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Procurement Summary

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Tender ID- 42688 View BOQ/Item Details

Organization Name Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

Location Ahmedabad
Department Urban Development and Urban Housing Department
Sub Department Housing Project
IFB/Tender Notice No 2023-2024
Tender Type Open
ARC Tender for Repairing & Strengthening work for AMC West Side various bridges (i.e., ROB, F
Tender title/Name Of Project OB, RUB, Box Culvert, River Bridge) as per Inspection Report Given by Bridge Inspection Agency
in Amdavad City
ARC Tender for Repairing & Strengthening work for AMC West Side various bridges (i.e., ROB, F
Description of Material/Name of Work OB, RUB, Box Culvert, River Bridge) as per Inspection Report Given by Bridge Inspection Agency
in Amdavad City
Sector Category State Governments & UT
Form of Contract Works
Product Category Miscellaneous Works
Tender Category WORKS
30179897.33 (Three Crore One Lacs Seventy Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety Seven Point
Estimated Cost Value
Thirty Three Only)
Is ECV Visible to Supplier? Yes
Tender Currency Type Single
Tender Currency Setting Indian Rupee
Period of Completion/Delivery Period 12 Months
Procurement Type Works
Consortium / Joint Venture N/A
Rebate N/A
Alternate decrypter N/A

Calender Details

Bid Document Download Start Date 07-02-2024 18:00

Bid document download End Date 29-02-2024 17:00
Bid Submission Start Date 07-02-2024 18:00
Bid Submission Closing Date 29-02-2024 17:00
Tender NIT View Date N/A
Remarks Tender Fee & EMD should Submitted physically on Date.29-02-2024 up to 16:00 hours
Pre-Bid Meeting Mode Offline
Pre-Bid Meeting Opening Date 13-02-2024 15:30
Bid validity 180 Days

Amount Details

Bidding Processing Fee ( OFFLINE) 6,000 (Six Thousand Only )

Bidding Processing Fee Payable to Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad
Bidding Processing Fee Payable at Ahmedabad
Bid Security/EMD/Proposal Security INR ( OFFLIN
Bid Security/EMD/Proposal Security INR Payable to Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad
Bid Security/EMD/Proposal Security INR Payable at Ahmedabad
Bank Guarantee Minimum 301800
Bank Guarantee Maximum 301800

Other Details


Address Sardar Patel Bhavan, Danapith, AHMEDABAD - 380 001
Contact Details (079) 25391811, 25391830

Tender Stages

Stage Name Evaluation Date Minimum Forms for Submission

Preliminary Stage 01-03-2024 17:00 0
Commercial Stage 01-03-2024 17:05 0

1. Preliminary Stage

Form Id Form Name Form Mode Submission Type Mandatory

5 Tender Fee Form Library-Standard Single Yes
6 Emd Fee Form Library-Standard Single Yes

Documents required for Stage - Preliminary Stage

Sr No Document Name Mandatory
1 Attach scan copy of necessary documents Yes
2 Provide any proof of Bid Processing Fee Yes
3 Provide any proof of EMD Document Yes

2. Commercial Stage

Form Id Form Name Form Mode Submission Type Mandatory

4 Percentage Rate Library-Secured Single Yes

Certificate Details

Cert Serial No. 624781da

Subject Dn CID - 6855820", OID.
CN=(n)Code Solutions Sub-CA for DSC 2022, OU=Sub-CA, O=Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers
Cert Issuer
and Chemicals Limited, C=IN
Thumbprint 3e 23 56 ad f0 1b 52 92 53 cb e8 28 4b 39 0a 86 ce c9 97 ec

General Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions
(1) Bidders can download the tender document free of cost from the website.
(2) Bidders have to submit Technical bid as well as Price bid in Electronic format only on nprocure website till the Last Date & time for
(3) Offers in physical form will not be accepted in any case.
(4) Free vendor training camp will be organized every Saturday between 4.00 to 5.00 P.M. at (n)code solutions-A Division of GNFC Ltd.,
Bidders are requested to take benefit of the same.

Bidders who wish to participate in online tenders will have to procure / should have legally valid Digital Certificate as per Information
Technology Act-2000 (Class-III) using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from any of the license certifying
Authority of India or can contract (n)code solutions- A division of GNFC Ltd, who are licensed Certifying Authority by Govt. of India.

In case bidders need any clarifications or if training required to participate in online tenders, they can contact (n)Procure Support team:-

(n)code Solutions-IT division of GNFC Ltd.,

(n)Procure Cell
304, GNFC Infotower, S.G. Road,
Bodakdev, Ahmedabad – 380054 (Gujarat)

+Contact Details
+91-79-40007517, 40007514, 40007515.
E-mail :

TOLL FREE NUMBER: 73590 21663

Other Terms & Conditions as per detailed tender documents

Tender Documents

Sr No Document Name Document Definition

1 Vol-1.pdf Vol-1.pdf
2 Vol-2.pdf Vol-2.pdf


“SARDAR PATEL BHAVAN”, Danapith, Amdavad – 380 001

Ph. No. (079) 25391811, 25391830 Fax No. (079) 25350926
Web site: Email:

Tender No:

Name of work:- ARC Tender for Repairing & Strengthening work for AMC West Side
various bridges (i.e., ROB, FOB, RUB, Box Culvert, River Bridge) as per Inspection Report
Given by Bridge Inspection Agency in Amdavad City.



February 2024

Signature of Bidder Page 1 AMC


Name of Work: - ARC Tender for Repairing & work for AMC West Side various bridges
(i.e., ROB, FOB, RUB, Box Culvert, River Bridge) as per Inspection Report
Given by Bridge Inspection Agency in Amdavad City.

From 06-02-2024
BIDS AVAILABLE to 29-02-2024 up
FOR to 17:00 hrs from
DOWNLOADING https://amc.nrpo

Date: 13/02/2024 Time: 15:30

Office of Addl. City Engineer
Amdavad Municipal
5th Floor, Sardar Patel
MEETING Bhavan, Danapith,
Amdavad 380001.

Technical Bid Physically by

Date: 29-02-2024 16:00 Hrs at
Office of Assistant Manager
(Projects), Amdavad Municipal
Corporation, Sardar Patel
Bhavan, Danapith.

01-03-2024 at 17:00
Hrs at Office of
Assistant Manager
DATE OF TECHNICAL BID (Projects), Amdavad
OPENING Municipal Corporation,
Sardar Patel Bhavan,
Danapith, Amdavad.


Signature of Bidder Page 2 AMC

Amdavad Municipal Corporation
Sardar Patel Bhavan, Danapith,
Amdavad - 380 001
Web site
1. The Municipal Commissioner, Amdavad Municipal Corporation invites bids for the
construction of works detailed in the Table below from the eligible bidders meeting Eligibility
Sr. Name of Work Estimated Amount Bid Security (Rs.) Cost of Period of
No. put to tender (Rs.) Bid Completion
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Annual Rate Contract work Rs.3,01,79,897.33 Rs. 301800.00 in form as 6000=00 12 Months
of Repairing & (exclusive of GST). stipulated in tender. To (including
Strengthening work of GST will be paid be enclosed along with monsoon)
various bridges (i.e., ROB, extra by the technical bid.
FOB, RUB, Box Culvert, AMC/Authority at
River Bridge) as per prevailing rate to
Inspection Report Given by the contractor.
Bridge Inspection Agency
in Amdavad City..
Minimum Eligibility Criteria:-
1. For eligibility the bidder shall fulfil following criteria.
a) Only single bidder permitted for bidding.
b) No Joint venture/Consortium permitted for bidding.
c) Contractor registered with Amdavad municipal Corporation or Government of Gujarat in
class “A” category or contractors registered in similar class with other state government,
semi government bodies or with Central PWD.
2. The e-tender can be downloaded from the website from 07-02-
2024 to 29-02-2024.
3. Bids must be accompanied by security of the amount specified for the work in the table,
payable at Amdavad and drawn in favour of Municipal Commissioner, Amdavad. Bid security
will have to be in any one of the forms as specified in the bidding document and shall have to
be valid for 30 days beyond the validity of the bid.
4. E-tender must be submitted online on or before 29-02-2024 up to17:00 hours. Submission of
hard copy of bid security, Tender fee and other documents in sealed cover in person to office
of AMC as mentioned in bid information on or before 16.00 hours on 29-02-2024. Technical
bid will be opened on 01-03-2024 at 17.00 hours in the office of the Add.City Engineer
(Bridge Project), in the presence of the bidders who wish to remain present. If the office
happens to be closed on the date of receipt of the bids as specified, the hard copy of bids will
be received and opened on the next working day at the same time and venue.
5. If any clarifications are required, regarding the bidding document the same can be obtained
from the Add.City Engineer (Bridge Project), Amdavad Municipal Corporation on any working
6. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents.
7. Conditional tender will not be accepted. Municipal Commissioner reserves the right to reject
any or all of the tenders without assigning any reason thereof.

Municipal Commissioner
Amdavad Municipal Corporation

Signature of Bidder Page 3 AMC



1 Name of Work : ARC Tender for Repairing & Strengthening work for AMC West
Side various bridges (i.e., ROB, FOB, RUB, Box Culvert, River
Bridge) as per Inspection Report Given by Bridge Inspection
Agency in Amdavad City.
2 Estimate Amount : Rs. 3,01,79,897.33 (Without GST)
put to tender
3 Minimum : Contractor registered with Amdavad municipal Corporation or
Eligibility Criteria Government of Gujarat in “class A” category or contractors
registered in similar class with other state government, semi
government bodies or with Central PWD.
4 Time Limit : 12(Twelve) Months including monsoon
5 Tender Fee (Non : Rs. 6000/- in the form of Demand Draft in favour of Municipal
refundable) Commissioner, Amdavad Municipal Corporation The Demand draft
for tender fee may be enclosed along with the tender document.
6 Bid Security : Rs. 301800/- (in the form of Demand draft or Bank Guarantee of
(EMD) bank as mentioned in Annexure-ITB in favour of Municipal
Commissioner, Amdavad.) valid for 180 days (150+30) from last
date of submission of Hard copy of tender. Bid submitted without
bid security shall be treated as nonresponsive and shall be
summarily rejected.
7 Downloading : E-Tender shall be downloaded from the website
E-tender from date 07-02-2024 to 29-02-2024 upto
17:00 hour.
8 Pre bid Meeting : Date: 13/02/2024 Time: 15:30 Hours
Office of Addl. City Engineer
Amdavad Municipal Corporation
5th Floor, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Danapith,
Amdavad 380001. Email
9 Last Date of : 29-02-2024 upto 17.00 Hours
10 Last Date of : Submission of hard copy of bid security, Tender fee, Volume-1 in
submission of sealed cover in person.
hard copy
Last date is 29-02-2024 upto 16:00 hours at office of
The Assistant Manager (Project)
Amdavad Municipal Corporation
2nd Floor, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Danapith,
Amdavad 380001.
The hard copy of tenders received after this date and time shall not
be entertained under any circumstances.
Tender shall be submitted in two copies. (Original & Duplicate)
Volume-2 Financial bid shall be submitted online only.
11 Opening of : Date: 01-03-2024 upto 17:00 hours
Technical Bids
Place: Office of Assistant Manager (Projects), Amdavad Municipal
Corporation, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Danapith, Amdavad.
12 Opening of : Shall be intimate later.
Financial Bids
13 Tender (Bid) : 180 days from last date of submission of Hard copy of tender.
Validity Period

Signature of Bidder Page 4 AMC

14 Defect Liability : Defect liability period from the date of completion (as per
Period completion certificate, which shall be issued by AMC) of work shall
be as follows:
The contractor shall be responsible to make good and remedy at
his own expense any defect which may develop or may be noticed
before the period mentioned here under from the certified date of
completion, The within 15 days of receipt of the notice. In the case
of failure on the part of the contractor, the Engineer-in-charge may
rectify or remove or re-execute the work at the risk & cost of the
contractor. The Engineer-in charge shall be entitled to appropriate
the whole or any part of the amount of security deposit towards the
expenses, if any, Incurred by him in rectification, removal or re-
execution. The Defects Liability period shall be as under (a) for all
works costing upto Rs. 50,000 ( amount put to tender), the period
shall be 3 months from the certified date of completion. (b) for all
works costing more than Rs. 50,000 and upto Rs. 1 crore
(amount put tender), the period shall be 6 months from the
certified date of completion or one monsoon, whichever is
(c) for major projects costing more than Rs. 1 crore, the period shall
be 12 months from the certified date of completion which should
include one monsoon.
(d) For building works, the period specified in (a), (b) or (c) above
OR elapse of monsoon period following the certified date of
completion, whichever is later. For the purpose of deciding the
monsoon period, the 30th September may be treated as the last
15 Time permitted to Whenever a work is allotted by Engineering staff, if it found very
start parts of urgent and on emergency type work of any minor or major of any
work amount, the contractor shall be bound to start the works max. time
within 48 hours after intimation of work. Communication shall be
done via telephonically or SMS or Via whatsapp or through letter /
E-mail shall be considered legal and binding for the same. Failure
of comply to start the works within the specific time period
mentioned above is liable to penalise action against agency as
directed by engineer incharge/ competent authority.
16 Retention Money : Retention Money-1: @ 2% of the value of work done will be
deducted from each RA Bill. It will be released along with the
release of Payment of Final Bill.
17 Security Deposit : In the form of Bank Guarantee of bank as mentioned in Annexure-
IX in favour of Municipal Commissioner, Amdavad amount equal to
5% amount of Contract Price, valid till 90 days beyond Date of
completion of work. The Security Deposit shall be payable in 15
days from date of receipt of LOA failing which interest @4% per
annum will be charged by AMC.
18 Workers Welfare : 1% Workers Welfare Cess as per the Act, 1996 (non
cess refundable) shall be deducted from each running bill
19 Officer Inviting : The Municipal Commissioner, Amdavad Municipal Corporation,
Bids Amdavad.

Add.City Engineer (Bridge

Amdavad Municipal Corporation

Signature of Bidder Page 5 AMC



1. Water, Electricity: Contractor shall have to make his own arrangements for water and
electricity for the purpose of construction work at site at his own expense.
2. Tender which do not fulfil all or any of condition or are submitted incomplete in any respect or
are conditional tenders, will be rejected. Municipal Commissioner reserves the rights to reduce
/ increase the Scope of Work up to any extent without assigning any reason thereof.
3. No price escalation shall be paid/ recovered for the works mentioned in the tender.
4. No advance such as mobilisation, machinery advance or materials advance will be given.
5. Conditional tenders will not be accepted.
6. The sequence of operation shall be decided in consultation with the Engineer-in-charge. The
contractor shall prepare the detail program of work in Bar Chart form and get the approval
from the Add.City Engineer (Bridge Project), AMC, and Amdavad before start of work.
7. For all other information refer tender document.
8. The successful bidder has to apply for registration of relevant class to Amdavad Municipal
Corporation within 15 days from acceptance of LOA and prior to first interim payment.
9. Contractor must be quoted the tender rate is excluding GST and hence GST will be paid extra by
AMC or Government authority at prevailing GST rate.

Signature of Contractor: Add.City Engineer (Bridge Project)

Date: Amdavad Municipal Corporation

Signature of Bidder Page 6 AMC

Amdavad Municipal Corporation
“Sardar Patel Bhavan, Danapith,
Amdavad – 380 001


1. The information contained in this bid document or subsequently provided to the bidders
whether verbally or in documentary form by or on behalf of the Amdavad Municipal
Corporation (hereinafter called as AMC) or any of their employees/ advisers/ consulting
engineers is provided to the bidder (s) on the terms and conditions set out in this bid
document and any other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.

2. This bid document and subsequent submissions of the bidders are not an agreement. These
will subsequently form a part of agreement between the Successful Bidder and the Amdavad
Municipal Corporation after modifications/ additions/ alterations as mutually agreed to.

3. This document does not purport to contain all the information the bidder may find necessary
for the completion of works in a professional manner in accordance with good engineering
practice. The bidder is required to check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the
information in this bidding document regarding the site, the movement of traffic, the
accessibility, the working conditions, the climatic conditions, the availability of working and
storage spaces etc. AMC, its employees/ advisers/ consulting engineers do not incur any
liability under any law, rules or regulation as to the accuracy, reliability and completeness of
the information in this bidding document.

Signature of Bidder Page 7 AMC

Section I : Instructions to Bidders
A. General

1.0 Scope of Bid

1.1 The Municipal Commissioner, Amdavad Municipal Corporation (referred to as Employer in

these documents) invites sealed bids for the construction of works (as defined in these
documents and referred to as “the work”) detailed in the table given in the Invitation for Bid
(hereinafter called as IFB.) from competent bidders The bidders may submit bids for the
works detailed in the table given in IFB.

1.2 The Successful Bidder will be expected to complete the works by the intended completion
period specified in the Contract data.

1.3 Throughout these bidding documents, the terms; bid’ and ‘tender’ and their derivatives
(bidder/ renderer, bidding/tendering etc.) are synonymous.

1.4 Blank bidding documents consisting of all the data mentioned in para B. BIDDING
DOCUMENTS are to be downloaded from websites

1.5 Bidders shall not have any dispute or claim for any kind of compensation,

i) If the quantity stipulated in the tender items varies or the scope of work changes and
thereby total amount of work increases / decreases up to any extent.

ii) If the works gets delayed / postponed for some administrative / technical decision

iii) If the items stipulated in the tender shall not be executed as per site condition/
requirements. No claim shall be entertained for the same.

iv) No idle charges shall be paid to contractor for machinery and man power if remains idle
and no claim shall be entertained for the same.

2.0 Source of Funds

For this project, the Employer has arranged funds from amc capital budget or any other
budget provided by AMC account department.

3.0 Eligible Bidders

3.1 This Invitation for Bids is open to all bidders having/meeting eligibility Criteria mentioned in
the bid information.

3.2 All bidders shall provide in Qualification Information and Forms of Bid, a statement that the
Bidder is not associated, directly or indirectly, with the Consultant or any other entity that
has prepared the design, specifications and other documents for the Employer for the
Contract package. An agency that has been engaged by the Employer to provide consulting
services for the preparation or supervision of the works, and any of its affiliates, shall not be
eligible to bid.

Signature of Bidder Page 8 AMC

3.2 An enterprise / company may only participate in the bidding process if they are legally and
financially autonomous, operate under commercial law and are not a dependent agency of
the Employer.

(i) Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt or fraudulent or
collusive or coercive practices in accordance with ITB clause No. 40.
(ii) Bidder(s) found to have conflict of interest shall be disqualified. For clarification
purposes a conflict of interest is when bidders:

a) are associated with an agency or any of its affiliates which have been engaged by the
Employer to provide consulting services for the preparation of the design,
specifications, and other documents to be used for the procurement of the
goods/works under these Bidding Documents ;

b) or submit more than one bid in this bidding process. However, this does not limit the
participation of subcontractors in more than one bid.

3.3 Any entity which has been barred by the Central Government, or any entity controlled by it,
from participating in any project (including but not limited to (BOT or otherwise), and the bar
subsists as on the date of application, or has been declared by the Authority as non-
performer/blacklisted would not be eligible to submit the Bid.

4.0 Qualification of the Bidder

4.1 The Bidder is required to show his capability to execute the job within the specified time
frame and up to the required quality standards. To do so, the bidder is encouraged to go
through Qualification criteria and forms and furnish necessary data in respect of plant and
machinery, manpower experience and financial resources to demonstrate his eligibility for
successful implementation of the project.

The bidders should, however, undertake their own studies and furnish with their Bid, a
detailed construction planning and methodology supported with necessary drawings and
calculations to allow the Employer to review their proposals. The numbers, types and
capacities of each plant/equipment shall be shown in the proposals along with the cycle time
for each operation for the given production capacity to match the requirements.

The bidder shall ensure the availability of minimum key personnel for this project. Detailed
bio-data of Project Manager and Materials & Quality Control engineer shall be submitted as
part of Technical Bid. The bidder, however, can make its own assessment and is free to
propose his/her own site organisation.

4.2 Bidder shall submit following documents/ information as a eligibility and qualification
(a) Bid Security / EMD and Tender Fees as required under the Tender Notice section of this
Tender. The Bid of the Bidder shall summarily be rejected if it does not contain Bid
Security and Tender Fees.
(b) The Bid shall also comprised this Tender document and any amendment thereof signed
by Authorized Signatory of the bidder.
(c) All the documents comprising the Bid shall be signed by Authorized Signatories of Bidder.
(d) Tender Declaration form as per Form No 1 in Section III.
(e) Letter of Bid as per Form No 2 in Section III

Signature of Bidder Page 9 AMC

(f) General information, Legal Status including MOA, AOA and Partnership Deed as the case
may be as per Form No 3 in Section III
(g) Evidence in terms of necessary supporting documents AND client completion certificates
(i.e Completion Certificate) for work executed as per clause 4.1(b). (also provide Form No
6: Section III)
(h) Registration certificate as per clause 4.1 (c).
(i) Notarized Power of Attorney to authorized signatory of Bidder as per the form no 5 in
section III.
(j) Undertaking on Bidder’s letter head stating that Bidder has provided true information as
per form 6 in section III.
(k) Submitted anti-black listing undertaking on the Letterhead paper of the Employer as
mention in Form No 7 undertaking -1 stating that bidder is not black listed during last
five years before submission date of tender by any municipal corporation, State
Government, Central Government and Local Government Authority and not submitting
any other litigation history with all details.
(l) Form No 8: Undertaking 2.
(m) All the forms of Qualification Information requirement pursuant to Section III.
(n) Additional information regarding litigation, debarment, arbitration, etc.

4.3 Disqualification

Even though the Bidders may meet the above criteria, they are subject to be
disqualified for any of the following reasons:

(a) Made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements, affidavits and
attachments submitted in proof of the qualification requirements; and/or
(b) Record of poor performance such as abandoning the works, not properly completing the
contract, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history, or financial failures etc. or
debarring from AMC work etc.
(c) Tampered the bid document in any manner.
(d) Colluded with other prospective bidders for this work to arrive at quoted prices for the
purpose of restricting competition.
(e) Indulged in inducement of any official of AMC and/or their consulting engineer and
other advisors in any manner whatsoever.
(f) Not submitted anti-black listing undertaking on the Letterhead paper of the Employer as
mention in Form No 7 undertaking -1 stating that bidder is not black listed during last
five years before submission date of tender by any municipal corporation, State
Government, Central Government and Local Government Authority and not submitting
any other litigation history with all details.
(g) Proposal not submitted in accordance with this tender.
(h) During validity of the proposal, or its extended period, if any, the bidder changes his
commercial terms.
(i) The bidder qualifies the proposal with his own conditions.
(j) Proposal is received in incomplete form or without signature.
(k) Proposal is received after due date and time.
(l) Proposal is not accompanied by all requisite documents
(m) Commercial proposal is enclosed with the same envelope as technical proposal
(n) The Bid Security is not deposited in full and in the manner as specified in the bid

Signature of Bidder Page 10 AMC

(o) The tender is in a language other than English or dose not contains its English
Translation in case of other language adopted for tender preparation.
(p) The tender documents received are not duly signed by authorized person.
(q) The validity of tender is less than what is stated in the tender.
(r) Any of the page or pages of tender is/are removed or replaced.
(s) Any condition which affect the cost.
(t) If it is joint venture

5.0 One Bid per Bidder

Each bidder shall submit only one bid. The bidder who submits or participates in more than
one Bid will cause all the proposals with the Bidder’s participation to be disqualified.

6.0 Cost of Bidding

The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his Bid, and
the Employer will in no case be responsible and liable for those costs.

7.0 Site Visit

The Bidder, at the Bidder’s own responsibility and risk is deemed to have inspected and
examined the site and its surroundings after visit to site of Works and its surroundings and
obtain all information that may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a
contract for construction of the Works. The costs of visiting the Site shall be at the Bidder’s
own expense. Particular attention of bidders, besides other aspects, is invited to:

 The form and nature of work and subsurface conditions

 The climatic conditions
 The extent and nature of work and materials necessary for the execution and
completion of the Works
 The means of access to the site and the accommodation he may require and
 All other information as to risks, contingencies and circumstances which may influence
or affect his bid.
 Structures to be dismantled.

Signature of Bidder Page 11 AMC

B. Bidding Documents

8.0 Content of Bidding Documents

8.1 The set of bidding documents comprises the documents listed below and addenda issued.

Volume 1 Condition of Contract and Technical Information Drawing.

Volume 2 Financial bid.

8.2 The bidder is expected to examine carefully all instructions, conditions of contract, contract
data, forms, terms, technical specifications, Schedule B, forms, Annexes and drawings in the
Bid Document. Failure to comply with the requirements of Bid Documents shall be at the
bidder’s own risk. Bids which are not substantially responsive to the requirements of the Bid
Documents shall be rejected.

9.0 Pre Bid Meeting and Clarification of Bidding Documents

9.1 Deleted

10.0 Amendment of Bidding Documents

10.1 Before the deadline for submission of bids, the Employer may modify the bidding documents
by using addenda.

10.2 Any addendum thus issued shall be part of the bidding documents. The addendums shall be
posted on An addendum, if any, shall be placed by Employer
minimum of 48 hours prior to the deadline of submission of bids. Such a deadline for
submission of bids can be extended if need be at the sole discretion of Employer. Hence, the
contractor has to check the website for any addendum/s and submit the bids accordingly.
The addendum/s shall be binding document and contractor has to submit the same duly
signed along with the copy of the tender document, failure of which may cause rejection of
the bid.

10.3 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account in
preparing their bids, the Employer may at its sole discretion extend as necessary the deadline
for submission of bids.

10.4 All bidders are requested to see the website for amendment or
corrigendum for the Bid.

11.0 Corrigendum of Bidding Documents

11.1 Before the deadline for online submission of bids, the Employer may modify the bidding
documents by issuing addenda.
11.2 Any Corrigendum thus issued shall be part of the bidding documents and shall be placed on
website The prospective bidders shall refer to the website to
check any addendum before 48 hours of online submission of bids. AMC will not give any
advertisement for the same.
11.3 To give prospective bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account in
preparing their bids, the Employer may, at his desecration, extend as necessary the deadline
for submission of bids, in accordance with Sub-Clause 20.2 below.
11.4 All bidders are requested to see the website for corrigendum for
the Bid.
Signature of Bidder Page 12 AMC
C. Preparation of Bids

12.0 Language of the Bid

All documents relating to the bid shall be in the English language.

13.0 Documents comprising the Bid

13.1 To qualify for award of the contract, each bidder must upload the scanned copies of
following documents along with the submission of online bidding:

i. Scanned copy of Tender Fee.

ii. Scanned Copy of Bid Security.
iii. Scanned Copy of Required Registration Certificate
iv. Scanned copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of
registration, and principal place of business
v. Failure to submit these certificates/documents shall make the bid non-responsive.

13.2 Though, the scanned copies of above mentioned documents is required to be uploaded
during submission of e-bid on the e-tendering portal of (n) procure, however, following
original documents in physical form in two copies, one marked as “original” and other
marked as “Duplicate”, shall be submitted in a sealed envelope by 16.00 Hrs on the date of
submission of bid and addressed to the addressee given in the NIT duly super scribed “Name
of Work, Bid due date and time, Name and address of the bidder”

1. Bid security (EMD)

2. Tender Processing Fee
3. Certificate as registered contractor with Government of Gujarat or appropriate
4. Undertakings mentioned in Section III (Qualification Information) of this document.
5. Any other material / information required to be submitted in accordance with these
Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
6. Volume- I of Tender Document

Volume – II Financial Bid to be submitted online only

13.3 The bidder shall prepare and submit two copies of the bid, marking them ‘Original’ and
‘Duplicate’ respectively. The copies of bid security and tender fee shall also be enclosed in
the ‘duplicate’ of bid.

13.4 The Bidder will be required to sign each page of these documents.

13.5 These signed documents along with the documents of accepted bid, shall form a part of the
contract agreement between the Employer and the successful bidder.

Signature of Bidder Page 13 AMC

14.0 Bid Prices

14.1 The contract shall be for the whole works as described in various documents as listed in Sub-
Clause 11.1 including the schedule B.

14.2 The bidder shall quote his percentage rate in figures and words online only.

14.3 All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the contractor under the contract, or for any
other cause shall be included in the rates, prices and total Bid Price submitted by the Bidder.
Employer will not compensate the bidder (contractor) for any change in duties, taxes and
other levies payable by the contractor under the contract and any other reasons.
14.4 The percentage rate and bid price quoted by the bidder shall be fixed for the duration of the
Contract and shall not be subject to adjustment on any account, except where expressly
specified, otherwise, in the contract.

15.0 Currencies of Bid and Payment

15.1 The unit rates and the price of schedule B are in Indian Rupees. All payments shall be made
in Indian Rupees.

16.0 Bid Validity

16.1 Bids shall remain valid for a period not less than 180 days after the deadline date for bid
submission (hard copy) specified in Clause 19.0. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be
rejected by the Employer as non-responsive.

16.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original time limit, the Employer may
request that the bidders may extend the period of validity for a specified additional period.
The request and the bidders' responses shall be made in writing or by cable. A bidder may
refuse the request without forfeiting his bid security. A bidder agreeing to the request will
not be required or permitted to modify his bid, but will be required to extend the validity of
his bid security for a period of the extension, and in compliance with Clause 15.0 in all

17.0 Bid Security

17.1 The Bidder shall furnish, as part of his Bid, a Bid Security of the amount as shown in para 6 of
Bid information for this particular work. The bid security shall be in form of Bank guarantee /
Demand Draft / Pay order in favour of the Municipal Commissioner, Amdavad from
Approved bank of AMC as per Annexure-VII.

17.2 Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security and not secured as indicated in Sub-
Clauses 14.1 above shall be rejected by the Employer as non-responsive.

17.3 The bid security of the unsuccessful bidders, except for L1, L2 and L3 bidders, will be
returned as promptly as possible.

17.4 The Bid Security of the L1, L2 and L3 will be discharged when Successful Bidder has signed
the Agreement and furnished the required Performance Security.

17.5 The Bid Security may be forfeited, if

a) the Bidder withdraws the Bid after Bid opening during the period of Bid validity;
Signature of Bidder Page 14 AMC
b) the Bidder does not accept the correction of the Bid Price, pursuant to Clause 26; or
c) the successful Bidder fails within the specified time limit to
(i) sign the Agreement; or
(ii) Furnish the required Performance Security.

18.0 Alternative Proposals by Bidder

Bidders shall submit offers that comply with the requirements of the bidding documents,
including the basic technical design as indicated in the drawing and specifications.
Alternatives will not be considered.

19.0 Format and Signing of Bid

19.1 The Bidder shall prepare one original and one duplicate of the documents comprising the bid
as described in Clause 11 of these Instructions to Bidders, bound with the volume containing
the ‘Technical Bid’ in separate copies and clearly marked "ORIGINAL" and "DUPLICATE" as
appropriate. In the event of discrepancy between them, the original shall prevail.

19.2 The original and duplicate of the Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be
signed by a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder. All pages of
the Bid where entries or amendments have been made shall be initialled by the person or
persons signing the bid.

19.3 The Bid shall contain no alterations or additions, except those to comply with instructions
issued by the Employer, or as necessary to correct errors made by the bidder, in which case
such corrections shall be initialled by the person or persons signing the bid.

19.4 Sufficiency of bid: The bidder shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the correctness
and sufficiency of the bid and of the rates and prices stated in the schedule B, all of which
shall, cover all his obligations under the contract and all matters and things necessary for the
proper execution and completion of Works and the remedying of the defects therein.

Signature of Bidder Page 15 AMC

D. Submission of Bids

20.0 E-tender

This e-tender shall be submitted in two stage. Online submission and submission of hard
copy as described in clause 13.0 as above.

21.0 Deadline for Submission of the Bids

21.1 Complete Bids (including Technical and Financial) must be received by the Employer at the
address specified in bid information not later than the date indicated on the face sheet of the
document. In the event of the specified date for the submission of bids declared a holiday for
the Employer, the Bids will be received up to the appointed time on the next working day.

21.2 The Employer may extend the deadline for submission of bids by issuing an amendment in
accordance with Clause 10 & 11, in which case all rights and obligations of the Employer and
the bidders previously subject to the original deadline will then be subject to the new

21.3 All bidders are requested to see the website of for corrigendum
as per clause no. 10 & 11.

22.0 Late Bids

22.1 Any Bid received by the Employer after the deadline prescribed in Clause 16 will be rejected
and returned unopened to the bidder.

23.0 Modification and Withdrawal of Bids

23.1 Bidders may modify or withdraw their bid before the deadline of online submission of e-

23.2 No bid shall be modified after the deadline for submission of e-tenders, except in pursuant to
clause 8.

23.3 Withdrawal or modification of a Bid between the deadline for submission of bids and the
expiration of the original period of bid validity specified in Clause 16.1 above or as extended
pursuant to Clause 16.2 shall result in the forfeiture of the Bid security pursuant to Clause 17.

Signature of Bidder Page 16 AMC

E. Bid Opening and Evaluation

24.0 Bid Opening

24.1 The Employer will open all the Bids received (except those received late), including
modifications made pursuant to Clause 20, in the presence of the Bidders or their
representative who choose to attend. In the event of the specified date of Bid opening being
declared a holiday for the Employer, the Bids will be opened at the appointed time and
location on the next working day.

24.2 Envelopes marked “WITHDRAWAL” shall be opened and read out first. Bids for which an
acceptable notice of withdrawal has been submitted pursuant to Clause 22 shall not be
opened. Subsequently all envelops marked “MODIFICATION” shall be opened and
submissions there in read out in appropriate detail.

24.3 The envelope containing “Technical Bid” shall be opened. The amount, form and validity of
the bid security furnished with each bid will be announced. If the bid security furnished does
not conform to the amount and validity period as specified in the Invitation for Bid (ref.
Column 4 and paragraph 2), and has not been furnished in the form specified in Clause 16,
the remaining technical bid and the sealed financial bid will be returned to the bidder
terming it as non-responsive.

