Public Administration

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1. What is public administration?

Define bureaucracy
and identify the job functions performed by agency
members as expressed by the public’s will. Is there
constitutional legitimacy for public administration? If
so, what powers are given to public administrators to
formulate ad implement the public’s will?*

Determine the motivations for entering the civil

service.Many non-elected workers have been promoted to
positions of relative influence inside the governmental
structure throughout history, in both small and large
countries. The bureaucracy is the name given to this
group of vital employees. A bureaucracy is a group of non-
elected administrators tasked with carrying out duties
related to a number of policies and initiatives. For their
skill in executing the tasks and policies of the
government, they are employed, or occasionally appointed.
The provision of public amenities, improvement of quality
of life, and stimulation of economic growth are all
dependent on the government's ability to operate
effectively. Taxation, immigration, foreign policy, national
security, and education are just a few of the ways the
government carries out these duties. Bureaucratic
management and public administration become more
difficult as society develops and the need for government
services increases. Public administration is both the
process by which government bureaucracies carry out
public policy and the academic field that trains civil
servants to operate in those institutions. A typical
definition of legitimacy in political science and sociology is
the conviction that a law, institution, or leader has the
authority to rule. An individual's assessment of the
propriety of a hierarchy between a rule or ruler and the
subject, as well as the subordinate's duties to the rule or
ruler, is involved. The duties of a public administrator can
change depending on the position. However, they may also
be tasked with supporting economic development,
advancing social justice and equality, and promoting
communal sustainability. The fact that public managers
are deeply committed to their communities and work to
improve them is a recurring subject. While public servants
serve in a variety of public service fields; Community
Improvement, Enhancing social, political, and economic
institutions is the goal of community development. The
network of company owners, residents, investors, and
developers is supported by public authorities in its efforts
to enhance the community through housing, economic
development, healthcare, and social services. The
execution of initiatives that promote economic mobility or
the promotion of government funds to minority
organizations would both advance community
development. Public administrators organize, manage,
and oversee the bodies that control and enforce local laws
and statutes. Public administrators serve as special
consultants to meet the interests and needs of the public
as these organizations expand to meet societal needs. In
public administration, accountability and transparency
are essential to ensuring moral decisions are made and
that the public is kept informed about what is happening
inside the government agency, organization, or institution.
From police commissioners to municipal planners to fire
marshals, leadership positions ensure that the
community's requirements are satisfied.
2. Give you own definition of the concept of public
administration. Based from your own definition reflect on
the characteristics and peculiarities of the discipline.

A definition of public administration must include: (1) unify

the scope of its study and its practice;(2) not be
conceptually constrained to a particular structure; (3) unify
the breadth of its research and application. (3) address all
state interests; (4) allow the use of other bodies of
knowledge; and (5) preserve the uniqueness of the field
from the bodies of knowledge that it employs. Each
definition from Stillman's (2009) compilation is evaluated to
see if they satisfy each of the five requirements. Public
administration refers to all the work necessary to put
government policies and initiatives into action.. According
to this definition, Wilson's initial proposal might be greatly
improved. In 1887, it was said: "Public administration is
government. “The executive and operative are in
motion.Public administration is meticulous and
organized.perhaps if he did not execute public lawalmost to
the point of turning the field towards being.The existential
crisis would be a precise science if he would have gotten
and it would notThis definition has been largely accurate
from the start.What does this say about the public sector?
the century and subsequent decades of scholarship that
came after? Is this evidence that we did not?really far? Self-
identity is a problem that many people go through.young
person who, for the sake of novelty, makes even the most
moral of us reject the the ages-old wisdom. one's phase is
over experimenting with philosophy, one could return to
the beginning by making a complete circle, However,
turning around is not always to imply submission or
resignation. Persons arrive Having become considerably
wiser, they also the ability to think clearly and have a more
complete knowledge of what and who they really are. If a
definition of our emerging field doesn't deviate too much
from Far from where we started, it is only because of that
enhanced understanding that results from spending
enough time getting lost. We travel returning only wiser
and aware of our genuine selves. To come around, as the
field requires us to get over our existential dilemma. After
everything has been said, The only reason we have
returned is because we got back home. A good explanation
of public administration should include: first, establish a
shared area of thought aboutness for the practice as well
as the study. In other words, when asked what public
administration is, the response must make clear. what the
topic is. The mutual significance endures not having to
define public administration twice: once for practice, then
again Because of the concerns covered, a study was
conducted. The above, are distinctive. Exercise and the
study need to cover the same ground. For instance, It is no
longer possible that public administration is limited to the
civil service, but the research additionally includes
performance management and process economics,
analysis, and ethics. Lastly, a good definition of public
administration must not be conceptually restricted to a
specific set of structures, methods, or ideals
of government. Much of Filipino public administration
scholarship and its progenies rest on the assumption that
a government is democratic, republican, and has exactly
three distinct branches—executive, legislative, and judicial.
Such assumptions can only ever truly apply to the
situation of the Philippines. In reality, the number of
branches and the separation of powers among them are
arbitrary, varying from country to country and across time.

