The Washington Post 03-Ene-2025
The Washington Post 03-Ene-2025
The Washington Post 03-Ene-2025
Snow showers 44/27 • Tomorrow: Partly sunny, windy 35/24 B6 Democracy Dies in Darkness friday, january 3 , 2025
RE V1 V2 V3 V4
. $4
Trump in Tesla
favor, but
Johnson’s blast is
bid unsure called a
Speaker seeks to sway suicide
GOP hard-liners ahead
of Friday’s vote for gavel unknown if intent
was to kill others
Sheriff says soldier shot
With less than 24 hours to go, himself before explosion
speaker Mike Johnson was still
working to win over a handful of
Republican lawmakers who are BY A LEX H ORTON,
skeptical of his leadership, rais- J EREMY R OEBUCK,
ing the prospect of a close and J ENNIFER O LDHAM
contentious vote Friday and in- AND R EIS T HEBAULT
creasing the risk that the intra-
GoP battles that defined the The Tesla Cybertruck that ex-
118th Congress will continue into ploded in front of the Trump
the 119th. International Hotel in Las Vegas
Johnson (R-Louisiana) has on Wednesday was part of an
spent the week working the apparent suicide by an active-
phones and met with lawmakers duty U.s. Army soldier, authori-
in the Capitol through Thursday ties said on Thursday, as the
evening to try to better under- nation remained on edge after
stand the concerns of roughly back-to-back incidents of vio-
half a dozen hard-liners whose ANdREw CAbAllERo-REyNolds/AFP/GEtty ImAGEs lence involving vehicles.
support he needs in the speaker- security was high outside the superdome, where the sugar Bowl took place thursday evening after being postponed due to the attack. The man behind the wheel of
ship election, which begins at the futuristic electric vehicle shot
community is gripped by terror as reports President joe Biden in beef-dominated Ar- California beach that he’s sworn in to the D.C. memes, tutorials and worlD news...............................A8
will create two monu- gentina, economic hard- has seen two major oil Council — without say- performance clips. C1
spread of killings and disappearances under ments in California hon- ships are making pork spills has residents ing why. B1 CONTENT © 2025
the country’s new Islamist rulers. A9 oring Native tribes. A2 increasingly popular. A8 fighting back. A13 on Christmas day in weekenD The Washington Post
scientists studied mag- israel launched more tesla reported its first 2023, Shawn Wilkerson the nine best places to Year 148, No. 54085
Plowy McPlowface The D.C. region is bracing ma as they puzzled over than 15 strikes on Gaza yearly drop in electric was shot. Last month, eat in Silver Spring, a
melting pot of global
for snow with salt, beet juice and colorfully the likelihood of a Yel- City, with over 40 peo- vehicle deliveries in over he and his wife leased an
cuisines just seven miles
lowstone eruption. A3 ple reported killed. A9 a decade. A14 apartment in D.C. B1
named plows, thanks to an online contest. B1 from the White House.
A2 eZ re the washington post . friday, january 3 , 2025
Schumer endorses
Wikler for DNC chair
BY P ATRICK S VITEK final month could bring more
focus on the stakes. The DNC is
Senate Majority Leader hosting four candidate forums
Charles E. Schumer (D-New that are set to begin Thursday.
York) on Thursday endorsed Ben Candidates have to qualify for
Wikler, chairman of the Wiscon- the contest by submitting signa-
sin Democratic Party, to lead the tures from at least 40 DNC
national party, making members by Jan. 25.
Schumer the highest- Martin is seen as one of
ranking Democratic of- the leading candidates,
ficial to weigh in on the given his deep experience
race so far. inside the party organiza-
“As one of the best tion. In addition to chair-
state party chairs in ing the Minnesota Demo-
the country, Ben pos- cratic-Farmer-Labor Par-
sesses all the qualities ty, he is president of the
Democrats across the Ben Wikler Association of State Dem-
country are looking for ocratic Committees.
in our next DNC Chair,” Schumer Wikler has sought to show
said in a statement. “He’s a support for his campaign across
tenacious organizer — one of the the ideological spectrum. He has
best organizers in the country — been endorsed by the centrist
a proven fundraiser, a sharp group Third Way and liberal
communicator, and able to reach organizations including the Pro-
out to all segments of the Demo- gressive Change Campaign Com-
cratic Party.” mittee.
“Most importantly,” Schumer In the Senate, some Democrats
added, “he knows how to win.” were already backing DNC chair
Members of the Democratic candidates from their home
National Committee are set to states before Schumer made his
pick the next chair in a Feb. 1 choice. Baldwin has endorsed
election. Wikler’s opponents in- Wikler, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D- davId mcnew/getty Images
clude Ken Martin, a DNC vice Minnesota) has backed Martin, Boulders covered in Indigenous rock art in the proposed Chuckwalla Mountains National Monument on April 18.
chair who leads the Minnesota and O’Malley has the support of
party; Martin O’Malley, the for- Maryland’s two Democratic sena-
mer commissioner of the Social
Security Administration and a
former governor of Maryland;
and James Skoufis, a New York
tors, Ben Cardin and Chris Van
Hollen, as well as Sen.-elect An-
gela Alsobrooks (D-Maryland).
Schumer has taken an interest
Biden to create two monuments in
state senator.
The leadership race comes as
Democrats look to chart a path
forward after their disappointing
in DNC chair elections before.
After the 2016 election — when
Trump won his first term in an
upset — Schumer endorsed
California honoring Native tribes
November election, when they Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minneso-
lost the presidency and Senate ta) to chair the DNC. Ellison lost BY M AXINE J OSELOW promising to boost fossil fuels.
majority. Schumer will be Senate the race to Labor Secretary Tom In particular, Sáttítla could
minority leader when the new Perez and now serves as Minne- President Joe Biden plans to prevent the development of pro-
Congress begins Friday. sota attorney general. create two new national monu- posed geothermal energy plants,
Wisconsin had more mixed Other candidates in the cur- ments in California in the coming which generate electricity by har-
results for Democrats in the rent DNC chair race include days, according to two people nessing the heat trapped deep
Nov. 5 election. While their Robert Houton, a 2024 Senate briefed on the announcement, beneath the Earth’s surface. In
presidential nominee, Kamala candidate in Maryland; Jason aiming to cement his environ- the process, they produce far few-
Harris, lost the battleground Paul, a Democratic strategist mental legacy before President- er planet-warming greenhouse
state, Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D) from Massachusetts; Nate Sny- elect Donald Trump takes office. gas emissions than coal or natu-
survived her reelection bid der, a former official with the The two individuals spoke on ral gas plants.
against Republican business- Department of Homeland Secu- the condition of anonymity be- Bamford said the Pit River
man Eric Hovde. rity; and Marianne Williamson, cause the announcement is not Tribe supports clean energy —
The leadership race has fea- the self-help author and former yet public. just not on this land.
tured little drama so far, but the presidential candidate. Biden will sign a proclamation “We’re not against clean energy
establishing the roughly in any way — it’s just that clean
644,000-acre Chuckwalla Na- energy and sacred sites don’t
tional Monument in Southern mix,” he said. “If these projects
KLMNO co rr ec t i onS California near Joshua Tree Na-
tional Park, the people said. The
were proposed in a different area
that was less impactful, then that
move would bar drilling, mining, is a discussion we would have.”
neWSPAPer DeLiVerY
For home delivery comments
the washington post is committed to solar-energy farms and other in- nIcK KIrKpatrIcK/the washIngton post Some local officials worry that
correcting errors that appear in the dustrial activity in the area. It People walk through Joshua Tree National Park, which Chuckwalla Chuckwalla, for its part, could
or concerns contact us at newspaper. those interested in or also would honor the wishes of would be immediately southeast of if the monument is approved. quash solar development in one
contacting the paper for that purpose several Native American tribes of the country’s sunniest locales.
send us an email at can: or call email:
that have revered the landscape Escalante national monuments — Jr., tribal council chairman of the Officials in Blythe, Calif., a city
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be for thousands of years, and would known for their stunning desert Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla of roughly 18,000 people east of
to SUBScriBe connected to the desk involved — expand local Latino communi- vistas and wealth of Native Amer- Indians. “It’s the best way that we Joshua Tree, issued a June press
202-334-6100 national, Foreign, metro, style, sports, ties’ access to outdoor recreation ican artifacts. can protect our original home- release opposing Chuckwalla’s
Business or any of the weekly sections. areas. Three Democratic lawmakers lands.” proposed boundaries. They called
to ADVertiSe The president also will sign a from California — Rep. Raul Ruiz Interior Secretary Deb Haa- for redrawing the monument
classified: 202-334-6200
proclamation creating the rough- and Sens. Alex Padilla and La- land, the first Indigenous Cabinet map to exclude tens of thousands
display: 202-334-7642 Download the ly 200,000-acre Sáttítla National phonza Butler — have introduced secretary, visited the site of the of acres on either side of the city.
Monument in Northern Califor- legislation to create the Chuck- proposed Chuckwalla monument “We’re in the Sonoran Desert,
MAin PHone nUMBer Washington Post app nia near the Oregon border, the walla National Monument. Padil- in May and hiked a popular trail one of the hottest and sunniest
202-334-6000 people said. The Pit River Tribe la has also championed a bill to called Painted Canyon. Interior places in the United States,”
stay informed with award-winning
to reAcH tHe neWSrooM national and international news, has spearheaded the campaign to protect Sáttítla. officials then held a June public Blythe Vice Mayor Johnny Rodri-
metro: 202-334-7300; pLUs complete local news coverage protect that area from energy But neither measure has ad- meeting on the proposal, where guez said in an interview. “We development. vanced in the divided Congress. the vast majority of roughly 700 need green energy for our state,
of the d.c. metro area. create
national: 202-334-7410; customized news alerts, save The White House did not im- The Antiquities Act authorizes attendees voiced support for the and this would be the natural mediately respond to a request the president to protect lands and idea. place for it.”
articles for offline reading in my
Business: 202-334-7320;
post, browse the daily print edition for comment. waters for the benefit of all Several supporters noted that Blythe Mayor Joseph DeCon- Biden has already used his Americans without congressional Chuckwalla would provide one of inck added that “if this becomes a
and scroll through the For you tab to
sports: 202-334-7350; executive authority under the An- approval. the few outdoor recreation areas monument, there’s going to be
find stories that interest you. Free to tiquities Act of 1906 to create six accessible to poor and Latino more restrictions, more rules.”
download on the app store and play ‘A hugely significant
style: 202-334-7535; new national monuments and neighborhoods in the Coachella Such concerns point to a ten- store, subscribers enjoy unlimited expand four others. After signing milestone’ Valley besides Joshua Tree. sion between two of Biden’s envi-
access. the proclamations, he will have The Chuckwalla National Mon- “This would serve as an oppor- ronmental priorities: protecting
to reAcH tHe oPinion PAGeS
Letters to the editor:
protected more public lands than ument will be named after the tunity to close the nature gap public lands and speeding the or call any other president in a single chuckwalla lizards that roam the particularly affecting communi- nation’s transition to green en-
202-334-9876 term, with the exception of Jim- junction of the Mojave, Sonoran ties of color and low-income com- ergy. But supporters of Chuckwal-
opinion: my Carter. and Colorado deserts. The region munities,” said Jazzari Taylor, a la contend it would complement Trump, in contrast, significant- is also home to bighorn sheep, policy advocate at the group Lati- — not clash with — solar develop-
published daily (Issn 0190-8286). ly shrank two national monu- desert tortoises and iconic bird no Outdoors. ment in the desert.
postmaster: send address changes to
the washington post, 1301 K st. nw, washington,
ments in Utah during his first species such as golden eagles and The Sáttítla National Monu- Supporters note that in 2016,
d.c. 20071. term. He slashed more than 1.9 greater roadrunners. ment, meanwhile, would encom- federal and state agencies adopt-
periodicals postage paid in washington, d.c., and
additional mailing office.
million acres in total from the Chuckwalla would be immedi- pass an area known as the Medi- ed the Desert Renewable Energy
Bears Ears and Grand Staircase- ately southeast of Joshua Tree cine Lake Highlands northeast of Conservation Plan, which desig-
National Park, which ranked as the Mount Shasta volcano. The nated areas suitable for develop-
the ninth most-visited national area is often called the headwa- ment as well as places that should
park in 2023, attracting more ters of California because of its be protected for their biological,
than 3.2 million people that year, crucial role in supplying clean cultural and recreational values.
JOIN US FOR OUR FAMOUS according to the National Park
water from volcanic aquifers to
communities across the state, in-
They say the monument map was
drawn to avoid nearly 400,000
NEW YEAR’S RUG AUCTION The area is part of the ancestral
homelands of several Indigenous
cluding farms downstream.
The 11 bands of the Pit River
acres that could host sprawling
solar farms.
A name you have trusted since 1965! peoples, including the Cahuilla, Tribe also consider the area part “The monument does not over-
Chemehuevi, Mohave, Quechan of their ancestral homelands. lap with any of the development
and Serrano tribes. The Quechan Tribal members use the area to areas for solar; it fits right around
Daily Drawing
people say their ancestors pray and to gather plants for use them like a puzzle piece,” said
emerged from a sacred mountain in cooking and ceremonies. Stephanie Dashiell, an environ-
F I N E Win a FREE R
in Nevada — Avi Kwa Ame, which “Our creation narrative comes mental consultant who works
Biden designated as a monument out of there,” said Yatch Bamford, with a coalition of nonprofit
Light Refreshm in 2022 — and then migrated
through this stretch of desert,
chairman of the Pit River Tribe.
“It’s like the epicenter for our
groups supporting Chuckwalla.
Dashiell added that the coali-
dropping pottery shards as trail people.” tion has done “extensive out-
markers and leaving petroglyphs Hunters and anglers have reach” to Blythe officials and has
as guidance for future genera- cheered the tribe’s campaign to garnered “overwhelming support
tions. safeguard Sáttítla. They have not- from municipalities other than
Auction Dates “If someone went and bull-
dozed the Vatican, that would be
ed that the area provides vital
clean water for trout streams and
Aaron Weiss, deputy director
the equivalent of desecrating this critical habitat for game species of the Center for Western Priori-
Sat. 1/4, Sun. 1/5 desert for us,” said Donald Me- including mule deer, Rocky ties, a conservation group, said
dart, a council member of the Fort Mountain elk and pronghorn an- 98.5 percent of the monument
Daily Previews at 11am Yuma Quechan Indian Tribe. telope. would cover areas that the plan
Bidding Begins at 1pm For the Cahuilla people, the The U.S. Forest Service held a already designated for conserva-
reddish hue of the rocks and public listening session on the tion. The remaining 1.5 percent of
mountains comes from the blood proposed Sáttítla monument on the land has no current designa-
of Mukat, the Cahuilla creator Dec. 7. The vast majority of rough- tion.
Fine Persian • Indian • Pakistani • Turkish Rugs Decorative • Designer god who was exiled to this area. ly 500 attendees supported the “There was a long, multiyear
They say that when Mukat died, proposal. process of getting all of the stake-
Antique Rugs • Rare Finds • Pictorial Hanging Rugs • Tapestries
his remains became vegetation to holders at the table to come up
sustain his people, including Stifling clean energy? with a long-term plan for the
7137 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, MD FREE Parking & Entrance in back. mesquite trees whose beans can Some critics, however, warn California desert, including con-
ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED. Tues.-Sat. 10am-6pm; Sun. 12pm-5pm be cooked or ground into flour. that the two monuments could servation and renewable energy,”
A monument designation stifle clean-energy development, Weiss said. “And the proposed 301-654-8989 “would be a hugely significant undercutting Biden’s own ambi- maps for the Chuckwalla monu-
milestone,” said Thomas Tortez tious climate agenda as Trump is ment are a reflection of that.”
friday, january 3 , 2025 . the washington post eZ Re A3
tance to flow, but underneath A bison at a Yellowstone National Park thermal pool in Wyoming in July. Scientists say that traits of the magma underneath the park make an eruption unlikely anytime soon.
Yellowstone, it’s dense and buried
deep in the Earth’s crust. So it’s delights tourists. If the rhyolite versity of California at Berkeley sciences at Denison University sions about Yellowstone is chal- a geophysical technique that uses
unlikely to erupt. does erupt, Bennington said, it who was not involved with the who was not involved with the lenging, Manga said, because the Earth’s electromagnetic field
Rhyolitic magma, on the other could lead to very explosive erup- study. study. “There will be eruptions, there aren’t frequent volcanic to image what lies beneath the
hand, is much thicker and more tions with lots of ash. In the past 2.1 million years, but it will probably be thousands eruptions there, like in Hawaii or surface. It’s most sensitive to
resistant to flow. Underneath Yel- Recent volcanic eruptions in Yellowstone has had three major of years before we can expect an Iceland. magma, Bennington said, so the
lowstone, basaltic magma heats Hawaii, including one on the Big eruptions, the most powerful eruption.” Much of the scientific litera- brightest anomalies will show
the surrounding rock to help cre- Island in late December, have ones in the world’s recorded his- The study’s finding that vol- ture surrounding volcanoes uses magma formations. With this
ate this kind of magma in the primarily been caused by basaltic tory and producing enough ash canic activity is shifting is what seismic data — seismic waves that mapping method, scientists can
Earth’s upper crust. magma. But it was a rhyolite and lava to fill the Grand Canyon. scientists would expect, Klemetti can map geologic structures — to track the basaltic magma, which
But this formation is also un- eruption that created the Yellow- But the last eruption was a small Gonzalez said, as the North Amer- measure the magma under the is the power source fueling vol-
likely to cause a volcanic eruption stone Caldera. one nearly 70,000 years ago, and ican plate continues inching to surface. Waves move more slowly canic activity in Yellowstone.
in the park because a lot of pres- The rhyolitic magma that the last major one was hundreds the west-southwest over the vol- through molten rock than solid “They put together a really
sure needs to build up to erupt erupted explosively at Yellow- of thousands of years before that. canic hot spot underneath. How- rock, but they could also be affect- compelling story about what’s
rhyolitic magma. The sort of mas- stone in the past had the same “By no means is Yellowstone ever, Bennington said, it’s unlike- ed by factors like pressure and happening underground and the
sive upheaval required to cause consistency as asphalt, said Mi- ‘due for an eruption,’ ” said Erik ly to affect visitors’ experience in temperature. relationship between the past
such an eruption is very different chael Manga, professor of earth Klemetti Gonzalez, an associate our lifetimes. This study used the less com- and future volcanic activity,”
from the day-to-day activity that and planetary science at the Uni- professor of earth and planetary Reaching definitive conclu- mon method of magnetotellurics, Manga said.
MiCHigAN this time pending autopsy his son’s belongings were also NeW YORK Jamaica, Queens, for the private said “a memorial for a teen lost
results and further discovered. event before running to a car and to gun violence turned to horror
Remains found near investigation,” state police said Kevin Graves, 28, was last seen 10 hurt in a shooting driving off. when gunmen opened fire on the
music fest site on X. at Electric Forest in 2018. After outside nightclub Six females and four males crowd.”
Investigators were sent some tension with a girlfriend, between the ages of 16 and 20 “This cannot be our normal,”
Authorities are trying to Monday to a wooded area near he said he was returning to his Ten people were wounded in a were taken to hospitals but are Hochul wrote.
identify human remains Rothbury in Oceana County, site tent, investigators said. shooting Wednesday night expected to recover, police said. About 90 people were inside
discovered near the site of an of the popular Electric Forest Police in 2018 searched the outside a nightclub in New York Queens Borough President the club while a smaller group of
annual music festival in music festival. Forensic area with dogs and dozens of City that was holding a memorial Donovan Richards said the club about 15 were standing outside,
northern Michigan, the same anthropologists from Western volunteers, while divers checked for a teenager who had been was holding a small private event police said.
area where a Detroit-area man Michigan University also joined area lakes. In 2023, a billboard previously been killed in the city. to celebrate the life of a teen who Amazura Concert Hall urged
disappeared while attending the the effort. with Graves’s picture urged Police said three or four men had been killed in Brooklyn late the public to contact police with
event in 2018. State police have not offered festival visitors to call police with fired about 30 shots at a crowd of last year. any information about the
“A positive identification of an update since Tuesday. But any tips. people who were standing In a statement on social shooting.
the remains cannot be made at Gary Graves told that — Associated Press outside Amazura Concert Hall in media, Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) — Associated Press
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A4 eZ re the washington post . friday, january 3 , 2025
Johnson has Trump endorsement but is still trying to win over GOP skeptics
JOHnSOn from a1 undecided on the Speaker vote
(as opposed to hard no) is it’s not
vote against Johnson, so the ALL the fault of @SpeakerJohn-
speaker would need every other son & my desire is to give him
republican vote. grace & @realDonaldTrump
If Johnson cannot get the nec- room to deliver on a strong agen-
essary votes, the House keeps da for which we were elected. But
voting until a speaker is elected something mUST change,” he
because, without one, lawmakers wrote.
cannot be sworn in to begin Congress must first address
voting. the debt ceiling, which could
In a fox News interview Thurs- require the federal government
day, Johnson said conversations to take “extraordinary measures”
have focused on “process reforms if it is not lifted as soon as Jan. 14,
in the House.” Two people famil- according to Treasury Secretary
iar with the discussions, who Janet L. Yellen.
spoke on the condition of ano- Shortly after Trump’s inaugu-
nymity to outline private, on- ration on Jan. 20, the incoming
going negotiations, said the administration wants the GoP-
speaker was referencing efforts led Congress to pass policies ad-
to ensure House republicans can dressing border security and en-
quickly pass conservative legisla- ergy-related reforms before
tion while also cutting spending. working on reauthorizing
After meeting with holdouts Trump’s 2017 tax law.
Thursday afternoon, Johnson Johnson and his leadership
predicted again on fox that he team released a 32-page docu-
would receive “maybe one ‘no’ ment on New Year’s Day that
vote” and remained “hopeful” outlines their legislative priori-
that he can win back the gavel on ties and how the chamber should
the first round of voting. operate. While all 12 bills expect-
President-elect Donald Trump ed to be passed in the coming
this week threw his weight be- weeks are core conservative pri-
hind Johnson, arguing he is best orities republicans campaigned
equipped to implement con- on, they do not address all of
servative reforms. Trump’s agenda.
Ahead of his New Year’s Eve Johnson and his allies argue
party at his mar-a-Lago Club, that getting all that done will be
Trump told reporters he believes possible only if the party sticks
the holdouts will ultimately sup- together, starting with unifying
port Johnson because he is the crAig huDSon For The WAShingTon poST around reelecting him as speak-
only House republican who can To retain the gavel, Speaker Mike Johnson needs 218 votes if all House lawmakers are present and voting for a speaker candidate by name. er.
clinch enough votes to win the “As the republican leadership
gavel. out naming names. that’s what you need.” the winning combination to de- ward Trump’s agenda. in Congress, we have prepared an
“He’s the one who can win Asked if he was calling to Trump’s endorsement earlier liver results within our window rep. Chip roy (r-Texas), a key aggressive plan to remove any
right now. People like him. Al- pressure the holdouts, Trump this week seemed to sway some of opportunity.” holdout who has been in conver- roadblocks and provide a glide-
most everybody likes him,” said he would, if necessary, but lawmakers. rep. Josh Brecheen But other members of the sations for several weeks about path for President Trump’s re-
Trump said. Though there are that he believes Johnson has the (r-oklahoma), who voted House freedom Caucus re- possibly replacing Johnson, said forms and policy agenda,” John-
others who would be “very good,” votes. “really we’re going to have against Johnson’s stopgap fund- mained undecided about wheth- Wednesday that Johnson’s mis- son and three of his deputies
he added, “they have 30 or 40 a great time and get a successful ing bill last month, posted after er to support Johnson. They want handling of the latest govern- wrote in a joint op-ed Wednesday.
people that don’t like them, so vote. [Johnson’s] a good man, he’s Trump’s endorsement that he be- to know how Johnson will cut ment funding bill cannot happen “To implement that vision, we
that’s pretty tough,” he said, with- a very wonderful person and lieves Johnson and Trump “are spending while also pushing for- again. “The reason I am still must remain united.”
Sheri≠ calls Cybertruck explosion outside Trump’s Las Vegas hotel a suicide
LaS VegaS from a1 the senior noncommissioned of-
ficer rank of master sergeant.
mcmahill said. “I’m not giving it He was assigned to the 10th
any other labels.” Special forces Group, headquar-
The circumstances of the ex- tered at fort Carson in Colorado
plosion — which occurred feet Springs, most recently as a Spe-
from President-elect Donald cial forces operations sergeant,
Trump’s hotel inside of a distinc- the Army said. He was on leave
tive car manufactured by one of from an assignment in Stuttgart,
Trump’s leading supporters, Tesla Germany, at the time of his death,
CEo Elon musk — raise concerns officials have said.
that it was ideologically motivat- Livelsberger served on multi-
ed, said Spencer Evans of the ple deployments to Afghanistan,
fBI’s Las Vegas division. But offi- the Army said, and his awards
cials have not yet found any indicate extensive combat experi-
evidence that suggests such a ence. He was awarded a Bronze
rationale, he said. Star with valor and an Army
“It’s not lost on us that it’s in Commendation medal with valor,
front of the Trump building, that the Army said, both of which are
it’s a Tesla vehicle,” Evans said at given for courageous acts on the
the Thursday news conference. battlefield. His five Army Good
“But we don’t have information Conduct medals indicate long
at this point that definitively tells periods of unblemished service.
us or suggests it was because of on Thursday, the police inves-
this particular ideology or any of tigation into Livelsberger ex-
the reasoning behind it.” panded and authorities descend-
The Las Vegas explosion un- ed on a Colorado Springs resi-
folded just hours after a deadly dence they said was connected to
rampage in New orleans that the incident. The fBI, which ap-
killed 14 New Year’s revelers and peared to be leading the inquiry,
left dozens more injured. The two did not say who lived there or
incidents, and the men suspected what drew agents to that loca-
of carrying them out, bear strik- tion.
ing — if superficial — similarities. A half-dozen investigators
Both used vehicles hired from the local police department
through the car rental app Turo. and the fBI were clustered in a
In New orleans, the attacker tight circle outside a three-story
drove a rented pickup into a apartment complex on Thursday.
crowd on Bourbon Street before pArker SeiboLD/Ap Yellow police tape blocked off the
he was killed in a shootout with entrance to one of the building’s
police. strange similarities to have,” he Kenneth Cooper of the Bureau of parking lots. officers carried sev-
That suspect, identified as 42- said. “And so we’re not prepared Alcohol, Tobacco, firearms and eral small boxes out of one of the
year-old Shamsud-Din Jabbar, to rule in or rule out anything at Explosives, which is also investi- units and loaded them into a
had also served in the Army. Like this point.” gating the incident. truck.
Livelsberger, Jabbar was at one According to a timeline au- most of the material found A Colorado Springs police offi-
point stationed at fort Bragg in thorities laid out on Thursday, inside the truck were consumer cer declined to comment on their
North Carolina, now named fort Livelsberger rented the Cy- products readily available at findings. The complex is home to
Liberty. Both deployed to Afghan- bertruck in Denver on Dec. 28, sporting goods stores, Cooper dozens of units on the northeast-
istan in 2009, though in separate then cut a circuitous path to Las said. ern side of Colorado’s second-
units. Vegas over the next several days, Soldiers who knew Livelsberg- largest city.
Unlike Livelsberger, Jabbar driving south to Albuquerque, er were left asking similar ques- one resident of the complex,
had been discharged years before then west through Arizona be- tions as news of the explosion Cindy Helwig, said she often saw
the attack. There is no evidence fore arriving in Nevada. on Dec. spread. one former Special forc- Livelsberger walking his dog in
the two men knew each other or 30 he stopped along the way to es officer who served with him the neighborhood. About two
ever crossed paths during their legally purchase the two fire- said he would have had the skills weeks ago, she said, he asked to
military years, authorities said. arms. and experience to produce a larg- borrow a tool he said he needed
The fBI maintained they had not Las Vegas surveillance footage er and more deadly explosion if to fix his car. He had recently sold
discovered anything that sug- first captured the truck around LAS VegAS poLice DepArTmenT/Ap he had wanted. his mustang, she added.
gested the two incidents were 7:30 a.m. on New Year’s Day. FROM TOP: Investigators search the garbage in northeastern The former officer, who spoke The community is a mix of
connected. Livelsberger drove around the Colorado Springs as part of the investigation connected to the on the condition of anonymity renters and homeowners, Helwig
Defense officials compared the city for about an hour before Cybertruck explosion. Items found inside the Cybertruck that because of his current work in the said, and residents keep to them-
service records of Jabbar and pulling into the Trump hotel’s exploded outside the Trump hotel in Las Vegas. U.S. government, said he and selves — neighbors usually close
Livelsberger “side by side” and valet station about 8:40 a.m. The others who served with the sus- their garage doors as soon as they
found no connection between the car exploded 17 seconds later. charging stations that helped po- had not exploded, mcmahill said, pect were shocked. He described come home from work. Helwig
two, a military official said, The car was filled with large lice outline the Cybertruck’s jour- adding that the blast may not Livelsberger as warm and caring. said she would often see Livels-
speaking on the condition of fireworks and fuel, officials said, ney to Las Vegas. A team from have gone as planned. “It’s really hard right now,” he berger bringing boxes into his
anonymity because of the on- and the fBI is looking into the Tesla was expected to arrive on “It didn’t even damage the said, “because it doesn’t align home.
going investigation. incident through its Joint Terror- Thursday to help authorities re- glass doors” of the hotel, he said. with the matt I know.” “To be honest,” she said, “I feel
Still, the resemblances will be ism Task force, though they have cover video footage from inside “I just don’t think it was done as Livelsberger enlisted in 2006, unsafe right now. And a little
the subject of continued probing, not so far identified any link to the car, mcmahill said. well as he was expecting it to be serving short stints in the Nation- uneasy.”
said mcmahill, the Las Vegas international terror groups. Any additional video may help done.” al Guard and Army reserve. In
sheriff. musk has been directly assist- investigators uncover a possible Despite Livelsberger’s military late 2012, he reentered active perry Stein, Trisha Thadani and
“If these turn out to be simply ing the inquiry, sharing location motive. Several pieces of explo- experience, the explosive devices duty to serve in Special opera- Julian mark contributed to this
similarities, [they’re] very data and video footage from Tesla sive material found in the truck were not very sophisticated, said tions, the Army said, achieving report.
walk-in bath. Dealer sets all prices and is responsible for full amount of discount. Cannot be combined with any other advertised offer.
A6 eZ re the washington post . friday, january 3 , 2025
Trump appears to blame Biden border policy for New Orleans attack
BY M ARIANNE L E V INE Legal scholars have said that Thursday morning, rep. michael
AND C AT Z AKRZEWSKI restricting birthright citizenship Waltz (r-florida), Trump’s in-
would require changing the Con- coming national security adviser,
President-elect Donald Trump stitution, an unlikely scenario. brought up the border when
appeared to blame the Biden There is no evidence that un- asked about how to prevent fur-
administration’s border policies documented immigrants com- ther attacks.
for the vehicular attack that mit crimes at a higher rate than “We’ve got to take a hard look
killed 14 people in New orleans U.S. citizens. The vast majority of at our defenses, first and fore-
on Wednesday morning, even those arrested at the southern most, close our border,” Waltz
though authorities have identi- border do not have criminal said.
fied the assailant as a native- convictions. Illegal border cross- In addition to appearing to
born U.S. citizen. ings reached the highest levels blame the attack on the Biden
“With the Biden ‘open Bor- ever recorded during the first administration’s border policies,
der’s Policy’ I said, many times three years of Biden’s terms, but Trump also reprised his claim of
during rallies, and elsewhere, those numbers have dropped a weaponized justice system in a
that radical Islamic Terrorism, significantly in recent months. social media post early Thursday,
and other forms of violent crime, Hours after the New orleans and claimed that the United
will become so bad in America attack, Trump claimed on social States is a “laughing stock all
that it will become hard to even media that “the criminals com- over the World!”
imagine or believe,” Trump said ing in are far worse than the “This is what happens when
in a social media post Thursday. criminals we have in our coun- you have oPEN BorDErS, with
“That time has come, only worse try” and said “our hearts are with weak, ineffective, and virtually
than ever imagined.” all of the innocent victims and nonexistent leadership,” Trump
The fBI has identified Sham- their loved ones, including the said. “The DoJ, fBI, and Demo-
sud-Din Jabbar as the man who brave officers of the New orleans crat state and local prosecutors
drove a truck with an Islamic Police Department.” have not done their job. They are
State flag into a crowd on Bour- Trump’s message suggesting a incompetent and corrupt, having
bon Street early on New Year’s tie between “criminals coming spent all of their waking hours
Day. Jabbar, who was killed at in” and the New orleans attack unlawfully attacking their politi-
the scene, was an Army veteran gerAlD herbert/AP took off on social media Wednes- cal opponent, mE.”
from Texas and a U.S. citizen. Former president donald Trump and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry in New Orleans in 2023. day after fox News reported that Tom Homan, Trump’s incom-
Although Trump didn’t explic- the suspect drove a truck with a ing White House “border czar,”
itly say he was referring to the Trump communications direc- reprising a central theme of his during Trump’s first term. Texas license plate across the told fox News on Thursday that
New orleans attack, the timing tor. “That is a factual statement, presidential campaign. In one Jabbar was born in the United border in Eagle Pass, Texas, on the “country is in grave danger,
of his Thursday post and his and it is a big reason why particularly notable episode in States during President ronald Dec. 30. The news network later we need to secure that border.”
mention of “radical Islamic Ter- Americans overwhelmingly vot- September, the Trump campaign reagan’s administration. His clarified that new reporting re- Homan also predicted that a
rorism” suggest he was making ed for him and gave him a and its allies distorted Home- mother was born in Texas, ac- vealed that the truck crossed the “connection” would be found
the connection. President Joe massive mandate. It is also true land Security statistics on undoc- cording to Texas public records. border on Nov. 16, and the ID of between the New orleans attack
Biden said Wednesday that Jab- that radical Islamic terrorism umented immigrants with crimi- Trump has proposed curtailing the driver did not appear to be and a separate Cybertruck explo-
bar’s attack appeared to have and its warped ideology have nal records, claiming that the birthright citizenship, the con- Jabbar’s. officials have said that sion outside Trump’s Las Vegas
been inspired by ISIS. crossed into our country and migrants entered the country stitutional provision that grants Jabbar rented the car he drove hotel, citing a “gut feeling.” The
“President Trump rightfully infected those looking to spread during the Biden administration. automatic citizenship to almost into the crowd, a white ford fBI said Thursday that there was
highlighted that criminals cross- hate and violence.” In fact, most did not enter during all people born on U.S. soil. But f-150 Lightning, through Turo, “no definitive link” between the
ing the border have committed In social media posts that Biden’s White House tenure. The even under Trump’s proposal, an online marketplace that al- two explosions.
some of the most heinous crimes appeared related to the attack, statistics span the past four dec- children who have at least one lows people to rent out their
this country has witnessed in its Trump sought to blame migrants ades, and many of the migrants U.S. citizen parent, as Jabbar did, personal vehicles. Meryl Kornfield and Aaron schaffer
history,” said Steven Cheung, for crime in the United States, in question entered the country would still become U.S. citizens. In a fox News interview on contributed to this report.
Stories of the past, rediscovered.
friday, january 3 , 2025 . the washington post eZ Re A7
An evangelical ‘born again’ faith that was inseparable from politics and life
BY J OE H EIM where Carter famously admitted him was about his faith. That was
he had “looked on a lot of women his motivation for everything he
In his inaugural address in Jan- with lust” and “committed adul- did.”
uary 1977, President Jimmy Carter tery in my heart many times.” The What stood out to Wallis in his
spoke just four sentences before fact it was in Playboy was alone visits and interactions with Carter
quoting from scripture. He chose enough to dissuade evangelical was the former president’s humili-
an admonition from the prophet voters. ty.
