Business is now more interconnected, uncertain and complex than in the past.
Globalization has now created intense competition in the global market due to the volatile
India’s economy has recently been determined by the service sector, which accounts for
about 61 percent of India’s GDP. Information Technology (IT) is the primary service
sector in India, which provides employment to a large number of Indian people. In recent
years, the IT sector has seen an increase in equity inflows from foreign direct investment
(FDI). India has an edge over other nations due to its large pool of young, educated
potential, which is strengthened by the arrival of more than 3.5 million new talent each
year (Agarwal, 2014). It is noteworthy to mention that the income obtained from the
export of services is used to address the about 50% of current account deficit of India.
persistent and think out of the box (Malhotra & Mukherjee, 2004; Panda & Rath, 2017).
and stressful job positions. Professionals in the IT industries frequently experience job
burnout as a result of emotional depletion (Bakker et al., 2005). The basic problem of IT
industries is that the rapid advancement of technology has made talents outdated at an
even quicker rate (Currie, 2001). Employees must work extremely long hours to keep up
with the changes and remain competitive in order to handle these changes (Grawitch et
al., 2006). The results of a recent study also show a strong correlation between
organisational efficiency and employee well-being (EWB) (Panda & Rath, 2017).
According to Cox, Edwards, and Palmer (2005), dual-earner families are becoming more
widespread, and this has resulted in a new set of difficulties in juggling work and family
obligations (Agarwal, 2014). Such circumstances have caused a variety of problems and
extremely high levels of occupational stress, and mental illnesses (Bevan, 2010). IT
industries are becoming aware of the need to monitor how individuals are handling
pressure and changing in order to keep their finest personnel (Budhwar, 2000). IT
industries are also becoming aware of the need to broaden their scope to consider factors
such as identity, significance, goal, self-expression, and artistic output. The solution to all
Current organizational studies researches have emphasized over the relationship between
EWB of employees and their ability to do their jobs (Kersley et al., 2006; Warr, 2002).
As per the study of Tehrani et al., (2007), as more companies begin to see the benefits of
implementing employee wellness and health policies, the relevance of employee wellness
on the corporate agenda has gradually increased. Some of the policies adopted by
legislators to address employee health issues include excellent service practises, work-life
training strategies (Department for Work and Pensions, 2006). Additionally, it has
become crucial for the IT sector to address the problems encountered by its workers by
putting an emphasis on their well-being and striking a balance between employees and
company expectations. From this context, the present study aims to advance the
knowledge of the structural aspects of EWB and provide an absolute scale to objectively
assess the EWB of employees working in the Indian IT industries. The present presented
is divided into three sections: the literature review and the significance of the
development of an EWB scale are covered in the next section, and the subsequent section
empirical analyses, scale setup and verification. The last section of the paper discusses
the conclusion of research along with limitations and future scope and significance of the
In the modern work environment, work assignments are extended to personal time as
well. Employees are expected to balance multiple roles and also ensuring maximum
well being, there are still gaps in the understanding of the mediating role this concept
plays in the HR domain(Salas-Vallina, A,2021). HRM should benefit the employees and
keeping the concerns of the employees secondary. Workplace pressure is increasing the
threat to the employee well-being. In order to take employee concerns and threats to well-
practices that will enhance individual employees’ well-being and ability to cope with
uncertainity (Huettermann, H,2019). Employees being insecure about job security can
Resource strategies as firms are aiming understand the importance of human resources in
should make sure that employee wellbeing interventions are working effectively in order
and a concept which has been developed into a main focus area for research. Today,
researchers have shown keen interest in this concept due to lack of proper theoretical
models or comprehensive scientific tools which can measure the employee well-being at
delivery outcomes and the overall performance of the organisation and the Human
Resource practices that deals with issues like Learning and Development, employee
involvement and the overall health of the workplace and safety play a significant role in
advantage in the current business environment. Happy employees eventually work better
Organizations that promote wellbeing in an organisation, help employees in coping up with stress
and also ensuring a positive and productive work environment. Due to excessive work load and
deadlines, employees often tend to get stressed and loose interest at work. Organizations will
have to ensure that employees are coping with stress at work and also ensure that employees have
the liberty to share their problems they face within the organisation. It is important for employees
to have a good work-life balance to work more productively. Organizations that promote a
healthy work-life balance tend to see better results from employees. When employees are unable
to balance their work life and personal life, it leads to dissatisfaction and also low productivity. In
a long run, there is a possibility of employees leaving the organization as well. In order to ensure
employee well-being, it is necessary for organizations to recognize employees for the work they
do by employee recognition. Thus, this study concludes that employee wellbeing does play a vital
The country's development depends on its health. in step with the world Health
Organization (WHO), "health could be a condition of complete physical, mental, social,
and religious well-being and doesn't simply sit down with the shortage of illness or
incapacity." According to the World Health Organization, psychological state is a mental
health condition characterised by knowledge, the ability to cope with stress on a daily
basis, the capacity for productive employment, and the capacity to give back to one's
community. In this positive sense, mental health serves as the basis for both each person's
wellbeing and the smooth running of a community's economy.