2. While Public Administration is different from Private

Administration in several aspects, there are many
similarities between the two areas? What are those
aspects where these fields could be related?

In order to achieve an organization's goals effectively and

efficiently, a wide range of actions and duties must be
carried out. This is what is meant by administration. Both
an activity and an area of study, administration.Public
administration and private administration are the two
main branches into which administration is sometimes
differentiated or split. In terms of methods, nature, and
goals, public and private administration are contrasted
with one another.Public administration is a specialized
area of administration that handles governmental
operations, public policies and programs, and the
provision of a range of services to the general public. Both
a discipline and an activity, public administration.
Planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, managing,
directing, and several other theoretical issues associated
with the implementation of public policies and programs
are covered by public administration as a discipline or
field of study. The executive, legislative, and judicial
branches of government, as well as their interactions, are
all ncluded in public administration. It has subspecialties
in areas like development public administration and
financial public administration, among others. As a
practice, public administration manages a variety of
governmental organizations and initiatives, administers
public services, social security and welfare programs, and
controls private activities and businesses, among other
things. The non-political organized public bureaucracy
typically handles public administration; it operates under
a clearly defined legal and regulatory framework. It is
typically done continuously and is founded on the ideas of
uniformity, service motive, and external control. Private
administration is a non-political company or commercial
activity that involves many different sorts of activities and
management processes, including planning, producing,
marketing, funding, managing, coordinating, and so
forth.The theories and practices of management are
related to private administration. The accomplishment of
organizational management's goals, organizational
efficiency, personal gains, and the maximization of
shareholder wealth are its main concerns. Both public
and private administrations share a lot of essential beliefs
and procedures. Both require in-depth familiarity with the
ideas and concepts of administration. The optimum use of
the limited resources at their disposal is something that
both parties are concerned about.In order to be effective
and efficient, both public and private administration work
hard. The goals of their respective organizations are what
both are concentrated on achieving. The management and
operations of private organizations, typically businesses,
are the focus of private administration, as opposed to
public administration, which deals with public policy,
state affairs, government functions, and the provision of
various services to the general public.Governmental
structures are used for public administration, whilst non-
governmental structures are used for private
administration.Private administration focuses on the
commercial and corporate operations, but public
administration is strongly tied to politics and frequently
conducts itself as a part of the greater political process.
Administrators in the public sector are seen as public
servants, whilst those in the private sector are regarded as
private employees.A public administrator receives a
salary, however a private administrator may also receive a
profit share.Taxes, tariffs, fees, penalties, and other
payments made by residents are normally how the public
sector generates revenue or income, whereas operating
profits are typically how the private sector generates
revenue or income.
3. In your municipality cite an example of programs and
projects which are currently being implemented. Make
an analysis of these programs and project and classify
them according to the services commonly delivered by
any local government unit. How this
programs/projects may be related to the concept of
“local governance”?

Good governance ensures justice for the community.

