A loop is any closed path in a circuit. A loop can consist of multiple meshes. It represents a path
where the starting and ending points are the same.
A node is a point in a circuit where two or more circuit elements are connected. It is a junction of
multiple components, such as resistors, capacitors, or voltage sources.
A branch refers to a single element or a set of elements (such as resistors, voltage sources)
connected between two nodes in a circuit. A branch represents a path between two nodes.
Junction of a Network:
A junction is a point where three or more circuit elements meet. In analysis, it is important to apply
Kirchho ’s Current Law (KCL) at each junction, stating that the sum of currents entering a junction
is equal to the sum of currents leaving the junction.
Ideal Voltage Source:
An ideal voltage source provides a constant voltage regardless of the current drawn by the load. It
is represented as a two-terminal device with a xed voltage di erence between its terminals,
independent of the current.
Source Transformation:
Source transformation is a method of simplifying circuits by replacing a voltage source in series
with a resistor with a current source in parallel with the same resistor, and vice versa. This
transformation helps to simplify analysis and solve circuit problems e ciently.
Passive Elements:
Passive elements are components that cannot generate energy; they only dissipate or store
energy. Common passive elements include resistors, capacitors, inductors, and diodes.
Unilateral Elements:
Unilateral elements are those that allow current to ow in only one direction. Examples include
diodes and transistors, which typically allow current in one direction and block it in the opposite
Bilateral Elements:
Bilateral elements can allow current to ow in both directions. These elements behave identically
in either direction of current ow, such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors.
Linear Elements:
Linear elements have a linear relationship between voltage and current, which means their
voltage-current (V-I) characteristics are a straight line. Examples include resistors, inductors, and
capacitors (under normal conditions).
Nonlinear Elements:
Nonlinear elements do not have a linear relationship between voltage and current. Their V-I
characteristics are not a straight line, meaning the current does not change linearly with voltage.
Examples include diodes, transistors, and certain types of

Here’s an explanation of the theorems along with their steps and descriptions of their circuit
1. Superposition Theorem
De nition: In a linear circuit with multiple independent sources, the voltage or current at any point
is the sum of the e ects of each source acting alone.
Steps to Apply:
Deactivate all independent sources except one:
Circuit Diagram:
Circuit analyzed with only one source active (repeat for others).

2. Thevenin’s Theorem
De nition: Any two-terminal linear circuit can be replaced with an equivalent circuit consisting of a
voltage source (VthV_{th}) in series with a resistor (RthR_{th}).
Steps to Apply:
Remove the load resistor across the terminals.
Find VthV_{th}:
Find RthR_{th}:
Deactivate all independent sources (short voltage sources, open current sources).
Circuit Diagram:
3. Norton’s Theorem
De nition: Any two-terminal linear circuit can be replaced with an equivalent circuit consisting of a
current source (INI_{N}) in parallel with a resistor (RNR_{N}).
Steps to Apply:
Remove the load resistor across the terminals.
Find INI_N:
Find RNR_N:
Circuit Diagram:

Steps to Apply:
Find the Thevenin equivalent (VthV_{th}, RthR_{th}) of the circuit.
Circuit Diagram:
Would you like me to generate images for these circuit diagrams or further explain the numerical
1. Representation of AC
Quantities by Phasor Method
📌 De nition:

In the phasor method, AC quantities (voltage and current) are represented as rotating vectors on a
complex plane instead of time-dependent sinusoidal waves.
Components of a Phasor:
2. Conversion of Polar to
Rectangular and Vice Versa
📌 Polar to Rectangular Conversion
In polar form, we describe a phasor by magnitude rr and phase θ\theta.
Angle θ\theta:
θ=tan−1(yx)\theta = \tan^{-1}\left(\frac{y}{x}\right)
🔹 RL Series Circuit
An RL circuit contains a resistor (R) and an inductor (L) connected in series.
Impedance Formula:
ZRL=R+jωLZ_{RL} = R + j\omega L
🔹 RC Series Circuit
An RC circuit contains a resistor (R) and a capacitor (C) connected in series.
Impedance Formula:
ZRC=R−j1ωCZ_{RC} = R - j\frac{1}{\omega C}
📌 Impedance (ZZ)
De nition: Total opposition to AC current, represented as a complex number (magnitude and
📌 Admittance (YY)
De nition: Reciprocal of impedance.
Y=1ZY = \frac{1}{Z}
📌 Reactance
Inductive Reactance (XLX_L):
XL=ωLX_L = \omega L
XC=1ωCX_C = \frac{1}{\omega C}
📌 Phasor Diagrams
Visual representation of current and voltage phase relationships.
5. Power in AC Circuits
📌 Power Factor (cos(ϕ)\cos(\phi))
Shows how voltage and current phases align.
S=V×IS = V \times I
Measured in VA (Volt-Amperes).
📌 Power Triangle
A right triangle:
📌 Resonance in AC Circuits
Occurs when inductive and capacitive reactances cancel each other out (XL=XCX_L = X_C).
📌 Bandwidth (Δf\Delta f)
The di erence in frequencies at which power drops to half its peak value.
Q=f0ΔfQ = \frac{f_0}{\Delta f}
Phasor Methods simplify complex AC circuit analysis.
Understanding impedance, reactance, and power calculations is crucial for e ective circuit
In resonance circuits, mastering the concepts of bandwidth and quality factor ensures optimal
performance and stability.