Micah in the Old Testament: Four years later, however, evan- “Any suggestion around him
“He hath showed thee, O man, gelical voters would abandon that he was perfect or a saint or
what is good; and what doth the Carter altogether and flock to even pious, he would just quickly
Lord require of thee, but to do Ronald Reagan, who would ride a say, ‘Oh, no, no, no,’ ” Wallis said,
justly, and to love mercy, and to wave of nationwide discontent adding, “His faith genuinely made
walk humbly with thy God.” with the incumbent to a sweeping him humble.”
The reading served as both a electoral victory. Carter won just Carter, whom Balmer describes
rebuke and a promise, and it six states and the District of Co- as a progressive evangelical,
helped set the tone for his admin- lumbia. found himself increasingly at
istration. The reasons evangelicals for- odds with the Southern Baptist
As the first president elected sook one of their own for a di- Conference as the group’s ideol-
since the Watergate scandal, Cart- vorced former Hollywood actor ogy grew more conservative. In
er had chosen a biblical passage are complex, Balmer said. But, he 2000, he severed his affiliation
that spotlighted justice and hu- said, they weren’t rooted in the with the conference, saying its
mility, two ingredients absent abortion issue that would later be practices were not in line with his
from the administration of Presi- a catalyst for evangelical voters. Christian beliefs.
dent Richard M. Nixon, who re- Instead, a decision by the Internal The group’s decision to bar fe-
signed in disgrace. The inclusion Revenue Service during Carter’s male deacons and to insist that
of that scripture verse at the be- presidency to remove tax exemp- wives should “submit graciously”
ginning of his speech also empha- tions for evangelical institutions to their husbands “violate the ba-
sized Carter’s personal faith as an and schools because of their ra- sic premises of my Christian
unshakable force in his life that cially discriminatory policies was faith,” Carter, a deacon and Sun-
would guide his decisions and his BILL o'LeARy/The WAshIngTon PosT “what gets this movement riled up day school teacher, wrote in a
leadership. FROM TOP: President Jimmy and mobilized in advance of the letter to fellow Baptists.
Raised as an evangelical Bap- Carter addresses members and 1980 election,” Balmer said. “I personally feel the Bible says
tist, Carter would turn to his faith visitors to Maranatha Baptist Even in the face of a humiliat- all people are equal in the eyes of
countless times during his years Church in Plains, Georgia, in ing defeat, Carter’s religious faith God. I personally feel that women
in office in times of crisis and as he 2010. Attendees listen to Carter never wavered. Rather, it contin- should play an absolutely equal
sought to pursue his political speak at Maranatha in 2019. ued to give him purpose and direc- role in service of Christ in the
agenda, say scholars and religious tion, said Jim Wallis, an evangeli- church,” he wrote.
leaders who knew him and stud- cal theologian who founded and The Rev. James Merritt, then
ied his role in public life. He once deemer: The Life of Jimmy Cart- edited Sojourners magazine and president of the SBC, responded to
told an interviewer that on event- er,” a biography of the former pres- is now the faculty director of the Carter’s announcement: “With all
ful days he might pray up to 25 ident focused on his faith. Georgetown University Center on due respect to the president, he is
times. In the middle part of the 20th Faith and Justice. a theological moderate. We are
The faith that served Carter in century, evangelicals had been po- Carter would go on to a vibrant not a theological moderate con-
political office would come to de- litically dormant, Balmer said. But post-presidential career marked vention.”
fine many of his works, projects that changed when Carter ran. by the 1982 founding, with his In recent years, after he was
and teachings in the decades fol- “He speaks unabashedly about wife Rosalynn, of the Carter Cen- diagnosed with melanoma that
lowing his presidential term. But being a born-again Christian, and ter, a nonprofit dedicated to hu- spread to his brain and later suf-
much earlier, it was those same that’s who they are,” he said. “So he man rights, conflict resolution, fered a fall that fractured his pel-
beliefs that had set him apart from was speaking their language, and education and the eradication of vis, Carter talked openly about
other politicians and put him on JAy Reeves/AP I think many evangelicals voted disease. The couple’s seemingly how his religious beliefs shaped
the path to the presidency. for Carter in ’76 out of the sheer tireless efforts have extended his understanding of death.
During the 1976 campaign, dents to be religious, but not too mitted Christian, I believe they novelty of being able to vote for more than 40 years to address In a 2019 sermon in Plains,
Carter had talked openly and of- religious,” Smith said. should vote for someone else,” he one of their own.” poverty and homelessness, facili- Georgia, at Maranatha Baptist
ten about his faith and about be- Carter, however, ignored those told the New York Times. Carter, Balmer said, would have tate peacemaking missions and Church, where Carter taught Sun-
ing a “born again” Christian, said who told him to play down his Carter was a relative unknown done much better with evangeli- campaign for equal rights and day school for decades, he talked
retired Grove City College history beliefs or keep them to himself. in a crowded Democratic presi- cals had it not been for his infa- opportunities for women around about how the faith that guided
professor Gary S. Smith, the au- “He specifically talked about dential primary field that grew to mous interview in Playboy maga- the globe. him over a lifetime gave him
thor of “Faith and the Presidency: being born again, which no politi- 17 candidates, and his embrace of zine in September 1976. The inspiration for all of his strength as he approached its end.
From George Washington to cian had talked about previously,” his faith stood out and may have “He was heading for a landslide work was the same, said Wallis, “I, obviously, prayed about it. I
George W. Bush.” Such a public Smith said. “He certainly was not increased his appeal to some vot- victory, and then the Playboy in- who visited and spoke with Carter didn’t ask God to let me live, but I
embrace of faith and religion was bashful at all about his personal ers, Smith said. He would go on to terview came out,” Balmer said. on numerous occasions. just asked God to give me a proper
not exactly common for politi- faith and how it guided his politics beat incumbent Gerald Ford in “And he dropped 15 percentage “You hear a lot about how he attitude toward death,” Carter
cians seeking national office in the and motivated his decision to run November, a victory owed partly points in the polls at that point. was the best ex-president and how said. “And I found that I was abso-
second half of the 20th century. for office.” to the support of many evangelical And so I think his share of the his four decades of humanitarian lutely and completely at ease with
And the phrase “born again” baf- During his first presidential Christians. evangelical vote would have been work probably accomplished death. It didn’t really matter to me
fled members of the media and campaign, Carter said he decided A little more than half of evan- much higher had it not been for more than any president,” Wallis whether I died or lived. I have,
others unfamiliar with evangeli- to tell the truth about his faith gelical voters pulled the lever for that ill-fated interview.” said. “But what you may not hear since that time, been absolutely
cals and their public declarations even if it would cost him. “If there Carter in 1976, said Randall Balm- According to Balmer, it wasn’t is the reason for all of it. And the confident that my Christian faith
of faith, Smith said. are those who don’t want to vote er, professor of religious history at so much what Carter said in the reason wasn’t some vague notion includes complete confidence in
“Americans want their presi- for me because I’m a deeply com- Dartmouth and the author of “Re- interview — even though that is of public service. Everything for life after death.”
The World
In colossus of cattle, Argentines increasingly turn to pork
Amid record inflation and economic shock therapy, the grill-obsessed nation consumed less beef per capita in 2024 than at any point in the past century
panama Reuters 302,203 migrants country demanding better italy visitations. in late 2023. These worsened
crossed the Darien last year, security for minority groups. Italy’s opposition Democratic after Venezuela’s contested
Darien Gap sees fewer down 42 percent from the record Krishna Das Prabhu, 39, faces Journalist’s release Party also demanded her presidential election in July, in
immigrant crossings 520,085 in 2023. Some sedition charges after he led demanded of Iran immediate release, citing Italian which incumbent socialist
69 percent of migrants in 2024 huge rallies in the southeastern media reports about a phone call President Nicolás Maduro
Over 300,000 migrants were Venezuelans, they said. city of Chattogram. Hindu Italy summoned Iran’s Sala’s family received from her claimed victory. Last month,
crossed the Darien Gap into Many Venezuelans have been groups say there have been ambassador on Thursday to indicating she was sleeping on Argentina accused Caracas of
Panama in 2024, 42 percent fleeing a prolonged economic thousands of attacks against demand the immediate release the floor and had not received a detaining Nahuel Gallo, a
fewer than the record number collapse in the once-prosperous Hindus since early August, when of an Italian journalist detained second package of personal member of its gendarmerie, after
who made the perilous jungle South American oil-producing the secular government of Prime in Tehran, as the government items from the embassy. he tried to enter Venezuela from
crossing from South America a nation. Minister Sheikh Hasina was and opposition ramped up Sala’s case has dominated a crossing in Colombia to visit
year earlier, Panama’s migration Analysts have warned overthrown. public pressure on the politically Italian headlines for days and family.
authorities told Reuters on Panama’s measures may not be Apurba Kumar Bhattacharjee, sensitive case. even featured in President Sergio
Thursday. ultimately successful because a lawyer representing Prabhu, Cecilia Sala, a reporter for the Mattarella’s end-of-year speech Five-time Olympic champion
The Darien Gap connects they do not tackle the root issues said that they would appeal the Il Foglio daily newspaper, was to the nation. Hungarian gymnast Agnes
Colombia with the Central prompting people to migrate, decision. The court rejected an detained in Tehran on Dec. 19. — Associated Press Keleti, the world’s oldest living
American nation of Panama, and and that they could make the earlier request for bail made Tehran confirmed Monday that Olympic gold medalist and a
increasing numbers of migrants journey even more dangerous. while Prabhu didn’t have Sala had been arrested on Argentina’s government said on survivor of the persecution of
were making the journey north — Associated Press lawyers. Lawyers who sought to charges of violating the laws of Thursday it had filed a Jews in World War II, died at the
to reach the United States. represent him at that hearing the Islamic Republic of Iran, complaint with the age of 103 on Thursday, the
Panamanian President José BanglaDesh said they were threatened or according to the state-run IRNA International Criminal Court Hungarian Olympic Committee
Raúl Mulino has taken a harder intimidated, and many of them news agency. against Venezuela for detaining a said. Born as Agnes Klein in
stance on migration since taking Court again rejects are facing charges related to the The Italian Foreign Ministry member of its gendarmerie, a Budapest on Jan. 9, 1921, Keleti
office last July, including fencing bail for Hindu leader death of a Muslim lawyer during said it summoned Iran’s branch of Argentina’s security joined the National Gymnastics
parts of the Darien with barbed clashes outside the court when Ambassador Mohammad Reza forces, calling it a “forced Association in 1938 and won her
wire, imposing fines and using A court in southeastern Prabhu appeared there shortly Sabouri to demand her release disappearance.” Tensions first Hungarian championship in
flights funded by the United Bangladesh on Thursday after being arrested in and to ensure “dignified between the two South American 1940, only to be banned from all
States to deport migrants. rejected a plea for bail by a jailed Bangladesh’s capital, Dhaka, in detention conditions in full countries have risen since Javier sports activities that year
Officials with Panama’s Hindu leader who led large November. respect of human rights,” Milei, a far-right libertarian, because of her Jewish origin.
National Migration Service told rallies in the Muslim-majority — Associated Press including consular access and assumed Argentina’s presidency — From News Services
friday, january 3 , 2025 . the washington post eZ re A9
The wounded
faces of war
UkraInE frOm a1
Mykola rudenok
Nataliia rudenok kept vigil by
her son’s hospital bed in Kyiv.
mykola rudenok’s face was
wrapped in bandages, only his
blue eyes peeking through the LEFT: Mykola rudenok lies on an operating table after
gauze. White sheets hid his blood- facial reconstruction surgery. BELOW: Yevhenii
ied and broken leg. Bohdan, a maxillofacial surgeon, prepares to use part
months earlier, the handsome of rudenok’s fibula bone to rebuild his jaw.
27-year-old with a square jaw was
crouched in a trench in eastern
ukraine when a mortar round hit
his position. The shock wave
threw him to the ground. When
he stood up, another round land-
ed, and then came a spray of
bullets from russian troops just
50 yards away. One bullet pierced
his face, lodging shards of hot
metal in his right cheek, jaw and
shoulder. The soldier next to him
was killed.
rudenok remembers handing
his remaining bullets to a fellow
soldier trying to fend off the
assaulting russians. He stumbled
through a maze of destroyed vil-
lage houses toward an evacuation
point and cupped his hands
around his face. He watched in
horror as they overflowed with
five days later, he woke up in a
hospital in Kyiv. “i wasn’t sure if
this was reality or a dream or i’ve
died,” he recalled. His face was so
badly wounded that he couldn’t
speak or eat. after two weeks of
silence, he and his mom started to
communicate through handwrit-
ten notes. He developed pneumo-
nia and had to use a feeding tube
for a month, eventually graduat-
ing to soft foods. When he finally
spoke again, he slurred his words
in a soft voice no longer his own.
“i was actually thinking about
possible injuries,” he recalled. “i
was thinking about my legs, my
arms, maybe my body, but it never
occurred to me that my face could
be injured.”
in the months that followed,
doctors in Kyiv planned a compli-
cated fibular flap surgery — in
which they would move a piece of
rudenok’s leg bone to his jaw to
repair the bullet wound — in
hopes that it would repair rude-
nok’s face and restore his ability
to eat and speak.
unlike many other soldiers, he
hadn’t also lost a leg and could
afford to give up part of a bone in
his calf to try to heal his jaw.
after months of scans, 3D mod-
els and other preparations, the
surgery started well. On a cold
winter morning in Kyiv, two
teams of doctors stood at oppo-
site ends of the operating table.
One group cut open the sol-
dier’s right leg and sawed into his
fibula, then passed a piece of his
calf up the table to their col-
leagues, who carefully placed it PhotoS BY okSana ParaFeniuk For the WaShington PoSt
into what was left of the young Surgeons work on rudenok’s jaw, while others tend to his leg. The 27-year-old was hit by a bullet in June 2023 that lodged metal in his right cheek, jaw and shoulder.
man’s jaw. The implant looked
like a butterfly: one piece of bone,
a skin graft and two blood vessels.
air-raid sirens blared outside,
and an explosion from a hyper-
sonic missile shook the capital.
The doctors were working in an
unprotected top-floor surgery
room but couldn’t afford to stop:
They knew they had to flawlessly
connect the patient’s blood ves-
sels and screw in the bone or risk
that his face might reject the
transplant he had just donated to
as the doctors working on his aBOVE: a box of prosthetic eyes
face attached the new blood ves- transported to Ukraine by U.S. surgeons.
sels, another team sewed his leg rIGHT: Evstafiy Fedonchuk is examined
back together — then realized it days after facial reconstruction surgery.
was bleeding. They reopened the
leg, tied off a vessel and redid the
at the same time, the surgeons
working on his jaw pressed down
on his face to see if it turned
white, then red — a sign the newly
implanted vessels were receiving
oxygen. The skin stayed white. if
they didn’t act quickly, the tissue
could die.
in 30 seconds, the doctors un-
raveled sutures that had taken
more than an hour to sew. They
reopened the wound, disconnect-
ed the vessels, identified a blood
clot and removed it. Then they
flushed the vessels, sewed him “In any other war we wouldn’t even be seeing these people because they’d be dead.
back up and tried again. This
time, the flap turned warm and The work that has gone on before us is nothing short of remarkable.”
when the doctors scraped his
Stuart Seiff, an ophthalmologist from San Francisco
skin, they saw a drop of red blood.
He was wheeled out to recovery.
aram kosiuk
a purple line splits aram Ko-
siuk’s face between past and pre-
On the left, he looks much like 30 minutes for first aid. He knew and has had at least seven surger- He could feel the skin falling City Council when he joined the said, maybe 100 were still alive.
the teen he was when russia the whole time he had just lost an ies since, including on his brain off his face. Still, he reached for military, he attended meetings on
invaded his country in 2022. On eye. Shrapnel also pierced his and the right side of his skull. his radio and urgently arranged video call while waiting for doc- anatolii kholovny
the right, his blinded, warped lungs. american doctors were sched- an evacuation. tors to prepare his eye for a future in the bed across from him,
eyeball and a web of shrapnel american doctors helped re- uled to repair his eyelid and his The 24-year-old recalled turn- prosthesis. anatolii Kholovny, 35, described
scars reveal that he is not. pair the area around his eye — in nose, part of which was ripped off ing to a fellow soldier and asking The volunteer soldier was how in 2023, while fighting for
at 19, he left home in the what was his eighth surgery and, in the explosion. for a prognosis. The man next to wounded in 2022 on the road to the besieged city of Bakhmut, he
Carpathian mountains, enlisted he hoped, his last. moskovkin planned to rede- him reassured him that he looked the northeastern city of izyum. took shrapnel to his right eye,
in a police assault brigade and ploy again as soon as he was well. fine as they rushed toward med- His car was so badly damaged ripping it from the socket. His
deployed more than 1,000 miles Volodymyr Moskovkin a good sniper, he said, needs only ics for first aid. that it appears he either struck a relatives survived months of rus-
away to the eastern front. He lied Volodymyr moskovkin, 49, had one eye. Serduchenko was later diag- mine or took a direct artillery hit sian occupation in the Kharkiv
to his parents about joining the retired from the military before “i wouldn’t change my deci- nosed as severely concussed. He — but he can’t remember any- region. He is one of four boys in
fight — they learned only after he russia invaded in 2022. The full- sion,” he said, clenching his fists lost one eye and shrapnel wounds thing. He woke up two weeks his family; all of them are fighting
was wounded. scale invasion spurred him to in his lap. “it’s my people, my reduced his other to only 30 per- later in a military hospital in for ukraine.
Now at 20, his face is disfigured rejoin the fight, and he went into country. We deserve to live with- cent vision. He went through Kharkiv, one eye missing and half He had already had seven sur-
from a russian artillery attack in the same brigade as his son. out russia.” three surgeries to repair injuries his face destroyed. geries — including one that took a
the eastern town of Klishchiivka Serhii moskovkin, 27, was to his face, including prepara- at first, he said he wanted to go skin graft from the top of his head
— one of the last battles before his wounded first and was on Dmytro Serduchenko tions for a prosthetic eye. back to fight. But as time passed, and another that used a piece of
brigade seized control of the stra- medical leave when his father Dmytro Serduchenko’s vision he said he lost “such motivation his lip — and expected at least two
tegic village. The fight was so came under intense shelling in blurred the moment he heard the Mykyta rozhenko and belief.” or three more.
intense that he lost his gun and march 2023. The attack severely whistle and bang of the artillery mykyta rozhenko, 31, didn’t He knew he was lucky to have Still, he was searching for ways
helmet and hid in the basement wounded the elder moskovkin’s on the front line in southeast stop working from his hospital survived at all. Out of the 500 peo- to return to the front.
of a small house, where he waited head and face. He fell into a coma ukraine in November 2023. bed. a member of the Kharkiv ple in his original battalion, he CONTiNueD ON NexT page
A12 eZ re the washington post . friday, january 3 , 2025
from previous page cult, but “he’s a hero, he talks, he an active-duty tactical medic, stopped by every few hours to But eventually, his voice grew far western city of uzhhorod, the
communicates,” said andrii Kop- he can now design face models scratch his cheek. if it bled, it stronger, no longer as muffled by 53-year-old was sent with little
“i’ve tried 1,000 times to go chak, a leading ukrainian profes- only from military positions be- meant the surgery had worked. if the injury as it had been before. training to the besieged city of
back,” he said. “someone has to sor in maxillofacial and dental tween other tasks. When he is on it didn’t, the process would have Teeth implants, impossible be- Bakhmut, his brother-in-law
fight.” surgeries. a mission to retrieve wounded to start all over again. fore the major surgery, meant he mykola Kostik recalled. Then, in
“But with a distorted face, he troops from the front, soldiers in He was lucky: The flap seemed could eat some of his favorite april 2023, Babych went offline
Foreign doctors offer aid feels ugly and children are fright- hospital beds across the country to be taking. Two weeks later, he foods again, especially shashlik, for a week.
ukrainian doctors are manag- ened,” Kopchak said. “They are have to wait for him to come back was released. in the months that ukrainian grilled meat kebabs. on may 5, the family received a
ing a huge influx of facial injury totally anti-socialized.” online before doctors can pro- followed, his face would stay se- other patients never had the call: Babych was in a hospital in
patients and are occasionally sup- These procedures became even ceed with scheduling surgeries. verely swollen, another patch of chance. Kyiv. Doctors presumed he was
ported by teams of volunteer sur- more difficult in ukraine in 2024 for rudenok, the days after his skin would need to be taken from The last time anatolii Babych’s shelled and then had a stroke. He
geons and nurses from abroad, when one of the country’s top surgery were spent lying in a his leg to repair the graft, and he family spoke with him, he was was missing the lower half of his
who assist in performing rapid- bioengineers qualified to create hospital room surrounded by oth- would need laser treatment to digging trenches in the eastern jaw, couldn’t speak and didn’t
fire rounds of surgeries — some- the 3D models for the operations er soldiers whose faces had been remove leg hair that started to town of Chasiv Yar. seem to remember what had hap-
times dozens in a week. was drafted into the army. destroyed in combat. Doctors grow inside of his cheek. Drafted into the fight from the pened.
steven orten, a cosmetic sur- since then, he has wasted
geon from Texas, has visited away, surviving on baby food.
ukraine regularly since 2022 to Kostik, a driver, had to sell his
train ukrainian doctors and per- van to help pay for a full-time
form floods of surgeries that nurse. Doctors hoped that a fibu-
could have taken months using lar flap like rudenok’s would help
only ukrainian resources. restore Babych’s ability to speak
in 2024, when orten and more and eat and that his family could
than a dozen other surgeons visit- at least take him home. Kostik
ed Kyiv, patients filled the rooms staked all hopes on the visiting
of two hospitals in the capital, team of american surgeons
staking their futures on pro- trained to perform procedures
cedures the doctors hoped could that might restore some sense of
repair their wounds. some would normalcy to Babych’s life.
undergo fibular flaps like rude- But when they wheeled him
nok, and others would need com- into the operating room last
plex procedures like ocular im- spring, their hopes were dashed.
plants. Babych’s blood pressure dropped
“These injuries are worse than so low that they had to cancel the
anything we train on,” orten said. procedure. He was nearly twice
stuart seiff, an ophthalmolo- the age of rudenok and half his
gist from san francisco who trav- size — just too weak for the
eled with orten, said the injuries anesthesia needed to even begin.
are so horrific that most of his Babych woke back up in the
patients survived only because of same hospital bed: no cut to his
the skill of ukrainian first re- leg, no bandages on his face, no
sponders, who have trained for doctors scratching his cheek to
years on the front line. “in any see if it bled. He had no way to
other war we wouldn’t even be communicate and no idea what
seeing these people because would happen next. His brother-
they’d be dead,” he said. “The in-law stood by the doorway,
work that has gone on before us is nearly in tears, as doctors rushed
nothing short of remarkable.” around the hallways, their atten-
The surgeries take months to tion now on other patients.
prepare. He knew the american doctors
But they are worth it: They would leave soon, that more
offer the promise of reintegration troops would be wounded and
for soldiers who are often so that the waiting list would only
badly disfigured that they have grow.
withdrawn from society. “What can i do? it’s war,” he
When soldiers return from the said, shrugging. “it’s not up to
front without legs, they receive Oksana ParaFeniuk FOr The WashingTOn POsT him,” he said, pointing at Babych.
prostheses and adjust to their Nataliia Rudenok sits next to her son, Mykola, two days after his facial reconstruction surgery. “I was actually thinking about possible “and it’s not up to me,” he added,
new reality. The journey is diffi- injuries,” he recalled. “I was thinking about my legs, my arms, maybe my body, but it never occurred to me that my face could be injured.” pointing to himself.
friday, january 3 , 2025 . the washington post eZ Re A13
stoCK MARKet job market. Chinese stocks people’s conversations without speaking its wake words rather unsealed indictment released in Andrew Chesley, entered not
slumped after a report on factory their consent. Apple then than pressing a button. time for his first U.S. court guilty pleas to two separate
Indexes greet 2025 activity there. violated its users’ privacy, However, users eventually appearance. Kwon entered the versions of the indictment
with a slight decline — Associated Press plaintiffs alleged, by sending found that Siri could be plea in Manhattan federal court
two days after his extradition
charging him with conspiracy,
along with commodities,
those recordings to third overzealous in listening for its
U.S. stock indexes slipped to teCH parties. wake words. And when Siri from Montenegro. The securities and wire fraud. A
start 2025. Apple did not immediately mistakenly thought it was being indictment alleges that the man money laundering charge was
The S&P 500 fell 0.2 percent Apple agrees to $95 respond to a request for invoked, it would begin dubbed by some as “the added Thursday.
cryptocurrency king” lied to
Thursday, marking its first five- million settlement comment, but said in the recording audio clips of
investors from 2018 to 2022 to Mexican airline Aeromexico
day losing streak since April. settlement agreement filed moments it was never meant to
The Dow Jones Industrial Apple has agreed to end a five- Tuesday that it “continues to hear. fool them into pouring money had the world’s best record for
into Terraform Labs, the on-time arrivals in 2024,
Average fell 0.4 percent after year legal battle over user deny any and all alleged Those clips, meanwhile,
Singapore crypto firm he according to an annual ranking
giving up an early gain, and the privacy related to its virtual wrongdoing.” sometimes found their way to cofounded. Authorities say
Nasdaq composite lost 0.2 assistant Siri with a $95 million Siri, which originally debuted human contractors around the released Thursday. Delta Air
investors worldwide were Lines scored the highest among
percent. payout to affected customers, as a stand-alone virtual assistant world who would review them — harmed by the $40 billion crash
Tesla skidded following its according to a preliminary app, became a hallmark feature and get an earful of U.S. carriers despite a computer
of Terraform Labs’ outage that caused thousands of
latest update on deliveries. settlement. of the iPhone when Apple conversations and confidential cryptocurrency. The May 2022
Energy producers helped limit The company, one of the most embedded it into the iPhone 4S dealings in the process. flight cancellations in July.
collapse came despite the Aviation-data provider Cirium
the market’s losses after prices valuable in the world, signed off in 2011. — Chris Velazco, Washington Post company’s claim that TerraUSD
rose for crude oil and natural on the payment to settle a class- In a bid to make the tool more said in a report that nearly 87
was a “stablecoin” that could be
gas. Treasury yields held action lawsuit claiming its capable and responsive, Apple Also in Business relied upon. Kwon did not speak percent of Aeromexico flights
relatively steady in the bond virtual assistant Siri can be launched a feature called “Hey South Korean cryptocurrency during his court appearance, arrived within 15 minutes of
market following the latest accidentally activated, and Siri” in 2014, which allowed mogul Do Hyeong Kwon pleaded except to acknowledge that he their scheduled arrival.
encouraging report on the U.S. subsequently record parts of users to activate the assistant by not guilty Thursday to a freshly understood English. His lawyer, — From news services
A14 eZ re the washington post . friday, january 3 , 2025
Cheney receives presidential medal for challenging Jan. 6 riot liveries rebounded in the third
quarter, increasing about 6.4 per-
cent from 2023, though still miss-
ing analysts’ expectations.
BY M AEVE R ESTON the medal to two-time NBA cham- Tesla is on track to launch
pion and former senator Bill more affordable electric vehicles
President Joe Biden on Thurs- Bradley (D-New Jersey), a Hall of in the first half of 2025 and
day awarded the Presidential Citi- fame forward who played for the expects 20 to 30 percent vehicle
zens medal to former republican New York Knicks before embark- sales growth for the next year,
congresswoman Liz Cheney, hon- ing on a career in politics, Biden musk said in the company’s
oring one of President-elect Don- told the audience in the East third-quarter earnings call in oc-
ald Trump’s most outspoken crit- room that Bradley was one of the tober.
ics at a White House ceremony finest men he’s ever known. During that investor call, musk
less than three weeks before While presidential medals are forecast that Tesla would report
Trump is set to reclaim the presi- intended to honor those who have growth in annual deliveries in
dency. served their country, it is not un- 2024, which would have required
The medal, given to those who usual for presidents to award the automaker to deliver more
have performed exemplary deeds them to political allies. Biden than 500,000 vehicles in the
of service for their country, is the himself received the Presidential fourth quarter.
nation’s second-highest award, af- medal of freedom from President Despite the decline, Tesla’s an-
ter the Presidential medal of free- Barack obama, whom he served nual figure is a “respectable”
dom. Biden also gave the medal to as vice president, just days before result because the company’s fo-
rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D- the two of them left the White cus on self-driving technology
mississippi), who along with House in 2017. and affordable electric vehicles
Cheney led the House committee Trump gave medals of freedom sets up a strong 2025, Wedbush
that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, to figures such as Babe ruth and analyst Dan Ives wrote Thursday
assault on the U.S. Capitol. Elvis Presley, but also to allies like in a note to investors.
The attendees at the ceremony miriam Adelson, a republican do- musk’s close relationship with
in the East room — composed nor and philanthropist, and rush President-elect Donald Trump
largely of Democratic lawmakers Limbaugh, the fiery conservative will help accelerate Tesla’s push
and aides, along with friends and radio host. into autonomous driving, Ives
relatives of the honorees — rose to on Thursday, other medal re- said. Despite the company’s limit-
give Cheney a standing ovation as John McDonnell for the WAshington Post cipients included innovator ed electric vehicle sales growth in
she took the stage to accept the President Joe Biden awards former congresswoman liz Cheney the Presidential Citizens Medal. frank Butler Jr., a retired Navy 2024, its stock finished the year
medal, later doing the same for SEAL who introduced “tactical up more than 60 percent. The
Thompson. Biden alluded to the made the event especially nota- was overseeing the certification, Chiefs of Staff who warned that combat casualty care” to the med- majority of that gain came after
Jan. 6, 2021, attack and pointedly ble. It took place in the same forcing Pence’s Secret Service de- Trump was “fascist to the core.” ical world; former Army nurse the presidential election, as musk
mentioned the “free and fair elec- White House that Trump vacated tail to rush him off the Senate Schiff has said he does not want or Diane Carlson Evans, who found- emerged as one of Trump’s closest
tion of 2020” in his brief remarks and will soon reoccupy, and was floor to a safer location. need a pardon. ed the Vietnam Women’s memori- confidants during the transition.
before bestowing the medals, but hosted by the president whose Leaders across the political on Thursday, in an apparent al foundation; photographer and Tesla has said it plans to
did not mention Trump by name. victory Trump sought to chal- spectrum reacted with outrage reference to Trump’s upcoming philanthropist Bobby Sager; launch its self-driving robotaxi
Biden noted that he has previ- lenge. after the Jan. 6 attacks, but in the presidency, Biden gave a rough women’s rights activist Eleanor service in late 2025 — another
ously honored “law enforcement The ceremony also occurred years since the event has become version of a quote from President Smeal; retired marine Thomas initiative the Trump administra-
officers who defended our Capitol four days before Jan. 6, when more divisive, with Trump’s sup- Theodore roosevelt: “Grave per- Vallely, who established the ful- tion could expedite by laying out
on January 6th and the state and Congress — as it did four years ago porters increasingly portraying ils are yet to be encountered in the bright University Vietnam as part a path to approve and regulate
local election officials, elected — is scheduled to count the elec- the attackers as patriots, although stormy course of a republic, but of his efforts to encourage greater the next generation of robotic
leaders who defended the free and toral votes and certify the winner many of them have been convict- there’s no reason — no reason — economic and cultural exchange vehicles. The cybercab’s launch
fair election 2020.” of the presidential election. Biden ed of such crimes as assaulting a we should fear them or doubt our between America and Vietnam; will be a “golden goose” for the
“Today we celebrate a new was honoring the medal recipi- police officer or entering a re- capacity to overcome them.” frances Visco, president of the company next year, Ives said.
group of Americans who dedicat- ents at a time when law enforce- stricted federal building. Biden at the ceremony also National Breast Cancer Coalition; Thursday’s release of delivery
ed their careers to serving our ment authorities have begun se- Trump said in a recent inter- awarded the medal to attorney Paula Wallace, who founded the numbers came the day after an
democracy in other essential curing the area around the Capi- view that he would pardon people mary Bonauto, who fought to le- Savannah College of Art and De- explosion destroyed a Cybertruck
ways.” tol and the White House, deter- convicted in the Jan. 6 insurrec- galize same-sex marriage and ar- sign; former Kansas senator Nan- filled with firework mortars and
He spoke of the deep polariza- mined to avoid anything tion within minutes or hours of gued before the Supreme Court in cy Kassebaum; and former con- gas canisters near the entrance of
tion within America, saying the resembling a repeat of 2021 — taking office. The president-elect the landmark marriage-equality gresswoman Carolyn mcCarthy. the Trump International Hotel in
country’s courage and optimism although the losing nominee, Vice also said in an NBC News inter- case Obergefell v. Hodges, and Several recipients received the Las Vegas, killing the driver and
have been tested but have en- President Kamala Harris, has con- view that Cheney, Thompson and lawyer and activist Evan Wolfson, award posthumously. They in- injuring seven others.
dured. “our empathy that fuels ceded the election and given no other members of the committee a leader of the marriage-equality cluded war correspondent Joseph
our common project of our will- sign of challenging the outcome. “should go to jail.” movement. Galloway; mitsuye Endo Tsutsu-
ingness to see each other not as rather, Harris will preside over Such threats by Trump and his former lawmakers, some with mi, who challenged the incarcera-
enemies, but as fellow Ameri- monday’s joint session of Con- circle to punish his political oppo- decades-long ties to Biden, were tion of Japanese Americans; at-
cans,” he said. gress certifying the results, four nents after he takes office on Jan. also honored. Among them are torney Louis Lorenzo redding, a
Eighteen other Americans years to the day after Trump fired 20 have led Biden and his top former senators Ted Kaufman (D- civil rights advocate and the first
were honored as well at Thurs- up a crowd near the Capitol with aides to consider preemptive par- Delaware) — a longtime adviser to Black attorney admitted to the bar
day’s ceremony, but the inclusion false claims that the 2020 election dons for figures such as Cheney, Biden who the president joked in Delaware; and Delaware state
of two lawmakers who were so was fraudulent. His supporters Sen. Adam Schiff (D-California) onstage Thursday kept him safe judge Collins Seitz, who was the
vocal in attacking Trump’s efforts then stormed the building as and retired Gen. mark A. milley, “from all of you” — and Chris first judge to integrate a White
to overturn the 2020 election then-Vice President mike Pence the former chairman of the Joint Dodd (D-Connecticut). Handing public school.
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friday, january 3 , 2025 . the washington post eZ re A15
FRIDAY Opinion
youyou Zhou
ruTh Marcus
John Roberts
vs. JD Vance,
Round 1
ohn G. Roberts Jr., in his year-end
report on the federal judiciary, didn’t
call out JD Vance by name. But the
chief justice took an unmistakable —
and well-deserved — swipe at the vice
president-elect over his reckless suggestions
that it is sometimes acceptable to defy the
rulings of federal courts.
Roberts has multiple concerns when it
comes to defending the imperative of an
independent judiciary: violence or threats of
violence directed against judges; efforts to
intimidate them, fueled by the rise of social
media; and disinformation, including by
foreign actors. But on the eve of the inaugu-
ration of Vance and Donald Trump, Roberts’s
most compelling warning involved the pros-
DemeTrIuS FreemAn/THe WASHInGTOn POST pect of government officials defying court
From the Oval Office, President Joe Biden announces his decision to end his reelection campaign on July 24. orders.