Everyone has the same opportunity to maintain and
improve their welfare. Every decision-making process and
its institutions must be able to produce decisions that meet
every community’s needs. Community resources must also
be utilized optimally by the government. The Bangsamoro
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) will
shortly begin erecting 22-unit school buildings for about
Php472 million. The initiatives, according to Minister
Mohagher Iqbal of the Ministry of Basic, Higher, and
Technical Education (MBHTE), were supported by the
General Appropriations Act of the Bangsamoro (GAAB)
2021 and Special Development Fund (SDF) 2020.Iqbal
mentioned that the MBHTE's Education Facilities Section
"will be constructing a total of 22 units of two-story with
10-classroom school buildings for the basic and higher
education learners across the region."For basic education
students, SDF 2020 is funding the construction of 17
school structures totaling more than Php375,143,953.26.
This includes two facilities for North Cotabato's specific
geographic zones, four for Maguindanao, three for Lanao
del Sur, and one for Marawi two for Basilan, one for
Lamitan City, two for Sulu, and two for Tawi-Tawi. This
year's fourth quarter will see the start of construction on
the aforementioned basic education school building
projects. Five additional structures totaling
Php96,521,190.77 are covered by the GAAB 2021. Included
in them are the educational facilities at REMACADEMY in
Maguindanao, Unda Memorial National Agricultural
School, Balabagan Trade School, Lanao Agricultural
College, and Lapak Agricultural School in Sulu, all of which
are located in Lanao del Sur. Iqbal continued, "Selection of
these school beneficiaries underwent thorough validation of
the School-Based Assessment 2020-2021." Meanwhile, the
MBHTE turned over on August 12, a one-story four
classroom building to Sultan Kudarat National High School
in Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, and in Dinganin-Buldon
National High School in Buldon, Maguindanao. The
buildings were funded under the 2018 Basic Education
Facilities Fund (BEFF) 2018. Local government is
responsible for a range of vital services for people and
businesses in defined areas. Among them are well known
functions such as social care, schools, housing and
planning and waste collection, but also lesser known ones
such as licensing, business support, registrar services and
pest control.To complement their formal community plan
and their responsibilities for guiding community growth
and deciding on land use, local governments can
spearhead a community's economic planning initiatives.
Planning and zoning rules are two examples of local
government activities that have an impact on planning and
economic development, taxation. Local government has the
power to make decisions and carry them out within a
defined region that is both inside and outside of a state.
Every nation in the world has local government to some
extent, though the amount varies greatly. Because it
emphasizes the autonomy of the locality to make decisions
and take action, the form known as local self-government is
significant. The differences between the two phrases have
more than just a technical significance because they are
connected to the contrast between decentralization and
deconcentration that is occasionally made. Local self-
government and local government are frequently, but not
always, connected. Even if these lines are fuzzy, they are
nonetheless crucial distinctions. Broadly speaking,
deconcentration refers to the transfer of some
responsibilities from a central government to local
administration for convenience's sake. Authority and
discretion are still vested in the center, which continues to
administer power through personnel it appoints and holds
accountable. Decentralization, on the other side, is local
government in places where decision-making power has
been given to a council of locally elected individuals.

4. The Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao is

perhaps the best example where local autonomy has
been pursued. Discuss the concept of local autonomy
and how it is translated in the context of Autonomous
Region of Muslim Mindanao?
Local autonomy can be defined as the extent to which local
governments have discretion in carrying out
their obligations. This can never be interpreted as absolute
freedom for local governments to take whatever
decisions they like. The extent of this autonomy differs
from country to country. Pursuant thereto, Congress
enacted RA 7160,[227] otherwise known as the "Local
Government Code of 1991" (LGC), wherein the policy on
local autonomy had been more specifically explicated as

Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy. – (a) It is hereby declared the

policy of the State that the territorial and political
subdivisions of the State shall enjoy genuine and
meaningful local autonomy to enable them to attain their
fullest development as self-reliant communities and make
them more effective partners in the attainment of national
goals. Toward this end, the State shall provide for a more
responsive and accountable local government structure
instituted through a system of decentralization whereby
local government units shall be given more powers,
authority, responsibilities, and resources. The process of
decentralization shall proceed from the National
Government to the local government units.

(c) It is likewise the policy of the State to require all

national agencies and offices to conduct periodic
consultations with appropriate local government units,
nongovernmental and people‘s organizations, and other
concerned sectors of the community before any project or
program is implemented in their respective jurisdictions.
(Emphases and underscoring supplied)

The above-quoted provisions of the Constitution and the

LGC reveal the policy of the State to empower local
government units (LGUs) to develop and ultimately, become
self-sustaining and effective contributors to the national
economy. As explained by the Court in Philippine Gamefowl
Commission v. Intermediate Appellate Court:[228]

