Case Study
Case Study
Case Study
The participating Exchanges of ISE in all about 4500 stock brokers, out
of which more than 200 have been currently registered as traders on ISE. In order
to leverage its infrastructure and to expand its nationwide reach, ISE has also
appointed around 450 Dealers across 70 cities other than the participating
Exchange centers. These dealers are administratively supported through the
regional offices of ISE at Delhi [north], kolkata [east], Coimbatore, Hyderabad
[south] and Nagpur [central], besides Mumbai.
that the traders and dealers of ISE can access other markets in addition to the ISE
markets and their local market. ISE thus provides the investors in smaller cities a
one-stop solution for cost-effective and efficient trading and settlement in
With the objective of broad basing the range of its services, ISE has
started offering the full suite of DP facilities to its Traders, Dealers and their
Network of intermediaries:
As at the beginning of the financial year 2003-04, 548 intermediaries
(207 Traders and 341 Dealers) are registered on ISE. A broad of members forms
the bedrock for any Exchange, and in this respect, ISE has a large pool of
registered intermediaries who can be tapped for any new line of business .
Aggressive pricing policy:
The philosophy of ISE is to have an aggressive pricing policy for the
various products and services offered by it. The aim is to penetrate the retail
market and strengthen the position, so that a wide variety of products and services
having appeal for the retail market can be offered using a common distribution
channel. The aggressive pricing policy also ensures that the intermediaries have
sufficient financial incentives for offering these products and services to the end-
Name of the Board of directors
Risk-the variability in returns of the asset form the chances of its value going
Investment avenues
There are a large number of investment avenues for savers in India. Some of
them are marketable and liquid, while others are non-marketable. Some of them
are highly risky while some others are almost risk less.
Investment avenues can be broadly categorized under the following head.
1. Corporate securities
2. Equity shares.
3. Preference shares.
4. Debentures/Bonds.
5. Derivatives.
6. Others.
Corporate Securities
Joint stock companies in the private sector issue corporate securities. These
include equity shares, preference shares, and debentures. Equity shares have
variable dividend and hence belong to the high risk-high return category;
preference shares and debentures have fixed returns with lower risk.The
classification of corporate securities that can be chosen as investment avenues can
be depicted as shown below:
To study the investment pattern and its related risks & returns.
To find out optimal portfolio, which gave optimal return at a minimize risk
to the investor.
To see whether the portfolio risk is less than individual risk on whose basis
the portfolios are constituted.
To see whether the selected portfolios is yielding a satisfactory and constant
return to the investor.
To understand, analyze and select the best portfolio.
This study covers the Markowitz model. The study covers the calculation of
correlations between the different securities in order to find out at what percentage
funds should be invested among the companies in the portfolio. Also the study
includes the calculation of individual Standard Deviation of securities and ends at
the calculation of weights of individual securities involved in the portfolio. These
percentages help in allocating the funds available for investment based on risky
The data collection methods include both the primary and secondary collection
Primary collection methods: This method includes the data collection from the
personal discussion with the authorized clerks and members of the exchange.
Secondary collection methods: The secondary collection methods includes the
lectures of the superintend of the department of market operations and so on,
also the data collected from the news, magazines of the ISE and different books
issues of this study
Data collection was strictly confined to secondary source. No primary data is
associated with the project.
Detailed study of the topic was not possible due to limited size of the
There was a constraint with regard to time allocation for the research study
i.e. for a period of two months.
A portfolio is a collection of assets. The assets may be physical or financial
like Shares, Bonds, Debentures, Preference Shares, etc. The individual investor or
a fund manager would not like to put all his money in the sares of one company,
that would amount to great risk. He would therefore, follow the age old maxim
that one should not put all the egges into one basket. By doing so, he can achieve
objective to maximize portfolio return and at the same time minimizing the
portfolio risk by diversification.
To provide a balanced portfolio which not only can hedge against the
inflation but can also optimize returns with the associated degree of risk
In the small firm, the portfolio manager performs the job of security analyst.
In the case of medium and large sized organizations, job function of portfolio
manager and security analyst are separate.
(e.g. Security PORTFOLIO
MANAGERS (e.g. buying and
Analysis) selling of Securities)
Whatever may be the status of the capital market, over the long period
capital markets have given an excellent return when compared to other
forms of investment. The return from bank deposits, units, etc., is much less
than from the stock market.