Judicial independence, he wrote, “is un-
dermined unless the other branches [of
Marc a. Thiessen government] are firm in their responsibility
to enforce the court’s decrees.” He cited, of
The 10 best things Biden did in 2024 course, the response to the court’s 1954
ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, when
governors throughout the South sought to
defy court orders to desegregate public
s the Joe Biden era comes to a close, I once 7. He sent Taiwan the largest package of missiles before they reached Israeli airspace. “The courage of federal judges to uphold
again offer my annual lists of the 10 best and U.S. military aid ever. In September, Biden ap- U.S. forces coordinated with Israel to repel another the law in the face of massive local opposi-
10 worst things the president did in the past proved $567 million in new security assistance to Iranian attack in October. Biden also deployed the tion — and the willingness of the Eisenhower
year (a tradition I started in the first term of Taiwan — the largest such package to date, signifi- Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) and Kennedy Administrations to stand be-
Donald Trump and will continue in the second). In cantly outpacing the $345 million package sent in missile defense system to Israel to combat the hind those judges — are strong testaments to
the spirit of the season, I will lead off with the best. 2023 — sending the aid directly from U.S. stockpiles, missile threat from Iran and its terrorist proxies. the relationship between judicial independ-
the speediest method of delivery. Biden also signed The U.S. military used THAAD in combat for the ence and the rule of law in our Nation’s
10. He helped get NATO allies to spend more on legislation in April that included $1.9 billion to first time on Friday to intercept a ballistic missile history,” Roberts observed.
our collective defense. At the 75th anniversary replenish military materiel provided to Taiwan and fired by Houthi rebels in Yemen. And in case you missed the pointed refer-
NATO summit in Washington, NATO announced $2 billion in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) for ence to the role of both Republican and
that non-U.S. members were projected to spend Taiwan and other Indo-Pacific allies, a program 3. He signed legislation to ban TikTok. The Democratic administrations in enforcing
$510 billion more on defense this year than they did normally reserved for sovereign nations. Chinese-owned social media app has more than court orders, Roberts went on, and he’s
in 2016. Of course, $400 billion of that increase was 170 million American users, giving the Chinese worth quoting in full.
due to commitments made during Trump’s first 6. He strengthened the U.S.-Japan alliance to Communist Party the ability to collect unprecedent- “Every Administration suffers defeats in
presidency (while much of the rest can be attributed counter China. Biden hosted Prime Minister Fumio ed reams of information on them, including search the court system — sometimes in cases with
to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Kishida for a state visit and announced “the most and browsing histories, keystroke patterns and major ramifications for executive or legisla-
Ukraine). Still, presidents get credit for what significant upgrade of our alliance since it was first biometric identifiers, faceprints and voiceprints, tive power or other consequential topics,”
happens on their watch and on Biden’s watch the established” — including the formation of a joint passwords, location data, and message drafts. The Roberts wrote. “Nevertheless, for the past
number of allies meeting their commitment to defense council, a new “Joint Force” operational bill Biden signed would ban TikTok in the United several decades, the decisions of the courts,
spend 2 percent of gross domestic product on headquarters led by a three-star commander, joint States if its Chinese parent company does not sell it to popular or not, have been followed, and the
defense rose to an all-time high of 23. Biden also gets military exercises with Britain, and new trilateral a company that isn’t Chinese within a year. Nation has avoided the standoffs that
full credit for welcoming Sweden as a new member military cooperation among the United States, plagued the 1950s and 1960s. Within the past
this year, an achievement that strengthened the Japan and the Philippines, with Japanese warships 2. He began the mass deportation of illegal few years, however, elected officials from
alliance. patrolling the waters near the Philippines for the immigrants. Biden unleashed the worst border across the political spectrum have raised the
first time. The strengthening of our Pacific alliances crisis in American history, while dramatically re- specter of open disregard for federal court
9. He killed the top Islamic State commander in will be among his most enduring legacies. ducing deportations to just 59,011 in his first year in rulings. These dangerous suggestions, how-
Iraq. Biden launched an Aug. 29 raid that devastat- office. But in Year 4, he finally reversed course — ever sporadic, must be soundly rejected.”
ed the group’s leadership in Iraq, killing its top 5. He secured passage of nearly $32 billion in increasing deportations to 271,484, the highest level These words cannot be read in a vacuum
commander, Ahmad Hamid Husayn Abd-al-Jalil military aid to Ukraine. The arms package ensured since 2014. He also implemented new rules that — nor, I suspect, were they written in one.
al-Ithawi, and its top bombmaker, Abu Ali al-Tunisi that Donald Trump will not inherit a military sharply restrict asylum claims, causing illegal Because of all the “elected officials from
(who had a $5 million bounty from the U.S. govern- disaster in Ukraine when he takes office. Biden also border crossings to plunge in 2024 — all without any across the political spectrum” who have
ment on his head). He also launched a raid that sent U.S. antipersonnel land mines to Ukraine to additional authority or resources from Congress, toyed with defying court orders, the most
killed Mushtaq Jawad Kazim al-Jawari, the leader of stop the advance of Russian troops, belatedly which shows that the Biden border crisis was a crisis prominent by far — and the one who ought to
an Iranian-backed militia in Iraq responsible for delivered F-16 fighter jets and long-range Army of choice all along. know better — is JD Vance, Yale Law School
planning and carrying out attacks against American Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) to Kyiv — and, Class of 2013, whose wife, Usha, clerked for
personnel. in his final weeks in office, finally allowed Ukraine 1. He finally decided not to run for a second Roberts from 2017 to 2018.
to use the missiles to strike Russian territory (from term. To anyone who watched Biden falling asleep And yet defying the courts is something
8. He imposed new restrictions on the sale of which Russian forces had been targeting Ukrainian during his meeting with world leaders in Angola, or Vance has repeatedly suggested. “If I was
advanced chip technology to China. For the third civilians, troops and critical infrastructure with read the Wall Street Journal’s stunning exposé on giving him [Trump] one piece of advice, fire
time in his presidency, Biden imposed new prohibi- impunity). He also successfully pushed the Group of how the White House functioned with a cognitively every single mid-level bureaucrat, every civil
tions on the sale of chips and specialized machinery Seven to approve using frozen Russian sovereign diminished president, it was obvious he was not servant in the administrative state,” Vance
to make cutting-edge chips to China. He also added assets to support Ukraine. capable of serving four more years in office. Biden said on a 2021 podcast. “Replace them with
more than 140 Chinese entities to a restricted trade took far too long to act (and only did so when his our people. And when the courts — because
list, with the goal of stopping Beijing from produc- 4. He defended Israel from the air with hand was forced by Democrats’ panicking over his you will get taken to court — and when the
ing its own advanced chips that could be used for U.S. fighter aircraft. When Iran attacked Israel in disastrous debate performance), but he eventually courts stop you, stand before the country like
cyberattacks, new military technology to threaten April, Biden deployed U.S. fighter pilots over the did the right thing and stood down. Andrew Jackson did and say: ‘The chief
the United States and its allies, and surveillance skies of Jordan and Saudi Arabia to defend Israel, In my next column, I will review the 10 worst justice has made his ruling. Now let him
systems to repress the Chinese people. shooting down 80 attack drones and six ballistic things Biden did last year. enforce it.’ ”
This was no casual, one-off comment.
Vance reiterated his position — although
he tried to soft-pedal it — in a February
interview with ABC’s George
vider does. Only when patients themselves make choices about bureaucracy has worked over the past
onsider this: Health insurance is a product so When insurers are the primary payers, the market- how to spend health-care dollars — even if some of 15 years.”
terrible that few Americans voluntarily buy it place is distorted. So much of what Americans hate those dollars come from government subsidies — can Stephanopoulos: “The Constitution also
without receiving a sizable subsidy. about the system — limited networks, paperwork, providers’ incentives align with patients’ needs. Only says the president must abide by legitimate
“No one would design a system like the one billing mistakes, terrible customer service, opacity — then will there be real pressure to improve health-care Supreme Court rulings, doesn’t it?”
we have. And no one did,” UnitedHealth Group CEO arises from the way clinicians serve insurers’ business quality and lower costs, and to continue to do so in the Vance: “The Constitution says that the
Andrew Witty wrote this month. “It’s a patchwork built priorities rather than patients’ needs. face of constant demographic, technological and cul- Supreme Court can make rulings, but if the
over decades.” Policymakers cement the centrality of this model. tural change. Supreme Court — and, look, I hope that they
Today, insurers are accused of pushing up prices for Medicare, Medicaid and Veterans Affairs health care all The U.S. health-care system cannot be changed would not do this, but if the Supreme Court
medical care and then denying legitimate claims. Their have been dressed up as pretend insurance. Americans quickly. But there are immediate opportunities to said the president of the United States can’t
leaders are said to be greedy or incompetent. In reality, individually pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into unleash market forces into large corners of it. Consider fire a general, that would be an illegitimate
we have a more fundamental problem: Health insur- the system through premiums and deductibles, yet they that Americans today spend between $200 billion and ruling, and the president has to have Article
ance can no longer pay for or manage modern health somehow keep believing that someone else is paying for $300 billion a year directly on health care, via deduct- II prerogative under the Constitution to
care, and the patchwork that Witty described is not their care. ibles and the cost of uninsured care. This, on its own, actually run the military as he sees fit.”
fixable. It makes no sense to try. The disconnect between actual health care and the would be a sizable consumer industry. Then, in an interview with Politico Maga-
Instead, Americans need to begin to create a working insurance model is widening as care grows more For example, insurers could be banned from requir- zine the following month, Vance made clear
health-care marketplace that better aligns the incen- complicated, more pervasive, more personal and more ing patients to spend their annual deductibles only that he meant defiance of the federal courts,
tives of health-care providers with the rapidly changing effective. As lifestyle drugs, remote monitoring and within their closed provider networks. Medicare could and not just in the narrow case of the
needs of patients. treatment, genetic medicine, rare-disease cures, and remove its rules that effectively bar providers from president’s authority over the military.
Health insurance was meant to work like other kinds AI-driven care expand the uses and effectiveness of offering discounts below Medicare rates. Insurers could “If the elected president says, ‘I get to
of insurance: When policyholders got sick, they would medicine, insurance processes are increasingly unable also be required to be transparent about how they control the staff of my own government,’ and
use the collective financial resources of the healthy to to keep up. reimburse providers for specific services. And state the Supreme Court steps in and says, ‘You’re
cover their costs. But this model was designed to pay for To replace its obsolete insurance structure, America rules that make insurers accept providers that charge not allowed to do that’ — like, that is the
emergencies such as hospitalizations — not to “share has two choices. less than their network price could be extended nation- constitutional crisis,” Vance said. “It’s not
the risk” of erectile dysfunction, weight loss, lifelong One is to emulate other nations and make health care ally. Government programs that pay hospitals more whatever Trump or whoever else does in
management of chronic conditions or the mental a social utility, with government controlling supply and than competing providers for identical services could response. When the Supreme Court tells the
health treatment needed by 1 in 5 Americans. The prices to ensure equal access to care. But this model be scrapped. president he can’t control the government
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates utterly fails to drive the innovation that’s essential to Countless other effective changes could be made anymore, we need to be honest about what’s
that 90 percent of America’s health-care expenditures improving health outcomes. Had the United States once competition for consumer dollars becomes the actually going on.”
go toward chronic and mental health conditions. copied Britain’s National Health Service when it was guiding principle. Insurance could gradually become So, here we are. Trump and Vance are
It’s as if homeowners’ policies expanded from insur- established in 1948, Americans might today enjoy the less comprehensive, and the developing consumer about to be sworn in. The prospect of a
ing against fires and floods to also covering utility bills glories of equal access — to roughly 1948-level care. market would better manage costs. standoff between the Trump administration
and property taxes, or even replacing worn-out Instead, America should get the entire industry to After nearly 60 years of reform failure following the and the courts is not theoretical — it is real.
furniture. compete vigorously for customers — for patients, that passage of the Medicare and Medicaid Act, we first need Trump’s contempt for the courts and the rule
Yes, some people become extraordinarily ill during is, not insurance companies. Spending power needs to to give up on the idea that the insurance-based system of law has long been evident. Now, he will
their lives. But all of us, even the relatively healthy, now shift from insurers and government subsidies back to can be fixed. As we shift some of the nearly $5 trillion in have Vance by his side, seemingly ready to
use a lot of health care. It’s no longer an unexpected individuals, through mechanisms that patients control. annual health-care spending ($14,570 per American) egg him on.
need — an insurable risk. It has turned into one of our Competition among providers for dollars spent directly from insurers back to individuals, we will discover that, When the Trump administration loses an
largest expected needs. Expected needs aren’t insurable. by prudent consumers would not only bring prices in a competitive marketplace, high-tech health care can important case before the Supreme Court —
Trying to force the square peg of insurance into the down but also encourage more innovative approaches offer better quality at lower prices. We’ll develop the and its first-term record implies that is likely
round hole of health-care needs has created a terribly to packaging care. And this care would be better aligned confidence to shift more of our health-care spending — will Vance counsel defiance and what
inefficient business. The United States spends five with patients’ diverse needs. away from the pure weirdness of the insurance- Roberts called “open disregard”?
times more per capita on health-care administration — In such a system, insurance and government would reimbursement model and toward better management That would be, as Roberts warned, a
paperwork — than any other developed country. Yet play their traditional functions but no longer act as the of our most important consumer industry. dangerous suggestion. Usha Vance should
rather than drive cost control, this system codifies high industry’s primary customers. Insurance would spread urge her husband to mind the Constitution
prices while making insurers, not patients, the primary the financial risk of rare and major episodic medical David Goldhill, the CeO of Sesame, a health-care and the chief justice. Meanwhile, the rest of
customers of health-care providers. No medical provid- needs. Governments would subsidize vulnerable popu- marketplace, is the author of “Catastrophic Care: Why us need to brace for what Roberts might have
er can generate additional profits from insurers by lations so they could fully participate in the market- everything We Think We Know About Health Care Is Wrong.” to report a year from now.
A18 EZ RE the washington post . friday, january 3 , 2025
AI & TECH IN 2024
Explore conversations about the technological
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the future from guests including:
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& Executive Vice President, Palantir Technologies, Jen Easterly, Director, Cybersecurity and
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Va.), Gen. Mark A. Milley (U.S. Army, Ret.), Kai-Fu Lee, Chair, Sinovation Ventures & CEO, 01.AI,
Shantanu Narayen, Chair & CEO, Adobe, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), Garry Tan, President & CEO,
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Media & Business Officer, National Football League, Peter Kyle MP, U.K. Secretary of State for
Science, Innovation & Technology, & many more
to D.C.
gives no reason
as he’s sworn in
Ward 8 member faces
bribery charge, expulsion
FBI releases new video in Jan. 6-related bomb case Salt, beet juice, plows
BY P ERRY S TEIN at the ready for snow ers of then-President Donald
Trump stormed the Capitol. The
Federal officials on Thursday FBI has said the devices were
released footage tied to their composed of “1x8-inch threaded BY T EO A RMUS “We haven’t had any major
ongoing search for the person galvanized pipes, a kitchen timer, AND D ANA M UNRO winter storm events in the last
who placed pipe bombs near the and homemade black powder.” few years. It just hasn’t hap-
headquarters of the Republican The FBI has released numer- It’s Plowy McPlowface’s time pened,” said Peter Golkin, a
and Democratic national com- ous videos with different views of to shine. spokesman for Arlington Coun-
mittees the night before the Jan. the person. Law enforcement has With two winter storms in the ty’s Department of environmen-
6, 2021, riot at the U.s. Capitol. long had the footage and infor- forecast this weekend, McPlow- tal services. He reminded resi-
The newly released security mation released Thursday, but face — one of Arlington County’s dents that the best thing to do
video depicts the person sitting officials often withhold some evi- 60 creatively named snowplows was to stay off the roads during
on a bench, removing what law dence from the public if they — is standing by to clear roads in and immediately after the
enforcement says is a pipe bomb believe it could ultimately hinder this Northern Virginia locality. storms.
from their bag, and then placing an investigation or eventual legal Flurries are expected during “snow is one of those magical
it outside the Democratic Nation- proceedings. Friday’s afternoon rush hour and experiences of winter,” he said.
al Committee building near the For example, people some- again starting sunday night, ac- “Just let safety be the number
Capitol. times struggle to discern a cording to The Washington one priority for everyone
Officials also disclosed the per- stranger’s height and, in the ear- Post’s Capital Weather Gang, involved.”
petrator’s height as 5-foot-7. lier stages of the investigation, though only the second storm is In the District, Mayor Muriel
The pipe bomb investigation FBI officials may not have wanted to likely to result in significant e. Bowser’s (D) office said Thurs-
has long stumped federal and Screenshots from video show a device and the person who placed release that detail in fear that snowfall: There’s a 30 percent day that 21 brine trucks would be
local investigators, and officials pipe bombs near the Capitol on the eve of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack. people who may have seen some- chance of at least 3 to 6 inches. pretreating roads using a mix-
are renewing their push for the thing would not come forward if But officials around the D.C. ture of salt, beet juice and water
public to provide potential tips as conviction. he said. “Allegiances and rela- they thought the height was region said Thursday that they starting at 6 p.m. Thursday and
the unsolved case turns four “The tips have been very help- tionships change as well.” shorter or taller than the perpe- were not taking any chances, lasting until 6 a.m. Friday.
years old. ful, but they have not allowed us The pipe bombs were never trator’s stated height. instructing municipal workers to The District would partially
Investigators have interviewed to identify a suspect yet. so we detonated, but officials warned sundberg said numerous fac- lay out brine on roadways and deploy its snow team on Friday at
about 1,000 people in connection are releasing some subsequent they were viable devices that tors collided to complicate the readying (or already deploying) noon, sending out 34 “heavy
with the probe, vetted 600 tips information in order to hopefully could have exploded and resulted investigation, including that the plows for sunday’s bigger storm. plows” as well as 10 pickup
and examined 39,000 video files, jog someone’s memory or con- in serious injury or death. They camera coverage in the area of The Arlington fleet — which trucks, or “light plows” for small-
according to David sundberg, vince them that they have infor- said the perpetrator is believed to the pipe bombs was “sporadic” includes other vehicles such as er streets. Protected bike lanes,
assistant director in charge of the mation that maybe they thought have placed the pipe bombs be- and “not all the highest quality.” Mr. Plow, saline Dion and CTRL- which fall to D.C. transportation
FBI’s Washington field office. Au- was not particularly important — tween 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. on The incident also occurred in sALT-DeL, thanks to an online officials, are usually cleared six
thorities are offering up to but could actually be important,” Jan. 5. January during the pandemic, naming contest — only heads out to 24 hours after roads.
$500,000 for information lead- sundberg said in an interview. The pipe bombs were discov- with the hoodie and mask the once snowfall reaches two Charlie Gischlar, a spokesper-
ing to the person’s arrest and “It’s been almost four years,” ered the next day, when support- see FBI ON B2 inches. see SNOW ON B3
B2 eZ re the washington post . friday, january 3 , 2025
White sworn in amid bribery case The pipe bomber’s path on the eve of Jan. 6, 2021
Path of person on surveillance video
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friday, january 3 , 2025 . the washington post eZ Re B3
In Virginia, Sabrina Carpenbrrr will be working late ... ’cause it’s a snow plow
SNOW from B1 the first flakes fall,” Gischlar said, flake operation” — salting icy that “VDoT crews are ready. Arlington, unlike some of its ing after dusk.
adding that workers will keep spots, hilly areas and bridges. “Keep your eyes on the fore- more suburban neighbors, takes Arlington officials were also
son for maryland’s State High- traversing the highways sprin- As of Thursday afternoon, cast, check your emergency kit on the task of plowing much of watching forecasts for early next
way Administration, said the kling salt and more “until every- montgomery County didn’t have and remember to plan travel the county. A winter weather week, he said.
state typically prepares for win- thing is dried off.” any plans for the forecasted around the storm, not during the alert has set in motion “pretreat- once the snow reaches two
ter storms by slathering a briny for the second and much friday flurry. But both counties storm,” the post said. ment” phases that handle more inches, crews begin plowing and
concoction onto the highways more voluminous snowfall pre- are monitoring the weather over one of the region’s most re- than 1,000 miles of roads as well the county activates an online
that is designed to transform the dicted to start Sunday night, the the coming days before they start cent snowstorms, in January as 350 bus stops or bus shelters, storm response map, mcPlow-
coming snow and ice into slush. state’s highways will probably setting strategies in motion for 2022, stranded hundreds of cars 35 miles of sidewalks, and more face and others named in the
However, that method will not receive the usual advance treat- the late weekend dump. “We’re and trucks on Interstate 95 amid than seven miles of protected county’s “Name that Plow!” con-
be effective for the snowfall ex- ment and crews will follow up kind of in a ‘watch and wait’ right ice and snow — thanks to up to bike lanes. test.
pected friday, he said, as it is with salting and plowing as now,” montgomery County 12 inches of snow, jackknifed Golkin, the county spokes- This year’s fleet also includes
anticipated to be preceded by needed, he said. spokesperson mary Anderson tractor-trailers, collisions and man, said local officials were topically inspired trucks: There
rain that would wash any pre- Prince George’s County is tak- said. what VDoT officials said was sending salt trucks out across the is local hockey star Alex
treatments down the drain. That ing a different tack for friday’s The Virginia Department of more snowfall than they had county Thursday to put down Snowvechkin, pop music chart-
means the state will need to weather. Its local roads are get- Transportation, which is tasked anticipated. brine ahead of a “wintry mix” toppers Sabrina Carpenbrrr and
begin managing the snow with ting the brine covering, said with plowing most roads in fair- Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin forecast starting friday after- Taylor Drift, and — fresh off its
salt and other mixtures as it’s Angela J. rouson, of the county’s fax, Loudoun and Prince William (r) urged “all Virginians to mon- noon. The brine is designed to namesake’s appearance in the
coming down to prevent roads Department of Public Works and counties as well as state and itor weather forecasts, prepare hold even if the mix begins with a box-office hit “Wicked” — the
from getting slick, he said. Transportation. Afterward, the federal highways in the com- for potential impacts, and heed bit of rain, though temperatures Blizzard of oz. (No word on
“We will be out there before county will employ its “snow- monwealth, said in a post on X warnings,” in a post on X. are expected to dip below freez- whether that truck is green.)
Odds grow for a snowstorm in the area, but don’t make a huge bet in Vegas
BY J ASON S AMENOW would see higher amounts, per-
haps 3 to 6 inches or so. Northern
Confidence is increasing that suburbs might get closer to just
the D.C. area will experience its an inch. A wintry mix would be
first widespread, accumulating more of an issue toward central
snowfall of the season Sunday Virginia.
night into monday.
As the storm is still more than Storm timing
three days away, questions re- most models suggest snow will
main regarding exactly how begin in the region between 7 and
much snow will fall and whether 11 p.m. or so Sunday, although
it may mix with or change to this timing could shift. The heavi-
freezing rain and sleet. However, est snowfall or wintry mix will
at least a few inches are likely, probably occur between about 1
and it’s not out of the question and 10 a.m. monday.
that parts of the region will see Precipitation will probably
more than half a foot. ease in intensity by midday mon-
freezing temperatures will al- day but may fall intermittently
low snow to stick to roads, lead- into the evening before subsiding
ing to travel disruptions as soon overnight. once the precipitation
as Sunday evening and the possi- becomes lighter, it’s more likely
bility of school closings on mon- to turn to a wintry mix, although
day. it may turn back to a bit of light
Before that, a quick burst of snow before ending as colder air
snow is possible during the after- arrives on the back side of the
noon and evening rush hour on storm.
friday. The quick-hitting snow
will form along a front ushering Storm uncertainties
in the cold air that will set the right now, several models
stage for the storm Sunday night place the D.C. area in the sweet
into monday. spot for heavy snowfall from this
storm, but there is reason to be
The possible Friday cautious about predicting very
snow burst high amounts. for one, the storm
Any snow on friday will be is coming from the southwest
short-lived, passing from west to and will not draw large amounts
east between about 2 and 6 p.m. of moisture from the Atlantic
It may start as rain, especially ocean, which is typically re-
near and east of Interstate 95, quired for big snowstorms here.
where temperatures will be close Jahi ChikWendiu/the Washington Post Also, some of the storm’s mois-
to 40 degrees, and may last for ture may be stripped by the
only 30 to 60 minutes in any will help determine where the models and our interpretation of receiving somewhat less snow. Nearly a year ago, snow drew mountains as it progresses east-
single location. heaviest snow falls; whether them: Scenario 3: A wintry mix fol- people to a park in Reston. The ward.
We mention it because it may snow changes to a wintry mix; Scenario 1: Moderate snow; lowing 1 to 4 inches of snow first snowfall of 2025 could In addition, there is a very real
fall heavily for a time, coinciding and whether snow even changes some wintry mix from the Belt- accumulation. (20 percent occur Sunday, and last into possibility that the snow will mix
with the commute home and to rain south of the District,” said way southward. Accumulation chance) Monday, with Interstate 95 with and change to sleet and
reducing visibility. In most plac- Wes Junker, Capital Weather of 3 to 6 inches. (35 percent In this scenario, the snow being a dividing line for the freezing rain, and even plain rain
es, the snow will melt rather than Gang’s winter weather expert. chance) would change to a wintry mix precipitation’s frozen impacts. toward Southern maryland. This
stick. But we can’t rule out a We’re confident that precipita- In this scenario, at least several quickly, cutting back on snow would eat into the storm’s snow
slushy coating, especially in cold- tion will begin as snow through- inches of snow could fall amounts substantially, except potential.
er areas north and west of the out the region and that tempera- throughout the region. However, toward northern maryland, But, if you like snow, the good
Beltway, where temperatures tures, falling into the upper 20s enough mild air works in aloft to where heavy snow would still fall. news is that heaviest precipita-
could drop to near freezing as the not long after the snow begins, change snow to sleet and freezing This could occur if the storm tion may fall before any change-
snow subsides. will allow for at least light accu- rain from around the District track shifts more to the north, but over to a wintry mix. There are
Cold air will then spill into the mulation Sunday night. But the southward, reducing snow totals it would produce an icy, slushy also some indications that the jet
area over the weekend, chilling big forecast questions are how somewhat. Areas north of the mess across the region. stream pattern and localized
the ground ahead of the storm’s heavy the snow will become and Beltway and especially toward Scenario 4: Light snow with 1 fronts may help intensify snow
arrival Sunday night. whether it flips to an icy mix of northern maryland could see to 4 inches of accumulation. (10 over our region, even if there’s not
sleet and freezing into monday over 6 inches in this scenario. percent chance) much Atlantic moisture involved.
Details on the Sunday night/ morning, cutting back on snow Scenario 2: Heavy snow. Ac- In this scenario, the heaviest
Monday storm totals. cumulation over 6 inches. Some precipitation ends up south of dan stillman, Jeff halverson and ian
All of the reliable forecast In Wednesday’s article on this wintry mix south of the District. the District, reducing snowfall Livingston contributed to this report.
models are projecting accumulat- storm, we mentioned a scenario (35 percent chance) intensity. Southern suburbs
ing snowfall in the D.C. area from for little or no snow. We’re taking In this scenario, the D.C. area is
this storm, which will also spread that one off the table, as it doesn’t in the sweet spot for heavy snow;
substantial snow through the seem like this storm is going to amounts exceed 6 inches, and
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Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt (D-South Carolina) is flanked by Rep. Betty McCollum • @capitalweather (D-Minnesota) and a staffer. Mr. Spratt left office after 28 years after losing a reelection bid in 2010.
friday, january 3 , 2025 . the washington post EZ RE B5
thur Eden, her adoring husband of 73 years.
Of Annandale, VA passed away on Thurs-
She was predeceased by her cherished day December 26, 2024. He was born on
daughter Beverly (Dr. John) Levy of Orange, August 30, 1930 in Norton Kansas to the
CT, and is survived by her devoted son Dr. late Perry Dennis Teaford and Jesse Hilma
Henry (Dr. Elinor) Eden of Burtonsville, MD, Eyster. He graduated from Ozawkie Rural
and her devoted son-in-law, Dr. John Levy of High School, Jefferson County Kansas in
Orange, CT, and also survived by her three 1948 and the University of Kansas in 1952
loving grandchildren, Perri (Gary) Levy of Or- and then was commissioned as an Ensign
ange, CT, Dr. Ashley Eden of San Francisco, in the Navy.
CA, and Gregory (Heather) Eden of Bellevue, His significant duty stations included the
WA, and loving Great-Granddaughter Bailey USS SHANGRI-LA CVA 38, the U.S. Naval
Levy, of Orange, CT. Ann’s charitable work in- Academy, Annapolis Maryland, the USS
cluded: President, Greater Washington Area SKAGIT AKA-105, USS ORISKANY CVA-34,
Chapter of Hadassah; President, Women’s and USS MISSOURI BB-63.
Division, UJA Federation of Greater Washing- His significant awards include the Navy
ton; and board member, Multiple Sclerosis Meritorious Unit Commendation, National
Society. Graveside services will be held on Defense Service Medal and the Vietnam
Sunday, January 5, 2025, 2 p.m. at Riverside Service Medal.
Cemetery, Saddle Brook, NJ. Memorial contri- He retired as a Commander from the Navy
butions may be made to the Anti-Defamation in 1983 and then went to work at EG&G
League, 1000 Lafayette Blvd, Bridgeport. CT, for 9 years. JOAN R. VALDES (Age 93) JAMES F. ADAIR JR. RALEIGH JACKSON III (Age 50)
ANN EDEN (Age 105) 06604. Arrangements entrusted to TORCHIN- He married Mary Lou Wood June 1952, To- Joan Rutland Valdes passed James Franklin Adair, Jr. passed sudden- On Thursday, Decemeber 19,
On Sunday, December 29, 2024, SKY HEBREW FUNERAL HOME, 202-541- peka Kansas. Together they had 5 children away peacefully, surrounded ly on January 1, 2025 at his home in Elli- 2024, following a battle with
ANN EDEN of Bethesda, MD, 1001. James Alan, Virginia Lee, Susan Marie, Nan- by family on December 22, cott City, MD. He was born on August 29, cancer at Georgetown Hos-
died at home of natural causes, cy Kay and David Brian. 2024 in Bethesda, MD. Born 1948 in Takoma Park, MD. He is survived pital surrounded by family.
the beloved wife of the late Ar- He was a member of the Springfield, VA on February 21, 1931, to Hugh by his loving wife Kathy Bianco Smith, son He is survived by wife, Nika
Fellowship Baptist Church. and Margaret Sullivan Rut- James Franklin “Hunter” Adair III (Chris- Holly Jackson; daughter, Kiah;
Sid was remarried to Odelia Meeks Baker land, raised in NE Washington, and gradu- tine), daughter Lauren Clark Adair Beall mother, Marcia Jackson-Hooper; and step-
in October 1984. ated from Wilson Teachers College. She is (Kevin), step daughter Bianca Smith, sister father, Samuel W. Hopper Jr.
Relatives and friends may call at Jefferson survived by her husband, David G Spokely Nancy Booker Adair, brothers James Mi- A 1992 graduate of DeMatha High School,
HADDOCK Funeral Chapel, 5755 Castlewellan Dr., Al-
exandria, VA, Tuesday, January 14 from 3 to
and her children, Deborah (Rich) Hirsch,
Alicia Williams, Erika Lucas, Chris (Leigh
chael Adair and William Bruce Adair. Also
survived by his five grandchildren Greyson,
and 1996 graduate of Winston-Salem Uni.,
he was a dedicated and compassionate
7 p.m., and Wednesday, January 15, from Anne) Valdes, and Jeannie (John) Williams. Ramsey and Remy Adair, William and Es- nurse for more than 20 years at Wash-
He was the son of David Stanford Haddock 10 a.m. until time of service at 11 a.m. In- Also survived by 10 grandchildren and 3 telle Adair Beall, and many nieces, neph- ington Hospital Center. He loved people
and Alice May Haddock Gardiner, and the terment will be held at Arlington National great-grandchildren. Predeceased by her ews and countless friends. and loved mentoring friends, family, and
grandson of Alva and Ada Haddock of Doug- Cemetery on a later date. In lieu of flowers, first husband, Richard E Valdes. Mass of co-workers. Visitation is Wednesday, Jan-
las, Georgia, and of Robert and Lula May of contributions may be made to the Fellow- Christian Burial will be celebrated at Our A visitation will be held on Saturday, Jan- uary 8, 2025, from 10am, until service at
Rose Hill Farm, just outside of Alexandria, ship Baptist Church, 5936 Rolling Road, Lady of Lourdes Church, 7500 Pearl Street, uary 4 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 to 11am at Greater Saint John Cathedral,
VA. Springfield, VA. Bethesda, MD on Tuesday, January 7, at 10 4 p.m. at Harry H. Witzke’s Family Funer- 11425 Old Marlboro Pike, Upper Marlboro,
Judge Haddock graduated from Episcopal a.m. Contributions may be made to The al Home, 4112 Old Columbia Pike, Ellicott MD 20772. Interment will follow at Mary-
High School and Princeton University. He Roundhouse Theatre at roundhousethe- City, MD. A Celebration of Life will be held land National Memorial Cemetery, 13000
received his law degree from the University in honor of her lifelong interest in Sunday, January 5 from 12 to 3 p.m. at the Baltimore Avenue, Laurel, MD 20707.
of Virginia and master of laws from George the performing arts. Fraternal Order of Police Lodge, 2832 Nine
Washington University. After graduation Mile Circle, Catonsville, MD. 21228.
from law school, he served in the United
States Army as a Captain in the Army Ma- In lieu of flowers please consider a dona-
teriel Command.
tion to the American Horticultural Society
Judge Haddock was a lifelong resident of Al- to honor Jimmy’s love of gardening. Con-
dolences may be left at:
exandria and a pillar of the Alexandria legal
community. He started as a sole practitioner DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE
and part-time Assistant Commonwealth’s
Attorney. He next practiced law with the
firm of Thomas, Kent, Haddock & Sewell and
then again as a sole practitioner. In 1984, he
DONALD HADDOCK became a judge on the Alexandria Circuit
Judge Donald May Haddock, 83, died at his
home in Alexandria, Virginia, surrounded by
Court where he served for 27 years, the last
14 of which as Chief Judge. After retirement,
headed the environmental practice for sev-
eral years and handled notable insurance MCGRATH
the love of his family on December 23, 2024. he continued to sit frequently as a substi- coverage matters among many others. She
He is survived by his high school sweetheart tute judge, totaling over 40 years of service was the third woman partner at Covington & ship until his retirement.
and wife of 59 years, Joyce Rodgers Had- on the bench. When not on the bench, he Burling. She was known for her commitment He was active with Youth Travel Soccer for
dock; son David Stanford Haddock, II, grand- enjoyed hunting, fishing and farming. to her clients, her profound understanding of both the Springfield Youth Club and Brad-
sons Alex Haddock and Adam Haddock, and In lieu of flowers, those wishing to make complex legal issues, and her mentoring of dock Road Youth Club from 1972 -1990. He
their mother Klara Matouskova; son Donald gifts in Judge Haddock’s memory are asked young attorneys. held various positions on the Board of Direc-
May Haddock, Jr., daughter-in-law Cristina to consider Episcopal High School, 1200 N. tors and coached numerous teams. He also
Barbudo and granddaughter Eva May Had- Quaker Lane, Alexandria, Virginia 22302, Ms. Barald is survived by her sister Katha- enjoyed refereeing soccer. He achieved the
dock-Barbudo. He is also survived by his rine Barald, grandson Henry, son David and position of Referee State Assessor for Vir-
wife’s sisters Joanne Rodgers Jenks (d. Bill) Judge Haddock will be interred at Ivy Hill husband James Toupin, who remember her ginia. In addition, he was assigned to refer-
and Florine (Flo) Rodgers Graham (d. Bob) as Cemetery in a family-only ceremony. as loving, compassionate, and endlessly ded- ee games at the Youth, High School, College
well as many loving nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Life service will be held at icated to family. Her legacy will continue to and the Professional level.
He was predeceased by his wife’s brother First Baptist Church, 2932 King Street, Alex- inspire those who knew her, both personally In 2002, He moved to Kilmarnock, VA. In
Joseph Winfield Rodgers and his wife’s sister andria, Virginia, 22302, at 11 a.m. on Satur- and professionally. 2007, to help pass the time during his “re-
Betty Rodgers Sherrer (d. Wayman). day, January 25, 2025. tirement”, he went back to work when the
A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m. on local Wal-Mart opened. He worked there
January 25, 2025, in the Cultural Arts Center, for the next 17 years. While always a lover
Building 8 at Ingleside at Rock Creek, 3050 of German Shepherds, he fostered them
Military Rd NW, Washington, DC 20015 with through Virginia German Shepherd Rescue
Patricia A. Barald, of Washington, DC, passed
away on December 29, 2024. Born in 1948 in
reception to follow. In lieu of flowers, the
family requests that donations be made to
the Alzheimer’s Association in her memory.
