melt, and the membrane separating magical quality seemed to be that every
not just my opinion. In 2018, Daniel, Laura and Mo find themselves in reality from fantasy is beaten to airy time I picked it up, it had grown longer. It9s
Link won a $625,000 <genius= their high school music room late at night. thinness. This is a novel in which statues not that there are too many chapters; it9s
grant from the MacArthur They9re dressed in costumes from <Bye Bye come to life and people become statues; that too many of them should have been
Foundation. Her strange and Birdie,= which, all things considered, may be couches change colors and then turn into pinched, under the general principle that a
surreal short stories 4 along worse than death. lambs; and a talking cat can swallow itself: manuscript should howl for mercy before
Ron with books published by Small <Something very strange has been <The mouth opened farther, the head turning readers do. Far too much narrative energy is
Charles Beer Press, which she co- happening,= Mo says. itself inside out, rosy wet gullet snapping frittered away on tedious conversations
founded with her husband 4 <But it9s okay now,= Laura insists. <Isn9t it?= together like a fanged coin purse, the voice involving Daniel, Laura and Mo trying to
have transfigured the genre of fabulist No, it9s not okay. And it9s about to get much continuing to speak until there was no cat at figure out what9s happening. Information
fiction. Her 2015 collection, <Get in Trouble,= less okay. all.= The wonders of Hollywood special that should have been sent by airmail
was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize. Last fall, The Book <You are as you were,= their music teacher, effects feel like garish imitations next to crawls into town by tortoise. When essential
The Washington Post named her <White Cat, oF Love Mr. Anabin, declares. <I made you out of Link9s sorcery. revelations finally arrive on Page 422, Laura
Black Dog= one of the year9s best works of By Kelly Link yourselves, what you were and had been.= The three reconstituted students are says, <I don9t know why you couldn9t have
science fiction and fantasy. It was the only Random House. Even by the standards of high school music dazzled with horror and confusion when Mr. explained all of this right at the start.= I
story collection to make the list. 628 pp. $31 teachers, Mr. Anabin sounds unusually Anabin explains that they died almost a year wanted to hug her.
With her reputation for wonderment, grandiose. When he waves his hands around, ago. He and Bogomil will let them remain Delay and confusion don9t serve the
every new book by Link arrives trailing he9s not just conducting music; he9s conjuring among the living if they agree to a trial. novel9s fantastical mythology well, either.
clouds of enchantment. And given the living beings from thin air. (He9s mostly good <Something educational,= Mr. Anabin We learn 4 I9m saving you hours here 4
assumption that novels rank higher on the at this, though he does accidentally put one proposes. <Perhaps a series of tests.= that the world beyond this one contains a
scale of being than short stories 4 a fallacy of Laura9s ears on Daniel9s head.) He9s also And so, with a touch of <Buffy the Vampire series of doors. The details are vague, but it
driven mostly by marketing considerations 4 got an extraordinary companion named Slayer= snark, Daniel, Laura and Mo return sounds as though the afterlife is something
Link9s first novel has generated outsize Bogomil that looks like a dog or possibly a to their homes, where they find that their like a storm door display at Home Depot.
interest. She has obliged by delivering an wolf. families have been bewitched into believing Each one of these doors has two guards and
outsize novel. <It opened its jaws and panted,= Link that they weren9t dead but only abroad for requires a special key. A particularly nasty
At 628 pages, <The Book of Love= is a book writes. <It shimmied as if shucking off a too- the year, studying music in Ireland. While goddess named Malo Mogge 4 <a hurricane
to contend with, a tome that thunders: <I Am tight dress, stretching and flexing, emitting dealing with their spellbound relatives, the with a narcissistic personality complex= 4
Not a Short Story!= Adding to its epic aura, little whining noises of discomfort, and then trio must try to pass the cryptic test that Mr. has lost her key, and if it9s not found, she9ll
all the chapters announce themselves as there was a person instead of a dog-wolf- Anabin and Bogomil have set for them and incinerate the town of Lovesend.
parts of some fantastical bible, emblazoned thing, on his hands and knees upon the floor, figure out how they died during their last In other words, this whole enormous plot
with headings like <The Book of Daniel,= <The person mouth split open in an airless yawn.= musical performance. hangs on the fact that Malo Mogge can
Book of Laura= and <The Book of Mo.= Laura notes that he is the handsomest man But of course, they9re also young people command the powers of the universe, but
With this story for adults, Link is wending she9s ever seen, and yet he9s deeply with all their previous anxieties, questions she can9t get an Apple AirTag for her
her way through an old-growth forest of unnerving. <There was something about the and desires. Daniel feels burdened with the keychain. That feels both overly
fantasy novels that stretches from <Harry sound of his dirty feet on the floor that was responsibilities of caring for his many complicated and essentially silly, especially
Potter= to <The Chronicles of Narnia,= the worst thing yet. His expression did not siblings in a chaotic home that9s about to in contrast to the varieties of grief that the
adventures in which a small group of young change, but the sound suggested contact burst at the seams. Laura struggles to get three resurrected students are contending
people must confront a dark challenge and a with the world was agony. As if whatever along with her touchy sister. And Mo, a rare with.
maniacal adversary. But she9s also cutting her Bogomil was made of 4 surely not flesh? 4 African American in Lovesend, is grieving But damn if I didn9t fall back in love with
own distinctly Linkian path by following the rejected the contact even as it occurred. Or the recent loss of his grandmother, a writer this novel during the last 100 pages. As Link
struggles of modern-day teens as they figure did the floor, that unremarkable linoleum, who found fame and fortune in the largely soars toward the end, her wizardry gains
out who they are and who they love in an reject Bogomil? Yes. The whole room, in a White world of romance novels. (The chapter strength. With an eye toward landing the
unstable world shimmering with deception. kind of agony, refuted Bogomil. He was that describes her death is a tour de force perfect finale, the story swells with
The action begins in a swirl of mysteries in smiling. But every footfall was a strike on a that demonstrates once again what a wonder excitement. A spectacular murder and a
the seaside town of Lovesend, Mass. Three bell stopped with mud. A clot of blood Link is in miniature.) little cannibalism don9t hurt either. After all,
friends trapped in some kind of nether realm trembling on a rusted wire.= Surreal moments keep flying through this where would any love story be without that?
4 <a blotted, attenuated, chilly nothingness= There it is: the acidic elixir that makes story as hypnotically as starlings at twilight,
4 have suddenly been returned to life after drinking up Link9s work such an intoxicating but such dazzlement proves difficult to Ron Charles reviews books and writes the Book
eddying around <like conturbations of dust.= treat. In her prose, matter becomes plastic, maintain. Eventually, the novel9s most club newsletter for The washington Post.
Lovers reunite decades later, and their romance is anything but simple
BY J OAN F RANK childbearing ordeals 4 horrifying, riveting 4
and graphic snapshots of the relentless vigils
Roxana Robinson9s stunning new novel, of caring for kids (both toddling and grown).
<Leaving,= cost me some sleep, and continues All the good questions seep through. What do
to reverberate. A study of the complex joy and we owe whom, when allegiances are torn?
pain of late-life love, it is a tour de force and Sarah muses: <What are the rules? Should you
arguably her finest work yet. lie to children, to comfort them? What if you
The curtain opens on intermission at a New promise them that everything would be all
York performance of the opera <Tosca.= Di- right and then it isn9t?=
vorced, 60-year-old art curator Sarah recog- Yes, these characters are cosseted by money.
nizes Boston-based architect Warren, also 60. Robinson is calmly frank about it. When
The pair dated in their youth; Warren is now Warren visits a powerful client in a high-rise
long-married. But past feelings resurface 4 Leaving office: <One whole wall is glass. & The view
this time, more complicatedly. By Roxana itself 4 the height, the bright boats, the pale
The two have dinner, thrilled to find them- Robinson green statue, the sizzling blue water 4 is a
selves in perfect sync as seasoned adults; their w.w. Norton. wealth signifier, like a sable coat.= Though
tastes, passions and accrued wisdom collude 344 pp. $28.99 Sarah recalls an era when she had to put back
and complement. Even walking together groceries she couldn9t pay for, in present tense
<their strides are the same length,= making she and Warren don9t ask about prices; one
Sarah <ridiculously pleased.= A delicious, ma- imagines that their homes resemble old adver-
ture love ignites. tisements for Cutty Sark. But their socioeco-
Realizing that he and Sarah cannot relin- nomic niche enables and defines the principle
quish each other, Warren dutifully sets about of honor so central to this narrative; it frees
seeking a divorce from Janet, the hopelessly them to zero in on questions of moral debt
BeowuLf SHeeHAN
off-key wife he has patiently squired for 34 embedded in their identities.
years. He is conflicted about leaving Janet. And even if their wealth feels at times
<Irrationally, he feels bereft. He is losing her.= He can9t sever it from himself, he can9t be cords.= Likewise, Warren9s body <is sixty years off-putting, Robinson9s writing 4 unfailingly
He wants to <make her understand, so she9ll severed. He can9t lose her.= Broad strokes give old. The thin cluster of hair on his chest is gray clear-eyed, packed with psychological insights
take his side. But he can9t tell her the truth.= way to finessed particulars 4 weather, land- & there are now hollows below the shoulder 4 compels readers to care passionately about
Worse, he risks permanently alienating his scapes, food, paintings, books, music. Robin- bones; gravity tugging at him.= Yet sex proves them. Because of that, the novel9s pressure
beloved only child, Kat, a willful, volatile son brings readers inside the heads of her good: <a kind of explosion of trust.= steadily bears down; Robinson has sown in
grown daughter whose resulting rage is im- leads and their supporting ensembles: their Sarah and Warren narrate their own stories just enough occlusion and uncertainty that its
placable. These and countless other scenes of growing up <in the same community outside in turn, and the full arcs of their long experi- final impact shatters 4 and the aftershocks
confrontation amazed me with their powerful Philadelphia & everyone connected by kin or ence are infused with Robinson9s broad intelli- abide. <Leaving= stands as a wondrous feat, at
eloquence. In Roxana friendship=; their late parents9 stories; their gence. So much is addressed head-on, un- once a cautionary tale, cutaway reveal and
Robinson, whose previous books include Robinson9s new early romance and breakup as college kids; flinchingly: art9s import; architecture9s poten- pageant. I can9t forget it.
<Dawson9s Fall= (2019) and <Cost= (2008), is a novel, a couple the strangeness of aging, of having sex in an tial. Politics, too. The novel is set during the
world-class noticer, delivering observations in who dated in aging body. Sarah wonders <if she will be Obama years, and Warren touchingly insists Joan Frank9s latest books are <Late work: A
sentences that are shapely and sensuous yet college meet enough. & Beautiful enough? Young enough? the president is <doing a great job,= convinced Literary Autobiography of Love, Loss, and what I
brisk. Kat, Warren realizes, <is part of him. & again at 60. There are lines in her face, her neck is getting that <democracy will hold.= Robinson captures was Reading= and <Juniper Street: A Novel.=
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee B3
ChatGPT isn9t the ûrst 4 8literary robots9 have aided writers for centuries
BY G ABRIEL N ICHOLAS cational applications of artificial intelligence.
Of course, the advent of the computer
efore blocked writers could turn to eventually led literary robots to read and
the secret
history oF
Field Notes on a
North American
By John
289 pp. $26.99
What the
for Bigfoot
teaches us
BY C ARL H OFFMAN ABOVE: A black- seen and heard ivory bills, a recent multiyear
and-white image effort by the Cornell University Lab of Orni-
ome years ago I lived for a time in a from a color film thology yielded 2,000 hours of audio and
rough-hewed plank house on the that Frank White 7.8 million images from remote cameras,
banks of a river in a remote, 10,000- said he took in a searched 44,000 acres by foot and 152,000
square-mile swamp. The village in forest near acres by helicopter, mapped 215 tree cavities
Indonesian New Guinea had no elec- Bellingham, Wash., and took another 1 million photos, and found
tricity, plumbing or stores. It was unconnect- in 1977. <I'd call it a not a single piece of definitive evidence for the
ed to anyplace else by roads, telephone or North American birds. A standing reward of $50,000 for
internet. My hosts were an extended family ape,= White said. information leading to proof of an ivory-billed
who knew 4 intimately, for their entire lives 4 <You can call it a remains uncollected. And that9s for an animal
every person in the village. Yet shortly after Sasquatch or once known to exist. A 7-to-10-foot-tall, biped-
sundown, despite stifling heat and humidity, anything you like.= al, fur-covered, sour-smelling, swift-moving
the patriarch insisted that the doors and LEFT: creature of the American woods?
window shutters 4 there were neither panes Photographer There9s some great stuff here. About myth
of glass nor screens 4 be closed. This was not Roger Patterson and imagination. About the power and impor-
to be trifled with; there was an urgency to it. compares his foot tance of wilderness and wildness to the
Protection from mosquitoes, bats, lizards? No, with a cast he said human psyche. About belief, and the lies our
these creatures of the night flew and crawled he made of a own eyes relay to us each and every day. But
through the two-inch-wide spaces in the floor- Bigfoot footprint in <The Secret History of Bigfoot= is a frustrating
boards, walls and eaves. Finally, I understood. a forested area near read. The Bigfooters O9Connor hangs out with
Other things were out there when the sun Eureka, Calif., in come across as overgrown adolescent nitwits
dropped. Mysterious, mythical, malignant. 1967. Despite many desperate for fellowship and purpose, who
As John O9Connor makes clear in his first claimed sightings, seem to have lost the ability to parse truth
book, <The Secret History of Bigfoot: Field no proof of the from fiction, the real from the imagined, and
Notes on a North American Monster,= the mythical creature seem incapable of metaphor. It9s no coinci-
story of human beings 4 always, everywhere has ever come to dence, O9Connor makes clear, that these dudes
4 is the story of things out there in the night. light. happen to be the same disaffected, middle-
It is an essential human idea, the counter- aged White men who also love QAnon and
weight to civilization and culture, to the another oversize biped who inhabits their
warmth of the fire and community, of a dreams. All of which is no fun at all and gets
wildness, within and without. <We lose some- tedious quickly.
thing profound if we look at wild places and O9Connor makes it worse by wrapping his
don9t imagine a hidden creature there,= a writing in an adolescent asides: <A lazy de-
Bigfooter tells O9Connor. <It9s how we connect scription I9m sticking with=; <There9s a joke to
to the mystery.= be made here about a sausage party that9s
There is an enormous difference, however, quite frankly beneath me=; <There are so many
between the sacred metaphor of something things wrong with that sentence I don9t even
out there, the thing that keeps us home and know where to begin. Let9s just move on.=
that we genuflect to when the mist rolls over a There are way too many of these tics, and they,
dark patch of forest or when thunder cracks, too, soon become tedious.
and the literal search for it. One is fascinating, Ultimately, though, the hunt for Bigfoot
expansive, full of meaning; the other banal reveals much about the poverty of the Ameri-
and reductive. <Mel Skahan, a member of the can psyche. Or, at least, the poverty of the
Yakama Nation in central Washington, told American male psyche, which can9t seem to
me that as a boy, he heard Bigfoot stories from distinguish between fact and fiction. There9s a
his great-great-grandfather,= writes O9Connor. reason Bigfoot is a biped, after all. That big,
<In these tales, Bigfoot was usually an allusive, hairy creature running through the forest on
nonliteral figure. & 8I took these stories as a two legs is always out there and will always be
passing along of symbolic tales,9 Mel said. 8My out there because he9s the wild creature, the
great-great-grandfather never admitted to Wildman, inside of every one of us. The Native
having an actual sighting.9= Americans didn9t go search for it because they
As modern Americans, though, we like our knew better 4 because, as Mel Skahan told
gods literal. These days Pentecostals speak O9Connor, they knew Bigfoot was <allusive.=
directly with Jesus right next to them in the They understood imagination, metaphor,
front seat, and Donald Trump is heaven sent, symbolism and mystery, that there was a place
as any MAGA rallygoer will tell you. From for the sacred and a place for the literal, and
Maine to Washington state to Texas to Massa- keeping them apart is important, in science
chusetts, O9Connor travels from one Bigfoot and in politics, because they play vitally
hunt or convention to another, among men 4 different roles. My impoverished hosts in New
they9re almost all men 4 obsessed with spot- lucky (or conniving) souls have even snapped that bears and moose decompose quickly in Guinea understood that, too. Yes, they closed
ting and interacting with Bigfoot itself. See it a distant, blurry picture that others spend lots the wilderness and seldom leave physical the doors and windows every night, but those
they do, relentlessly 4 the Bigfoot Field of time and money analyzing. traces. Everybody knows what they9ve seen doors and windows had no locks, no bars, no
Researchers Organization maintains a data- Never mind that no Bigfoot scat has ever with their very own eyes. Never mind that fasteners of any kind; nothing that would
base of 75,000 eyewitness sightings since the been found. No skeleton or fur, no DNA of any veteran wildlife biologists O9Connor speaks to actually keep any creature or malignant force
mid-1990s. They hear it knocking on trees, its kind, ever. Never mind that ubiquitous wild- refute these <truths= or that witnesses rou- from entering. Simply closing the door was
preferred method of communication (many life camera traps routinely catch photos of tinely condemn innocents to prison. We see enough. It was the idea that counted.
<researchers= carry baseball bats to knock elusive mountain lions and every other kind of what we want to see. A case in point: the
back and <call= it forth). They see it leaping fauna, but never once one of these commonly extinct ivory-billed woodpecker, whose last carl hoffman is the author of five books, including
across the road, sprinting through the forest. encountered Bigfoots. Everyone knows, the proven sighting was in 1944. Although even <Liar9s Circus,= <The Last Wild Men of Borneo= and
They find its tracks, and occasionally a few obsessives tell O9Connor over and over again, experienced birders keep swearing to have <Savage Harvest.=
Some book clubs meet at cobee shops. This group meets behind bars.
BY R ON C HARLES interest, and so every Friday, Wilson started
meeting for an hour and half with six to 12 men
family member of the dead protagonist. <Is
this going to work?= Wilson wondered. But he
<Reading great They find it super compelling. So do I. Reading
great work out loud in a setting like that is
hen Washington Post reporter <to read great books and have fun talking admired the novel so much he wanted to try. work out loud really moving. My wife tells me every time,
Book World
n the refrain of one of her dyspeptic brother. She lays about herself with acid of opera9s tragic romantic figures, among deaths in 1920s oklahoma.
<love= poems, Dorothy Parker wrote: tongue, he counters with blistering them Madame Butterfly, Tosca and, most
<Scratch a lover and find a foe.= Here, condescension, and suddenly the two find famously, Norma. Here Callas9s famous affair 2 THe HuNdred years9 War ON
clearly, was a woman who didn9t read themselves in a frenzy of passion 4 he with Aristotle Onassis amplifies the passion PalesTINe (Picador, $19.99). By rashid
romances. The transformation of foe ravaging her with his <hard dissolute mouth=; in her performances. She is consumed, khalidi. a historian of the middle east
into lover is a standard device in romance she ravaging back, entranced by <his exalted and eventually anguished by love. As traces events from 1917 to 2017 to argue
novels, especially of the Regency variety, with masculine article.= And soon we9re in for Aristotle, he is a stinker. Lorelei King that the conflict between israel and gaza
<Pride and Prejudice= as the archetype. unquotable territory. Kate Reading, a veteran narrates the book, nicely handling the Greek is a war of colonial conquest.
There are more than two dozen audio of Chase9s novels, narrates most of the book in and Italian accents without sounding
versions of this great novel, some terrible, an austere, cultivated voice excellently suited ridiculous. She also gives the pestilential, 3 all abOuT lOVe (morrow, $16.99). By
some passable and at least three that are to the Georgian period, but she also brings an professional gossip Elsa Maxwell exactly the bell hooks. the first volume in the iconic
beautifully served by their narrators, Juliet intimate boudoir coo to carnal matters, of right note of intrusiveness and ravening feminist9s <love song to the nation= trilogy
Stevenson (Naxos, 14 hours), Rosamund Pike which 4 warning! 4 there are plenty. schadenfreude. This is a big, tragic love story, considers compassion as a form of love.
(Audible Studios, 111/2 hours) and Indira Kiley Reid9s latest novel, <Come and Get made all the more affecting in its audio 4 THe bOys IN THe bOaT (Penguin, $19).
Varma (Penguin, 131/2 hours). It= (13 hours, Penguin), is not a romance but version by the inclusion of stirring musical By Daniel James Brown. the university of
Many more romance novels followed, but is filled with modern romantic predicaments, passages from La Divina9s great roles. Washington9s underdog crew team defeats
these works lacked (at the very least) Austen9s in this case involving sexual preference, race Rachel Ingalls9s <Mrs. Caliban= (Tantor, elite rowers to face hitler9s german
penetration, wit and satiric touch. A credible and teacher-student intimacy. Set chiefly in a 32/3 hours) introduces another species of athletes in the 1936 Berlin olympics.
heir didn9t appear until Georgette Heyer college residence hall, the novel is peopled for romance and, indeed, another species
began publishing, in the 1930s. <Cotillion= the most part by young women in their early altogether. Dorothy is a despondent, 5 braIdING sWeeTGrass (milkweed,
(Penguin, 111/2 hours), one of Heyer9s wittiest 20s. A writer, Agatha 4 White, in her late 30s neglected housewife whose husband, Fred, $20). By robin Wall kimmerer. essays by
Regency romances, presents a miserly and gay 4 comes as a visiting professor to ignores her and is clearly conducting an an indigenous scientist offer lessons in
moneybags, Uncle Matthew, decreeing that teach and to interview college women on affair. One day, as Dorothy is slogging away in reciprocal awareness between people and
the man who marries his adopted niece, Kitty, their views about money. Making her way the kitchen, the door opens, and in walks a plants.
will inherit his fortune. In the running are a into the confidence and eventually the bed of tall, green, froggy-looking creature. This is
censorious clergyman, a good-natured Millie, a Black student, she pays the young Larry, who has escaped a research laboratory 6 CryING IN H MarT (Vintage, $17). By
dullard, a genial dandy and an insufferably woman for letting her eavesdrop on the where he was tortured by a couple of michelle Zauner. a korean american indie
arrogant libertine. Naturally Kitty prefers the conversations of the other residents. scientists, whom he has just killed. Larry is rock star chronicles her relationship with
last, and we sense that the feeling is mutual 4 Unknown to Millie, Agatha embellishes the now wanted by the police. He and Dorothy her mother and their shared culture.
even as the two exchange unfriendly barbs. results and submits them to Teen Vogue 4 fall into a tender love affair and begin a
7 THe bOdy keePs THe sCOre (Penguin,
Much drama, comic and otherwise, ensues, and we get a very bad feeling. This is a fulfilling, clandestine life together.
$19). By Bessel van der kolk. a scientific
all delivered with faultless narrative rhythm morally and ethically complex novel made all Eventually, however, their happiness is
look at how trauma can reshape a
by Raj Ghatak. He pulls off the running jokes the more convincing by narrator Nicole Lewis jeopardized by Larry9s matter-of-fact
person9s body and brain.
and conversational sallies with brio and (who also narrated Reid9s best-selling <Such a approach to bumping off bothersome people.
nimbly captures the range of personalities in Fun Age=). In addition to bringing her own And, as is so often the case when passions run 8 CasTe (random house, $20). By isabel
manner and accent. The novel9s surprise clear, low-timbered voice to general high, the picture darkens dramatically on a Wilkerson. america9s racial divisions are
ending seems to please him just as much as it narration, Lewis is truly outstanding in number of fronts. Amy Landon narrates this examined and reframed as a caste
disconcerts all but two of the novel9s dialogue, perfectly reproducing the speech wonderfully odd story of interspecies system.
characters. and manner of certain young people, their romance in a sweet, low-key voice. She picks
Today9s romances, like ourselves, are less vapidity, upward inflection and mean-girl up Dorothy9s transformation from gloom to 9 eVeryTHING I kNOW abOuT lOVe
decorous 4 which is to say, they put into put-downs. That I, long past the first blush of gladness and confers upon Larry an (harper Perennial, $18.99). By Dolly
words everything Heyer discreetly left out. youth, found the novel utterly engrossing unidentifiable accent, one that might easily alderton. a British journalist shares stories
Loretta Chase is a popular spinner of erotic speaks to the appeal of both book and have come from the briny deep. chronicling her attempts at finding
romances, and <Lord of Scoundrels= narrator. happiness and love.
(Blackstone, 112/3 hours) is a prime example of In Daisy Goodwin9s novel <Diva= katherine a. Powers reviews audiobooks every
her wares. It is 1828 and the Marquess of (Macmillan, 113/4 hours), we find Maria Callas, month for the Washington Post. 10 MasTer slaVe HusbaNd WIfe (simon
& schuster, $19.99). By ilyon Woo. the
true story of an enslaved couple who
escaped to freedom by posing as a
wealthy White man and his manservant.
rankings reflect sales for the week ended feb. 4. the charts
lITera ry Ca leNd a r may not be reproduced without permission from the american
Booksellers association, the trade association for independent
feb. 11 - 17 bookstores in the united states, and copyright
2024 american Booksellers association. (the bestseller lists
alternate between hardcover and paperback each week.)
11 suNday | 1 P.M. Kate Brody discusses <rabbit hole= 15 THursday | 6 P.M. Ray Nayler discusses <the tusks 6:30 P.M. Corjan Mol and Christopher Morford discuss
at Politics and Prose, 5015 connecticut ave. nW. 202- of extinction= at People9s Book, 7014-a Westmoreland <the Jerusalem files= at Bards alley, 110 church st. nW,
364-1919. ave., takoma Park. 240-641-8979. Vienna. 571-459-2653.
12 MONday | 7 P.M. Ruha Benjamin discusses 7 P.M. April Asher discusses <not your crush9s 7 P.M. Rachel Bitcofer discusses <hit8em Where it hurts:
<imagination: a manifesto= at Politics and Prose. cauldron= at one more Page Books, 2200 n. how to save Democracy by Beating republicans at their
Westmoreland st., arlington. 703-300-9746. own game= at Politics and Prose at the Wharf.
13 Tuesday | 7 P.M. Kacen Callender discusses
<infinity alchemist= at Politics and Prose. 7 P.M. Hamilton Nolan discusses <the hammer: Power, 7 P.M. Jeffrey Rosen discusses <the Pursuit of
inequality, and the struggle for the soul of labor= with happiness: how classical Writers on Virtue inspired the
7 P.M. Laura Pappano discusses <school moms: Parent
Sara Nelson at Politics and Prose at union market, 1270 lives of the founders of america= at Politics and Prose.
activism, Partisan Politics, and the Battle for Public
fifth st. ne. 202-544-4452.
education= with Nirvi Shah at Politics and Prose. 17 saTurday | 1 P.M. Calvin Trillin discusses <the
7 P.M. Christina Cooke discusses <Broughtupsy= with lede: Dispatches from a life in the Press= at Politics and
14 WedNesday | 7 P.M. Emily Locker discusses
Rion Amilcar Scott at loyalty Bookstore, 827 upshur st. Prose.
<running mates= with Ashley Parker at Politics and
nW. 202-726-0380.
Prose. 3 P.M. Rick Hasen discusses <a real right to Vote: how
7 P.M. Jonathan M. Metzl discusses <What We9ve a constitutional amendment can safeguard american
7 P.M. Dorothy Hoobler and Thomas Hoobler discuss
Become: living and Dying in a country of arms= at Democracy= with Jamie Raskin and Sherrilyn Ifill at
<are you Prepared for the storm of love making?: letters
Politics and Prose. Politics and Prose.
of love and lust from the White house= at Politics and
Prose at the Wharf, 610 Water st. sW. 202-488-3867. 7 P.M. Major Jackson discusses <razzle Dazzle: new & 3 P.M. Crystal Wilkinson discusses <Praisesong for the
selected Poems= with Ron Charles at the library of kitchen ghosts: stories and recipes from five
7 P.M. Ed Zwick discusses <hits, flops, and other
congress, 101 independence ave. se. 202-707-5502. generations of Black country cooks= at Politics and
illusions: my fortysomething years in hollywood= with
Prose at union market.
Ann Hornaday at Politics and Prose. 16 frIday | 6 P.M. Nikki Payne discusses <sex, lies,
and sensibility= with Morgan Menzies at People9s Book. for more literary events, go to
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee B7
LEFT: In the fall of 2018, thousands of people joined a migrant caravan traveling from Central America to the United States. Some rode down a highway in Mexico atop a truck.
RIGHT: Migrants gathered in Matamoros, Mexico, near the U.S. border, in May 2023, as the pandemic-era Title 42 policy expired.
Migrants hoping to eventually reach the United States camp out in tents at a shuttered club in Tijuana, Mexico, in December 2018.
<Decades of Central American history were crashing down at the U.S. border.=
Jonathan Blizer, in <everyone Who Is Gone Is Here=
B8 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
thought occurred to me as I California is not, in fact, a welcoming oasis. It9s read heartbreaking works by such authors as
reached the bottom of Page 20 in the in-over-her-head phase that comes right Colleen Hoover while filming themselves
Kristin Hannah9s new novel, <The before the theme song from <The Greatest weeping. It seemed like a strange practice to
Women.= Barely three chapters American Hero= starts playing. me until I started to interrogate my own
in, and already protagonist Frankie McGrath Eventually, Frankie will be the kind of nurse inclinations. I wasn9t prepared to show the
was learning that her charming, mischievous who can work during a blackout with bombs world my tear-streaked face, but was there
older brother had been killed in action in dropping around her and a flashlight clamped something to the idea of being part of a group
Vietnam. <Shot down & in a helicopter & No between her teeth. Still, the thrill of newly that wanted to really feel something? Hannah
remains & all hands lost.= If you9ve read acquired expertise can9t forestall the queasy certainly makes that happen. (True story: I
Hannah9s historical novels, you know that this The Women certainty that, at any moment, the other shoe once teared up just describing the scene in
development will be but one snowflake in a By Kristin will drop. I read <The Women= while hugging <The Great Alone= when Leni9s mother kills a
blizzard of tear-jerking tragedy that will inun- hannah an emotional-support pillow and trying to man to save her daughter9s life. In my defense,
date you over the next 450 pages. st. Martin9s. divine which characters would be sacrificed. and to paraphrase contrite men everywhere, I
Reading Hannah9s books may be a masoch- 471 pp. $30 Hannah9s protective instincts toward her pro- am the mother of a daughter and the daughter
istic pastime, but it9s also a hugely popular tagonists are on par with George R.R. Martin9s. of a mother.)
one. <The Nightingale,= <The Four Winds,= But even if Frankie made it out alive, I knew Hannah got her start writing romance
<The Great Alone,= <Firefly Lane=: Her books there would be many more who wouldn9t. novels 4 <A Handful of Heaven= (1991) has one
are such reliable bestsellers that her publisher Would Frankie9s closest friends, fellow nurs- of those shirtless-man-embracing-a-wind-
is betting big on <The Women= with an initial es Barb and Ethel, survive their tours of duty? swept-heroine covers 4 but even as the pan-
printing of 1 million copies. If Kleenex doesn9t How about Jamie, the dreamy doctor with the demic made readers hungry for happily-ever-
come up with a tie-in campaign, it9s leaving <kind, sad blue eyes=? Or her brother9s best afters, she kept serving up stress and sadness.
money on the table. friend, Rye, a pilot with more than a passing <The Four Winds= came out in early 2021 and
The tragedy that befalls Frankie is multilay- resemblance to Paul Newman? Maybe there9s was an immediate bestseller.
ered, though all of it can be traced back to the some kind of formula: If character X has Y I remember reading the book during that
moment she impulsively volunteers to be an amount of charm, he is 10 times more likely to bleak, isolated time. And while it destroyed
Army nurse in Vietnam. Before she knows die. When the goofy kid from Kentucky is me, it also awoke something that was 4 and
what9s happened, she9s 2nd Lt. Frances wheeled in, cracking jokes about the shrapnel continues to be 4 in short supply: empathy. It
Kevin lynch McGrath, arriving at a 400-bed hospital 60 lodged in his backside, a warning flashed in gave me a new appreciation for what everyday
Kristin Hannah9s heartbreaking stories miles from Saigon. Battling stomach distress my brain: Don9t get attached to this one. people from the past endured; it also gave me
are also reliable bestsellers. and sporting a positively medieval <regulation Which returns me to my original question. perspective for how my own micro-tragedies
panty girdle,= Frankie has no understanding of What is it about Hannah9s tragic tales that fit into the larger framework of history. Han-
what horrors await her. Her first full day keeps me coming back? It9s a doubly interest- nah tells the stories of real but unsung heroes,
in-country, after helicopters swoop in carrying ing query, I think, given reading trends since and when you consider that, the price of a few
dozens of gravely injured men, a medic hands the start of the covid pandemic. In 2020, sobs seems relatively small.
her a boot and, when Frankie realizes a foot is interest in romance novels skyrocketed. Sud- So where does <The Women= land on the
still inside, she vomits and then tells anyone denly, readers, reeling from the uncertainty of Kristin Hannah Cry-O-Meter? Is Frankie9s fate
who will listen that she9s made a huge mistake. simple existence, flocked to the guarantee of a as tragic as French resistance fighter Isabelle
<I shouldn9t be here,= she gasps. happy ending. Rossignol9s? Is there a single line 4 <Not my
A Hannah fan knows this part is nothing to Some of that popularity arose from Book- Leni= 4 that will get the waterworks going
worry about. This is the part in <The Great Tok 4 the bibliophile9s corner of TikTok 4 a years after reading it? I would love to tell you,
Alone= when Leni first moves off the grid to platform that helped novels by Ali Hazelwood, but my screen is getting inexplicably blurry.
Alaska and comprehends the true meaning of Sarah J. Maas and Elissa Sussman become
the term <harsh winter=; it9s the part in <The bestsellers. Stephanie merry is the deputy editor of Book
Four Winds= when Elsa heads west with her But BookTok is also a place where young World.
Cocooned during a nuclear war, the rich must eventually face the fallout
BY M ATTHEW K EELEY ground. The narrator9s affect is introspective fallen birds, lest the sight of a dead creature tion; this edition is the first American one. A
and anesthetized; <everything is still so new offend the guests or its lingering radiation new foreword by <Annihilation= author Jeff
n <Termush,= the Danish writer Sven that what happened can neither be compre- poison them. Even after a world-ending war, VanderMeer situates the book in Holm9s career
Call led
Share your love, DMV style police to
Forget to grab a Valentine9s card for your DMV lover? We9re not here to judge.
We9re here to help. Cut out your favorite card and stickers, grab a glue stick and put it
all together. You can find the stickers and 6 more cards if you turn the page.
affidaViT: caller
among charged
Gunfire over alleged drug
dispute killed 2-year-old
Holocaust survivor in Md. describes Revised arena bill limits Youngkin9s control
isolating experience of being stateless BY G REGORY S . S CHNEIDER
The vote was the first chance for
lawmakers to exert some control
part of the state and create a legal
marketplace for recreational mar-
over the $2 billion proposed proj- ijuana in exchange for the arena.
For a long any other. U.s. citizenship at birth because RICHMOND 4 A House of Del- ect, but the matter still has a long Youngkin9s office did not im-
moment, Henry <I thought I was all alone,= his father at the time was a egates committee on Friday ad- way to go in the General Assembly. mediately respond to a request for
Pachnowski sits in Pachnowski tells me on a recent diplomat with the embassy of vanced a plan for setting up a state The senate Finance and Appropri- comment on Lucas9s move, which
silence as he morning. <I had no idea there Iran. authority to oversee construction ations Committee had been ex- would not kill the arena plan as
considers how it were other people.= That letter left the Northern of a new home for the Wizards and pected to take up its version of the long as the House version remains
feels to live in the A few months ago, I shared Virginia doctor in shock. It also Capitals at Potomac Yard in Alex- bill Monday, but Chairwoman L. alive. Both chambers have been
Theresa U.s. as a person with you the story of an left him in legal limbo. He went andria, but with several changes Louise Lucas (D-Portsmouth) an- expected to negotiate details into
Vargas who is stateless. American-born doctor who from believing he was a U.s. to the deal that had been put for- nounced on social media saturday the final hours of the session be-
Then he offers ended up stateless at age 61. He citizen, and held the rights that ward by Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R). night that she would not docket fore adjournment March 9.
one word: <empty.= was born at a D.C. hospital and come with that, to not knowing The General Assembly would Youngkin9s proposal because it <is Youngkin, a former college bas-
The 83-year-old Maryland had been issued a birth when he might be able to travel take more control of the authority not ready for prime time.= ketball player, announced a plan
resident is a Holocaust survivor, certificate. But when he went to outside the country again, overseeing the project under the <This is what happens when in December with Ted Leonsis, the
and for most of his life he renew his passport, something whether he would be able to new proposal, transportation executive Branch doesn9t operate owner of Monumental sports &
thought his situation was he had previously done without continue practicing medicine or costs would be paid off with rev- in good faith and doesn9t have entertainment, to bring two ma-
unique. But in recent years, he encountering any problems, he if he would be eligible to receive enue from the arena, and extra respect for the Legislative jor professional sports teams to
has met other people like him received a letter from a state benefits from a social security money would be set aside each Branch,= Lucas wrote on X, for- a state that has none. The arena
who live in the United states but Department official informing system that he had paid into for year to cover maintenance, among merly Twitter. Lucas has been pub- would be the centerpiece of a
don9t belong to this country or him that he had not acquired see VARGAS oN C3 other changes. licly angling to lower tolls in her see ARenA oN C5
C2 eZ Re the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
Sticker sheet
emiLy WRigHT, agneS Lee, SHikHa SuBRamaniam, STePHanie HayS/THe WaSHingTOn POST; BiLL O9LeaRy/THe WaSHingTOn POST; amanda andRade-RHOadeS FOR THe WaSHingTOn POST; iSTOck
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re C3
Theresa Vargas
Fear has kept stateless people from speaking out. They are done staying silent.
VARGAS From C1 unacknowledged and thought much about his
unaddressed, and that more immigration status, until he was
decades. people needed to hear from in his 20s and a marijuana
After that column ran, I heard stateless individuals to possession charge caused him to
from many people who were understand what they were lose his green card. He says he
outraged by his situation and going through. would have been deported, but
surprised that officials weren9t <As constituents, we have been no country would claim him.
moving more quickly to rectify silent, living in the shadows, Instead, he spent most of his life
what seemed a unique injustice. unable to participate in without the protection and
I also heard from people who elections, and often too afraid to benefits that come with that
saw in his situation a reflection share our stories,= reads a page permanent U.S. residence status.
of their own. As they viewed it, on the organization9s website He says he worked for decades as
an injustice had occurred, but it that lists its goals. <We are a plumber and an antiques
was not unique. changing this NoW, for we Do dealer and was in his 60s when
<The exact same thing have a human right 4 as defined he realized he couldn9t collect
happened to me,= one person in Article 15(1) of the Universal Social Security.
wrote. Declaration of Human rights: It wasn9t until his 80s that he
<I am also a physician who had 8Everyone has the right to a finally started to receive Social
a similar experience,= another nationality9.= Security. He credits a professor
person wrote. The organization has and his students at the
<I too was stateless and faced advocated for federal legislation Immigrant Justice Clinic at
with the same immigration that would offer stateless people American University with
nightmare,= wrote yet another. more protection and a clearer making that happen. He says
People who were stateless path to citizenship. In 2022, Sen. they got the marijuana charge
described in their emails long, Ben Cardin (D-md.) and rep. expunged from his record and
frustrating legal fights that cost Jamie raskin (D-md.) helped him get his green card.
them money they didn9t have. introduced the Stateless In 2022, California Gov. Gavin
They talked about how their Protection Act, which would Newsom (D) also granted
status had kept them from family have achieved that. The Pachnowski a pardon for a 1967
members and forced them to maryland lawmakers are charge of lewd conduct as part of
limit their life choices. They expected to reintroduce it this an initiative aimed at taking on
spoke of their situations using year. historic homophobia in the
words such as <let down= Ambartsoumian-Clough is justice system. Pachnowski had
<punished= and <anguish.= hoping to see that legislation explained in his request for a
The details of their stories advance. So, too, is Henry pardon that he had <engaged
differed, but what each person Pachnowski. with consensual intimacy with a
Kevin Clough
seemed eager to convey was this: on the day we talk, male partner in a deserted
We exist. Henry Pachnowski, a Holocaust survivor who lives in Maryland, hugs Karina Ambartsoumian-Clough, Pachnowski apologizes several industrial area in his car and was
more than 200,000 executive director of United Stateless. <I thought I was all alone,= Pachnowski says of being stateless. times for getting emotional. one caught by a security guard who
individuals who live in the of those moments comes as he said we had gone against 8God
United States are estimated to be executive director of United because of discriminatory teenager when she realized she describes the day he arrived in and nature.9=
stateless or at risk of becoming Stateless, a grass-roots practices (including nations that was not recognized as a citizen in the U.S. with his mother. He says Pachnowski mentions the
stateless. Yet it remains an issue organization led by stateless won9t acknowledge female this country or in Ukraine. She his Polish parents were forced by pardon in a piece he wrote for
we don9t often hear about. A people, told me recently. <It is a children born to men who don9t said her father died stateless, Nazis into a labor camp in the Washington Blade. The title:
major reason is that the people violation of these people9s human claim them) and were born in and her mother remains Germany and his family later <U.S. should create path to
who are most affected by rights. Our human rights.= the United States to diplomats or stateless. lived in a displaced persons citizenship for 8stateless9 people
statelessness also have the most Ambartsoumian-Clough said parents who didn9t register their Ambartsoumian-Clough and camp. He was 11 when he arrived like me.=
to lose by speaking out about it. statelessness affects people who births. six other people founded United in New York. Pachnowski says he was
They don9t carry the protections were born here, brought here As she tells it, she became a Stateless in hopes of creating a <When we were coming over embarrassed at first to speak
that come with having and have sought refuge here. She <citizen of nowhere= when the space where stateless people on the boat and we entered the publicly about the charge, but he
citizenship 4 of this country or has met people who are stateless country where she was born could come together as a port,= Pachnowski starts to say realizes now that he is not alone.
any. because they came from dissolved. She was a child when community and find legal and before pausing to fight back <I struggled all my life,= he
<It9s a very lonely experience countries that no longer exist, her parents left Soviet Ukraine other support. The website they tears, <my mother hollered, says. <And there are a lot of
to go through this,= Karina were born in countries that and sought U.S. asylum, which created shows they recognized 8Look, there9s madam Liberty.9= people like myself. I just feel
Ambartsoumian-Clough, the didn9t recognize them as citizens they were later denied. She was a that the issue remained mostly Pachnowski says he never more people need to know that.=
Some sex obenders may be barred from earning credits to reduce sentences
earning diminution credits. ilarly referred to public officials9
The news of LaPere9s death set efforts in recent years to focus on
The proposal would off an uproar in Baltimore. Police rehabilitation through measures
target those serving time say Billingsley also broke into a other than incarceration while
home in the city9s Upton neigh- noting the exceptional circum-
for first-degree crimes borhood days earlier, raping a stances with sex crimes.
woman, dousing her and her <This type of crime, this type of
partner in alcohol, and setting offense, is different. And also the
BY S AM J ANESCH their residence ablaze. offender is different,= Braveboy
<Please, all of us, we need to said, mentioning U.S. Depart-
Two weeks after the family of prevent the violence in our soci- ment of Justice statistics that
Pava LaPere celebrated what ety through whatever means have shown those who commit
would have been the noted Balti- available,= LaPere9s mother, Caro- sex offenses have higher rates of
more entrepreneur9s 27th birth- line LaPere, said while testifying recidivism than others.
day, her parents settled in to a before the House Judiciary Com- <This should not have hap-
hearing room full of lawmakers mittee. pened,= Braveboy said. <She
and spoke of two everlasting The bill would prohibit people should be here with us today. But
missions 4 preserving their serving sentences for first-degree because she is not, it gives us an
daughter9s professional legacy rape or first-degree sexual of- opportunity to make things right
and preventing the kind of vio- fense from earning diminution in the law.=
lence that led to her death. credits to reduce their sentences. opponents of the bill include
<We cannot allow the system If passed, people convicted of Baltimore City9s District Public
that failed Pava to continue,= her those crimes could be released Defender marguerite Lanaux,
father, Frank LaPere, said during only if granted parole by the who said the change would affect
emotional testimony Tuesday be- maryland Parole Commission. only a <narrow= number of peo-
fore the House Judiciary Com- Under current law, people con- ple convicted of sex crimes who
mittee in Annapolis. victed of nonviolent offenses get have a release date.
<This loss is tragic and horrif- 10 days of credits for every Lanaux said removing the mo-
ic, and I firmly believe it could month they9re sentenced to and BriAn Witte/AP tivating factor of diminution
have been avoided.= those convicted of violent crimes Frank LaPere testifies at the General Assembly on Tuesday in Annapolis. His daughter, Pava LaPere, credits would reduce participa-
The bill he and others support get five days of credits per was killed in September. The man charged had been convicted of a first-degree sex offense in 2013. tion in opportunities to learn
would prevent people convicted month. skills needed upon their return.
of certain sex crimes from receiv- Correction officials can then also been outspoken about re- vote. that the credits are valuable <This bill will negatively im-
ing diminution credits, also add or subtract credits based on ducing the opportunity for incar- Individuals serving sentences motivating factors that, while pact individuals who will even-
known as <good time= credits, a variety of factors, such as cerated people to earn diminu- for crimes of violence 4 such as incentivizing prisoners to behave tually be back in the community,=
that allow them to reduce their whether the individual partici- tion credits. rape or murder 4 already earn well, also protect corrections offi- Lanaux said. <Diminution credits
sentences. pates in a work or educational republican legislative leaders diminution credits at lower rates cers. being removed will not prevent
Introduced last month with program. invoked LaPere in the months than other incarcerated people, But Bates also distinguished release. removing the practice of
the backing of key lawmakers Gov. Wes moore (D) has said after her death to say they sup- according to a legislative policy between what he described as offering diminution credits will
and the governor, it was named he supports the idea of the legis- port prohibiting the earning of analysis. potentially impulsive gun crimes not deter or prevent the possibili-
after LaPere, a prominent Balti- lation and indicated that he the credits for individuals con- Those serving sentences for and sex offenses that involve ty of violent crimes.=
more tech CEo who was killed in would sign the bill if it makes it to victed of first- or second-degree first- or second-degree rape in- more thought from the perpetra- In addition to moore9s pledged
September. his desk. murder and ensuring that dimi- volving a victim younger than 16, tor and are committed by people support, Sen. William C. Smith
Jason Billingsley, who is Baltimore mayor Brandon nution credits eliminate no more as well as individuals serving who are more difficult to help Jr. (D-montgomery), the Judicial
charged with murder in LaPere9s Scott and State9s Attorney Ivan than 10% of an aggregate sen- sentences for crimes that require through rehabilitation. Proceedings Committee Chair,
case, was previously convicted of Bates have also backed the legis- tence for crimes of violence. A bill registering as a sex offender for <I was a defense attorney [for] plans to introduce a companion
a first-degree sex offense, in 2013. lation, joining prime sponsor they introduced to that effect, the life, are already prohibited from 20 years. I shied away from these bill and Senate President Bill
He was sentenced to 30 years in Del. Elizabeth Embry (D-Balti- Safe Communities Act, was also earning the credits. cases for this very reason,= Bates Ferguson (D-Baltimore City) said
prison in that case, with all but 14 more City) in announcing the considered by lawmakers in the Bates, like other supporters, said. Tuesday he expected the bill to
years suspended, but was re- measure last month. All are Dem- committee hearing Tuesday. Nei- said he favors giving incarcerat- Prince George9s County State9s pass.
leased in october 2022 after ocrats, though republicans have ther bill has been scheduled for a ed people second chances and Attorney Aisha Braveboy (D) sim- 4 Baltimore Sun
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c4 eZ re the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
The region
This dog was trapped in a container bound for Dubai. Now she can be yours.
BY P RAVEENA sound of scratching against met-
S OMASUNDARAM al. When the container door was
opened, Connie9s nose poked out.
The moment Andrea Deoudes <I thought, 8What a <She walked out on her own
laid eyes on Connie, she resolved immediately,= reyes said. <She
to help find her a forever home. survivor to make it was very, very happy to see all of
Deoudes first saw photos of the us.=
2-year-old fluffy brown dog dur- through all of that.9= The shipping container was
ing a late-night facebook scroll. Andrea Deoudes, full of totaled vehicles and car
The pup had been dubbed <Con- founder of Forever Changed Animal parts, Chief Petty officer Corinne
nie the Container Dog= by U.S. rescue and temporary custodian Zilnicki, a Coast Guard spokes-
Coast Guard members who this of Connie woman, said in a statement. It9s
month found her trapped inside a not clear how Connie ended up in
shipping container stacked high the container, Zilnicki said, add-
in the air at the Port of Houston. said. <And there9s already five ing that she may have been living
Connie had been stuck in the puppies alive somewhere else in a junkyard and was accidental-
container without food and water that may be euthanized because ly loaded into the container.
for at least a week, according to they9re not going to be get on the way to an animal shel-
the Coast Guard. adopted.= ter in Pasadena, Tex., after the
Deoudes, the founder of the Coast Guard Petty officer 3rd rescue, reyes said Connie was in
maryland-based forever Class Jose reyes, who helped res- someone9s lap the whole ride.