The Indian Stock Markets are very complicated. Though there are thousands
of companies that are listed only a few hundred which have the necessary
liquidity. Even among these, only some have the growth prospects which are
conducive for investment. It is impossible for any individual wishing to
invest and sit down and analyze all these intricacies of the market unless he
does nothing else.
major exchanges of India, look after his deliveries and payments. This is
further complicated by the volatile nature of our markets which demands
constant reshuffing of portfolios.
In this type of service, the client parts with his money in favour of the
manager, who in return, handles all the paper work, makes all the decisions and
gives a good return on the investment and charges fees. In the Discretionary
Portfolio Management Service, to maximise the yield, almost all portfolio
managers park the funds in the money market securities such as overnight market,
18 days treasury bills and 90 days commercial bills. Normally, the return of such
investment varies from 14 to 18 percent, depending on the call money rates
prevailing at the time of investment.
Emergence of institutional investing on behalf of individuals. A number of
financial institutions, mutual funds and other agencies are undertaking the
task of investing money of small investors, on their behalf.
Allocation of assets and determination of appropriate portfolio strategies for
each asset class and selection of individual securities.
Larger portfolio returns come only with larger portfolio risk. The most
important decision to make is the amount of risk which is acceptable.
The risk associated with a security type depends on when the investment
will be liquidated. Risk is reduced by selecting securities with a payoff close
to when the portfolio is to be liquidated.
3. MARKETING SKILLS: He must be good salesman. He has to
convince the clients about the particular security. He has to compete with the stock
brokers in the stock market. In this context, the marketing skills help him a lot.
Investor‘s Characteristics:
An analysis of an individual‘s investment situation requires a study of
personal characteristics such as age, health conditions, personal habits, family
responsibilities, business or professional situation, and tax status, all of which
affect the investor‘s willingness to assume risk.
Family responsibilities:
The investor‘s marital status and his responsibilities towards other members of the
family can have a large impact on his investment needs and goals.
Investor‘s experience:
The success of portfolio depends upon the investor‘s knowledge and
experience in financial matters. If an investor has an aptitude for financial affairs,
he may wish to be more aggressive in his investments.
Liquidity Needs:
Liquidity needs vary considerably among individual investors. Investors
with regular income from other sources may not worry much about instantaneous
liquidity, but individuals who depend heavily upon investment for meeting their
general or specific needs, must plan portfolio to match their liquidity needs.
Liquidity can be obtained in two ways:
2. by requiring that bonds and equities purchased be highly marketable.
Tax considerations:
Since different individuals, depending upon their incomes, are subjected to
different marginal rates of taxes, tax considerations become most important factor
in individual‘s portfolio strategy. There are differing tax treatments for investment
in various kinds of assets.
Time Horizon:
In investment planning, time horizon become an important consideration. It is
highly variable from individual to individual. Individuals in their young age have
long time horizon for planning, they can smooth out and absorb the ups and downs
of risky combination. Individuals who are old have smaller time horizon, they
generally tend to avoid volatile portfolios.
Safety of Principal:
The protection of the rupee value of the investment is of prime importance to
most investors. The original investment can be recovered only if the security can
be readily sold in the market without much loss of value.
Assurance of Income:
`Different investors have different current income needs. If an individual is
dependent of its investment income for current consumption then income received
now in the form of dividend and interest payments become primary objective.
Investment Risk:
All investment decisions revolve around the trade-off between risk and
return. All rational investors want a substantial return from their investment. An
ability to understand, measure and properly manage investment risk is fundamental
to any intelligent investor or a speculator. Frequently, the risk associated with
security investment is ignored and only the rewards are emphasized. An investor
who does not fully appreciate the risks in security investments will find it difficult
to obtain continuing positive results.
There is a positive relationship between the amount of risk and the amount of
expected return i.e., the greater the risk, the larger the expected return and larger
the chances of substantial loss. One of the most difficult problems for an investor is
to estimate the highest level of risk he is able to assume.
Risk is measured along the horizontal axis and increases from the left to
Expected rate of return is measured on the vertical axis and rises from
bottom to top.
The line from 0 to R (f) is called the rate of return or risk less investments
commonly associated with the yield on government securities.
The diagonal line form R (f) to E(r) illustrates the concept of expected rate
of return increasing as level of risk increases.