(VGSR) based in Centerville, VA. He adopt-
ed numerous dogs throughout the years
while also fostering many others from local
St. Louis, MO, and raised in West Hartford, CT, THOMAS J MCGRATH JR. (Age 85) animal shelters around the Northern Neck/
of Grayling, Michigan, two nieces and their she earned her law degree from Cornell Law
families. After graduating from the College Thomas Joseph McGrath, Jr, 85, of Kilmar- Tidewater Area. He always had 5-6 dogs
School and was the school’s first full-time nock, VA passed away while in hospice care running around his house and he valued
of St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minnesota, Pat woman faculty member.
taught at Lincoln Junior High School in Mil- in Clayton, NC on December 16, 2024. their companionship as much as the dogs
waukee, Wisconsin, and the Duluth Area He was born in Saugus, Massachusetts on valued his unconditional love for them right
Ms. Barald practiced her entire legal ca- March 24,1939, the son of Thomas J. Mc up until he passed.
Technical Institute. While living in Palatine, reer at Covington & Burling LLP, where she
Illinois, Pat worked for Borg-Warner Educa- Grath, Sr. and Genevieve Hines. He attend- His parents preceded him in death. He is
tional Systems. Upon moving to Arlington, ed Saugus High School, graduating in 1956. survived by his ex-wife Jo Lane McGrath of
VA, Pat became a full-time Mom while her After High School, he enlisted in the United Hopewell, VA and Paula D. Spoto of Reston,
children were in school. She volunteered States Air Force and was stationed at Pope VA, his cousin Joan Ellen McGrath of Malden,
in many capacities including at the local Air Force Base (now Pope Army Air Field @ MA, his sister, Janice Daly of Georgetown,
schools, the Red Cross, and Scouts. Later, Fort Liberty) as an Airman First-Class, 464th MA, along with his three sons; Thomas J.
she became an English for Speakers of Oth- Supply Squadron, from 1956-1960. He went McGrath III of Ponte Vedra, FL, Michael Mc-
er Languages (ESOL) teacher at both Taylor
and Oakridge Elementary Schools. Pat and
DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE on to attend George Washington University
in Washington, DC. He was a member of the
Grath of Clayton, NC and Douglas McGrath
of North Myrtle Beach, SC and Daughter-In
Mike shared many interests including volun- Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) Fraternity. He Laws; Deborah McGrath (Thomas III), Lydia
teering, genealogy, travel, and vacationing
in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and the Jer- SANDRI graduated in 1965 with a B.S. in Economics.
He married Jo Lane Grimes in 1965 (divorced
1990) while living / working in Baltimore,
McGrath (Michael) and Christina McGrath
(Douglas). He will be missed by his four
grandchildren: Isabelle, Keelin, Marcella and
sey Shore. Please join us celebrating Pat’s
life at a visitation at the Murphy Funeral MD. He started work in the Retail Industry Rory.
in 1972 with last job there as President of He will be laid to rest with a graveside ser-
Home (4510 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA Organic Chemicals, Inc. Later opportunities for Woodward & Lothrop (Woodie’s) Depart-
PATRICIA SUSAN KAAS 22203) on Monday, January 6, 2025, 5 to 8 ment Store chain in 1967 as a Warehouse vice at 11 a.m. on Friday, January 10 at the
brought him to jobs in Maryland and then to Saint Francis de Sales Catholic Church Cem-
On November 28, 2024, Patricia Susan “Pat” p.m. On Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 10:30 Columbus, Georgia with Callaway Chemical. Manager at their M Street, Washington,
Kaas (nee Becks) died at her home in Ar- a.m., mass will be held at Holy Trinity Cath- DC location and relocated to Springfield, etery in Kilmarnock, VA. In lieu of flowers,
lington, Virginia. She was born in Newberry, olic Church in Georgetown (3513 N Street VA. During a career that spanned 24 years, the family is asking that a donation be made
He enjoyed playing baseball as a child. He to the Virginia German Shepherd Rescue at
Michigan in 1944 to Mary Albina (nee Col- NW, Washington, DC 20007). A private burial would take his girlfriend (and later wife) Lois he rose to be the Senior Vice President of
lins) and Frederick William Becks, Jr. She will take place in New Jersey. In lieu of flow- Distribution & Logistics before leaving the
to double-header games at Chicago’s Wrig- McLaurin Funeral Home of Clayton, NC and
is survived by her husband of 57 years, ers, donations can be made to the Patricia ley Field. Back then it was allowed to play company in 1990. He married Paula D. Spoto
the love of her life, Michael; their children, Becks Kaas ‘66 Endowed Scholarship in her in 1993 (divorced in 2001). Between 1990- Currie Funeral Home, LLC handled the ar-
on the field between games and he could hit rangements.
Michelle (Doug-partner), Nicole (Mike), and honor at the College of St. Scholastica, 1200 home runs over the outfield wall, for fun and 2002, he spent time working for various na-
Christopher (Kristi); and her grandchildren, Kenwood Avenue, Duluth, MN 55811. to impress his future bride. His other inter- tional retail chains in their Executive Leader-
Collins and Colton Kaas. She is also sur- ests included ballroom dancing, bridge, ar-
vived by her brother, Robert Becks (Carol) chery, golf, classical music, and cheery rep-
artee with his guests. He was an avid runner
and would sometimes log runs through the
Green Island Hills neighborhood in both the
morning and in the evening. Joe was an
active member of the Columbus Rotary for
multiple decades, and a past president of
the Lullwater Homeowners Association.
(Maura) Tejera, and Kylie (Maddie) Tejera.
internship and residency at Providence JOSEPH MARIO SANDRI SR. Mima was preceded in death by her parents,
Hospital in Washington, DC and was board Joseph Mario Sandri, Sr., 95 years old, Joe always began his mornings with fresh
ground organic coffee and multiple news- Andres and Amparo Perez, and her sisters,
certified in Internal Medicine. After complet- passed away peacefully on January 1, 2025, Beba Cabrera and Nancy Valdez.
ing his training he worked at Group Health, in Columbus, Georgia. He was born March 9, papers. His dinner featured a glass of San-
giovese (the main grape in Cabernet) wine Mima was born on October 18, 1933 in
Washington Hospital Center, and others. Dr. 1929, at home, 3050 N. Menard, Chicago, Illi- Cuba. She met her soulmate, Alberto, whom
Khatri also had a private practice in Hyatts- nois, to Victor Sandri and Mary (Di Leonardi) alongside pasta primavera or other delight-
ful dishes prepared by his bride. He loved she affectionately called “Papi,” in 1950
ville, Maryland and was medical director of Sandri. Joe was a devoted and loving hus- and the two wed in 1952. Throughout their
Sacred Heart Home in Hyattsville, Maryland. band, father of four, and grandfather of five. Verdi’s opera, Nabucco. When he left a voice
mail for his children, it always began, “This 72-year marriage, the pair welcomed three
Dr. Khatri was a fellow in Hypertension at children and eight grandchildren. Despite
Georgetown University School of Medicine, Joe was the third of four children. Joe grew is your ever-loving father.”
raising a family of her own, Mima regularly
Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Dr. Khatri up in the Belmont and Central neighbor- volunteered at The Children’s Inn and local
was also in Primary Care and taught many hood. Some uncles, aunts and cousins lived Dr. Sandri was proceeded in death by 27
days by the love of his life and wife of 65 elementary schools.
medical students as a VA clinical faculty for a time in the same multi-dwelling unit Known to her grandchildren as “Abue-
member of Georgetown University. He is the house at 3050 North Menard in northwest years, Lois Mae (Harrison) Sandri. They were
introduced through his older brother Gus la,” Mima was loyal to her family, kind to
author of 19 peer-reviewed research publi- Chicago, that an uncle built in the 1920s. At strangers, and always willing to sneak her
cations on hypertension and presented at that time there were mostly fields and for- who was best friends with Lois’ brother in
law Don Farwell. Joe and Lois were married grandkids a sweet treat (specifically the Cu-
many national and international meetings. ests in the area. ban soda, Jupina). She never met a dog she
Dr. Khatri retired from Washington VA Med- on January 24, 1959, at St. Ferdinand Catho-
lic Church in Chicago, Illinois. Together, they didn’t pet or a chocolate that she didn’t like.
ical Center in 2001. Dr. Khatri is survived by Always a hard worker, Joe at age 10 served She loved her children fiercely. Yet above all
his daughter Dr. Farzana Khatri, son-in-law as a courier for his father’s business, which raised their four children, to whom they
were devoted. else, she was Papi’s girl and she cherished
Mr. Richard Jensen, and granddaughter Miss made custom-tailored men’s suits. Patterns
DR. KHATRI Sarah Jensen, all of Lexington, Massachu- were cut from heavy paper based on the NORMA TEJERA Mima” him until her final breath.
Dr. Sandri was proceeded in death by exact- Norma “Mima” Tejera of Bethes- A mass of Christian burial will be held on
Dr. Ibrahim M. Khatri, 90, of Lexington, Mas- setts. A short graveside ceremony was held measurements that his father took. Joe Tuesday, January 7, 2025 beginning at 11:30
gathered patterns from the pattern maker ly 22 years to the day by his son Michael. da, Maryland, passed away
sachusetts (formerly of Bethesda, Maryland) on Sunday, December 29, 2024 at Westview peacefully in her sleep on De- a.m. at St. John the Evangelist Catholic
passed away peacefully on December 26, Cemetery in Lexington, Massachusetts to in downtown Chicago. When Joe was 15 his One day when Dr. Sandri was 92 years old
as he was checking the mailbox a cardinal cember 31, 2024 at the age of Church, 10103 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring,
2024 in Burlington, Massachusetts, sur- celebrate his life. As an expression of sym- father passed away, likely largely related MD 20902 with a viewing prior starting at
to lingering World War I injuries due to sur- landed on his forearm and just stayed there. 91. Mima is survived by her hus-
rounded by his loved ones. Dr. Khatri was pathy, memorial contributions may be sent band, Alberto Tejera, who was 10:30 a.m. Followed by burial at Gate of
born in Bombay (Mumbai), India on May 29, to: Beth Israel Lahey Health Lahey Hospital viving both chlorine gas attacks and being He had never had a bird land on him in his
life. They looked at each other for a while. the love of her life. She is also survived by Heaven Cemetery.
1934. He attended Elphinstone College and & Medical Center Office of Philanthropy shot. His mother kept him well-fueled with “I will endure a lifetime of missing you for
fresh homemade bread, homemade lasa- He believed it was a message from Michael. her children, Alina (Stamatios) Karoutsos,
Grant Medical College in Bombay, India, and 529 Main Street, 4th Floor Charlestown, MA Lilliam Nedjar, and Alberto (Kathleen) Tejera, the privilege of loving you.” Please sign the
graduated with his medical degree in 1961. 02129. Services were by the Sullivan Funer- gna, and many other dishes. As a teenager Later when he was videotaped retelling the
story a cardinal appeared in the bushes be- as well as her grandchildren, Omar Nedjar, guestbook at:
He was married to Dr. Mariam (Dada) Khatri al Home. Joe worked multiple jobs. He bussed tables
at Chicago’s largest restaurant, the Forum hind him. Kristina (Adam Kalinowski) Karoutsos, So-
and they immigrated to the United States fia Karoutsos, Michal (Bianca) Nedjar, Aliki
in 1961. Dr. Khatri completed his medical Cafeteria, which at its height served 12,000
meals a day. He mowed the neighborhood He is predeceased by his older sister, Mary (Nick) Leland, Albert (Tori) Tejera, Frankie
cemetery’s lawn. At night he stocked Sandri, who died at childbirth, his older
shelves at the neighborhood A&P grocery. brother Gus Sandri and his younger brother
Enrico Sandri, and his son and daughter-in-
A good student, Joe graduated from Stein- law, Michael Victor Sandri and Holley Kortan
metz High School in Chicago in 1946. He Sandri. He is survived by children Joan Pic-
promptly signed on for a two-year term
with the U.S. Army. As a private he took a
cariello (Harry), Joseph Sandri, Jr., and Maria
Kent, grandchildren Eva McNell (Bradley), WISE
troop ship to Okinawa, Japan as part of the Rachael Sandri, Joseph Sandri III, Joseph
U.S. occupation army. He served two years Piccariello, and Celia Kent, and many nieces,
and was honorably discharged at the rank nephews and friends. At Time, Life and Fortune magazines, she
of Master Sergeant. He went on to earn a worked as a stringer and researcher; for the
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry in 1952 Dr. Sandri was a lifelong devoted Catho- “Remember the Ladies” centennial exhib-
Now death notices on from Illinois Institute of Technology and in lic and a member of Holy Family Catholic
Church in Columbus, Georgia. If desired,
it (
archives/mrs-ford-helps-remember-the- allow you 1956 a PhD in Organic Chemistry from Mich-
igan State University. donations may be made to the parish in me- ladies-of-revolutionary-era.html), she was
assistant curator; and at Time-Life Books,
to express your sympathy with greater ease. Joe began his career as a research chemist
moriam (Holy Family Catholic Church, 320
12th St, Columbus, GA, 31901; holyfamilyco- she retired as Director of Editorial Resourc-
es, with numerous books published under
Visit today. for Standard Oil of Indiana, later taking jobs
in Chicago. He moved the family to Michigan Service Private.
her leadership. Phyllis was also proud of
being a four-time cancer survivor, which
she credited in part to “mind over matter.”
GHI She volunteered at SHARE McLean and, as
a laryngectomy survivor, also supported and
volunteered for the New Voice Club.
Phyllis loved and is survived by her only
daughter, Joan Wise of Arlington, Virginia;
and only granddaughter, Megan Murphy,
also of Arlington. She was predeceased by
The Weather . x: @capitalweather .
Frozen precipitation is possible Today Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday O FFICIAL REC O RD
Snow showers Partly sunny, Mostly cloudy, Cold, snow Partly sunny, Sunny, cold
A Midwestern disturbance will race windy breezy cold Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST
FEELS*: 38° FEELS: 21° FEELS: 26° FEELS: 24° FEELS: 23° FEELS: 22° 10 10
out in colder areas north and west of the Beltway. CHNCE PRECIP: 90% P: 0% P: 25% P: 95% P: 0% P: 0%
0 0
In the evening, snow showers should taper off in WIND: SSW 7–14 mph W: NW 12–25 mph W: WNW 10–20 mph W: NNE 7–14 mph W: NW 10–20 mph W: WNW 8–16 mph
-10 -10
the evening. Lows will fall to the low to mid-20s. HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Low H: Low H: High H: Moderate H: Moderate -20 -20
Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su
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The evolution
of cartoonists’
imagery of the
39th president
CRiTiC’S noTeBook
Double-tap divertimento
On TikTok, classical music is thriving, even as it’s chopped to bits
metaphors in depicting Jimmy Carter.
here are plenty of reasons to lament the impending potential ban of TikTok
— 170 million Americans use the hyper-popular video-streaming app daily
to connect with one another, run their small businesses and freak out in real
time about #drones and #fog. ¶ But if President-elect Donald Trump fails to “save They wrote
the platform” — i.e. sway the supreme Court away from the ban by way of a freshly
filed brief — millions of American users will lose not only their daily diet of makeup Carter’s obits.
tutorials, dance trends and tense men with giant microphones but also one of
TikTok’s most unlikely delights: if not a constant stream, then certainly a reliable Some died
trickle of classical music. sEE NOTEBOOK on C3
before he did.
Box o∞ce down, but some see silver lining for silver screen
BY S AMANTHA M ASUNAGA domestic releases in 2,000 thea- Austin moviegoers watch a
ters this past year, according to screening in June. Box office
While 2024 box office revenue data from the National Associa- revenue for 2024 was 3 percent
was below 2023 totals — and cru- tion of Theatre owners trade lower than for 2023, but that’s
cially, below prepandemic figures group. That paled in comparison still a major turnaround from
in 2019 — the theatrical turn- with 2023 (101 films). Next year is just six months ago.
around has the film industry expected to be stronger, with 110
breathing a sigh of relief. wide-release movies on the sched-
Animation and family films, as ule.
well as sequels, won big at the box “As we were coming into the
office this past year. year, as a result of the strikes last
It wasn’t good, but it could’ve year, I think there was clearly just
been a lot worse. Given the linger- some concern about what impact lated to superheroes didn’t fare as
ing effects of last year’s Hollywood that would have,” said Sean Gam- well theatrically, including Sony
labor strikes, the relative lack of ble, chief executive of Plano, Tex- Pictures’ “madame Web” and
big movies and a dismal first half as-based movie theater chain Cin- “Kraven the Hunter,” along with
of the year at the box office, the emark. “The big thing that we’re Warner Bros.’ comic book sequel
film industry is feeling relieved as just continuing to keep an eye on is turned musical “Joker: folie à
2024 comes to a close. what is the timing for volume, and Deux.” Eli roth’s video game adap-
This past year’s box office rev- where is volume going to fully fill tation “Borderlands” also failed to
enue could total $8.75 billion in out over the next couple of years.” connect with audiences, as did
the United States and Canada, ac- A lighter release schedule, com- Lionsgate’s reboot of horror film
cording to estimates from data bined with bombs early in the “The Crow.”
firm Comscore. That figure would year, such as Warner Bros. Pic- Still, film industry executives
put the box office about 3 percent tures’ “furiosa: A mad max Saga” and analysts say they feel hopeful
lower than in 2023. more dispirit- and Universal Pictures’ “The fall about 2025 — a year in which the
ing for theaters, it’s down about Guy,” had industry players feeling effects of the strikes and the pan-
23 percent compared with 2019. apocalyptic about the movies. But demic are further in the rearview
But the numbers also represent a strong string of hits throughout mirror, and the cadence of movies
a remarkable turnaround consid- the summer and holidays has put BraNdoN Bell/geTTy images gets closer to normal.
ering revenue was down 27.5 per- some wind back in the sails. Industry leaders said 2025
cent just six months ago after a “We’re ending the year in a bet- with whether a trip to the theaters tion was the meaning of this past “The successes we’ve had this should be a return to the trajecto-
weak slate and a string of high- ter place than we were at the be- is worth it. year’s box office for the health of year show that audiences are ea- ry the business was on before the
profile flops, before Pixar’s “Inside ginning of the year,” Tony Cham- While animated movies were a theatrical exhibition. ger for that unbeatable experience pandemic and the strikes. Next
out 2” hit theaters in June. bers, head of theatrical distribu- clear winner this summer, some “Everybody’s viewed the collec- of watching a great movie in a year’s slate is stocked with super-
“It was not your typical year tion at the Walt Disney Studios, superheroes also did their jobs. tive results of this year as a really theater with a crowd of people hero fare (“Captain America:
because there was no traditional said of the industry’s progress. marvel Studios’ latest film, “Dead- positive thing,” Gamble said. who are enjoying it just as much as Brave New World,” “Thunder-
road map to follow through the “Part of it was how well these pool & Wolverine,” grossed “What we continue to see are ex- they are,” Alan Bergman, co- bolts” and a new DC reboot of
entire calendar,” said Paul Derga- summer titles worked.” $1.3 billion worldwide, boosting amples that suggest the enthusi- chairman of Disney Entertain- “Superman”), action films (“mis-
rabedian, senior media analyst at Animation was a major win for the Disney-owned studio’s pros- asm for moviegoing remains very ment, said in a statement. sion: Impossible — The final
Comscore. “The fact that we’re the year, grossing more than pects after a string of lackluster robust.” While blockbusters filled seats reckoning” and “Jurassic World
even here shows that audiences $2 billion — a quarter of annual films. The film also proved there is Christmas weekend brought in theaters this past year, there rebirth”) as well as sequels to
really love going to the movies, but domestic box office revenue — and a niche for r-rated and irreverent another robust period for movie- were also plenty of duds. popular films (“Now You See me
they need a path to follow to get the biggest percentage ever for the storylines within the House of going, led by family movies “Sonic oscar-winning director francis 3,” “Zootopia 2” and “Wicked: for
there.” genre. Summer films such as Uni- mouse’s largely family-friendly the Hedgehog 3” and “mufasa: ford Coppola’s massive, $120 mil- Good”).
While 2024 presented unique versal Pictures and Illumination and PG-13 superhero universe. The Lion King.” focus features’ lion passion project “megalopolis” The success of — and reliance
challenges for the film business, Entertainment’s “Despicable me The summer may have been dark horror movie “Nosferatu,” in- hit a hard wall at the box office, on — sequels and reboots is also
moviegoing still faces a slew of 4” and “Inside out 2,” the latter of bolstered by blockbusters, but os- spired by the 1922 silent German grossing just $4 million in its going to force a future reckoning
hurdles that were accelerated by which became the highest-gross- good Perkins’s original indie vampire classic, launched with a opening weekend and less than for new stories.
the pandemic. ing film of the year with nearly “Longlegs” also contributed to the powerful $40 million Wednesday $14 million total worldwide. The Though original films like A24’s
once-regular movie watchers $1.7 billion in global sales, box office momentum. The break- through Sunday. Searchlight’s Bob loosely roman-themed fable “Civil War,” Amazon mGm Stu-
aren’t seeing films in theaters at brought families to theaters in out horror film, which stars Nico- Dylan biopic “A Complete Un- about an architect in a futuristic dios’ “Challengers” and “Long-
the same rate as before, waiting droves. months later, Disney’s las Cage, handed independent dis- known,” starring Timothée Cha- New York was anathema to major legs” cashed in at the box office,
until their preferred movies show “moana 2” helped anchor a mas- tributor Neon its biggest opening lamet, kicked off with an impres- studios, leaving Coppola to shoul- the entirety of the top 10 highest-
up as premium digital rentals or sive Thanksgiving weekend box ever, with $22 million, and came sive $23.2 million five-day debut. der much of the financial risk him- grossing films domestic or world-
on streaming platforms. films are office haul. after an extensive and cryptic Disney had an especially good self. wide this past year were sequels or
also in theaters for shorter peri- Worldwide, animated films marketing campaign. year, as the studio crossed the Kevin Costner’s western epic films based on existing stories.
ods, meaning they’re often gone brought in more than $5 billion As summer turned into fall, the $2 billion mark in domestic box “Horizon: An American Saga — (“Wicked,” as an adaptation of the
by the time casual moviegoers de- this past year, according to Com- string of hits continued with Tim office with three of the top five Chapter 1” met a similar fate, 21-year-old Broadway play and a
cide to check out a flick. score. Analysts have credited fam- Burton’s “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice,” films of 2024 — “Inside out 2” and grossing just $38 million world- revision of the classic “Wizard of
Last year’s strikes by Hollywood ily films — and more broadly, PG- ridley Scott’s “Gladiator II” and “Deadpool & Wolverine,” each of wide after the “Yellowstone” actor oz,” is included in this.)
writers and actors also resulted in rated titles such as Universal’s the heavily marketed “Wicked.” which cracked $1 billion globally put up his own property to fund “What studios and exhibition
many movie releases being “Wicked” — with boosting this The continued momentum helped at the box office, and “moana 2,” the film. The movie was the first in and the industry needs to focus on
pushed out of 2024 due to produc- past year’s box office. The films not affirm that theatrical movies are which has now grossed almost a planned four-part saga. After the is possibly how to cut through
tion delays or a need for more only resonated with their target still in demand, said Gamble of $821 million worldwide. That first movie’s reception, the sequel with original content,” said Cham-
marketing time. That meant there audience of families but also fea- Cinemark. puts the Burbank, California, me- was pulled from its scheduled Au- bers of Disney. “Being able to have
weren’t as many wide releases for tured well-known and beloved In a recent meeting in Los An- dia and entertainment giant at gust theatrical release. original titles cut through, that’s
moviegoers to get excited about. characters, which can ease trepi- geles with studio executives, he about 25 percent of this past year’s Despite the success of “Dead- going to be the challenge.”
As of Dec. 18, there were 95 dation among families wrestling said a common topic of conversa- box office. pool & Wolverine,” other films re- — Los Angeles Times
t elevi si o n SUDOKU
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BiRtHDAY | JAnUARY 3: You the time to push your agenda. simmering energy throughout the day.
are highly individualistic, However, if you’re wise, you’ll ignore ACRoss
with a quirky sense of CAnCeR this and focus on romance, social 1 Spielberg
humor. Nevertheless, you are (JUNE 21-JULY 22). diversions, playful activities with kids,
single-minded in the pursuit of your You might be unhappy with money the arts and having a great time!
thriller based
ideas. This is a year of building and issues this morning, something to do on a Benchley
creating structures both externally with your possessions or how something sAGittARiUs novel
and internally. Simplicity is the key is shared. Let that go, because as (NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
this day wears on, you can be happy. Resist the urge to get involved in 5 Large reference
to life this year. Stay grounded and
levelheaded. Travel for pleasure and interacting with an argument with someone today, 10 Pal
someone who is “different” will be fun! especially this morning. There is no 14 Snack
Moon Alert: After 10:45 a.m. today upside. Don’t do this to yourself.
there are no restrictions to shopping leo Instead, enjoy making your home more sometimes
or important decisions. The Moon is in (JULY 23-AUG. 22). attractive and perhaps entertaining. referred to
Lighten up today. It’s not easy right now
though, because Mars is retrograde in
Invite someone over for good food and as a sandwich
ARies your sign for the first time since 2010. 15 Bounded
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19). This robs you of your energy and, at the CAPRiCoRn 16 Mata __
Steer clear of arguments with your kids same time, throws a wrench into your (DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
or friends, because this is temporary. plans. This will be over Feb. 27. Until Avoid money squabbles this morning 17 Therapist’s
Things will calm down and the then, hang in there. Don’t take the bait or arguments about responsibilities. questionnaire?
annoyances you feel will be forgotten this morning. Stay chill. This conflict will fade. Meanwhile, if 19 Homemade
(well, sort of). Therefore, don’t make a you change your focus, this is a lovely
big deal about anything. Meanwhile,
viRGo day to schmooze with others! Not only website?
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22). will you enjoy talking to people, you will 20 Peaceful
you look fabulous because the Sun at Something going on behind the scenes
the top of your chart is casting you in a also appreciate the beauty of your daily greetings
might create some angst for you this surroundings.
flattering light. Work with this! morning. You might know what it is 21 Wide body
tAURUs -- you might not. Nevertheless, give AQUARiUs 23 Father’s
(APRIL 20-MAY 20). this little focus. Instead, this can be a (JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Today might begin with a bit of tension, friendly, sociable, fun-loving day! Go Avoid power struggles with partners hermana
especially at home or when dealing with the energy that is positive. and close friends today, especially 24 Sultanate on
with relatives or parents. Cope with this morning. Instead, focus on Borneo
liBRA conversations with younger people.
this as best you can, because it will
fade. In turn, relations with friends and
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22). Financial matters will benefit you. You 26 Keeping in the
Don’t get your belly in a rash today might buy something beautiful that is loop
groups will be affectionate and mutually over friends or groups, because it will meaningful.
supportive. It’s a good day to make upset you. As the day wears on, this will 28 Loan fig.
short-term plans. become less important. Fortunately, PisCes 30 Paper model of
GeMini relations with co-workers are excellent (FEB. 19-MARCH 20). a wrinkly dog?
(MAY 21-JUNE 20). today. It’s a great day for short trips, This is an excellent day to shop for
You might be tempted to squabble with chatting to siblings and relatives or wardrobe items, including shoes and 33 Smelling a rat,
someone today, perhaps relatives, hanging out at home. boots. Steer clear of office politics or so to speak © 2025 tribune Content Agency, llC. 1/3/25
siblings or neighbors. Don’t bother, power struggles related to your work or
sCoRPio 35 Nursery refrain 66 Old Testament 38 128 oz. 49 Get ready for
because this energy will dissipate and your health. This will ruin your day. Stay 25 Aid for
all will be forgotten. Meanwhile, you
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21). chill. 36 Slowly go dark book brainstorming 40 Southern guests, perhaps
Power struggles related to bosses,
make a great impression on bosses, parents and your family might take — Georgia Nicols 37 Peak 67 Trial site 27 “Bad, Bad Leroy pitcherful 50 Familiar devices
VIPs and parents today. This could be place this morning. This might be a performance,
68 Chapeau Brown” singer 41 “Can confirm” 54 Bakery treats
and an apt title spot
for this puzzle 28 ET from the 42 “Sold out” sign 57 “Well, duh!”
69 403(b) IDs planet Melmac 44 Once again shorthand
39 Members of
Gil Grissom’s 70 Is really good, 29 Pod filler 45 Carter of 58 Holiday time
BRiDGe songwise 31 City-building country 60 Grub
team, briefly
71 Cheek game franchise 46 Bar shelf 61 Highlights, e.g.
A fter all the adversity Unlucky
Louie has faced in my club’s
penny game, he’s become some-
diamond, leads a club to dummy,
ruffs a diamond and leads more
clubs. The defense gets only East’s
43 Bygone airline
whose first
flight was from DoWn
32 Bit of a giggle
34 Fulfill a debt
47 Old saws
63 Donkey
65 Cheek swab
♠ K53 thing of a fatalist. high trump and a heart. Key West to 1 __ stick: 37 Little pest 48 Sri Lanka, once molecule
♥ J4 “If my ship ever came in,” Louie DAilY QUestion Havana incense
♦ Q873 said to me, “it would be a hardship.” You hold: 45 Whisky name 2 Floor plan
♣ AJ82 Louie blames his poor results on ♠A7642♥A63 measure THURSDAY’S LA TIMES SOLUTION
46 Empty cup at
West eAst (D) bad luck despite all the evidence ♦ 6 ♣ K Q 10 6 Starbucks? 3 Brought up
♠ J 10 ♠ Q98 to the contrary. When he played at You open one spade, your partner 51 Moody genre with excellent
♥ Q8752 ♥ K 10 9 today’s four spades, West led the bids two clubs, you raise to three manners, say
jack of diamonds and a diamond to clubs and he tries 3NT. What do you
52 Daisy variety
♦ J5 ♦ A K 10 9 4 2
53 “The Secret of 4 To this point
♣ 7543 ♣ 9 East’s 10. Louie ruffed and wanted say? 5 Figure at a
to ruff his heart loser in dummy: At AnsWeR: I would be reluctant to Monkey Island”
soUtH figure reunion dinner
Trick Two he led a low heart. play at notrump. I would pass with
♠ A7642
East won and led a high diamond, K Q J 9 2, A 6, 7 6, K 10 6 5 — with 55 Tinkering 6 More succinct
♥ A63
and Louie was in the soup. If he semibalanced pattern and a source inits. 7 Head, to a Brit
♦ 6 8 Big lugs
♣ K Q 10 6 ruffed with the ace, he would lose of winners in spades — but on the 56 Captured
two trumps; when he ruffed low, actual hand, slam is possible. Bid 59 Helped a 9 Lid affliction
The bidding: West overruffed with the 10, and five clubs or cue-bid four hearts. If cause, say 10 “Evita” narrator
East still got a trump trick. Down partner has 8, K Q 5, A 8 7 3, A J 9 8 62 Caffeine-rich 11 Genteel gesture
eAst soUtH West noRtH
1♦ 1♠ Pass 2♠
one. 4, you make six clubs. nut 12 Bearish
“Another hardship case,” Louie 64 Celebration 13 “The Karate
Pass 3 ♣ Pass 4♠
groaned. “I make the contract if that involves Kid” mentor
All Pass
West has three trumps.” rowdy games 18 Showing a
Opening lead — ♦ J
Louie’s approach was wrong. After of Twister, bit of cheek
he ruffs the second diamond, he facetiously?
takes the A-K of trumps. He ruffs a
— Frank Stewart 22 Palm berry
friday, january 3 , 2025 . the washington post EZ RE C5
gets goal,
but Caps
sputter late
Wild 4,
CapitalS 3 (SO)
Captain scores his 871st
before loss in shootout
CFP semifinals | Orange Bowl: 7 Notre Dame vs. 6 Penn state, Jan. 9, 7:30 p.m., EsPN; Cotton Bowl: 5 texas vs. 8 Ohio state, Jan. 10, 7:30 p.m., EsPN GOaLs fROM bREaKING tHE RECORD
Rangers at Capitals
saturday, noon, abC
Terrapins stay red-hot, cruise past Scarlet Knights Stock on rise, Kingsbury
MaRyland 78,
still hopes to run the show
RutgeRS 61
By nFL rules, teams can request
Success as Commanders’ to interview Kingsbury starting
offensive coordinator has Jan. 6 but cannot actually inter-
Kaylene Smikle needed all of view him until three days after the
22 seconds to send her former
enhanced his prospects Commanders’ opening-round
team a reminder. on Maryland’s playoff game. The interview must
first possession, the transfer from be conducted virtually by the end
Rutgers squared up as soon as the BY S AM F ORTIER of the divisional round Jan. 19, and
ball touched her hands and bur- if the Commanders (11-5) are still
ied a three-pointer. After the nFL regular season in the postseason, it cannot last
That was the first time Smikle ends Sunday night, teams around more than three hours.
irritated Rutgers, but it wouldn’t the league will dive into the hiring Kingsbury believes he has
be the last in Maryland’s 78-61 market — and for the first time in grown since his first stint as an
win at Xfinity Center. Smikle and nearly a decade, the Washington nFL coach with the Arizona Car-
Rutgers guard Lisa Thompson Commanders will have a high- dinals, where he went 28-37-1 from
were both hit with technical fouls profile head-coaching target in of- 2019 through 2022.
after a second-quarter steal by fensive coordinator Kliff Kings- “I didn’t know what I didn’t
Smikle. Thompson grabbed bury, whose unit has been one of know,” Kingsbury said, reflecting
Smikle’s arm, and the Maryland the league’s best. on his time with the Cardinals.
junior gave a bit of extra empha- Kingsbury said Thursday he “Coming from college, I had
sis in shrugging her off. There wants to be a head coach again “at bounced around on teams as a
was even some shoulder-to- some point” but declined to com- player but not as a coach on any
shoulder contact between Smikle ment on whether he plans to inter- level. To come in there, I don’t
See Maryland on d4 view this hiring cycle. think I set the foundation the way
“We’ll see how everything plays I would do it after watching
Maryland at Iowa out, but I’m very happy here,” he See CoMManderS on d3
sunday, 6 p.m., big ten Network said. “This has been an awesome,
U-Md. men fall to Huskies: terps HaNNaH fOsLIEN fOR tHE WasHINGtON POst
awesome place and has really Commanders at Cowboys
struggle on road in 75-69 loss. D5 Maryland’s Shyanne Sellers finished with 22 points, eight rebounds and three assists in the victory. helped me rekindle my love for the sunday, 1 p.m., fox
d2 eZ sU the washington post . friday, january 3 , 2025
Wild gets the upper hand the net with his stick above the
crossbar, and the ruling was up-
held after a brief review.
C ApiTALS’ nex T ThRee
at Buffalo Sabres
Lindgren stopped marco rossi’s
capitals from D1 vary, who left Tuesday’s game first shot, but rossi followed up Monday 7 Monumental
against the Boston Bruins early his own rebound for an equalizer
rebound at the front of the net. after being hit across the face by with 8:41 left in the third period. vs. Vancouver Canucks
The rebound didn’t come off fl- an errant stick from Wilson, was “Those are important shifts, no
eury; it came off Wilson’s own hit high again in the second question. Shifts after goals, mo- Wednesday 7:30 Monumental 2
body after he was hit with a point period Thursday — this time by mentum shifts that we remind
shot from defenseman rasmus an opponent, earning Washing- our guys, and our guys know Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM),
Sandin, then corralled it to tuck it ton a four-minute power play those are big shifts,” Carbery said. WFED (1500 AM)
past fleury. after marat Khusnutdinov broke “Usually, I’ll deploy a certain line
But just 65 seconds later, ryan one of fehervary’s teeth with a in some of those circumstances to
Hartman evened things up for high stick. try to make sure that shift’s behind Lindgren, but Boldy’s shot
minnesota (24-11-4) with a tip on Just over a minute into the looked after. Unfortunately, a hit the post and hadn’t crossed
a shot from Zach Bogosian — the extended man advantage, ovech- couple of those shifts didn’t go the line.
second time in the past three kin fired home a shot from the top our way tonight, with a few mis- fleury stopped defenseman
games that the Capitals have al- of the slot that tied the game at 2. takes that end up costing us.” John Carlson’s slap shot off the
lowed a quick goal after they ovechkin has three goals in four sCoTT TAeTsCH/GeTTy IMAGes Defenseman Jakob Chychrun, rush with three seconds left in
scored one of their own. games since he returned from a the capitals held the lead in the third period thursday night until in his 500th NHL game, hit the overtime to take the game to a
Bogosian then took a penalty broken fibula that caused him to Minnesota center Marco Rossi scored the equalizer with 8:41 left. right post with a one-timer from shootout, Washington’s first of
late in the first period, a hook on miss 16 games. just inside the blue line with 3:28 the season.