Changed Animal rescue, figured cue Connie, said the dog9s barking <She just wanted to be pet the
offers to help Connie would be might9ve saved her from being entire time,= he said.
flooding in after the Coast shipped overseas. Johana murillo, the assistant
Guard9s now-viral rescue posts. He and three other Coast manager of the Pasadena Animal
But she and her colleagues still Guard members happened to Shelter, said Connie had no mi-
tried, and on Tuesday, Connie hear her during a routine inspec- crochip and needed to be treated
arrived by plane to Virginia, tion. Normally, they would have for heartworm. They gave her
where she is now staying with skipped that section of the vaccinations and flea- and tick-
Deoudes. Houston-area terminal, but car prevention medication but real-
Now, her goal is to find Connie trouble caused them to stop near ized she required more care,
a safe home in the D.C. area. Connie9s container, reyes said. As murillo said.
<I thought, 8What a survivor to soon as they stopped, reyes and That same day, the Pasadena
make it through all of that,9= said his colleagues heard barking. Animal Shelter received an email
Deoudes, who also works as a minutes passed, and the barks from Deoudes9s colleague offer-
veterinarian. continued. The Coasties frantical- ing to care for Connie. The Texas
Staff treated Connie like a ly tried to find the source, reyes shelter quickly agreed and Con-
celebrity when she arrived at recalled. finally, realizing the nie was flown out to Virginia on
Deoudes9s office Tuesday. Every- only direction they hadn9t looked Tuesday.
one wanted to greet the <Contain- was up, they determined the forever Changed Animal res-
er Dog= and snap photos with her. noise was coming from a contain- cue will care for Connie until her
During an initial exam, er stacked about 25 feet in the air. heartworm treatment is complete
Deoudes found that Connie9s The container was bound for and she gives birth to her litter,
thick fur coat had hidden her Dubai, he said. which will also be closely moni-
malnourishment. There was an- <That was our moment of 8oh tored in the coming weeks. Then
other surprise, too: An ultra- no, we should probably do some- the dogs will all be put up for
sound revealed that the dog was thing about this,9= reyes said. adoption in the DmV, barring
pregnant. The Coast Guard members major health concerns.
<While it seems like a really alerted port officials, who <We know we will find her an
happy thing, it9s also tough be- brought in a crane to start moving amazing home,= Deoudes said.
cause let9s say she has five pup- containers. When the container AnDreA DeouDeS <It9s going to be tough because
pies 4 those are five dogs that will with the dog was lowered, the After at least a week stuck inside a shipping container, Connie was rescued on Jan. 31 by the U.s. Coast we9re going to receive a million
be adopted into homes,= Deoudes barking got louder along with the guard. the 2-year-old dog is now under the care of a Maryland-based animal rescue organization. applications.=
The DisTricT ruled a homicide. Authorities and K streets NW has been ruled the ground by the suspect and hit andria, the police report lists
said they have not made an not criminal. his head on the pavement,= the him as living in fairfax County.
Amended bill on planned Alexandria arena project heads to full Virginia House
aRena from C1 the project, which calls for $1.5 as negotiations move forward. <We
billion in publicly issued bonds to always reserve the right to take off
12-acre mixed-use complex with a be paid back over 40 years with a that enactment clause,= Del. David
concert hall, underground park- combination of sources: state and L. Bulova (D-fairfax) said during
ing, a conference center, a Wizards local tax receipts from the project, the committee meeting.
practice facility, and monumen- parking revenue, rent payments The revised bill would also prior-
tal9s corporate offices and media from monumental, and the pro- itize using excess revenue from the
studio. ceeds from the eventual sale of project to pay back money spent on
Pitching the potentially legacy- naming rights for the sports and the transportation infrastructure.
making plan at the midpoint of his entertainment district, though otherwise, half of any money that
governorship, with both cham- not for the arena itself. Included in flows back to the state would be
bers of the General Assembly un- the taxes would be a new 10 per- directed into the general fund 4 to
der Democratic control, Youngkin cent state ticket tax that would be used as lawmakers and the gov-
says it would generate $12 billion apply only to that site. ernor see fit 4 and half into the
of economic impact and create monumental would contribute Virginia Housing Trust fund.
30,000 jobs around the state. $403 million upfront. The state It would set aside $7 million a
one key change from the pro- would provide $110 million in on- year, with 2 percent annual in-
posal negotiated by Youngkin, the site infrastructure improvements creases, to cover maintenance, op-
city of Alexandria and monumen- and $200 million in transporta- erational and capital costs for the
tal: The House version of the en- tion funding through a separate arena. And the proposal stipulates
abling legislation calls for expand- agreement between Virginia and that any cost overruns would be
ing the new Virginia Sports and Alexandria that has yet to be nego- the responsibility of monumental.
Entertainment Authority to 15 tiated. Alexandria and monumen- The House bill also requires
members from nine, and gives tal would each contribute $106 monumental to feature Virginia-
more power to the General Assem- million toward building the con- made products at the arena and to
bly to appoint its members. cert venue and parking garage. host at least three intercollegiate
Under Youngkin9s original bill, members of the committee did sporting events every year.
carried by Del. Luke E. Torian (D- not debate the bill, and on a busy The bill next goes to the full
John McDonnell/the Washington Post
Prince William), chairman of the friday night allotted only 10 min- House, where it will be subject to
powerful House Appropriations utes total for supporters and oppo- Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R), right, with Ted Leonsis, the owner of Monumental Sports & debate and possible amendments
Committee, the governor would nents in the audience to speak. entertainment, in December at an event to announce plans for an arena in alexandria. before being voted on. All legisla-
appoint six members of the au- While a representative from mon- tion is supposed to pass the cham-
thority and the city of Alexandria umental, two Alexandria City be horrendous.= affairs, also attended the commit- in the project. friday9s proposal ber by Tuesday, which is <cross-
would appoint the other three. Council members and the head of State finance Secretary Ste- tee meeting and said she came was <the first step in a process of over= 4 the deadline for sending
Torian9s new version of the bill, the Virginia Economic Develop- phen E. Cummings, who put to- away encouraged. <We9ve been working to ensure we receive the House bills to the Senate and Sen-
which advanced out of committee ment Partnership spoke in favor, gether the financing package and very pleased to date with the best deal possible for the citizens ate bills to the House.
friday on a 17-3 vote, would let the several Alexandria residents in attended friday9s committee amount of consideration, the hard of the commonwealth,= he said Differences between any bills
legislature appoint five members, <Stop the arena= shirts told the meeting, said he didn9t have a work, particularly among the staff friday in presenting his new ver- passed by the House and Senate
the governor five, Alexandria lawmakers it was a bad deal. comment on the changes pro- here. So we9ll take a look at it and sion of the bill. would be ironed out in conference
three, and monumental and near- <Virginia taxpayers & are on the posed by the House. <I need to don9t expect that we9ll have any It includes a reenactment committee.
by Arlington County would ap- hook for paying off this enormous study it. I haven9t seen it yet,= major concerns,= Dixon said. clause, which means the General <first step in a process,= Dixon
point one member each. debt,= former Alexandria vice may- Cummings said. Torian had said in recent days Assembly would have to pass the said friday, pointing out that she
The bill would not substantially or Andrew macdonald told the monica Dixon, monumental9s that he was looking for ways to bill again next year to put it into hadn9t heard anything about the
change the funding proposed for committee. <Traffic impacts will president and head of external better safeguard Virginia9s stake effect 4 a powerful bargaining tool bill9s status in the Senate.
ellen Gilchrist, 88
Tuesday, Feb. 13 on Washington Post Live: Improving women9s heart health and cardiovascular care
More than 60 million women in the United states are living with some form of heart disease, including arrhythmia, heart failure
and coronary artery disease. on tuesday, Feb. 13 at 9:00 a.m. et, join Washington Post Live during american heart Month for
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C6 eZ Re the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
CArl Andre, 88
Austere sculptor, minimalist saw his career stall after murder allegations
BY H ARRISON S MITH Asked by one visitor whether death, Mr. Andre theorized to the
he was attempting an elaborate magazine that his wife, who stood
Carl Andre, who helped trans- prank, Mr. Andre demurred. <I <barely five feet,= lost her balance
form the art of sculpture through may be putting myself on,= he said while reaching up to try to close
his floorbound arrangements of during a visit to Hartford. <If I9m the bedroom window during a
granite, metal, timber and brick, deceiving you, then I9ve deceived balmy night that had abruptly
and who became a polarizing fig- myself. It9s possible.= turned cool.
ure in the art world after he was At times, Mr. Andre seemed to A few years later, when asked
accused and later acquitted of be as unorthodox as his sculp- by the Times about the impact
murdering his wife, Cuban Amer- tures. He espoused Marxist politi- that her death had on his life, he
ican artist Ana Mendieta, died cal theories, railing against com- was brief but direct. <It didn9t
Jan. 24 at a hospice facility in New mercial forces that made him <a change my view of the world or of
York. He was 88. kept artist of the imperial class.= my work,= he said, <but it changed
A spokesperson for the Paula He grew a full beard and shoul- me, as all tragedy does.=
Cooper Gallery in Manhattan, der-length hair. He dressed exclu- The youngest of three children,
which represented him, con- sively in bib overalls, explaining Carl George Andre was born in
firmed his death but did not cite a that the garment was the only Quincy, Mass., on Sept. 16, 1935.
specific cause. thing that reliably fit over his His father, a Swedish immigrant,
Across his nearly seven-decade belly. designed freshwater plumbing
career, Mr. Andre was a sculptor His bohemian image only systems for ships. His mother was
as well as a poet, creating more seemed to enhance his stature in an office manager turned home-
than 2,000 sculptures and about the art world, where he reigned as maker.
as many poems, many of them one of the nation9s most intrigu- Mr. Andre said he <got the art
experimental pieces that he re- ing sculptors 4 <the high priest of craze= while studying on a schol-
ferred to as <typewriter draw- Minimal,= as art critic Peter arship at Phillips Academy prep
ings.= His work was cool and Schjeldahl once put it 4 while school in Andover, Mass., where
serene, employing ready-made regularly exhibiting at major mu- he holed up in the school studio to
materials arranged in austere seums. paint in his free time. He briefly
geometric forms, and helped fuel That began to change after the attended Kenyon College in Ohio
the minimalist reaction to ab- early morning of Sept. 8, 1985, 4 the school had shoddy art facil-
stract expressionism and 20th- when his third wife, Mendieta, ities, he recalled, so he stopped
century sculpture more broadly. plunged to her death at age 36, going to class 4 and went home to
Although he started out mak- falling from a bedroom window coPYRiGHt cARL ANdRe/LiceNSed BY VAGA/PHoto: BiLL JAcoBSoN Studio, New YoRk Quincy, where he worked in a
ing monumental constructions in their 34th-floor apartment in ABOVE: Uncarved Blocks, Vancouver, 1975, a sculpture by Carl Andre, whose minimalist art factory and saved enough money
and elevated wood carvings, Mr. Greenwich Village. The couple used geometric forms that tended to be arranged horizontally and low to the ground, as to travel to London. While there,
Andre made his name in the mid- had married eight months earlier, opposed to installations that were placed on pedestals BELOW: Andre with Radial Arm Saw- he stayed with an aunt who took
1960s with works that were reso- to the surprise of friends who had Cut Sculptures, 1959-1960. Andre created about 2,000 sculptures and about as many poems. him to Stonehenge. The trip
lutely horizontal 4 as level as the followed their turbulent relation- helped inspire his vocation as a
rails that he traversed as a one- ship from its beginning in the late sculptor.
time freight conductor and brake- 1970s through public shouting After a stint in the Army, Mr.
man, and as flat as the lake that he matches and a months-long sepa- Andre moved to New York City in
canoed during a pivotal summer ration. 1957. He began making wooden
in New Hampshire. <My wife is an artist, and I9m an sculptures the next year, wielding
<My ideal piece of sculpture is a artist, and we had a quarrel about a saw or chisel to craft timber
road,= he liked to say. the fact that I was more, eh, pieces that, with their geometric
For his sculpture <Lever,= exposed to the public than she patterns and rigorous internal
which brought him to promi- was,= Mr. Andre said in a taped 911 logic, drew comparisons to the
nence in 1966 when it was exhib- call after Mendieta9s death. <And work of Stella, the painter whose
ited at the Jewish Museum in she went to the bedroom, and I studio he shared.
Manhattan, he lined up a single went after her, and she went out For a few years, he supported
row of firebricks against a wall, the window.= his art-making by working for the
137 in all. Within a few years he Mr. Andre later told police that Pennsylvania Railroad. He had
had launched his <Plains= and he was not in the room when she his first solo show in 1965, with an
<Squares= series, crafting check- fell. He was arrested the night of arrangement of nine-foot-long
erboard sculptures made of steel, Mendieta9s death, jailed on Rikers plastic foam beams and girders
aluminum, zinc and magnesium Island and charged with second- that filled the Tibor de Nagy Gal-
plates. Viewers were encouraged degree murder. A group of dealers lery in New York, and his first
to walk across each piece, regis- and friends, including artist retrospective in 1970, at the Solo-
tering changes in texture and Frank Stella, helped him post the mon R. Guggenheim Museum on
sound. $250,000 bail. the Upper East Side. His last
<Through fairly straightfor- After three years of highly pub- large-scale sculpture,
ward means, Mr. Andre re- licized legal proceedings, Mr. An- <5VCEDAR5H,= an assembly of 10
thought what sculpture tradition- dre was acquitted in a nonjury cedar blocks, was exhibited in
ally was, how it worked,= the New trial in 1988. But the case contin- 2022 at Paula Cooper Gallery.
York Times art critic Holland Cot- ued to divide the art world, as Mr. Andre9s first two marriag-
ter wrote in 2014, reviewing a Mendieta9s family, friends and al- es, to Barbara Brown, a school-
retrospective of the sculptor9s lies remained convinced that Mr. teacher, and Rosemarie Castoro, a
work at Dia Beacon in the Hudson Andre had thrown her out the fellow minimalist, ended in di-
Valley. <He dispensed with the window. The family said that vorce. Survivors include his
conventional formal skills. He Mendieta, a sculptor, painter and fourth wife, artist Melissa L.
eliminated the illusion of perma- video and performance artist who Kretschmer, and a sister.
nence, the essence of monumen- had won a Guggenheim grant in When asked about the nature
tal. And he got rid of pedestals, 1980, had been planning to di- of his work, whether there was
the enshrining elevations that set vorce Mr. Andre. They also argued some higher meaning he was try-
sculpture apart from the world.= that a fear of heights would have ing to express, Mr. Andre was
Early on, his work frequently kept her far from the window. equivocal.
inspired more confusion than re- For years after the trial, New <Yes, art is expressive, but it is
spect. When the Tate Gallery in York museums refrained from expressive of that which can be
Britain acquired his 1966 sculp- mounting one-man shows of Mr. expressed in no other way,= he
ture <Equivalent VIII,= a rectan- Andre9s work. The Guerrilla Girls, told Art Forum in 1970. As he saw
gular arrangement of 120 bricks, a feminist art collective, issued a it, minimalism was really about
conservative critics accused the poster calling him <the O.J. of the eliminating the extraneous, in-
museum of wasting taxpayers9 art world.= When Dia Beacon or- cluding cultural references and
money on a <pile of bricks.= One ganized its 2014 retrospective, other suggestions of meaning 4
visitor tossed a bucket of blue dye more than a dozen poets, artists <things that seem to have some-
on the exhibit. and activists organized a <public thing to do with art but don9t have
Mr. Andre9s 1977 installation cry-in,= weeping in the museum. anything to do with art at all.=
<Stone Field Sculpture,= an out- Some shouted <We wish Ana <You have to really rid yourself
door sculpture of three-dozen Mendieta was still alive!= as they of those securities and certainties
boulders that was commissioned were escorted out by guards. and assumptions and get down to
for a public park in Hartford, <It is hard to think of an artist something which is closer and
Conn., drew the ire of local resi- whose career has been so affected resembles some kind of blank-
dents who questioned how he by circumstances that have noth- ness,= he continued. <Then one
could call it art. <It9s just a bunch ing to do with his art,= journalist must construct again out of this
of rocks, little kids could do that,= and art critic Calvin Tomkins reduced circumstance. That9s an-
said the mayor, who declared that wrote in 2011, profiling Mr. Andre coPYRiGHt cARL ANdRe/ARtiStS RiGHtS SocietY/PHoto: HoLLiS FRAmPtoN other way, perhaps, of an art
the sculptor had brought <inter- for the New Yorker. poverty; one has to impoverish
national ridicule= to the city. Looking back on Mendieta9s one9s mind.=
Stewart 11800 New Hampshire Ave (includes Just a Simple
Cremation. Funeral 3401 Bladensburg Road
Funeral Home Inc. Silver Spring, MD 20904 home chapels add9l.)
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by Value Choice, P.A. Woodbine, Md. (Rockville location only)
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C7
SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Talbot Chambers Mack, beloved father, Howell Crawford Sasser, Sr, passed away 202-334-4122
MAY 13, 1939 - JANUARY 29, 2024 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
and teacher, left this life on January 28, Llewellyn Patrick Pascoe, 84, died peace- unexpectedly on February 1, 2024 in Me-
2024. He died peacefully at home with his chanicsburg, PA at the age of 86. He was EMAIL:
fully at home after a long illness. He was
family in The Plains, Virginia. born in Des Moines, Iowa and grew up in a retired US Army Colonel and a priest of
Tal was born on March 5, 1940 in New York Denver, Colorado where he attended East the Church of England. Through a long mil-
City. He grew up in New Canaan, Connecti- itary career, he served twice in Vietnam, Email and faxes MUST include
High School. After graduation, he attended name, home address & home phone #
cut, and attended Phillips Exeter Academy Columbia University (B.A.), establishing his in West Berlin, as the defense attaché in of the responsible billing party.
(857) and Princeton University (861) before love of big cities, and the Fletcher School the US embassies in Somalia and Cyprus, Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
joining the United States Navy in 1962, of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University and as the NATO liaison ofûcer in the Greek Phone-In deadline
serving as ûrst lieutenant on a minesweep- (M.A.). Ministry of Defense. As a priest, he served 4 p.m. M-F
er. Upon leaving the Navy, Tal worked as an His education and passion for international many congregations, including St John9s, 3 p.m. Sa-Su
editor for Addison-Wesley Publishing Com- relations led to his ûrst post with the Trea- Montreux, Switzerland, and St James9s,
pany. Moving to Virginia in 1971, he earned sury Department in Paris. Returning home Porto, Portugal. At his retirement from CURRENT 2023 RATES:
a master9s degree in education from Virgin- to Washington, DC between assignments active ministry he was the Archdeacon of (PER DAY)
ia Polytechnic Institute and embarked on he met the love of his life, Mary Virginia Gibraltar. He was an avid coin collector, art-
his long teaching career. Teaching ûrst in Gibb. They married in 1971. She shared his ist, amateur historian, and genealogist. In MONDAY-SATURDAY
the Fauquier County Public School sys- adventurous spirit and for many years they retirement he became active in the Amer- Black & White
tem, then at Powhatan School, he found lived abroad in Saigon, Mexico City and ican Priory of the Most Venerable Order of 1" - $160 (text only)
his permanent home at The Hill School in Rome where Patrick was the U.S. Treasury St John of Jerusalem (the Hospitallers) and 2" - $370 (text only)
Middleburg, Virginia. At Hill he taught En- was made a Knight of the Order in 2017. 3" - $525
DR. DARA S. AFSHAR CHARLES FISKE DUDLEY III (Age 99) Attache. He was gifted with languages and 4" - $575
glish, writing, history, founded Calliope, the enjoyed learning about and living in differ- He is survived by Elaine, his wife of 58
Dr. Dara S. Afshar, 89, passed away peace- On Sunday, February 4, 2024, school9s literary magazine, and coached years; children Howell, Jr, and Alexandra 5" - $725
fully on Friday, February 2, 2024, in Tam- of Kensington, MD. Proud ent parts of the world. ------
sports for over 40 years. In retirement, Patrick continued his inter- Hall (Robert); and grandchildren, Grace Hall
pa, Florida, surrounded by his family. He is 1943 graduate of St. John9s and Joseph Hall. A memorial service will SUNDAY
After school or during the summers, Tal ests researching genealogy, playing tennis Black & White
survived by his wife of sixty years Christa, College High School. Beloved could most reliably be found running for be held at Bethany Village in Mechanics-
his son Steven Afshar, and his daughters husband of the late Barbara and golf, traveling and spending time in 1"- $191 (text only)
long distances on the back roads around Blue Ridge Summit, PA. burg at 11 a.m. on Saturday, February 24. 2" - $405 (text only)
Touran Waters and Martina Reiss, and their S. Dudley; father of Nancy D. his farm, weeding his vegetable garden Interment will be at Arlington Cemetery at 3" - $580
families. Dr. Afshar practiced obstetrics Belmore, Susan Dudley Dietrich (Charlie), He is preceded in death by his parents,
while smoking a cigar, or sitting at the Donald and Marjorie Pascoe, brother Mon- a later date. 4" - $610
and gynecology for 39 years, with privi- Richard S. Dudley (Ruthie), and Norman C. kitchen table with a cup of coffee revis- 5" - $790
leges at Sibley Memorial Hospital, George- Dudley; grandfather of Michael, Chad, Lau- te Pascoe and nephew WIlliam Pascoe.
ing a draft of his most recent poem. He is He is survived by his wife, Virginia; sister-
town University Hospital, and Holy Cross ra, Jessica, and Dana; great-grandfather of survived by Catherine, his wife of 48 years, 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
Hospital. He loved practicing medicine, and Abigail, Christopher, Brooks, and Ford. Pri- in-law, Patricia Pascoe, brother-in-law,
six children, and nine grandchildren. He is Peter Gibb; niece Sarah Pascoe (Mark), $160 each additional inch Mon - Sat
he will be greatly missed by his family and vate Graveside Service at Gate of Heaven also survived by his sister, Lucy G. Mack, $191 each additional inch Sunday
friends. A memorial service will be held in Cemetery, Silver Spring, MD. Memorial con- nephew Edward Pascoe, great nephew --------------------
and sister-in-law, Barbara A. Gerlach. He is Max, and their families, and caregiver Eliz-
the Washington, DC area at a later date. In tributions may be made to St. John9s Col- predeceased by his brother, John H. Mack, MONDAY-SATURDAY
lieu of ûowers, donations can be made to lege High School at abeth Shiloh. Patrick was a loyal friend to Color
and ûrst wife, Mary Tayloe Mack. many throughout his life and will be dearly 3" - $670
the American Lung Association. A celebration of Tal9s life will be held at missed for his wonderful stories, dry sense 4" - $725
The Hill School9s Dornin Science Center on of humor and joie de vivre! 5" - $885
April 27. In lieu of ûowers, memorial gifts Service will be March 8, 11 a.m. at All ------
can be made to the Piedmont Environmen- Saints Church, Chevy Chase. SUNDAY
tal Council, Windy Hill Foundation, and The Color
Hill School of Middleburg, Virginia. 3" - $710
4" - $810
5" - $985
Navy where she was involved in procure- All notices over 2" include
ment contracting of cargo ships. complimentary memorial plaque
DEATH NOTICE she and David traveled extensively, includ- February 19, 2024 PLEASE NOTE:
ing a trip to Greece to visit the village of ELISABETH RAYMOND <Betsy=
Stemnitsa, where her father was born. MICHELE ANN MILLER
Michele Ann Miller of Falls Church, VA Elisabeth <Betsy= (Rucker) Wayland Ray- 11 a.m. ~ 3 p.m. Notices must be placed via phone or
passed away peacefully surrounded by mond (Age 83) passed away peacefully on email. Photos must be emailed. You can
Stella was the loving mother of Robert Tuesday, January 16, 2024 in Alexandria,
BEIM (Amy), Peter, and Chris (Rebecca) and de-
voted YiaYia to Nathaniel, Grace, Jesse and
family on January 20, 2024. She was born
in 1944 in Fairûeld, IA, and lived in North- Virginia. Betsy was born in Clarksburg,
WV on February 26, 1940. She was the Photo Deadline:
no longer place notices, drop off photos
and make payment in person.
Payment must be made via phone with
ern VA most of her life. Michele was a
Elisha Gibbs. Her beloved husband David
passed away in 2022. Additionally, she is devoted and cherished daughter, sister, daughter of Marshall and Betty Rucker and
sister of Sally (Rucker) Hornick. She was a
1 p.m. debit/credit card.
preceded in death by her brothers Anthony aunt, and friend to many. A gentle loving
spirit to her core, Michele9s zest for life devoted mother, sister, aunt, grandmother,
and John Trembelas and her parents Panos church member and overall loving and ad-
and family was contagious. She was also
and AlkinoiTrembelas (Kontarakies).
quite the entrepreneur with a very suc- mired friend, who will be forever missed.
Betsy enjoyed a long, successful career
Visitation will be at Pumphrey Funeral cessful and rewarding career. A pioneering
business woman, Michele started her ca- as a Social Worker and Child Therapist at
Home, 300 W. Montgomery Ave., Rockville, her practice in Springûeld, VA. She was a
MD on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 from reer as a receptionist for the US Savings &
Loan League working her way up to VP of voracious reader who enjoyed walking her To place a notice,
4 to 7 p.m. Service will be at Sts. Constan- dogs, traveling, and attending art events
tine & Helen Church, 701 Norwood Rd., Administration for 20 years. Michele also
owned and operated a ûne dining restau- with her many friends. Betsy is survived call:
Silver Spring, MD 20905 on Thursday, Feb-
ruary 15, 2024 at 11 a.m. Interment Gate of rant, BeDuCi, in Washington, DC for many
years. Michele worked up until the time
by sons Matthew Wayland (Jennifer) and
Mark Wayland (Jamie) and grandchildren 202-334-4122
Heaven Cemetery.
of her death most recently as a Project Parker, Landon, Vivi and Harper. In lieu of
ûowers, donations can be made to the
Expediter with the DCRA in Washington,
Please visit and sign the family guestbook
at: DC. Michele so dearly loved cooking, ûne Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, in
Alexandria, VA. A Memorial Service will be
Ext. 4-4122 dining, ûowers, the local Washington ball
teams, and spending time with her family held on Thursday, February 29, at Goodwin
and friends. In lieu of ûowers, a donation House Alexandria, 4800 Fillmore Avenue. A
may be made to a charity of the donor9s private burial will be held at the Episcopal
choice. A celebration of her life and memo- Church of the Resurrection.
ALEXANDER BEIM rial service will be held at a later date.
Beloved husband and father passed away
on November 24, 2023. Born September
15, 1937 in Riga, Latvia, to Joseph and Ane- GREENE MOSSMAN
la (Januskevics) Beim. Preceded in death
by his son Peter and wife Judith. Survived FUNDERBURK
by son Alex (Deena); daughter-in-law Kay;
granddaughters Brittany (Taylor) and Kira; CYNTHIA MOSSMAN breast cancer research. He served two
and brother George (Caterina). Visitation at Cynthia Mossman (nee Gillis),
of Baltimore, Maryland, passed years as Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Everly Funeral Home, 6161 Leesburg Pike, at HUCM from 1972-1974 and remained
Falls Church, VA on Tuesday, February 13 away on Monday, February
5, 2024, at the age of 73. She active in HUCM9s Alumni Association his
at 5 to 8 p.m. Burial at Arlington National entire life. Bill maintained teaching status
Cemetery on February 14 at 11 a.m. More is survived by her long time
partner, James White; children, at HUCM, Washington Hospital Center and
details at Providence Hospital where he was award- Mark (Suelene) Hanson, Roderick Pullen,
Jr., Jeanna PullenGibson, Marc Krause, ed the Caregiver Award in 2013 as a Breast
Sara Mossman (ûancee Erica Allseitz), and Health Champion and served as Chief of
Jacob Mossman; siblings, Jumary West, Surgery from 2000-2002. Bill was devoted
BOTTS Patrick (late Roslyn) Gillis, Marshal (Ritsu-
ko) Gillis, and Bonita (Anthony) Espenosa;
to his patients, and they thrived under his
expert care.
grandchildren, Christopher Pullen, Ryan
RAFE RICHARD BOTTS Bagby-Hanson, Dorion Hanson, Ki Pullen- Bill co-founded the Center for Ambula-
On Thursday, January 11, 2024. He is sur- Gibson, Sydney PullenGibson, Alex Hanson, tory Surgery, Inc. (CASI) in 1977, the ûrst
vived by son Jeremy, daughter Jessica and Christyanna Hanson, Johnathon Hanson, free-standing ambulatory surgery center in
their mother Valerie and a daughter Lisa; and Nathanial Hanson; and great-grand- DEATH NOTICE Washington, DC, and continued as a survey-
or for the Accreditation Association for Am-
a sister Thelma and brother Stanley. Pre- children, Lilly and Luna Bagby. Cynthia was
deceased by his parents Horace, Sr. and predeceased by her parents, Gloria and bulatory Health Care for 30 years.
Gladys and ûve brothers and two sisters.
He was a golf professional from D.C. start-
On Sunday, January 21, 2024, Margie Zoi-
Lafayette Gillis. ROSENTHAL Bill9s greatest life9s pleasure was his family.
ing at Langston Golf Course and competing la Greene passed away peacefully at The Services at Sol Levinson9s Chapel, 8900 WILLIAM W. FUNDERBURK MD, FACS He married Marilyn Bush in 1960 and was
worldwide for over 50 years. A memorial Charleston Senior Community in Waldorf, Reisterstown Road, Pikesville, MD 21208,
SELMA ZELDA ROSENTHAL August 26, 1931 3 February 1, 2024 blessed with a son and two daughters. In
is planned at Langston to be determined. MD at the age of 99. Prior to moving to On Wednesday, February 7, 13 years, he never missed a father/daugh-
on Monday, February 12, 2024, at 3:30 2024, Zelda Rosenthal of Sil-
The Charleston in 2023, Margie resided at p.m. Please omit ûowers. Contributions in William W. Funderburk, MD, died peacefully ter ûeld day or dinner. He enthusiastically
the St. Paul Sr. Living Community in Capi- ver Spring, MD. Beloved wife at the age of 92 surrounded by his family on cheered for his son9s football and crew
her memory may be sent to St. Judes Chil- of the late Stanley Rosenthal;
tol Heights, MD. Margie is survived by her dren9s Hospital or the Baltimore Humane Thursday, February 1, 2024, at his home in teams. He was a doting grandfather to his
son Ernest Bersienne and a host of nieces mother of Sharon Siegel (Ar- Washington, DC. three grandchildren. He enjoyed traveling
Society. nie Spevack), Lorie Levin, and
and nephews. Margie has been a long- with his children and grandchildren in the
time member of Jones Memorial United Carol (Daniel) Schwartz; Grandma of Mer- Bill (affectionately known as <Fundy=) was U.S. and abroad including trips to France and
Methodist Church in SE, Washington, DC. yl (Eric) Satler, Evan (Dolores) Siegel, Ross born in Lancaster, South Carolina on August Greece as well as a 50th wedding anniversa-
Her services are being held on Monday, (Whitney) Levin, Emily Levin (Kevin), Eric 26, 1931. Bill and his six younger siblings all ry trip to Italy. Bill loved being active, includ-
February 12, 2024, at Marshall-March Fu- (Rebecca) Schwartz, Stacy Schwartz (Josh attended Mather Academy in Camden, SC. ing jogging and cycling in Rock Creek Park,
neral Home, 4308 Suitland Road, 20746. Mitnick), Erica and Alex (Liliane) Spevack; Bill was the only African American Eagle swimming, and hiking. A medical mission in
The viewing is at 10 a.m. followed by the great-grandmother of Blake, Benjamin, Scout from South Carolina chosen to attend 1999 to Nepal morphed into a trek up the
funeral service at 11 a.m. Gideon, Dylan, Chloe, Paige, Miles, Sunny, the 8th World Boy Scout Jamboree in Mois- Mt. Everest trail beyond Base Camp to Ka-
Olivia and Asher; sister of Arnold Feldman son, France in 1947. lapatur at 18,400 feet. In his later years, he
and the late Freda Koen and the late Ruth walked consistently and passionately tend-
Bresler. Graveside service will be held at Bill graduated Magna Cum Laude from John- ed his cherished garden and ûg tree.
Mount Lebanon Cemetery, Adelphi, MD son C. Smith University in 1952 where he
on Sunday, February 11, 2024 at 12 noon. served as President of Beta Kappa Pi Scien- Bill is survived by his wife, Marilyn, children
The family will be receiving at the home tiûc Society, Editor of the University Student William W. Funderburk, Jr., Julie Funderburk
of Lorie Levin in Silver Spring, MD imme- and was a member of the Omega Psi Phi (Brad Johnson) and Christina Funderburk
diately following the service, until 8 p.m., Fraternity. Bill graduated from Howard Uni- Lingelbach (John); three grandchildren, Ca-
KREMER with minyan at 4 p.m. Shiva will resume
on Monday, February 12, 2024 from 3 to 5
versity College of Medicine (HUCM) in 1956
where he was inducted into the Alpha Ome-
sey and Julia Lingelbach and Claire Funder-
burk; his sister, Louilyn Funderburk Hargett
p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. with minyan at 7 p.m. ga Alpha Honor Medical Society and lent and numerous treasured nieces and neph-
Memorial contributions may be made to his beautiful singing voice to the medical ews.
Montgomery Hospice, 1355 Piccard Drive, school9s barbershop quartet. Bill was one of
DEATH NOTICE Suite 100, Rockville MD 20850 (montgome- Services entrusted to Sagel
the ûrst African American surgeons to serve
a two-month tour as a volunteer physician
Per Bill9s wishes, no memorial service is
being held. Donations can be made in the
Bloomûeld Danzansky Goldberg Funeral in Vietnam in 1967. He went on to become name of William W. Funderburk, MD to the
an Associate Professor of Surgery at HUCM
while practicing with a prestigious surgical
Howard University Medical Alumni Associ-
partnership focused on breast health and
Passed away on February 6, 2024. Beloved
son of Allan and Kim Brown; husband BAUMGARTNER
of Christina M. Brown; father of Cassan-
dra and Sophia Brown; Brother of Robert
Brown and Samantha Ward (Matthew); un- and nephews.
cle of Carsen Ward; grandson of Dorothy He graduated from the Virginia Military Insti- Hill Farm, which he bought in 1998 in his
Keene and the late Robert Keene, Robert tute in 1966 with a degree in history, though hometown of Washington, VA. There you
Brown, Margaret Anglin and Richard Col- he spent most of his time in the engineering could catch him riding his tractor, mowing
lins. Rick is also survived by many loving building. He was commissioned as an ofû- grass, or hosting events. John generously
aunts, uncles and cousins. cer and served in the Vietnam War in the 1st gave back to his community, with both his
Infantry Division, earning a Bronze Star. He service and his resources.
Visitation on Thursday, February 15, 2024 later switched to the Signal Corps, spending He was preceded in death by his parents,
from 5 to 7 p.m. in PUMPHREY9S COLO- BRUCE EARL KREMER his Army career working with radio and oth- Loring and Ada Mae Anderson; siblings, Lor-
NIAL FUNERAL HOME, 300 W. Montgomery Bruce Earl Kremer (86), of Silver Spring, er communications. He married his wife Bet- ing Anderson Jr., Virginia Herold, Grace All-
Avenue, Rockville, MD. Service on Friday, MD, passed away on January 27, 2024. ty at Fort Bragg (now Fort Liberty) in 1968. man and Donald Anderson.
February 16, 2024 at 11 a.m. in St. Francis Bruce is survived by his children, Dean The family lived in several states, Korea and John is survived by his four children, Michael
Episcopal Church, 10033 River Road, Poto- Kremer (Lori) and Elizabeth Silva, and his Turkey before settling back in Springûeld af- C. Anderson (Carrie) of Fairfax, VA, Jennifer
mac, MD. granddaughters, Emma and Claire Kremer ter he retired from the Army in 1986 and be- A. McWhirter (Jeff) of Leesburg, VA, Stacey
and Ava and Catherine Silva. He was pre- gan his second career in the Washington, DC L. Anderson of Ashburn, VA and Scott M. An-
Full obituary and family online guestbook ceded in death by his wife of 60 years, area, as a government contractor. He spent derson of Fairfax Station, VA; a sister, Alice Carolyn Mae Kremer, in 2021. 17 years at SAIC, and previously worked for Anderson of Washington, VA; ûve grandchil-
Bruce was born in 1937 to Earl and Flor- TASC and SAC. He retired from SAIC in early dren, Mackenzie, Christian, Tatum, Sawyer
ence Kremer in Philadelphia, PA. After 2023, around the time he turned 80. and Hailey; his former wife and mother of
graduating from Blair High School and He was a private pilot and loved to ûy, with a his children, Christine M. Anderson of Fair-
earning his engineering degree at the Uni- sense of adventure that began in his youth. fax, VA; and numerous nieces, nephews,
versity of Maryland, he worked for over GLENN W. BAUMGARTNER He built his ûrst airplane, an experimental, cousins, and friends.
30 years at the Naval Research Lab. He LT. COL., U.S. ARMY (RET.) with the engine of a Volkswagen. Other MORGAN ANDERSON JOHN (Age 77) A funeral service will be held on Saturday,
When the enjoyed both watching and playing games
of all sorts, from basketball to bridge. In re-
tirement, Bruce loved being at his beach
Glenn William Baumgartner of Springûeld,
Virginia, passed away on February 5, 2024,
at home, surrounded by family and with
airplanes he ûew over the years included a
sailplane and a Pitts, which he ûew in aero-
batic competitions. His go-to plane for many
John Morgan Anderson, 77, of Washington,
Virginia, passed away on January 31, 2024.
John started his career in 1964 with the
March 2, 2024, at 1 p.m. at Jessamine Hill
Farm. The burial and a Celebration of Life re-
ception will immediately follow the service.
To be seen in the
Washington, DC; his daughter Erica (Tim
Pippard) Lengermann of Middleburg, Vir-
ginia; his son Paul (Ellen Nam) Lengermann
POST YOUR When the need arises,
Funeral Services
of Bethesda, Maryland (from a previous
marriage); and, his sister Leona Lenger-
mann of Highland, Illinois. Joe was an in-
CONDOLENCES let families ond you in the
Directory, please call credible husband, father, friend, colleague,
and neighbor, who will be sorely missed by
many. Services are private, arrangements
Now death notices on Funeral Services Directory.
paid Death Notices are pending. For more information please allow you
at 202-334-4122.
visit Dr. Lengermann9s memorial page at to express your sympathy with greater ease. To be seen in the Funeral Services Directory,
Visit today. please call paid Death Notices at 202-334-4122.
C8 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
1988. She practiced with several Washington MAURICE E. WILDBORE (Age 88) Roland arrived to NYC, New York in 1947
law ûrms including Steptoe & Johnson and Of Accokeek, MD died on Tuesday, Febru- with his mother and sister and then moved
Odin Feldman Pittleman. In her early years ary 6, 2024. He was preceded in death by to the Aldrich Rokeby estate where he
as an attorney she worked on landmark cas- his beloved wife Doris. He leaves behind formed lifelong friendships.
es, including the antitrust breakup of the Bell to cherish in his memory three children,
System and Title IX. Wayne Wildbore, Sharon Sweet (Will), and Roland married Helen in 1966, welcoming
Kim Edwards (Jeff); nine grandchildren, daughters Danielle and Nicole. While divorc-
In1989 she established her own ûrm in Mc- four great grandchildren, nieces and neph- ing in 1988, they remained close friends.
Lean, VA and was recognized by her peers ews. A visitation will be held Thursday, Roland is survived by his sister Ingrid, her
as a leader and expert in the areas of Estate February 15, 2024 at Lee Funeral Home husband Lazlo, and nephew Christian. Ro-
Planning and Elder Law, advising senior cit- in Clinton, MD from 4 to 6 p.m. followed land loved his stepchildren, Ria and Gabri-
izens how they can use current law to pro- by a service at 6 p.m. In lieu of ûowers, elle, from his second marriage to Leah. He
tect themselves and their resources. She the family requests donations to Help For was proud of his grandchildren: Callahan,
pioneered the use of Revocable Living Trusts Pets. Interment will take place at Maryland Charlie, Eleanor, Ada Mae, and Abraham.
in the Commonwealth of Virginia. She was a Veterans Cemetery, Cheltenham, MD, at a
frequent lecturer and was published on the later date. After graduating from Canterbury (859) and
topic. She also served as a hotline attorney Columbia College (863), Roland earned a
for AARP9s Legal Counsel for the Elderly, Master9s from Syracuse University in 866 and
Washington, DC Chapter; was a member of a Ph.D. from Georgetown in 876. As Deputy
the Fairfax County, Virginia, D.C., and Ameri- Assistant Secretary at the Department of
can Bar Associations; the Board of Directors LUCY WITMAN (Age 101) Labor, Roland led policy development that
JANET LAMMERSEN KUHN for the Legal Services of Northern Virginia; Family gathered for the passing of Lucy ROLAND GUSTAV FREDERICH JOHANN still beneûts American workers today.
Janet Lammersen Kuhn, one of the pio- and served as the Vice President of the Vir- Witman on the morning of February 7, DROITSCH
neers and leading practitioners of Elder Law, ginia Women Attorneys Association. She was 2024. On January 26, 2024, Roland Gustav Fred- A private family funeral is planned. A me-
passed away at her home in Reston, VA on a column Editor for the National Academy of Beloved wife of Bill Witman, Lucy is sur- erich Johann Droitsch passed away in Salt morial service will be held on March 7 at
November 29, 2023. She was 81 years old. Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA). vived by sons, Greg and Bruce; grand- Lake City, Utah. Born in Berlin, Germany 3:30 p.m. ET at Legacy Village in Salt Lake
children, Ben (wife Coriena), and Emily on November 17, 1941, Roland9s life was City. Contact to attend
Ms. Kuhn was born in Los Angeles in 1942, Ms. Kuhn is survived by her husband of 55 (husband Matt); and great grandchildren, marked by a dedication to family and career. in person. Join by Zoom by registering at
to Walter and Marguerite Lammersen, and years, Ira Kuhn of Reston, VA; her son Reed Sawyer, Rosemary, Charlee, and Shenan-
was the third of ûve children. She attend- Kuhn (Karin) of Vienna, VA; her three siblings doah.
ed schools in the San Fernando Valley and Gail Lammersen Belt (Jerry) of Reston, VA, A celebration service will be held at Fairfax
graduated from Rim of the World High School William Barry Lammersen (Linda) of Scotts- United Methodist Church on Saturday, Feb-
in Lake Arrowhead, CA. She graduated from dale, AZ, Julianne Lammersen Baum (George) ruary 17 at 11 a.m.
Marymount College (now part of Loyola Ma- of Potomac, MD; and her ûve grandchildren, In lieu of ûowers, please contribute to Fair-
rymount University) in 1964, where she was
honored as a Curian Scholar, receiving the
Kelly, Ari, Elliot, Mackenzie and Kennedy. She
was preceded in death by her brother Tony
fax United Methodist Church of which Lucy
was a member for 69 years.
Gold Medal for Distinction in Business Ad- Lammersen, her daughter Buckley Anne
ministration. Kuhn-Fricker, and son-in-law Scott Fricker. DEATH NOTICE cially the football and women9s basketball
programs. Cindy was a long-time member
She began her career in Washington, DC The Lammersen and Kuhn families were for-
working for Congressman Alphonzo Bell (R)
of California. She began as a case manager
tunate to have spent quality time with Janet
before her death. She maintained close rela-
CRAYTON of the Junior League of Washington and was
also a dedicated volunteer and supporter of
the National Chapter of the National Multiple
and was quickly promoted to his Legislative tionships with her siblings, in-laws, extended Sclerosis Society. (NMSS)
Assistant and eventually Chief of Staff, one family and friends, and had a genuine inter- erman. He retired after 23 years of military
of the few women to hold such a position in est in everyone9s lives. Ms. Kuhn delighted in service, being stationed at various locations
in the United States, Newfoundland, Pana- Cindy loved to travel and experience dif-
Congress in the 19609s. Simultaneously, she her family9s successes and was a source of ferent cultures. Cindy was especially close
attended and graduated in 1974 with hon- strength and comfort during difûcult times. ma, Vietnam, and the Philippines. He attend-
ed college while he was in the service and to her cousins, William and Patsy Neff and
ors from Georgetown University Law Center She will be greatly missed. their family, cousins Beth and Keith John-
(GULC), where she participated in the GULC received a Bachelor of Science degree in
Math from Rollins College in Florida. After son & their family, her brother-in-law Stan-
Law Journal and was editor in her ûnal year. To celebrate her life, friends and family will ley Scherr and many friends. Cindy enjoyed
gather in Northern Virginia on February 24, military retirement, he was employed by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- both golf and tennis and was a committed
Ms. Kuhn was admitted to the Bar in the 2024. bridge player and part of several bridge
District of Columbia in 1975, and Virginia in tration (NOAA) National Weather Service as
a meteorologist and computer specialist for groups where she made and maintained a
20 years. wide circle of friends. Cindy was especially
fond of dogs and, in recent years, had owned
Raymond was last stationed at Andrews and loved three small dogs. Her current pet,
Air Force Base, MD, where he settled with Taffy, will move to Massachusetts to live with
his wife, Mary Louise Crayton, and their family members.
children in Camp Springs, MD. He and Mary CYNTHIA MILLER SCHERR
Cynthia M. Scherr, age 76, passed away on She will be interred at Arlington National
MCCAFFREY moved to White Plains, MD in 2016.
Raymond was a fan of baseball and football.
January 31, 2024 succumbing to both Mul-
tiple Sclerosis and Myesthenia Gravis. Born
Cemetery, next to her husband, David.
He enjoyed watching the Baltimore Orioles, in York, PA, she was a long-time resident of In lieu of ûowers, Cindy asked that donations
crystals, and sticking her toes in the sand Washington, Mrs. Scherr most recently resid- be sent in her memory to the National Cap-
at the beach. She and her longtime friends RAYMOND BENJAMIN CRAYTON the Washington Nationals, the Washington
ed in Gaithersburg, MD. Cindy was preceded ital Chapter of the NMSS, 1800 M. Street,
began The Women9s Group years back that Raymond Benjamin Crayton, 92, of White Commanders, and the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Plains, Maryland, went to be with the Lord He also enjoyed watching college football. in death by her husband, David B. Scherr. She Suite 750, Washington, DC 20036.
met for monthly lunches and zoom calls to received a degree in International Relations
lean on and support each other through on Friday, February 2, 2024, at his home. His favorite activities were watching Chris-
tian television and detective shows, reading from Goucher College (1969) and a masters A celebration of her life will be held on Sat-
life9s ups and downs. degree (International Affairs) from George urday, March 30, 2024 at 11 a.m. in Villa 400
Born July 15, 1931, in Uniontown, PA, the newspaper, being online, and shopping
Raymond was the son of Earl and Ethel at Amazon. He especially enjoyed being vis- Washington University (1972). Cindy then (Russell Ave) at Asbury Methodist Village, 201
Above all else, Gayle loved her family and had a successful 25-year career at the World Russell Avenue Gaithersburg, MD 20877.
spending time with them. Gayle was a Crayton. Preceded in death by his daugh- ited by family and attending family events.
ter, Elizabeth Miller, he is survived by Bank, working ûrst in the ofûce of the VP,
strong, independent, hardworking woman West Africa region and subsequently in the
whose kind spirit will be missed by all who his wife, Mary Louise Crayton, children, We couldn9t have asked for a better hus-
Angela Eisenbraun and Anthony Crayton, 16 band, father, and grandfather, and will miss ofûce of the Senior VP of Finance.
knew her.
grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, six him every day.
great-great-grandchildren, and two sisters, Cindy and Dave were enthusiastic support-
In addition to her parents, Gayle was pre- ers of University of Maryland athletics, espe-
ceded in death by her sister Carole Jeanne Lois Null and Louise Tristani. No public services are scheduled. Online
Cross and her husband, Richard <Dick= Mc- condolences may be left at
Caffrey. She is survived by two children: Raised in Mt. Braddock, PA, Raymond joined
Sarah R. Linder and Adam M. Linder (Terry the Air Force in 1949 and became a Weath-
Isner); three stepchildren: Kellie Meehan
(Brian), Matthew McCaffrey, and Adam Mc-
MURDOCK ished grandmother of Madison D. Kahn and hood Education, and from the University of
Charles S. Kahn. the District of Columbia, where she earned
James Murdock; mother, Elizabeth Higgins a Masters Degree in Library Science). Betty
Murdock; son, Bruce; daughter, Mary; and Funeral services will be held on Monday, proudly served her community as an ele-
brothers, Henry and John Murdock. Robert February 12, 2024, at 10 a.m. at Adas Israel mentary educator and librarian for the Dis-
was a graduate of George Washington Uni- Congregation, 2850 Quebec St. NW, Wash- trict of Columbia Public Schools for over 35
versity, Washington, DC and of Washington ington, DC. The service will also be live- years. Her commitment to children extended
and Lee University Law School in 529 where streamed from the Adas Israel website. to her community in Silver Spring, Maryland
he earned his Juris Doctorate9s Degree. He where she was an active member of the PTA
retired as a Federal Administrative Law Interment at Judean Memorial Gardens fol- and an enthusiastic supporter of the Girl
Judge. Robert was a retired U.S. Army Col- lowing the funeral service. The family will be Scouts. Betty was a loyal friend, a compas-
onel. He was a disabled WWII combat vet- sitting Shiva at her late residence. Monday sionate partner, and a second mother and
eran who served in the South Paciûc and in through Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. sister to many in her life. Her spirit will be
the Occupation of Japan. He was awarded deeply missed by all who knew her. Betty
numerous medals during his military ser- Memorial contributions may be made to the was preceded in death by her mother, Lucille
vice. Robert was a lifetime member of the National Kidney Foundation, National Cap- Morman (nee Whitner), her father, Virgil L.
