Engineering Drawing - Chapter Two
Engineering Drawing - Chapter Two
Engineering Drawing - Chapter Two
2.1 Introduction
To record information on paper instruments and
equipments are needed. Engineering drawing is entirely a
graphic language hence instruments are essentially
needed. Drawing must be clear, neat and legible in order
to serve its purpose. Hence it is extremely important for
engineers to have good speed, accuracy, legibility and
neatness in the drawing work.
i. Drawing Paper
Drawing paper is the paper, on which drawing is to be made.
All engineering drawings are made on sheets of paper of
strictly defined sizes, which are set forth in the U.S.S.R
standards. The use of standard size saves paper and ensures
convenient storage of drawings. Now a day, A3 and A4 are
the most commonly used paper sizes. The U.S.S.R standard
establishes five preferred sizes for drawings as tabulated
A4 A3 297mm
210mm 420mm
A4 A3
Title block
Title block
Boarder line
Sample for title block
DATE 02/02/2003
300x600 triangle
0 0
45 x45 triangle
iii. T- square
It is used primarily to draw horizontal lines and for guiding the
triangles when drawing vertical and inclined lines. It is
manipulated by sliding the working edge (inner face) of the
head along the left edge of the board until the blade is in the
required position.
Figure 2.5 French curves
v. Protractor
It is used for laying out and measuring angle.
vi. Scale (ruler)
A number of kinds of scales are available for varied types of
engineering design. Figure fig 2.7 Scales with beveled edges
graduated in mm are usually used.
vii. Pencil
The student and professional man should be equipped with a
selection of good, well-sharpened pencil with leads of various
degrees of hardness such as: 9H, 8H, 7H, and 6H (hard); 5H&
4H (medium hard); 3H and 2H (medium); and H& F (medium
soft). The grade of pencil to be used for various purposes
depends on the type of line desired, the kind of paper
employed, and the humidity, which affects the surface of the
paper. Standards for line quality usually will govern the
selection. For instance,
♦ 6H is used for light construction line.
♦ 4H is used for re-penciling light finished lines
(dimension lines, center lines, and invisible object lines)
♦ 2H is used for visible object lines
♦ F and H are used for all lettering and freehand work.
viii. Compass
It is used to draw circles and arcs both in pencil and ink. It
consists of two legs pivoted at the top. One leg is equipped
with a steel needle attached with a screw, and other shorter
leg is, provided with a socket for detachable inserts.
viiii. Divider
Used chiefly for transferring distances and occasionally for
dividing spaces into equal parts. i.e. for dividing curved and
straight lines into any number of equal parts, and for
transferring measurements.
X. Template
A template is a thin, flat piece of plastic containing various
cutout shapes. It is designed to speed the work of the drafter
and to make the finished drawing more accurate. Templates
are available for drawing circles, ellipses, plumbing’s, fixtures
etc. Templates come in many sizes to fit the scale being used
on the drawing. And it should be used wherever possible to
increase accuracy and speed.
Clinograph (Adjustable set square)-its two sides are fixed at
900 and the third side can be adjusted at any angle.
Review questions
1. Mention the main drawing equipments
At the end of this chapter students should be able to:
♦ Write letters according to the standard
♦ Explain the different line types
♦ Mention the application of each line type in
technical drawings
Figure 3.1 Classification of letter styles
3.2 Technique of Lettering
“Any normal person can learn to letter if he is persistent and
intelligent in his efforts.” While it is true that” Practice makes
perfect,” it must be understood that practice alone is not
enough; it must be accompanied by continuous effort to
There are three necessary steps in learning to letter:
1. Knowledge of the proportions and forms of the letters,
and the order of the strokes.
2. Knowledge of composition- the spacing of the letters
and words.
3. Persistent practice, with continuous effort to improve.
Guide Lines
Extremely light horizontal guidelines are necessary to regulate
the height of letters. In addition, light vertical or inclined
guidelines are needed to keep the letters uniformly vertical or
inclined. Guidelines are absolutely essential for good lettering,
and should be regarded as a welcome aid, not as an
unnecessary requirement.
Figure 3.2 Guide lines
A guideline for inclined capital letters is somewhat different.
The spacing of horizontal guidelines is the same as for vertical
capital lettering. The American Standard recommends slope
of approximately 68.20 with the horizontal and may be
established by drawing a “sloped triangle”, and drawing the
guidelines at random with T-square and triangles.
The term single stoke or one stoke does not mean that the
entire letter is made without lifting the pencil. But the width of
the stroke is the width of the stem of the letter.
Order of strokes
They are necessary to have legible and accurate letter styles.
In the following description an alphabet of slightly extended
vertical capitals has-been arranged in-group. Study the slope
of each letter with the order and direction of the storks forming
it. The proportion of height and width of various letters must
be known carefully to letter them perfectly.
The L-E-F Group
- The L is made in two strokes.
- The first two strokes of the E are the same for the L, the
third or the upper stoke is lightly shorter than the lower
and the last stroke is the third as long as the lower
- F has the same proportion as E
The D- U-J Group
- The top and bottom stokes of D must be horizontal,
fail line to observe this is a common fault with
- U is formed by two parallel strokes to which the
bottom stroke be added.
- J has the same construction as U, with the first stroke
Figure 3.6 Order of strokes for inclined capital letters
Words are spaced well apart, but letters with in words
should be spaced closely. Make each word a compact
unit well separated from the adjacent words. For either
upper case or lower-case lettering, make the spaces
between words approximately equal to a capital O. Avoid
spacing letters too far apart and words too close together.
There should also be a distinct contrast in the thickness of
different kinds of lines, particularly between the thick lines and
thin lines.
Figure 3.7 Conventional lines
Review Questions
1. Discuss the different types of lines