Risk consists of two components. They are
1. Systematic Risk
2. Un-systematic Risk
1. Systematic Risk:
Systematic risk is caused by factors external to the particular company and
uncontrollable by the company. The systematic risk affects the market as a whole.
Factors affect the systematic risk are
economic conditions
political conditions
sociological changes
The systematic risk is unavoidable. Systematic risk is further sub-divided into three
types. They are
a) Market Risk
b) Interest Rate Risk
c) Purchasing Power Risk
One would notice that when the stock market surges up, most stocks post higher
price. On the other hand, when the market falls sharply, most common stocks will
drop. It is not uncommon to find stock prices falling from time to time while a
company‘s earnings are rising and vice-versa. The price of stock may fluctuate
widely within a short time even though earnings remain unchanged or relatively
Interest rate risk is the risk of loss of principal brought about the changes in the
interest rate paid on new securities currently being issued.
2. Un-systematic Risk:
Un-systematic risk is unique and peculiar to a firm or an industry. The nature and
mode of raising finance and paying back the loans, involve the risk element.
Financial leverage of the companies that is debt-equity portion of the companies
differs from each other. All these factors Factors affect the un-systematic risk and
contribute a portion in the total variability of the return.
Managerial inefficiently
Technological change in the production process
Availability of raw materials
Changes in the consumer preference
Labour problems
The nature and magnitude of the above mentioned factors differ from industry to
industry and company to company. They have to be analyzed separately for each
industry and firm. Un-systematic risk can be broadly classified into:
a) Business Risk
b) Financial Risk
a. Business Risk:
Business risk is that portion of the unsystematic risk caused by the operating
environment of the business. Business risk arises from the inability of a firm to
maintain its competitive edge and growth or stability of the earnings. The
volatibility in stock prices due to factors intrinsic to the company itself is known as
Business risk. Business risk is concerned with the difference between revenue and
earnings before interest and tax. Business risk can be divided into.
b. Financial Risk:
It refers to the variability of the income to the equity capital due to the debt capital.
Financial risk in a company is associated with the capital structure of the company.
Capital structure of the company consists of equity funds and borrowed funds.
Traditional approach
Modern approach
Traditional approach was based on the fact that risk could be measured on
each individual security through the process of finding out the standard deviation
and that security should be chosen where the deviation was the lowest. Traditional
approach believes that the market is inefficient and the fundamental analyst can
take advantage fo the situation. Traditional approach is a comprehensive financial
plan for the individual. It takes into account the individual needs such as housing,
life insurance and pension plans. Traditional approach basically deals with two
major decisions. They are
Modern approach theory was brought out by Markowitz and Sharpe. It is the
combination of securities to get the most efficient portfolio. Combination of
securities can be made in many ways. Markowitz developed the theory of
diversification through scientific reasoning and method. Modern portfolio theory
believes in the maximization of return through a combination of securities. The
modern approach discusses the relationship between different securities and then
draws inter-relationships of risks between them. Markowitz gives more attention to
the process of selecting the portfolio. It does not deal with the individual needs.
Markowitz model is a theoretical framework for analysis of risk and return
and their relationships. He used statistical analysis for the measurement of risk and
mathematical programming for selection of assets in a portfolio in an efficient
manner. Markowitz apporach determines for the investor the efficient set of
portfolio through three important variables i.e.
Standard deviation
Co-efficient of correlation
example, holding stocks from textile, banking and electronic companies is better
than investing all the money on the textile company‘s stock.
Markowitz had given up the single stock portfolio and introduced diversification.
The single stock portfolio would be preferable if the investor is perfectly certain
that his expectation of highest return would turn out to be real. In the world of
uncertainity, most of the risk adverse investors would like to join Markowitz rather
than keeping a single stock, because diversification reduces the risk.
All investors would like to earn the maximum rate of return that they can
achieve from their investments.
All investors have the same expected single period investment horizon.
All investors before making any investments have a common goal. This is
the avoidance of risk because Investors are risk-averse.
Investors base their investment decisions on the expected return and
standard deviation of returns from a possible investment.
Perfect markets are assumed (e.g. no taxes and no transation costs)
The investor assumes that greater or larger the return that he achieves on his
investments, the higher the risk factor surrounds him. On the contrary when
risks are low the rerturn can also be expected to be low.
The investor can reduce his risk if he adds investments to his portfolio.