MOAA, JAG Corp., the Veterans of Foreign ital Area, MedStar Georgetown University Morman, and her brother, James W. Morman.
War, Disabled American Veterans, American Hospital - Transplant Institute, or Adas Israel
Legion, American Clan Gregor Society, Sons Congregation. Betty is survived by her loving husband of 57
of the American Revolution, The D.C. Bar As- years, James B. (Bert) Withers; her son Darius
sociation, and U.S. Federal Courts including Among many ûrsts, Toby9s heroic accom- B. Withers (Christie Morris-Withers), and her
the U.S. Supreme Court BAR. TOBY LEVINSON KAHN plishments include being the ûrst multi-or- BETTY L. WITHERS daughter, Samara K. Withers. She was a cher-
Robert is survived by his former wife, Eliz- On Thursday, February 7, 2024, gan transplant recipient in the DC Metro- Betty L. Withers (nee Morman), of Silver ished grandmother to Leila E. Withers and Ian
ROBERT BARNARD MURDOCK abeth Murdock of Virginia Beach, VA; son, Toby Levinson Kahn of Bethes- politan area, the ûrst to receive a pancreas Spring, Maryland, passed away on February J. Withers. Viewing will be held on Saturday
Judge Robert Barnard Murdock, Douglas Murdock of Satellite Beach, FL; da, MD. transplant, and the ûrst to travel halfway 9, 2024, at the age of 80 in Silver Spring, February 17, 2024 at 10 a.m., followed by
died at age 95. He was born granddaughter, Chantal of Fairfax, VA; and across the country for an organ transplant. Maryland. She was born on April 11, 1943, Homegoing service at 11 a.m. at McGuire
February 24, 1928 in Washing- nephew, James Murdock of Bethesda, MD. Beloved wife of Stephen D. in Washington, DC. A native Washingtonian, Funeral Home, 7400 Georgia Ave. NW, Wash-
ton, D.C. He was a resident of Services are pending with burial at Arlington Kahn, devoted mother of Robin Toby was happiest surrounded by family graduated from Coolidge Senior High School, ington, DC 20012. Interment Private.
Satellite Beach, Florida. He was National Cemetery with full military honors. L. Kahn and David A. Kahn (Alexis). Loving and friends. and D.C. Teachers College, where she earned
predeceased by his father, Rev. sister of Howard M. Levinson (Susan). Cher- a Bachelors of Science Degree in Early Child-
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C9
Born in Washington, DC, on February 10, Association of the National Capital Area
1960, Buz grew up in Bethesda Maryland, (UNA-NCA).
attended Walt Whitman Highschool, com- Evelyn Falkowski was the ûrst Executive
pleted his undergraduate degree at the Director of UNA-NCA. The Evelyn Falkowski
University of Southern Florida and gradu- Award is the highest honor given each year
ated with a law degree at Catholic Univer- by the UNA-NCA to one of its members, and
sity. Buz distinguished himself personally recognizes outstanding volunteer service.
with his devotion to community service and While living in the greater Washington, DC
professionally by strengthening the banking area, she participated regularly with the
industry through signiûcant legislative and Soka Gakkai International (SGI)-USA DC Bud-
regulatory reforms. dhist Center.
Buz was a devoted husband and father to Emily joined the Lion9s Club International in
his two boys prioritizing family above all. Arlington, VA, and met a fellow Lion, Charles
Throughout his life, Buz has always exempli- Wright Fields, Jr. (Chuck). They became a
ûed <Service Above Self.= couple in the early 2000s, and married on
The family will receive visitors on Febru- November 28, 2017, in Arlington, VA. Emily
ary 19, from 4 to 7 p.m. at Murphy Funer- and Chuck ran Chuck9s plumbing company
al Home, Arlington, VA. On February 20, at from January 2005 until Chuck9s death on
10:30 a.m. a Funeral Mass will be held at June 3, 2021, after which Emily continued
Holy Trinity Catholic Church, in Washing- to run a plumbing business as Monroe Pike
ton, DC, followed by a burial at Columbia THOMAS FRANCIS HALWICK PATRICIA Y. JOHNSON LLC.
JOHN S. GORMAN <Buz= Gardens Cemetery, and a celebration of life
<Tommy= Entered into eternal life on Sunday, Janu- EMILY LOIS CARNES During her charity work with the Lions Club
John <Buz= S. Gorman, Esq., loving husband, following. ary 21, 2024. She was preceded in death Emily Lois Carnes passed away peacefully at of Virginia, she served as District Governor
father, friend and successful government In lieu of ûowers, donations can be directed May 5, 1939 - February 11, 2005 the home of her brother, Nathan, in Wash- (District 24-A), worked with the Lions Eye-
Daddy, you have been gone from my life by her husband of 60 years, John C. John-
affairs and General Counsel, passed away to The John <Buz= Gorman Charitable Trust. son, Sr. She is survived by a devoted and ington, DC, on January 8, 2024, of colon glass Recycling Center of NOVA and was an
peacefully on February 5, 2024 surrounded To view the full obituary and make a dona- for 19 years and I miss you more and cancer. avid Pin Trader at any and all Lions events
more each day. You are in my heart and loving daughter, Deidre L. Johnson. She is
by his family in Arlington, VA after battling tion, please visit also survived by three sisters-in-law, niec- Emily was born in Franklin, Virginia on Janu- she attended. For over a decade, Emily and
brain cancer. thoughts always. ary 25, 1954, and moved with her family to Chuck ran the annual Christmas Tree lot
Mommie and Babies es, nephews and a host of extended fam-
ily and friends. On Thursday, February 15, Chapel Hill, NC in 1956. to beneût the Lions Club. Emily was also a
2024, friends may visit with family from 10 Emily attended Chapel Hill/Carrboro staunch supporter of the Arlington Better
a.m. until time of service, 11 a.m. at Uni- schools, the NC School of the Arts where Sports Club, a youth sports league, having
versalist National Memorial Church, 1810
16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009.
she studied ûute. At the Berklee College of
Music in Boston, MA she continued her ûute
served as President and on the Board, as
Interment: Parklawn Memorial Park, Rock- studies, met and <jammed= with many jazz Emily is survived by her sister Deborah
he became Director of Expendable Launch ville, MD. musicians such as Herbie Hancock, Wayne Carnes Christie (George); three brothers:
Vehicles and then Director of Space Mission
Success Services. Upon retirement from
CROMER Shorter and Benny Maupin. She encoun-
tered and converted to Buddhism during her
Larry Carnes, Timothy Carnes (Elizabeth)
and Nathan Carnes (Kelly); and nine nieces
NASA he started and was the Managing time in Boston. Emily then returned to North and nephews: Rebecca Christie, Nicholas
Director of Space Consulting Resources Carolina to complete her undergraduate Christie, Drew Carnes, Seth Carnes, Ma-
Group (SpaceCRG) in Washington, DC and degree at NC State University in Computer rie-Christine Carnes, Eldon Carnes, Philip
Cocoa Beach, Florida. He was awarded the Science. Carnes, Jason Carnes and Haley Carnes. Nu-
NASA Distinguished Service Medal in 1976
and 1994 as well as the NASA Outstanding
MCHUGH Emily worked as a computer programmer
in Raleigh, eventually moving to the Wash-
merous great nieces and nephews and too
many friends to count.
Leadership Medal in 1992. ington DC area where she worked and Condolences may be sent to Nathan Carnes,
He was very active at the Potomac Squash volunteered for a number of organizations, 3547 Chesapeake Street NW, Washington,
Club where he played squash almost daily including as a secretary for George Wash- DC 20008-2958.
for more than 40 years. It was recently re- ington University and the Cattlemen9s As- A Buddhist memorial service will be held at
named the Charlie Gunn Squash Building sociation, and as the manager of a MOM9s the SGI USA Buddhist Life Center, 3417 Mas-
for his many contributions on the board as cooperative grocery store. sachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC at 1:30
well as maintenance/upkeep. He was also At a luncheon on Saturday, June 4, 2005, at p.m. on Saturday, February 17, 2024. Fol-
an avid US and world traveler. If he wasn9t Jury9s Hotel (now Dupont Circle Hotel) on lowed by a visitation with family and friends.
cruising or white water rafting with his chil- New Hampshire Avenue NW in Washington, There will be an additional celebration in
dren and grandchildren, he could be found DC, Emily was presented with the <Evelyn Chapel Hill, North Carolina at a later date.
in Russia, Africa, South America and Europe. Falkowski Award= by the United Nations
His true hobby was maintaining his beloved
CHARLES ROWLEY GUNN home and pond on the hill for his ever grow-
Charles <Charlie= Rowley Gunn of Potomac, ing Gunn family.
Maryland and Cocoa Beach, Florida, peace-
fully passed away surrounded by family on
He is preceded in death by his granddaugh-
ter, Kaleigh Adeline Higgins of Potomac, Md. BRUNELL M. CROMER
February 5, 2024. Born in Washington, DC He is survived by his children Kim (Drew) Peacefully passed away on Sunday, Jan-
on April 23, 1934, he graduated from Wood- Conway of Washington, DC, Patty (Mark) Hig- to know him. His sharp mind, warm heart,
uary 21, 2024. Loving mother of Carla and unwavering loyalty left an indelible mark
row Wilson High School and spent most of gins of Potomac, MD, Meredith (Kyle) Morton Cromer-Butler (James). Also survived by
his life in the DC area. He was predeceased of Potomac, MD, Barbara (Ken) Bossung of on the hearts of those who had the privilege
sister, Jean McLean, brother, WD McLean, of knowing him. The memories we shared,
by his beloved wife Meredith Miller, his Olympic Valley, CA and Charlie (Carole) Gunn eight grandchildren, six great-grandchil-
high school sweetheart. He received his BS of Centreville, VA; 12 grandchildren and six VIRGINIA DONOHOE MCHUGH the laughter we enjoyed, and the moments
dren, and the host of nieces, nephews, oth- of comfort he provided will forever be cher-
and MS in Aeronautical Engineering at the great-grandchildren. er relatives and friends. On Saturday, Feb-
University of Michigan in 1957 and attend- A celebration of his wonderful life will be on (Age 80) ished. He was a shining example of the ex-
ruary 17, friends may visit with the family On Friday, February 2, 2024, traordinary impact one soul can have on
ed the Senior Executive Program at MIT in April 27, 2024 at Manor Country Club. Final from 10:30 a.m., until time of service at
1985. He spent 35 years at NASA ELV and details will be available at a later date. In lieu of Bethesda and Banks O9Dee, those they touch.
11:30 a.m., at 15th Street Presbyterian Maryland.
Space Shuttle management and technical of ûowers please consider donating to our Church, 1701 15th Street NW. Interment
direction. In the 19709s he became Project families favorite community/charity - Main- Regis9 accomplishments were incredible.
Arlington National Cemetery at a later Beloved wife of the late John Having careers and retirements within the
Manager of Delta Launch Vehicle and Land- We love this amazing date. Send condolences to
sat-D Spacecraft before becoming Director place in Rockville, Maryland and hope you Joseph McHugh; cherished USAF, NSA, CIA and NRO agencies. He was mother of Jean Donohoe McHugh (Charlie a devout Catholic and served in many posi-
of Space Shuttle Operations in 1979. In 1987 will too.
Braico), and proud grandmother of John tions within the church. He was a wonderful
McHugh <Mac= Keogh and Robert Emmet person to all that knew him.
Keogh; much loved sister of D. Patrick
JEFFREY Donohoe, Rosemary Donohoe Collopy
(Dan), the late James Aloysius Donohoe
Regis was preceded in death by his grand-
FOWLKES III (Mary Jo), and the late Robert Barry
Donohoe, Sr. (Sharon). Also survived by
son, Sean Patrick Moorer. He is survived by
his loving wife of 64 years, Beatriz. Survived
by this three children: Mary Luisa Requa of
Frances was born in Roanoke, Virginia, many loving cousins, nieces, and nephews. REGIS EDWARD MONAHAN JR. Kilmarnock, VA, Suzanne Gallagher (James)
raised in Catawba, Virginia, and lived most (Age 84) of Spotsylvania, VA, and Michael <Ricky= Mo-
of her life in Arlington, Virginia. She was an Relatives and friends may call at Shrine of nahan of Sterling, VA. He is also survived by
the Most Blessed Sacrament, 5949 West- It is with heavy hearts and a deep sense of
avid reader, enjoyed playing bridge, doing loss that we share the news of the passing of eight grandchildren and three great grand-
needlepoint, and traveling abroad. Frances ern Ave. NW, Washington, DC, on Monday, children.
February 12, beginning at 10 a.m. where Regis, who left this world at 10 p.m. on Jan-
was educated at Madison College where uary 17, 2024. He died peacfully surrounded
she received a business degree, graduating Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated The family plans to hold a private Mass in the
at 11 a.m. Interment Private. In lieu of ûow- by his family.
with honors, and later taught high school near future. In lieu of ûowers, please make a
business classes in Alexandria, Virginia. ers, memorial contributions may be made donation to St Jude Children9s Hospital, per
to The Father McKenna Center or The DC Regis was not just a man; he was a pillar of
Known for her kindness to all and dedica- strength, a beacon of love, and a loyal pres- his request.
tion to her family, she will be dearly missed Chapter of the Christ Child Society. ence in the lives of those fortunate enough
by all who knew her. Her strength of spirit,
intelligence, and grace will be forever re-
membered by family and friends, as well as
the joy she brought to all.
Frances was cremated, with her memori-
al service and celebration of life held with
close family on February 3, 2024. Her ashes
WINSTON University.
Following college, he worked at the Senate,
will be spread at a later date within the pri- later at the Congressional Reference Divi-
FRANCES BRICKEY JEFFREY (Age 89) vacy of her family. We will always carry her sion of the CRS in the Library of Congress,
On January 24, 2024, Frances Jeffrey of wonderful memory in our hearts. GERALDINE E. FOWLKES and ended his federal career at the Smith-
Arlington, Virginia passed away at age 89. On Sunday, January 28, 2024, Geraldine E. sonian Libraries.
She is survived by her son Willard Raught Any donations may be made to Capital Car- Fowlkes of Silver Spring, MD, beloved wife All his life Geoff loved the natural world
Jeffrey, III (Jeff), her daughter-in-law Mary ing Health Hospice or the Alzheimer9s Asso- for 57 years of the late Walter E. Fowlkes; and being outdoors. He ran track events in
Van Leuven Jeffrey; her three grandchildren, ciation. mother of the late Walter M. <Chipper= high school and continued to jog daily and
Allison Maryl Jeffrey, Willard Raught Jeffrey, Fowlkes, II, went to be with the Lord at participate in charity runs and marathons
IV, and Lauren Frances Jeffrey; her sister Jeri 8 p.m. The family will receive visitors on throughout the DMV, including the Marine
Dickinson, her brother-in-law Robert Dickin- Thursday, February 15, 2024 at The Peo- Marathon, through his 30s and 40s. He hiked
son; and her nephew Scott Dickinson. She ple9s Community Baptist Church, 31 Nor- in the Alps with mountaineer Peter Hebeler.
was pre-deceased by her husband Willard wood Road, Silver Spring, MD 20905 from He had a lifelong passion for ûshing - rivers,
Raught Jeffrey, Jr., her son David John Jeffrey, 10 a.m. until 11 a.m. where her funeral streams, lakes, oceans - you name it, he had
and her daughter Pamela Frances Jeffrey. service will commence at 11 a.m. Service a rod in it, from boat or shore.
at church will be streamed at www.tpcbc. Geoff took every opportunity to travel - driv-
org. Entombment will follow at 1:15 p.m. in ing up into northern Canada, taking the train
Arbutus Memorial Park Mausoleum, 1101 through Europe, visiting cities, beaches, and
Sulphur Spring Road, Baltimore, MD 21227.
LAMOUREUX Mrs. Fowlkes is survived by her sister
Joyce Tutman and a host of relatives and
small coastal towns. For ûfteen years he
enjoyed time away with Jane at their island
friends. Memorial contributions may be
GEOFFREY PARKER RINARD home on Caye Caulker, Belize, where they
for Inspirational Leadership. In 1972, Bob9s On Tuesday, January 2, 2024, made lifelong friends.
made to the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Geoff Rinard died at his home on Geoff is survived by his wife, Jane, and his
experience and leadership skills placed him Online condolences to the family may be JANE LOUISE WINSTON
in the position of Senior Naval Advisor for Jane Louise Winston, 73, died peacefully Capitol Hill. Geoff was the hus- sister, Judith, who are now entrusted with
made at band of Jane Rinard and brother the care of his much-loved kitten, Tilly. He
the U.S. Naval Advisory Group in NHA Trang on January 31, 2024, in Sunrise, FL. Jane,
Vietnam. In this capacity, Bob was respon- a Washington, DC native, graduated from of Judith Rinard of Silver Spring, was preceded in death by his parents; a sis-
sible for his team9s efforts in the 11 Corps Woodrow Wilson High School where she MD. ter, Kathleen; a brother, Grant; and a neph-
toward achieving the goals of the Vietnam- was a cheerleader. She attended the Uni- Geoff was born in Mason City, Iowa on Feb- ew, David Parker Bayard.
ization Program for Self-Sufûciency (VPSS). versity of Miami and graduated with hon- ruary 28, 1952 to Park and Phyllis Rinard, Geoff9s ready wit and smile, his warm hands
Bob was the Senior Advisor to Vietnamese ors from the University of Maryland. Jane the youngest of four children. He grew up and heart are deeply missed.
Training Centers, the U.S. Naval Academy, worked for many years for the American in Clear Lake, Mason City, and Des Moines, Family and friends will gather to remember
Harbor Defense and Surveillance Units. His Psychological Association and then ran a Iowa, but graduated from McLean High Geoff and celebrate his life on Thursday,
time in Vietnam and his contributions were successful pet sitting business, PAWSitive- School in 1970, following the family9s move February 29, 2024 at 3:30 p.m. in the chapel
lauded as a tremendous success as under ly PURRfect, Miami, FL. Jane was a passion- to Falls Church, Va during his junior year. At of the Capitol Hill United Methodist Church
his leadership the VPSS program mission, ate fan of the Miami Marlins and the Wash- McLean, Geoff took his ûrst overseas trip to (CHUMC) on Seward Square, Washington,
established in 1956, was declared mission ington Commanders, who went to three what was then the USSR. That trip with his DC 20003. All are welcome.
accomplished and disestablished upon his Super Bowls with her sister. She loved her classmates left a lasting impression on him. Memorial contributions may be made to
departure. dogs, Kirby and Dickens, and was a proud Geoff loved books and cared deeply about the Capitol Hill Community Foundation at
After his tour in Vietnam, Bob returned to Democrat. Jane is survived by her sister, politics, studying literature and political sci-
the U.S. Naval War College, as the Director Carole Winston Wilson, Chevy Chase, MD, ence at Florida Presbyterian College (now donate.
for the Naval Planning and Applications Sub- and her two nephews, Aaron Wilson, Hous- Eckard College) and George Washington
study at the Naval Command College. In this ton, TX, and Jonathan Wilson, Washington,
ROBERT J. LAMOUREUX capacity, he directed a select group of 32 DC. Donations can be made to the Good-
CAPTAIN, U.S. NAVY (RET.) international Senior Naval Ofûcers on how man Jewish Family Services of Broward
to prepare themselves for high command
Robert <Bob= Joseph Lamoureux, distin-
guished Commanding Ofûcer, Navy Fighter responsibilities in their home countries.
Throughout the early years of his career,
DEATH NOTICE County, Service private.
Pilot, Senior Naval Advisor, Midshipman,
husband, father, and friend passed away Bob9s intelligence, perseverance, and pro-
peacefully surrounded by his loving family
on November 24, 2023 at the age of 90. Bob
fessional acumen distinguished him as a
highly respected and trusted Naval Ofû-
GOETTLICH master9s degree in criminal justice from
American University (1976) and bachelor9s
cer. His commitment to service elevated degree from Georgetown University (1969).
was born on May 3, 1933, to Albert Charles Paul loved the outdoors and enjoyed ûshing,
Lamoureux and Jeannette Roussel Lamou- him to Commanding Ofûcer (CO) of the moved to Naples, FL. to get out of the cold,
USS Charles P. Cecil (DD/DDR- 835) a Gear- but returned to VA in 2015 to be closer to camping, sailing with the Boat Crew, hiking,
reux in Lowell, Massachusetts. He was the cooking, and most of all, his family and dear
eldest of seven children. ing-Class destroyer. CO Lamoureux was her children and grandchildren. Jaci enjoyed
well-liked and respected by the 19 Ofûcers traveling and went on some wonderful ad- friends. Paul will forever be remembered for
Bob lived a rich and fulûlling life as an ador- his ability to connect with every person in
ing and devoted husband, a loving and and 250 enlisted sailors who served under ventures. She loved spending time in the
him. He invested himself in securing all as- sun with her grandchildren, swimming or the room through acceptance, empathy, and
committed father, a proud grandfather, a understanding.
treasured friend, an active volunteer, and a pects of the ship9s performance, including relaxing at the beach reading a book. As the
operations, safety, maintenance, and mo- matriarch of the family, she will be greatly Paul was the beloved son of the late Emil
resolute Naval Ofûcer. His brilliant mind, in- and Grayce Steiner; treasured brother of
fectious charm, and quick wit were revered rale. As CO of the Cecil, he was awarded the missed.
1974 Naval Reserve Association A. Winûeld She is survived by her ûve children, Robert late Sally Kreiner (Fred), Susan Klausner
by all who knew him. He was a masterful (Dave), and Sharon Markstrom; adored
storyteller, whose ability to unintentional- Chapin National Trophy for commanding (Glen) Goettlich of Winchester, VA, Loren
the highest personnel retention of a surface (Goettlich) Yates of Fairfax Station, VA, Bon- brother-in-law of Susan Lebling (Chris Cas-
ly command a room was a true talent. He sels); dear uncle of Fred Kreiner (Julie),
could spin tales of incredible breadth and combatant ship. ni (Goettlich) Ramsdell of N. Ft. Meyers, FL,
In 1959, Bob married Dorothy Ann Norton Lesli (Goettlich) Murden Harbaugh of Gaith- Michael Kreiner (Linda), Beth Kobe (Paul),
depth, usually centered on others who were Jennifer Kreiner (Yolanda Feliciano), David
part of the story. Despite these and many in Marlborough, Massachusetts and over ersburg, MD and Greg Goettlich of Charles
the next eight years was blessed with four Town, WV. She also leaves ûve loving Grand- Klausner (Brittany), Brian Klausner (Lucia),
other noteworthy attributes, many would Marnie Louis (Kenn), Andy Lebling (Maria);
agree that his most enviable characteristic children. As a naval family, they lived in Key children and two Great Grandchildren who
West, Florida, San Diego, California, Marl- she adored. Grandchildren Brianne Goettlich former spouse Ginny; great uncle of many;
was his humble and unassuming nature. He PAUL EDWARD STEINER (Age 77) and beloved companion to Titan.
was a man of faith, honor, loyalty, and love. borough, Massachusetts, Newport, and of Alexandria, VA, Cameron Goettlich of Al-
Portsmouth, Rhode Island, ûnally settling in exandria, VA, Amber Goettlich of Ashville, Beloved husband of Cindy Steiner and lov- A celebration of Paul9s life will be held at a
He was one of a kind. ing father of Sean and Erin Steiner passed later date. In lieu of ûowers, memorial do-
Bob enlisted in the Navy in October of 1951 the Washington, DC area. After several years NC, Jason Yates, Jr of Clarendon, VA, Ricky
with the Ofûce of the Secretary of Defense, JACQUELINE GAUCHER GOETTLICH Harbaugh of Gaithersburg, MD and Great away on January 31, 2024, at the Casey nations made be made to Montgomery Hos-
and subsequently received an appointment House Hospice, Rockville, MD. Paul dedicat- pice,
to the U.S. Naval Academy, graduating with completing 31 years of service with the U.S. Jacqueline Gaucher Goettlich, 87, of Alexan- Grandchildren, Makenzi Stringfellow, of
Navy and 16 years with McDonnell Douglas dria, VA, beloved mother, grandmother and Madison, VA and Cameron Goettlich, Jr. of ed his life to public service while working as Please sign the family online guestbook at
a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in June a Senior Policy Advisor at the Department
of 1958. (USNA 858 is Great!) He later earned Corporation, Bob and Dorothy retired to Wil- great-grandmother passed away peacefully Arlington, VA. She is predeceased by her
liamsburg, VA. on February 1, 2024 at Greenspring Village ûve brothers: Harry, Phillippe, Thomas, Rob- of Justice during his career. He earned his
a Master of Science in International Affairs
from George Washington University. Until Dorothy died in 2011, they enjoyed a in Springûeld, VA. ert and Jo Paul as well as her beloved grand-
In August of 1958, he reported to ûight full life of golûng, traveling, volunteering, Jaci was born in Windham, CT to the late daughter, Melissa Murden.
training in Pensacola Florida, and later and spending time with their six grandchil- Mae Cheney Gaucher and Harry S. Gauch- Her Funeral Mass will be celebrated on
to Beeville, Texas having been chosen to dren. There were few things more important er, Sr., Esq. She attended boarding school Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 12 p.m.,
enter the student jet training program. In to Bob than family. in Canada and high school at the Academy Good Shepherd Catholic Church, 8710 Mt.
1960, and for the ensuing four years, Bob
distinguished himself as a Carrier based
His love of family continued after Bob met
and married Nelia Heide. Since 2014, Bob
of Our Lady of Mercy, Laurelton Hall in Mil-
ford, CT. She graduated from the University
Vernon Highway, Alexandria, VA. Interment
will follow at Ivy Hill Cemetery, 2823 King THOMPSON
All-Weather Night Fighter pilot. This highly and Nelia have traveled the world together of Connecticut with a degree in Home Eco- Street, Alexandria, VA. A reception will be
specialized distinction involves a no-vis- and lived life to its fullest. Bob often reûect- nomics. She married Robert B. Goettlich and held at The Loft at Lena9s Havana 151, 401 E sional journey commenced with an M.S. in
ibility factor demanding the ultimate in ed on his amazing good fortune to have moved to Alexandria, VA in the early 19609s Braddock Road, Alexandria, VA immediately linguistics from Georgetown University and
precision on board ship and in the air. Bob found such a deep love with Nelia at this where she lived until 2004. She started her following the interment. culminated in a Ph.D. in psychology, leading
ûew in multiple ûghter squadrons, includ- point in his life. Bob and Nelia shared an career as a teacher, but became a stay-at- In lieu of ûowers Jaci9s family suggests a to her retirement as Professor Emerita from
ing Fighter Plane (VF) 101, Naval Air Station abundance of joy, happiness, and compan- home mother while her children were small. donation to the American Heart Association. The George Washington University.
(NAS) Key West, VF 161, USS Independence, ionship during their time together. Later she went on to become both a trav- For an online memorial guestbook, please She married Richard T. Thompson and was
Attack Aircraft Carrier (CVA) 59, NAS Cecil Bob is survived by Nelia, his loving wife of el agent as well as an overnight au pair for visit blessed with two sons, Rob and Jim; along
Field, Florida, USS Oriskany, CVA 34, and nine years; and his children, Bernard Lam- families with twins and triplets. In 2004 she with three cherished grandchildren: Isabel,
NAS Miramar, California, VF 21. In 1965, he oureux (Darlene), Teri Fallon (David), Anne Soûa, and Tommy. Rob and his wife, Leslie,
reported to the USS Boston, a guided mis- Lamoureux (Brian Wiersema), and Robert reside in San Diego, CA, while Jim and his
sile heavy cruiser, as a Command Informa- Lamoureux. As well as his grandchildren, wife, Mary, call Waterford, Virginia, home.
tion Center/Anti-Air Warfare Ofûcer, Senior
Air Controller and Public Affairs Ofûcer. This
Bralen Lamoureux, Healy Fallon, MIDN 1/C
Milo Fallon, Jackson Lamoureux Prettyman,
RAMSAY Irene excelled as a nationally recognized
Russian language teacher, textbook devel-
was followed by his direct involvement with Madeline Lamoureux, and Max Lamoureux. oper, and a key ûgure in Russian language
the construction of the USS Truxtun (DL- A service will be held on Saturday, Febru- Mollie Plotkin on May 26, 1939. She was pre- test development. Her focus on psycho-
G(N)35) the only nuclear-powered cruiser in ary 17, 2024, at 1 p.m. at St. Olaf Catholic ceded in death by her beloved brother Phil linguistics research aimed to understand
her class. Subsequently, he was appointed Church, 104 Norge Lane, Williamsburg, Vir- Plotkin. She had been a resident of the DC/ language learning and enhance second lan-
as the Navigation Head for the Truxtun and ginia to honor and celebrate his life. All are VA area since 1960. guage acquisition. She conducted training
was solely responsibility for the ships tran- welcome to attend. Full Military Honors and worldwide for The Peace Corps and consult-
sit from New Jersey, around Cape Horn to Interment will take place at Arlington Na- Cat was an early pioneer in the ûeld of art ed for The Educational Testing Service (ETS).
its destination in Long Beach, California. In tional Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, date to therapy receiving a Masters in Art Therapy Travel was a shared passion within Irene9s
the later part of the 1960s, Bob became a be announced. from George Washington University in the IRENE THOMPSON family, fostering the same enthusiasm in her
student and an instructor at the U.S. Naval In lieu of ûowers, donations may be made early 1970s. She was a dedicated artist With heavy hearts, we announce the pass- grandchildren. Above all, Irene cherished
War College, Newport Rhode Island. His to the Navy League of the United States devoted to working with kids as a special ing of Irene on November 12, 2023. her family and friends.
time in Newport continued as he became ( in memory of Captain education teacher (art therapist) in the Fair- Her life began in Harbin, a small town in The family sincerely appreciates your
the Executive Ofûcer (XO) of the USS Wil- Robert J. Lamoureux, USN (Ret). Fond mem- fax County Schools. Cat was an active par- northern China. She later moved to Shang- thoughts and prayers during this difûcult
liam R. Rush (DD-714). During his time as ories and expressions of sympathy may be ticipant in the Friends of Bill W community hai, where she graduated from a Russian time.
XO, he deployed overseas (Sixth Fleet) and shared at developing lifelong meaningful friendships. high school. After World War II, Irene immi- In lieu of ûowers, donations to the humane
was honored with the Navy League Award grated with her parents to Chile and eventu- society are appreciated. Service scheduled
Cat9s smile, laughter and generous spirit will ally settled in the United States. Her profes- for a later date.
be greatly missed by her family and friends.
Remembrances can be made to the Michael
J Fox Foundation.
Now death notices on allow It is with great sadness that we announce Now death notices on allow
the passing of Julie Cathryn <Cat= Ramsay The family would appreciate if you leave
you to express your sympathy with greater ease. Visit today. of Fairfax, Virginia on December 10, 2023. condolences and share memories in the on- you to express your sympathy with greater ease. Visit today.
She passed peacefully with her daughters line guestbook at
GHI Mia Shapiro and Sasha Shapiro by her side.
Cat was born in Milwaukee, WI to Harry and
C10 EZ RE The washingTon posT . sunday, february 11 , 2024
The Weather . TwiTTer: @capiTalweaTher .
Rain for Super Bowl Sunday Today Monday Tuesday Wednesday |ursday Friday OF F I C I A L REC O RD
Morning rain P.m. rain Snow and rain Breezy in the Partly cloudy Partly sunny
Rain is more likely than Saturday. It p.m. Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST
FEELS*: 51° FEELS: 49° FEELS: 39° FEELS: 42° FEELS: 46° FEELS: 52°
CHNCE PRECIP: 75% P: 55% P: 80% P: 5% P: 20% P: 10%
WIND: NNE 6312 mph W: SSE 6312 mph W: NNW 10320 mph W: NW 8316 mph W: NNW 7314 mph W: SSW 7314 mph
HUMIDITY: High H: High H: Moderate H: Low H: Moderate H: Low
Tu W | F Sa Su M Tu W | F Sa Su M Tu
Statistics through 5 p.m. Saturday
Missed free throws are costly Complete effort helps Caps stop a six-game slide
as Terps again come up short
Capitals 3,
ohio state 79,
was the Terps9 third in a row, and Bruins 0
it was all but sealed when for-
Maryland 75 (2ot) ward Donta scott had his poten-
tial tying shot blocked with eight BY B AILEY J OHNSON
seconds to go in the second extra
BY G ENE W ANG session. ohio state9s Roddy Gayle BoSToN 4 The Washington Capi-
Jr. had an emphatic run-out dunk tals9 fathers and mentors
CoLUMBUS, ohio 4 one somber to make it official. streamed down a hallway at TD
player after another emerged More than a minute earlier, Garden, offering fist bumps,
from the Maryland men9s basket- ohio state had claimed the lead handshakes and congratulations
ball team9s locker room saturday for good at 77-75 on Bruce Thorn- to everyone they passed.
night following an excruciating ton9s layup through heavy conges- They hardly needed an excuse
79-75 loss to ohio state in double tion in front of a crowd of 13,471 to have a good time during their
overtime. some bowed their that gave the Buckeyes a pro- annual trip behind the scenes, but
heads and stared at the floor on longed ovation when their five- saturday, the Capitals provided
their way to the charter bus. game losing streak ended. one anyway. With a 3-0 victory
others offered sighs of frustra- Despite a game-high 26 points over the Boston Bruins, Washing-
tion as the Terrapins9 vanishing sEE Maryland on d3 ton snapped a six-game skid
nCAA tournament hopes took (0-5-1) by dominating a team that
another crippling blow. Iowa at Maryland entered tied for first in the nHL.
The defeat at Value City Arena wednesday, 8:30 p.m., BtN Charlie Lindgren earned the
shutout, his third of the season, by
making 18 saves.
After his Capitals lost at the
Men9S COLLege BaSKetBaLL prO BaSKetBaLL
Florida Panthers on Thursday de-
the hoyas9 losing streak is the wizards again show spite playing a strong first period
sEE CapiTals on d4
eight after another painful plenty of fight but can9t
home defeat, this time finish strong against the MIChAel dwYer/ASSoCIAted PreSS Canucks at Capitals
vs. No. 1 Connecticut. D3 76ers in a 119-113 loss. D4 T.J. Oshie (77) opened the scoring early in the second period, and washington maintained control. 1:30 p.m., Monumental
d2 eZ m2 the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
Hoyas have no defense for ugly defeat never let any bad losses get us
down. They just kept on wres-
tling, and they trusted the proc-
a new classification, but Lingan-
ore pulled ahead and won, 34-31.
Earlier in the day, Damascus
took care of C. milton Wright in
The Vikings (18-0) failed to the Class 2A semifinals, 39-27,
recording six while dissecting the second half as the crowd of 13,040 of-bounds plays, invariably find- make it out of their region each but was blitzed by Decatur in the
connecticut 89, Hoyas with his deft passing from thinned out. ing holes in Georgetown9s befud- of the past two years. But as wins final, 50-22. The Hornets entered
georgetown 64 the elbow. Tristen Newton had <We were just real mature and dled defense. And it offered a piled up this winter 4 particular- Saturday 17-0 but couldn9t over-
nine stress-free assists and Cam professional to start the game,= considerable contrast to a team ly in a pair of late-season tri- come the Seahawks, who
Spencer matched his career high Connecticut Coach Dan Hurley slogging through another lost meets 4 the team understood it marched to their fifth consecu-
BY P ATRICK S TEVENS with seven for the Huskies, who said. <offensively, defensively, we season. had a chance to go the distance. tive championship.
have won 12 in a row and never just made it really hard on them.= <Nobody9s got time for soft,= <It9s been a long road. I9ve gone Lackey was convincingly de-
Georgetown welcomed its sec- trailed Saturday. Dontrez Styles led Georgetown Cooley said. <Nobody9s got time from nothing to state champion,= feated by South Carroll in Satur-
ond-largest crowd of the season The Hoyas have established an with 23 points, his most since he for bad body language. Nobody9s senior captain Jon Aron said. <To day9s Class 1A semifinal, 56-18.
and the nation9s top-ranked team undesirable pattern over the past had a career-high 26 against got time for listless. I said in the go from last year, being medio- The Chargers lost nine bouts by
to Capital one Arena on Saturday, month: competitive efforts on the mount St. mary9s on Nov. 18. huddles today: I can take missed cre, to being undefeated state either fall or technical fall to the
offering the potential for a lively road and abysmal showings in Sophomore point guard Jayden shots. I can take turnovers. I can9t champs means the world to ev- eventual state champion.
afternoon. Then the Hoyas ar- D.C. A one-point loss at Xavier Epps, who began the day as the take 8Woe is me.9 =
rived 4 to use the term quite was followed by a 90-66 throt- Big East9s No. 4 scorer averaging Whatever help Georgetown
loosely 4 and turned in another tling by Butler. A feisty eight- 18.3 points, was limited to a needs to bolster a defense Cooley
home dud during an 89-64 loss to point defeat at Providence pre- season-low four on 2-for-8 shoot- described as <atrocious= Saturday metro swimminG and divinG Championships
Connecticut. ceded a 91-57 clobbering from ing. apparently will not arrive any
Georgetown (8-15, 1-11 Big
East) has dropped eight straight
games and clinched its eighth
marquette, the Hoyas9 most lop-
sided Big East home loss ever.
Georgetown hung around in
<I always say this: The point
guard, the head coach and the
best player can never have a bad
earlier than the offseason. It9s
also clear that his patience for the
Hoyas9 work on that end 4 they
Senior standouts secure
losing conference record in the
past nine seasons to match its
total from the Big East9s first
Wednesday9s 76-70 loss at Seton
Hall, only to revert to turnstile
defense against the defending
day, and all three of us today were
God-awful,= Cooley said. <I should
have just stayed in bed and had
ranked 293rd out of 362 teams
nationally in Ken Pomeroy9s ad-
justed defensive efficiency enter-
three-peat for Churchill
36 years. And for the first time in national champions, who prob- you coach the damn team.= ing Saturday 4 is nearly exhaust-
school history, the Hoyas have ably would have done just fine As is its custom after most ed. said.
lost three home games in a row by without that kind of help. losses, Georgetown did not make <You have the number one Elkassem edged Wang in the
at least 24 points. Connecticut uncorked a 9-0 players available to speak with team in the country in your build-
Richard Montgomery 100 free, finishing in 44.73. Begin
<I thought we didn9t show up,= run to take an early 19-6 advan- the media. Instead, Cooley was ing on national television,= Cool- wins first girls9 title then won the 500 free in a domi-
Georgetown Coach Ed Cooley tage, prompting a Cooley time- left to offer his assessment of ey said. <We all have to kind of nant 4:25.95, five seconds faster
said. <I can9t believe we were so out. A second 9-0 Huskies spurt another home bludgeoning that look at ourselves here. I9m not
by a narrow margin than the runner-up. Churchill9s
listless, lifeless, not physical, not made it 28-12 and led to another looked quite a bit like the previ- saying we have to be the most night culminated with a victory
connected, not verbal; we didn9t Georgetown timeout. And when ous two. And while he didn9t talented team, but I9ll be damned in the final race, when it set a
communicate. There9s a lot of the next two possessions featured emphasize the wide disparity in if you can9t be the most hungry BY S AM J ANE metros record in the 400 freestyle
reflection that has to go on.= Georgetown9s Wayne Bristol Jr. the ability of the teams, it was team, if you can9t have effort, relay (3:01.57).
for its part, No. 1 Connecticut air balling a three-pointer and an hard to ignore just how crisply energy and enthusiasm. That more than 25 school banners Georgetown Day9s Adriano Ari-
(22-2, 12-1) did show up. Alex undefended Castle collecting a the Huskies went about their starts with me, and I9m account- were draped on the glass walls of oti (1:43.58) broke the metros
Karaban scored 25 points, one Newton feed for a dunk, Cooley business. able to this. And the only people the upper viewing section of the record in the 200 individual med-
shy of the career high he matched took another timeout, his third in Connecticut assisted on 26 of who can fix it are the ones in the Germantown Indoor Swim Cen- ley. He also holds the record for
in the teams9 first meeting last less than five minutes. its 33 field goals. It doubled up room.= ter on Saturday, a mosh of colors the 100 butterfly.
month, and Stephon Castle added The Huskies led 52-28 at half- the Hoyas in the paint, where it and mascots. The favorites took care of busi-
17. Center Donovan Clingan dou- time, and the margin was be- outscored them 48-24. It was Georgetown at Creighton The least flashy flag was a ness on the boys9 side, but the
bled his career-best assist total, tween 20 and 27 for the entire ruthless in running baseline out- tuesday, 8:30 p.m., Fox sports 1 small, white Winston Churchill girls9 competition was much clos-
banner that was subtle compared er. Nearly every individual event
with the rest. Yet that banner was winner was from a different
the only understated aspect of the school. richard montgomery ul-
Late missed free throws prove costly for Maryland Bulldogs9 performance at the
Washington metropolitan Inter-
scholastic Swimming and Diving
timately claimed the team title,
edging past Bethesda-Chevy
Chase and Walter Johnson for its
Championships. Three of their first metros title. The rockets
MarYland from d1 They gave great effort. We9re bat- seniors paved the way to a third won the 200 freestyle and
tling. We9re struggling, obviously, straight metros title. 400 freestyle relays.
from Jahmir Young, the Terps offensively, but we9re giving our- <They could be my college <I literally had those relay
(13-11, 5-8 Big Ten) were left to selves chances to win.= team,= Coach Dennis Witol said. [teams] set since September,= said
sort out all that went sideways In part out of necessity, Willard Seniors Kyle Wang (1 minute Coach Akshay Gandhi, who
down the stretch, especially five shuffled his starting lineup to 38.14 seconds) and Brady Begin jumped into the pool with his
straight missed free throws in the include 6-foot-11 sophomore (1:38.58) got Churchill rolling by team to celebrate. <I looked at a
closing stages of the first over- mady Traore in place of ailing claiming the top two spots in the lot of options, but I came back to
time and the early part of the forward Jordan Geronimo, who 200-yard freestyle. Wang, a this as our best chance.=
second. forward Julian reese did not play and was seen with Northwestern commit, and Be- richard montgomery senior
missed four in a row during that protective black tape around the gin, who is bound for North Caro- Sarah Eliason, a BYU commit,
stretch; maryland went 20 for 30 fingers of his right hand. Willard lina, have made this an annual won a tight 200 Im in 2:02.09.
at the foul line overall. also started Jamie Kaiser Jr. over tradition. They were the top fin- She also won the 100 butterfly
<Just free throws,= said Scott, fellow freshman DeShawn Har- ishers in last year9s 200 free as (54.49).
who had 19 points but missed a ris-Smith. Kaiser failed to score well; Wang finished in 1:39.63 to Blake junior Andrea Dworak, a
pair of foul shots with 48 seconds and committed three fouls in beat Begin that time. Wisconsin commit, won the
left in the second half; maryland 11 minutes, and Harris-Smith, The Bulldogs have a third star, 200 free (1:47.14) and the 500 free
would have had the lead if he coming off the bench for the first too. Nasim Elkassem, a Southern (4:50.99). BCC sophomore Vir-
converted either. <If I had made time, finished with three points California commit, controlled the ginia Hinds won the 100 back-
my two free throws, this wouldn9t on 1-for-5 shooting. 50 freestyle in 20.39. Elkassem stroke (53.36) and the 100 free
even be a conversation. We had Traore made an immediate im- dyed stars into his bleached hair (49.78).
good defense, and they made pact, tipping in reese9s missed Wednesday, and he fit the part Whitman9s Tynan o9Donoghue
some shots we didn9t make. That jumper for the game9s first points. Saturday. and James Skipper were the top
really was it.= He also was on the court during <I came to practice, and [Witol] two boys9 divers. flint Hill9s mi-
other unsightly details in its the Terps9 10-2 surge that opened said, 8Now that you look like this, chayla Eisenberg prevailed on the
latest missed opportunity to a 28-18 lead with 8:02 to play in you have to go win,9 = Elkassem girls9 side.
claim a Quadrant 1 triumph in- the first half. maryland wilted in
KIrK IrwIn/getty IMAges
cluded maryland shooting the closing minutes of the half,
38.7 percent and committing a Jahmir Young had 26 points and seven rebounds for Maryland, failing to score over the last 5:35
dozen turnovers. The Terps also which led for 36 of the game9s 50 minutes but could not get the win. while missing seven field goal
got just nine points from their attempts in a row.
reserves. 1-7 in games decided by four fifth-year point guard missed a Thornton9s basket with five
Thornton led the Buckeyes points or fewer. short jumper with two seconds to seconds left gave the Buckeyes a
(14-10, 4-9) with 24 points, seven <We missed a lot down the play in the first overtime. His 33-32 halftime lead. ohio State
rebounds and four assists, and stretch free throw-wise, but they contested turnaround jumper had not led before his acrobatic
Gayle added 17 points for ohio ran the same plays and they made bounced off the front of the rim in shot capped the team9s nine con-
State Coach Chris Holtmann, shots. We didn9t,= Young said. <We the closing seconds of regulation secutive points over the final
whose job security has been in had numerous opportunities to before Scott collected the offen- 3:35.
question after ohio State win the game, so it9s a tough loss. sive rebound but was unable to <I don9t know. That9d be a
dropped eight of nine since Jan. 6. The whistles didn9t go our way as release a shot as time expired question you9d have to ask the
most recently, the Buckeyes well. There were a lot of things with the score knotted at 68. collective,= Scott said of the Terps9
blew an 18-point lead during a that just built up.= <That9s basketball,= maryland resolve with seven games left in
76-73 home loss to Indiana on The catalyst for some of the Coach Kevin Willard said. <We the regular season, starting with
Tuesday. They mounted a rousing Terps9 most exhilarating wins this gave ourselves opportunities. The Wednesday vs. Iowa. <I know my
comeback against maryland, season, Young was unable to con- thing is we missed our free confidence level. I know I9m capa-
which wasted a double-digit first- vert at the end of the second half throws. All the other stuff is 4 [if ] ble of doing certain things, and I MArCus Chen
half lead, fell to 2-6 against Quad- and in the first overtime with the we make our free throws, we win know my teammates are capable Senior Kyle Wang, a northwestern commit, captured the 200-yard
rant 1 opponents and dropped to score tied in each instance. The the game. I9m proud of them. of doing certain things.= freestyle for a second consecutive year to help propel the Bulldogs.
d4 eZ m2 the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
As Native Americans protest Kansas City9s team, Swift could make a diberence
Jane Fonda, that team drenched in what the club She hasn9t been seen doing it. the Super Bowl on Sunday. I
silver spoon-born imagined to be Native imagery 4 But she has wrapped herself in would wager this weekend9s game
legend of to act like she and they thought the name and colors of the team sets a viewership record simply
Hollywood, Indigenous people behave: in gear emblazoned with an because of infatuation with the
doesn9t talk about moving one outstretched arm, arrowhead. All of which is pop star-football star romance.
one moment of bent at the elbow, up and down to protested home game after home Native Americans in the
Kevin B. hers off the big the beat of piped-in faux game and will be this weekend at Kansas City area fighting against
Blackistone screen that is as American Indian music. our most grandiose sporting the team9s obstinance on this
difficult to forget The act is called the tomahawk event, the Super Bowl, by Native issue called for Swift9s support
as any of her most notable chop. Fans of Kansas City9s groups who point out it is cultural early this season as her romance
moments on it. I know. A football team, swaddled as well in appropriation at best and racism with Kelce blossomed. <We
collaborator of mine asked her. Native American imagery and at worst. remain hopeful that an outside
But she certainly hasn9t moniker, also started doing the They9re right 4 and have been influence like ms. Swift could be
forgotten it, though it was over 30 same the same year. Rumor is ever since they began waging an ally for us in moving the
years ago. they both got it from Florida their fight early in the 20th conversation forward on why the
I9m not referencing her 1972 State9s football team, whose fans century when what is a malicious chop is a racist act,= the coalition
trip to North Vietnam to started the nauseating tradition. practice of mascoting Native Not In our Honor said in a
denounce this country9s deadly But when Indigenous survivors people began, in sports and statement in September. <We ask
and disastrous incursion there. in heavily Native populated beyond. As Native historian Phil Reed HoFFmAnn/ASSoCiATed PReSS for people to learn about our
I9m recalling what she did in the minnesota, where Atlanta Deloria at Harvard pointed out in Kansas City fans have been doing the tomahawk chop, a rallying shared history, the real history of
theater of the most legendary eventually met the Twins in that a just-released documentary I co- cry denounced by Native American groups, for more than 30 years. this country, not the sanitized
sporting event on our calendar 4 year9s World Series, caught wind produced and wrote, <Imagining version many learned in school.
what celebrated Texas of the mockery, they greeted the Indian: The Fight Against who suffered a genocide on this changes mUST be made there. In our culture was stripped from us
sportswriter Blackie Sherrod Fonda et al. with a protest. Native American mascoting,= it land, which is still theirs, and who order for policies to change, we . . . yet our culture continues to be
called the World Serious. <We want Ted Turner to come all began in a period of virulent are marginalized still today. need to elect people who will fight mocked for sport and profit
In 1991, Atlanta was headed to out with some kind of statement racism in this country. Around I9m not familiar with Swift9s against police brutality and despite decades of protest by
the first of four World Series in a to put this ignorant, stupid, racist the time the white supremacist discography. I9m too old and too racism of any kind. Natives and Native organizations
span of six seasons. Fonda, 53 behavior to a stop,= Clyde film <The Birth of a Nation= first Black to be a Swiftie. my music is #BlackLivesmatter.= and recommendations by
then, had fallen so hard for the Bellecourt, the founder of the screened and the Ku Klux Klan America9s classical, jazz. Such as Kansas City9s team name and national psychological,
bon vivant billionaire owner of American Indian movement, said was emboldened enough to <We Insist! max Roach9s Freedom imagery are racist. And Swift9s educational and sociological
Atlanta9s baseball team, Ted at the time. march in Washington. or, as Now Suite.= or Nina Simone9s declaration to fight <racism of any associations.=
Turner, that she retired from <I don9t believe I9ve betrayed comedian Bill Burr piercingly <mississippi Goddam.= kind= was liked by close to a Swift should heed their plea,
acting. their cause,= Fonda responded. <I figured, <You know White people But I am familiar with Swift9s quarter of a million people. for herself and her devotees, if
So, there she was, captured on support them very much. But I9m came up with that in, like, the social media, which has echoed I don9t doubt Swift9s we9re to believe their influence
camera with Turner at one playoff sorry it offends them, and I9m not 1920s when they . . . first got the defiance against racism of seriousness about wanting to can make a difference. And then,
game in Atlanta9s stadium as the going to do it anymore.= sound in movies,= he said once on those works. stamp out racism. But I9d suggest unlike Fonda, she9ll have nothing
team advanced to the World Since megawatt entertainer Conan o9Brien9s TV talk show. In 2020, at the height of the her pointing out the to regret.