24.4 (i) Subject to confirmation of the bid security by the issuing Bank, the bids accompanied
with valid bid security will be taken up for evaluation with respect to information furnished
in Technical Bid of the bid pursuant to Clause 1450.

(ii) After receipt of confirmation of the bid security, the bidder will be asked in writing
(usually within 10 days of opening of the Technical Bid) to clarify or modify his technical
bid, if necessary, with respect to any rectifiable defects.

(iii) The bidders will respond in not more than 7 days of issue of the clarification letter, which
will also indicate the date, time and venue of opening of the Financial Bid (usually on the
21st day of opening of the Technical Bid)

(iv) Immediately (usually within 3 or 4 days), on receipt of these clarifications the Evaluation
committee will finalise the list of responsive bidders whose financial bids are eligible for

24.5 If, as a consequence of the modifications carried out by the bidder in response to sub-clause
17.4, the bidders desire to modify their financial bid, they will submit the modification in
separate sealed envelope so as to reach the Employer’s address (refer sub-clause 17.2)
before the opening of the financial bid as intimated in the clarification letter (refer sub-clause
18.4). The envelope shall have clear marking “MODIFICATION TO FINANCIAL BID- Not to be
opened except with the approval of the Evaluation Committee”

24.6 At the time of opening of “Financial Bid”, the names of the bidders who were found
responsive in accordance with Clause 26.2 will be announced. The bids of only these bidders
will be opened. The remaining bids will be returned to the bidders unopened. The responsive
Bidders’ names, the Bid prices, the total amount of each bid, any discounts, Bid Modifications
and Withdrawals, and such other details as the Employer may consider appropriate, will be
announced by the Employer at the opening. Any bid price or discount, which is not read out
and recorded, will not be taken into account in Bid Evaluation.

Signature of Bidder Page 17 AMC

24.7 The Employer shall prepare minutes of the Bid opening, including the information disclosed
to those present in accordance with Sub-Clause 23.6.

25.0 Process to be Confidential

25.1 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, qualification and

comparison of Bids and recommendations for the award of a contract shall not be disclosed
to Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the award to
the Successful Bidder has been announced. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the
Employer's processing of Bids or award decisions may result in the rejection of his Bid.

26.0 Clarification of Financial Bids

26.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of Bids, the Employer may, at his
discretion, ask any Bidder for clarification of his Bid, including breakdowns of% above or
below amount put to tender. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing
or fax or e-mail, but no change in the price or substance of the Bid shall be sought, offered,
or permitted except as required to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered by
the Employer in the evaluation of the Bids in accordance with Clause 28.

26.2 Subject to sub-clause 26.1, no Bidder shall contact the Employer on any matter relating to his
bid from the time of the bid opening to the time the contract is awarded. If the Bidder wishes
to bring additional information to the notice of the Employer, he should do so in writing.

26.3 Any effort by the Bidder to influence the Employer in the Employer's bid evaluation, bid
comparison or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of the Bidders’ bid.

27.0 Examination of Bids and Determination of Responsiveness

27.1 During the detailed evaluation of ‘Technical Bids’, the Employer will determine whether each
bid (a) meets the eligibility criteria defined in Clauses 3 and 4; (b) has been properly signed;
(c) is accompanied by required securities and; (d) is substantially responsive to the
requirements of the ‘Bidding Documents’. During the detailed evaluation of the “Financial
Bid”, the responsiveness of the bids will be further determined with respect to the remaining
bid conditions, i.e., priced schedule B, technical specifications, and drawings.

27.2 A substantially responsive “Financial Bid” is one of which conforms to all the terms,
conditions, and specifications of the Bidding documents, without material deviation or
reservation. A material deviation or reservation is one (a) which affects in any substantial
way the scope, quality, or performance of the Works; (b) which limits in any substantial way,
inconsistent with the Bidding documents, the Employer’s rights or the Bidder’s obligations
under the Contract; or (c) whose rectification would affect unfairly the competitive position
of other Bidders presenting substantially responsive Bids.

27.3 If a “Financial Bid” is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Employer, and
may not subsequently be made responsive by correction or withdrawal of the non-
conforming deviation or reservation.

Signature of Bidder Page 18 AMC

28.0 Correction of Errors

28.1 “Financial Bids” determined to be substantially responsive will be checked by the Employer
for any arithmetic errors. Errors will be corrected by the Employer as follows:

a) Where there is a discrepancy between the % quote in figures and in words, the % quote
in words will govern; and
b) Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total resulting from
multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as mentioned in the BOQ will

28.2 The amount stated in the “Financial Bid” will be corrected by the Employer in accordance
with the above procedure and the bid amount adjusted with the concurrence of the Bidder
in the following manner:

a) If the Bid price increases as a result of these corrections, the amount as stated in the bid
will be the ‘bid price’ and the increase will be treated as rebate;
b) If the bid price decreases as a result of the corrections, the decreased amount will be
treated as the ‘bid price’

29.0 Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

29.1 The Employer will evaluate and compare only the Bids determined to be substantially
responsive in accordance with Sub-Clause 26.2.

29.2 In evaluating the Bids, the Employer will determine for each Bid the evaluated Bid Price by
adjusting the Bid Price as follows:

a) Making any correction for errors pursuant to Clause 27; or

b) Making an appropriate adjustments for any other acceptable variations, deviations; and
c) Making appropriate adjustments to reflect discounts or other price modifications offered
in accordance with Sub Clause 27.2.

29.3 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any variation or deviation and other
factors, which are in excess of the requirements of the Bidding documents or otherwise
result in unsolicited benefits for the Employer. However the same shall not be taken into
account in Bid evaluation.

29.4 If the Bid of the Successful Bidder is seriously unbalanced in relation to the Engineer's
estimate of the cost of work to be performed under the contract, the Employer may require
the Bidder to produce detailed % quote price analysis for any or all items of the schedule B,
to demonstrate the internal consistency of those prices with the construction methods and
schedule proposed. After evaluation of the % quote price analysis, the Employer may require
that the amount of the Performance Security set forth in Clause 32 be increased at the
expense of the Successful Bidder to a level sufficient to protect the Employer against
financial loss in the event of default of the Successful Bidder under the Contract.

29.5 A bid which contains several items in the schedule B which are unrealistically % quoted
priced low and which cannot be substantiated satisfactorily by the bidder may be rejected as

Signature of Bidder Page 19 AMC

F. Award of Contract
30.0 Award Criteria
30.1 Subject to Clause 30 the Employer will award the Contract to the Bidder whose Bid has been
determined to be substantially responsive to the Bidding documents and who has offered
the lowest evaluated Bid Price.

31.0 Employer's Right to Accept any Bid and to Reject any or all Bids
31.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Bid, the Authority reserves the right to accept or
reject any Application and to annul the Bidding Process and reject all Applications/ Bids, at
any time without any liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment,
and without assigning any reasons therefore. In the event that the Authority rejects or
annuls all the Bids, it may, in its discretion, invite all eligible Bidders to submit fresh Bids

31.2 The Authority reserves the right to reject any Application and/ or Bid if:

(a) at any time, a material misrepresentation is made or uncovered, or

(b) the Applicant does not provide, within the time specified by the Authority, the
supplemental information sought by the Authority for evaluation of the Application. If
such disqualification/ rejection occur after the Bids have been opened and the Highest
Bidder gets disqualified/ rejected, then the Authority reserves the right to:
(i) invite the remaining Bidders to match the Highest Bidder/ submit their Bids in
accordance with the TENDER; or
(ii) take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of the Authority,
including annulment of the Bidding Process.

31.3 In case it is found during the evaluation or at any time before signing of the agreement or
after its execution and during the period of work, that one or more of the pre-qualification
conditions have not been met by the Applicant, or the Applicant has made material
misrepresentation or has given any materially incorrect or false information, the Applicant
shall be disqualified forthwith if not yet appointed as the Concessionaire either by issue of
the LOA or entering into of the Concession Agreement, and if the Applicant/SPV has already
been issued the LOA or has entered into the Concession Agreement, as the case may be, the
same shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained therein or in this TENDER, be
liable to be terminated, by a communication in writing by the Authority to the Applicant,
without the Authority being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Applicant and without
prejudice to any other right or remedy which the Authority may have under this TENDER, the
Bidding Documents, the Concession Agreement or under applicable law.

31.4 The Authority reserves the right to verify all statements, information and documents
submitted by the Applicant in response to the TENDER. Any such verification or lack of such
verification by the Authority shall not relieve the Applicant of its obligations or liabilities
hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the Authority hereunder.

32.0 Notification of Award and Signing of Agreement

32.1 The Bidder whose Bid has been accepted will be notified of the award by the Employer prior
to expiration of the Bid validity period by writing, facsimile or e-mail confirmed by registered
letter. This letter (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract called the "Letter of
Acceptance" as per format given in Annexure-II) will state the sum that the Employer will pay
the Contractor in consideration of the execution, completion, and maintenance of the Works
by the Contractor as prescribed by the Contract (hereinafter and in the Contract called the
"Contract Price").

Signature of Bidder Page 20 AMC

32.2 The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract, subject only to the
furnishing of a Performance Security in accordance with the provisions of Clause 32.

32.3 The agreement will incorporate all correspondences between the Employer and the
Successful Bidder. It will be signed by the Employer and the Successful Bidder.

32.4 Upon the furnishing by the Successful Bidder of the Performance Security, the Employer will
promptly notify the other Bidders that their Bids have been unsuccessful.

33.0 Security deposit

33.1 Within 15 days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the Successful Bidder shall deliver to
the Employer a Security deposit in of the forms given below for an amount equivalent to 5%
of the Contract Price, failing which interest @ 4% per annum will be charges by AMC.

- A Bank Guarantee in the form as per Annexure-VI; or

- Pay order / Bank Draft in favour of Municipal Commissioner, Amdavad payable at

33.2 The Security deposit provided by the Successful Bidder in the form of a Bank Guarantee
should be issued by Amdavad branch of Bank as per Annexure-VII in favour of Municipal
Commissioner, Amdavad.

33.3 Failure of the Successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of Sub-Clause 31.1 shall
constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award and forfeiture of the Bid Security.

33.4 The Security deposit shall be valid till 180 days beyond Date of completion.

33.5 Prior to making a claim under the Security deposit the Employer shall, in every case, notify
the Contractor stating the nature of default in respect of which the claim is to be made.

34.0 Advance Payment and Security

34.1 The Employer will not provide any advance payment.

35.0 Dispute Review Expert /Arbitration

35.1 In case of all the disputes, decision of the Municipal Commissioner, Amdavad shall be final
and binding to the bidder. Municipal Commissioner shall be the sole Arbitrator.

36.0 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

36.1 The Employer will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended
for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in
question and will declare the firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time.
36.2 The bidder and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall observe the
highest standard of ethics during the bidding process. Notwithstanding anything to the
contrary contained herein, the Employer may reject any bid without being liable in any
manner whatsoever to the bidder if it determines that the bidder has, directly or indirectly or
through an agent, engaged in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,
undesirable practice or restrictive practice in the bidding process.

Signature of Bidder Page 21 AMC

36.3 Without prejudice to the rights of the Employer under Clause 35 hereinabove, if an bidder is
found by the Employer to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged or
indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice
or restrictive practice during the bidding process, such bidder shall not be eligible to
participate in any tender issued by the Employer during a period of 2 (two) years from the
date such bidder is found by the Employer to have directly or indirectly or through an agent,
engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,
undesirable practice or restrictive practice, as the case may be.
36.4 For the purposes of this Clause 35, the following terms shall have the meaning hereinafter
respectively assigned to them:

(a) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or
indirectly, of anything of value to influence the actions of any person connected with
the bidding process (for avoidance of doubt, offering of employment to, or
employing, or engaging in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any official
of the Employer who is or has been associated in any manner, directly or indirectly,
with the bidding process or has dealt with matters concerning the Contract or arising
there from, before or after the execution thereof, at any time prior to the expiry of
one year from the date such official resigns or retires from or otherwise ceases to be
in the service of the Employer, shall be deemed to constitute influencing the actions
of a person connected with the bidding process); engaging in any manner
whatsoever, whether during the bidding process or after the award or after the
execution of the Contract, as the case may be, any person in respect of any matter
relating to the Works, who at any time has been or is a legal, financial or technical
adviser of the Employer in relation to any matter concerning the Works;
(b) “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or suppression
of facts or disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence the bidding process;
(c) “Coercive practice” means impairing or harming or threatening to impair or harm,
directly or indirectly, any person or property to influence any person’s participation
or action in the bidding process;
(d) “undesirable practice” means establishing contact with any person connected with
or employed or engaged by the Employer with the objective of canvassing, lobbying
or in any manner influencing or attempting to influence the bidding process; and
(f) “Restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding or
arrangement among bidder with the objective of restricting or manipulating a full
and fair competition in the bidding process.
Tender shall be termed to be under consideration from the opening of the tender until such
time any official announcement or award is made. While tenders are under consideration,
bidders and their representative or other interested parties are advice to refrain from
contracting by any corporation personnel or representative on matters related to the tenders
under study. The AMC representative if necessary will obtain clarification on tenders by
requesting such information from any or all the bidders, either in writing or through personal
contacts may be necessary. The tender will not be permitted to change the substance of his
tender after tenders have been opened. This includes any post tender price revision. Non
compliance with his provision shall make the tender liable for rejection.


The applicant should provide accurate information on litigation and/or arbitration resulting
from Contractors completed or under execution by him over last five year If the details of
Litigation History are hidden by the Bidder and later on it comes to the knowledge of the
Employer, the Bidder shall be disqualified for the proposed work and other appropriate
actions shall be taken against the bidder.

Signature of Bidder Page 22 AMC

Form No: 1 Tender Declaration Form
(On the Letterhead of the Bidder)
Municipal Commissioner
Amdavad Municipal Corporation

ARC Tender for Repairing & Strengthening work for AMC West Side various bridges (i.e.,
ROB, FOB, RUB, Box Culvert, River Bridge) as per Inspection Report Given by Bridge
Inspection Agency in Amdavad City.

Dear Sir,

I/We the undersigned have carefully gone through and clearly understood the Tender
documents of above mentioned project comprising of Notice Inviting tenders, Articles of
Agreement, Scope of work, Definition of terms, notes Instructions/Information to Tenderer,
Condition of Contract, special condition of contract, Appendices, Specifications, Schedule of
quantities furnished by AMDAVAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION.

I/We do hereby offer to execute and complete the whole of the work within the time
specified all in accordance with the specification, designs, drawing and instruction in writing
referred to in the said document and with such materials as mentioned for, at the respective rates
which I/we have quoted in the Price Bid or at such other rates as maybe fixed under the
provisions of these conditions.

In the event of this tender being accepted I/We agree to enter into an agreement and
when required, execute the contract, according to your form of agreement as or in default where
of I/we bound myself/ourselves to forfeit the "Earnest Money Deposit."

I/We understand that if I/WE shall not enter in agreement within fifteen (15) days or as
decided by AMC from the date of receipt of letter of acceptance, you will forfeit the earnest money
paid by me/us and take necessary action as deemed fit.

I/We have enclosed a Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee as an “Earnest Money Deposit",
for the sum as mentioned in NIT, the full value of which is to be absolutely forfeited to the
Employer If I/We fail to commence the work specified. Otherwise the Employer shall retain the
said sum, as on account of such Security Deposit as provided for in the aforesaid documents.

I/We agree not to employ Sub-contractors other than those that may be approved in
accordance with Conditions in the aforesaid documents.

I/We understand that Municipal Commissioner is not bound to accept the lowest or any
tender, which are received. I / We also understand & agree that Municipal Commissioner
Reserves the right to allot number of tenders to successful bidders at his sole discretion in case if
I / We am/are lowest in more than one tender.

I/We am/are bound to execute the job if the work order is issued within 180 days from the
date of opening of the tender.

I am bound to execute the work by maintaining all Quality aspects/parameters mentioned

in the tender terms and conditions. I am also bound to submit all supporting Genuine Original
documents as and when asked and if any discrepancy found in such documents as well as in the
executed Work with respect to Quality/Quantity at any stage of work or even after completion of
work, it will be solely my Responsibility. I am bound to prove originality of all documents

Signature of Bidder Page 23 AMC

submitted by me and if any Documents found false/fake then Municipal Commissioner/AMC has
right to take any action/penalty/punishment against me.

I am also bound that if I/we, indulged into any malpractice and/or used any inferior quality
and/or the construction of road is found to be of an inferior quality under this contract than in such
case Municipal Commissioner/AMC has right to debar/ blacklist permanently.

I/We agree to pay the Government income-Tax, Sales-Tax (Central and State), Octroi
duties, Royalty on material (i.e. Aggregate, Sand etc.) And any other taxes prevailing and from
time to time on such items on which the same are liveable and the rates quoted by me/us are
inclusive of the same (But Excluding of GST)

I/we am/are quoted the tender rate is excluding GST and hence GST will be paid extra by
AMC or Government authority at prevailing GST rate.

Yours faithfully

Seal and Sign of Contractor

Signature of Bidder Page 24 AMC

Form No: 2 Letter of Bid
(On the Letterhead of the Bidder)

Municipal Commissioner,
Amdavad Municipal Corporation,

Subject: ARC Tender for Repairing & Strengthening work for AMC West Side various
bridges (i.e., ROB, FOB, RUB, Box Culvert, River Bridge) as per Inspection Report Given by
Bridge Inspection Agency in Amdavad City.

Dear Sir,
With respect to above mentioned subject, we are pleased to submit the bid. This offer is
subject to all terms and conditions contained in the tender document. We have not made any
changes either directly or indirectly in terms and conditions of the Tender. In additions to
terms and conditions of this tender, we are not given any written or oral promise from the

The EMD (Bid Security) details are as follows:

Amount: _______________ DD No/BG No. ____________ Dated: ______________

Payable at Amdavad on Bank: _______________________

The Tender Fee in the form of Demand Draft details are as follows:

Amount: _______________ DD No. ____________ Dated: ______________

Payable at Amdavad on Bank: _______________________ in favour of __________.

We are pleased to submit the following documents towards the same.

1. Two copies of Technical bid in hard bound as per terms of Tender

2. Online Price bid through e- Tendering.

We are fully aware that the Employer has right to accept any tender or reject any/all tenders
without giving any reason and upon rejection of tender/tenders we shall not be entitled to
any right with related to the Employer.

We have thoroughly read and understand all the terms and conditions of this tender and we
promise to agree and abide by all the terms and conditions of this tender. We have signed
and sealed each and every page of this tender document and provided all true

(Signature and stamp of the Authorised signatory of Bidder with date)

Signature of Bidder Page 25 AMC

Form No: 3 General Information

All Bidders are required to furnish the information in this format.

1 Type of the Bidder (Company/Partnership Firm) :

2 Name of the Bidder :
3 Head office address

4 Local office address (if any)


5 Telephone

6 Facsimile 7. E-mail

8 Place of Incorporation/ Registration 9. Year of Incorporation/ Registration

10 Main lines of business

1. Since : ……………………………..

………………………………………………… Since : ……………………………..

………………………………………………… Since : ……………………………..

All Bidders are required to furnish the documents such as MOA, AOA, Partnership
Deed, and registration as may be applicable.

(Signature and stamp of the Authorised signatory of Bidder with date)

Signature of Bidder Page 26 AMC

Form No: 4 Net Worth and Profit of Last Audited Result (i.e20-21, 21-22 & 22-23) duly

The bidder is required to provide following statement certified by Statutory Auditor.

Name of the Bidder:-

Year Profit (in Rs.) Net worth (in Rs.)*




Networth*: = Equity Capital + Reserve and Surplus - Revaluation Reserve - Accumulated

losses - Intangible assets

(Above statement /certificate as certified by Statutory Auditor/ Registered Chartered

Accountant shall have to be provided)

Seal and Signature of Statutory Auditor / Registered Chartered Accountant with Registration

Signature of Bidder Page 27 AMC

Form No: 5 powers of Attorney
(On a Stamp Paper of appropriate value also notarized)
(Applicable in case of bid not being signed by the person directly authorized by the firm)

Municipal Commissioner,
Amdavad Municipal Corporation,

Dear Sir,
REF: Your Tender Ref.: Name of the Work

<Bidder’s name> hereby authorizes <Designated Representative’s name>to act as a

representative of <Bidder’s name> for the following activities vide its Board Resolution/
Power of Attorney attached herewith.

To attend all meetings with Amdavad Municipal Corporation /Employer or other entities
associated with tender for <Name of the Tender> and to discuss, negotiate, finalize and
sign any bid or agreement and subsequent Contract.

Yours faithfully,

<Signature of appropriate authority of the Bidder >

Name of appropriate authority of the Bidder:

<Signature and name of the Designated Representative of the Bidder for acceptance
of this Power of Attorney>


<Name of Bidder >

Encl: Board Authorization

Signature of Bidder Page 28 AMC

Form No: 6 On Letterhead paper of the Employer

It is certified that the information furnished herein and as per the document submitted
is true and correct and nothing has been concealed or tampered with. We have gone through
all the conditions of tender and are liable for any punitive action for furnishing false
information/ documents.

Dated this _____ day of _______ 2024

(Company Stamp)

In the capacity of duly authorized to sign bids for and on behalf of:

Signed by
Authorised Signatory with designation

Signature of Bidder Page 29 AMC

Form No: 7

Undertaking -1

(Letterhead paper of the Employer)

1. I/We hereby declared that I/We am/are not partner(s) blacklisted or connected with
firm blacklisted in any states, CPWD / MES / Railways or any Government, Semi-
Government or Private body.

2. The I / We also hereby certifies that our firm M/s

________________________________has neither abandon any work in India nor
rescinded any contract awarded to us during last five years prior to the date of this

3. At present I/We am/are registered as approved contractor (s), firms in any state,
CPWD / MES / Railways.

4. We, the partners/owners of this firm, hereby give an undertaking that we are jointly
and severally responsible to meet all the liabilities ever and above the business of this
firm and make good the above financial loss sustained by the Amdavad Municipal
Corporation as a result of our abandoning the works entrusted to us.

5. I /We hereby certify that all the statements made in the required attachments are true
and correct.

6. The I / We undersigned hereby authorise(s) and request(s) any bank, person, firm or
corporation to furnish pertinent information deemed necessary and requested by the
Department to verify this statement or regarding my (our) competence and general

7. I /We hereby declare that I / We understand and agree that further qualifying
information may be requested, and I / We also agree to furnish any such information
at the request of the AMC within the prescribed time.

8. I / We further declare that my / our near relatives are not working in AMC as an Addl.
C.E., Dy. C.E., A.C.E., A.E., and T.S. as on today.

(Signed by an Authorized Representative of the Firm)


Name of the Representative


Name of Firm


Signature of Bidder Page 30 AMC

Form No: 8
Undertaking -2

(Letterhead paper of the Employer)

1. I / We hereby declare that I / we have visited the site and fully acquainted myself /
ourselves with the local situations regarding materials, labour and other factors
pertaining to the work before submitting this tender. I/We certify that I/We have
inspected the location of the proposed work before quoting my/our rates.

2. I/We have also inspected the quarries and borrow areas and satisfied
myself/ourselves regarding the quality, quantity, availability, and transport facilities for
earth, stone, bricks, and, cement etc. through the network of available roads and path
ways required for the work.

3. I / We hereby declare that I / we have carefully studied all the terms and conditions of
contract, specifications mentioned in the tender documents and I / we do agree for
compliance with the same strictly.

4. I/We shall execute the contract agreement with the AMC after award of work and
before start of work.

(Signed by an Authorized Representative of the Firm)


Name of the Representative


Name of Firm


Signature of Bidder Page 31 AMC



Successful bidder i.e. the agency whose tender is accepted by the AMC shall have to comply
the necessary formalities under the employees provided fund and Miscellaneous Provisions
Act, 1952 as Contributory Provident Fund Scheme is applicable to labourers engaged in
construction activity and shall have to submit proofs regarding deduction of provident fund
and other dues and depositing the same with government department under the act and the
scheme regularly on monthly basis failing which no running / final bill payment will be made
by the AMC to the contractor in any circumstances.

A certificate to the above effect has to be given by the contractor as under.

Declaration of Depositing Provident Fund contribution

This to certify that we have deducted the employees’ P.F. and deposited the same along with
employer’s contribution towards provident fund on labour charges / wages paid by us to the
labourers engaged for the work of
________________________________________________________________ with
Provident Fund Authority under our Provident Fund Code No.___________

We produce herewith the copies of the challans for the provident fund deduction and
contribution deposited as mentioned above.

(Signed by an Authorized Representative of the Firm)


Name of the Representative


Name of Firm


Signature of Bidder Page 32 AMC

Form No 10:

WHEREAS,___________________[Name of Bidder] (hereinafter called “the Bidder”) is

submitting his bid for the construction of
______________________________________________[name of Contract] (hereinafter
called “the Bid”).

KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that We__________________________ [name of

bank] of__________________________(name of country) having our registered
office at
_________________________________ (hereinafter called “the Bank”) are bound
up to___________________________________[name of Employer] (hereinafter called “the
Employer”) in
the sum of __________________________for which payment well and truly to be made to
the said
Employer the Bank binds itself, his successors and assigns by these presents.

SEALED with the Common Seal of the said Bank this ______________ day of
___________ 2022.

THE CONDITIONS of these obligations are:

(1) If after Bid opening the Bidder withdraws his Bid during the period of bid validity
specified in the Form of Bid; or
(2) If the Bidder having been notified of the acceptance of his Bid by the Employer during
the period of bid validity:
(a) Fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with the
Instructions to Bidders, if required; or
(b) Fails or refuses to furnish the Security Deposit, in accordance with the
Instructions to Bidders, or
(c) Does not accept the correction of the Bid Price pursuant to Clause 27.
We undertake to pay to the Employer up to the above amount upon receipt of his first written
demand, without the Employer having to substantiate his demand, provided that in his
demand the Employer will note that the amount claimed by him is due to him owing to the
occurrence of one or any of the three conditions, specifying the occurred condition or

This Guarantee will remain in force up to180 days after the deadline for submission of Bids.
Deadline is stated in the Instructions to Bidders which may be extended by the Employer,
notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived. Any demand in respect of this
Guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above date.

DATE ___________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE BANK

_______________________ WITNESS ___________________________________ SEAL

[Signature, name and address]

Signature of Bidder Page 33 AMC

Form No 11:

To: ______________________________________ [name of Employer]

______________________________________ [address of Employer]

WHEREAS _______________________________[name and address of Contractor] (here-

in after
Called “the Contractor") has undertaken in pursuance of Contract No.
Dated ______________________to execute ______________________________ [name
of Contract and brief description of Works] (hereinafter called “the Contract");

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor shall
furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as
security for compliance with his obligations in accordance with the Contract;

AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee;

NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you, on
behalf of
the Contractor, up to a total of __________________________________________
[amount of
Guarantee]1 _______________________ [in words], such sum being payable in the types
and proportions of currencies in which the Contract Price is payable, and we undertake to
pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums
within the limits of __________________________________[amount of Guarantee] as
afore-said without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for
the sum specified therein.

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor before
presenting us with the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
Contract or of the Works to be performed there under or of any of the Contract documents
which may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any
liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or

This guarantee shall be valid until the date of issue of the completion Certificate plus 90

SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF THE GUARANTOR ___________________________

Name of Bank


Date ___________________________

Signature of Bidder Page 34 AMC

Annexure to ITB-

Guarantee issued by following banks of Amdavad city branch only will be accepted as SD/EMD.
The issuing branch of the bank guarantee shall be of Amdavad City only.
As per Government of Gujarat G. R. No. - EMD/4/2022/0002/DMO dated 20.05.2022 & Circular of
Finance Department, AMC no. 03 Date: 28/04/2023, approved Banks are...

(A) Guarantee issued by following banks will be accepted as SD/EMD on permanent basis.
a. All Nationalized Banks

(B) Guarantees issued by following Banks will be accepted as SD/EMD for the period up to March
31, 2024.The validity cut-off date in the GR is with respect to the date of issue of Bank
Guarantee irrespective of the date of termination of Bank Guarantee.
(1) Commercial Banks:-
1. A U Small Finance Bank
2. Axis Bank
3. City Union Bank
4. DBS Bank India Limited
5. DCB Bank
6. Equitas Small Finance Bank
7. Federal Bank
8. HDFC Bank
9. ICICI Bank
10. IndusInd Bank
11. Kotak Mahindra Bank
12. Standard Chartered Bank
13. Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank
14. Bandhan Bank
15. BNP Paribas
16. CSB Bank
17. HSBC Bank
18. Karnataka Bank
19. KrurVysya Bank
20. South Indian Bank
21. Utkarsh Small Finance Bank

(2) Co-operative and Rural Banks of Gujarat :-

1. The Amdavad Mercantile Co-operative Bank Limited
2. KalupurCommerical Co-operative Bank Limited
3. NutannagrikSahakari Bank Limited
4. Rajkot NagarikSahakari Bank Limited
5. Saraswat Co-operative Bank
6. Saurashtra Gramin Bank
7. The Gujarat State Co-Operative Bank
8. The Mehsana Urban Co-operative Bank Limited
9. The Surat District Co-operative Bank
10. The Surat Peoples Co-operative Bank
11. SVC Co-operative Bank LTD.

In order to facilitate online transactions, account details are mentioned as below:

Beneficiary Name: Amdavad Municipal Corporation

Bank Name: ICICI Bank Ltd.
Branch Name: JMC House, Nr. Parimal Garden, Amdavad
Bank Account No.: 002405017605
MICR: 380 229 002
I.F.S.C. Code: ICIC0000024

Signature of Bidder Page 35 AMC

Section – II : General Conditions of Contract & Special Conditions of Contract

A. General

1.0 Definitions

1.1 In the contract (as hereinafter defined) the following words and expressions shall have the
meaning hereby assigned to them, except where the context otherwise requires.

1.2 Terms which are defined in the Contract Data are not also defined in the Conditions of
Contract but keep their defined meanings. Capital initials are used to identify defined terms.

“Commencement Date” means the date on which the Contractor receives from the Engineer
the notice to proceed with works.

“Time for completion” means the time for completing the execution of the works and
passing the tests on completion of the works calculated from the commencement date.

“Contract” means the contract agreement between the Employer and the Contractor to
execute, complete and maintain the Works as described in details in various documents
listed in clause 4 of “ The Contract Agreement “.

“Specifications” means the specification of the works included in Contract and/or

modifications/alterations made thereto by Contractor and approved by the Engineer.

“Drawings” means all drawings, calculations and technical information of a like nature
provided by the Engineer to the Contractor.

“Contract Data” means the documents and other information which comprise the Contract.

“Contractor” means a person / corporate body / registered company / consortium of

companies whose Bid to carry out the Works has been accepted by the Employer and the
legal successors in title to such person / corporate body / registered company / consortium
of companies.

“Sub contractor” means any person/corporate body/ registered company/ a consortium of

companies to whom a part of the works have been subcontracted with the consent of the

“Contractor's Bid’ means the priced offer to the Employer for the execution of the works
and remedying defects therein in accordance with various terms and conditions set out in
the Contract as accepted by “ Letter of Acceptance.”.

Contract Price means the price stated in the Letter of Acceptance and thereafter as adjusted
in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.

“Retention money” means the aggregate of all monies retained by Employer pursuant to
clause 48 of these Conditions of Contract.

“Interim Payment Certificate” means any payment certificate issued by the Engineer other
than the final payment certificate.

“Final Payment Certificate” means the certificate of payment issued by the Engineer
pursuant to clause 43.1 gof these Conditions of Contract.
Signature of Bidder Page 36 AMC
Days means calendar days; months mean calendar months.

“Defect” means any part of the Works not completed in accordance with the Contract.

“Employer” means The Amdavad Municipal Corporation and is the party who will employ the
Contractor to carry out the Works.

“Engineer” means the person / organisation appointed by the Employer as named in the
Contract Data or as informed to the contractor in writing for the purposes of the contract..
The Contractor is obliged to accept the Engineer appointed by the Employer.

“Engineer’s Representative” means the person appointed by the Engineer for carrying out
such duties and exercising such authority as delegated to him from time to time by the
Engineer with written intimation to the Employer and the Contractor.

“Equipment” means the Contractor's machinery and vehicles brought temporarily to the Site
to construct the Works.

“Completion Date” means the date arrived at by counting the Contract period (inclusive
of any time extensions granted by the Engineer from time to time) after the commencement

“Plant” means any integral part of the Works, which is to have a mechanical, electrical,
electronic or chemical or biological function.

“Site” means the places provided by the Employer where the works are to be executed and
any other places as may be specifically designated in the contract as forming part of the site.

“Specification” means the Specification of the Works included in the Contract and any
modification or addition made or approved by the Engineer.

“Works” means permanent works and/or temporary works.

“Permanent works” means the permanent works to be executed in accordance with the

“Temporary Works” are works of every kind in or about the permanent works designed,
constructed, installed, and removed by the Contractor, which are needed for construction or
installation of the Works.

“Cost” means all expenditure on or off site properly accounted and incurred or to be
incurred including all overheads.
“Writing” means all handwritten or typewritten or printed communication including cable,
facsimile or e mail communication.

1.1 Wherever in the contract provision is made for the giving of notice, consent, approval,
certificate or determination by any person such notice consent, approval, certificate or
determination by any person shall be given in writing unless otherwise specified in the
contract. Any such consent, approval, certificate or determination shall not be unreasonably
delayed or withheld.

Signature of Bidder Page 37 AMC

2.0 Interpretation

2.1 In interpreting these Conditions of Contract, singular also means plural, male also means
female or neuter, and the other way around. Headings and marginal notes have no
significance. Words have their normal meaning under the language of the Contract unless
specifically defined. All the notices, consents, approvals, certificates, decisions,
determinations to be given under this contract by all the concerned parties (Employer,
Engineer and Contractor) shall be given in writing only.

2.2 If sectional completion is specified in the Contract Data, The completion date for each
section of work is arrived at by counting the period of completion assigned for that section of
work from the date of commencement assigned to that section of the work.