Washington center Dylan “for him to get one on the After several high-pressure of- the goal line and fed it to Dubois remaining. After the puck left the In the second round of the
Strome, which gave the Capitals a power play tonight, it was a big fensive shifts in a row for Wash- in the right circle. Dubois found zone, fleury took his glove off and shootout, Boldy fired a wrister
chance to take the lead heading goal, a really big goal,” Washing- ington early in the third period, fehervary across the ice, and patted the post in thanks. over Lindgren’s glove that stood
into the intermission. Instead, ton Coach Spencer Carbery said. fehervary found a lane from the fehervary stepped into a wrister rossi’s goal was enough to up as the game-winner. Dylan
Lindgren turned the puck over “We didn’t have a lot going. We top of the left circle early in the that cleanly beat fleury. force overtime, and in the extra Strome, Dubois and ovechkin
behind his own net while being needed some momentum from third period to score the go-ahead With just under nine minutes period, winger Aliaksei Protas were all stopped on their at-
pressured by Yakov Trenin, and that four-minute power play. goal for the Capitals — and his left to play, Wilson thought he missed wide on two chances for tempts.
Trenin came around the net to There wasn’t a lot going on, and first goal of the season. had extended Washington’s lead the Capitals. minnesota’s best “It is what it is, but we fought
score a go-ahead shorthanded the next thing you know, he sort Center Pierre-Luc Dubois pro- with his second goal of the night. chance came from matt Boldy hard,” Wilson said. “It was a really
goal. of steps off the wall, and it got the vided the assist after defenseman The call on the ice was no goal after he battled Dubois down the good hockey game for the most
Defenseman martin feher- building alive.” matt roy won a puck battle along because Wilson put the puck into slot; the red light briefly went on part. A lot of good hockey.”
friday, january 3 , 2025 . the washington post eZ su D3
Injury behind him, Williams is eager to take on a bigger workload with Nats
BY S PENCER N USBAUM “Unfortunately, the injury hap- ries and the reality that poor bet is that Williams will remain a
pened, but it made me open my performance can plague any veteran presence on a 40-man
Trevor Williams was brought eyes to, like, ‘maybe I wasn’t pitcher, Washington’s Plan Bs are roster that has just four players
back to Washington to answer strong enough in certain posi- better today than they were a year over 30.
some questions, but his return tions. maybe my delivery wasn’t ago. Herz vs. Parker would be a “There’s no denying the growth
prompts a few of its own. as clean as it could have been,’” more encouraging version of Wil- that we’ve made in the last two
Williams, who returned to the Williams said. “Now, after the liams vs. Davies. Cade Cavalli is years,” Williams said. “I’m thank-
Nationals on a two-year, $14 mil- injury and what I now kind of likely to begin his year in the ful that [martinez and General
lion contract monday, met with understand why I got injured, I’m minor leagues, but he has upside manager mike rizzo] trust me in
reporters over Zoom on Thursday doing everything that I can to let as a former top-100 prospect com- this spot and in this role to help
and made it clear that he expects that not happen again.” ing off a lengthy Tommy John guys to get to the best of their
to slot in as a starter. Yet it Last year, manager Dave marti- rehab and is expected to pitch in ability, and I’m really excited
remains uncertain how long the nez generally pulled Williams af- the big leagues on an innings about what these next two years
32-year-old might stick in the ter around five innings and restriction in 2025. are going to look like.”
rotation. 80 pitches. Now? With the caveat The Nationals appear unlikely As for whether he will look
In 2024, he cut back usage of that he will do whatever martinez to thrust Class AAA farmhands different in 2025, coming off an
his fastball, which, coupled with thinks is best: “I believe and I’m Brad Lord, Jackson rutledge and injury? After pitching to a
stellar command and a deceptive confident enough that I can get to Tyler Stuart into big league roles 5.55 ErA in 2023, Williams rein-
arsenal, guided him to a 2.03 ErA that 100-pitch mark every time I early on, but those pitchers could vented himself. for now, he will
across 13 starts. Yet it’s not clear take the ball,” Williams said. presumably find themselves in keep the look of his next reinven-
whether that will still work for “Now I think I’m going to be in a the same spots Parker and Herz tion under wraps.
Williams, who plans to make stronger position now to be able NiCk CammeTT for The WashiNgToN PosT did last year. “I’m not going to give away too
some (unrevealed) changes head- to do that.” Trevor Williams, who made 13 starts in 2024 but missed time with Even still, if Williams or Soroka much in my hand, right? But it’s
ing into next season. of course, Washington cannot a flexor strain, has returned to the nationals on a two-year deal. struggle, both have experience in pitch design and pitch usages. I
And then there’s the right- guarantee a starter will remain the bullpen for one of the afore- think there’s some definite low-
hander’s injury history. A right healthy. It cannot promise a over the past two years than most That opened spots for mitchell mentioned arms to step in. Gray hanging fruit with my repertoire,
flexor muscle strain kept Wil- pitcher will take a step in the right — still saw it play out last season. Parker and DJ Herz. is unlikely to become available what I can supplement to my
liams out from late may to mid- direction. What it can do — and Entering spring training, it ap- Now, with Williams, macKen- until very late in the season, pitching plans,” Williams said.
September. The Nationals and has done with the return of Wil- peared that only one spot was zie Gore, Jake Irvin and Soroka though there remains a possibili- “But I’m thankful that we can just
their fans can only hope he can liams and the addition of michael open in the rotation, which Wil- holding court as the most experi- ty he could make some starts at continue that conversation, in-
remain healthy next season. Yet Soroka — is give itself more op- liams won over Zach Davies. enced arms, Herz and Parker the end of the year. stead of severing ties with the
he is as confident as any pitcher tions if pitching injuries pile up. Then, two starts in, Josiah Gray probably will compete for the And so until spring training, a Nats and implementing that
can be that those problems are in The Nationals — who have went down for the year. In early final spot. handful of knowns and un- somewhere else and seeing what
the past. fared better on pitching health June, Williams hit the injured list. With the propensity for inju- knowns linger. Perhaps the surest we can do.”
d4 eZ Su the washington post . friday, january 3 , 2025
Hornets lead 106-105, 2:50 “Kyshawn is a extremely high- and we need that.” (42 percent from three over the Maryland freshman guard ava McKennie drives to the basket
remaining: Ball gets two screens level shooter, and I continuously Poole has often looked to en- past 15 games) real? against rutgers’s Chyna Cornwell, middle, and Mya Petticord, right.
wEEK En d T V a n d ra d i O
Mistake-prone Terps are brought to heel by Huskies to open West Coast trip
the closing minutes from the field the Terps with 22 points and eight throws because of Gillespie’s Thursday’s showdown with one fense. There were defensive lapses
Washington 75, and the free throw line. The Terps rebounds, and fifth-year guard fourth foul while trailing the play of the four new West Coast mem- too, including a late closeout at the
Maryland 69 also wilted in that time at the Selton miguel added 12 points. and arriving late on a block at- bers of the Big Ten following the three-point line that allowed
defensive end, allowing Washing- Great osobor had game highs of tempt. latest round of conference expan- guard Diallo a clean look.
ton to get to the rim and leaving 20 points and 14 rebounds for the The junior transfer fouled out sion marked maryland’s first true The freshman made the field
BY G ENE W ANG shooters open at the three-point Huskies (10-4, 1-2), who out- with 5:15 left in the second half road game in the Pacific time zone goal to give Washington a 21-19
arc. rebounded maryland 27-21 and after committing a third turnover since feb. 19, 1990, when the Terps lead with 7:45 to play in the half.
SEATTLE — At roughly 3 p.m. on Trailing 64-61 with less than overcame 13 turnovers. that yielded two free throws for outlasted Southern Cal, 64-62. Willard immediately called time-
New Year’s Eve, the maryland three minutes remaining, mary- A 9-2 run to open the second Davis, providing the Huskies with The Terps got a taste of cross- out and inserted a wave of substi-
men’s basketball team boarded land allowed a long three-pointer half capped by reese’s contested a 59-58 lead. Gillispie finished country travel last season, defeat- tutions. Entering for the Terps for
buses in College Park bound for to Huskies guard DJ Davis. The jumper grew maryland’s lead to with a season-low one point and ing UCLA, 69-60, at Pauley Pavil- the first time were forward Tafara
BWI International Airport. Thus Terps trimmed the deficit to 67-65 41-32 with 16:22 to play. In that missed all six of his field goal ion thanks to 37 points from since- Gapare and Young, both transfers
began its inaugural journey to the with 1:31 to play on Jordan Geroni- time, Terps starting point guard attempts. departed point guard Jahmir who were part of an offseason
University of Washington, where mo’s two-handed dunk off an in- Ja’Kobi Gillespie picked up his A late push gave the Terps their Young. The trip also provided roster overhaul.
the Terrapins resumed Big Ten bounds pass, but Washington third personal foul but remained largest first-half lead at 33-25 somewhat of a blueprint for their The reserves provided a lift
competition Thursday night after reeled off the next five points to in the game after sitting out a courtesy of six straight points early-January odyssey that con- with crisp passing, getting the ball
they traversed three time zones remove any realistic comeback as- lengthy portion of the first half. from reserve sophomore guard cludes Sunday with a matinee into the hands of reese, who
and more than 2,800 miles. pirations. The Huskies countered with a DeShawn Harris-Smith. But against No. 9 oregon. scored all the Terps’ points in a 6-0
The first stop on a two-game maryland (11-3, 1-2) made just 10-1 surge to move ahead 45-44 maryland permitted the Huskies Such lulls were less common for run for a 25-21 lead with 5:30
swing to the Pacific Northwest 2 of 11 from beyond the arc and 15 when Vazoumana Diallo sank to draw within one possession in maryland in the first half against remaining in the first half.
ended with an error-filled 75-69 of 22 free throws in losing for the both ends of a one-and-one with the final 90 seconds and entered the Huskies, although early turn-
loss at Alaska Airlines Arena dur- first time since Dec. 8 at Purdue. 12:46 to go in the second half. the locker room with a 33-30 ad- overs in stretches prevented the Maryland at Oregon
ing which maryland misfired in Senior forward Julian reese led Diallo was awarded the free vantage. Terps from running consistent of- Sunday, 4 p.m., Peacock
and best team still alive in the to a rebuilding Wolverines chock full of season-ending exchange for a properly sized Notre Dame and Georgia fans line up outside the Superdome less
inaugural 12-team national program seemed inexcusable. rivalry upsets. Still, there is little bracket. than 24 hours after Wednesday’s deadly attack in New Orleans.
championship tournament, a This is where things get precedent for an end-of-season, Accordingly, there’s no
fact that is inseparable from an tricky: With the embarrassment historic rivalry game romance in a story about a
increasingly inexplicable loss to of talent on this Buckeyes roster, recalibrating the losing program power program “learning to get sally jenkins
their hated rival to end the ohio State’s 10-point effort to a championship caliber. better” from a rivalry loss in the
regular season.
Prognostication is a fool’s
errand, but the Buckeyes seem
against michigan still sets a
standard for horrible coaching,
but it also might be the only
maybe an argument could be
made for 1996, when No. 1
florida lost to No. 2 florida
same season, but that’s exactly
what ohio State is doing now. In
any other decade, ohio State
Refusing to yield to terror
like the most complete team
entering next week’s semifinals.
An ohio State roster laden with
thing that could draw out this
level of play. At no point in the
regular season did ohio State’s
State to end the regular season.
After winning the SEC
championship the following
would have begrudgingly
defined its season by that
inexplicable loss to michigan,
is a subtle act of bravery
NfL talent is playing the best offense and defense sync up so week, the Gators earned a shuffled off to a bowl game and
football of its season. If the perfectly to dismantle teams as rematch with the Seminoles in moved on to next season. JeNkiNS from D1 targeted.”
Buckeyes continue apace against talented as their playoff the Sugar Bowl, winning the one Instead, something almost And yet we still go — for the
Texas at the Cotton Bowl on Jan. opponents. that counted the most for a unprecedented is happening: A mustard that flow into it. most part without incident.
10 and then in the national Just ask ohio State national title. But florida’s team unexpectedly lost to its Another phrase for this might be: There’s something admirably
championship game Jan. 20, quarterback Will Howard, who quality of play didn’t remarkably hated rival and put it to use in Americans at liberty on their stubborn in the refusal to
their 13-10 loss at home to told reporters before the rose improve after the florida State the same season. If ohio State boulevards. This is what was surrender the public arenas, or
archrival michigan on Nov. 30 Bowl that playing angry after loss; the Gators just needed a wins two more games, it’s targeted by attacker Shamsud- the streets that lead to them, to
will become a rare moment in michigan was the difference in second chance to beat an elite unclear which side of college Din Jabbar, what he sought to the literal killjoy. We have
the history of college football — the Buckeyes’ execution. “I think archrival. In a similar case in football’s biggest rivalry will take violently disperse with his truck become experts at what one
an end-of-season rivalry loss that that’s really what the difference 2017, Alabama lost to Auburn in more credit for it. fender, creating a death toll of at analyst calls the “security meta-
least 14. ritual,” the art of protecting large
The delay of the Sugar Bowl arenas from massive attacks and
for a day to gain more mitigating the threats. It’s a real
Stout defense, special teams send Irish into semifinal information about him and
whether he had collaborators
was perhaps good sense, but the
achievement. We still attend,
even though it means leaving
purses in lockers and passing
idea that 24 hours are some sort through electronic gates and by
SuGar bOWl from D1 Georgia (11-3), champion of the of bulwark that would have wands and scanners.
SEC, had only a little more than a made the game assuredly safe is We collectively have decided it
seemed as if neither defense half-minute to go a long way. The nonsense. Did Louisiana is worth it to watch brilliant
would give much ground, then the Bulldogs could have knelt and Gov. Jeff Landry (r) really think young people explore and refine
offenses found some traction. jogged into halftime facing a slim that a day’s pause should the messaging system from the
Senior quarterback riley Leonard deficit. But the drive turned disas- reassure everyone? The brain to the body and the body
delivered a mistake-free perform- trous on the first play, when Stock- Superdome and the city of New back again. But even more
ance for Notre Dame. Georgia, on ton dropped back to pass, then orleans would be “safer today hardily, we go to the places that
the other hand, was led by backup defensive end rJ oben strip- than … yesterday,” he said at a lead to stadiums, the plazas and
Gunner Stockton, who made his sacked him from behind. Notre news conference Wednesday. public squares where we collect
first career start in place of the Dame recovered on the Georgia Asked whether people should and fraternize and jeer at
injured Carson Beck. 13-yard line. A play later, Leonard consider staying home, he opposing colors before and after
The ultimate difference? Notre hit Beaux Collins over the middle brayed, “I’ll tell you one thing: — and do so, miraculously,
Dame (13-1) got the biggest plays for a touchdown. Leonard leaned Your governor is going to be without much real violence, in a
from its defense and special forward, making sure Collins there.” A cheeky reporter kind of mutual covenant.
teams, highlighted by a kickoff caught it, then turned and yelled couldn’t resist asking, “You’re a We are willing to do so amid
return touchdown to start the sec- at his bench, spreading his arms bodyguard for 70,000 people?” multiple global wars, in cities
ond half. And Leonard, a strong as if in flight. Notre Dame went Bollards will no doubt be a seething with international
runner, paced the Irish with into halftime up 10. topic for weeks to come, and contingents, amid multiplying
80 rushing yards on 14 carries, on the other side, on the open- hardly anyone will admit they and perhaps uncontainable
highlighted by a leap over a Bull- ing kickoff of the half, the Irish’s didn’t know bollards from vehemence from
dogs defender for a first down late mAttHew HInton/ASSoCIAted PreSS Jayden Harrison broke a tackle, billiards before Wednesday; extragovernmental actors
in the game. marcus freeman, Notre Dame’s Jayden Harrison returned Georgia’s kickoff to open found the edge and sprinted before then, they were just posts. revving engines and waving
Notre Dame’s coach, gave his play- the second half for 98 yards and a score in Thursday’s quarterfinal. 98 yards for a score, making it When New orleans Police blades, asymmetrical terror that
ers three hours with their families 20-3. To that point, the only offen- Superintendent Anne disarms defenses with its brazen
Wednesday, a break from the usu- Wednesday night, the hotel he still barked, mimicking Bulldogs, sive touchdown was when the Kirkpatrick was asked how that crude weaponry. As philosopher
al pregame script. The lead-up and his family stayed in was at 100 to drown out the Notre Dame fight fighting Irish scored with a short truck could have gotten past the Jean Baudrillard wrote after
already jumbled, he felt it was percent capacity. By Thursday, it song. It seemed everything — field. To punch back, Stockton Canal Street intersection and 9/11, the strategic advantage of
important for them to be close to was below 70. of the people who from the second quarter to the found Cash Jones for a 32-yard onto Bourbon, she said the terrorism is “the immense
loved ones. had headed home, some were instant replays — had a corporate touchdown, pulling Georgia with- bollards were being upgraded fragility” of our system, our
“once you found out more de- afraid of being in a big crowd so sponsor. And after a moment of in 10 — as close as it would get. for next month’s Super Bowl, choice to remain open and share
tails about the tragedy, the emo- soon after the attack, though oth- silence for the victims, there were facing fourth and one in its and in the meantime officials this group covenant, “which can,
tions took over, each individual ers just couldn’t rearrange their two teams fighting for a semifinal own territory, the fourth quarter had placed a patrol car there to by that very token, be ignited by
differently,” freeman said. “But travel without spending a whole spot. winding down, Notre Dame put block the street. “We did indeed the slightest spark.”
they handled it spectacularly, and paycheck. “You’re concerned about your its punt unit on the field. But once have a plan, but the terrorist It’s indeed fragile, the way we
they prepared. ... I told them this “It’s freaky, just having been on family because they’re in New or- Georgia’s return team had settled defeated it,” she said. congregate for these festivals of
morning, there are things in life the same street where he drove leans and you don’t know where in, the Irish rushed their offense He defeated it by jumping a games and jazz. Hardly a college
that are unpredictable.” that car,” morgan said. “And com- they are,” Georgia Coach Kirby on, confusing the Bulldogs. In a curb. kid in this country, still feeling
Two hours before kickoff, a ing to the game? I mean, yeah, it’s Smart said of how his team han- panic, some Georgia players Crudity beat the system. A immortal in their skin, has not
Notre Dame fan scrolled his weird. But look at all the protec- dled the week. “I don’t think you scrambled off, though most had to front axle bested surveillance, sampled New orleans, its
phone, looking at three 600-level tion here. No one is getting down can put a quantifiable measure of stay on and form a jagged defen- cybersecurity and intelligence fizzing, its music, its sugar and
tickets for $28 a pop. The prices these streets.” concern for both teams. All of our sive formation. Leonard clapped gathering, just as terrorists did bitters. It’s almost a rite of
had dropped since Wednesday, he The city called in lots of help, players were on the phone check- his hands. Two defensive linemen on Westminster Bridge in passage for American youth. It’s
explained, but not by much. on parking massive vehicles at al- ing on their families.” jumped, the offsides penalty ex- London in 2017 and on the not clear that any drones, wide-
Wednesday night, the hotel he most every intersection around To start, the crowd was decid- tending Notre Dame’s drive. Promenade in Nice, france, on angle cameras or intelligence
and his family stayed in was at the stadium. The Jefferson Parish edly pro-Georgia, with Bulldogs Three plays later, Leonard Bastille Day in 2016. could wholly protect them. We
100 percent capacity. By Thurs- Sheriff’s office lent some trucks, fans having a much shorter dis- jumped for the first-down marker, We live with this more than have to rely at least to a certain
day, it was below 70. of the people their long beds helping cover tance to travel. But about 45 sec- flipping his way across it. The we think we do — we are braver extent on ourselves, our own eye
who had headed home, some were more space. The Department of onds of game time flipped the Irish celebrated, though it was than we suppose. one study for the person acting oddly
afraid of being in a big crowd so Homeland Security offered a tank energy Notre Dame’s way. The nothing close to how they stormed identified 74 terrorist attacks joyless in the crowd. But it’s not
soon after the attack, though oth- and the fleet of soldiers who stood first half was, by and large, defen- the field when the clock hit zeros. targeting sports venues around too much to say that continuing
ers just couldn’t rearrange their around it, their large guns pointed sive gridlock. If either quarter- There was, after all, a football the world between Jan. 1, 1970, to meet in this way, even in the
travel without spending a whole at the ground. Even the Housing back had a clean pocket, it was game Thursday. Notre Dame won. and Dec. 31, 2019, including the midst of such tragedy, is the only
paycheck. Authority of New orleans chipped only a split second before a pass “obviously the events that oc- olympics — munich 1972, path to defeating terror.
Two hours before kickoff, a in a few SUVs. rusher disrupted that. The teams curred were very challenging,” Atlanta 1996 and Beijing 2008 — So, yes, I’ll be going to New
Notre Dame fan scrolled his once inside, though, the game traded field goals. With under a Leonard said afterward. “But I and 33 soccer venues. Al Qaeda orleans for the Super Bowl.
phone, looking at three 600-level felt a lot like any neutral-site play- minute to go in the first half, Irish just want everyone to know that magazine Inspire has explicitly You’ll find me on one of those
tickets for $28 a pop. The prices off game. Sure, there were empty kicker mitch Jeter knocked his the Notre Dame family, everyone advised focusing on sporting sidewalks, having a chicory
had dropped since Wednesday, he seats, especially in the second and second of three makes through in our locker, is praying for those events because they offer so coffee or a Sazerac with an
explained, but not by much. on third decks. But the Georgia fans the uprights for a 6-3 lead. families that are out there.” “many times and places to be orange slice.
D6 EZ SU the washington post . friday, january 3 , 2025
NFL NBA NHL Ducks 4, Jets 3 (oT) NCAA women No. 14 Duke 86,
nfc eASTeRn cOnfeRence ATlAnTIc gp w l OT pts gf gA AnAHeIM .......................... 1 1 1 1 — 4 THURSDAY’S ReSUlTS Boston College 59
Toronto ....................... 39 24 13 2 50 120 107 wInnIpeg ......................... 2 0 1 0 — 3 eAST
eAST w l T pcT. pf pA ATlAnTIc w l pct gb DUKe .................................. 23 19 15 29 — 86
Florida......................... 39 23 14 2 48 132 122 fIRST peRIOD Albany (N.Y.) 64, Vermont 55 bOSTOn cOllege ............. 17 2 20 20 — 59
z-Philadelphia ............. 13 3 0 .813 443 290 Boston ........................................ 25 9 .735 — Boston ........................ 40 20 16 4 44 103 120 Army 56, Colgate 38
y-Washington ............. 11 5 0 .688 462 372 New York .................................... 24 10 .706 1 x-Tampa Bay............... 34 20 12 2 42 134 97 Scoring: 1, Winnipeg, Scheifele 23 (Connor, Vilardi), Bryant 61, New Hampshire 49 Duke (11-3)
Dallas ............................ 7 9 0 .438 331 445 x-Philadelphia ............................ 13 18 .419 101/2 Ottawa........................ 37 19 16 2 40 112 107 0:33. 2, Winnipeg, Lowry 10 (Morrissey, Iafallo), 17:17. Duke 86, Boston College 59 Thomas 3-4 2-2 8, Donovan 3-6 0-4 6, Jackson 5-11 0-0 14,
N.Y. Giants .................... 3 13 0 .188 260 395 Brooklyn ..................................... 13 21 .382 12 Montreal..................... 37 17 17 3 37 113 127 3, Anaheim, Carlsson 8 (Gudas, Killorn), 18:58. Fairfield 69, Rider 37 Mair 6-15 0-0 14, Richardson 6-8 2-4 14, Cotton 1-1 0-0 2,
Toronto......................................... 8 26 .235 17 Detroit ........................ 38 16 18 4 36 103 124 Fordham 80, Richmond 78 Fournier 4-7 3-5 11, Wood 0-3 2-2 2, de Jesus 1-1 1-2 3,
x-Buffalo..................... 38 14 20 4 32 116 128
SecOnD peRIOD Koabel 0-2 0-0 0, Okananwa 4-5 3-3 12, Totals 33-63 13-22 86
SOUTH w l T pcT. pf pA Holy Cross 49, Loyola (Md.) 46
Tampa Bay .................... 9 7 0 .563 475 366 SOUTHeAST w l pct gb Scoring: 4, Anaheim, Terry 12 (Strome, Dumoulin), 6:52. Iona 69, Marist 67 boston college (10-6)
Atlanta .......................... 8 8 0 .500 351 379 Orlando....................................... 20 15 .571 — LIU Brooklyn 59, Le Moyne 48 Sidberry 2-10 2-2 6, Daley 2-8 2-3 6, Ivey 0-2 0-0 0, Todd 3-7
MeTROpOlITAn gp w l OT pts gf gA THIRD peRIOD 2-2 8, Waggoner 7-19 5-7 20, Jackson 2-4 0-0 4, Krasovec 0-0
New Orleans ................. 5 11 0 .313 319 371 Miami ......................................... 17 15 .531 11/2 Washington ................ 38 25 10 3 53 138 100 Lafayette 66, Boston 55
Carolina ......................... 4 12 0 .250 297 496 Atlanta ....................................... 18 16 .529 11/2 Scoring: 5, Winnipeg, Iafallo 6 (Morrissey, Niederreiter), Lehigh 65, Bucknell 53 0-0 0, Ndiaye 3-5 0-0 6, Greene 2-2 1-2 7, Samuel 0-2 0-0 0,
New Jersey ................. 41 24 14 3 51 132 104 Thompson 0-1 2-2 2, Tomlinson 0-1 0-0 0, Totals 21-61 14-18
Charlotte ...................................... 7 25 .219 111/2 Carolina....................... 38 23 13 2 48 131 107 17:16. 6, Anaheim, Gudas 1 (Terry, Vatrano), 18:10. Maine 54, Massachusetts Lowell 39
Washington.................................. 6 25 .194 12 Maryland 78, Rutgers 61 59
nORTH w l T pcT. pf pA Pittsburgh .................. 39 17 17 5 39 120 145 Three-point goals: Duke 7-14 (Jackson 4-7, Mair 2-4, Koabel
x-Philadelphia............. 38 17 17 4 38 119 136
OVeRTIMe Maryland Eastern Shore 55, Lincoln (Pa.) 39
y-Detroit ..................... 14 2 0 .875 533 333 0-2, Okananwa 1-1), Boston College 3-9 (Sidberry 0-2, Daley
y-Minnesota ............... 14 2 0 .875 423 301 cenTRAl w l pct gb Columbus.................... 39 16 17 6 38 131 141 Scoring: 7, Anaheim, Terry 13, 3:34. Navy 66, American 59
Quinnipiac 54, St. Peter’s 39 0-1, Ivey 0-1, Waggoner 1-2, Ndiaye 0-1, Greene 2-2).
y-Green Bay ................ 11 5 0 .688 438 314 Cleveland.................................... 29 4 .879 — N.Y. Rangers............... 37 17 19 1 35 103 114 Assists: Duke 16 (Mair 4), Boston College 8 (Daley 2, Greene
Chicago ......................... 4 12 0 .250 286 348 Milwaukee.................................. 17 15 .531 111/2 N.Y. Islanders ............. 39 14 18 7 35 103 124 SHOTS On gOAl Rhode Island 82, St. Bonaventure 48
Siena 62, Manhattan 60 2). fouled out: None. Rebounds: Duke 37 (Donovan 10),
Indiana........................................ 17 18 .486 13 AnAHeIM ........................ 10 4 8 2 — 24 Boston College 38 (Daley 5, Waggoner 5). Total fouls: Duke
weST w l T pcT. pf pA Detroit ........................................ 15 18 .455 14 cenTRAl gp w l OT pts gf gA wInnIpeg ......................... 7 12 9 2 — 30 SOUTH 22, Boston College 21. Technical Fouls_None. A: 2,273.
z-L.A. Rams ................ 10 6 0 .625 342 356 Chicago ....................................... 15 19 .441 141/2 Winnipeg .................... 40 27 11 2 56 145 100 power-play opportunities: Anaheim 0 of 0; Winnipeg 0 of 2. Alabama 79, Florida 69
Seattle .......................... 9 7 0 .563 345 343 Minnesota .................. 39 24 11 4 52 117 107 goalies: Anaheim, Gibson 6-5-1 (30 shots-27 saves). Winni- Alabama State 58, Arkansas Pine Bluff 46
weSTeRn cOnfeRence
Arizona ......................... 7 9 0 .438 353 355 Dallas.......................... 37 23 13 1 47 120 93 peg, Hellebuyck 24-5-2 (24-20). A: 15,225 (15,321). T: 2:25. Appalachian State 82, South Alabama 67
Arkansas Little Rock 66, Tennessee Martin 61
No. 16 kentucky 91,
San Francisco ................ 6 10 0 .375 365 389 SOUTHweST w l pct gb x-Colorado .................. 38 23 15 0 46 130 123
Memphis..................................... 23 11 .676 — St. Louis...................... 39 18 17 4 40 106 117 Clemson 69, California 58 Mississippi state 69
Afc Davidson 78, La Salle 61
Houston...................................... 22 11 .667 1/
2 x-Utah......................... 37
Nashville..................... 38
6 38 106 112
7 29 91 122
stars 4, senators 2 Eastern Kentucky 72, Austin Peay 58 MISSISSIppI STATe ........... 16 19 16 18 — 69
eAST w l T pcT. pf pA Dallas.......................................... 20 14 .588 3 KenTUcKY ......................... 25 24 18 24 — 91
San Antonio................................ 17 16 .515 51/2 Chicago ....................... 38 12 24 2 26 96 129 OTTAwA .................................. 2 0 0 — 2 Florida State 105, Virginia Tech 74
z-Buffalo ..................... 13 3 0 .813 509 345 DAllAS .................................... 1 2 1 — 4 Georgia Tech 85, Syracuse 68 Mississippi State (13-2)
Miami ............................ 8 8 0 .500 325 332 New Orleans................................. 5 29 .147 18
High Point 67, Radford 55 Okot 2-6 0-0 4, DeShields 2-4 0-0 5, Jordan 7-21 2-3 17,
N.Y. Jets ....................... 4 12 0 .250 306 384 pAcIfIc gp w l OT pts gf gA fIRST peRIOD James Madison 68, Louisiana Lafayette 63 Powe 0-3 0-0 0, Russell 5-15 2-2 13, Montague 5-6 3-3
New England ................. 3 13 0 .188 266 401 nORTHweST w l pct gb x-Vegas....................... 37 25 9 3 53 131 102
Scoring: 1, Dallas, Hintz 17 (Robertson, Heiskanen), 4:39 Kentucky 91, Mississippi State 69 13, Thomas 0-1 0-3 0, McPhaul 3-10 3-3 10, Prater 1-5 3-4
Oklahoma City............................ 28 5 .848 — Los Angeles ................ 37 22 10 5 49 116 95
(pp). 2, Ottawa, Tkachuk 17 (Pinto), 7:45. 3, Ottawa, Liberty 77, Western Kentucky 66 5, Ward 1-2 0-0 2, Totals 26-73 13-18 69
Denver ........................................ 19 13 .594 81/2 Edmonton ................... 37 22 12 3 47 121 105
SOUTH w l T pcT. pf pA Greig 6 (Tkachuk), 8:09. Lipscomb 76, North Florida 53 Kentucky (12-1)
Minnesota .................................. 17 16 .515 11 x-Calgary .................... 37 18 12 7 43 101 111
z-Houston ..................... 9 7 0 .563 349 358 Longwood 68, Presbyterian 56 Hassett 4-8 3-4 14, Key 2-5 6-6 10, Strack 1-8 5-6 7,
x-Portland .................................. 11 21 .344 161/2 x-Vancouver ............... 36 17 11 8 42 112 115
Indianapolis .................. 7 9 0 .438 351 404 Anaheim ..................... 37 16 17 4 36 95 114
SecOnD peRIOD Louisiana Tech 63, Texas El Paso 50 Amoore 9-18 2-2 27, Lawrence 8-12 5-5 28, Silva 1-1 0-2
Jacksonville .................. 4 12 0 .250 297 409 Utah.............................................. 7 25 .219 201/2 Louisiana Monroe 83, Georgia Southern 67 2, Rowe 0-1 0-0 0, Tyler 1-2 0-0 3, Totals 26-55 21-25 91
x-Seattle..................... 38 17 19 2 36 111 119 Scoring: 4, Dallas, Benn 9 (Johnston, Duchene), 10:19. 5,
Tennessee ..................... 3 13 0 .188 297 437 Louisville 74, Miami 56 Three-point goals: Mississippi State 4-15 (DeShields
x-San Jose .................. 40 11 23 6 28 105 146 Dallas, Hintz 18 (Robertson, Dadonov), 11:27.
pAcIfIc w l pct gb Middle Tennessee 69, Florida International 38 1-2, Jordan 1-4, Powe 0-1, Russell 1-2, McPhaul 1-4,
nORTH w l T pcT. pf pA x-L.A. Lakers .............................. 18 14 .563 — x-Late game THIRD peRIOD Mississippi 85, Auburn 58 Prater 0-1, Ward 0-1), Kentucky 18-33 (Hassett 3-6,
y-Baltimore ................. 11 5 0 .688 483 351 L.A. Clippers ............................... 19 15 .559 — Northwestern State 70, McNeese State 55 Strack 0-3, Amoore 7-10, Lawrence 7-11, Rowe 0-1, Tyler
x-Golden State ........................... 16 16 .500 2 weDneSDAY’S ReSUlTS Scoring: 6, Dallas, Duchene 15 (Johnston), 13:37. Old Dominion 65, Southern Mississippi 47 1-2). Assists: Mississippi State 13 (McPhaul 6), Ken-
y-Pittsburgh ............... 10 6 0 .625 363 328
Cincinnati ...................... 8 8 0 .500 453 417 Phoenix....................................... 15 17 .469 3 at Los Angeles 3, New Jersey 0 SHOTS On gOAl Saint Joseph’s 61, George Mason 55 tucky 23 (Amoore 9). fouled out: None. Rebounds:
Cleveland ...................... 3 13 0 .188 248 400 Sacramento ................................ 15 19 .441 4 Stetson 79, West Georgia 64 Mississippi State 36 (McPhaul 6, Russell 6), Kentucky 40
THURSDAY’S ReSUlTS OTTAwA .................................. 6 5 2 — 13 Tennessee Tech 83, Southern Indiana 79 (Key 13). Total fouls: Mississippi State 20, Kentucky 18.
x-Late game DAllAS .................................... 8 8 9 — 25 Troy 92, Coastal Carolina 84 (OT) Technical Fouls_None. A: 4,493.