An investor should be able to get higher return for each level of risk “by
determining the efficient set of securities“.
Investors make their decisions only on the basis of the expected returns,
standard deviation and covariances of all pairs of securities.
Investors are assumed to have homogenous expectations during the decision-
making period
The investor can lend or borrow any amount of funds at the riskless rate of
interest. The riskless rate of interest is the rate of interest offered for the
treasury bills or Government securities.
Investors are risk-averse, so when given a choice between two otherwise
identical portfolios, they will choose the one with the lower standard
Individual assets are infinitely divisible, meaning that an investor can buy a
fraction of a share if he or she so desires.
There is a risk free rate at which an investor may either lend (i.e. invest)
money or borrow money.
There is no transaction cost i.e. no cost involved in buying and selling of
There is no personal income tax. Hence, the investor is indifferent to the form of
return either capital gain or dividend.
It is believed that holding two securities is less risky than by having only one
investment in a person‘s portfolio. When two stocks are taken on a portfolio and if
they have negative correlation then risk can be completely reduced because the
gain on one can offset the loss on the other. This can be shown with the help of
following example:
Covariance of the securities will help in finding out the inter-active risk.
When the covariance will be positive then the rates of return of securities move
together either upwards or downwards. Alternatively it can also be said that the
inter-active risk is positive. Secondly, covariance will be zero on two investments
if the rates of return are independent.
Holding two securities may reduce the portfolio risk too. The portfolio risk
can be calculated with the help of the following formula:
Markowitz, William Sharpe, John Lintner and Jan Mossin provided the basic
structure of Capital Asset Pricing Model. It is a model of linear general equilibrium
return. In the CAPM theory, the required rate return of an asset is having a linear
relationship with asset‘s beta value i.e. undiversifiable or systematic risk (i.e.
market related risk) because non market risk can be eliminated by diversification
and systematci risk measured by beta. Therefore, the relationship between an assets
return and its systematic risk can be expressd by the CAPM, which is also called
the Security Market Line.
Rm = Return on risky assets
Formula can be used to calculate the expected returns for different situtions, like
mixing riskless assets with risky assets, investing only in the risky asset and
mixing the borrowing with risky assets.
According to CAPM, all investors hold only the market portfolio and risk
less securities. The market portfolio is a portfolio comprised of all stocks in the
market. Each asset is held in proportion to its market value to the total value of all
risky assets.
For example, if Satyam Industry share represents 15% of all risky assets, then the
market portfolio of the individual investor contains 15% of Satyam Industry
shares. At this stage, the investor has the ability to borrow or lend any amount of
money at the risk less rate of interest.
Eg.: assume that borrowing and lending rate to be 12.5% and the return from
the risky assets to be 20%. There is a trade off between the expected return and
risk. If an investor invests in risk free assets and risky assets, his risk may be less
than what he invests in the risky asset alone. But if he borrows to invest in risky
assets, his risk would increase more than he invests his own money in the risky
assets. When he borrows to invest, we call it financial leverage. If he invests 50%
in risk free assets and 50% in risky assets, his expected return of the portfolio
would be
if there is a zero investment in risk free asset and 100% in risky asset, the return is
Rp= Rf Xf+ Rm(1- Xf)
= 0 + 20%
= 20%
if -0.5 in risk free asset and 1.5 in risky asset, the return is
Portfolio manager evaluates his portfolio performance and identifies the
sources of strengths and weakness. The evaluation of the portfolio provides a feed
back about the performance to evolve better management strategy. Even though
evaluation of portfolio performance is considered to be the last stage of investment
process, it is a continuous process. There are number of situations in which an
evaluation becomes necessary and important.
i. Self Valuation: An individual may want to evaluate how well he has done.
This is a part of the process of refining his skills and improving his
performance over a period of time.
ii. Evaluation of Managers: A mutual fund or similar organization might
want to evaluate its managers. A mutual fund may have several managers
each running a separate fund or sub-fund. It is often necessary to compare
the performance of these managers.
The modern theory is of the view that by diversification, risk can be reduced.
The investor can make diversification either by having a large number of shares of
companies in different regions, in different industries or those producing different
types of product lines. Modern theory believes in the perspective of combinations
of securities under constraints of risk and return.
The investor should have competence and skill in the revision of the
portfolio. The portfolio management process needs frequent changes in the
composition of stocks and bonds. In securities, the type of securities to be held
should be revised according to the portfolio policy.