2.3 The several documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory to one
another, but in case of ambiguities and/or discrepancies the same shall be explained and
adjusted by the Engineer who shall thereupon issue to the contractor instructions thereon
and in such event unless otherwise provided in the contract, the priority of the documents
forming the Contract shall be as follows:

(1) The notice inviting bids

(2) The Contract Agreement
(3) The instructions to Bidders
(4) The Letter of Acceptance and notice to proceed with the works
(5) The accepted Contractor’s Bid
(6) The Contract Data
(7) The General Conditions of Contract and special conditions of contract
(8) The Technical Specifications
(9) The Drawings
(10) Any other document listed in the Contract Data as forming part of the Contract.

3.0 Language and Law

3.1 The language of the Contract shall be English and the law governing the Contract shall be
the Law as prevailing in India.

3.2 If the Contractor’s authorised representative is not in the opinion of the Engineer, fluent in
English, the Contractor shall have available on site at all times a competent interpreter to
ensure the proper transmission of instructions and information.

4.0 Engineer's Decisions

4.1 Except where otherwise specifically stated, the Engineer will decide contractual matters
between the Employer and the Contractor as specified in the contract.

4.2 Except as expressly stated in the contract, the Engineer shall have no authority to relieve the
contractor of any of his obligations under the contract.

4.3 Engineer shall act impartially while dealing with the contractual matters arising between the
Contractor and the Employer while
• Giving decisions, opinion or consent,
• expressing his satisfaction or approval,
• determining value, or
• otherwise taking decisions which may affect the rights and obligations of the Employer
or the Contractor
Signature of Bidder Page 38 AMC
4.4 The Contractor shall obtain specific approval from the Employer before carrying out his
duties in accordance with following clauses :
5. Delegation, 7. Subcontracting, 17.5, 17.6 and 17.7Suspension of work,20. Possession of
site 30. Extension of completion date, 41. Valuation of variations, 47. price variation 49.
Liquidated damages,54. Taking over,57. Termination, 59. Default of Contractor and any other
sub clauses that will have cost or time implications on the Contract.

5.0 Delegation

5.1 Engineer’s Representative (Team Leader in this case) shall be appointed by the Engineer
and shall carry out such duties and exercise such authority as may be delegated to him by the
Engineer under sub clause 5.2 from time to time.

5.2 The Engineer may delegate in writing any of his duties and responsibilities to other persons
appointed by the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative to carry out the duties assigned
to him under the contract (except to the Dispute Review Expert ) after notifying the
Contractor in writing ) and may cancel any delegation in writing after notifying the

6.0 Communications

6.1 A notice shall be effective only when it is delivered (in terms of the Indian Contract Act).

6.2 All communications from Engineer’s Representative shall have the same effect as though
given by the Engineer. The Engineer shall however retain the authority to disapprove any
work, materials or Plant in the event of the Engineer’s Representative failing to do so or
revoke the decisions/instructions issued by the Engineer’s Representative.

6.3 All certificates, notices or instructions to be given to the Contractor by the Employer or the
Engineer under the terms of Contract shall be sent by post, cable, fax, e-mail to or placed at
the Contractor’s principal place of business or such other address as the Contractor shall
nominate for that purpose.

6.4 Any notice to be given to Employer or to the Engineer under the terms of the Contract shall
be sent by post, cable, fax or e mail to or left at the respective addresses nominated for that
purpose given in contract data.
6.5 Change of address shall be informed to respective parties well in advance.

7.0 Subcontracting

7.1 The Contractor shall not, without the prior consent of the Employer assign the contract or
any part thereof. The contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the works. Part of the
works may be subcontracted after obtaining Engineers prior consent. Any such consent shall
not relieve the Contractor from any liability or obligation under the contract. The Contractor
shall remain responsible for all the acts, defaults and/or neglect of the contractual
requirements and obligations by any Subcontractor

8.0 Other Contractors

8.1 The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site with other contractors, public authorities,
utilities, and the Employer as and when required without prejudice to any of his contractual
obligations. The Contractor shall as referred to in the Contract Data, also provide facilities

Signature of Bidder Page 39 AMC

and services for them as described in the Schedule. The Employer may modify the schedule
of other contractors and shall notify the contractor of any such modification.

9.0 Personnel

9.1 The Contractor shall employ the key personnel named in the Schedule of Key Personnel as
referred to in the Bid document to carry out the functions stated in the Schedule or other
personnel approved by the Engineer. The Engineer will approve any proposed replacement
of key personnel only if their qualifications, abilities, and relevant experience are
substantially equal to or better than those of the personnel listed in the Schedule.

9.2 If the Engineer asks the Contractor to remove a person, without assigning reasons thereof,
for his misconduct or inadequacy of technical skills and experience, who is a member of the
Contractor’s staff or his work force, the Contractor shall ensure that the person leaves the
Site within seven days and has no further connection with the work in the Contract.

9.3 No residential accommodation is allowed at the site of work. The labour huts shall not be
erected on the site of work and contractor shall make his own arrangements to provide such
accommodations as per the rules of the local bodies. He shall make his own arrangements
for housing, stores, field office etc. He shall submit a site layout plan indicating the location
of various site facilities to be created by him at his cost for the execution of work. The Owner
shall in no way be responsible for any delay on this account and no claim on this account
whatsoever shall be entertained.

9.4 Project Manager shall be of a graduate civil engineer having a minimum five years of
experience in similar nature work. The Project Manager shall always be available at the site
during the actual execution of the work. This is in addition to the number of graduate
engineers (of civil and other disciplines as required) who shall be appointed by contractor to
execute all items of work.

10.0 Employer’s and Contractor's Risks

10.1 The Employer carries the risks which this Contract states are Employer’s risks, and the
Contractor carries the risks which this Contract states are Contractor’s risks.

11.0 Employer's Risks

11.1 The Employer is responsible for the excepted risks which are in so far as they directly affect
the execution of the Works, the risks of war, hostilities, invasion, act of foreign enemies,
rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power, civil war, or riot, commotion,
disorder (unless restricted to the Contractor’s employees), natural disaster and
contamination from any nuclear fuel or nuclear waste or radioactive toxic explosive.
Contractor will execute rectification of damaged portions of work due to such risks and
Employer shall suitably compensate for works in accordance with the terms and conditions
of the contract.

12.0 Contractor’s Risks

12.1 All risks of loss or damage to physical property and of personal injury, death which arise
during and in consequence of the performance of the Contract, are the responsibility of the
Contractor. Contractor shall rectify damages to works, loss of materials, property, plant and
machinery, life etc. at his own costs

Signature of Bidder Page 40 AMC

12.2 The contractor shall assume all liability, financial or otherwise in connection with his
contract and shall protect and indemnify the Employer from any and all damages and claims
that may arise on any account. The Contractor shall indemnify the owner against all claims in
respect of patent rights, royalties, damages to adjacent buildings, roads or members of
public in course of execution of work or any other reason whatsoever and shall himself
defend all actions arising from such claims and shall keep the Owner saved harmless and
indemnified in all respect from such actions, costs and expenses. The contractor shall be
liable for any loss or damage to the Works occasioned by him in the course of operations
carried out by him. All such damage (except that arising out of excepted risks defined in
clause 11.1 above) to works will be rectified by contractor at his own cost.

13.0 Insurance

13.1 The Contractor shall provide, in the joint names of the Employer and the Contractor through
insurance cover from the Commencement Date to the end of the Defects Liability Period, in
the amounts and deductibles as stated below and the Contract Data, for the following events
which are due to Contactor’s risks:

(a) Personal injury, sickness, disease or death

i) Of Contactor’s personnel. ( i.e. Workmen’s Compensation Policy/ in
accordance with the statutory requirements applicable in India );
ii) Of Employer’s Personnel & other people ,except that this insurance may
exclude losses and claims to the extent that they may arise from any act or
neglect of the Employer’s Personnel or other people Rs. 10 lakh per occurrence

13.2 Policies and certificates for insurance shall be delivered by the Contractor to the Engineer
for the Engineer’s approval before the Commencement Date. All such insurance policies shall
provide for compensation to be payable in the types and proportions of currencies required
to rectify the loss or damage incurred.

13.3 No work (Temporary or Permanent) shall be permitted at site in absence of proper

insurance policies and up to date payment of premiums.

13.4 The responsibility of any amounts not insured or not recovered from the Insurer shall be
borne by the Employer or the Contractor in accordance with their responsibilities as defined
in these clauses.

13.5 The Employer shall indemnify the Contractor against all proceedings, claims, damages, costs,
charges, expenses in respect of the matters for which the Employer is responsible.

13.6 The insurance policy shall include a cross liability clause such that the insurance shall apply
to the Contractor and the Employer as separate insured.

13.7 The minimum amount of insurance shall be as specified in these clauses and the Contract
Data. In the event of mismatch insurance shall be for higher amount.

13.8 The Contractor shall keep notified the Insurer of changes in the nature, extent or
programme for the execution of the Works and ensure the adequacy of the insurances at all
the times in accordance with the Terms of the Contract.

14.0 Site Visit

14.1 The bidder is advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy
himself with the nature and extent of site and work, the hydrological and climatic conditions
Signature of Bidder Page 41 AMC
the means of access to the site, the constraints of space for stacking material/machinery,
labour etc. he requires, if any, weather conditions at site, general conditions, utilities, etc. or
any other circumstances which may affect or influence their bid. No claim, whatsoever, shall
be entertained from the bidder, on the plea that the information supplied by the Owner Is
insufficient or is at variance to the actual site conditions.

14.1.1 Deleted.

15.0 Queries about the Contract Data and Contract agreement

15.1 The Employer / Engineer will clarify queries on the Contract Data. These clarifications shall
form a part of the Contract and shall be binding on both the Employer and the Contractor.

15.2 The Contractor shall enter into and execute the contract agreement to be prepared at the
cost of the Employer in the form given in the instructions to bidders.

16.0 Contractor to Construct the Works

16.1 The Contractor shall with due care and diligence design (to the extent as provided for in the
contract), execute and complete the works and remedy the defects if any in accordance with
the provisions of the contract, detailed design and drawing for permanent works shall be
made available by AMC.

16.2 Contractor shall provide all superintendence, labour, materials, plant, contractor’s
equipment and all other things as may be required to design, execute, complete and
maintain during defects liability period the works. (refer clause 16.1 above).

16.3 Any defect, error, omission, fault shall be immediately brought to the notice of the Engineer
before or during the execution of the works.

16.4 The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the adequacy, stability, safety of all site
operations and methods of construction. Contractor shall not be responsible for the design
and specifications of the Permanent Works not designed by him.

16.5 The Contractor shall be responsible for:

• The accurate setting out of the Works in relation to original lines, levels and points of
reference given by the Engineer in writing.
• The correctness of all positions, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the
Works, and
• The provision of all necessary instruments, appliances and labour in connection with
the foregoing responsibilities.
• Contractor shall rectify all errors during execution of works at his cost except for the
errors that occur due to supply of incorrect drawings or instructions by the Engineer.

16.6 The checking and approval by the Engineer of any alignments, levels and setting out shall
not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for accuracy thereof.

16.7 The Contractor shall provide and maintain a site office with toilet facility for the Engineer
and his staffs for the complete duration of the contract at no cost to the Employer.

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17.0 The Works to Be Completed by the Completion Date

17.1 The Contractor may commence execution of the Works on the Commencement Date and
shall carry out the Works in accordance with the programme submitted by the Contractor, as
updated with the approval of the Engineer, and complete them by the Completion Date.

17.2 The Employer shall in no way be responsible for either any delay in getting electric and/or
water connections for carrying out the work and no claim whatsoever on this account shall
be entertained from the contractor. Also contingency arrangement of standby water &
electric supply shall be made by the contractor for smooth progress of the work on account
of power failure or disconnection for any reason whatsoever it may be. No claim of any kind
whatsoever shall be entertained on this account from the contractor. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.

17.3 The Contractor shall provide necessary superintendence matching with working hours.
However, there shall be no hindrance to the traffic. Contractor can not claim for any extra
payment in case there is no work front available due to traffic.

17.4 The Contractor shall afford every facility for and every assistance in obtaining the right to
access for the Engineer or any of his representative at all reasonable times to the Site and to
all workshops, places where materials or plant are being manufactured, fabricated or
prepared. If materials, plant or parts of works are manufactured, fabricated or prepared in
places not belonging to the Contractor, the Contractor shall organise necessary permissions
from the owners of such facilities for the Engineer to inspect such where materials or plant.

17.5 Suspension of work

The Contractor shall, on the instructions of the Engineer, suspend the progress of the works
or part thereof for such time and in such manner as the Engineer may consider necessary
and shall, during such suspension, properly protect and secure the works or any part thereof
so far as is necessary in the opinion of the Engineer. Unless such a suspension is :
i. otherwise provided in the contract,
ii. necessary by reason of some default or breach of contract by the Contractor or for which
he is responsible,
iii. necessary by reason of climatic conditions on site or
iv. necessary for the proper execution of the work or for safety of the works or any part

following sub clause shall apply.

17.6 Effect of suspension.

With reference to clause 17.5 the Engineer shall after due consultations with the Employer
and the Contractor determine

a. The time effect of such suspension on the contract period and

b. The cost effect of such suspension on the Contract Price.

and shall notify the Contractor with a copy to the Employer.

Signature of Bidder Page 43 AMC

Approval by the Engineer

17.7 The Contractor shall submit Specifications and Drawings showing the proposed Temporary
Works to the Engineer, who shall approve them if they comply with the Specifications and

17.8 The Contractor shall be responsible for design of Temporary Works. Design of the temporary
works shall be got proof checked from the agency approved by AMC and the cost of the
same shall be borne by the Contractor.

17.9 The Engineer's approval shall not alter the Contractor's responsibility for design of the
Temporary Works.

17.10 All Drawings prepared by the Contractor for the execution of the temporary or Permanent
Works, are subject to prior approval by the Engineer before their use.

18.0 Safety

18.1 The Contractor shall have full regard throughout execution, completion and defects liability
period to following safety aspects and shall take all necessary steps to ensure that danger to
safety is avoided all the time in respect of
a. Safety of the works
b. Safety of the Contractor’s employees and all the persons directly or indirectly engaged by
him for the works
c. Safety of all the employees including persons working on other contracts of Employer at
the same site of the Employer and Engineers employees engaged at work site.
d. Any authorised third party persons on the site.
e. Contractor’s plant and equipment

18.2 The Contractor shall provide and maintain at his costs all lights, guards, fencing, warning
signs, watching when and where necessary or required by Engineer or by any duly
constituted authority for the protection of the works or for the safety and convenience of the
public or others.

18.3 The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment on and off the site
and avoid damage or nuisance to persons or property of the public and others arising as a
consequence of his method of operation.

18.4 The Contractor shall maintain in good condition all work throughout execution, completion
and defects liability period. The contractor shall be responsible for and to make good all
injuries, damages and repairs, rendered necessary by fire, rain, traffic, floods or other causes.

18.5 All the scaffolding work, wherever required for the execution of work, shall be provided by
the contractor. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account. It shall be provided strictly
with double scaffolding system with all the accessories etc. with adjustable suitable working
platforms to access the areas, with ease for working and inspection. It shall be designed to
take all incidental loads. It should cater to the safety features for workmen. It shall be
ensured that no damage is caused to any structure due to scaffolding.

18.6 All temporary warning/ caution boards display such as “Construction Work in progress”,
“Keep Away", “No parking”, “Speed limit”, Diversion”, etc. shall be provided and displayed
during day as well as night time by the contractor, wherever required and as directed by the
Signature of Bidder Page 44 AMC
Engineer. A signboard with project description, Name of client, Name of design consultant
and Name of TPI /PMC consultant, etc.should be displayed at proper locations as directed by
the Engineer.

18.7 Arrangement of temporary water and electricity and telephone connection required, by
him, shall be made by the Contractor at his own cost and also necessary permissions directly
from relevant Owners shall be obtained by him under intimation to the Owner. Also all initial
and running charges and security deposit, if any in this regard shall be borne by him. The
Contractor shall abide by all the rules/ bye laws applicable in this regard and he shall be
solely responsible for any penalty on account of violation of any of the rules and byelaws in
this regard.

18.7.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for maintenance and watch and ward of the complete
installation and shall also be responsible for any pilferage, theft, damage, penalty etc. in this
regard. The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner against any claim arising out of pilferage /
theft, damage, penalty etc. whatsoever on this account. Security deposit for the work shall
be released only after the clearance is obtained from the local authorities from whom
temporary electric/ water I telephone connection have been obtained by the contractor.

18.8 The Contractor shall depute Site Engineer & skilled workers as required for the work.
Necessary protective and safety equipments shall be provided to them by the Contractor at
his own cost and used at site.

18.9 Security & Traffic Arrangements

In event of any restriction being imposed by the Security Staff of Owner, Amdavad Municipal
Corporation traffic or any other local governing body having control over the project, on the
working or movement of labour, materials, the Contractor shall strictly follow all such
restrictions or instructions issued regarding the same and nothing extra shall be payable to
the Contractor on account of such restrictions or instructions. In case of loss of time on this
account if any, shall have to be made up by generating additional resources etc.

General security restrictions are given as under:

i. The movement of trucks and vehicles shall be regulated in accordance with rules and
regulations as approved by competent authorities.
ii. The Contractor shall inform in advance, if required, the truck registration numbers
ownership of the trucks, names and addresses of the drivers for necessary action by the
security agency.
iii. As and when there will be security requirements, certain additional restrictions can be
imposed as per the requirement of the situation.
iv. No claim whatsoever will be entertained by the Owner on account of any restriction that
can be imposed as per the requirement of the situation.

18.10 No inflammable materials including P.O.L. shall be allowed to be stored in huge quantity at
site. However, reasonable quantity may be permitted for storage, subject to the compliance
of all rules & instructions issued by the relevant authorities and as per the direction of
Engineer -in- Charge in this regard.

18.11 The Contractor shall save harmless and indemnify the Employer in respect of all claims,
proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever arising out of, or in relation
to, any such matters in so far as the Contractor is responsible thereof.

18.12 Movement and diversion of traffic during construction.

Signature of Bidder Page 45 AMC

18.13 Contractor shall be fully responsible for any person’s injury or death which arise during and
in consequence of the performance of the contract. Employer, Engineer, Engineer’s
representative shall not be responsible for the same.

19.0 Discoveries

19.1 Anything of geological or archaeological or other interest or articles of value or antiquity

discovered on the Site shall be the absolute property of the Employer. The Contractor is to
notify the Engineer of such discoveries and carry out the Engineer's instructions for dealing
with them without damages, thefts etc. In carrying out the Engineers instructions to dealing
with such articles if the Contractor incurs extra costs or suffers delays, the Engineer shall
determine after due consultation with the Employer and the Contractor amounts of such
costs and extension of time in accordance with the corresponding clauses of the contract.

20.0 Possession of the Site

20.1 The Contractor shall commence the work as soon as is reasonably possible on receipt of the
“Commencement of Work Notice” from the Engineer.

20.2 The Employer shall give possession of part / parts of the Site to the Contractor from time
to time.

20.3 Access to site shall also be provided by the Employer to the Contractor in order and manner
as set out in the contract to enable the Contractor to commence and proceed with the works
in accordance with his construction programme and method of construction.

20.4 The site of work shall be always kept clean. The excavated material shall be disposed off as
directed by the Engineer, from the premises and all necessary permissions in this regard from
the local bodies shall be obtained by the contractor. Nothing extra shall be payable on this

21.0 Access to the Site

21.1 The Contractor shall allow the Engineer and any person authorized by the Engineer access to
the Site, to any place where work in connection with the Contract is being carried out or is
intended to be carried out and to any place where materials or plant are being manufactured
/ fabricated / assembled for the works.

22.0 Instructions

22.1 The Contractor shall, unless it is legally or physically impossible, execute and complete the
works and remedy defects therein in strict accordance with the contract to the satisfaction of
the Engineer. The Contractor shall comply and adhere to the Engineer’s instructions on any
matter, whether mentioned in the contract or not, concerning the works. The Contractor
shall take instructions only from the Engineer (or his delegates).

23.0 Settlement of Disputes:

23.1 In case of all the disputes, decision of the Municipal Commissioner, Amdavad shall be final
and binding to the Bidder.

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24.0 Avoidance to damage of roads. :

24.1 The Contractor shall ensure that no damage to roads and bridges on the route to the sites
occurs due to him or his subcontractor’s traffic. He shall ensure minimum possible hindrance
to the traffic movements on public roads and bridges due to his materials, plant, temporary
works etc. No materials shall be stacked on public roads and thoroughfares. To reinstate the
road damaged/dug/excavated during construction within a period of 3 days on completion of
activity to its original condition.

25.0 Transport of Contractor’s equipment :

25.1 The Contractor shall specifically notify the Employer and the Engineer in case he plans to
transport materials, equipment, plant etc. which might induce such loads on roads and
bridges en route to site for which the roads and bridges are not designed. In every such case
the Contractor shall carry out all such strengthening works as may be necessary to ensure
the safety of the roads/ bridges. All such works should be approved by the Engineer in
writing. The Contractor, despite the strengthening measures and written approval by the
Engineer, shall be responsible for the safety of the roads and bridges as well as his own plant,
materials and equipments.

26.0 Opportunities and Facilities for other Contractors :

Opportunities :

The Contractor shall afford all reasonable opportunities to

a. any other contractor and his workmen engaged by the Employer
b. the Workmen of the Employer
c. Workmen of any other agency permitted by the Employer to work in or around the site
of works.

Facilities :

d. Make available any roads or ways for the maintenance of which the Contractor is
e. Permit the use of any temporary works or Contractors Equipment on site. (to be charged
wherever applicable).
f. Provide any other services of whatsoever nature (to be chargeable wherever applicable.)

27.0 Contractor to keep site clean:

27.1 During the execution of the work, the Contractor shall keep the site clean. All wreckage
rubbish, excess materials, temporary works no longer required will be removed from site

28.0 Clearance of site on completion:

The Contractor shall clear away and remove all Contractors equipment, surplus materials,
rubbish, temporary works of every kind, except those Contractors equipment, surplus
materials, rubbish, temporary works that may be required by him during the Defects Liability
period and leave the site clean and in a workmanlike condition to the satisfaction of the
Engineer on issue of the Taking Over Certificate.

Signature of Bidder Page 47 AMC

B. Time Control

29.0 Programme
29.1 The Contractor should plan the work to be executed round the clock without violating
labour and environmental control norms specified by the governing bodies (National, State
and local) without disturbing and stopping normal traffic.

29.2 Within the time stated in the Contract Data the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for
his consent a Programme showing the general methods of construction, arrangements,
order, and timing and sequence for all the activities including traffic diversion, resource
schedules including material, manpower and machinery and equipment scheduling monthly
cash flow forecast and any other details the Engineer may require.

29.3 If at any time it should appear to the Engineer that the actual progress of works does not
confirm to the programme to which consent has been given as per clause 29.2 above, the
Contractor shall produce, at the request of the Engineer, a revised programme showing
modifications to the programme consented to under clause 29.2 above necessary to ensure
completion of works within the Time for Completion.

29.4 If the Contractor fails to submit such a revised programme, the Engineer may withhold the
amount stated in the Contract Data from the next payment certificate and continue to
withhold this amount in all future payments until the date on which the revised Program is

29.5 The Engineer's consent to the Program shall not relieve the Contractor from his duties and
responsibilities under the contract.

29.6 The Engineer shall monitor the rate of progress of work. In case the Engineer finds that the
rate of progress of work is too slow to comply with the Time for completion, he shall notify
the Contractor who shall thereupon take necessary steps to expedite progress. No extra
payments on account of such actions shall be due to the Contractor.

30.0 Time for completion and Extension/s of Time for completion

30.1 The whole of the works, and if applicable any section of the works required to be completed
within a particular time as stated in the Contract data, shall be completed within the
stipulated time for the whole of the works or the Section (as the case may be) calculated
from the Commencement Date, or such extended time as may be allowed under following
sub clauses.

30.2 The Engineer shall, after due consultation with the Employer and Contractor, determine the
amount of extension of time for completion to which the Contractor becomes fairly entitled
in the event of

i. Amount and nature of extra work

ii. Any cause of delay referred to in these conditions
iii. Exceptionally adverse climatic conditions
iv. Any delay, impediment or prevention by the Employer
v. Other special circumstances which may occur, other than through a default or breach of
contract by the contractor

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The Engineer shall notify the Contractor about all such extension of time with a copy to the

30.3 The Engineer shall however not be bound to make any determination unless the Contractor

a. has notified the Engineer within 28 days of occurrence of event

b. Has furnished detailed particulars of the extension of time arising out of such an event
within 28 days of the issue of notice of occurrence of the event.

31.0 Delays Ordered by the Engineer

31.1 The Engineer may instruct the Contractor to delay the start or progress of any activity within
the Works. These delays shall be suitably compensated for time in accordance with the
provisions of the Contract and no compensation for cost shall be payable to the contractor
on this account.

32.0 Management Meetings

32.1 Either the Engineer or the Contractor may require the other to attend a management
meeting. The business of a management meeting shall be to review the plans for remaining
work and to deal with matters raised in accordance with the early warning procedure.

32.2 The Engineer shall record the business of management meetings and is to provide copies of
his record to those attending the meeting and to the Employer. The responsibility of the
parties for actions to be taken is to be decided by the Engineer either at the management
meeting or after the management meeting and stated in writing to all who attended the

33.0 Early Warning

33.1 The Contractor is to warn the Engineer at the earliest opportunity of specific likely future
events or circumstances that may adversely affect the quality of the work, increase the
Contract Price, or delay the execution of works. The Engineer may require the Contractor to
provide an estimate of the expected effect of the future event or circumstance on the
Contract Price and Completion Date. The estimate is to be provided by the Contractor as
soon as reasonably possible.

33.2 The Contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer in making and considering proposals for
how the effect of such an event or circumstance can be avoided or reduced by anyone
involved in the work and in carrying out any resulting instruction of the Engineer.

34.0 Drawings and contract documents :

34.1 The drawings shall remain in the sole custody of the Engineer, but two copies thereof shall
be provided to the Contractor free of cost. The Contractor can avail a soft copy from the
Engineer for making further copies at his cost. Drawings can be provided by the Employer or
his representative to the contractor through e-mail. All the contractual documents and
drawings shall not be given to a third party or used for any other purpose than contractual
work. On receipt of the Defects Liability Certificate, the Contractor shall return all the
drawings and the Contract documents including the drawings to the Engineer.

Four hard copies and two soft copies of the drawings, specifications and other documents
(submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer for all temporary and
Signature of Bidder Page 49 AMC
permanent works in accordance with the contract requirements)shall be submitted by the
Contractor to the Engineer, free of cost.

a. Disruption of progress: The Contractor shall give notice to the Engineer with a copy to
the Employer, whenever planning or execution of the Works is likely to be delayed or
disrupted unless any further drawing or instruction is issued by the Engineer within a
reasonable time. The notice shall include details of the drawing or instruction required
and of why and by when it is required and of any delay or disruption likely to be suffered
if it is late.

b. Delays and Cost of Delay of Drawings: If by reason of any failure or inability of the
Engineer to issue, within a time reasonable in all circumstances, any drawing or
instruction for which the Contractor has given a notice in accordance with clause 33, the
Contractor suffers delay and/or incurs cost then the Engineer shall, after due
consultation with the Employer and the Contractor, determine:

c. Any extension of time to which the Contractor is entitled.

d. Negative time and cost effects shall be calculated by the Engineer and deducted from
the Contract Sum in the event of delays in issue of drawings arise out of Contractors
failures or delays in submission of drawings of temporary works.

34.2 Supplementary drawings and instructions: The Engineer shall have authority to issue
supplementary drawings and instructions to the Contractor. The Contractor shall carry out
and be bound by the same.

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C. Quality Control

35.0 Quality of Materials, Plant and Workmanship

35.1 All materials, plant and workmanship shall be:

a. Of the respective kinds and quality as described in the contract and in accordance with
the Engineers instructions and subject to tests as the Engineer may require at any or all
places, such as manufacturers facility, site, during fabrication, preparation etc, as
specified in the contract.

b. The Contractor shall provide all assistance required by Engineer for carrying out the
tests. Costs of tests are covered by the contractor’s quoted rates for the works.

c. All samples shall be provided by the Contractor free of costs.

35.2 The Engineer and his personnel shall have access to all locations of work all the time for
inspection of work. Contractor shall provide all necessary assistance to the Engineer and his
personnel for this at no extra costs.

35.3 On inspection, if the Engineer finds that certain works, materials and/or plant are defective
and/or not in accordance with the Contract, he shall notify the Contractor thereof
immediately with his objections and reasons. The Contractor shall then promptly make good
the defect or remove defective materials, plant from site.

35.4 All work or any part of shall be covered up only after approval of the Engineer in respect of
the quality of materials used and workmanship.

35.5 The Contractor shall uncover any part of the work or make openings in or through as
required by Engineer from time to time for inspection and shall make good such part only
after approval of the Engineer to such covered up work.

35.6 In case of default on the part of the Contractor in removal and making good of any defective
materials, workmanship and/or plant, the Employer shall engage another agency to carry out
the same at the Contractors risks and costs.

36.0 Tests

a. If the Engineer instructs the Contractor to carry out a test not specified in the
Specification to check whether any work has any Defect or not, Contractor shall perform
the same and submit the results to the Engineer at contractor’s cost.

37.0 Correction of Defects during Defects liability period

a. The Engineer shall give notice to the Contractor of any Defects before the end of the
Defects Liability Period, which begins at Completion and is defined in the Contract Data.
The Defects Liability Period shall be extended for as long as Defects remain to be
b. Every time notice of a Defect is given, the Contractor shall correct the notified Defect
within the length of time specified by the Engineer’s notice.

Signature of Bidder Page 51 AMC

38.0 Uncorrected Defects during Defects liability period

38.1 a) If the Contractor does not rectify or correct a defect within the time specified in the
Engineer’s notice, the Engineer will assess the cost of having the Defect corrected, and the
Contractor will bear the costs of such defective work as well as all works carried out over
such defective work until the defect is removed to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

b) Only the Defects Liability Certificate referred to in following clause shall be deemed to
constitute the approval of the works.

c) Defects Liability Certificate: The Defects liability certificate shall be given by the Engineer
to the Employer, with a copy to the Contractor, within 28 days of the expiry of the
Defects Liability Period. The Contract shall remain incomplete until issue of the Defects
Liability Certificate.

38.2 The defects Liability Certificate shall mention clearly that the Contractor has completed his
obligations to execute and complete the works and remedy defects therein to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

38.3 Unfulfilled obligations : Despite issuance of the Defects Liability Certificate, the contract
between the Employer and the Contractor shall remain in force in respect of unperformed
obligations incurred under the provisions of the Contract prior to the issue of the Defects
Liability Certificate.

Signature of Bidder Page 52 AMC

D. Cost Control

39.0 Schedule - B

a. The schedule-B shall contain Memorandum showing items for the construction,
installation, testing, and commissioning work to be done by the Contractor.

b. The quantities stated in the schedule B are estimated quantities. The Contractor shall be
paid only quantities calculated after taking measurements of executed work. The rate
stated in the schedule B for each item of work shall apply. The works shall be measured
by the Contractor jointly with the authorised representative of the Engineer and all
particulars required by the representative of the Engineer shall be supplied by the

c. The work shall be measured net. No allowance for general or local custom, working
space etc. is to be made.

40.0 Variations

40.1 The Engineer shall make any variation of form, quality or quantity of the Works or any part
thereof that may, in his opinion, be necessary and for that purpose, or if for any other reason
it shall, in his opinion, be appropriate, he shall have the authority to instruct the Contractor
to do and the Contractor shall do any of the following:
• Increase or decrease the quantity of any work up to any extent included in the
• Omit any such work,
• Change the character or quality or kind of any such work,
• Execute additional work of any kind necessary for the completion of the Works or
• Change any specified sequence or timing of construction of any part of work.

No such variation shall in any way vitiate or invalidate the contract, but the effects, if any, of
all such variations shall be valued in accordance with the following sub clauses. Provided that
where the issue of an instruction to vary the Works is necessitated by some default or breach
of contract by contractor or for which he is responsible, any additional cost attributable to
such default shall be borne by the Contractor.

40.2 The Contractor shall not make any such variation without an instruction of the Engineer. No
instruction is required for quantities varying from those provided for the items in the
contract schedule B.

41.0 Valuation of Variations

a. The basis for the valuation of variations for addition to the Contract Price shall be as
follows in the same order of priority.
b. Contract unit rates for individual items shall apply to varied quantities where there is a
quantity variation.
c. In case of other non tender items following procedure shall apply.

If any extra item crops up during the progress of work the same shall be carried out by
the Contractor and he shall be paid at the rate fixed by Employer which shall be fixed as
lowest of the rates derived by rate analysis based on the following three methods.

(i) Rate analysis based on approved BOQ item rates or Govt. SOR 2015-16plus or
Signature of Bidder Page 53 AMC
minus contractor’s tender premium or rebate as the case may be.

(ii) Rate analysis based on prevailing Govt. of Gujarat’s SOR rates.

(iii) Rate analysis based on current market rates. This shall be based on
• The material costs, the labour costs, the cost of use of all plant, machinery
and equipment, the cost of all temporary and incidental works, the
overheads and the Contractors profit.
• The overheads shall be taken at 5 % of the sum of material costs, the labour
costs, the cost of use of all plant, machinery and equipment, the cost of all
temporary and incidental works.
• The Contractors profit shall be taken at 10 % of the sum of material costs,
the labour costs, the cost of use of all plant, machinery and equipment, the
cost of all temporary and incidental works, the overheads.

d. In the event of disagreement the Engineer shall fix such rates and prices as are, in his
opinion appropriate and shall notify the Contractor accordingly with a copy to the

e. The Engineer shall determine provisional rates and prices to enable on account payments
to be included in the Interim Payment Certificates, until rates and prices are agreed as
final by the Employer, the Contractor and the Engineer.

f. The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional payment for costs, which could have
been avoided by giving early warning.