Series, seated next to Georgia9s Taylor Swift started dating < 8What do [Native people] sound Black Lives matter movement 4 perniciousness of her boyfriend9s
political power couple, former Kansas City star tight end Travis like?9 They got some moron on the which helped erase the racist team9s name, cultural Kevin B. Blackistone, eSPn panelist
president Jimmy Carter and first Kelce this season and showing up set, and he just goes [screaming]. name of Washington9s NFL team appropriation and and professor at the Philip merrill
lady Rosalynn Carter. And she at his games, she hasn9t had to . . . 8Put some rouge on his face 4 she tweeted: <Racial injustice encouragement of opprobrious College of Journalism at the University
pretended along with the other apologize for mocking Native and have him do it with an ax.9 = has been ingrained deeply into behavior by its fans while more of maryland, writes sports
fans of the hometown team 4 a people with the insidious chop. making fun of people of color local and state governments, and than 100 million tune in to watch commentary for The Washington Post.
This time, Maxey exposes the defense Jeremy Swayman (25 saves for the
game), and an inability to capital-
ize on early scoring chances has
been their undoing for much of
save there,= Lindgren said.
<[ovechkin] made a really good
pass to Stromer, and he finished it
off. That was a big goal at a big
the season. time.=
the time we kind of snapped into again failed to meet interim Wiz Ards9 Nex t three Late in the opening period, Pacioretty, defenseman John
76ers 119, gear and changed our attitude, it coach Brian Keefe9s call for im- seemingly in retaliation for a hit Carlson and ovechkin found their
Wizards 113 was a little too late,= the Wizards9 proved defense. at dallas Mavericks along the end boards, Boston de- way to the penalty box in the final
Corey Kispert said. He also said he9ll be more fenseman matt Grzelcyk speared 11:30. ovechkin9s minor for hook-
Each team had lost eight of its likely to play a traditional big if monday 8:30 monumental winger max Pacioretty, earning a ing came with just 2:56 to play,
BY S PENCER N USBAUM previous 10 games and was on the Wizards struggle with defen- five-minute major penalty and a and that prompted the Bruins to
the second game of a back-to- sive rebounding late in the game, at New Orleans Pelicans game misconduct to put the Capi- pull Swayman for a six-on-four
All Tyrese maxey needed Sat- back, but the 76ers (31-21) looked but he stuck with Kuzma and Wednesday 8 monumental tals on an extended power play. advantage 4 but they still
urday night against the Washing- plenty spry as zippy drives to the Avdija in the frontcourt because They couldn9t convert before the couldn9t break through.
ton Wizards was a little time to basket by maxey and Kelly oubre they were chiefly responsible for at denver Nuggets period ended, but at 1:05 of the Boston9s goal remained vacant
get going. Jr. built a double-digit lead early the late push. second, Pacioretty 4 who went after the penalty ended, and
Entering the fourth quarter, in the second quarter. <We have to be a defensive Feb. 22 9 monumental down the tunnel after the incident ovechkin hit the empty net to
his Philadelphia 76ers team- Washington (9-43) chipped organization, a defensive cul- but returned after intermission 4 extend his goal streak to four
mates had afforded him that away, pulling within three at ture,= Keefe said before the game. Radio: WTEM (980 AM) found T.J. oshie in the slot to put games, become the NHL9s all-time
luxury, providing a narrow lead halftime as Tyus Jones9s fifth <I think we9re making growth in Washington ahead. oshie ben- leader in empty-net goals (57) and
after his two-point third quarter. first-half three-pointer capped that. We9re not there yet. It9s not coach and security guard in his efited from a shot by captain Alex seal a victory the Capitals desper-
They also had given him space to an 8-0 run in the final 72 seconds fully established.= vicinity along the way. ovechkin that broke Bruins de- ately needed, much to the relief of
operate. of the quarter. Washington remains the only About 15 minutes later, he fenseman Brandon Carlo9s stick, the players and their mentors.
And there, with less than two The close score in part was a team in the NBA without a win reclined in a folding chair at his giving him more space to operate. on Sunday afternoon, Wash-
minutes left and maxey stalking byproduct of circumstance; on the second night of a back-to- new locker, relaxed as all get out. The Capitals didn9t score again ington will host the Vancouver
on the right wing, the Wizards reigning mVP Joel Embiid has back this season (0-9). The loss Without deviating from a broad that period, but they remained in Canucks (34-12-6), who came into
provided a lane. An absence of been out of Philadelphia9s lineup also clinched the franchise9s smile, he talked about opportu- control of the run of play. After 40 Saturday tied with the Bruins
on-ball pressure and late help- since Jan. 30 with a lateral worst pre-all-star-break record nity 4 the chance to do the dirty minutes, the Bruins had just eight atop the NHL. The Capitals know
side defense let maxey weave meniscus injury in his left knee. since it moved to Washington in work for the Wizards and pro- shots on goal. Washington had 23, how tough the challenge ahead is,
forward, then back, then forward He bludgeoned the Wizards for 1973. vide physicality on the interior matching its full-game total from but after winning for the first time
again as he zipped to the hoop. 34, 48 and 50 points earlier this Here9s what else to know about and to reunite with marvin Thursday9s loss. in more than three weeks, it may
With his final basket in a 15- season. the Wizards9 loss: Bagley III after their time togeth- In some games when the Capi- be just a little less daunting.
point fourth quarter 4 a driving The Wizards kept within rea- er in Sacramento 4 and said tals had the lead, they appeared <I9ll just tell you what: As a
layup for an eight-point lead on a sonable distance early in the Holmes joins, doesn9t play before the trade Washington was unprepared to handle a push by goalie, it was so much fun to
night when it seemed every point second half, bouncing back from If Richaun Holmes was at all one of his favorite cities to visit the opponent in the third period. watch the guys in front of me work
of his came with his body splayed the wrong side of a 13-3 run apprehensive about his new situ- and featured a roster that im- But Saturday, Washington largely tonight,= Lindgren said. <This win
out stomach-down on the Capital midway through the third quar- ation, the way a player might be pressed him offensively. remained in control, even though tonight, this shutout, all the credit
one Arena court 4 he put Wash- ter with a 14-5 run in the fourth when asked to uproot his life, he And, his smile growing for the it had to kill three penalties in the in the world goes to the guys in
ington away. that cut their deficit to two. did a fantastic job concealing it final time, he mentioned the final 20 minutes. front of me. I thought the effort,
on a night when Washington9s maxey (28 points, nine re- in the hour before Washington9s chance to be a leader. <We just had a solid game all right from the drop of the puck,
defense flopped, then fluttered, bounds, seven assists) paced loss. <I mean, I think that9s what around,= center Dylan Strome start to finish, was incredible.
the Wizards 4 stop us if you9ve Philadelphia as one of six players The Wizards9 newest addition they want from me,= the 30-year- said. <We didn9t give them much <If we play that way, we9re a
heard this before 4 faltered in in double figures. Buddy Hield, 4 who didn9t play Saturday but old said. <I9m not used to being through two periods at all. Chuck- playoff hockey team. There9s no
the closing minutes against the the 76ers9 marquee deadline ad- joined the team for the first time one of the oldest guys in the ie was good when he needed to be. doubt about it.=
76ers9 maxey and Ricky Council dition, had 23 points. Council after being acquired Thursday locker room, but that9s some-
IV as they fell, 119-113, for their added 19 points and 10 rebounds with a first-round draft pick thing I want to bring and some-
sixth straight loss.
Philadelphia shot 37 for 68 in
off the bench.
Jones led Washington with 25
from the Dallas mavericks for
Daniel Gafford 4 was all smiles
thing I want to do.=
His one caveat about the
What9s for dinner?
Search our database of tested recipes.
the paint for 74 points to Wash- points and nine assists. Deni as he paced around the arena. He trade? His 8-year-old son is still
ington9s 54. Avdija and Kyle Kuzma (21 laughed and joked with a staffer attending school in Dallas.
<They were driving by us, and points each) also contributed for on his walk to the locker room, <Look forward to getting him
it built their confidence. And by the Wizards. Still, Washington fist-bumping just about every out here as well,= Holmes said. S0115-2x1
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post eZ su D5
Jerry Brewer mahomes didn9t ask to be colder than ever, all in record
compared to Brady. He didn9t ask time. And amid the noise of
nba nets 123, spurs 103 nhl blues 3, sabres 1 nCaa men nCaa women
eaStern conference San antonio ................... 30 18 27 28 4 103 atlantic gp w l ot pts gf ga St. loUiS ................................. 1 1 1 4 3 SatUrDaY9S reSUltS SatUrDaY9S reSUltS
brooklYn ......................... 33 27 33 30 4 123 Boston ........................ 52 32 11 9 73 178 135 bUffalo ................................. 0 1 0 4 1 eaSt eaSt
atlantic w l pct gb Florida......................... 52 33 15 4 70 167 131 Army 69, Navy 67 (OT) American 74, Holy Cross 68
Boston ........................................ 40 12 .769 4 San antonio: Champagnie 1-5 0-0 2, Sochan 4-9 0-0 8, firSt perioD
Tampa Bay.................. 53 28 20 5 61 182 175 Boston 77, Bucknell 62 Army 70, Navy 58
New York .................................... 33 20 .623 71/2 Wembanyama 7-16 4-4 21, Jones 2-3 2-2 6, Vassell 7-20 Toronto ....................... 50 26 16 8 60 176 162 Scoring: 1, St. Louis, Neighbours 16 (Thomas, Buchnev- Bryant 70, Binghamton 69 Bryant 55, Binghamton 51
Philadelphia................................ 31 21 .596 9 1-1 17, Barlow 1-5 5-6 7, Mamukelashvili 1-1 0-0 2, Detroit ........................ 51 27 18 6 60 180 164 ich), 12:53 (pp). Canisius 73, Iona 69 Bucknell 71, Boston 60
Brooklyn ..................................... 21 31 .404 19 Osman 2-5 2-2 8, Collins 0-2 2-2 2, Kel.Johnson 7-14 2-2 Montreal..................... 51 21 22 8 50 143 180 Clemson 77, Syracuse 68 Buffalo 62, Southern Mississippi 46
Toronto....................................... 19 34 .358 211/2 19, Branham 2-8 0-0 5, Wesley 2-3 2-2 6. totals 36-91 Buffalo........................ 51 22 25 4 48 148 160
SeconD perioD
Colgate 76, Loyola (Md.) 62 Duquesne 57, La Salle 52
20-21 103. Ottawa........................ 48 21 25 2 44 163 173 Scoring: 2, St. Louis, Kyrou 15 (Rosen, Parayko), 4:32. Columbia 83, Brown 69 Fairfield 52, St. Peter9s 46
SoUtheaSt w l pct gb brooklYn: Bridges 4-11 3-3 14, Finney-Smith 1-4 0-2 3, Connecticut 89, Georgetown 64 Fordham 64, Massachusetts 50
Orlando....................................... 29 24 .547 4 thirD perioD Delaware 69, William & Mary 58 Harvard 68, Dartmouth 50
Claxton 10-15 0-0 20, Simmons 6-7 1-2 13, Thomas 9-19 metropolitan gp w l ot pts gf ga
Miami ......................................... 28 24 .538 2
2-2 25, Bates-Diop 1-1 0-0 2, Watford 2-2 2-2 6, Wilson N.Y. Rangers............... 52 33 16 3 69 170 147 Scoring: 3, St. Louis, Neighbours 17 (Schenn, Kapanen), Duquesne 75, St. Bonaventure 69 Lehigh 70, Lafayette 68 (OT)
Atlanta ....................................... 24 29 .453 5 3-4 0-0 8, Clowney 1-1 0-0 3, Schroder 6-13 0-0 15, Smith Carolina....................... 51 30 16 5 65 171 149 18:03. Fairfield 64, St. Peter9s 62 Loyola (Md.) 64, Colgate 61
Charlotte .................................... 11 41 .212 171/2 Jr. 6-9 0-0 14, Walker IV 0-1 0-0 0. totals 49-87 8-11 123. Philadelphia................ 53 28 19 6 62 156 152 Harvard 77, Dartmouth 59 Maine 67, New Hampshire 48
Washington.................................. 9 43 .173 191/2 N.Y. Islanders ............. 52 22 18 12 56 154 175
ShotS on goal Holy Cross 58, American 56 Mount St. Mary9s 70, Canisius 56
three-point goals: San Antonio 11-34 (Kel.Johnson 3-6, Lehigh 94, Lafayette 90 (2OT) Princeton 67, Penn 54
New Jersey ................. 50 25 21 4 54 169 177 St. loUiS ............................... 11 4 11 4 26
Wembanyama 3-6, Osman 2-3, Vassell 2-6, Branham Loyola Chicago 81, George Washington 73 Rider 58, Manhattan 54
central w l pct gb Pittsburgh .................. 49 23 19 7 53 144 131 bUffalo ................................. 9 14 11 4 34
1-5, Collins 0-1, Jones 0-1, Wesley 0-1, Sochan 0-2, Marist 77, Rider 62 Seton Hall 86, Xavier 62
Cleveland.................................... 35 16 .686 4 Champagnie 0-3), Brooklyn 17-34 (Thomas 5-10, Schrod- Washington ................ 50 23 20 7 53 122 155 power-play opportunities: St. Louis 1 of 2; Buffalo 0 of 3.
Milwaukee.................................. 34 19 .642 2 Columbus.................... 51 16 25 10 42 150 188 goalies: St. Louis, Hofer 10-8-0 (34 shots-33 saves). Maryland Eastern Shore 88, Bryn Athyn 55 Siena 74, Quinnipiac 55
er 3-5, Bridges 3-6, Smith Jr. 2-3, Wilson 2-3, Clowney Merrimack 66, Le Moyne 50 Temple 59, South Florida 55
Indiana........................................ 30 24 .556 61/2 1-1, Finney-Smith 1-4, Claxton 0-1, Walker IV 0-1). Buffalo, Luukkonen 12-13-2 (26-23). a: 16,726 (19,070).
Chicago ....................................... 25 28 .472 11 t: 2:28. Mount St. Mary9s 96, Quinnipiac 79 Vermont 69, UMBC 45
fouled out: San Antonio None, Brooklyn 1 (Finney- central gp w l ot pts gf ga Northeastern 77, Monmouth (N.J.) 65 Yale 66, Cornell 59
Detroit .......................................... 8 44 .154 271/2 Smith). rebounds: San Antonio 41 (Barlow 9), Brooklyn Dallas.......................... 52 32 14 6 70 192 159 Princeton 77, Penn 70 SoUth
weStern conference 41 (Claxton 11). assists: San Antonio 20 (Vassell 4), Colorado...................... 53 32 17 4 68 196 169 Robert Morris 71, Milwaukee 60
Brooklyn 31 (Schroder 12). total fouls: San Antonio 11, Winnipeg .................... 50 31 14 5 67 151 117 stars 3, Canadiens 2 Rutgers 78, Wisconsin 56 Chattanooga 61, Mercer 52
SoUthweSt w l pct gb Brooklyn 23. a: 18,005 (17,732) St. Louis...................... 50 27 21 2 56 144 154 Siena 68, Manhattan 63 Eastern Illinois 105, Morehead State 103 (4OT)
Nashville..................... 52 27 23 2 56 158 164 DallaS .................................... 0 3 0 4 3 Eastern Kentucky 69, Kennesaw State 66
x-New Orleans ........................... 30 22 .577 4 montreal .............................. 0 2 0 4 2 St. Joseph9s 87, Saint Louis 86
Dallas.......................................... 30 23 .566 1/
2 Minnesota .................. 51 23 23 5 51 154 169 Vermont 72, UMBC 70 East Tennessee State 69, Samford 56
Houston...................................... 23 29 .442 7 Arizona ....................... 50 23 23 4 50 149 155 SeconD perioD Yale 80, Cornell 78 East Carolina 70, Charlotte 56
Memphis..................................... 18 35 .340 121/
2 Magic 114, bulls 108 (Ot) Chicago ....................... 52 14 35 3 31 109 183 Florida A&M 71, Texas Southern 57
San Antonio................................ 10 43 .189 201/
Scoring: 1, Montreal, Suzuki 16 (Matheson, Caufield), SoUth Florida Gulf Coast 84, North Alabama 42
chicago ....................... 24 26 36 15 7 4 108 0:38. 2, Dallas, Harley 13 (Hintz, Robertson), 3:51. 3, Alabama 109, LSU 92 Grambling State 65, Alabama State 48
pacific gp w l ot pts gf ga Dallas, Seguin 18 (Marchment, Duchene), 4:15. 4, Dallas,
orlanDo ...................... 26 26 28 21 13 4 114 Vancouver................... 52 34 12 6 74 192 137 Appalachian State 109, Toledo 104 (2OT) Liberty 58, Louisiana Tech 53
northweSt w l pct gb Seguin 19 (Marchment, Duchene), 17:45. 5, Montreal, Buffalo 82, Georgia Southern 81 (OT) Lipscomb 94, North Florida 82 (2OT)
Minnesota .................................. 36 16 .692 4 chicago: Caruso 4-6 0-0 9, DeRozan 11-24 5-6 28, Vegas .......................... 52 31 15 6 68 169 141 Slafkovsky 10 (Matheson, Suzuki), 18:37.
1/ x-Edmonton ................ 47 30 16 1 61 166 130 Campbell 95, Stony Brook 77 Memphis 80, Tulane 79 (OT)
Denver ........................................ 36 17 .679 2 Vucevic 12-25 1-2 26, Dosunmu 7-12 0-0 19, White 5-21 Central Michigan 58, Old Dominion 57 Middle Tennessee 73, Florida International 54
Oklahoma City............................ 35 17 .673 1 2-2 14, Craig 1-3 0-0 3, Phillips 0-0 0-0 0, Terry 2-5 0-0 5, x-Los Angeles............. 48 23 15 10 56 152 132 ShotS on goal
Calgary........................ 52 25 22 5 55 163 161 Charleston 80, Drexel 70 Presbyterian 57, Radford 50
Utah............................................ 26 27 .491 101/2 Drummond 1-3 2-4 4. totals 43-99 10-14 108. DallaS .................................... 6 21 11 4 38 Duke 80, Boston College 65 Southern 67, Alabama A&M 60
x-Portland .................................. 15 36 .294 201/2 Seattle ........................ 51 21 20 10 52 142 150 montreal .............................. 6 7 7 4 20
orlanDo: Banchero 5-13 7-8 19, F.Wagner 12-22 7-10 Anaheim ..................... 51 18 31 2 38 132 175 Florida 81, Auburn 65 Texas A&M Corpus Christi 78, McNeese State 64
36, Carter Jr. 3-6 0-0 6, Fultz 2-7 1-1 5, Suggs 5-9 0-0 13, San Jose ..................... 51 14 32 5 33 107 199 power-play opportunities: Dallas 0 of 6; Montreal 0 of 4. Florida Gulf Coast 63, Bellarmine 52 VCU 54, St. Bonaventure 40
pacific w l pct gb Isaac 3-8 0-0 7, Bitadze 2-2 1-3 5, M.Wagner 3-3 0-0 7, goalies: Dallas, Oettinger 18-9-2 (20 shots-18 saves). Furman 65, East Tennessee State 63 Western Kentucky 54, Jacksonville State 45
L.A. Clippers ............................... 35 16 .686 4 Ingles 0-2 0-0 0, Anthony 5-11 3-4 14, G.Harris 1-5 0-0 2. x-Late game Montreal, Montembeault 12-8-4 (38-35). a: 21,105 George Mason 57, Davidson 55 Wichita State 67, Florida Atlantic 56
Sacramento ................................ 30 21 .588 5 totals 41-88 19-26 114. (21,288). t: 2:30. Georgia State 73, Miami (Ohio) 53 Winthrop 55, Longwood 54
Phoenix....................................... 31 22 .585 5 friDaY9S reSUltS Gonzaga 89, Kentucky 85 Wofford 66, North Carolina Greensboro 60
L.A. Lakers.................................. 28 26 .519 81/2 three-point goals: Chicago 12-37 (Dosunmu 5-8, White at Minnesota 3, Pittsburgh 2 Hofstra 81, North Carolina A&T 49
2-11, Caruso 1-2, Craig 1-2, Terry 1-3, DeRozan 1-4, miDweSt
Golden State .............................. 25 25 .500 91/2 N.Y. Rangers 4, at Chicago 3 (OT) senators 5, Maple leafs 3 James Madison 73, Akron 59
Vucevic 1-7), Orlando 13-39 (F.Wagner 5-12, Suggs 3-5, Liberty 65, Louisiana Tech 62 Appalachian State 78, Western Michigan 68
x-Late game Banchero 2-6, M.Wagner 1-1, Isaac 1-2, Anthony 1-5, Edmonton 5, at Anaheim 3 toronto ................................ 1 1 1 4 3 Arkansas State 81, Akron 67
Longwood 84, Winthrop 74
Carter Jr. 0-2, Fultz 0-2, G.Harris 0-2, Ingles 0-2). fouled ottawa .................................. 1 3 1 4 5 Louisiana Monroe 82, Eastern Michigan 76 BYU 69, Cincinnati 57
friDaY9S reSUltS SatUrDaY9S reSUltS Creighton 88, DePaul 59
out: None. rebounds: Chicago 43 (Vucevic 17), Orlando Louisville 79, Georgia Tech 67
at Boston 133, Washington 129 48 (Isaac 12). assists: Chicago 21 (White 7), Orlando 23 Washington 3, at Boston 0 firSt perioD Denver 67, St. Thomas (Minn.) 61
Middle Tennessee 68, Florida International 66
Atlanta 127, at Philadelphia 121 (Banchero 8). total fouls: Chicago 24, Orlando 18. a: St. Louis 3, at Buffalo 1 Scoring: 1, Toronto, Matthews 42 (Marner, Knies), 3:45. Murray State 73, Evansville 70 Drake 79, Illinois State 64
at Toronto 107, Houston 104 19,459 (18,846) Dallas 3, at Montreal 2 2, Ottawa, Giroux 16 (Joseph), 17:53. North Carolina 75, Miami 72 Eastern Michigan 81, South Alabama 69
at Milwaukee 120, Charlotte 84 Calgary 5, at N.Y. Islanders 2 North Carolina Wilmington 95, Hampton 65 Green Bay 71, IUPUI 52
at Sacramento 135, Denver 106 at Detroit 4, Vancouver 3 (OT) SeconD perioD Northern Kentucky 79, Detroit 67 Louisiana Lafayette 54, Central Michigan 51
Miami (Ohio) 80, Georgia State 63
at L.A. Lakers 139, New Orleans 122 Clippers 112, Pistons 106 at Florida 4, Colorado 0 Scoring: 3, Ottawa, Tarasenko 14 (Chychrun, Pinto), Presbyterian 76, Radford 73
Michigan 86, Rutgers 58
at Winnipeg 2, Pittsburgh 1 2:04. 4, Toronto, Knies 9 (Marner, Matthews), 9:43. 5, Richmond 82, La Salle 65
SatUrDaY9S reSUltS Detroit ............................. 30 28 23 25 4 106 Samford 102, VMI 63 North Dakota State 84, Omaha 70
at Carolina 1, New Jersey 0 (OT) Ottawa, Pinto 3 (Zub, Kelly), 11:13. 6, Ottawa, Norris 13 Northern Illinois 91, Georgia Southern 84
Philadelphia 119, at Washington 113 l.a. clipperS .................... 31 18 27 36 4 112 (Batherson), 15:13. South Alabama 75, Northern Illinois 66
at Columbus 4, Tampa Bay 2 Northern Iowa 96, Bradley 61
at Dallas 146, Oklahoma City 111 South Carolina 75, Vanderbilt 60
Detroit: Muscala 0-2 0-0 0, Thompson 5-12 0-0 10, at Ottawa 5, Toronto 3 thirD perioD South Carolina State 78, Chicago State 55 Oakland 67, Robert Morris 65 (OT)
at L.A. Clippers 112, Detroit 106 Duren 5-12 0-0 10, Cunningham 9-18 3-3 22, Ivey 10-21 at Philadelphia 3, Seattle 2 Old Dominion 82, Kent State 76
Scoring: 7, Toronto, Domi 5 (Robertson, Rielly), 5:12. 8, Southern 69, Alabama A&M 62
at Brooklyn 123, San Antonio 103 1-1 23, Brown Jr. 2-5 2-2 8, Fontecchio 8-19 1-1 20, at Nashville 5, Arizona 4 (OT) Texas State 80, Ohio 71
Ottawa, Greig 8 (Pinto), 19:54 (en). Southern Mississippi 86, Western Michigan 54
at Orlando 114, Chicago 108 (OT) Wiseman 2-4 0-0 4, Milton 2-5 0-0 4, Sasser 2-4 0-0 5, Edmonton at Los Angeles, late Troy 78, Kent State 68 Toledo 72, Louisiana Monroe 57
at Charlotte 115, Memphis 106 Umude 0-0 0-0 0. totals 45-102 7-7 106. Virginia 80, Florida State 76 Troy 88, Bowling Green 78
ShotS on goal Villanova 55, Marquette 52
Cleveland 119, at Toronto 95 l.a. clipperS: George 14-24 1-1 33, Leonard 7-18 7-7 SUnDaY9S gameS Wake Forest 83, North Carolina State 79
toronto ................................ 8 12 15 4 35
Indiana 125, at New York 111 24, Zubac 2-3 2-2 6, Harden 4-11 4-4 14, Mann 0-3 2-2 2, Vancouver at Washington, 1:30 ottawa ................................ 10 10 12 4 32 Western Kentucky 70, Jacksonville State 59 SoUthweSt
at Atlanta 122, Houston 113 Plumlee 1-2 4-4 6, Coffey 3-8 4-4 12, Powell 1-3 0-0 2, St. Louis at Montreal, 1 power-play opportunities: Toronto 0 of 0; Ottawa 0 of 3. miDweSt Abilene Christian 66, Utah Valley State 53
at Golden State 113, Phoenix 112 Westbrook 5-10 1-2 13. totals 37-82 25-26 112. goalies: Toronto, Jones 9-7-1 (31 shots-27 saves). Butler 75, Providence 72 Arkansas Pine Bluff 80, Alcorn State 57
monDaY9S gameS Baylor 65, West Virginia 58
New Orleans at Portland, late three-point goals: Detroit 9-30 (Fontecchio 3-9, Brown Ottawa, Korpisalo 13-16-2 (35-32). a: 19,679 (18,572). Creighton 78, Xavier 71
Arizona at Philadelphia, 7 t: 2:25. Drake 74, Bradley 67 Central Florida 69, Texas Tech 64
SUnDaY9S gameS Jr. 2-5, Ivey 2-6, Sasser 1-2, Cunningham 1-3, Milton 0-1, Lamar 70, Nicholls 44
Muscala 0-2, Thompson 0-2), L.A. Clippers 13-39 Calgary at N.Y. Rangers, 7 Houston 67, Cincinnati 62
Boston at Miami, 2 Seattle at New Jersey, 7 Indiana State 73, Missouri State 71 North Texas 78, SMU 65
(George 4-13, Leonard 3-7, Westbrook 2-4, Coffey 2-5, Rice 78, Tulsa 66
Sacramento at Oklahoma City, 3 Harden 2-8, Mann 0-2). fouled out: None. rebounds: Minnesota at Vegas, 10 Iowa State 71, TCU 59
lightning 4, blue Jackets 2 Kansas 64, Baylor 61 South Dakota State 103, Oral Roberts 77
Detroit 57 (Duren 18), L.A. Clippers 35 (Harden 6). Texas 65, TCU 43
monDaY9S gameS assists: Detroit 27 (Cunningham 10), L.A. Clippers 20 tUeSDaY9S gameS Marquette 86, St. John9s 75
tampa baY ............................ 1 1 2 4 4
Washington at Dallas, 8:30 (Harden 8). total fouls: Detroit 19, L.A. Clippers 13. a: Colorado at Washington, 7 colUmbUS .............................. 0 0 2 4 2 Michigan State 88, Illinois 80 weSt
Indiana at Charlotte, 7 19,370 (18,997) Anaheim at Montreal, 7 Mississippi State 75, Missouri 51 Air Force 78, Utah State 72
Philadelphia at Cleveland, 7 Columbus at Ottawa, 7 firSt perioD Nebraska 79, Michigan 59 Boise State 56, Wyoming 42
Chicago at Atlanta, 7:30 Los Angeles at Buffalo, 7 North Dakota State 81, Omaha 79 Central Florida 69, Texas Tech 64
Scoring: 1, Tampa Bay, Paul 14 (Raddysh, Hagel), 15:40
San Antonio at Toronto, 7:30 Pacers 125, Knicks 111 St. Louis at Toronto, 7 Notre Dame 74, Virginia Tech 66 Eastern Washington 62, Idaho 52
Purdue 79, Indiana 59 Gonzaga 71, Loyola Marymount 47
Denver at Milwaukee, 8 Tampa Bay at Boston, 7 Oklahoma 66, Oklahoma State 62
inDiana ............................. 26 35 30 34 4 125 SeconD perioD Montana 82, Northern Colorado 73
New Orleans at Memphis, 8 new York ......................... 27 31 24 29 4 111 Seattle at N.Y. Islanders, 7:30 Ohio State 79, Maryland 75 (2OT) Northern Arizona 71, Montana State 58
New York at Houston, 8 Carolina at Dallas, 8 Scoring: 2, Tampa Bay, Cirelli 11 (Hagel, Paul), 0:49. South Dakota State 83, Oral Roberts 72 New Mexico 62, Colorado State 46
Golden State at Utah, 9 inDiana: Nesmith 5-12 0-0 13, Siakam 8-13 1-4 19, New Jersey at Nashville, 8 SoUthweSt New Mexico State 66, Texas El Paso 59
thirD perioD
Minnesota at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 Turner 9-9 3-4 23, Haliburton 7-14 4-5 22, Nembhard 3-6 Vancouver at Chicago, 8:30 Portland 78, Pepperdine 46
0-0 7, Jackson 5-6 2-2 12, McDermott 0-1 0-0 0, O.Toppin Scoring: 3, Tampa Bay, Stamkos 22 (Kucherov, Hedman), Arkansas 78, Georgia 75
Detroit at Edmonton, 9 Arkansas State 100, Ohio 87 Portland State 59, Idaho State 53
tUeSDaY9S gameS 3-5 1-2 9, Mathurin 2-6 0-2 4, McConnell 8-10 0-0 16. 0:23 (pp). 4, Columbus, Jenner 14 (Gaudreau, Werenski), Sacramento State 75, Weber State 44
totals 50-82 11-19 125. weDneSDaY9S gameS 12:22. 5, Columbus, Jenner 15 (Gaudreau, Marchenko), East Carolina 84, Texas San Antonio73
Boston at Brooklyn, 7:30 South Florida 69, Rice 65 Santa Clara 70, St. Mary9s (Calif.) 58
Oklahoma City at Orlando, 7:30 Florida at Pittsburgh, 7:30 15:50 (pp). 6, Tampa Bay, Hagel 19 (Kucherov, Cirelli), UC Davis 61, Hawaii 51
new York: Achiuwa 6-6 2-2 15, Hart 2-6 0-0 4, Gibson Texas 94, West Virginia 58
19:12 (en). UNLV 63, Fresno State 49
Miami at Milwaukee, 8 0-4 0-0 0, Brunson 14-25 10-10 39, DiVincenzo 6-15 0-1 San Jose at Winnipeg, 7:30 Texas A&M 85, Tennessee 69
Minnesota at Portland, 10 14, Bogdanovic 3-10 3-4 11, Burks 7-14 4-4 22, McBride Minnesota at Arizona, 9:30 ShotS on goal Texas State 68, Ball State 60
Sacramento at Phoenix, 10 2-4 2-2 6. totals 40-84 21-23 111. Texas Tech 66, Central Florida 59
tampa baY .......................... 13 11 13 4 37
Detroit at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 three-point goals: Indiana 14-29 (Haliburton 4-9, Ne- colUmbUS .............................. 9 14 11 4 34 weSt no. 7 texas 65, tCU 43
smith 3-7, O.Toppin 2-2, Turner 2-2, Siakam 2-6, power-play opportunities: Tampa Bay 2 of 3; Columbus 1 Arizona State 85, Utah 77
Nembhard 1-1, Mathurin 0-1, McDermott 0-1), New York Capitals 3, bruins 0 of 3. goalies: Tampa Bay, Vasilevskiy 17-11-0 (34 Fresno State 68, Air Force 66 texaS ................................ 11 12 26 16 4 65
76ers 119, Wizards 113 10-32 (Burks 4-7, Bogdanovic 2-6, DiVincenzo 2-9, waShington ......................... 0 1 2 4 3 shots-32 saves). Columbus, Merzlikins 9-11-7 (36-33). Northern Colorado 87, Montana 71 tcU ....................................... 6 14 12 11 4 43
Achiuwa 1-1, Brunson 1-5, Hart 0-2, McBride 0-2). boSton ................................... 0 0 0 4 0 a: 18,876 (18,500). t: 2:32. St. Mary9s (Calif.) 76, Portland 51 texas (22-3)
philadelphia ........................ 33 26 31 29 4 119 fouled out: Indiana 1 (Jackson), New York None. Booker 6-12 0-0 13, Jones 2-6 1-2 5, Moore 4-6 1-3 9,
UCLA 61, California 60
washington ........................ 26 30 24 33 4 113 rebounds: Indiana 41 (Jackson, Turner 8), New York 32 SeconD perioD UNLV 80, New Mexico 77 Gonzales 2-6 0-0 5, Holle 4-9 4-4 14, Gaston 4-7 1-2 9,
philaDelphia min fg ft o-t a pf ptS (Hart 10). assists: Indiana 30 (Haliburton 12), New York Scoring: 1, Washington, Oshie 9 (McMichael, Pacioret- Washington 67, Oregon State 55 Muhammad 3-7 0-2 6, Codio 0-0 0-0 0, Maul 1-3 0-0 2,
Harris 32:46 4-14 3-4 1-7 3 1 11
16 (Hart 5). total fouls: Indiana 20, New York 15. a: ty), 1:05 (pp). hurricanes 1, Devils 0 (Ot) Mwenentanda 1-2 0-0 2, totals 27-58 7-13 65
19,812 (19,812) tcU (15-8)
Oubre Jr. 39:05 6-13 3-4 2-7 4 4 16 thirD perioD new JerSeY ..................... 0 0 0 0 4 0
Roberson 3-6 3-6 11, Emma-Nnopu 4-13 0-0 11, Flores
Reed 22:22 6-8 0-0 3-7 1 3 12 carolina ......................... 0 0 0 1 4 1
Hield 36:21 9-16 1-2 1-5 6 3 23 Scoring: 2, Washington, Strome 20 (Oshie, Ovechkin), Virginia 80, florida state 76 1-5 0-0 3, Jovanovic 3-11 4-5 10, Manumaleuga 0-4 0-0 0,
3:24. 3, Washington, Ovechkin 12, 19:33 (en). overtime Clack 0-1 0-0 0, Sylvester 0-0 0-0 0, Davis 0-0 0-0 0,
Maxey 35:50 11-25 3-4 0-9 7 1 28 hawks 122, Rockets 113 virginia (18-5) Hamlin 0-0 0-0 0, Harris 3-8 0-0 8, Moore 0-0 0-0 0, totals
Council IV 29:10 7-13 5-8 5-10 1 2 19 Scoring: 1, Carolina, Aho 19 (Slavin, Necas), 3:40. Minor 1-2 0-0 2, Beekman 7-16 7-11 21, Dunn 0-0 1-2 1,
Martin 23:15 2-3 0-0 1-2 0 3 4
ShotS on goal 14-48 7-11 43
hoUSton ........................... 31 18 35 29 4 113 McKneely 8-12 8-9 29, Rohde 2-5 2-2 8, Buchanan 2-4 0-0 three-point goals: Texas 4-14 (Booker 1-2, Gonzales 1-5,
Payne 21:09 3-8 0-1 0-1 6 1 6 atlanta ........................... 19 38 38 27 4 122 waShington ....................... 15 8 5 4 28 ShotS on goal 4, Groves 4-8 0-0 10, Harris 1-4 0-0 2, Murray 1-1 0-0 3.
boSton ................................... 4 4 10 4 18 Holle 2-5, Maul 0-2), TCU 8-29 (Roberson 2-4, Emma-
totalS 240 48-100 15-23 13-48 28 18 119 new JerSeY ................... 10 13 9 2 4 34 totals 26-52 18-24 80. Nnopu 3-11, Flores 1-4, Jovanovic 0-3, Manumaleuga
hoUSton: Brooks 5-19 2-2 14, Smith Jr. 4-15 0-0 9, power-play opportunities: Washington 1 of 3; Boston 0 carolina ....................... 10 11 10 2 4 33 florida State (13-9)
Je.Green 6-10 3-5 19, Ja.Green 10-22 4-7 26, Thompson 0-3, Harris 2-4). assists: Texas 20 (Gonzales 8), TCU 11
percentages: FG .480, FT .652. 3-point goals: 8-27, .296 of 4. goalies: Washington, Lindgren 10-7-4 (18 shots-18 power-play opportunities: New Jersey 0 of 4; Carolina 0 De.Green 1-1 0-1 2, Miller 3-3 1-2 8, Watkins 4-8 11-12
6-10 0-0 12, Tate 1-2 0-0 2, Bullock Jr. 1-3 0-0 3, Landale (Manumaleuga 6). fouled out: TCU Emma-Nnopu. re-
(Hield 4-9, Maxey 3-7, Oubre Jr. 1-5, Council IV 0-1, saves). Boston, Swayman 16-5-7 (27-25). a: 17,850 of 2. goalies: New Jersey, Vanecek 17-9-3 (33 shots-32 19, Da.Green 2-9 1-1 5, Warley 2-7 2-4 6, Jackson 7-9 2-2
0-3 2-2 2, Holiday 7-10 1-1 18, Williams 4-6 0-2 8. totals bounds: Texas 36 (Jones 6, Muhammad 6), TCU 31
Harris 0-2, Payne 0-3). team rebounds: 11. team (17,565). t: 2:25. saves). Carolina, Kochetkov 13-8-3 (34-34). a: 18,997 17, Corhen 2-2 4-4 8, Spears 0-1 0-0 0, Nickelberry 1-3 0-0
44-100 12-19 113. (Emma-Nnopu 9). total fouls: Texas 12, TCU 15.
turnovers: None. blocked Shots: 4 (Harris, Martin, (18,680). t: 2:31. 2, Bol Bowen 0-1 0-0 0, Gainey 2-3 2-2 6, House 0-0 3-5 3. Technical Fouls_None. a: 3,685.
Oubre Jr., Reed). turnovers: 11 (Harris 3, Hield 2, Maxey atlanta: Bey 8-15 4-4 24, Johnson 8-11 4-4 21, totals 24-47 26-33 76.
2, Oubre Jr. 2, Payne 2). Steals: 8 (Hield 4, Harris 3, Oubre Okongwu 4-10 3-7 11, Murray 9-19 12-15 34, Young 6-16 halftime: Virginia 34-30. three-point goals: Virginia
Jr.). technical fouls: None. Panthers 4, avalanche 0
4-6 18, Bogdanovic 3-12 1-1 8, Bufkin 1-4 0-0 3, Mathews 10-18 (McKneely 5-7, Groves 2-2, Rohde 2-3, Murray 1-1,
waShington min fg ft o-t a pf ptS 1-1 0-0 3. totals 40-88 28-37 122. coloraDo .............................. 0 0 0 4 0 flyers 3, Kraken 2 Harris 0-2, Beekman 0-3), Florida State 2-16 (Miller 1-1, no. 8 Kansas state 69,
floriDa .................................. 2 1 1 4 4 Jackson 1-3, Bol Bowen 0-1, Warley 0-1, Nickelberry 0-2,
Avdija 39:17 9-14 2-2 0-13 5 2 21 three-point goals: Houston 13-43 (Je.Green 4-7, Holiday Seattle .................................. 1 0 1 4 2
Watkins 0-2, Da.Green 0-6). fouled out: Dunn, Watkins,
Oklahoma state 68
Kuzma 37:10 9-17 1-2 0-3 5 5 21 3-5, Ja.Green 2-9, Brooks 2-10, Bullock Jr. 1-3, Smith Jr. firSt perioD philaDelphia ........................ 2 0 1 4 3
Bagley III 14:52 1-7 0-0 0-1 0 1 2 Warley. rebounds: Virginia 25 (McKneely, Buchanan 5), oklahoma State ........... 12 13 28 15 4 68
1-7, Landale 0-1, Thompson 0-1), Atlanta 14-41 (Bey 4-9, Scoring: 1, Florida, Verhaeghe 26 (Barkov, Tkachuk), Florida State 27 (Warley 7). assists: Virginia 18
Jones 30:58 9-14 1-1 0-3 9 2 25 Murray 4-9, Young 2-9, Mathews 1-1, Johnson 1-2,
firSt perioD kanSaS State ................. 15 18 18 18 4 69
10:19 (pp). 2, Florida, Reinhart 39 (Tkachuk, Barkov), (Beekman 5), Florida State 8 (Miller, Watkins, Warley
Poole 29:17 4-8 1-2 1-4 4 4 11 Bufkin 1-4, Bogdanovic 1-6, Okongwu 0-1). fouled out: 16:56 (pp). Scoring: 1, Philadelphia, Laughton 6 (Frost, York), 4:36 oklahoma State (11-12)
Coulibaly 30:10 3-6 7-10 3-5 1 1 13 2). total fouls: Virginia 23, Florida State 18.
None. rebounds: Houston 58 (Ja.Green 14), Atlanta 41 (pp). 2, Seattle, Tatar 7 (Dunn, Larsson), 17:09. 3, Garzon 5-8 0-0 14, Gusters 6-8 1-2 13, Asi 1-9 0-0 3,
Kispert 24:21 2-6 0-0 0-2 0 1 5 (Bogdanovic, Okongwu 7). assists: Houston 22 SeconD perioD Philadelphia, Poehling 7 (Hathaway, Seeler), 18:14 (sh). Heard 6-13 4-7 19, Noble 8-15 0-0 19, Egharevba 0-2 0-0
Shamet 19:01 4-7 0-0 0-1 0 4 9 (Ja.Green 10), Atlanta 25 (Young 8). total fouls: 0, Ebert 0-0 0-0 0, totals 26-55 5-9 68
Omoruyi 8:12 0-4 2-2 2-5 0 3 2 Houston 26, Atlanta 18. a: 17,503 (18,118) Scoring: 3, Florida, Luostarinen 10 (Rodrigues, Kulikov), thirD perioD notre Dame 74, Virginia tech 66 kansas State (21-3)
Wright 6:39 1-3 2-2 1-2 4 0 4 17:52.
Scoring: 4, Seattle, McCann 21 (Dunn, Wennberg), 0:36. Lester 0-4 2-2 2, Brylee Glenn 10-23 0-0 23, Jaelyn Glenn
virginia tech (13-10) 1-3 0-0 3, Gregory 4-10 2-2 11, Sundell 7-11 1-1 16,
totalS 240 42-86 16-21 7-39 28 23 113 thirD perioD 5, Philadelphia, Couturier 11 (Sanheim, Konecny), 5:30.
Beran 3-6 1-2 8, Kidd 1-3 0-0 2, Cattoor 7-16 0-0 18, Maupin 1-2 0-0 2, Sanchez 0-6 0-0 0, Sides 0-0 2-2 2,
percentages: FG .488, FT .762. 3-point goals: 13-34, .382
P RO fO O t b a l l Scoring: 4, Florida, Barkov 12 (Verhaeghe), 9:20. ShotS on goal Collins 1-6 0-0 2, Pedulla 4-12 4-5 13, Nickel 3-5 1-1 9, Walker 4-9 2-2 10, totals 27-68 9-9 69
(Jones 6-8, Poole 2-4, Kuzma 2-6, Avdija 1-4, Kispert 1-4, Poteat 6-8 2-3 14, Rechsteiner 0-1 0-0 0, Young 0-0 0-0 0. three-point goals: Oklahoma State 11-21 (Garzon 4-7,
ShotS on goal Seattle ................................ 10 7 2 4 19 totals 25-57 8-11 66.
Shamet 1-4, Bagley III 0-1, Coulibaly 0-1, Omoruyi 0-1, Asi 1-3, Heard 3-5, Noble 3-6), Kansas State 6-26
Wright 0-1). team rebounds: 11. team turnovers: 2.
nfl playoffs coloraDo ............................ 15 10 10 4 35
philaDelphia ...................... 13 11 14 4 38 notre Dame (8-16) (B.Glenn 3-11, J.Glenn 1-2, Gregory 1-5, Sundell 1-4,
floriDa ................................ 11 24 8 4 43 power-play opportunities: Seattle 0 of 3; Philadelphia 1 Booth 3-5 2-2 8, Davis 1-4 1-2 3, Njie 4-7 3-3 11, Burton
blocked Shots: 8 (Kuzma 4, Bagley III 2, Avdija, Wright). firSt roUnD of 4. goalies: Seattle, Daccord 15-10-9 (38 shots-35 Sanchez 0-2, Walker 0-2). assists: Oklahoma State 19
turnovers: 15 (Avdija 5, Kuzma 4, Coulibaly 3, Poole 2, power-play opportunities: Colorado 0 of 1; Florida 2 of 2. 6-18 4-4 16, Shrewsberry 4-7 0-0 12, Roper 3-4 0-2 7, (Noble 7), Kansas State 14 (Sundell 7). fouled out: None.