The formula plans provide the basic rules and regulations for the purchase
and sale of securities. The amount to be spent on the different types of securities is
fixed. The amount may be fixed either in constant or variable ratio. This depends
on the investor‘s attitude towards risk and return. The commonly used formula
plans are
i. Average Rupee Plan
ii. Constant Rupee Plan
iii. Constant Ratio Plan
iv. Variable Ratio Plan
Basic rules and regulations for the purchase and sale of securities are
The rules and regulations are rigid and help to overcome human emotion.
The formula plan does not help the selection of the security. The selection of
the security has to be done either on the basis of the fundamental or
technical analysis.
The formula plans should be applied for long periods, otherwise the
transaction cost may be high.
Even if the investor adopts the formula plan, he needs forecasting. Market
forecasting helps him to identify the best stocks.
Opening Closing
share price share price (P1-P0)/
ear (P0) (P1) (P1-P0) P0*100
2002-2003 696.70 628.25 -68.45 -9.82
2003-2004 628.25 1043.10 414.85 66.03
2004-2005 1043.10 1342.05 298.95 28.66
2005-2006 1342.05 2932 1589.95 118.47
2006-2007 195.15 151.15 -44 -22.55
Opening Closing
share price share price (P1-P0)/
Year (P0) (P1) (P1-P0) P0*100
2002-2003 1090.95 916.30 -174.65 -16.00
2003-2004 916.30 974.35 58.2 6.33
2004-2005 974.35 739.15 23.52 -24.14
2005-2006 739.15 1,421.40 682.25 92.30
2006-2007 1,421.40 1456.55 35.15 2.47
Opening Closing
share price share price (P1-P0)/
Year (P0) (P1) (P1-P0) P0*100
2002-2003 153.40 138.50 -14.19 -9.7
2003-2004 138.50 254.65 116.15 83.86
2004-2005 254.65 360.55 105.9 41.58
2005-2006 360.55 782.20 421.61 116.95
2006-2007 782.20 735.25 -46.95 -6.00
Opening Closing
share price share price (P1-P0)/
Year (P0) (P1) (P1-P0) P0*100
2002-2003 169.00 223.15 54.15 32.04
2003-2004 223.15 604.35 38.12 170.83
2004-2005 604.35 766.40 162.05 26.81
2005-2006 766.40 2241.95 1475.55 192.53
2006-2007 2241.95 2261.35 19.4 0.87
Opening Closing
share price share price (P1-P0)/
Year (P0) (P1) (P1-P0) P0*100
2002-2003 338.55 188.20 -150.35 -44.40
2003-2004 188.20 490.60 302.40 160.68
2004-2005 490.60 548.00 57.40 11.70
2005-2006 548.00 890.45 342.45 62.50
2006-2007 890.45 688.75 -20.17 -22.65
Opening Closing
share price share price (P1-P0)/
Year (P0) (P1) (P1-P0) P0*100
2002-2003 1,700.60 1233.45 -467.15 -27.47
2003-2004 1,233.45 1361.20 127.75 10.36
2004-2005 1,361.20 2,012 650.8 47.87
2005-2006 670.95 559.7 -111.25 -16.58
2006-2007 559.70 559.40 -0.3 -0.05
Return Avg.
Year (R) Return (R) (R-R) (R-R)2
2002-2003 -9.82 36.16 -45.98 2114.16
2003-2004 66.03 36.16 29.87 892.22
2003-2004 28.66 36.16 -7.5 56.25
2004-2005 118.47 36.16 82.31 6775
2005-2006 -22.55 36.16 -58.71 3447
TOTAL 13284
Return Avg.
Year (R) Return (R) (R-R) (R-R)2
2002-2003 -16.00 12.19 -28.19 795
2003-2004 6.33 12.19 -5.86 34
2004-2005 -24.14 12.19 -36.33 1320
2005-2006 92.30 12.19 80.11 6418
2006-2007 2,47 12.19 -9.72 94
TOTAL 8,661
Return Avg.
Year (R) Return (R) (R-R) (R-R)2
2002-2003 -9.7 45.36 -55.06 3032
2003-2004 83.86 45.36 38.5 1482
2004-2005 41.58 45.36 -3.78 13.69
2005-2006 116.95 45.36 71.59 5125
2006-2007 -6.00 45.36 -51.36 2638
TOTAL 12,291
Return Avg.