42.0 Cash flow forecasts

a. The Contractor shall, within 21 days of the date of the work order / notice to proceed
provide to the Engineer for his information a detailed cash flow estimate, in quarterly
periods, of all payments to which the Contractor will be entitled under the Contract.

b. The estimates shall be revised and submitted by the Contractor every quarter of each
year if need arises due to various reasons.

43.0 Payment Certificates

43.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a monthly statement after the end of each
calendar month in three hard copies and three soft copies on CDs each signed by the
Contractors authorised Representative in such form as the Engineer may prescribe from time
to time. The Monthly Statement shall state
• The amount to which the Contractor is entitled.
• The value of the permanent works executed.
• Other sums such as secured advance payments, day works payments, price escalation
payments, and mobilisation advance.
• Any other sums to which the Contractor may consider himself entitled.

a. The Engineer shall check the Contractor's monthly statement within 14 days and certify
for payment vide an Interim Payment Certificate the amount to be paid to the
Contractor after taking into account any credit or debit for the month a) in respect of

Signature of Bidder Page 54 AMC

materials for the works in the relevant amounts and b) under various conditions set
forth in these Conditions of Contract and stated in brief in the Contract Data.

b. No payment shall be recommended by the Engineer through Interim Payment Certificate

until he is fully satisfied that
• The Contractor has paid the Security deposit to the Employer.
• All premiums towards the various insurance policies taken by the Contractor in
accordance with these General Conditions of Contract are paid.
• Contractor has obtained the labour licences and PF code numbers for site staffs and

c. The Engineer may by any Interim Payment Certificate or in any subsequent Interim
Payment Certificate make any correction or modification in any previous Interim
Payment Certificate which shall have been issued by him and shall have authority, if any
work is not carried out to his satisfaction, to omit or reduce the value of such work in any
Interim Payment Certificate.

d. Statement at Completion: No later than 84 days after the issue of the Taking Over
Certificate in respect of the whole of the Works, the Contractor shall submit 3 hard
copies and 3 soft copies in the form of CDs to the Engineer of a Statement at Completion
with supporting documents (such as measurements, approvals, records related to
materials, test data etc.) showing in details, in the form approved by the Engineer

• The final value of all work done in accordance with the Contract up to date stated in
the Taking Over Certificate
• Any further sums to which the Contractor considers himself due.
• Any other amounts, which the Contractor considers, will become due to him under
the contract to be shown in a separate statement.

The Engineer shall issue a Certificate of Payment after scrutiny in a similar manner as
that for the Monthly Statements as described in clause 43.1a above.

e. Final Statement: The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer within 56 days of the issue
of Defects liability Certificate pursuant to clause. 38.1b, in three hard copies and three
soft copies in the form of CDs, a draft Final Statement with supporting documents (such
as measurements, approvals, records related to materials, test data etc.) showing in
details, in the form approved by the Engineer

i. The value of all work done in accordance with contract including variations
ii. Any further sums which contractor considers to be due to him under the contract or

If the Engineer disagrees with or cannot verify any part of the draft final statement, the
Contractor shall submit such further information as the Engineer may reasonably require
and shall make such changes in the draft as may be agreed between them. The
Contractor shall then prepare and submit to the Engineer the Final Statement as agreed.

If a dispute exists between the Engineer and the Contractor for any part of the draft final
statement, such part shall be dealt with in accordance with the procedure laid down in
clause 23 of these Conditions of Contract. The Engineer shall deliver to the Employer an
Interim Payment Certificate for the agreed parts of the draft final statement.

Signature of Bidder Page 55 AMC

f. Discharge: Upon submission of the Final Statement, the Contractor shall give to the
Employer with a copy to the Engineer, a written discharge confirming that the total of
the Final Statement represents full and final settlement of all monies due to the
Contractor arising out of or in respect of the Contract. Such discharge shall become
effective after.

• Payment is made against Final Payment Certificate.

• Performance Security amount / bank guarantee is returned to the Contractor.

g. Final Payment Certificate: The Engineer shall issue the final payment certificate to the
Employer with a copy to the Contractor within 28 days after receipt of the final
statement and the written discharge. The certificate will state :

i) The amount which, in the opinion of the Engineer, is finally due under the
Contractor or otherwise and

iii) After giving the credit to the Employer for all amounts previously paid by the
Employer and for all sums to which the Employer is entitled in accordance with
clause 49 (Liquidated damages) of these Conditions of the Contract, the balance
if any due from the Employer to the Contractor or vice versa as the case may be.

h. Payment of intermediate certificate to be regarded as advance: No payment shall be

made for any work, estimated to cost less than rupees one thousand till after the whole
of the said work shall have been completed and a certificate of completion given. But in
the case of works estimated to cost more than rupees one thousand, the Contractor
shall, on submitting a monthly bill therefore, be entitled to receive payment
proportionate to the part of the work then approved and passed by the Engineer-in-
Charge, whose certificate of such approval and passing of the sum so payable shall be
final and conclusive against the Contractor. All such intermediate payments shall be
regarded as payments by way of advance against the final payments only and not as
payments for work actually done and completed and shall not preclude the Engineer-in-
Charge from requiring bad, unsound, imperfect or unskilled work to be removed and
taken away and reconstructed, or re-erected, nor shall any such payment be considered
as an admission of the due performance of the contract or any part thereof in any
respect or the occurring of any claims not shall it conclude, determine or affect in any
way the power of the Engineer-in-charge as to the final settlement and adjustment of
the accounts of otherwise or in other way very or affect the contractor.

43.2 Cessation of Employers liability: The Employer shall not be liable to the Contractor for any
matter or thing arising out of or in connection with the Contract or execution of the Works,
unless the Contractor shall have included a claim in respect thereof in his Final Statement
and in the Statement of Completion

44.0 Payments

44.1 Payments shall be adjusted for deductions for advance payments, retention, other
recoveries in terms of the contract and taxes at source, as applicable under the law. The
Employer shall pay the Contractor the amounts certified by the Engineer

• within 28 days of the date of issue of the Certificate of bill

• within 56 days of the date of the final payment certificate
• No payment of interest shall be made to the Contractor for delayed payment if any.

Signature of Bidder Page 56 AMC

If an amount certified is increased in a later date certificate due to corrections in previous
certificates or as a result of an award from disputes review experts, Contractor shall be paid
such amount only. The Contractor shall not be paid any interest upon such delayed payment.

Items of the Works for which no rate or price has been entered in will not be paid for by the
Employer and shall be deemed covered by other rates and prices in the Contract.

44.2 All payments shall be made in Amdavad.

45.0 Taxes and duties

The rates are inclusive of all the prevailing taxes (excluding GST) and duties of the Central,
State and Local Governing bodies prevailing on the date of award of the contract. The
Contractor will have to pay all such taxes and duties for the performance of this Contract.
The Employer will deduct from the Contractor’s monthly and other payments all taxes and
duties, which he is bound to recover in accordance with the applicable law.

The Contractor shall keep himself fully informed of all acts and laws of the Central & State
and local Governing bodies, all orders, decrees of bodies, tribunals having any jurisdiction or
authority which in any manner affect those engaged or employed and any thing related to
carrying out the work. All the bye-laws lay down by AMC/AUDA and any other local bodies
while executing the work shall be adhered to. All taxes of local bodies shall be borne by the
contractor. The Contractor shall arrange to give all notices required by any authority and to
pay to such authority all the fees that may have to be paid for the material, plants,
equipments etc. The Contractor shall also adhere to all traffic restrictions notified by the
local authorities. He shall protect and indemnify the Owner and its officials & employees
against any claim or liability arising out of violations of any such laws, ordinances, orders,
decree, whether by himself or by his employees or his authorised representatives. Nothing
extra shall be payable on these accounts.

45.1 Labour Welfare Cess

As per circular No. GHR/2005/04/CWA/2004/841/M-3 dt. 3/1/05 and G.R. No. CWA/2004-
1831-M(3) dt. 9/12/05 issued by G.O.G. 1 % cess tax (non-refundable) shall be deducted from
every bills which shall be deposited to Govt. Labour Department for Labour welfare fund.

46.0 Currencies

All payments shall be made in Indian Rupees.

47.0 Price Variation

No price variation shall be given for work done and materials.

48.0 Retain from Each Interim Payment Certificate (R A Bill).

48.1 Retention Money

The Employer shall retain, from each payment against Interim Payment Certificate (for work
done, any price variation, amount of Non tender Item, etc) issued by the Engineer to the
Contractor, 2% amount of the sum of value of work done + value of variations + value of Non
tender Item as agreed for payment as retention money. This retention money shall be
release with release of Final bill amount.
Signature of Bidder Page 57 AMC
48.2 Retention Money -2
- Deleted

49.0 Liquidated Damages

100% of work by end of time limit.

If the contractor fails to complete the work under contract by the stipulated date, he shall
pay liquidated damages of at the rate of 0.1 percentage of the contract value per day from
the date of delay the said work upto the date of completion and handing over the

However also if the contractor fails to complete any part of the work as designed in Schedule
(c) by the time indicated against such part, he shall pay Liquidated damages per day from the
date of delaying the said part of the work upto the date of completion of the said designed
part at the rates shown in the said schedule of the contract value of such part for such failure
till the said designed part is completed.

The aggregate maximum of liquidated damages payable under tender clause shall not exceed
0.10 Percentages of contract value per day and shall be subject to the maximum amount of
ten(10) percentage of the estimated amount put to tender.

Delay requiring payment of ten percentage liquidated damages of the amount put to tender
for performance shall be sufficient causes for termination of contract and for forfeiture of
security deposit including amount of performance bond.

50.0 Advance Payment

No Advance Payment shall be made.

51.0 Securities Deposit

51.1 The Securities Deposit 5% of the Contract amount shall be provided by the Contractor to the
Employer not later than 15 days from the letter of acceptance and shall be issued in the said
amount and on approved form and by a bank or surety approved by the Employer and
denominated in Indian Rupees. The Securities Deposit shall be valid till 180 days beyond Date
of completion and the additional security for unbalanced bids shall be valid till 180 days
beyond Date of completion.. The Securities Deposit shall be payable within 15 days from
date of receipt of LOA failing which interest @4% per annum will be charges by AMC.

52.0 Cost of Repairs

52.1 Loss or damage to the Works or Materials to be incorporated in the Works between the
Start Date and the end of the Defects Correction periods shall be remedied by the Contractor
at the Contractor's cost if the loss or damage arises from the Contractor's acts or omissions.

Signature of Bidder Page 58 AMC

E. Finishing the Contract

53.0 Completion

53.1 The Contractor shall request the Engineer to issue a Certificate of Completion of the Works
and the Engineer will do so upon deciding that the Work is completed.

54.0 Taking Over

The Employer shall take over the Site and the Works within seven days of the Engineer
issuing a certificate of Completion.

55.0 Final Account

55.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a detailed account of the total amount that the
Contractor considers payable under the Contract within 60 days of issue of completion
certificate. The Engineer shall check the bill and certify any final payment that is due to the
Contractor within 60 days of receiving the Contractor’s account if it is correct and complete.
If it is not, the Engineer shall issue within 15 days a schedule that states the scope of the
corrections or additions that are necessary for the correction and certify payment of 50% of
the undisputed amount to the contractor. If the Final Account is still unsatisfactory after it
has been resubmitted the Engineer shall decide on the amount payable to the Contractor
and issue a payment certificate, within 60 days of receiving the Contractor’s revised account.

55.2 The Contract shall remain active until issue of the Defects Liability Certificate.

55.3 Despite issuance of the Defects Liability Certificate, the contract between the Employer and
the Contractor shall remain in force in respect of unperformed obligations incurred under
the provisions of the Contract prior to the issue of the Defects Liability Certificate

56.0 Deleted

57.0 Termination

57.1 The Employer or the Contractor may terminate the Contract if the other party causes a
fundamental breach of the Contract.

57.2 Fundamental breaches of Contract include, but shall not be limited to the following:

i. the Contractor stops work for 28 days when no stoppage of work is shown on the
current Program and the stoppage has not been authorised by the Engineer:

ii. the Engineer instructs the Contractor to delay the progress of the Works and the
instruction is not withdrawn within 28 days.

iii. the Employer or the Contractor becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than
for a reconstruction restructure or amalgamation.

iv. a payment certified by the Engineer is not paid by the Employer to the Contractor within
50 days of the date of the Engineer’s certificate:

Signature of Bidder Page 59 AMC

v. the Engineer gives Notice that failure to correct a particular Defect is a fundamental
breach of Contract and the Contractor fails to correct it within a reasonable period of
time determined by the Engineer.
vi. the Contractor does not maintain a security which is required.
vii. the Contractor has delayed the completion of works by the number days for which the
maximum amount of liquidated damages can be paid as defined in the Contract data
viii. if the Contractor, in the judgement of the Employer has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for or in the executing the Contract.
ix. if the contractor has contravened clause 7.1 and clause 9.0

For the purpose of this paragraph: “ corrupt practice” means the offering, giving,
receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in
the procurement process or in contract execution. “Fraudulent practice” means a
misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution
of a contract to the detriment of the Employer, and includes collusive practice. Bidders
(prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-
competitive levels and to deprive the Employer of the benefits of free and open

57.3 When either party to the Contract gives notice of a breach of contract to the Engineer for a
cause other than those listed under Sub Clause 57.2 above, the Engineer shall decide
whether the breach is fundamental or not.

57.4 Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may terminate the Contract for convenience
subject to payment of compensation to the contractor. Loss of profit shall be calculated on
the same basis as adopted for calculation of extra/additional items.

57.5 If the Contract is terminated the Contractor shall stop work immediately, make the Site safe
and secure and leave the Site as soon as reasonably possible.

58.0 Payment upon Termination

58.1 If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of Contract by the

Contractor, the Engineer shall issue a certificate for the value of the work done less other
recoveries due in terms of the contract, less taxes due to be deducted at source as per
applicable law and less the percentage to apply to the work not completed as indicated in
the Contract Data. Additional Liquidated Damages shall not apply. If the total amount due to
the Employer exceeds any payment due to the Contractor, the difference shall be a debt
payable to the Employer.

58.2 If the Contract is terminated at the Employer’s convenience or because of a fundamental

breach of Contract by the Employer, the Engineer shall issue a certificate for the value of the
work done, the reasonable cost of removal of Equipment repatriation of the Contractor’s
personnel employed solely on the Works, and the Contractor’s costs of protecting and
securing the Works and loss of profit on uncompleted works less other recoveries due in
terms of the contract and less taxes due to be deducted at source as per applicable law.

59.0 Property

All materials on the Site, Plant, Equipment, Temporary Works and Works for which payment
has been made to the contractor by the Employer, are deemed to be the property of the
Employer, if the Contract is terminated because of a Contractor’s default.

Signature of Bidder Page 60 AMC

60.0 Release from Performance

If the Contract is frustrated by the outbreak of war or by other event entirely outside the
control of either the Employer or the Contractor, the Engineer shall certify that the Contract
has been frustrated. The Contractor shall leave the Site and stop work as quickly as possible
after receiving this certificate and shall be paid for all work carried out before receiving it and
for any work carried out afterwards to which commitment was made

61.0 Defect liability Period

61.1.1 “Defects Liability Period” as stated in the contract data means the period calculated from:

i. The date of completion of the work certified by the Engineer in accordance with Clause
53.1 and its sub clauses of these conditions of contract.
ii. The respective dates in case different dates of completion of the part works are certified
by the Engineer.

61.2.1 Completion of outstanding work and remedying defects:

a. The contractor shall complete the outstanding work with due diligence. All such work as
listed by the Engineer at the time of issue of “Taking over Certificate “and also.
b. The contractor shall execute all such work of amendment, reconstruction and
remedying defects, shrinkages or other faults as the Engineer may, during the defects
liability period or within 14 days of its expiration, as a result of an inspection made by or
on behalf of the Engineer, prior to its expiration, instruct the contractor to execute.

61.2.3 Costs of all works referred to in clause 52.1 above shall be borne by the contractor.

61.2.4 During the Defect Liability period, it shall appear to the Engineer-in-charge or his subordinates
that any work has been executed with unsound, imperfect, or unskilful workmanship or with
materials of inferior quality; or that any materials or articles provided by him for the execution
of the work are unsound, or of a inferior quality, or other- wise not in accordance with the
contract, it shall be lawful for the Engineer-in-charge to intimate this fact in writing to the
contractor and the contractor shall be bound forthwith to rectify, or remove and reconstruct
the work so specified in whole or in part as the case may be.

61.2.5 Failing which within a period to be specified by the Engineer-in-charge in the written
intimation aforesaid, the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation at the rate of one
percent on the amount of the tender for every day not exceeding ten days, in the event of
any such failure as aforesaid the Engineer-in-charge may rectify or remove and re-execute the
work or remove and replace the materials or articles complained or as the case may be at the
risk and expense in all respects of the contractor.

61.2.6 Engineer-in-charge consider that any such inferior work or materials as described above may
be accepted or made use of it; shall be within his discretion to accept the same at such
reduced rates along with the appropriate penalty as the Municipal Commissioner may deem

Signature of Bidder Page 61 AMC

F. General Description and Scope of Work

62.0 Scope of work

62.1 The scope of work and explanatory notes given are neither complete nor exhaustive but are
added to assist the Contractor to understand the project. The detail scope is as described in
the schedule B and specifications. However any item of work required to be carried out for
proper and satisfactory completion of work with the highest standard of workmanship is
deemed to be included in the scope of work whether or not it is specifically included in the
schedule B.

62.2 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the true and proper setting out of the
alignments and for the provision of all necessary instruments, at any time during the
execution of the work. In case of any error regarding location, levels, dimensions, or
alignment of any part of the work, the Contractor on being required to rectify such errors as
may be pointed out by the Engineer, shall at his own expense do so, to the satisfaction of the
Engineer. The checking of any setting out of any line or level by the Engineer or his
representative shall not, in any way, relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities for the
correctness thereof. The Contractor shall carefully protect and preserve all benchmarks, site
nails, pegs, reference pillars and other measures used in setting out of the work.

62.3 The works shall, inter alia, include the following, as specified or as directed.

i. Site clearance, removal of tree stumps and dismantling of obstructions, encroachments

etc. before commencement of the works;

ii. True and proper setting out and layout of the works as per the instruction of Engineer In
Charge at no extra cost, provisions of all necessary labours, instruments, and appliances;

iii. Ensuring safe traffic movement at all times during construction;

iv. Any other item of work as may be required to be carried out for completing the road
works in all respects in accordance with the provisions of the contract;

v. During night work proper lighting arrangement should be provided by the contractor;

vi. During the period of the contract, the right of way and all existing roads shall be kept
open for traffic and maintained in a safe and usable condition. Residents along and
adjacent to the works are to be provided with safe convenient access to their properties
at all times. Traffic control and traffic diversions shall be used as necessary to protect
the work and maintain them as directed by the engineer and provided in the contract;

vii. All aspects of quality assurance of various components of the work;

viii. Clearing of site and handing over of the works;

ix. Rectification of the defects in the completed works during the defects liability period;

63.0 Climatic Conditions

It shall be deemed that the Contractor has satisfied himself to the nature and location of the
work, general and local conditions and particularly those pertaining to transport handling
and availability and storage of materials, availability of labour, weather conditions, that he
has estimated his cost accordingly and the client will bear no responsibility for the lack of
Signature of Bidder Page 62 AMC
such knowledge of site conditions and also consequences thereof, to the bidder. The
information and the data shown in the drawings and mentioned herein and elsewhere under
the contract are furnished for general information only and the client in no case will be held
responsible for the strict accuracy thereof or any deductions, interpretations or conclusion
drawn there from by the contractor.

The climate in this region is moderately hot. The monsoon depends upon the advent of the
south -west wind but the normal rainy season commences from early June and lasts up to
early October in this region. Occasionally, shower may be expected even earlier. There is
generally no rain beyond October though some stray showers may be experienced. The
yearly average rainfall in the area is about 30” (750 mm).

64.0 Availability of Labour

Unskilled labour may be available locally and skilled labour may also be available locally or in
the immediate city area for the work of this type and magnitude.

65.0 Marketing Centres

Site is locating the city.

66.0 Housing, Water Supply and Drainage etc.

Housing accommodation on hire is likely to be available in this area around the site. The
Contractor has to make his own arrangements for the housing of labourers. The land
required for setting up stacking of materials, site office, labour quarters, testing laboratory,
etc. will be arranged by contractor.
Water Supply for drinking purposes and construction purpose at the site shall also have to be
arranged by the Contractor at his own cost as may be required. The water can be available by
drilling bore hole.

67.0 Facilities

Nearest Railway Station is Sabarmati and kalupur from the work site. A post office is also

The nearest airport is Amdavad Airport.

68.0 Materials

68.1 All materials Plant and equipment and workmanship shall be:
a) of the respective kinds described in the contract and in accordance with the Engineers
instructions and

b) Subjected from time to time such tests as the Engineer may require at place of
manufacture, fabrication or preparation, or on the Site OR at such other place or
places as may be specified in the contract or at all or any of such places.

68.2 All Contractors materials, plant, machinery and equipment shall be deemed to have been
exclusively brought to site for the execution of the works and shall not be removed from site
without the consent of the Engineer.

Signature of Bidder Page 63 AMC

68.3 Employer shall not be liable for damage to Contractors equipment at any time unless
otherwise expressly stated in the contract.

68.4 Deleted.

68.5 Deleted.

68.6 The provisions of the sub clauses 68.2, 68.3 and 68.5 shall be applicable to the sub
contractors appointed by the Contractor in accordance with this contract.

68.7 All the above sub clauses 68.2, 68.3, 68.5 and 68.6 do not in any way imply approval to any
kind of materials used in the works.

68.8 All samples shall be supplied and tested by the Contractor at his own cost.

68.9 The cost of all tests shall be borne by the Contractor except the tests that are required by
the Engineer are clearly beyond the Contractors obligations of proving the quality and
workmanship standards of all materials, equipment, plants and Works. The Engineer shall
determine the costs and time effects of such tests that are not a part of the Contractors

68.10 The Contractor will have to make his own arrangement for plants, equipments, and
machinery to be used in the execution of this work well in time after award of the contract
and as per work program given by him.

68.11 Contractor shall give Engineer a 24 hours notice for inspection of works or witnessing of
test. The Contractor shall proceed with the works or tests in case the Engineer does not
attend. Such tests and shall be deemed to have been carried out in the presence of the

68.12 The Engineer may reject such material, plant, part of the works which are defective and/ or
otherwise not in accordance with the contract and notify the Contractor. The notice shall
state the Engineers objections and reasons. The Contractor shall then promptly rectify the
defect or ensure that rejected materials or plant are not used in the Works. In case the
Contractor wishes to retest such materials, plant or works declared defective by the
Engineer, he has to bear the time and cost effects of such retests as mutually agreed with the
Employer in consultation with the Engineer.

68.13 The Contractor shall have to make his own arrangement to get the power supply from
concerned electric authority. The cost of electrical charges are to be borne by contractor.

69.0 Labour Employment

69.1 Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, make his own arrangements for
the engagement of all staff and labour, local or other, and their payment, housing, feeding
and transport.

69.2 Contractor shall furnish the Engineer every week during the progress of the works, classified
weekly returns of the number of the people employed on the work during the week. The
report of skilled and unskilled labour shall be given in the prescribed form.

The Contractor shall strictly observe all the requirements laid down in the contract labour
(Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1979 and the contract labour (Regulation and Abolition)

Signature of Bidder Page 64 AMC

(Gujarat) Rules, 1972 and other acts as amended from time to time so far as applicable from
time to time.
The contractor, if directed by the Engineer shall increase or decrease the strength of the
labour both skilled and unskilled required for the work. The Contractor shall also furnish the
following returns.

a) A report of any accident, which may have occurred, within 24 hours of its occurrence.

b) To maintain hygienic condition in labour camp and construction site as per the rules and
regulation of authority and health department.

c) Accident reports within 24 hours of occurrence of each accident. The Contractor shall

d) Not import, sell give or barter alcoholic liquor or drugs.

e) Not import, sell give or barter arms and ammunition.

70.0 Program Through Net Work Technique

70.1 The Contractor shall furnish a complete Bar Chart considering all activities right from the
award of work to mobilisation at site, procurement of materials, machinery’s / equipments/
labour etc. for completion of the work in all respects and get it approved from the Engineer,
latest within two weeks after issue of notice to proceed with work. This shall form part of the
contract agreement. This program will be reviewed by the Engineer, in consultation with the
Contractor every month to assess the shortfall and to decide actions to be taken.

70.2 The Contractor shall further abide by the following instruction:

a) The Contractor shall cooperate fully for clarifying or evaluating schedule and also for
ensuring control or monitoring the progress of the work, as per approved schedule from
time to time.

b) The Contractor shall endeavour to minimise revision of the program as far as possible
after the work gets into the construction.

c) The Contractor shall immediately inform the Engineer whenever there is or there is likely
to be, any change in his schedule.

d) In case of a schedule slippage due to the contractor’s inability to perform as contracted,

the Contractor shall immediately take such action as may be necessary to bring back his
work to schedule without additional cost to the Client, either by employing over time
operations, increasing the number of shifts, capacity of equipments etc. or as directed by
the Engineer.
71.0 Foreign Exchange Requirement

It should be clearly understood that no foreign exchange sanction would be made available
for either purchase of equipments, plants, machinery’s, material of any kind or any other
thing, required for execution of the work. It should also be clearly understood that no
request for importing equipments, materials, plants, etc. that may be required in carrying out
the work shall be entertained.

Signature of Bidder Page 65 AMC

72.0 Relation with Public Authorities

The Contractor shall comply with all obligations arising out of legal orders and directions that
may be given to him from time to time, by any local or public authorities and shall pay out of
his own money, all charges becoming payable to such authorities. He shall co-ordinate his
activities during execution, with all agencies including AMC, Design Consultants, construction
management consultants, agencies like TPL (Torrent Power Ltd.), GEB (Gujarat Electricity
Board), AMC (Amdavad Municipal Corporation), Irrigation Department, AUDA (Amdavad
Urban Development Authority), Government of India, Railway Department, Government of
Gujarat Amdavad Telephones and their representatives without any dispute.

73.0 Register to be Maintained

As guided by engineer in charge.

73.1 The Contractor Shall Further Abide by the Following Instructions

73.1.1 Soon after receipt of work order awarding the contract, the Contractor for all purposes
connected with the execution of work, shall immediately make his own arrangements for
obtaining Electricity supply and required supply of water in such quantity and of such quality
at such places on the work as may be necessary, by paying charges to the authorities
supplying the same after completing all formal procedures as may be required as per the
rules with them. The rates quoted in the tender are for completed items of work and shall
cover cost of water and electricity as aforesaid. Water for drinking purposes for labourers
etc. shall also have to be arranged by the Contractor at his own cost. No cost shall be borne
by Employer on this account. Employer shall not be responsible in any way for this purpose.
However, the contractor shall be given all possible assistance in the procurement of these
requirements but no assurance can be given by Employer.

73.1.2 The bidder must clearly understand that the rates quoted are for completed items of work
and as such includes all costs associated with labour, materials, Wastage if any, scaffoldings,
plants, equipments, supervision, survey works, power, water., sales tax / income tax, and
other taxes in force and may be imposed by competent authority after wards including turn
over work tax, duties and any other requirements contingent upon and needed to carry out
the construction. The income tax will be deducted from the running account bill as per rules.

73.1.3 No claim by the Contractor for additional payment will be allowed on the ground of any
misunderstanding or misapprehension in respect of technical interpretations of conditions or
any such matter or otherwise on the ground of any allegation of fact that incorrect
information was given to him in the tender or by any person, whether in the employment of
the client or consultant or of the failure on his part, to obtain correct information. The bidder
shall not be relieved of any risks or obligations imposed upon or undertaken by him, under
the contract, or any such ground or on the ground that he did not or could not foresee any
matter, which may in fact, affect or have affected the execution of the work.

74.0 Equipment and Accessories

The Contractor shall provide all the equipments and accessories for execution of work.

75.0 Patent rights

The Contractor shall save harmless and indemnify the Employer from and against all claims
and proceedings for or on account of infringement of any patent rights, design trademark or

Signature of Bidder Page 66 AMC

name or protected rights in respect of Contractors equipment, material or Plant used for or
in connection with incorporation in the Works.

76.0 Royalties

The Contractor shall pay all royalties for getting construction materials required for the

77.0 Urgent Remedial work:

If, by reason of any accident, or failure, or other event occurring to, in, or in connection with
the Works, or any part thereof, either during the execution of the Works, or during defects
liability period, any remedial or other work is, in the opinion of the Engineer, urgently
necessary for the safety of the Works and the Contractor is unable or unwilling at once to do
such work, the Employer shall be entitled to employ and pay other persons to carry out such
work as the Engineer may consider necessary. If the work or repair so done by the Employer
is work which, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor was liable to do at his own cost
under the Contract, then all costs consequent thereon or incidental thereto shall, after due
consultation with the Employer and the Contractor, be determined by the Engineer and shall
be recoverable by the Employer from the Contractor, and may be deducted by the Employer
from any monies due or to become due to the Contractor and the Engineer shall notify the
Contractor accordingly, with a copy to the Employer. Provided that the Engineer shall, as
soon after the occurrence of emergency as may be reasonably practicable, notify the
Contractor thereof.

78.0 Special Risks:

78.1 The Contractor shall be under no liability whatsoever in consequence of any of the special
risks referred to in sub clause 78.5 whether by way of indemnity or otherwise,for or in
respect of :

78.2 Destruction or damage to work, except defective works to be removed and rectified, prior to
he occurrence of the said special risks.

78.3 Destruction of or damage to property, whether of the Employer or third parties or Injury or
loss of life, not caused by negligence of the Contractor and even after following all the safety
norms by the Contractor.

78.4 The special risks are as defined in sub clause 78.1 of these conditions. Destruction
caused by a projectile, missile or bomb is also included in special risks.

78.5 The Contractor shall be entitled to payment in accordance with the Contract on account of
damages covered under special risks as stated in clause 78.1 and 78.2 for any permanent
work executed and for any material or plant so destroyed or damaged as required by the
Engineer or as necessary for the completion of the works. The payment shall be for

i. rectifying any such destruction or damage to works

ii. replacing or rectifying such materials or Contractor’s Equipment.

and the Engineer shall determine an addition to the Contract Price in accordance to the sub
clause 41 of these conditions, and shall notify the Contractor accordingly with a copy to the

Signature of Bidder Page 67 AMC

78.6 The Contractor shall inform by giving notice to the Engineer with a copy to Employer, as soon
as events covered by special risks occur and the cost implications of these.

78.7 The Contractor shall use his best endeavours to complete the execution of Works in the event
of outbreak of war in any part of the world.

78.8 In case the Employer chooses to terminate the contract on account of the outbreak of war,
the Contractor shall remove his plant and machinery from site diligently. Similar facility shall
be extended to the sub contractors.

78.9 In the event of termination of contract on account of outbreak of war, the Contractor shall
be entitled to payment towards the following items apart from other payments due as per
conditions of contract

78.10 Sum being the amount of any expenditure reasonably incurred by the Contractor, in the
expectation of completing the whole of the works, in so far as such expenditure has not been
covered by any other payments.

78.11 Proportionate demobilisation costs towards manpower and machinery and plant.

78.12 The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment on and off the site
and avoid damage or nuisance to persons or property of the public and others arising as a
consequence of his method of operation.

78.13 The Contractor shall maintain in good condition all work throughout execution, completion
and defects liability period. The contractor shall be responsible for and to make good all
injuries, damages and repairs, rendered necessary by fire, rain, traffic, floods or other causes

78.14 The Contractor shall be responsible for maintenance and watch and ward of the complete
installation and shall also be responsible for any pilferage, theft, damage, penalty etc. in this
regard. The Contractor shall indemnify the Engineer against any claim arising out of pilferage
/ theft, damage, penalty etc. whatsoever on this account. Security deposit for the work shall
be released only after the clearance is obtained from the local authorities from whom
temporary electric/ water I telephone connection have been obtained by the contractor.

78.15 The Contractor shall depute Engineers & skilled workers as required for the work. Necessary
protective and safety equipments shall be provided to them by the Contractor at his own
cost and used at site.

78.16 Security & Traffic Arrangements

In event of any restriction being imposed by the Security Staff of The Employer, Amdavad
Municipal Corporation traffic or any other local governing body having control over the
project, on the working or movement of labour, materials, the Contractor shall strictly follow
all such restrictions or instructions issued regarding the same and nothing extra shall be
payable to the Contractor on account of such restrictions or instructions. In case of loss of
time on this account if any, shall have to be made up by generating additional resources etc.

General security restrictions are given as under:

i. The movement of trucks and vehicles shall be regulated in accordance with rules and
regulations as approved by competent authorities.
ii. The Contractor shall inform in advance, if required, the truck registration numbers
ownership of the trucks, names and addresses of the drivers for necessary action by the
security agency.
Signature of Bidder Page 68 AMC
iii. As and when there will be security requirements, certain additional restrictions can be
imposed as per the requirement of the situation.
iv. No claim whatsoever will be entertained by the Employer on account of any restriction
that can be imposed as per the requirement of the situation.

79.0 Force Majeure

Neither party shall be to liable to the other for any loss of damage occasioned by or arising
out of acts of god, and in particulars, unprecedented Floods, volcanic eruption earth quake
or other convulsion of nature, and other acts such as but not restricted to general strike,
invasion, the act of foreign countries, hostilities or war like operations before or after
declaration of war, rebellion, military or usurped power which prevent performance of the
contract and which could not have been for seen or avoided by a prudent person.

80.0 Changes in Cost and Legislation

There shall be no addition or deduction from the Contract Price due to changes to any
National or State Statute, Ordinance, Decree, Law, Regulation or byelaw. The adjustment to
Contract Price effected under various sub clauses detailed in clause 41 shall be deemed to
cover such costs.