SatUrDaY, Jan. 13 saves). Philadelphia, Petersen 2-1-0 (19-17). a: 18,926 Imes 2-2 3-4 8, Konieczny 2-5 0-0 4, Zona 2-3 0-0 5.
Jones). Steals: 7 (Shamet 3, Poole 2, Jones, Wright). goalies: Colorado, Georgiev 27-13-3 (43 shots-39 (19,543). t: 2:35. rebounds: Oklahoma State 41 (Heard 12), Kansas State
technical fouls: None. a: 20,333 (20,356). at Houston 45, Cleveland 14 saves). Florida, Bobrovsky 25-10-2 (35-35). a: 19,304 totals 27-55 13-17 74.
at Kansas City 26, Miami 7 28 (Walker 8). total fouls: Oklahoma State 9, Kansas
(19,250). t: 2:23. halftime: Virginia Tech 39-35. three-point goals: Vir- State 13. Technical Fouls_None. a: 6,848.
SUnDaY, Jan. 14 ginia Tech 8-24 (Cattoor 4-11, Nickel 2-4, Beran 1-2,
Green Bay 48, at Dallas 32 Pedulla 1-2, Rechsteiner 0-1, Collins 0-4), Notre Dame
Mavericks 146, thunder 111 at Detroit 24, L.A. Rams 23
Predators 5, Coyotes 4 (Ot) 7-20 (Shrewsberry 4-6, Imes 1-1, Roper 1-2, Zona 1-2,
Booth 0-2, Konieczny 0-2, Burton 0-5). rebounds:
oklahoma citY ............... 30 32 27 22 4 111 monDaY, Jan. 15 Jets 2, Penguins 1 arizona ........................... 1 1 2 0 4 4
Virginia Tech 27 (Beran 13), Notre Dame 31 (Njie 6).
no. 18 baylor 65,
DallaS .............................. 47 24 39 36 4 146 naShville ........................ 1 1 2 1 4 5
at Buffalo 31, Pittsburgh 17 pittSbUrgh ........................... 0 1 0 4 1 assists: Virginia Tech 13 (Collins 5), Notre Dame 14 no. 22 West Virginia 58
at Tampa Bay 32, Philadelphia 9 winnipeg ............................... 2 0 0 4 2 firSt perioD (Burton 8). total fouls: Virginia Tech 16, Notre Dame 14.
oklahoma citY: Dort 2-7 0-0 5, Jal.Williams 4-10 0-0 weSt virginia ................. 11 15 12 20 4 58
a: 7,394 (9,149).
9, Holmgren 4-7 3-4 13, Giddey 3-14 2-2 11, Gilgeous-Al- DiviSional roUnD firSt perioD Scoring: 1, Nashville, O9Reilly 18 (Nyquist, Forsberg), baYlor .............................. 15 19 15 16 4 65
exander 9-16 7-8 25, Dieng 1-9 0-0 3, Jay.Williams 0-1 SatUrDaY, Jan. 20 12:28. 2, Arizona, Dermott 2 (Zucker, Kerfoot), 13:10.
0-0 0, Pokusevski 0-1 0-0 0, Waters III 3-6 0-0 9, Scoring: 1, Winnipeg, Scheifele 15 (Ehlers), 10:20. 2, west virginia (20-3)
at Baltimore 34, Houston 10 Winnipeg, Niederreiter 13 (Stanley, Schmidt), 15:39. SeconD perioD Blacksten 3-7 1-2 7, Fields 3-10 0-2 9, Harrison 4-12 3-3
K.Williams 0-2 0-0 0, Sarr 3-4 2-3 8, Joe 2-6 0-0 6, at San Francisco 24, Green Bay 21
Wallace 5-11 2-2 15, Wiggins 2-4 2-2 7. totals 38-98 Ohio state 79, 12, Quinerly 4-14 4-4 13, Watson 5-14 2-4 12, Arigbabu
SeconD perioD Scoring: 3, Nashville, Josi 11 (Barrie), 11:39 (pp). 4,
18-21 111. SUnDaY, Jan. 21 Arizona, Guenther 4 (Keller, Zucker), 18:31 (pp).
1-1 0-0 2, Diggs 1-4 0-0 2, Hemingway 0-3 1-2 1, totals
at Detroit 31, Tampa Bay 23 Scoring: 3, Pittsburgh, Rust 13 (Graves, Karlsson), Maryland 75 (2Ot) 21-65 11-17 58
DallaS: Green 2-4 2-2 6, Jones Jr. 3-4 1-2 8, Kleber 3-6 Kansas City 27, at Buffalo 24 14:08. thirD perioD baylor (18-5)
4-4 12, Doncic 9-14 10-13 32, Irving 11-19 1-2 25, Prosper maryland (13-11) Edwards 4-6 0-0 10, Littlepage-Buggs 7-11 0-2 14,
1-2 0-0 2, Washington 6-10 1-2 14, Gafford 7-11 5-6 19, conference championShipS ShotS on goal Scoring: 5, Arizona, Valimaki 2 (Hayton, Guenther), 1:45. Kaiser 0-0 0-0 0, Reese 4-15 5-11 13, Scott 5-9 7-10 19, Andrews 2-8 2-4 7, Blackwell 4-9 4-6 12, Walker 2-7 0-0
Powell 1-1 0-0 2, Hardaway Jr. 4-9 0-0 10, B.Williams 0-2 SUnDaY, Jan. 28 6, Arizona, Schmaltz 14 (Keller, Zucker), 4:07 (pp). 7, Traore 4-6 0-0 8, Young 8-22 6-7 26, Harris-Smith 1-5 0-0 5, Fontleroy 5-8 0-0 12, Felder 1-3 2-2 5, Ferreira 0-0 0-0
pittSbUrgh ........................... 8 16 12 4 36 3, Long 2-4 2-2 6, Batchelor 0-1 0-0 0, Swanton-Rodger
0-0 0, Hardy 4-5 1-2 11, Lawson 2-4 0-0 5. totals 53-91 afc Nashville, Novak 9 (Evangelista, McDonagh), 6:00 (pp). 0, Van Gytenbeek 0-0 0-0 0, totals 25-52 8-14 65
winnipeg ............................. 13 7 11 4 31 0-0 0-0 0. totals 24-62 20-30 75.
25-33 146. 8, Nashville, Forsberg 25 (O9Reilly, Josi), 9:59. three-point goals: West Virginia 5-23 (Blacksten 0-1,
Kansas City 17, at Baltimore 10 power-play opportunities: Pittsburgh 0 of 3; Winnipeg 0 ohio State (14-10)
three-point goals: Oklahoma City 17-47 (Waters III 3-5, of 1. goalies: Pittsburgh, Jarry 14-15-4 (31 shots-29 overtime Fields 3-9, Harrison 1-4, Quinerly 1-3, Watson 0-4,
nfc Battle 4-11 0-0 8, Okpara 2-3 3-4 7, Gayle 4-12 8-8 17, Hemingway 0-2), Baylor 7-18 (Edwards 2-2, Andrews
Wallace 3-7, Giddey 3-9, Holmgren 2-3, Joe 2-4, Wiggins saves). Winnipeg, Hellebuyck 24-10-3 (36-35). a: 15,225 Mahaffey 3-5 0-0 7, Thornton 10-20 2-2 24, Bonner 3-8
1-2, Jal.Williams 1-3, Dieng 1-5, Dort 1-6, Jay.Williams at San Francisco 34, Detroit 31 Scoring: 9, Nashville, McDonagh 2 (Novak, Nyquist), 1-6, Blackwell 0-2, Walker 1-3, Fontleroy 2-3, Felder
(15,321). t: 2:14. 1-2 7, Royal 1-2 3-4 5, Key 2-3 0-0 4, Middleton 0-1 0-0 0,
0-1, K.Williams 0-1, Pokusevski 0-1), Dallas 15-38 1:36. 1-2). assists: West Virginia 13 (Harrison 4), Baylor 16
SUper bowl lviii Hardman 0-1 0-0 0. totals 29-66 17-20 79. (Andrews 6). fouled out: None. rebounds: West Virginia
(Doncic 4-8, Hardy 2-3, Kleber 2-4, Hardaway Jr. 2-6, SUnDaY9S game ShotS on goal halftime: Ohio State 33-32. three-point goals: Maryland
Irving 2-7, Jones Jr. 1-2, Lawson 1-2, Washington 1-4, 33 (Watson 15), Baylor 41 (Fontleroy 10, Littlepage-
in laS vegaS flames 5, islanders 2 arizona ......................... 12 12 6 1 4 31 7-17 (Young 4-8, Scott 2-4, Harris-Smith 1-4, Batchelor Buggs 10). total fouls: West Virginia 18, Baylor 17.
Green 0-1, Prosper 0-1). fouled out: None. rebounds: 0-1), Ohio State 4-17 (Thornton 2-5, Mahaffey 1-2, Gayle
Kansas City vs. San Francisco (-11/2), 6:30 (CBS) naShville ...................... 10 9 17 1 4 37 Technical Fouls_None. a: 4,944.
Oklahoma City 40 (Holmgren 12), Dallas 54 (Kleber 12). calgarY ................................. 1 2 2 4 5 1-4, Middleton 0-1, Bonner 0-2, Battle 0-3). fouled out:
assists: Oklahoma City 23 (Jal.Williams 7), Dallas 30 n.Y. iSlanDerS ...................... 0 0 2 4 2 power-play opportunities: Arizona 2 of 4; Nashville 2 of
6. goalies: Arizona, Ingram 17-12-2 (37 shots-32 saves). Okpara, Mahaffey. rebounds: Maryland 40 (Reese 13),
(Doncic 9). total fouls: Oklahoma City 23, Dallas 23. Ohio State 36 (Mahaffey, Thornton 7). assists: Mary-
firSt perioD Nashville, Saros 20-19-2 (31-27). a: 17,507 (17,113). t:
gOlf 2:36. land 11 (Young 4), Ohio State 9 (Thornton 4). total fouls: no. 19 gonzaga 71,
Scoring: 1, Calgary, Weegar 13 (Coleman, Markstrom), Maryland 20, Ohio State 25. a: 13,471 (18,809).
3:47. loyola Marymount 47
Cavaliers 119, Raptors 95 Pga tour SeconD perioD loYola marYmoUnt ....... 6 10 11 20 4 47
no. 1 Connecticut 89, gonzaga .......................... 15 23 11 22 4 71
clevelanD ....................... 30 37 28 24 4 119 phoenix open Scoring: 2, Calgary, Huberdeau 8 (Sharangovich, Hani- tennis
toronto ........................... 24 23 26 22 4 95 At TPC Scottsdale (Ariz.) 4 Stadium Course fin), 8:38 (pp). 3, Calgary, Weegar 14 (Pelletier, Duehr), loyola marymount (9-14)
purse: $8.8 million 15:16.
georgetown 64 Mark 2-8 1-2 5, Oliver 3-4 1-3 7, Gandy 1-9 0-0 2,
clevelanD: E.Mobley 7-13 2-4 17, Strus 6-11 0-0 14, Yardage: 7,261; par: 71 atP connecticut (22-2) Hamilton 1-9 0-0 3, Inoussa 4-9 0-0 10, Ezeja 3-3 1-1 7,
Allen 9-12 0-2 18, Garland 4-11 2-2 11, Mitchell 5-11 2-2 thirD perioD Karaban 10-14 1-2 25, Clingan 1-4 2-6 4, Castle 8-11 0-0 Hernandez 0-2 0-0 0, Rodriguez 3-7 2-2 9, Sitterud 0-0
15, Niang 5-8 0-0 13, Wade 0-5 0-0 0, Okoro 4-10 3-3 12, SeconD roUnD open 13 17, Newton 1-3 4-4 6, Spencer 3-6 2-2 10, Diarra 1-4 4-7 0-0 0, Wedin 1-1 0-0 2, Yancy 0-1 2-2 2, totals 18-53 7-10
Scoring: 4, N.Y. Islanders, Nelson 22 (Dobson, Palmieri),
Jones 0-0 0-0 0, LeVert 6-8 0-0 13, Merrill 2-3 0-0 6. Sahith Theegala ................................ 65 64 4 129 -13 4:00. 5, Calgary, Coleman 21, 15:59 (en). 6, N.Y. At Palais des Sports; in Marseille, France 6, S.Johnson 5-5 0-0 10, Ball 1-2 0-0 3, Stewart 2-4 1-3 5, 47
totals 48-92 9-13 119. Andrew Novak ................................... 65 65 4 130 -12 Islanders, Pageau 7 (Barzal), 17:28. 7, Calgary, Weegar purse: $778,563 Ross 0-0 0-0 0, Roumoglou 1-1 0-0 3, Singare 0-0 0-0 0, gonzaga (24-2)
Nick Taylor ......................................... 60 70 4 130 -12 15 (Kadri, Huberdeau), 19:38 (en). Surface: Hardcourt indoor Hurley 0-0 0-0 0, A.Johnson 0-0 0-0 0. totals 33-54 14-24 Hollingsworth 2-10 3-4 7, Huijbens 3-8 3-4 9, Maxwell
toronto: Barnes 9-15 5-6 24, Barrett 5-14 4-7 14, 4-6 0-0 11, Kaylynne Truong 5-7 0-0 13, Kayleigh Truong
Poeltl 3-7 0-2 6, Quickley 4-10 0-0 10, Trent Jr. 2-7 0-0 6, Maverick McNealy ............................. 65 67 4 132 -10 89.
ShotS on goal SingleS 4 SemifinalS georgetown (8-15) 2-6 0-0 6, Burton 3-3 0-0 6, Little 0-0 0-0 0, O9Connor 0-1
McDaniels 0-0 0-0 0, Nwora 0-1 0-0 0, Porter 0-1 0-0 0, Doug Ghim ......................................... 65 68 4 133 -9 Ugo Humbert (4), France, def. Hubert Hurkacz (1),
Ryan Fox ............................................ 66 68 4 134 -8 Cook 4-10 4-5 12, Massoud 0-4 0-0 0, Epps 2-8 0-2 4, 0-0 0, Salenbien 3-6 2-2 9, Stokes 5-6 0-0 10, totals
Olynyk 4-10 2-2 11, Brown 1-5 0-0 2, Dick 4-8 3-3 14, calgarY ................................. 8 13 3 4 24 Poland, 6-4, 6-4; Grigor Dimitrov (2), Bulgaria, def. Karen
Scottie Scheffler ............................... 68 66 4 134 -8 Heath 2-4 2-3 6, Styles 8-16 4-5 23, Brumbaugh 2-6 2-2 7, 27-53 8-10 71
Temple 0-0 0-0 0, Agbaji 3-9 2-3 8. totals 35-87 16-23 95. n.Y. iSlanDerS ...................... 6 13 17 4 36 Khachanov, Russia, 6-7 (7-3), 6-4, 7-6 (7-5).
Jordan Spieth .................................... 68 66 4 134 -8 Bristol 2-5 0-0 5, Fielder 2-3 1-1 5, Bacote 0-0 0-0 0, three-point goals: Loyola Marymount 4-25 (Mark 0-4,
three-point goals: Cleveland 14-41 (Niang 3-5, Mitchell power-play opportunities: Calgary 1 of 1; N.Y. Islanders Gandy 0-4, Hamilton 1-7, Inoussa 2-5, Rodriguez 1-4,
Justin Thomas ................................... 69 65 4 134 -8 0 of 1. goalies: Calgary, Markstrom 16-13-2 (36 shots-34 Mutombo 1-2 0-0 2, Montgomery 0-0 0-0 0. totals 23-58
3-6, Merrill 2-3, Strus 2-6, LeVert 1-2, E.Mobley 1-4, Cameron Young ................................. 67 67 4 134 -8 13-18 64. Yancy 0-1), Gonzaga 9-23 (Hollingsworth 0-5, Maxwell
Garland 1-5, Okoro 1-5, Allen 0-1, Wade 0-4), Toronto saves). N.Y. Islanders, Varlamov 6-5-3 (22-19). a: 0 3-4, Kayly.Truong 3-5, Kayle.Truong 2-4, O9Connor 0-1,
Daniel Berger ..................................... 66 69 4 135 -7 (17,113). t: 2:32. DallaS open halftime: Connecticut 52-28. three-point goals: Con-
9-31 (Dick 3-6, Quickley 2-4, Trent Jr. 2-5, Olynyk 1-2, Sam Burns ......................................... 68 67 4 135 -7 At Styslinger/Altec Tennis Complex; in Dallas necticut 9-20 (Karaban 4-7, Spencer 2-4, Roumoglou 1-1, Salenbien 1-4). assists: Loyola Marymount 10 (Gandy
Barnes 1-3, Nwora 0-1, Porter 0-1, Barrett 0-2, Brown Matt Fitzpatrick ................................ 69 66 4 135 -7 purse: $756,020 Ball 1-2, Castle 1-2, Diarra 0-2, Newton 0-2), George- 3), Gonzaga 21 (Kayly.Truong 8). fouled out: None.
0-2, Agbaji 0-5). fouled out: None. rebounds: Cleveland Charley Hoffman ............................... 67 68 4 135 -7 Surface: Hardcourt indoor town 5-15 (Styles 3-6, Brumbaugh 1-2, Bristol 1-3, Epps rebounds: Loyola Marymount 27 (Mark 5), Gonzaga 38
47 (Allen 15), Toronto 40 (Barnes 10). assists: Cleveland Kurt Kitayama ................................... 68 67 4 135 -7 0-2, Massoud 0-2). fouled out: Fielder. rebounds: (Stokes 7). total fouls: Loyola Marymount 15, Gonzaga
36 (Garland 8), Toronto 22 (Barnes 10). total fouls: Jhonattan Vegas ............................... 67 68 4 135 -7 Red Wings 4, Canucks 3 (Ot) SingleS 4 SemifinalS Connecticut 31 (Newton, Spencer 6), Georgetown 27 15. Technical Fouls_None. a: 5,442.
Cleveland 18, Toronto 14. a: 19,800 (19,800) Tommy Paul (2), United States, def. Ben Shelton (3), (Cook 8). assists: Connecticut 26 (Newton 9), George-
vancoUver ..................... 0 3 0 0 4 3
Detroit ............................ 1 0 2 1 4 4 United States, 6-2, 6-4; Marcos Giron, United States, town 10 (Epps, Brumbaugh 4). total fouls: Connecticut
def. Adrian Mannarino (4), France, 6-1, 6-3. 17, Georgetown 19. a: 13,040 (20,356). high sChO O l s
firSt perioD
hornets 115, grizzlies 106 liV golf
Scoring: 1, Detroit, Raymond 14 (Perron, Petry), 0:45.
memphiS ........................... 28 21 27 30 4 106 liv golf laS vegaS corDoba open army 69, navy 67 (Ot) SatUrDaY9S reSUltS
charlotte ....................... 25 33 27 30 4 115 At Las Vegas Country Club SeconD perioD At Estadio Mario Alberto Kempee; in Cordoba, Argentina boYS9 baSketball
Purse: $562,345 navy (8-15)
purse: $20 million Scoring: 2, Vancouver, Hoglander 15 (Hronek, Petters- marYlanD
memphiS: Aldama 5-14 0-2 11, Williams Jr. 6-13 0-0 14, Yardage: 7,089; par: 70 Surface: Red clay Draper 3-8 2-3 9, Fischer 3-5 4-6 11, Benigni 4-14 7-8 15,
son), 1:09. 3, Vancouver, Hronek 4 (Mikheyev, Petters- Inge 4-10 5-7 14, MacDonald 2-7 4-5 8, Woods 1-5 0-0 2, Oxon Hill 70, Northern 51
Jackson Jr. 12-23 0-0 29, Gilyard 2-6 0-0 6, Konchar 4-8 a-Amateur son), 11:10. 4, Vancouver, Pettersson 28 (Suter,
0-0 8, Jackson 7-14 0-1 16, Kennard 3-7 3-3 11, Jemison SingleS 4 SemifinalS Howard 0-4 0-0 0, Rehnstrom 2-5 0-0 6, Summers 0-1 0-0 private
Hronek), 13:27. 0, Kehoe 1-1 0-0 2. totals 20-60 22-29 67.
0-0 1-2 1, Rose 4-7 0-0 10. totals 43-92 4-8 106. final roUnD Facundo Bagnis, Argentina, def. Federico Coria, Argenti- Archbishop Carroll 79, Woodside 60
thirD perioD na, 6-3, 7-5; Luciano Darderi, Italy, def. Sebastian Baez army (8-17) Glenelg Country 75, Gilman 59
charlotte: Bridges 11-13 1-2 25, Miller 7-9 1-1 18, Dustin Johnson ............................. 67 62 69 4 198 -12 A.Johnson 7-12 0-1 14, Scovens 4-10 6-7 16, Cross 2-3
Peter Uihlein ................................. 66 65 68 4 199 -11 (2), Argentina, 6-1, 3-6, 6-3.
Richards 6-10 1-2 13, Mann 4-11 0-0 9, Martin 2-7 0-0 5, Scoring: 5, Detroit, Sprong 14 (Veleno, Kane), 2:34 (pp). 1-1 6, Curry 3-8 1-2 9, Small 1-6 3-4 6, Ellis 3-5 1-3 8, girlS9 baSketball
Bertans 3-5 0-0 9, G.Williams 5-11 2-2 15, Curry 1-3 0-0 Talor Gooch ................................... 66 66 67 4 199 -11 6, Detroit, Rasmussen 11 (Fischer, Walman), 7:51. Peterson 3-5 0-2 6, Caldwell 1-2 0-0 2, Blair 0-0 0-0 0, marYlanD
3, Micic 8-12 0-0 18. totals 47-81 5-7 115. Matthew Wolff ............................. 65 66 69 4 200 -10 Davis 0-0 0-0 0, Allenspach 1-1 0-0 2. totals 25-52 12-20
Wta Chesapeake 56, Green Street Academy 12
Jason Kokrak ................................ 65 67 69 4 201 -9 overtime 69.
three-point goals: Memphis 16-44 (Jackson Jr. 5-9, Paul Casey ..................................... 63 70 68 4 201 -9 private
Rose 2-2, Kennard 2-5, Gilyard 2-6, Jackson 2-6, Wil- Scoring: 7, Detroit, Walman 11, 0:23 (ps). tranSYlvania open halftime: Navy 31-30. three-point goals: Navy 5-22
Graeme McDowell ........................ 66 70 65 4 201 -9 (Rehnstrom 2-5, Fischer 1-1, Draper 1-4, Inge 1-4, Friendship Collegiate 61, Anacostia 52
liams Jr. 2-6, Aldama 1-7, Konchar 0-3), Charlotte 16-31 Jon Rahm ...................................... 68 63 71 4 202 -8 At Arenele BNR; in Cluj-Napoca, Romania Mount Zion 66, Quality Education 52
ShotS on goal Benigni 0-2, Howard 0-3, MacDonald 0-3), Army 7-17
(Miller 3-4, Bertans 3-5, G.Williams 3-6, Bridges 2-2, Sebastian Munoz .......................... 67 68 68 4 203 -7 purse: $267,082 Sidwell Friends 62, Pallotti 32
Micic 2-3, Curry 1-3, Martin 1-3, Mann 1-5). fouled out: vancoUver ..................... 8 12 11 0 4 31 Surface: Hardcourt indoor (Scovens 2-4, Curry 2-5, Cross 1-1, Ellis 1-2, Small 1-5).
Adrian Meronk .............................. 67 68 68 4 203 -7 fouled out: Draper, A.Johnson, Curry. rebounds: Navy St. John9s 62, Archbishop Carroll 55
None. rebounds: Memphis 32 (Konchar 10), Charlotte 43 Detroit .......................... 10 8 8 1 4 27
Bryson Dechambeau ..................... 67 62 74 4 203 -7 SingleS 4 SemifinalS 35 (Draper 14), Army 35 (A.Johnson 11). assists: Navy 9
(G.Williams 8). assists: Memphis 33 (Williams Jr. 8), Tyrrell Hatton ............................... 67 67 70 4 204 -6 power-play opportunities: Vancouver 0 of 3; Detroit 1 of wreStling
Charlotte 30 (Mann, Micic 9). total fouls: Memphis 13, 4. goalies: Vancouver, DeSmith 7-3-4 (27 shots-23 Ana Bogdan (8), Romania, def. Jaqueline Adina Cristian, (Inge 5), Army 12 (Small 4). total fouls: Navy 19, Army marYlanD
Caleb Surratt ................................ 67 69 68 4 204 -6 24. a: 4,922 (5,043).
Charlotte 9. a: 17,259 (19,077) Brooks Koepka .............................. 68 67 69 4 204 -6 saves). Detroit, Lyon 13-6-2 (31-28). a: 0 (20,000). t: Romania, 6-3, 3-6, 6-4; Karolina Pliskova, Czech Repub- Whitman 36, Springbrook 33
2:36. lic, def. Harriet Dart, Britain, 6-3, 6-3.
D8 eZ re the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
Super Bowl LVIII boasts plenty of intriguing storylines. Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes, whose numbers
compare favorably with those of some of the greatest players in NFL history, is seeking his third Lombardi Trophy in five
seasons. San Francisco 49ers running back Christian McCaffrey, the son of former NFL wide receiver Ed McCaffrey, is
aiming to complete a rare father-son Super Bowl accomplishment. San Francisco Coach Kyle Shanahan, whose father won
two Super Bowls as the Denver Broncos9 coach, could do the same as McCaffrey. For 49ers left tackle Trent Williams, a
victory could cap a storied career, while Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce could add a flourish to a season in which he became
a cultural megastar. Before we learn which of those dream scenarios will become a reality, here is how the teams match up.
aLL StatS are from the 2023 SeaSoN, iNcLUdiNG the pLayoffS. data iS from trUmedia UNLeSS otherwiSe Noted.
photoS by aSSociated preSS, the waShiNGtoN poSt aNd the chiefS9 aNd 49erS9 media GUideS
Chiefs9 49ers9
key players Quarterbacks key players
Patrick Mahomes has created a legacy of winning,
while Brock Purdy is just starting to build his.
both have been efficient in the pocket, able to
avoid trouble and extend plays with their legs.
Isiah Pacheco
108.4 7th
123.1 1st Trent Williams
rUNNiNG bacK Left tacKLe
the second-year pro Sack rate when pressured three consecutive first-
carried the ball 268 team all-pro selections
11.8% 14.1%
times for 1,189 yards illustrate his value
and 10 touchdowns protecting the
during the regular quarterback9s blind
season and playoffs. 2nd 3rd side. he has been
he also caught 50 of 55 responsible for two
targets for 271 yards Scramble yards sacks over the past
and two more three seasons combined
213 100
touchdowns. and none this season,
according to pro football
3.0 yards per carry
after contact 2nd 10th
517 pass-blocking snaps
27 rushes of
this season
10 or more yards
0 sacks allowed
andy Reid and Kyle Shanahan are no strangers to success. reid has advanced to the Super bowl in three
of the past five years, and Shanahan has guided his team to the title game twice since he was hired in 2017.
four years ago, Kansas city beat San francisco in Super bowl LiV, making this the ninth Super bowl rematch.
Fourth-down decisions
Rashee Rice Nick Bosa
wide receiVer
rice, a rookie,
established himself as
130 100 edGe rUSher
23 14
game with 127 balls and hurries) in each of
thrown his way. his two playoff games
this season.
18.4 percent 17.7% 14.0%
of team targets 44 Qb hits
2.4 yards per route run Conversion rate 12.5 sacks
(11th among
52.2% 50.0%
wide receivers)
13th 15th
Chiefs 49ers
Tendency to call a pass based on scored perpercentage
the score: drive Rank
of passing plays when . . .
2.0 10th
leading by two scores or more Within
2.7one score Trailing by two scores or more
2nd Fred Warner
43.6% 9th 59.1% 1st n/a LiNebacKer
Ofense EPa per game
Chris Jones
28.7% 26th -0.2 52.3% 19th 11th 69.7% 8th a surefire tackler with
defeNSiVe tacKLe
exceptional athleticism
+9.2 1st
during the regular and a high football iQ,
season, he produced 75 Tendency to call a pass based warner is credited with a
game percentage of passing plays on . . .
quarterback pressures. team-high 28 run stops
+3.7 9th
he has added 10 more First and second downs* |ird and one or two yards |ird and three-plus yards by pro football focus.
pressures during the +8.8 2nd
54.8% 3rd 43.1% 11th 81.3% 6th 152 tackles
50.0% 14th Rush EPa per game 32.1% 23rd 75.5% 17th 4 forced fumbles
25 percent win rate
-3.5 23rd *if the game is within one score.
on pass-rush snaps
+0.9 1st
53 total pressures from
left side (tied for first) expected points added quantiûes the impact on a play or drive by
measuring the change in expected point outcomes. it calculates the
potential points gained or lost based on down, distance and ûeld
position at the start and end of a play.
Chiefs 49ers X-factor Defense
Most common personnel groupings
Points scored per drive Rank Points allowed per drive Rank
12 13
1.49 2nd
1 rb, 1 te, 3 wr 1 rb, 2 te, 2 wr 1 rb, 3 te, 1 wr
2.7 2nd 1.77 10th
62% 28% 7%
Ofense EPa per game Plays allowed per drive Brock Purdy
-0.2 11th 5.93 26th QUarterbacK
11 12 21 22
6.04 27th
+9.2 1st1 te, 3 wr
1 rb, 1 rb, 2 te, 2 wr 2 rb, 1 te, 2 wr 2 rb, 2 te, 1 wr mr. irrelevant, the
39% 13% 36% 11% TD percentage allowed 262nd and last pick of
Trent McDuffie Pass EPa per game
16.3% 4th
the 2022 draft, was one
corNerbacK +3.7 9th of the finalists for this
a move to the slot +8.8 2nd Taylor Swift 18.6% 11th
season9s mVp award.
cornerback role didn9t eNtertaiNer Coverage tendencies
Rush EPa per game Zone man-to-man
113.0 passer rating
slow him down. he Globally renowned
allowed one reception -3.5 23rd 63.6% 31.2% 13.7 yards
american singer-
per 10 snaps in slot +0.9 1st songwriter with per completion
coverage (tied for fifth numerous chart- 74.7% 20.4%
expected points added quantiûes the impact on a play or drive by
best) and rushed the measuring the change in expected point outcomes. it calculates the topping albums makes
passer 65 times, which potential points gained or lost based on down, distance and ûeld the Super bowl in her
was the second most position at the start and end of a play. Red-zone defense
rookie year.
50.9% 8th
among cornerbacks in
2023, per pro football Most common personnel groupings 114 million album unit 54.7% 14th
focus. 11 12 13 sales worldwide
1 rb, 1 te, 3 wr 1 rb, 2 te, 2 wr 1 rb, 3 te, 1 wr
Goal-to-go defense
11 passes defended 62% 28% 7% 68 weeks at No. 1 on 66.7% 10th
the U.S. billboard 200
5 forced fumbles 69.0% 14th
11 12 21 22 Percentage of opponents' three-and-out drives
1 rb, 1 te, 3 wr 1 rb, 2 te, 2 wr 2 rb, 1 te, 2 wr 2 rb, 2 te, 1 wr
33.5% 16th
39% 13% 36% 11%
33.5% 16th
hen Bad Bunny opened the 2023 Grammys, it was history in the making 4 Bad Bunny opens the
65th grammy awards
not least because the Puerto Rican rapper was up for album of the year for last February in a
<Un Verano Sin Ti,= the first entirely Spanish-language project to garner a milestone moment for
reggaeton. the Puerto
nomination in the ceremony9s most prestigious category. ¶ <Con mucho cari- rican rapper9s album
ño para todos ustedes,= he said as he launched into a medley featuring <El <Un Verano Sin ti= had
been nominated for
Apagón,= a reggaeton track punctuated with bomba and house interludes, album of the year.
and <Después de la Playa,= a sexy party-starter anchored in Dominican merengue and mambo. ¶
The lively performance was a milestone for reggaeton, the once-underground genre that emerged
Make your own
out of Panama before taking formative turns in early 990s New York and Puerto Rico. Reggaeton reggaeton beat
was center stage at the <Gringo Grammys,= an exciting if overdue acknowledgment of its domi- for this story9s full audio
and video experience, visit
nant force 4 alongside its offshoots including Latin trap, urbano and corridos tumbados 4 in
global pop music. ¶ This is the complex story of a simple sound 4 a beat that has resisted defini-
tion and mutated across artists, borders and subgenres. We talked to artists and experts in and
around the world of reggaeton to discover how that sound has (and hasn9t) changed, and how the
genre has helped define the future of pop music on a global scale. see rEggaEton on E8
screen again
posals of marriage. Tran knew that
Magimel, an acclaimed actor who is huge
in France (winner of three César awards
as well as best actor at Cannes in 2001 for New ballet explores
Michael Haneke9s <The Piano Teacher=),
BY J ADA Y UAN would be perfect for the role, but the Coco Chanel9s life in
49-year-old and Binoche, 59, had well-
known, acrimonious history. light and shadows d7
In 1999, Magimel and Binoche met
Juliette Binoche, who plays a cook in the French film <the taste of playing lovers and literary icons George Subtlety isn9t on the menu at the new
things,= is seen last week at Petit trois restaurant in Los angeles. see BinochE on E11 Grove restaurant in potomac. d13
e2 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
in Th e Gal l e r i e s
Focusing on the
many guises of
the human form
touchStone gaLLeRy
Lynn Sures <Navigator= by C.S. Corbin, included in the exhibition <Figure= featuring works by more than 80 artists from D.C. and 31 states.
The upward thrusting shapes in Lynn
Sures9s <Catalunya= don9t merely represent
Montserrat, the mountain range that borders
Barcelona. In her statement, the Maryland
artist says the 25 pictures in her Pyramid
Atlantic Art Center show were <generated
from the sensibility of the mountain.= This
claim is bolstered by her method, which has a
geologic quality.
Made while the artist was on location, the
abstracted renderings of the range (whose
name means <serrated mountain= in Catalan)
were executed with pigmented paper pulp,
arranged on wet handmade paper in a
method that resembles painting. Sures
employed two varieties of pulp, abaca or flax.
The former is thinner, fuzzier and more
fabric-like; the latter is thicker and craggier,
qualities the artist emphasizes by embossing
curving fissures into the pulp. These fractures
curl sideways through the pictures like fault
lines in a landscape chiseled by wind and
There are lots of earth tones in <Catalunya,=
but the colors are not strictly documentary.
Lynn SuReS gReg R. StaLey
Sures also employs many blues and some red,
as well as metallic gold and silver. Most of the <Montserrat 1= by Lynn Sures, part of <Catalunya,= her exhibition of 25 works. <Spotted Lanternfly Red Wing= by Elsabé Johnson Dixon.
pulp paintings are horizontal, as befits a species, into a mandala-like circular piece
landscape, but some are upright. Both formats whose patterns revolve around a central black
emphasize verticality, even when that quality circle. Nicole Donnelly punctuates a forestlike
is offset by incised lines that meander from abstraction with real branches of kozo, whose
left to right. Whether seen as boulders, fingers inner bark is used in East Asia to make paper.
or the teeth of a saw, the pulpy forms reach for Among Frederick9s own contributions are
the sky. stylized depictions of <healing stones= in
earthy and often spattered hues.
lynn sures: Catalunya through Feb. 18 at A similar if more subdued color scheme
Pyramid atlantic art center, 4318 gallatin St., characterizes the paper that was handmade
hyattsville. 301-608- by Tongji Philip Qian, in part by pulping
9101. newsprint advertisements from groceries east
Kostas Karametos was born and raised in Athens,
of the Anacostia River.
Greece. Kostas completed his associate degree from The brownish tones are provided by a
Doxiadis College of Art with a concentration in Eternal Paper condiment popular in takeout restaurants in
Interior Design. Kostas led his own remodeling firm Pulp painting is an uncommon technique, D.C.9s African American neighborhoods: a
for 18 years designing and remodeling kitchens, but one practiced in many corners of the concoction the China-born artist9s statement
bathrooms, and other home improvements. He world. That9s demonstrated by <Eternal identifies as <a purportedly Chinese sauce
Paper,= a 20-artist exhibition that includes called mumbo sauce.=
joined the Fred team in 2017, drawn by the contributors originally from Africa, Asia, Two local artists use paper to recast themes
opportunity to utilize his creativity and expertise with Europe and South America. The UMGC Arts familiar from their other work. Cheryl
every project he undertakes. Find out how all 35 of Program Gallery show was curated by veteran Edwards has long drawn inspiration from
us at FRED are here to take on repairs and local printmaker Helen C. Frederick, whose dolls made in pre-colonial Egypt and South
renovations just the way you like it. influence on the area9s paper-oriented art Africa, and here offers images of these
scene is so formidable that Pyramid Atlantic9s figurines painted in multicolored pulp.
gallery is dedicated to her. Claudia <Aziza= Gibson-Hunter uses
The selected artworks address many topics handmade paper in intricate 3D constructions
and incorporate such non-pulp elements as to embody, according to her statement, the
paint, ink, wood, digital printing and found African American yearning for <escape from
objects. But pulp painting and handmade oppression and the return to the motherland.=
paper are common, and the use of plant fiber As the eccentric forms take flight from the
SCHEDULE TODAY! inspires thoughts of organic metamorphoses. wall, the fibrous material roots the artworks
VA 703.691.5500 <The fact that there is change from liquid to in the natural world.
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that are inherent in the process itself,= writes eternal Paper through May 19 at uMgc arts Frederick in her catalogue essay. Program gallery, college Park Marriott hotel &
A DIVISION OF VA #2701039723 | MD MHIC #1176 | DC #2242
Thus Elsabé Johnson Dixon incorporates conference center, 3501 university Blvd. east,
actual wings of spotted lantern fly, an invasive adelphi. 301-985-7937.
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee e3
When Weegee worked for Stanley Kubrick, things got a little crazy
<Gorgeous& a radiant eyeful.
A marvel to witness.=
4The Washington Post
Photo by Jose Luiz Pederneiras.
Swan Lake
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she was constantly vaping. On several dropped off some food for the group to
occasions, I observed her going onto the share. What prompts this question is what
<smoking porch= with her folks and my happened afterward.
wife, and vaping while the adults smoked. Much later, a daughter saw me and
I asked my sister why she allows Evie, apologized profusely for not sending a card
who just turned 15, to do this. She said that of thanks. I was horrified to think my help
Evie picked up smoking from her and her also became an etiquette burden to anyone.
husband, and they got her a vaping pen as Most of my help since then has been via
an alternative to cigarettes. My wife also donations, scheduled help, etc. I want to
smokes, but our kids know that there will say, <Please, don9t feel an obligation to send
be major consequences if they are caught a note or anything,= but I wonder if that9s a
smoking or vaping. problem. If someone is compelled, that9s
My sister and her husband want to take a great. But the entire purpose of helping is to
cruise and asked whether Evie could stay relieve a burden, not add a new one.
with us. We agreed, but how do we deal I9ve even heard of people complaining
with the issue with her vaping, since her due to not receiving a note of thanks for
parents allow it? assistance. If I receive help during a
4 Worried Uncle difficult time, am I required (on top of the
difficulties) to keep a log of that and make
Worried: These parents9 choice to hook sure notes go out?
their daughter on vaping nicotine, allegedly 4 Etiquettely Confused
to protect her from tar and other chemicals
present in cigarettes, is not only Confused: Please don9t try to prevent
incomprehensible but reprehensible. It9s people from thanking you, in any form. If
like giving your child a beer to prevent her
from ever wanting a gin and tonic. It is also
you receive help during a difficult time, you
are not required to send notes, but
Plans start at just $20/month.
now illegal in all 50 states for anyone acknowledging and appreciating others9
younger than 21 to purchase tobacco assistance helps to keep the kindness
products, including vaping products. flowing.
You9ve heard the cliché: <My house, my
rules=? Calmly, assuredly and pointedly
raise this in advance of the visit, sharing
Dear Amy: In your column, you are always
responding to a one-sided problem. There
your nonnegotiable with both <Evie= and
her parents. <We are looking forward to
are always two sides, with the exception of
violence upon someone. You should look at CUSTOMER SUPPORT CUSTOMER
having Evie visit us, but we don9t allow any
underage person in our home to smoke in
some of those situations from a <why= or
<what= has caused that problem. 15 TIMES IN A ROW. SUPPORT.
any form. That includes vaping. Evie, will 4 Disappointed We9ve been ranked <#1 in All of our support
you agree not to vape while you9re with us?=
If Evie does agree to these terms, your Disappointed: There are usually at least Customer Service among teams are just a
wife should not smoke at all in the presence two sides to every problem, but I only have
of any of these young people. Perhaps this access to the version presented to me by the
Wireless Value MVNOs, call or click away.
will inspire her to cut down on her own person who wrote in. 15 Times in a Row.=
tobacco habit.
While she is with you, keep the kids very Amy's column appears seven days a week at
busy. Communicate privately with Evie Write to
about vaping (without trashing her or Amy Dickinson, P.O.
Box 194, Freeville, N.Y. 13068. ù You can also
mother), and assume that she will hide her
habit while she is with you (vaping is easy follow her @askingamy.
to hide, which is one reason almost half of
all teens are estimated to have at least tried © 2024 by Amy Dickinson. Distributed by Tribune Content
it). Don9t overly police her or go through her Agency.
© 2024 Consumer Cellular Inc. Terms and Conditions subject to change. For J.D. Power 2023 Wireless Customer Care Value
Mobile Virtual Network Operator Study award information, visit
to schedule your
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E6 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
LAS HERMANAS Family bonds are tested as Cuban GALA Theatre
Thru February 25 siblings navigate a landscape of crime
In Spanish
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PALACIOS Sun at 2 pm
and violence in Miami. Will pressures of 202-234-7174 surtitles
by Cristina Garcia survival pull them together or apart.
This Tony Award- and Pulitzer Prize-win-
ning <feel-everything= (New York Times)
Next to Normal 4545 East-West Highway Tickets
Music by Tom Kitt <An emotional
Now playing through mothers mental illness on the rest of her Bethesda, MD from $39 powerhouse= -
Book & Lyrics by Brian March 3 family4is a cathartic and empathetic (240) 644.1100 (free for
Yorkey Rolling Stone
masterpiece of modern musical theatre students)
Directed by Alan Paul with soaring rock music and unforgettable
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Regular Schedule: Student Rush Tickets Tickets
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The Victorian PERFORMED...a FUNNY SCRIPT [with] $50-60 Feb 18: 2:30p
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By Patricia Milton & group with artists to
Dir Morgan Duncan An entertaining murder mystery with a discounts support Stage
modern women-takecharge sensibility. Guild
The acclaimed solo show, called <deeply
moving= (Chicago Tribune), comes to DC
following its national tour. In 2015, Mohe- Folger Theatre Stage Director
On Stage gan theater-maker Madeline Sayet travels 201 E Capitol Street, SE Talk with Mei
Where We Belong February 15 - March 10 to England to pursue a PhD in Shake- 202-544-7077
$20 - $84 Ann Teo, Feb.
speare, echoing a journey braved by her 15, 6:30pm
Native ancestors. Produced in association
with Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company.
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sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee E7
A new ballet
dramatizes the life
he Chanel logo is one of the world9s ing Winston Churchill.
better-known symbols, adorning With a less-is-more aesthetic (think: little
jewelry, handbags, lipstick and black dress) and practical designs that made it
more. Now the motif has even im- easy for women to dress themselves without a
printed on choreography.
A dance sequence with dancers9 bodies
evoking the famous interlocking C9s is one part
of <Coco Chanel: The Life of a Fashion Icon,=
of Coco Chanel, helper, Chanel created a fashion vocabulary
still in use today. <People don9t realize the
influence she had on fashion, because she is
completely integrated now,= says Jérôme Kap-
now making its North American premiere at
Atlanta Ballet through Feb. 17. The moment is
just one of the ways in which the acclaimed
choreographer Annabelle Lopez Ochoa ad-
dresses the lingering, complex influence of her
deep ûaws and all lan, who designed the set and costumes for
Ochoa9s ballet.
Chanel herself was a sometime ballet-
costume designer, devising garb for Serge
Diaghilev9s Ballets Russes, which she also
subject, the French designer Gabrielle <Coco= BY C ELIA W REN supported financially. There9s a long, fertile
Chanel. overlap between the realms of the catwalk and
A tale of a strong-willed woman whose pas de chat: Fashion heavyweights including
rags-to-riches life (1883-1971) included stun- Christian Lacroix, Prada and Rodarte have
ning success in a business environment domi- designed ballet costumes, and ballerinas such
nated by men, the ballet has potential feminist as Margot Fonteyn have sported couture off-
resonance 4 all the more so because Chanel stage.
brought a new pragmatism, freedom and Choreographer Ochoa does not identify as a
comfort to fashion, liberating women from fashionista; she was interested in Chanel the
their corsets. But a terpsichorean portrait of person, not the brand. Working with artistic
the couturier is also a potentially fraught collaborator Nancy Meckler, Ochoa distilled
project: She was notoriously antisemitic and a Chanel9s story and set it to an original score
Nazi collaborator. composed by Peter Salem (the ballet <The
<It was important to share that dark chap- Crucible=). One scene recalls the hat-making
ter,= Ochoa says. business that launched the designer9s career.
The ballet <opens the door for interpreta- In another, groups of flowerlike dancers con-
tions, for more research, more conversations. jure the development of Chanel No. 5 perfume.
That is what art is supposed to do,= says Kaplan designed more than 180 costumes
Gennadi Nedvigin, artistic director of Atlanta (including multiples), some of which allude to
Ballet, which has co-produced <Coco Chanel= Chanel couture while allowing for dance
with Hong Kong Ballet (where it premiered in movement and avoiding outright duplication.
2023) and Queensland Ballet (where it9s head- <You are close, but you don9t copy,= Kaplan
ed next). says. (The Chanel company has not been
The show has its roots in Ochoa9s profes- involved.)
sional relationship with Septime Webre, Hong The elegantly minimalist black-and-ivory
Kong Ballet9s artistic director. He knew her packaging of Chanel No. 5 was an inspiration
work from the 17 years he spent as artistic for the show9s general look and color scheme.
director of the Washington Ballet, which has In an expressionistic touch, the ballet in-
performed her pieces, and he admired her flair cludes not only a Chanel figure but also a
shoccara Marcus
for creating kaleidoscopic onstage patterns, Shadow-Chanel, who represents her ambition,
surprising partnering moves and dramatic determination and opportunism. <The shad-
atmospheres. After taking the helm of Hong ow is really driving her,= Ochoa says.
Kong Ballet in 2017, he looked for a way to Exploring the darker side of the story, the
collaborate. ballet depicts Chanel9s love affair with the Nazi
A ballet about Chanel had been on Ochoa9s officer Baron Hans Günther von Dincklage in
bucket list. The Belgian-Colombian choreog- occupied France during World War II. Also
rapher has created dances about other tena- portrayed is her effort to exploit the Nazi
cious and complicated real-life women: Eva Aryanization laws to target the Jewish
<Evita= Perón. Frida Kahlo. Maria Callas. Wertheimer family, business partners of hers,
<I love diving into the backstories of people whom she resented for having gained control
to understand what their drive and their fears of her perfume business.
are,= especially women who <had a lot of Beyond the production, Atlanta Ballet has
hardships and a lot of flaws and were judged,= taken steps to acknowledge and contextualize
Ochoa says. (In a separate project, Ochoa will <the very problematic aspects, the very dark
be curating a run of Washington Ballet per- side, of Coco Chanel,= says the company9s
formances this spring.) executive director, Tom West. For example, the
Chanel9s biography has inspired other art, company teamed with the city9s William Bre-
including the 2009 movie <Coco Before man Jewish Heritage Museum for a panel
Chanel= and the 1969 Broadway musical discussion exploring Chanel9s troubling lega-
<Coco,= starring Katharine Hepburn. Ballet has cy.
gotten in on the action before, with choreogra- Webre says the ballet9s lens on gender makes
pher Yuri Possokhov creating a 2019 one-act it a valuable complement to hoary dance
about Chanel for ballerina Svetlana Zakharo- staples.
va. A cottage industry of nonfiction books has <Our classical canon, in ballets like 8Giselle9
mined Chanel9s saga, and she9s a character in and 8Swan Lake9 and 8Sleeping Beauty,9 pre-
shoccara Marcus
Apple TV Plus9s new series <The New Look.= sent[s] a narrow view of women as vulnerable
Her popularity as a topic is no wonder, given creatures who live their lives in relation to a
her meteoric ascent from an impoverished TOP: Dancers make the shape of the Chanel logo in Hong Kong Ballet9s man,= he says. <Coco, by contrast, is a complex,
childhood (spent partly in an orphanage) to production of <Coco Chanel: The Life of a Fashion Icon.= MIDDLE: The Atlanta independent woman 4 with flaws. Deep flaws.
the social stratosphere, where she hobnobbed Ballet9s production of the show, which will also travel to Queensland in But she lived her life on her own terms.=
with royals and aristocrats, artists such as Igor Australia. ABOVE: Atlanta Ballet9s Mikaela Santos as Coco and Fuki Takahashi When it comes to creating ballets, Ochoa
Stravinsky (with whom she had one of her as Shadow, the latter representing Coco Chanel9s ambition and opportunism. says: <I don9t like fairy tales. I like stories about
many affairs), and movers and shakers includ- <The shadow is really driving her,= said the work9s choreographer. real women.=
e8 EZ EE the washington post .
