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International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 5, pp 2154-2161 May 2023

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews

Journal homepage: www.ijrpr.com ISSN 2582-7421

To Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards Selected Mamaearth

Product with Reference to Coimbatore City

Ms. R. Akshaya Sudarshana A, Ms. Savari Insilia . A B *

Assistant Professor, Sri Krishna Adithya college of arts and science, Coimbatore - 641042
Student, Sri Krishna Adithya college of arts and science, Coimbatore - 641042


Mamaearth is a rapidly growing Indian brand that offers a range of natural and toxin-free personal care products for mothers, babies, and kids. The brand's
product portfolio includes skincare, haircare, and baby care products made with natural and organic ingredients. Mamaearth prides itself on its commitment to
sustainability and ethical practices, including the use of eco-friendly packaging and cruelty-free testing methods. The brand's popularity is driven by its emphasis
on transparency, safety, and effectiveness, making it a go-to choose for consumers looking for safe and gentle personal care products.

Key words – Indian brand natural and toxic free cruelty free.

1. Introduction

Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass
customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a
firm, its products, or its services exceeds specified satisfaction goals. Customers play an important role and are essential in keeping a product or service
relevant; it is, therefore, in the best interest of the business to ensure customer satisfaction and build customer loyalty

The Marketing Accountability Standards Board endorses the definitions, purposes, and measures that appear in Marketing Metrics as part of its ongoing
Common Language in Marketing Project. In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 71 percent responded that they found a customer
satisfaction metric very useful in managing and monitoring their businesses.

Customer satisfaction is viewed as a key performance indicator within business and is often part of a Balanced Scorecard. In a competitive marketplace
where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a major differentiator and increasingly has become an important element of
business strategy.

It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is often part of a balanced scorecard. In a competitive marketplace where business compete
for customer, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy.

2. Statement of problem

The market power lies with the product names in the emerging knowledge and changing trend in economy and to know the awareness of product. With
time, the needs and preference of the consumers are changing rapidly. The realistic side of the problem is to know the acceptance level of the customers
towards the products. This study will to will help us to know the customers acceptability towards the product, with which a different strategy can be taken
to create more satisfaction of the mama earth product rectify the previous communication gap and mistakes among the customers. The study is to
understand the actual acceptance of the mama earth product among customers of different age ranges. This also explains what they understand by product
and how the purchase decisions are made. This will help to make improvement in product awareness and will create more loyal customers.

3. Objective of study

• To determine the overall satisfaction level of customers with Mamaearth products.

• To identify areas for improvement in Mamaearth products and services.

• To understand customer preferences and expectations regarding product quality, packaging, pricing, and availability.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 5, pp 2154-2161 May 2023 2155

4. Research Questions

• How much will you amount spend on purchase mamaearth products?

• How often do you purchase mamaearth products?

• Have you had any issues or concerns with mamaearth products?

5. Research methodology

Research methodology is a way to systematically solving a research problem. Research methodology deals with the research design used and
methods used to present the study.

5.1 Sampling design

This study is intended to analyze the consumer’s preference and satisfaction towards Mamaearth Products in Coimbatore City.The study is Descriptive
in nature.

5.2 Sample size

175 Questionnaire were distributed out of that 160 questioners were fit for analysis from different respondents in the Coimbatore city.

5.3 Sample area

The area of the study refers to Coimbatore city.

5.4 Data collection

The data is collected from both primary and secondary data.

Primary Data: Primary data is collected directly from the people with the help of the questionnaire for the first time and that are original in nature.

Secondary Data: Secondary data is collected from various sources such as books, journals, articles, newspapers, websites etc…

5.5 Sampling method

The method used for collecting sample is convenient sampling.

5.6 sampling tools

• Simple percentage method

• Ranking Analysis

• Weighted average method

• Chi square

6. Review of literature

1. Raja Rajeswari, Kirthika (2016), conducted a study to find out the consumer behaviour towards products with special reference. The
objective of the study to analyse the consumer behaviour and satisfaction and factors influencing buyer decision and determine the level of
effectiveness. The sample size was 110 respondents. Tools used for the study were percentage analysis and chi-square.

2. Wang (2016) Many past studies have acknowledged that both actual quality and perceived quality have an association with the brand image
(Alhaddad). However, the effect of the former is more significant than the latter. Many brands, besides spending resources on the physical
quality of the product, also devote considerable resources to enhance consumer perception about the quality of the brand.

3. Wendy, (2017) It is pragmatic to start a business and make it known to others through social media marketing. While social media empowers
businesses to increase their traffic, reach and leads, it can damage a brand image if not used properly

4. Pratama, (2017) Brand image has an effect on brand loyalty and it also promotes customer satisfaction, that’s why companies ask their
existing customers to suggest products to new one’s
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 5, pp 2154-2161 May 2023 2156

5. Jibu P Joseph, (2017) They found out that Upper-class customers have a preference over a Brand and they are loyal to them. Consumers
prefer high-quality products at reasonable prices. Income is not a major differentiator in consumers’ preference for branded or non-branded
products. There is no such big influence of advertisements on the final purchase decision.