Year (R) Return (R) (R-R) (R-R)2
2002-2003 -27.47 2.83 -30.29 917
2003-2004 10.36 2.83 7.53 57
2004-2005 47.87 2.83 45.04 2029
2005-2006 -16.58 2.83 -19.41 377
2006-2007 -0.05 2.83 -2.88 8
TOTAL 3388
Return Avg.
Year (R) Return (R) (R-R) (R-R)2
2002-2003 32.04 84.62 -52.58 2765
2003-2004 170.83 84.62 86.21 7432
2004-2005 26.81 84.62 -57.81 3342
2005-2006 192.53 84.62 107.91 11645
2006-2007 0.87 84.62 -83.75 7014
TOTAL 32,198
Return Avg.
Year (R) Return (R) (R-R) (R-R)2
2002-2003 -44.40 33.56 -77.97 6079
2002-2003 160.68 33.56 127.12 16160
2004-2005 11.70 33.56 -21.86 478
2005-2006 62.50 33.56 28.94 838
2006-2007 -22.65 33.65 -56.21 3160
TOTAL 26,715
ii) ACC (RA) & WIPRO (RB)
TOTAL 24152.88
TOTAL -2351.31
v. ITC (RA) & BHEL (RB)
TOTAL 14075.15
TOTAL 18449.66
TOTAL 14228.53
TOTAL 7698.14
TOTAL 13228.21
= 2645.64/(51.54)(73.09) = 0.70
TOTAL 9,967.28
TOTAL 8558.12
TOTAL 6601.8
TOTAL 1934.51
Correlation Coefficient = COV ab/a*b
a = 73.09; b = 26.00
= 386.90/(73.09)(26.00) = 0.20
TOTAL 12536
TOTAL -2215.28
Wa = b [b-(nab*a)]
a2 + b2 - 2nab*a*b
Wb = 1 – Wa
a = 51.54
b = 26.00
nab = -0.02
Wa = 26.00 [26.00-(-0.02*51.54)]
2 + 2 – 2(-0.02)**
Wa = 690
Wa = 0.20
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-0.20 = 0.8
a = 73.09
b = 26.00
nab = 0.20
Wa = 26.00 [26.00-(0.20*73.09)]
2 + 2 – 2(0.20)**
Wa = 296
Wa = 0.05
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-0.05 = 0.95
a = 80.25
b = 26.00
nab = -0.21
Wa = 26.00 [26.00-(-0.21*80.25)]
2 + 2 – 2(-0.21)**
Wa = 1114
Wa = 0.14
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-0.14 = 0.86
a = 49.57
b = 51.54
nab = 0.98
Wa = 51.54 [-(0.98*)]
2 + 2 – 2(0.98)**
Wa = 152
Wa = 1.43
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-1.43 = - 0.43
a = 80.25
b = 73.09
nab = 0.82
Wa = 73.09 [73.09-(0.82*)]
2 + 2 – 2(0.82)**
Wa = 533
Wa = 0.24
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-0.24 = 0.76
a = 26.00
b = 41.62
nab = -0.43
Wa = 41.62 [-(-0.43*)]
2 + 2 – 2(-0.43)**
Wa = 2198
Wa = 1.49
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-1.49 = -0.49
a = 51.54
b = 80.25
nab = 0.68
Wa = 80.25 [80.25-(0.68*)]
+ 2 – 2(0.68)**
Wa = 3628
Wa = 1.04
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-1.04 =0.04
a = 49.57
b = 80.25
nab = 0.92
Wa = 80.25 [80.25-(0.92*)]
2 + 2 – 2(0.92)**
Wa = 2781
Wa = 1.76
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-1.76 = -0.76
a = 49.57
b = 73.09
nab = 0.78
Wa = 73.09 [73.09-(0.78*49.57)]
+ 2 – 2(0.78)**
Wa = 2516
Wa = 1.17
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-1.17 = -0.17
a = 49.57
b = 26.00
nab = 0.08