Atlantic Atlantic
Ocean Ocean
Gulf of Gulf of
Mexico Mexico dOmInIcan
JamaIca pueRTO
Caribbean RIcO
Caribbean RIcO
Sea Sea
Pacific Pacific
Ocean Ocean
eggaeton begins with technology and migration. In the mid-1980s, producers
and DJs introduced synthesizers and drum machines to dancehall reggae, nderground music spread through bootleg recordings and word of mouth,
which had emerged in Jamaica a few years before. These digital instruments chopping up dancehall reggae and other Latin and Afro-Caribbean beats into
allowed for faster beats and <riddims,= as Jamaicans described the modern reggaeton. A broader international audience snapped it up in the early
instrumental accompaniment of a song. 2000s.
DJs would use several vocalists over catchy riddims, changing the sound <Latin hip-hop and reggaeton are coming like a tornado,= one eMI executive told
considerably from the root style of reggae. the new York Times in 2003.
Across the Caribbean, Black Panamanians who had grown up listening to reggae Its epicenter was Puerto Rico. And winds were rising across Latin America and in
were following suit with their own versions, but for a new generation of fans who areas of the United states with large Latino populations: new York, Los Angeles,
primarily spoke spanish. These new artists were descendants of West Indian Miami.
immigrants who had come to Panama at the beginning of the 20th century
encouraged by U.s. demand for cheap labor to build the Panama Canal.
These twin paths 4 dancehall reggae in Jamaica and reggae en español in Panama
4 created the beats that have risen to the top of the charts now.
Reggaeton Hip-hop
pUErtO rICO nEW yOrK
One of those founding beats was popularized Calderón didn9t take to reggaeton right away.
by Edgardo armando Franco, nicknamed el that changed. <When you do reggaeton you
General because of his natural talent for get popular real quick,= Calderón told the new
freestyling. york times in 2003.
El general9s catchy riddims, a digital departure Calderón, who admired public enemy, as well
from traditional reggae, became popular as eric B. & Rakim, balanced party songs and
across latin america in the early 1990s, Dancehall reggae political messages and made his identity as a
influencing the sound of <underground= music JaMaICa Black puerto rican central to his early music.
in puerto rico.
El general, seen in 2002, influenced the beat became an instant hit across
Puerto rico9s <underground= music. Jamaica, said Marshall, an editor of the book
sCOtt grIEs/gEtty IMagEs
<reggaeton.= as a result, Jamaican dancehall
and reggae producer Bobby digital <borrowed tego Calderón, seen in 2005, mixed
it, licensed it, got the underlying stems= and the next few years brought landmark albums reggaeton with his love for hip-hop.
used it to produce Shabba Ranks9s <dem by don Omar and Ivy Queen, who had broken
Bow,= a homophobic and anti-imperialist track. through the male-dominated genre as the lone
the song became an international hit, female rapper in dJ negro9s the noise. Her Bachata
reaching U.s. shores and Jamaican and third album, <diva,= featured the powerful
panamanian diasporas alike. <Quiero Bailar,= on which Ivy asserts that she Merengue
wants to dance 4 but not go to bed 4 with a dOMInICan rEpUBlIC
love interest.
Influenced Sampled
Reggae en español + Dancehall reggae In the summer of 2004, daddy yankee this era established producers including
nEW yOrK released <Barrio Fino,= which became the first dominican american duo luny Tunes, dJ urba
reggaeton album to debut at no. 1 on the top and Tainy, who broke out with his work on luny
latin albums chart and would go on to become tunes9 <Mas Flow 2.= luny tunes and their
reggae en español musicians working in track with new vocals called <pounder= 4 the best-selling latin album of the decade. the peers fused reggaeton with <more putatively
long Island decided to redo the track in and became another foundational pillar of lead single, <gasolina,= seized the global latin genres 4 bachata, merengue, salsa,
spanish, according to Marshall. the reggaeton. zeitgeist when daddy yankee appeared on maybe even a little cumbia at times,= added
riddim of the new track, <ellos Benia= 4 a <that instrumental is the one that gets Mtv9s <total request live= to introduce the Marshall. this meant that the genre went
literal translation from the Jamaican sampled, and at some point, I think it was song9s music video. <from being heard as and even proclaimed as
patois for <they bow= 4 blended the upwards of three-quarters of every <thanks to this song, the world got to know Black music & to reggaeton latino.=
original beat with elements evoking son, reggaeton song I heard,= said Marshall. In reggaeton,= daddy yankee later told Billboard.
mambo and salsa. panama, the rhythm was such a huge hit
that some simply identified it as the Hip-hop
that same riddim made its way onto a <pounder.= nEW yOrK
It was around this time that reggaeton as an industry was increasingly criticized for
whitewashing. When n.o.R.e. released the music video for <oye Mi Canto= in 2006,
Calderón was notably absent. Instead, the video featured the lighter-skinned Daddy
Yankee. The label9s official explanation was that Calderón had been traveling and that
The release featured freestyles from an up-and-coming artist trying to make a name for Yankee could deliver his breakneck verse on a quick turnaround.
himself: Daddy Yankee. But fans took note.
sunday, february 11, 2024 EZ EE e9
unITed Atlantic
STaTeS Ocean
Gulf of
Caribbean RIcO
espite major hits, reggaeton9s superstars were mostly unknown outside
spanish-speaking audiences. To cross over into the pop mainstream, Latin
artists 4 including selena, Ricky Martin and shakira, whose bilingual album
<Laundry service= in 2001 catapulted her to global fame 4 were expected to make
music in english. his time, there was no going back. Reggaeton infiltrated mainstream pop
And by the mid-aughts, some music industry executives had dismissed the genre as a like never before, influencing artists from other international genres,
fad, said Petra Rivera-Rideau, an associate professor at Wellesley College. including flamenco and Mexican corridos, and encouraging unprecedented
But reggaeton had other plans. Between its biggest hits, <Gasolina= and <Despacito,= it collaborations.
made a southern turn to Colombia.
Reggaeton Reggaeton
It took more than a decade after the release of <Gasolina= for reggaeton to top the
pop music charts again. This time around, the genre would remain there without the
need for an english translation. When Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee released
<Despacito= less than two weeks into 2017, neither artist thought it would achieve the
success it did.
D ec o d i ng R e g g aeto n
This triumph of regional Mexican music on mainstream pop charts is unprecedented. <We9re
talking about mostly songs in three-four,= Marshall said, describing Peso Pluma9s traditional
corrido sound. <There are so few songs in three-four or six-eight in the pop world at this point that
it9s pretty unusual.=
One common triple-time rhythm, in fact, can act as a sonic bridge to trap because it evokes the
triplet-heavy Migos flow, Marshall said. <It9s basically the Bad Bunny flow, that triplet kind of style,
except it doesn9t have the same tension because it9s not three against four, it9s three against three.=
<That allows some of these corridos singers to almost sound like Bad Bunny or to sound
hip-hop-adjacent & 8reggaeton-coded,9 in the words of kids today.=
scene with the rise of DJ-producer Bizarrap,
whose collaborative discography is a nod to
reggaeton9s long-standing alliance with
electronic dance music. His session with
Shakira, a spicy diss track aimed at her ex,
broke a slew of records and won song of the
flow to God.
And Tego Despite the evolution of reggaeton 4 or perhaps, in part, because of it, in the past few years the
genre9s pioneers have come back in full force. Bruno was thrilled to see Ivy Queen do NPR9s Tiny
Desk, days after receiving the Icon Award at Billboard9s Latin Music Awards; in April, Calderón
Calde.= released his first solo song in years, later winning the best reggaeton category at the Latin Grammys.
Bad Bunny, the new guard9s most innovative star, returned to his trap roots on his latest album,
<Nadie Sabe Lo Que Va a Pasar Mañana,= but he still paid homage to reggaeton, sampling
trailblazers including Calderón, Frankie Boy and Julio Voltio.
<Yo no soy trapero, ni reggaetonero. Yo soy la estrella más grande en el mundo entero,= Bad
Bunny declares on the album9s title track. <I9m not a trap singer or a reggaeton singer. I9m the
Bad Bunny performs during his World9s biggest star in the whole world.=
Hottest Tour at SoFi Stadium in On the same song, he credits a short list of inspirations: I owe my flow to God, he says. And Tego
Inglewood, Calif., in September 2022. Calde.
a kitchen-set
love story is an
Sand and alfred de Musset in <the children of
the century= (<Les Enfants du Siècle=). falling
for each other on set had come as a surprise,
epicurean delight if you9ve heard of the <the taste of things,=
which opens in wide release Wednesday, it9s
probably been in the context of the oscars.
but two weeks after shooting ended, he moved Somewhat controversially, france chose this
in. they lived together for five years and have a BinochE froM E1 film over <anatomy of a fall= to be its submis-
daughter, Hana, 24, also an actress. in the 20 sion in the best international film category, its
years since their breakup, though, they had Binoche at Petit Trois restaurant in Los Angeles on Feb. 6. She and co- big hope to win that award for the first time in
been estranged and had not acted together star Benoît Magimel have a daughter but have been estranged for years. 30 years. in the end, <taste= didn9t make the
again. cut in that single category, while <anatomy=
<We talked. of course we talk. We have a has five nominations, including best director
daughter. But we didn9t see each other much,= and best picture.
says Binoche over Zoom from Paris. <and i to reduce the film to just jockeying for
wished we had seen each other. it would have the kitchen of a countryside chalet in anjou, in inside me i was laughing and smiling out of acclaim, though, is to negate the alchemy of
been easier, but that was the way it was.= the western Loire valley, that in 1889 would joy, of enjoying that finally we can stay in the what happens on-screen: the sensual creation
Binoche had given tran (the french-Viet- have been worlds away from the construction same room and that9s fine,= Binoche says. <and of elaborate french dishes, reminiscent of
namese director of <the Scent of Green Papa- of the Eiffel tower in Paris that same year, we can work together and even express feel- <Babette9s feast,= Binoche9s role in <chocolat=
ya= and <cyclo=) her blessing to reach out 4 living out the alternate life of a couple they ings. i was very touched by it. and even more and even fx9s <the Bear,= combined with the
without their Dodin, the movie was dead 4 could have been, cohabitating and working in touched when my daughter saw the film. [We electricity between two talented actors who
thinking that Magimel surely would say no. to harmony across all the years they themselves had] a sense of humor, and that didn9t happen can conjure up their past love and intimacy
her surprise, he agreed. had missed. in life that much. So finally it was happening in and make it palpable through the screen.
and then one day, they found themselves in <to finally to be with Benoît in this kitchen, the film. it9s absurd.= continuED on nExt PaGE
E12 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
BenAInous/stevens/gAmmA-RApHo/getty ImAges
TOP: Juliette Binoche and Benoît Magimel in a scene from <The Taste of Things.=
ABOVE: Binoche and Magimel at the 27th César movie awards in Paris in March 2002.
LEFT: Binoche said it was important for her to do the movie <to say thank you to our
French culture, to the countryside, the garden and to the work of cooking.=
magimel were accomplished home cooks, and eating,= Tran says. They9d even take the left-
gagnaire says that Binoche told him it was overs home. His wife, Nu Yên-Khê Tran, was
important for her to do this small movie <to say doing the costumes, and she kept having to let
thank you to our french culture, to the coun- out the seams because everyone kept gaining
tryside, the garden and to the work of cook- weight. Binoche was the only one who lost
ing.= But despite Tran9s insistence that they weight because she was preparing to play Coco
needed a week of rehearsals, the actors gave Chanel in <The New Look,= which premieres
him only half a day. and it was a tense one, the Wednesday on apple Tv plus.
first time they9d had a meaningful interaction While they were filming, at least, Binoche
in decades. (magimel is now married to the and magimel reached a détente. The act of
screenwriter margot pelletier. Binoche has pretending to cook together in that warm
been proposed to three times, she says, but kitchen became a conduit for expressing what-
only at the end of relationships, which seemed ever they needed to one another. <sometimes
silly to her. <it was just a way to retain me,= she you think that life is doing it for you when you
says. <Why ask at the end? Why not at the can9t do it,= Binoche says. <it felt very much like
beginning, when everything was so wonder- that to me, that this film was allowing us to be
ful?=) able to be humans.=
<The fact that they were a couple 20 years
ago was a little bit scary for me because i knew he entire movie is leading up to the
The braised pork belly spends 22 hours in a sous vide cooker before being served with potatoes and cheese banded with bacon 4 the best part of the entree 4 and at least five sauces on the plate.
1 ,
& , 1 * ( * 2 % 2 2 6 7
4 Provokes into
6 1
2 7 + ( 5 + , 1 7 $ 7 / , 3 6 performing a
risky stunt, say
0 ( $ 5 $ < , ( / ' ( ' 0 ( 7 2 2
9 Sidling creature
* / ( $ 0 ( ' & / $ , 5 + ( 5 $ / ' on the beach
$ , 5 / , ) 7 5 ( 3 0 ( 1 / $ '
11 ___ Eight (NCAA
8 1 , 7 6 + ( ( / 7 $ 3 6 , 1 $
15 Cashing in, as
1 Limb with biceps 11 “If it ___ broke ...” 1 “___ whiz!” 11 Big cats that coupons
6 8 0 & 5 2 6 6 ( / ( ( 5 ' $ 5 $ 4 Sneaky and clever 12 Capturing, as video 4 Opposite of urban may have 17 Name hidden in
8 7 ( $ 3 3 $ 7 ( / ( * ' 5 2 3 7 Rove about for a movie 6 Meat sold in links black fur “religion”
5 ( : $ 5 0 / ( * $ / 7 6 ( / , 2 7 9 Nike product 14 Unaccompanied 9 “Rope-a-dope” 14 Appears to be 18 Droop 25 Grizzlies, e.g. 29 Unit of heredity
3 5 $ ' $ % $ 7 5 $ & . 2 7 2 ( 6 10 Orange traffic 15 Young male horses boxer Muhammad 15 Hydroelectric 19 Black ___ affair 27 Adjusts, as piano strings 30 Medicinal amounts
6 2 6 2 6 2 : + $ 7 2 5 5 6 7 2 : marker, often 16 Director Craven 10 Floral garland power source 22 They live next door 28 Like a dark room 31 Erotic novel motif
/ ( 7 6 / , ' ( : + 2 2 1 ( GRID 4 GRID 5 GRID 6
7 5 , 3 / ( 6 ( & $ 1 7 , / ( 7 7 ( 5 1 Book of maps 1 Line of seats in a theater
0 $ & + , 1 ( 6 0 2 2 1 ( 0 , / , ( 6 Things pulled on 4 Frozen blocks
, 1 . 1 2 ' 6 7 : 2 6 7 ( ( / April Fools’ Day 7 “I’ve figured it out!”
8 Lunch outings on 8 ___ or less (roughly)
park lawns
10 Game often called table
10 James Bond, e.g. tennis
11 ___ de Janeiro 12 Coca-Cola or Sprite, e.g.
6 Pen ___ (friendly
1 Has a role on stage correspondent)
5 “___ of the devil!” 9 Term of affection
RELEASE DATE4Sunday, February 11, 2024
Los Angeles Times Sunday Crossword Puzzle
Edited by Patti Varol
Happy Birthday | Feb. 11: You are earnest and energetic. You like to help people improve their lives because it <CENTER OF 77 __ monster 118 Shrek and 13 Four-letter 48 Massage 85 Shadowbox
pleases you to bring comfort to others. This is a lovely year for you! It’s time to relax, socialize and let your hair down. ATTENTION= BY 79 Boise State9s Fiona name of a radio 49 <I have to 87 Cylindrical
CHANDI DEITMER home 119 Himalayan station, e.g. know!= storage
This is your turn to have fun! & MATTHEW 81 Intense <don9t creature 14 Word heard in 50 Bowling alley structure
STOCK blink= contests? 120 Seep a Spanish class lineup 88 Lifted
86 Opening dis at a 121 Palms, e.g. roll call 53 ATM charge 89 Verifiable
ACROSS roast? 122 Group between 15 Ride the waves 56 Loops in 94 Collection of
Moon Alert: There are no CANCER (June 21-July 22) workspace, especially if you work 1 Spot on a die 90 Menopause boomers and 16 Confiscate 57 Back in style farm-fresh
restrictions to shopping or Something exciting and different from home. This could involve the 4 Heel9s opposite treatment, millennials 18 Backs (away) 59 Literary device produce
important decisions. The Moon is in might take place. You might have an purchase of technology. You might 8 Relax briefly 123 Intel seeker 19 Playwright Ibsen 61 <I need the 95 Persian
13 Broken bone9s 91 Little taste 22 Brand of hiking truth!= greetings?
Pisces. unexpected chance to travel, take a see a way to expand in a new protector 92 Himalayan DOWN sandals 62 Tough go 96 Adhesive strip
course or explore opportunities in direction. 17 <You really think creature 1 __ see ew: stir- 27 Naan kin 63 Close ones 98 Throw out
that of me?= 93 Like ears with fried noodle dish 29 Jacobson of 64 Subscribe again 99 Big name in
ARIES (March 21-April 19) medicine and the law. 18 Take care of studs 2 <If u ask me ... = <Broad City= 65 Assign points to, seltzer
You feel sympathetic about a SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) 19 Casual layer 95 Crete9s highest 3 Jargon with 30 The <Gee= in maybe 100 Rib eye
situation. It could be sympathy LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Despite your focus on home and 20 <Barbie Girl= pt. terms ending in <Bee Gees= 66 Untamed alternative
band 97 Was out -ay 31 Tomato type territory 102 Takes to the
toward a particular individual or Something unexpected might family, social outings, interactions 21 Growling or 101 Erratic radiator? 4 Born to be wild 32 Pop icon John 67 <Mambo No. 5= cleaners
toward a group of people. impact your assets. It’s a sudden with your kids, the arts or sports barking, e.g.? 103 Gigs as 5 2022 U.S. 36 Put into a pot singer Bega 103 Folded food
Meanwhile, something might opportunity. It might give you might surprise you. This might allow 23 Overacted conductors and Women9s Open 37 Japanese 69 <I __ of you!= 104 100 cents
24 Hide furtively percussionists? golf champ drama 70 Landed 105 <Lucky=
impact your assets in an greater freedom, or it also might you to learn something new or 25 Rebel leader in 107 Suckling spot Minjee 39 Epiphany trio 72 Wawa, for one Grammy winner
unexpected way. boost your earnings or make your change your daily routine in some a space opera 108 <My mistake!= 6 Going slowly 40 Italian 75 Expert who9s a Jason
26 Iowa crop 109 Surrounding 7 Forest spirit in a 71-Across real poser? 106 Tots, e.g.
job more comfortable. Stay light on way. 28 Existence fueled energy Miyazaki classic 42 <The Vanishing 76 Intrepid 111 Close fam
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) your feet! by rotini and 110 Title girl in Kay 8 Dot follower Half= author 78 Culture writer9s member
A friend or member of a group might SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) tagliatelle? Thompson 9 __ skirt Bennett milieu 113 Film with the
30 Driveway books 10 Collar 44 <Be ready to 80 Way cool Oscar-winning
surprise you with a suggestion for VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Something unexpected might mistake? 112 Casualwear at attachment prove your age= 82 Play area? song <Naatu
travel or something related to legal This is an interesting day because impact your home and family, 33 Thick lumps the pub? 11 Von Trapp 45 Comes apart at 83 <Following these Naatu=
or medical matters. It might even someone close to you might have an especially a female family member. 34 Smidgens 116 Climber9s hold daughter the seams directions ... = 114 Recruit
35 Like the full- 117 Straightforward 12 Resulted in 46 Let out 84 Wheels 115 __ blue
relate to taking a course or getting unusual suggestion. It could involve It will be good news, perhaps an moon festival
further education. travel plans, social outings or unexpected gathering at home to Boun That
something to do with kids or a future view a new purchase. It might be a 38 Morsels
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) vacation. Whatever it is will be home improvement project. 41 Fig. calculated
Others are surprised by something intriguing. at a checkup
42 FYI kin
that you do, especially an act of CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) 43 <You9re talking
kindness. (Because what goes LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) This is a fast-paced, interesting day! to a haunted
around, comes around — generosity You might have good news about Unexpected news regarding house expert
is never a bad idea.) your health. Or you might have a vacations, your kids, social outings, 47 Obnoxious
sudden opportunity to improve your the arts and sports might delight poster in the
you. As a result, you might want to Reddit?
dress up and socialize, because you 51 Over yonder
have something to celebrate. 52 Soft ball
54 German <no=
You might feel an unexpected donations
financial boost, if not financially, 60 <Parenthood=
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To place an announcement: come your way. They might come 61 Back muscle,
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E16 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
Cultivating culture
4 and chocolate
An Ivory Coast haven hosts DJs, antiques and art | F3
Alain Kablan Porquet, founder of the Bushman Café, holds a cocoa pod in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Porquet, a former diplomat, is now a chocolatier who welcomes travelers across the world to his cafe.
Airlines and hotels are courting sober travelers with nonalcoholic options
Zero-proof cocktails are popping up on menus as more people choose to go booze-free or even do a 8dry-tripping9 detox
BY C HRIS D ONG nonalcoholic drinks.=
As for the future of the booze-
Mindful drinking or sober free category? It9s bright, accord-
curiosity isn9t new. However, ing to Jaroschy and his Unfil-
what9s different now is a social tered Hospitality team. <What
acceptance 4 some might even started as a few nonalcoholic
call it a societal embrace 4 of base 8spirits9 has expanded to
no- or low-alcohol products include all sorts of fun aperitivos,
available for travelers on menus amaros and cordials. This opens
in the air and on the ground. As up the toolbox for alcohol-free
a nondrinker myself, it wasn9t options in a wider range of
long ago that ordering a zero- styles.=
proof beverage at a hotel bar
often drew the ire of the bar- chris dong is a freelance travel
tender. writer and credit card points expert
Although there have always based in los angeles. you can follow
been travelers who eschew alco- him on Instagram: @thechrisflyer.
hol for a variety of reasons 4
perhaps because of an allergy,
religious observance or health 4
the growing <booze-free= move-
leFt: alaska aIrlInes; rIght: chrIs dong
ment has extended into tourism, TRa V e l
often as part of a larger trend Alaska Airlines serves Best Day Brewing Kölsch, left, and JetBlue has Mint (Under One) Condition 4 both nonalcoholic beverages.
toward wellness.
Travel booking site Expedia From the airport lounge to provide customers with an on- amenity, like an onboard snack. New York City in the fall, with ð get our newsletter every
said in its annual travel trend the sky& board experience customized to Similarly, Delta Air Lines elite upcoming locations slated for thursday:
report that more than 40 per- On a global scale, cultural and their needs and preferences.= members who receive drink Louisville, Nashville and Ra- newsletters/by-the-way
cent of travelers are likely to religious norms often dictate Besides having Athletic Brew- voucher coupons, each good for leigh, N.C., in the coming ý read us online:
book a detox trip in the next drink menus onboard flights, ing Company9s nonalcoholic Up- one alcoholic beverage, can9t re- months. Hilton is leaning into
year, coining the term <dry-trip- including the availability of dedi- side Dawn Golden Ale as an deem them for another booze- the trend that travelers will pivot ð Follow us on Instagram:
ping= to describe the fashion. cated mocktails (or in the case of option in-flight, the Long Island free perk. between alcoholic and nonalco- @bytheway
And because of it, many airlines like Saudi Arabia9s Jed- City, N.Y.-based airline also pro- holic drinks. <We are providing To respond to one of our
brands within the travel space dah-based Saudia, no alcohol at vides a mocktail version of its & and back down on the an uncompromised food and
ground articles: email
are making significant invest- all). popular business-class drink, the beverage experience to our,
ments to be more inclusive. Both Emirates and Qatar Air- Mint Condition. On the ground, hotels are guests regardless of routines or call 202-334-7750 or write:
<As recently as five years ago, ways offer a selection of booze- In December, Alaska Airlines expanding their nonalcoholic regimens,= says Adam Crocini,
Washington Post travel section,
this approach might not have free drinks in business and first also debuted a nonalcoholic beer, options. senior vice president and global
been standard practice,= says class, such as a Virgin Cucumber from Best Day Brewing, a San Hyatt launched a program in head of food and beverage 1301 k st. nW Washington, d.c.
Gui Jaroschy, founder of Unfil- Gimlet (on Emirates) or the So Francisco Bay Area craft brewer. late 2021 dubbed <Zero Proof, brands at Hilton. 20071.
tered Hospitality, a bar consul- Jennie, a nonalcoholic cham- The carrier says it9s <the first Zero Judgment= to bring dedicat- Often, however, shifting atti-
tancy firm. pagne (on Qatar) that retails for nonalcoholic beverage to join ed zero-proof beverages to select tudes and change come at the editor: amanda Finnegan
A wide variety of companies, about $50 a bottle. Meanwhile, Alaska9s premium beverage line- Andaz and Thompson properties property level 4 and directly Deputy editor: gabe hiatt
from hotel chains (the Stan- the signature drink on Hong up.= The Kölsch-style beer is across its U.S. portfolio. Mean- from guest feedback. The Four art directors: katty huertas,
dard) to cruise lines (Virgin Kong-based Cathay Pacific is the complimentary in premium cab- while, Hilton is taking the dry Seasons Peninsula Papagayo in elena lacey
Voyages) and even airport Cathay Delight, a blend of kiwi, ins and available for purchase in movement one step further. One Costa Rica, for instance, offers a Photo editor: lauren bulbin
lounges (Capital One), hire Jaro- coconut milk and fresh mint 4 a economy. of Hilton9s newest brands, Tempo whopping 21 mocktail options Staff writers: natalie b. compton,
schy and his team to ensure bar personal favorite. However, airlines have some by Hilton, offers a bar menu with across six food and beverage heidi Pérez-Moreno, andrea sachs,
programming is up to par for More recently, however, air- room to improve their drinking both <Spirited= and <Free-Spirit- outlets. The need to come up hannah sampson
<evolving customer needs.= That lines closer to home have dou- inclusivity efforts, too. For in- ed= cocktails. All nonalcoholic with new offerings came from Copy editor: rachael bolek
means crafting three to four bled down on their zero-proof stance, while purchasing an ex- drinks are designed to mimic guests themselves, says Francis- editorial aide: olivia Mccormack
nonalcoholic cocktails and a offerings. Last May, JetBlue Air- tra-legroom seat on a U.S. carrier those made with alcohol, and co Ribeiro, the property9s direc- Travel advertising: ron ulrich,
selection of nonalcoholic spirits ways became the first U.S. carrier often comes with an alcoholic Hilton has made this program a tor of food and beverage. <We 202-334-5289,
as the new standard for drink to offer a nonalcoholic beer as beverage, that perk usually can9t brand standard. saw an increase in our guests9
menus, says Jaroschy. part of a <continued effort to be traded, for say, another paid The first Tempo debuted in wanting different options for
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee F3
The Bushman Café9s rooftop is a place for congregating and sharing ideas.
BY S OPHIE G ARCIA of the syncretism of my travels, my encounters, The cafe menu features large dishes served in Ivorians to imitate him. <We must fill this historical
places that I love, with volumes, patina and banana leaves with alloco, attieke and sweet gap,= Porquet said. Instead of Ivory Coast being a
If you9re in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, you may miss a experience lived.= Now a two-story building, the potatoes to accompany chicken <Gaou.= They were resource for wealthier nations, he wants it as a
discreet entrance shrouded by local vegetation, location hosts tourists and passing visitors, provid- created by Chef Yacou. Porquet says that the dishes partner and a member of the international conver-
which hides a giant red door. It9s the entrance to the ing refuge to those who live on-site. feature local products and produce. At least once a sation in luxury goods, art and food.
Bushman Café, a multiuse space with a rooftop In the Bushman Café, there9s an inexhaustible week, a local blues band plays live, and DJ Yo Gio Porquet plans to build a fermentation unit in fall
restaurant, cafe and an eight-room guesthouse. But inventory of antiques, sculptures, designer lamps gets the party going with amapiano, hip-hop and 2024 in Ivory Coast to produce more than 100
people rarely come just to stay, eat and drink. and art. A calabash of piles of white stones and afro-house music. tonnes of fine cocoa, which he plans to sell largely as
The location is a gathering place of diverse plants, each room has its own decor, which Porquet If you visit Bushman, come with your sweet tooth a bulk supply for chocolatiers in Africa and
travelers from across the world who are looking for does himself. But most special is Room 5, trans- because Porquet devotes most of his time to elsewhere. Belgian chocolatiers recently came to
local art, history and storytelling. <It9s like an Ali formed with the artistic directors of the Art Comes creating his own brand of fine chocolate, Bushman the Bushman Café to establish a franchise to sell
Baba9s Cave of artworks= says DJ Praktika, a close First collective, Sam Lambert and Shaka Maido. Cocoaïan. Much like the curation of his communal their fine chocolate in Brussels. <It9s a paradigm
friend of the founder, Alain Kablan Porquet. <Room 5 is the punk part. She9s dark. She9s black. space, he treats cocoa like curating art. He selects shift,= Porquet said.
Porquet has created a haven reminiscent of a living I love black color,= Porquet says. Cloaked by black carefully to bring out the best. To establish Bushman as a premier location for
museum while also trying to revolutionize Ivory lace, the room features a four-poster bed, with a During his research on cocoa, Porquet wrote to chocolate, he brought together many in the cocoa
Coast9s chocolate industry. variation of the painting <Origin of the World= by Dutch cocoa researcher Albertus Eskes and discov- sector to create a competition for the best fine
Porquet, 51, is the son of Ivorian poet Niangoran Gustave Courbet hanging above it. Once the room ered he has his own fermentation method. A chocolate, specifically from Africa. The first World
Porquet and Jeannette Koudou (sister of former was finished, Nigerian singer-songwriter and gui- friendship began, and Eskes stayed for two months Chocolate Initiative Competition will be held in
Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo). He began his tarist Keziah Jones made it his. at the Bushman Café working with Porquet. 2024, and it will aim to challenge the production
career working in the banking sector but found The guesthouse is far from a classic hotel. The Eskes helped Porquet to select the best fine cocoa standards of European chocolate.
himself unchallenged and disconnected. Porquet place hosts concerts and one-man shows and often varieties directly from cocoa fields in Central-West Sitting outside the Bushman on his favorite
later left banking to work in humanitarian aid and has people gathering in common areas. The propri- Ivory Coast, and showed him his <Anima= method, bench, Porquet recalls one of his personal mottos
then joined the diplomatic corps. Once working in etors ask guests to be patient, explaining that there9s which transforms bulk, standard quality cocoa into after telling a visitor to leave with a young cocoa
locations such as Geneva and New York, he longed a need for this vibrant cultural space in Ivory Coast. fine cocoa, without resorting to <Dutching.= The shoot. <Create, mark your time, mark your life and
for Ivory Coast. By the end of 2012, he returned to An 80-year-old New Yorker, Betty, who had been process, used by the Western chocolate industry, the lives of others.=
Abidjan to turn what was once cheap and undevel- traveling alone to West Africa since February 2023, reduces the bitterness, but with it, according to
oped land into a place for creatives in the Riviera 4 said Ghanaian friends recommended the Bushman Eskes, antioxidants and flavors disappear. Sophie garcia is a photojournalist formerly based in
district. Café to her. <For an artist or a person who Africa supplies 70 percent of the world9s cocoa burkina faso. She works between abidjan, paris and
<At the beginning, it was a house for me 4 to appreciates arts, this is the place to go, and the food beans. Porquet9s approach aims to produce the best Dakar. you can follow her on instagram at:
receive my friends.= Porquet explains. <It9s the sum is outstanding= she says. fine cocoa locally, but also to persuade other @sgarcia_photo.
F4 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, february 11 , 2024
The Upgrade
Don9t feel guilty about staying in bed and renting that expensive hotel movie
BY B LAKE T URCK the exploration of the great out-
doors, but about finding luxuries
To submit a travel hack to The that you wouldn9t typically enjoy
Upgrade, visit in ordinary life.
On a recent annual holiday There9s an underappreciated
staycation in Brooklyn with my
husband and our goldendoodle, If vacation is comfort in indulging in a movie
in a bed that isn9t your own, in a
we feasted on Peter Luger burg-
ers and watched the holiday all about fashion that9s not typical, with-
out worrying about the daily
classic <Elf = all without leaving
our room. People9s best vacation treating yourself, responsibilities of normal life.
Perhaps on a premium channel,
memories are usually what oc-
curs on the other side of the door, what9s a while wearing a hotel robe and
basking on a luxurious, white
I get it. But some of my most
memorable travels are inextrica- bigger treat bed with the extra fluffy pillows.
It9s a singular experience, differ-
bly linked to staying in and
watching a movie. than staying ent from home and unlike a
movie theater 4 even ones that
I recall one from almost every
trip I9ve taken. During a weekend in with offer in-dining options. To me,
room service and a movie are the
in Mexico with my mom when I
was 18, I was angsty over missing room service perfect duo.
Excursions and adventure
my boyfriend. We found <Break-
fast at Tiffany9s= on TV and and a movie? guides aren9t the only way to
immerse yourself in a new locale.
watched it cuddled up close to- Disappearing into a film can be
gether from a small Cozumel its own adventure. A short es-
hotel. cape in the midst of a bigger
It may not be a popular option, escape.
but there is an underrated joy to Staying still, surrendering to
IlluSTrATIon By MIn heo For The WAShIngTon PoST
be found in this activity. Both my time, relaxation, and the con-
husband and I are film buffs, and stant need continually put upon
early on, cinema was one of our in London inside. We devoured initial night when we essentially 3 a.m., warm from celebratory if I tried. ourselves to stay busy isn9t just a
love languages. In 2012, almost a fish and chips from our fancy did nothing. red wine, and turned on the TV The thought of opting to re- release of pure bliss. It9s also a
year into our relationship, we hotel room as we watched the Five years later, we wandered for background noise. Instead, main in the confines of a room healthy choice with real benefits,
took our first overseas trip to- terrible Dane Cook comedy, the streets of Paris on our honey- we stumbled upon the 1979 Ger- rental may sound unfathomable and one I urge everyone to try on
gether. It was the first time I9d <Good Luck Chuck.= When we moon and explored tiny corners man film <The Tin Drum= and 4 that9s not the point of travel, their next vacation.
ever traveled with a boyfriend 4 reflect on that vacation 11 years of the city. Despite each special became so engrossed in it we right? It9s about maximizing ev-
or man that wasn9t my father. later, we don9t talk about Buck- discovery, I affectionately hold stayed up for two more hours ery moment while away. But Blake Turck is a freelance writer
Upon our arrival, however, he felt ingham Palace or the London space for a quieter moment. The entranced in every subtitled maybe taking a vacation 4 no based in new york city. you can
sick and we spent our first night Bridge as much as we do that night we returned to our suite at word. I couldn9t forget the movie matter where 4 isn9t solely about follow her on X at @styleisland.
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee F5
ocial media is full of complaints said, it makes sense for a flight crew or
from airline passengers 4 dirty
seats, barefoot neighbors, reclin-
not going on a flight for umpteen hours and thinking part maintenance workers to pay attention 4
even if it just means doing a quick visual
ing chairs, waiting for hours on
the tarmac. But sometimes, they
of the wing might come falling off.= inspection 4 if a passenger does flag
something that concerns them.
take on a more nervous tone. Charles Horning, an associate professor in the aviation maintenance <If anything, it puts the passenger at
What is that strange noise? Is that science department at embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, ease and they9re not going on a flight for
smoke? Why is someone putting tape on said about the flight crew inspecting something a passenger says is concerning umpteen hours and thinking part of the
the plane? Are screws missing on that wing might come falling off,= he said.
While a <see something, say some- Avoiding the Max 9 altogether
thing= approach to terror threats has celed after a British passenger noticed good once-over to make sure there were 8If I9m willing to fly this plane, I9m Daniel Rodriguez was on his way to
been the norm for decades, travelers missing screws. Traveler Phil Hardy, 41, not missing bolts or engines hanging willing to put my family on it9 explore Medellín, Colombia, last month.
often raise the alarm for anything they told Kennedy News and Media agency precariously by a couple of flimsy wires.= Planes are checked for issues before He was flying on Copa Airlines and took
find out of the ordinary. That9s especially that he took photos and alerted a flight every flight. That includes a visual check, the time to check the type of plane he was
true in the wake of the Alaska Airlines attendant after spotting the issue during Flight disasters are still rare or walkaround, by one of the pilots as flying on to avoid any disruption from the
incident on Jan. 5, when a door plug blew the safety briefing, all the while thinking <It9s natural and understandable why well as system checks mandated by the grounding of most Boeing 737 Max 9 jets,
off a Boeing 737 Max 9. of the Alaska Airlines incident. passengers would be concerned,= said numerous checklists that govern flying a which lasted about three weeks.
Though all 177 passengers and crew <This was definitely at the forefront of Hassan Shahidi, the president and CEO commercial airliner. Everything was on schedule until he
survived, the incident has renewed con- my mind, and I9ve watched enough crash of the Flight Safety Foundation, a non- Any potential maintenance issue must showed up at the Copa desk at Chicago9s
cerns about the safety of 737 Max aircraft. investigations to know it doesn9t take a profit that provides safety guidance to be fixed or, if it is not critical, can be O9Hare International Airport. There he
The airliner was grounded in 2019 for lot to bring down a plane and I started to the aviation industry. deferred for a limited period. Deferred found out that his flight to Panama City,
nearly two years after two fatal Max 8 get a bit more worried,= he said. <But we today in the United States maintenance events occur on more than where he would transfer to another flight
crashes in Ethiopia and Indonesia that Despite assurances from the airline have a very safe air transportation sys- half of flights, said several pilots for to Medellín, was canceled because the
killed 346 people. that there was no problem with the wing, tem,= he continued. <We have thousands major airlines who spoke on the condi- airline needed his plane elsewhere be-
The National Transportation Safety Hardy said his partner, Magdalena Bo- of flights that takeoff and land everyday tion of anonymity because they were not cause of the Max 9 grounding.
Board is investigating the Alaska inci- busia, was starting to panic. The couple without any incidents.= authorized to speak publicly. And, on <Even though I wasn9t going to take a
dent and has focused on whether key was able to head to New York for their The last fatal crash of a commercial longer flights over water, like to Hawaii Max 9, what I should have thought more
bolts designed to hold the door in place vacation the next morning after their airliner in the United States was in 2009, or Europe, planes cannot have any de- of was whether that issue was going to
were properly installed. And while the flight was canceled, leaving at 4:30 a.m. a Continental Connection flight operated ferred maintenance items. roll downstream and affect other flights,=
independent agency has yet to release its for the first leg. by Colgan Air that killed 50 near Buffalo. <If I9m willing to fly this plane, I9m Rodriguez said. He ended up calling the
preliminary findings, the Federal Avia- <The thought of the screws was at the The fatal accident rate in the United willing to put my family on it,= one pilot at airline and rebooking his trip for March.
tion Administration has already forefront of my mind but because it was States was 0.006 for every 100,000 flight a major airline said he tells any passenger Since that trip, Rodriguez, who works
launched an audit of Boeing 737 Max pitch black on the flight, I couldn9t see hours from 2001-2017, according to NTSB who voices safety concerns. Asked how at a health-care organization and travels
production line and increased scrutiny anything, which was probably for the data. There were 53,081 flight hours per often they encounter a deferred mainte- about every three weeks, said he regular-
of the plane maker. best,= he said. day in the United States during the nance item, they estimated about half of ly checks what kind of plane he9s flying on
But all the talk of loose or missing bolts The airline and manufacturer, Airbus, period. the time. and whether the airline is affected by the
has made any potential visible issue with said the four missing fastener tops had Asked what travelers should do to stay One common question pilots are asked Boeing Max 9 issues. His reason is sim-
an airplane top of mind for many fliers. no impact on the structural integrity of safe on flights, Shahidi said listening to is when passengers spot what looks like ple: If his flight might be affected, he
Already, a surprising number of travelers the wing or the plane9s ability to operate crew instructions and wearing your seat duct tape on a plane9s wing. This is doesn9t want to get stranded somewhere
think they could swoop in and safely land safely. The screws were four out of 119 on belt are the best ways to ensure safety. actually <speed tape,= which is a special without his laptop and miss work.
a passenger plane in an emergency. And a secondary structure panel that is used Bangs, the former pilot, said passen- adhesive designed and certified to be While popular flight tracking website
there are more tools than ever for passen- to improve the plane9s aerodynamic per- gers should keep their window shades used safely on planes in-flight. While it Flightradar24 has not seen an uptick in
gers to monitor their flights, track the formance. open when taking off and landing to may not look good, the pilots said, it does visits to the fleet pages of airlines that
type of plane they9re flying, notice when Virgin Atlantic said the flight was better see if there are flames or a safe not mean the plane is unsafe. operate affected 737 Max aircraft, accord-
things go awry and even listen to conver- canceled <to provide time for precau- escape in case of an emergency, though Bangs said sensors monitor the health ing to spokesperson Ian Petchenik, many
sations between pilots and air traffic tionary additional engineering mainte- such incidents are rare. That was impor- of a plane9s system and produce <thou- travelers on social media echoed Rodri-
controllers 4 as well as ways to spread nance checks, which allowed our team tant when passengers had to flee a Japan sands of digital bits of information.= guez9s concerns. They said they were
that information widely. the maximum time to complete their Airlines jet after it collided with another <There9s so much more detailed digital checking what type of plane they were on
<A lot of angst out there in the popu- inspections.= plane and burst into flames at the begin- oversight of everything that9s happen- more frequently to avoid potential dis-
lace,= said Kathleen Bangs, a former Still, many fliers shuddered. < ... I have ning of the year. She said it9s also impor- ing,= she said. ruptions to their trips if the aircraft was
commercial airline pilot and spokesper- to examine the plane myself as a passen- tant to count the number of rows to the Charles Horning, an associate profes- out of service.
son for the flight tracking site Flight- ger so i can feel safe,= one person wrote nearest exit, both in front of and behind sor in the aviation maintenance science But some had bigger worries.
Aware. She said the site is seeing an on X, formerly known as Twitter. your seat. department at Embry-Riddle Aeronauti- <I do everything I can to avoid flying on
interest in people searching types of Satire sites have had a field day. The Still, Bangs said she sympathizes with cal University, said a member of the flight the 737-Max airplanes,= one person wrote
aircraft, and Max 9 planes in particular. Shovel, an Australian site, published a watchful passengers. Many years ago, she crew will look for obvious damage or on X, but said it was hard to avoid
Travel booking site Kayak said usage of headline joking that screwdrivers were asked a flight attendant to go to the problems with the tires. Horning, who completely.
its 737 Max filter on flight searches allowed on Boeing flights <To Allow cockpit because she didn9t see the flaps worked for Delta doing line maintenance <I literally check every flight I take to
increased 15-fold after the Alaska Air- Passengers To Help With Maintenance.= on the rear of the wing down as the plane and training for more than 18 years, said make sure it9s not on a 737-MAX,= wrote
lines incident. Conservative site the Babylon Bee wrote was taxiing for takeoff 4 which she said those checks are in addition to more another, reposting a video of the Alaska
A week and a half after the Alaska a fake story in which flight attendants could lead to a crash. detailed regular inspections. incident. <I9ve canceled flights for this
ordeal, a Virgin Atlantic flight from asked passengers to make sure the plane <As a pilot, I9m a control freak myself,= Planes can function safely with some reason before and seeing this makes me
Manchester to New York City was can- had both wings, and give <the cabin a she said. equipment out of order or damaged; feel less like a paranoid idiot.=
aybe it9s the commercials or the halftime show or to catch a glimpse of Taylor swift. Perhaps
it9s even about the biggest football game of the year. Whatever your reason for hosting a With nine minority head coaches
lined up to lead nFL teams in 2024,
super Bowl party, it9ll cost you. Americans will spend a projected $17.3 billion to eat, drink the Rooney Rule is having one of its
and cheer their way through the national Football League championship between the san Francisco best years ever.
The question now is whether the
49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs, according the national Retail Federation. That9s $86 a person to fill hiring practice 4 and its progeny in
up on wings in buffalo sauce, chips with queso, lots of beer and so much more. It9s also a 4.8 percent corporate America 4 will stay in the
game much longer amid a wave of
spike from the $16.5 billion spent last year and a snapshot of the sticker shock people still find in the legal challenges to workplace diversi-
grocery store even as inflation overall has cooled. once higher, food prices <tend to be very sticky,= said ty, equity and inclusion (DeI) initia-
tives. on Tuesday, a conservative
scott Brown, an agriculture economist at the University of Missouri. They9re vulnerable to multiple legal nonprofit filed a federal civil
factors, including supply chain disruptions, climate change, higher fuel, labor and packaging costs rights complaint against the nFL,
alleging that the rule is illegal.
and ripple effects from the Russia-Ukraine war. But in the past year consumers caught breaks in such <If the national Football League
categories as technology 4 think flat-screen TVs and sound bars 4 and some foods such as poultry. so, truly wants to end discrimination in
the employment process, then the
before locking in your shopping list, here9s what to expect. see super bowl on g3
nFL should stop discriminating in
the employment process, follow the
meritocratic system it displays on the
field, and eliminate the Rooney Rule,=
said Ian Prior, a senior adviser with
America First Legal, the nonprofit
founded by former Donald Trump
adviser stephen Miller.