This is as good an occasion as any to stress the

commitment of the Constitution to the policy of local
autonomy which is intended to provide the needed impetus
and encouragement to the development of our local
political subdivisions as “self-reliant communities.” In the
words of Jefferson, "Municipal corporations are the small
republics from which the great one derives its strength."
The vitalization of local governments will enable their
inhabitants to fully exploit their resources and more
important, imbue them with a deepened sense of
involvement in public affairs as members of the body
politic. This objective could be blunted by undue
interference by the national government in purely local
affairs which are best resolved by the officials and
inhabitants of such political units. The decision we reach
today conforms not only to the letter of the pertinent laws
but also to the spirit of the Constitution.[229] (Emphases
and underscoring supplied). Citizens of the Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), Isabela City, and
Cotabato City will vote in the first of two plebiscites on
Monday, January 21, on whether or not to ratify the
Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL), also known as the
Organic Law for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in
Muslim Mindanao. On February 6, a second vote would be
held in areas close to the existing ARMM, comprising 39
barangays in North Cotabato and six municipalities in
Lanao del Norte. According to the law, the BOL's goal is to
create a more robust and expansive autonomous zone in
order to protect the identity and prosperity of the Moro
people, Muslim Filipinos, and all indigenous cultural
communities in the country's south. The Moro people are
the indigenous inhabitants of Mindanao and make up the
biggest non-Catholic ethnic group in the Philippines. They
are Muslims. Long-standing grievances stemming from
destructive colonial policies and practices are at the heart
of pro-separatist groups' quest for independence for the
Moro people. Since Spain's colonization of Mindanao in the
16th century, Moros have experienced a long history of
conquest, including by the United States during the
Spanish-American War and by Japan during World War II.
Additionally, the presence of violence extremist groups
(VEOs) in Mindanao and the long-standing practice of rido,
or clan feuding, constitute a further threat to the long-
awaited peace in the region. The majority of violence in the
ARMM over the past few years has been caused by inter-
clan political violence, including political violence
committed by opposing rebel organizations against one
another. Political families have utilized private armies to
intimidate or physically harm their opponents. When the
first local elections are held in the BARMM, which are
currently scheduled for 2022, it is most likely that leaders
within the MILF, the group that has spearheaded the fight
to secure the BARMM, will emerge as the front-runners. If
adopted, effective governance will be essential to the new
autonomous region's success. No matter who they are, the
BARMM government's future leaders must adopt and put
into practice policies and practices that are sensitive to the
needs of the region's citizens if they hope to create a
functioning BARMM government, gain acceptance as the
region's new governors, and ultimately achieve lasting
peace in Mindanao. These leaders will require technical
assistance to increase their capacity to embrace and
implement good governance successfully given the pressure
they may experience from opposing, malicious actors.

5. Make a good discussion about major ethical theories

you studied that is relevant to ethics in the public
administration Tell about strengths and weakness of
every theory. Make sure to make references to the
specific thinkers.

Ethics are characterized as moral precepts that instruct

individuals on how to act in a certain situation or activity
(Nguyen & Tran, 2018). It's true that many people find it
difficult to uphold the principles that guide their business
in today's cutthroat business environment (Leedy &
Ormrod, 2013). Similar to the private sector, it happens
frequently in the public sector for individuals to pursue
their own interests while neglecting their duty to serve the
public's interests (Molina, 2015). In public administration,
when participants' acts are subject to inspection, this
difficulty of failing to respect ethics is clear (Molina, 2015).
Refusing to address public concerns is, in fact, a blatant
sign that the administration is not doing its job. Rights
Ethical Theory
In the rights ethical theory, the community’s set of
privileges is supposed to be upheld and protected at all
costs. Anything that is considered to be right has to be
adopted by the majority as the morally upright way of
conduct (Sadler, 2013). What is right is also defined as not
necessarily good, but what maximizes the effects of the
good (Steigleder, 2016). Under normal circumstances,
rights are bestowed upon the people by the law of the area
where they live. Individually, people gain rights to certain
things based on the power they have over resources. In the
case of Mr. Smith, he is obligated by law to protect the
public’s interest as he is the custodian of public resources.
In this light, the solicitor who has a firm that is defending
the wrongdoer should be investigated for not upholding
what is right for the community. The fact that the
wrongdoer was arrested for driving under the influence of
alcohol shows the concern of the administration about
people’s lives. Drunk driving can result in the destruction
of property and loss of life, including that of the driver. Mr.
Smith should, therefore, take the appropriate action
against the culprits. The public administrator should then
make sure that what is right is upheld in any case, which
is the proper sentencing of the wrongdoer. Another
limitation of rights is that they can only tell us what is right
and what is wrong. A rights-based morality cannot give us
the ultimate moral reason why an act or omission is wrong
or immoral. For example, rights would tell us that one has
a right to life, so you cannot simply kill a person. Because
of its emphasis on individual liberties, rights theory is very
attractive to open-roaders and individualists. One of the
central advantages of a rights ethics is that it clears a
broad space for you and me and everyone else to be
ourselves or make ourselves in any way we choose. This
rights ethical theories, where the general public’s interest
conflicts with what supervisors, board, and solicitor do,
utilitarian and rights-based ethical theories can be applied.
In cases where the individuals involved will need to be
arrested, justice and virtue-based ethical theories will need
to be taken into consideration. Using these theories will
help in making the right decisions, even when there’s a
moral dilemma of one theory conflicting with the interests
of another. It is also essential to find support from the rest
of the administration should he have failed to influence his
fellow managers in making the right decisions when faced
with ethical dilemmas.
6. Explain why public organizations are said to be more
difficult to evaluate than private organizations. Why is
this important for early-career public administrators to