There shall be no addition or deduction from the Contract Price due to changes to any
National or State Statute, Ordinance, Decree, Law, Regulation or byelaw. The adjustment to
Contract Price effected under various sub clauses detailed in clause 41 shall be deemed to
cover such costs.

Signature of Bidder Page 69 AMC

G. Special Conditions of Contract

81.0 Special Conditions of Contract

81.1 As the work is to be constructed in heavy traffic area, Employer will not be in a position to
give entire stretch of work at a time. No claim shall be entertained for the same.

81.2 If any utility fouls during execution, same shall be shifted by the contractor as directed by
Engineer-in-charge. No claim for time extension shall be entertained for the same.

81.3 Contractor is required to use his own national / international practices of tracing out or
locate underground utilities below the ground at no cost to the Employer.

81.4 No claim shall be entertained if the items stipulated in the tender shall not be executed as
per site condition/ requirements.

81.5 No idle charges shall be paid to contractor if any machinery and man power remain idle and
no claim shall be entertained for the same.

81.6 Municipal Commissioner Reserves the rights to reduce / increase the scope of work up to any
extent without assigning reason thereof and the contractor has to execute the BOQ items at
his tender rate.

81.7 If any cables (electric, telephone, communication, etc.), Gas line foul during execution
contractor shall start work at other available work front until such cables / Gas line are
shifted. No claim for time extension shall be entertained for the same.

81.8 Conditions mentioned in the AMC Finance Department Circular No.9 Dt. 18-05-2012; Circular
No.18 Dt. 04-07-2012; Circular No.57 Dt.28-12-2014 and Circular No.60 Dt.24.10.2015 shall
also be applicable


The Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, make his own arrangements
for the engagement of all staff and labour, local or other, and for their payment, housing,
feeding and transport.
The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer, deliver to the Engineer a return in detail, in
such form and at such intervals as the Engineer may prescribe, showing the staff and the
numbers of the several classes of labour from time to time employed by the Contractor on
the Site and such other information as the Engineer may require.


During continuance of the contract, the Contractor and his sub contractors shall abide at all
times by all existing labour enactment and rules made there under, regulations, notifications
and bye laws of the State or Central Government or local authority and any other labour law
(including rules) regulations, bye laws that may be passed or notification that may be issued
under any labour law in future either by the State or Central Government or the local
authority. Salient features of some of the major labour laws that are applicable to
construction industry are given below. The Contractor shall keep the Employer indemnified
in case any action is taken against the Employer by the competent authority on account of
contravention of any of the provisions of any Act or rules made there under, regulations or
notifications including amendments. If the Employer is caused to pay or reimburse such
amounts as may be necessary to cause or observe, or for non-observance of the provisions
stipulated in the notifications/bye laws/Acts/Rules/regulations including amendments, if any,
Signature of Bidder Page 70 AMC
on the part of the Contractor the Nodal Officer or his nominee/Employer shall have the right
to deduct any money due to the Contractor including his amount of performance security.
The Engineer or his nominee shall also have right to recover from the Contractor any sum
required or estimated to be required for making good the loss or damage suffered by the
The employees of the Contractor and the Sub-Contractor in no case shall be treated as the
employees of the Employer at any point of time.



(a) Workmen Compensation Act 1923:- The Act provides for compensation in case of
injury by accident arising out of and during the course of employment.
b) Payment of Gratuity Act 1972: Gratuity is payable to an employee under the
Act on satisfaction of certain conditions on separation if an employee has completed 5
years service or more on death at the rate of 15 days wages for every completed year
of service. The Act is applicable to all establishments employing 10 or more employees.
c) Employees P.F and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952: The Act Provides for monthly
contributions by the employer plus workers @ 12%/8.33%. The benefits payable under
the Act are:
(i) Pension to family pension on retirement or death, as the case may be.
(ii) Deposit linked insurance on the death in harness of the worker.
(iii) Payment of P.F accumulation on retirement/death etc.

d) Maternity Benefit Act 1951:- The Act provides for leave and some other benefits to
workmen/ employees in case of confinement or miscarriage etc.
e) Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970:- The Act provides for certain
welfare measures to be provided by the Contractor to contract labour and in case the
Contractor fails to provide, the same are required to be provided, by the Principal
Employer by Law. The Principal Employer is required to- take Certificate of Registration
and the Contractor is required to take license from the designated Officer. The Act is
applicable to the establishments or Contractor of Principal Employer if they employ 20
or more contract labor.
f) Minimum Wages Act 1948: The Employer is supposed to pay not less than the
Minimum Wages fixed by appropriate Government as per provisions of the Act if the
employment is a scheduled employment Construction of Buildings, Roads, Runways
are scheduled employment.
g) Payment of Wages Act 1936:- It lays down as to by what date the wages are to be paid
when it will be paid and what deductions can be made from the wages of the workers.
h) Equal Remuneration Act 1979:- The Act provides for payment of equal wages for work
of equal nature to Male and Female workers and for not making discrimination against
Female employees in the matters of transfers, training and promotions etc.
i) Payment of Bonus Act 1965: The Act is applicable to all establishments employing 20 or
more employees. The Act provides for payments of annual bonus subject to a
minimum of 8.33% of wages and maximum of 20% of wages to employees drawing Rs.
3500/- per month or less. The bonus to be paid to employees getting Rs. 2500/- per
month or above up to Rs. 3500/- per month shall be worked out by taking wages as Rs.
2500/- per month only. The Act does not apply to certain establishments. The newly
set-up establishments are exempted for five years in certain circumstances. Some of
the State Governments have reduced the employment size from 20 to 10 for the
purpose of applicability of this Act.
j) Industrial Disputes Act 1947:- The Act lays down the machinery and procedure for
resolution of Industrial disputes, in what situations a strike or lock out becomes illegal

Signature of Bidder Page 71 AMC

and what are the requirements for laying off or retrenching the employees or closing
down the establishment.
k) Industrial Employment’s (Standing Orders) Act 1946:- It is applicable to all
establishments employing 100 or more workmen (employment size reduced by some
of the States and Central Government to 50). The act provides for laying down rules
governing the conditions of employment by the Employer on matters provided in the
Act and get same certified by the designated Authority.
l) Trade Unions Act 1926:- The Act lays down the procedure for registration of trade
union of workmen and employers. The Trade Union registered under the Act has been
given certain immunities from civil and criminal liabilities.
m) Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986:- The Act prohibits employment of
children below 14 years of age in certain occupations and processes and provides for
regulation of employment of Children in all other occupations and processes.
Employment of Child Labour is prohibited in Building and Construction Industry.
n) Inter-State Migrant workmen’s (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of Service) Act
The Act is applicable to an establishment which employs 5 or more inter-state migrant
workmen through an intermediary (who has recruited workmen in one state for
employment in the establishment situated in another state). The Inter-State migrant
workmen, in establishment to which this Act becomes applicable, are required to be
provided certain facilities such as housing, medical aid, travelling expenses from home
upon the establishment and back, etc.
o) The Building and Other Construction workers (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Act 1996 and the Cess Act of 1996:- All the establishments who
carry on any building or other construction work and employ 10 or more workers are
covered under this Act. All such establishments are required to pay cess at the rate not
exceeding 2% of the cost of construction as may be modified by the Government. The
Employer of the establishment is required to provide safety measures at the Building
or Construction work and other welfare measures, such as Canteens, First-Aid facilities,
Ambulance, Housing accommodations for workers near the work place etc. The
Employer to whom the Act applies has to obtain a registration certificate from the
Registering Officer appointed by the Government.
p) Factories Act 1948:- The Act lays down the procedure for approval at plans before
setting up a factory, health and safety provisions, welfare provisions, working hours,
annual earned leave and rendering information regarding accidents or dangerous
occurrences to designated authorities. It is applicable to premises employing 10
persons or more with aid of power or 20 more persons without the aid of power
engaged in manufacturing process.

Signature of Bidder Page 72 AMC

Amdavad Municipal Corporation Section - IV :TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

Section - III : Contract Data

1. The Employer is
Amdavad Municipal Corporation
“Sardar Patel Bhavan”
Amdavad – 380 001

2. Name of authorised Representative of Employer: The Municipal Commissioner, AMC,

Amdavad or his representative deputed by him.

3. The defects Liability Period is one years from the date of completion. The date of completion
is as per completion certificate, which will be issued by AMC.

4. The Start Date shall be from the date of issue of notice to proceed with the work.

7 Time limit is 12 (Twelve) (including monsoon )months

8. The Site is located in Amdavad City.

9. Name of Work:- ARC Tender for Repairing & Strengthening work for AMC West Side
various bridges (i.e., ROB, FOB, RUB, Box Culvert, River Bridge) as per Inspection
Report Given by Bridge Inspection Agency in Amdavad City.

10. The following document also form part of the Contract:

Volume-1 Condition of contract and technical information
Volume-2 Financial Bid

11. The law which applies to the Contract is the law of Union of India

12. The language of the contract document is English

13. Subcontracting is allowed only with prior permission from Engineer / Employer.

16. The minimum insurance cover for physical property, injury and death is Rs. 10 lakh per

17. The Site Possession Date shall be the immediate next day on award of work.

18. Appointing Authority for the Dispute Review Expert - The Municipal Commissioner, Amdavad
Municipal Corporation

19. The period for submission of the programme for approval of Engineer shall be 15 days from
the issue of work order / Notice Proceed.

20. The period between programme updates shall be 1 Month.

22. The following events shall not be compensated on any account :

Contractor should make its own assessment for the following aspects before bidding.

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Amdavad Municipal Corporation Section - IV :TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

Substantially adverse ground conditions encountered during the course of execution of work
not provided for in the bidding document.

(i) Removal of utilities

(iii) Removal of unsuitable material like marsh, debris dumps, etc not caused by the
(vi) Presence of historical, archaeological or religious structures, monuments interfering
with the works

(viii) Suitable arrangement for diversion of traffic.

23. The currency of the Contract is Indian Rupees.

24. Retention Money @ 2 % of the value of work done including any Price variation paid to
Contractor will be deducted from each RA bill. It will be released along with the final bill.

25. 100% of work by end of time limit.

Amount of Liquidated
i.) If the contractor fails to complete the work under
damages for delay in
contract by the stipulated date, he shall pay
completion of works.
liquidated damages of at the rate of 0.1 percentage
of the contract value per day from the date of delay
the said work upto the date of completion and
handing over the Government.
ii.) However also if the contractor fails to complete any
part of the work as designed in Schedule (c) by the
time indicated against such part, he shall pay
Liquidated damages per day from the date of
delaying the said part of the work upto the date of
completion of the said designed part at the rates
shown in the said schedule of the contract value of
such part for such failure till the said designed part
is completed.
iii.) The aggregate maximum of liquidated damages
payable under tender clause shall not exceed 0.10
Percentages of contract value per day and shall be
subject to the maximum amount of ten(10)
percentage of the estimated amount put to tender.

26 Security Deposite In the form of Bank Guarantee from bank as mentioned in

the Annexure-VII in favour of Municipal Commissioner,
Amdavad amount equal to 5% amount of Contract Price,
valid till 180 days beyond date of completion of work. The
Security deposit shall be payable within 15 days from date of
receipt of LOA failing which interest @4% per annum will be
charges by AMC

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Amdavad Municipal Corporation Section - IV :TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS


1. The Post Qualification of the bidders is being done to assess the capability and capacity of
the bidder for the work as mentioned above. All bidders shall include the following
information and documents with their bids. The information shall be given in the
prescribed forms as under.

2. Documents Contains following Forms:

a. Form 'A' - Structure & Organisation

b. Form ‘B’ - Available Bid Capacity
c. Form 'C’ - Financial Statement
d. Form 'D’ - Details of Personnel
e. Form 'E' - Plant and Equipment
f. Form 'F1' - Work Experience
Form 'F2' - Details of relevant Projects.
Form 'F3' - Details of Works in hand.
g. Form 'G’ - Information pertaining to Quality Assurance System.
h. Form ‘H’ - Work Plan / Construction Methodology
i. Form ‘I' - Details of Projects under Litigation/Arbitrations / lost
j. Form 'J' - Undertaking by the Bidder

3. Additional sheets can be added to the forms, if required. All the sheets of each of the
forms shall be clearly marked in the right top corner in the following manner: Form - 'A'
Page -1, Form - 'A' Page - 2, Form - 'A' - Page - 3 etc.

4. Some of the Forms will require attachments. Such attachments should be clearly marked
in the manner indicated below: Attachment-1 to Form -'A', Attachment-2 to Form -'A' etc.

5. While submitting the forms, The Bidder shall enclose latest copies of brochures and
technical documentation giving additional information about the Bidder.

6. The enclosed forms should be filled-in completely answering all the questions. If any
particular query is not relevant, it should be replied as 'not applicable'.

7. Financial data, project costs, value of works etc., should be given in Indian Rupees only.
These shall be indexed as per foot note for clause 1.2

8. For any clarification contact: The Add. City Engineer (Road & Bridge Project),
Danapith, Ahmedabad – 380 001

9. If the application is made by a partnership firm it shall be signed by all the partners of the
firm, above their full names and current addresses, or by a partner holding the power of
attorney for the firm for signing the application, in which case a certified copy of the
power of attorney shall accompany the application. A certified copy of the partnership
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Amdavad Municipal Corporation Section - IV :TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

deed, current address of the firm and the full names and current addresses of all the
partners of the firm shall also accompany the application.
10. If the application is made by a limited company or a limited corporation, it shall be signed
by a duly authorized person holding the power of attorney for signing the application in
which case a certified copy of the power of attorney shall accompany the application.
Such limited company or corporation will be required to furnish satisfactory evidence of
its existence before the contract is awarded.
11. The information furnished must be sufficient to show that the Bidder is capable in all
respects to successfully complete the envisaged work.
12. The Bidder is expected to furnish additional information or clarification as required by the
Engineer or his Consultants.
13. Joint Venture is not allowed.
14. All bidders should study carefully each and every document requirements as per different
clauses of the bid and submit all supporting documents along with the bid without fail. If
all mandatory information /documents not furnished by bidder than their proposal will be
liable for rejection.
15. No bidders allowed to make any correspondence in any matter after opening of technical
bid unless and otherwise specifically asked by the employer as per para 2(3) (g(iii) of
section-II.. If such unwanted correspondence will be made by any bidder than their
proposal will be liable for rejection.
16. Value of completed works done by a member in an earlier JV firm shall be reckoned
only to the extent of concerned member’s share in that JV firm and he shall be the
leading partner for the purpose of satisfying his/her compliance eligibility criteria in
the bid under consideration.
17. If the work executed by partner/ partners/ member / members/ share holder/ shareholders
of bidding entity, as partner/ partners/ member / members / share holder / shareholders in
another entity, in such case the experience calculated will be [P1 x A1] x [P2]. The
concerned partner / partners / member / members / share holder / shareholders should
have minimum 25 % partnership / shareholding in another entity.
P1: % partnership / shareholding of the partner /partners /member / members /
share holder/ shareholders in another entity.
A1: Amount of similar work as defined above
P2: % partnership/ shareholding of the same partner/ partners/ member /members
share holder/ shareholders in bidding entity.
Note: The entity shall be of a body corporate incorporated under Indian law. Such as
company limited by shares or guarantee, partnership firm, Limited liability partnership,
sole proprietorship, etc.
Example: If partner/ partners / member / members / share holder / shareholders of
bidding entity have 50 % partnership/shareholding in another entity, and 40%
partnership/shareholding in bidding entity, and amount of similar work executed by
another entity is 10 Cr. In that case , equivalent similar work considered will be 0.5 x 10
Cr x 0.4 = 2.0 Cr

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Amdavad Municipal Corporation Section - IV :TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

1. The qualification shall be considered to ascertain whether the submission:

1.1. meet the eligibility requirements;

1.2. have been properly prepared and signed;
1.3. contain all the details called for and are in proper format
1.4. Are accompanied by required authorization, and
1.5. Are otherwise generally in order.

2. Minimum Eligibility / Qualifying Criteria

2.1 For eligibility the bidder shall fulfil following criteria:

(1) Eligibility:

I. Bidder can be a firm having valid registration as per para 3(a) herein below.
II. Only single bidder permitted for bidding.
III. No Joint venture/Consortium permitted for bidding.

(2) Qualification Criteria:

a) Annual Turn Over (Put to tender)

(i)Average annual financial turnover in last three years ending on 31 March,
2023. (i.e., 30% of the estimated cost =0.30 x 3.01 Cr.) = 90 Lakhs.

(ii) For arriving at updated value, turnover of any financial year shall be
multiplied by the enhancement factor corresponding to that year. These
enhancement factor shall be as given in para 4 herein below.

b) Registration

The Contractors / Companies having registration of “A” Class issued by any

Municipal Corporation / Central / State Government / Semi Govt. / MES or

c) Definition of similar Work shall be read as under:

Similar work shall mean repairing & strengthening work of Railways structures
/ any type of seashore structure / jetty / fly over Bridge / Railway over bridge /
Bridge on River / Major Creek/multi-storey building (more than five storey
building), in which they have successfully completed the work like Epoxy or PC
injection Grouting/Gunniting work/Glass fibre or Carbon wrapping work /Jacketing
work/ strengthening Work/ Re-baring/polymer modified concrete/ polymer
modified mortar/epoxy mortar/ Galvanic sacrificial Anodes fixing(cathode
protection)/ Protective Coating etc. type Special Repair works.

In case of large projects, executed on “package” basis, a separate detail of

individual bridge work shall be given for the evaluation, in short, any Package chain
of projects as a whole shall not be considered while evaluation.

The client for the work should be any Government Department / Semi Government
Departments / government authority or Government Undertaking. The Certificate
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Amdavad Municipal Corporation Section - IV :TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

should be issued from Executive Engineer or above rank only. The certificate shall
be duly true copied or self-attested.
Work done as subcontractor shall not be considered for evaluation.
d) Successful experience

1. Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 5 years ending on
31/12/2023 in which applications are invited should be either of the following

i. Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount
equal to 40% of the estimated cost (i.e., Rs. 1.21 Cr.)

ii. Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal
to 50% of the estimated cost (i.e., Rs. 1.51 Cr.)

iii. One similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal
to 80% of the estimated cost (i.e., Rs. 2.41 Cr.)

e) Bid Capacity

The bidder must have Available Bid Capacity (ABC) more than the amount put to tender.
Calculated on the Basis of ABC= 2*A*N – B.

A= Maximum value of updated total amount of executed in any one year during the
last five years (updated to 2022–2023 level) taking into account the works completed
as well as works in progress.

N= Number of years prescribed for completion of the works for which bids are invited
= 1 Years.(12 months)

B= The amount of the existing commitments and on- going works to be discharged
during time interval of 'N' years from the bid due date.

For the purpose of updating amount of works executed in any year, Procedure narrated in
para 2(a) ii shall mutatis mutandis apply.

Existing commitments shall include all such works for which letters of acceptance
of the tenders have been received by bidder till the date on which bidder has
submitted his bid for the proposed work.

Form B is available for available bid capacity to be calculated

2. Other Requirements:

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Amdavad Municipal Corporation Section - IV :TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

a) Bidder’s registration

(i) The Contractors / Companies having registration of “A” Class issued by any Central
/ State Government / Semi Govt. / MES / AMC or Equivalent.

(ii) The contractor, who are registered in appropriate category of AMC, R&B Gujarat,
C.P.W.D., M.E.S., Railways, Other State Governments and Other Municipal
Corporation can also bid provided the bidder provided the bidder produce such
registration certificate at the time of bidding.
(iii) In case L1 bidder is not registered with AMC, the bidder shall have to register with
AMC in Class-D before submitting his Running bill no.1. Bidder will solely be
responsible for obtaining the required registration.

b) Solvency Certificate

Solvency Certificate of Bank of an amount equal to 20% of the cost put to tender of current
calendar year will have to be produce by the bidder from Approved bank of AMC as listed
in Annexure-XI of Volume-I. If he fails to produce such certificate his bid will not be
considered. The solvency should be duly valid at the time of Submission.

c) Net worth

Bidder shall have to submit the Net worth of last five financial years from 2018-2019 to
2022-2023 and it should be positive.

d) Litigation History

The applicant should provide accurate information on litigation and / or arbitration

resulting from Contracts completed or under execution by him over the last five years. A
consistent history of arbitration awards/ judgments against the applicant or any partner of
a joint venture may result in disqualification for proposed work. If the details of
Litigation History is hidden by the applicant and later on it comes to knowledge of the
employer the bidder shall be disqualified for the proposed work and other appropriate
actions shall be taken against the bidder.

e) Machinery / Equipment

Bidder shall have to assure availability of Machinery / Equipment's in working for colour
work and maintenance work of different bridges including river bridges. Machinery
ownership document or lease / hire agreement for the work under tender shall be
considered as valid proof for assured availability.

f) Bidding in E-tendering

i. Submission of application must be through –e-tendering i.e. electronic form

ii. Bidder shall have to submit the bid in E-tendering form only.

iii. Bids of those bidders who have submitted all information, statistical details as required
in the bid documents through E-tendering will only be considered. If the employer
desires any clarification, for verification / clarification, ambiguity or difference found in
the documents/ statistical details submitted online (by E-Tendering) by the bidder the
same shall be furnished within stipulated time otherwise further processing will be
carried out in absence of above and the bidders shall be liable for any consequence.

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Amdavad Municipal Corporation Section - IV :TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

iv. No. bidder can participate in more than one bid for proposed work.

g) Submission of documents

i. Following documents/papers shall form part of the bid.

1. Annual turnover certificates issued by chartered accountant for last five financial years.
2. Form 3A / completion certificate issued by Government Department / Semi Government
Department / Govt. Undertakings shall be provided to substantiate successful experience of
similar work.
3. Existing commitments and ongoing works.
4. Litigation / Arbitration history
5. Proof of assured availability of required Machinery / equipment.
6. An undertaking for truthfulness of information furnished.

ii. Any information, data statistics etc. which are not related to bid document will not be
considered in evaluation even though furnished by the applicant.

iii. In accordance with stipulation of para 3 f (iii) Employer reserves the right to call any
information / document which is mandatory, essential and critical for the purpose of evaluation.
Any information provided by the applicant after last date of Electronic submission will not be
considered in evaluation, unless except the employer has specifically asked for any information /
document, which is mandatory, essential and critical for evaluation of PQ document. If required
information is not furnished within stipulated time, proposal will be liable for rejection.
iv. If any of the information provided by the bidder is found false during scrutiny or at the later
stage, his EMD shall be forfeited and he shall be disqualified for the proposed work. If any of
the information provided by the bidder is found false after award of work, performance security
of the bidder shall be forfeited and the contract shall be terminated.
v. Original document shall be furnished for verification if required.

3. Escalation Factors
Following enhancement factors will be applied to annual turnover and completion cost of
works to bring them to the base year. The financial year 2023-24 shall be considered as the
base year.

Financial Year Enhancement Factor

2023-2024 1.00
2022-2023 1.10
2021-2022 1.21
2020-2021 1.33
2019-2020 1.46

Appendix –A:
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Amdavad Municipal Corporation Section - IV :TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

Definition of similar Bridge Work shall be read as under:

Similar work shall mean repairing & strengthening work of Railways structures / any type of seashore
structure / jetty / fly over Bridge / Railway over bridge / Bridge on River / Major Creek/multi-storey
building (more than five storey building), in which they have successfully completed the work like
Epoxy or PC injection Grouting/Gunniting work/Glass fibre or Carbon wrapping work /Jacketing work/
strengthening Work/ Re-baring/polymer modified concrete/ polymer modified mortar/epoxy mortar/
Galvanic sacrificial Anodes fixing(cathode protection)/ Protective Coating etc. type Special Repair

In case of large projects, executed on “package” basis, a separate detail of individual bridge
work shall be given for the evaluation, In short any Package chain of projects as a whole shall
not be considered while evaluation.

The client for the work should be any Government Department / Semi Government
Departments / government authority or Government Undertaking. The Certificate should be
issued from Executive Engineer or above rank only. The certificate shall be duly true copied or

Work done as subcontractor shall not be considered for evaluation.

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Amdavad Municipal Corporation Section - IV :TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

FORM - 'J'



I/We Undersigned………………………………………………………. here by declared that

all the information provided by us regarding qualification, scope of work and time frame of
said work in this tender is true, that all the provided information of this bid is authentic (All
produced details and certificates from clients). If any information in this regards proves
false, today or in future by means we are liable to black list in your organization.

Date: …………….…… Seal & Signature


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1.0 Location of the Site

ARC Tender for Repairing & Strengthening work for AMC West Side various bridges (i.e.,
ROB, FOB, RUB, Box Culvert, River Bridge) as per Inspection Report Given by Bridge
Inspection Agency in Amdavad City.

2.0 Scope of Work

Cleaning of site
Require area and different places are repair and maintenance

2.1 Special Precautions to be taken regarding traffic.

Special precautions to safely divert the traffic with smooth movement of continuous traffic
should be taken up before commencing the work. Safety precaution shall be taken up as
required and as directed by the Engineer particularly at cross road junctions.

In addition to the normal barricading the diversion sign boards and signs showing directions etc
are required to be provided. The Contractor shall have to cater for following special safety

Blinking electric warning red coloured lights to warn the vehicular traffic of the obstruction on
the road during construction activities.

Strong barricading/fencing of approved design to keep pedestrians segregated from

foundation, superstructure equipment, material, etc.

Translucent reflectors, metallic or glass as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.

All schemes of providing safety measures shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge
and the concerned traffic controlling authorities.

2.2 Setting out Works

The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the works and for the
correctness of the positions levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the works and for
the provisions of all necessary instruments and appliances and labour in connection therewith.
If at any time during the progress of works any error shall appear or arise in the positions,
levels, dimensions or alignment of any part of the works, the Contractor on being required to
do so by the Engineer shall at his own expenses rectify such errors to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge. The checking of any setting out or of any lines and levels by the Engineer-
in-Charge or his representative shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility
for correctness thereof and the Contractor shall carefully protect, preserve and maintain all
bench marks, site rails, pegs etc. used in setting out the works. The costs of providing,
preserving, protecting and maintaining the site rails, pegs, benchmark etc. shall be deemed to
be included in the rate quoted for various items in the schedule B and no separate payment
will be made for the same.

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The Contractor shall incorporate into the structure the fixtures for lighting, drainage, road
markers, signals etc. as may be given to him by the Engineer-in Charge, without claiming any
extra cost.

2.3 All permanent and temporary works shall conform to the latest specifications of Codes of
Indian Road Congress, Specifications of Road & Bridge works by Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways, IS Standards and code of other relevant codes and prevailing sound Engineering
practices as mentioned in the contract documents or approved by the competent authority as

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B. Specification


The Technical Specifications contained herein shall be read in conjunction with the other Bidding

The Technical Specifications in accordance with which the entire work described hereinafter
shall be constructed and completed by the Contractor shall comprise of the following:

3.1 The General Technical Specifications shall be the "R & B department General Specification”, as
corrected in the original issued by the Road and Building Department, Government of Gujarat.

3.2 In the absence of any definite provisions on any particular issue in the afore said Specifications,
reference may be made to the latest codes and specifications of IRC and BIS in that order.
Where even these are silent, the construction and completion of the works shall conform to
sound engineering practice as approved by the Engineer and in case of any dispute arising out
of the interpretation of the above, the decision of the Engineer shall be final and binding on the


4.1 The Contractor shall have to maintain account of steel and other materials that may be brought
by him on site. The account shall be regularly maintained and kept open for inspection by
4.2 The Contractor shall remain responsible for workmen's compensation if any, when such case
occurs, the Contractor shall arrange for red lamps at night and fencing and pagi and shall be
responsible for any damage of life and lime or property if any happen, during the execution of
work. In case of dispute for unseen or overlooked items, the decision of Authority shall be final.
The Contractor shall have to give site clean of all rubbish on completion of work and hand over
the Culvert with final finishing of the work as directed. All the rejected materials shall be
removed from site within 24 hours by contractor at his risk and cost.

4.3 The Contractor shall have to make his own arrangement for water required for the work and
shall pay the water charges as per rules.

4.4 If in the interest of the Employer or site conditions it is necessary to change either any site or
the design of the proposed work the Contractor shall carry out the same at his quoted rates,
without charging any extra and he will be paid at the rates quoted by him and no claim for
extra charges made will be entertained.

4.5 Requisite staging arrangements and shuttering are to be organized so as to ensure smooth flow
of traffic on the roads underneath during the progress of all cast in situ work. Proper
barricading with requisite lights need to be provided to protect all work sites to avoid any
mishaps. The scaffolding/staging system, shuttering etc. should be conceived in such a way that
it is sturdy and at the same time easy to install and dismantle with minimum interference with
running traffic.

4.6 The Contractor will be fully responsible for compliance of the various provisions under
Contract Labour Act, 1970 and the Rules framed there under.

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4.7 As per circular No. MGR 2176(96), 2418 (ii) dt. 31.8.77 issued by the Government of Gujarat
contractors has to procure their quarry materials required for construction work through legal
sources i.e. only from the quarry lease holders permit holders or middle man who satisfies the
Contractor as to the legality of the source of purchase by him of these materials.

4.8 All defective works are liable to be demolished, rebuilt and defective materials replaced by the
Contractor at his own cost. In the event of such works being accepted by carrying out repairs
etc as specified by the Engineer in charge, the cost of repairs will be borne by the Contractor
and will be paid for the works actually carried out by him at reduced rates of the tendered
rates, as may be considered reasonable by the Engineer in charge in the preparation of final or
on account bills.

4.9 Contractor is required to use his own national/international practices of tracing out or locate
these utilities below the ground at no cost to the Employer.

For Torrent power cables, Gas pipe line, Telecom cables, Street Lighting Board, pole, Cables,
Signal pole, if required to be shifted, AMC shall bear the charges or reimburse the contractor in
case he markets the payment to utility provider against the original receipt submitted by the
contractor. The contractor shall obtain necessary approvals from such authorities and also in
case where payments are not required to be made for such shifting. In all other cases of utility
shifting provisions of bid documents shall prevail.

Contractor shall obtain necessary permits/approvals from the respective Utility

Provider/Owner well in advance of starting the shifting work. The shifting works shall be
carried out through the approved / authorized sub contractor’s of the Utility providers without
causing any inconvenience to the utility users at large.


(a) The contractor shall be responsible to coordinate with service provider / concerned
authorities for shifting of utilities and removal of encroachments etc. and making the site
unencumbered from the project construction area required for completion of work. This shall
include initial and frequent follow-up meetings / actions / discussion with each involved service
provider / concerned authorities. The contractor will not be entitled to any additional
compensation for the delay in shifting of utilities and removal of encroachments by the service
provider / concerned authorities.

(b) The contractor shall make payments to the respective service provider/authorities for
shifting of utilities, wherever required. The Contractor will obtain necessary approvals from
such authorities and also in cases where payments are not required to be made for such

(c) Any utility likely to be affected by Contractor’s work should be brought to the notice of
the Engineer and such work shall be undertaken only after getting written clearance from the

(d) The Contractor may be required to carry out certain works for and on behalf of the
various bodies and the Contractor shall also provide, with the prior approval of the Engineer,
such assistance to the various bodies as may be authorized by the Engineer.

4.14 deleted

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C Amendments/Modifications/Additions to Existing Clauses of

General Technical Specifications


The specifications in general for this bridge are as per Road and building Department & MORTH
Specification (fifth revision) . However for ready reference item wise specifications based on R & B
Department are given. In case of any ambiguity or discrepancy R & B Department specification &
MORTH specification shall govern.

Item No. 1
Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation grass bushes, shrubs,
sapling and trees girth up to 300 mm removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of
unserviceable materials(A) By manual means in area of light jungle. The roots of vegetation
should be destroyed by use of chemicals, care should be taken that it does not damages
Flooring / RCC work.

Relevant Specifications of MORT&H fifth revision Section – 201 shall apply to this item.


1.1. Scope

This work shall consist of cutting, removing and disposing of all materials such as trees, bushes,
shrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness,
rubbish etc., which in the opinion of the Engineer arc unsuitable for incorporation in the works,
from, the area of road land containing road embankment, drains, cross-drainage structures and
such other areas as may-be specified on the drawings or by the Engineer. It shall include
necessary excavation, backfilling of pits resulting from uprooting of trees and stumps to required
compaction, handling, salvaging, and disposal of cleared materials. Clearing and grubbing shall
be performed in advance of earthwork operations and in accordance with the requirements of
these Specifications.

1.2. Preservation of Property/Amenities

Roadside trees, shrubs, any other plants, pole lines, fences, signs, monuments, buildings,
pipelines, sewers and all highway facilities within or adjacent to the highway which are not to be
disturbed shall be protected from injury or damage. The Contractor shall, provide and install at
his own expense, suitable safeguards approved by the Engineer for this purpose.

During clearing and grubbing, the Contractor shall take all adequate precautions against soil
erosion, water pollution, etc., and where required, undertake additional works to that effect vide
Clause 306. Before start of operations, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval,
his work plan including the procedure to be followed for disposal of waste materials, etc., and
the schedules for carrying out temporary and permanent erosion control works as stipulated in
Clause 306.3.

1-3. Methods, Tools and Equipment

Only such methods, tools and equipment as are approved by the Engineer and which will not
affect the property to be preserved shall be adopted for the Work. If the area has thick
vegetation/roots/trees, a crawler or pneumatic tier dozer of adequate capacity may be used for
clearance purposes. The dozer shall have ripper attachments for removal of tree stumps. All
trees, stumps, etc., falling within excavation and fill lines shall be cot to such depth below
ground level that in no case foil within 500 mm of the sub grade. Also, all vegetation such as
roots, under-growth, grass and other deleterious matter unsuitable for incorporation in the
embankment/sub grade shall be removed between fill lines to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
On areas beyond these limits, trees and stumps required to be removed as directed by the
Engineer shall be cut down to 1 m below ground level so that these do not present an unsightly
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All branches of trees extending above the trimmed as directed by the Engineer.
All excavations below the general ground level arising out of the removal of trees, stumps, etc.,
shall be filled with suitable material and compacted thoroughly so as to make the surface at
these points conform to the surrounding area.