Minnesota 4, at Washington 3 (SO)
weST w l T pcT. pf pA power-play opportunities: Ottawa 0 of 4; Dallas 1 of 5. VCU 65, Duquesne 63
az-Kansas City ............ 15 1 0 .938 385 288 weDneSDAY’S ReSUlTS Detroit 5, at Columbus 4
goalies: Ottawa, Merilainen 2-2-0 (25 shots-21 saves). Vanderbilt 108, Georgia 82
at N.Y. Rangers 2, Boston 1
y-L.A. Chargers ........... 10 6
Denver ........................... 9 7
at Washington 125, Chicago 107
Carolina 3, at Florida 1
Dallas, Oettinger 18-9-1 (13-11). A: 18,532 (18,532). T: 2:31. Virginia 69, Wake Forest 46 NCAA men
at Detroit 105, Orlando 96 Winthrop 63, South Carolina Upstate 54
Las Vegas ...................... 4 12 0 .250 289 400 at New York 119, Utah 103 Toronto 2, at N.Y. Islanders 1 THURSDAY’S ReSUlTS
Anaheim 4, at Winnipeg 3 (OT) eAST
y-Clinched playoff spot; z-Clinched division; at Miami 119, New Orleans 108
at Dallas 4, Ottawa 2 so CC ER Bradley 45, Evansville 42
Colgate 71, Army 59
a-Clinched home-field advantage at Toronto 130, Brooklyn 113 Dayton 83, Loyola Chicago 45
at Houston 110, Dallas 99 Buffalo at Colorado, late DePaul 65, Xavier 60 Holy Cross 74, Loyola (Md.) 72
Lafayette 60, Boston 46
weeK 18
at Denver 139, Atlanta 120 Utah at Calgary, late
Philadelphia at Vegas, late
English Premier League Drake 86, Illinois Chicago 63
Lehigh 66, Bucknell 64 (OT)
at Sacramento 113, Philadelphia 107 gp w D l gf gA pts Eastern Illinois 77, Lindenwood (Mo.) 65
Vancouver at Seattle, late Green Bay 78, Northern Kentucky 59 Marshall 77, Texas State 71
Cleveland at Baltimore (-191/2), 4:30 Liverpool ........................ 18 14 3 1 45 17 45 Monmouth (N.J.) 78, Stony Brook 56
Cincinnati (-11/2) at Pittsburgh, 8 THURSDAY’S ReSUlTS Tampa Bay at San Jose, late Illinois State 96, Indiana State 69
Arsenal .......................... 19 11 6 2 38 17 39 Navy 81, American 58
Indiana 128, at Miami 115 Nottingham Forest........ 19 11 4 4 26 19 37 Milwaukee 75, Wright State 50
SUnDAY’S gAMeS fRIDAY’S gAMeS Missouri State 57, Belmont 55 Northeastern 80, Delaware 77
Boston 118, at Minnesota 115 Chelsea .......................... 19 10 5 4 38 23 35 Penn State 84, Northwestern 80
Washington (-61/2) at Dallas, 1 Pittsburgh at Florida, 7 Murray State 92, Southern Illinois 69
at Oklahoma City 116, L.A. Clippers 98 Newcastle...................... 19 9 5 5 32 21 32 William & Mary 74, Hofstra 56
Buffalo (-21/2) at New England, 1 Montreal at Chicago, 8 Man City ........................ 19 9 4 6 32 26 31 Northern Iowa 93, Valparaiso 70
Brooklyn 113, at Milwaukee 110 SOUTH
Carolina at Atlanta (-71/2), 1 Ottawa at St. Louis, 8 Bournemouth ................ 19 8 6 5 29 23 30 North Alabama 90, Bellarmine 89 (OT)
Philadelphia at Golden State, late Omaha 71, North Dakota 66 Arkansas State 78, Old Dominion 59
Chicago at Green Bay (-101/2), 1 Anaheim at Edmonton, 9 Fulham........................... 19 7 8 4 28 25 29
Portland at L.A. Lakers, late South Carolina 83, Missouri 52 Campbell 57, Drexel 54
Houston at Tennessee (-11/2), 1 Nashville at Vancouver, 10 Aston Villa..................... 19 8 5 6 28 31 29
Massachusetts 72, Saint Louis 55 Charleston Southern 72, Gardner-Webb 63
Jacksonville at Indianapolis (-41/2), 1 fRIDAY’S gAMeS Brighton......................... 19 6 9 4 29 28 27
SATURDAY’S gAMeS Tottenham..................... 19 7 3 9 41 28 24 Wagner 85, Chicago State 73 College of Charleston 94, Hampton 67
N.Y. Giants at Philadelphia (-3), 1 Washington at New Orleans, 8 Elon 75, North Carolina A&T 67
New Orleans at Tampa Bay (-131/2), 1 Charlotte at Detroit, 7 N.Y. Rangers at Washington, 12 Brentford ....................... 19 7 3 9 33 35 24 SOUTHweST
West Ham...................... 19 6 5 8 23 35 23 Arkansas State 66, Marshall 56 Florida Gulf Coast 79, West Georgia 68
Kansas City at Denver (-101/2), 4:25 Orlando at Toronto, 7:30 New Jersey at San Jose, 4 Georgia Southern 90, Louisiana Monroe 82
Boston at Toronto, 7 Man United .................... 19 6 4 9 21 26 22 Central Arkansas 74, Jacksonville 63
L.A. Chargers (-41/2) at Las Vegas, 4:25 Boston at Houston, 8 Crystal Palace................ 19 4 8 7 20 27 20 High Point 76, Radford 58
Detroit at Winnipeg, 7 Georgia State 59, Texas State 51
Miami (-11/2) at N.Y. Jets, 4:25 New York at Oklahoma City, 8 Everton .......................... 18 3 8 7 15 24 17 LSU 98, Arkansas 64 Illinois State 74, Murray State 68
San Francisco at Arizona (-41/2), 4:25 Cleveland at Dallas, 8:30 Minnesota at Carolina, 7 Wolverhampton ............ 19 4 4 11 31 42 16 Lamar 69, Incarnate Word 47 James Madison 83, Southern Mississippi 72
Seattle (-61/2) at L.A. Rams, 4:25 San Antonio at Denver, 9 Montreal at Colorado, 7 Ipswich .......................... 19 3 6 10 18 33 15 New Mexico State 79, Sam Houston State 61 Lipscomb 70, Jacksonville 65
St. Louis at Columbus, 7 Leicester ........................ 19 3 5 11 22 42 14 SMU 67, Stanford 63 Louisiana Lafayette 71, Coastal Carolina 68
Minnesota at Detroit (-21/2), 8:20 Memphis at Sacramento, 10
Utah at Dallas, 8 Southampton................. 19 1 3 15 12 39 6 South Dakota State 81, Oral Roberts 76 Memphis 90, Florida Atlantic 62
Atlanta at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 Middle Tennessee 73, Florida International 69
Tampa Bay at Los Angeles, 9 SUnDAY’S ReSUlTS Southern 60, Prairie View 48
SATURDAY’S gAMeS Tennessee 91, Texas A&M 78 North Alabama 82, Bellarmine 66
Buffalo at Vegas, 10 Man City 2, at Leicester 0 Presbyterian 68, Longwood 60
nfc pRO bOwl ROSTeR Philadelphia at Brooklyn, 6 Edmonton at Seattle, 10 Texas Southern 85, Grambling State 74
OffenSe at Crystal Palace 2, Southampton 1 Queens (N.C.) 96, Stetson 87
Minnesota at Detroit, 7 Nashville at Calgary, 10 Nottingham Forest 2, at Everton 0 weST Towson 65, North Carolina Wilmington 61 (OT)
quarterback: Jared Goff, Detroit; Jayden Daniels, Wash- Phoenix at Indiana, 7 at Fulham 2, Bournemouth 2 California Davis 81, California State Bakersfield 37 Troy 69, Appalachian State 61
ington; Sam Darnold; Minnesota. Denver at San Antonio, 8
SUnDAY’S gAMeS at Tottenham 2, Wolverhampton 2 California Irvine 60, Cal Poly 38 Western Kentucky 71, Liberty 70
Running back: Saquon Barkley, Philadelphia; Jahmyr New York at Chicago, 8 N.Y. Rangers at Chicago, 3 Liverpool 5, at West Ham 0 Long Beach State 63, California Riverside 48 Winthrop 95, South Carolina Upstate 76
Gibbs, Detroit; Josh Jacobs, Green Bay. N.Y. Islanders at Boston, 6 Montana 78, Eastern Washington 70
fullback: Kyle Juszczyk, San Francisco.
Portland at Milwaukee, 8 MOnDAY’S ReSUlTS MIDweST
Pittsburgh at Carolina, 6 Montana State 59, Idaho 56
wide receiver: Justin Jefferson, Minnesota; Amon-Ra Utah at Miami, 8 at Aston Villa 2, Brighton 2 Detroit 78, Robert Morris 76 (OT)
Philadelphia at Toronto, 7 Northern Arizona 79, Idaho State 71
St. Brown, Detroit; CeeDee Lamb, Dallas; Terry McLau- Memphis at Golden State, 8:30 at Ipswich 2, Chelsea 0 Oregon State 59, Loyola Marymount 56 Eastern Illinois 78, Lindenwood (Mo.) 74 (OT)
rin, Washington. Atlanta at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 Tampa Bay at Anaheim, 8 Newcastle 2, at Man United 0 Indiana 84, Rutgers 74
Pepperdine 63, San Diego 49
Tight end: George Kittle, San Francisco; Trey McBride, Santa Clara 68, Washington State 62 Missouri Kansas City 68, South Dakota 54
weDneSDAY’S ReSUlT Oakland 65, Milwaukee 49
Arizona. South Dakota 77, Denver 71
Arsenal 3, at Brentford 1 Omaha 95, North Dakota 85
Tackle: Lane Johnson, Philadelphia; Penei Sewell, De-
troit; Tristan Wirfs, Tampa Bay.
Pacers 128, Heat 115 Wild 4, Capitals 3 (so) Weber State 65, Northern Colorado 52
Purdue 81, Minnesota 61
guard: Landon Dickerson, Philadelphia; Tyler Smith, InDIAnA ............................. 38 28 41 21 — 128 MInneSOTA ...................... 2 0 1 1 — 4 St. Thomas (Minn.) 89, North Dakota State 85
Tottenham vs. Newcastle, 7:30 a.m. Wright State 74, Green Bay 51
Dallas; Chris Lindstrom, Atlanta. wASHIngTOn ................... 1 1 1 0 — 3
center: Frank Ragnow, Detroit; Cam Jurgens, Philadel-
MIAMI ................................ 25 25 33 32 — 115
Bournemouth vs. Everton, 10 a.m. No. 8 Maryland 78, Rutgers 61 SOUTHweST
Aston Villa vs. Leicester, 10 a.m.
phia. InDIAnA: Mathurin 5-12 1-1 12, Siakam 8-13 1-4 18, fIRST peRIOD Crystal Palace vs. Chelsea, 10 a.m. RUTgeRS ............................ 13 9 21 18 — 61 Texas El Paso 70, Louisiana Tech 60
Turner 8-15 3-4 21, Haliburton 13-21 1-3 33, Nembhard Man City vs. West Ham, 10 a.m. MARYlAnD ........................ 19 21 24 14 — 78
DefenSe 3-7 0-0 6, Toppin 5-9 0-0 12, Walker 3-6 3-4 12, Bryant Scoring: 1, Washington, Wilson 15 (Sandin), 10:19. 2, weST
Minnesota, Hartman 5 (Eriksson Ek, Bogosian), 11:24. 3, Southampton vs. Brentford, 10 a.m. Rutgers (8-6)
Defensive end: Nick Bosa, San Francisco; Micah Parsons, 1-3 0-0 3, Furphy 0-0 0-0 0, McConnell 4-7 0-0 8, California Irvine 98, Cal Poly 89 (OT)
Minnesota, Trenin 3, 19:07 (sh). Brighton vs. Arsenal, 12:30 Adams 6-14 3-5 15, Perkins 3-9 0-0 8, Lacey 3-4 0-0 6,
Dallas; Rashan Gary, Green Bay. Sheppard 1-3 0-0 3. Totals 51-96 9-16 128. Gonzaga 81, Portland 50
SUnDAY’S MATcHeS McMiller 4-13 3-3 14, Thompson 1-5 1-2 3, Cornwell 2-2 Idaho State 72, Northern Arizona 67
Interior linemen: Jalen Carter, Philadelphia; Dexter MIAMI: Butler 3-6 2-2 9, Highsmith 3-4 0-0 6, Adebayo SecOnD peRIOD
Fulham vs. Ipswich, 9 a.m. 0-0 4, Walker 0-0 0-0 0, Brandt 0-0 0-0 0, Petticord 1-8 Northern Colorado 89, Weber State 72
Lawrence, N.Y. Giants; Vita Vea, Tampa Bay. 8-12 4-6 20, Herro 6-12 2-2 17, Robinson 2-5 0-0 6, Jovic
Scoring: 4, Washington, Ovechkin 18 (Strome), 15:08 Liverpool vs. Man United, 11:30 a.m. 0-0 3, Sidibe 2-7 3-3 8, Totals 22-62 10-13 61
Outside linebacker: Jonathan Greenard, Minnesota; 3-7 2-2 8, K.Johnson 2-2 0-0 5, Jaquez Jr. 0-3 0-0 0, Ware
(pp). Maryland (13-0)
Andrew Van Ginkel, Minnesota; Jared Verse, L.A. Rams. 9-11 4-5 25, Burks 1-1 0-0 3, Christopher 0-0 0-0 0, MOnDAY’S MATcH Dalce 0-3 0-0 0, Poffenbarger 0-6 6-6 6, Sellers 7-13 6-7
Inside Linebacker: Fred Warner, San Francisco; Zack
Baun, Philadelphia.
Larsson 0-0 0-0 0, Rozier 6-12 4-4 16. Totals 43-75 18-21
THIRD peRIOD Wolverhampton vs. Nottingham Forest, 3 22, Smikle 4-12 4-4 13, Te-Biasu 1-6 0-0 2, DeBerry 0-1 Navy 81, American 58
Scoring: 5, Washington, Fehervary 1 (Dubois), 5:34. 6, 1-2 1, Kubek 6-9 4-5 17, McDaniel 2-7 4-4 9, McKennie
cornerback: Jaylon Johnson, Chicago; Byron Murphy, American (6-8)
Three-point goals: Indiana 17-40 (Haliburton 6-13, Minnesota, Rossi 15 (Hartman, Brodin), 11:19. 0-4 1-2 1, McLean 3-5 1-2 7, Totals 23-66 27-32 78
Minnesota; Jaycee Horn, Carolina; Devon Witherspoon, G.Jones 3-5 3-4 9, Rogers 5-11 0-1 12, Smalls 5-12 4-6 18,
Seattle. Walker 3-3, Toppin 2-4, Turner 2-5, Siakam 1-2, Bryant
Co LL EGE F ooT BAL L Three-point goals: Rutgers 7-22 (Perkins 2-4, Lacey 0-1,
McMiller 3-9, Thompson 0-1, Petticord 1-5, Sidibe 1-2), Sprouse 1-9 0-0 3, Stephens 3-10 0-0 7, Mayock 2-3 0-0 4,
free safety: Xavier McKinney, Green Bay. 1-3, Sheppard 1-3, Mathurin 1-5, Nembhard 0-2), Miami
11-26 (Ware 3-4, Herro 3-7, Robinson 2-4, Burks 1-1, Maryland 5-19 (Poffenbarger 0-3, Sellers 2-3, Smikle 1-4, Ball 1-2 0-0 2, Nausadis 1-4 0-0 3, Whittaker 0-0 0-0 0, Iturbe
Strong safety: Budda Baker, Arizona; Brian Branch, Minnesota 1 (Zuccarello NG, Boldy G), Washington 0 0-0 0-0 0, Holod 0-0 0-0 0, N.Jones 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 21-56
Te-Biasu 0-3, Kubek 1-1, McDaniel 1-4, McKennie 0-1).
Detroit. K.Johnson 1-1, Butler 1-2, Adebayo 0-1, Highsmith 0-1,
Jovic 0-2, Rozier 0-3). fouled Out: None. Rebounds:
(Strome NG, Dubois NG, Ovechkin NG). Bowl schedule Assists: Rutgers 10 (Sidibe 3), Maryland 15 (McDaniel 3, 7-11 58.
SpecIAl TeAMS Indiana 39 (Siakam 11), Miami 39 (Adebayo 8). Assists: SHOTS On gOAl TUeSDAY’S ReSUlTS Sellers 3, Te-Biasu 3). fouled out: Rutgers Adams, Lacey. navy (4-10)
Indiana 35 (Haliburton 15), Miami 34 (Rozier 7). Total RelIAqUeST bOwl — In TAMpA Rebounds: Rutgers 37 (Adams 9), Maryland 50 (Poffen- Draper 6-7 3-3 17, Kehoe 8-11 4-7 20, Benigni 6-12 3-3 16,
long snapper: Andrew DePaola, Minnesota. MInneSOTA .................... 11 7 14 1 — 33 Kim 3-8 2-6 9, Pennick 3-8 2-2 9, Fischer 1-2 0-0 2, Rehnstrom
fouls: Indiana 16, Miami 13. A: 19,959 (19,600) wASHIngTOn ................. 13 7 10 1 — 31 Michigan 19, Alabama 13 barger 11). Total fouls: Rutgers 25, Maryland 13. Technical
punter: Jack Fox, Detroit. Fouls_Rutgers Thompson 1, Maryland Smikle 1. A: 5,434. 0-2 0-0 0, Cole 1-2 0-0 2, Johnson 1-2 0-0 2, Medalie 1-1 0-0 2,
Kicker: Brandon Aubrey, Dallas. power-play opportunities: Minnesota 0 of 2; Washing- SUn bOwl — In el pASO Burnett 0-0 0-0 0, Gabbidon 0-0 2-2 2, Gray 0-0 0-0 0, Howard
Returner: KaVontae Turpin, Dallas. ton 1 of 3. goalies: Minnesota, Fleury 7-3-1 (31 shots-28 Louisville 35, Washington 34 0-0 0-0 0, Krist 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 30-55 16-23 81.
Special teamer: KhaDarel Hodge, Atlanta. saves). Washington, Lindgren 10-8-1 (33-30). A: 18,573 Halftime: Navy 42-29. Three-point goals: American 9-33
Celtics 118, Timberwolves 115 (18,277). T: 2:37. cITRUS bOwl — In ORlAnDO Virginia 69, Wake Forest 46 (Smalls 4-8, Rogers 2-5, Nausadis 1-3, Sprouse 1-6, Ste-
Afc pRO bOwl ROSTeR Illinois 21, South Carolina 17 phens 1-7, Ball 0-1, Mayock 0-1, G.Jones 0-2), Navy 5-14
OffenSe bOSTOn ............................. 28 34 29 27 — 118 TexAS bOwl — In HOUSTOn wAKe fOReST ..................... 9 14 12 11 — 46 (Draper 2-2, Benigni 1-3, Kim 1-3, Pennick 1-3, Johnson 0-1,
quarterback: Josh Allen, Buffalo; Joe Burrow, Cincinna- MInneSOTA ...................... 35 16 34 30 — 115 Red Wings 5, Blue Jackets 4 LSU 44, Baylor 31 VIRgInIA ............................ 18 7 21 23 — 69 Rehnstrom 0-2). Rebounds: American 27 (Rogers 8), Navy
ti; Lamar Jackson, Baltimore. wake forest (7-6) 36 (Draper 11). Assists: American 13 (G.Jones, Rogers,
bOSTOn: Hauser 5-11 0-0 15, Tatum 13-27 1-2 33, DeTROIT .................................. 3 0 2 — 5 cOllege fOOTbAll plAYOff — qUARTeRfInAl Cowles 3-7 1-2 7, Hinds 4-9 2-8 10, Conley 6-17 1-1 17, Sprouse, Stephens, Mayock 2), Navy 22 (Draper 8). Total
Running back: Derrick Henry, Baltimore; Joe Mixon, Horford 4-8 0-0 9, Holiday 4-9 0-0 11, White 10-20 1-1 26, cOlUMbUS .............................. 1 2 1 — 4 fIeSTA bOwl — In glenDAle, ARIz. Jones 1-8 1-2 4, Theuerkauf 3-11 0-0 7, Moore 0-1 0-0 0, fouls: American 18, Navy 12.
Houston; Jonathan Taylor, Indianapolis. Walsh 0-1 0-0 0, Kornet 3-3 1-1 7, Queta 4-5 0-0 8,
fullback: Patrick Ricard, Baltimore. fIRST peRIOD Penn State 31, Boise State 14 Jordan 0-1 1-2 1, Sørbye 0-3 0-0 0, Totals 17-57 6-15 46
Pritchard 3-8 1-2 9. Totals 46-92 4-6 118.
wide receiver: Ja’Marr Chase, Cincinnati; Jerry Jeudy, weDneSDAY’S ReSUlTS Virginia (9-6)
MInneSOTA: McDaniels 6-12 3-3 19, Randle 9-16 4-4 27, Scoring: 1, Columbus, van Riemsdyk 5 (Provorov, Lattimore 4-11 4-6 13, Noyan 1-3 0-0 3, Clark 3-7 2-2 9,
Cleveland; Nico Collins, Houston; Zay Flowers, Balti-
more. Gobert 3-5 0-0 6, A.Edwards 5-16 3-4 15, Conley 2-4 0-0 Sillinger), 2:42 (pp). 2, Detroit, Kane 8 (Copp, cOllege fOOTbAll plAYOff — qUARTeRfInAl
Johnson 6-12 2-2 16, McGhee 3-10 1-1 9, Grays 0-0 2-2 2, James Madison 83,
Tight end: Brock Bowers, Las Vegas; Travis Kelce, 5, Minott 2-3 2-2 7, Reid 6-11 4-4 20, Alexander-Walker DeBrincat), 6:55. 3, Detroit, Gustafsson 1 (Holl), peAcH bOwl — In ATlAnTA Hurd 6-7 0-0 15, Dunbar 0-1 0-0 0, Valenti-Paea 1-1 0-0 2, southern Mississippi 72
Kansas City. 1-2 1-2 4, DiVincenzo 3-5 3-3 12. Totals 37-74 20-22 115. 14:39. 4, Detroit, DeBrincat 16 (Seider, Larkin), 17:09 Texas 39, Arizona State 31 (2OT) Totals 24-52 11-13 69
Tackle: Dion Dawkins, Buffalo; Laremy Tunsil, Houston; (pp). ROSe bOwl — In pASADenA, cAlIf. Three-point goals: Wake Forest 6-27 (Hinds 0-1, Conley Southern Mississippi (6-8)
Three-point goals: Boston 22-57 (Tatum 6-17, White Gordon 3-6 3-3 9, Harris 1-3 2-2 5, Alvarez 0-2 0-0 0,
Rashawn Slater, L.A. Chargers. 5-10, Hauser 5-11, Holiday 3-7, Pritchard 2-6, Horford SecOnD peRIOD Ohio State 41, Oregon 21 4-14, Jones 1-4, Theuerkauf 1-4, Jordan 0-1, Sørbye 0-3),
guard: Quenton Nelson, Indianapolis; Joe Thuney, Kan- Virginia 10-25 (Lattimore 1-2, Noyan 1-2, Clark 1-4, C.Montgomery 4-12 2-2 12, Watson 4-12 2-3 11, Curbelo
1-5, Walsh 0-1), Minnesota 21-39 (Randle 5-7, Reid 4-5, THURSDAY’S ReSUlTS 10-20 4-4 24, Carruth 2-3 0-0 6, Worrell 1-5 0-0 3, Reid 0-1
sas City; Trey Smith, Kansas City. Scoring: 5, Columbus, Werenski 12, 11:09. 6, Colum- Johnson 2-5, McGhee 2-7, Hurd 3-4, Dunbar 0-1). Assists:
McDaniels 4-8, DiVincenzo 3-5, A.Edwards 2-9, Alexan- 0-0 0, Benitez 1-1 0-0 2, Armstrong 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 26-65
center: Creed Humphrey, Kansas City; Tyler Linderbaum, der-Walker 1-1, Conley 1-2, Minott 1-2). fouled Out:
bus, Monahan 14 (Werenski, van Riemsdyk), 18:40. cOllege fOOTbAll plAYOff — qUARTeRfInAl Wake Forest 13 (Jones 8), Virginia 17 (Johnson 8).
Baltimore. SUgAR bOwl — In new ORleAnS fouled out: None. Rebounds: Wake Forest 30 (Cowles 9), 13-14 72.
None. Rebounds: Boston 31 (Tatum 8), Minnesota 41 THIRD peRIOD James Madison (8-6)
(McDaniels, Randle 8). Assists: Boston 30 (Tatum 9), Notre Dame 23, Georgia 10 Virginia 41 (Johnson 7, Lattimore 7). Total fouls: Wake
DefenSe Scoring: 7, Detroit, Larkin 14 (Kane, DeBrincat), 4:54 Forest 13, Virginia 11. Technical Fouls_None. A: 4,105. Ricks 4-6 2-2 11, Hutchins-Everett 4-7 1-2 9, Brown 3-14
Minnesota 24 (Randle 7). Total fouls: Boston 16, gATOR bOwl — In JAcKSOnVIlle, flA. 2-2 10, Freeman 9-16 8-12 30, Smith 3-6 6-8 13, Williams
Defensive end: Myles Garrett, Cleveland; Trey Hendrick- Minnesota 11. A: 18,978 (19,356) (pp). 8, Columbus, van Riemsdyk 6 (Fantilli, Werens-
ki), 17:19. 9, Detroit, Berggren 6 (Motte, Chiarot), Mississippi 52, Duke 20 2-4 0-0 5, Dowuona 0-0 0-0 0, Lovings-Watts 1-2 2-2 5,
son, Cincinnati; Maxx Crosby, Las Vegas.
19:24. Anderson 0-0 0-0 0, Taylor 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 26-55 21-28 83.
Interior linemen: Cameron Heyward, Pittsburgh; Chris fRIDAY’S gAMeS
Jones, Kansas City; Nnamdi Madubuike, Baltimore. fIRST ReSpOnDeR bOwl —
Florida state 105, Halftime: James Madison 33-31. Three-point goals:
SHOTS On gOAl Southern Mississippi 7-23 (Carruth 2-3, C.Montgomery
Outside linebacker: Nik Bonitto, Denver; T.J. Watt,
Pittsburgh; Khalil Mack, L.A. Chargers.
Nets 113, Bucks 110 DeTROIT ................................ 12 6 8 — 26
In UnIVeRSITY pARK, TexAS Virginia Tech 74 2-8, Harris 1-1, Watson 1-4, Worrell 1-5, Alvarez 0-1,
cOlUMbUS .............................. 7 5 13 — 25 North Texas vs. Texas State, 4 Gordon 0-1), James Madison 10-27 (Freeman 4-8, Brown
Inside linebacker: Roquan Smith, Baltimore; Zaire Frank- bROOKlYn ......................... 30 36 28 19 — 113 flORIDA STATe ................. 31 21 28 25 — 105
MAYO bOwl — In cHARlOTTe 2-9, Lovings-Watts 1-2, Smith 1-2, Williams 1-2, Ricks 1-3,
lin, Indianapolis. MIlwAUKee ...................... 23 31 31 25 — 110 power-play opportunities: Detroit 2 of 3; Columbus 1 VIRgInIA TecH .................. 21 17 13 23 — 74 Hutchins-Everett 0-1). Rebounds: Southern Mississippi 32
cornerback: Derek Stingley Jr., Houston; Patrick Surtain of 2. goalies: Detroit, Talbot 6-9-2 (25 shots-21 Minnesota vs. Virginia Tech, 7:30
florida State (12-2) (Curbelo 10), James Madison 29 (Ricks, Hutchins-Everett
II, Denver; Marlon Humphrey, Baltimore; Denzel Ward, bROOKlYn: C.Johnson 10-16 0-0 26, Wilson 6-13 0-0 13, saves). Columbus, Merzlikins 12-9-3 (26-21). A:
Cleveland. Claxton 5-9 6-8 16, K.Johnson 3-7 2-3 9, Russell 3-11 5-5 18,370 (18,500). T: 2:22. SATURDAY’S gAMe Timpson 8-12 0-0 16, Gordon 7-16 4-4 18, Latson 18-28 7). Assists: Southern Mississippi 11 (Curbelo 3), James
bAHAMAS bOwl — In nASSAU 2-5 40, Turnage 0-1 0-0 0, Viegas 2-4 0-0 6, Chavez 0-0 Madison 15 (Brown, Freeman 4). Total fouls: Southern
free safety: Minkah Fitzpatrick, Pittsburgh. 11, Williams 2-5 2-2 8, Sharpe 1-3 4-4 6, Martin 0-2 0-0 0,
Buffalo vs. Liberty, 11 a.m. 0-0 0, Treadwell 4-6 0-2 8, Valenzuela 1-2 0-0 3, Bonner Mississippi 17, James Madison 18. A: 4,460 (8,500).
Strong safety: Kyle Hamilton, Baltimore; Derwin James, Thomas 8-22 6-6 24. Totals 38-88 25-28 113.
1-2 0-0 2, Bowles 2-5 0-0 5, Dias Dos Santos 3-3 0-0 7,
L.A. Chargers. THURSDAY’S gAMe
MIlwAUKee: Antetokounmpo 12-24 3-10 27, Middleton Totals 46-79 6-11 105
SpecIAl TeAMS 6-11 0-0 12, Lopez 3-4 1-2 7, Jackson Jr. 1-1 0-0 2, Lillard Rangers 2, Bruins 1 cOllege fOOTbAll plAYOff — SeMIfInAlS Virginia Tech (9-4)
long snapper: Ross Matiscik, Jacksonville.
6-20 7-8 23, Beauchamp 0-0 0-0 0, Portis 4-9 4-4 15, bOSTOn ................................... 0 1 0 — 1 ORAnge bOwl — In MIAMI Baker 2-5 6-6 12, Micheaux 6-11 4-7 16, Ekh 4-11 4-4 13, Arkansas state 78,
Prince 3-6 0-0 8, Connaughton 1-3 0-0 2, Rollins 2-4 0-0 4, n.Y. RAngeRS ......................... 2 0 0 — 2 Penn State vs. Notre Dame, 7:30 Wenzel 4-15 2-2 12, Lani White 4-6 2-2 10, Ramiya
punter: Logan Cooke, Jacksonville. Trent Jr. 2-8 4-4 10. Totals 40-90 19-28 110. White 0-0 0-0 0, Nelson 2-7 5-6 9, Petersen 0-1 2-2 2, old Dominion 59
Kicker: Chris Boswell, Pittsburgh. fIRST peRIOD fRIDAY, JAn. 10 Wells 0-3 0-0 0, Totals 22-59 25-29 74
Returner: Marvin Mims Jr., Denver. Three-point goals: Brooklyn 12-39 (C.Johnson 6-12, cOllege fOOTbAll plAYOff — SeMIfInAlS Arkansas State (11-3)
Williams 2-4, Thomas 2-11, K.Johnson 1-2, Wilson 1-4, Scoring: 1, N.Y. Rangers, Zibanejad 7 (Smith, Kreider), Three-point goals: Florida State 7-17 (Gordon 0-3, Marshall 2-5 5-6 9, Nelson 2-9 2-2 6, D.Ford 1-8 4-4 6,
Special teamer: Brenden Schooler, New England. cOTTOn bOwl — In ARlIngTOn, TexAS Latson 2-3, Viegas 2-4, Valenzuela 1-2, Bonner 0-1,
Martin 0-1, Sharpe 0-1, Russell 0-4), Milwaukee 11-37 9:48. 2, N.Y. Rangers, Berard 3 (Chytil), 12:53. Pinion 0-1 0-0 0, Todd 5-17 5-6 17, T.Ford 9-10 0-0 21,
(Lillard 4-13, Portis 3-4, Prince 2-5, Trent Jr. 2-7, Lopez Texas vs. Ohio State, 7:30 Bowles 1-3, Dias Dos Santos 1-1), Virginia Tech 5-20 Dominguez 5-7 0-1 11, Felts 0-1 0-0 0, Hill 3-4 0-0 8,
SecOnD peRIOD (Baker 2-3, Ekh 1-6, Wenzel 2-6, L.White 0-2, Petersen Ju.Johnson 0-0 0-0 0, K.Johnson 0-0 0-0 0, Butler 0-0 0-0
0-1, Connaughton 0-2, Rollins 0-2, Middleton 0-3). fouled MOnDAY, JAn. 20
GoLF Out: None. Rebounds: Brooklyn 51 (Claxton 11), Milwau- Scoring: 3, Boston, Lindholm 7 (Pastrnak, McAvoy), cOllege fOOTbAll plAYOff — fInAl
0-1, Wells 0-2). Assists: Florida State 18 (Gordon 8),
Virginia Tech 14 (Baker 3, L.White 3). fouled out: None.
0, Head 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 27-62 16-19 78.
kee 46 (Antetokounmpo 13). Assists: Brooklyn 26 (Rus- 7:57. In ATlAnTA Old Dominion (5-9)
sell 12), Milwaukee 21 (Antetokounmpo, Lillard 7). Total Rebounds: Florida State 36 (Bonner 6, Timpson 6), Walker 2-10 0-1 4, Swanton-Rodger 1-4 0-0 2, Davis 1-12
PGA Tour fouls: Brooklyn 21, Milwaukee 21. A: 17,341 (17,500) SHOTS On gOAl Semifinal winners, 7:30 Virginia Tech 38 (Micheaux 14). Total fouls: Florida
State 23, Virginia Tech 12. Technical Fouls_None. A:
3-3 6, Durugordon 5-13 10-11 21, Ja.Johnson 6-14 5-5 18,
bOSTOn ................................... 8 13 12 — 33 Blakney 0-4 2-8 2, Diggs 0-3 1-2 1, Pounds 1-3 0-2 3,
SenTRY n.Y. RAngeRS ......................... 8 12 7 — 27 5,424. Raymond 1-1 0-0 2, Nacey 0-0 0-0 0, Zygas 0-0 0-0 0,
At Plantation Course at Kapalua Resort; in Kapalua,
Hawaii Thunder 116, Clippers 98 power-play opportunities: Boston 0 of 1; N.Y. Rangers No. 7 Notre Dame 23, Hellams 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 17-64 21-32 59.
0 of 1. goalies: Boston, Swayman 13-12-3 (27 shots-25 Halftime: Arkansas State 32-29. Three-point goals:
purse: $20 million
Yardage: 7,596; par: 73 l.A. clIppeRS .................... 30 22 20 26 — 98 saves). N.Y. Rangers, Quick 6-4-0 (33-32). A: 18,006 No. 2 Georgia 10 No. 2 south Carolina 83, Arkansas State 8-18 (T.Ford 3-3, Hill 2-3, Todd 2-6,
OKlAHOMA cITY ............... 22 26 42 26 — 116 (18,006). T: 2:33.
nOTRe DAMe .......................... 0 13 7 3 — 23
Missouri 52 Dominguez 1-2, Felts 0-1, Nelson 0-1, D.Ford 0-2), Old
Dominion 4-24 (Ja.Johnson 1-2, Pounds 1-2, Durugordon
Tom Hoge ........................................... 31 33 — 64 -9 l.A. clIppeRS: Coffey 10-14 0-0 26, Jones Jr. 3-7 0-0 6, geORgIA .................................. 0 3 7 0 — 10 SOUTH cAROlInA ............. 21 15 23 24 — 83 1-4, Davis 1-10, Blakney 0-3, Walker 0-3). Rebounds:
Hideki Matsuyama ............................ 32 33 — 65 -8 Zubac 5-9 1-3 11, Dunn 3-7 0-0 8, Powell 1-11 4-5 6, Arkansas State 42 (Nelson 9), Old Dominion 35 (Walker
Will Zalatoris ..................................... 31 34 — 65 -8 Brown 0-0 0-0 0, Miller 4-8 1-2 10, K.Jones 3-3 0-0 6, Hurricanes 3, Panthers 1 SecOnD qUARTeR
MISSOURI .......................... 13 13 11 15 — 52
10). Assists: Arkansas State 11 (Todd, T.Ford 5), Old
Corey Conners .................................... 32 34 — 66 -7 Batum 0-1 0-0 0, Porter Jr. 3-11 5-7 11, Bamba 5-6 0-0 12, South carolina (13-1) Dominion 9 (Durugordon 3). Total fouls: Arkansas State
cAROlInA ............................... 1 0 2 — 3 UgA: FG Woodring 41, 12:14. Feagin 1-2 2-2 4, Kitts 1-4 0-0 2, Hall 1-3 0-1 2, Raven
Collin Morikawa ................................. 33 33 — 66 -7 Hyland 1-4 0-0 2. Totals 38-81 11-17 98. flORIDA .................................. 0 1 0 — 1 22, Old Dominion 18. A: 3,918 (8,472).
nD: FG Jeter 44, 8:20. Johnson 2-3 2-2 7, Paopao 3-7 2-2 11, Dauda 0-1 1-2 1,
Cameron Young ................................. 32 34 — 66 -7 OKlAHOMA cITY: Dort 3-7 0-0 9, Jal.Williams 8-14 1-2 nD: FG Jeter 48, :39.