A research gap is essentially an unanswered question or unresolved problem in a field, which reflects a lack of existing research in that space. The previous
research are made in the field of consumer behaviour varies from brand to brand on the basis of quality quantity price awareness of about varies brand
the current study analysis is done to prove the objectives of the study.This analysis made to fine the problem faced by consumer and the popularity of
mamaearth product among the consumer

7. Analysis and Interpretation

Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modelling data with the goal of discovering useful information, informing
conclusion, and supporting decision-making. Data analysis is a process for obtaining raw data and converting it into information useful for decision-
making by users. Data are collected and analysed to answer question, test hypotheses or disprove theories.

The following tools were used:

i. Percentage Analysis

ii. Weighted average method

iii. Chi-square Analysis

7.1 Percentage method

No. Of respondents
Formula = * 100
Total no. of respondents
Table No:1

Table showing Amount spent to purchase Mama Earth Product by the respondents

Amount Frequency Percentage

500 85 53%

1000 48 30%

1500 17 11%

2000 10 6%

Total 160 100%

SOURCE : Primary data

The above Table portrays that 53% of the respondents purchase mama earth product for Rs.500, 30% of the respondents purchase mama earth product
for Rs.1000 and 11% of the respondents purchase mama earth product for Rs.1500 and 6% of the respondents purchase mama earth product
Chart Showing Amount Spent on purchasing of mama earth product


500 1000 1500 2000

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 5, pp 2154-2161 May 2023 2157

Table No:2

Table showing the Duration of purchase with Mama earth product by the respondents

Duration of purchase Frequency Percentage

Daily 28 18%
Weekly 15 9%
Monthly 30 19%
Occasionally 87 54%
Total 160 100%
SOURCES : Primary data
The above Table explains that 54% of the respondents purchase Occasionally,19% of the respondents purchase Monthly, 18% of the respondents
purchase Daily and 9% of the respondents purchase Weekly mama earth product.

Chart Showing Duration of Purchase of Respondents


Daily Weekly Monthly Occasionally



Table No:3

Table showing Side effect faced while using mama earth product by the respondents

Side effects faced Frequency Percentage

Rarely 83 52%
Sometimes 61 38%
Regularly 16 10%
Total 160 100%
SOURCES: Primary data

The above table states that 52% of the respondents faced rarely ,38% of the respondents faced sometime, and 10% of the respondents faced
Chart Showing Side effect faced of Respondents


Rarely Sometimes Regularly




A Ranking is a relationship between a set of items such that, for any two items, the first is either 'ranked higher than', 'ranked lower than' or 'ranked equal
to' the second. In mathematics, this is known as a weak order or total pre order of objects. It is not necessarily a total order of objects because two different
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 5, pp 2154-2161 May 2023 2158

objects can have the same ranking. The rankings themselves are totally ordered. For example, materials are totally pre ordered by hardness, while degrees
of hardness are totally ordered.

By reducing detailed measures to a sequence of ordinal numbers, rankings make it possible to evaluate complex information according to certain
criteria. Thus, for example, an Internet search engine may rank the pages it finds according to an estimation of their relevance, making it possible for the
user quickly to select the pages they are likely to want to see. Analysis of data obtained by ranking commonly requires non-parametric statistics.

Table No. 4

Table showing the rank given for Mama Earth Product by the respondents

Reason for using Mama earth R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 Total Rank


Natural ingredients 75 42 23 17 3 649 1

Affordable price 48 65 30 15 2 622 2
Variety of Product 52 47 39 19 3 606 4
Offers, availability of product 60 46 26 26 2 616 3
design etc

The tables shows that the respondents ranked mamaearth product for its Natural ingredients (R1), followed by Affordable price (R2), Variety of
Product (R3), and offers, availability of product design etc (R4).


A weighted average is an average in which each observation in the data set is assigned or multiplied by a weight before summing to a single average
value. In this process, each quantity to be averaged is assigned a weight that determines the relative importance of each quantity. Weightings are the
equivalent of having that many like items with the same value involved in the average. A weighted average score takes different scores, or grades, with
assigned weights, or percentages. To calculate a weighted average with percentages, each category value must first be multiplied by its percentage. Then
all of these new values must be added together.


Total of Rank
Weighted Average Score = -------------------------------------------
Total number of Respondents
Table No:5
Table showing the Satisfaction level that attracted by the respondents while using mama earth product
Satisfaction level HS S N DS HDS Total Weighted Average Rank

Quality 70 57 21 7 5 660 4.125 1

Price 60 41 45 11 3 624 3.900 3

Quantity 52 60 40 5 3 633 3.956 2

Offer 48 57 35 16 4 609 3.806 4

Coupons 49 52 39 14 6 604 3.775 5


The table shows Quality of mamaearth product (R1), Quantity of mamaearth product (R2), price of mamaearth product (R3), Offer of mamaearth
product (R4), and Coupons of mamaearth product (R5).