Ant-hills both above and below the ground, as are liable to collapse and obstruct free subsoil
water flow shall be removed and their workings, which may extend to several metres, shall be
suitably treated.

1.4. Disposal of Materials

All materials arising from clearing and grubbing operations shall be the property of Government
and shall be disposed of by the Contractor as hereinafter provided or directed by the Engineer.

Trunks, branches and stumps of trees shall be cleaned of limbs and roots and stacked. Also
boulders, stones and other materials usable in road construction shall be neatly stacked as
directed by the Engineer. Stacking of stumps, boulders, stones etc., shall be done at specified
spots with all lifts and to any lead.

All products of clearing and grubbing which, in the opinion of the Engineer, cannot be used or
auctioned shall be cleared away from the roadside in a manner as directed by the Engineer.
Care shall be taken to see that unsuitable waste materials are disposed of in such a manner
that there is no likelihood of these getting mixed up with the materials meant for embankment,
sub grade and road construction.

The mode of payment shall be in hectare basis.

Item No. 2
Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other structure
comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding
wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and
stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres
(i) Dismantling of stone pitching (incl. earth work of stone pitching) by mechanical means
(ii) Dismantling RCC work
(iii) Dismantling steel work including distempering and stacking the materials


202.1 Scope

This work shall consist of dismantling and removing existing culverts, bridges, pavements, kerbs
and other structures like guard-rails, fences, utility services, manholes, catch basins, inlets, etc.,
from the right of way which in the opinion of the Engineer interfere with the construction of road
or are not suitable to remain in place, disposing of the surplus/unsuitable materials and
backfilling to after the required compaction as directed by the Engineer.

Existing culverts, bridges, pavements and other structures which are within the highway and
which are designated for removal, shall be removed up to the limit and extent specified in the
drawings or as indicated by the Engineer.

Dismantling and removal operations shall be carried out with such equipment and in such a
manner as to leave undisturbed, adjacent pavement, structures and any other work to be left in

All operations necessary for the removal of any existing structure which might endanger new
construction shall be completed prior to the start of new work.

202.2 Dismantling Culverts and Bridges

The structures shall be dismantled carefully and the resulting materials so removed as not to
cause any damage to the part of the structure to be retained and any other properties or
structures nearby:
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Unless otherwise specified, the superstructure portion of culverts/bridges shall be entirely

removed and other parts removed up to at least 600 mm below the sub-grade, slope face or
original ground level whichever is the lowest or as necessary depending upon the interference
they cause to the new construction. Removal of overlying or adjacent material, if required in
connection with the dismantling of the structures, shall be incidental to this item.

Where existing culverts/bridges are to be extended or otherwise incorporated in the new work,
only such part or parts of the existing structure shall be removed as are necessary and directed
by the Engineer to provide a proper connection with the new work. The connecting edges shall
be cut, chipped and trimmed to the required lines and grades without weakening or damaging
any part of the structure to be retained. Due care should be taken to ensure that reinforcing bars
which are to be left in place so as to project into the new work as dowels or ties are not injured
during removal of concrete.

Pipe culverts shall be carefully removed in such a manner as to avoid damage to the pipes.
Steel structures shall, unless otherwise provided, be carefully dismantled in such a manner as to
avoid damage to members thereof. If specified in the drawings or directed by the Engineer that
the structure is to be removed in a condition suitable for re-erection, all members shall be match-
marked by the Contractor with white lead paint before dismantling; end pins, nuts, loose plates,
etc. shall be similarly marked to indicate their proper location; all pins, pin holes machined
surfaces shall be painted with a mixture of white lead and tallow and all loose s shall be securely
wired to adjacent members or packed in boxes.

Timber structures shall be removed in such a manner as to avoid damage to such timber or
lumber having salvage value as is designated by the Engineer.

202.3 Dismantling Pavements and Other Structures

In removing pavements, kerbs, gutters, and other structures like guard-rails, fences, holes,
catch basins, inlets, etc., where portions of the existing construction are to be left e finished
work, the same shall be removed to an existing joint or cut and chipped to a line with a face
perpendicular to the surface of the existing structure. Sufficient removal shall be made to provide
for proper grades and connections with the new work as directed by the Engineer.

All concrete pavements, base courses in carriageway and shoulders etc., designated for oval
shall be broken to pieces whose volume shall not exceed 0.02 cu.m and used with approval of
the Engineer or disposed of.

202.4 Back-fiIIing

Holes and depressions caused by dismantling operations shall be backfilled with excavated her
approved materials and compacted to required density as directed by the Engineer.

202.5 Disposal of Materials

All Surplus materials shall be taken over by the Contractor which may either be re-used with
approval of the Engineer or disposed of with all leads and lifts.

202.6 Measurements for Payment

The work of dismantling shall be paid for in units indicated below by taking measurements re
and after, as applicable:

i) Dismantling brick/stone masonry/ concrete (plain and reinforced) cu.m

ii) Dismantling flexible and cement concrete pavement cu.m
iii) Dismantling steel structures Kg.
iv) Dismantling timber structures cu.m
v) Dismantling pipes, guard rails, kerbs, gutters and fencing linear m

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vi) Utility services No.

202.7 Rates

The Contract unit rates for the various items of dismantling shall be paid in full for carrying out the
required operations including full compensation for all labour, materials, tools, equipment,
safeguards and incidentals necessary to complete the work. The rates will include excavation and
backfilling to the required compaction and for handling, giving credit towards salvage value
disposing of dismantled materials with all lifts and leads.

Item No. 3
Providing, erecting and Dismantling safe H frame and/or Pipe scaffolding including working
platform for external area of Bridge Pier to facilitate all works etc. completed. Measurement for
payment shall be considered as per Detail specification. (Height range from 2 to 7 mt approx.. or
as per site condition) (Property of contractor, and repetation will be paid per pier)

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in
2. The measurement and payment shall be in Sqmt basis.

Item No. 4
Removal of existing concrete along with loose damaged and cracked concrete/cover concrete at
all specified locations up to beyond the corroded steel reinforcements by chipping/hacking with
chisel and hammer or by mechanical means like chisel hammer, pneumatic chippers including
scaffolding, high pressure water jetting to chipped concrete and reinforcement and removal and
disposal of debris within owners premises incl all plant & machineries. Hard concrete shall not
be removed. However if the rebar is corroded, concrete around it shall be removed. Depth of
chipping will vary from 100 to 120 mm including spalled thickness complete with labour, tools,
machinery etc. all. as directed by Engineer-in-charge. The edges of the repair locations should be
saw cut to a depth of at least 10 mm to avoid feather edging and to provide a square edge.

Removal of dust, loose particles, algae growth etc. from concrete surface manually by wire
brush, mechanically or any other means to obtain a sound surface over areas other than above.

Purpose : To remove week / loose / dilapidated concrete from the RCC structural members by chiselling
chipping etc.

Material & Tools and Plant (TNP): Electrical / manually operated low impacts chipper tools, complete
with accessories / hand tools like chisels, hammer etc.

Procedure :
Step -1 : Provide props & other suitable arrangements to relieve the structural members stress and
strains wherever feasible.
Step 2 : Scaffolding/ working platforms of suspended / suitable type shall be erected as per the
Step -3 : Provide the protective screen or suitable arrangements to minimize falling of debris on service
road below / river in any case.
Step -4 : Mark all the loose areas of damaged concrete after basic inspection.
Step -5 : Making dents using electrical / manual equipment’s and remove the damaged part as required
by engineer in charge.
Step -6 : Clearing the surface after chipping with wire brush or buffing machine.

All other basic specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in
The rate includes labour, material, equipment etc.
The measurement & mode of payment shall be in basis.

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Item No. 5
Rust Removal & Steel Protection.- Cleaning as directed & specified all corrosion / rust / scales
from reinforcement bars using rust remover Reebaklens RR of Fosroc make or Rust clean of
BASF or equivalent of leaving to dry for 30 mins & washing surface with fresh water as required
to exposed reinforcement bars complete as specified also providing & applying inhibition
coats/system to exposed reinforcement bars after drying & also new bars after cleaning &
removing scales and rust completely as specified. Two component inhibitor Concresive ZRI
equivalent material of BASF or equivalent make as approved by engineer shall be used as per
manufacturers specification in two coats including all labor tools tackles, necessary surface
preparation & necessary protection after & during repair work.

Purpose : To remove corrosion / rust from the existing damaged reinforcement and protect with
proper chemical treatment to achieve proper strength and bonding with grout / new concrete.

Procedure :
Step -1 : Provide props & other suitable arrangements to relieve the structural members stress and
strains wherever feasible.
Step 2 : Scaffolding/ working platforms of suspended / suitable type shall be erected as per the
Step -3 : Provide the protective screen or suitable arrangements to minimize falling of debris on service
road below / river in any case.
Step -4 : After chipping work completed, reinforcement will expose and accordingly mark areas with
corrosion / rust. Clean the actual re-bars with proper chemical as mentioned in the item description.
Step -5 : Apply protection coat over the damage portion to strengthen the re-bars.

Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as well as MoRT&H Clause 2800
shall apply to this item.

The measurement & mode of payment shall be in basis.

Item No. 6
Additional Reinforcement:-
Providing, Cutting, fabricating new reinforcement Fe500D and fixing with old existing
reinforcement which was reduced to less or more than 20% of its original diameter as provided in
the original structure and additional steel as directed by EIC as required welding or tying with 16
gauge annealed binding wire complete as per drawing and specifications for heights as directed
by Engineer-in-charge.

Purpose : to add new reinforcement to the existing structural component where extreme rebar loss due
to corrosion / any other environmental exposed condition.

Procedure :
Step -1 : Provide props & other suitable arrangements to relieve the structural members stress and
strains wherever feasible.
Step 2 : Scaffolding/ working platforms of suspended / suitable type shall be erected as per the
Step -3 : Provide the protective screen or suitable arrangements to minimize falling of debris on service
road below / river in any case.
Step -4 : After cleaning of loose concrete / rust reinforcement areas, mark the new areas which required
additional new reinforcement as per the design.
Step -5 : Accordingly place the new reinforcement as per the drawing and tie / lap properly with the
existing reinforcement to achieve the good bonding.
Step -6 : Apply protective coat to the new reinforcement if required and ready the surface for shuttering
further concreting.

Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as well as MoRT&H Clause 1600
shall apply to this item. (also follow the general specifications for Repair Work)

The measurement & mode of payment shall be in Kg. basis as per the actual new reinforcement used in
the damaged areas.

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Item No. 7
Polymer Bond Coat- Providing and applying bond coat on the prepared surface to receive new
polymer mortar/polymer modified concrete, with bonding coat of SBR 2 of BASF or equivalent
material in one full coat. Laying of reinstatement polymer mortar or micro concrete shall be
completed within the overlay time of bonding coat. This bond coat act as bonding agent between
old and new concrete and also acts as a 'barrier coat' to the migration of chloride ions from host
concrete. Item rate is inclusive of the materials all labor, supervision, tools and tackles and
transportation etc. complete as per specification and as directed.

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and MORT&H Specification Clause
No. 2800 (REPAIR OF STRUCTURES) along with Manual of Specifications and Standards for
Strengthening and rehabilitation of bridge (IRC: SP: 40-2019), referred to herein as the Manual for
repair work of bridge and as directed by engineer in charge

2. The measurement and payment shall be in Sqmt basis.

Item No. 8
Providing and placing single component, dual shrinkage compensated, ready mixed high
strength thixotropic repair mortar RENDEROC HSXtra of Fosroc or equivalent (up to 50 mm) as
per specification for covering the damaged structural member and reinforcement in desired layer
and thickness including scaffolding, curing inclusive of all labor, materials, equipment etc.
complete as per specification and instruction of Engineer in charge.

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and MORT&H Specification Clause
No. 2800 (REPAIR OF STRUCTURES) along with Manual of Specifications and Standards for
Strengthening and rehabilitation of bridge (IRC: SP: 40-2019), referred to herein as the Manual for
repair work of bridge and as directed by engineer in charge.
2. The measurement and payment shall be in Sqmt basis.

Item No. 9
Application of NITOMORTAR'S of Fosroc or equivalent Epoxy Mortar on the prepared concrete &
Reinforcement Surface for thickness not more than 15 mm in required proportion of
manufacture's specification, Epoxy (Including Part A and Part B) & Quartz Sand. Bonding Coat of
Epoxy primer NITOPRIME 25 Shall be applied not more than 30 minutes before application of
Epoxy Mortar or as per Manufacturer Specification.

The relevant specification of Item No. 13 shall apply to this item.

Item No. 10
Polymer Modified Concrete :-
Providing and laying of polymer modified micro-concrete like Renderoc RG(L) of Fosroc / Master
Emaco S346/T288 of BASF/or equivalent material of Krishna Conchem blended with washed
saturated surface-dry (SSD), graded, low absorption, high density, aggregates of size 5mm to
12mm at 50% by weight of concrete and water at 4 lit. per 25 kg bag and pouring into the form
work using suitable arrangement or if required using pumping device for uniform flow of
Microconcrete including shuttering, dead shuttering if any. The side shuttering can be removed
after 3 days and the bottom shuttering after 7 days ensuring proper bond between the micro
concrete and existing concrete substrate.
Item rate is inclusive of the materials all labour, supervision, tools and tackles and
transportation, scaffolding but excluding shuttering etc. complete as per specification and as

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and MORT&H Specification Clause
No. 2800 (REPAIR OF STRUCTURES ) along with Manual of Specifications and Standards for
Strengthening and rehabilitation of bridge (IRC: SP: 40-2019), referred to herein as the Manual for
repair work of bridge and as directed by engineer in charge

2. The measurement and payment shall be in Cum basis.

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Item No. 11
Supplying and applying readymix polymer cement grout (PC grout) and sealing of cracks by
injection process through nipples with pressure of at least 4 kg / Cum till the grout comes out
through adjacent nipples, complete as per specification, BASF, Fosroc, Krishna conchem, Asian,
fairmate, Sicca, Atul, Cibagaigy make of readymix polymer cement grout material (PC grout)
(With NRV Packers) as per M.O.R.T&H specifications section 2803.

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and MORT&H Specification Clause
No. 2800 (REPAIR OF STRUCTURES) along with Manual of Specifications and Standards for
Strengthening and rehabilitation of bridge (IRC: SP: 40-2019), referred to herein as the Manual for
repair work of bridge and as directed by engineer in charge

2. The measurement and payment shall be in Kg. basis.

Item No. 12
Injection grouting:- Providing and executing injection / pressure grouting in cracks in the parent
concrete by fixing PVC nipples at 150 mm to 200 mm distances as per design and detailed
specifications. Pressure grouting using low viscous epoxy grout Master Inject 1315 of BASF
make, or Conbextra EP10(M) of Fosroc of Krishna conchem make shall be done at required
pressure etc. complete as per specification and approvals, labor, tools tacklers etc. complete as
directed by EIC, Payment shall be made of quality of actual grout consumed. (With NRV Packers)
as per M.O.R.T&H specifications section 2803.

Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as well as MoRT&H Clause 2800
shall apply to this item.

The measurement & mode of payment shall be in Kg. basis of actual cement polymer grout is used.

Item No. 13
Strengthening of structural component by confinement using CFRP composite system.
Strengthening structural elements with non metallic composite fibre wrapping system comprise
of unidirectional carbon fibre sheet Nitowrap EPCF (Fosroc) (300,450 & 600 gsm) and compatible
saturant Nitowrap 410 of (Fosroc) by dry layup system including surface preparation by first
providing 300 mm bend using polymer modified mortar as master emaco S 348 of BASF make or
Renderoc SP40 of Fosroc, allow to cure and grinding substrate to avoid undulations, cleaning it
with wire brush, removing oil, laitance if present, rounding sharp edges to minimum 25 mm
radius etc. complete including profiling. Applying compatible primer Nitowrap 30 (Fosroc) on
prepared substrate, filling the holes and uneven surface with thixotropic putty Nitocote VF
(Fosroc), cutting of fibre sheet to required sixe mixing of saturant and applying saturat on primed
surface, wrapping the fibre sheet to structural element at approved orientation using temping
roller to avoid air void etc. repeat the same procedure for multiple layers with the interval of
minimum 8 hrs. of second coat. Applying 2nd | final coat of saturant of internal of minimum 12
hrs. rectify air voids if any, and installation fibre anchors at spacing of 900 mm along the length
of brand by drilling through hole in pier section and fan shape of 150 mm over the wall.
a) 300 GSM
b) 450 GSM
c) 600 GSM

Application Procedure:
1. Mechanically prepare the concrete to achieve a surface profile of CSP3 as defined by the
ICRI. All traces of laitance, dust, oil, paint, curing compounds, grease, corrosion deposits,
algae or any unsound material shall also be removed. Techniques such as grit blasting or
grinding are best suited as they are unlikely to damage or fracture the concrete.
2. Sharp convex corners should be ground to a radius of at least 20mm or as specified in design
3. Thoroughly check the substrate for defects which may include cracked or damaged concrete,
reinforcement corrosion, large blow-holes or honeycombing. Appropriate inspection
techniques may include, but are not limited to: visual survey, hammer test.

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4. Filling the holes and uneven surface with thixotropic putty Nitocote VF etc. complete
5. Immediately before commencing application of adhesive the surface shall be brushed and
vacuumed to remove any contaminants.
6. Apply Nitowrap 30 Primer on prepared surface using short ply roller and allow it to set
before commencing application of Nitowrap 410 saturant.
7. Apply Nitowrap 410 saturant to a primed surface using ribbed roller ensuring material is
applied to the minimum consumption.
8. Apply the Nitowrap CWS fabric to the wet resin, rolling and smoothing the fabric to the
surface, gently to avoid creases and air pockets. Use a rubber spatula to smooth out air
9. After the application of the final layer, seal the fabric with a coat of Nitowrap 410 Saturant.
10. For applying a cementitious overlay(plaster), dry sand should be broad casted while the final
layer is still wet which improved bonding with plaster.

Mode of Measurement:
The rate includes labour, material, equipment etc.
The measurement & mode of payment shall be in actual consumption of fibre wrap in Sq.m basis.
(not surface area)

Typical Properties:
 Fibre Density: 1.8 g/cm3
 Ultimate Elongation: 2.1%
 Fibre Strength: > 4900 Mpa
 Fibre E-Modulus: > 230 Gpa
 CE (CE-29842) marking and compliance according to CPD 89/106/EEC (CPD)

Item No. 14
FRP Laminates for structural strengthening - (Carbon Fibre Laminates)
Providing and applying Nitoplate CPS - Carbon Fiber FRP Pultruded Laminate strips of 1.4mm
thick and 50mm width to the prepared substrate using thixotropic epoxy adhesive. The FRP
laminate used shall be of zero degree unidirectional fibers having volumetric fiber content of
68%, fiber density of 1.5 g/cc and shall have tensile strength of 3000 MPa ; tensile modulous of
165 GPa and ultimate elongation of 1.7%. The thixotropic epoxy bonding adhesive shall be
applied at 1mm thickness on the substrate and 2mm thickness on the laminate. The adhesion of
the entire system(Laminate and adhesive combined) with concrete shall be > 3.5 MPa with
concrete failure as per ASTM D 4541. The adhesive used shall have tensile modulous > 2700 MPa
(ASTM D638) ; flexural modulous > 48000 MPa (ASTM D790 ) ; Elongation > 2.5% & Glass
Transition TemPerature > 100 deg C (ASTM E 1356). The ends of the laminates shall be anchored
suitably.,etc complete. Product used shall have CE (CE-29842) marking and compliance
according to Construction Products Directive 89/106/EEC (CPD)

Application Procedure:
1. Mechanically prepare the concrete to achieve a surface profile of CSP3 as defined by the
ICRI. All traces of laitance, dust, oil, paint, curing compounds, grease, corrosion deposits,
algae or any unsound material shall also be removed. Techniques such as grit blasting or
grinding are best suited as they are unlikely to damage or fracture the concrete.

2. After surface preparation, check Surface smoothness with a straight-edge and level up the
undulations using proper epoxy putties- Nitomortar VF Putty/Nitomortar FC.
3. Follow the plans laid out by the engineer to ensure areas to be strengthened are clearly
measured and marked straight.
4. Apply masking tape on either side or marked edges to ensure clean edges are achieved.
5. Cut the Nitoplate CPS laminates to the required lengths using a sharp disc cutter.
6. Apply Nitowrap 40 epoxy adhesive to both the faces i.e along full length of laminate in
parabolic shape and on the concrete surface, now paste the laminate on marked area with
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tamping roller to avoid any air voids.

7. After initial hand placement use a wooden or rubber roller to push the plate firmly into
8. After application of laminates, remove the masking tapes to get neat finish
9. If a cementitious coating is to be applied. Apply a coat of epoxy resin adhesive to the cured
finish and broadcast the wet surface with dry sand to provide mechanical key to
cementitious coating.
10. In case the substrate is in the exterior and exposed to UV a protective coat should be

Mode of Measurement:
The rate includes labour, material, equipment etc.
The measurement & mode of payment shall be in actual consumption of laminate in per running
meter (Rm) basis.

Typical Properties:
 Fibre Density: 1.5 g/cm3
 Tensile Modulus: 165000 N/mm2
 Tensile Strength: > 3000 Mpa
 Ultimate Elongation: 1.7%
 CE (CE-29842) marking and compliance according to CPD 89/106/EEC (CPD)

Item No. 15
For Strengthening of Masonry Structures:
FRP Grids for structural strengthening - (Carbon Fibre Grids)
Providing and applying High Strength Carbon Fiber Mesh Nitowrap CF(CS) of 250 GSM on wet
mortar and application of second layer of mortar and float to finish followed by curing.The repair
mortar used shall be single component and shall be mixed with water at water powder ratio of
0.18 and shall have drying shrinkage < 1000 microstrain as per ASTM C 157-93; compressive
strength > 40 MPa ; Flexural Strength > 7 Mpa as per ASTM C 348, bond strength > 6 MPa as per
ASTM C 1042. Repair mortar used shall have CE (CE-29842) marking and compliance according
to Construction Products Directive 89/106/EEC (CPD). Carbon Fiber Mesh shall have grid size of
20mm ; areal weigth of 250 g/sqm; tensile strength of 150 kN/m ; Elastic Modulous of >230000
MPa ; bond strength > 1 MPa as per ASTM D4541 , etc, complete

Application Procedure:
1. Remove all delaminated concrete & loose materials and expose completely reinforcement
with suitable corrosion protection.
2. If there are any cracks, then it should be treated with cementitious injection grouting with
Cebex-100 admixture.
3. If it is to be applied on concrete substrates, then wet the substrate to SSD conditions and
hacking it to create rough profile.
4. Apply first layer of Polymer modified mortar – Renderoc SP40 at minimum 5mm thickness
as a first layer.
5. While cementitious mortar is in wet condition, apply Nitowrap CF(CS) grid over mortar by
pressing properly.
6. After laying carbon fibre grid, apply second layer of Renderoc SP40 in minimum 5mm
thickness and finish it properly by floating.
7. Cured the finish surface with curing compound/water.

Mode of Measurement:
The rate includes labour, material, equipment etc.
The measurement & mode of payment shall be in actual consumption of fibre wrap in Sq.m basis.
(not surface area)

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Typical Properties:
 Fibre Density: 1.8 g/cc
 Tensile Modulus: 230GPa
 Tensile Strength: 4900 Mpa
 Ultimate Elongation: 1.6%

Item No. 16
Galvanic sacrificial Anodes for patch repairs by Point Anodes:
Provide and install sacrificial zinc anodes of Fosroc Galvashield XPI to prevent initiation of
corrosion of steel reinforcement in chloride-contaminated or carbonated concrete or new
construction. Zinc mass should be Min. 60 g/unit or More and the zinc surface area and spacing
of anodes should be selected/designed in a way to achieve the target service life of 10 years.
The quality of zinc should be in compliance with ASTM B418-95a, Type I, die-cast around steel
tie-wires (in case of more than one tie wire they should be well seperated) and encased in a
highly alkaline cementitious mortar (encapsulating mortar) with a pH of 14 or greater. The
encapsulating mortar should not have sulphates, chlorides, bromides or any other elements
corrosive to steel. The encapsulating mortar should have interconnected and fine pore structure
to dissolve, transport and accommodate zinc corrosion products away from the zinc surface
without causing additional stress to the cover concrete, and maintain a pH > 14 at the immediate
vicinity of uncorroded zinc for the desired service life. Anode units shall be supplied with
integral well-separated tie wires without splices (in case of more than one wire) and with loop
ties for directly tying to the reinforcing steel. For patches in grid pattern or periphery of patches
with 4-6 anodes/m2 area of concrete, the max spacing can be 600 mm. The anode size and
shaping shall deliver a minimum current density to the steel adjacent to the repair of 0.4 mA/m2
of steel surface area at the end of the design life taking into account an anode aging factor
calculated from previous field installations and the in-service environment. Anodes should meet
the target service life, which can be estimated using Galvanic Anode Performance (GAP) test
developed at IIT Madras for severe exposure condition (high humid and high chloride
conditions).The anodes shall be covered with bed-mortar of resistivity less than 50 kOhm-cm or
similar to the parent concrete on the cleaned steel reinforcement as per manufacturers
specification before applying passivation coating. All necessary design calculations for spacing
of anodes, installation training, installation confirmation, monitoring of set of anodes to confirm
current from anodes as per ISO 12696 or as per the design, etc. shall be carried out by a NACE
Certified CP Technician, CP2 or higher, complete at all heights and including of all materials,
labour, tools, plants and machineries as directed by Engineer-in-charge and/or consultant.

Application Procedure:
1. Checking steel connectivity of existing rebars at site (< 1mV). Establish connection if required
2. Clean the rebar with Reebaklens RR one day prior and with sandpaper to establish fresh
steel surface for new connection establishment
3. If significant reduction in the cross-section of the reinforcing steel has occurred, replace or
install supplemental reinforcement as directed by the engineer of record.
4. All Steel connections completed and reading on the multimeter as 0.00 mV.
5. Install anode units and repair material immediately following preparation and cleaning of
the steel reinforcement.
6. Galvanic anodes shall be installed [along the perimeter of the repair] [along the interface
between new and old concrete] [in a grid pattern throughout the entire repair area] at a
maximum spacing of [Design spacing (inches or mm)].
7. Place the galvanic anodes as close as possible to the interface with the parent concrete
[maximum 4in.(100mm)] while still providing sufficient clearance between anodes and
substrate to allow the repair material to fully encase the anode.
8. Perform a final Potential difference check from steel to steel, anode to steel and anode to
9. Using polymer modified mortar or micro concrete to repair the area.
Mode of Measurement:
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The rate includes labour, material, equipment etc.

The measurement & mode of payment shall be in per Nos. basis.

Item No. 17
Concrete Curing Compound:
The acryic emulsion modified and water based concrete Curing Membrane (such as Concure AB
or equivalent) and applying immediately after the repair/concrete gets finished, the membrane
shall be sprayed over concrete finished area without any gap or pinhole. The cost of all
materials. tools and all labour charges are included. completed as specified and directed by EIC.

Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as well as MoRT&H
The measurement & mode of payment shall be in sqmt..

Item No. 18
Protective Coating -
Providing and applying a single component high build elastomeric, crack - bridging, resistant to
CO2 and SO2 and Chloride ion diffusion, UV resistant, breathable acrylic coating with elongation
at break exceeding 200% using Dekguard of Fosroc or Masterseal 200H of BASF or equivalent
material applied in two coats(Each coat 150 micron DFT) on acrylic based primer at an average
thickness of 300 microns DFT in two coats including acrylic resin based primer as per
recommendation of the manufacturers.
Item rate is inclusive of the materials all labour, supervision ,tools and tackles and
transportation, scaffolding etc. complete as per specification and as directed.

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and MORT&H Specification Clause
No. 2800 (REPAIR OF STRUCTURES ) and as directed by engineer in charge

2. The measurement and payment shall be in Sqmt basis.

Item No. 19
Epoxy Painting -
Providing and applying one coat Epoxy Phenolic primer of DFT 50 micron and two coats of
Epoxy Phenolic coating of DFT 100 microns each or any other equivalent epoxy coating system
to all concrete surfaces exposed to atmosphere in substructure and superstructure including
cost of material, labour, transportation, scaffolding and preparing the surfaces by cleaning,
washing, brushing, sand / grit blasting etc. complete and as directed by Engineer and as per
specification. (Paint shall be got approved from Engineer and tested from approved laboratory).

1. The relevant specifications for applying epoxy coating of approved shade, brand and manufacture
on new concrete work is given in item shall apply to this item.
2. The measurement shall be in basis.
3. The rate includes all labour, material, equipments etc. complete as per direction of engineer in
4. The mode of payment shall be in per sqm. Basis

Item No. 20
Shear connectors:- Drilling holes into existing concrete substrate for anchoring of new
anchoring rebars with 12/16 mm dia shear connectors at 0.5 m c/c as per drawing and for
additional rebar provision in repair area and fixing with chemical anchor lokfix of fosroc make /
Masterflow 935 of BASF make / Hilti Hy200 / Fischer. Drilling hole diameter: 4 mm larger to rebar
dia drilling depth: min 10 times the rebar dia including cleaning, cutting, fabricating, chemical,
tools, tackles etc. completed as directed by EIC.
10 mm
12 mm
16 mm

Purpose : To provide the shear connectors if required to anchor new reinforcement to the existing
structural component.

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Procedure :
Step -1 : Provide props & other suitable arrangements to relieve the structural members stress and
strains wherever feasible.
Step 2 : Scaffolding/ working platforms of suspended / suitable type shall be erected as per the
Step -3 : Provide the protective screen or suitable arrangements to minimize falling of debris on service
road below / river in any case.
Step -4 : After cleaning of loose concrete / rust reinforcement areas, mark the new areas which required
shear connectors to support additional new reinforcement as per the design.
Step -5 : Accordingly drill the holes as per respective dia of shear connector and place the new
reinforcement with chemical anchor as per the drawing.
Step -6 : Clean the surface area and cut the wastage of reinforcement after anchoring procedure is
done satisfactorily.
Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as well as MoRT&H Clause 1600 &
2800 shall apply to this item. (also follow the general specifications for Repair Work)

The measurement & mode of payment shall be in No. basis.

Item No. 21
Providing, erecting and removing proper, safe and leak proof shuttering using Plywood, steel
plate to facilitate any type of repair work etc. as directed by Engineer in charge.
1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in
2. The mode of payment shall be in per Smt. basis.

Item No. 22
Providing and applying 25 to 50 mm thick pre-packed, cement based , micro concrete of min.
M40 grade at sides of girders/ box web / slab using spray gun, including Cleaning the surface
with air mixed with water under pressure etc. Complete as specified and as directed.
1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in charge
2. The mode of payment shall be in per Smt. basis

Item No. 23
Providing and applying 50 to 75 mm thick pre-packed, cement based , micro concrete of min.
M40 grade at sides of girders/ web of box/ slab using spray gun, including Cleaning the surface
with air mixed with water under pressure etc. Complete as specified and as directed.
1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in charge
2. The mode of payment shall be in per Smt. basis
Item No. 24
Excavation for foundation in sand, gravel, clay soft soils and murrum etc. including shoring,
strutting dewatering as necessary and disposing of the excavated stuff as directed.(A) Depth
upto 3.0 M.
1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in charge
2. The mode of payment shall be in per Cmt. basis
Item No. 25
Reparing of damaged brick / stone wall. This item will include cost of material like bricks,
cement, water,scaffolding and other labour charges etc. as complete as directed by Engineer-in-
charge Note: This item summerise as repairs work including half brick work, cement plaster and
pointing work.
1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in charge
2. The mode of payment shall be in per Smt. basis
Item No. 26
Providing and casting in situ controlled cement concrete M-30 for Kerb / kerb blocks including
formwork curing and finishing, complete.
1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in charge
2. The mode of payment shall be in per Cmt. basis
Item No. 27
Supplying and fixing of 380 mm H x 300 mm L x 200 mm B Kerb block for Central Verge in M-20
grade using 20 mm nominal size black trap aggregate of Sevaliya/Timba or equivalent quality for
pre-cast blocks, reasonably exposed finish/ formwork, mould with well equipped with vibratory
system for kerb stones of approved design including curing, etc. complete, including the cost of
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formwork etc. complete. The rate shall also include necessary cutting of asphalt, fixing the Kerb
stones in line and level on 5 cm thick sand bedding with necessary equipments and materials.
The rate shall also include the flush pointing in CM (1:3) for all joints of the kerbstones. Filling of
zari alone the sides of the kerb stone fixed with Bituminous concrete / C.C. mixed in proper
position to flush with the road surface complete as directed by Engineer in change to form a
portable mixture.

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in charge
2. The mode of payment shall be in per Rmt. basis.

Item No. 28
Supplying and fixing of 300 mm-L x 150 mm-B x 380 mm-H Kerb block for Footpath in M-20 grade
using 20 mm nominal size black trap aggregate of Sevaliya/Timba or equivalent quality for pre-
cast blocks, reasonably exposed finish/ formwork , mould with well equipped with vibratory
system for kerb stones of approved design including curing, etc. complete, including the cost of
formwork etc. complete. The rate shall also include necessary cutting of asphalt, fixing the Kerb
stones in line and level on 5 cm thick sand bedding with necessary equipments and materials.
The rate shall also include the flush pointing in CM (1:3) for all joints of the kerbstones. Filling of
zari alone the sides of the kerb stone fixed with Bituminous concrete Bituminous concrete / C.C.
mixed in proper position to flush with the road surface complete as directed by Engineer in
change to form a portable mixture.
a) Laying on 5 cm thick sand Bedding
1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in
2. The mode of payment shall be in per Rmt. basis.
Item No. 29
Providing and Laying of Rubber Moulded Paver Block Grey/Coloured 60 mm thick, M-35 Grade of
any size ; shape (Usually Uni-Paver Blocks) using black trap good quality aggragate of 20 mm
nominal size for footpath, parking areas, service lanes and other areas as mentioned in the
drawing / instruction of engineer in charge. Cost includes formworks using rubber mould, Rate
providing and laying paver blocks as per required grading and specification. The paver block
shall be mechanically compacted. The work of paving blocks shall be executed in line and level
by skill mason of flooring work only. It should be laid in such a way that the no cutting of the
paver block to be necessary. if cutting of paver block necessary then it should be cut by machine
only and carting. The finished surface of the paver block shall have resonably good, plain
finished. Paver blocks shall be compacted and shall be relaid if necessary. Gravel or such type of
materials shall not be allowed for production. Laying on 5 cms thick sand bedding.
Scope of work : Excavation and compaction up to 30 cm in height for footpath paving in all sorts of
soil murrum including sorting outs and stacking of useful materials stuff up to 5 km.