Wa = 26.00 [26.00-(0.08*49.57)]
2 + 2 – 2(0.08)**
Wa = 573
Wa = 0.19
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-0.19 = 0.81
a = 49.57
b = 41.62
nab = 0.74
Wa = 41.62 [41.62-(0.74*49.57)]
+ 2 – 2(0.74)**
Wa = 206
Wa = 0.18
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-0.18 = 0.82
a = 51.54
b = 73.09
nab = 0.70
Wa = 73.09 [73.09-(0.70*51.54)]
2 + 2 – 2(0.70)**
Wa = 2706
Wa = 0.99
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-0.99 = 0.01
a = 41.62
b = 51.54
nab = 0.79
Wa = 51.54 [51.54-(0.79*41.62)]
2 + 2 – 2(0.79)**
Wa = 962
Wa = 0.96
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-0.96 = 0.04
a = 41.62
b = 73.09
nab = 0.43
Wa = 73.09 [73.09-(0.43*41.62)]
2 + 2 – 2(0.43)**
Wa = 4034
Wa = 0.90
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-0.90 = 0.10
ix. DRREDDY (a) & BHEL (b)
a = 41.62
b = 80.25
nab = 0.75
Wa = 80.25 [80.25-(0.75*41.62)]
+ 2 – 2(0.75)**
Wa = 3935
Wa = 1.24
Wb = 1 – Wa
Wb = 1-1.24 = -0.24
a = 33.09
b = 56.09
= 2/3
= 1/3
Nab = 0.98
RP = (2/3)2(49.57)2+(2(0.51.54)2+2(49.57)**(2/3)*(1/3)
2505 = 50.04
a = 80.25
b = 73.09
= 2/3
= 1/3
nab = 0.82
RP = (2/3)2(80.25)2+(1/32(73.09)2+2(80.25)**(2/3)*(1/3)
5613 = 74.91
RP = (2/3)2(41.62)2+(1/32(26.00)2+2(41.62)**(2/3)*(1/3)
647 = 25.43
a = 51.54
b = 80.25
= 1/3
= 2/3
nab = 0.68
RP = (1/3)2(51.54)2+(2/32(80.25)2+2(51.54)**(2/3)*(1/3)
4434 = 66.58
a = 49.57
b = 80.25
= 2/3
nab = 0.92
RP = (2/3)2(49.57)2+(1/32(80.25)2+2(49.57)**(2/3)*(1/3)
4786 = 69.18
a = 49.57
b = 73.09
= 2/3
= 1/3
nab = 0.78
RP = (2/3)2(49.57)2+(1/32(73.09)2+2(49.57)**(2/3)*(1/3)
2944 = 54.25
a = 49.57
b = 26.00
= 2/3
= 1/3
nab = 0.08
RP = (2/3)2(49.57)2+(1/32(26.00)2+2(49.57)**(2/3)*(1/3)
1226 = 35.01
a = 49.57
b = 41.62
= 2/3
= 1/3
nab = 0.74
RP = (2/3)2(49.57)2+(1/32(41.62)2+2(49.57)**(2/3)*(1/3)
1972 = 44.40
a = 51.54
b = 73.09
= 2/3
= 1/3
nab = 0.70
RP = (2/3)2(51.54)2+(1/32(73.09)2+2(51.54)**(2/3)*(1/3)
2949 = 54.30
a = 41.62
b = 51.54
= 1/3
= 2/3
nab = 0.79
RP = (1/3)2(41.62)2+(2/32(51.54)2+2(41.62)**(2/3)*(1/3)
2135 = 46.2
a = 41.62
b = 73.09
= 1/3
= 2/3
nab = 0.43
RP = (1/3)2(41.62)2+(2/32(73.09)2+2(41.62)**(2/3)*(1/3)
3172 = 56.32
a = 41.62
b = 80.25
= 1/3
= 2/3
nab = 0.878
RP = (1/3)2(41.62)2+(2/32(80.25)2+2(41.62)**(2/3)*(1/3)
4197 = 64.78
a = 51.54
b = 26.00
= 2/3
= 1/3
nab = -0.02
RP = (2/3)2(51.54)2+(1/32(26.00)2+2(51.54)**(2/3)*(1/3)
1281 = 35.79
a = 73.09
b = 26.00
= 2/3
= 1/3
nab = 0.20
RP = (2/3)2(73.09)2+(1/32(26.00)2+2(73.09)**(0.67)*(0.33)
2646 = 51.44
a = 80.25
b = 26.00
nab = -0.21
RP = (2/3)2(80.25)2+(1/32(26.00)2+2(80.25)**(2/3)*(1/3)
2778 = 52