A person's psychological state effects:
1. academic results
2. effectiveness at work
3. Creation of useful Personal Relationships
4. Crime rate
5. drug and substance abuse
Furthermore, despite the fact that employment is crucial for recovery, those with serious
mental illnesses are frequently excluded from it. Families, caregivers, co-workers,
communities, and society at large can all be impacted by mental health issues. Each year,
depression and anxiety cost the global economy $ 1 trillion in lost productivity.
Everyone has the right to work, and every employee has the right to an atmosphere that
is both secure and healthful. Working can aid in the fight against mental health problems,
but it can also make them worse. Workplace mental health problems can be prevented.
There is much that can be done to protect and promote mental health at work and to make
it possible for people with mental health conditions to participate fully and fairly in the
The WHO has created guidelines for workplace mental health. A policy brief on
mental health at work that was created in partnership with the International Labour
Organization is included with this. In order to promote mental health, prevent mental
health disorders, and enable people who are living with mental health conditions to
participate and thrive in the workforce, these products work together to improve the
implementation of evidence-based guidelines for mental health at work.
The present global employment rate is over 50%, yet 15% of working-age persons
have a mental illness. Without adequate support, mental illnesses and other mental health
conditions can have an impact on a person's ability to work successfully, ability to
manage absences, and ease of retaining or obtaining employment. Depression and anxiety
alone cost the world 12 billion working days annually.
Employee Welfare:
According to a survey done with 16 respondents, 10 of whom were men and 6 were
women. There were conflicting responses to the questionnaires addressing the mental
health of the employees at their companies. People with 0 to 5 years of experience who
work for a private organisation and are between the ages of 18 and 30 participated in the
survey. Based on urban (8), semi-urban (4), and rural areas, the demographics (4). The
majority of people work for 9 hours or more work + 1 hour break (9+1), while others
work for less than 8 hours work + 1 hour break (8+1), typically based on the morning
shift. Individuals take care of their mental health on a timely basis, but the number of
hours they work has the biggest impact on their work life. The majority of people work
between 5 and 6 days per week.
Deloitte estimated in a report after interviewing almost 4,000 workers that poor mental
health among employees costs Indian companies a combined $14 billion a year owing to
absenteeism, turnover, and other causes.
In India, talking about mental health issues has always been frowned upon, but
growing awareness among the younger population and the effects of the COVID-19
pandemic have caused individuals to become more concerned with their general well-
being. Approximately 47% of individuals polled cited workplace stress as having the
greatest impact on their mental health, followed by financial and COVID-19 difficulties.
The poll, which was announced on Thursday, was taken between November of last year
and April of this year.
According to estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO), lost productivity
due to poor mental health costs the global economy $1 trillion a year. According to a
2019 WHO assessment, India would experience a $1.03 trillion economic loss between
2012 and 2030 as a result of mental health issues.
3. Are there workshops to increase staff awareness and is help offered to help you
with your mental health??
The majority of organisations, according to the survey, don't educate staff on mental
health through workshops. This is a serious problem that could affect how well people
understand their mental health. Through a class, they can discover the precise drop-off
and get knowledge about how mental health and well-being impact the business. Other
few responses stated that while they are offered the programmes, participation is not
required. And the majority of studies indicate that help is provided for mental illness, but
only a small number of firms have any influence over the wellbeing of their employees.