Public and private sector decision making is studied with

an experiment. The study compares decision making in a
tax-supported general purpose governmental agency with
that done by a business firm selling to a market, using a
simulation to capture differences in the preferences and
practices of mid-level managers working in the two sectors.
The simulation calls for participating managers to assess
the risk and prospect of adopting budgets tailoredto match
each sector. A cognitive culture that stresses analysis,
speculation, bargaining, or networking is employed to
fashion a budget appropriate for a public and a private
sector organization, each with a controversial and a
noncontroversial budget amount. The literature on
public/private differences was consulted to make
predictions, suggesting that public sector managers would
favor bargaining and networking and private sector
managers would favor analysis and speculation. The
cognitive style literature suggests that managers favor
budgets constructed with an approach that is consistent
with their preferred cognitive style and see less risk in the
choice, except in a public setting where the risk would be
unaffected. The
study finds that private sector managers are more apt to
support budget decisions made with analysis and less
likely to support them when bargaining is applied. Public
sector managers are less likely to support budget decisions
backed by analysis and more likely to support those that
are derived from bargaining with agency people. The public
sector is the portion of the economy that the government
controls and manages. It consists of entities that offer
public goods and services, including national defense, law
enforcement, public education, health care, social welfare,
and infrastructure development.

This involves improving social welfare and protecting

national security. Through rules and regulations, the
government ensures that the private sector functions in the
best interest of residents. Employees in this sector are
often viewed as civil servants committed to serving the
general people. Private administrators have no inherent
responsibility to act in the general population’s best
interests. They are accountable to shareholders to generate
maximum profits and serve their customers by boosting
their financial bottom line. However, public
accountability is, as the School of Political Science puts it,
“the backbone of public administration.” The educational
platform explains: “The government is accountable to the
people for errors in public administration. The failure or
success of the government depends on the failure or
success of the public administration. Public
administration is directly accountable to the government
and indirectly accountable to the citizens.” Succinctly
put, public administration requires a bureaucratic
approach, while private administration requires an
egalitarian approach. The bureaucratic process organizes
and manages operations using a hierarchical authoritative
system that divides tasks according to expertise and
stresses strict adherence to rules and procedures. Although
hierarchies also exist in the private sector, they often adopt
a highly egalitarian approach that can give the largest
number of people an equal say in decision-making
processes. The egalitarian approach benefits from a broad
spectrum of ideas but risks falling into dysfunction due to
its reliance on personal relationships that often falter.
Depending on the political and economic systems, the size
and scope of the public sector might differ from country to
country. In certain nations, the public sector is larger and
more active in providing goods and services, whereas in
others, the private sector is dominant. While they may
differ dramatically in terms of structural form and
operational style, both public and private
administration play essential roles in creating and
sustaining a functional capitalistic society. However, the
unique nature of public administration requires equally
unique procedural strategies, best practices, performance
standards, and methods of progress and result
8. Is there a future for the field of public administration.
How do you see the future of the discipline ten years from