The scope of work includes manufacturing, supplying, and lying of precast paver blocks at various
Retail outlets. The work includes: Verification of the existing site condition and advising our project in
charge to lay suitable base course if required. Contractors are required to satisfy themselves with
quality of sub grade, sub-base course before the paver blocks are laid and suggest strengthening if

Clearing the site by removing all obstacles such as stones, debris etc. for laying of paver blocks.
Manufacturing of paver blocks in your plant as per requirements in technical specification enclosed.
Supplying of paver blocks at site, including handling at both ends.

Laying of paver blocks at site as per requirement in technical specification on 5 cm thick sand bedding,
within shortest possible time the site is public place hence care should be taken to ensure that the
routine activities should not be disturbed. The job of laying may required to be carried out during
night also.

Testing of paver blocks shall through reputed Govt. /Non Govt. Test house only and submission of test
results as per requirements in Technical Specifications. AMC reserves the right to carryout test at
random. Cost for such tests to be borne by party. The contractor shall guarantee that all material and
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components designed, fabricated, supplied, and laid by him shall be free from any type of defect due
to faulty material and/or workmanship/erection for a period of One year from the date of completion
of work. However, the contractor one year's shall render free maintenance.


1.0 Paver Block Manufacturing Facilities:

The Paver Block shall be made in factory with following minimum facilities:
1.1 Concrete Block making Machines:
The machine should be capable of producing high quality Paver Blocks by obtaining high level
of compaction by application of hydraulic compaction and also by high intensity vibration to
the moulds. The machine should have automatic control panel for uniformity in strength.

1.2 Concrete Batching & Mixing Plant: (Not essential)

The concrete Mix Design should be followed for each batch of materials. The concrete
ingredient should be mixed in concrete Batching & Mixing plant with minimum capacity of 30
cum/hour. The plant should equipped with automatic control panel for maintaining water
cement ratio from batch to batch to obtain concrete of uniform quality and strength. The plant
should be equipped with adequate mechanism for mechanized loading of raw materials into
mixer and conveyor belt for transportation of concrete from mixer to concrete block making
machine to maintain quality of wet cement.

1.3. Curing: The factory should have well designed curing area to ensure adequate curing of paver

1.4 Laboratory (Desirable but not essential) :

The factory should have the following:

• A Compression testing machine of adequate capacity.
• Other tools and equipment for testing raw materials and paver blocks.
• Systematic record of test results of various paver blocks manufactured in the factory.
• Concrete Mix Design for various grade of concrete used for making of paver blocks.


Coloured concrete paver blocks shall be manufactured as per attached specifications using or
equivalent approved colour Pigment of “BAYER” Make “BAYFERROX IRONOXIDE PIGMENTS”
with minimum colour pigment of 3% by weight of cement. The colour shade shall be “RED” as
selected by AMC before commencement of the work. White cement shall be used for colored
pavers to obtain the desired colour shade. The job also includes providing 50 mm thick sand
bedding to match the shade of the paver block.

The colour of the paver block shall be guaranteed against fading of colour for period of 12
months from the date of laying of the same at site.

All other technical specifications & Procedure for testing, laying & sampling of coloured pavers
will be as per attachment.


The concrete pavers should have perpendicularities after release from the mould and the same
should be retained until the laying. The surface should be reasonably smooth and of anti skid
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and anti glare type. The paver should have uniform chamfers to facilitate easy drainage surface
run off. The pavers should have uniform interlocking space of 2mm to 3mm to ensure
compacted sand filling after vibration on the paver Surface. The concrete mix design should be
followed for each batch of materials separately and automatic batching plant is to be used to
achieve uniformity in strength and quality. The pavers shall be manufactured in single layer
only. Skilled labour should be employed for laying blocks to ensure line and level of laying,
desired shape of the surface and adequate compaction of the sand in the joints. The pavers
shall be of cement gray colour without any pigment & for coloured pavers refer “specifications
for coloured pave`” The pavers are to be skirted all round with kerbing using solid concrete
blocks of size 150mm X 250mm X 380mm. The kerbing should be embedded for 100mm depth.
The concrete used for kerbing shall be cured properly for 7 days minimum.

4.0 Paver Block Dimensions:

Thickness 60 mm
Shape directed by Addl.C.E.
Chamfer 4mm to 6mm along top edges
Colour a. Natural cement grey colour without use of any pigment.
b. For coloured pavers refer “specifications for coloured
Dimensional Tolerance (+/-) 2mm for length & width,
(+/-) 3mm for Height (Thickness)
5.0 Testing of Paver Blocks :
Average Values
(Average of Minimum Five Samples/Site)
1. Compressive Strength Min. 35 N/Sq mm for 60mm thick
2. Flexural Strength Minimum 4.5 N/Sq mm
3. Abrasion Resistance Maximum 1.5
4. Water Absorption Maximum 5.80%
5. Minimum Cement Content 380 Kg/Cum (Not Essential)

* Sampling and testing procedure as per enclosed specifications


Sample Size:
INTERNAL – Average of minimum 3 samples per 5000 Blocks.
1. Sampling for Testing
Sampling for testing of paver blocks shall be done in accordance with Appendix-A.
2. Compressive Strength
The average compressive strength of the bocks tested shall be Min. 35 N/Sq mm.
3. Abrasion Resistance
Testing for abrasion shall be in accordance with IS 1237 (Specifications for Cement Concrete
Floor Tiles) – Appendix C.
4. Flexural Strength
Testing for flexural shall be n accordance with IS 1237 (Specifications for Cement Concrete
Floor Tiles) – Appendix D.
5. Water Absorption
Testing for water absorption shall be in accordance with IS 2185:1979 : Part I (Specifications for
Concrete Masonry Units) – Appendix E.
Appendix – A
Sampling of Paver blocks.
1. Method of sampling :

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Before laying paver blocks, each designated section comprising not more than 50000 blocks,
shall be divided into ten approximately equal groups. Three blocks shall be drawn from each
2. Marking and identification :
All samples shall be clearly marked at the time of sampling in such a way that the designated
section of part thereof, and the consignment represented by the sample, are clearly defined.
The sample shall be dispatched to the approved test laboratory taking precaution to avoid
damage to the paving in transit. Protect the paving from damage and contamination until they
have been tested. The testing shall be carried as soon as possible, after the sample has been
taken. As soon as practicable after sampling. The samples shall be stored in water at 20 degree
C ± 5 degree C for 24 hours prior to testing.
The item is to be executed as per instructions and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer in
charge using Rubber mould and Table vibrator for Kerb instead of mechanical press system.
Extra rate for excavation of asphalt payment of any thickness including demolishing the asphalt
carpet, metal, soling etc. complete with stacking the materials as directed. The road surface of
asphalt shall carefully be opened to full width as directed by the Engineer in charge.
Excavation area shall be properly identified and marked in rectangular shape. The road crust
shall be opened up to entire depth i.e. including soling. All the materials shall be separately
deposited in such a way and in places as may be determined by the Engineer in charge. In case
rubble not being so deposited or being mixed up with the excavated materials will not be
allowed for refilling. The cost of materials shall be charged from the contractor. The decision of
the C.E. shall be final and binding to the contractor.
Mode of measurements and payment: The rate shall be for a unit of one sq. meter

Item No. 30
Labour work for fixing interlocking blocks / any kind of pavement on up to 50 mm thick sand
bedding, levelling, watering and fixing in line & level as well cleaning the site etc. comp. as

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in
2. The measurement and payment shall be in Sqmt basis.

Item No. 31
Pre cast concrete kerb Providing and fixing M25 Grade of concrete precast exposed / Fair finish /
texture finish kerb stones of approved make as per approved sample of any size and any type.
Kerbs shall be fixed on the foundation prepared as per approved design. The rate shall also
include for erecting and fixing the pieces in position for complete kerb system with chamfered
type of kerbs including necessary accessories of kerb like radius kerb, angles and quadrant
kerbs, droplet kerbs etc. complete as per drawing. Kerb shall be fixed as paper joint without any
jointing material. However cement mortar shall be provided at the backside of kerb stone joint.
(Sample must be approved) Cost of excavation, cutting , base , side filling shall includes as
directed engineer - incharge in above item description as per BOQ (a) 450 mm high median kerb.

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in charge
2. The measurement and payment shall be in Rmt basis.

Item No. 32
Pre cast concrete kerb Providing and fixing M25 Grade of concrete precast exposed / Fair finish /
texture finish kerb stones of approved make as per approved sample of any size and any type.
Kerbs shall be fixed on the foundation prepared as per approved design. The rate shall also
include for erecting and fixing the pieces in position for complete kerb system with chamfered
type of kerbs including necessary accessories of kerb like radius kerbs, angles and quadrant
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kerbs, droplet kerbs etc. complete as per drawing. Kerb shall be fixed as paper joint without any
jointing material. However cement mortar shall be provided at the backside of kerb stone joint.
(Sample must be approved) Cost of excavation, cutting , base , side filling shall includes as
directed engineer - incharge in above item description as per BOQ (b) 375 mm high Footpath

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in charge
2. The measurement and payment shall be in Rmt basis.

Item No. 33
Paver Block : Providing and laying shot blasted Non - interlocking, Paver blocks of specified
thickness, size, grade of concrete and colour machine made and blasting by automatic shot
blasting machine and high density of as per approved sample of approved make for footpath,
parking areas, service lanes,cross over and other areas as mentioned in the drawing. Including
providing and laying 50 mm thick averave bedding layer of coarse sand below paver block as per
required grading and specification. Laid paver block shall be mechanically compacted. The work
of the paving blocks shall be executed in line and level by skilled mason of flooring work only.
Small size of paver block with same specification shall be used at residue or at end. It should be
laid in such a way that the no cutting of the paver block to be necessary. If cutting of paver block
shall be required , than cut by machine only and laying to be done by skilled flooring mason. The
finished surface of the paver block shall have coarse sand Texture Finish. Pave blocks shall be
compacted and shall be re-laid if necessary. Actual laid area shall be measured and paid without
any wastage. (A) 60 mm thick M-35 grade Grey Paver block of size 200mm x 200mm.

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in charge
2. The measurement and payment shall be in Sqmt basis.

Item No. 34
Paver Block Providing and laying shot blasted Non - interlocking, Paver blocks of specified
thickness, size, grade of concrete and colour machine made and blasting by automatic shot
blasting machine and high density of as per approved sample of approved make for footpath,
parking areas, service lanes,cross over and other areas as mentioned in the drawing. Including
providing and laying 50 mm thick averave bedding layer of coarse sand below paver block as per
required grading and specification. Laid paver block shall be mechanically compacted. The work
of the paving blocks shall be executed in line and level by skilled mason of flooring work only.
Small size of paver block with same specification shall be used at residue or at end. It should be
laid in such a way that the no cutting of the paver block to be necessary. If cutting of paver block
shall berequired , than cut by machine only and laying to be done by skilled flooring mason. The
finished surface of the paver block shall have coarse sand Texture Finish. Pave blocks shall be
compacted and shall be re-laid if necessary. Actual laid area shall be measured and paid without
any wastage.
(A) 80 mm thick M-35 grade Grey Paver block of size 200mm x 200mm.

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in charge
2. The measurement and payment shall be in Sqmt basis.

Item No. 35
Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1- Cement : 5-fine sand : 10- graded brick bat
aggregates 40mm nominal size) and curing complete.

Item No. 36
Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 (1- Cement : 3- Coarse sand : 6- Hand broken stone
aggregates 40mm nominal size) and curing complete

Item No. 37
Providing and laying chequered precast cement concrete tiles 22 mm thick with aggregate of
sizes upto 6 mm. laid in floors, treads of steps & landing on a bed of 20 mm. thick bed of cement
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mortar 1:6(1 cement:6 coarse sand) or lime mortar 1:1.5 (1 lime putty : 1.5 sand) jointed with neat
cement slurry with pigment to match the shade of tiles

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in charge
2. The measurement and payment shall be in Sqmt basis.

Item No. 38
Filling in plinth with sand under footpath including watering ramming, consolidating, compaction
& dressing complete

1. Relevant specification shall be followed as per item description and as directed by engineer in charge
2. The measurement and payment shall be in Cmt basis.

Item No. 39
Painting two coats (excluding priming coat) on new steel and other metal surface with synthetic
enamel paint, brushing to give an even shade including cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and
other foreign matter.

1.0 Materials : The enamel paint shall conform to M-44 B.

2.0 Workmanship :
2.1 General :
2.1.1 The materials required for work of painting work shall be obtained directly from approved
manufacturers or approved dealer and brought to the site in maker's drums, kege etc. with seal
2.1.2 All materials not in actual use shall be kept properly protected, lids of containers shall be kept
closed and surface of paint in open or partially open containers covered with a thin layer of
turpentine to prevent formation of skin. The materials which have become stale or flat due to
improper and long storage shall not be used. The paint shall be stirred thoroughly in its container
before pouring into small containers. While applying also the paint shall be continuously stirred in
smaller container. No left over paint shall be put back into stock tins. When not in use, the
containers shall be kept properly closed.
2.1.3 If for any seasons, thinning is necessary, the brand of thinner recommended by the manufacturer
shall be used.
2.1.4 The surface to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned and dusted. All rust, dirt and grease shall
be thoroughly removed before painting is started. No painting on exterior or other exposed parts
of the work shall be carried out in wet, damp of otherwise unfavourable weather and all the
surfaces shall be thoroughly dry before painting work is started.

2.2 Application :
2.2.1 Brushing operations are to be adjusted to the spreading capacity advised by the manufacture of
particular paint. The paint shall be applied evenly and smoothly by means of crossing and laying
off. The crossing and laying off consists of covering the area over with paint, brushing the surface
hard for the first time over and then brushing alternately in opposite directions two or three
times and then finally brushing lightly in direction at right angles to the same.

In this process, no brush marks shall be left after the laying off is finished. The full process of
crossing and laying off will constitute one coat.
2.2.2 Each coat shall be allowed to dry completely and lightly rubbed with very fine grade of sand paper
and loose particles brushed off before next coat is applied. Each coat shall vary slightly in shade
and shall be got approved from Engineer-in-charge before next coat is started.
2.2.3 Each coat except the last cost shall be lightly rubbed down with sand-paper of fine pumice stone
and cleaned of dust before the next coat is applied. No hair marks from the brush or clogging of
paint puddles in the corners of panels angles of mouldings etc. shall be left on the work.

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2.2.4 special care shall be taken while painting over bolts, nuts, rivets, overlaps etc. Approved best
quality brushes shall be used.
3.0 Mode of measurements & payment :
3.1 The relevant specifications of item No. 19.12 shall be followed for mode of measurements and
payment. The rate is excluding priming coat.
3.2 The rate shall be for a unit of one sq. metre.

Item No. 40
Providing and applying two coats of acrylic elastomeric coating (elastomeric membrane forming
system with anticarbonation).It shall be Water based (Solvent Free) modified with selected
mineral filler applied over the prepared surface. The coating should have anti-carbonation and
water vapour diffusion property and should be resistant to action of Ultra Violet (UV) radiation. It
should be water proof and capable of bridging crazing and cracks with the dry film thickness
(DFT) of each coat shall not be less than 100 micron. Anticarbonation paint of makes as per list
of approved make mentioned in the tender. Item including Surface preparation, applying one coat
of primer coat shall not be less than 50 micron & make as per listed in the tender and also
including all types of Scaffolding, safety accessories, Labour, all materials lead, Lift tools plants,
Taxes, Testing etc to execute the work as directed etc complete for sub structure and
superstructure components. Paints shall be Spray, brush, roller applied and shall coin form to
the following properties (conform to MORTH Sec-2808).
1. Carbon dioxide diffusion equivalent air layer thickness (DIN EN 1062- 6)>100m
2. Carbon dioxide diffusion resistance co-efficient (DIN EN 1062-6)>105
3. Elongation of cured film shall be as per ASTM D 237098 >100%
4. Chloride Ion Diffusion (ASTM C 1202)=Zero penetration
5. Adhesion (ASTM D 4541)>2 N/mm2
6. Solar Reflectance Index (ASTM E 1980-11,EN 673-2011,EN 410-2011)>104

1. Carbon dioxide diffusion equivalent air layer thickness (DIN EN 1062- 6)>100m
2. Carbon dioxide diffusion resistance co-efficient ( DIN EN 1062-6)>105
3. Elongation of cured film shall be as per ASTM D 237098 >100%
4. Chloride Ion Diffusion (ASTM C 1202)=Zero penetration
5. Adhesion (ASTM D 4541)>2 N/mm2
6. Solar Reflectance Index (ASTM E 1980-11,EN 673-2011,EN 410-2011)>104

a. For Sub Structure

b. For Super Structure


The application of anti-carbonation acrylic elastomeric protective coating as per relevant IS and MORTH
(Section 2800) specification on concrete structures of proposed bridge.


(a) The coating materials shall meet the standards specified by various codes and formulation set forth
by the patenter.

(b) A written certification shall be furnished to the bridge cell that properly identifies the number of each
batch of coating material used in the work, material, quantity represented, date of manufacture,
name and address of manufacturer.

(c) The coating material shall be stored in the manner as per recommendations of the manufacturer until
ready for use. The coating material shall be used within the manufacturer’s written recommended
shelf life.

(d) When a representative sample of the material is to be sent to outside laboratory, then the sample
shall be packaged in an airtight container and identified by batch number. The samples will be got
tested at Tenderer/Contractor’s cost.

(e) Contractor has to make arrangement for periodical supervision from a technician of paint/coating
(ACP) manufacturer during the execution and shall give the quality assurance certificate for the
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Amdavad Municipal Corporation Section - IV :TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

supply and application of the paint/coating at every month and shall also issue a final certificate for
overall quality assurance of the work.

(f) The materials (paints, primers, etc.) to be used are to be procured from reputed certified
manufacturers as below.

1. Asian paints ltd

2. Apurva India Ltd.
3. Berger Paint India Ltd.
4. Buildcore Chemicals Mumbai
5. Chembond Chemical Ltd
6. Clean coat Pvt Ltd.
7. Fairmate Chemical Pvt Ltd.
8. Fosroc Chemicals
9. Jotun India Pvt. Ltd.
10. Sunanda Chemicals Pvt Ltd.
11. Nerolac Paint Ltd.

(g) During tender stage, tenderer shall have to submit the details of brand/manufacturer name etc. for
the anti-carbonation paint to be proposed for the work.

(h) Various test of color/coating shall be done at third party laboratory to identify its properties and
should satisfy standards guideline/requirements. Some of the properties are Base, Curing, Colour,
Shelf Life, Coverage, Dry film thickness, Specific Gravity, Solid Content, UV Resistance, Adhesion


In order to have better bonding the concrete surface should be clean, dry and mechanically sound.
The surface of the concrete structure to be coated shall be cleaned of all traces of mould oil,
laitance, and salt deposits by mechanized means. The surface should be thoroughly scrubbed
using power tools. Finally, the surface should be washed with clean water jet to remove any salt
deposits. The surface should be dried. All the protrusions should be removed and cracks,
construction joints in web-slab junction, slab-parapet junction and projected cantilever portion of
PSC girder should be sealed with polysulphide based sealant by making groove of 5-8 mm as per
discretion of Engineer-in-charge. The surroundings of drain pipes are to be filled with cement-sand
mortar and with polymer bonding agent to match with the surroundings. The potholes/honey combs
are to be made good with epoxy modified cementitious sealing mortar.


1. Thoroughly mix the entire contents of the packaged tin prior to use.
2. A primer coating of the coating shall be applied to the cleaned surface after surface preparation
as per the requirement of manufacturer.
3. After air curing, intermediate and top coating should be applied with time lag as per
manufacturer’s specification.
4. The coating shall be applied by approved means


During the application of the coating, clean abraded steel plates of approximately 10cm x 8cm
shall be adhered to the concrete surface by means of putty/adhesive in such a way that these can
be detached. The coating can be applied over the plates in the course of application over the
concrete surface.

Dry film thickness (DFT) will be measured using suitable paint inspection gauge such as
elcometer. DFT measurement should be done at every 500-to 100 sqm areas or as per the
direction of Engineer-in-charge. For ascertaining the DFT of coating, the paint inspection gauge
such as elcometer is to be provided by the contractor.


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Amdavad Municipal Corporation Section - IV :TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS

The coating shall be visually inspected after curing for continuity of the coating and shall be free from
holes, voids, contamination, cracks and damaged areas discernible to the unaided eye.


1. All coating damage shall be repaired with patching material by the contractor at his own cost.
2. Repaired areas shall have a minimum coating thickness of 225 ± 20 microns
3. Repair of damaged coating shall be done in accordance with the patching material
manufacturers written recommendations within the accepted rates.


The contract rate shall be per square meter of surface area coated by Anti carbonation paint as per

1.9 RATE

The rate includes all labour, materials, taxes, scaffolding arrangement required, lead, lift, tools,
plants, testing, safety accessories etc. to execute and to complete the work as directed & as detailed
in the tender.


On completion of the work, immediately, the contractor has to submit the Guarantee bond (on
hundred rupees stamp paper) of quality assurance of providing and applying anti carbonation
coating, for five years period and Performance bond of amounting to 5% of contract value
(Sanctioned tender amount) for five years period, from the date of completion of the work on

Item No. 41
Supplying, labour for excavation of all types of soil at any depth including excavation of asphalt
pavement of any thickness, demolition of brick work / flooring in CM of any proportion including
stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable material, cleaning of rain water
spout/weep holes of various bridges, etc. or as directed by engineer in charge
Mazdoor at day /night
Fitter at day / Night
Makadam/ supervision/Fitter at day / Night

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In
2. The measurement shall be in No. basis.

Item No. 42
Providing, laying and jointing in true line and level 110 diameter U.P.V.C (Type B) conforming to
IS13592-1992 with one end plain and other end socketed with rubber ring, & fittings conforming
to ISI 14735-1999 of approved make for drainage system pipeline, pipe shall be jointed with each
other with rubber lubricant, pipe shall be fixed on wall using of PVC clamp of the size110 mm
diameter x 149 mm length x 145 mm height at every 2000 mm center to center or shall be
concealed in walls as directed including necessary fittings such as bends, shoes etc. including
testing of pipes and joints and jointed with adhesive solvent cement including cost of all

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in Rmt.. basis.

Item No. 43
Providing and fixing drainage spouts of 100 mm dia with UPVC complete as per technical
specification and as per drawings.

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1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in Nos basis.

Item No. 44
Providing and fixing 100 mm diameter GI, vertical runner pipe conduits including cost of all
materials, labour, fixing in true line and level, including bends, fixtures, specials etc. complete
with all lifts and leads etc. as per specifications and as directed by Engineer.

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in Rmt.. basis

Item No. 45
Structural steel work ( Confirming to IS 4923-1997) riveted, bolted or welded in built up for all
type sections, in framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a
priming coat of approved steel primer all complete as per the structural designs and directions of
Engineer in charge.

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in Kg.. basis

Item No. 46
Providing and Fixing Chain link jali 2 10 x 10 gauge (Galvanised)

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in Smt.. basis

Item No. 47
Conveyance charge of earth ,lime,murrum, building rubbish, manual garbage,sludge,excavated
rock ,fly ash, aggregate of any kind etc. comp. Up to 5.0 Km. lead

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in Cmt.. basis

Item No. 48
Hiring and operating the 20 KV 3 Phase Electric Generator for operating desilting machinery, and
lighting and other requirements with Arranging diesel to run the D.G. Set Do As Directed. 8 Hrs
Shift. (No payment should be allowed for non working condition of machinery ) ( Based on
Previously approved rate by C E sir )

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in shift. basis

Item No. 49
Providing & Supplying JCB Machine on rental basis in case of emergency situation and break
down type work & also during unavoidable condition as per instruction of engg.incharge , rate
includes all nece. Shifting, fuel and operating charges and stacking of useful & non-useful
materials separately up to store. (No payment should be allowed for non working condition of
machinery and for pipe line excavation and laying work) ( Based on Previously approved rate by
C E sir )

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in hour basis

Item No. 50
Supplying Pneumatic Breaker Machine for RCC Slab or Asphalt Demolishing Work on site by
using Operator, fuel, power Supply etc. Complete as Directed. (No payment should be allowed for
non working condition of machinery and for pipe line excavation and M.H. work. Allowed only for
break down work) ( Based on Previously approved rate by C E sir )

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in hour basis
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Item No. 51
Replacement of old drainage spout with new Drainage Spout _ including providing, fitting,
dismantling and widening the existing opening and fixing new drainage spot, M.S grating
system, M.O.R.T&H specification 2705.

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in Nos. basis

Item No. 52
Providing and supplying mechanically double twist hightly galvanized with (PVC) poly chloride
coating gabions made of mesh size 10 x 12 mm woven wire as per ASTMA- 975 -97 size of gabin
1 m x 1 m x 1 m directed by Engineer in charge including providing and laying stones in the
gabions and arranging them in a required manner in the section of break water or such other
structure including providing non woven Geo textile as required, quarrying, blasting, loading at
quarry site, transporting at work site and range in the gabions in workman like manner with
required layer thickness and arranging this gabions in required layers with the crane of required
capacity (if reqd. as per drawing or as directed) with all material, labour, tools etc. complete.
following IRC :SP:116-018 with all respect rates include getting detail design and the drawing
approved from authority and cost of inspection during manufacturing from approved

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in Cmt.. basis

Item No. 53
Providing panel wall for dry stone pitching in uncourased rubble masonary with had stone
of approved quality in cement. mortar 1.5 including curing etc, complete.

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in Cmt.. basis

Item No. 54
Removing of damage rubber (neoprene rubber) in expansion joint and replacing with new rubber
in expansion joint as per morth specification and approved make. Item rate is inclusive of the
materials all labor, supervision ,tools and tackles and transportation, scaffolding etc. complete
as per specification and as directed.

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in Rmt.. basis

Item No. 55
Core cutting
Making and wet drilling accurate and clean holes of specified diameter in RCC walls, slabs, beam
or any other RCC member without vibration by core cutting (diamond drilling) machine of HILTI
or equivalent including scaffolding, safety majors, disposing the debris, cleaning for all levels/ all
height as per structural consultant's drawing, after approval of engineer in charge etc complete.
Measurement will be taken for the depth of holes in running meter for specified diameter. Holes
shall made by authorised agency.
a) holes from 102 to 152mm dia

1. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
2. The measurement shall be in Rmt.

Item No. 56
Arranging and fixing temorary barricading of 2.0 mt height using G.I. courrugated sheets &
wooden planks, wooden vertical supports, etc. along with warning sign / bollards, lights, with all
traffic safety, etc. including demolishing after completion of work. Shifting/relocate the same
sheet/barricads as required. and no extra payment made for that. After the completion of work or
project, the ownership of barricading will remain with the contractor

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3. Work shall be carried out as per AMC specifications / Standards and directed by Engineer In charge
4. The measurement shall be in Rmt.

Note:- Bridge repairing and rehabilitation work must be followed as per guideline of IRC SP 40, 2019 &
SP 35, 2019


& STAMP (Bridge Project)

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Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation


“SARDAR PATEL BHAVAN”, Danapith, Amdavad – 380 001

Ph. No. (079) 25391811, 25391830 Fax No. (079) 25350926
Web site: Email:

Tender No:

Name of work: - ARC Tender for Repairing & Strengthening work for AMC West Side various
bridges (i.e., ROB, FOB, RUB, Box Culvert, River Bridge) as per Inspection Report Given by Bridge
Inspection Agency in Amdabad City.


February - 2024
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

Repairing Work and Painting works of kerbs, central verges and parapet walls and other portion
of bridge on different bridges /river bridges of West Side and other area in Amdavad City.

1. Schedule B is to be read for the purpose of pricing in conjunction with information to tenderer,
conditions of contract, special condition of contractor, work plan and technical specifications and
2. The rate of the Schedule B includes all constructional plant, labour, supervision, materials erection,
maintenance, insurance, profit, overheads, government taxes and duties, VAT/GST, Labour well fare
cess, together with all general risks, liabilities and obligations, set out or implied in the Contract and
including remedy of any defects during the Defects Liability Period.
3. The rate of the schedule B shall be all inclusive value of the work described including all costs and
expenses which may be required in and for the construction of work described together will all
general risks, liabilities and obligation set forth or implied in the document on which the tender is to
be based.
4. The method of measurement and payment shall be as described under various items and in the
Schedule B. Where specific definitions are not given, the method described in MoRTH / IS (IRC SP
40 – Bridge Repair) code will be followed. Should there be any detail of construction or materials
which has not be referred to the specification or in the Schedule B and drawings but the necessity for
which may be implied or inferred there from or which are usual or essential for completion of the
work in the trades the same shall be deemed to be included in the rates.

5. The quantities stated are to be considered approximate only and the unit rate of the Schedule B shall
apply only to the quantities actually executed.

6. The tenderer must quote his percentage above or below in online submission only.

7. The schemes and dimensions shown on the tender drawing are tentative; the same are likely to vary
during actual execution and no extra / separate charges shall be payable due to any variations in
quantity to any extent.

8. The work shall be carried out as per “SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK” by the
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. (MoRTH) Fifth Revision.

9. The specification numbers stated in the detailed description of items of works against each item are
indicated for guidance of the Bidders. However, any of the specification alluded to the specifications
referred to in the Bill of Quantities and / or any other specifications from “Technical Specifications”
which in the opinion of the Engineer are applicable for a particular item is deemed to have been
included in the scope of item and fully covered by the rates quoted for the items. In case of any
discrepancies between provision stated in the description of individual items and those covered by
the technical specifications, the provision in the description of item shall have preference.

10. Grouping of items under sub heads of different section is done in BOQ for the convenience. Any item
from any section can be considered for operation in any other section as directed by the Engineer-in-

11. For all structural concrete work, cement of ordinary Portland Cement 53 grade confirming to IS
12269 and having ISI mark shall be used. For other work cement 43 grade confirming IS 8112
respectively can be used on prior approval from AMC. Cement shall have ISI mark and from primary
manufacturers of cement, approved by AMC. Samples of cement arranged by the Contractor shall
be taken in presence of the Engineer-in-Charge and got tested in accordance with provisions of the
relevant BIS codes. In case test results indicate that the cement arranged by the Contractor does not
conform to the relevant BIS codes, the same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from the site
by the Contractor at his own cost within three days.

12. Reinforcement (TMT Fe 500/500D) Steel: All steel shall be produced from “Originally Producers”
who manufacture billets directed from Iron ores and roll the billets to produce steel confirming to IS
1786 No re-rolled steel shall be incorporated in the works.

Reinforcement bars shall be Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) Fe 500/500 D bars confirming to
IS 1786. Re-rolled steel shall not be used in the work.

The Contractor shall have to obtain and furnish test certificates to the Engineer-in-Charge in respect
of all supplies of steel brought by him to the site of work. Samples shall also be taken and got tested
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

by the Engineer-in-Charge as per the provisions in this regard in the relevant BIS codes. In case the
test results indicate that the steel arranged by the Contractor does not conform to BIS codes, the
same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from the site of work within three days.

13. Structural Steel:

The Contractor shall procure Structural steel from the primary manufactures only, as per list of
approved material as mentioned in the tender. The Contractor shall have to Obtain and furnish test
certificates to the Engineer-in-Charge. The Contractor shall have to obtain and furnish test
certificates to the Engineer-in-Charge in respect of all supplies of steel brought by him to the site of
work. Samples shall also be taken and got tested by the Engineer-in-Charge as per the provisions in
this regard in the relevant BIS codes. In case the test results indicate that the steel arranged by the
Contractor does not conform to BIS codes, the same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from
the site of work within three days. Re rolled steel shall not be used in the work. Structural steel shall
have one coat of zinc cromet paint & two coats of synthetic enamel paint.

14. Plot for Batching Plant, labour quarters, site office, material stock yard, testing laboratory, etc. shall
not be given by the Employer. The contractor shall make his own arrangement for the same.

15. Performance Guarantee / Bond for Bearing & expansion joint should be received from the
manufacture / contractor for not less than fifteen years. The Guarantee period should start from
opening of bridge for traffic. Ten years of replaceable warranty should be received from manufacture
/ contractor and any repair / damage in Fifteen years of guarantee period to be borne by contractor
and it’s a total responsibility of contractor. Last 5% of payment for bearing and expansion joint to be
release only after receiving of performance bond.

