Iee Assignment 1
Iee Assignment 1
Iee Assignment 1
Q. 1 What do you mean by a source? Explain voltage and current sources.
Q. 2 What are dependent and independent sources? Explain the source conversion.
Q. 3 Why are mesh currents important in circuit analysis? Describe the basic law upon which the
mesh method of circuit analysis is based.
Q. 4 Describe the basic law upon which the nodal method of circuit analysis is based.
Q. 5 Discuss D.C. circuit analysis using mesh and nodal analysis.
Q. 6 Define superposition theorem and explain its significance.
Q. 7 Define Thevenin’s theorem. How it is applied?
Q. 8 State Thevenin’s theorem. List the steps for obtaining Thevenin’s equivalent circuit.
Q. 9 What do you understand by star-delta transformation? If three resistances R 1, R2 and R3 are
connected in star connection, then calculate the equivalent values of these resistances for
Q. 10 Explain active, reactive and apparent power in 1-phase AC circuits under sinusoidal steady
Q. 11 Clearly differentiate amongst active power, reactive power and apparent power in A.C.
Q. 12 Derive an expression of power in general series circuit. Prove that
Active power = Apparent power × Power factor
Q. 13 What do you mean by active power? Give physical meaning of reactive power.
Q. 14 What do you mean by power factor? Give the physical meaning of power factor.
Q. 15 Explain the term power factor and what is its importance?
Q. 16 What are the advantages of three phase power system as compared to single phase system?
Explain the mechanism of generation of three-phase supply.
Q. 17 With reference to a three phase circuit, explain the following terms:
(a). Balanced supply
(b). Unbalanced supply
Q. 18 Explain star and delta connections. Compare star connection with delta connection with
reference to a three-phase system.
Q. 19 Explain star connection. Explain the voltage and current relations in star connection.
Q. 20 Explain delta connection. Give the current relationship for delta connection.
1 Prepared By: Arvind Kumar Singh
Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Q. 1 Using nodal analysis, calculate the value of V1 and V2 in Fig. 1.
Fig. 2
Q. 3 Evaluate the value of Ix in the circuit shown in Fig. 3 by node analysis. [Ans. Ix = 2A]
Fig. 3
Q. 4 Determine the voltages at each node for the circuit shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4
[Ans. VA = 8.06 V, VB = 10.2 V, V = 3.07 V]
Q. 5 Use nodal analysis to calculate the power dissipated in the 6Ω resistor for the circuit shown in
Fig. 5. [Ans. VB = -4.93V, VC = -0.47V, I6Ω = -0.74A, P6Ω = 3.29W]
Fig. 5
Q. 6 In the circuit shown in Fig. 6, find the current through resistor R2 = 90Ω and 62.5Ω. Use the
method which requires least effort to yield the result.
Fig. 6
[Ans. Use nodal analysis I90Ω = 0.447A, I62.5Ω = 0.6446A]
Q. 7 In the circuit shown in Fig. 7, find the current I1 using the principle of superposition.
Fig. 8
[Ans. VAB = -3.41 V, i.e. B is at higher potential]
Q. 9 By superposition theorem find the current in resistor R of the circuit shown in Fig. 9.
Fig. 10
Q. 11 Determine the direction and magnitude of current in the branch BE of the network shown in
Fig. 11 using Thevenin’s theorem. [Ans. IBE = 0.028A from B to E]
Fig. 11
Q. 12 For the circuit shown in Fig. 12, find the Thevenin’s equivalent across A and B.
Fig. 12
[Ans. Vth = 13V, Rth = 4Ω]
Q. 13 Find current through R using Thevenin’s theorem and hence verify the same using:
(a) Mesh analysis (b) Nodal analysis
For the circuit shown in Fig. 13. [Ans. IR = 1.949 A]
Fig. 13
Q. 14 Find Thevenin’s equivalent circuit for the circuit shown in Fig. 14.