7.4 Chi square analysis

The Chi square analysis is commonly used for testing relationships between categorical variables. The null hypothesis of the Chi-Square test is that no
relationship exists on the categorical variables in the population; they are independent. There are several important considerations when using the Chi-
Square analysis to evaluate a cross tabulation .Because of how the Chi-Square value is calculated, it is extremely sensitive to sample size. This can be
addressed by always using categorical variables with a limited number of categories.


(Observed value – Expected value)^2

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 5, pp 2154-2161 May 2023 2159

Chi – square value(∑) = *100

Expected value

Row total * Grand total

Expected value =
Grand total

Degree of freedom = (Row – 1) * (Column – 1)

Association between education qualification and the importance of promoting the handloom products

Null hypothesis H0 : There is no significant relationship between education qualification and the importance of promoting the handloom products.

Alternate hypothesis H1 : There is a significant relationship between education qualification and the importance of promoting the handloom products

Table no. 6

Table showing the relationship between the monthly income and among spent to buy product of the respondents


INCOME Rs.500 Rs.1000 Rs.1500 Rs.2000
Below Rs.20000 30 20 3 3 56
Rs. 20000 – 40000 10 17 12 4 43
Rs. 40000 – 60000 5 22 9 1 37
Above Rs. 60000 4 11 7 2 24
TOTAL 49 70 31 10 160


O E O-E (O – E)2
30 17.15 12.85 165.12
10 13.16 -3.16 9.98
5 11.33 -6.33 40.06
4 7.35 -3.35 11.22
20 24.5 -4.5 20.25
17 18.81 -1.81 3.27
22 16.18 5.82 33.87
11 10.5 0.5 0.25
3 10.85 -7.85 61.62
12 8.33 3.67 13.46
9 7.16 1.84 3.38
7 4.65 2.35 5.52
3 3.5 -0.5 0.25
4 2.68 1.32 1.74
1 2.31 -1.31 1.71
2 1.5 0.5 0.25
160 159.96 0.04 371.95


= 371.95/159.96

= 2.32


= (4 – 1) * (4 – 1)



International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 5, pp 2154-2161 May 2023 2160


H0: There is no significant relationship between monthly income and monthly

purchase of the respondents

H1: There is a significant relationship between monthly income and monthly purchase of the respondents

Level of significance = 5% or 0.05

Degree of freedom = 9

Chi-square value X 2 = 2.32

Table value = 16.91


In the above analysis, the calculated value {2.32} is less than the value {16.91} at the level of 5% significance. Hence, null hypothesis is accepted, thus,
there is no significant relationship between monthly income and purchase amount spend of respondents.

8. Findings, Suggestion and Conclusion

8.1 Findings

Percentage analysis

➢ 53% of the respondents purchase mama earth product for Rs.500

➢ 54% of the respondents purchase Occasionally

➢ 52% of the respondents faced rarely

Ranking analysis

The tables shows that the respondents ranked mamaearth product for its Natural ingredients (R1), followed by Affordable price (R2), Variety of
Product (R3), and offers, availability of product design etc (R4).

Weighted average score analysis

The table shows Quality of mamaearth product (R1), Quantity of mamaearth product (R2), price of mamaearth product (R3), Offer of mamaearth
product (R4), and Coupons of mamaearth product (R5).

Chi square analysis

In the above analysis, the calculated value {2.32} is less than the value {16.91} at the level of 5% significance. Hence, null hypothesis is accepted, thus,
there is no significant relationship between monthly income and purchase range of respondents.

8.2 Suggestion

There is a high Concessions in the price, replacements, discounts sales, offers, etc., which becomes a common practice .Quantity must be increased
to equal the costs. Price to be reduced. To reduce the chemical in skin care products .Consumers prefer high quality mama earth products from well-
established brands. The marketers and manufacturers of the mama earth products must try to convert the product satisfaction into brand loyalty. Many of
the people suggested that improve & develop the advertisement is must be needed in mama earth product .The Look, Size of the mama earth products
and the availability of the same in all the areas where it is necessary should be considered by the sellers or manufacturers in order to increase the sales
and profitability.

8.3 Conclusion

This study conducted from various people; mama earth product is a highly moving product, when compared to other products. The study about the various
aspects of customer satisfaction on mama earth product among the people. It satisfied the following objectives i.e., more effective cosmeticsThe marketers
must understand the behaviour of the consumers to satisfy the expectation for earning higher profits. The survey conducted from the people help to make
identification over its strength and weakness of mama earth products.


International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 5, pp 2154-2161 May 2023 2161

2. Wang (2016) Estimation of global black carbon direct radiative forcing and its uncertainty constrained by observations. 121(10), Journal of
Geophysical Research 5948-5971
3. Wendy, (2017) The aim of this study is to identify antibiogram and heavy metal resistance pattern of
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International Conferences on Information Technology, Information Systems and Electrical Engineering, Yogyakarta, 1-2 ,192-197
5. Jibu P Joseph, (2017) A Study on Perception and Attitude towards Brand Image

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