As the world around us is changing with concomitant

changes in politics, business, economics, and society, the
field of public administration cannot be aloof from the need
to innovate and change. As the public sector in many
developed countries feels the need to move beyond the
static and machine bureaucratic paradigm, the public
sector in the third world and the developing countries is
also in the throes of adapting to the broader changes
happening in society.With the increased awareness among
the citizenry and the rapid spread of information along with
use of technology and social media, the public sector in the
west and the east has to wake up to the new realities and
cannot be an ostrich or a fossil among the nimble and agile
private sector. This is the key theme of this article that
looks at the future of public administration around the
world in an era of rapid change. There cannot be a more
compelling case for proactive public sector rather than a
reactive public sector as the future catches them and they
can only survive by adapting to the future. he first item for
the government of the future would be to remove the
opaqueness and the secrecy surrounding its activities and
instead embrace accountability and transparency as the
motto. For instance, the government of the future is one
where the citizenry is made aware of the decisions taken by
it rather than hiding under archaic laws and regulations in
the name of confidentiality.
Apart from this, the government of the future is one that is
proactive instead of reactive where it anticipates the
changing trends and responds accordingly instead of knee
jerk reactions to events and incidents. This means that the
public servants have to be responsive to all the
stakeholders including their superiors, the elected
representatives, and most importantly the citizenry instead
of favoring a particular section over the other.
In other words, the government of the future would be
responsive instead of secretive and accountable instead of
resorting to blame game, and would be transparent instead
of being opaque. The ways in which the public sector can
innovate include using technology more proactively,
collaborating and communicating within and with the
external world, adopting a more humane approach to
administration and attending to the grievances of the
citizenry, and most importantly “walking the talk” which
meant that they had to not only declare their intent but
also have to act accordingly.

In other words, merely having a gazette is not enough and

the public servants have to follow it in the spirit of the law
as well as the letter of the law.

As for using technology and social media, the public sector

and the public managers are gradually taking to IT to
communicate and collaborate among themselves as well as
with the external world. The other key imperative here is
that public sector managers must not initiate a change and
then give up midway because of resistance from vested
interests and those with hidden agendas. Perhaps the
biggest challenge facing public sector managers is that they
plan to work but not work to the plan.

9. The Civil Service Commission (CSC) is considered as the

primary institutions that governs the personnel system in
the public sector. Discuss the scope of its power and
identify if there are exemptions in so far as its function is

A civil service commission is a government agency that is

constituted by legislature to regulate the employment and
working conditions of civil servants, oversee hiring and
promotions, and promote the values of the public service.
Its role is roughly analogous to that of the human
resources department in corporations. The Civil Service
Commission (CSC) is the central personnel agency of the
Philippine government. One of the three independent
constitutional commissions with adjudicative responsibility
in the national government structure, it is also tasked to
render final arbitration on disputes and personnel actions
on Civil Service matters.

Mandated Functions
Under Executive Order No. 292, the Civil Service
Commission shall perform the following functions:

Administer and enforce the constitutional and statutory

provisions on the merit system for all levels and ranks in
the Civil Service;Prescribe, amend and enforce rules and
regulations for carrying into effect the provisions of the
Civil Service Laws and other pertinent laws;Promulgate
policies, standards and guidelines for the Civil Service and
adopt plans and programs to promote economical, efficient
and effective personnel administration in the government;
Formulate policies and regulations for the administration,
maintenance and implementation of position classification
and compensation and set standards for the establishment,
allocation and reallocation of pay scales, classes and
positions; Render opinion and rulings on all personnel and
other Civil Service matters which shall be binding on all
head of departments, offices and agencies and which may
be brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari; Appoint
and discipline its officials and employees in accordance
with law and exercise control and supervision over the
activities of the Commission;Control, supervise and
coordinate Civil Service examinations. Any entity or official
in government may be called upon by the Commission to
assist in the preparation and conduct of said examinations
including security, use of buildings and facilities as well as
personnel and transportation of examination materials
which shall be exempt from inspection
regulations;Prescribe all forms for Civil Service
examinations, appointment, reports and such other forms
as may be required by law, rules and regulations;Declare
positions in the Civil Service as may properly be primarily
confidential, highly technical or policy determining;
Formulate, administer and evaluate programs relative to
the development and retention of qualified and competent
work force in the public service;Hear and decide
administrative cases instituted by or brought before it
directly or on appeal, including contested appointments,
and review decisions and action of its offices and of the
agencies attached to it. Officials and employees who fail to
comply with such decisions, orders, or rulings shall be
liable for contempt of the Commission. Its decisions, orders
or rulings shall be final and executory. Such decisions,
orders, or rulings may be brought to Supreme Court on
certiorari by the aggrieved party within thirty (30) days
from receipt of the copy thereof;Issues subpoena and
subpoena duces tecum for the production of documents
and records pertinent to investigations and inquiries
conducted by it in accordance with its authority conferred
by the Constitution and pertinent laws;Advise the President
on all matters involving personnel management in the
government service and submit to the President an annual
report on the personnel programs;Take appropriate actions
on al appointments and other personnel matters in the
Civil Service including extension of service beyond
retirement age;Inspect and audit the personnel actions and
programs of the departments, agencies, bureaus, offices,
local government including government-owned or
controlled corporations; conduct periodic review of the
decisions and actions of offices or officials to whom
authority has been delegated by the Commission as well as
the conduct of the officials and the employees in these
offices and apply appropriate sanctions whenever
necessary.Delegate authority for the performance of any
functions to departments, agencies and offices where such
functions may be effectively performed;Administer the
retirement program of government officials and employees,
and accredit government services and evaluate
qualification for retirement;Keep and maintain personnel
records of all officials and employees in the Civil Service;
andPerform all functions properly belonging to a central
personnel agency such as other functions as may be
provided by law
10. Discuss the personnel administration in the
government. Identify the basic requirements that are
usually mandated by the government in hiring prospective
government employees.