16. Contractor should submit weekly progress reports with photographs during execution work.
17. Contractor is advised to visit the site before quoting the rates as work is to be done at any height.
18. Site may be provided in phased manner.
19. No idle charges shall be payable if front is not made available.
20. Contractor has to deploy one qualified engineer or supervisor throughout the work.
21. Only pipe scaffolding shall be allowed for work.
22. Safety net is mandatory for all work.
23. Proper Working Platform for any type of work at all height is required.
24. Scaffolding for this work may also be used by other civil / painting contractor at no additional cost.
25. Bidder shall be an authorized applicator of approved chemicals manufacturer and shall be
recommended by product manufacturer or bidder have to give the name of authorized applicator for
the work with details along with the quotation.
26. Before starting &after completion party shall have to take the photographs of civil structure. Both soft
and hard copy of the photos shall have to submit with the bill.
27. Periodical check shall be arranged by the contractor from the manufacturer as per the instruction of
engineer in charge.
28. Additional mobilization and de- mobilization charges shall not be payable.
29. The amount quoted shall remain firm till completion of the work in all respect and no escalation in
price shall be paid.
30. Any other incidental expenditure in connection with the contract shall be paid by contractor.
31. Material consumption shall be calculated as per the manufacture recommendation or as per the
instruction of engineer in charge.
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

ARC Tender for Repairing & Strengthning work for AMC West Side various
bridges (i.e., ROB, FOB, RUB, Box Culvert, River Bridge) as per Inspection
Report Given by Bridge Inspection Agency in Amdabad City.
Unit Rate
in Rs.
based on
It A'bad
m Descriptionof work Unit 2023-24 & Amount (Rs.)
N Approved
o. Rate of
R&B and
1 Clearing and grubbing road land 0.25 Hectar 79449.30 19,862.33
including uprooting rank vegetation e
grass bushes, shrubs, sapling and trees
girth up to 300 mm removal of stumps of
trees cut earlier and disposal of
unserviceable materials(A) By manual
means in area of light jungle. The roots
of vegetation should be destroyed by
use of chemicals, care should be taken
that it does not damage sFlooring / RCC
2 Dismentaling the existing structure
including removing and stacking the
dismentalled materials as and where
directed - RCC work & Rubble Masonary
a) R.C.C work 15 Cum 1047.38 15,710.70
b) Rubble masonary 15 Cum 544.95 8,174.25
3 Scaffolding:- 1200 Sqm 183.93 220,714.29
Providing, erecting and Dismantelling
safe H frame and/or Pipe scaffodling
including working platform for external
area of Bridge Pier to facilitate all works
etc. completed. Measurement for
payment shall be considred as per Detail
specification. (Height range from 2 to 7
mt approx.. or as per site condition)
(Property of contractor, and repetation
will be paid per pier)
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

4 Removal of existing concrete along with 1200 Sqm 322.32 386,785.71

loose damaged and cracked
concrete/cover concrete at all specified
locations up to beyond the corroded
steel reinforcements by chipping/hacking
with chisel and hammer or by
mechanical means like chisel hammer,
pneumatic chippers including
scaffolding, high pressure water jetting to
chipped concrete and reinforcement and
removal and disposal of debris within
owners premises incl all plant &
machineries. Hard concrete shall not be
removed. However if the rebar is
corroded, concrete around it shall be
removed. Depth of chipping will vary
from 100 to 120 mm including spalled
thickness complete with labor, tools,
machinery etc. all. as directed by
Engineer-in-charge. The edges of the
repair locations should be saw cut to a
depth of at least 10 mm to avoid feather
edging and to provide a square edge.
Removal of dust, loose particles, algae
growth etc. from concrete surface
manually by wire brush, mechanically or
any other means to obtain a sound
surface over areas other than above.
5 Rust Removal & Steel Protection.- 750 Sqm 741.07 555,803.57
Cleaning as directed & specified all
corrosion / rust / scales from
reinforcement bars using rust remover
Reebaklens RR of Fosroc make or MBT
Rustclean of BASF or equivalent of
Krishna conchem leaving to dry for 30
mins & washing surface with fresh water
as required to exposed reinforcement
bars complete as specified also
providing & applying inhibtion
coats/system to exposed reinforcement
bars after drying & also new bars after
cleaning & removing scales and rust
completely as specified. Two component
inhibitor Nitozinc Primer Std of Fosroc
make or Concressive ZR of BASF or
equivalent of Krishna Conchem make as
approved by engineer shall be used as
per manufacturers specification is
including all labour tools tackles,
necesary surface preparation &
necessay protection after & during repair
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

6 Additional Reinforcement:- 4500 Kg 75.46 339,570.00

Providing, Cutting, fabricating new
reinforcement Fe500D and fixing with old
existing reinforcement which was
reduced to less or more than 20% of its
original diameter as provided in the
original structure and additional steel as
directed by EIC as required welding or
tying with 16 gauge annealed binding
wire complete as per drawing and
specifications for heights as directed by
7 Polymer Bond Coat- 1000 Sqm 71.43 71,430.00
Providing and applying bond coat on the
prepared surface to receive new polymer
mortar/polymer modified concrete, with
bonding coat of SBR 2 of BASF or
equivalent material in one full coat.
Laying of reinstatement polymer mortar
or micro concrete shall be completed
within the overlay time of bonding coat.
This bond coat act as bonding agent
between old and new concrete and also
acts as a 'barrier coat' to the migration of
chloride ions from host concrete. Item
rate is inclusive of the materials all labor,
supervision , tools and tackles and
transportation etc. complete as per
specification and as directed
8 Providing and placing single component, 500 Sqm 2396.43 1,198,214.29
dual shrinkage compensated, ready
mixed high strength thixotropic repair
mortar RENDEROC HSXtra of Fosroc or
equivalent (up to 50 mm) as per
specification for covering the damaged
structural member and reinforcement in
desired layer and thickness including
scaffolding, curing inclusive of all labor,
materials, equipment etc. complete as
per specification and instruction of
Engineer in charge.
9 Application of NITOMORTAR S of 500 Sqm 6539.29 3,269,642.86
Fosroc or equivalent Epoxy Mortar on
the prepared concrete & Reinforcement
Surface for thickness not more than
15mm in required proportion of
manufacture's specification, Epoxy
(Including Part A and Part B) & Quartz
Sand. Bonding Coat of Epoxy primer
NITOPRIME 25 Shall be applied not
more than 30 minutes before application
of Epoxy Mortar or as per Manufacturer
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

1 Polymer Modified Concrete :- 35 Cum 46227.68 1,617,968.75

0 Providing and laying of polymer modified
micro-concrete like Renderoc RG(L) of
Fosroc / Master Emaco S346/T288 of
BASF/or equivalent material of Krishna
Conchem blended with washed
saturated surface-dry (SSD), graded, low
absorption, high density, aggregates of
size 5mm to 12mm at 50% by weight of
concrete and water at 4 lit. per 25 kg bag
and pouring into the form work using
suitable arrangement or if required using
pumping device for uniform flow of
Microconcrete including shuttering, dead
shuttering if any. The side shuttering can
be removed after 3 days and the bottom
shuttering after 7 days ensuring proper
bond between the micro concrete and
existing concrete substrate.
Item rate is inclusive of the materials all
labour, supervision, tools and tackles
and transportation, scaffolding but
excluding shuttering etc. complete as per
specification and as directed.
(Thickness more than 50 mm)
1 Supplying and applying readymix 2000 Kg 71.43 142,857.14
1 polymer cement grout (PC grout) and
sealing of cracks by injection process
through nipples with pressure of at least
4 kg / Cum till the grout comes out
through adjacent nipples, complete as
per specification, BASF, Fosroc, Krishna
conchem, Asian, fairmate, Sicca, Atul,
Cibagaigy make of readymix polymer
cement grout material (PC grout) (With
NRV Packers) as per M.O.R.T&H
specifications section 2803.
1 "Injection grouting:- Providing and 1200 Kg 1428.57 1,714,285.71
2 executing injection / pressure grouting in
cracks in the parent concrete by fixing
PVC nipples at 150 mm to 200 mm
distances as per design and detailed
specifications. Pressure grouting using
low viscous epoxy grout Master Inject
1315 of BASF make, or Conbextra
EP10(M) of Fosroc, Krishna conchem,
Asian, fairmate Sicca, Atul, Cibagaigy
make shall be done at required pressure
etc. complete as per specification and
approvals, labor, tools tacklers etc.
complete as directed by EIC, Payment
shall be made of quality of actual grout
consumed." (With NRV Packers) as per
M.O.R.T&H specifications section 2803.
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

1 Strengthening of structural component

3 by confinement using CFRP composite
system. Strengthening structural
elements with non metallic composite
fibre wrapping system comprise of
unidirectional carbon fibre sheet
Nitowrap EPCF (Fosroc) (300,450 & 600
gsm) and compatible saturant Nitowrap
410 of (Fosroc) by dry layup system
including surface preparation by first
providing 300 mm bend using polymer
modified mortar as master emaco S 348
of BASF make or Renderoc SP40 of
Fosroc, allow to cure and grinding
substrate to avoid undulations, cleaning
it with wire brush, removing oil, laitance if
present, rounding sharp edges to
minimum 25 mm radius etc. complete
including profiling. Applying compatible
primer Nitowrap 30 (Fosroc) on prepared
substrate, filling the holes and uneven
surface with thixotropic putty Nitocote VF
(Fosroc), cutting of fibre sheet to
required sixe mixing of saturant and
applying saturat on primed surface,
wrapping the fibre sheet to structural
element at approved orientation using
temping roller to avoid air void etc.
repeat the same procedure for multiple
layers with the interval of minimum 8 hrs.
of second coat. Applying 2nd | final coat
of saturant of internal of minimum 12 hrs.
rectify air voids if any, and installation
fibre anchors at spacing of 900 mm
along the length of brand by drilling
through hole in pier section and fan
shape of 150 mm over the wall.
a) 300 GSM 100 Sqmt 3177.97 317,796.61
b) 450 GSM 600 Sqmt 4025.42 2,415,254.24
c) 600 GSM 250 Sqmt 4322.03 1,080,508.47
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

1 FRP Laminates for structural 150 Rmt. 1610.17 241,525.42

4 strengthening - (Carbon Fibre
Providing and applying Nitoplate CPS -
Carbon Fiber FRP Pultruded Laminate
strips of 1.4mm thick and 50mm width to
the prepared substrate using thixotropic
epoxy adhesive. The FRP laminate used
shall be of zero degree unidirectional
fibers having volumetric fiber content of
68%, fiber density of 1.5 g/cc and shall
have tensile strength of 3000 MPa ;
tensile modulous of 165 GPa and
ultimate elongation of 1.7%. The
thixotropic epoxy bonding adhesive shall
be applied at 1mm thickness on the
substrate and 2mm thickness on the
laminate. The adhesion of the entire
system(Laminate and adhesive
combined) with concrete shall be > 3.5
MPa with concrete failure as per ASTM
D 4541. The adhesive used shall have
tensile modulous > 2700 MPa (ASTM
D638) ; flexural modulous > 48000 MPa
(ASTM D790 ) ; Elongation > 2.5% &
Glass Transition TemPerature > 100 deg
C (ASTM E 1356). The ends of the
laminates shall be anchored suitably.,etc
complete. Product used shall have CE
(CE-29842) marking and compliance
according to Construction Products
Directive 89/106/EEC (CPD)
1 For Strengthening of Masonry 250 Sqmt 4406.78 1,101,694.92
5 Structures:
FRP Grids for structural
strengthening - (Carbon Fibre Grids)
Providing and applying High Strength
Carbon Fiber Mesh Nitowrap CF(CS) of
250 GSM on wet mortar and application
of second layer of mortar and float to
finish followed by curing.The repair
mortar used shall be single component
and shall be mixed with water at water
powder ratio of 0.18 and shall have
drying shrinkage < 1000 microstrain as
per ASTM C 157-93; compressive
strength > 40 MPa ; Flexural Strength >
7 Mpa as per ASTM C 348, bond
strength > 6 MPa as per ASTM C 1042.
Repair mortar used shall have CE (CE-
29842) marking and compliance
according to Construction Products
Directive 89/106/EEC (CPD). Carbon
Fiber Mesh shall have grid size of 20mm
; areal weigth of 250 g/sqm; tensile
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

strength of 150 kN/m ; Elastic Modulous

of >230000 MPa ; bond strength > 1
MPa as per ASTM D4541 , etc, complete
1 Galvanic sacrificial Anodes for patch 500 Nos. 974.58 487,290.00
6 repairs by Point Anodes:
Provide and install sacrificial zinc anodes
of Fosroc Galvashield XPI to prevent
initiation of corrosion of steel
reinforcement in chloride-contaminated
or carbonated concrete or new
construction. Zinc mass should be Min.
60 g/unit or More and the zinc surface
area and spacing of anodes should be
selected/designed in a way to achieve
the target service life of 10 years. The
quality of zinc should be in compliance
with ASTM B418-95a, Type I, die-cast
around steel tie-wires (in case of more
than one tie wire they should be well
seperated) and encased in a highly
alkaline cementitious mortar
(encapsulating mortar) with a pH of 14 or
greater. The encapsulating mortar
should not have sulphates, chlorides,
bromides or any other elements
corrosive to steel. The encapsulating
mortar should have interconnected and
fine pore structure to dissolve, transport
and accommodate zinc corrosion
products away from the zinc surface
without causing additional stress to the
cover concrete, and maintain a pH > 14
at the immediate vicinity of uncorroded
zinc for the desired service life. Anode
units shall be supplied with integral well-
separated tie wires without splices (in
case of more than one wire) and with
loop ties for directly tying to the
reinforcing steel. For patches in grid
pattern or periphery of patches with 4-6
anodes/m2 area of concrete, the max
spacing can be 600 mm. The anode size
and shaping shall deliver a minimum
current density to the steel adjacent to
the repair of 0.4 mA/m2 of steel surface
area at the end of the design life taking
into account an anode aging factor
calculated from previous field
installations and the in-service
environment. Anodes should meet the
target service life, which can be
estimated using Galvanic Anode
Performance (GAP) test developed at IIT
Madras for severe exposure condition
(high humid and high chloride
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

conditions).The anodes shall be covered

with bed-mortar of resistivity less than 50
kOhm-cm or similar to the parent
concrete on the cleaned steel
reinforcement as per manufacturers
specification before applying passivation
coating. All necessary design
calculations for spacing of anodes,
installation training, installation
confirmation, monitoring of set of anodes
to confirm current from anodes as per
ISO 12696 or as per the design, etc.
shall be carried out by a NACE Certified
CP Technician, CP2 or higher, complete
at all heights and including of all
materials, labour, tools, plants and
machineries as directed by Engineer-in-
charge and/or consultant.
1 Concrete Curing Compound: 250 Sqmt 52.54 13,135.00
7 The acryic emulsion modified and water
based concrete Curing Membrane (such
as Concure AB or equivalent) and
applying immediately after the
repair/concrete gets finished, the
membrane shall be sprayed over
concrete finished area without any gap
or pinhole. The cost of all materials. tools
and all labour charges are included.
completed as specified and directed by
1 Protective Coating - 1300 Sqmt 404.76 526,186.61
8 Providing and applying a single
component high build elastomeric, crack
- bridging, resistant to CO2 and SO2 and
Chloride ion diffusion, UV resistant,
breathable acrylic coating with
elongation at break exceeding 200%
using Dekguard of Fosroc or Masterseal
200H of BASF or equivalent material
applied in two coats(Each coat 150
micron DFT) on acrylic based primer at
an average thickness of 300 microns
DFT in two coats including acrylic resin
based primer as per recommendation of
the manufacturers.
Item rate is inclusive of the materials all
labor, supervision ,tools and tackles and
transportation, scaffolding etc. complete
as per specification and as directed.
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

1 Epoxy Painting - 450 Sq.Mt. 133.04 59,866.07

9 Providing and applying one coat Epoxy
Phenolic primer of DFT 50 micron and
two coats of Epoxy Phenolic coating of
DFT 100 microns each or any other
equivalent epoxy coating system to all
concrete surfaces exposed to
atmosphere in substructure and
superstructure including cost of material,
labour, transportation, scaffolding and
preparing the surfaces by cleaning,
washing, brushing, sand / grit blasting
etc. complete and as directed by
Engineer and as per specification.
(Paint shall be got approved from
Engineer and tested from approved
2 Shear connectors:- Drilling holes into
0 existing concrete substrate for anchoring
of new anchoring rebars with 12/16 mm
dia shear connectors at 0.5 m c/c as per
drawing and for additional rebar
provision in repair area and fixing with
chemical anchor lokfix of fosroc make /
Masterflow 935 of BASF make / Hilti
Hy200 / Fischer/Boss. Drilling hole
diameter: 4 mm larger to rebar dia
drilling depth: min 10 times the rebar dia
including cleaning, cutting, fabricating,
chemical, tools, tackles etc. completed
as directed by EIC.
a) 10 mm 400 Each 227.68 91,071.43
b) 12 mm 450 Each 325.45 146,450.89
c) 16 mm 125 Each 486.16 60,770.09
2 Shuttering, 500 Sq.Mt. 392.86 196,428.57
1 Providing, erecting and removing proper,
safe and leak proof shuttering using
Plywood, steel plate to facilitate any type
of repair work etc. as directed by
Engineer in charge.
2 Providing and applying 25 to 50 mm 600 Sq.Mt. 3933.93 2,360,357.14
2 thick pre-packed, cement based , micro
concrete of min. M40 grade at sides of
girders/ box web / slab using spray gun,
including Cleaning the surface with air
mixed with water under pressure etc.
Complete as specified and as directed.
2 Providing and applying 50 to 75 mm 400 Sq.Mt. 5333.04 2,133,214.29
3 thick pre-packed, cement based , micro
concrete of min. M40 grade at sides of
girders/ web of box/ slab using spray
gun, including Cleaning the surface with
air mixed with water under pressure etc.
Complete as specified and as directed.
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

2 Excavation for foundation in sand, 25 Cum 273.40 6,835.04

4 gravel, clay soft soils and murrum etc.
including shoring, strutting dewatering as
necessary and disposing of the
excavated stuff as directed.(A) Depth
upto 3.0 M.
2 Reparing of damaged brick / stone wall. 125 Sqm 933.04 116,629.46
5 This item will include cost of material like
bricks, cement, water,scaffolding and
other labour charges etc. as complete as
directed by Engineer-in-charge Note:
This item summerise as repairs work
including half brick work, cement plaster
and pointing work.
2 Providing and casting in situ controlled 25 Cum 3461.83 86,545.76
6 cement concrete M-30 for Kerb / kerb
blocks including formwork curing and
finishing, complete.

2 Supplying and fixing of 380 mm H x 300 250 Rmt 431.96 107,990.00

7 mm L x 200 mm B Kerb block for Central
Verge in M-20 grade using 20 mm
nominal size black trap aggregate of
Sevaliya/Timba or equivalent quality for
pre-cast blocks, reasonably exposed
finish/ formwork, mould with well
equipped with vibratory system for kerb
stones of approved design including
curing, etc. complete, including the cost
of formwork etc. complete. The rate shall
also include necessary cutting of
asphalt, fixing the Kerb stones in line
and level on 5 cm thick sand bedding
with necessary equipments and
materials. The rate shall also include the
flush pointing in CM (1:3) for all joints of
the kerbstones. Filling of zari alone the
sides of the kerb stone fixed with
Bituminous concrete / C.C. mixed in
proper position to flush with the road
surface complete as directed by
Engineer in change to form a portable
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

2 Supplying and fixing of 300 mm-L x 150 250 Rmt 350.89 87,723.21
8 mm-B x 380 mm-H Kerb block for
Footpath in M-20 grade using 20 mm
nominal size black trap aggregate of
Sevaliya/Timba or equivalent quality for
pre-cast blocks, reasonably exposed
finish/ formwork , mould with well
equipped with vibratory system for kerb
stones of approved design including
curing, etc. complete, including the cost
of formwork etc. complete. The rate shall
also include necessary cutting of
asphalt, fixing the Kerb stones in line
and level on 5 cm thick sand bedding
with necessary equipments and
materials. The rate shall also include the
flush pointing in CM (1:3) for all joints of
the kerbstones. Filling of zari alone the
sides of the kerb stone fixed with
Bituminous concrete Bituminous
concrete / C.C. mixed in proper position
to flush with the road surface complete
as directed by Engineer in change to
form a portable mixture.
a) Laying on 5 cm thick sand Bedding
2 Providing and Laying of Rubber Moulded 1200 Sqm 383.04 459,642.86
9 Paver Block Grey/Coloured 60 mm thick,
M-35 Grade of any size ; shape (Usually
Uni-Paver Blocks) using black trap good
quality aggragate of 20 mm nominal size
for footpath, parking areas, service lanes
and other areas as mentioned in the
drawing / instruction of engineer in
charge. Cost includes formworks using
rubber mould, Rate providing and laying
paver blocks as per required grading and
specification. The paver block shall be
mechanically compacted. The work of
paving blocks shall be executed in line
and level by skill mason of flooring work
only. It should be laid in such a way that
the no cutting of the paver block to be
necessary. if cutting of paver block
necessary then it should be cut by
machine only and carting. The finished
surface of the paver block shall have
resonably good, plain finished. Paver
blocks shall be compacted and shall be
relaid if necessary. Gravel or such type
of materials shall not be allowed for
production. Laying on 5 cms thick sand
3 Labour work for fixing interlocking blocks 500 Sqm 69.64 34,820.00
0 / any kind of pavement on up to 50 mm
thick sand bedding, levelling, watering
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

and fixing in line & level as well cleaning

the site etc. comp. as directed

3 Pre cast concrete kerb Providing and 100 Rmt. 1061.61 106,161.00
1 fixing M25 Grade of concrete precast
exposed / Fair finish / texture finish kerb
stones of approved make as per
approved sample of any size and any
type. Kerbs shall be fixed on the
foundation prepared as per approved
design. The rate shall also include for
erecting and fixing the pieces in position
for complete kerb system with
chamfered type of kerbs including
necessary accessories of kerb like
radius kerb, angles and quadrant kerbs,
droplet kerbs etc. complete as per
drawing. Kerb shall be fixed as paper
joint without any jointing material.
However cement mortar shall be
provided at the backside of kerb stone
joint. (Sample must be approved) Cost of
excavation, cutting , base , side filling
shall includes as directed engineer -
incharge in above item description as
per BOQ (a) 450 mm high median kerb.
3 Pre cast concrete kerb Providing and 100 Rmt. 912.50 91,250.00
2 fixing M25 Grade of concrete precast
exposed / Fair finish / texture finish kerb
stones of approved make as per
approved sample of any size and any
type. Kerbs shall be fixed on the
foundation prepared as per approved
design. The rate shall also include for
erecting and fixing the pieces in position
for complete kerb system with
chamfered type of kerbs including
necessary accessories of kerb like
radius kerbs, angles and quadrant kerbs,
droplet kerbs etc. complete as per
drawing. Kerb shall be fixed as paper
joint without any jointing material.
However cement mortar shall be
provided at the backside of kerb stone
joint. (Sample must be approved) Cost of
excavation, cutting , base , side filling
shall includes as directed engineer -
incharge in above item description as
per BOQ (b) 375 mm high Footpath
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

3 Paver Block : Providing and laying shot 800 Smt. 669.65 535,720.00
3 blasted Non - interlocking, Paver blocks
of specified thickness, size, grade of
concrete and colour machine made and
blasting by automatic shot blasting
machine and high density of as per
approved sample of approved make for
footpath, parking areas, service
lanes,cross over and other areas as
mentioned in the drawing. Including
providing and laying 50 mm thick
averave bedding layer of coarse sand
below paver block as per required
grading and specification. Laid paver
block shall be mechanically compacted.
The work of the paving blocks shall be
executed in line and level by skilled
mason of flooring work only. Small size
of paver block with same specification
shall be used at residue or at end. It
should be laid in such a way that the no
cutting of the paver block to be
necessary. If cutting of paver block shall
be required , than cut by machine only
and laying to be done by skilled flooring
mason. The finished surface of the paver
block shall have coarse sand Texture
Finish. Pave blocks shall be compacted
and shall be re-laid if necessary. Actual
laid area shall be measured and paid
without any wastage. (A) 60 mm thick M-
35 grade Grey Paver block of size
200mm x 200mm.
3 Paver Block Providing and laying shot 500 Smt. 758.93 379,465.00
4 blasted Non - interlocking, Paver blocks
of specified thickness, size, grade of
concrete and colour machine made and
blasting by automatic shot blasting
machine and high density of as per
approved sample of approved make for
footpath, parking areas, service
lanes,cross over and other areas as
mentioned in the drawing. Including
providing and laying 50 mm thick
averave bedding layer of coarse sand
below paver block as per required
grading and specification. Laid paver
block shall be mechanically compacted.
The work of the paving blocks shall be
executed in line and level by skilled
mason of flooring work only. Small size
of paver block with same specification
shall be used at residue or at end. It
should be laid in such a way that the no
cutting of the paver block to be
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

necessary. If cutting of paver block shall

berequired , than cut by machine only
and laying to be done by skilled flooring
mason. The finished surface of the paver
block shall have coarse sand Texture
Finish. Pave blocks shall be compacted
and shall be re-laid if necessary. Actual
laid area shall be measured and paid
without any wastage.
(A) 80 mm thick M-35 grade Grey Paver
block of size 200mm x 200mm.
3 Providing and laying cement concrete 100 Cmt. 1901.59 190,159.00
5 1:5:10 (1- Cement : 5- fine sand : 10-
graded brick bat aggregates 40mm
nominal size) and curing complete.
3 Providing and laying cement concrete 50 Cmt. 2339.59 116,979.50
6 1:3:6 (1- Cement : 3- Coarse sand : 6-
Hand broken stone aggregates 40mm
nominal size) and curing complete
3 Providing and laying chequered precast 500 Sqm 522.78 261,390.00
7 cement concrete tiles 22 mm thick with
aggregate of sizes upto 6 mm. laid in
floors, treads of steps & landing on a bed
of 20 mm. thick bed of cement mortar
1:6(1 cement:6 coarse sand) or lime
mortar 1:1.5 (1 lime putty : 1.5 sand)
jointed with neat cement slurry with
pigment to match the shade of tiles
3 Filling in plinth with sand under footpath 50 Cum 455.63 22,781.50
8 including watering ramming,
consolidating, compaction & dressing
3 Painting two coats (excluding priming 2500 Sqm 64.66 161,650.00
9 coat) on new steel and other metal
surface with synthetic enamel paint,
brushing to give an even shade including
cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and
other foreign matter.
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

4 Providing and applying two coats of 500 Sqm 223.21 111,607.14

0 acrylic elastomeric coating
(elastomeric membrane forming system
with anticarbonation).It shall be Water
based (Solvent Free) modified with
selected mineral filler applied over the
prepared surface. The coating should
have anti-carbonation and water vapor
diffusion property and should be
resistant to action of Ultra Violet (UV)
radiation. It should be water proof and
capable of bridging crazing and cracks
with the dry film thickness (DFT) of each
coat shall not be less than 100 micron.
Anticarbonation paint of makes as per
list of approved make mentioned in the
tender. Item including Surface
preparation, applying one coat of primer
coat shall not be less than 50 micron &
make as per listed in the tender and also
including all types of Scafolding, safety
accessories, Labour, all materials lead,
Lift tools plants, Taxes, Testing etc to
execute the work as directed etc
complete for sub structure and
superstructure components. Paints shall
be Spray, brush, roller applied and shall
coin form to the following properties
(conform to MORTH Sec-2808).
1. Carbon dioxide diffusion equivalent air
layer thickness (DIN EN 1062- 6)>100m
2. Carbon dioxide diffusion resistance
co-efficient (DIN EN 1062-6)>105
3. Elongation of cured film shall be as
per ASTM D 237098 >100%
4. Chloride Ion Diffusion (ASTM C
1202)=Zero penetration
5. Adhesion (ASTM D 4541)>2 N/mm2
6. Solar Reflectance Index (ASTM E
1980-11,EN 673-2011,EN 410-
4 Supplying, labour for excavation of all
1 types of soil at any depth including
excavation of asphalt pavement of any
thickness, demolition of brick work in CM
of any proportion including stacking of
serviceable materials and disposal of
unserviceable material, cleaning of rain
water spout/weep holes of various
bridges, etc. or as directed by engineer
in charge

a) Mazdoor at day /night 50 No 493.00 24,650.00

b) Fitter at day / Night 25 No 640.00 16,000.00
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

c) Makadam/ supervision/Fitter at day / 10 No 640.00 6,400.00

4 Providing, laying and jointing in true line 500 RMT 826.88 413,440.00
2 and level 110 diameter U.P.V.C (TypeB)
conforming to IS13592-1992 with one
end plain and other end socketed with
rubber ring, & fittings conforming to ISI
14735-1999 of approved make for
drainage system pipeline, pipe shall be
jointed with each other with rubber
lubricant, pipe shall be fixed on wall
using of PVC clamp of the size110 mm
diameter x 149 mm length x 145 mm
height at every 2000 mm center to
center or shall be concealed in walls as
directed including necessary fittings such
as bends, shoes etc. including testing of
pipes and joints and jointed with
adhesive solvent cement including cost
of all materials.

4 Providing and fixing drainage spouts of 200 Nos 470.81 94,162.50

3 100 mm dia with UPVC complete as per
technical specification and as per
4 Providing and fixing 100 mm diameter 700 Rmt 916.07 641,250.00
4 GI, vertical runner pipe conduits
including cost of all materials, labour,
fixing in true line and level, including
bends, fixtures, specials etc. complete
with all lifts and leads etc. as per
specifications and as directed by
4 Structural steel work ( Confirming to IS 2000 Kg 126.68 253,360.00
5 4923-1997) riveted, bolted or welded in
builtup for all type sections, in framed
work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in
position and applying a priming coat of
approved steel primer all complete as
per the structural designs and directions
of Engineer in charge.
4 Providing and Fixing Chain link jali 2 10 1000 254.24 254,240.00
6 x 10 gauge (Galvanised)
4 Conveyance charge of earth 100 Cmt. 235.51 23,551.00
7 ,lime,murrum, building rubbish, manual
garbage,sludge,excavated rock ,fly ash,
aggregate of any kind etc. comp. Up to
5.0 Km. lead
4 Hiring and operating the 20 KV 3 Phase 20 Shift 2800.00 56,000.00
8 Electric Generator for operating desilting
machinery, and lighting and other
requirements with Arranging diesel to
run the D.G. Set Do As Directed. 8 Hrs
Shift. (No payment should be allowed for
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

non working condition of machinery ) (

Based on Previously approved rate by C
E sir )

4 Providing & Supplying JCB Machine on 25 Hour 600.00 15,000.00

9 rental basis in case of emergency
situation and break down type work &
also during unavoidable condition as per
instruction of engg.incharge , rate
includes all nece. shifting, fuel and
operating charges and stacking of useful
& non-useful materials separately up to
store. (No payment should be allowed
for non working condition of machinery
and for pipe line excavation and laying
work) ( Based on Previously approved
rate by C E sir )
5 Supplying Pneumatic Breaker Machine 50 Hour 600.00 30,000.00
0 for RCC Slab or Asphalt Demolishing
Work on site by using Operator, fuel,
power Supply etc. Complete as Directed.
(No payment should be allowed for non
working condition of machinery and for
pipe line excavation and M.H. work.
Allowed only for break down work) (
Based on Previously approved rate by C
E sir )
5 Replacement of old drainage spout 80 Nos. 3124.15 249,932.00
1 with new Drainage Spout _ including
providing, fitting, dismantling and
widening the existing opening and fixing
new drainage spot, M.S grating system,
M.O.R.T&H seecification 2705.
5 Providing and supplying mechanically 200 Cmt. 2511.64 502,328.00
2 double twist hightly glavanized with
(PVC) poly chloride coating gabions
made of mesh size 10 x 12 mm woven
wire as per ASTMA- 975 -97 size of
gabin 1 m x 1 m x 1 m directed by
Engineer in charge including providing
and laying stones in the gabions and
arranging them in a required manner in
the section of break water or such other
structure ncluding providing non woven
Geo textile as required, quarring,
blasting, loading at quarry site,
transporting at work site and rrange in
the gabions in workman like manner with
required layer thikness and arranging
this gabions in required layers with the
crane of required capacity (if reqd. as
per drawing or as directed) with all
material, labour, tools etc. complete.
following IRC :SP:116-018 with all
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

respect rates include getting detail

design and the drawing approved from
authority and cost of inspection during
manufacturing from approved
5 200 Cmt. 1710.08 342,016.00
Providing panel wall for dry stone
pitching in uncourased rubble masonary
with had stone of approved quality in
cement. mortar 1.5 including curing etc,
5 Removing of damage rubber (neoprean 1300 Rmt 2500.00 3,250,000.00
4 rubber) in expansion joint and replacing
with new rubber in expansion joint as per
morth specification and approved make.
Item rate is inclusive of the materials all
labor, supervision ,tools and tackles and
transportation, scaffolding etc. complete
as per specification and as directed.

5 Core cutting 50 Rmt 4107.14 205,357.00

5 Making and wet drilling accurate
and clean holes of specified
diameter in RCC walls, slabs,
beam or any other RCC member
without vibration by core cutting
(diamond drilling) machine of
HILTI or equivalent including
scafolding, safety majors,
disposing the debris, cleaning for
all levels/ all height as per
structural consultant's drawing,
after approval of engineer in
charge etc compele.
Measurement will be taken for the
depth of holes in running meter for
specified diameter. Holes shall
made by authorised agency.
a) holes from 102 to 152mm dia
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

5 Arranging and fixing temorary 200 Rmt 661.46 132,292.00

6 barricading of 2.0 mt height using G.I.
courrugated sheets & wooden planks,
wooden vertical supports, etc. along with
warning sign / bollards, lights, with all
traffic safety, etc. including demolishing
after completion of work.
Shifting/relocate the same
sheet/barricads as required. and no
extra payment made for that. After the
completion of work or project, the
ownership of barricading will remain with
the contractor.

Total Amount (Rs.) = 3,01,79,897.33

I/We am/are willing to carry out the work at % above/below % (should be written in
figures and words below/above the estimated rates mentioned above. Amount of my/our tender works out as
Notes :
1) % above / below is to be submitted online only.
2) All work shall be carried out as per the specifications or as directed.
3) Rates quoted include cleaning of site (prior to commencement of work and at its close) in all
respects and hold formwork under all conditions, site moisture, weather, etc.
4) All the item rate are considering excluding cost of GST as per Government of Gujarat Road
And Building Dept. Reso. No. TNC/102022/457/C Dt.05/04/2022. So, bidder shall be
consider this change in BOQ.

Signature Contractor
Additional city Engineer
( Road & Bridge)

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