Thomas Detry .................................... 34 33 — 67 -6 fIRST peRIOD Edwards 3-5 3-3 9, Tac 3-5 3-5 9, Watkins 3-9 5-6 11,
18, Hartenstein 5-9 1-1 11, Gilgeous-Alexander 9-17 9-9 nD: B.Collins 13 pass from Leonard (Jeter kick), :27. Fulwiley 7-11 3-5 17, Tessa Johnson 3-7 4-4 10, Totals
Tony Finau ......................................... 32 35 — 67 -6 29, Wiggins 4-7 0-0 9, D.Jones 0-0 0-2 0, Dieng 1-1 0-0 2, Scoring: 1, Carolina, Burns 4 (Jarvis, Slavin), 0:35. 27-57 25-32 83
Adam Hadwin .................................... 31 36 — 67 -6 Jay.Williams 1-7 0-0 2, K.Williams 2-6 1-2 7, Carlson 0-0 THIRD qUARTeR Missouri (11-5) No. 19 Gonzaga 81, Portland 50
Austin Eckroat ................................... 32 36 — 68 -5 0-0 0, Joe 3-6 0-0 9, Mitchell 3-6 4-4 11, Wallace 4-6 0-0 SecOnD peRIOD
Harry Hall ........................................... 30 38 — 68 -5 nD: J.Harrison 98 kickoff return (Jeter kick), 14:45. Ngalakulondi 0-2 1-2 1, Judd 5-11 3-4 15, Kroenke 0-3 1-2 portland (5-11)
9. Totals 43-86 16-20 116. Scoring: 2, Florida, Lundell 9 (J.Boqvist, Rodrigues), UgA: C.Jones 32 pass from Stockton (Woodring kick), 9:36. 1, Randle 2-5 2-2 6, Slaughter 5-14 3-4 13, Linthacum 1-1 Dengdit 2-5 2-2 6, Rapp 2-8 0-0 6, Ballisager Webb 2-2 0-2 5,
Maverick McNealy ............................. 34 34 — 68 -5
Three-point goals: L.A. Clippers 11-32 (Coffey 6-8, Bamba 2:17. 1-1 3, Herron 0-1 0-0 0, Milkovic 0-1 0-0 0, Schreacke 2-7 Delano 6-16 0-0 12, Mackinnon 3-8 2-2 8, Ballew 2-10 0-0 5,
Aaron Rai ........................................... 34 34 — 68 -5 fOURTH qUARTeR
Adam Scott ........................................ 36 32 — 68 -5 2-3, Dunn 2-3, Miller 1-5, Batum 0-1, Hyland 0-2, Jones Jr. 0-0 6, Sjökvist 0-1 0-2 0, Wilson 1-5 0-0 2, Brown 1-3 0-0 Masic 0-3 0-0 0, Austin 0-3 0-0 0, Oakman 3-5 0-0 6, Gebbers 1-2
THIRD peRIOD 3, Feldrappe 1-3 0-0 2, Totals 18-57 11-17 52
Jhonattan Vegas ............................... 32 36 — 68 -5 0-2, Porter Jr. 0-3, Powell 0-5), Oklahoma City 14-38 (Joe nD: FG Jeter 47, 13:47. 0-0 2, Jones 0-0 0-0 0, C.Lemke 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 21-63 4-6 50.
Ludvig Aberg ...................................... 34 35 — 69 -4 3-6, Dort 3-7, K.Williams 2-3, Gilgeous-Alexander 2-5, Scoring: 3, Carolina, Slavin 2 (Walker, Kotkaniemi), Attendance: 57,267. Three-point goals: South Carolina 4-15 (R.Johnson 1-2, gonzaga (11-4)
Keegan Bradley .................................. 36 33 — 69 -4 Wallace 1-1, Jal.Williams 1-3, Mitchell 1-3, Wiggins 1-3, 12:30. 4, Carolina, Necas 15 (Staal, Svechnikov), 19:32 Paopao 3-6, Dauda 0-1, Watkins 0-1, Fulwiley 0-2, Gregg 2-4 3-4 7, Ike 3-11 2-2 9, Battle 3-10 2-2 10, Hickman
Hartenstein 0-1, Jay.Williams 0-6). fouled Out: None. (en). notre Dame georgia T.Johnson 0-3), Missouri 5-16 (Judd 2-3, Slaughter 0-4, 5-8 0-0 13, Nembhard 4-7 0-0 10, Stromer 5-9 0-0 12, Huff
Wyndham Clark ................................. 36 33 — 69 -4
Brice Garnett ..................................... 35 34 — 69 -4 Rebounds: L.A. Clippers 45 (Zubac 9), Oklahoma City 35 First Downs ..................................... 14 16 Schreacke 2-6, Wilson 0-1, Brown 1-2). Assists: South 4-8 2-4 10, Ajayi 1-7 3-4 5, Innocenti 1-2 0-0 3, Few 0-1 0-0 0,
(Hartenstein 9). Assists: L.A. Clippers 25 (Dunn, Miller 5), SHOTS On gOAl Total Net Yards ............................. 244 296 Carolina 8 (Fulwiley 2, Kitts 2), Missouri 7 (Judd 3). Yeo 1-1 0-0 2. Totals 29-68 12-16 81.
Max Homa .......................................... 34 35 — 69 -4
Sungjae Im ......................................... 34 35 — 69 -4 Oklahoma City 29 (Gilgeous-Alexander 8). Total fouls: cAROlInA ............................. 16 16 8 — 40 Rushes-Yards ........................... 37-154 29-62 fouled out: Missouri Ngalakulondi, Randle. Rebounds: Halftime: Gonzaga 35-17. Three-point goals: Portland 4-25
L.A. Clippers 18, Oklahoma City 14. A: 18,203 (18,203) flORIDA .................................. 6 9 12 — 27 Passing ............................................ 90 234 South Carolina 48 (Watkins 11), Missouri 27 (Judd 6). (Rapp 2-6, Ballisager Webb 1-1, Ballew 1-4, Dengdit 0-1,
Sepp Straka ....................................... 34 35 — 69 -4
power-play opportunities: Carolina 0 of 3; Florida 0 of Punt Returns ................................ 2-11 1-6 Total fouls: South Carolina 19, Missouri 30. Technical Gebbers 0-1, C.Lemke 0-1, Mackinnon 0-1, Austin 0-3, Masic
Byeong Hun An .................................. 36 34 — 70 -3
Jason Day ........................................... 35 35 — 70 -3 2. goalies: Carolina, Kochetkov 15-7-1 (27 shots-26 Kickoff Returns ............................ 1-98 1-19 Fouls_None. A: 5,154. 0-3, Delano 0-4), Gonzaga 11-24 (Hickman 3-5, Nembhard
Interceptions Ret. ........................... 0-0 0-0
Max Greyserman ............................... 35 35 — 70 -3 kings 113, 76ers 107 saves). Florida, Bobrovsky 17-8-1 (39-37). A: 19,434
(19,250). T: 2:43. Comp-Att-Int .......................... 15-24-0 20-32-0
2-3, Stromer 2-5, Battle 2-6, Innocenti 1-1, Ike 1-2, Gregg
0-1, Huff 0-1). Rebounds: Portland 33 (Dengdit 8), Gonzaga
Russell Henley ................................... 35 35 — 70 -3
Viktor Hovland ................................... 32 38 — 70 -3 Late Wednesday Sacked-Yards Lost ........................ 1-11
Punts .......................................... 5-43.4
No. 13 Georgia Tech 85, 45 (Ajayi 15). Assists: Portland 10 (Mackinnon 3), Gonzaga
20 (Nembhard 9). Total fouls: Portland 17, Gonzaga 11.
Patton Kizzire .................................... 35 35
Robert Macintyre .............................. 35 35
70 -3
70 -3 pHIlADelpHIA .................. 30 27 32 18 — 107 Fumbles-Lost .................................. 0-0 2-2 syracuse 68
Penalties-Yards .......................... 10-75 5-36
Akshay Bhatia ................................... 37 34 — 71 -2 SAcRAMenTO ................... 25 32 23 33 — 113 Maple Leafs 2, Islanders 1 Time Of Possession .................... 31:47 28:13 SYRAcUSe ......................... 16 15 20 17 — 68
Nicolas Echavarria ............................. 33 38 — 71 -2 geORgIA TecH .................. 16 28 21 20 — 85
Taylor Pendrith .................................. 34 37 — 71 -2
pHIlADelpHIA: C.Martin 5-10 0-0 12, George 11-20 4-4
30, Yabusele 3-6 0-0 8, Lowry 0-3 0-0 0, Maxey 10-23 4-4
TOROnTO ................................ 0 1 1 — 2
No. 20 Purdue 81, Minnesota 61
n.Y. ISlAnDeRS ...................... 0 1 0 — 1 Syracuse (6-7)
Justin Thomas ................................... 35 36 — 71 -2 27, Drummond 4-6 2-4 10, Council IV 1-3 1-1 3, Edwards Scott 1-5 0-0 3, Wood 4-11 4-4 12, Burrows 2-11 0-0 6, purdue (10-4)
Sam Burns ......................................... 36 36 — 72 -1 SecOnD peRIOD notre Dame: Leonard 15-24-0-90. georgia: Stockton
0-1 0-0 0, Gordon 5-9 1-1 14, Jackson 1-3 0-0 3. Totals Camp 3-5 0-1 6, Woolley 7-19 5-5 22, Hawkins 0-2 0-0 0, C.Furst 3-5 5-6 11, Kaufman-Renn 8-14 1-2 17, Cox 0-2
Rafael Campos ................................... 37 35 — 72 -1 20-32-0-234.
40-84 12-14 107. Scoring: 1, Toronto, McMann 11 (Robertson), 10:43. 2, Thompson 0-2 0-0 0, Wilson 2-5 1-2 5, Varejao 2-3 2-2 6, 0-0 0, Loyer 8-10 4-4 24, Smith 7-17 1-2 20, Colvin 1-4 0-0
Chris Gotterup ................................... 35 37 — 72 -1 2, Heide 1-4 0-0 3, Harris 1-1 0-0 3, Burgess 0-1 1-2 1.
Billy Horschel ..................................... 36 36 — 72 -1 SAcRAMenTO: DeRozan 7-14 4-4 18, Ellis 3-8 0-0 9, N.Y. Islanders, Mayfield 2 (Pelech, Barzal), 18:15. RUSHIng Potts 0-0 0-0 0, Velez 3-6 2-2 8, Totals 24-69 14-16 68
georgia Tech (15-0) Totals 29-58 12-16 81.
Stephan Jaeger .................................. 36 36 — 72 -1 Sabonis 8-14 1-2 17, Fox 13-16 7-8 35, Monk 5-12 10-10 notre Dame: Leonard 14-80, Price 10-37, Love 6-19,
20, Lyles 4-9 0-0 12, McDermott 0-2 0-0 0, Huerter 1-8 THIRD peRIOD Smith 6-13 4-4 16, Termis 3-6 0-0 7, Dunn 2-9 10-12 14, Minnesota (8-6)
Jake Knapp ......................................... 37 35 — 72 -1 Faison 2-9, J.Thomas 1-7, A.Williams 2-4, (Team) Morgan 6-13 3-4 15, Noguero 0-2 3-3 3, Blackshear 0-1 Fox 2-2 0-0 4, Garcia 8-15 2-7 20, M.Mitchell 2-10 0-0 4,
Xander Schauffele ............................. 35 37 — 72 -1 0-0 2, Len 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 41-84 22-24 113. Scoring: 3, Toronto, McMann 12 (Ekman-Larsson, Domi), 2-(minus 2). georgia: Etienne 11-38, Frazier 4-37, Odukale 3-5 0-2 6, Patterson 5-11 3-3 14, Asuma 3-5 0-0
0-0 0, Carnegie 11-18 0-0 28, Wright 1-5 0-0 2, Totals
Christiaan Bezuidenhout ........................ 35 38 — 73 E Three-point goals: Philadelphia 15-40 (George 4-7, Gordon 17:01 (pp). A.Smith 1-13, D.Bell 1-1, C.Jones 2-(minus 4), Stockton 7, F.Mitchell 1-3 1-2 3, Edmonds 1-1 1-2 3, Betts 0-0 0-0
29-67 20-23 85
Cameron Davis ................................... 39 34 — 73 E 3-7, Maxey 3-10, C.Martin 2-4, Yabusele 2-5, Jackson 1-2, 10-(minus 23). Three-point goals: Syracuse 6-17 (Scott 1-1, Burrows 0. Totals 25-52 7-16 61.
Matt Fitzpatrick ................................ 37 36 — 73 E SHOTS On gOAl
Council IV 0-1, Edwards 0-1, Lowry 0-3), Sacramento 9-31 ReceIVIng 2-6, Camp 0-2, Woolley 3-7, Velez 0-1), Georgia Tech Halftime: Purdue 28-27. Three-point goals: Purdue 11-25
Denny McCarthy ................................ 36 37 — 73 E (Lyles 4-8, Ellis 3-8, Fox 2-4, DeRozan 0-1, McDermott 0-2, TOROnTO .............................. 11 11 9 — 31 (Smith 5-11, Loyer 4-6, Harris 1-1, Heide 1-3, Burgess
7-21 (Termis 1-4, Dunn 0-2, Morgan 0-2, Noguero 0-1,
Davis Riley ......................................... 37 36 — 73 E Huerter 0-3, Monk 0-5). fouled Out: Philadelphia 1 (George), n.Y. ISlAnDeRS ...................... 8 11 14 — 33 notre Dame: Faison 4-46, Evans 3-22, Greathouse 2-6, 0-1, Colvin 0-3), Minnesota 4-17 (Garcia 2-6, Asuma 1-2,
Carnegie 6-8, Wright 0-4). Assists: Syracuse 15 (Velez
Nick Taylor ......................................... 36 37 — 73 E Sacramento None. Rebounds: Philadelphia 34 (Drummond power-play opportunities: Toronto 1 of 2; N.Y. Islanders A.Williams 2-5, Collins 1-13, Harrison 1-4, Love 1-2, 4), Georgia Tech 17 (Morgan 6). fouled out: None. Patterson 1-2, Odukale 0-1, M.Mitchell 0-6). Rebounds:
Kevin Yu ............................................. 38 35 — 73 E 9), Sacramento 45 (Sabonis 21). Assists: Philadelphia 24 0 of 3. goalies: Toronto, Woll 12-6-0 (33 shots-32 saves). Leonard 1-(minus 8). georgia: D.Bell 6-33, Etienne 4-26, Rebounds: Syracuse 42 (Burrows 8, Woolley 8), Georgia Purdue 30 (Smith, Heide 6), Minnesota 30 (Patterson 8).
Patrick Cantlay .................................. 39 35 — 74 +1 (Maxey 6), Sacramento 24 (Sabonis 7). Total fouls: Phila- N.Y. Islanders, Sorokin 11-13-4 (31-29). A: 17,255 Lovett 3-36, C.Jones 2-37, O.Delp 2-18, Frazier 2-17, Tech 43 (Smith 12). Total fouls: Syracuse 16, Georgia Assists: Purdue 21 (Smith 10), Minnesota 17 (Odukale
Eric Cole ............................................. 36 38 — 74 +1 delphia 22, Sacramento 14. A: 16,024 (17,608) (17,113). T: 2:27. A.Smith 1-67. Tech 14. Technical Fouls_None. A: 2,076. 4). Total fouls: Purdue 15, Minnesota 15.
EZ CLASSIFIED zone EZ | 2025-1-3 | D 7 | BLACK
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with the northeastern margin Schedule a FREE LeafFilter esti-
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UNIT OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION SALE OF VALUABLE 43° 40’ 00” W 105 feet, more chase. 10% Senior & Military Dis-
Tonya Uranus Downs AKA
or less, to the point of begin- counts. Call 1-844-566-3227
CONDOMINIUM UNIT CONTAINED WITHIN PREMISES at 2127 Tonya Uranus AKA ning, with any improvements
California Street, N.W., #406, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20008. Tonya Downs thereon 360
Estate Sales
Pursuant to District of Columbia Condominium Act of 1976, Defendant
LESS AND EXECEPT in deed my-post
Section 313 and under the power of sale contained in the No. C-02-CV-24-000955 book 336 at page 407
Declaration and Bylaws of the Condominium, recorded NOTICE Subject to any and all cove- ARLINGTON, VA
on December 17, 1979 as Instrument Number 44082 and nants, conditions, restrictions, Full House sale.
Thur, Fri, Sat & Sun 10-3
Notice is hereby issued this Fri-
44083, and as amended, and in accordance with Public Law day, December 13, 2024 that
easements, and all other
matters of record taking pri- 4567 25th Rd North.
90-566 and D.C. Code Section 42-1903.13, as amended, the sale of the property in the ority over the Deed of Trust, See
proceedings mentioned, made
notice filed December 6, 2024, and at the request of the and reported by William M Sav-
if any, affecting the aforesaid
property. for details
Attorney for the Unit Owners’ Association, we shall sell at age, Substitute Trustee BE RAT-
public auction on Thursday the 9th day of January 2025 at cause to the contrary thereof be
posit of $20,000.00 or 10% of the
Dogs for Sale
11:47 AM, within the office of Alex Cooper Auctioneers, 4910 shown on or before the 13th day sales price, whichever is lower,
Massachusetts Ave, N.W., #100, Washington, .D.C. 20016. of January 2025 next; provided,
a copy of this Notice be inserted
cash or certified check will be
required at the time of sale, but
in some newspaper published in no more than $10,000.00 of cash
Unit 406 of the Le Bourget Condominium designated on Anne Arundel County, once in will be accepted, with settlement
the Records of the Assessor of the District of Columbia
each of three successive weeks within fifteen (15) days from the
sweater or tank top?
before the 13th day of January date of sale. Sale is subject to
for assessment and taxation purposes as Lots 2112 and 2025 next. The report states that
the amount of sale of the proper-
post sale confirmation that the
borrower did not file for protec-
2090 in Square 2528. ty at 624 TRIPP CREEK COURT, tion under the U.S. Bankruptcy
ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401 to be Code prior to the sale which af-
$250,000.00. fects the validity of the sale, as Stay one step ahead of the weather with the
a gift
Terms of sale: Sold Subject to the provisions, restrictions, well as to post-sale confirmation
easements and conditions as set forth in the Declaration Scott A. Poyer
Circuit Court for
of the status of the loan with
the loan servicer including, but Capital Weather Gang
of Condominium, the By-laws relating thereto, and any and Anne Arundel County, MD. not limited to, determination of
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prior liens, encumbrances and municipal assessments,
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gift of delivers
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announced at time of sale. A deposit of $7,000.00 will interest. Additional terms may
be required at time of sale, such deposit to be in cash, be announced at the time of
sale. Pursuant to the Federal Fair
certified check, or in such other form as the attorney for
Debt Collection Practices Act,
the Owners’ Association may require in her sole discretion. we advise you that this firm is a
debt collector attempting to col-
All conveyancing, recording, recordation tax, transfer tax,
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lect the indebtedness referred
etc. at purchaser’s cost. All adjustments made as of date Gift subscriptions
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date of receipt of the balance of the purchase price, must
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Mini goldendoodles Healthy,
other terms to be complied with within 30 days, otherwise S0390-1x1.5 This is a communication from a
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Gift subscriptions
SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C. (85658) Raised in home. In business for
and sold at the discretion of the Owners’ Association and at over 25 years.
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shall convey a deed pursuant to D. C. Code Section 42- 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
1903.13 (c) (1) and (3) as amended, and make no further
representations or warranties as to title. The Association
reserves the right in its sole discretion to rescind the sale
or visit our website at
Jan 3,10 2025 0012478147
at any time until conveyance of the deed. In the event of DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
failure on the part of the Association to convey such deed,
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Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC Brock and Scott, PLLC TRUSTEE’S SALE ORLANS PC Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC
11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 5431 Oleander Drive 10205 Tickle Ln, Lusby, MD 20657 1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD. SE, SUITE 310 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302
Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Wilmington NC, 28403 LEESBURG, VA 20175 Hunt Valley, MD 21031
470-321-7112 Trustee’s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by 703-777-7101 470-321-7112
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE OF premises known as 10205 Tickle Ln, Lusby, MD 20657. By
KNOWN AS 312 HENSON ROAD Page 102 among the land records of the County of Calvert, 6365 Morning Time Lane KNOWN AS
2623 NEMO CT Glen Burnie, MD 21060 in the original principal amount of $810,056.00. Upon Columbia, MD 21044 11546 FOX RIVER DRIVE
BOWIE, MD 20716 default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees will ELLICOTT CITY, MD 21042
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from
Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated certain Deed of Trust to VINH PHAM, Trustee(s), dated COUNTY OF CALVERT, at 175 Main Street, Prince Frederick, NELSON M. DURHAM AND PATRICE M. DURHAM, dated Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust
July 26, 2004, and recorded in Liber 20355, folio 224, of April 5, 2007, and recorded among the Land Records of Maryland, on January 21, 2025 at 9:30 AM, all that property December 24, 2009 and recorded in Liber 12291, folio 083 dated June 11, 2010, and recorded in Liber 12543, folio
the land records of PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY , with an ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 20137 , folio described in said Deed of Trust including but not limited to: among the Land Records of HOWARD COUNTY, MD, default 215, of the land records of HOWARD COUNTY , with an
original principal balance of $132,000.00, default having 397 , the holder of the indebtedness secured by this Deed having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed as original principal balance of $1,080,411.00, default having
occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute of Trust having appointed the undersigned Substitute Tax ID# 01-241222 Case No.C-13-CV-24-000137; Tax ID No.15-113200 ) the occurred under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute
Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE PRINCE Trustees, by instrument duly recorded among the aforesaid Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the HOWARD Trustees will offer for sale at public auction at THE HOWARD
GEORGE’S COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF Land Records, default having occurred under the terms Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling COUNTY COURTHOUSE, located at 9250 JUDICIAL WAY, COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 9250 JUDICIAL WAY,
THE DUVAL WING OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 thereof, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the and is sold in “as is condition” and subject to all superior ELLICOTT CITY, MD 21043, on ELLICOTT CITY, MD 21043 ON,
MAIN ST, UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-
auction at THE ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURTHOUSE of-way, as may affect same, if any. JANUARY 7, 2025 at 11:30 AM JANUARY 7, 2025 at 10:00 AM
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any JANUARY 21, 2025 at 10:00 AM or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The thereon situated in HOWARD COUNTY, MD and more fully buildings or improvements thereon situated in HOWARD
buildings or improvements thereon situated in PRINCE balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per described in above referenced Deed of Trust. COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and more fully
GEORGE’S COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust.
more fully described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. thereon situated in ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD and paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO AN IRS RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.
described as follows: TAX ID# - 05-441552
TAX ID# - 07-0792143 Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and
BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT 54, AS SHOWN ON A regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record The property and improvements will be sold in an “AS
The property and improvements will be sold in an “AS PLAT ENTITLED, “SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 9 AND 10 AS SHOWN thereafter assumed by purchaser. affecting the same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. IS” physical condition without warranty of any kind and
IS” physical condition without warranty of any kind and ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF SUBDIVISION OF PROPERTY subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of
subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of ON OLD ANNAPOLIS ROAD, RECORDED IN CABINET 3, ROD If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association Terms of Sale: A deposit $30,000.00 will be required at the record affecting the same, including any condominium or
record affecting the same, including any condominium or E-5, PLAT 11, NEAR GLEN BURNIE, A.A. COUNTY, MD FOR dues and assessments that may become due after the time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real
homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real FOXWELL AND FOXWELL, INC.”, WHICH PLAT IS RECORDED time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. CASHIER’S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Balance Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 .
Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of
MARYLAND IN PLAT BOOK 21, FOLIO 25, (ALSO IN PLAT transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for HOWARD TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder’s deposit of
TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder’s deposit of CABINET NO. 3, ROD F-6, PLAT NO. 8). to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. If the $93,000.00 by cashier’s/certified check or such other form
$9,500.00 by cashier’s/certified check or such other form the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole
as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole The property will be sold in an “AS IS WHERE IS” forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of property shall be resold at the purchaser’s risk and expense. discretion, required at time of sale except for the party
discretion, required at time of sale except for the party condition without either express or implied warranty or the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the The purchaser waives personal service and accepts service secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser
secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser representation, including but not limited to the description, Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in by first class mail and certified mail addressed to the from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase
from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase fitness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity, accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy address provided by said Purchaser as identified on the price together with interest thereon at 5.25% per annum
price together with interest thereon at 5.75% per annum physical condition, construction, extent of construction, is the return of the deposit. Trustee’s File No. 23-294451. Memorandum of Sale for any Motion or Show Cause Order from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute
from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision, incident to this sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser Trustees must be paid by cashier’s check within 10 days
Trustees must be paid by cashier’s check within 10 days environmental condition, merchantability, compliance William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. and for Resale of the Property. In the event of a resale, after final ratification of sale. The noteholder shall not be
after final ratification of sale. The noteholder shall not be with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to receive obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be
obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, any benefit from the resale, including, but not limited to, no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event
no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event easements, agreements and restrictions of record which Mailing Address: 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400, additional proceeds or surplus which may arise therefrom. that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if
that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to Charlotte, North Carolina 28216 Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes
settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record (410) 769-9797 pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted
and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted affecting same including any condominium and of HOA the date funds are received by the Substitute Trustees. There as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser.
as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. will be no abatement of interest in the event additional If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners
If applicable, any condominium and/or homeowners funds are tendered at the time of sale or any time prior to association dues and assessments that may become due
association dues and assessments that may become due TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $29,000.00 payable in settlement or if the settlement is delayed for any reason. after the date of sale shall be purchaser’s responsibility.
after the date of sale shall be purchaser’s responsibility. certified check or by a cashier’s check will be required from In the event that the Secured Party executes a forbearance Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording
Purchaser shall pay all transfer, documentary and recording purchaser at time of sale, balance in immediately available agreement with the borrower(s) described in the above- taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is
taxes/fees and all other settlement costs. Purchaser is funds upon final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court of mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time
responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND interest to be paid at Jan 3,10,17 2025 0012478624 execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults,
is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, the rate of 4.125 % on unpaid purchase money from date 857 857 prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee’s deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and
deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and of sale to date of settlement. The secured party herein, if a Howard County Howard County prior knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any
cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any bidder, shall not be required to post a deposit. Third party of no effect, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy shall be the deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and
deficiency in the purchase price and all costs, expenses and purchaser (excluding the secured party) will be required to return of the deposit without interest. Purchaser shall pay attorney’s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not
attorney’s fees of both sales. If Substitute Trustees do not complete full settlement of the purchase of the property for documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement convey title for any reason, purchaser’s sole remedy is return
convey title for any reason, purchaser’s sole remedy is return within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS of the ratification of the expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water rent, condominium fees of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale
of deposit without interest. This sale is subject to post-sale sale by the Circuit Court otherwise the purchaser’s deposit ORLANS PC and/or homeowner association dues, all public charges/ audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust
audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust shall be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk 1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD. SE, SUITE 310 assessments payable on an annual basis, including including but not limited to determining whether prior to
including but not limited to determining whether prior to and expense, of the defaulting purchaser. All other public LEESBURG, VA 20175 sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if applicable, sale a bankruptcy was filed; forbearance, repayment or
sale a bankruptcy was filed; forbearance, repayment or charges and private charges or assessments, including 703-777-7101 shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated
other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated water/sewer charges, ground rent, taxes if any, to be thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and
or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and adjusted to date of sale. Cost of all documentary stamps and SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser void and purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit
void and purchaser’s sole remedy shall be return of deposit transfer taxes and all other costs incident to the settlement OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the without interest. File No. (22-083929)
without interest. File No. (23-130005) shall be borne by the purchaser. If applicable, condominium 5235 Lightfoot Path date of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable
and/or homeowner association dues and assessments will Columbia, MD 21044 to convey insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s) KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON,
KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, be adjusted to date of sale. If the sale is rescinded or not sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to a refund Substitute Trustees
Substitute Trustees ratified for any reason, including post sale lender audit, or Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from of the aforementioned deposit without interest. In the event
the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey insurable title TERRANCE SHANE FISH AND DAWN M. FISH, dated October the sale is not ratified for any reason, the Purchaser’s sole
or a resale is to take place for any reason, the purchaser(s) 31, 2006 and recorded in Liber 10336, folio 459 among remedy, at law or equity, is the return of the deposit without
sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of the Land Records of HOWARD COUNTY, MD, default having interest. (File # 23-012626)
the aforementioned deposit. The purchaser waives all rights occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed as Case
and claims against the Substitute Trustees whether known No.C13CV20000209; Tax ID No.15-093404 ) the Sub. JAMES E. CLARKE,
or unknown. These provisions shall survive settlement Upon Trustees will sell at public auction at the HOWARD COUNTY SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE
refund of the deposit, this sale shall be void and of no effect, COURTHOUSE, located at 9250 JUDICIAL WAY, ELLICOTT Dec 20,27,Jan 3 2025 0012477110
Dec 27,Jan 3,10 2025 0012478130 and the purchaser shall have no further claim against the CITY, MD 21043, on 873 873
Substitute Trustees. The sale is subject to post-sale review Prince William County Prince William County
TRUSTEE’S SALE of the status of the loan and that if any agreement to cancel JANUARY 7, 2025 at 11:30 AM
12303 Thomas Prospect Drive, Bowie, MD 20720 the sale was entered into by the lender and borrower prior
to the sale then the sale is void and the purchaser’s deposit ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements
Trustee’s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by shall be refunded without interest. Additional terms and thereon situated in HOWARD COUNTY, MD and more fully
premises known as 12303 Thomas Prospect Drive, Bowie, conditions, if applicable, maybe announced at the time described in above referenced Deed of Trust. Dec 20,27,Jan 3 2025 0012477832 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE
MD 20720. By virtue of the power and authority contained and date of sale. Sale is subject to the attestation by the 9511 Basilwood Drive, Manassas, VA 20110
in a Deed of Trust, dated February 12, 2018, and recorded Borrower in accordance with Section 5.A of the Governor’s TRUSTEE’S SALE By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated
The property will be sold in an “as is” condition and
in Liber 40768 at Page 28 among the land records of the order of 10.16.2020. File No. (14-20681) subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record
October 20, 2005 and recorded at November 4, 2005 in Instrument
Number 200511040192571 in the Clerk’s Office for the Prince William
County of Prince George’s, in the original principal amount Trustee’s Sale of valuable leasehold property
affecting the same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. improved by premises known as
County Virginia Circuit Court, Virginia, securing a loan which was orig-
of $96,000.00. Upon default and request for sale, the BRENNAN FERGUSON, JOHN C. HANRAHAN, inally $424,000.00. The appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Common-
wealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction at the front
undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at JEREMY B. WILKINS, AMANDA DRISCOLE, 9029 Flicker Place, Columbia, MD 21045
Terms of Sale: A deposit $35,000.00 will be required at the steps of the Circuit Court for Prince William County located at 9311 Lee
the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE’S, at the ROBERT OLIVERI, PAUL HEINMULLER, time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY
Avenue, Manassas, VA 20110.
front of the Duval Wing of the Courthouse Complex located Substitute Trustees By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of
CASHIER’S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Balance Trust, dated October 1, 2007, and recorded in Liber 10933 at
January 31, 2025 at 1:00 PM
at 14735 Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of the
January 7, 2025 at 2:00 PM, all that property described in Page 409 among the land records of the County of Howard,
final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for HOWARD in the original principal amount of $544,185.00. Upon
following described property, to wit:
said Deed of Trust including but not limited to: A181, A316, A311, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463, A508 COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. If the All of that certain lot or parcel of land together with improve-
default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees will
purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the
ments thereon, situate, lying and being in the County of Prince
Tax ID# 07-3417920 property shall be resold at the purchaser’s risk and expense.
William, State of Virginia, and more particularly described as
County of Howard, located at 9250 Judicial Way, Ellicott City,
The purchaser waives personal service and accepts service MD 21043, on January 9, 2025 at 10:00 AM, all that property
Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling by first class mail and certified mail addressed to the
Lot 20, Section 4, Johnson Estates, as the same appears duly
dedicated, platted and recorded in Deed Book 2341 at page 1408
and is sold in “as is condition” and subject to all superior described in said Deed of Trust including but not limited to:
address provided by said Purchaser as identified on the among the land records of Prince William County, Virginia.
covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights- Memorandum of Sale for any Motion or Show Cause Order
of-way, as may affect same, if any. Tax ID# 16-099155 AND as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
Jan 3,10,17 2025 0012480316 incident to this sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold “AS IS,” WITHOUT REPRE-
and for Resale of the Property. In the event of a resale, TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash SENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions,
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to receive restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other mat-
or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The TRUSTEE’S SALE or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The ters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced
86 Summerfield Drive, Annapolis, MD 21403 any benefit from the resale, including, but not limited to, balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per at the time of sale. A deposit of $20,000 or 10% of the sale price,
balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per additional proceeds or surplus which may arise therefrom. whichever is lower, will be required at the time of sale, in the form of
annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be certified check, cashier’s check or money order by the purchaser. The
Trustee’s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in
paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are
premises known as 86 Summerfield Drive, Annapolis, MD received in the office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within
21403. By virtue of the power and authority contained in the date funds are received by the Substitute Trustees. There Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or fifteen (15) days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bid-
Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or will be no abatement of interest in the event additional der, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and
regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and a Deed of Trust, dated February 19, 2008, and recorded in regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale expenses of sale and Substitute Trustee’s fee. All other public charges
Liber 19999 at Page 593 among the land records of the funds are tendered at the time of sale or any time prior to and thereafter assumed by purchaser. If applicable, or assessments, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred pri-
thereafter assumed by purchaser. settlement or if the settlement is delayed for any reason. or to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be
County of Anne Arundel, in the original principal amount condominium and/or homeowners association dues and paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges
of $346,500.00. Upon default and request for sale, the In the event that the Secured Party executes a forbearance assessments that may become due after the time of sale have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted
If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association agreement with the borrower(s) described in the above- from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to
dues and assessments that may become due after the undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction will be the responsibility of the purchaser. Title examination, pay the seller’s attorneys at settlement, a fee of $470.00 for review of
at the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF ANNE ARUNDEL, at 8 mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer taxes, title the settlement documents.
time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the suc-
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, Church Circle, Annapolis, Maryland, on January 7, 2025 at insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement are cessful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute
4:00 PM, all that property described in said Deed of Trust prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee’s to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for the Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of
transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident prior knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and bidding.
to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of including but not limited to: purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the
of no effect, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy shall be the property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting FOR INFORMATION CONTACT
the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be return of the deposit without interest. Purchaser shall pay Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of Tax ID# 06-815-01569000 purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute (Attorney for the Secured Party)
for documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in accord
the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the expenses. Taxes, ground rent, water rent, condominium fees
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814
Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy is the 301-907-8000
and is sold in “as is condition” and subject to all superior and/or homeowner association dues, all public charges/ return of the deposit. Trustee’s File No. 22-290162.
accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy assessments payable on an annual basis, including
is the return of the deposit. Trustee’s File No. 24-296694. covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights- Jan 3,10 2025 0012477525
of-way, as may affect same, if any. sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if applicable, William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees.
shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed
William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP,
or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser Mailing Address: 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400,
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the
Mailing Address: 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400, balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per Charlotte, North Carolina 28216
annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be date of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable (410) 769-9797
Charlotte, North Carolina 28216 to convey insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s)
(410) 769-9797 paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale.
sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to a refund
Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or of the aforementioned deposit without interest. In the event
regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and the sale is not ratified for any reason, the Purchaser’s sole
thereafter assumed by purchaser. remedy, at law or equity, is the return of the deposit without
We want
interest. (File # 19-701483)
If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association
dues and assessments that may become due after the JAMES E. CLARKE, Dec 20,27,Jan 3 2025 0012478163
Dec 20,27,Jan 3 2025 0012477114 time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps,
transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be
forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of
P litics?