Through a spokesperson, the nFL
said that it looks <forward to re-
sponding to this complaint and dem-
onstrating that our policies and pro-
grams are fully consistent with the
law and with fundamental notions of
This support network provides customized assistance for frustrated job seekers
my recent column need life jackets sized to fit Jewish Human Service Agencies unemployment. <Doing a job after a career derailment or interview and business
on the stigma and them. (NJHSA), known informally as search is incredibly scary and it9s pushed into retirement against etiquette, as well as support
damaging effects Customized one-on-one <the Network,= started a pilot incredibly lonely & you need their will. In fact, despite the group sessions.
of long-term counseling or coaching seems program aimed at addressing someone there who can keep you strong economy and low <The interaction, the follow-
unemployment like the obvious solution 4 but the mass unemployment focused and remind you how unemployment rate, the United up, the presence that this
resonated with it9s often inaccessible to resulting from the coronavirus valuable you are to your family States is a middling performer organization provides us and
Work readers. Some someone who is struggling to pandemic, especially among and community,= Welch said. among industrialized countries what they provide has been just
Advice expressed relief at pay for basic needs, and it takes underserved populations such as Individualized coaching is when it comes to labor force phenomenal,= Katz said. <I can9t
KarLa L. learning they9re time to find a counselor you rural residents, veterans, people especially effective because it participation, a broader metric emphasize enough how they
MiLLer not alone in their click with. with disabilities and older <can dig into granular details of that includes how many made themselves available.=
struggles 4 but furthermore, widely available workers. The program, Project challenges for that specific working-age people have Beyond the practical tips on
that was cold guidance on upskilling, résumé Em (pronounced <em=), taps into person,= said Cindy Key, a career dropped out of the job market. résumé writing and
comfort to others looking for writing and networking doesn9t a nationwide network of 19 coach in Louisville, who works Welch believes the response to interviewing, Katz said Project
concrete advice. address the emotional obstacles. workforce development agencies with Project Em. for example, Project Em9s offerings in its first Em <helped [me] not just
<Your article nails it, but & no Excel tutorials won9t fix to connect job seekers with Key said, she has worked with two years shows how much regain confidence and self-
real solution is offered. I have depression; tweaking fonts and individualized career coaching many women trying to get back high-quality, personalized esteem but push[ed] the right
emailed the article to several layout feels like repainting the as well as workshops and other into the workforce after taking employment support is needed, buttons to propel me forward
friends and relatives telling shuffleboard court on the resources aimed at addressing time away to raise children. and how it can make a again.= Some months after first
them that this is exactly me. But Titanic; and networking is a the other effects of Project Em also partners with difference. In its first year, the contacting Project Em, Katz
what do I do about it?= a constant tightrope walk between unemployment, from mental employers to help them find program serviced nearly 3,000 landed another job in the same
paralegal asked in an email. enthusiasm and desperation. health to finances. qualified hires they might job seekers who lacked other industry with an employer that
<I enjoyed your article but And you can crush all those The best part: It9s free and otherwise overlook. <This has to access to workforce support and she says makes her feel valued
found your recommendations to skills and still be dismissed as available to unemployed and be a whole community push,= conducted more than 700 live for her experience and work
be & of no value,= said another overqualified (read: too old) or underemployed job seekers Key said. <We9ve been persuaded workshops accessible to the ethic.
unemployed reader, after one of bypassed in favor of <passive= regardless of faith, education, that we can and should do it all public. my inbox suggests Welch is
the online sources I listed turned job seekers who are already background or location. ourselves,= but the truth is that Lorna Katz from the Boston right about the demand. my
up no results relevant to him. employed. (Note to employers: <from entry level to C-suite, job seekers <really have to have area can attest to Project Em9s hope is that this program, and
I share their frustration. It9s Isn9t that a bit like going on a we can help,= said Sarah Welch, advocates in a lot of places to get effectiveness. Katz, a former any others seeking to follow its
hard to offer general strategies dating site hoping to meet senior vice president for strategy ahead,= she said. sales account manager, lost her model, will be up to the task.
that address the multiple married partners?) at NJHSA. record-low U.S. job because of the coronavirus To sign up for online
individual and systemic factors In short, it is hard to find a Project Em offers clients a unemployment rates might pandemic and was unemployed workshops or register for
in unemployment. of the one-stop point of access to the holistic, continuous, <client-led= suggest that this kind of broad- for some months. She came personalized support, visit
readers I heard from who had kind of holistic, customized model of support, she said. based workforce support isn9t across Project Em while Project Em9s website at
found their way back into the support job seekers need. But an Counseling, workshops and necessary. But statistics on jobs researching options online. After, or
job market, no two followed the ambitious new program is support groups help manage the filled don9t tell the whole story connecting with the program, call 614-237-WorK (9675) for
same path. Even when hoping to change that. <trauma associated with work of people barely scraping by in she received one-on-one assistance.
everyone9s in the same boat, they In 2022, the Network of loss= and long-term multiple jobs, underemployed coaching on résumé writing and
Michelle singletary
Diversity hiring on, ob ûeld may be legally at risk
You can learn from this rooNey ruLe from g1
Busine ss editor: lori montgomery " Design: andrew Braford " Photo editor: haley hamblin " e-mail: " telephone: 202-334-9800 " Mail: the Washington Post, sunday Business, 1301 K st. nW, Washington,
D.C. 20071 " advertising: noelle Wainwright, 202-334-7610,
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee G3
These one-handed bites are perfect for game day but come at a
premium: Ground beef costs surged 6.7 percent in December
compared with 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Extreme weather is again at play 4 since mid-2020, droughts from
the northern Plains, across cattle country and into southern states
have left ranchers with <not enough hay and forage to maintain the
beef cattle herd,= Brown said. U.S. beef production fell by 1.2 billion
pounds, or 4.6 percent, from 2022 to 2023, he noted, and the
Agriculture Department forecasts declines will continue this year. Television
The bigger the TV, the better the football-watching experience.
During the early days of the pandemic, as consumers were stuck at
home, many splurged on new entertainment systems. But supply
chain logjams in 2021 left retailers less able to meet demand, Paper goods
leading to higher prices, Saunders said. TV prices surged 30 percent Football-themed napkins and cups, plastic forks, and paper plates
on average, according to Circana, to $469. But in 2022, retailers in team colors are popular this time of year, Driggs said: <People are
over-ordered and consumers pulled back on discretionary spend- trying to create an experience.= Costs have crept up in recent years
ing. Since then, there have been <sharp discounts and some better because commodities like wood pulp 4 which is used to make paper
prices,= he said. The average cost of a TV was $385 last year, down products 4 hit record highs in 2022. Several factors were at play,
11.7 percent from 2022. including increased demand for packaging materials because of
e-commerce and reduced output from U.S. and Chinese paper mills.
As a result, paper napkin prices rose 19 percent from 2022 to 2023,
according to NIQ, while disposable plates jumped 27 percent.
While a veggie tray from your local grocer will save you time, it9ll
probably run you more than doing the slicing and dicing yourself
because of labor and packaging costs, said Rob Dongoski, global
lead for food and agribusiness at consulting firm Kearney. Mean-
while, the war in Ukraine spawned restrictions on the global
fertilizer trade, sending prices near record highs in 2022 and Streaming
causing the cost of carrots, broccoli and celery to tick up. But If you9re a cord-cutter without traditional access to CBS, the
vegetable prices are finally easing 4 down 4.8 percent in December, network carrying the game, you may be considering a subscription
year over year, according to CPI data 4 as other countries boosted to a streaming service. The cost of cable, satellite and live-streaming
exports. services climbed 5.6 percent in December, according to CPI9s Football apparel
year-over-year data. The basic YouTube TV package increased $8, to Whether you9re a 49er faithful or a member of Chiefs Kingdom,
$72.99 a month, and Hulu with ads and live TV climbed $7, to jerseys, T-shirts, hats and other apparel emblazoned with your
$76.99 per month. The stand-alone options, like base-tier Para- favorite team9s logo tend to be more <insulated= than other sectors
mount Plus and NFL Plus, increased a dollar or two to $5.99 and of apparel, Saunders said. <There9s very strong demand, especially
$6.99, respectively. for popular teams.= But that doesn9t mean they9re cheap 4 official
jerseys from the NFL Shop cost $150. Driggs noted that sales
revenue of NFL-licensed apparel for the teams going to the Super
Bowl last year spiked 200 percent. (And that was before Swifties
became enamored with Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce overnight.)
he yellow school bus must
be the most iconic means
of transportation in Amer-
ican history. But the operative
School buses are disappearing. Crespi suggested that we con-
sider a new factor: Could bus
ridership be falling because
more people are 4 like the econ-
word in that sentence is <his-
tory.= For the first time on rec-
ord, most American students are
whisked to school in a private
Parents are picking their kids up instead. omist Heggeness 4 moving to
places with poor bus coverage?
After all, college-educated Amer-
icans are substantially more
vehicle. mobile than their less-educated
In 2022, youths of almost ev- aver the pandemic, school-bus use fell, but only among students with more-educated (and likely better-of) parents friends.
ery age shifted from bus to Indeed, data supports this
Buick, with 53 percent of U.S. share of U.s. public and private k-12 students using each mode to get to school share of U.s. public and private k-12 students using each mode to go to school theory. Some of the fastest-grow-
students getting dropped off at aLL U.s. sTUDenTs aT LeasT one ParenT has a no ParenT WiTh a
ing states in the pandemic era
school or driving themselves, ac- BaCheLor9s Degree or higher FoUr-year Degree
are also the ones with the worst
cording to our analysis of the re- bus service, according to data
cently revamped National private from School Bus Fleet, a trade
60% 60% vehicle
Household Travel Survey. The magazine with a self-explanato-
survey, from the fine folks at the ry title. Fewer than a third of
Federal Highway Administra- private vehicle public-school kids in Idaho, the
tion, collects detailed transpor- 50 50 state with the fastest-growing
tation data, including trip logs, School bus child population from 2019 to
from about 17,000 Americans in private
2022, get to school by bus. If we
about 8,000 households. 40 40 vehicle split the country in two 4 the
As carting kids around has be- half with worse bus service and
come the defining act of modern School bus the half with better bus service
parenthood, the K-12 experience 30 30 in the 2018-2019 school year 4
has increasingly revolved we see that the child population
around the school pickup line. School bus in the worse half grew almost
(Don9t bother Googling that. One 20 20 twice as rapidly.
actual example: <Will you be my But fewer than 1 in 10 Ameri-
student loans? Because I9d like cans move their house in a given
to have you around for the rest 10 Bike or foot 10
Bike or foot
Bike or foot year. So Crespi pointed us
of my life.=) toward a bigger factor: remote
For an expert evaluation of work. Flexible workplaces and
public transit
school pickup lines, we called public transit public transit schedules have obviously made
0 0
University of Kansas economist 1969 2009 2017 2022 2009 2017 2022 2009 2017 2022
it easier for Heggeness and her
Misty Heggeness. When she peers to slip away from work
moved from school-bus-saturat- note: ages 5-17; the 1969 data includes 18-year-olds. source: national household Travel survey from the Federal highway administration and cart around the kids.
ed suburban Maryland to the source: national household Travel survey and nationwide Personal Transportation study Not all parents have that
transit-challenged outskirts of (1969) from the Federal highway administration privilege. Among those with a
Kansas City, Kan., Heggeness Students of almost all ages shived to private vehicles as buses vanished, chronic absenteeism has soared bachelor9s degree or higher, 39
discovered her own <deeply per- percent worked remote or
sonal hell= 4 two hours a day share of U.s. public and private k-12 students using each mode to get to school share of public k-12 students who missed at least 10 percent of classes hybrid in December, compared
spent waiting in, or driving to, with just 7 percent of people
an endless queue of SUVs and se- private vehicle, 2017 Year 2018-2019 2021-2022 2022-2023 with a high school diploma or
dans in front of her children9s less, according to our friends at
private vehicle, 2022 D.C. 30% 48% 44%
middle and high schools. the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
As a researcher who measures new Mexico 18 40 39 But if their parents can9t in-
gender inequality and the bur- terrupt their shift at the factory
oregon 20 36 38
dens that mothers face, Hegge- 50 or the Fuddruckers to pick up
ness understands the value of nevada 19 36 35 kids, what are the children of
parents9 time. She even calculat- Colorado 23 36 31
less-fortunate parents doing?
ed how much the district would Given that researchers have
owe her for daily kid deliveries, Florida 20 32 31 found a strong link between
if it paid her a going rate 4 Michigan 20 39 31 lower socioeconomic status and
which, of course, it does not. It9s high absenteeism, it seems likely
a lot. Heggeness said she can9t Washington 15 33 30 that some of them have not gone
believe other parents aren9t as hawaii 15 37 30 to school at all.
ripsnorting riled up as she is. 30 Applied economist Michael
<Why is nobody fixing this?= kentucky 18 30 Gottfried, now at the University
she asked us, rhetorically. <Why School bus, 2017 rhode island 19 34 29 of Pennsylvania, called this idea
aren9t parents speaking up?= perfectly plausible. And he
Perhaps answering her own School bus, 2022 illinois 18 30 28 would know: His research into
question, she later explained arizona 13 32 28 the causes and consequences of
that <the experiences of the pan- Bike or foot, 2022 absenteeism in America9s
West Virginia 29 28
demic made parents much more schools has been cited just about
willing to put up with these Maine 17 32 27 everywhere. It also has trans-
types of shenanigans just to get Bike or foot, 2017
formed him into an unabashed
ohio 17 30 27
the kids back in school.= Then bus booster.
this <really inefficient equilibri- public transit, 2017 north Carolina 16 31 27 <I believe the bus is a lifeline
um & became the new routine.= public transit, 2022
iowa 12 21 26
for students,= he told us.
The coronavirus pandemic ac- 0 He said districts looking to
celerated a shift long in the mak- 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 Utah 14 27 25 trim spending often see yellow
years old
ing, said Dave Cowan, a genial California 12 30 25 buses as relatively easy to cut,
walking-and-biking-to-school source: national household Travel survey from the Federal highway administration because they don9t directly
booster with the nonprofit Safe south Carolina 13 20 25 involve teaching and protections
Routes Partnership. Fifty years faster-growing, spread-out states struggle to bus kids Mississippi 13 28 24 for support staff are weaker.
ago, feet and pedals dominated But that overlooks their effect on
the school transportation scene, Missouri 13 24 23 attendance.
share of public k-12 students transported daily by school buses
but that depended on schools Louisiana 19 23 <The bus literally takes kids to
being built in the heart of dense school. Like, that is its function,=
neighborhoods. 30% 45 60 75 georgia 13 24 23 Gottfried said. <If we9re con-
<We9ve moved our schools to nebraska 15 24 22 cerned about absenteeism 4
where land is less expensive and which we are 4 we9re literally
more expansive, but less accessi- Massachusetts 13 28 22 getting rid of something whose
ble to those walking and bicy- kansas 14 25 22 job is to take kids to school.=
cling,= Cowan told us. <When we To measure the scope of
south Dakota 14 22 21
build schools on the edge or out America9s attendance crisis, we
of town, we create a long-term Delaware 13 25 21 called Liz Cohen, who read 127
transportation problem because books last year while raising
Connecticut 10 24 20
now we commit to a lifetime of three kids and collecting data on
transporting students to that north Dakota 12 22 20 chronic absenteeism in public
school.= oklahoma 14 20 20
schools at FutureEd, an inde-
A crisis like the pandemic am- pendent think tank at George-
plifies the structural issues we9ve indiana 11 21 19 town University9s McCourt
built into our schools, Cowan Virginia 11 20 19 School of Public Policy.
said. Some bus drivers refused to <While we9ve always had pop-
work because of the health alabama 11 18 18 ulations of kids who attended
threat. Others cashed in on their idaho 21 17 school less regularly,= she said,
commercial drivers9 licenses to <there has really been a seismic
make far more money elsewhere shift since covid.=
note: Based on latest available data; not all states supplied 2022-2023 ûgures. note: not all states share their absenteeism data
in the booming transportation source: Futureed
Cohen and her colleagues
source: school Bus Fleet DeParTMenT oF DaTa / The WashingTon PosT
industry. In recent months, driv- found that a median of 25 per-
ers have been some of the most cent of public K-12 students
in-demand workers in the entire missed more than 10 percent of
country, according to data from the most recently completed
Indeed that compares job open- school year. That9s almost double
ings with their pre-pandemic To speak with Mendoza is to the rate for the school year end-
levels. stumble into the eye of an emis- ing in 2019, according to figures
To papier-mâché over the sions-research hurricane. With from about two-thirds of U.S.
driver shortfall, schools are almost every sentence, he points states and D.C.
slashing bus service, changing to a new analysis underway, a Cohen, Heggeness, Gottfried
hours, canceling days and even new sensor or ventilation system and others agreed that the long-
paying parents to drive their he9s testing, or a new social ex- run cost of students missing
own offspring. Philadelphia, for periment he9s conducting. Much school obviously would be far
example, pays parents $300 a of it focuses on how pollution af- higher than anything schools
month, or $3,000 a year per fects students, schools and com- might be saving by cutting back
household. The program began munities in unequal ways 4 a on bus service.
in 2020 and now includes 16,000 particularly urgent issue in Salt <It might seem obvious, but
students, not far below the Lake, where winter inversions when you don9t go to school,
23,000 students who use yellow along the Wasatch Front trap you9re not going to learn as
buses (but well below the 55,000 dispiriting brown air in a <pollu- much, so you9re going to perform
who rely on public-transit fare tion blister= around the city. less well on tests,= Cohen said.
cards). At one school, Mendoza9s <Your grades are going to go
A little deeper in the transpor- measurements showed that out- down. You are less likely to suc-
tation survey, we found that not side exhaust finds its way into ceed on all sorts of measures.=
all parents were responding to classrooms within 35 minutes to
bus cutbacks by driving their 73 minutes. Once inside, it the department of data runs on
own children. Rising pickups lowers student math and Eng- your quantitative curiosity. What
were driven entirely by parents lish performance, he found. Oth- are you wondering about: What are
like Heggeness 4 those with col- ers have linked long-term expo- the most common thermostat
lege degrees. Before the pan- sure to such pollutants with settings? are kids these days less
demic, about 55 percent of kids childhood obesity, asthma, de- likely to wear coats in cold weather?
with at least one parent who had pression and anxiety, attention- how do U.s. state economies
a four-year college degree were deficit/hyperactivity disorder compare with european states and
driven (or drove) to school. By and myriad other conditions 4 provinces? Just ask at
2022, that was 62 percent. Their especially when you include department.
riCky CarioTi/The WashingTon PosT
bus ridership fell by a corre- pollution9s effects on expectant
sponding amount. School buses at the Montgomery County Public Schools depot in Bethesda, Md. In 2022, 53 percent of mothers. if your question inspires a column,
Meanwhile, students whose U.S. students were getting dropped off at school or driving themselves instead of relying on buses. Given its hassles and hazards, we9ll send you an official Department
parents don9t have a four-year why are more educated 4 and of Data button and iD card. This
degree have seen a slight rise in probably more affluent 4 par- week, we owe one to P.W. in north
school bus use. Unlike their The proliferating pickup lines most parents, getting their kids mospheric sciences and internal ents more willing to brave the Carolina who inspired this column by
better-off friends, their use of seem to be driven more by ne- out of the house in the morning medicine at the University of line? Matt Crespi, program di- asking <like landlines and using
private vehicles hasn9t budged. cessity than choice. The ride to for school is not a pleasant ex- Utah, say the long lines of idling rector of the Civic Mapping Ini- checks, are students riding yellow
They9re even walking and biking school isn9t exactly quality time. perience.= And experts like Dan- internal combustion engines tiative at the National League of public school buses approaching
to school less often. Heggeness reminds us that <for iel Mendoza, who researches at- pose an obvious health risk. Cities, spends his life deep in the extinction?=
sunday, february 11 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee G5
Stories of the past, rediscovered.
Covering career advice, recruitment trends and delivering the area9s newest jobs. We are D.C.9s #1 source for employment news.
Staff Accountant (Dulles, VA) Attorney, senior level, Weil, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Instr. in Cashier, Night Shift - Greet Director, Data Sciences, Electrician: Install wiring, Environmental Systems Landscaping President & Chief Strategy Regenerative Agriculture
Assist accounting manager to Gotshal & Manges LLP, Wash- Chantilly, VA, 2 yrs. exp. customers, attend to pur- Rockville, MD. May require to electrical fixtures, apparatus Research Institute, Inc. seeks Blue Sky Landscaping needs Officer, Brandywine, MD: Manager to ensure accurate
prepare quarter-end and year- ington D.C. - Represent com- Instruct ind./groups, encour- chase nds, concerns & prov. travel/telecommute. Oversee & control equip. Plan new a User Interface Designer in FT/permanent Landscape Structure, establish and lead representation of German
end financial statements. panies before the US antitrust age challenges, monitor info on products loc. process and implement analytical or modified installations to Vienna, VA to help pioneer the Techs to mow and fertilize cohesive high-performance themed farm, including a
Record adjusting entries, agencies & advising clients in progress, & assess skills for cash, credit/debit card pymnt solutions across the company minimize waste of material, field of mapping and spatial lawns in the Leesburg, VA multi-ethnic C-suite/Execu- command of the German lan-
accruals, and deferrals. Main- antitrust matters, incl merg- belt grading. Resume to & issue receipt. Stock & fill and its various projects. CON- provide access to future analysis through design. area. Daily travel is required tive team across multiple guage and culture. Addition-
tain the chart of accounts ers, cartel, monopolization & shelves & cooler as needed. TACT: Lillie V. Huff-Suite, TISTA maintenance, & avoid Reqs. BS+1 yrs. exp. To apply, to clients' job sites through- time zones and cultures. Cre- ally, will oversee German beer
of all the companies within compliance before the FTC, Operate cash register & mon- Science and Technology unsightly, hazardous & unre- submit resume to Vinesh out the Loudoun County area. ate distinct strategic direction brewing techniques. and
the group. Analyze financial DOJ, the European Commis- itor clients' gas purchase. Corp., liable wiring. Prepare sketch- Patel, 380 New York Street, All equipment and transporta- for each brand of a multi ban- maintain farm structures.
information detailing assets, sion, & other foreign antitrust Reconcile sales report to Must use Job Code T3962- es showing location of wiring Redlands, CA 92373. If you tion to job sites are provided ner home furnishings retail Requires a certificate for
liabilities, revenue, and authorities. Min Req: Juris Bridal Tailor 3 Washington, DC ownr. H.S. req'd. Non-smkr 00022. EOE. & equip. Measure, cut, bend, have questions, you may con- by the company. organization to drive signifi- Regenerative Agriculture/
expenses. Ensure the timely Doctor or LL.M. or foreign - F/T, 1yr exp in job offered. in premises, willing to work thread, assemble, & install tact Vinesh Patel at: Email résumé to Brittany: cant network expansion both Farming, a command of both
recording of the income from equiv + 4 yrs exp in US Call Ms. Stanis @ Carine9s Bri- wkends, holidays, & O.T. electrical conduit. Splice office@ domestically and internation- the German and English lan-
sales and file the sales and antitrust attorney/lawyer dal Atelier: 202-965-4696 Schedule: Fri. Sat, Sun. & wires by stripping insulation REQ#: 2024-426. ally. Frequent domestic and guages. Submit resume and
use tax within the deadline. positions. 4 yrs experience Mon. 11pm to 7 am. Submit Dry Cleaner Presser 3 Hay- from terminal leads. Connect international travel required. interest to: Proper Peasant
Bachelor9s degree or foreign negotiating US antitrust law resume to: Z. Khan, Kings market, VA - F/T, No exp req9d. wiring to lighting fixtures & Education M JOBS Requires a Master9s degree or Farm, LLC 2360 Millwood Pike
equivalent in Accounting, issues in matters valued over Park Auto Care Inc., Kings Call Ms. Yang @ VIP Expert power equip. Install control & foreign equivalent degree in Winchester, VA 22602
Cleaners: 703-753- Marketing Specialist needed
Finance or related field. 1 year US$ 500 Million; understand- Apply: Eastland Food Corp., Park EXXON, 5239 Rolling Rd., distribution apparatus. Con- Montessori Elementary Class- to develop & execute restau- Business Administration plus
of relevant work experience. ing the impact of US antitrust 8305 Stayton Dr., Jessup, Springfield, VA 22151. nect power cables to equip room Guide: Lee Montessori 8 years of experience as a
1 year of experience must law on commercial interests MD 20794 Domestic & install grounding leads. Test PCS in Washington, DC. Prep
rant9s marketing infrastruc-
ture. Identify new customers, Business Executive (C-
include Microsoft Excel, and (issues of cartelization, Business Development Childrcare Worker - Care for continuity of circuit to ensure classroom curriculum & expand & maximize sales, & Suite/President). 5 years of
QuickBooks or similar monopolization, & compli- Specialist: Research SE Asia physical/emotional nds of 6 electrical compatibility & materials, present lessons, experience in the furniture Evidera, Inc. seeks Research
Executive Chef partner w/ & support local Associate III in Bethesda, MD
accounting software. Mail ance); dvlpg effective strate- food vendor mrkt & distribu- wks infants to 5 yrs old chil- safety of components. organize classroom meetings, community to grow revenue. industry at the executive
resume to Bokhara Carpet gies enabling achievement of tion systms & consum mrkts Responsible for overall opera- train staff members on the level. 5 years of experience to manage multiple projects
tion of the kitchen. Resumes dren. Observe/monitor activ- Observe functioning of Develop & manage creation
Palace, 22923 Quicksilver commercial objectives while in US; eval comp prdks & ities at meals, play & nap installed equip. or system to Montessori method, commu- with wholesale distribution at with tasks varying to degree
to FT MANAGEMENT, LLC, of content & schedules for all by project. Assist the Princi-
Dr.#107, Dulles, VA, 20166. remaining in compliance w/ price; assess sales mthds & for safety; entertain/engage detect hazards & need for nicate w/ parents/guardians, social media platforms (Face- the executive level. 5 years
US antitrust statutes as well custmr satisfaction; watch 3050 K ST NW, STE. 301, WDC conduct progress monitoring of experience in Middle pal Investigator with project
20007. children in special interaction, adjustments, relocation or book, Instagram, Twitter,
as antitrust agency prece- sales for promo needs; Asst teach self-conf., imagination, replacement. $70,678.00 p/y, & benchmark assessments, & East/North African market. 5 management by scoping,
etc.); Ensure website(s) are tracking, and delegating tasks
dent; & drafting, negotiating, mrkting & biz strategies; pro- exploration & creatvity. FT, 2yrs exp, Job in Silver prep student reports. Req'd: kept up-to-date w/ current years of experience with new
Administrative Assistants: & reviewing the impact of US vide biz plans & devlpmnt Arrange educ. setting, ensure Spring, MD fax resume to Bach deg in Education, 1 yr market expansion and devel- to the project teams working
give info, monit. mail, enter information including menus on multiple projects. Duties
antitrust law on agreement reprts. M-F; FT. MBA or MS Civil Engineer sought by Hayat safety. Org/execute develop- Amorim Construction Corp. exp as an elementary school & special events. Identity tar- opment, both domestically
data. HS/GED or for. equiv.+12 terms in transactions valued Mrkting. Sig knwldg in biz ana- mentally appropriate actvs. & c/o Mr.Amorim (301)598-6791 teacher/Montessori elemen- and internationally. Verbal flu- may be performed remotely.
mos. exp. rel. to pos. working Brown LLC at their loc in get customers to expand MS & 3 years or BS & 5 years.
over US$ 500 Million. Must be lytics req. Washington, DC, to apply projects, based on curricu- tary guide, AMI (American catering unit to drive growth. ency in Turkish. Background
w/comput, telephones, and an attorney in good standing Management Analysts: Col- lum/goals; meet w/parents/ Montessori Institute) or AMS and Drug Test required. Send For full req9s & to apply send
interfacing with clients in pro- knowl of civil engg in project Create loyalty program & resume to: GlobalMobility.
before the District of Colum- lect & rev biz data in Asian mgmt, construction mgmt, staff to report children's (American Montessori Soci- respond to customer res to: Regency Management
fess. manner. Send cl/res to bia Bar. Must be available to food mrkt; Analyze mgmt progress/behavior. 12 mos. ety) Elementary (6-12) Services LLC at: qhubbard@ Job Ref. Num-
budgeting, planning, dsgn, & HARDWARE ENGINEER, inquiries. Bachelor9s degree ber: R-01228140.
Alianza Multiservice, LLC, work overtime & on week- mthds & econ models; Solve exp. as teacher of young chil- Paeonian Springs,VA. Design teacher diploma. Resume to:
Attn: Monica 18572 Office rltd consulting svcs for govt in Marketing, Communica-
ends as needed to meet the mgmt problms; Improve agencies & private companies dren/care provider. Verif. refs. new and improve existing Lee Montessori PCS, Attn: tions or related field plus 1
Park Drive, Montgomery Vil- demands of the complex mgmt efficiency; Eval org involved in transportation & Non-smkr on site. Avail for products; create prototypes; #223102, 3025 4th St NE, year of relevant experience.
lage, MD 20886 antitrust matters in which strcture, mgmt & superv O.T. Send resume to: C. Meyer, create drawings, technical Washington, DC 20017
water & sewer infrastructure Send resume to Walid Bous- Nonprofit organization seeks
Weil represents its clients in mthds, cost analysis & inven- projects, particularly in urban Exec. Dir., Rockspring Chil- specifications, ICDs and tech- tany, 6850 Piedmont Center Sales Representative sought
several different time zones. tory cntrl, transpo & delivery, F JOBS a US Program Coordinator.
areas. Reqs Bach deg in Civil dren's Ctr, 6555 Rockspring nical documentation, 3D Plaza, Gainesville, Virginia Bachelor9s degree in Sustain- by manufacturer (McLean,
Send CV to O. Smith WEIL, warehouse ops. Train staff in Engg. Demonstrated knowl of Dr, Bethesda, MD 20817. models and visualizations; 20155 or via email: VA) to identify business devel-
Premion seeks Data Archi- 2001 M Street NW, Ste. 600, new ops methds. M-F; FT. BS Silver Star Appliance LLC. able Development or Public
tects in Tysons, VA. Respon- Architectural Drawing, plans create programs for CNC Administration/Policy, & 24- opment opportunities, under-
Washington, DC 20036 in Mgmt, Econ, or BA. Sig & spec review. Structural machines; optimize produc- Field Manager. HS & 2 yrs. No phone calls. EOE. stand the workings of prod-
sible for architecting, build- knwldg in mrktg mgmt & stats exp. in appliance repairs. Job months of experience as a
ing, and maintaining data Dsgn, Soil & material Testing, tion processes to reduce Program Coordinator or Pro- ucts, market the products
B JOBS Bridge Report Analysis & Doc- Housekeeper - cooking, costs and distribute the load in NO.VA. Fax res to: silver-
gram Officer required. Send effectively, and provide opti-
pipelines that facilitate analy- hsekping, grocery shopping,
sis and reporting. Apply @ Banking: Senior Member Ser- umentation, Cost Estimation, on production dept. Send CV cover letter & resume to Unit- mized marketing and sales
vice Representative - MLO Contract Mgmt, SAP2000 - house organ., taking care of to Mkt research analyst: strategies. Bachelor's Degree Business Analyst children & seniors. 24 mnths research local, national area ed Mission for Relief and
REF# 79427 (Navy Federal Credit Union - structural analysis s/ware, Development, c/o United Mis- in any field of study (or foreign
Fredericksburg, VA). To pro- (2 positions): financial data Microstation & AutoCAD. exp. in job offer or related. for sales of eservices, gather, equiv.) + 1Y exp. as Sales
research and analysis. Mas- knowledge of or exper. in analyze info on food & similar sion for Relief & Develop-
vide members and prospec- Resume to hayat.brown@ Foreman. Prepare plans, ment, c/o Mr. Hamza Ayoub, Representative, Marketing
tive members the full range of ter9s degree in Finance/Biz coooking Indian foods & in schedule & ensure all gas sta- industries for e-products cre- Representative, Sales Consul-
Analytics/Econ/Applied housecleaning/organization. Environmental Systems HR Officer, 1990 K St. NW., Ste
Assistant Manager wanted by products and services offered Research Institute, Inc. seeks tion attendants & cashiers ation & mkting. FT. Req: tant, or related position. No
Math/ quant rel. CV to Verif. refs, able to work OT MBA/MS/eqv in Busi. w/ 6m 425, Washington, D.C., 20006,
millwork co. in Chantilly, VA. by Navy Federal Credit a Product Engineer in Vienna, adhere to store policies & or email to travel or lang. fluency req.
Reqs HS/GED. Resume to: AKE Union including depository; incl. wknds & holidays. Non- procedures. Coord. activities exp. Job in Rockville MD. Please send resumes by
NovaGigs, Inc. (McLean, VA) Cleaner, Carpet 3 Northern VA smkr on jobsite. Submit VA to write data science and No calls please. EOE.
INC., 14716 Old Lee Rd, Ste H, accounts such as checking, of staff. control inventory & Resume to Peblla HR, 11820 postal mail only to: Alberto
Area - F/T, No exp req9d. Must resume to: S.K. Saraff, 12963 machine learning samples Parklawn Dr. Ste 330,
Chantilly, VA 20151. savings, certificate, IRA, revo- using ArcGIS and open source order as per req'd. Verif. refs. Moreno, Chief Business
cable trust, and estate have or be able to obtain a Gold Meadow Ct., Fairfax, VA Able to work OT incldn'g Rockville MD 20852. Development Officer, Weath-
Driver9s License. Call Cardinal 22033 or email ecosystem. Can work
accounts; lending products; remotely. Reqs. BS+1 yrs. exp. wkends & holidays. Non-Smkr PROGRAM SPECIALIST. erhaven Resources Inc., 1750
and credit/debit cards. To per-
Business Operations Special- Cleaning Solutions @ 703- on job site. Submit resume N JOBS Employer: Lawyers Without Tysons Blvd., Suite 1500,
ist at Nedia. Req. bachelor9s 368-5668 To apply, submit resume to
Assistant Manager (night form the most complex uni- Vinesh Patel, 380 New York to: S. Ashraf "Faateh Inc" - Night Cashier: Receive Borders, Inc. Job Location: McLean, VA 22102.
shift): Assist Manager and in project management, orga- Errols Gas. 1825 Univ. Blvd., E. cash/checks or complete Washington, DC. Conduct
versal banking functions with nizational leadership, or relat- Street, Redlands, CA 92373.
coordinate employees, considerable discretion. To If you have questions, you Hyattsville, md 20783. credit card charge transac- legal/policy research; devel-
ed; & 6 months of exp. in Nanny needed for Chelsea op legal education materials/
respond to inquiries and serve as a subject matter Cleaner - Northern VA Area Kadak (Aldie, VA). Care for may contact Vinesh Patel at: tions. Make change, cash
ensure good customer ser- job offered or in the role of checks, and issue receipts. manuals/guides; develop,
expert regarding all MSR business operations special- - F/T, No exp req9d. Call Mr. children in pvt. home. HS
vice. Manage inventory, cash responsibilities and respond Barahona @ RK Custom Paint- REQ#: 2024-423. Read and record totals shown organize, & run training pro-
ist, or in mgt. or ops. relat- diploma or equiv. req. 24 mths grams in project countries;
control and process transac- to escalated, complex, sensi- ing: 703-975-6886 exp. as nanny or childcare Foreman 3 Washington Metro on cash register, verify
tions. Must be available 11PM ed job. Work loc9n: Ashburn, Area ( VA, MD & DC) - F/T, against cash on hand and pre- monitor training costs & man-
tive, and/or urgent inquiries VA 20147 & other unanticipat- worker req. Email to:
to 7AM shift, including week- relating to members 1yr exp in job offered or 1yr pare reports. Endorse checks age budget; evaluate, secure,
ed locations throughout US, & use technology (SalesForce,
ends. Apply by mail: Rosecroft accounts. Foster a positive exp in a related position. Call and list and total cash and
Mobil, 6100 Oxon Hill Road, travels required. Resume to COOK. Frederick, MD. Prep ENGINEERING FHR Contractor LLC: 703-220- checks for bank deposit. Post MOOC platforms etc) to deliv-
and professional work envi- HR, Nedia, 44675 Cape Court, Micron Technology, Inc. has
Oxon Hill, MD 20746. ronment, open, approach- trad'l Neapolitan pizzas 9645 data and balance accounts. er training; develop & manage
Ste 120, Ashburn, VA 20147 accrdg to recipes. Ensure piz- an opening for Equipment Min. rqmts: Verifiable refer- SOPs; supervise/train staff.
able, and genuine. Reqs 2 yrs Nanny-Peter Hennessy seeks
of exp as a Teller, Member
or email zas meet stndrds of taste, Nanny in Washington, DC to
Engineer in Manassas, VA.
Job duties include: Utilize
Healthcare - General ences. Able to work overtime, Travel req up to 25% of the
Service Representative or texture, & presentation. Over- provide childcare to young including late nights, week- time primarily in Africa, Mid-
Assurance Advisor see oprn of wood-fired pizza available automation systems ends, and holidays. Non- dle East, Central & South
retd occupation and License/ children including teaching Child Psychiatrist
(Financial Services Office)
Certification in Mortgage Bussers oven, maint'g perfect temp
for pizzas. Supervise prep'n
and performing age-appropri-
to achieve high volume
manufacturing. Support new (Frederick, MD): Provide psy- smoker on worksite.
Resumes to Job Loc: CONVE-
America. Req. MA in Public
Policy, International Develop-
Search 20,000
Originator. Email cvr ltr & CV ate activities, assisting chil- chiatry services for children
(Multiple Positions),
Ernst & Young U.S. LLP,
to: openpositions@
Assist servers to facilitate
food service. Set tables, of all pizza ingredients, guar-
anteeing freshness & quality.
dren in the development of
tool installations. Optimize
process and tool operating & adolescents in outpatient NIENCE MARKETING & SOLU-
ment, Communications or a
related field or a JD. Req.
job listings Ref health and personal habits, setting. Medical degree or for-
McLean (Tysons), VA
Provide audit services,
<Senior Member Service
remove dirty dishes, & clean
tables. Bring food to cus- Offer excellent customer svc,
answering questions about
preparing nutritionally bal-
conditions. May telecommute
part-time. eign equiv; possess or eligible HARBOR SUNOCO/SUBWAY,
2 yrs exp conducting policy
research; drafting/managing
by location.
Representative 3 tomers9 tables. Serve water. anced meals for the children, for MD medical license; com-
demonstrating to clients that MLO 3 4360753=. menu & providing and performing light house- pletion of residency program NATIONAL HARBOR, MD SOPs; using SalesForce;
there is real value in the audit Replenish supply of silver- To apply, visit 20745. ATTN: J. Troy. supervising/training new
ware, glasses & dishes. Req. recomm'ns. Comply w/ keeping duties related to the in Psychiatry & Fellowship in
process, above and beyond health & safety regs, maint Careers. Search by requisition hires/junior staff; & develop/
Able to work evenings & children9s care. Room and no. JR45800 Child & Adolescent Psychia-
the regulatory mandate.
wknds. To apply, email clean & organized kitchen. board without charge offered. try; possession of or eligible O JOBS run training programs. Ability
Requires domestic travel up Bookkeeper: Falls Church, VA: Req. High School Diploma. Rqs 3 months9 exp in the role for Board cert in Psychiatry. Office Clerks, General 40 hrs/ to travel internationally.
to 25% in order to serve client To keep financial records. Excellent References. Send
Akeno Sushi Bar, LLC dba/ Cert in Neapolitan pizza mak- offered. Must be willing to Apply to emily.patrick@ week at Faustinos Cleaning
needs. Employer will accept Reconcile and balances ing. $30,000/yr. Send resume work on short notice. Mail Sheppard Service and Painting Contrac- resume & salary req. to
any suitable combination of account. Compile reports Akeno Sushi Bar & Thai Engineering: Fluence Energy,
Restaurant 6550 Little River to: Bottling Plant Pizza LLC, CV to Peter Hennessy, Attn: Pratt Physicians, P.A. tor Inc, Clarksburg, MD.
education, training, or experi- accounts payable and receiv- 1705 N Market St Ste 100, Nanny, 3519 Lowell St NW, LLC seeks Commissioning Duties: Utilize various office
ence. $121,230.00 per year. able, profit and loss. Prepare Tpk, Alexandria, VA Engineer in Arlington, VA (50%
Frederick, MD 21701. Washington, DC 20016. machines, including photo-
For complete job description, payrolls and checks. 2 yrs domestic and international
list of requirements, and to experience; 40 hrs/wk; Edu- C JOBS travel required) to develop
copiers, scanners, facsimile Project Assistant (Fairfax, VA)
Hello CNAs machines, and computers, to Assist projects mgmt. Build
apply online, go to: cation: High School; mail your and execute commissioning If you want to work as a carry out daily tasks effec-
resume to United Care LLC, Cabinet Refinishing Cook Helpers, Fore Specialty: customer relations & review and Supervisor - manage daily plans including resourcing private duty caregiver and tively. . Min. Requirements:1
6066 Leesburg Pike, Ste 220C, Assist in prep & cook9g of and scheduling. Job requires a for extras & change orders
click on "Careers - Job
Search=, then <Search Jobs" Falls Church, VA 22041 Attn: operations of cabinet painting
& delivery process. Oversee
South Asian style dishes for Find more jobs. Master9s Degree in Electrical
have a CNA license with one
year of experience. Please
Year of experience in
Microsoft Office: Word, Excel,
needed. Determine neces-
sary docs for billing & verify
The local expert on local jobs
(Job Number - 1480582). Mr. Humza a 24x7 restaurant. Mul pos Engineering or a related field, call Mon.-Fri. 9-5.:
the work of subcontractors avail. No exp req. Req to work Outlook. 1 Year of experience for accuracy. Perform admin-
plus 2 years of experience in At Home Care, Inc. in Google Business, and Busi-
and cabinet painters. Reqs: on mult shifts incl wkds, hol, any job title involving Electri- istrative works incl corre-
HS diploma or foreign equiva- 301-421-0200 ness Suite program. 1 Year of spondence, arranging confer-
& ngts. FT. Kabob Palace Ltd cal Commissioning.
Bookkeeper: Rockville, MD: To lent. 5 yrs exp as a cabinet 2315 S Eads St Arlington VA experience in Customer ser- ence calls & sched'g meet-
E-mail resume to Emily Roy,
Get career advice keep financial records. Rec-
oncile and balances account.
refinisher, wood painter and
refinisher, furniture refinisher,
22202. ATTN: M. Akbar. The local expert on local jobs Global Mobility Manager, at
vice. Mail your resume to
Francisco Faustino at 2109
ings. Reqd Assoc deg. 40
hrs/wk. Forward resume tran-
from experts. Compile reports accounts
payable and receivable, profit
or c related. 5 yrs exp manag-
ing daily operations for cabi-
D JOBS Please DENTAL-Elite Dental Group
LLC seeks Dental Associate in
Sugarloaf Parkview
Clarksburg, MD 20871.
Ln, scripts & diploma w/ cover
letter to Solid Construction,
reference Job Code CE24.
and loss. Prepare payrolls and net finishing. Job in Sterling, Rockville, MD to treat patients Inc., 10803 Main St., Ste 600,
checks. 2 yrs experience; VA for Granite Expo, LLC. Send & provide dental services. Fairfax, VA 22030. Search 20,000
The local expert on local jobs
40 hrs/wk; Education: High
School; mail your resume to
CV, salary reqs & references
to Granite Expo, Attn: HR,
Dieter Pluntke Decorating Inc.
is hiring a Decorative Artist.
Post your résumé. Resume: 801 Pleasant Dr. Ste.
160, Rockville, MD 20850 Office Clerk: Answer phones, job listings
M&T Subs Inc, 28 Upper Cir- 45000 Underwood Ln, Unit Job duties include painting, take & relay messages &
cle, Unit 2, Rockville, MD J-K, Sterling, VA 20166. coating and decorating a vari- L JOBS respond to phone inquiries. by location.
20850 Attn: Mr. Aslam ety of articles, art restoration The local expert on local jobs ENGINEERING Operate office machines, Protiviti Inc. in McLean, VA:
and decorative finishers, Gilbane Building Company Laborer 3 Carpentry 3 North- such as photocopying Sr Manager, TC-Security & Pri-
cleaning and maintaining has opening for Preconstruc- ern VA Area - F/T, No exp machine, computers and
Find tools and equipment, reading tion Engineer in Arlington, VA. req9d. Call Mr. Bonilla @ Air printers. Perform & organize
vacy to partner w/ clts to
solve complex biz problems.
the right job Carpentry-Field Worker (2
job orders and inspecting
workpieces. The employee
Project manage purchasing,
estimating, scheduling &
Tech Solutions: 540-288-0950 filing, data processing, word
processing, envelope stuffing
Partial telecommuting per-
mitted. Domestic travel to
for you. Boom Driver (mult pos)3
Kamco Building Supply,
openings) 3 Baltimore Co.,
MD; Henrico, Chesterfield &
will work throughout the DMV
area and managing time
Find more jobs. quality aspects of construc-
tion projects. May telecom-
& mailing, running errands,
sorting incoming mail & etc.
client sites may
required, as needed. To
Alexandria 3 CDL, wiling to Hanover Cos. in VA - F/T, No across multiple projects is a mute. Email resume to F/T, $31,990/yr, Resume to apply, send resume with ref-
work at heights on tall exp req9d. Out of town travel requirement. To apply email Maryann Daly, Cars Portal, 1515 North erences specifying Req#JR-
The local expert on local jobs bldgs. Res., cov. let. to & OT req9d. Call Mr. Stevens @ resume to Charles.scheider@ TalentAcquisition@ The local expert on local jobs Queen St. #213 Arlington, VA 252384 to globalmobility@ The local expert on local jobs
The local expert on local jobs Heil Builders; 410-355-1014 Ref. #58. 22209 EOE.
S JOBS S JOBS Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs
Senior Manager, Corporate COMPUTER/IT Custom Software SDM Engineer IT Professionals (Sterling, VA): MicroStrategy Developer Senior Data Engineer Catalyst Cubes, Inc. has mult. TECHNOLOGY
Communications for Airline Transaction Network Ser- Engineering Manager (Multiple Openings) sought Software Engineers, Software Discovery Communications, Discovery Communications, permanent F/T openings for Success Factors (Reston, VA)
Tariff Publishing Company vices, Inc. has openings in (Accenture LLP; Arlington, by Global Technology Asso- Developers, Business Ana- LLC has the following position LLC has the following position Software Engineer Position. seeks IT Tech Services Spe-
(ATPCO). May work remotely, Reston, VA for the following VA): Design, develop and test ciates, LLC in Reston, VA. Freq lysts, Business Intelligence in Sterling, VA. MicroStrategy in Sterling, VA. Senior Data Req. Mstr9s or equiv in cialist to design & develop
reporting to our HQ loc in Marketing Administrator positions: Senior Software custom software solutions travel to unantic loc throu U.S. Analysts, Programmer Ana- Developer to be responsible Engineer to implement AWS CS/CIS/IT or rel field +1yr exp systems & apps to opti-
Dulles, VA.Lead team to Computer Packages Inc., a Engineer (Req #R285): across multiple system com- BS in Eltrcl Engr or Electrnic lysts, Data Analysts, Data for the design, development, based data ETL projects with OR Bach. or equiv + 5 yrs. mize/automate SAP9s bus
develop, manage & imple- world leader in intellectual Develop web-based software ponents or applications. Must Engr + 2 yrs exp + special Engineers, Senior Data Ana- configuration, administration a focus on transforming, post-bach progressive exp as processes. Telecomm perm
ment strategies to build co property software, is seeking systems. Req9s BS in Comp have willingness and ability skills. To apply send resumes lysts, Senior Business Intelli- and support of Discovery merging, and creating various Developer. Job Loc9n: Sterling, from any US location. Base
reputation; foster engage- a Marketing Administrator to Sci/Comp Engg/related + 5 to travel domestically approx- to Lorena Cerruto at 1890 gence Analysts, Sr. Business Communication9s MicroStrat- Data Marts and centralized VA and various unanticipated salary: $165,173. Apply to Req
ment, & help attract top tal- work at our headquarters in yrs exp. imately 80% of the time to Preston White Dr., Suite 150, Analysts. Multiple positions. egy Business Intelligence data warehouse using mul- loc9ns across the US. Reloc9n ID 387248 at http://
ent. Lead in design & imple- Rockville, MD. Will train a high- Integration Engineer (Req meet client needs. Multiple Reston, VA 20191, or Various worksites. May travel platform. Teleworking Permit- tiple technology platforms. possible. Mail Resumes:
mentation of structured pro- ly motivated individual, how- #R319): Perform integration Positions Available. For com- Lorena.Cerruto@ to unanticipated client sites ted. Contact: Discovery Com- Remote work permitted with- Director, 46090 Lake Center
gram for communications ever some marketing admin. testing. Reqs BS in Comp Sci, plete job description, list of nationally. Mail resume to munications, LLC at in a reasonable commuting Plz, Suite 301, Sterling, VA
with trade & industry press, experience and strong com- Comp Engg, related +1 yr exp. requirements, and to apply, Antra Inc., Attn: HRGC, 21000 Reference: distance of the Sterling, Vir- 20165 OR Email:
analysts, & relevant market puter skills are preferred. May work remotely. Email go to: Atlantic Blvd Suite 300 Ster- 029444.000544. ginia Office. Contact: Discov- Technology Architecture
influencers including main- Excellent salary and benefits CV/CL to P Breda at ling, VA 20166. ery Communications, LLC at Manager (Accenture LLP;
stream press. Develop & including fully paid health Must ref us-en/career Unified Patents Inc. seeks Full Reference: Arlington, VA): Design, imple-
implement annual communi- insurance, tuition reimburse- title/Req #. (Job# R00193977) Stack Software Engineer in 029444.000533. ment, and/or support world-
cation plan that is executed ment, visa sponsorship and Equal Opportunity Employer3 Chevy Chase, MD to prfrm class information technology
strong opportunity for growth. Network Analyst Computer/IT: ESAC, Inc.:
through multiple channels Minorities/Women/Vets/ archtctr & dsgn for sftwr offer- IT Professionals (Rockville, Visa Technology & Operations Senior Software Applications architecture for Accenture or
(web, emails, meetings & Resume only to cpijobs@ Disabled. ings. Telcmm avail. $115K- our clients, spanning simple IT MD) Software Engineers, Soft- LLC, a Visa Inc. company, cur- Senior Database Engineer @ Engineer (multiple positions)
newsletters). Craft new ways Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- $130K per year ware Developers, Sr. Data- rently has an opening for a 3 Rockville, MD: develop & projects to large-scale, enter-
to engage with airline indus- gies & Solutions Inc. seeks Mastercard International prise-level change programs.
base Administrators, Senior Network Analyst (multiple maintain Proteomic Data
try & manage events team T JOBS Software Developer in Fair- If interested send Cover Let- Data Analysts, Software Qual- openings) (REF67631F) in
Incorporated (Arlington, VA)
Commons web application. Must have willingness and
to execute conferences, pro- fax, VA (& various unanticipat- Data Engineers, Rockville, ter and Resume to: F/T. Prfrm systms maintnnc, ability to travel domestically
Michael Baker International, MD: Design & implement ity Assurance Engineers, Soft- Ashburn, VA. Job duties anlysis, prfrmnc tuning & Req9s Bachelor's or frgn equiv
grams, internal events & cus- ed locations throughout US), ware Quality Assurance include: Track, update, and in Comp Sci, Info Sys or rltd approximately 80% of the
Inc. seeks Technical Specialist to research, design, devel, machine-learning algorithm systms admnstrtion. Prfrm time to meet client needs.
tomer working groups both II in Alexandria, VA for coastal Subject: Ref# FSSE Testers, Application Develop- resolve all assigned incidents, fld fllwd by 5 yrs exp in Comp
virtually & in-person. People & &/or modify enterprise-wide to predict & identify presence daily systm health chcks & Multiple Positions Available.
engineering projects. Please of different gas types in toxic ers, Software Architects, Pro- changes and problem tickets mnthly prfrmnc metrics to Sci, Info Sys or rltd area OR
budget management of Com- systs &/or apps s/w. Job req grammer Analysts, Business via the Ask Now management Master9s or frgn equiv in For complete job description,
apply at https://ebxs.fa.us2. Bach deg in Comp Sci, Engg, environments. Conduct publish rprts. Reqs a Bchlr's list of requirements, and to
munications & Events team. Operations Analysts, Busi- system, ensuring that docu- Comp Sci, Info Sys or rltd
Write, approve, & distribute IT or a rel field & 5 yrs in any advanced data analysis & Information Security dgree, or frgn eqvlnt in Engn- apply, go to:
CandidateExperience/en/ visualization techniques to ness Analysts, Business Sys- mentation is thorough, accu- rng, Cmptr Scnc or rltd field & fld +3 yrs exp in Comp Sci,
press releases & relevant job title involving exp with Engineer tems Analysts, Database rate and meets a standard of Info Sys or rltd area. 100%
sites/CX_2/job/306301 or IBM WebSphere Application improve gas sensor perfor- 5 yrs of exp in the job offrd, careers (Job# R00189262)
responses to media inquiries. email resumes to Andrew. Monitr & dtct securty evnts Administrators, Database high quality. Proactively moni- telecommuting authorized.