Public Personnel Administration refers to the entire

spectrum of a public organization’s management of human
resources from recruitment to retirement. It involves
manpower planning and forecasting, selection and staffing,
training and development, performance management,
employee discipline, and promotion of employee welfare
and productivity. Personnel administration encompasses
all of the activities concerned with the human resources of
an organization and includes a series of functions which
relate to its overall operation. These functions include
position classification'` determination of salary scales,
fringe benefits, recruitment and selection of employees,
performance appraisal, training, establishment of policies
and procedures for conduct and discipline, and the
development of programs related to health, safety,
affirmative action and retirement programs. People in
government are important because they make things
happen. Hence, the initial process of finding the best
qualified candidate for a position is crucial because it will
ensure strong employment foundation, quality
and efficient and effective public service. The topic on
Recruitment will guide the LCE on the prerequisites of
hiring and his/her responsibilities and
accountability in managing human resources within the
Recruitment is the first phase in the employment
procedure which is the development of a pool of candidates
in accordance with a human resource plan. It covers
determining staffing needs, meeting the requirements,
publication of vacancies, screening and appointment.
Determining staffing needs is a very important part of
recruitment. It involves knowing what the vacant positions
are and considering the organization’s thrusts.
The main players in the screening of applicants are the
Human Resource Management Officers (HRMOs)/Human
Resource Management Practitioners (HRMPs) and the
Personnel Selection Board (PSB).
1. The HRMO/HRMP pre-screens applicants with
respect to their meeting the minimum requirements of
the position.
2. The HRMO/HRMP submits to the Personnel
Selection Board (PSB) the list of Qualified Applicants for
3. PSB screens qualified applicants
a. “There shall be established in every province, city or
municipality a Personnel Selection Board to assist the local
chief executive, or where applicable, the presiding officer
of the Sanggunian, in the judicious and objective selection
of personnel for employment as well as for promotion.”
(Art. 166 Rule 22 of the IRR LGC)
b. The functions and responsibilities of the Personnel
Selection Board (PSB) are as follows:
Follow strictly the process in the selection of
employees for appointment in the government service;
Ensure that the minutes of all deliberations are
recorded, properly filed and maintained, which must
be made accessible to interested parties upon written
request, and for inspection and audit by the CSC, if
Submit a comprehensive evaluation report of candidates
screened for appointment so that the appointing authority
be guided in choosing the candidates who can efficiently
discharge the duties and responsibilities of the position to
filled. The evaluation report should not only specify
the candidates meet the qualification standards of the
but should also include
observations and comments on the candidates’
competence and other qualifications that are important
in the performance of the duties and responsibilities
of the position to be filled. Likewise, information about
the candidate’s preference of assignment should be
mentioned in the report;
Through the HRM Unit, make accessible the
following information or documents upon written
a. Screening procedure and criteria for selection,
and its amendments:
b. Policies relative to personnel actions,
including the gender and development dimensions
of the Merit Selection Plan; and
c. Approved Agency MSP.
Notify all applicants assessed by the PSB of their
individual rating on the basis of education, training,
experience, eligibility and interview, as well as of the
outcome of the evaluation of the PSB; and
Provide information about the individual rating of
a particular applicant upon written request subject to
the approval of the appointing authority
d. The PSB shall recommend to the LCE the
candidates who passed the screening.
After the PSB screening, the challenging process of hiring
the right employee follows. From the list of recommendees
provided by the PSB, he LCE exercises his/her authority to
select the best candidate through Appointment.

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