4. Do you have access to flexible working hours to maintain your mental health?
The response of the employees was that they were not given flexible working hours to
work. A flexible working hour for an employee will increase the productivity, will
decrease the burn out time of the employee. From the survey we can say that the
employees tend to burn out very often because of their time constraints which in turn
affects their mental health.
The responsibility of a manager is to assist your team members, even in the most
uncertain of circumstances. Supporting their mental health is part of it. The good news is
that you already have many of the tools you need to succeed as a manager.
1. Be vulnerable:
Being honest about your mental health struggles as a leader opens the door for
employees to feel comfortable talking with you about mental health challenges of their
own. Almost everyone has experienced some level of discomfort. But the universality of
the experience will translate into a decrease in stigma only if people in power share their
experiences. According to research, real leadership may foster trust and enhance worker
engagement and productivity.
6. Finance training:
You should provide leaders, managers, and individual contributors priority proactive
and preventive workplace mental health training now more than ever. Prior to the
epidemic, organisations such as Verizon Media and Morrison & Foerster were gathering
senior leaders to talk about their role in fostering a mentally healthy workplace. That put
them in a good position to deal with the uncertainty that has arisen. It's critical to dispel
common misconceptions, lessen stigma, and develop the essential skills to have fruitful
dialogues about mental health at work as more and more people experience mental health
issues. Mental health employee resource groups are an inexpensive approach to raise
awareness, foster community, and provide peer support if you don't have the money to
invest in training.
8. Measure:
A straightforward pulse poll that is conducted on a regular basis to understand how
individuals are doing both now and over time can be used to ensure accountability. One
of the many firms that conducted pulse surveys throughout the pandemic to comprehend
the main concerns and requirements of personnel was the multinational investment
management company BlackRock. This first-hand employee feedback has shaped new
initiatives, such as the development of managers' remote management skills, improved
employee support for their health and wellbeing, and expanded work flexibility and
vacation time.
Developing skills for improved mental fitness can help both employees’ and those
around them.
1. Being present. When we are mindful, we are better able to listen, retain
information, and be aware of distractions without being hindered by them. As a result,
life is more enjoyable, there are better relationships, and it's easier to relate to other
2. The capacity to react, not to respond: We can choose to react in a more logical
and less emotional manner when we have more control over our instinctive thinking. This
enhances our interactions with one another, changes the way we view the world, and
keeps more options open in any situation.
4. Heightened optimism and other good feelings: The capacity to detect and
reinterpret thoughts in more constructive ways increases with an increase in awareness.
Kindness and compassion help to create upbeat mindsets that influence more constructive
According to Cox, Edwards, and Palmer (2005), dual-earner families are becoming more
widespread, and this has resulted in a new set of difficulties in juggling work and family
obligations (Agarwal, 2014). Such circumstances have caused a variety of problems and
challenges at work, including the separation of employees due to health-related issues,
extremely high levels of occupational stress, and mental illnesses (Bevan, 2010). IT
industries are becoming aware of the need to monitor how individuals are handling
pressure and changing in order to keep their finest personnel (Budhwar, 2000). IT
industries are also becoming aware of the need to broaden their scope to consider factors
such as identity, significance, goal, self-expression, and artistic output. The solution to all
of these issues is to improve the EWB.
Current organizational studies researches have emphasized over the relationship between
EWB of employees and their ability to do their jobs (Kersley et al., 2006; Warr, 2002).
As per the study of Tehrani et al., (2007), as more companies begin to see the benefits of
implementing employee wellness and health policies, the relevance of employee wellness
on the corporate agenda has gradually increased. Some of the policies adopted by
legislators to address employee health issues include excellent service practices, work-
life balance methods, employee support programmes, restoration techniques, and various
training strategies (Department for Work and Pensions, 2006). Additionally, it has
become crucial for the IT sector to address the problems encountered by its workers by
putting an emphasis on their well-being and striking a balance between employees and
company expectations. From this context, the present study aims to advance the
knowledge of the structural aspects of EWB and provide an absolute scale to objectively
assess the EWB of employees working in the Indian IT industries. The present presented
is divided into three sections: the literature review and the significance of the
development of an EWB scale are covered in the next section, and the subsequent section
provides a clear understanding of the scale's development process in relation to all
empirical analyses, scale setup and verification. The last section of the paper discusses
the conclusion of research along with limitations and future scope and significance of the