We want
Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in Dec 20,27,Jan 3 2025 0012479013
accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy
is the return of the deposit. Trustee’s File No. 23-295640.
William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees.
Mailing Address: 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400,
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the washington post . friday, january 3, 2025
Call 202-892-5285
. friday,
washington Capitals
kids day
How would your budding hockey
fan like to get up close to Alex
ovechkin or Connor McMichael
and skate on the same ice as
their heroes? the Washington
stereo Vision Capitals host a “Kids Day”
Exhibits Betty O’Hellno and Elvis will host the annual Elvis’ Birthday Fight Club at GALA Hispanic Theatre. version of the team’s open
sweeping practice sessions at the
sAAM exhibit Medstar Capitals iceplex in
tells stories in Elvis’ Birthday Fight Club Ballston, with games, activities
and an appearance by mascot
sculpture. 9
the king of rock-and-roll is memorialized in D.C. each year with bouts of cartoony violence slapshot, as well as the chance
interspersed with burlesque performances at Astro Pop events’ cult favorite elvis’ Birthday to watch the Capitals run
through their drills while sitting
Fight Club, held at GALA Hispanic theatre. Proudly touted as “glamorously sleazy,” the show right up against the glass. An
pits pop-culture icons against each other in comical, choreographed wrestling-style combat open skate session — with free
skate rental, if needed — follows
— think Princess Leia vs. Xena Warrior Princess or “the Golden Girls” vs. Florida Man — all practice.
overseen by the King himself. At this year’s 14th annual event, elvis is getting a new co-host when: sunday at 10:30 a.m.
with the debut of Betty o’Hellno, the first drag queen to perform a halftime show at a where: Medstar Capitals
Washington Wizards game. iceplex, 627 n. Glebe rd.,
when: Friday and saturday at 7 and 9:30 p.m.
“nickel Boys” Admission: Free.
where: GALA Hispanic theatre, 3333 14th st. nW.
adapts novel
Tickets: $25-$45.
with visual ‘Big Goals’ book talk
daring. 17
Want to make your new Year’s
resolutions actually stick this
Last call for holiday some are going out with special stops at the improv for five time around? Get some pointers
events — Meadowlark Botanical shows. from author and executive
lights coach Caroline Adams Miller as
Gardens in Vienna is hosting when: Friday and saturday at 7
the presents have been put “Pup nights” at its winter walk she breaks down the science of
and 9:30 p.m.; sunday at 7 p.m.
away. the relatives have gone of Lights on Friday and sunday, goal setting from her new book,
show “the talk” and Bet’s saturdays open house, which where: Politics and Prose, 5015
national Zoo (through Saturday,
“Comic View,” her regular celebrates its monumental Connecticut Ave. nW. politics-, the seasons
w E E k E nd appearances on morning radio exhibition “Paris 1874: the
Greenings train display at the
shows hosted by steve Harvey impressionist Moment.” (the Admission: Free.
U.s. Botanic Garden (through
Post review called it a “smart,
january 3, 2025
the david Weingarten Collection,” through
INTeRNATIONAL sPY museum “Bond in 2025. a showcase of 400 miniature building
souvenirs from nearly 70 countries.
l’enfant Plaza sW.
“Building stories,” ongoing. this immersive
KReeGeR museum “the dmV Collects the exhibition dives into the world of
dmV,” through Feb. 1. this celebration of the architecture, engineering, construction and
design as depicted in children’s books. 401
Washington Print Club’s 60th anniversary
features the work of 49 artists who lived in F st. nW. STUDIOTHEATRE.ORG
the d.C. region or built their careers there.
2401 Foxhall Rd. nW. *NATIONAL GALLeRY OF ART “gordon
Parks: Camera Portraits From the Corcoran
OR CALL 202.332.3300
Collection,” through Jan. 12. a display of 25
eZ Music
Dance into the new year
at these January events
BY C HRIS K ELLY pects of nightlife.
“If anybody’s going to get both-
In the past few years, artist- ered to pick out an outfit, ask
specific dance nights have helped friends to go and travel across
dancers, DJs and venues get back town, they just want to have fun,”
on their feet after pandemic-re- sikes Howe says. “Making it a fun,
lated closures and disruptions to comfortable, inviting environ-
daily life. But what was once an ment is the top priority.”
occasional serving of instant nos- These dance nights are also a
talgia — say, a Taylor swift vs. way for fans to sing along and
olivia Rodrigo DJ set — has dance to the music of their favor-
evolved into a full menu of nights ite artists without shelling out the
dedicated to pop stars du jour. ever-increasing amount of cash
“It’s really just trying to find a that pop star concert tickets re-
genuine way to stimulate people’s quire (to say nothing of the globe-
native interests and get them to trotting undertaken by super-
come out under an avatar of some fans).
sort,” says Brian sikes Howe, pro- “There could be many reasons
duction manager at TsN Parties, for the popularity, but one is that
a company that throws several all of these artists’ tours sell out
such nights across the United quickly and this allows fans a
states. “It’s more of a vibe.” night to still dance and experi-
TsN will serve up vibes at two ence their music with fellow
D.C. events in January: Short n’ fans,” says Audrey Fix schaefer,
Sabrina, dedicated to sabrina communications director for
Carpenter (saturday at 8 p.m. at I.M.P. venues including 9:30
9:30 Club,, $20), and Club. “It’s a beautiful communal
Sapphic Factory: Queer Joy Par- thing to take part in.”
ty (Jan. 11 at 8:30 p.m. at 9:30 And even after an artist’s tour
Club,, $22). The former has come and gone, the party isn’t
promises not just recent hits like necessarily over. Consider Charli
“Espresso” and “Taste” but deeper XCX: The British singer-song-
cuts from the discography of an writer’s sweat Tour stopped in
erstwhile Disney star who re- Baltimore in september, but
leased five albums before her “Brat” summer continued into
Eras Tour-assisted breakout. fall and now winter as the album
Meanwhile, sapphic Factory is topped year-end lists and gets
billed as a celebration of “eternal ready for awards season. Three-
longing” and the music of artists six-five party girls have filled out
like Chappell Roan, Muna and nights including the Brat Rave,
Boygenius. The focus on queer the Charli Parti and TsN’s Club
artists and audience members is Classxcx, and they have another
Jay Leiby an intentional move to build a chance with club XcX (Jan. 24 at
safe space and serve a community 10 p.m. at Union Stage, union-
refuses to be boxed in
january 3, 2025
solo act but has been having “a lot more fun”
inger-guitarist Nicolle Maroulis is the since adding band members to the mix.
only permanent member of Hit Like a
. friday,
Maroulis, now 33, started writing songs at 16. sEE mArouLiS oN 7 A dance party at 9:30 club, which will also be the site of a Short n’
Sabrina night and Sapphic Factory: Queer Joy Party this month.
Music EZ
music from 6
Sean Bonney-Burrill, bassist ing.” recorded with members of up with that.” one song in the past two years, ing. After all, they followed the
Blue, drummer mike Davis and two Cleveland bands, the EP was Nearly all the EP’s screechy maroulis has been busy as a larynx-shredding “Becoming”
synth player mol White. All of inspired by the fierce perform- vocals were delivered by marou- tour manager for other bands with “The Decider,” a lilting tune
them also perform solo or in ance of an Atlanta outfit, the lis, who laughs when asked and an organizer of No more that features a banjo.
other Philadelphia bands. Callous Daoboys, that the collab- whether it hurts to sing like that. Dysphoria, which they founded “I think if you like a bunch of
january 3, 2025
most of those players appear orators saw at a music festival. “Yes. Thank you for asking.” in 2016. stuff, there are no rules,” they say.
on maroulis’s latest release: “The maroulis says they and their “I spent $75 for this course “It helps transgender, nonbi- “You can do whatever you want.”
Decider,” a folkie-rock tune the friends all had the same reac- online, ‘The Zen of Screaming,’ nary and gender-nonconforming
musician released as a single. It tion: “We were like, ‘That! I want by this well-known vocal coach people pay for different parts of Wednesday at 8 p.m. at Dc9, 1940
“was a song I couldn’t get out of to do that!’” for all these big old metal bands. their transitions,” they explain. Ninth St. NW. $15.
Pg On Exhibit
ExHiBiTS from 5 Marjorie Merriweather Post’s
vast collection of pearl, ivory,
seashell and other marine
INDIAN “sublime light: tapestry art of dy artworks is featured in “Fragile
begay,” through July 13. the first Beauty: Art of the Ocean,” an
retrospective of the navajo fiber artist’s
career features 48 tapestries spanning exhibit at Hillwood Estate,
three decades of work. Museum & Gardens that is on
“unbound: narrative art of the Plains,” view through Sunday.
through Jan. 20, 2026. historical hides,
muslins and ledger books from the great
Plains are presented alongside 50
contemporary works commissioned by the
museum. fourth street and independence
avenue sw. baseball and postal history have intersected
since the early 20th century.
*NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ASIAN ART “an “Voting by mail: Civil war to Covid-19,”
epic of kings: the great mongol through feb. 23. this election-year
shahnama,” through Jan. 12. an exhibition exhibition features objects spanning three
featuring 25 folios from the shahnama, the centuries that have been used to help u.s.
celebrated medieval Persian manuscript. citizens vote by mail. 2 massachusetts ave.
“striking objects: Contemporary Japanese ne.
metalwork,” through Jan. 11, 2026. works
from the collection of shirley Z. Johnson PHILLIPS COLLECTION “william gropper:
highlight the ways in which modern artist of the People,” through sunday.
Japanese metalworking is used in dozens of works from gropper, the son of
traditional methods. 1050 independence immigrants from romania and ukraine,
ave. sw. comment on 20th-century sociopolitical
*NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL “breaking it down: Conversations from the
HISTORY “lights out: recovering our night Vault,” through Jan. 19. this eclectic
sky,” through december. Photographs, exhibition presents more than 90 works
objects, models and interactive elements from historic and contemporary artists.
are used to explore the effects of light 1600 21st st. nw.
“dazzling diversity,” through dec. 16. early *RENWICK GALLERY “subversive, skilled,
natural history books from the smithsonian sublime: fiber art by women,” through
libraries and archives put scientific sunday. works of cotton, wool, polyester
knowledge of the insect world on display. and silk are presented in an exhibition that
“Cellphone: unseen Connections,” through considers an alternative history of american
2026. this exhibition, about the way phones art.
connect us to the natural world, features “Contemporary Craft at the renwick
multimedia installations, a sprawling gallery,” ongoing. more than 100 works
graphic novel and more than 750 objects. composed of fiber, ceramics, glass, metal,
10th street and Constitution avenue nw. wood and other materials showcase handmade art of the 21st century.
“Janet echelman’s 1.8 renwick,” ongoing.
NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WOMEN IN THE the american sculptor’s fiber and lighting
ARTS “suchitra mattai: myth from matter,” installation projects shadow drawings in
through Jan. 12. an exhibition pairing the colors that move from wall to wall.
guyanese-born artist’s recent work, Pennsylvania avenue and 17th street nw.
including mixed media and sculpture, with
objects sourced from d.C. collections.
“samantha box: Confluences,” through *SMITHSONIAN AMERICAN ART MUSEUM
march 23. this display highlights the bronx- “artist to artist,” through may 18. this
based photographer’s black-and-white work rotating exhibition highlights eight artist
exploring race, gender, class, and sexuality. pairings, each of which features two figures
“in focus: artists at work,” through april 20. whose trajectories intersected at a key
Video documentaries explore the creative moment.
processes of eight contemporary artists. “Pictures of belonging: miki hayakawa,
1250 new york ave. nw. hisako hibi, and miné okubo,” through aug.
17. an examination of the art from three
*NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY “brilliant trailblazing american women of Japanese
exiles: american women in Paris, 1900- descent.
1939,” through feb. 23. an exhibition “the shape of Power: stories of race and
highlighting the feats of 60 american american sculpture,” through sept. 14. a
women who traversed the atlantic in the collection of 82 works created between
early 20th century in pursuit of creative 1792 and 2023 examines how sculpture
freedom. and race in america have intersected.
“this morning, this evening, so soon: “sightlines: Chinatown and beyond,”
mark finkenstaedt/hillwood estate, museum & gardens
through nov. 30. this gallery overlooking
d.C.’s Chinatown neighborhood highlights
asian americans’ cultural impact on the
nation’s capital.
James baldwin and the Voices of Queer 4, 2026. this exhibition highlights the work “isaac Julien: lessons of the hour —
resistance,” through april 20. Curated by of hurrell, a hollywood photographer whose
Did you hear The Post today?
frederick douglass,” through 2026. a joint
Pulitzer Prize-winning writer hilton als, this portraits captured the likes of Clark gable, purchase by the Portrait gallery and the
collection explores the interconnected lives spencer tracy and Joan Crawford. eighth smithsonian american art museum, this
of baldwin, lorraine hansberry, bayard and f streets nw. five-screen video installation uses period
rustin and other queer civil rights activists. reenactments to create a portrait of the
washington Post podcasts “Picturing the Presidents: daguerreotypes *NATIONAL POSTAL MUSEUM “baseball:
january 3, 2025
“Collecting Memories:
Treasures From the Library of
Congress,” the first exhibition
s0108 2x3.75
he smithsonian American Art Museum’s
“The shape of Power: stories of Race and
American sculpture” is a complex and
eclectic exhibition, and one that includes
multiple subordinate themes. But in a way, it
begins as a dialogue between just two pieces —
Hiram Powers’s “The Greek slave” and Roberto
Lugo’s “DnA study Revisited” — that were created
almost two centuries apart.
Powers’s marble sculpture, which was produced
multiple times in various sizes and sometimes with
different details, is a story in itself. originally
modeled in clay in 1843, it became the first publicly
exhibited American sculpture of a fully nude wom-
an, and during the 19th century was one of the
best-known sculptural works by an American art-
If you go
the shaPe of Power: stories of race
anD american sculPture
smithsonian American Art Museum, Eighth and F
streets NW. 202-633-7970.
Dates: Through sept. 14.
Prices: Free.
The sweeping Smithsonian American Art Museum exhibit creates a dialogue between two pieces separated by nearly two
LuciA RM MARTiNo/sMiThsoNiAN AMERicAN ART MusEuM centuries: “The Greek Slave,” left, by Hiram Powers, and “DNA Study Revisited,” above, by Roberto Lugo.
eZ From the Cover 11
by sweet fermented pineapple and ing nursery food no matter your korekima (an ethiopian spice
spicy gochujang, chicken empana- age,” Sietsema writes. other stand- known as “false cardamom”). (En-
das surrounded by a multicolored outs include “saucer-sized tacos” trées $20 to $28.)
lake of scintillating sauces (chimi- filled with zesty chorizo or braised
churri, chipotle aioli and guajillo beef tongue, two-fisted tortas fea- Zinnia
oil), and signature tamales laced turing tangy-sweet al pastor sand- 9201 colesville Rd., Silver Spring.
with savory chicken broth. He wiched between fluffy telera bread
praises the first-time restaurateur alternately slathered in creamy “Zinnia knows what you want,
. friday,
for reimagining “food you think you mayonnaise and savory black and delivers,” Sietsema proclaims
know … with delicious twists” and beans, and egg-filled chiles rellenos in his 2023 spring dining guide of
revels in uncovering a new addition “which oozes warm cheese when it’s the multifaceted establishment
. friday,
specializing in “sheer pleasure, hold cut.” (Entrées $12 to $30.) that’s made itself at home in the
the washington post
the guilt.” (Entrées $20 to $28.) space formerly occupied by the be-
PhoToS by ScoTT Suchman for The WaShingTon PoST Bete loved Mrs. K’s toll House. the re-
Taqueria Sabor Mixteco 811 Roeder Rd., Silver Spring. placement, which now hosts a
january 3, 2025 the best part about rolling up counter culture coffee, a family-
trust in the trio of hospitality one’s sleeves at this homey ethio- style restaurant “warmed up with a
vets behind oaxacan food temple pian outpost is exploring the emi- double-sided fireplace,” and a live-
taqueria Sabor Mixteco and every nently scoopable offerings present- music-friendly tavern, is overseen
visit will feel like a homecoming. ed by the kitchen. Sietsema admires by the owners of neighboring tako-
Parkway Deli offers a Reuben with eight ounces of corned beef, Swiss cheese, Russian dressing and sauerkraut on grilled rye.
from previous page southern mexican cuisine will do, spices up the underlying chicken; Fryer’s Roadside Koite Grill
Carman suggests making a pit a deep-fried whole head-on tila- 12830 New Hampshire ave., 8626 Colesville rd., silver
cornbread stuffing, or share-wor- stop at this gas station gem. He pia smothered in diced tomatoes, silver spring. fryersroad- spring.
thy carrot cake “that can easily hails the family-run eatery, oper- onions and jalapeños — “so sim- koitegrill.
satisfy three forks.” (Entrées $10 ated by chef/owner Jesus soto ple, so perfect,” he writes; and This career-changing pivot Leave it to Carman to sniff out
to $22.) inside a local exxon mart, for taco plates heaped with variety that gave some local dreamers the a senegalese barbecue joint doing
making the most of what it’s got meats. “The lengua is so soft and chance to whip up fast-food favor- its thing right under our noses.
Shalla Restaurant & Bar on any given day. The most delec- tender, it cuts like butter,” Car- ites during the pandemic has This family-run restaurant,
8081 georgia ave., silver table deliverables include a pulse- man says, adding that a compan- further leaned into the edible which specializes in a West afri-
spring. quickening mole “turbocharged” ion filled with pork skin is “pure americana lane since coming un- can grilling tradition dubbed
sietsema’s first pop-in at this by a trio of chile peppers (guajillo, fatty pleasure.” (Entrées $9 to der the umbrella of the money dibi, grew out of the Koite clan’s
ethiopian upstart was punctuat- poblano and ancho) “making for $20.) muscle BBQ empire. The crunchy experience butchering meat in
ed by some unforgettable scents. a nutty combustible sauce” that french fries, fried chicken and Langley park. once customers
“Clouds of incense, part of shal- soft serve ice cream that initially caught wind of the flame-licked
la’s coffee ceremony, greeted me drew Carman in have now been feasts omar Koite forged from the
on my first visit,” he writes in his joined by peppery beef brisket unwanted scraps, a must-try
january 3, 2025
2022 fall dining guide of a neigh- (more on that in a sec), tender menu was born. Carman consid-
borhood restaurant that keeps pork ribs, deep-fried oreos and ers the lamb dibi a “firm and
luring him back. selling points more. a well-balanced chicken meaty” masterpiece that’s best
include “an upgraded version of sandwich summons spicy bird when ripped right from the bone.
kitfo” featuring raw beef spiked cooled by creamy coleslaw and “or dunk bites into the accompa-
with butter, cardamom and mit- crisp pickle chips. The smoked nying mustard sauce, with its
mita flanked by dueling cottage brisket, while enjoyable on its blast of habanero, and feel the
cheese spreads cut with collard own, really punches up a lightly vinegar and chile pepper ricochet
. friday,
greens and cayenne pepper, re- scorched pizza topped with across your palate,” he writes.
spectively; juicy rib-eye sweet- stretchy mozzarella, sweet pep- explorers are urged to try beef
ened with onions; and ground pers and zesty south Carolina- skewers “ignited with a pepper-
tilapia “jump-started with jalape- style barbecue sauce. still have heavy kankankan spice blend”; a
the washington post
ños.” Thanks for sharing your room? sprinkle-covered twist marinated chicken bathed in gar-
flavorful secrets, east africa. (En- cones are a familiar sight on the lic, black pepper and tomato
trées $11 to $31.) enclosed patio. But extra-thick paste; or a weekend-only special
milkshakes — including one that of stuffed fish drenched in a to-
Taqueria El Cabrito was as peanut buttery as the mato-tamarind sauce. (Entrées
2514 university Blvd. West, sil- candy cups chocoholics unapolo- $15 to $40.)
ver spring. taqueriaelcabrit- getically wolf down every Hallow- Clockwise from left, Marciano Rodrigues, Sarah Rodrigues, een — conjure their own killer
When nothing but spirited Babacar Gueye and Sofyia Beye eat at the Senegalese Koite Grill. brain freeze. (Entrées $9 to $42.)
On Exhibit PG
fiberglass in acrylic urethane resin on painted ments is that neoclassical Ameri- plore the country’s largest collec-
wood fiberboard base), by Luis Jiménez; and can art was far from comprehen- tion of American sculpture. With-
“The Wounded Scout, a Friend in the Swamp” sive. It was modeled exclusively on in the museum’s statuary store-
(patented 1864, plaster with oil paint and iron European precedents and valued rooms must be many more tales to
armature), by John Rogers. an essential quality of the Italian be told, retold or reinterpreted,
marble Powers employed: white- some of them perhaps for the first
SmithSoNiAN AmericAN Art muSeum ness. time.
eZ On Stage
New year brings Sarah Silverman, ‘Schmigadoon!,’ din’?! The Kennedy Center’s Comedian and actress Sarah
Broadway Center stage series, Silverman’s memoir gets the
ver eclectic, the D.C. thea- Synetic’s take on a Charlie Chaplin film and more which typically assembles star- musical treatment at Arena
ter scene in the coming studded casts for limited-run re- Stage, which will put on “the
year includes a pair of vivals, is tackling a stage adapta- Bedwetter” starting Feb. 4.
new musicals with Broad- giving society. studio Theatre Ar- James Clements) about process- tion of the Apple TV Plus musical
way aspirations; star power in tistic Director David Muse over- ing grief, advocating for gun con- series as its first original work.
. friday,
sturdy standbys; and, of course, sees the D.C. premiere of a barn trol and considering the dark side The production adapts the first
political theater (but not the kind burner that played to rave re- of the American immigrant ex- season of the canceled-too-soon Jan. 31-Feb. 9 at the Kennedy
on Capitol Hill). Here are 10 area views during its 2018 Chicago perience. Having toured the show streaming series, in which a bick- Center, 2700 F St. NW. kennedy-
shows to check out in 2025. premiere and 2022 off-Broadway around the country since its 2019 ering couple stumble into a fan-
the washington post
run. debut, Oliver returns to the city tastical town whose denizens
‘Downstate’ Wednesday-Feb. 16 at Studio where he was arrested in 2023 communicate via golden age ‘the Bedwetter’
Could child abusers deserve Theatre, 1501 14th St. NW. after disrupting a congressional show tunes. series co-creator and “schmigadoon!” isn’t the only
your empathy? That’s the ques- hearing on gun regulations. emmy winner Cinco Paul wrote Broadway-aimed musical headed
tion at the core of Pulitzer Prize Jan. 25-Feb. 16 at Woolly Mam- the book, music and lyrics for the to D.C. this winter. After helping
winner Bruce norris’s play, set in ‘Guac’ moth Theatre, 641 D St. NW. stage show, whose ensemble of steer “next to normal,” “Dear
a downstate Illinois group home Manuel Oliver, the father of Broadway standouts includes evan Hansen” and “swept Away”
for sex offenders who have com- Parkland, Florida, shooting vic- Alex Brightman, sara Chase, Isa- to new York, Arena stage mounts
pleted their prison sentences and tim Joaquin Oliver, performs this ‘Schmigadoon!’ belle McCalla, Ryan Vasquez and the second production of this
are stepping back into an unfor- one-man show (co-written with Did someone say corn pud- Ann Harada. see theAter On 15
On Stage eZ
‘Bad Books’
The latest play from “Suits”
writer Sharyn rothstein gets its
world premiere as part of the
National Capital New Play festi-
val. round House Theatre Artis-
tic Director ryan rilette oversees
the book-banning drama about a
teen assigned a “controversial”
text and a mother who confronts
a local librarian about the reading
material. But the hook here is the
impeccable casting: The produc-
tion features Kate Eastwood Nor-
ris and Holly Twyford, the revered
D.C. actresses fresh off their tri-
umphant turns together in “Sum-
mer, 1976” at Studio Theatre.
April 2-27 at Round House
Theatre, 4545 East-West Hwy.,
Bethesda, Maryland. round-
‘the Inheritance’
matthew López penned this
sweeping drama that claimed
best play honors at the 2019 olivi-
er Awards for its West End run
and at the pandemic-delayed
2021 Tonys for its Broadway
transfer. Inspired by E.m. forst-
er’s “Howards End,” the two-part,
seven-hour epic follows three
generations of gay men in New
York City as they map out their
lives decades after the height of
the AIDS epidemic. ford’s Thea-
tre veteran José Carrasquillo di-
rects this new production of the
play, which is timed to coincide
with WorldPride 2025 in Wash-
May at Ford’s Theatre, 511 10th
St. NW.
RIch Soublet II
‘the Untitled Unauthorized
hunter S. thompson
(after which David Yazbek, the Now, Tony-nominated director immigrants who have brought ralph fiennes-starring “mac- winner Christopher Ashley
“Band’s Visit” and “Dead outlaw” marcia milgrom Dodge takes the vaudevillian humor, loose-limbed beth,” directs Conor mcPherson’s (“Come from Away”), the produc-
composer, came on board). And reins for a new staging starring athletics and worldly perspective adaptation of the 19th-century tion endeavors to capture
belter extraordinaire Shoshana YouTube personality malinda, a to D.C.-area stages for the better staple, about a cynical man fad- Thompson’s gonzo journalistic
Bean, fresh off her Tony-nominat- Helen Hayes Award winner for part of three decades. ing into middle-aged malaise spirit with a rollicking ride
january 3, 2025
ed turn in “Hell’s Kitchen,” head- olney’s 2019 production of March 14-23 at Thomas Jeffer- while managing his brother-in- through the second half of the
lines the cast. “once.” son Theatre, 125 S Old Glebe Rd., law’s estate. 20th century.
Feb. 4-March 16 at Arena Stage, Feb. 13-March 30 at Olney Arlington, Virginia. syneticthe- March 30-April 20 at Shake- June 3-July 13 at Signature
1101 Sixth St. SW. Theatre Center, 2001 Olney Sandy speare Theatre Company’s Har- Theatre, 4200 Campbell Ave., Ar-
Spring Rd., Olney, Maryland. man Hall, 610 F St. NW. lington, Virginia.
‘Waitress’ ‘Uncle Vanya’
olney Theatre Center sure Amid an avalanche of “Uncle
Nov. 23, 2024 thru Purchase at
The Miniature Painters, Sculptors & exhibition or
91st Annual Jan. 11, 2025
Gravers Society of Washington, DC Venue: Strathmore Mansion call gift shop
Tues thru Fri 12-4
International Sat 10-3 (MPSGS) presents an international 10701 Rockville Pike Free 301-581-5175
Exhibition of Fine Closed between exhibition of over 600 amazing miniature North Bethesda, MD 20852 Admission Contact: Nancy Still
Art in Miniature Christmas &
* Artworks viewable online at mpsgs100@
New Year’s Day
This annual new year’s concert celebrates
the universal expression of the human
AMAZING spirit through music, inviting a living Terrace Theater Featuring
The Kennedy Center Javier Arrey,
GRACE: January 13, 7:30pm composer to curate a concert designed to
Starting at and works by
uplift and inspire. Join us as we welcome $45
Fire & Light Native American composer Jerod Impich- Tate, Barber,
with Jerod Tate chaachaaha’ Tate, who will guide us on a
The Guide to the Lively Arts appears: • Sunday in Arts & Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
• Monday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon • Tuesday in Style. deadline: Mon., 12 noon • Wednesday in Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon
• Thursday in Style. deadline: Wed., 12 noon • Friday in Weekend. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Saturday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
For information about advertising, call Jason Samuel at 202-334-4776.
To reach a representative, call: 202-334-7006 | 22-0776
A six-part podcast | No-knock warrants can destroy lives.
Why are they so easy to obtain and carry out?
january 3, 2025
N0229 5 x 6
the washington post
Washington Post podcasts go with you everywhere Politics • History • Culture • More
Movies 17
tified over the years to beatings, unfolds through the eyes of the
n “nickel Boys,” RaMell Ross whippings, rapes and killings, two main characters: Turner
reinvents the cinema as a with some victims as young as 9. (Brandon Wilson), left, and
year, and it is also a tragedy that County This Morning, This eve- this story entirely through the
left me weeping for two men, this ning.” eyes of his two main characters,
country and the world. Like that film, “nickel Boys” is elwood (ethan Herisse) — a
Starting in 2012, investigators impressionistic, as attuned to the bright young man hitchhiking to
exhumed more than 50 un- natural and human-made worlds college and a promising future
january 3, 2025
marked graves and identified as the people who inhabit them. when he makes the mistake of
nearly 100 deaths at the Arthur It’s a style that evokes the work of getting into a stolen car — and
G. Dozier School for Boys, a director Terrence Malick, though Turner (Brandon Wilson), who
reform institution in the Florida without the studied voice-over becomes elwood’s friend and
Panhandle that operated from reveries of “The Tree of Life” and protector from the harsh realities
1900 to 2011. By far the majority other Malick movies. Ross knows of “the nickel.” That “I Am a
of the bodies were of young Black well the struggles and inequities L. KaSiMu HarriS/orion PictureS/aMazon MGM StudioS See NickEL BOys on 18
Ez Movies
New movies and shows to stream
mAtt kEnnEdy/nEtflix
From left, Preston Mota, Taylor Kitsch and Betty Gilpin in
“American Primeval,” a limited series set in the West.
Everyone’s favorite inventor-dog duo returns in “Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl.”
Where to watch: Thursday on Netflix From left, Ned Brower, Patrick Ball, Noah Wyle and Tracy Ifeachor
Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl in the Pittsburgh hospital drama “The Pitt.”
In this stop-motion comedy from Aardman
Animations, eccentric inventor Wallace and his on call
long-suffering dog Gromit return to the screen in a “Law and order’s” Dick Wolf is an executive
new adventure that pits them against an old foe. producer on this series that follows a veteran Long
Where to watch: Netflix Beach, California, police officer (Troian Bellisario)
and her rookie partner (Brandon Larracuente) as
they respond to calls and deal with the harsh
shifting Gears realities of the job.
In this sitcom, a widower (Tim Allen) who owns a Where to watch: Thursday on Prime Video
classic car shop takes in his separated daughter
(Kat Dennings) and her teenage children.
Where to watch: Thursday on Hulu The Pitt
The staff of an overcrowded and underfunded
trauma center in Pittsburgh pushes itself to the limit
American Primeval to save its patients. Each of the 15 episodes follows
This limited series set against the backdrop of one hour of Dr. michael “robby” robinavitch’s (Noah ElizAbEth morriS/AmAzon mgm StudioS
the American West stars Taylor Kitsch as a trauma- Wyle) 15-hour shift as chief attendant. Brandon Larracuente, left, and Troian Bellisario in “on call,” a
tized man struggling to overcome his demons and Where to watch: Thursday on max series about a veteran police officer and her rookie partner.
january 3, 2025
NIcKEL Boys from 17 Spencer (Hamish Linklater), the boys resell the academy’s sup- one senses we’re seeing him knows is cursed by human im-
corrupt White administrator of plies to local merchants; a hulk- from the PoV of the other boy’s perfection and by the urge to
Camera” subjective-PoV ap- the academy, that he’s in the ing bully (Luke Tennie) who’s ghost, and certainly there are punish people for the color of
proach has been tried over the grips of a system that couldn’t asked by mr. Spencer to throw an phantoms among the living. one their skin. “Nickel Boys” testifies
years — the film noir “Lady in the care less about another Black inter-academy boxing match; the of the most heartbreaking scenes to sins of the past, to remember-
Lake” (1947), “The Blair Witch body. men who accompany Elwood to a in the film comes when this ings of the present and to recon-
Project” (1999) — and it usually We’ve been watching the mov- cabin called the White House, survivor is approached in a bar ciliations of the future; to a
turns into a gimmick after 10 ie through Elwood’s eyes up to where an industrial fan can’t by a fellow Nickel boy, adult but career taking flight and to ghosts
. friday,
minutes. Not here. this point, but then ross replays drown out the sounds and still broken, and we glimpse like being laid gently to rest. mostly,
The time period is the early a cafeteria confrontation from screams of the whippings. only an optical illusion a child that though, it says: Look. Look at this
1960s, and Elwood’s perspective Turner’s point of view and we see Hattie embraces ross’s camera once was. world. Look at the paradise we
initially glows with the naive Elwood for the first time. As and everyone in it with unfailing Both the paradox of “Nickel could have had, could still have,
the washington post
idealism of the civil rights strug- “Nickel Boys” progresses and the and abundant love. Boys” and its greatness are em- if we only chose to deserve it.
gle and the proud hopes of his bond between earnest Elwood Every so often, “Nickel Boys” bedded in the style of its telling, a Ty Burr is the author of the
grandmother Hattie (Aunjanue and cynical Turner deepens, jumps ahead to future decades — direct gaze of experience that can movie recommendation newslet-
Ellis-Taylor) and mr. Hill (Jim- their conversations become a the 1970s, the ’90s, the new only take so much. The acad- ter Ty Burr’s Watch List at ty-
mie fails), the high school teach- form of intimacy with each other millennium — in which the back emy’s horrors are glanced at
er who has mentored him. He’s and with us, each man’s eyes of the head of one of the boys, sideways but rarely faced head-
certain the mistake of his arrest looking into the camera lens in now grown (Daveed Diggs), fills on; Jomo fray’s cinematography PG-13. At area theaters. Contains
will be realized and he’ll be on his direct address. the screen as he cycles through and the score by Scott Alario and thematic material involving racism,
way. Instead, he’s quickly and other characters rarely meet girlfriends, starts a moving com- Alex Somers emphasize the per- some strong language including
brutally reminded by the other our gaze: a White prison trusty pany and is drawn to news re- fect radiance of this life we are racial slurs, violent content and
teenage inmates and by mr. (fred Hechinger) with whom the ports of the shuttered academy. gifted, but it’s a radiance ross smoking. 140 minutes.
6:00-8:45 OC: Fri. 9:30AM Marco Fri.-Sat. 11:15AM 1:30-4:00-6:30-10:15 6:30-7:30-9:45 Sat. 9:30 12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30 7:15-10:40 10:40 7:30-9:45
january 3, 2025
AL so P L A y I N G
mikey madison isn’t just another
pretty woman in sean baker’s
latest. (r, 139 minutes)
halina reijn’s nervy drama casts
nicole Kidman as a ceo of kink. (r,
114 minutes)
From latvia, an epic tale of five
animals surviving a flood. (Pg, 84
the ridley scott sequel is an epic
without purpose, fun until it’s not,
even with Paul mescal and denzel
Washington aboard. (r, 148
moANA 2
With less dwayne Johnson and no
lin-manuel miranda, this
uninspired sequel struggles to stay aidan monaghan /Focus Features
Timothée Chalamet stars as a young and Kiros (voiced by Mads Mikkelsen) in “Mufasa: The Ryan Destiny, left, as Claressa Shields and Brian Tyree Henry as
electrifying Bob Dylan in “A Complete Unknown.” Lion King,” a prequel and origin story. Jason Crutchfield in the boxing biopic “The Fire Inside.”