Monitor industry develop- server, IBM WebSphere MQ mance. Testing & package & incidnts usng Mcrosft Sen- or as an Anlyst, Engnr, or rltd. Equal Opportunity Employer3 chemical sensors for optimal Analysts, Healthcare Systems tor, recognize, analyze, isolate Qlfyng exp must include at (EEO / AA 3 Minorities /
ments & create opportunities Series, IBM WebSphere Mes- tinel & other Mcrosft 365 Engineers, Healthcare Ana- and/or resolve documented Females / Veterans / Individ- Minorities/Women/Vets/
to highlight co & capabilities sage broker, IBM Integration performance. Send res to: N5 Dfndr prtls. Act as SME in least 1 yr with ech of the Disabled.
Sensors, Inc. at ksenthil lysts, Network Engineers, QA hardware and software prob- fllwng: Oracle RDMBS; Oracle uals with Disabilities). TO
in press articles/blogs. Report Bus, IBM Business Process Mcrosft Sentinel (SIEM) & use Test Analysts, IT Project Man- lems utilizing a variety of APPLY: Please apply on-line
on news, social, & press activ- Manager, IBM WebSphere to optmze anlytcl rules & Application Server; WebLogic;
Gorove/Slade Associates, agers reqd. Various work- hardware and software test- JVM Tuning; SQL; PL/SQL; Ora- at
ities, results, & plans. Pro- Inc., Fairfax, VA, has multiple Process Server, & WebSphere notebks. Use Jupyter notebk sites. May travel to unantic- ing tools and techniques. The VALIDATION ENGINEERS
mote ATPCO9s annual event. Integration Developer. Up to for threat hntng & takng rmdi- cle EBS; Linux; Developing
positions open for Transporta- ipated client sites national- estimated salary range for a scripts. Rate of pay: en/job/R2305183/ESAC- Ashburn, VA & various unan-
Implement & execute events. tion Planners & Transporta- 40% Telework permitted. atn actions thru custom logic ly. Multiple Positions. Mail new hire into this position Inc-Senior-Software- ticipated locations through-
Must be willing to relocate Data Analysts-CoStar Realty $134,875.00 - 181,000.00 /
Oversee internal communica- tion Engineers at various loca- Information, Inc. seeks Data apps. Mnge securty anlysts in resume to: Infinite Computer is $88,200 USD to $136,800 Applications-Engineer- out the U.S.: Prep vldtn mas-
tions strategy / editorial cal- to various unanticipated work 24x7 SOC envrnmnt & act as year. Emplyr will accpt any
tions. Full details of duties Analysts to collaborate across Solutions, Inc., (Attn: HRGC), USD per year. Salary may vary suitbl combo of edu, training, multiple-positions-Rockville- ter plan & docmnt vldtn prtcls
endar. Little domestic and & reqmnts available at locations throughout US. All pnt of escltn for critcl incdnts. 2600 Tower Oaks Blvd, Ste depending on job-related fac- MD (Requisition ID R2305183) (IQ, OQ, PQ) in acrdnce w/FDA
offers of emp are contingent the business to support mar- or exp. Telecommuting and/or
international travel is http://https://goroveslade. keting programs and growth Req: Mstr of Sci degree in 700, Rockville, MD 20852. tors which may include rgltns. Prfm vldtn actvts for
involved. Requires a portfolio upon successful comp of a Elect Eng, Comp Eng, working from home may be
com/careers/. Send resumes goals. Report on perfor- knowledge, skills, experience, permissible pursuant to com- lab equip & rltd sw in cmplnce
of work relevant to required to 4114 Legato Road, Suite background check, which Telecomms or clsly rltd fld + 1 and location. In addition, this w/FDA rgltns, Qlty Mngmnt
may incl drug screen depend- mance, determine measure- pany policies. Send resume to
experience and skills. 650, Fairfax, VA 22033. ment approaches, create yr exp in Security operatn cntr position may be eligible for an sys, Good Lab Prctcs & 21
Requires communications ing on work assignment. (SOC)/Infrmtn security eng or Kelsie Brough, Software Engineer: full life-
insights, and set strategy to IT Professionals (Sterling, annual bonus and equity. Visa Kelsie.Brough@ cycle software development. CFR Part 11 (Elctrnc Rcrds &
skills. Wage range: $140,000 Tech Jobs Email resume to recruiting@ & ref job code translate business questions Bchlr of Sci degree in Elect
VA) Project Managers, Busi- has a comprehensive benefits, 2200 Mas- Bachelor9s degree in CS/Data Sgnturs). Write & impl CAPAs
to $184,000 annually. Must into analytical projects to Eng, Comp Eng, Telecomms package for which this posi- & SOPs. Prfm CAPA actvts
have Bachelor9s in Public Navy Federal Credit Union has 1247. or clsly rltd fld + 5 yrs exp ness Analysts, Software Engi- tercard Blvd, O'Fallon, MO Sci/IT rel, 2 yrs. work exp.
devise strategic and tactical neers, Sr. Business Analysts tion is eligible that includes 63368. Reference MC5-2024. CV to; invstgtn & effctvns check.
Relations, Communications, F/T permanent position for in Security operatn cntr Medical, Dental, Vision, Ensure cmplnce w/SOP9s, Prt-
ISD Analyst III to conduct Bus. business decisions. Build and Reqd. Multiple Positions. Mail NovaGigs, Inc. (McLean, VA)
Journalism, Marketing, Eng- expand existing dashboards (SOC)/Infrmtn security eng. 401(k), Employee Stock Pur- cls, Prjct plans, & cGLP. Prep
lish, or related field; 4 years process analysis & design IT Exp must also incld 1 yr of resume to REI Systems Inc.,
Computer/IT: Sodexo, Inc.: to surface insights and Attn: HRGC, 14325 Willard Rd, chase Program, FSH/HSA, Life & sbmt docmntn for qlty
exp in communications or PR sol9ns. Reqs: Bach/equiv in exp in each of the foll: leadng Insurance, Paid Time off and Senior Data Engineer cmplnce to rgltry authrts.
CS/IT & Management/Comp Senior Applications Architect- democratize data to shape Suite 200, Chantilly, VA 20151.
in the airline, travel, or hos- business decisions. Act as a & mngng SOC team w/ 24/7 Wellness Programs. Position Novavax, Inc seeks a Senior Master9s in Sci, Pharma,
pitality industry and required Engg/ or rltd/+ 5 yrs exp as ISD North Bethesda, MD: lead shfts in SOC envrnmnt; 24/7 Exceptional benefits Pkg. REI Software Engineer
coordination & implementa- business partner to teams Systems is an Equal Opportu- reports to the Ashburn, VA Data Engineer in Gaithers- Chem, Tech, or Engg (any) is
skills. Alternatively, have 6 Analyst/or App Dvlpmt Asso- monitrng SOC emrgncy on- burg, MD. Work w. internal Monitor & analyze security
tion of tech sys that enable within marketing to under- nity Employer (EEO/M/F/D/V). office and may allow for par- networks. Config/mon req9d. Mail CV: IT Minds, LLC,
years exp in communications ciate or in lieu Master9s/equiv call rotatn; securty archtctrs tial telecommuting. Contact: bus. partners, incl. IT, Clinical, 44075 Pipeline Plaza, Ste 305,
+ 1 yr exp. Job Loc9n: Vienna, core business process for stand, analyze, and provide servers, apps and Dbases.
or PR in the airline, travel, quantitative insight for deci- & stndrd securty solutns & Qualified applicants should Mfg & admin teams in order Ashburn, VA 20147.
or hospitality industry; and VA. Full time telecommuting Healthcare division, including srvcs (such as EDR, SIEM, vul- Design, supp, implem, &
patient feeding systems, food sion-making. #LI-DNI Position apply online at https:// to identify bus. needs & how
required skills. Requires the permitted. Mail Cvr Ltr & CV: nrblty mngmnt, purple team sw integration & automated maintain sec sys & controls
production systems, data col- requires a Bachelor9s degree IT Professionals (Ashburn, VA) using: Splunk Platform. REQ:
following skills (4 years exp) Venkatesh Kawthale, 820 actvty & awarenss training); by searching job #: workflow solutions can meet
Follin Lane SE, Vienna, VA lection & dashboarding & in Information Technology, Software Quality Assurance Masters in Info Tech Mangmt
in: Running events and report- Computer Science, Data Sci- securty evnt anlysis & triage, REF67631F those needs. Telecommuting
ing/tracking ROI metrics in the 22180 or email openpositions mobile & digital solutions. incdnt hndlng & root-cause Engineers, Software Develop- + 6 months exp. Prof: Splunk
Req9s Bachelor9s Comp Sci, ence, Mathematics, Statistics, ers, Software Engineers, permitted. Apply @ https://
airline, travel, or hospitality Must use idntfctn & rvwng & creatng Platforms. Mail resumes 6116
Ref# "ISD Analyst III Ref # Comp Engg, MIS or in closely or a related analytical field, Application Developers, Busi- Executive Blvd, Suite 400,
industry; Developing external and 2 years of experience incdnt rspnse wrkflow; Ref #79936.
comms strategies to support 240001 rltd tech fld +5 yrs post bac- installng & mngng McAfee ness Systems Analysts, Sr. N.Bethesda, MD 20852.
calaureate exp in any posi- with marketing analytics, Database Administrators, IT Packaged Application
brand, products, and thought business analytics, and data SIEM, Bit9, Coalfireone & Development Manager
leadership; and skills (2 yrs tion/occupation providing McAFee Epo; triaging & rslvng Project Managers, Database
progressively responsible science in an enterprise envi- Analysts, Software Applica- (Accenture LLP; Arlington, Senior Software Engineer
exp) in: Developing internal ronment. Experience must alrts from Carbon Black & VA): Develop or update
comms strategies to support Architect, Open Text Inc., systems architecture exp. Up Crowdstrike EDR; addng prvl- tion Engineers. Multiple Posi- EAB Global, Inc. seeks Senior Sr. Software Engineer
brand, products, and thought Gaithersburg, MD
Architect and Enterprise Con-
to 100% telecommuting
authorized; position may be
include a minimum of: 2 years
of experience with SQL, gd accnts in psswrd vault tions. Various worksites. May
travel to unanticipated client
project plans for information
technology projects, includ-
Software Engineer in Wash-
ington, DC (Full-time telework
Design & develop multi-cloud Post your
(CyberArk) to mnge psswrds, transformation solutions for
leadership; Managing C-Suite
executive(s) communications tent Management solution, performed anywhere in the
US. SALARY: $143,458 -
Python, and BI reporting and
databases (dimensional and dtct threats & rprt on prvlgd sites nationally. Mail resume
to PVK Corporation, Attn:
ing project objectives, tech-
nologies, systems, informa-
permitted) to work with commercial enterprises. Must résumé and
assisting customers with the development managers,
strategy; Using marketing
principles including target proper sizing and scaling of $162,100/year + annual relational), including data
ingestion and transformation;
accnt actvties & usng Jupyter
notebks for threat hntng. HRGC, 44081 Pipeline Plaza tion specifications, sched-
ules, funding, and staffing.
product managers, and stake-
possess exp. w/ developing
software solutions; designing get found
the architecture and perform- incentive program. Suite 105/5 Ashburn, VA
segmentation, value proposi-
tion, positioning, and brand ing the installation and config- Please apply online at 2 years of experience with
developing analytical frame-
Travel w/i U.S. reqrd less than
10% of time. Quzara, LLC, 20147. Must have a willingness and
holders to obtain clarification
on business requirements
architecture w/ cloud tech-
nologies; scripting languages;
by employers.
uration of the solution. Up to ability to travel domestical- and implement solutions
strategy. Any suitable com- works and metrics to mea- Great Falls, VA. To apply, go ly approximately 70% of the leading teams to achieve
bination of education, train- 25% domestic travel required. senior-applications-architect/ to including code development project deliverables. Job
100% telecommuting permit- job/27748474 sure ongoing performance time to meet client needs. and database design. Salary
ing, or experience is accept- and understand performance careers/information-security- Multiple Positions Available. based in Applied Information
able. Apply at ted. Applicant may reside (Job Reference #: 971007) engineer, click Apply Today. Lead AI Engineer: Des. & within the range of $102,500 Sciences' office in Reston, VA
anywhere in the US. To apply, drivers; 2 years of experience For complete job description, to $119,600 per year. To apply,, ref. transforming data into a Complete & submit applica- impl. data warehouse strats list of requirements, and to & allow telecommuting from
Job <Senior Manager, Corpo- send resume to: tion. using data integration tools send resume to recruiting@ anywhere within the U.S.
carb-globeresumes@ digestible and presentable apply, go to: and include refer-
rate Communications.= EEO Computer/IT: CGI Federal Inc. stories based on different for AI routing integration in Apply at https:// Please include call center environments. ence #211. Job #3104.
Job Number KBGFJG175233-2 seeks Software Architect in audiences; and 1 year of careers (Job# R00193963)
in the subject line. Fairfax, VA (& various unan- experience with Google Data Equal Opportunity Employer3
ticipated locations through- Studio or similar data visu- Navy Federal Credit Union has To apply: Please send Minorities/Women/Vets/
Senior Tax Specialists - Reqs out US) to make high-level alization tools. Job location: F/T permanent opening for resumes to Afiniti, Inc., 1701 Disabled. Senior Software Engineer @
relevnt Bach deg, exper, CPA. design choices & dictate tech- Washington, DC. To apply, ISD Engineer IV pos. to design, Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite Mastercard International Statistical Data Analyst
Benefits incld telecomutg. Associate Analyst nical standards, incl s/w cod- please visit https://www. develop IAM/RBAC solutions. 600, Washington, D.C. 20006; Incorporated (Arlington, VA), Inc. seeks a Sta-
Reqs: Bach/equiv in CS/Info tistical Data Analyst in The local expert on local jobs
Resume to The Wolf Group, RiskSpan, Inc. seeks an As- ing standards, tools, & plat- and F/T. Assist the agile teams
Fairfax, VA, joinus@ sociate Analyst in Arlington, forms. Job req Bach deg in enter Job Code R33189 Data Sys/IT/Comp Engg/rltd/+ 5 yrs bldng your applcatn in the Rockville, MD to combine a
exp in Identity and Access Programmer Analyst: Work- Ref VA to identify, analyze, docu- Comp Sci, Engg, Info Systems, Analysts when prompted. ing closely with Business cntnuous valdation of applca- variety of internal and exter-
"STS2". ment and interpret trends or IT or a rel field & 5 yrs in Alternatively, please send Management domain or in tion fnctnalty, systm to systm nal data sources to form a
lieu Master9s/equiv + 3 yrs Lead Engineer, Corporate Users and providing the risk
patterns in complex business any job title involving apps your resume, cover letter, and reports and helping to resolve intrfacs & cmplte sftwre sltns. complete patient profile for
processes using data analysis development with Java exp. a copy of the ad to I. Ander- exp. Job Loc9n: Vienna, VA. Systems Dsgn & dvlp test automation patient medication adher-
Full time telecommuting per- Cvent, Inc. seeks a Lead Engi- the critical issues by debug-
software and techniques. Up to 80% telework permit- son, Team Lead, Technical ging the SSIS Packages. Sup- scnarios for the entire ence. Apply at
SHIPPING CLERK, LEVEL 1. Apply @ ted. Must be willing to relo- Recruiting, CoStar, 17600 mitted. Mail Cvr Ltr & CV neer, Corporate Systems in applction to vlidate systm to
:Venkatesh Kawthale 820 McLean, VA. Telecommuting port front office applications
Assist customers with ship- cate to various unanticipat- Laguna Canyon Road, Irvine, like BMS and CRD to help systm intrfcs & cmplt sftwre Ref #57062
Follin Lane SE, Vienna, VA permitted. Apply @ https://
ping parcels, boxes & mailing
items. Verify mailing address,
Ref#50222 ed work locations through-
out US. All offers of emp are
CA 92618. CoStar Group is an
Equal Employment Opportu- 22180 or email openpositions traders if any issue while per-
forming Trading. Must have
sltions. Bchlr's dgree or frgn
eqvlnt in Mngmnt Infrmtn
Find more
weight items, provide cost, contingent upon successful nity Employer; we maintain a Must use Ref #67567 Systms, Cmptr Mngmnt,
one year experience in ETL
affix labels & collect payment.
Scan, bind, print, fax &
comp of a background check,
which may incl drug screen
drug-free workplace and per-
form pre-employment sub-
Ref# "ISD Engineer IV Ref #
240002" Tools, SSIS, SQL Server, Qlik Cmptr Scnc, or rltd fld & 5 yrs
of progrsvly rspnsble exp in
SVP Product Engineering/
Chief Technology Officer
Sense, c#, Windows Server,
process passport renewal. depending on work assign- stance abuse testing. the job offrd or as a Prgrmmr (CTO) 3 Reston, VA. Seeking
Order materials, supplies & ment. Email resume to Lead Software Engineer
sharepoint, PowerShell
Scripting. Must be willing to Anlyst, Systm Tst Engnr, Prnc- BS in IT, Comp., Sci., or related government
equipment. H.S. REQ'D. Verifi- & (LSE) travel & reloc to unanticipat- pl Consltnt, Sltn Archtct, Snr field. 10 yrs. software, dev.,/
Application Developer United Planning Organization
able refes. able to work over-
time including late nights, Computer Packages, Inc.
ref job code 1266.
Data Engineer needed in is seeking 1 FT position (40
Appian Corporation, McLean,
VA, seeks LSE, equipped with
ed client locations through-
out the US. Reqs MS in Comp
Assciate, sftwr Test Engnr or
rltd. Altrntvly, emplyr will
project lead/architect exp.
req9d. Position reports to HQ
weekends & holidays. Non- seeks Application Developers Chantilly, VA. Reqs: MS in IT HW) for .Net developer at 301 Python, Java, Kubernetes and accpt a Mstr's dgree & 2 yrs of in Reston, VA; may telecom-
Sci, Sci, Engg or rel w/1yr
smoker on worksite. Mail or
email resume to: A. Elnaggar
in Rockville, MD to develop
and build proprietary digital Computer/IT: CGI Technolo-
Mngmnt or IT or equiv + 2 yrs
exp as Comp Software Prof.
Rhode Island Ave NW, Wash-
ington, DC 20001 for a com-
Docker proficiency, and AWS
and/or GCP experience, to
exp. Mail resumes to Hitec exp. Qlfyng exp mst inclde at
lst 1 yr wth ech of the fllwng:
mute. Mail CV to Attn: HR/Job
#0124, eSolutionsFirst, LLC,
solutions and applications for Must have exp in Informatica, petitive salary. .Net develop- Information & Technologies,
at Ing. & Elnaggar LLC-Parcel gies & Solutions Inc. seeks leverage knowledge of data Java; SQL; REST assured; 12020 Sunrise Valley Drive,
Plus-1390 Chain Bridge Rd., patent litigation and intellec-
tual property software. Code,
Programmer/Analyst in Fair- XML, Tableau, Snowflake, Ser-
viceNow, Salesforce, AWS.
er: .Net developer to build
software applications using
structures, algorithms, and
Inc, 13800 Coppermine Road,
1st Floor, Suite # 187, Hern- Postman; Jenkins; API. Emplyr #100, Reston, VA 20191. journalism,
McLean, VA 22101 fax, VA to build & code apps design patterns to write soft- don, VA 20171 will accpt any suitble combo
test, debug, document, and &/or modules using lan- Travel within the USA may languages and technologies
implements applications. guages such as C++, Visual be req. Mail resume to AJACE of the .NET framework and
ware in full-stack web/mobile
environments. Manage avail-
of edu, training, or exp. Wrk
frm home is availble 2 to 3
Analyze technical require- Basic, ABAP, JAVA, XTML, INC, 14159A, Robert Paris Ct, HTML5. Build new applica- ability, latency, scalability and times per week. Mst reside Systems Analyst 3 Herndon,
ments and implement
improvements for client appli-
Objective C, HTML 5, .NET,
etc. Job req Bach deg in
Chantilly VA 20151 tions and integrate organiza-
tion on-premises system with
efficiency of the product by
engineering reliability into Programmer Analyst II in Arlington, VA metropolitan
area. Rate of pay:
VA. Seeking MS in Comp. Sci., publishing,
Sr. Job Captain, Vienna, VA. cation systems. Convert cloud solution, configure Analyze business processes IT, Project Mgmt., or closely
Comp Sci, IT, Info Technology software/systems and con- $137,500.00 - 212,000.00 /
Review, resolve & respond to
code issues & interpretations
application systems with dif-
ferent data sources while con-
Management, or rel field & 2 Data Operations Engineer
existing systems and provide
user support. Requirements:
tributing to software perfor- and data processing systems
while mapping business year. Send resume to Rachel
rel. Mail CV to Attn: HR/Job
0130, AttainX, Inc., 13873 public relations,
yrs in any job title including Discovery Communications, mance analysis and system Van Meter, Park Center Rd, #212N, Hern-
affecting arch. designs. Pre- temporaneously performing Masters in Comp Sci or Infor- processes to Oracle systems.
lim organization of arch.
drawing set in assoc. w/con-
data analysis, data mapping,
IT exp working with Oracle,
SQL, & Unix/Linux. All offers
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matics. We offer comprehen-
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Rachel.VanMeter@, 4250 North
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Adventist HealthCare Manager, Strategic Director of Nursing, Registered Nurse (RN), Registered Nurse (RN),
Pharmacist, Variable Patient Care Technician
Analytics3Gaithersburg Emergency Department3 Per Diem Night Shift, Day Shift, Med Surg
Part Time Rotating (CNA), Night Shift,
Employer Industry: Healthcare/Location: Gaithersburg/Openings: 5634 Adventist HealthCare seeks Silver Spring Float Pool II3Silver Spring Urology3Silver Spring
Shifts, Pharmacy Heart & Vascular3
We are a faith-based healthcare organization, based in Montgomery County, to hire an experienced Man- White Oak Medical Center White Oak Medical Center White Oak Medical Center Department3 Silver Spring
ager of Strategic Analytics seeks to hire an experienced seeks to hire an experienced seeks to hire an experienced Fort Washington White Oak Medical Center
Maryland. We are the largest employer in Montgomery County with over Director of Nursing for the
who will embrace our mis- Registered Nurse (RN) for our Registered Nurse (RN) for our Fort Washington Medical seeks to hire an experienced
6,000 employees! Our comprehensive approach to caring for our community includes three acute- sion to extend God's care Emergency Department who Float Pool, who will embrace Med Surg Urology Unit who Center seeks to hire an ex- Patient Care Technician for
care hospitals 3 Shady Grove Medical Center, White Oak Medical Center and Fort Washington Medi- through the ministry of physi- will embrace our mission to our mission to extend God's will embrace our mission to perienced Pharmacist in Fort our Heart & Vascular Unit who
cal, mental and spiritual heal- extend God's care through care through the ministry of extend God's care through Washington, MD who will em- will embrace our mission to
cal Center 3 as well as two Physical Rehabilitation hospitals, Outpatient centers, Imaging Centers, ing. As a Manager of Strategic the ministry of physical, men- brace our mission to extend extend God's care through
physical, mental and spiritual the ministry of physical, men-
Urgent Cares, Home Care Services, Employer Health Programs and Physician Networks. We are Analytics you will: Apply ex- tal and spiritual healing. As healing. As an RN, you will: tal and spiritual healing. As an God's care through the min- the ministry of physical, men-
nationally recognized and honored especially for our Cardiac, OB, Cancer, Stroke, Orthopedic, Reha- pert knowledge of Maryland a Director of Nursing for the Develop a plan of care ac- RN, you will: Develop a plan istry of physical, mental and tal, and spiritual healing. As a
HSCRC regulations, method- Emergency Department you cording to patient population. of care according to patient spiritual healing. As a Phar- Patient Care Technician, you
bilitation and Mental Health services. Our mission is to extend God's care through the ministry of& ologies& will: Report directly to the& Identify impending change& population. Identify& macist you will: Maintain& will: Perform&
George Mason University Housekeeper (Nights)3 Housekeeper (Nights)3 Housekeeper (Nights)3 Policy Program Director of Operations Special Education
Fairfax Fairfax Fairfax Associate3Fairfax and Strategic Initiatives3 Adjunct Faculty3Fairfax
Employer Industry: Education/Location: Fairfax/Openings: 1674 Department: Facilities. Clas- Department: Facilities. Clas- Department: Facilities. Clas- Department: College of Hu- Fairfax Department: College of Edu-
George Mason University is a university with three campuses, each with a siûcation: Housekeeping & siûcation: Housekeeping & siûcation: Housekeeping & manities and Social Sciences Department: College of Hu- cation and Human Develop-
Apparel Wkr 1. Job Category: Apparel Wkr 1. Job Category: Apparel Wkr 1. Job Category: - Center for Climate Change manities and Social Sciences ment. Job Category: Adjunct
distinctive academic focus that plays a critical role in the economy of its Classiûed Staff. Job Type: Classiûed Staff. Job Type: Classiûed Staff. Job Type: - Center for Climate Change
Communication. Classiûca- Faculty. Job Type: Part-Time.
region. At each campus, students, faculty, and staff have full access to all the university's resources, Full-Time. Work Schedule: Full-Time. Work Schedule: Full-Time. Work Schedule: tion: Program Admin Special- Communication. Job Category: Location: Fairfax, VA. Work-
while duplication of programs and support services is minimized through the use of technology. In Full-time (1.0 FTE, 40 hrs/wk). Full-time (1.0 FTE, 40 hrs/wk). Full-time (1.0 FTE, 40 hrs/wk). ist 1. Job Category: Classiûed Administrative or Professional place Type: On Site Required.
Location: Arlington, VA. Work- Location: Arlington, VA. Work- Location: Arlington, VA. Work- Staff. Job Type: Full-Time. Faculty. Job Type: Part-Time. Salary: Salary commensurate
addition to the main campus in Fairfax, the university has campuses in Arlington and Prince William place Type: On Site Required. place Type: On Site Required. place Type: On Site Required. Work Schedule: Full-time (1.0 Work Schedule: Part-time. Lo- with education and experi-
Counties. Pay Band: 01. Salary: Salary Pay Band: 01. Salary: Salary Pay Band: 01. Salary: Salary FTE, 40 hrs/wk). Location: cation: Fairfax, VA. Workplace ence. Criminal Background
commensurate with educa- commensurate with educa- commensurate with educa- Fairfax, VA. Workplace Type: Type: Hybrid Eligible. Salary: Check: Yes. About the Depart-
tion and experience. Criminal tion and experience. Criminal tion and experience. Criminal Hybrid Eligible. Pay Band: 04. Salary commensurate with ment: The College of Educa-
Background& Background& Background& Salary& education and experience& tion and Human&
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Apprenticeship / Program Lead, Business Cybersecurity Ofûcer Sr. Treasury Analyst3 Technical Skills Project Manager
Technical Skills Program Applications Cybersecurity3 Lead (Supply Chain)3 The Washington Metropoli- Maintenance Training Vehicles3
Employer Industry: Delivery and Transportation/Location: Washington D.C. Coordinator3 Washington D.C. This opportunity is a hybrid tan Area Transit Authority Instructor3 WMATA has an opportunity
/Openings: 184The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority oper- Minimum Qualiûcation: Edu- The Washington Metropolitan opportunity allowing for ûex- is seeking a skilled treasury Minimum Qualiûcations: Edu- for Project Manager with
cation: Bachelor's degree in Area Transit Authority (Metro) ibility between virtual and professional who thrives in cation: High school diploma experience in railcar design
ates the second largest rail transit system and the ûfth largest bus network is building a state-of-the-art a collaborative environment
Education, Vocational Educa- in-person work subject to the or possession of a general and engineers to lead the
in the United States. Safe, clean and reliable, "America's Transit System" transports more than a tion, Management, or related cybersecurity program to Authority's telework policy. to join our treasury team. equivalency diploma (GED) procurement and delivery of
third of the federal government to work and millions of tourists to the landmarks in the Nation's ûeld In lieu of a Bachelor's better protect the critical Department Marketing State- The individual for this posi- Experience A minimum of new railcars for our Nation
degree, a High School diplo- transit infrastructure sup- ment The Washington Metro- tion will use advanced skill four (4) years' experience Capital's Transit System. As
Capital. Metro has earned a worldwide reputation for security and architectural beauty. WMATA is porting our nation's capital. politan Area Transit Authority in Excel to create cash fore- a Program Manager, you will
ma/GED, and four (4), years in the speciûc trade or craft
clearly the employer of choice for over 10,000 area residents. The Authority was created in 1967 by of technical experience in the The Business Applications (Metro) is building a state-of- casts, delineate and track the directly related to urban tran- be responsible for manag-
an interstate compact to plan, develop, build, ûnance and operate a balanced regional transportation related ûeld(s), in addition the Cybersecurity Program Lead the-art cybersecurity& Authority& sit. One, (1), year of previous ing complex railcar projects
experience stated below, will role reports to the Informa- experience delivering training while working with cross-
system in the National Capital area. Construction of the Metrorail system began in 1969. Four area& be considered& tion& and adult education (OJT or& functional&
Visit to view complete details and to apply to these and thousands of other listings.
Adventist HealthCare George Mason University Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Dewberry Westat
Healthcare3We are a faith-based healthcare organization, Education3George Mason University is a university with three Delivery and Transportation3The Washington Metropolitan Engineering3Dewberry is a leading, market-facing professional Research3Westat, headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, near
based in Montgomery County, Maryland. We are the largest campuses, each with a distinctive academic focus that plays a Area Transit Authority operates the second largest rail transit services ûrm with more than 50 locations and 2,000 profes- Washington, D.C., is an employee-owned research corporation
employer in Montgomery County with over 6,000 employees! critical role in the economy of its region. At each campus, stu- system and the ûfth largest bus network in the United States. sionals nationwide. What sets us apart from our competitors serving agencies of the U.S. Government, state and local gov-
Our comprehensive approach to caring for our community dents, faculty, and staff have full access to all the university's Safe, clean and reliable, "America's Transit System" transports are our people. At Dewberry, we seek out exceptional talent ernments, businesses, and foundations. We conduct surveys
includes three acute-care hospitals 3 Shady Grove Medical resources, while duplication of programs and support services more than a third of the federal government to work and mil- and strive to deliver the highest quality of services to our cli- and program evaluations, provide statistical research, and offer
Center, White Oak Medical Center and Fort Washington Medi- is minimized through the use of technology. In addition to the lions of tourists to the landmarks in the Nation's Capital. Metro ents. Whether you9re an experienced professional or a new related services. Our multiproject environment provides career
cal Center 3 as well as two Physical Rehabilitation hospitals, main campus in Fairfax, the university has campuses in Arling- has earned a worldwide reputation for security and architec- graduate, you9ll have the chance to collaborate with the best opportunities in health, energy, education, transportation, the
Outpatient centers, Imaging Centers, Urgent Cares, Home Care ton and Prince William Counties. tural beauty. WMATA is clearly the employer of choice for over and brightest and work on innovative and complex projects at environment, human services, and the workforce. We combine
Services, Employer Health Programs and Physician& 10,000 area residents. The Authority was created in 1967 by& the forefront of the industry. Our commitment to excellence& the relevant research area expertise&
Manager, Strategic Director of Nursing, Housekeeper (Nights)3 Housekeeper (Nights)3 Apprenticeship / Technical Program Lead, Business Senior Graphic Designer3 Junior Graphic Designer3 Sr. Helpdesk Agent Proposal Operations
Analytics3Gaithersburg Emergency Department3 Fairfax Fairfax Skills Program Coordinator3 Applications Cybersecurity3 Fairfax Fairfax (Hourly)3Rockville Analyst-Remote3Rockville
Adventist HealthCare seeks Silver Spring Department: Facilities. Clas- Department: Facilities. Clas- Minimum Qualiûcations: Edu- Washington D.C. Dewberry is currently seek- Dewberry is currently seek- Westat is seeking a technical Westat is an employee-
to hire an experienced Man- White Oak Medical Center siûcation: Housekeeping & siûcation: Housekeeping & cation: Bachelor's degree in The Washington Metropolitan ing a senior graphic designer ing a junior graphic designer Sr. Help Desk Agent to work owned corporation providing
ager of Strategic Analytics seeks to hire an experienced Apparel Wkr 1. Job Category: Apparel Wkr 1. Job Category: Education, Vocational Educa- Area Transit Authority (Metro) with exceptional creative and with exceptional creative and 40 hours per week, Monday research services to agencies
who will embrace our mission Director of Nursing for the Classiûed Staff. Job Type: Classiûed Staff. Job Type: tion, Management, or related is building a state-of-the-art critical thinking skills to serve critical thinking skills to serve to Friday (available between: of the U.S. Government, as
to extend God's care through Emergency Department who Full-Time. Work Schedule: Full-Time. Work Schedule: ûeld In lieu of a Bachelor's de- cybersecurity program to bet- as a key member of its com- as a key member of its com- 9am - 5:30pm) in our Rock- well as businesses, founda-
the ministry of physical, men- will embrace our mission to Full-time (1.0 FTE, 40 hrs/wk). Full-time (1.0 FTE, 40 hrs/wk). gree, a High School diploma/ ter protect the critical transit munications department. The munications department. The ville ofûce, with the ability tions, and state and local gov-
tal and spiritual healing. As extend God's care through Location: Arlington, VA. Work- Location: Arlington, VA. Work- GED, and four (4), years of infrastructure supporting our designer will report directly to junior graphic designer is re- to coordinate activities and ernments. Westat's research,
a Manager of Strategic Ana- the ministry of physical, men- place Type: On Site Required. place Type: On Site Required. technical experience in the nation's capital. The Business the creative services director sponsible for supporting the manage help desk agents technical, and administrative
lytics you will: Apply expert tal and spiritual healing. As a Pay Band: 01. Salary: Salary Pay Band: 01. Salary: Salary related ûeld(s), in addition the Applications Cybersecurity& and be an integral part of the company in the development across multiple projects that staff of more than 2,000 is
knowledge of& Director of Nursing& commensurate with& commensurate with& experience& federal& and& receive requests for& located&
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Fairfax County Government Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Fairfax Water Alexandria City Public Schools
Associations3The American Speech-Language-Hearing Asso- Government and Public Services3Fairfax County, Virginia is a di- Airport Operations/Management3The Metropolitan Washington Science3Fairfax County Water Authority (Fairfax Water) is Vir- Education3Alexandria City Public Schools is one of the most di-
ciation was founded in 1925. It is a not-for-proût scientiûc and verse and thriving urban county. As the most populous jurisdic- Airports Authority operates a two-airport system that provides ginia's largest water utility, serving one out of every ûve Vir- verse school systems in the country and we celebrate that di-
professional association for speech-language pathologists, au- tion in both Virginia and the Washington metropolitan area, the domestic and international air service for the mid-Atlantic re- ginians who obtain their water from public utilities. Nearly 1.5 versity. Our students come from more than 80 different coun-
diologists, and speech and hearing scientists. ASHA is commit- County's population exceeds that of seven states. The median gion. The organization consists of approximately 1,700 employ- million people in the Northern Virginia communities of Fairfax, tries, speak more than 60 languages, and represent a rainbow
ted to the consumers of our services, the more than 42 million household income of Fairfax County is one of the highest in the ees in a structure that includes central administration, airports Loudoun, Prince William and Alexandria depend on Fairfax Wa- of ethnic and cultural groups. They are economically diverse,
Americans with communication disorders. ASHA's mission is nation and over half of its adult residents have four-year col- management, and police and ûre departments. In addition to ter for superior drinking water. That's 1.5 million friends, neigh- but all are rich in that the residents of Alexandria are dedicated
to ensure that all people with speech-language, and hearing lege degrees or more educational attainment. Fairfax County operating Ronald Reagan Washington National and Washington bors and family members. We don't need any other reason to to ensuring that each and every one of them achieves success.
disorders receive quality services from well-educated profes- also is home to an extensive commercial ofûce market and is Dulles International Airports, the Airports Authority is respon- demand the highest in water quality standards! Chartered in The children of Alexandria have beneûted signiûcantly from the
sionals. The American Speech-Language-Hearing& a major employment center. Fairfax County& sible for capital improvements at both airports and& 1957 by the Virginia State Corporation Commission as a& strong support of City Council and the Alexandria&
Accounts Receivable Specialist3Rockville Senior Engineer III3Fairfax Administrative Assistant II3 Airport Police Ofûcer Airport Police Ofûcer (VA Industrial Electrician I/II3 Laboratory Analyst I/II3 EL Ofûce Casual Financial Counselor-Part-Time (.4)3
The purpose of this position is to provide courteous, knowl- $5,000 Signing Bonus.* Are Fairfax Trainee ($7,500 Sign On Lateral & Out-of-State Lorton Herndon Services Support Specialist3 Alexandria
edgeable service to ASHA9s customers (members, consumers, you ready to dive into the Fairfax County boasts a top- Bonus)3Washington D.C. $7,500 Sign On Bonus)3 Assists with the daily elec- Fairfax Water has an immedi- Alexandria The School Counselor is re-
and others) by serving as the primary contact for the Ac- heart-pounding world of notch school system, safe Compensation Grade: P10. Washington D.C. trical operations of Fairfax ate opening for a Laboratory The Ofûce of English Learner sponsible for the design, de-
counts Receivable Team. The incumbent will maintain excel- wastewater projects and take neighborhoods, thousands of Salary Range: $31.33-$51.69. Compensation Grade: P10. Water treatment plants, dis- Analyst I/II. The incumbent Services is seeking budget- velopment, implementation,
lent customer relations& charge of the entire project acres of parkland, and bus- Opening Date: February 2, Salary Range: $31.33-$51.69. tribution systems, and related will work under the general ary, accounting, procurement, and evaluation of the com-
lifecycle? Brace yourself for tling town centers. County 2024. Closing Date: Please Opening Date: February 2, pumping facilities to assure supervision of the Laboratory travel, and administrative prehensive school counseling
an exhilarating opportunity government sits at the heart Note: All job announcements 2024. Closing Date: Please its production and reliability Supervisor(s) performing rou- ûnancial services support to program in alignment with the
that promises to test your of this dynamic community of close at 11:59 p.m. of the Note: All job announcements of equipment. Assists with tine to skilled laboratory and maintain EL Ofûce ûnance American School Counselor
skills, ignite your passion, and almost 1.2 million residents day before the posted clos- close at 11:59 p.m. of the day the completion of new instal- ûeld analysis work to assure needs. The individual(s) would Association (ASCA) national
push you to new heights of& and seeks employees eager ing date. As an Airport Police before the posted closing lations and preventive main- that drinking water meets routinely work closely with model. The School Counselor
to bring their energy& Ofûcer Trainee, you will be& date. As an Airport Police& tenance of electrical& regulatory and& the Executive Director& provides all students with&
The MIL Corporation (MIL) The Foundation Schools AARP City Of Alexandria Virginia ERP
Government Contractor3Established in 1980, MIL provides inno- Education3The Foundation Schools has provided psychoeduca- Associations3AARP is a nonproût, nonpartisan, social welfare Government and Public Services3The City of Alexandria is an Government Contractor3ERP International, LLC is a nationally
vative cyber, engineering, ûnancial, and information technology tional programs for students since 1975. A variety of talented organization with a membership of nearly 38 million. Our aim award-winning, innovative, and progressive local govern- respected and trusted health, science, and technology solu-
services to the federal government. Our subject matter experts staff members is needed to ensure the smooth and successful is to disrupt preconceived notions about aging, turn goals and ment that brings together elected leaders, residents, busi- tions provider. We offer management, analytic, and technical
help advance customer operations through proven tools and operation of the educational and clinical programs at our three dreams into Real Possibilities, strengthen communities and nesses, and staff to foster a thriving community. We are an services supporting clients in the government and commercial
methodologies. Dedicated to excellence, service, and support, schools located in Largo, Landover Gaithersburg, Maryland. ûght for the issues that matter most to people 50-plus and independent, full-service city, providing the services typically sectors. In addition, ERP provides medical and clinical stafûng
MIL recognizes that sustained high-quality service delivery is a Our Administrative Ofûce is located in Largo, Maryland. We of- their families; such as health care, employment security and operated by both counties and cities in areas such as public support to DoD and federal civilian agencies in 28+ states. We
critical contributor to our success. We are recognized by our fer a supportive working environment, excellent resources and retirement planning. safety, transportation, human services, parks and recreation, are seeking energetic and passionate professionals who are
clients and industry professionals alike for our integrity, dili- a competitive salary and beneût package. The mission of The planning, and administration. We offer a wide range of exciting interested in delighting their customers while making a posi-
gence, and expertise across our core service areas: Cyber& Foundation Schools is to serve the special education needs& career opportunities in a variety of ûelds, with the resources& tive impact on our communities and our nation. We deliver&
Engineering Technician I3 Engineering Technician II3 Board Certiûed Behavior Program Therapist (Social Business Operations Editorial Design Intern3 GIS Analyst I3Alexandria Human Services Specialist Nurse Practitioner - Speech Pathologist3
Lexington Park Lexington Park Analyst (BCBA)3Gaithersburg Work/Counselor) Full or Analyst3Sioux Falls Washington D.C. The Information Technology II - Preschool and Early Outpatient3Camp Lejeune Camp Lejeune
Clearance Required: Ability Clearance Required: Ability The Foundation Schools is a Part-time ($1,500-$3,000 AARP is the nation's largest AARP is the nation's largest Services Department is re- Childhood Enrollment ERP International is seeking ERP International is seeking a
to Obtain a Secret. Education to Obtain a Secret. Education special education day school Hiring Incentive)3Largo nonproût, nonpartisan or- nonproût, nonpartisan or- sponsible for enterprise tech- Coordinator3Alexandria a full time Nurse Practitioner full time Speech Pathologist in
Required: HS/GED. US Citi- Required: HS/GED. US Citi- which delivers innovative Elementary/Middle School ganization dedicated to em- ganization dedicated to em- nology operations for the City The City of Alexandria is lo- (NP)in support of outpatient support of Traumatic Brain Inju-
zenship: Required. The MIL zenship: Required. The MIL school programs and sup- position The Foundation powering people 50 and older powering people 50 and older of Alexandria. ITS provides cated in Northern Virginia and clinics at Naval Medical Cen- ry (TBI) Clinic at the Naval Medi-
Corporation seeks an Engi- Corporation seeks an Engi- port services for children and Schools is a special education to choose how they live as to choose how they live as technology services and so- is bordered by the District of ter Camp Lejeune, NC. Apply cal Center Camp Lejeune, NC.
neering Technician I to sup- neering Technician II to sup- adolescents with emotional day school which delivers they age. With a nationwide they age. With a nationwide lutions to City departments Columbia (Potomac River), online today and discover Apply online today and discover
port a DOD customer at our port a DOD customer at our disabilities, autism spectrum innovative school programs presence, AARP strengthens presence, AARP strengthens to enhance service delivery. Arlington and Fairfax coun- more about this outstand- more about this outstanding
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AUCTION House boasts 4BR/3BA, including
2 Puppies for sale, females, work, Drainage, Site Concrete, Stone Base, Asphalt Paving, Signs, Strip- Members of the public who wish to speak at the budget hearing may
two primary suites, and is conve- ing, Signals, Electrical Lighting, and Landscaping
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WINCHESTER,VA niently located just a short stroll 12 weeks old, avail now. $250 each.
Call 301-633-7372 Cliff
do so by completing the Public Hearing Citizen Comment Time Re-
quest Form at, or by contacting the School Board Clerk prior to noon
from the beach. Rehoboth Beach, All quotes must be received by: March 22, 2024 @ 4:30 p.m. EST
825 <Wilde Acres= $2,999,999.
on Wednesday, February 21 at or 703-791-
8069. You must provide your name, address, and telephone number.
Bids & Proposals Open House AMERICAN BULLY MERLE PUPS - We encourage Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Businesses to
East of Rt 1 - New construction ABKC (papers). 3 males, 3 females. participate. Wish to submit a written or electronic statement?
Coalition for Green Capital
(CGC) is soliciting responses
Feb 17 & 18, 1pm on Savannah Road, within WALKING
DISTANCE to the bike trail! 3 miles
Ready February 12.
Text / Call Now 443-477-5246
Contact our Estimating Department at 703-486-6575 for further infor-
mation. Quotes may be submitted by email to BCIestimating@branch- Citizens may also provide input to the Board in the following ways:
to the following Requests for
7 Rms 3Br/2Bths from Lewes Beach & less than 2 or US Mail to P.O. Box 40004, Roanoke, VA 24022.
Potential Vacation Home miles to dining & shops on 2nd St. " By accessing the Public Comment Form at Public Comment
Qualiûcations (RFQs) from Lewes, $649,000. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER M/F/H/V Form.
qualiûed law ûrms to provide OPEN HOUSE Feb 10 & 11 BICHON MINI SCHNAUZER MIXED
Sold Subject to Confirmation PUPS, first shots and wormed, health " By mail to the School Board Ofûce, P.O. Box 389, Manassas,
the nonproût organization with
Governors - This well-appointed guar, will meet for delivery. $500. 610 Virginia 20108, or by delivery to the Edward L. Kelly Leadership Washington Post newsletters
the following services: General
Legal Services, Outside Counsel
T.C. Luper & Co. Inc
Luper Auctions
3BR/2.5BA home sits on a premier Prefer text 301-672-1072 Dogs for Sale "
Center, 14715 Bristow Road, Manassas, Virginia 20112.
By email addressed to the entire Board at pwcsclerk@pwcs. deliver more of what you9re looking for.
lot backing to a community pond MINI SCHNAUZERS- AKC, 8 weeks old,
for Non-Proût and Governance
Matters, and Outside Counsel
for EPA and Regulatory Matters.
For Info& Terms See
with fountain. Governors is located
EAST of Route 1, just 1.5 miles from
vet checked, health certificate,
dewormed, vacc, full groom,
Give the giv edu, or to individual School Board members at the email ad-
dresses listed on the School Board website at https://www. Discover and subscribe for free at
Golden Retriever puppies, AKC, vet
The deadline to respond to the
referenced RFQs will be on
February 26, 2024 at 10:00 AM
or call 804-852-3637
VAAR2908000897 A 0226013687
downtown. Lewes, $889,900.
checked, 1st shots, both parents on
site. $850. 540-383-9443
microchipped. $1800. 443-684-0664 of information " If you wish to submit a video statement, you may do so here:
EST via email to RFI@coalition- THE DEBBIE REED TEAM
REMAX Realty Group
old males, hypoalergenic, AKC Reg,
Giv subscriptions Wish to watch the public meeting remotely? Interested
Main: 302-227-4800
Manage your great pets. $1,000. 703-282-9285
entities may visit the CGC web-
print subscription! Citizens may watch the School Board Public Hearing at S0114 2 X 3
site at https://coalitionforgreen- Direct: 302-227-3818 YORKSHIRE TERRIER (TEA CUP) & and clicking on the <Watch Live= link, or by watching Comcast Channel
S0390-1x.25 for Give a giv subscription! SHIH TZU PUPS - Beautiful babies. 18 or Verizon FIOS Channel 36.
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BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall WUMO By Mikael Wulff & Anders Morgenthaler